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SUI FiKEll5IoIb1x.1k5. n\.l}!Ill|nP§, I ‘S3 95
pholus awn! IHW wllhichnrder. C1!y.... . .. .1 .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..§Jl?....11.1. .......Z|pCud£\..... 1 .... '
interview by David Bartholomew 4
Frederick S. Clarke The director of REPULSION and ROSEMARTS BABY talks about his new
horror film, an imaginatively crafted genre piece that far outshines the
P spate of horror films currently cleaning-up at the boxoffice. and reveals his
Dav1dCBo:3‘Efon?g’Dg§e'£sYork) personal identification with Trelkovsky, the film's victim personified.

Mile‘; Cami; “l“’t“d§“) VLADIMDR TY'l‘LA' ANlMA'I‘lON'S MICHELANGELO by John'Canema.ker 9

Jegge gibem (:23 (0:58) A career article on the late Disney cartoon animator who had a gift for in-
Dan Sea mm (NZ: York) fusing life and personality in the characters he animated. The fortunes of
D ghpe (H ll d) his career are traced in the gradual decline of animation as an art form.
on ay 0 ywoo They don t draw ‘em like Tytla anymore.

CONTRIBUTORS FILMING Tl-IE OMEN interviews by Don Siay 40

John Canemaker Gregory Peck and director Richard Donner discuss this year's winner in the
Ross Care horror film sweepstakes, a dark horse winner, based on no presold proper
Kyle B. Counts ty, with no bankable superstars, no "name" director, and a modest budget,
Jeffrey Frentzen yet the film is expected to gross $80,000,000 in the United States alone!
Frank Jackson
Robert L. Jerome '
Bill Kelley [|
Chris Kinslnger
Michael A. Leavy
Charles D. Leayman l
Tim Lucas -

Bill Nelson BURNT OFFERINGS by Bill Kelley 24

S. W. Schumack
Robert M. Stewart CARRIE by Bill Kelley 20
Roger Stine
Bill Warren EMBRYO by Michael A. Leavy 21

FUTUREWORLD by Ross Care 25

ACl\\lJWLl'2lX3E1MENTS’ stint» ,\|-um. ct~|um- THEY CAME FROM WITHIN by Charles D. Leayman Z2
no l'l\_\Lll'l'S. sac-1'v. l'.\f£l|\i-\ur\l Pmumi,
IOU! ti--mury-Fox. \'Il|l|'d I\l'\lS\-H. l.4lili‘t’:I'Sll
Pl\hll'|‘>. R0b(‘l'lVll|2\fll. w;m Disney Produc-
|i,.i,_., V\.|rnr-r Brill.

(‘l3l"F.-\t\‘TAST|QUE ll! |-atom: quarterly -t e.

O4 Hm 210, Oilk Plrk IL 50303. Slljlt copies.
uh:-n |Ml'&‘;l3€d in.-it mt publisher, are sq,
sum-i-unions: one your :4 issues) S10. [WU
yam-< Iii lssurll $18, three years H2 Issues!
$25. Fr-r~~u=n subsernnim arr .\\':iiiuI>h- it tn» BOOKS reviews of cinema books devoted to genre films 36
saint ml:-.\, but please my by ll'lltl‘>lll\)Yl.ll Pos-
lal Mun‘-\‘ Urdvr or with a check, dull or iniinry ~

"rm '\-'--~'- 1'" W Amvm ham ¢u"1r-I~- CARTOON Chris Kinsinger pokes fun at LOGAN'S RUN 39
lions .-2 .in. inh-lea, [lintos uni rv.-nu-us are
heartily .-m-t-mm-<1 but please tncludr return
post.1i:-- .mrl t‘|\\'t-lope villi ywr ~=hmiwvI-- 0"
ll1!|.t|\\i;|l |lI'1\|t'I-its. I Illllslllltll ll! :l4t\';u\\‘8
COMING ‘ some interesting films we find on the horizon 32
will “ti.-n ~,|\‘l' wasted time and t-Hort. Display
$1 ff;11:“:::f;;**:§:f:£§=;m1;§::_!=;-2:; FILM RATINGS the staff gets together to disagree about the films they like 26
my [l.||1v N" co:-reninudvnco can he an.s1Icr—
51!__f:Qff;jn_j:§;1Qf"s:;§YC1af;';3>:"i;eIQ:;é\'; LETTERS the readers tell us where we went wrong 38
0.0. l'.\rk _lllim-is. Printed in USA. Contents Lire

¥'A‘§'¥i75"éé°..“§§i§2’§.?f§i‘¢§§‘;‘;:;..$f§’,?;f'““s sense or womasn editorial remarks by Frederick s. Clarke 3'1‘

"ETML ms.mmu."0N: M um L."m__, mm SHORT NOTICES short reviews of horror, fantasy and science fiction films 29

Canmlaby B . DeBoer . I86 I-Ihh .r All" t . .\l -
... id \‘t
1' NJ U7ll°. Gil! l I l I I
5,? |,u,,“m, M m_1ff‘§"P{,“‘;§[_,'f,$}f‘;nf,"{’c{n_: Front Cover., Texas artist
- -
Roger Stine captures the portent of THE OMEN
~l --~1-- The vital, vibrant cartoon characterizations of Vladimir Tytla :Back Cover

may be, are not only all native Frenchmen, from fact: in most of his films we share the done for England and America. You may
but French institutions. fevered viewpoint, edging along to panic, of know his work as an artist—he does a lot of
Trelkovsky's apartment and building. a the threatened "hero." Despite most of the drawings, paintings and illustrations. And,
masterful 5-story set designed by Pierre film's overtness, THE TENANT features of course, FANTASTIC PLANET. Those
Guffroy, becomes a major active character the il'|ip€l"CE|1ablE shift in the funeral scene posters in the filni—"Le Peinture L-ure"——
in THE TENANT, and parallels the boat in from eulogy to a mocking condemnation of were done for us by him. The book was of-
KNIFE IN THE WATER (i962), the castle in Trelkovsky, and later, when he awakens in fered to me long ago, but l had just made
THE FEARLESS VAMPIRE KfLLERS(l96'l), a delerium and reaches for the bottle and REPULSION and wasn't ready for this very
the Dakota in ROSEMA.RY'S BABY (1968), glass on the chair at bedside, we note un- similar atmosphere and subject. But l was
the chateaus in CUL DE SAC (1966) and easily that Polanski uses a flat painting of very struck with the part of Trelkovsky, and
WHAT?(l9'I3), MacBeth‘s home fortress in the objects that Trelkovsky gropes for, i immediately wanted to play it. Later,
MACBEITH (l9'll), and most similarly, Ca- heightening the effect of his terror. when Paramount acquired the rights, they
therine Deneuve's apartment in REPULSION Polanski also threads an abundant ab- suggested that I direct. I told Bob Evans
(1965). Sven Nykvist's camera carefully de- surdist humor through even the most "hor- that l didn't want to, because it was too
fines for us the space of the two rooms in rible" of his films. The humor is jolting. close to films l have done, like ROSE-
the scenes where Winters shows the apart- surprising. adding to the filnis' overall tone MARY'S BABY. it was right after that mo-
ment to Trelkovsky. Once he is living there, of menace and almost never functioning as vie that the book was again offered to me. i
the apartment remains almost completely the release from tension of classic "comedy said l would play the part if someone else
dark, even during the day, and Polanski relief." in THE TENANT this is evident in directed it. Bob Evans thought that was a
takes us for contrast into the apartments of most of the transvestite scenes (somewhat good idea. They had someone in mind, but
other characters, including Isabelle Adjani similar to Donald Pleasence's in CUL DE he finally declined. So we were stuck again.
and Bernard Fresson, all of which are airy. SAC), including the one end—scene line, "l'ni Finally, last year l found myself with a 10-
open and light, even at night. in all of these pregnant!" which somehow reminds us of month delay on PIRATES, and l said it looks
films. Polanski reverses the notion of the ROSEMARY'S BABY, or in the fast garbage like a good time to do both, play and direct.
apartment (or house) as ii haven, as inviul- clean-up on the stairs, or in Adjani's head- Otherwise, it just would never happen.
able territory where one is in control, a shaking line in greeting Trelkovsky, after Cl-‘Q: How did you cast the picture’?
shelter from the jungle outside, and con- his harrowing night, "You're strange!" Po- POLANSKI: The book was so French, and

"I don't like "I design my

sunlight very movies to be
much. In seen more
subjects I ‘ than once. I
like to deal like it when
with, light people try to
is. . . alien. I get into it to
also like the that extent."
feeling of an Cll\t‘l\lilttpgl‘il|lh£‘l"
interior, the Sven Nykvist (left),
production designer
sensation of Pierre C-uffroy and
being there art directors
Claude Muesching
. . . the and Albert Rt-jau in
enclosure." an "o\'ersized" set
of Trelkovsky's
apartment. used in
one brief nightmare
.. "._ ;~‘$".';ia ~->1...

verts it into its opposite, a threatening. \'i- lanski thus risks the preposterous and usu- 1 decided right from the start that it must
eiously closed-in space. ally winds up alienating his critics. Despite be kept Paresian and not adapted for the
in THE TENANT, Trelkovsky muses, "At the fantasy and the humor, Polanski‘s films States. And l went to Paris to shoot. Barry
what point do we stop being ourselves?" retain and operate on a coldly simple intcr— Diller, of Paramount, said that ifl did the
Nearly all of Pofa.nski's chzuacters are f:ic- ior logic. almost to the extent of Bresson's. film completely in Paris. he was afraid that
ed with, and usually defeated by. an identity Polanski tells his whole story in a lxtrt of it will seem to American audiences like one
crisis, if not always of the horror film-ish his very first complex shot under the titles of those. . . "little foreign art movies" [Po-
overtness of THE TENANT. in REPULSION. with the quick dissolve from a picture of lanski laughs] with which the general audi-
ROSEMA.RY'S BABY, CUL DE SAC, and Trelkovsky to one of the girl at the window, ence does not readily identify with. Why not
THE FEARLESS VAMPlRE KILLERS, which and back again. And basically, this eX- at least use American actors? l agreed to
translates it into vampire terms. When Po- change is all that happens in the film. that; also, actors like Melvyn Douglas,
lanski shows us the opera glasses in Trel- Shelley Winters and Jo Van Fleet i could not
kovsky's hands. we know he is hooked into CI-‘Q: How many cuts are there in that find in France. They are a superb trio—Van
the plot, although he alternately gives into opening shot, under the titles? Fleet, a marvelous actress, i don't remem-
it (transvestism) and fights it (his last cafe POLANSKII Actually there are none, the ber doing anything since COOL HAND LUKE
visit). although the latter try for assertion way it was shot, all in one continuous take. —they give a weird atmosphere to the film.
rapidly seques into a paranoid screech. 1 put two dissolves in it, when the charac- Cl-‘Q: How do you and screenwriter Ge-
Perhaps the most memorable illustration of ters change male to female in the window, rard Brach work together?
this theme occurs in the nightmare setpiece twice. These cuts were made only for the POLANSKI: We have worked so much to-
of the film. after Trelkovsky iii the bath- purposes of the dissolves. l used a crane gether that we have developed an excellent
room sees himself by his own window lld with a very light magnesium arm with a re- form of collaboration where we'll discuss
races back to see Simone's niumified forni mote-control camera mounted on the end. some things, then he goes home and writes.
in the bathroom, unwrapping herself, which No operator was on it: we controlled it from Then we read it together, discuss and,cor-
suggests her own encroaching freedom (iin— the ground with various motors. rect. and then move on.
plying dominance) and his own subjugation. THE TENANT is an adaptation of abonk CFQ: The dubbing in the film is quite
At about the n\id—point of a Polanski film written by Roland Topor. It was published distracting, particularly Bernard Fresson.
one is usually hardput to distinguish fantasy ten years ago, and translations have been POLANSKI: Actually his voice was al-
most the .-.ir.ir, excl-pl ht no longer had a POLANSK]: Well. l think Antonioiii's ly, the lilm opened hi-re in New York be—
French ac wnt. Yes. a lot ol it was dubbed. caiiiera iiiovenieiit is pretty discri-i-t, but, lore London. ll you can talk about -.uiy
and not hi the original at-tors. lor exaiiiple. Bertolucci's isn't. ln LAST characteristic ol lilni critics here. as tar
CFQI Was ;ui)‘ oi the lilin shot in st-— TANGO his camera (ll“t|\'t' l\\l' nuts! Thert-‘s as t‘t!li(‘('l‘ll$ Shakespeare. it is a lack ol se-
quenci-'! iiothiiig easier th.in to keep the camera curity. They know nothing about it. 1U\d
POLANSK1: Nothing. Not one shot. moving. wittiout specilic reason. although when there are no identiliably repsectable
Cl-‘Q: The musir.il tlii-me was very siiii— that‘s usually widely acclaimed by critics. l names behind the pron-ct. they leel it safer
ple and haunting. guess they "see" it and like to say they've to put it down. ll you have Olivier, or who-
POLANSI-(l: Yes. This was intentional. noticed. ever. In-hind it. then it's salcr togive it a
Philippe Sarde ll‘lt'(l to concentrate on the Cl-‘Q: Not to keep on specilics. hut l also good review. The adaptation was made with
element ol solitude .uid to give the liliii that liked the shot while Winters is showing the tremendous rare. There was nothing gratu»
leeling. apartnient lo Ti-elkovsky, the slight mo\'e- itous about it at all. Every single change in
Cl-‘Q: Some ol your ellects are so subtle ment lorward when her hand is on his hack. text or action was always supported by
that people must strain to detect theni. Like POLAl\iSKl: l like specilics the most. whatever has been written about the play by
the use ol the ll.it painting ol the bottle tllltl Ttiat‘s my ]t>|) and people usually like to talk Sh;|](t'5p¢-;||'|-_ui _~a-1\.,|;Lr5 .,“-,- ||“- 13,1 lm-M.
glasses lor the nightmare sequence, or the about what they do. lt's iiiuch more inter- centuries.
change in texture ol the wall when Trelko\'- esting to talk about the liliii than...like, CFQ: The worldview expressed in THE
sky dist'o\‘1'rs the hole. "What‘s the dillereiice ll('lVt'['l'l\ liliiiiiig iii TENANT is iiiliospitable. Do you share this
POLANSKI: Well, l design my movies to Poland and the United States?" [laughter] pessiniistic view‘?
be seen more than once. l like it when peo- Ol course that sliut was deliberate. Ev- POLANSKI; l'm alraid l do, yes. Even on
ple try to get into it to that extent. ln those erything in my lilnis is delihi-rate. When a small scale, those Paresian circles ol
instances l wiuitedtoget that leeliiig ol lei'- people ask about things like that it shows bourgeois apartnients. There are )ust such
er. when things set-iii entirely dillerent. that l have succeeded. When something places. And yes. the world is quite hostile,
Trelkovsky has these laiitasies and visions. looks very well done on liliii, it looks iiii- particularly to strangers, to people who are
Although l try to keep the sanie style for all possible lor it to have been done intt-ntioii- in any way dillerent than the rest, The
ol them, l don't like to tap the viewers‘ ally. lt seems to be like a lucky accident. Fl'l'|)t'h do not like being the t!l1]t‘t‘l ol sa-
shoulders and say. “Carelul now. he‘s go» ln other arts too. painting, music. you til» tire. t'5))t'l‘|lllly lrom an outsider.

"I (lOn'lI like ‘

to tap the nothing
viewers’ easier than
shoulders to keep the
and say, camera
‘Careful moving,
now, he's without
going. to specific
imagine reason
something!" although
.lo Van Flt-rt as ls
Mme. Dioz sports usually
.t loltkl‘-(l "Exorcist"
st) le tongue and
5|“-oi t-....oo acclaimed
lviisi-s at the lilni‘s - - iv
t'llll\tlX. as seen cr1t1cS°
li-om the leverish
point-ol~\*iew ol

ing to imagine soiiiething." Still. l try to ten wonder il the artist is aware oi what C!-‘Q: Do you try to avoid sunlight and
make these scenes dillerent. lor the sake ol he‘s done. lt's an indication ol his success. hriglit lights in your lilnis?
ellect. but ]\lSl slightly. The person who CFQ: Were you jabbing a bit at THE EX- POLANSK1: Yes. that's true. l don't like
halluciiiates doesn't see things in dissolves ORCIST with Van Fleet and her snake-like sunlight very much. ln the SLll1]t't‘l5 l like to
or dillerent colors; they‘re as real as ev~ toiiguei’ deal with. sunlight is...alien. l also like
erythiiig else. just slightly dillerent. 0th» POLANSKI: No. it was just. at that stage. the leeling ol an interior. the sensation ol
erwise there would he no prohleni. We olten Tl'(‘lkUVSl(y'S l;U\l;i5i(‘5 have reached a point being there. in the middle ol things, the
did it. in THE TENANT. with lighting. like where they've become completely. . . absurd. perspective ol it. the enclosure. Like the
lrom the iiioiiient when Trelkovsky sees the The lilni increases them gradually, from Jan Van Eyck portrait ol the couple ["The
person standing and staring in the toilet ev- elements that are totally realistic to those Marriage ol Giovanni Arnollini and Giovan-
erything changes: when he comes back to that are completely lantastic. ni Cenami"] holding hands, with the round
his room, the lighting is dillerent, things CFQ: You've been pigeonholed, at least mirror on the wall between them. Arid over
leel dillerent. This subtlety is very dillicult alter ROSEMARY‘S BABY, as a maker ol the mirror. in Flemish. it says. “l was
to do in lilnis. It requires tremendous el- occult thrillers. Yet your sense ot humor there," and it you look in the mirror, you
fort in production. lt would be easier to do alienates a lot ol people. Obviously you can see the other side ol the room.
it otherwise. But it niostly goes unappreci- must be prepared to. . . CFQ: How do you handle acting and di-

cause they don't analyze it. just g

aled. Audiences get it. subconsciously, be-

but critics dun‘t. ll you spend hours re-

POLANSKI: . ..suller the consequences‘?
Cl-‘Q: Does this bother you?
POLANSKI: To tell you the truth, I don't
renting in the same lilni?
POLANSKI: First I rehearse the scene
with the actors and go through it without a
hearsing caniera movement. to avoid ob- read my reviews anymore. l stopped with camera. We lind the right places to sit, to
viousness, to make it really imperceptible, MACBETH. move. Then l have a stand-in, an under-
then they don't notice. When you niove your CFQ: Well, here there are some pur— study, who goes through it in place ol me
camera to the point of giving the audience ists. . . while l watch it and see What is wroY\l-!~ Th?"
nausea. they'll acclaim your "relentless" POLANSKI: Purists? You must be ]ok- l place my camera and set up the position.
camera movement. ing! The "purists" here know nothing ul Sven lights it, then l line up the operator
Cl-‘Q: They did this with THE PASSEN- Shakespeare. There are purists in England. and the grips. Then I leave it to Sven and
GER, in the last shot-sequence. and l had great reviews there. Unl'ortun:ite- continued page 30

l 7 ,
190 4968)
i7imati0i)’s Micbelange 0
There is a scene in Walt Disney's SNOW "_ _3_t [hues ou will want Plus he was very bright, could analyze and
WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS U937). ' y think, which ynu have tti he able tn du tn axi-
nmslvrfully uiiiiiwlvd by Bill Tyllu. that r(-- t0 Ztllllnte Stu“ Where You lllinll‘. at least the way 14- dirt tn coordinate
mains a tgurclelurce of aiiiiiiatiun technique - t 6,1 I 1 311 ii‘;-5;» qhj|;|;5_
in exploring l'I‘tl|lll\ personalities: Sl\U\'t' Jus ‘ n t be Cue al d c0y' Duiiald Grahiini. the pitted instructor in
White inluriiis the dwarls that they iiiust the t1lI'l€S when
ThOS(:‘ HIE charge of the Disney Studio art classes that
wash belore supper or they'll "nut get a hite began in 1932. frequently used tilni exam-
you wlu have to know
to eat. " Reluctiuitly they niiike their way to ples of 'l‘ytla's aniniatinii in his action-:in:il—
an nutdolort watez-J punip iiiicltuh»-all l‘X;.‘t'])t sgnjethlng 3_bQu[ d1‘;1W]_I]g_ ysis t‘lllG:‘5l‘}1i. "[Tytla] (‘lliL‘Sl9;tit animate
0 reca ci rant ‘ruiiipy, \\' in ]('(‘I‘5 at l\(‘ll‘ - furins, ra am observed iii ‘I tu a group
Whether It ls called forrn or

atteiiipts at t'l(';UIll|l(‘SS lruni the sidelines. of I1\|\'lL'(' aniiiiators, "hut synihols til lurces
Alter singing it muraizeiius \\'ash_iiii: SIIHK force or vitality’ you gnust ...this is a revolutionary conceptinii...in—
t"Bluddle-Uddle-Uiii-Duiii")_ the six dwarfs . 4 stead of set-int: a character as ll round hudy,
attack Grlllpy and thruw hini iiitn the tuh get It Into Your works for beautifully niudelled in drawiiiiz. he secs the
fur :1 rnusiiiiz reprise. that will be what you feel animating liirces lI‘||1t'l‘t'l\l in l\. lt is Ll cun-
lii "full aiiiiiiiitiuii" technique. as opposed _ _ ’ lii-niatiun iii all the instructors have been
tn "limited." Saturday l\ltll'lllll|L-l_V|X' ;U\ll\lll- and Cl.I'Z1Wll'tg 1S yOl.ll' 11188115 trying tn do here iii the drawing classes.
tioii. lt is quite a it-at to not uiily lll\l\‘t' Ll Tytla‘s work has l)l'l'II a rt-vi-latiiin!"
of expressing It.
iv - -
cartoon "actor" cuiiviiiciiigly through his Vladiniir Williuni Tytla is aliiiust totally
paces, but to iiiake hiiii iiiuve and react ac- unknown outside wt the animation industry,
cording tn the dictates of his unique cartunii hut audiences all nVt'l' the wnrld have ex-
persnnzility. ln Tytl;i's sequence, we have ll perienced his artistry thrnugh unforgettable
veritable mob scene with gegg \'h;ll"llL‘lt‘X'S, cartoon |X'l'lt)Tll\illl(‘(‘S in thousands nl ani-
who are of a siiiiilar shape hut have seven niated lilnis, most notably in scenes from
completely different persriiuilities, and thus the Disney features. SNOW WHITE AND
seven different iiiutivatinns and reactioiis. THE SEVEN DWARFS (1937). PlNOCCHlO
Tytl:i's successful sulutiuii uf this pruhleni (1940), FANTASlA (1940), DUMBO (l94U,
oi cartuun identity can be regarded as a and SALUDOS AMIGOS (1943). lli the pro~
siiiall miracle arid is a tribute to his power- iessinii, he legend, "the Michelangelo
is a
lul izilts ul cunceiitratinii and his ability tu ul aliiiiiaturs," claiiiis Chuck Jones.
"lit-cniiie" the characters he drew. ln many ways. T_vtla‘s career parallels
Aiiiniatur George Bakes, 'I‘ytla's lriend the hriel history of liliii aniniatitin itst-ll: he
and assistant in New York lroni the late lieizan when hnth he and the art were in their
19505 until Tytla‘s death in 1968, cmiinient» teens in New York. and went on to flourish
ed recently on "Bill‘s cuniieetinii with the during :ininiati<>n‘s "Golden Era“ at Dis-
thing he was able to do. that it wasn't really ney's. there lhi- vital Tytla was at the height
a dra\\'iii|:—it was Bill that was coining nut! til his creiitivity and in total cuiiiniund iii his
He was such an intense and sensitive soul dyiianiic powers. which were challenged by
that once he had that (‘0l\|'\(‘lIlll'lIl with paper. each new assigiiiiient at that studio. The
with Ll little perspiration he was huiiie free. dark side nl the Tytla legend concerns his
slow, tragic derline as iui artist alter leav-
ing Disney's; changes in econuniics and
John Caneniaker is a leading authority uii public tastes in the late l940s and '50s were
the field ol cartuun aniniatiuii. He lives in reflected in '.u\iiiiatt-d productions and Tyt—
New York and is currently preparing a book la's frustration with television animation
on the production nl the feature-length c;u'- that never challenged his niaiznilicent talent,
tmin RAGGEDY ANN AND ANDY to he pub- Vladimir Williaiii Tytla. circa 1963. plus his depression over the realization that
lished by Hobbs-Merrill. (Photo hy G. Knniar) he would never again attain the peaks he

101717 Canemaker Q
reached at Disney, eventually took their wanted to work with him," Tytla recalled
toll. Tytla did not live to participate in the years later. "l heard he was a really tough
current resurgence of animation as an in- guy, he never treated anyone with kid
dustry and as an art form. gloves . . .l had the repitation of being very
William Tytla, christened Vladimir, was
born in Yonkers, New York, on October 25,
1904, the eldest of four children. His fath
slick with a crayon and pencil...l took a
great liking to him as a man because he
looked like a man and talked like one and he
er, Peter, was a Greek Uniate Catholic and had a very line subtle sense oi humor. Fi-
an Uhlan in Emperor Franz Josef's Austri- nally he came over to my easel and he got a
an Army who emigrated from the Ukraine whole stack of drawings l had done for a , . -
to America in 1890, and established himself week. He glanced through them and said,
l \.
q’ -
as a cooper in Yonkers and Jersey City, ‘They're kinda clever, aren't they?‘ Then
1 ,

making barrels and crates. His success in he got to work on me. He told me to get a
( \/
a new land opened the way tor marriage to brand new pencil with a new slick point on ‘X
his intended, aRoman Catholic woman from it, so I would have to draw—and no tech-
his homeland whose father, a well-estab- nique' Then he criticized the drawing He \ ' _

lished architect of the lower Polish nobility, asked where the neck line was (I just had a P‘?
had earlier disapproved her marriage to couple of lines and a smudge). lhad no leg . . I '
this man of the Cossacks. to stand on. . .l picked up a lot from Board- \ J .\ .

Anne TY! la Gibb recentl Y described her man Robinson - " ,‘ 1 ‘

brother William's earliest years: "As a By age I7, Tytla was Working at Para
child," writes Mrs. Gibb, "Bill loved to mount Pictures in New York lettering main
draw, copying pictures in magazines, es- titles and balloon captions for that studio's {
pecially the comic strips, such as Buster films, which earned him the nickname "Tyt-

Brown, Katzenjammer Kids, and the like, '
Any loose paper around the house was seiz-
\ Z‘ _
ed for his drawings. Occasionally my father
brought home drawing paper and other sup-
"Bill was the only one of us who showed
any talent for art...he attended Catholic
’ \ \
\ ,

" ; ‘

parochial schools in Yonkers and public
schools in Jersey City His teachers recog ' S This Page: Bashful plays the concertina, 3
nized his drawing talent and encouraged him .

to develop it. ' I oi Tytla's original animation drawings for

"He did not complete high school but SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS
went to art school in New York City [at the

A -\ ,-> (1937). Right: Tytla animating Stromboli

/ /J \ ’
New York Evening School oi industrial Art , for Walt Disney's PlNOCCHl0 (1940).
and the Art Student's League] ' My father ‘\
was summoned to court because of Bill's ‘

absence from school. He explained to the much later. The fact of this moustache non-
judge that Bill was attending art school and ' , sense was that at 22, Bill was a top animat-
showed samples oi Bill's work. The judge ,5 , or receiving a top salary as proof of his an-
was especially impressed by a sketch of imation capability
Admiral Sims which Bill autographed and ~ Tytla roomed with two commercial ar-
presented to the judge. The charges were tists. Maurice Rawson and Henry Berger,
dismissed." at the Kit Kat Club at '1th Avenue and l4th
The teenaged Tytla was greatly influenc- ‘ Street, an association that rented studios to
ed by Boardman Robinson, one of his in- ‘“ artists. Klein lived in a studio below Tytla's
structors at the Art Student's League. "l
\" and notes that Tytla and his friends "attend-

i /\
“gl ’ ed some evening life-sketch classes, did
some painting, and lead a lively after-work

// ,-'

young artists‘ life "
ln 1929, Tytla, Rawson and Berger took
their savings and sailed for Europe to tra-
vel and study painting. ln Paris, Tytla stud-
ied sculpture briey with Charles Despiau
3 ' and it has often been noted that Tytla's ani-

' —'L - .


