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M R R FARHAN Programming


Acknowledgement …………………………………… 1

Task 1
Task 1.1………………………………………………… 3-5
Task 1.2………………………………………………… 6 - 10
Task 1.3………………………………………………… 8-9

Task 2
Task 2.1………………………………………………… 11
Task 2.2………………………………………………… 11

Task 3
Task 3.1………………………………………………… 12-29
Task 3.2………………………………………………… 30

Task 4
Task 4.1………………………………………………… 31-34
Task 4.2………………………………………………… 35
Task 4.3………………………………………………… 36-37
Task 4.4………………………………………………… 38-40
Task 4.5………………………………………………… 41-42

Task 5
Task 5.1…………………………………………………


HND23 2
M R R FARHAN Programming


I feel great pleasure to acknowledge this assignment, because while I was

doing this assignment I have received plenty of assistance, advices and
contributions from my colleagues to complete this assignment successfully.

First, I feel very proud and great pleasure to thank my lecturer Mr. I.Iynharan
for helping me to understand this subject, understand problems which are in
this scenario and guided me to complete this assignment alone.

And, I am responsible to thank my Mr.Prem & Mr.Mohan for making me

comfortable to understand given scenario and for guided me to do a proper
documentation and also I thank to my colleagues, friends who shared their
knowledge with me to brainstorm this scenario.

Finally, I am responsible to thank my parents for giving me confidence while I

was struggling and I thank to all who directly or indirectly contribute to this

Thank you

HND23 3
M R R FARHAN Programming

Task 1.1

Data Storage

• What is a Data Storage

The Number of Instructions and amount of data a Computer can Store in its
memory is measured in bytes and System. Memory (or main store) is the
name giving to the group of chip inside the processing unit where data is held
temporarily whilst processing takes place .The data help in the memory is
insanity available to the computer. Unlike backing storing which has to be
accessed on disk or taps. These databases behaves like ordinary dictionaries,
with the exception that you can only
Use strings for keys and values

• Data storage advantages within computerprograming

Variable’s advantage and Array’s advantage

Programming languages what you are doing is storing things in the

computer's memory, and manipulating this store. If you want to add two
numbers together, you put the numbers into storage areas and "tell" Visual
Basic to add them up. But you can't do this without variables.

So a variable is a storage area of the computer's memory. Think of it like this

a variable is an empty cardboard box. Now, imagine you have a very large
room, and in this room you have a whole lot of empty cardboard boxes. Each
empty cardboard box is a single variable. To add two numbers together, write
the first number on a piece of paper and put the piece of paper into an empty
box. Write the second number on a piece of paper and put this second piece
of paper in a different cardboard box.

Now, out of all your thousands of empty cardboard boxes two of them contain
pieces of paper with numbers on them. To help you remember which of the
thousands of boxes hold your numbers, put a sticky label on each of the two
boxes. Write "number1" on the first sticky label, and "number2" on the second

What have we just done? Well, we've created a large memory area (the room
and the cardboard boxes), and we've set up two of the boxes to hold our
numbers (two variables). We've also given each of these variables a name
(the sticky labels) so that we can remember where they are

So far you've been using variables quite a lot. You've put numbers into
variables, and you've put text into variables. But you've only done this one at
a time: you've put one number into a variable, or one string of text. You've
been doing this:

HND23 4
M R R FARHAN Programming

So one variable was holding one piece of information. An array is a variable

that can hold more than one piece of information at a time. The variable
above held one number 5. If you had an array variable called - plural - you
could hold more than one number at a time.

