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Alternate MAC PHY

An Implementation Approach

Software Concept Document

The purpose of this paper is to go through Alternate MAC PHY (AMP) specification and propose
the changes to be done to the CW1200 WLAN MAC software in order to support AMP

The first section of the paper tries to explain the AMP specification in simple terms, using
reference to the appropriate sections of the specification wherever required.

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Legal Information

An Implementation Approach

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach


1 About this Document.................................................................4

1.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................4
1.2 Scope..........................................................................................................4
1.3 Audience.....................................................................................................4
1.4 Prerequisites ...............................................................................................4
1.5 Revision Information....................................................................................4
1.6 Reference List..............................................................................................4

2 Introduction..............................................................................5
2.1 What AMP is all about?................................................................................5
2.2 Functional Overview of the AMP..................................................................5
2.2.1 What is PAL?.............................................................................................5
2.2.2 List of requirement from WLAN for AMP Support ....................................5
2.2.3 How BT AMP will form connection over WLAN?.........................................6

3 Software Changes Required to CW1200 MAC.............................10

3.1 UMAC Architecture....................................................................................10
3.2 UMAC Changes for AMP.............................................................................10
3.3 Interaction between PAL and UMAC...........................................................11
3.3.1 Get AMP Info and AMP ASSOC.................................................................12
3.3.2 Start Initiator..........................................................................................13
3.3.3 Start Responder......................................................................................14
3.3.4 WLAN Device Connection.......................................................................15
3.3.5 Security Key Negotiation .......................................................................15
3.4 Proposed Architecture for AMP on Android Platform .................................17
3.5 Support from Host Driver and WSM Firmware...........................................18
3.5.1 Host Driver.............................................................................................18
3.5.2 WSM Firmware........................................................................................19
3.6 Open Points...............................................................................................19

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

1 About this Document

1 Purpose
This document is supposed to act as a guideline to design and implement AMP
functionality in CW1200 MAC.

2 Scope
The document provides initial information on AMP functionality and proposes
its implementation for CW1200 MAC. This document is not indented to be a
detailed design document.

3 Audience
CW1200 MAC software designers and developers.

4 Prerequisites
Knowledge on 802.11 and architecture of CW1200 WLAN MAC.

5 Revision Information
Table 1 Revision History
Date Rev. Comments

05-11-2009 0.1 First version.

6 Reference List
[1] Core_V3.0 + HS Bluetooth Specification
[2] IEEE802.11-2007 WLAN MAC and PHY Specification

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

2 Introduction

2.1 What AMP is all about?

This functionality enables the use of alternative MAC and PHYs (AMP) for
transporting Bluetooth profile data. The Bluetooth Radio is still used for device
discovery, initial connection and profile configuration, however when lots of
data needs to be sent, the high speed alternate MAC PHY i.e. WLAN device will
be used to transport the data.

2 Functional Overview of the AMP

2.1 What is PAL?

Protocol Adaptation Layer (PAL) is the interface layer between BT and WLAN.
BT AMP Manager will call the APIs to initiate PAL. PAL will call the
corresponding WLAN APIs to initiate the WLAN device. PAL is the controller
which will also accept the HCI commands from the BT AMP Manager and
initiate the corresponding request to the WLAN device. PAL will understand the
HCI commands received from BT AMP Manager and convert it into the
corresponding APIs/OIds of H-UMAC to configure or to initiate connection or for
data transfer.

2.2 List of requirement from WLAN for AMP Support

1. Beacon shall be indicated as ESS-Style beacons in the capability information


2. Beacon and Probe response shall include MAC address of the transmitting
WALN device in Address2 and Address3 fields.

3. Probe request shall include the MAC address of the peer WLAN device in the
Address1 and Address3 fields.

4. SSID information element shall be of form AMP-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx, where “x”

characters are replaced by the lowercase hexadecimal characters of the MAC
address of the WLAN device.

5. Shall support the 4 address field frame format for the all data frames. As
there is no frame forwarding, so the RA address is the same as the DA and the
TA address is the same as SA.