_ la the Titler " Soon he was animating"Judge

Rummy" and‘ "Happy Hooligan" at John Ter-
mation has the solidity, weight and dyna-
mism of sculiture.
lt was in Paris that Tytla first heard of
' \

A l ) ry';lGi;reenwi:h Village studio;_ acrordingl to Walt Dihsneyé "l want to a mo(vi‘e we're," he
/J ve eran isney amma or an a remem ere "an saw one 0 is s or s.
’--* / _,- ‘
. e
contemporary of Tytla's in those early ani-
mation days in New York, "Bill T la re-
wondered who he was. . . Later l had the op-
portunity to watch some stolid Germans as

' _/
of \ .

garded John Terry as a worldly and wise
man to whom he could always turn to for
they sat through aDisney short. They didn't
laugh at all. Throughout the film they turn-

i \
‘ ‘
‘Z , - / / advice. Long after Bill went to work for
other studios, he always went to John for
his opinion before coming to a decision."
ed to each other and made a motion oi a
wheel turning by their ear. They thought he
was screwy . . .they didn't understand him at
all. ..

. 1 By 1923, Tytla was animating AESOP . S -

\ ) '

\ l-‘ABLES for John Terry's brother, Paul. l.

Klein met Tytla on the street a few years
later and noticed that he was now a "dapper
dude" and was "sporting a fancy hirsute a-
dornment above his upper lip. He seemed to
Henry Berger recently recalled their vi-
sit to London: "The usual sight-seeing, mu-
seums, cathedrals, historical sites, etc.
While there Bill tried to interest the Rus-
sian Embassy in his animation abilities.
think an explanation was in order. To wit: Bill had thoughts of heading a Disney-like

\Q I
he was now earning a very fine salary as an
animator and wanted to look mature, to
match his salary-earning capacity. lt was a
studio in Moscow. They didn't go for it.
"We headed [back] for Paris by plane,
stuffing our ears with cotton to cut out the
suave type of moustache, sort of a Dali- noise. A rough-go over the Channel. it was

QWDP thing in its early stages—the change for the a first for both of us. All this before the
Stalin-type of heavy moustache developed trip down to Nice. Down there Rawson and



“‘$.7*“- ~.' -v1 i

, »

, “ ‘J f‘;

\ .
\ ‘

/ 4%"
Bill met up with a couple of dames and left curity at Disney's later on. Bill was very Left: Dopey washing up, blowing water out of
me behind for a tour of Italy." highly regarded in the animation industry both ears, one of Tytla's original animation
During his l8 months in Europe, Tytla even at that time. drawings for Walt Disney's SNOW WHITE
painted some Cezanne-ish landscapes and "When I first came out to California [in AND THE SEVEN DWARFS. Right! Tytla's
still lifes, and went to Vienna specifically 1932]," continues Babbitt, "and had my first model sheets for DUMBO (I94!) and an ear-
to gaze upon the work of his idol, Bruegel. interview with Walt Disney, I immediately ly version of Stromboli for PINOCCHIO.
There Tytla assessed his own artistic po- started talking about the marvelous talents
tential and decided to concentrate on the of Bill Tytla. He had heard about Bill from
commercial, rather than the fine, arts. other guys like Ted Sears and Norm I-‘ergu- studio grounds where all his artists could
When Paul Terry contacted him in Paris son New York animators who joined Dis— sharpen their drawing skills by sketching
asking him to work on the new Terrytoon ney's , and Disney asked me, "Now how live models, animals and nude and draped
sound cartoons, Tytla accepted immediately soon can we get this guy Tytla out here?‘ So humans. The Disney artists could extend
and returned to New York. I wrote to Bill and when Terry heard of it, their knowledge of the world of art by at-
'l'he New York animation industry in I930 Terry gave him a $25 raise. A month or tending lectures featuring guests, such as
was made up of a majority of men who were two later, Disney asked me again, ‘Let's Frank Lloyd Wright, Rico I.eBrun, and Al-
mainly cartoonists with no background or get this guy Tytla out here!‘ So again l exander Woollcott, and'they could partici-
training as fine arts draftsmen. Tytla once wrote to Bill and again Terry gave him a pate in seminars on perspective, color, mu-
spoke to a Disney animation class about his $25 raise. Now this happened about three sic, and action-analysis of live-action films
problems returning to this rather rough and times, sol finally gave up trying to get Bill from Chaplin comedies to NOSFERATU and
tumble atmosphere: "l worked for a com- out here. So I figured, just for the hell of SAN FRANCISCO.
pany that was considered tops and aces in it, I'll send him a telegram which said no- Discoveries improving the quality of the
the east and they were making a tremendous thing specific. lt was stated something like films were made almost daily in every de-
amount of money. When I suggesteda mo- this: ‘There are many opportunities in the partmeni and the knowledge was shared by
del, we had to hire him ourselves and of west‘-—and Bill got another $25 raise!" every artist in the studio. This grounding in
course they wouldn't consider engaging an "In 1934," Tytla recalled in 1968, "I the disciplines of graphic art and unceasing
instructor for us. We thought the lead ani- flew from New York to the Disney studio. explorations of the possibilities in the new
mators could help us, but they couldn't do The flight took 18 hours. Jesus, but I was art of film, plus the sharing of all informa-
much if you took them off cats and mice. If impressed at the Disney studio. It was such tion, is what enabled the Disney animated
there was a scene of an old man hit by a films to advance their quality to such a high
club and beautiful girls oated around him degree in an extraordinarily short time and
in his daze, the lead animators couldn't an-
imate the girls—we would have to. . .lt was
{\5(SldP::E|Y accidazntal that one or :1wolof us
( Q‘ __(
subsequently to profoundly influence the en-
tire animation industry.
In the fall of l‘93i1. Walt Disney was al-

e awing an went to art sc oo be- ' \_ ready deepy invo ve in the asic struc-
cause it was a lot of fun besides.
"Finally, we had to give it up—the fel- / \‘
N tures of the greatest challenge of his ca-
reer, the feature-length cartoon, SNOW
lows would make wisecracks about the girls
who posed for us. So after two or three ses-
sions even these classed stopped. . . the time


would be completed three years later. lnto
this highly - charged creative atmosphere,
I speak of, they said anyone who goes to art (v( )1 ) after two years of coaxing, stepped Bill
school is a ‘homo Bolshevik.' They'd say, Tytla, one of the best paid and most highly

»~/r respected young animators in New York.

‘What the hell do v ou want to go to art
school for—you're animating, aren't you?’ The brilliance with which he would handle
( all his assignments during his brief nine
Then when you countered with, 'Why do you
give me this stuff [dancing girls, etc.] to do , year tenure at the studio would provide Walt
.\ Disney with some of his finest cinematic

\/I 3'
—why don't you do it yourself?'—That was
different." . moments and would build Tyt!a's reputation
Then there was the matter of salary. / to legendary status.

I David R. Smith of the Walt Disney Ar
Tytla found out that some older Terrytoon .

\/__ ;

J_\ >_$,\
animators, turning out as much footage as chives provided a summary of Tytla's con-

he and of a lesser quality, were being paid tributions to the Disney shorts: 1935: COCK
considerably more per week. He went to OI-‘ THE WALK (most of rooster and girl);
John Terry who advised him to go to his COOKIE CARNIVAL (boy cookie sings to
brother, Paul Terry, and threaten toéuit if QWDF girl and leads her away: Angel Food: Devil's
he were not given an immediate I0 in-
crease in salary. It worked and Tytla got a beautiful plant. . .Walt and Roy knew of me belle): BROKEN TOYS (Step'n'Fetchit; Je-
the raise. because of what I did for Terry. They would mima); 1938: BRAVE LITTLE TAILOR (Gi-
lt was at Terrytoons that Tytla first met look at Terry's productions and could re- ant); 1941: GOLDEN EGGS (rooster); I943:
Art Babbitt, who today is recognized by his cognize my animation. Roy would call me THE GRAIN THAT BUILT A HEMISPHERE
peers as one of the world's finest anima- up whenever he was in New York...l re- (Indains); EDUCATION FOR DEATH (Sleep-
tors. He and Tytla were to become life-long turned to New York to tie up my affairs and ing Beauty sequence; teachor):REASON AND
friends, and Babbitt recalls, "Bill taught in November of I934 started to work lull- EMOTION (Hitler). Tytla also worked on the
me a great deal [about animation]. Bill time at the [Disney] studio." feature VICTORY THROUGH AIR POWER.
taught me to have the courage to invent. He The High Renaissance of animation was After beginning on the Mickey Mouse and
was sort of a reticent personality, he was in full flower at the Disney studio: during Silly Symphony shorts, Tytla was soon as-
shy, and yet there was an exuberance about the period between 1928 to about 1938, Walt signed as Sipervising Animator, with the
him. You felt little sparks of electricity Disney developed his cartoon factory into a late I-‘red Moore, on SNOW WHITE AND THE
coming off of him all the time. We seemed 20th century version of a Middle Ages I-‘lor- SEVEN DWARI-‘S, and it was these two who
to hit it off right from the start and within entine workshop. Sound and Technicolor were responsible for defining the distinctive
a week after we met, we were sharing an added tremendous emotional impact to the personalities of the Seven Dwarfs.
apartment up in the Bronx not far from the Disney cartoons and advanced animation's Concerning ’I‘ytla's work on the Dwarfs.
studio. potential as a storytelling medium, but Dis— Don Graham noted that, "lndividually [the
"He burned many of the mintings that he ney's greatest triumph was in creating a drawings] are full of movement which re-
had brought back from Paris. Bill just new look for animation, a look unique in the suits in a feeling of real vitality and per-
didn't think they were good enough and that history of art containing a new flexibility sonality in the character. There is a feeling
was his attitude towards all the work he and life quality based on caricatured reality of movement of line developed through ne-
ever did. He was never satisfied with what and fine draftsmanship. cessity . . . This stuff has vitality," repeated
he had done. Although he sat across the Leonardo da Vlnci would have felt quite Graham, and concluded that "any animator
aisle from me [at Terry's] I never observed at home at Disney's, for as in any proper could profit a lot by studying thcsc as draw-
too closely at the time just how he did work. "workshop" all the master artists had as- ings. . .there is a strong feeling of linear
1 had the impression he wasn't struggling sistants and apprentices learning their in- design throughout, but always in three di-
too hard. He seemed to have confidence in dividual crafts on-the-job. In addition, Dis— mensions."
what he was doing, as opposed to his inse- ney maintained a formal art school on the Bill Shull, Tytla's assistant on SNOW

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Right: Tytla animating the devil irom "The

Night On Bald Mountain" sequence oi FAN-
TAS1A(l9-10). Fellow Disney animator Art
~ w
Li '
Babbitt, commenting on this breathtaking
Tytla animation oi the gigantic devil noted I/b
"...the power oi the devil, the drawing
where he turns his hands around—this is
something that has been iorgotten. The so-
called animators oi today couldn't come
anywhere near the craitsmanship that Bill
was capable oi in those years. inset: 1‘ytla's
"method acting" approach to animation via
which he sought to become the characters
he drew.


remarked on ’l‘ytla's instinctive use oi dis-
tortion and exaggeration, the keys to dy-
namic animation: ‘1 gel a kick out oi the
Way Tytla will distort something," said Q-Q
Shull, "the ioreiinger oi a hand perhaps—
stretch it out so that it looks almost silly. \ I 1
When you see it on thc drawing you would
swear it meant nothing, but on the screen
. gm:
these things seem to hold the scene togeth-
er." I \
A prime example oi this magical distor-

tion can be observed in Tytla's superb real-
ization oi the character, Stromboli, the evil I

puppeteer in PINOCCHIO. An overweight

monster oi mercurial moods, capable oi
wine - soaked, garlic -breathed Old World
charm one second and kniie-wielding, chop-
you-up-ior-iirewood threats the next, the
Stromboli character is larger than liie, and
this is how Tytla animated him. Frighten-
ing and comic by turns, Stromboli as Tytla
captured him, is one oi the most three-di-
"01 are;
hi , 4
mensional oi all the Walt Disney cartoon
"ln my estimation," states Art Babbitt,
"the greatest animator oi all time was Bill .¥‘“~!~

'i‘ytla." Commenting the breathtaking
Tytla animation oi the gigantic devil in "The
Night On Bald Mountain" sequence oi FAN- . -
TASIA, Babbitt notes, "...m¢ power oi the .
devil, the drawing where he turns his hands '
around—-this is something that has been
iorgotten. The so-called animators oi today
couldn't come anywhere near the craits-
manship that Bill was capable oi in those
years. "
Versatility, the rare ability oi a.n anima-
tor to assume completely diiierent roles.
was yet another natural attribute oi Tytla.
"Bill was a very sensitive and sentimental
man,“ explains Babbitt, "and he was per-
tectly capable oi being tender as he was
with the little character Dumbo [the ele-
phant with the long ears who learned to fly].
in iact, there's one memorable scene in
DUMBO where he comes to visit his mother
who is locked up in a cage, and i have seen
this picture in several places around the
world and each time a number oi people in
the audience weep. it could have been so
crude and maudlin but instead it was done
with great sensitivity and taste. lt's assum-
ed you can make somebody laugh with iunny
little drawings," concludes the veteran ani-
mator, "but to be able to use these iunny
little drawings and to make a person ieel so
deeply that he weeps-in my estimation,
that is true artistry."
When he iirst arrived in Hollywood, Tyt-
la moved in with old pal Babbitt in his beau-
tiiul home on Tuxedo Terrace. The two
well-paid bachelors led busy "playboy" ex-
istences after work and Tytla, who loved
horses, took up polo. only to temporarily
give that sport up when a horse [ell on him
and cracked his pelvis. He was in the hos-

pital on the critical list for months, then on ‘don't change a thing. ' I felt pretty good a- Left: Grumpy turns angrily, abruptly alter-
crutches, and finally he recovered without a bout it. ing expression and body angle. one of Tyt-
limp. "Finally
the time came for Walt to see la's original animation drawings for SNOW
it was at a Disney drawing class one ev- it. He was subdued and even jolly in the WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS. Right:
ening in 1936 that Tytla met his future wife, 'sweatbox' [projection room]. He said ‘That Two of Tytla's "clean-up" drawings of the
Adrienne le Clerc, an actress from Seattle was a helluva scene, but'—there's always Devil from FANTASIA. "Clean-up" draw-
who worked at the Hollywood Playhouse and that cruel ‘but’ in there—'if anybody else ings are made from the aniniator's rough
other Little Theatres. in addition, Miss le had animated it iwould have passed it. But animation drawings. They contain fine de-
Clerc was a fashion model and worked for l expected something different from Bill!’ tails and are the final step for the art work
artists and illustrators including, on this "Well, he sunk a ship with that remark on paper. which is next traced onto clear
fateful occasion, the Walt Disney studio. . . . it took a couple of weeks before I could sheets of acetate and opaqued with color on
Today, Tytla's vibrant and elegant widow work again. l was crushed. But one day I the reverse side. The inked and painted cels
maintains the acres of property Tytla pur— took up my pencil and started to draw again, are placed onto an opaque background and
chased in East Lyme, Connecticut in the differently. it was as if something hit me photographed one at a time. Z4 eel drawings
1930s on advice from his father. Mrs. Tytla andl started all over. This time I showed it for each second of action.
owns and operates, out of her barn, an An- to Walt, he said, ‘Great! Just what I was
tiques and Garden Ornaments Shop, writes expecting!’ He never did explain what was
a spirited weekly local newspaper column wrong. 'lt was as if by some magical _way agreed unanimously to go out on strike on
called "The Joy of Eating" and is writing a you would know. " May 29, 19-ll. To Walt Disney's amazement.
cookbook called '@ Mousse ‘mg Roargd. At some point, Tytla read Boleslavsky's Bill Tytla joined the strikers.
A witty and candid woman, Mrs. Tytla is Aggy [I15 First S3 lieisons and used the "l was for the company union," Tytla ex-
still easily moved to tears when discussing book's six premises of concentration. mem- plained later, "and l went on strike because
her late husband. ory of emotion, dramatic action. cha.racter- my friends were on strikc. l was sympa-
"I had a friend who was a model," she ization, observation. and rhythm in his ani- thetic with their views. but l never wanted
recalled recently, "and she had been dating mation. "On all my animation," he once to do anything against Walt.
Art Babbitt and 1 heard all about this char- said, "1 tried to do some research and look "The food supplied by the union wasn't
acter, Bill Tytla. She called him a mad into the background of each character. So for me, so one lunch hour l went to a near-
Russian. Well, he wasn't Russian and he by greasy spoon for lunch. There was Walt
wasn't mad--he was just brooding and in- in a booth. l went up to him and we shook
tense. l was manic and he was depressive. hands. I told him the strike was foolish and
But dynamite with that great leonine head! unnecessary. He asked me to return to his
office with him to work out a solution. l was

He was so broadshouldered he looked as

though he should come through a door side- dressed in old clothes. so l asked to go
ways. God, he was a hunk! home. shower and change. We made an ap-
"0u' son Peter is now 3'1 and is a gifted pointment for later that afternoon.
and successful director of TV commercials "l drove to my home in La Canada and
in Mexico City. Tamara. our 2'1 year-old my wife said that Walt had just called to
daughter is married to a superb chef and cancel our meeting. Somebody had gotten to
lives in Ossining. She has just started in him and told him not to work with me. I
the business and commutes to New YorkCity
where she free-lances for George Bakes. . .
learning to be a camera assistant and loves
QCL\ wasn't an officer of the union and l really
couldn't SI-teak for anybody really. ..
Babbitt states . "1 know that‘ Disne Y re-
it. When people in the business find out she spected Bill's integrity and craftsmanship
is Bill Tytla's daughter they invariably l to the highest degree. Although they never
speak of his genius with great reverence. it socialized very much, if at all, l could feel
completely blew her mind the first few
times because after all, he was just ‘Daddy’
to her for so long.
'\/) that Bill was one of the few people that Walt
permitted himself to be fond of. Even after
the strike Walt couldn't quite bring himself
"Anyway, we were together for three ) to completely write off Bill Tytla. l know
years and when we finally got married on one of Bill’s most pl"l79d possessions was
April 21,1938 we had dinner at Victor Hugo. l , I, _/
: an autographed picture of Walt Disney and
That was it——we never went on a honey-
moon. The next day he had to get right back
to work. He loved to hunt, he loved horses,
\ \
l ~
mu posed together [in 1959]."
Tytla resigned from the Disney studios
on February 25, 1943 almost two years af-
he loved the out-of-doors, but most of all tor the strike was settled. Adrienne Tytla
he loved his work. He was always under a suggests several reasons for his decision:
lot of pressure. l-le was like Vesuvius but for the devil on Bald Mountain in FANTASlA "Will felt unhappy there after the strike. He
he worked best under pressure. l think he ldid some reading about Moussorgsky. Now felt discriminated against for his 'disloyal
needed it, it was always a challenge to him. l'm Ukranian and Moussorgsky used terms l opinions’ against the studio. Will had creat-
No matter what he worked on, everytime he could understand. He talked about 'Chorni- ed a lot of heavies for Walt. Now he had
would come home with a different assign- bolt,‘ the Black Art. Ulffflfllilh folklore is been cast as one. by him. And there was
ment, he would say, ‘Oh God! l don't know. based on 'Chorni-bok'-—l related to this and too much tension and electricity in the air.
l've never done an elephant before, l've ne- studied up. " With Will everything was instinctive and in-
ver done a whale before. Jesus! How aml Tytla's baby son, Peter. provided the tuitive. and now the vibes were all wrong.
going to doagiant? And dwarfs? And seven characterization for the star of DUMBO. Also the war was on. We were actually
of them at the same time and all of ‘em dif- Time magazine of December 20. 1941 glow- shelled by the Japanese in Santa Barbara
ferent." ingly reviewed the film and quoted Tytla as (sic). And Will felt Peter and I would be
Babbitt concurs with this picture of the saying, "I saw a chance to do a character safer in Connecticut on the farm—especially
insecure Tytla: "Everytime he was handed without using any cheap theatrics. Most of if he had to go off to the service.
an assignment he would come to me and the expressions and mannerisms l got from "Paul Terry made a special trip out to
say, ‘Art, lcan't do it. l'm gonna quit. l'm my own kid. There's nothing theatrical a- California to try to get Will back. He wined
gonna go back to New York.‘ And of course, bout a two-year old kid. They're real and and dined us at posh restaurants with his
whatever he tackled just turned out beauti- sincere...l tried to put all those things in wife. lrma. and old friend Claire Trevor.
fully. And he was very highly regarded at Dumbo." And he offered Will a job back at Terry-
Disney's." Art Babbitt was a leader in the company toous."
Tytla once spoke about his problems in union and he had a serious personal con- Whatever the reasons for Tytla leaving
dealing with Walt Disney's cryjtic way of frontation with Disney over a wage differen- the Disney studio, Mrs. Tytla is sure "Will
demanding the best from his men: "l had to tial between himself and his assistant. Fi- regretted it to the end of his life. because
animate one sequence in PINOCCHIO andl nally. Babbitt switched his allegience to the he realized he would never have the oppor-
gave it everythinglhad. There were sever- new Screen Cartoonists Guild, which was tunity to work anywhere the way he did
al scenes in the sequence and I showed my affiliated with the AFL. Disney fired Bab- there." '
animation to the other animators. They all bitt which was in direct violation of the The Tytla's moved to their 160 acre
said ‘great’ or ‘nothing else needed’ or Wagner Labor Relations Act and the union farm in Connecticut on March l. I943.

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Bill's father and one of his brothers were
living on the property at the time. They left
after a couple of years and Will, who loved
cattle and farming tried his hand at being an
absentee dairy farmer for seven years. "We
had Displaced Persons living here helping."
Mrs. Tytla says. "But Will worked in New
York City all week and I managed the run-
ning of the farm . . . he was no farmer and he
poured money into this place like water in
‘The Sorcerer's Apprentice. "'
Tytla returned to Terrytoons as adirec-
tor of animation; 1. Klein was working there
at the time and observed that "Bill was in a
new atmosphere where the Disney-type of
perfection at any cost did not exist. Anima-
tion was just a commercial commodity to be
produced in the most economical way...
Terrytoons work schedule was tight, effici-
ent and fast. Bill adjusted grudgingly. After
several years he moved on to Paramount
Cartoon udios where he directed Popeye
York after his studio folded and went to live
in Connecticut on the farm. l started to get
some free-lance work and l gave Bill some
footage to do. Whenever the date for it came
due, he'd have half of it done. if l gave him
five feet, two and a half was done. lf I gave
him 25 feet, l2 and a half was done. And his
animation was rligh when he started to do
it again after the sickness, but it was get-
ting better and better. You just knew that
this guy had such a strong hold on this thing
that if he was just sittin' on the board that
he would be doing it.
No doubt in my mind."
While in the hospital for a "routine pros-
tate operation," Tytla had another stroke
and was unable to speak or write for weeks
after. He tried to print words during this
period and managed to cvcn draw some
additional Mousthusula sketches, but these
drawings are very sad to see—pathetic
scribhlings of a giant who had lost the pow-
Below: An owl does a double-take, an ori-
ginal Tytla animation drawing from his
post-Disney period at Terrytoons. Right:
The young "Bill" Tytla, circa 1930. (Photo
courtesy of Henry Berger). Inset: Walt Dis-
ney poses with Tytla during a meeting in
1959, holding the model of the Devil Tytla
animated in I-‘ANTASIA. Disney inscribed
the photo "To Bill, with all best wishes. “

sire to express the knowledge of craft and

the "Vesuvius" of emotions inside of him.
Once, he was fortunate enough to find the
perfect outlet for his gifts—at Disney's. as
a top cog in the best,‘ most lavish and ex-
pensive of the cartoon factories, where ev-
en a nine minute short went through over 24
different specialized departments. where
there was time and money for careful ex-
perimentation and, luxury of luxuries, per-
. . .here too the schedule was tight and effi- On December 29, 1968, William Tytla Tytla was an animation elitist who would
cient." died on his farm. George Bakes had just not, and in many ways could not, adapt him-
George Bakes recalls that Tytla "was negotiated to produce a series of TV rom- self to an evolving film world. To his mind
very depressed, got discouraged from the mercials and was going to share his luck there was only one way of animating and
work and the lack of work and the lack of with Tytla. "That was a big change from producing a film—the way it was done at
something meaningful to do...He was of~ just free-lancing for producers," Bakes Disney's during the "Golden Era." This in-
fered a whole bunch of Popeyes [to produce] said. "l was waiting to tell Bill about this tractable attitude finally destroyed him, and
at one point. They were going to do a limit- thing because this is a character [the Trix the young art of animation lost an authentic
ed-animation version of it. He didn't do one rabbit] that goes on and on. lf he got used genius.
of them. He didn't like the budget. " to the character and got to know him, he During the current explosion of interest
Tytla turned to directing commercials could really get back into animation. in animation, with not loss than six feature
for television and worked on close to 2000 "But he died before l could tell him that. films in production in this country alone and
cartoons for Tempo udio, Academy Pic- Saddest thing l ever heard of. That the guy a constant flood of personal animated shorts
hires, and finally, his own William Tytla was emotionally taking a pounding because from individual artists, designers, and stu-
Productions, lnc. He maintained an apart- of his great love for animation that turned dents finding international outlets and show-
ment/office in Manhatten and went home to into a great frustration. That's what killed cases, it would be wise to review and study
Connecticut on weekends. him. ‘Cause of this tremendous pride—-he the legacy of magnificent cartoon perform-
"Bill was not a businessman, he was an started out so young and was on top and then ances animated by Vladimir William Tytla.
artist." says George Bakes. "His business to have this kind of animation that came a- For he was the greatest sorcerer of them
got pretty bad because he was a bad busi- round that didn't have any craft in it. it was all, and knew the spells for infusing life and
nessman. Eventually it died and he went discouraging that he had to compete with personality into anything he drew; by com-
looking for work." Adrienne Tytla recalls, that with what he could do. There was no bining Tytla's pioneering contributions to

"He would go out to the coast and everybody place he could do what he could do outside the vocabulary of the craft. with today's
knew how great he'd been and they were of Disney's." freedom of expression and choices of tech-
sorry for him and they gave him stuff to do, lt seems unlikely that the Trix rabbit, or niques, perhaps only then will animation
b\|t he couldn't keep up with the amount of even the more recent characters and films realize its fabulous potential.
footage that was required. Within a five from the Disney studio, would have satis-
year period he had three strokes, [and] he'd fied 'l‘ytla's demon talent and his aching de-
periodically get a hemorrhage in the left
eye. He was blind in that eye for three
years and he never let anyone know that. "
Tytla's work for other smdios always
brought him a handsome salary. He created
the three Post Sigar Crisp Bears and did
many lucrative ads with them on 'l'V and in '
Lie andL_q$ magazines. He directed odds _\_ _

and ends for Hanna-Barbera and in 1962

was in charge of the animation sequences in

combined live-action _wlth animation and , \ 1 - \‘_

starred Don Knotts. He worked nine months
on that film in Hollywood and Art Babbitt \ Q-J

IIW him during this period: "it was a trag-

edy to see this man disintegrate. His mind
just gradually dissipated. He still made , ‘f Q
/ 2/
sense but he was not the strong, vibrant _,_, ~
person l had known when he was yotuig. "
While in California, Tytla tried to sell a
cartoon film idea he ma been planning for ,1 I V

five years, "Mousthusula, the 2000 Year v

Old Mouse," and for which he had made

many charming and vigorous sketches; but ‘
there were no takers. "He got sick out
there with pneumonia," Bakes recalls. '1-le ’
came back in terrible shape, a beaten man.
l saw him in the street one day trying to go D

around, like he was staring in the air. 1
saw this thing [drawings of Mousthusula] un- "‘ ,
der his arm. lsaid, ‘Bill, idon't want you
to go nowheres (sic). You stay home. l'll go
get some work.‘ lie had moved out of New





Scenes from CARRIE,
currently in release by
United Artists. Left:
Carrie (Sissy Spacek)
is the butt of a
monstrous practical
joke at the high school
prom. Right: While at
home, hcr mother
(Piper Laurie) tries to
murder her for going.
But Carrie has one
thing in her favor,
an awesome psychic
power which she
unleashes in revenge
and for her own