• Feature of Data Store


namely it’s providing character information and integer information also we

can understand ( if u want to get a character information we have to give by
String and if u want to get a number information we have to give by integer
So it, s convent to integer and string

Because of this

1. We can get particular information

(Namely we want number information or character information)

2. Quickly identify error

Namely (if we are they software developers we can identify what’s a error

For example: int Johnson;

Above example is explained character information but we had give integer
convert so here we must correct. According to below example

Example (String son)

3. When we develop Software we are divide String and integer because

This classification effecting storage namely it will make easy environment

Easy to find memory area

• Array

In data storage, an array is a method for storing information on multiple

devices. In general, an array is a number of items arranged in some specified
way - for example, in a list or in a three-dimensional table. In computer
programming languages, an array is a group of objects with the same
attributes that can be addressed individually using such techniques as
subscripting in random way in memory RAM an array is the bargain of recall

HND23 5
M R R FARHAN Programming

• Advantage of array

Array is the most important thing in any programming language. By definition,

array is the static memory allocation. It allocates the memory for the same
data type in sequence. It contains multiple values of same types. It also stores
the values in memory at the fixed size. Multiple types of arrays are used in
any programming language such as: one - dimensional, two - dimensional or
can say multi - dimensional.

• Disadvantage of array

Java is slower than C. When interpreted, Java is about 10 times slower. When
compiled by a just-in-time compiler, Java is about 2 times slower. Experts
predict that standard Java will soon be nearly as fast as C or C++, but
probably never as fast as FORTRAN. Java's run time resolution of all method
that are not declared final and its array bound checks for indexing operations
are probably the two features that hurt Jest's performance most. However, we
have not yet investigated Jest's performance systematically.

• Some information


1.” Name” then I had entered 1 number then it will give name
As well as 2” age “then I had entered 2 number then it will give age
Al so we can realize this computerized system in (previous customer

2. Time serving

Here we are using array length if use array length

Example: [10] [25]
So because of this within this array set we can get whole information

• Disadvantages of Data Store

1. These storage are using specific purpose only

2 .need more length namely (if use array (array length will be increased)
3. Same array can use only one time
4. May it will consume memory space
5. After data storage you have to clarify to execute the program
6. Virus can corrupt the file and you will not be able to open the particular File

HND23 6
M R R FARHAN Programming

Task 1.2

• Object Oriented Programming is a subset of structured


Object Oriented Programming is path of writing programs here we are using

Objects .object’s data structure in memory that has attributes and methods
also we are using in oop object and methods .the attributes of an objects are
the same as variable and the methods. And methods of an object are the
same as function or procedures. And oop model is based on three importance
concept namely. The reason for using object instead of the old procedural
method of programming is because object group the variable and methods
about something together instead of keeping them all apart as in procedural

1. Encapsulation
2. Inheritance
3. Polymorphism
And is the mechanism that binds together code and the data manipulates

• For Example

We are going to make car here car is a object but car parts and others

Example (oop)

Public class car


Public static void main (String args[])

Customer Details ob=new Customer Details ();

ob.Add name(" bans");

HND23 7
M R R FARHAN Programming

• Structure programming

structure programming we are using iteration namely (this in its simplest form
uses two values of variable, the starting and final condition for the action .the
variable is incremented on each iteration until it reaches the value identified
as the final state. structure programming we are using diagram to identify
relationship between the components of the structure and to get some idea for
developed the programmer in structure programming we can use any
Structures programming three type of instruction are used such as (sequence.
selection and iteration) structure programming program order most
importance as structure programmer we ca not use Key word and structure

For simple structure programs you often follow these steps which are shown

• Get data input from the user.

• Perform calculation and make decisions.
• Display data outputs on the screen.

What is an Object-Oriented programming?

Object-oriented programming can best be describe as a programming

paradigm; a methodology of programming adopted by a programmer. Another
example of a programming paradigm would be procedural (or sometimes,
imperative) programming.

Procedural programming involves viewing a computer program as a

sequential list of computational steps (or procedures) to be carried out. In
procedural programming, the list of procedures can be further broken down
into subroutines and functions (not to be confused with mathematical
functions which are used within functional programming)

In OOP, a program is seen as comprising a collection of individual modules,

or objects, that act on each other. Each of these objects could be seen as an
independent program in itself, with a distinct role or responsibility.

OOP provides greater flexibility and easier maintenances across large

systems and can sometimes make understanding and analyzing complex
procedures a lot easier.

HND23 8
M R R FARHAN Programming

It’s worth noting, at this point, that most OOP languages (such as C++ or
Java) are tasteful where as often procedural programming languages are

Why use Object-Oriented programming?

