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The Multinational Corporation as an Interorganizational Network

Author(s): Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher A. Bartlett

Source: The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Oct., 1990), pp. 603-625
Published by: Academy of Management
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/258684
Accessed: 27/02/2010 09:33

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O Academy of Management Review, 1990, Vol. 15, No. 4, 603-625.

The Multinational Corporation

as an Interorganizational Network

Harvard University

A multinational corporation consists of a group of geographically

dispersed and goal-disparate organizations that include its head-
quarters and the different national subsidiaries. Such an entity can
be conceptualized as an interorganizational network that is embed-
ded in an external network consisting of all other organizations such
as customers, suppliers, regulators, and so on, with which the dif-
ferent units of the multinational must interact. Based on such a con-
ceptualization, the present authors draw on interorganization theory
to develop a model of the multinational corporation as an internally
differentiated interorganizational network. They propose hypotheses
that relate certain attributes of the multinational, such as resource
configuration and internal distribution of power, to certain structural
properties of its external network.

As pointed out recently by Kogut (1989), the to explore the costs and benefits of the MNC's
late 1980s have witnessed a significant evolution geographic scope of activities (e.g., Kogut, 1983;
of academic interest in the multinational corpo- Ghemawat & Spence, 1986; Teece, 1980). The
ration (MNC). An important element of this shift present authors crdvocate a similar adoption of
has been a change in the focus of research interorganizational theory for future MNC-
away from the dyadic headquarters-subsidiary related research, albeit with some modifications
relationship in MNCs, or the specific decision of to reflect the ownership-based intraorganiza-
a company to invest in a foreign location, to the tional ties that exist between the MNC head-
coordination tasks of managing a network of es- quarters and its different foreign subsidiaries.
tablished foreign subsidiaries and analysis of We believe that interorganizational theory,
the competitive advantages that arise from the properly adapted, can provide new insights
potential scope economies of such a network. about a complex and geographically dispersed
This new research focus demands new theo- organizational system like the MNC, and our
retical, conceptual, and methodological an- main objective here is to propose an initial for-
chors. Analysis of international competition, for mulation regarding how the concepts and tools
example, has already embraced a range of new of interorganizational analysis can be applied to
theories such as those of multiplant production, fit this slightly different but analogous case.
multipoint competition, and valuation of options To frame the context of our discussions, it may

be useful to begin with an illustration. Figure 1 represent and respond to many different kinds
shows the simplest possible representation of and extents of dependency and interdepen-
N. V. Philips, a multinational company head- dency in interunit exchange relationships
quartered in the Netherlands. The company has (Ghoshal & Nohria, 1989).
its own operating units in 60 countries as diverse We believe that an entity such as any of these
as the United States, France, Japan, South Ko- large multinational corporations can be more
rea, Nigeria, Uruguay, and Bangladesh. Some appropriately conceptualized as an interorgani-
of these units are large, fully integrated compa- zational grouping rather than as a unitary orga-
nies developing, manufacturing, and marketing nization; also, valuable insights can be gained
a diverse range of products from light bulbs to on the internal structures and operations of such
defense systems. Such subsidiaries might have entities from the concepts of organization sets
5,000 or more employees and might be among and networks that are more commonly used for
the largest companies in their host countries. exploring interorganizational phenomena (Ald-
Others are small, single-function operations re- rich & Whetten, 1981; Evan, 1967). In particular,
sponsible for only R & D, or manufacturing, or we believe that the concept of a network, both as
marketing for only one or a few of these different a metaphor and in terms of the tools and tech-
businesses. Some such units might employ 50 or niques of analysis it provides, reflects the nature
fewer people. In some cases, the units have and complexity of the multinational organiza-
been in operation for more than 50 years; a few tion and can provide a useful lens through
began their organizational lives less than 10 which to examine such an entity. We propose
years ago. Some of these units are tightly con- here a framework that conceptualizes the multi-
trolled from the headquarters; others enjoy rela- national as a network of exchange relationships
tionships with the headquarters more akin to among different organizational units, including
those between equal partners than those be- the headquarters and the different national sub-
tween parent and subsidiary. sidiaries that are collectively embedded in what
With only minor alterations, Figure 1 could Homans (1974) described as a structured context.
also be a representation of an American multi- Further, continuing the thinking of Tichy, Tush-
national such as Procter & Gamble, or another man, and Fombrun (1979), we visualize this con-
European company such as Unilever, or a Jap- text as an external network consisting of all the
anese company such as Matsushita Electric (see organizations such as customers, suppliers, reg-
descriptions of these companies in Bartlett & ulators, and competitors with which the different
Ghoshal, 1986 and 1987). In many ways our de- units of the MNC must interact. Our main pro-
scription of Philips is a generic account that posal is that different attributes of a multina-
characterizes many large MNCs. As suggested tional such as the configuration of its organi-
by a number of authors, MNCs are physically zational resources and the nature of interunit
dispersed in environmental settings that repre- exchange relations that lead to such a con-
sent very different economic, social, and cul- figuration can be explained by selected at-
tural milieus (Fayerweather, 1978; Hofstede, tributes of the external network within which it is
1980; Robock, Simmons, & Zwick, 1977); are in- embedded and on which it depends for its survival.
ternally differentiated in complex ways to re- A note of caution must, however, be sounded
spond to both environmental and organizational at this stage. Because network analysis is a rap-
differences in different businesses, functions, idly emerging and highly complex field of study
and geographic locations (Bartlett & Ghoshal, and because of the considerable divergence on
1986; Prahalad & Doz, 1987); and, as a result of definitions and approaches that exists within
such dispersal and differentiation, possess inter- this field, it is unlikely that this initial attempt to
nal linkages and coordination mechanisms that apply network concepts to the study of MNCs