4. Shall support RSNA security.

5. UserGroup (00:0F:AC:00), WEP-40 (00:0F:AC:01), TKIP (00:0F:AC:02) and

WEP-104 (00:0F:AC:05) shall not be allowed as valid pairwise cipher suites.

6. The only valid AKMP shall be PSK (00:0F:AC:02) or the vendor-specific AKMP.

7. The NoPairwise bit (B1) of RSN capabilities field shall not be allowed as a
valid selection.

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

8. The group cipher shall be CCMP (00:0F:AC:04).

9. If the Qos is offered by the AMP WLAN device then it shall advertise EDCA in
beacon and probe response frames by including the EDCA parameters set
information element. This will also include in (re)association frames.

10. The Qos info filed shall be zero.

11. The ACI, AIFSN and TXOPlimit values of the AC parameters shall be use as
given in Table 7-37 [2].

12. The ECWmin and ECWmax values are specific to the 802.11 PHY type.

13. Shall Support 11d functionality.

The above list shows that WLAN device should work as STA as well as AP. It
should also able to work as normal infrastructure mode in parallel to BT AMP.

2.3 How BT AMP will form connection over WLAN?

On BT the maximum throughput will get is 2.1Mbps. The new functionality AMP
will provide the flexibility to get more throughput by using WLAN device.

2.3.1 Get the information of peer device

The initial negotiation will be done on BT BR/EDR radio. The BT AMP manager
will check with the peer BT AMP manager for the availability of WLAN device
and will also get the WLAN device information. To get information of WLAN
device the following frame will be exchange on BT BR/EDR radio.

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An Implementation Approach

A MP_Manager 802. 11 P A L 802. 11 MAC 802.11 MA C 802. 11 P A L AMP_Manager

D evice A D evice A D evice A D evice B D evice B D evice B

AM P_Get_Info_Request(Am p_IDB )

H C I_Get_ Loc al_ A MP_Info

Command_c omplete (A MP_InfoB )


S ignaling H C I_R eas d_Loc al_ A MP_A S S OC

ov er B R/E D R
R adio C ommand_c omplete
(A MP_A s s oc B)
AM P_Get_Info_Response(Am p_IDB, Status)

AM P_Get_AM P_Assoc_Request(Am p_IDB)

AM P_Get_AM P_Assoc_Response(Am p_IDB, AM P_AssocB)

In the above sequence diagram Device A is initiator and the Device B is

responder. By using above frame exchange the initiator will get the
information/capabilities of the WLAN device from the responder. Based on
these information it will determine whether to form a physical link connection
with responder on WLAN device.

2.3.2 Start initiator and responder WLAN device

Once the initiator AMP manager got the required information of the peer WLAN
device, then it will initiate the request to the initiator PAL and the responder
AMP manager to start WLAN device. The following sequence diagram shows
how the Initiator AMP manager will initiate the request to PAL and responder
AMP manager to start WLAN device.

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An Implementation Approach

A MP_M a na ge r 8 0 2.11 P A L 8 02. 11 M A C 8 0 2.1 1 MA C 8 0 2. 1 1 P A L A MP_M a na ge r

D e v ic e A D e vic e A D e v ic e A D e v ic e B D e v ic e B D e v ic e B

H C _I C r e a te_P h y s ic a_Ll ink

H C _I C o mm a n d_ s ta tus
H C I_W r ite_R e mo te_A MP A s s oc
(A M P_A s s o c )B
Le ge nd
H C _I C o m ma n d_C o m p le te
S ig n a l M A C to S c an

S ig n a lin g
S ca n(O pt iona l)
o v er B R/E D R
R a d io S c a n lis t r e tu r ne d

A MP H C I S ig n a l M A C to S tar t

S t a rt B e a c oning
M A C r e s p o ns e to s ta r t c m d
H C _I C h a n n e_s
l el
H C _I R e a s _dL o c a_A
l MP_
H C _I C o m ma n d_C o m p le te
(A M P_A s s o c )A AM P_Create_Ph ysica_Link
l _Re que st(Rem ote
-Am p-ID B, AM P_Asso cA)
H C _I A c c e p_P
t h y s ic _L
a l in k
H C _I C om ma n d_s ta tus

