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Comment & Opinion


FAMILY BUSINESS MATTERS Peter G. Roth and Sarah Baumgartner

Examining the importance of independent directors

he current economic climate involved with the business since its ily member is vulnerable to attack this possibility. An outside direc- the company should seek to assem-
has created many unexpect- inception. An independent director as a "related party transaction" and tor may be able to craft solutions ble a broad and diverse pool of po-
ed challenges for family- will have the ability to suggest that even if not legally vulnerable, may that benefit the long-term viability tential candidates and place a pre-
owned businesses. In light of these the way things have always been be viewed as "unfair" or "tainted" of the business. He or she may also • mium on candidates with different
challenges, many companies are done might not be in the best inter- if it is not independently approved. be able to preserve family relation- perspectives (e.g., from a difl^erent
looking for new ways to strengthen ests of the business going forward, Because an independent direc- ships by serving as an informal industry, different life experiences,
their businesses today in order to and that the business must evolve tor can presumably approve deci- third-party mediator in resolving etc.). You might also consider ap-
ensure their future viability. in order to survive. sions without being influenced by family disputes. pointing a third party to assist with
We believe that family-owned Independence also may allow a family members, his or her approv- All of the benefits noted above selecting the outside board mem-
businesses should consider add- new director to push for changes al likely indicates that the action is assume that you choose the right ber or solicit suggestions from your
ing an outside director(s) to their that other directors could be reluc- in the best interest of the business, independent director, so a compa- current professional advisors.
boards as one response to the un- tant to suggest. Family members on distinct from family interests. This ny should carefully and thoughtfiil- Finally, it is critical that the
certain economy. Doing so is likely the board may fear upsetting other arms-length approval will poten- ly select the person it asks to serve outside director be someone who
to promote progress through the family members, especially older tially shield the board from liabil- in this capacity. is willing to speak his or her mind
implementation of new ideas, pro- generations. Employees on the ity arising from a claim alleging a Most importantly, you should and respectfully challenge manage-
vide a layer of legal protection for board may be reluctant to disagree breach of fiduciary duties in ap- work to ensure that the new out- ment. Even a director with great
business transactions, and protect with family members because their proving a "related party transac- side director is truly independent. and unique ideas is of limited value
the business by minimizing family job is at stake. tion" and will help the transaction This type of independence requires if he or she is unwilling to share
conflict. An independent director is free to be viewed as legitimate. that the board member has no per- these ideas openly or is easily in-
If properly selected, an outside from these limitations. Finally, an independent director sonal or professional relationship timidated by other board members.
director will bring a unique per- Even if the outside director's can often minimize family conflict. with the business or decision mak- Although privately held and
spective to the board. strategy or plan is ultimately re- As noted above, if the independent ers inside the company (e.g., offi- family-owned businesses are not
Family-owned businesses of- jected by the rest of the board, the director approves a transaction cers, directors and shareholders). legally required to include inde-
ten have boards made up of fam- more diverse composition of the between the business and a fam- Independence, however, should pendent directors on their boards,
ily members and "insiders" who board will create an environment ily member, this provides more le- not be the only consideration. It is we believe that these businesses
largely have similar experiences that encourages creative thinking. gitimacy to the transaction and will important to recognize that dur- will often benefit from doing so. A
and perspectives. An independent This type of creativity will promote reduce the risk that other family ing the selection process, an owner, family business should at least con-
director may have different pro- progress and make a business more members will feel that one family who is likely also a board member, sider adding an outside director(s)
fessional, educational or personal likely to successfully adapt to the member is being favored. This is may have a natural tendency to to its board as part of an effort to
experiences that enable him or her changing economy. particularly important where some nominate a candidate whose point- provide for the best interests of the
to view an ongoing challenge dif- In addition to generating new family members are involved in the of-view and experiences are similar company.
ferently than the rest of the board ideas, an independent director's business and others are not. to his or her own.
and, therefore, provide alternative participation in business transac- In the event of family conflict, a While potentially independent, Peter G. Roth is a partner in the
solutions or strategies. tions will provide a measure of le- good independent director will be these candidates may not bring the Business Law Group at Varnum
It may be particularly benefi- gal protection for other members of of value. While no family expects to desired diversity of thought or ex- LLP. Sarah Baumgartner is a Juris
cial to have a fresh perspective if the board. A transaction between a encounter divisions, family-owned perience to the board. Doctor expected 2012 from Univer-
other directors have been closely family-owned business and a fam- businesses should be prepared for In order to avoid this problem. sity ofMichigan Law School.

