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We have chosen another example for

SHM this experiment, the torsion pendulum. A

long cylindrical metal rod is held fixed in a
support bracket with a heavy cylindrical
Simple Harmonic Motion plate attached to its lower end (Figure 1b). If
revised September 2008 you rotate the plate through an angle , the
(Only students in PHYS 115 and rod will exert on the plate a restoring torque
PHYS 121 do this experiment; PHYS 123 that is proportional to , as long as  does
students will perform the Angular Momentum not exceed the elastic limit of the rod. If you
and Rotating Systems Experiment.) rotate the plate and release it, the plate will
Learning Objectives: oscillate in simple harmonic motion.
During this lab, you will From measurements of the period of
1. communicate scientific results in the oscillation and the geometry of the rod
writing. and plate, you can calculate the torsion
2. estimate the uncertainty in a quantity modulus, a quantity that characterizes the
that is calculated from quantities that resistance of a material to twisting.
are uncertain. You must write a paper for this lab
3. learn how to use a histogram to analyze worth 60 points.
a data set.
4. fit a function more complicated than a B. Apparatus
straight line to a data set. The two setups are a spring and a tor-
5. test a physical law experimentally. sion pendulum. The spring apparatus
includes hanging masses suspended from a
A. Introduction spring attached to a ring stand. A sonic
A body will oscillate in linear simple motion detector interfaced to a computer
harmonic motion if it is acted upon by a running LoggerPro determines the position
restoring force whose magnitude is propor- of the hanging mass.
tional to the linear displacement of the body The torsion pendulum is a metal rod,
from its equilibrium position (F = -kx). mounted in a wall bracket, with a metal
Similarly, a body will oscillate in rotational
simple harmonic motion if there is a restoring
torque that is proportional to the angular dis- ks

placement of the body from its equilibrium

position ( = -k). For this experiment, you
will explore both kinds of harmonic motion. m
You will use the most common exam-
ple of linear simple harmonic motion, an
object attached to a spring (see Fig. 1a). The
most common example of rotational simple Figure 1a
harmonic motion is the simple pendulum
where, for small angular displacements of the Figure 1b
pendulum from the equilibrium (vertical)
position, the restoring torque is approxi- Figure 1: Schematics for experimental
mately proportional to the angle of displace- setups. a) Spring-mass (linear) oscillator.
ment. b) Torsion pendulum (rotational) oscillator.
1 Simple Harmonic Motion
plate and cylinder. You will also use a meter  (lower-case omega) is the angular fre-
stick, calipers, computer and LoggerPro. quency which is related to the frequency f
Most of the pendula are constructed with and period T of the oscillation by  = 2f =
aluminum plates, but a few use either grey- 2/T. The angular frequency  can therefore
or blue-painted iron. The masses of each type be determined from a measurement of the
of plate are in Table 1. average period of many oscillations. 
(lower-case phi) is the phase angle of the
Table 1. Plate masses oscillation. The phase angle  can be deter-
Aluminum 4.7±0.1 kg mined from where the oscillation is at t=0.
For example, the phase  = 0 if at t=0 the
Grey Iron 4.6±0.1 kg oscillation is at its equilibrium position x 0 R R

Blue Iron 4.8±0.1 kg and the position x initially increases with

time;  =  if at t=0 the oscillation is at its
equilibrium position x 0 and the position x
Neighboring groups will share each

initially decreases with time.

apparatus for this experiment. Each group
must acquire and analyze their own data (but
C.2. Rotational Simple Harmonic Motion
partners within a group may share data). Data
Similarly, if an elastic rod is twisted
acquisition is very quick and easy, so sharing
a setup should not be a problem. through an angle , the restoring torque  is
given by the expression
 = -k t  (6)
C. Theory

where k is the torsion constant of the rod.

C.1. Translational Simple Harmonic
Combining this expression with Newton’s
second law in rotational motion form,
If a spring is extended (or compressed)
 = I, (7)
to a position x different from its equilibrium
position x 0 , it exerts a restoring force
-k t  = I (8)

F = -k(x-x 0 ), (1) R R

for the equation of motion of the rod and


where k is the spring constant. An object of

mass m attached to the spring therefore plate. In this expression I is the moment of
undergoes an acceleration inertia of the rotating object and  = d2/dt2 P P P P

F  k s  x  x0  is the angular acceleration of the system.