Object-orientation can help keep projects simple by breaking them down in to

manageable chunks. Those chunks can then be re-used in other projects,
thus saving time in the long-run. In fact, adopting an object-oriented approach
can be the foundation of a truly successful team environment; through
promoting modularity, an object-oriented environment breeds improved code
reusability and maintainability.

But don’t just take my word on this; try it for yourself! To better help you to do
that, I’m going to follow up this introduction to object-oriented programming
with tutorials on its use within JavaScript and PHP.

So in closing, I hope you’ve learnt something new from this overview. Please
feel free to post comments and questions and I’ll Endeavour to reply to the
best of my ability.

I. Three main concepts of object oriented Programming


Inheritance is the ability to apply another class's interface and code to your
own class. Remember, with polymorphism, you got the interface; however,
you must apply your own code. The power of inheritance is the ability to
inherit code, saving developer’s time. This type of inheritance is called
implementation inheritance. To inherit another class, use the Inherits keyword.

In the domain manager’s pattern, objects are inherited from a base class
called Domain Object. This means that every object in the system, whether it
is a student, teacher, building, address, or any other object type a system
requires will return true if asked if it is a Domain Object. The power of this
type of inheritance is that it allows us to design generic functions that take an
object of the type Domain Object and route them appropriately to specialized
code to deal with them. This is used in the Domain Manager's call to the data

HND23 9
M R R FARHAN Programming

• Encapsulation

The object oriented programming will give the impression very unnatural to a
programmer with a lot of procedural programming experience. In Object
Oriented programming Encapsulation is the first pace. Encapsulation is the
procedure of covering up of data and functions into a single unit (called class).
An encapsulated object is often called and the need of encapsulation is to
protect or prevent the code (data) from accidental corruption due to the silly
little errors that we are all prone to make. In Object oriented programming
data is treated as a critical element in the program development and data is
packed closely to the functions that operate on it and protects it from
accidental modification from outside functions. Encapsulation provides a way
to protect data from accidental corruption. Rather than defining the data in the
form of public, we can declare those fields as private. The Private data are
manipulated indirectly by two ways. Let us see some example programs in C#
to demonstrate Encapsulation by those two methods. The first method is
using a pair of conventional accessory and matador methods. Another one
method is using a named property. Whatever be the method our aim is to use
the data with out any damage or change. Abstract data type in this article let
us see about it in a detailed manner.

• Polymorphism

In computer science polymorphism is a programming language programming

feature that allows values of different data types to be handled using a
uniform interface. The concept of polymorphism applies to both data types
and function. A function that can evaluate to or be applied to values of
different types is known as a polymorphic function. A data type that can
appear to be of a generalized type is designated polymorphic data type like
the generalized type from which such specializations are made. There are two
fundamentally different kinds of polymorphism, originally informally described
by Christopher Starchy. If the range of actual types that can be used is finite
and the combinations must be specified individually prior to use, it is called
Ad-hoc polymorphism. If all code is written without mention of any specific
type and thus can be used transparently with any number of new types, it is
called parametric polymorphism. Luca Card Elli and Peter Wegner later
modified Stacey’s definition by replacing parametric polymorphism with
universal polymorphism, which includes parametric polymorphism and
inclusion polymorphism.

HND23 10
M R R FARHAN Programming

• Overloading

The Overloads property allows a function to be described using deferent

combinations of parameters. Each combination is considered a signature,
thereby uniquely defining an instance of the method being defined. You can
define a function with multiple signatures without using the keyword
Overloads, but if you use the Overloads keyword in one, you must use it in all
of the function's Overloaded signatures.

• Overriding

The Overridable keyword is used when defining a property or method of an

inherited class, as overridable by the inheriting class.
The Overrides keyword allows the inheriting class to disregard the property or
method of the inherited class and implements its own code.

HND23 11
M R R FARHAN Programming

Task 2

I. Problem With The Above System

• The employ misuse the unite price

II. Importance of Developing a Computerize System

• Company all records in the computerize system they can keep a

backup so that all the records will be safety.