...what great horror movies are all about.
CARRIE A United Artis Release. ll/76. Then came PHANTOM OF THE PARA~ structor, zuid with her mother-—will even-
ln Color by DeLuxe. 98 minutes. Produced DISE a pop spoof of PHANTOM Ol-‘ THE
1 tually intertwinc.
by Paul Monaeh. Directed by Brian De Pal- OPERA, and a movie so thoroughly bad that What makes these scenes noteworthy is
ma. Screenplay by Lawrence D. Cohen bas- only someone as close to it as its director not simply the economy of their construc-
ed on the novel by Qephen King. Edited by could have failed to see that the project was tion, but most importantly, De Palina'5
Paul Hirsch. Director of photography, Mar- doomed from the start. At least the refcr- method of intelligently threading the horror
io Tosi. Music by Pino Donaggio. Special ences to Hitchcock were in the form of pa.r- element through the film. Obviously, the di-
effects by Gregory M. Auer, Kenneth Pepiot. ody. Not so with OBSESSION, however, rector of SISTERS can hardly fail to provide
where an intriguing premise became a rc- the requisite moments of triic horror. The
Carrie White ... . . . . . . . . . Sissy Spacek
. . . lentless, unabashed caricature of VERTIGO, film's must admirable qualities, though,
Margaret White . .. . Piper Laurie capturing some of the look, but none of the wherein De Palnia's growth as an artist is
Qle Snell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amy Irving soul, of the original. reected, are to be found in those scenes
Tommy Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Katt It was thus easy to expect the worst ironi which are not in themselves horrific, but
Billy Nolan . . . . . . . . . . . . John Travolta CARRIE, particularly in view of the fact where the threat of menai't- is always pre-
Chrls Hargenson .. . .. Nancy Allen that its story falls into the shopworn cate- sent. De Palma has directed CARRIE in zi
Miss Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betty Buckley gory of the occult. But this seems to have fashion completely opposed to the style of
been exactly the right challenge to bring the most horror films. De Palina's audience is
Just when it seems that Bria.nDe Palma best out of its director again. Dc Palma is not set up for the instant gratification of a
is down for the count, when the promise of- often indulgent, but he isn't stupid, and he series of cheap shocks at regular intervals.
fered by his early films is almost negated knows what films like ROSEMARY'S BABY Instead. the story builds slowly, anti the ex-
hy the imitative posturing of PHANTOM OF and THE EXORCIST have conditioned the plosion that eventually t-omt-s is a logical
THE PARADISE and OBSESSION, along public to expect. CARRIE gave him an op- outgrowth of nuances De Palma had drawn
comes CARRIE, a film of such power, wit portunity to exploit his oft—statcd love of out of Lawrence D. Cohen's screenplay
and precision that it not only shows us De turning the tables on the audience, and he from the opening scene.
Palma at his best, but gives the horror has done so with overwhelming success. Apart from the tightness and assured-
genre a much-needed shot in the arm. Right front the start, one scarcely knows ness of the direction, CARRII-J's must sali-
DePalma is one of the most audacious what to expect. After a crisply economical ent asset is its cast, who provide the best
directors in the fantasy field, and because pre-credits scene illustrating Carrie's iso- ensemble work to grace this genre in years.
of his willingness to gamble, his early films lation from her high school classmates, De Sissy Spacck gives Carrie ]USl the right
were often as interesting for their failed Palma segues into a dreamy, almost erotic balance of tunbivalence and tension, but ev-
experiments as for the many moments in sequence in which the girls in Carrie's gym on the supporting players, especially Nancy
them which worked. SISTERS (De Palma's class emerge from the showers and playful- Allen, as a troublesome classmate, and
best film until CARRIE), a bizarre tale of ly dart into the locker room to dress. De William Katt, as Ll sympathetic boyfriend
schizophrenia and murder, had its share of Palma's camera then drifts through the (traditionally the weak link in films of this
untied loose ends, but it packed such an e- mist into the last occupied shower stall, sort), contribute sensitive, astute pei-forn\-
motional wallop (and indicated such poten- where Carrie, without any understanding of 1|JlL‘L'S.
tial for its director's future) that one was what is happening to her. menstruates for But the show is mainly D1-Palma's, and
willing to forgive De Pa.lma's liberal bor- the first time. The intensity of her panic while he hasn't entirely overt-onic his dcbt
rowings from his stylistic mentor, Alfred and fear is matched by the shocking feroci- to Hitchcock. he st-ems finally to be fash-
Hitchcock. ty with which the girls ridicule her, and the inning his nW|\_ l't'Cl'lllX‘ll' style. He knows
course is laid for the conflict to come. The his audience pretty well by now, and I can‘!
next several minutes introduce most of the believe he didn‘t have himself a great time,
Bill Kelley lives in Convent, New Jersey. film's major characters, offer a graphic piling situation upon situation, all leading
His interview with Brian De Palma about the glimpse of Carrie's tortured home life with to the final jtlll. After he pulls the rug out
filming of CARRIE will appear next issue. her religious fanatic mother, and begin to the last time, Ll soothing voice promises
set the route by which the story's three ba- that . . it's alright." But, of course, it
sic situations—Carrio's relationships with isn't alright—which is what great horror
by her classmates, with a compassionate in- movies are all about.

Scenes from BMBRYO,
currently in release by G
Cine Artists. Left:
Victoria (Barbara
Carrera) sees Number
One in her first
moment of awakening,
both lives saved by
Rock Hudson's medical
research. Right: The
film's climax in which
Victoria plunders the
womb of Hudson's
(Anne Schedeen) in
order to survive.

.. .a science ction oriented horror story. . .

EMBRYO ACine Artists Release. 5 ‘I6. in of the hoary staples of this genre. Nelson, comes shadow-shrouded and deadly, where
who turned CHARLY into :i lightweight film a lab embodies revolutionary technolocy (or
Color by Di-Luxe. 105 minutes. Executive
producer. Sandy lloward. Produced by Ar- version of Daniel Keyes touching science alternately, unnatural experimentation), and
nold H. Orgolini iuid Anita Doohan. Directed fiction short story "Flowers For Algernon" where a rainstorm is the elemental life/
by Ralph Nelson. Screenplay by Anita Doo- some eight years ago seems intent on infus— death force of nature itself. Lack of them-
hzui and Jack W. Thomas from it story by ing EMBRYO with the same type of hiiious atic emphasis robs the decor of a referen-
Thomas. Music composed and conducted by sentimentality. tizil point. thus draining the crucial element
Gil Melle. Director of |)htit0gt‘a|)hy, Fred The script retains thc classical elements of environment of both meaning and impact.
Koenkanip. Edited by .Ioh|i hlartinelli. Art of life brought out nf death and the eventual There are perhaps three moments in the
director. -foe Alvr-s. Set decorator. Phil agony it causes fnr the creator and his f:uii- film where the photographed image carries
Abramson. Makeup supervisors. Dan Srie- ily. hut with a crucial difference. The crea- with it more than expository information,
peke and John Cliambers. Miikcup. Mark lion is no monster. hut ;i lovely and charm- and one of these is likely to cause the sen-
Redali. Special effects, Roy Arhogast. As- ing wom;ui. From the beginning the tradi- sitive viewer to choke from its bilious sen-
sistant. Bill Shourt. Costuiiies. Moss Mabry. tiniial concern with societary response is tinientality: Victoria, the "creation," comes
discarded. opening the way for fresh theni- to Hudson, wishing to learn about love. Em-
Dr. Paul llolliston . . . . . . . . . . . Rock lludson atic exiiloriition. But EMBRYO never makes ploying dramatic lighting and lap dissolves,
Martha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Diane Ladd up its mind what it is about. churning up Nelson seemingly attempts to shoot the epi-
Victoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbara Carrera every possible alternative for ;i theme. and tome of all romantic scenes. Even if he had
Riley . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . Roddy Mcfiowall discarding them all. ln addition to opening not failed in the attemit, the scene would
Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Anne Schedeeii
. . . . . the possibilities for a thought-provoking still be ludicrous; here, as elsewhere in the
Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. .Iohii Eli-rick story. the script has all the potential of a film. Nelson niisplaces his emphasis. At its
Dr. Winston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Jiick Colvin goose-piiiiply horror suspense yarn, but roots. EMBRYO is a science ction orient-
thc film also discards any genre st-nsihility ed horror story. Hudson develops a rapid-
lt remains uncertain whi-ther Mary Shel- ttlld with it go all the pleasures of the genre. growth hormone, uses it to speed the de-
ley's original concepts in fLkyi\_stt~ii\ can Director Ralph Nelson simply fails to de- velopment of a premature fetus. can‘! stop
or will be fully exiiloreri on the screen. For cide what lay at thi- root of his film. ilis the growth and cnds up with a 25-year-old
the most part, film \'i~i'sioiis h.it'e ignored work is conipetent in nearly all respects. woman whose personality is his to create.
the hnok‘s central myth--life's basic c_\'cle. but giiiijaiitastiqig demands focus as well Certain miscalculations lead to horrifying
results. prompting him to seek her de-

father vs. Stlll—-l1ilil‘(lt'l‘\Ht'X|)liil‘t‘l\$l\l<|l"t' as form. Unless the filniiiiaker izeeps in
!~i9IlSillliillL|l thciiit-s. The focus has usually mind Pm-‘s dictum to order a horror tale structitin. Yet in filming this archetypal
been on eithcr thi- danger of playing God be- tow.ird a clearly ch-fim-d point. the effi-c- horror tale, Nelson seems to put most of
ing God oi" on socit-ty‘s disastrous iion-ac- tivi-ni-ss of his genre film diffuses intii a- his attention into scenes of peripheral value
ccptance of the unusual and unknown. EM- patliy. EMBRYO ignores this caveat and. in to the plot: the above-mentioned love inter-
BRYO could have hi-i-ii the fullest explora- reacliing for everything. ends with nothing. lude, Victoria's glimpse of her lost child-
tioii yer of Shelli-y‘s |i.ii~:idigni of creation The film begins uneniotioiially and clin- hood, and a chess game at a party. The
and familial iiiytliolmty. updated iii modern wally. and the first two sccni-s—-one in a scenes that should affect us with fright rc-
teriiis fur modern tiincs. lt is nol. and this rainslorin, the other in Rock Hudsun‘s lab main pedestrian: staged and shot with nei-
is largely the ri-sult of director Ralph 2\'el- —-reveal a basic deficit-nc_v. EMBRYO nev- ther eerie atmospherics nor a truly hard-
son's failure to come to grips with the m.i— er relates to its enviroiiiiient in a concrete edged realism which might have been equal-
terial. an lltl.li.Zil\llll\'t‘ reworking hy sereeii- way. Even thc worst ciiiefaiitistiqug relies ly effective.
writers Anita Doolnui and Jack W. Thomas on settings for effect. and lhc hest breathes This returns us to Nelson‘s unfocused
into them the same lifi- that is shared by the approach——a groping for easy meanings that
~ ~~-- ----~ characters. Nelson shows no concern for drains the film. Nearly every scene seems
scripted to offer a new theme. The above
Michai-I A. Lcavy is a film student .it the i-iiviroiimcnt beyond the merely functional:
University of Michigan. an attic is an attic. a lah is a lab, a rain- scenes ask us, respectively. to consider
storm is mi-ri-ly a raiiistiirm. llad EMBRYO EMBRYO as a Pue-ish talc of a man trying’
, bi-en true to its subject matter, an attic to recreate his dead wife. as a fable on the
by M|(‘hil€’| LQJVY would have been where the familiar be- continued page 23 column 3

Scenes from THEY »
a nauseating little
shocker directed by
Canadian David
Cronenberg and
currently in release
from Trans-American. _-.
l) A tenant of the
Starliner Towers is
infested by a parasite
, V .,. l
in the antiseptic ~ ""

laundry room. 2) Dr.
St. Luc (Paul Hamiton) v -
examines one of the
parasites up close. 3) . ~

Betts (Barbara Steele)

holds Dr. St. Luc as
‘ \ Q! V

’a_?'\€'/(._ \‘_
he attempts to escape
the parasite victims
who seek to infect him
Q/ --- .
, ,‘ ' L

4) Nicholas Tudor ' ‘ ,-in

(Alan Migicovsky)
watches in fascination ‘ ___
as the parasites crawl
around inside him. ” '



THEY CAME FROM WITHIN A Trans-Am- ly lurid and marvelously imaginative amal- Once the parasites have taken up resi-
erican Release. 2/'16(c'f5). In Color By Mo- gam of science fiction, pornography, lg dence in the human organism, they begin to
vielab. 94 minutes. A DAL-Reitman Pro— ngusee, and obscene humor. Marcuse's transform their host—whether male or fe-
duction. Produced by Ivan Reitman. Written cautionary observation quoted above can male, old or young, attractive or ugly—into
and directed by David Cronenberg. Execu- well serve as theme, explication, and so- a ravening pleasure-machine, intent solely
tive producers, John Dunning, Andre Link, phisticated promo for the film. In the midst on satisfying its re-ignited lusts. Cronon-
Aifred Pariser. Director of photography, of a cinefantgstiqig drought whereby the ar- berg adriotly plays with both humorous and
Robert Saad. Makeup and special effects by tistic energies of more than a few filmmak- horrific sides of his premise. Two children,
Joe Blasco. Assistant, Suzanne Riou-Ga- ers have evaporated in the cause of unend- frolicking idly in the large. empty corridors
rand. Production manager, Don Carmody. ing variations of ROSEMARY'S BABY and of the apartment building, amuse them-
Edited by Patrick Dodd. Musical supervi— THE EXORCIST, Cronenbei-g‘s iconoclastic selves by opening the mail slots on the
sion, lvan Reitman. Sound, Don Goldberg. guignol tears through audience defenses. numbered doors and shouting to the occu-
The film's central horror is a plague of pants within; their game is abruptly termi-
Roger S. Luc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Hampon disturbingly fecal parasites, sprung from nated when one lifted flap uncovers a wrig-
Rollo Linsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Silver an ambitious "combination of aphrodesiac gling parasite, sending the kids howling for
Forsythe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynn Lowry and venereal disease" concocted by yet an- their parents. A young man, sick to the
Nicholas 'hidor Alan Migicovsky other aberrant scientist. These crawling point of vomiting from the unwanted guest
Janine Tudor Sisan Petrie creepies (whom one writer accurately re- inside him, leans over the railing of his
Bette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbara Steele ferred to as "a cross between a slug, a balcony and retches the intruder out, watch-
Merrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ronald Mlodzik leech, and a particularly offensive penis") ing as it plops bloodily onto the clear-plas-
are an undeniably revolting lot and must un— tic umbrella of an elderly woman below.
"Left free to pirsue their natural 0bjec- doubtedly bear much of the blame for the Cronenberg has little truck with conven-
tives, the basic instincts of man Would be disgusted response of most reviewers. Yet, tional notions of "tustefulness. " Having se-
incompatible with all lasting association and loathesome as they are, the hybrid mutants lectcd a Sllbjetil which attacks the viewer at
preservationzthey would destroy even where co-exist in the world of the film with other, a fundamental level of consciousness—Cro-
they unite. The uncontrolled Eros is just as far more subtle, far less manageable, ter— nenberg believes that "the true subject of
fatal as his deadly counterpart, the death rors, including the sterile vacancies of mo- horror films is death and anticipation of
instinct." dern apartment living with its cold pockets death, and that leads to the question of man
Robert Marcuse, Eros agvilizgtign of plastic and chrome, and box-like dwelling as body as opposed to man as spirit"-he
British critic Robin Wood considered it spaces; a dangerously low-key sexuality has courageously (or outrageously, if you
the "most striking" of the Edinburgh Festi- suffered by many of the characters, their prefer) fashioned a visual exposition com-
val's "batch of exploitation movies, by vir- ebbing vitality threatened by the lonliness pletely unafraid of the physiological reali-
tue of its detestability." The reviewer for and desperation built into their very sur- ties that such a subject necessarily entails.
Continental Film Rgvigw deemed it "rep\il- roundings; unspoken paranoia is as much a Some of the most shocking, taboo-shaking
sive. " lan Cameron's evaluation in the Eng- feature of the Starliner Towers as the mo- imagery has children or septuagenarians
lish news magazine pectgor bore the title dern conveniences and promised exclusivity. caught up in sexual excitement.
"Sick Sex. " On this side of the Atlantic, the From the opening credits, projected ov- Perhaps inevitably, THEY CAME I-‘ROM
Ev York Times oracle Vincent Canby dis- er a montage depicting the Towers‘ various WITHIN at times runs too far afield in pur-
rnissed the matter in two brief paragraphs. accomodations as the hushed voice of an ad- suit of its nightmares. The sequence in
The cause which allied such disparate vertising agent provides a suggestive verbal which a parasite springs from the body of
sensibilities was Canadian director David catalog, THEY CAME l-‘ROM WITHIN reso- its young male host and into the face ofan
Cronenberg's incredible THEY CAME FROM nates with implied menace, so that the par- investigating doctor, who agonizingly strug-
WITHIN (known abroad as THE PARASITE asites themselves emerge as literal em— gles both to extricate the mindless thing and
MURDERS and/or SHIVERS), an unabashed- bodiments of the general malaise attached to ward off an attack by the suddenly ber-
to the place. The great irony of the slither- serk youth, progresses from suspense to
ing slugs is that, unlike their disruptive shock to sadism to excess with a relentless
Charles D. Leayman is a regular contribu- counterparts in similar genre movies, they crudity that trivializes rather than extends
tor, living in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. are creatures of Eros rather than Thanatos: the film's method. By contrast, the jactful
their "purpose" is not to visit violent death finesse with which Crunenberg details the
upon the human race, but to forcibly re- haunting Barbara Steele's bathtub impreg
by Char|8S D Leayman deem it by means of the libido. nation by a devious parasite that emerges


--.1 >-
"' . /-

9 -

...Siegel’s “pods” have in fact won out...

from the drain-hole renders the impact im- Towers consists mostly of going through the continued from page 21
measurably greater by virtue of the ex- motions of work and play without the coher- need for child-like innocence, or a recita-
quisite tension generated between sensa~ ing cement of point and pirpose. Whereas tion of the intricacies of role-playing in so-
tional incident and formal gracefulness. society in Siegel's film was deemed an Ab- ciety. Offered-up also are fetal themes a-
Cronenberg's film clearly resemblesbon solute whose preservation demanded the bout the ethical problems of science, the
Siegel'slNVASlON OF THE BODY SNATCH- most strenuous efforts, the members of need for psychic or personal identity and
ERS (1956) in content and structure, and Cronenberg's microcosm have opted for si- also for social identity, the human urge to
thus provides an apposite contrast. The ter- tuating themselves at some remove from survive, drug addiction, love and loyalty to
ror which Siegel's smashing exercise in the outside world's concerns. Though only your own. Thematic statements flow like
Expressionistic naturalism so vividly con- "12 minutes from downtown Montreal," the one—liners in a Neil Simon comedy, and no
veyed was that of assimilation: his charac- Starliner complex affords its occupants ef- one of them can be stretched into a frame-
ters fought desperately against being trans— fective segregation from those less fortu- work for the movie. EMBRYO almost comes
formed into affectless zombies, bereft of nate, less deserving individuals who cannot off as a plea for firm moral values. l.n one
emotions and ideals. With the shift from meet the costs of modern luxury. scene Victoria asks Hudson to explain the
America's bourgeoisie in the 1950s to Can- Where Siegel's people fought to remain Bible, but fails to grasp his reply that it is
ada's affluent young-marrieds and secure emotionally and sexually intact, Cronen- a guide to moral, civilized behavior. Her
pensioners of the '70s, the impression cre- berg's must be jolted into awareness of curiosity is too piqued by the rest of the
ated is that Siegel's "pods" have in fact won themselves as physical beings by a pesti- world to give the old book a chance. We can
out: the condition of behavioral degree-zero lence rising up out of their own bodies. it is infer that a more moral Victoria would have
which was offered so persuasively to Dr. within this notion of enforced "salvation" led to a less tragic conclusion, but it is an
Miles Bennell and Becky Driscoll in the that Cronenberg's screenplay arrives at a imposed inference for the film simply fails
former film has been successfully internal- measure of moral concern, however shot to develop thematically in any one direc-
ized by ag the characters in the latter. through with ambivalence. Robinwood ques- tion.
Interestingly, the central figure of THEY tioned Cronenberg's recognition of this di- l think we are reaching a point in this

CAME I-‘ROM WITHIN is likewise adoctor, mension and surmised that, finally, the age of intensive genre studies that we ex-
Roger St. Luc (Paul Hampton), but the dili- movie "seems to represent, under cover of pect to find some conceptual basis to our
gence of his professional practice seems as its expression of horror, a sort of perverse horror, but EMBRYO falters throughout in
much an evasion of emotional commitment wish-fulfil1ment—the necessary product, this regard. Conscious exploration of theme
as it does of altruism. Thus, when his perhaps, of the painful tensions and disgust is not integral to success in
smitten nurse Ms. Forsythe (Lynn Lowry) that give the movie its crude energy." but without an understanding of the concems
executes an impromptu striptease for his To recognize the manner in which THEY guiding a story, and an adherence to these
benefit, St. Luc's lack of interest intimates CAME FROM WITHIN incorporates influ- concepts in both the structure and mise-en-
the true (allegorical) cause of the parasite ences as diverse as Chabrol's LE BOUCH- scene, it is impossible to create cinema
invasion (as opposed to the stockly absurd ER, Polanski's REPULSION, and Romero's that is either evocative or resonant, as all
"scientific" explanation offered by St. Luc's NIGHT 01-‘ THE LIVING DEAD, is to trace the masterworks and near misses of our
colleague). Both a lack of sexual response the historical evolution of the horror film genre are.
and/or a lack of means for its expression genre as an art form. To praise Lawrence There is one scene in EMBRYO which
claim all of the major characters, and is Welk's makeup man (true!) Joe Blasco for stands out: Victoria's first attempts at
revealed either directly (as with Barbara his splendid special effects is to honor su~ speech. Educational tape-recordings had
Steele's unslaked lesbian, Betts) or by im- perior craftsmanship. And to priase David been played to her in her sleep, and the
piication (the vision of a sterile marriage Cronenberg's direction is to deservedly first verbal communication between "crea-
inhabited by Alan Migicovsky and Sisan recognize perhaps the most impressive tor" and "created" isagroping repitition of
Petrie's smart young 'i\idors). genre innovator to appear since the late a math lesson. in one touching and ecstatic
Exceptions to this, such as the elderly Michael Reeves. All these various accom— moment the film joins the basis of science
couple whose age has made firm the bonds plishments are noteworthy for their renew- (mathematics) and the basis of human soci-

of affectionate companionship, evoke a Time ed efforts on behalf of a branch of filmmak— ety (communication), developing a new myth
Past when emotions were still vital, or at ing that can so easily degenerate into the of creation. Only here does the film begin
least thought to be (the era, in fact, of iN- multi-million dollar vapidity of LOGAN'S to reach the level of fable/myth which has
VASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS). I-‘or RUN, the irredeemable cruelty of THE been the realm of finest
the rest—including, with an eye toward the TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, or the ri- works; for all the rest, EMBRYO is a still-
I-\|ture, the child:-en—life at the Starliner diculous failed-Camp of DOC SAVAGE. birth.

Scenes from BURNT
Curtis’ latest genre
offering in release by
United Artists. Left:
Karen Black at the
film's conclusion, now
completely under the
influence of the "old
house. " Right: Anthony
James as the creepy
chauffeur in Oliver
Reed's recurring
I ,{‘_.‘_'_ 3:

an awkward pastiche of haunted house cliches.
BURNT OFFERINGS A United Artists Re- haunted house cliches. There is a fair a- place. and the rent is a bit too cheap to be
lease. 8'76. In Color. ll minutes. Pro- mount of talent both before and behind the believed. Then comes the catch: their inva-
duced and directed by Dan Curtis. Screen— camera. but it is frittered away by director lid mother. who never leaves her attic bed-
play by William F. Nolan and Curtis based Dan Curtis. who, after nearly 10 years at room, will be staying behind. Ben (Oliver
on the novel by Robert Marasco. Director of this sort of thing, still lacks the confidence Reed) and Marian (Karen Black) are none-
photography. Jacques Marquette. Additional to strive for any but the most obvious ef- theless convinced that the house will pro-
photography. Stevan Larner. Music direc- fects. vide a quiet summer in the country. and
tor. Robert Cobert. Production designer. Curtis‘ failure to mature as a filmmaker they agree to the terms. Fair enough. The
Eugene Lourie. Edited by Dennis Vrikler. is especially exasperating when one consid- house does look inviting enough at first. and
Makeup. Al Fleming. Effects. Cliff Wenger. ers that most of his projects are potentially our brief insight into Ben and Marian's
worthwhile. Obviously, DARK SHADOWS, bland lifestyle certainly makes it seem like
Marian . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Karen Black in both its television and cinematic incarna- the sort of existence one might want a vaca-
Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oliver Reed tions, is junk. But the same man, working tion from.
Brother . . . . Burgess Meredith within the restrictive format of the TV Mo- But Curtis pushes the issue too far, and
Roz . . . . . . . . . . Eileen Heckart vie. has offered a showcase for several in- stacks the deck too soon. He draws the most
David . . . . . .. . . . Lee Mnntgoniery triguing scripts by Richard Matheson (not- unctuous of performances from Heckart and
Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dub Taylor ably THE NIGHT STALKER , although that Meredith, particularly the latter. who is
Aunt Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bette Davis was only produced by Curtis), and has evi- embarrassing as the leering, effeminite
dcnced a marked progression to more am— brother. The main point at this stage is that
Each successive horror cycle swings in hitious themes. Admittedly. if fantasy filni the house exerts its own will, and saps the
a different direction. Since the incredible buffs owe a dcht to Curtis. it is for his tal- strength of its inhabitants—which would ac-
boxoffice performance of THE EXORCIST. ents as a packager of intriguing properties: count for Meredith's frailty and his desper-

Hollywood's producers, in their infinite his best films are the ones in which he ate desire to leave. This nice. eerie under-
wisdom, have decided that we have all plays the smallest artistic role. and leaves current is smothered by the overbearing
grown too sophisticated for monsters tun- the directing to somebody else. Still. any performances and a series of garish close-
less it's KING KONG) and have focussed on consistent degree of taste or discernment, ups of Heckart and Meredith. grinning like
the occult. Now that the cycle is in full however small. is so rare to modern hor- a pair of cats at the prospect of fleeing the
swing and has settled into the int-vitable ror films that when a filmmaker displays a mansion.
commercial formula. it is probably safe to steady intercst in improving the status of The rest of the film follows this pattern.
say that BURNT OFFERINGS. along with the genre. his lapses into mediocrity are The business with the unseen mother begins
last summt-r's THE OMEN. arc repr\-sen- allthc more lamentable. as a promising sidebar plot. but nothing
tative of what we can expect in the months The basic problem with BURNT OFFER- fresh comes of it. and it degencrates into
to come. The prognosis could he worse, but INGS is that it lacks the security to depend yet another neurotic showcase for Karen
not much. on the strength of its few challenging idcas. Black. The house's decor is properly moody
For BURNT OFFERINGS tells a story and repeatedly falls back on timt-worn shock (how could it be otherwise, with Eugene
that is as creaky and decrepit as the iiian- techniques ;u\d grotesque characters. But Lourie. Jean Renoir's former set designer
sion in which most of it is set. Despite the old shocks are no longer scary. and the and a fantasy director in his own right. at
some token contemporary trappings (i.e.. piu'ade of personality aberrations is more the helm?)—hut to see it you have to peer
sex) and a central device of some interest. likely to prompt giggles than shivers (as through the fuzzy. murky photography. that
the film is merely an awkward pastiche of was the case with the audit-iicc with whom I has also become a cliche for this kind of
saw the film). horror film.
Bill Kelley is a
regular contributor is
Things begiii to sour almost from the
outset. Our first clue that the Victorian
Again, the problem is not with the sub-
yect. but the approach. What makes BURNT
preparing career articles on directors Cur- mansion being offered for summer rental is OFFERINGS so disappointing is that this is
tis Harrington and the late Michael Reeves. not the bargain it seems to he comes when not another case of Hollywood riding rough-
we meet its owners. Roz (Eileen Heckart) shod over the horror genre. but the work of
and her crippled brother (Burgess Mere- a talented producer who apparently still has
by Bill Kelley dith) are a little too anxious to leave the a lot to learn about discipline.

ls‘ Nu
Scenes from
currently in rt-lease
by MP. Left: Pt-tor
Fonda (rt-ntt-r) has a
drink with Harry
(Stuart Margolin). the
last human terhnit-ian
left in Dt-los. mid his
robot sidekick. Ron
(Jim Antonio). Right:
A drugged Fonda is
prcpareci for android

satisfying special effects, gadgetry and settings...
. .