a  (2) The equation of motion is thus
m m
The object thus obeys the equation of motion d 2
 k t  I 2 (9)
d 2x dt
 k s  x  x0   m 2 , (3) The general solution to this equation is
 =  m sin(t + ) (10)
which has the general solution

where  m. is the amplitude of the

x = x m sin(t + ) + x 0 , (4)

oscillation,  is the angular frequency ( =


2f = 2/T where f and T are the frequency
  ks m . (5) and period of the oscillation), and  is the
Equation 4 describes an oscillation where x m, R R

phase angle. Note that neither  nor  refer

the amplitude of the oscillation, is half the to physical angles. Only(t), the angle of
peak-to-peak variation in the position. The rotation, and its amplitude  m can be
offset x 0 is the relaxed position of the spring.


measured with a protractor. The phase angle

Simple Harmonic Motion 2
 and the angular frequency  describe how spring. Start LoggerPro and open the file
the oscillation varies with time. In particular, P:LoggerPro 3\__Mech Labs\SHM. Move
the symbol  should not be confused with the some flat object up and down above the
rate of change of the displacement /t, the detector in order to determine over what
angular velocity, which normally is given the range the detector reads positions.
same symbol, . First take data for a small-amplitude
In order that Equation 10 be a solution oscillation. Attach the hanger and pull it a
of Equation 9, the following relation must be few cm from its equilibrium position, being
obeyed: careful to prevent the hanger from
oscillating side to side. Watch the sine-wave
  kt I . (11) oscillation that results. Try to estimate each
Thus, from measurements of the period T of of the parameters of the oscillation described
oscillation and the moment of inertia I of the by Eq. 4. Test the accuracy of your estimates
plate, you can determine the torsion constant by using LoggerPro to plot the oscillation
k t of the rod. If your circular plate is a solid

corresponding to your parameters. Select

I = ½MR2P P (12) and type in the equation
where M and R are the mass and radius of the x m * sin(* “Time”+ ) + x 0,
plate. You will neglect the moment of inertia

where you replace the parameters x m , , ,

of the rod because it is negligible compared

and x 0 with your estimated values (make

to the plate’s (the rod has a much smaller

sure to type all leading zeros; LoggerPro

mass and radius). may not understand that “.45” means
Note that the formulae for rotational “0.45”). Press OK. To view the data and
harmonic motion are exactly analogous to the your manual fit at once, select OPTIONS /
formulae for translational harmonic motion GRAPH OPTIONS / Axes Options and
of a linear spring given above. choose both columns under Y axis. Select
DONE to see the resulting oscillation. If the
C.3. Torsion Modulus resulting curve looks different enough from
The torsion constant k t depends upon

your data that you must have made an error,

the shape of the rod as well as on the material select DATA / COLUMN OPTIONS /
of which it is made. The relation is Calculated Column to correct your
nA 2 parameters appropriately.
kt  (13)
2L The fitting routine in LoggerPro
where n is the torsion modulus, A is the makes it easy to estimate the parameters
cross-sectional area of the rod and L is the accurately, so use it to check your fit, and
length of the rod. This equation predicts, as use the routine for all further measurements
you might expect, that a long, skinny rod without first making a manual fit. Select
would be much easier to rotate than a short, ANALYZE / CURVE FIT, choose to fit a
fat one. Sine Wave (at the bottom of the scroll bar)
to your “Latest: Position” data, and click the
D. Procedure TRY FIT button. You should see a well-fit
D.1 Translational Simple Harmonic sine wave. If the sine wave does not fit your
Motion data, you may need to adjust your Region of
Record the mass of your hanger. Place Interest before performing the fit. Print the

the sonic motion detector beneath your plot and include it in your paper.

3 Simple Harmonic Motion

Although LoggerPro returns a quantity the plate to guide the rod for a few oscilla-
describing the goodness of the fit, it does not tions so that it doesn’t also oscillate with a
return the uncertainty on the parameter val- pendulum motion. Use Logger Pro to time
ues. To estimate the uncertainty on the at least 25 periods. Translational oscillations
angular frequency , repeat data-taking and will make the measured period oscillate
the LoggerPro fit for 2-4 more trials at small around a fixed value. Retake your data if
amplitude and record the results of each fit. oscillations in the period appear large.
You should first delete your manual fit by
selecting DATA/Delete Column/Calculated E. Analysis
Column. E.1. Spring
Next, take data to test the dependence Using the best-fit angular frequencies
of  on the amplitude of oscillations and on for your first trials with small-amplitude
the object’s mass. First take data with a large- oscillations and just the hanger, determine U