H C _I W r ite_R e mo te_A MP A s s o c
(A MP_A s s o c )B
H C _I C o mm a n d_C o mp le te
S ig n al M A C to S ta r t

S t a rt B e a c oning

MA C r e s po n s e to s ta r t c md

AM P_Create_Ph ysical_Link_Re spo nse(L oca-Am

l p-IDB, Status)

In the above sequence diagram the initiator AMP manager will first send the
HCI commands to the PAL to start WLAN device. PAL will understand those HCI
commands and call the corresponding APIs/OIDs of WLAN.

The initiator WLAN will start sending beacons and indicate to the PAL for start
confirmation. PAL will also indicate the status to the initiator AMP manager for
start confirmation.

After receiving the start confirmation from PAL the initiator AMP manager will
send request on BT BR/EDR radio to the responder AMP manager to start
responder WLAN device. Responder AMP manager will indicate the status of
completion on the same BT BR/EDR radio to initiator AMP manager.

2.3.3 Form connection between initiator and responder over WLAN

When the responder PAL inform to the AMP manager regarding the starting of
WLAN device, then it will send the request to the WLAN device to act as STA
and form the WLAN connection with initiator WLAN device ( which will be act
as AP). The following sequence diagram shows how the responder device will
form the connection with initiator over WLAN.

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

A M P_M a n a g e r 8 0 2.1 1 P A L 8 0 2.1 1M A C 8 0 2.1 1 M A C 8 0 2.1 1 P A L A M P_M a n a g e r

D e v ic e A D e v ic e A D e v ic e A D e v ic e B D e v ic e B D e v ic e B

S ta r t C o n n e c tio n
8 0 2.1 1 A U T H(o p e n a lg r )e q

8 0 2.1 1 A U T H(o p e n a lg r )s p


8 0 2.1 1 A S S O_R

8 0 2.1 1 A S S O_R
C o n n e c tio n C o m p le te C o n n e c tio n C o m p le te

4-w ay hands hak e ov802.11

er m edium
P h y s ic_La lin _k C o m p le te P h y s ic_La in
l k_C o m p le te
(s ta tu ,s
(s ta tu s, A M P_ P_H a n d le) A M P_P_H a n d )le

When the initiator and responder will form the complete connection over
WLAN device then it will indicate to the PAL with completion event.

To perform the key handshake between initiator and responder, then the
initiator PAL will act as authenticator while the responder PAL will act as
supplicant. It will perform the complete 4 way key handshake over WLAN. After
successful key handshake PAL will indicate to the AMP manager about
connection complete indication.

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

3 Software Changes Required to CW1200

This section talks about the changes to be done to CW1200 WLAN MAC to

Incorporate AMP functionality.

1 UMAC Architecture
OS Interface Layer

Upper MACtext
Interface (UMI)
Core Upper MAC (UMC)
Device Interface Layer (DIL)

The above architecture of H-UMAC will have 3 main layers

Upper MAC Interface (UMI): This is the interface layer between host driver and
Core Upper MAC. This will take the request from the host driver and provide the
information to Core Upper MAC. Similarly this will pass the received information
from Core Upper MAC to host driver.

Core Upper MAC (UMC): This is main layer which will maintain the UMAC state
machine. This will accept the request received from UMI layer and convert it into
the corresponding MIBs/Requests of WSM firmware. This will handle all the
management frames and data frames. This will send the entire MIBs, requests,
management frames and data frames to the DIL layer.

Device Interface Layer (DIL): The responsibility of this layer to make the Host
Upper MAC independent of Lower MAC. It will having a queue which will collect all
the MIBs, requests, management frames and data frames and also inform to the
lower layer (i.e. WDEV) for frame availability to send it to WSM firmware. This will
also receive all the MIBs confirmation, requests confirmation, management
responses, data frames and events from WSM firmware and will provide this to
Core Upper MAC for processing.