FUTUREWORLD An MP Release. '1/76. ln ily realistic collection of robots and presi- The film's use of the robots effectively
Metrocolor. 104 minutes. Produced by Paul dential automatons, spawned by the Disney plays upon the tensions created in the mind
N. Lazarus, ll] and James T. Aubrey. Di- technicians‘ mastery of audio-animatronics, of the viewer who is both attracted and re-
rected by Richard T.Heffron. Screenplay by has inspired a number of recent science pelled by them, endowed as they are with
Mayo Simon and George Schenck. Music by fiction and horror films. among them THE many handy superhuman capabilities but
Fred Karlin. Director of photography, How- STEP!-‘ORD WIVES (a feminist nightmare a- none of the hang-ups the flesh is heir to.
ard Schwartz. Edited by James Mitchell. bout the replacement of the women of an en- The confusion that arises from the perfec-
Art director, Trevor Williams. tire New England town with automated fe- lion oi duplicates oi the two protagonists is
males designed by an ex-Disneyland expert), resolved when they identify each other via a
Chuck Browning.... Peter Fonda and. of course WESTWORLD. simple but refreshingly humanistic method:
Tracy Ballard.... Blythe Danner FUTUREWORLD is, however, thc most a kiss.
Duffy.......... .. ....ArthurHill overt horrific variation as yet played on the Peter Fonda and Blythe Danner are both
Gunslinger..... . ...YulBrynner Disney theme park theme. Like the Disney extremely attractive as the Journalists, and
Schneider... . ..........IohnRyan parks, the Delos of the film is split into Danner is particularly appealing in her role
Harry........ .. ...&uartMargolin four "theme" areas, each firmly entrcnt‘h- which is one of the better recent female
Ron .........................IimAntonio ed in nostalgia or futuristic escapism. Even parts in the usually malt--dominated science
the fact that the new Delos of FUTURE- fiction genre. Though production values in
FUTUREWORLD returns us to Delos, an WORLD is a bigger, more lavish version the film arc admittedly modest, the location
adult resort/amusement park introduced in of the park in WESTWORLD provides a spe— settings of the Houston Manned Space Cen-
l9’!3's WESTWORLD, obviously patterned cific Disneyland,'World reference, and when ter frequently achieve impressively epic ef-
atter Disneyland, where guests act out per- Peter Fonda, as one of the reporters. com- fects, and the robot assemhly - line scenes
sonal fantasies of sex and or violence with ments on the awesome size of the new De- and 2001-like episodes devoted to trippy
programmed robots. WESTWORLD climax- los in comparison to the old one, he is ech— optical and computer effects are also well-
ed with a bad day at Delos when the park's oing a remark made by thousands nf first- realized (by special effects director Brian
automatons ran amok, turning upon and ulti- time visitors to the Disney cor|i's second Sellstrom and Gene Griggs).
mately killing a number of the park's cus- park. ln fact, the film's sequence in which Until we are presented with another epic
tomers. FUTUREWORLD picks up the story the reporters enter the new resort is an ac- like 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY in which cre-
alter the resort has undergone a complete curate evocation of the elaborate process ative mid technical impulses go hand-in-
i renovation and seeks to reestablish its bus-
iness and reputation by assuring the public
that both the park and its regiment of robots
the public is put through upon entering Dis-
ney World, right down to the last excessive
smile on the faces nf the attractive but
hand with a budget generous enough to ac-
comodate them. FUTUREWORLD points a
direction which we might hope future en-
4 are absolutely failsafe. However, two re- blandly Waspish welcoming personnel. tries in the current science fiction boom
porters discover the resort‘s dark secret, There are certain radical differences. may take: like such recent films as SH.ENT
nearly losing their lives in the process. in however. Delos is emphatically adult and 0- RUNNING, THE STEPFORD WIVES, and
a taut, engrossing mystery-styled plot that litist, and the spectrum of available plea- PHASE lV. FUTUREWORLD presents a
pulls a few twists on the original film's sures is like-wise augmented, encompass- simple. emotionally resonant narrative em-
premise. ing both sex and violence. And though the bellished by (and not mt-rely an excuse for)
The concern of Disneyland and its awe- Disney personnel may look and act like au- laid-back but satisfying special effects.
somely huge corporate big-brother Disney tomatons, they really aren't (yet) but in gadgetry. and settings. By providing tense,
World. and in particular both parks‘ creep- Delos most of the work, both mental and visual science fiction with an emphasis on
physical, is done by an army of robots pro- strong plot and human values, these films
grammed into rigidly strict. almost social establish themselves in a much purer, more
Ross Care is a Disney huff and has compos- "classes," (specified by their model num- respectable cinematic terrain than many
ed the scores for several independent short hers!) with certain models designed as soft- more ambitious efforts in the genre. and as
films. ly human and programmed for supersex. such present a definitely preferable alter-
others being only drone-like workers not native to the tacky window-dressing and.
even capable of reacting to unauthorized in- hollow formula conceits of nvcr -blown coni-
by Ross Care truders in their territory. mercial packages like DOGAN'S RUN.

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CAPSL‘ LE Cqrimr: NTS spvnl $25.00!: here. um Lug. A nun .|l1z\~d1|\.| hu>.pll;|l run by nw n.-\'|r,< 1l5R|s\.ml—|h\- pzcnrn-'5: bx-ruining Ru
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cur. “Sui!-vurc Lcwls Currull “um 15 barn-ulh 2l1llP\ll'|l|l'I\ sl:\nd:u'ds5l:|g- snow THE mnxucss (Mwhuvl mm-y." (FJ, -J)
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humur lur laughs. Frum Hm pl'd\|1‘- Hln\'s .Ad\'t*rl1§\ng r:\m|1au!n. D11‘ |-- mm, -I-1‘-r. "Oz-rn\;n|1\'!(ur\‘\_~a|n hlm 4- 6 16“-15>, Bl nun. rnlnr. "N.-w Yurk-
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(D5, 0|
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sauum An MP Releau. 9/10. In cul- dlsllkr Roger Maura’! portrayal ul nu-
or. as minutes. Produced by George \._ Munn-n-. Mas. I had nuunlu nu» "capllal
Manaamz. and dh’cCl8d by J9“
Wrlliell > mlsiakv ul lhennrlllng bl-Inrr all nnn- ‘

Lleben-nnunn. wmn: Doll Scardlllo, Pam- lads arc‘ nu." I nnnnll nrnlnnln nvnnnn Mourr
is hr ln-nnnnn an nan-ul Hnnlmr-s. bnnn vnn~
ch Prarcy, R. A. Dow, Jean snlllvann.
Peter M:\cLez.Il. Fran Higgins. Wlllhm dun-5 nnmnugu lu rnnnvry nnnnnnnn-nnnnnn; nnl D-
nnn- DelN‘H\'l"u (‘h;lI‘z|:l\'r, pluynnnnn nu-
Newman. Barbara Qnlnnnn.
lnlaglne lhv nnlgbn ul lens nl unbu- nm-n wlnrn :1 svrlnnusm-as zuld unn lnll-nsl-
lallds ol l2~l4 lnch Worms unduklllllg ny nnnnully lacklm: nnn mu "Jp|!P;\l'L|!\r1-s"
amp Bath other Hke nn mass ul [eluc- as 001. Unlnnrlunak-ly. Muun»n- ls simply
clnl While the suundlrick squeals like I nun prolly lnnr lho pun. tzlsllnll rnnnnn us
Sherlurk Hlnlnlvs ls |nkn- cnnnnnnnnu llubn-nn
alablr bl lrlghlelled nun-ubu, and you've Q
gm a lair idea ol lho lrllslry lnnvblved Rodlnrd as Abrahiuln Llumlu. A5 Ilard
hero. The Hlnl is an lupheavy wllh Ill-
‘/1 ann he nnnn-nn. |nluun-n- rnllnnl (‘n1nvlm‘r us

evahlllly ("There was sonlvlhlnqz gv_H nlnun hr n.= u 4n-duwr ununn-n-nnsnunnnn-n1 nu

about ll," sly! 1| Chll‘lClEl' ibul I fllnliulte Whvn hls l;ncn- nn-lls nn.= nlnun lu-
nnnnmnn pubn-nu that nn ls mrrely quea- nn
ls a nu-__n1_u;n-1 unutruslunld nu lllnnughl.
Hun pl going lhruugh the nnnulnunnnn lnr Mourv am; nlulnnnn-nn lalrly wn-ll. bun nn
wrllvr-dlrcrlur nlv Llebermun and ns nnn-var nnnnnn-n~ lll;.ul Llrllng.
4 And this nu nn nnrn-nnn 5h;un('. Innr lhls

hls oddball caul.
Slllpunedly busvd un all uclual oven! l(‘|Nllslun mlllm: pnnssl-ssvd an nnngn-|nn-
lunnl year lnn Gonrgla, nnunn, cxvllulnz, and lnnuvhlng svrlnl by

than m:I;\ll’|:'
wlnn-n-n-nu puwerllnes u~n~n-n- uprooted by Alvln S:||llnb'ln*y lhul ls rrnnvlnllgly
a vlulenl wllld-slurnl and gave nlna lnral Hlrlnlsiun. nnnnnl has lnnnn- produrllnnn vul-
blond-and-sandwurm vnmnlunily an yuln uvszm d lllllllnsj Ih I-rn-. ll lulnu w nu nu nnnn.u
. ~

lhal sen! llmnl rrawllng n nu nlunrh on ul nu- nuyul S|l:lkn'sp1'.u'u Cnmp;uly's

n~v|\'.Al nnl "sun-rlun-nn Hnnllllus" and nnu~
llne bounnn-nn ul U11‘ (llcllunnal) lnllln nnl
rly Crook. l.nn-bn=n-nnnnnnn's halldlklg un PM llnrsl Hnlmus slnrr uusnl Rillhbmw)
had bn-n-u fits! ||l lhls unnnnnubnnunn. nn
lino croepy ngnnnngs-on ls nnpprn-sslvoly
clumsy. snnw lur unnn- n-xpurlly un-un-- Elke snunnnnnur and Rnnbcrl Aldzn nu Mun-lu B:lv:|'§ THE llorsl-I OF EXORCISM. Wuuld lnun-u ht-vn u unn-nnnnnnubln- lnlnu.
some nnrnnnn lhal §|nunn~.= ;| loam nnl worms wunnn: luulnu nnnn» ynnu-n nu nnnnpn-n-ln-n-n pu-
l\'l‘l|nn1l(.l Illrv n\;\dn' lliuldulllvby chur-
b\Irr=W-‘mn: mlu :1 man's fare. lhwr 1-- THE ROUSE or lhleusr r-
EXORCISM A Pu zuld 1 n-nl,
"" l
"“°5“ "' 4h
‘ "“ Id ls always nlilrv lnlorvsllllpz nnnunn
- ~
nl I .~ - _-
leclrllled nunlu sllll ulggllng n-unnvul-
wm_wm_msM_ 1 .lW7;')"°m M gr;f_§\:|’“ ' nu-nn-r

slvcly. Elsewherr he rn-ponnln-nlly nnlnun-n-

clnnnnngn-nn hls uunllvnnn~n- by rulllng away
"um nnlnlivllull-d_ vlulenrv and nnsvrtinn:
lhe kind ll! 1-‘unllr n-ll:-I [J5 lht‘ 5711'?!“

Mm_rmYnn“n:' A“r';';'Lm:“_""|!;‘;_':_p:3:
d b M K L‘ wk M_ '. Ev)
:7 :“;:“d"":;_‘93 "‘S':‘"“:5'l_Pv';"v



T"“ L"""
'- A
uun» unu<ln- I\;uldsnnl\' by Nulun-I uuna lul-
ly n‘vn|l\’|~y$ l!nn~ vnnlnlplvx |ln~rs|m;Al|l)' ul
Mr. Slcrlnrk Hullllrs. lln~ Ls llulunn-s
(U1 usr lh.|l lllunll nv\'r\\vnfkn-d II\n\'Il‘
1\d\"'I‘"-'|'Im-ll! n»n-nu. nlnd wllh u n'h.|l'-
‘““' "'5 ““'""°"." "‘“‘“‘ '“"" “‘ "“' lI:‘|lnl{\d an CEA D.[:‘LL‘el;;0R.2Ilg-‘ Hnwru nunn-nnnunnuuul Pivlurn--a nn-n..»,5,
“S ""“‘“"‘ '5 “' "'“““"‘
prlvuciy; ul his nugmnll. nvn:|-*\§"""' MO nund l't'l\';l5l‘d ln nnnnly as usr‘ E IL 4 vs lu ru=nnu~nun-nnlun 9') unnnnunn-J
H1‘ ““"" *5 ""“‘
all nvur vnlnrld. uunnunn; |l‘§§ run
soxunl ‘,—vn'urnls 'nlul|(" 0! n-nn~u- . . .. - ' __ ' ‘
5'-fnnndl-nil"; M*;'_*|1ff'b*;- }>;r-n;-d
_ _

,1 W, ,,,. , “ml Pu,-_ .,..,m,_
man beneath llw nu...-un lhul ..nuy un- j§f|"f>F°- ‘_fs§;;"'3D';:;E-f;;1v==Z I\‘;1‘-5!‘!
dernllnvs the lm's ulrozldy lhr1-ad-
.|."_"" £1 Em S
_' I‘, K ' J 'c“fl"‘f"‘ ,' ",5.
TS 1" H--1-~=;
,'§"f;“‘}, ‘Y
""-~15 ,fT1_"'-
l|Wnnnnd‘§ |lurlnnl'|ll.lI\l‘l'
ls nnnl prvsl'r\>_
up.-nu-<1 lhuusmlds nu Wurnls lunlhlv 5‘
i ‘"1 I‘: '; MT ',*,,";1 "'“ ‘Y ""j ,°‘“"_“ F“‘"""" ' ""“‘"‘ nuuur nnnunu-n- n> nnun lhn- nnnly dunn-
uun. nllr vznnul bn- ("urlain ll wv uru nu n_u_“:: |:“b‘;l_ {J55 ;i’:“:_:::|‘: ""'::“T "“"l‘[‘ MW A llwnl nu nu» nn-ln-lnlnnn. I was luulnnnnu (ur-
nalne nn asn n>unu;ln~nn shnrk L‘"l'l‘l nl’ uu ,4 ‘ ‘ '_ '_ ““ “" "“' F Wnlrd nu Pulrlrk M;|\'|wA-‘5 Wlllsnnn. us-
hunlnluga nu lhv l‘l.l.‘i:i|c slalnnrmnlll st" :‘?1f,v‘;l‘:::ui',’:e'?:“(€|I‘>,; ‘mu ‘f"I';h::“':."5“'Y. ‘:,',’l""ld "'3' nnunnnnnnn; nrnun lnn- wuuld pluy
nrnn- unnrn nn-nnnn

quvnvv \nA NIGHT AT Tm-: OPERA. . . ,. I "“’ ' _ ""3 ‘ "“T' ' un lhv n-nun-nu hn- znl ms dlspusul.
.,n nnlm-r n.l..,§ can nu sz-Ml 335;";-I‘;§"'§'{“{;‘"':f;*$“'"§,'5'*1 ;'Y ,=**","**" 3""? _'"f,"~"_"1* Unlurlunuln-ly. nu
hm-re. lrunl THE BIRDS (Jvan snunnnunn hm ml,“ :',:,¢::¢n-Z‘Jn;ln::'ny<nnllpn:::€
yin: '
,-,1,”;, (_‘:_'_;“s lnl’. bus an-n»nun-u nu unnnu-n
uunnunnunnulunun-nmun-uuu us. Fnnllnm-

plays nrnn- Lydm Brcnnvr-lypv ununnu-n- '

_“§"‘f§ “‘ f‘;f'J“' ."“‘ é“"dd"",“'_"‘ '1‘ "‘““_t“5 “'“|’d‘ ‘“‘“'f"""“' '_'"“ “"""f inn: lhls mm. M;u'm~n- ls nlnn- Wursl Wal-
nnu lllslrlnnnlr ln-ln uunun-nnn-nllnu1'lll;
EXORCl5'l"(llnn- cork‘ ulnlllsphvrr mvA_
hm“) M THE (“ANT SHDER ui nnn~
;"‘,‘ys _‘ _‘":|""'",Q ‘,,, ".‘,'|"'I ','[" , l.n
yn.n;nnnnsd.:n lll\'.l|
? if 5“’“§|"
lru-ll "I"
my"Hhlrtd l u “.“
'“.;'y,"'“‘;" “' '2“
sun n h;|\'n- l~\'\-r svull. Hr sh-nuld lw um-

are lhc rst v|cl|ms);Wbun Ilmsl nnn- MM The ‘WNW drum ls "W Wm Cuujwh “Ir me sand‘ "W |;r idmw nu» nlnvl)u~r un Hnnlmrs' sun, Is pl’;u'l|-
l’l'l‘;llls STRAW

DOGS in _' ‘_ ' ' " '

nil:‘ n-ully nnnn-rn. ls ll hurdlnn lln.A;£lln~ slnn~n--
fl‘! vln-lennl dl'l‘:g‘l‘|l;(‘ ma
lereunlnngly .
!\u\(l|1ly .,,.-fur mu nnzn-uul.ny_‘lnu'n
31"‘: “"’::“4;l‘
n..n~k nnbuuuunnnuu R1-usnn lur nu-n. muc-
exznlinlllmn M Ill;|.sn'ullnr ldvuls. cny
ullckvr Mlrk nnunn Sl';u'dinl|, lhr unnly us“ ‘\" "" I“ “‘°5""":";‘ _‘ " W“ ““=“'"‘,'" f‘ "“'_"f“";":‘ 5“"!""_"“* "f‘ lln-n-'5 run-uu-n n'nn~Avrn5:l*r Dl:ul;l mun; ls
nu-mbur nnl lho \';\5l \l'|1lr(|l£[l|L\y§l|I¥ L?“ TE‘b':'5s'°"' ") "!5d'_"‘; “’"_ I ‘L I“ 5"“§:_"" f“ "_ §_"“"v‘|;'“‘}f"§']' nnn- unnly ;A\‘lrl'a.~' l n-.nnn lhlllk ul whnn

exuberant !ll|>|»;m(*y vllal lnlhls klndul “TE °lklf:"“§: d nscnn "' I11" _""|:
‘“ “V n-rs b";“~‘h' ‘_ ““"'“?"‘ '* “f“_‘;; l>;‘_"‘_* '
muvwn Mr um vvmd “Wm M lsrnrs
rnnuld nu ]u§lll‘l- nu nnnn~ nnunnnunn nmzm‘

“"'"'k' '5 ""'"“y“"


led vn'v1|sPl—;| buukwnnrlll, lIynnuHkt~—

“ T‘“""" ’""’"“
curlnn sllull.
s nln
slnn- ls nnn-unluully n-nn-
u bro (:.urprnsn- sun-prnbn

'“‘;":'f“'h":,'E"[_ ‘:""“';5
|l'L‘ll-(I m'|::|ll\‘(‘ ..1'“!-Cl ls ..nl‘;;.\ln-d by
d'f‘““ “}"""

L.|sll\'. Jnhn Huslnnn
ul Hnnlnn'5' sun, hunks
.15 mnnnnurny,
ls rn-qulrod nu pluy horn uunnn-n-ul :::_':d(_:’3s:_“°‘f'““‘;:y;f'"{“"v::;“h"";;‘: nnn- lnnnnuunnnnn-r
““__"‘ _""_“‘ "‘:;°';‘*"F““‘
nub W d_ i, ‘ “"‘ mnsly llul yunn knuvn lhzll unnun-nu-.nnln ll
limes. glvlnglhv
““ “‘ ‘ "" '““"“"““ “ “ ‘* "“
n~nnun-n-pnulnlnn- runzgvd C


"f:1""[ _"‘_d‘:5 “_" “';“"‘;,"" ;\ll nu-'5 lusl .n nn~unny In-.|r lm tun-n. nl
male prnlzgnllllsl nn dvllghliul unulnnvnn- d
lcnrv. Unlike STRAW boos. nnnn- Hlnl “ 5“ -‘_“‘_'f‘“‘ “‘ -““ ‘{“ ““ “"
‘and "uyunpnnnnunuununulu-lln-.unnn-nn-upnnnlu. “““"“"
Tru(~. nnnn-y ll;|\'\- nuuan-nuu lnlllvusv
nnnn~y A-vur nu u ll\'n~-nlrllnnn “Hnnw
SM“ chnsmm Mm lhc
_. mm
°°“ ““' "‘“"‘““' "““ Mm‘ "*5 """""‘“
a "man" as ;\ result ul "IE Wurnl nr-
:| blnnna Wunlm [how dmrs liul lnn An?) ul Jack Elam, as :| vrusly. nnnuunnn-nn
|1:|l|lI('d grn-1-n. wnvuld bn- ldvul (nnr unn-

deal. Ho Wlll mnnsl llkcly (‘ullllnlm ln Zn“: ::::f;::§"v':l;"‘;‘r:'\:‘:f ga“r":‘,":';u,':1“;’)‘_‘r“"“'|S"‘§’l‘n':m‘;‘ nnnln~ nuln-n. Pnulnnn Lnnrkv. Wnmnfi vu-
plily. ls surely llvlldl-d h('l'I'.
In [hr
lllc wllln a bnnysn-nut grin. slruylnnz svll _ _ _ , _ ' ' star
with dusos unnmu rn-pellenl f;;‘Ye"$§"'" §;'fu;*;"g{_f;i “=l,;;P'§j§ §f;‘;_“_';;_',§"j,{;*C§;';"§T,'--3-5;; nu .5 nu! ulruld n.. nun wnldly

‘*“'"‘“ “MY "“‘°“' “M “‘“’““"\‘ "“"’ gruupnflld bull!-nrckud lB:l|rThur< d'““‘““" "“"""“5 ‘""‘ "“' """' ‘“‘d "
"“' “‘“"‘ """"‘"“""‘ ""'“'“"Y ""' Y“
lun-nln b(\l\\'vc|r,l nrua nnnb 1105- nu-n-n-nn u -nlnn-nnll
““‘ b°"““" °' ""’ “““‘ "‘ '““ W5‘ ubuuva Lhlu vunllllng wads zuld damn: mun) and haury: hnnllrldzll uh|r\"-
""“’“ "“‘ “"""‘ bi‘ "“"’"‘ "“’ "5" “"'* unusual zlcruballrs ln nrnn- prounrv ul nn llw. vn-n lh(\ lllnlnlalkn-rs’ hauldllllp nnl
KY“ B" c"""“‘ Karrus-llkv) Yzlhor
uunln-n-naan-nn nn-n-uu: nnu- lillv nnnunnnnnvn»-n shadowy [IN-— °“"“" "'“"‘""“
Mlchnvl. played yn-ny \l'l‘l| by u rnnbusl senrv Whn slrlkvs Wllhnnul nlurh l|l'.1rll-
I‘ a. A. Dow r.- 10.000 blundwurrns. Rob:-rl Alda. Tin‘ rvsull ls rln.-arly bu- l|\g—ls nnnn- >lu ul nlghlnlnrrs, unnu nuun-n Mnnurr.
va's nlusl nvvnnnlpllshod uurlil-ss slllvc rvllslnll vnnugil nu pun "H5 |nnnln- B-unnu
DANGERI DIABOLIK (1968) and Cn7l- vlu nnn lhn- hark.
lulnns several dlslurllulls ul ilL'L‘e|l(‘d Rubn-rn L.-ll-rnlrlw
v an nlasllsrpleccs which nub n~unbn-un-
dercd quite well nnnnnn (he haruquc sr.'c'|l-
cry (prlnnr lu Ul\(‘ rh:u'acler's dvmlh. he

vnncunnnnlnnn zn gmnyn ul dr-ad bodies ro- 5('|1l'l\|:nl ul NBC Mnnnndnny Nnnzlnl An Thv
ltreallllg D:nvnnnn~l'nn "Last snnnpen-"1. Mnvirs. lo 16. lnn Culun». I00 nnnnnnunn-.-n.
An lnlercsllng unnnn-: nnn lilo February Frudurod by Julln Culls lzonln cuunury»
zz, ms lssuc ul 11/ cum.-. Telly su- Fux). DlrI.‘k‘l0d by Bnrls Saga]. 1'n-ln--
Valas rulnlmncedllw nlaklnn: unlnn- lnlun. pluy by Alvln Suplnslvy basvd uu lhv
n-knnnnllrng il was |l’Ill‘l\ his uwn slirlpl. rharncnn-r n*rn~;nln-d by Slr Arlhur Cnmrun
and sald lhznl ll was gcarvd Inn expus Dnyle. Wllh: Rqzer Munro, Jnnhn Hu-
v~'|l;\l hr called "me grvllrsl vlllann nln.nn slun. Palrlck Mun-nnen-. Churlnllv Rum-
l-vvr Hved." Sigmund l-‘n-bud, Undvr B=n- pllnng. David Huddlcshnn. sngnnu Halssn,
\Ia's lop-Iln\Ch nlln-n-cnluu. hidden inn-n-u Glg Young, Lcnn Anws. Mnnrnu Grllllnln
unndn-r a sly p~u-unungnnn. .nnny lull-ndud .lan-lnnn- Cuugunn. Blll Bcllrdlrl. Duodls
2nll»l-‘roudlzul cumnlrlll has \'iI\lShl‘dn Wéuver. Slinvn Mallnry.
znlunng wllb Savalan' nannnu from nno l nlusl zldmll lhnl wlnn-u l clappn-nl on
screenplay credll. Savulan‘ uuly n»n~ul my decrslllkn-l' rap and lnn my unver-
tulllrlbullun nu lhv ucrnpn appears lo be sthaunlllllvrally; ll helps nu gun Ill? un-
vnlnn use ul an Knlak lulllpnp wlnnn-rn lnu nu mu ununnd) nnnnd sin nnuwnn nu \l~';|l(‘h unn-
sucks llnruugrnoun nno plclurn» on wn;-ll. lalcsl lnlnnnnc mcursnunn nnnnu Mn-lnnnos
Was exprrllllg nu nnurnnuplnly

1 ll's Ills prnm-nncv lhul go! nnn- mm rnzldr cnnunnln-y.