SALES MOVES Jeffrey Gitomer

Take notes — and then take action to make it happen

pertinent infor- mation, and yet when the partici- (and after) the meeting, let each
ou're at a seminar. Great in- Free GitBit: I have one more idea,
formation is being offered mation. You write but no more space. Go to www. pants get home, very little changes. participant make their personal
— information that will help as fast as you can, gitomer.com and enter the words Reason: Participants are not al- plan of^ action. This will ensure a
you succeed. Jbut still (without AFTER THE MEETING in the lotted the time necessary to trans- full return on your time invest-
You take in the talk and get your recording) miss GitBit box. Jeffrey Gitomer can be fer the notes, thoughts and ideas ment, their time investment, your
some thoughts reached at (704) 333-1112 or e-mail
own ideas — great ideas that you salesman@gitomer.com. into personal actions. dollar investment and your human
know you can use and you know about ideas and Fifth: Allocate time. During capital investment.
will benefit you and others, ideas things that were
you can turn into money. important to you
You make a mental commit- at that moment.
ment the moment you write each First: The minute the seminar how you intend to put it into ac-
note: "Change cold calls to refer-
rals." "Be more creative and daring
is over, find a quiet space for 15 to
30 minutes. Open your laptop and
Third: The minute you get
A double-dip outlook
when leaving a voicemail." "Sell take out your notes. (Maybe next home, record your notes. When
value, not price." "Get more video time take notes on your laptop.) . you are recording, even more ideas gotten. Louisiana, Mississippi and
testimonials." and applications will surface. Burn H CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12
Look at every note you took and Alabama will feel the direct im-
But then you don't fulfill them spend a moment with each one to them onto a CD and import them The threat of higher taxes has put pact as oil workers are sent to the
when you get home. Why? expand the thought. How will you into your iPod or MP3 player. Re- business executives in a pessimis- unemployment line or other parts
They seemed like great ideas at apply that thought to your sales, cord your notes and ideas so you tic and cautious mood. For some, it of the world. The tourist trade has
the time. You had aha's and epipha- your business and your life? In oth- can listen to them until they be- may take months before they begin already taken a hit. Now a drilling
nies at the event. And you wrote er words, take the note and make it come dedicated tasks. hiring again, ordering new capital moratorium is in place that could
notes that were golden. yours. Then determine when the Fourth: Listening to your re- equipment and talking of expand- last for several months or longer.
But something happened be- action will be implemented. cording once a day, you will begin ing. Longer term, the higher cost of
tween the seminar room and your (Note: Meeting planners try to to commit and take achievement Seventh, is the cost of new drilling will restrict the industry.
first moments back at work. cram session after session into a actions. Put at least one new thing regulation that will hit various in- Finally, there is the ever-present
Answer: You dropped the ball. two- or three-day meeting without into your work or life every day.. dustries, especially financial insti- fear of another terrorist attack.
The mental ball. The focus ball. providing a chance for attendees to If you have been in sales less tutions. In addition, conformance However, with the strong num-
The commitment to yourself ball. catch their breath, let alone have than three years, this process will to new environmental regulations bers now reported, it appears we
And maybe even the success ball. think time. reinforce your belief system and plus the uncertainty of the new may well be able to buck the tide.
What you decided to do imme- Big mistake. Every traditional inspire you to greater achievement health care legislation dampens the All of this confirms the forecast
diately after the event determined meeting and breakout should have (the very thing you hoped for when enthusiasm for business expansion. that the recovery remains on track,
your fate. a "quiet" session afterward. Refer you entered the seminar). Eighth, many states have cho- even though the pace may slow in
If you chose wine, beer, liquor, to them as "think and apply" ses- If you're a seasoned salesper- sen to balance budget shortfalls by upcoming months. But recovery is
socialization, partying, TV, or some sions — even if they're just for 20 son, this is a huge opportunity to raising business taxes. A significant still recovery, and it sure beats the
other form of time-wasting (self- minutes. reinvigorate your desire to achieve increase in business taxes almost alternative.
destructive) activity, you lost the Second: Expand your thoughts at a higher level and re-dedicate to always has an adverse impact on
opportunity to formalize your in- while they're fresh in your mind. personal excellence. It's your re- the economy where the tax is lev- Brian G. Long, CPM, is director, Sup-
formation, expand your thoughts Do it again in your hotel room and commitment to your success. ied. Adding to this will be the cost ply Chain Management Research,
and cement your self-commitment. on the airplane going home. Reality: Corporations and asso- of complying with various new reg- Seidman College of Business, Grand
Point of understanding: At any Take your notes ftirther: expand ciations spend hundreds of thou- ulations coming from Washington Valley State University.
information event, you cannot take your thoughts. Think more about sands — even millions — of dollars and some states.
notes fast enough to capture all the the application of each idea and to impart new and important infor- Ninth, the oil spill cannot be for-

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