2 UMAC Changes for AMP

Changes at UMI layer

The UMI layer code needs to be reentrant. In UMI_Create() there will be one
additional parameter which will indicate whether this request is for AMP STA/AP or
for Infra/adhoc Mode. So when host driver will call the UM_Create() twice to create
2 handles one for Infra/adhoc mode and other for AMP STA/AP. This layer will also
allocate the different memory for Infra/adhoc mode and for AMP STA/AP.

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

Changes at UMC layer

The UMC layer code needs to be reentrant (except the serialization of

management request handling). This layer will also allocate the different memory
for Infra/adhoc mode and for AMP STA/AP. UMC will maintain 2 state machines one
for infra/adhoc mode (as a normal station) while other for AMP STA/AP. UMC need
to provide support for Assoc response and Auth response, if AMP will act as an AP.

Changes at DIL layer

DIL layer of UMAC needs to be non reentrant. This layer will allocate the common
memory for Infra/adhoc mode and for AMP STA/AP. It will store all the packets
received from infra mode and AMP STA/AP mode into a single queue. It will also
pass the received frames from WLAN device to appropriate state machine.

Support for New OIDs

UMAC needs to support new OIDs which will be used for AMP STA/AP.

UMI_DEVICE_OID_802_11_GET_CAPABILITY: With this OID the driver will get the

WLAN device capability from the UMAC.

UMI_DEVICE_OID_802_11_GET_CONFIGURATION: With this OID the driver will get

the WLAN device configuration from the UMAC.

UMI_DEVICE_OID_802_11_START_AMP: This OID will indicate to the UMAC that the

driver wants to start AMP, to transfer BT traffic. Based on this OID UMAC will call
the corresponding MIBs/Request of WSM firmware.

3 Interaction between PAL and UMAC

The following sections explain how the PAL will interact with the UMAC to form the
connection over WLAN.

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

3.1 Get AMP Info and AMP ASSOC

AMP Manager PAL Upper MAC

HCI _Get _Local _AMP _Info

Get the WLAN device capability



Map received capability with AMP _Info


Command _complete (AMP _Info )

HCI _Read _Local _AMP _ASSOC

Get the WLAN device current configuration



Provide MAC Address , Preferred channel

list and connected channel details


Map WLAN device configuration , PAL version

and PAL capabilities with AMP _AssocB structure

Command _complete (AMP _Assoc )

In the above sequence diagram PAL is interacting with UMAC to get the WLAN
device capabilities and configuration. PAL will map these capabilities and
configuration with AMP_Info and AMP_Assoc.

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An Implementation Approach

3.2 Start Initiator

AMP Manager PAL Upper MAC

First get the peer AMP Controller info . Based on the info it
will decide to form a connection with peer . After that it will
get the AMP _ASSOC info form peer . All the above
handshake done on BT /EDR radio .

HCI _Create _Physical _Link

Stored Keys provided from command and

prepared to start UMAC

HCI_Command _status
HCI_Write _Remote _AMPAssoc
(AMP _Assoc )
Determine selected channel . Set Connection
Accept timeout .


Issue Scan Request to LAMC




With this command , PAL also provide selected channel .

Issue command on LMAC to start as AP on the channel
provided . Wait till receive confirmation from LMAC


HCI _Command _Complete

HCI _Channel _sel

In the above sequence diagram PAL is interacting with UMAC with the set of
present and proposed OIDs to start WLAN device. WLAN device will start

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

3.3 Start Responder

A M P M a na g e r P AL U p pe r M A C

Ini tia tor A M P M anager r eques t to for m a c on nec tion w ith R es p onder by
us ing follow ing c m d on
/E DBRT r a di. AoM P_C re a _P
te h ysica_Ll in k_R e q u e st
(R e sp o n d e r Am
-ID, In
p ita to r AM
P )c

I c c pet
_P hy s i c_Li
al nk

S tor ed K ey s p r ov ided fr om c om m and and

p r epar ed to s tar t U M A C

I o m m and
_s tatus

I r ite
_R em o _A
te M P A s s oc
(A M P_A s s oc)