amplitude oscillation (about 10 cm) using the your best measurement of the angular fre-
same mass, and record the best-fit angular quency , the estimated uncertainty on a
frequency  2 . Then add 30-50 g to the
single measurement , and the error in the
hanger, adjusting the height of the spring if mean  Use the formulae in Appendix U

necessary so that the motion will still be in V.B.1 or type your results into Origin and
range of the detector. Record the motion of use select STATISTICS → DESCRIPTIVE
oscillations and determine the best-fit angular STATISTICS → STATISTICS OBN
frequency  3 .
COLUMN → OPEN DIALOG to calculate
the results. Does the best-fit angular U

D.2. Torsion Pendulum (Rotational SHM) frequency for large-amplitude oscillations

Measure the diameter of the plate and agree with your best measurement of ?
the length of the rod. (You should measure Use Eq. 5 with your measured values
the rod’s “free length;” you don’t have to of the hanging mass and the angular
worry about parts of the rod inside thicker frequency to determine the spring constant U

objects at either end of its length.) Use the k s and its uncertainty. Use this value to

Vernier calipers to make an accurate meas- predict the angular frequency of oscillations

urement of the diameter of the rod. Seek help  p (and its uncertainty) with the increased

in using the Vernier scale, if necessary. The mass. Does  p agree with your measured
uncertainty in the diameter should be no

value  3 ?
more than 0.2 mm; it’s important to minimize

this error because it enters as the 4th power in


E.2. Torsion Pendulum

your calculation of the torsion modulus. Make a histogram of the measured
Start LoggerPro and open the file

periods of oscillation of the plate. To do this, U

P:Logger Pro 3\__Mech Labs\T_PEND. import the data into ORIGIN, make sure
Adjust the position of the photogate so that neither column is highlighted and click
the computer accurately records each period PLOT → STATISTICS → HISTOGRAM.
of the oscillation. You can change the ranges and intervals by
Give the plate a twist to set it into os- clicking on the plot legend to call up the
cillation. Don’t twist too far and risk damag- PLOT DETAILS window and its DATA
ing the rod. An arrow is drawn on the plate at tab. See Appendix VII for a discussion of
a 45 angle; don’t twist past this mark. Place histograms.
your fingers loosely around the rod close to
Simple Harmonic Motion 4
UObtain the mean period (T), standard paper. If the Gaussian curve doesn’t fit your
deviation (), and the standard error () of data well, try to explain why.
the data. Return to the data window and
Assume that the plate is a solid
highlight the y column. Click on cylinder and calculate its moment of inertia

STATISTICS → DESCRIPTIVE I P . Calculate the torsion constant k t from I P


STATISTICS → STATISTICS OBN and T. Calculate the torsion modulus n from

COLUMN → OPEN DIALOG. The values Equation 13. Show that a 1% error in the
of the mean period, standard deviation, and diameter will give a 4% error in the torsion
standard error on the mean will pop up in a modulus calculated from Equation 13.
window. (See Appendix V.B.1 if you are Table 2 includes accepted values of the
uncertain what these quantities mean.) Copy
torsion moduli for a variety of materials
them and paste them into your original histo- (from the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and
gram. Physics.) Based on your calculated torsion

To visually check that these results modulus and its uncertainty, what
make sense, add a Gaussian curve, with the material(s) could the rod be? If you doubt
correct mean and standard deviation, to the your results, explain why.
histogram. First, be certain that your histo-
gram window is highlighted. Select GRAPH Table 2. Torsion moduli
→ ADD FUNCTION TO GRAPH. In the Lead 0.541010 Nm-2 P P P

box that pops up, type in a Gaussian function Magnesium 1.671010 Nm-2 P P P

that describes your data as Aluminum 2.371010 Nm-2

Max*exp(-(x- T)^2/(2*^2))

Brass 3.531010 Nm-2

where Max is the maximum number of

Copper 4.241010 Nm-2

counts in a bin and T and  are the mean and

Iron 7.01010 Nm-2

standard deviation, respectively. (In the

Nickel 7.0-7.61010 Nm-2

equation above, make sure to enter the actual

Steel 7.81010 Nm-2

values you obtained for Max, T, and .)

Edit your histogram for proper viewing Molybdenum 14.71010 Nm-2 P P P

(add a title, edit the axes, etc.), save your Tungsten 14.81010 Nm-2 P P P

project and print out copies to include in your


5 Simple Harmonic Motion

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