I continued from page 7 all look cra1.y. don't they‘? There are two just hump him off. there's no lilood. it‘s not
never gohehind the caiiiera agaiii. We r|-- ways of point,- through life, like Fresson scairy. II ' s not revoltiiia. And the person
has l)l'l'l\ disposi~d of. This is not trui-. l

hearse first. hi-cause the idt-as always have does. |7t.|Shlltt.! with his elbows. or t1t*lllfl|1
to come from me. spontaneously. str|ip|-d on. like Tn-lkoi-sky. Now that's think it's an iiiiiooral thing. For two hours,
CFQ: Can you hlot out acting while di- really _~;oi|i|- choice. lst\'l it. It di-peiids on the fllt|\’l\' teases the audit-in-e \\ith Mr.llor~
rectingi’ what amount of altruism you h.|\'|- in _\'i|\.\. rilile Badass until you i~:u\'t stand him ;uiy~
POLANSKII That's the most difficult ;|s- CFQ: Have you seen TAXI DRIVER‘? lt morn-. then the good puy conies alone and
pect. You sec. it's easy to direct while act- has such a |,:ood con|pai|ioi| figure. humps him off in one ('lt'iUl 5\\'t‘l'|l.
intz, but it's difficult to act while din-ctiiiiz. POLANSKI: No. l have not. I have l\\'\'t'l‘ tried to entice pt-i|])li~ with
Because it requires concentr;|tion .|nd re- CFQ: ls it sii.:i|ific;u|t tlial the |i|-o|ili- we \'lI|lt‘l\t't'. Act-usatioiis 1-oiiieagaiiist me he»
laxation at the same time. see in the toih-l we do not know as t|-n;|nts'.’ cause l tlrpii-t \‘illlt‘l\('\' as a eoiisequeiire of
CFQ: You once nu-nlioiii-d ht-coiiiiin: a— POLANSKJ: W:-ll. one of thi-in is. the one soinrtliini: rathi-r than as a pure accident or
lariiied while directing REPULSION l)t'C1.\USt' who comes in at the party and It-lls l|i|ii ht-‘s a desire to show it. When there is a motiv-a»
Deiieuve seemed to he hi-eoiiiintz the mad niakini: too much noise. I did not \\';u\t to tion tiehind ll. it always liecoiiu-s more un-
girl. Did you experieiice miytliiiig siinilari’ maki~ a point of that. hut yes. l wantedto b|-arahl<-
POLANSKI: Well. it always happens. abstract lllt‘fl\1|l)ll. For i-xaiiiplt-. I have always ll\‘l'fl con-
There is no way to avoid it, ht-c'.|use you do Cf-‘Q: Do you still feel -.u| iiiipatit-iice with th-i|\i|t-d for $hlI\\'ill|1 too much lilood at the
so much of it every day for so long a period actors while directinigi’ end of CHINATOWN. This happeiiecl first
of time. it does have a |)syt‘holoi1ic'.\l l'll\'t‘l POLANSKI: Yes. l always fet-l that. They aftt-i‘ a prt-vii-iv in the audieiire cards. l ]ust
on you. lf you try to limp for a ft-w inonths. are a \'\‘l')‘ six-t~i;|l breed. and for the most could not understanri it. As a matter of
for whatever reason. you then find it diffi- part, they are ]\.ISl ;| great pain in the ass. fact. the studio ext-cutives .uid Evans. the
cult to stop. They are iiecessary. oliviousl)‘. but that pi~oduc|~i'. iii-re astoiiislied liy the ri-spoiise.
CFQ: Do you ser any point of escape for doesn't increase their merit in any w.|y. Tl\t'l‘t' nas one card that said l|tt'l‘t‘ \\'-.|sn‘t
Trelkovsky during the film‘? There are sonic wonderful people north t-nou|;l| blood. And tlu-rt-'_~; not. lf you look
POLANSK1. No. in liiy opinion, there is working with, and you sonietiints havt .i .|t the stint. i<.|lly l_o| .tt it. tlit tanie a
none. There is no way out for him. His p:|r- wonderful experience working with them. ]Ll5l sweeps through the car where Dun-away
anoia is increasing. and in his circum- people like Jack Nicholson. Mia Farrow. was shot \hi~ou|:h the eye. There's no lint!-

"I have "[Actors]

never tried are just a
to entice great pain
people with ; ‘_ in the ass.
violence. They are
Accusations necessary,
come against obviously,
me because but that
I depict doesn't
violence as a increase
consequence their merit
of something in any way."
rather than
as a pure
accident or '”\ ‘ uv r
Polanski lines up a
shot of his stand-in
and lsahellc Adiani.
a desire to
show it." Q M
. K
L $“ . ~~;.~

Q Sren Nykvist stands
at Polanski's left.

stances there is ]llSl no escape. but the general mass of actors. .. ering. no stopping. You see her for a split
CFQ: How about a satisfying relationship CFQI ls CUL DE SAC still your favorite second. The reason they reacted so strong-
with awoman? film? Parts of THE TENANT reminded ly is because they like her so much, they
POLANSKL Yes. but he's so cut off. such me of it. totally identify with her. That bullet hole
a solitary mdividual. so remote from ev- POLANSKII Yes. it is. would not he so atrocious if it were in -lohn
eryone around him, including females, that CI-‘Q: People have said you are obsessed Huston‘s head. for example.
it is inconceivable of him developing a via- with violence. How do you answer that’? CFQ: You generally, by mood and ten-
ble relationship with a woman. POLANSKX: l don't. The human is a vio- sion. It-ad audiences into "seeing" more
CFQ: Do you see this as a modern prob- lent ani|i|al. The volume of violence in the blood th;u| there really is. And all your
leni? history of our species is astunishiniz. And films are really very logically constructed.
POLANSKI: lt's an urban problem. it's so alarmingly increasing that you just can— start to finish.
urban solitude. ln the past. the solitary not avoid having it reflected in art. cinema POLANSKX: Yes. tmtl this is what l like
people lived in the desert. or countryside. included. Cinema is not the only one. Great the most. l know it; Brach knows it; by
Now they live surrounded by millions. literature. great painting have often depit‘t- some strantze coiiicidence. you know it. l
CFQ: Do you have any thoughts on R. G. ed scenes of violence in great detail. wheth- don't know if anyone else does. lt reminds
Laing's theory that when a society becomes er conteniporary, medieval. or prehistoric. me of the famous story of the madman who
absurd or unsatisfactory. then it‘s a healthy Now. if l do the same. the difference be- upon release runs back into the office of the
response for a person to become "insane." tween what l do and the others maybe lies asylum director and says. "l can't leave.
or be considered insane by that society’? in the precision of depiction of violence. but Doctor." And the doctor says. "What do you
POLANSIG: Well, it‘s possible. As you out in the amount itself. When you look at mean, of course you can." And the man
see in THE TENANT. everyone around my films. and analyze them carefully.you'll says. "But there is a cat on the hospital
Trelkovsky looks insane. ff you look at it see there is not so much violence. ft is only steps." "But you know," says the doctor.
from a purely objective point of view. 'f‘rel- that it looks more real than that depicted by "that you are not a sparrow." And the man
kovsky is the only fl()I‘l'll2Ll person in the others. says. “Well. [know that. and yy know that.
film. Yet he is considered the insane one. What Hollywood did was to put in our Doctor. But tell me. does the cat know?"
whereas the others are normal. Yet when heads that it is very easy to get rid of
you take them on a one~by-one basis, they someone. to kill him. in a clean way. You

Wm-lrume lu the nlnoloonlh Issue 1»!
CINEFANTASTIQUE [Bln—e|\-(;|un-la5§-
lEEk'), Ill!‘ mialllle Wllh :1 “iensr ul
wonder," devuled (0 lhr lanllnullun Ill
hnrrur, lillily and srlrnrn Hclmn in
the C\l1Bn\J and l'9lJl(‘d nlltdlu,
Our cm’:-r ;u'll(‘l(‘\!\l5l55L|1',"F|ln\~
mg THE OMEN" by Dun Shay, prubalr
ly \ll|m‘l shed much Ugh! un why [I115
pa.-mum hlm has mudc ;| bundlw, um
lli SIM’ GruryPrrk and H5 dirt-(‘Inf

Richard Dmnr d-- shod sume light un
hnw u Came 1" up nuldv and huw Hwy
Zwpruarhl-d lhc hnrrur LZl‘7\Yl\
l Illlmljln-d lu rulth THE OMEN m
5’ uni? .-I lhnsv prl*-r\-l\';\i(- snrak pH‘-
vn.-W5, was unlnlprrisvd, and --v--1| n-u
a mm surry lnr lhul‘ Fux (‘xi-\‘\ll|Vl‘5
who had (ll‘l‘l(lL'd In slnk all lhul prunm
.14 mum-y min muklnpz u :1 hu. But :|.= 1

dlsetled lhv lllm Wllh ll'Il'1Id§ :Lllt'l'—

ls? wards, n\'|-r snawm-rry shnrlrzlkr J!
l)u‘nny‘.~, 1 ln-dgvd my dmuppnlnlnwnl
. ;_ m lhr hlm by pmnlmg nu! lhal own

lllnllgh n vmin'l }1l'('1ll. ruuld sun

lUl'Sl'l' a sn-narw wm-n-by .1 wuuld m--

rum!‘ 1| hll. n Enough -,1 lhr n\n\'1(- ,1..-
mg: punm Wl‘l'l' nulan-d by mp hln\'5
bald dvplltllun H! ph)'l=n‘:|l n\uHlL\H|-n.
the rlusvsl Hullywuwd I145 yvl (‘unw d. £-
aplm: lhv gruvsunw bluud and ,;..rv z
pICllJl'l'F nl Hvrsrhrll Gurdun L('\l'lE.
they wuuld uxrllvdly (1-ll lhc-|r lr1rnd:-
hlllll n and lhv hay: rm-nv0rs;|l|nn nu“
glruund luwn would n-, "h;|v1- yuu an-a
Iht‘ lllrn \\'!\¢‘H* lhv mun pzvli his lwad

‘\ g
\~-\___ rhupprd nu hy :1 sudw .=n~---1 Ill plau-
‘ gl;|ss'."' Frnm just surh u-nvcrsallnns,
‘ mull!-n\lll|nn-dullar n1.-ands:-rs nu»

k rw
THE IIXORCIST are nudr. Bu! l dad-
\__\ n‘l export n m Ihggppl-n u- THE OMEN,
slmply hocausv us \'lI|l0n\'v, u-lulu \-:<-

~ l .

lrenw an be surr, 12- su s\r.na|\\n~r-
ward and un|n\:|g|n;|llVa*. nu: lhr n~s|
ls msmry: $80,000,000 wurlh, .u1d I

. lhlnk ll budrs Ill lnr lllliliy hlmei In

gonl-ral, n-r nnllunp m t‘vt*I\ mp wnld»
rs! lghls --1 nuuasy r.u\ 4'un\p;|Il' m
ahnrlt vulur mm (ho s\;u'k n~al||u~s ul
lhe world. And shurk, |;(‘:ll shnck, |a
all lhv audwnw wants mday. Wm-n
Hollyvwud rvallu-,~ 11 dm-n‘! havv n.
lace mo gun‘ m lanlasy :u\yn\||n- In
pul n n\'|:-r, .md [hr u>1- ul lamasy m
THE omsu ls mm-1y p(~r(\|nrlury, [hr-y
]\|El Wun'l bother 1|I\)'nmrl~.
Duvld l]1A]'ll\lllUI‘l\l'\h' prm'|d('.= an m-
lervlew wllh Roman Pulunskl .'|.|Juu(
THE TENANT, ms now hnrrur mm
Whl(‘l1 died quuclly All lJuxn[hl‘s's (ins
Fall. In the shnrl, hum pumlrd d|scus-
mun. Pulanskl cuvcrs mwrylhln}: mm»
acwrs, lu cnucs, lu vmlvnrv wun ms
savage, cymral wll, and reveals has
rluse ldenhlwallun WI"! lhv rhararler
Ul Trnlkuvsky, ms TENANT‘a vitllm
John Cam-maker Is a new 1:unlnhu-
lur wnn pruvldcs a career arurle un
"Vladlm\.r Wllllam Tyllu. Amn\al|u|\'s
Michelangelo," devoted lu mm 4,! me
unsung heroes 0! the an wnd (luunsn-
ed al Dlsney durlng ammau-m‘s "gold-
en ago." Ty\la was responsible lur am-
mallrqg lhc Devil Irnm FANTASM and
the Seven Dwarls hum SNOW WHITE.
and had aglll lor infusing hlr and per-
sunallly m the characu-rs he drew.
Canemaker traces lhe lurlunes oi ms
cam-r m mm» gradual decline Ill amm-
udn as an arl lurrn, muslraung the ar-
llcle Wllh many ul 'l‘)'lla‘$ original am-
mauon skdxches. Unlurlunalely, they
1»; 0l'\'l draw am hke Tylla iymure.
Frederuzk s. Clarke

Sntenl [rum Roman P(llll‘l5l(l'S THE

TENANT. TOp: Trelkuvsky (Polanski)
imagines lllal In? I5 bélng ZUICXEG,
strangled by tenant! ln hl hulldlng, hul
ll ll
all ln hll Illld, Trelknvsky is
mranglug hlmnell. Middle. Trelkuv-
sky, bloody [rum hm llrsl leap, pre-
pares w jump a second lime (rum ms
aparlmenl wlnduw. B0ll0mI As he does
so, he sens mo Imrrlhed lenanlu gath-
. cred bl‘lGW, mu m ma paranuld delu-
slon [hay are muckll, applauding. and
eggwz him un.

Zardoz goes to the Dev1l. ..
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H.|1'r1' 8111111111111 15 111114 1-1111111111: .11'- OF THE l\|1NDIl':I'Ill. . .

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1-11111. s111»111..11.1111-.111_1-111,111, .1 .~1-- 1111-111-,1 111111111-11.111 11111-1-1.1,; .11 .1111-

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Star Trek treks. . .

FTAR TREK \\1l| l11\.1l|\‘ I11-1:111 |1r.1- 11\.u1. I.~1-11l111'1'. 1'11--\1- K.1111111.111 1111 1111-
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--1 r1-11-1\'.1l" N1111111-
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S1ln 1-‘r11111-1s1'11 I||11\111.1k1*r. Phll K.l\.1|~ Sl1*\‘1- llubln

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* Model animation. What’sa dat?
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111-1111 111 .111 11111115 111111. 111.111 1-11111-1.

“Hey. Dino. . .
11111 W111-r1-11

we’re making T11|1.Th11l1us\

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V1ll;\.rd]. l'!11l\11111 Hlrk !\.1k1-r 111111 W\lI—
{P11111115 |1y__R11h(‘r\

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lam Shrpzlrd |1|.1\' Kung 111 111;du\\1)> In
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STAR WARS 111- 1111111 11-1111111 A1-

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Gn-gory v1-=11 11111 1.1-1- R1-1111111 11-1-11» 11111111 1111 1111 111111-.5 1111111111111111 111 111-

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111-1-_ 1111-11-1111 111 1111- 111-11111111. 15 51111
111-11111 1111111111. 1. SUPERMAN 15 111-111-11111@111111>1-11111111111-
1111 111 51.11-11111 1911, 1111-1 111-111,-11-11
STAR wAns 11 1111111 111-1 1111 1-1-11-1111-111 1-1-1111 1111 1111- 111-111-1111; 111111115. 1-111»

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L111111 11111 1111111 c1111111111y 111 s111 111111111111 151111-511111-1-11111111 1.1111111-.
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111111, 1111- 1-11111111 111 1111 11111111-5111v1- 1-1111151213111...
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TERS or THE THIRD 111110, 11111 1 1-11111-11 15 1 1151-11111111y111 1111- 111111-1-

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at Unlversal. ..
W1111111111-111-1.1111-1-111115‘ 111111-111-1- 11111 1111111-111 w111-111 Tr;1d1- 1-1-1111-1 1111111-

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KING KONG 11111-111111 111 -111111 .5111-11111-15111 n1-1111111- 1'ru1"Hyn1;; c111-1111 1111 .1 s1.11- 111

and 11 15 11111-1-15111111 111

111.51|1p1111111111-111. 011111.
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111 1111- T111-11111y 511-111111111111-1111-11-11-1 11111-
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111110 110140. 1111 011111111111 111111111111-1 c111 0111111111. A 5y11111111111-111-

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111 111--1~ 11111-11 c111~ 1111-1111-1111 Kong. 111111111~11,-- 1111111 .511-111. 111- 1-1-11151-5111

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111111-1-11-11 1111- 111.-1;155'111111-111 1111111115. A1111 11111 111111; 111111 1111- 21111111» a111-
Ann‘: 1v11111111511111 11-1111 Knm: 1.5 1-11- 11111111111111-1111111111111-.
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11-1111, 111 Goldman's srr11111 51111-1-11 1 11111111, hul 15 11111 11111l1y d151-11111111-d by
1111-11 1-11111 111-1 111 1115 1111- 111-11111» 111- 111 1111- 511111111. 1111- 11111111 111-111111 111-111111.

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1'111- 111.1111 1-1 1111- 1111111 11111111 15 11111111» 1-1-1111y 111111-11-11 by u111w1-511, 111 1111 1111-

111511, 1y111g 1111 Knng 111 111111111 11111 1-11- 11111115 5111-1111 1-111-1111, 1111111-51111- 11111-

11111111 n111111111 111 1-11111111- 1111- 1111-1. 1.-1-15111111111-11 111 111111-111111111111- 011111
Kung's c1p1111-1- 1111-
111 1111111-11-11111» 1111- 01- 1.1111-1-1111111 v1-1-511111 --111111 15 1111111 11
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1111111 111 1 11111111111511011111111 clvlllzr 1111111111511 11-1111 01- 1.11111-111115' $25 11111-
111111. 111111 111111111-1'2 'r111- 1111 11111 01- 1.1111111-
The 11-11111-1111-11 111 New 11111-11 111111 111.5 1111111 1111- 11-1;111111111~y11111 1111 1111- 11--
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1115 1111111111111 11111 expense 111 c1-1111111; 111-11y 11111 1 1111111 1111111-1111111-1-11111111111-1

1111 11111-11111 11511111. A111-1 1-1.-11111111-111; 11111111111111 111.11-11111-1111-15 11-11111 -11111111

A1111 11 1111 1111-1111 11111-111; 11111 e11c1p1-. 1111- 111-111 1111y 111-v1-1 11-1-1111-1, 11111-11111-
1(1111¢ 111111111 1 511-1111 51111-11-11111111-11111 11.r1y 11 1111- 111- 1.=1111~111115 1-11111111111111

1 11111111111 11-1111. 011111111111 1-11111111 1111- 111111 15 1111- 11111111111111111111-111511111-11511

1-:111p11-1- s1111- 1311111111111 111c5111111 111 1111- 111-11111111-1-1111 111-.

conclusion. Cn1111;111g 1111- 11111111111 111 1z111s1-1111111-11111

11111-1111-11111; .1111-11 111 11111111.-=11-" I.11111- .1111111.~1 1111111 .1.-1.1.~1-1-111111 >1-.1§1111 s1.1rv, 111r1~1- 11r 111111 1~11.1.r.11-11-11> 11111 1111111 1.111 ('111111111-1'1-1.11 11111111111 11111111-1-_~ 111111--

s1‘1l1l's 1111 IP11‘ S\'H‘l‘l\ 15 11.u'1l. IP11-n 1111- "M1rr11r, M1rr11r, ‘ 11v .I1-1'111111- Blxhyl I11-1111-1-n [hr sl1111l.\. 1111-11’ llll-11> .1r1- .1111 111111 |1r111111r1l\‘ .1_\ .111 1-11l111'l.11111\11-11\ 1111 -

11111 11 1111 1111- |1111.111-r :=l.11:1- 1.~1 .1111111_-11 .1111! 1-111111»; 11111 s\11r\"§ 51-11111--11r 1-1111- 1-11-1111-111;1ry 111- 11111111-r11 _-1~11-111-1- 111-111111 111u111 .111111-1111>1-11111-1111v1111- 11111111>11 .11--
K1-1~11~1 K1111 .<1.111<|;1rd§ 11111; 11.-.111 111111111 111 111111.~ 11.1111- 11111-11 111-1-11
|n1p11_~'.~’1hl1', 1111 11 1.-11'1 .=ur11r1s1111: 111.11 1-111111.111-11 .1111-11111111 1111 1111- 111111 11111.~.1- 11111.1111111.11-

[hr lvral |l11‘<'l‘_~‘ In R1411-r I-jl\41111d's .u\- r11|11.u1<‘1-. Fl|\§1111's In-1111111111! 111 l|11' 1111111 llw 1:1'l1r1~ \A1H 1111111111-111 111|11r1-sl- 11i1111r111| 11r 111-1-1‘1i|1.11l11v11-1|. T111 .~’\'11—

111111111-11 sm s1-11-111-1- F1_.~1_1_.111111.11-_~ 1w.1- 111111..111-1- 11 111-111-1 1111111-11. 11111 111.- 1111-, 1-1-1 11111; .1 .~1~11111-1-111-111111.111 11111 111-111111- 11.1.~ 111-1-11 11.11111-111.1111 .11-1111 111

$111111-11.11 111.-5.1, 11.11-111-1 n11..11.~.

s1111.11-11 STAR TREK 111-11111111 1§ 111.111» 11.111$1_111111- 111- 111111111: 1.. $11 111111111111 1111-111. 111.- 111-111 111 111.- .1111111.11.11 1-.1111..11. .11111

N1-W \'11rk. .I.111u.1r\' l!l76_ J1!!! 11,1;;11.\. l11>1';1us\- U11‘ l11v1- $111111’ 15 1‘1'1\lrr11I lhr P.1ulZ1n1h'l':i1111|\Ak1sl1I1-I1-|1l.1\"'L1-I unlll r<-1'11111\. \l\1- .1r11_~1\ 1111111 111.1111-

‘L95. |1.1111-rh.11'k1.1r1-11A11T\' s1‘rl|1(.~. .1l\1'I1\11111. I11 Ell1s11|1'_\ \'1'rs111n H111 r11- M1‘ H1-.11 \'11u \\')\1>|11-r." \\?111'!1 111.1s .11r- 1l11-.\1- hl111.~ |1.1\'1- I11-1-11 11111211111-11. u!
T1115 111 1111-111-.-1 1111111111.1111111111 11.1r— 111.11u'1- 1-11111111-11-.~ 111111 1111- .~>1-.1r1-11 1.11 1-11 1111 P135. 11-11111111111-11111111111-1111-1-11.1 111111 1111 1-1 -.1111;1-111.- .11 111111-1~1 111.1111—

l;u1 l"l|l:;1111'.\' 1Ir|1!111.1| _~1\'r1|1t "T111-('1l,\' R1-1'kw1lh .|111l lhv 1~xlr.1m-11115 1| 1'11n1— 1'll'.1I\11\11: W-1111.111 .1111| .1 1l-1l|1§1111.1\.1r11- 111.111-ll l1l111.~. .1111l 1111- .~11111-.~_\11lI11111k>
..111111.111.-11.111. 111..|11. 1111-. 111.111.-

01111111 1-11111-111 F111.-1-1-1--' 111-1111-11 11.1.1 11-- 111-111111: 111.111-11.11 1111 S11--1-k 11111 1111.111 1-. $11.11-1111 1.11...1.111.11~, .11111111.11 >.11~.~ 11 .111. .111 111111

1111-1111-11 111- L;1~111- 111111111-11111-11-v 111111 11111~ 11111>1 1111//I111; 1.\- El111=1111'.~ 1-111111111. D1-§11111- 111. 1~111y1111:1.1111-.11111.11111 11111-1— 1111-_~1- 111111-1 1-..~~111|1- .111- .11 1.1.~11:1-111111;
111 STAR TlH'IK's 111.151 11111111111 1-111- -1111-111111111. n1-111111111. 1111-1111111-111111111- 1.-1-111.111>111 111.» 111.111 1.1 111111-111111-. 1111.11 111.» .11-1111 1111-1 11.-1.-11.-. 11111111 .11111....1

$011115. Ellis:-11 \\.1.\ 11\|u1'1.|11~1i \\1\I1 I111 111um1-r1-r. ll'11-.~' 111 s.1\'\- l'.'1i11|1 K111-11-r .11 .111 11111111-11.11111‘. 1-\'1-r\'111111 |1.1.\ .111.11'1|u.11111.1111'1- 1111111 l\u1:_~
11-1111111- .11111 111, 11111111111-11.111 1.. 111.- 11.1111 .1 1-1111.1111.1y 11111-11. s1111-1-111-11.1.<11'1 1111- 111111-1 1-1-111 111 1111- 1111111; 1.1 Fr11/ 111111111-. 11.1111 11111-1. .11111 1.111.111, 1.11 11111
.-1-11111 111111-1111.1 .~111.- ..1 1111- .-1..11- .11.1111- 5111111111 11111-111.111. 1.1 1111111111-$5 111111111-.111-1 1.1-1111-1'1 1111111111.-1111-11-111.11 "111.- 1111-1-11- 1.. ..1.11 1.. 1.11-1111111 1'1-1 1111111-. .-\1-.-111 1.1

111111 .1 11111- 1-.11.-11 .1111.-1.-111111111 111111111 1-1-.111 11111.11 1-:111111. 1111- .11-11.111 11 1.1111111 111111-.111111111-."1'1111.111111..11-11. 1'111.....1-.1 .11111.-.-1.11 ..1.1111111.111-111.1111.....1>. \\11111-
11\'1-r1111: _~111111- 11I 1111- .~.||11l- u'1-.1.1> I11\' .111d111.|k11\l|11' 1'l1111.1x uns.111s|\'1111; Tl11- 111lr111'1u1‘111111 111111\_~ 1111- 111-l.11l.~ -11 I111111 U1.~111-\".~ 111H1111111 >11 1>\'1-rv1111l|11111l1l11
1 11111;. 11\1-1-111-111 .11111-11- 111 ‘[111-1'11111 111 sun T111-:1; 111-1.~1111111111>-1.11 1111111 1111- 1111, 111.-1-.- ..11111- 111 11.- 111111.111 .111111111»- .-.111....11 11.'1.1. 11111-1-1 .11111..111.-1.1111.11-11-11
51-_11~11_1l 1511-111111. 11-1-1. 11111 11.1115 111 11 11-1-1.1 111-111-1 111.111 11 111.1.~111'1 1.1-1111-11.-11.1.11! 111
111.1111-. 11111 .1 .~111;111111 1'--111‘.<1-
111111-11-111 \\_11111-r
1-‘.111.~1111'.1~ .11-11111 1511.11 ..1111- 1111.-1-1».-1- 5111.11.11‘.-1 111-1¢111.11..T111- 111-111-1-1 1-111.<11111- 111.1 11.111.-1-11.111 1111- s.-1--111.1 1111.111 111 1-1111 11111.1 .111.1 .1... .\.1.1111...11_ 11111-1

L1-1111-1 .1l.~1- >1-11111, .-\11-1-1 K1111: --I ('.1r1111111~ 11*--11111.11 L1—

1111; 11111 .111 1-.11-1-111-111 1-111111.1.-1 11- 1111- 11111111111.11-1-1m-1111;1r1s 111 111-111 \'1-1-s11111.< 111111-11 11.1.~ 1111- 111~1—

STAR 'l'Rl"K1-111511111-. Tin‘ 1111151 11111-r— l1u\ lh1-r1- .1r1- |1r11l1l1‘|11§ 11111111111 11111- I11-1' is .1 p[l'l'1|l §1'11-|1r1- l11'l11111\Ar1l<-I l11.11'\', X1-\\ \'11|‘k. H1751. 2311 |1.11!1-.~.