D eter m ine s elec ted c hannel

. S et C onnec tion
A c c ept tim eo. ut

E ID_802_11_S T A R_A

W i th this c om m, Pand A L a ls o pr ov id e s elec ted c.han

Is s ue
ne l
c om m and on L M A C to s tar t as S T A on the c hannel . p r ov ided
W a it till r ec e iv e c onfir m ation fr o m LM A C

T M P_C O M P L E _E

I om m a _C
nd om p le te

In this above sequence diagram PAL is interacting with UMAC with the set of
proposed OIDs which will start WLAN device. WLAN device will start beaconing.

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

3.4 WLAN Device Connection

(Initiator ) (Initiator ) Device Device (Responder ) (Responder )

After receiving
EVENT from Upper MAC , it
will initiate WLAN connection
with initiator

UMI _DEVICE _OID _802 _11 _S


This command provide the SSID

information of peer WLAN device .
Based on that it will Initiate
connection . First it will create the
802 .11 Auth Request

Send 802 . 11 AuthReq to

specifiedMAC address of 802. 11 AuthRequest
preer onair

802 . 11 AuthRequest Acknoledgement

Transmit Confirmation
Pars the Auth Request
received from peer . If it is
having required information
then it will send 802 .11 Auth

Send 802 .11 Auth Respto

802 .11 Auth Response specifiedMAC address of
preer onair
Transmit Confirmation 802 . 11 AuthResponse

If Auth Response status

SUCCESS , then it will
perform final negotiation with
peer . Now it will create
802 .11 Assoc Request

Send 802 . 11 Assoc Reqto

specifiedMAC address of 802 .11 Assoc Request
preer onair
802 . 11 Assoc Request Transmit Confirmation

Pars the Assoc Request

received from peer . If it is
having required information
then it will send 802 .11 Assoc
Send 802 .11 Assoc Resp to
802 .11 Assoc Response specifiedMAC address of
preer onair
Transmit Confirmation 802 . 11 Assoc Response

If Assoc Response status is

WLAN connection SUCCESS , WLAN
successfully done , so indicate connection successfully done
to host by setting event so indicate to the host by
setting event


When the responder WLAN device started, the responder PAL will set the OID to
form the connection with initiator. Now the responder will act as a STA and the
initiator will act as an AP. When the UMAC will form the WLAN connection with the
responder and initiator, it will indicate to the corresponding PAL with connected

3.5 Security Key Negotiation

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

PAL U p pe r M A C W LA N W LA N U p pe r M A C PAL
(Init ia t o r) (Init ia t or) D e v ic e D e v ic e (R e s po n de) r (R e s pond )e r

Afte r re ce ivin g Afte r re ce ivin g

I ON N EC T ED , it
h a s to p e rfo4-w
rm a y ke y h a s to p e rfo4-wrm a y ke y
h a n d sh a .ke
Th e in itia to r w ill h a n d sh a .keTh e in itia to r w ill
a ct a s a Au th e n tica to r a ct a s a su p lican t

4-w ay key hands hake over

802.11 m edium

Afte r su cce ssfu 4-wl a y ke y Afte r su cce ssfu 4-wl a y ke y

h a n d sh a ,ke
it w ill co n fig u re h a n d sh a ,keit w ill co n fig u re
th e se cu rity ke ys in U M AC th e se cu rity ke ys in U M AC

E ID_8 0 2_1 1_A U M I_D E V IC _O
E ID_8 0 2_1 1_A
D D_K E Y S e nd A dd K e y re que s t t o S e n d A d d K e y re q u e s t t o D D_K E Y
W L A N d e v ic e W LA N de v ic e

A dd K e y C on f irm a t ion A dd K e y C o nf irm a t ion

S t a t u s o f re que s t e d O ID S t a t us of re q ue s t e d O ID

Afte r su cce ssfu l co n fig u ra tio n Afte r su cce ssfu l co n fig u ra tio n
o f th e se cu rity ke ys in U,M AC o f th e se cu rity ke ys in U, M AC
it w ill in d ica te it w ill in d ica te
Phy s ic _Link
a l _C om ple te Phy s ic _Link
a l _C om ple te
e ve n t to h o st H C I e ve n t to h o st H C I

After successful WLAN connection, PAL will initiate the 4-way key handshake over
WLAN to negotiate the keys between the initiator and responder. After finishing
the key negotiation both initiator and responder PAL will inform to the AMP
manager about the connection status.