• All the details should be recorded in a database system with


• To find a customer details type customer name where it

indicates to type customer name and press “enter”, then all
customer details of the particular customer will be display on the

• If system available to search the sales Details and Item Details

and Damage Details and More Details.

• All this system security with the Administrator

• Purchasing and Sales records should be updating everyday.

• Employ only use this company system.

• This system easy to use.

• Calculation part is very easy.

• We can save the time and money this will be very usefully

HND23 12
M R R FARHAN Programming

Task 3.1

User Logging

HND23 13
M R R FARHAN Programming



Enter : User Name

Input : User_Name

Invalid Usre
Enter : User Password

Input : User_Pass

T If Sysuser F



• Customer Details
Add Customer

HND23 14
M R R FARHAN Programming


cusName=null; cusAdds=null; con=null; cuDate;

crAmount=0; cusCode=0; cusTele=0;
errorcusTele ; errorcrAmount

Display “Enter The Customer Code”

Auto Number

Input cusCode

Display “Enter Customer Name”

Input cusName

Display “Enter Customer Address”

Input cusAdd

Display “Enter Customer Telephone No”

Message Input cusTele


If T

Display “Enter Customer TelePhone”

HND23 15
M R R FARHAN Programming

Input cusTele

Display “Enter Customer Address”

Message cuscrAmount


Out Put
cusName=null; cusAdds=null;
con=null;cuDate;crAmount=0; cusCode=0;
cusTele=0;errorcusTele ; errorcrAmount

!!!!!Recode Successfully Saved!!!!!


HND23 16
M R R FARHAN Programming

Customer Edit

cusName =null ; cusAdds =null ; cusTele =0

Display “Enter The Customer Name”

Input cusName

errorcusTele =

Display “Enter Customer Address”

Input cusAdd

Display “Enter
“Enter Customer
Customer Address”No”

Input cusTele

cusName ,cusAddress ,cusTelePhone


HND23 17
M R R FARHAN Programming

Customer Delete


Display “Enter The Customer Name”

Input cusName Invalid




HND23 18
M R R FARHAN Programming




Display “Enter The Customer Name”

Input cusName

If cuName=SecCust F




HND23 19
M R R FARHAN Programming

Damage Details

Add Damage


itCode=0; , DamQuan=0; ,erroritCode


Display “Enter The Iem Code”

Input itCode

If itCode=erroritCode

Display “Enter The Damage Item

Input DamQuan



HND23 20
M R R FARHAN Programming

Edit damage


itCode=0; , DamQuan=0; ,erroritCode

Display “Enter The Iem Code”

Input itCode

If itCode=erroritCode

Display “Enter The Damage Item

Input DamQuan



HND23 21
M R R FARHAN Programming

Item Details

Item Details


Model=null ,Des=null, cusName=null;

itCode=0 ,unPrice=0 ,stHand=0,

Model,Des, cusName;


HND23 22
M R R FARHAN Programming

Search Item


Model=null ,Des=null, cusName=null;

itCode=0 ,unPrice=0 ,stHand=0,

Display “Enter The Iem Name”

Input Des

If itCode=erroritCode F


Model,Des, cusName;


HND23 23
M R R FARHAN Programming

Sales Details


saleCode=0, cusType=null ,cusName=null, itCode=0,

UnPrice=0,qty=0,totalprice=0,discount=0, fa=0, saDate=null
Pay=null, CheNum=null ,bank=null ,CredNumb=null bankname=null
,totalprice=0,Amount=0, blanch-0,SecCust,SysgetIt

Display “Enter Salse Code”

Input salCode

Display “Enter Customer Type (Reg /Non)"

Input cusType

If If
cusType=Reg cusType=Non

Display “Enter Customer Name” Display “Enter Customer Name”

Input cusName

Search If

HND23 24
M R R FARHAN Programming

D ispla y “E n ter Item C od e ”

Inp ut itC o de

If itC ode

D isp lay “E n ter T h e u nite P rice ”