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Figure 1. Organizational units and some of the interlinkages within N. V. Philips.

will be either complete or above reproach. In the units are embedded in different national en-
concluding section of our article, we discuss vironments in which the structures of these
some of the limitations of the present effort and relational networks can be and often are very
suggest how these might be overcome through different (Westney, 1989). Further, in an era of
future conceptual and empirical research. This expanding transnational linkages among indi-
article must be viewed, therefore, as an initial viduals and organizations, these relational net-
attempt to identify the possibility of developing a works in the different countries are also increas-
network theory of the MNC, rather than as a ingly interconnected among themselves in com-
rigorous presentation of such a theory. plex ways. These differences in national
Although the attempt to formally apply the in- industry systems and the interconnections
terorganizational network perspective to the among them are central to our explanation of
study of MNCs is relatively new, it should also both economic action and administrative coor-
be noted that the conceptual foundation for such dination within the dispersed system of the
an approach already exists in the international MNC.
management literature. For example, Perlmut- Second, the concept of a network has so far
ter's (1969) scheme for categorizing MNCs as eth- been used in this literature mostly as a metaphor
nocentric, polycentric, and geocentric organiza- to describe and categorize MNC structures and
tions is clearly consistent with a network theo- to support normative arguments on the impor-
retic view. Similarly, the stylized models of MNC tance of lateral relationships, shared values,
organizations developed by Bartlett (1986) and and reciprocal task interdependencies for effec-
Hedlund (1986), the concept of a coordinated tive management of MNCs. Even though we be-
multinational system proposed by Kogut (1983), lieve that such a metaphorical use of the term
and the application of the resource dependency has been useful for descriptive and normative
model by Herbert (1984) for explicating strategy- purposes, this paper represents an effort to
structure configurations in MNCs have all been move to the next step of theory building by using
implicitly or explicitly grounded in the concep- network concepts to explain specific structural
tualization of MNCs as interorganizational sys- attributes of multinational organizations.
tems. Although it builds on this foundation, the
article also differs from these earlier pieces in Interorganizational Theories
two important ways. Applied to the
First, in most of these proposals, the structure Multinational Corporation
and attributes of the MNC were explained as Much of the existing theory and almost all em-
arising from the technical and economic ratio- pirical analyses of interorganizational networks
nality and constraints in resource allocation have focused on interorganizational groupings
(Kogut, 1983) or from the administrative heritage that are not connected by ownership ties (e.g.,
(Bartlett, 1986) and cognitive orientation (Perl- Pfeffer & Salancik, 1974; Bacharach & Aiken,
mutter, 1969) of its managers. Our explanation 1976; Van de Ven & Walker, 1984). Before apply-
focuses instead on the social and institutional ing any of the concepts or empirical findings
structure of the environments in which the MNC from such studies to the analysis of MNCs, it is
operates. As institutional theorists have argued, first necessary to make a prima facie case that
the relational networks in the institutional envi- the ownership ties that exist within the multina-
ronment play an important role in influencing tional do not necessarily preclude the entire
the structure and behavior of organizations range of discretionary behaviors that are possi-
(Meyer & Scott, 1983; Zucker, 1988). The unique- ble among interacting organizations that are not
ness of the MNC as an organizational form so connected.
arises from the fact that its different constituent A number of authors have argued that the