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An Implementation Approach

3.4 Proposed Architecture for AMP on Android Platform

B T /A M P H C I Interface
AMP S ocket / IO C T L G A N /-W
I LA N …
M anager handlers


802.11 P A L M anager (P art A ) 4

H C I interface (B T + H C I) S ocket C ontrol

M anager
S T E W LAN M anager
P hysical Link M anager L ogical Link E xtended wpa_ supplicant
control interfac e
M anage r

1 2 L ink
S TA T IO N Management, S C A N &P S
M ini A P
wpa_ supplicant A ccount U tilities
M ini A P S TA T IO N handling
(H ostA P)d (wpa_ supplicant)
5 E xtended wpa_ supplicant
nl80211 driver interface

H 4 So ck et
IP S ocket N etlinksocket
<Virtual Interface> N etlinksocket N etlinksocket
B T /A M P H C I Interface 7 6 <Virtual Interface> <Virtual Interface>
S ocket / IO C T L

IP S tack nl80211 S T E
U M A C multiple instance handler
802.11 P A L M anager (P art B ) extensions
ETH Device

H C I transport driver


A M P Data Manager

The above architecture diagram is still under discussion. This is the proposed architecture on
Android platform. S DIO

1 : Path for data packets, BT will send/receive the ACL data packet to/from PAL.

2 : Path for control packets. Through this way BT and PAL will control the data flow through HCI

3 : Path for control packets. Through this way BT will send the HCI commands to PAL to get
WLAN device information, form physical link connection over WLAN, form logical link
connection. Similarly by using same way PAL will send the status and events for all received HCI

4 : Path for control packets. Through this way STE Manager and PAL will interact for

5 : Path for control packets. Through this way the PAL will interact with WALN device with set of
APIs and OIDs, e.g to start WLAN device, to form connection with peer WLAN device.

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Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

6 : Path for data packets. Through this way both the PAL (Part A) and (Part B) will send/receive
the data packet for security key handshake.

7 : Path for control packets. Through this way PAL (Part A) will provide the physical link handle
and logical handle to PAL (Part B).

8 : Path for data packets. Through this way PAL will send the data frame to the WLAN device
through Ethernet MUX. PAL will remove the BT header and add the SNAP header.

5 Support from Host Driver and WSM Firmware

5.1 Host Driver

Host driver support required to provide interface to the PAL layer.

All the Data frames received from the PAL layer should also need to include the 14
bytes of Ethernet header, so that there will be no change in UMAC for data path to
convert it into 802.11 frame.

Support require for controlling data flow when the traffic will run from both PAL as
well as TCP/IP stack side.

Doc ID 0.1 06/11/09 06/11/09 Root Part No.

© Copyright ST-Ericsson, 2009. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

Alternate MAC PHY Software Concept Document Contents

An Implementation Approach

5.2 WSM Firmware

Following support require from WSM firmware

1. Functionality to work as AP.

2. Functionality to work as normal infra/adhoc mode and AMP mode in parallel.

3. Flag in all MIB requests/confirmations and Command requests/confirmations to

indicate whether the corresponding request is for infra/adhoc mode or AMP mode.

4. Support for A4 frames.

6 Open Points
1. Will it be possible that both infra/adhoc STA and AMP STA/AP will work parallel
on different channels?

2. Will it be possible to support power save mechanism when different connections

i.e. AMP STA/AP and infra/adhoc STA on different or same channel.

Doc ID 0.1 06/11/09 06/11/09 Root Part No.

© Copyright ST-Ericsson, 2009. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

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