Inp ut u nP rice

If N um ber
F orm at

D isp lay “E n te r T h e Qu antity”

In p ut qty

If N um ber
F orm at

D isp lay “D o you w a nt to con tin?”u e…

HND23 25
M R R FARHAN Programming


If (Answer. equals(“Yes”))


Calculate Subtotal

Calculate totalprice

HND23 26
M R R FARHAN Programming

if(C u_ty p e.e q u a ls

("R e g")) R eg

if(to ta lpric>2
e 50 0 0)

els e d is=1 0;
if(to talp ric>1
e 5 00 0)

e ls e d is=7;
if(tota lp ric>80
e 0 0)

d is=2; d is=4;

N on d is=1 0;

if(to talp ric>25

e 0 00)

e ls e
if(to ta lpric>1e 50 0 0) d is=8;

e ls e
d is=5;
if(tota lp ric>80
e 0 0)

d is=1; d is=3;

HND23 27
M R R FARHAN Programming


D is p la y “E n te r P a y m e n t T y p e ”

In p u t


I f p a=y
I f p a=C
y heque If p a=C
y r e d it
C as h

D is p la y “E n t e r C h e q u e
D is p la y “E n t e r T h e A m o u n t ” D is p la y “E n t e r C re d it N u m b e r”
N u m b e r”

In pu t A m o un t In p u t Input
C heN um C re d N u m b

C a lc u la t: eb la n c=A
h m o u-F
n t a; D is p la y “E n t e r B a n k N a m e D is p la y “E n t e r B a n k N a m e

Input bank I n p u t b a1n k

HND23 28
M R R FARHAN Programming

O u tp u t
s a l e C o,cd ue s T y ,c
p eu s N a m,i tCe o d, e
U n P ric,qety,to ta lp ric,d ei s c o u,fa,s
n t a D a te F in a l
A m o u,Fn tin a l A m o,Du nistc o u,Tn ot ta l A m o u n t

D ra w L in

D is p la y
s a l e C o,cd ue s T y ,c
p eu s N a m,itC
e o e U n P,qricty,to
e ta lp
ric e,d is c o u,fa,s
n t a D a te F i n a l A m
,F oinuanl t
A m o u,Dn tis c o u,Tn ot ta l A m o u n t

D ra w L in

D is p la y “D o y o u L ik
e ?C( Yo eu s/N o)”

In p u t A n s w e r

If (A n s w .eerq u a ls
(“Y e s))”

S to p

HND23 29
M R R FARHAN Programming

Purchase Details


Display “Enter The Purchase Code”

Input purCode

Display “The Supplier Name”

Input SyspSppl

T Boolean
If SyspSppl =SyspSppl

Display “Enter The Item Code


Input itCode

If SysitCode=itCode

A oolean

HND23 30
M R R FARHAN Programming

Display “Enter The Item Quantity

Input Quantity Invalid

If errorQuantity =Quantity F

Display “PayMend Type’’

Input payMend

Input puDate

Calculate :

Out Put

SyspSppl,Quantit, SubTotal,
!!!!! Recode Successfully Saved!!!!!


HND23 31
M R R FARHAN Programming

Task 3.2
The Trading House

• Assigning Values to Array

int itCode[]=new int[5];

int Subtotal[]=new int[5];
int UnPrice[]=new int[5];
int qty[]=new int[5];

• Creating Console

User_Pass=new String (console. read Password ("\t\t\tUser Password));

• Creating the time and date

Calendar D = new Gregorian calendar ();

int year = D.get(Calendar. YEAR);
int month = D.get(Calendar. MONTH);
int day = D.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

t_Date="+day+"-"+ (month+1) +"-"+year+";

• Creating the get Key

String key=null;
try {
System.out.print ("\n");
Key=obj.readLine ();
System.out.println ();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println ("Error:"+e);
return key;

HND23 32
M R R FARHAN Programming

Task 4.1

• Functions & Procedures

 Calculate the System

Sales : Subtotal[y] =qty[y]*UnPrice[y];
Item Stock : Blanca=Stock[y]-qty[y];
Blanca : blanch=Amount-Fa;
Discount : discount= (totalprice*dis/100);
Final Amount : Fa= (totalprice-discount);