11511111: .1>1111~1-1 1> 111.11 111 >111111- 11-11111-1-1§ 51111.-1-.1 11-.-1|. 111111.11111-.111-111.11 11.11-1;1111.111111.~1. 11'.-1111111 5:1.-.1€1_ 11.1111 rl1.11k1, 1111».-1-111.~ 1111- 111.111

1111-STAR TREK \'l'r>11111 |.~ 1111111-1' 111.111 T11111 R\'.|111_\".~' “Sll1\;;"' 1.~ .111 u|1l|l111- 111.11 |11- l1.1.~11'l v\r1l\¢-11 |1111r1- l11r 1111- \\\1111h1'11-11-1| >111111- 111 1111- I1111->1 11-1111-1|\'

l"ll1s1m's 11r11:111.1|. Fll1.~1111's 111-1-.-111111 1-11111111111111111-11111-s1-1-1111 11-11.11.1111“; 111- _~1.11¢1- 111 5111-1-11, .11111- 1111111111 "T111- .11111 l.1111.1.~v11- .111111-.11- 11111111 ~11-1-111111
$111111-s 111 11s 1;r1\l\'. h.1r.&11 \'11'1A -11 A1111 lll-s 111-111.\'l1-r 11111\'11- <‘l11‘|111s. I15 11111‘ M1-1‘l1.11111'.1l I\r11l1-." ll >1-1-111.~1r.11:11. 1\1-- lI111‘111 _~ .1111! l111'l11-~.
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111.111 .11111111111- STAN TRI-IK 11-1111111 11.1111- 1111.111 111111-.111.11111111111115 111111-111-111. 11.11 111.111.-11 11u111 11-1- 1111-11 1.1.11-.1 -11111 .1111-1-- .\11;.\111111-1. 111- 111.11

11.~ r11.1l1_~.\11' 1r1-.11— 111- 111111-r11111~11 1111111 1-1-51.11-11.11-'11 11111111 1-1-.11 11111111111 .~1111 11.1.~ 11111. 11 111111 11.1w 111 .1111. 1.1 111111 1.1111:|1.~ 11111111111 111-
.1111~1111111-11. .11111 111

1111-111 11! 1111- l11\'1- l11'\1Ar1-11 Elhlh K1-11l1-r 1:‘ \11.1l lhmgs 111111‘ 1111|1l11-1l-—\|u- I11-r1» V\'I>IS'I'\\U|H.l) 111' ‘I'll!’ STl'Tl'—
I11-_\'11|1ll 111-11111111: 1111 |11'--1111111-111 1I1.1r.ul1|'>. A1|—

111111 1I.|1111'> Kirk. T111‘ 111.11n |1r11l1l1~111 111111 h1-1'11m1- 1311111: 111 lwd .|11d\h\-1111-11- FORD WIVFS. FY1111 .1111-1' PS\'('H(Hl11- .1111_\11|1 |1111111> 11111 1l1.1\ "1111-I11-.~1 11|1\\'-
N111 1111|\- .-=11-r 1.-.11|n1: .111111~~.11-1- 1111111111. 1-11111111; 111 v1-1111-111-1-1»rv11111» 1.~1111111.1k.~11| 111-1-‘.~ 1111- M11111 111111'1 111-1-11
1.=111.11 11 1.» 11111.1111l11111111_~;_ 11111111111

11-1111111 1111- 5l11ry 11.11-1- 111-1-11 1.111 1-1|11-11- T111~ srr1|11 11111~s 1111111111; 111.11 \\‘,1s1\'1 »»111-r11.1|1.~—1§ 51111 11.1111 .~1-.1r11u .11111 111-1-111111 1.. 11.111- .111111111-11111111-11.11.11

51\'1- I111‘ STAR THEK——-lilrrv ls |u:l 11111 1111111- 111-111-r I111-11|\‘ _\'1'.n'§ .15!“ .11\l1 1l'.\‘ .1 14111111111. P.1r1 11! 1111- s1'1‘1p1'.\' .1|11In~.1I 1\ 11-1'." 'l'I11 1'I.1_\_~11 11111111‘ .\1\u_|\11>11.~ 111111

111111-11 111 11. w1111 .111 1111- .=111111|111.< .11111 11-.1.<11-1111111111. 1111- skllh-1| 11.111 1.111111 1111, 111.1 ~11-1-1 1111.1 111 111111111-.1, 11-1.111 1111-~1 111111» .111

;u'l111n 11's 11;1r11 111 I11~l11'\'1' l'Il|1s11n 1A.|.~ "C1111\.|1‘l P111n1."|1v T111-11<|11r1- L3. .1111! v11lh 1111l\' 11111 u-\\11\1L> .1111| !--u|'-- 111' 1> 1Xl11.~11r.11<-1l ~1111|1 :1l1ll> .1111l 11.111111 l1I11\\ —

111111111111; 111.1111111111 _~111111.1-11-111-11 111~ v111-1111- 1;1-1111;1- 11.11- 1'111;.-v11~|1. 111111 "s1.1111;1-1- 11 11111-"—1-11.11-.11-1111. 11111 .111 111111.11.-11 1111.». .-\1-.11 11111~11-.111-11 1.~ ,\\-1-11-‘> 111-11-

11. L2r.|nl1.'d lh.1l 11111§l TV slhlws .|n- Wllh R1151-s," I1)‘ 1|-1l111 .I.|k1-s. .|r\1|111ll\ _1|11|11\|1.11.1l1-1|\'1r>11111-1! "T!11- M1-111.1111— rl1.111l 111r 111111111; \1-\\.1.1l 11\'1-1‘|11|11'.~‘ and
1111111--' 111111-11111.11111111~1 -.1 111.111.1111.. 11.1.11 111. 1-1-11.11.11 111 1-_111...111.-
111-.11-11111 1111-1.-'1 51111111111-1-111111
11.111111-11. $1111-1- 111.11-5 111- 111-11-1.111 $1111-111-1 111-111-11 1~.11 11.111111 111

-And 111111111 111 E|l1a1111'.~ ll-.|51~r 111.111 111 1A‘l'1ll-1'5 \I11|\ sq111-1-n s1'1\'|11'1- l11'l11111 \\'l1.11 |1.1>.~1-s|111‘ 111111'1.11111111111 1111 1111 1111- Rf!) HUT l(ll)l.\(i HOOD. 1\1|.1111-

nmsl 1111ur 111'-l1\1.|s. 1‘l11'|11'.~’. 511.111-111011 11111-1'11~1l \A1\|1 .111 .1l- \'1_~1111111r 111 H111 1111-\11.\1111L1\. T11u1-ll|— ~1>11‘> 11111151 1.~ l\1.111kl11l|1'1|11\11111 111 11-1'|1—

Mus! 111 1111:1111-11111-rr_\".~ 1111111111-s l'1— 11~11 (I151-11.w 111 lhv Hrs! .1111! 1111111 \r.|\‘1~l 1-r v11ll1 "l'11\' (J11 1111- FILL1 11! F--1'--11-1'." 1111.1] \'1 rl11.11l' 1 .|111l 1111'lu1l1-_~ .111 1-\l1-11~
1111-1 111.1111- 111.- .<1.11-1- 1-.1,-1.-1 1.1 111111-- 111111. 1.-1-111111. 1111.11.11.-.11-1 111.11-1. 11.1111 11 111.1111-1 >111 51-11-111. 111.-11.111 1-1.11-. 11111 ~11. 111111--1.1-.1111» .1111111111-1-11.--1 .1-1-111.11.

11111-11 .11. 11111111111111 1111- 1iu.1r1l1.111.-1, 111.- .111- 11111-11111111 1111111-11111111.11-.11..1 .-..-1- 11.11111 11-.111111.;. 111.1111 1-11111111.

1111111111.-1.= 1.1111111-. 111111 1111-.1 .111111-.11.-11 1-111-1- 111-111111 1111-1111-.1 111111 ..111- ,1-1 .11111 s.\\. .1-111111111...-1. 11.111 51-..|111111..111

Steven Spielberg Wants You!

$11-1111 5111.-111.-1-1-_ 1-.1111_~ 1-..1111->111 .1111»-.11-1-11 .1~ 111.- 11...11-11.1111111111111¢11.
('l.(J$l" F.\('Dl NT!/RS 1)} 'l'lll- HHIHI 11\1|1!1 'I'lH- \\ll.U('I|ll.II. 111 l11.~ X11111

KIND. 711$ |111'l\11'--1111111’ l1X111|11r('11l11111— 111lI1.1\11111111.

111.1 P11-lun-.~_ .11111 111 .1 1.111111-11.111111-111 51111111111; .111 1'1_n.<1> 1>'.\1'111t\'1'111s
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11-" 11.111 1111 1111- 1111-1111-1 .11111 11.~ 11111111111. 111 .111 1111111|1.111111-1| r1-1111.11 1.111.~1111 1;1l—
1111:1111-r> .1111 1-.1111111-. 11 1-1111-11111111»1.~ 1.1111, \1'1-11111111; .11111 111111 1111.111-11 1111111-

<1l 1111 All Puh R1111l." l1‘s .1l11111.~l 11> 1| >1-.11--1'1 111 ]\I11l11l1-. .-\l.111.111|.1. ‘.\\111‘|1
1.'11111111111.1 P11-11111-.~11-111-111-.1 11 111~1111--11 ,1.-111-11 .11 1111- 1111111111-11111111111111.1- 1-111.11

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51-1‘ 1|. M.1\‘l11- ll1111-'r1- 1'11;l1l. H111 1l11\' .1r1.1 111 .1\l.1l1.111|.1. M1_\.~1.~.~1|1|11. .1111!

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11111-11111111111; 1111- 1111-1111» 11111 111111111111-1 111-.11-1 1'111"11.111" 111 .1.11111.11-1- 1».-11111.11»-
1111~ .11111111111-s 111 11111111111-1-.~ .1111| 1111- 1-111- 111711, 111111-111111-1-1-111-r11 1'1‘ r1-11111-1.~ 1111111

1115111‘ 11! 1111- |11'1~s.~; 11\'1-111111-r1-. .1>.~ur- II111 .11'1-.1 --I l11\11\1.111111, 1\l.1l1.1111.1. O11

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]1r1-_~.~ 1'11\'11r.11111 111.11 >k\'r111-111-1111 TIIY 1!--1:1-rs .1111! 1|11'111 -1\l1~-1‘ 1111l1\'11lu.1l.~l.1ll
EXOR('l€|'111\111\L1ll |1r11l1\>. 111 \1-|1.1r.1\1- 1 .11'.~ .1111! 111 1'11111.11l luv r.1~
1.11111-1.» 11111.11-11.111111-111..1.11 1'1.11s1- 111.11.-11.1.1-11. .111 1111-1111.111 1111. .1 1-1-11.11.1-

ENl‘Dl'NTI'TRS OF Tlll- TIIIHD Kl.\|7. v\h|l1- .~11.1|11-1| s|Ih1‘r1-

|~I1—1>r.1111:1 1111C

111111-11 111~11.111 .-111111111111 1111 111.111 111, 11111 11111111 11111-111-11 111-1111111 .1 11111 111111111-1-1-1

111111111-11 111 1111- 111l1- 1:1 1111- 1.11-1 111111 11 11.1111-1-1111111111111» .~11..1111;|11 1111 11. (1111-
11-111111-.111111111111.11.11.11 1-11.11.1111 111-1111-111 .-1- 1111111111111 111 111.11 11.111 111-111 .11 n.1-
11u111.111s .11111 1-111.111-1-1-1-s11-1.11_-. 1'11! 1-1-1.111111 .11111 111 111.- 1-11-1111111 .11 1111-

11111l11.11111l111.111-$111.11 11 11111 111- 1111- |1r.~1 111111111, F1rr\' .\111-111.1r 1'1.1111 I111-.111»11

1111-1111.- 111 111-11~1- .11-.-11111 1111.. 111.-1-11111-.- 111-.111 1111111.~1-111.-. 111 .111 11r1111.11111111-_

1 - 1‘ F0 11111-11.1111.»11..11. .11111111.11 11 11111 .11- 51111-1111-11 11.1.1 .111.1111~-11 .~111111.11 11-.11

" .1 11-111111 111 111111-1111 .11111111- 11.11111111- 1111111- >11-1111111-11.11 11.~1- 111 1111 1111-1-1-11111.1y .11111

_ 1-1.11111> 111 11111111.11> ..1 111-11111.- 1111---111111 111111.

11111 lI11- 14-11r11l \I1.1\ 111111-r 11111-ll11:~-111 l1|1- 1\Il1~r 1'11111|1l1-11111; 1111- 111131111111 .\|111111—

I11r111.~1~1<1s1 1111111-1'1111-1-1>1~. 1111:. 1111- 111111 11111111-11 11111. .1 111.1.=111111-

1 r T1111 11111111“ um-5 111 1111-11.1111 1111-1-- 11.11111.111.111_-1111- 1111111111-. 111111-11 , 1111 11111.11

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11.111~> 11.11-11 111 1111- 111111111; --1 .1,\\\5_ .-1.1 1.~1\ 111111-s 1.11111-r111.111.1111- 11111111-
11111-11 111- .11111 S|111-llu-r1: 1111-1 .1111-1-1111111-1 11-11...1111. 1111111111-11.111111-111p111-1 .1111- A1111-_~

111 11151-115$ 1111» 11111 11111111-1. n1-1-1-111» 11.1> =111--111.11-11 1111- 11-11>11111-111111 ..1 .1

111.11-.1 .1 11.111-1-1 1111111111-1-1.1.1.. 11.111--1.11111 11111111111-111111.11 1.1-1 .11 .1111111-

l.11111l\‘ 111.111 1111111I11-r111111~$111151-pm-11111111 1l1.~1'l11~1-1| 11_|\ur1-. lY11u1:l.1> 'I'ru111|\ull

1-111114111111: H111 .1l1\-11>. 1\v\.1r1|—v11111111\11 IZIIKII 1\ SI’/\('l-' (1H\'S\'|-'\'. THE r\Y\'-
wr1\1-r—1l1r1-r\11r I>'r.|Iu‘111.< TruH.1u1 11|\- lIHU.\U"l):\ STRAIN. 511.!-'N'l'N|‘Y\'NI.\‘l;1
|1\*.|ra .1.~ .1 l'.1r151.111 111\-1->1111.1111r 11l I1.1.~ I11-1-11 .\11'.111-1111» \'1.~11.1l 1-H1-1'15 1'11-
;11~1-1.1111111-11111111-11111111.1111-1111-11.1111-1 1.11111 1111111111111. P1-1111-11111 1111111-11;1.11111v 11.1.1

kn11\A11 Frn-I11‘l\ l'FO11l111:1sl.\ l1k11 A111111 I11-1~111111111111-1111, I111! .11l1|1l11111;1l l11111_11;11

11111-111-1 .11111 .1.11~1|111-5 v.1111-1-71.1, 111.-.1 1.1- 111111 111 111- 1.11.11 111 111111.1‘.1111~1- 1111»

r11|1~ 1-\'1-r 111 .1 H1111 111111-r 111.111 |\1,~ 1111111. I1r_~1 -1| 1111- \'1.11. ('11lu111l1|.1 111.1115 111

Trullzlul. ih-1 11111-M1-11 .1 §lunr11n1: I1l111 r11l1-.1s1-1Y11- I1l111 111 S|1f1111; I977.

111 R.1y Br.111|1ury's FAHRE'NHl'IlT 451, D1111 S2111)’ ll I\l111h 511-v1.1rl

Demon Seed
I)Fl\lU.\ SEFI), 11 M1'lr11-\111l1l1A\'|\— H11:-—-141111 .1 UU ||.11:1 \r1-.1l11|v|\\ [rum
l\I.1_\'1-r 111111, 14111111 r1-11-.1.~|-1111)‘ l’111l<-1| \nl111‘\1 1111111111-ll v\r11\1- ,1 111-\.1Il1'1l \'1-r'
l'J'I'I. l'I11- [H111 l.~ l1.1>' _~111|1 1»! 1-11l\ lhv |1r¢1l INI 111\|1\1\1-.~. 1-\.\
Ar\1.~\.-4111 /\11r1l
1-11 1111 1111 11111-11 lw .11»11-111-1- 111-111111 .11111 111-1111-1-11.11-11, 1111111 .11111 1211111111111 1111-

11. 1111.11.11-11111111-11 .11 1111- r1»111.1111111-1 1111111-

111_\':~!1-r\' 11r1111- n1-.111 1111111111 |11111-
1111111-111.1111 111111---1111114211111111-11111-111111: 11111 111.1-
l1s111»11 111' 1111111111-11.11 .11111 111

1.11111.- 1117111111 l1.1111.1111 11--111,1. 'r111- 1111- 11-11111 111.1111r1-11 111- 11111-1&11111111-1111111--111

111-1'11 111111111111. 111.111.1111 111-1-1111111 1.1111 11111-11111 1111-11111111. 111:1c1>u11.\11\!~'\1> 111.11-

11.1.1 11 1.11111-111.1,11111111111 r11l.1111111~|11|1 11111»11.11- 111- 1-..1.1;1.1,...1 _1__ _.,,,. ,,| .1“.
1:r.m1l|.1ll11 1-1 1111.1 111 .111 0111 11.11-.11 1111111--111111 1111111, 111-111.1111 1.. 1111
111111 111-1-

D.1rk H11u.~<- \h.\l. 111 1111 111-.11‘ Iulufr r1-\'1'r-1| .1111l 1'11-\'.1lu.1\11l 111 H11- lulun
s1-111111;. 1s 1--\.1H\’ .1u\11111.1l1-1L A 51-1111' 11> (’l'l'|7.l>.\ KAN! 1-1 \111l.1\'. All»-r H11

1~111 1-11111111111-r 1111111 .11 .11111.1r111 1111111-111 11111111 111711 11-11.111 , 1111111111-I1. .1 .1111

11l111r1»11\1'.~. 11.111111!‘ .1|11| I111 .1ll1-111111 11111|,~1111

l|1|1llr.1l1-> I111u§1)111l1| 1'1-1111.11
_-n-_ 1111111-1s1111.~
1111- 1;1rl. .11111.11111.-11111-11111.11 111111-11111111111.1;1.11 .-\l1-1.111-1' 1 1111111-1-. 11.1;
111-1 1111-11111111 1.11.1 111 K1-11111111 A11111-1' 111 1111 111111111-
11 11111111111 11. 11111111-1-11.111
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.~;u|\1-r'r.|1’1-, ,-\l\1-1‘ 1111-1'l1.|1\11.1l l'.l|11-, .1 1A1H1 .1|11l 1:1'11\A11111 11111 111 |‘F|§F(7R.‘\\-
l11rlur11u>' N()SFM:\H\"S R1~\I\\' .\l_\'lv /\NL'I» 1.~ ('.111111|1-ll'.~ HIT! .~1'r111-11111.11‘
11r1'1:1111|11‘\'. 41111.11111>1‘1|r|'1.||tI1. 1111- 1:11-l ISl|T.~\H .1l111ul .111 1111111-1'1Cr11u|11| l1l11|'
11111111111-111.11-1' 1111 1111-
p111.-1 1111-111 111 .111 1.1111111.-_ 111111-111 r1-111 111.11111- 1111111111111 .1

111..11_1111- 11r.11,1_111.1111 .11 IT'S .\1.1\'1;. x11111.111111111» --1 .1 .<111111-1111- 11.1111 111111111

.11 01111111 11v .1 1111l11.1111 111.111<1 11111111111-11.1> .1 11.r—

1'111- 11111-1-1'1 11111111111-11 1111\
11..1-1-111- .11111 .11»1.111»1- 11.11.1111.11.1.111-11.11 111.11 11.1 1111111-..11_1.1111111.111111111-1111-1111.11
.1111 1'11.1111:1.1 11111-111-1-11111'..~ --1 1111- 11111 --1111 11111.1 .111111111-
.11111 111-1-1111-1.11111» .11111 1111111111

111.1L1»1111l1111- 1111111»111'1-- 11111111111111! 111.11-11-1111111111111111111, 1.11;-

1111- 111111111.1k11r.~
Th.1l 1111- 1111111-11 1.11.1111-111-11111 111-1 111111111 11.11». 111.11-1-111111 11l111111.1k1-r 111
11111 .111.1111111111-11 1.1- 11111111111-11 111111111.
11-111 111111-1 11-11111 1111- 11111-1-1 11 1111111111111
1.1 1.1 1111- 1.11111-1 111-
1111- 1-11.1-1. |(11111111'.-1 1111.111 1.1 v1r111.11ly .1 111111111-11. 111.11 11111»

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Juhr ('l1r1.~111- .1s l|1|- \'l\'l\111\/ml I1-111.111 HP M05 5}?!) 111 1.11: 1\!11;1-I1 .~ 111 .lu|11‘.

.11111 F1111 \\1-.11-11r .1.1111-r .11~111111111 11111 111.1rk1111: 1111 11.11. 11-.111111 1111-1-1111112111 -

11.11111. 1;1»1-r11 L11-.111.1111.

1111- 11.1.1-1 1111-111111-.1 11111.

l!1~rr_\' K1-111-1-1-1, 1\111-1-11111-111111. .11 111-11 2.1111-11 111 1111- 11111111111111 111 111r11ux
111- 1111111 11.11.-1 .\111-111-111- >111-11 .11111 n.111.1 51111 11111 11. 1111 1111 11.111111-111 1.1

1.1111-1 111.11-1111' 11.11111-1111»r 111111» 11.11.1111-.1 1111111-1.1111. 111111 .1111..-

1..111r11.1_ 1111- .1

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,\1.1111-11111 11111-.1,11.111111111..1.11 1--1111111111 111111 .111

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.-\1.1111~1111- .\11.1111 111111111111 .11-1 1111-1.1111

1111.11 1-.-1.- ..1111..1.111» 11111.11 111-1111-1 111

11.1111-..1.~ Tru(|.1\1\':1 FAIIIH-'2\l|FlT 1:11. 1'1111.1111 1".111.11~111-. 1-111 11.11111 1.1 1111111-1

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F1111 w.-.11-1-1 1.1 .111.11-1-11111111111111-11 1111

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111-111111111-1 .11111 1111.-

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11.11.111..111c1-1. 111.-11-111 1115111111-11 1.11111.-1'11 1111-1- .11 11.-11 .11 .111-.11--111111 1111.11.-1.1111

FAIL s1\rr. 11. 1'1-.1,-1.1111111. 11 11. 11.11.1111 11- 111.

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111'1110.~: $1111 1.11111- 11.1 111 11.11111- 1111

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1-1 1111-1-1111' .11---111 1111
. 11.111, 1-11.111111; 11111111111 1
111-11.111 111111 111111111 1-1.1111111» .11111 1111-111-11 1111-1111 1111

HI!“ K111\|\l! \‘\11r\' I11-|‘,|\.1\l ||<- I1-ll ll \\.|> lll1l‘L1I'l11l|1|\‘ 1l|I H11 1111111 1 .\I11| l1U,\\11—

111-111111.11. .1.1111- 11 111111111-111111111 1111-1 .1111.111111111.1|11 11--1'1 .1, 1111111111111-1


111111111-1111111-1-1111-111 1.111.. .11111 1.1-111111-.1 .111 1111111-.1 1..|1

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11-11 111 111;“ 1111- 111111111 1111- 1»1.11-1- .1.1111- \\1-.11.11, 111. .11 1-1.111111 |\'.
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11.1111 1.111.11:1111'1 111111111 11.11111 1.1111
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s1-11111-1~ .1.1111~

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111 1-1-11111111 ,111»11111111.1 1.1 1111
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1.11111.-1-1-1111 1'1"111"1111r111\.\1'1.
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11.1.1 |1.111»1.11- 1111.. 111

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r1111 1111

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11.11 1.11-11 11111111111111. .1111» 11.1.11-111111111

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.> 1311111111-ll 111.11-11

1111111 11111111111
111111 .11._11111.1.

1-.1111-11 111111.11-

11.11111-11 H11111111111 1\




.1111-l1-1-1r111111- 111111-11-11.111 111111 .1 1111111.111—
1111-ll, 12111111111-.11 .1111! 311 11111 11l11r. 1:1
I1 -1111.1r111. K111111111 T1-1-1111111111.-1111-111 111- 111

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11.1 511111111 1-.1r1.1¢1111. 11111111511-11.1r11& 5. V1 51-1111111.11 11

Kw I vial saddened by edllor Frederick S.
Clark! . I llnklnd, though brIeI, allack
on George Oukor lll Illa cape-llle com-
lrlelll Oh THE BLUE BIRD (51:35).


a popllar uubjecl anywhere; setund In
(he BCIPIICI.‘ cllnll aspect, a genre lhal
always Is 1 sell-nul hen-1 and third.
ild I1'\Oll IIllp0l'l;|JlI. lll lrle IIIIIBIC. ll Is
Idva II I!
5“ W ““""“ “~ °"‘"‘“'* C‘ mm
tune up and hll ‘em on lhe

Blll are THE al.ul~: BIRD‘; lellllrel llle llllllllr llle rlllllllle llllle. mlrlllg lhl‘
ella Mr. Cllkl"I lllelllle OI THE EXOR- lrlllllllllel Iwre lI\l‘ llllllellee slugs lllllllll
S3 IIel:\.o::::lT;B';‘\l?II L lflppglg *°°°"“"¢ '° M~JY"""‘ lm Kww T° Q§'I,l§§§'I'll-§’l§’l'l§ll 3'5 l“"I§Il'If°ll7§“l'lII Y““' “°"‘P'°"°"““'* °""’"" °‘ L°’
lll IIIIIIIIIII O!!! elllle grEil AIrlEl‘ICl!\ “E °5v“‘"" D""“7'“'":“ (‘mm lrllll l’|.‘IHD\'\ \hI\ llle llllll lll llll plllllller “ANS RU" "'“ "“I"°‘““"" ""' W"
lllreellll-ll lll llllell
manner? a elllll ellll PEIQOIIII ""’“ ""“"‘°‘“Y '““"‘°"Bui,
l¢I|IICllIlllQlln(éI (I313! “Y "'°°"‘“°"
Il'Dl'n lC-
umplk‘ llllll EU IINICII lllll IU W;\lCI\ illd per-' '““ '““ “' “““““ "‘° “‘""“‘“““ "‘“‘
[PIE "HIM W:)l;:dGI\iVL' I)C“’l‘f; :1!-:’I'C‘ I?dIlhIllJ
urn re ul n p y some llconcll as ' Iul 0 nnvr vlll-go ll ;l prl un-
'""" '" *'"**""°*"

lleZ"§l§§vI?§“TiI,.'I“T.?;.§l’lI§ ZI"°ll?'
clukel. Iuppnled pro‘o!s‘onl\ ‘uuré ='""" "*" ""“"= c..Il“‘l"l‘L ‘T§"I,.f3}L‘§ll§§'"ll.f"f$Z .Tl‘§lT "l H “"*'"“'1Y P**"""**- ""~ *’=‘- “""'