Stock Item : Balance=Quantity+Stock;

Purchase Price : SubTotal=Quantity*uPrice;

• The array

itCode[z] = Item Code

UnPrice[z] = Unite Price
qty[z] = Quantity

• The coding to continue the program to add more

Sales items

• Printing the message

Continue to do {

Starting Form: itCode[z]

End Form : qty[z]

System.out.print ("\t\two you went continue? (Y/N) ");

• Reading the input



HND23 33
M R R FARHAN Programming

• Creating a while loop to say it is ((’’y”))

While (con.equalsIgnoreCase ("y"));

• Printing The Data’s in the invoice

cobj.DrawLine (fline);
System.out.println (" ");
System.out.println ("\t\t\t\Johnson & SON PVT LTD.\t\t\t\t\t");
System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t123 Galley Road");
System.out.println ("\t\t\t\Colombo 3");
System.out.println (" ");
cobj.DrawLine (fline);

System.out.println ("\t\Johnson Bill Menu List");

System.out.println ("\t\t**********************\t\t\tDate"+saDate);
System.out.println ("\n")

HND23 34
M R R FARHAN Programming

• Creating Discount If The Customer Type is Regular

Starting the if condition

if (cusType=="reg")

The Discount For Available To Regular Customer Total Amount

System.out.println (" Customer Type Regular");

if (totalprice>25000)
else if(totalprice>15000)

else if(totalprice>8000)


The Discount for Available To No Regular Customer Total Amount

System.out.println (" Customer Type No Regular");

if (totalprice>25000)

else if(totalprice>15000)

else if(totalprice>8000)


HND23 35
M R R FARHAN Programming

• The Main Class

Public class mainJohnson //Class Name


public static void main(String args[]) //Throws IO Exception


UserLogin obj = new UserLogin ();

// getting This Class method From UserLogin Class

// Displays the Main Class

Char fline = 5;

Char sline='|';
cobj.DrawLine (sline);
cobj.DrawLine (fline);
cobj.DrawLine (fline);
System.out.println ("\n");
System.out.println ("\t\t\t JOHNSON & SON INTRENATIONL PVT.LTD
System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t 123, GALLEY ROAD ");
System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t COLOMBO 2");
System.out.println ("\n");
System.out.println ("\t Tel No: 0117211501");
System.out.println ("\t Fax No: 0117211502");
System.out.println ("\t Web Sit: www.johnson.com");
System.out.println ("\n");
cobj.DrawLine (fline);
cobj.DrawLine (fline);

obj.User();// Getting This Class method From UserLogin Class

obj.DrawLine(fline); //Display

GetKey gobj=new GetKey();

// getting This Class method From GetKey Class

HND23 36
M R R FARHAN Programming

Task 4.2

Handling (Try, Catch) example coding

• Creating a while loop to check whether the input is

blank or not

Example Coding:

• Starting the try part

try {

• Creating the downhill loop to create the error

do {

• Again use the try part to make an error for the number

try {

• Print and reading the input

System.out.print ("\t\tEnter The Quantity \t\t :");


• Make the input value true to bring the error


• Reading the input


• Close the first Try and prints the error

} catch (Exception ex){


System.out.println("\n\t\sorry! It's Invalid Item Number.........?\n");

HND23 37
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• Closing do while loop

} while (index==false);

Task 4.3
The coding for the login

• Import The Console Package To The User login

import java.io.Console;

public class UserLogin {

public void User () {

• Given the User name as string

String user="admin";

• Given the password as string

String password="123456";

Boolean Sysuser=true;



Console console = System.console();

• Read the username

User_Name= console.readLine(" User name : ");

• Read the password

User_Pass= new String (console.readPassword (" User Pass:


HND23 38
M R R FARHAN Programming

• Checking the username and password

While ((User_Name.equals(User_Name)==false)||
(User_Pass.equals(User_Pass) ==false));