("IE HXIKII Clll l'9I\ll’IIl|\K ululdy hl\'l‘ ])I2\y(‘ DI’ F;‘iJ‘|I('n'f\_|"o'_ has OIIEH :l5I(l'lI Ill!‘ my VIEW UI I1\;|lEl‘-
seems linden! and unlurgwabh I0 IIIB 'bI3C|(' CIJIIVEHI Ill BIVZIIJ I0 "E .5 ‘he mm”? Bu€ l "nk Care ‘Q III‘ SIIOWPII llll‘ III!‘ IIf\2lI l1X‘lII u[ I115
hm n be Mum“ H Wu lug“ lm PICK up wllere rlllller Michael lell llln." Wm“, mm "w'mus" The “mom; \'l'!‘§IUI\ (lllll llle NUIZUI JUIIIIEUII 5('fl|l
um Mr cm" njmvcdm Emm ll wellllllle lrllereelllle IO I(‘IlX‘I‘| Whill ‘~“ F.“ d "1 l r_ lllll lalcr ('IIlII'I lly lllll~rl~lllll~ll hilnds-I
"" Cl

for lllreclllg' lllll EIBQUII and cllal-l-lllllgY llle dI!IIC\|IlIus WerE,;\nd llllle l'lI)S(‘\ll"
M El 0 I "IE BCl'I|X .9Flllllr
‘"5 “P ‘"‘ell-rlrlllell
slllllr .'.““eeqllellre “ llle‘ Illi q\l;|IlIy mu)‘ lle elrllllell h)‘ l‘l‘;|d\I\§!
Cill b9 ll'.\CLd lll his UR I\lII ll XI uI my fl PI)’. d.|lEd S€)I€7ll
;;l‘,§‘,;';*"" '“"' W" *"°"° "E ly re-Wrlles. The 'bnn.I(£'d I-lll (hr I\l‘Ild' §§;*;§;'jf_?;';§t_' 5331311; =;;";1§;f"';;§ bl‘ 21!, I965]:
‘ end nu lhl‘ avor OI l.‘DII\Pl’U!l\I§E ll- ' ' ‘Dear C|(‘U!‘}1(‘,
JIM YORK (PE\‘ha)$ lllll, lll CU\ll'S(‘. I’ILll'I\- "‘“"“" ‘;“'[‘f“""Y "‘“'_'- “I” fi"“"""“‘_" "l WIS)! l hid elllllellllllll
lll-lllllllll Ill
l4as s ullllllerry, Allllmbfl CA B1801 lller are llle llellple WIID are Cillllll-IIIII)’ 35°‘ 1 "_“d ‘Q’ _"“f§A'“"', "";“’f $;\y ilbul llle LOGAN'S RUN llrl-llll. IJIII
;\=v1»adC<i=\-lll :7r:=\1l= ll nwr Mi‘ -"Sn mg“ w‘:,:"s{uf,“"'jf‘;0"‘| 90",‘; gm =llr;lld‘lh=\I- wllqdlhl‘ ainlv ml Sn‘
, _ eel GB’! lllpil‘ \l‘l\Hl‘ on llllnlr 2L|\ y , . , ' ‘ ‘ lspusll . ]\l§I cull ll‘l lllll lll 5|
§e'}‘l’.l'fl"llI'Q"I‘e.;'e'l'.§ll3Z":l§.‘.l‘§$11.’ ZZZ M“-1 '“°'lll‘e'-°ll’- I"l'§l"§ll?l'lT§ e'"c'§§L““<'>'-T l" "W *""*H' '"' "W “'"" "-
C0l'd['d ll by revlewer llyle B Cllllll
For mm mupnmhlc Hum‘ Calm" lallBYOII""’C;llII9l'In?" "°"‘
“’“Y' “"“‘ CDl1\l' lrlllll rlllllrr :3EI‘ll"1‘|‘I‘|l;|lI:l‘SLII\l‘ l‘lI_l‘l'PIl'§Iy -lllllll' l'lll~
"F""" “-‘ *"'“'~ *‘“““' ‘““‘Y ""‘"'
liq; lllllll-lll-re I1l'llI‘ as llllllu =5 llll- Sim-
lgemno hm, “mam mm p_;|,smal_ Mlrrl=el'l rlllgrre. we H00 I1ll'\\dlp|II5 ' " llll-. l'XI'IllI1|,Z lllll-llllle III llle blink), (0
Iy nenalvr, and his rL'VI(‘W slenls
hllld III III? buwl ul blnud Mid RUSK‘ MARK CAMPBELL lll!‘ (Wldlm: \\|lh (hill I\ldl\‘l‘ll§ Stiff!-ll
lrolll llllll ell-ellgly §\l|.1]El‘lIVl‘ rrllrllllll. ‘ Ill‘l'l\ uhovc llle gIrI‘s IUl'EI\EI|d—I\(‘ I5 lll4 E ollllrl -205. ANSI"! TX 1x704 lll __I;\|§l' lel-lllllll-ll lllllll--Fl-lllelll S;l)'II\Q,!
1-me lll lllll-llly lht‘ el-llel-lllll lllr §Q\|fld
crIlIcal jllqlelllelll. llllll l llllggeel lhll
‘““""'"P‘“", "“"‘“‘ "" “~‘" """" "“'
l-lle. bill ll lllllllll lle ifllufd IIIJI lllr "" ’ “""”"- "“‘“ """"'“‘* '“
ly Ll\‘l'5l'y, lrll-ll l|lll’1K1U(‘lI\|1 lrll- rrul
* """
hIOUd Is llle llllpllmlll pllll lll llle llllll- l rlllpll Slllilbdy ll-llll llllllll-llee lll MGM E;\II;U'd. wllll IS ;ll'\\lllIIy cllllllry lllllllll».
mé g'r“"::_:|“:"“fmh‘d C"°“‘ I" “W” lllllll. lld llllll CillhEl'l!\E lllles lll ml (ild \\'IlI1u\ll l-llllllllllllll lll-ll lll IIR‘ lllllll llll- §('l'||)l lll ll (‘uIIl'l‘IlllI1 lll l'l|l'\IU§IUI\5,
lalll llle lrllly llllllllluu-lllllg lepecl lll lleellllle ASIIIGUI. ulllllllgllllllll elllllllllll l'l‘;ldS yllllr lsllt‘ ll LOGAN‘S numvlll ('X|YlU\l'll\l5 (‘I\'|\N'Ill§, .elrlll-llll-lll dr-
um "ew ‘B "ml u “um! W have ;ll-l- very lll jlll llllw.) 5 Nu 21‘ us ll IS dl-zld nll ll.l'|Zl‘I. Irrls. llllllr lllllllwle, illld lll;l|ly lllrll-r
been wrllll-ll lllr 10lIlEl' lllagullll-. S4 wlsl-: w. L. ORLICK1 """’I"““ ‘”'""‘ """“‘d ‘"1"’ "“' I“‘“"‘ '“
celllllll llllllll lllllll eml el-rlelll eeelllllle
D, nu, mm. such as "me prim mm
I2-I544 Bi.r(‘|L\y, vZ|Il\'UU\‘l‘l’ CANADA Z21 l; Eldvl‘ sl. FIIIIJHKIK ca szozll "" "““ "‘ “i'f'\"' 5""Y_“' "" T‘ """“j
lllll l llllllll ll > .l I‘|l![)l‘Il'!r5 lllllaa 0 lll lle
Thued. by lmmmnw. ind Mm: km“, Y )7l‘l‘Sl'l1| slam: .uld nl-cds an -nl-rul--ll:
by a "lelllllll rllll." lle elllllllarllllnl-lll cull lll
“““ ‘ “"“‘“" ""“'“'M1" d""""
eee llle IEVIPW III THE ROCKY cllllllllellllllllllle llre lll llrller lllr llll- ‘“‘§"“f“_"' “f"'I§ ‘M5
"llllllelllllr." Not Ollly IS CUUYIIEIUILIIIY "canon PICTURE snow (51214). ll l‘ll\'l'YL\gl' ;||\l1 L‘fIlll'l§lIl lll LOGAN‘S
l-llll llllll IIHS RUN. ll dl)(‘5 IIH5 Sl‘ll'l\\‘l' lll-llllll IllI'I'S
lllllllrnl Mr P.|I R ’minI‘
_'“Y_“"“‘“““""""""f ‘f‘“"‘
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ellrlrlellllle llllel clllllllll KING or
DEAD Ll \‘\'- Jhlllll III!‘ llleel-el. IIUISI p-IMIIIIIIUS sr 1' ‘f"m_;,;fr rod wm_"";'r Hr
splrll lll cml~:- lllrlley el-l-r I1\lACIl‘IlIII\;|II.L|\I$§ll('llIJ “*5 “ "K.
wllere lll hIB“5l\11Sl‘ DI\\'lII1dl.‘l'?"
HEARTS. 1-llml L\X‘l' I\\llI(II"\'d§ HI l-
shlrls llll llle Flllljlli llllllllle llllll~ll- I5
llllllleelllr lllll A‘.ll'l'$ lllll-lll IIIl\ll\' lllllll-
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llllllll lll(‘I‘|ll‘!‘ lle 24lll leel-ll, 35 llllll-
l'\l|{IIl llllll Oil Wt‘l'I(l‘I\dS.
l lll.ll WIII lll~l-l~l lll- I‘l\ll(I\'. l e-llllllel ll
D€l\’ld zl-lee QIMIGHILLII, §JllI lmlll ;\I\d
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21); the Kim! DI "CillCP\“ WIIII PEI?!’ The EIEIIIPIIIS III UK‘ IlII‘l\'5 S\|l'l‘l‘SS MGM l'Xl'l‘\|ll\'\'§ Wmlld rvrugnlle L\ I\4l- RAY RUSSELL
Lol-ro's lleell relerred [D Wig lrlllll are IIII'(‘C-Iuldt llrlll l.= llle eel, LIIWJYS \I\‘I. ll-ell-llel-l-ll-llell LUHI §l'II-l'HI1§\SlI‘l’\I B\*\‘l'I'I§' Hills c.\


cllllllllll rlelll lll CINEFANTASTIQUE. slew nllllllrll lllllll-lll.-lllll-a REll'1|§|X‘n‘l ll-lllllrr llll ul»llrlll~ ml‘; Tm". vl'l\R or ‘run won l.ns. ll-llllrlllll nllllllrs lllllllellllllllll n‘-
SPITCII llllll cvvry eellerl lll llle |)l‘l)dlll‘H0 lll nlle l'I{lBSI\' eell-llee llrllllll llllll. lll-ll-ll.el»ll lll I953 II)‘ Plll'{lIII4IllYlI lllelllrl-.e. llll- llllll lllllllr lIN' ll, 0. Wells Slilfy lll :1 Mill’-
Hill’! IIWISIDYI UI mrnl :4 II'IgI\l(‘l'\ll\gIy l'B:|Il§ll(‘ epeelel elll-rlll lll? ge l-lrre II1L\I IRAS I\4'\‘\'I' lll-l-ll l'q\|LlI(‘d. Tll |ll(‘(‘\' lI>\£(‘lIN‘l" llll- |lI'UtI\lIl'llllI‘I hllllr)‘ |)\'I\ll\(I "H5 }ll'(‘L|l l-llll--
mill!‘ ;lCI\I8\!9l'l\rI\l, nlllllll lI‘|ll‘l‘Vlt‘Wl‘d \'lI'llllI||y every l-rellllee Illenl lllvllllell lll HS lllellllle. llll-llllllllel |Il'|l(IUl‘l'l' GPIITLZI‘ ml. lllrl-l~lllr nylllll HJSIUII, .lrl lllrrl-lllr Al
Nllzalll. llpel-lel rllerle ll‘Chl'\Il‘lJI\B WIIIICP Kelley. PZIII Lerpllr L\|\d I-l‘(‘ VLlSqU(‘. lllllllla l'II\'l'l$ Il‘l'I\I\ll‘Illl\ cl-lll» c.ll-l-lll. I1\illl\' |I;lII1I\‘l" CI\(‘§Il‘)' ulllll-elell. lllll lll-rlllrlll-
l-l-ll cl-lle ael-ry. Lee Tl‘El'l'\lyI\('. Pl||lI Fl-eel llld Alvy Mlllll-e. nlllllll AISII I‘l'§\'2|]‘l'I\l'd llll- l‘II\‘l'I5 llllll ]l;l|Il‘f§ lll llll- I;|Il' 5\‘fl'|'l\\l(|ll'I‘ nllI‘l"l' L_YII(-Ilr llh lllll-rl~ll-llell
lllelllllerll DI lllr H. 0. Wells l‘!li|9 lll 1 IHJBBIVE lzel-lllnlrrllll; l‘"l\l’l IIILII IRIS lllxl-ll llllll-l- IIILAH l I\1|I_V\';ll’. Yllll lllll frlld llll- X‘l'§\lIl lll CINEFANTASTIQEE vlll 5 NH 4
l-vrrylrlllel lllere le (LI kllllw Zlhl-II III!‘ lllelllllg OI "rm: WAR or we wonws. lII\l§Il’;\l\‘d l lllu ll-llll I\l'\'l'l'-I-I(‘Il¥l'l"l'l'I\ PIIIIIIYS III .~l]l\‘\‘lllI I'IIl'\'l§ LIJKI llll~lr lll-lllllll-
llle-lceller (l’l‘lll0\'\. lllellllllllg prllllllellllll lkelchex, rlllry-lmrllll. £&'l'l‘l‘l\|)I;l)' Zllld .ellll-_l- lrl-lllllll-lll lr.leee lllld lllller |Il‘Ud\ll‘II\!l\ L\X‘l\IL\\‘I$, ll||)|ll‘(| llll lly VII\(‘L'I1l nl [>‘;|le‘s
elllllllllll; |ll_ll l30IOl' cover ellolllll llellllll. nl.lll'l lllllle llle eelellce IICIIIIII llllll )l|bIlK‘;lUHI\ 4'V\'Ill -ll II1\' all-llll-' sllllll-l-llll» lll CINEFANTASTIQUE lll¢ll_l- JIIKI lll-l yllllr l-lllly lll
VOI 5 NU 4 all-eelly II)’ IIIEUI lll l‘Il‘Iy ulucll. lllll 0!! llle preell Zl ll.-eelle DPIUPE ll l’('{ll'I\l'§ d\';lI4'l'>’ lllll Ill‘IA‘5Ill1ldS. Allll ll-lllll~ y-lll'l-l~ lll ll, gr! lI\I¥$|' I.AIIU'd-LIIIHLIL l-ll|ll-r-
l0l"B lH!\ll‘l DI CINEFANTASTIQUE WMCI! lellllll-ell slelle nllllllrs R(‘Il'll5Pl‘¢‘I I('llILlI‘l‘§ l|I\ THEM! IVUI ;l lellal. FORBIDDEN PLANET lvlll 4 NI! ll LUKI THE DAY THE
EARTH sroon STILL lvlll 4 Nu 4). and you'll lll-e l-llllelly WIIZII llll»l-l- I5 lll lle emll-rl lllllllll:


Enrtluird ls my l‘h(‘l'k lll’ nlunry llrdl-r Illr U14" CINEF:\NT:\STIQUE sullsrrlphull lllld Ilurk lssws I I\;|\'l- rhorkvd
b(‘IuW. I understand Ihal s'\|b5l‘r|plllln luld bark issue n'4l)lll*§ U0 m;llll-d lll slurdy (‘II\'l'I(I|I‘§ lll ;\l'I'I\'l' \|I1I;ll'k\'d
ind lll 5l‘l'Il‘1'l l‘lld\lll|I\. l llllll JISII l"P(‘l'I\‘l'LlIH'\'I)!‘lI(‘I1\lPl*lII\|SIl‘;lIlI‘|}1 llla (I\‘§A‘l’IIllI\l llll- l‘lII\ll‘I\l$nI all lll
llecll lllellre il\‘;\lI{|.b|l‘. l-‘llrrlllll lII'dl‘l'S Wl‘II'III!\l‘ LII 1IlI2\dlIIIIlII‘|L\I l‘Il.l|'}1l‘ lllll |1Il'l$|' lrly lll USA llllllle.
ollr Fm" sllwo
“sum; I I
TWH Y1-us slu.oo
Hum lssuei I I
Tllree Yilrs szs.oo__SI. DSCRIPTIORS
T“_l_|"_ lssuvs
. _ _

BACK ISSUES: I )Vlll II Nu ~I. $4.00 I I V014 Nu I, $4.00 I I V014 Nu 4‘ $1.00 ‘HACK ISSUES

Nll ...... AA l . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . .. . . ......... .4 .

Address . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

,1 clly.... . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...$le\lE....l ...lI|'lCU¢('l..,


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me 111r111e11. 111- 111-n11111. 1111- 611.1111-. SFI. 1411

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S1ud111C11y ca 51-n11s1 11.1 1 1o-1111-1.1111-11.-11111-.111-1-

11111111-1 1111111.-e1y |1c11plr-less 111111. 11111 1.15111». 11-e 1111111111 1111- 111 11111111 1-111
1111111-1 11.11 111 111-1-1 soon 21~11-11"
S1‘hun\:|rk 111111-n11-11111-11 1111-111
1111 1111.1 1111.se1111n111-11-1 111.111 1111-11-11111-1111. 1111--
.1111-1-r11§1111; |111.<111r.~" .1v;11|;11.111-.
We 1:0 surv 11111 111;.\.ny 1'1-:ld('r5 111111111 5L|mpluuu§_ 11111 11115111-11 51.111~1111~111 11111 11111v11-

11111111 11111 Juhn5un's 1.1111111 1 111111. "1111 111n1 11111 111111y nn11n1-."11111-111- 1
11-1111 19511-1911, 1111111 111-11-1-1.1 -11 111-11y

11e1-1111. n1111-e11111y. T11e 111111‘-1 1.1111111. 1-1 111 11111 de(‘l.u';Al111n we 111- 1111111111 ssxn CDl(l1l>j$PDNDl-INCE 10- ' $1.001-1. 1.1111111, 1-1111,, 1111-11111-11111, 11111

ho\\'(\v01'. 1111 111111111111e arlmns 11111 Mr. S<‘hun\;\l'k 1 111-e rupy 1-1 115111--1 CF LFTTEM 1-111111511111 11-1~~-1111-11111111111-11. 1111111111,
. 1 ‘ Q ‘ 1111. 11111.11; -11 51'|l'l14'|~ l11'1111n hllcs.
1-11 -r11e c11-e1111. 111111-111 111111111~1-
“' 60303

1~11y 111 1111-n111y 1-11111, F111» 111e11e 111 1111~

_____i_ 11
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1.1»;1n'1 P 0 1-111-1;-111111,;1-111-, Cl-‘Q 1111.111-1 1.111.
reasons, we an nul 11111111 11 1111- 11111y 111111 1111111: 111111 0r|:.u11z1111111111 11111

Um! Guud111;u1 and Din/id dcslruyrd 1| F1115. In 1:150 Mr, Schun1;n‘k 15 §11|l __. P O. Box Z10, OAK Pzuk IL 60303
Gregory Peck and director Richard Donner discuss this
years winner in the horror film sweepstakes.
When the Jews return to Zinii. and a iiindest investment L‘iiII§It|t‘I‘II\)l the Iiliii'.~; lni\g~—'I‘llI~.‘ Ol\II-IN. I izuess there are nut
A runiet rips the sky, \‘|('\'t‘I\<Wt't'k slttmlilltl srhetlule, pret|niiii- tnn inany artnrs .u-iiuitrl \\‘hi» ran lit-Iii-vahly
And the Hiily Ruinan I-Iinpire rises naiitly exterinrs. in and ahnut Lniithiii. Rnnie play .ui Ainerieaii aiiiha.s.sat|ni" ti, Great Bri-

Theii yuu and I iiiust die. and .Iei~usaleiii. Beeause nI a Eui-npean |iit'- taiii. It Iiniitetl the Iieltl a little hit tn \ihi-re

“ ""“
F""“ ariiiies‘ “
"‘“‘ "“‘
ttI\ either slnire.
ture called ANTICHRISTO lsee -I:-I:30) the
IIIIII|lt'I!;|1\|)I‘ti(IUt‘|InI\ as TIIE mn , I‘llMAItI\.
I ltatl tn t‘titI\l‘ Iltlti ennsitlei-atinn Inr the
]LlI‘l. I l.{Ut'.<.~i ||.II‘\’t'_\’ nt‘l'I\l\1|l'(I and DIFR
T rm 'II‘t£lI\'
. .

JLJ N "5 ml ‘
‘l tli-r '-It-rrinp tn the three sixes \\‘lIIt‘|\
H ‘
smiiewliere nn the |)t>(|_\' nI the ;\|\Ilt‘]II‘I$l
‘t|)])1'.ll' Dnnner tlt-rich-tl I was inst the ehap Int" it

and they sent ine the seripi thi-nuizh Ill)‘ a»‘
‘Til iuan exists lltl ni ire.
' all his dlSt‘l|)|t‘. Dnnner. \\‘Il|t tun th't'atlt‘s
. .
The tiI'II.!II\Ill preniise Iur TIIE OMEN nI inipressive televisinii wnrk heliintl hitn The st~ri|>t held my intei-e.~.t like aitmitl
was euneeived by Rnliert L. Munger. a and three nnt-sn-iiiipi-essive Ieatures, was pulp thriller. Sure, it li.nl.~;nnie li»n|ilinle.<.
prtiminent Lus Angeles advertising e.\et'u- t-ilgugt-d tn dirert. Fur the lead, he anti hut their aii.~a\\ei- tn that has that lIitt-li-
live with a keen interest in biblical pi'u- Beriihard seleetetl Gi-e|.gnry Peek. whn had enek's Iilnis .ilwa\'s hat-e linles ynu enuld
phecy. Munger presented his idea. based tin all but vaiiished Iruni the .~a‘reeii Illllti\\IlII.1 tl|'i\‘t- a ti-urk llII‘lI\l;III. II yiiu try tn patrh up
the heIieInI niany Iundanieiitalist Christians a string iii laekluster iii*mlut~tiiiiis in the t'\‘t'I‘_\' hnle \\tll\ i-nii\-eiilintial lnqir. vnu i.:i-t
that the Aiitirlirist is alive auitl Walkiiig tl\t- early Seveiilit-s. intn i-x|>nsitnry st-eiies that iii>lintl_\' \\'aiits tu
earth. tn Iilnt prndueer Ilarvey I3ern|i-ard hear. Sn iiisteatl , ynti try tn keep itiiiiig .tl
whu raised the initial de\'eln|iinent icapital. GREGORY I'I-ICK: AIlei- Iiiur ur II\‘t' sueh a hi-eakiieek pave that iiiiist pt-nple
David Seltzer wrute the 5t'I‘t'\'Ii|)l2.|y which Iailures iii a ruw, it \\as i.:i~ttin_t: tn the pniiit \\nn‘t apply any t'.II't'I\1] anal_\'.sis ti. the lIlL[I('
was then uptwiied Inr Iilniiiig hy Warner where I was l)l'II\|1 tiIIt'rt'(l \'ui.:-isla\'iai\-It.il- nI what‘s '.ZtiIlI',1 nii.
Briis. tan en-Iirtidurtitiits, and I Iiguretl tt was Pt'I‘SilIII\H_\" I tliniittht llial Tlllifll was tar
tiiiie Iiir iiie tn gel nut. At least Itir a \\'|tIlt'. tnn |l\\t‘llIt1|'|\\ tn at-rept a siilistiltile rhiltl
RICHARDDONNER1 THE OMEN was suh- I really didn‘t Ii\II\(|. lit-t'au.~;e I had t\\'<-iity- \\itliniil t'\'t'II askiiig In see his nun zh-ad
milled tn nie by one til the best y|iLII\|,1 pat‘k- Ii\'e years ul reasniiahly gntitl .s'ut'eess and rhiltl. and \\I\lltiL\l lnnkiiig intn the h.tek-
agers in the business. zt guy naiiied Eddie |;tm(l Inrtune and all the I‘t'\\-LFKI5 that en pr--untl III the atlnpii-e. aiitl t-ertainl_v he
Rusen. It was iii turii'.u'iiund Irnni Warner with it. whieh is already a Iiiiig career. One nnultl have tnltl his wile ahnut it. Alsi-_ Sa~
l3rtis——iiieanin|.1 that their nptinn nt seven dnt-sii't have tn gt» nii inakint: Iat-es iii Ii-nnt taii t‘IIlIl(I easily have 5\l|J.\lIl\llt‘tl his ehilrt
niuiiths was lapsiiip and it didn't luuk like nI a eainei-a uiitil niie tlrnps deatl. Sn I Inr nurs \\ithntii tt'llII\l,1 'I‘hnrn ahnut the
they were gniiig tn |lit‘k it up. I was gniiig thuught: "Okay. Well. I'll retire." But I switt-h. The TlItiI‘II.\ wniiltl have heen I|\IIti-
nut tti dinner when Eddie dI'u|)|)t'(I it uII at still lnved |)lt‘lLlI"t'-I\i1tkIt\],1 aiitl I \\asn‘t eent vietiins nl ilie enii.~:|iii'iie_\~_ nut I was
iiiy hnuse, Istartetltn thunih thruutzh it and ready tn aliaiitluii it altneetlier. sn I turtietl Illll the pi-ntlui-er nr the tlireetnr. They at"-
Iwas really turned nit. I Iiiially ]L\Sl ealletl tn |irn:|u<-iitp. That art-nuiiti-ti Inr three kiintiletleetl the Inuit-. hut thev Ii-It they
iiiy date Lllld said “Ynu tin. and I‘ll iiieet ynu _\'eai~s_ \\.tiiti-tl tn i-.~;t.t|ili.~'|i aii IIIIIIIIHIIS iiiii--tl Iriini
there iii aii hnur." It-nuIdii't put it dnwii. I But tlieii. sutldi-iily. this thing i-ann- a- ilie I-t|lst't. l\I_\' tll'L!\|II\t‘I\l \\a.~.' "Well, let
ttiiik it tti Fiix and asked Alaui Ladd, .li'_ tn
read it, and he said. "Hey. I gut seventy
things tu read this weekend." And I said:
-—~~e I - ~
Faeiiii; Page: Richard Dnnner llnwer leltl
——— '—~—————
tliese Ilt'lI]lll' |)|' ii<ii'ni_ill\' |\.||I|)_\' Ini" the first
Inur nr I|\'t- iniiiutes nl the 1lit‘lUt‘l‘. The .iu-
t||t'I\t'l' is nnt i,[|iI|lI1 tn t,1t‘I up aiitt \\alk nut
"I've gut tu have it read by Mnnday. That's tlirerts ehild .tt'ttit‘ Ilaiwey Stew-its ;uitl |it'4'.It.t.\‘t' IIIil|II|\LZ --ininntis lialipeiis iii the
wheii it's in turiiarnuiid and it's tuiiiit: tnhe Gregury Peek (luring Iiliiiiiie t-I the eliiiiat'— Iii-st reel." llut Iltt-\' elaiiiietl tli.it it \\‘.i.~;
nut tu uthc-r sludiiis." He said lie‘d
|,ZttIIIt.{ tie ritual niurtler in THE OMI~Tl\'. IIll\\ niie nl hlantl. 'I‘lit-v \\aiiti-ti tn ;,i"ah the autlieiiee
try. MIdI\II!|IlSunday iiitzht he ealled and the innst prnlitahle luiri-nr Iiliiis t-I all» Ii-nni the Iii-st ItI|iIiIl'III \\tl]i .\'t1|IlI'lI\lII_L1tiH"
said. "II yuu ean get everyhiidy ltiy.{('lht'I‘ iiii tiiiie. [Plinth hy Rnbert Peniil lit-at——t-iiiiiiniis. liii-e.iteiiiii~,;. aiitl Inre\\arii-
it. ynu got adeal.“ _ iiie nI thines tn rnnie. i»\i'tii.illy. \\e Iilnied
Fur vast tutti t'rt-dit ii\Itii'iiiatiuii and a I‘t'- it sn it ('ti\1|tI|It' rut t'lllIt'I' \\a_\'. liiit the pit"-
Onee Warner Briis dropped their nptinii, view t-I TIIEIOMEN, see Viil:'iNnL!_ p;u;i- 27. ture \\.is surh .i l-tnnek-niit Ii-niii the very
Dunner stepped iii and iiegntiatt-ti with Bern» Iirst tI'l'\‘|t'\\ that II'|iltl that pnint tilt. I think
hard Iu prtiduee the Iilni. theii walled THE . the [)ti§!<l|iI|II\' nl t'tlI\III}1 it l|tt' <iI|It'|‘ way
ANTICHRIST. Seltzer mid tlflgittttll)‘ t-are '1"ll-"‘f"{‘,'§_f"'{"'5!:‘f§“1"ff‘lP"? *"\“l‘L:;{:;;‘/' \At‘I\l nut llir kniitii.“-. T|\t'_\' \\‘t‘I‘t'II'l alinul 1.,
structed ll script replete with devil giids ;uid ¥‘Ln“*‘ ' -
',"*"“(J “N5 '" . ._‘ . . L-n $t'I't‘\\IIILL arnuntl \\Il|l sueeess.
clnven-hunted eiiiissztries ut Satan. Dunner, rm? FAHREgH\l;‘lT 451' H'B&';“du‘(‘““' 1“
however. preferred a lessnhvinus Ltlihrnaeli W 0 "H A O AND ms npphlni‘ i" I)Ol\‘i\'I~jR: We enuld have unite a hunth-ed
and alter discussing his eniiet-pt with Selt— vul 5 N“ 1' t\';I_\‘Haith it. ldltl it that war sn that Tlinrii
zer. the ytiuiig writer enneurred and within
at week had revised the svript. 20th Century
Fox put up $2.8 inillinn Inr the iiruduetiiiii-—
by y
wnultl have tn lI\’t' \\IIlI IIIS I-llllll. This was
Dai-'itl's itlea. niiiitl ynu. There was a Int nI
(lisrussi-iii nn this. hut David was very

picture you must deaths are very likely to be violent zuid days, and we actually charted that iiln\—
. shocking——and so they are. ironi zero to l20 minutes. Where are the
lun the a-udlence and then 1 Now that l've dune it, l ieel quite good a~ ltighs'.’. . .Lel‘s pick it up here. . .We need
shock them. And sometimes’ bout it. because in spite oi the eontrivances something at the beginning. With this |)lt‘-
I oi the script and the ma.ni|1ulati\'e nature oi ture you must lull the iiudioiice. zuid then
1'9 sattated from

aiter the whole thing, it's sort oi a roller coaster shock them. And sonietinies. aiter they're
' thrill ride ior the audience. And it's done. l satiated irom shock Lllld they think that now
Shock and think, with a lot oi expertise, with some ex- —hevause that's the way it worked ht-iore—-
now--because that's th€ Way eellent acting: and the violent deaths-—well. that now it'll he slow-|iat-ed ior quite some

- they don't shock me that much. l've seen time. then all oi a sudden you hit them a-
lt worked before now horror iilnis since l was a kid, goitig back ga_in. And it worked.
it'll be slow-paged
f()1‘ quite to the origitial PHANTOM or THE OPERA
with Lon Chane . l've seen "MacBeth" and
or course. everyhotiy Ltik Zthtttll the de-
caiitation. Now. l‘ni not in any wa coni-
some tune! then of a "Coriolanus" ayhd "Richard ill" where the |)L\:‘li\|.Z niyseli with l>litcht"ock, hut _\'ti)i.l know

Sudden YOU them again, " Stage is littered with corpses. atid l ieel
reasonably certain that ii Shakespeare had
the scene in PSYCHO -where Janet Leigh
. _ gets killed in the shower‘! l kept looking a-
Rlchard Donner had iilm, techniques at his disposal, he'd way. And every time l looked hark and o-
have niadc those killings even iiioi'e shot-k~ petied my eyes. it was still going on. in the
ing. because the Elizabeth-.ui audienre loved d('('i||lll1\llltl\ scene. l tried to do that—to
strong on it just ironi his beliei that the that. make the audience look at it. \\'hen the truck
man had to have another side oi his charac— So, l'm enjoying the po|nilarity oi the eomes down, they really think he's going tn
ter. And that was the guilt oi what he's done iilni—thc iact that so lll1Ul_\' young people he run over. zuid they turn away. But it ltits
and the burden oi living with it. We all make now see me again as a current performer. the guard rail. and they lit-ar the crash.
many mistakes in liie. His he made out oi rather than someone they vaguely remeni- They know he's dead. They look up again
love ior his wiie. And there was no chance ber from their childhood or someone they and hi-‘s not crusl\cd~—tln- thing has taken
that at any point in that story, up to the see on the television. lt sort oi brings me his ht-ad oil. And they look away again and
point oi her death, that he could have told up to date. t‘n\'t'I‘ their eyes, ;ui(l they come hack up and
her without driving her around the bend. ii it‘s still going on. Sothey're iorced to re-
he thought it were his nwn child. he wouldn't Bizarre killings abound. each handled late to it.
even relate to all the insanity around him. with vconsumniate skill by director Donner, l rt-ally don't get any coiniort out oi go-
Hc wouldn't have reacted to the priest. And and augmented hy Jerry Goldsmith's night- ing tn a violent iilni. it's jlll something in
he wouldn't have gone on his mission with marish score derived ironi a rhilling tenth- my nature. l'm ]USl not comiortahle watch-
Jennings ii he hadn't known that he had as- Century black mass. ing it. l respect and love Sam Peckinpah. l
sunied this liability and he had to chase it Donner and scriptwriter Seltzer continu- think he's one oi the great iilntntakers oi
down. ally play upon audience preconceptions that our tiinc. l can sit through anything he
normally preclude killing oii the main t‘har— makes ilild love it. But then l go home. and
PECK: 1 irankly don't take the Satanic acters. Katherine Thorn survives the initial in retrospect l get $it'k~——l'm upset by it.
element very seriously—althuugh a lot oi enslaught oi the devil's emissaries when the Oddly enough. l don't iind THE OMEN
people do. l've talked to some very young table oti which she is prerariuusly perched violent. l call it thrilling. And there's a
people who are iundamentalists and believe to water some hanging plants is struck hy diiierence. Viuleiict-. to me. is one-to-one.
in the Antichrist and that every day you Damien as he careens hy on his tricycle. Man's inhum;inity to man. Andhloodletting.
have to go out zuid do battle with Satan. Well Katherine claws nioinentarily at the second— ii you take a kniie ;\.l\(i shove it into it guy's
1 can't say that it's not true. dciinitcly; but ilour landing. and then plummets iiiteen iect eye and it goes through his In-ad and pins
ii l had to bet. lwould say no. But never» to the hardwood iloor below. She is hatter- him up against it wall—t_hat's violt-nrc. l
theless. the script held my interest as a ed and broken. but alive. With ii sigh oi re- stayed away irom bltnvti. Blood is violent
Gothic thriller, and l thought ii we could put liei. the audience sits hack. reassured—on- and gory to me. in our picture. l think
this on the screen it would be something ex- ly to be all the more shocked when. a short tht-rt-‘s about iive drops ni hlood out oi
citing—shucking to be sure. with some quite while later, the utterly helpless invalid Lt-e's mouth when she hits the oor. Even
ghastly killings in it. in general. I have a plunges to her death irom the hospital wi|i- with the dl'Pill'il;l\ltil\ there is so little hlood
dislike tor that sort oi thing. but then l ra— dow. Dnnner's ultimate niiuiipulation oi the .. .l mean, we put in less than a capsule.
tionalize-—aiter all, ii you are going to have audience is his use oi the photographer ]USl so the sheet would have some red on it.
a premise that a supernatural conspiracy Keith Jennings. From the moment Jennings Same with the pru-st. l [ind the deaths in
exists to wipe out me and my ianiily and put reveals the blemished photograph oi hini- this picture really iun. Oi course. when
our child into a position oi power in Ameri- sell. it is clear his days ;u'c nuinhered. Or you're making a iilm. the logictics oi set-
can politics. then certainly Satan's going to are they? ting up moments like these are so in\'ul\'ed
dispose oi anyone who gets in his way or —there's so niuch research and prepara-
tries to thwart this conspiracy. And these DONNER1 David and Harvey andl sat ior lion, that by the time you execute it, you



Facing Page. Lt-ll: Dircvtur Rl(.‘hLLl"d Donner

and Grqzory Peck during tho iilniing of
Damic-n‘s birthday party. Right: Dnnner
(loft) lines up Ll cluse-up til Grogury Pr-ck in
the scone where ho is rnnirimtcd by Piitrirk
Truughtun‘s hiniitir priest. This Pam-. TUP1
Pork visits the piiriilyzl-rl Lllld disliizurvd
Father S]lil(‘ttu (Martin Bnnsun) \0 1l"11!‘l\ the
lzivts l‘irl\(‘l'l“l\ll\.}! ihc hirth iii his sun. Lott:
Dunner (t-ruui-ht-cl ll\Sld(' uutui gvls sumo
hziiirl-linld t';in\t-rii Shiil5 fur (hr st-qut-nrt- iii
whirh lialimiiis S;l\‘Ll;I('l)‘ iittiivk D1ll\lll'I\ and
his ninthi-r. Right: Jennings lD;i\'irl Warner)
ShlI\\'S Thnrn lGr0_i:<ii-y Pi-ck) ii phnlli hr hiis
liikvn ul hinisvll l‘l'|f('\‘l[‘(‘l in his mirror.
bloinished with ii |)hliltigI';l|))\l(‘ iiiiuiiizily he
hclicvos lurti-lls H15 nwn di-ailh.

dun‘\ i'1-l;ilt- lu it iis ynu'i't- nizikiiig llir nudi-

onro rrkiir I1» it. Th0 iiit-rliiiiiivs ul it llkl‘
aiwziy iruin ihv i-iiiutii-iiiiliiy.
l’ll toll yini sunit-lliing ll\\('l'('S\i1\}1 almut
my hiitrt-d iii \‘ll>‘(‘('l'. thnugh. Thv iislilinwl
stunt-. When l was shuuliiiii lhzii shut, I
niziziu lhv prop iilllli ign di-wn lu tht- l\iLlIk(“\
mid buy siuizl fisli~nr \\'li;ll\'\’t'l‘ the ht-ll
tli0y‘r(- t';illi*d—rlv;id Hl\l'S‘ zind ])1llli( them
tiruiigc, Llllil put llit-iii in [ho lishbuivl. And I
said, "Just swirl it h\‘[4ll'l' \\'(' gm. and ll\1'_V'll
hL|\'l' iiiun-xiit-lit. " Wvll. llarvi-y k';\li\t' in and
Silldl "What ;iru yuu divlllil with thv rlt-ad
sh? Pui livv sh in \|\1ll." Andi siiitl. "Nu
\‘l\Lllll'\'." And he siiitl. "Wh;i\ ;u-i- yuu talking
al)<iut'."' And l sziid. "l‘ni nut LIlil|\l-I in drup
livr fish n hi-rv lllld h;i\'t~ l|\l'li\ hii lh|- “lIlll'
—il‘ll kill ‘viii. “ And \\(‘ ligid this Q\_('l'l'K|li'
;U’lI\llI\('I\l. And l siiid. "ll:u'\'t-y. iiiiylmdy
SLIYS thi-y'i-0 ih-iid iish and ynu l'lll\ |L\\'|' my
]li‘ufit1< un tho |7l(‘lLll'l'. " I ]L\Sl vuulilifl drup
li\'t~ [lSl\1Il\lhl' llmii‘.
Duiini~i"5 \\-nrk in THE OMEN I5 Iiiyglily
visuiil iiithuut hvinu l|Sll'l\l1ill\IUS. His kvy
Sl'K‘|Ul‘l\l‘\‘S lrziiznu-ni int-i indii-idu;il ini.ipi-.<
\A|\l\'|\ lll‘\' Sll\|IU|1\l'l)' l'"t'l'll\'l'. .iiid liriiri-—
(iirlli l\iH$l di.~"lu|"hiiig. His |ii‘i-lutlv ll) thi-
ynuni; |i;inn\".~' h.inuinu is .i K-li\'l(ltv$k'iv])(‘ nf
iiiiiigvs in \\'|ll(‘li lln- l|L\(“\'l\\‘i'. \';igu\‘ly li-
\\;iri- thiii _-t-int-tliiiiu ;i\\ful is .iht-ui tn |\il|l~
|X'll. .~'|i;i.i'i-s \'i<'.ii'iuu:;ly lliv Thui'ii.~;‘ .il;irni-
i-d l'\'.H'\lt|lL\" Villliliill ri-.illi' klltv\\'|l\l.Z \\'liy.
And l;i\<'r. ]Ll$l as hr ni;iki-s l]i\' .iudit-iiu-
l'X))(‘l'|l'lH'l' .Ii-nnin;;s' guri-suiiiv K|t'LlU\, Dun-
ner [lIl'k'l‘$ us tn sh.u‘i- Kiitlu-riii<~'s lruslr;i-
HUN :15 shr S\l"U$.[],Zll'5 pmidi-i'nusl_v tn slip .i
di‘.\]ihLUl1|U.\' l1li1|ll)Il|\\'I\ nvt-r hi-r hviid iinzl

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. .
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- I


Leit: Father Brennan (Patrick Troughton]
is impaled by a tailing lightning-rod dis-
lodged irom the roof-top oi a church in
which he sought sanctuary from a ireak
thunderstorm. Below. Left: Thorn (Gregory
Peck) and Jennings (David Warner) search
for the remains of a child born at the same
time as Damien, buried in a deserted ceme-
tary outside Rome. Right: Father Brennan
is chased by lightning and a freak thunder-
storm in a sequence reminiscent oi Jacques

arm cast, and then her helpless terror as

she sees the murderous approach oi Mrs.
Baylock through the ensnaring iabric. With
the exceiiion oi the decapitation scene,
Donner uses slow motion to suspend time
and increase suspense rather than to accen-
tuate violence in the Sam Peckinpah or Ar-
thur Penn tradition. When Katherine falls
from the landing in her home, she grabs
onto the railing, momentarily delaying the
iall; but in slow motion we watch a dis-
lodged iishbowl plummet to the wooden floor
below. Moments later, Katherine loses her
grip and drops, but the violence of what is
about to happen to her is already implanted
in our minds with the image oi the shatter-
ingiishbowl. The use of slow motion has
prolonged the suspense and heightened the
impact. Likewise, at the climax, as Thorn
struggles to stab the demon child, a close-
up oi the policeman's revolver is shown and
the gunshot is photographed in such extreme
slow motion that the bullet can be seen
driiting across the screen. That scene also
serves as a transition, and several long
moments pass before we know the outcome.

DONNER: I wrote that gunshot idea into a

picture I tried to do about six or seven
years ago. it had to do with the kidnapping
oi the Firestone child here in Beverly Hills,
and I was going to do a two-hour television
special on it. 1 wanted to photograph the
bullet, and within the framework of the tra-
verse of that bullet, we would tell the story.
We never did the project, but in the back of
my head, 1 always wanted to use that. Well,
l needed a transition for THE OMEN. So we
found a missile tracking company that built
high-speed cameras-—I mean, devices that
were phenomenal—and asked them if they
could shoot a gun going off. And the guy
said: "Yeah, 1 guess so. We never have, but
Right: The su:-znenselul 1-liinax ol THE O-
MEN--as Thorn ttiregorv Peek] is about to
sacrice his son Danut-n lllarvey Stevens).
whom he l)(-lIt'\'t‘s to be an incarnation ol
Satan. a poliet-|n;u\ enters the rear ol the
ehurch. gun drawn. and orders him to halt.
Below. Lelt: Jennings (David Warner) is de-
capitated by a [lying pane ol plate glass.
an event foretold hy the omen in his own
photograph. Right: Thorn is Iureed to mur-
der Mrs. Bayloek (Billie Whitelaw) who in-
tends to prevent Dan\ien's abduction.

l don‘t see why not. " So we went up and set

up the shot. But we tound that the amount of
light you need at six thousand live hundred
lrames per second is so immense that the
lights burnt the skin on the man's hand be-
\ fore he could pull the trigger. l had already
shot the master stene ut the eup coming in.
and he was barehanded. Sn. we had to re-
shoot that zmd develop a glove with asbestos
lining that would relleet the heat. We went
bark up to shoot it again. This time he could
hold it. The heat was exerueiating. but it
wasn't burning him. But by the ti|ne he went
to pull the trigger. the wax un the bullet
melted and started to smoke. So then we
had to devise a bullet with a minimal a-
mount of powder in it that didn't need wax.
Anyway. l don't understand muvh about wea-
ponry, but we did three takes on it. not
knowing what the hell we got. But when we
saw it. l was ]ll5l like a kid. l was su excit-
ed. l mean. you actually see the goddamn
bullet going across the screen.
lnevitably, THE OMEN invites compari-
ClST. Beyond the thematic thread of Satan-
nsm. all three are major studio productions
employing prestigious creative talents that
seldum grave mere "horror" films. Also.
each has proven to be a boxollice blockbust-
er. Recognizing this. buth Peck and Donner
are bristling with stories of mysterious e-
vents which betell the shooting ot‘ the tilm.
Flying to London by way of Paris with his
wile tor the start nl shouting on the Iilni,
Peck‘s plane was struck by lightning. "Su,
ut' course." laughed Peck. "the publicity
man seized on this. He was delighted! The
only thing that would have been better would
have been it the plane had actually crashed.
Think ul the publicity value at having to re-
place me. and then the tension surrounding

"You know picture was cunipnsure gradually breaks dnwn. and his PECK: THE OMEN has a very wide eniu<
. enintinns begin tn get the better ul hiiii. But tinnal range. and Inr me. that's what niakes
not grlm 3.S far as _Wj were even tnward the very end, when he kiinus the p;u't interesting. I think the larger enm-
concerned. we were he niu_st kill this t-hild...e\'en alter his tiuns are always the easier tn play. When
wurld is falling in around him. he still says: yuu have a t'harat'ter whn dues nulhiiip that
the d3.l'nl'l thing all the time "But this is a child! Ht-'5 nut rt-spuiisililef is nut predictable and \.lll(ll'l'|.lU('S nu |);tT\lt‘U-
- I wun't du it!" Despite all the evident-e, he lat‘ l'|lLll\i.!l'. then ynu have a dull part. Nu
on the set‘ be scary t*a|i't ll'tl;A{.llI\t' hiiiisell t'n|iten\|ilati|ig the niatter linw niurh nl ynur uwii l'tlIt|lIHll and
t0 the audience , but at times iiiurder ut a child, Then, Ill euurse, the last persniial iiwulveiiieiil yuu invest in the part,
. terrible thing happens with the reporter, it tint-sii'l gu ;Ul_\‘Wht'I‘t‘. Fur e.\ani|ile_ the
Our Xnaln problem was to and after that, he I5 grinily dett-rniiiied that t'hai"at'ter l played in IHAROONED. the eun-
keep a face he will du away with the little iiiniisler. trill nlliri-r tlll the t1l'ULtIltl. Well, yuu l‘.lIl;1t'l
yuui‘ eyeballs nut in a part like lhal. hut the
We were dolng all thOSe
DONNER: I treat:-ti that rhild, in niy \'liai"at'tet' l\l\1§l reniain a kind i-I liuni.in ru-
horrendous things. H niind, right up lu the very last frame Ill the hut. I~j\'er\'thiiip else must he saerilit-ed tn
picture, as just a live year nld kid. lle etlit-it-in'y. II he's nut eltit-it-iil. llivrt-'.\'l\t|
Gregory Peck knnws nut What he is yet. The Bible says justilicatiun Int" his |It'IIlt1lllt'I‘l‘, su tlier|"s
the child will he sired hy the rape at a [nur- “ll ftvtllll tn gt: l]ll'H\l;.!|\ any eiimtii-iis Hr
lettited lieast by Satan. I dun't knuw ii that's rliaiipes. Yuu try. here and there, Ill t‘t'\'t'.tl
another actor flying over tn take the part!" piissihlt-.. .y<>u knnw, the Bihle-—a lut ut .i hit ul eiiiutiuiizil in\'uli'enienl-ut t'.tt‘in'.!.
But THE OMEN really hears little re- peuiile ht-lieve it. But he's a ehild-—a little ll‘ real t'IlI\l't'I‘ll. But it‘.~; tlitlit-ult. We all
senihlaiiee tn THE EXORCIST, and the news kid. When his lather is lighting \\'ll|\ the have .i wide siiertruiii ut ll‘t'llllt1.\', lI'Hl\l l--\'i'
media. rightfully. never paid niut-h attention nanny. Damien tznes and hides ht-hind a and ll'lllll'I'llt'>i.\' In \'|lvl|‘l\l't' and Ll desire tn
tn all the ";imazing," and snnie nut Ell ;i- rhair. And when his lather pulls the i-hair kill. Given that ynu liave sniiie kind III na-
niazing. euintadenees that were being bruit- away, he tries lu t'tI\’t‘I‘ hiinsell and st;u'ts tural izitt hr talent tin" il('llIll[, ynu t'.tll II“
ed almut. Aside lruiii the extent to whivh S(‘I‘t';lIl\lll|,!. He's still a t-hild. I believe wlien these 1-iiiutiuiis. And the parts that thin't al-
THE OMEN iznes ln slmrk and terrily, it is he says: "Daddy. please! Please dnn‘t!" in lnw liliu tn t-all ll“ theni, iii‘ nnly llll a ll1lI‘I'tv\\
Certainly ll\Hl"l‘ rlnsely related tn ROSE- the t'hurt'h—that‘s really a kid saying: that. range. are the ninre uiiiiiterestiiii; parts.
MARY'S BABY. In Iuet. had Ituseniary been There niay he iireatt-r pnwers. hut I didn't Thert-‘s llll ext-use. at this ])1llllI in my
separated [rum her child as iikuiiied all a— treat tht-iii as sut-h. t'.lI'\'l‘I‘. tm‘ hi-ini: aiiythinii less than i:=-nil-—-
lung by the enveii. THI-I OMEN cuuld alniust We treated the wlmle Kllltltl. as lit-st we aiiytliiiit; less lllttll Iii-st-rate. I |Iul all HI
have heen a sequel. Bnth Rust-niary and enuld. as a reality. Ev:-i'ytliiiii: in it euiiltl iiiysell llitu J part. lllltl it the tlii-eeu-r igii-es
Kmhm-im. hum. iwen 1;‘-(payed by their hus- be t'uint'itlt-ntal. ‘fnu never saw .t|\_\'liut|y me the ti|)|)i|t‘lUltll_\' and has i1||Iitl]l|ll_L1l‘l\lt'Ilt
bands, resultiniz in extreme niental Stress. rreate an inhuiiitui deed. Lilierties are tak- in euidinu nie, I tlnii‘l need a \\'hiile |tvl til
The iiiutinitimis. hnwever. are entirely en. u|i\'iously~—tu the pt-inl \\‘|\t't‘e a llt1l\l- (ll'l.ll|t'(l direetinn. Rut llu .l('l1lI‘ r.in watt-h
dilterent. Rutiert 'I‘hurii's betrayal tit Kath— ning rud gut hit: In the puint where a nian is lllltl§t'Il, .iiirl sh, (ll rnurse. it‘s .in t'IlIrI'-
erine is nintivatt-d by his lti\‘e;.i1it‘l euiieerii killed; lu the pnint where Lee lteniiek \\'a.~z nu-us help ‘II h.i\'e .i iiian with L1lIlvt| ]lI(l|,1t'-
lur her. Only later dues the lull iinpat-t nt un the talile and the kid ranie art-untt the ll\('ti\, -,;..nil taste. and \\'lin has .i ])\*l'§titI-ll
his st-eiiiinizly harniless dt-t'e|itiuii niake it- ciirner . . .iI you nutit-e. he ne\-er lmtkt d up. <'har;n-tei~ _\-nu e.ui trust. Ill-‘.~a vuur .iudi-
sell k.n<>wn. and by then. it is tint late. Sn. it was just .i ehild riding ii |Ill‘)'l‘lt'. em-e; yuu 1l|;|\'Iu hini. Il’s .ill ii--iisense that
really. Was it t'tllllt'l(lt‘lll1ll. nr (||(| Mrs. yuu plav tn the elet-ti*i<'i.uis iip in the t‘l'll-
PECK: Rnliert Thorn is urbane. snphis» Baylut-k pru\'uke hini'.’ And she lllltllll Just intz. 'I‘he\"i-e husy with the liulits. They
ticated. capable nl heiiig the Anihassadnr tu he suiiie kuuk . . .i\-In» kiu|\\‘s‘.' Or ivhen Peek :|~»n‘t |>.t\' I\lUl‘]l .\lll‘l\llHll tn \\'h.it‘.< heinp
the Cuurt of St. James. lle isn‘t an espe» killed her, he may have killed a \\'ttl\lillI uh.‘ s.iitl ti-rtv It-et hel--\\' them nn the set. Yuu
cially religious niaii whu wuuld believe in was duing nuthiiig inure than ]II'lll\‘t‘lltl1,1 a play in nae in.ui. and I-nee he s;iy.\. "Print
Satan at all. let aluiie an AI\ll('hl"l$\. But child, thinking that the nia_~;tei' ill the In-use it," y-iii liave ti. ll.|\‘|' the [l'l'lIt[LL that it‘s
gradually. as IIlll(‘h as he resists believing had gnne berserk. E\‘\'I‘_\'\lIl|l|1 has an .ini— y--nr hi-st. I‘d uive a direetiir a Int <-I ti-nu»
it. he cunies tn realize that ht-‘s niade ii liigutius relatiunshiii \\-ith i't-ality. l~I\'eii the hle \\lit| \\i\lll|'\l tn |lI‘IIll \\h.it 1l'i|I\SH|l'l‘|'{||li
hurrililt‘ niistuke by taking inln his Ianiily three sixes rnultl have lit-en .i liirthiiiark. A he an lll;ltl4'(|U.llI' ]lt'I‘l\|I‘lIliUlt‘l' I-n .i set-iie.
an adopted child he really dm-sn‘t knuw 0- terrible t-niiit'ident~e. II ynu gt. in zuiy ul the liee.iusi- it \\-»ultl ht‘. iiith me. a m.|lier iil
nuugh ubnut—a niistake gruunded in leelings niedival lilirai-ies. it's lllk ' -ri-tlilile the lIil'IIl\'. ..
|)l‘|t[l'~;\'||vllill prith ' ind pt ' l'\'|tl\.|l v.init\‘ .
A .

at prntertinvi and tenderness Iur his wile these liirlliiiiarks (In lake. Sn it i-uuld he Diek Dl>lllI|'|' and I gilt all-nil 1iI‘~--\l- lit"
who so niueh wanted a child. Sn. it lakes this |)tltiI' nian, Perk. is vaught up in sueh \l|l(|t'I‘.\llII|(l. .-\ntl he ant enlv \lIl(ll'l‘,\'llvIi(l, hut
some ennvineintz. hut he gradually ennies tn ltI\'.\l insaiiity iU‘IIUl\(l hini lllat he llltl t1t|l'$ he hel|n-it l\ll‘. ll<» \|l'|'\\ Illt‘ litll .l|l(|i1il\'t' me
realize that he has indeed ;ll‘k'['|X('d a child insane. As tar as I‘iii ('tlIll‘t'I‘l\\'K|, when he every |i|)|)lII'lIJ|\ll\'. The l'lvlll||llll“.\\ltIll lie-
whu is guided by a supernatural Ioree and raises that knife and says, “Gnd |,Zl\‘l' nie tween the l\\'~- Ill us——|\ was the hes! \\e
is nut tn destruy him Lllld his Ianiily. His stren|;th"—I nit-an. he's insane. eiiiiltl d--. I dun‘t nit-.in tn say that there

Facing Pam. L:-ll: Tlnlrn \Ul"l'i{u!‘y Pm-kl IS
1\\l;1('l'i('dl‘) .~:.|\':n4~ dlqw l.l .| d1-5:-rlvd re-nu»
|-\;u'\' HLll\|(ll' R1-nn' 1llll'l finding lln- r<~—
inains nl lll.\ r|.i£ .~--n. lhuhl: In --nv ::r.|\'|-
'I'ln»rn (llS\'K‘\‘l'l'2~ lln ski-l|\.il r~>|n.|n\_< Hr
llll' ].u‘k.ll Illa! ,~1r<~ll I).|lni|-ii. Tlns l‘.u.:|'.
Tupi Thv \ll.\'ll!\ll'l‘(l l.n‘<‘ IllF1lll\1'l'S|)ll(’lln
lM.ll‘lln ll<‘ll.~»|llll4 ni.ll-uup h\' Sluarl Fr\~\~~
hurn. Ln-It. Tlnlrn 1|-.u'n>’ <-I (hr l‘l\\l.ll In-
musl |)1'I'lHl'lll l-- kill l).\ll\l\'ll. lflvlll an Jr‘
l‘ll|‘HlIll1l.\l ll.--ll Mi-Kl-rnl in lsixn-l, \\l\ll
pr~\'nl|<_< hnn \\ill\ lliv \'\'l'\‘l!\l|lll.ll knivi-.~.
whn ll n\u.~'l hr us:-ll. Rluhl: l"l1ll'\'\‘)’ Sl|.'V('|\5.
“In, ||l.i_\'.- I)ann\~n Ill lln- lilin. ]\l.~;l plays
d\|rin_iI lhv Im-.ik.~' in slilluliiig. l')u|i|wi' cln|:~‘o
In |lll'll‘il)' l).nnn-n ]U.\'l llkv ll.\\)' l\lll'l\l1ll kid.
1-» l4'J\'l‘ lhv hlin‘s llll\'l‘|ll'l'l£\ll|)ll nprll.

" :u'1~n'l .i luv di-mils In-rc and llwrv that we

\lnn<~ In-(ll-1‘. hul ;il llw nin-
n'|>ullln'l l\.|\'<-
nu-nl, Wv ruuldn'l think nl lmw.
And il was lun. Ynu k|\n\\'_ llns |)|l'lUl"\‘
was nul grlni as lar as »\_1~ W1-rr t‘|lllk‘\'l‘l\t‘(l.
\\'|- um-rv kirldnnz lhr (|a|nl\ [hing all \|\\* lune
un llw >21-l. ll mav ho ll‘l}Ll\l\‘I\i|l;l in llw nu-
dirm-\-, hul .il lnni-_~; uul‘ main |)l'(ll)lL‘lI! was
(Ii k\'\']) a .\'ll‘;|l;Llll l;n-|- \\'lllll' \\'1- werv dning
all lhvsr linrri-nrlnus lliings. \\'i- jnkl mid
lauglu-d—.il1nu\ Uir 5l'l'l|!l, and ahuul \hus(-
l\l|l‘l‘llll\' ('lll'l‘lS. Bul lln-n the ran\\~r;| gm-5.
and ynur yuh IS lu niakr it In-lin-\';ihlu ln;|n
.iu1li<-iiw-~l|v 5_'|~l ll\l'll\ in _<us]w\\(| (|l$ll('llk'l
lul‘ an lmlll‘ .m(l filly-um> l\llllllll‘$. Sn,
ll\\*l‘\"S nu llmllllll ;n'<|un<| ;|hu\.ll that. Wu
zluln'l _\‘l'l\(l ll up nr inako a parmly ul it. “'1-
])l;|_H'4l ll lnr all ll was \\‘uI‘lll. as l)('llt'\‘L\l)ll‘
as We l‘uUl(l inakv it. And l lhink ll\al's wluil
l)rn\;;.~; il HH. This vnuld 5|? easily lni\'|- l)l'[‘ll
turn‘-(l inn» .i |l£ll‘u(l)'. Snnw pouplv ma)’
think il is, any\\'.iy--—;in¢l sllllh.‘ \'l'lllK'S unva-
uusly (lu. But nn lhv ulln-r |i;.uid. a lul uf
lln-in l'I'l1\.ll‘k .ibuul the |1l'I\L\lI\l' l(‘(‘lin|1S that
arr \‘X|)l‘l'5_\‘[‘(l_ almul [ho ll'lI(l(‘X‘lll‘§:i be-—
lWl't‘ll lhis Ill‘-lTl'll'(1 cuuplu, ;u\d lhvy say that
vlvnn-nl is whal givl-s the lilm quality u vul
abuvu lhv Ll5\.l;1l lmrrm‘ lilin. We did every-
thing that wv vnuld In m;Lk(' it hvlicvublc-,
Ll1\(| In In-lp llw audiom-0 identify, 0n\n\iun-
ally. Willi this liushund and wifn. ll wv wvrv
]USl 5lLlllt'(‘l shirts wilhuul any genuine tun-
ccrn lur 1-;n'l\ ulhc-r, llu-n nubudy wuuld care
whun all nl llu-5e hurriblv events begin In
take placv, -and wo‘d have ]U5l another run-

tino ]llL‘lUl'l‘ wilh smne gory special eecls.








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