• That User Name and Password true Connecting the Get Key


GetKey gobj=new GetKey(); //GetKey Class


HND23 39
M R R FARHAN Programming

Task 4.4

This Information Which Are Already Recorded

Assigning Values


• Customer Code :

cusCode =” 1”;
cusCode =” 2”;
cusCode =” 3”;
cusCode =” 4”;
cusCode =” 5”;
cusCode =” 6”;

• Customer Name:

cusName = “Farhan”;
cusName = “Rozan”;
cusName = “Faizan”;
cusName = “Muhaz”;
cusName = “Ragavan”;
cusName = “Shopz”;

• Customer Create Amount :

crAmount =”25000”;
crAmount =”25000”;
crAmount =”30000”;
crAmount =”28000”;
crAmount =”25000”;

HND23 40
M R R FARHAN Programming

crAmount =”25000”;

• Example for Adding New Customer Details

System.out.println("\t\tADD NEW CUSTOMER");


Boolean errorcusTele=false;
Boolean errorcrAmount=false;


System.out.println("\t\tEnter The Customer Code\t\t\t: "+sd1);

//Sd1 is Get Auto Customer Code

System.out.print("\t\tEnter The Customer Name\t\t\t: ");


System.out.print("\t\tEnter The Customer Address\t\t: ");



System.out.print("\t\tEnter The Customer Telephone No\t\t: ");


// Her You Can Type Customer Telephone Number in Number Type

Only 10 Numbers

catch (NumberFormatException ex)

System.out.println("\t\t?..Invalied...?Please Enter Number Formatted");


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System.out.print("\t\tEnter The Customer Credit Amount\t: ");


//Her so you can Type Number Format Customer Credit Amount

catch (NumberFormatException ex)
System.out.println("\t\t?..Invalied...?Please Enter Number Formatted");

//Assign the System Date

System.out.println ("\t\tDate[DD.MM.YYYY] \t: "+cuDate);

// in Auto Date will Update

HND23 42
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Task 4.5

• Help Commands To User

User Logging

 User Name = admin

 User Pass = 123456

Customer Details

 Customer [ C ] = Type to Customer Menu

 Add = Add New Customer Type [ Add ]

 Edit = Edit Customer Details Type [ Edit ]

 Del = Detect Customer Form Date Type [ Del ]

 Sea = Search Customer All Details Type [ Sea ]

 Display = Display You See Your All Customer Details [ Display ]

Purchase Details

 Purchase [ P ] = Type to Purchase Menu

 New = Purchase New Item Type [ New ]

 Sea = Search The What Item You Purchase all Details [ Sea

HND23 43
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Sales Details

 Sales [ S ] = Type to Sales Menu

 Sale = Sales to Customer Type [ Sale ]

Damage Details

 Damage [ D ] = Type to Item Damage Menu

 Add = Add Damage Item Type [ Add ]

 Edit = Edit The Damage Item Type [ Edit ]

 Sea = Search The Damage Item Type [Sea] (Display)

Search Details

 Search [ F ] = Searching Item & Sales DetilasType [ F ]

 Find = Enter The Item Name to Find Type [ Find ]

 Sales = Search The Sales Bills Type [ Sales ]

 Item = Display All Item Details Type [ Item ]


 Not Aviated Use to User This Admin [ A ]

 Main = Main Menu to Type [ Main ]

 Exit = Close The System Type [ Exit ]

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Task 5.1

• User Training Manual

What Is Java?

Java is a high-level object oriented programming language developed

by the Sun Microsystems. It was developed to keep in mind the
consumer electronics and communication equipments. It came to
existence as a part of a web application.
A team of sun Microsystems including Patrick Haughton, Mick
Sheridan in the guidance of James Goslings decided to develop a
programming language for the betterment of consumer electronic
devices. They wanted to make new software based on the power of
networks that can be run on different application areas, such as
computers and electronic devices. In 1991 they made platform
independent software which was named Oak, but due to some patent
conflicts it was renamed as JAVA and in 1995 it was officially released
to the world.

Java is available in different form:

• JSP :
Like PHP and ASP. Java server pages based on a code with
normal HTML tags, which helps in creating dynamic web pages.

• Java Applets :
This is used within a web page to add new features to a web

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• Java Beans :
This is like visual basic and reusable software component that
can be easily assemble to create new and advanced application.

• Java Development Kit (JDK) :-

This software program is developed by the sun Microsystems.

JDK 1.6 has following directories:

• Bin directory :-
The bin directory provides all inessential tools for developing
and testing the program through the help of command provided
by java compiler.

• Demo directory:-
This application consists many applications and applets with
source code.

• Include directory :-
It contains all header files like for ‘C’ programming language that
enables you to combine C code into a java program.

• Lib directory :-
This is a development tool which contains libraries and its
supported file.

• Docs directory :-
It is the last directory of software development kit that assists
you to store the java documents.

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How to Open the Notepad

• There Have two ways to Open:-

 Using the Start menu

 Using the Run command

• Using the Start menu

Start  All Programs  Accessories  Notepad


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Click the Star

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Click the All Program

Click the Accessories

 Click the Notepad

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• Using the Run command

Click Start  Run

HND23 50
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 In Open You Type: Notepad

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• Run The JAVA Program in Command File

Step 1: Open
Start  Run

Step 2

HND23 52
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Step 3
Open the cmd :

 This You Have type is Commend

Set path=

Step 4

Click > My compute > Click the Local Disk(C :) Open It

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There You Have Select the Program File and Open it.

In The Program File Select the Java Folder

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Open the jdk1.6.0_01 Folder

Open the Bin Folder

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The Bin Folder Copy the Address Link

Example C:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk1.6.0_01\bin

Right Click Your Mouse Paste the Link in

Set Path=C: \Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_01\bin

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Pate The Link Type Enter Aging Type JAVAC Type Enter JAVA will Run

Then Give you Java Class Name Run.

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Task 5.2

• Trading House Automation System’s java program

Software tough is a process that should follow a pattern definite plane. This trying
process is often performed by an independent quality assurance faction, also called a
test team, to help make certain a luxury, highly reliable software package by finding
and improvement errors.

So we have a plane to do the testing by using several methods. Project team must
have a sub team for the testing, and the test team leader must be a fully responsible
person to the testing part. After finish the testing, he/she should prepare a testing
report and submit to project leader with in the particular days (How many days
assigned for the testing at the schedule).

Correctness testing or rightness testing

Rightness testing is the minimum equipments of software, the essential idea of
testing. The tester may or may not know the inside details of software module under
When the programmers do the coding he/she must use this white box testing to test
the software parts.

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Task 5.3

• User Menu System

User Login

 If The User Name and Password True

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 You See This Display

• Customer Login

 You Type C you see this Message

 Her You Can Type Your Commend

Add : Add New Customer.

Edit : Edit Customer Name.

Del : Deleted Customer.

Sea : Search Customer Details.

Display: Display All Customer Details.

Main : Main Menu.

Exit : Exit the System.

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• Purchase Login

 If You Type P you can see The Purchase Menu

 Her You Can Type Your Commend

New : Add New Purchase.

Sea : Search the Purchasing Item.

Main : Main Menu.

Exit : Exit the System.

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• Sales Login

 If You Type S you see The Sales Menu System

 Her You Can Type Your Commend

Sale : Add New Sales.

Sea : Search the Purchasing Item.

Main : Main Menu.

Exit : Exit the System.

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Add New Sales

 You Have Use This Way To Sales Menu

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• Damage Login

 If You Type D you see The Damage Menu System

 Her You Can Type Your Commend

Add : Add New Damage.

Edit : Edit Damage Item (Update)

Sea : Search the Damage Item.

Main : Main Menu.

Exit : Exit the System.

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• Searching Login

 If You Type F you see The Search Menu System

 Her You Can Type Your Commend

Find : Search The Item Details.

Sales : Search Sales Bills

Item : Search All Item Details

Main : Main Menu.

Exit : Exit the System.

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Lecture Note (Introduction to java)

Lecture Note (Flow chart)







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