linkage between ownership and hierarchical fluence of the American subsidiary of NEC ex-
power ("fiat")in complex organizations is much panded significantly within the company, de-
weaker than is often assumed (e.g., Granovet- spite its relatively small size and short organiza-
ter, 1985, p. 499). We believe that this link is par- tional life. This was so because of its role in
ticularly weak in the case of MNCs because of building the company's relationships with the
the large physical and cultural distances be- Bell operating companies, which came to be
tween the owned and the owning units. Case viewed by NEC not only as major potential cus-
histories of extreme subsidiary autonomy have tomers but also as its main contacts for joint de-
been well documented in the literature on mul- velopment of new products.
tinationals: the refusal of North American Philips We do not claim that the relationships among
to sell the V2000 video cassette recorder devel- the parent company and the national subsidi-
oped by its Dutch parent, preferring instead to aries in an MNC are identical to those among an
purchase from a Japanese archrival, is a good interacting group of universities, or social ser-
example. Even more dramatic, however, is the vice organizations, or regulatory agencies.
case of the British and German subsidiaries of Some anecdotal evidence of extreme subsidiary
Ruberoid that unilaterally severed all ties with autonomy notwithstanding, the parent com-
the parent and, with the support of local finan- pany of a multinational typically enjoys consid-
cial institutions, ultimately secured complete le- erable hierarchical authority. However, we sug-
gal independence. Such situations are rela- gest that the existence of such hierarchical au-
tively more common for MNCs headquartered in thority does not necessarily lead to fiat as the
small countries, many foreign subsidiaries of dominant or even the "last resort" mechanism of
which often control more resources and contrib- control. Typically, in such large, dispersed, and
ute more revenues than the parent company. interdependent organizations, hierarchical au-
However, many such cases also have been ob- thority coexists with significant local autonomy
served in companies such as ITTand Unilever, and such a situation, we believe, is not inappro-
even though the parents were headquartered in priate for the application of interorganizational
large countries such as the United States and the theories.
United Kingdom (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1989). For example, in one of the seminal articles on
The efficacy of fiat is particularly limited in the the topic, Warren (1967) developed a typology of
case of multinationals not only because some of interorganizational relationships that distin-
the subsidiaries happen to be very distant and guished four ways in which members of an or-
resource-rich but, more so, because they control ganizational field could interact: unitary, feder-
critical linkages with key actors in their local en- ative, coalitional, and social choice. Table 1
vironments, particularly the host government. summarizes the different attributes of each of
To cite but one illustration, the Australian sub- these different contexts of interorganizational in-
sidiary of Ericsson, the Swedish telecommunica- teractions. In our view, the multinational orga-
tions company, accumulated a very high level nization lies somewhere between Warren's uni-
of R & D resources primarily because of a coali- tary and federative structures, both of which ad-
tion between the local management and the mit some level of hierarchical decision making
Australian Post and Telegraph authorities that at the top of the inclusive structure. Further,
had as its principal goal the creation of a major even though the formal structure of MNCs may
R & D center in Australia. Subsidiary company often resemble the unitary form or what has
links with local customers, suppliers, and inves- been described in the literature as mandated
tors also contribute to the local management's networks (Aldrich, 1976; Hall, Clark, Giordano,
automony. For example, following deregulation Johnson, & Roekel, 1977), the actual relation-
of the U.S. telecommunications industry, the in- ships between the headquarters and the subsid-

Table 1
Different Contexts of Interorganizational Interactions

Type of Context
Dimension Unitary Federative Coalitional Social Choice
Relation of units to Units organized for Units with disparate Units with disparate No inclusive goals
an inclusive goal achievement of goals, but some goals, but informal
inclusive goals formal organization collaboration for
for inclusive goals inclusive goals
Locus of inclusive At top of inclusive At top of inclusive In interaction of units Within units
decision making structure structure, subject to without a formal
unit ratification inclusive structure
Locus of authority At top of hierarchy Primarily at unit level Exclusively at unit Exclusively at unit
of inclusive level level
Structural provision Units structured for Units structured Units structured No formally
for division of division of labor autonomously; may autonomously, may structured division
labor within inclusive agree to a division agree to ad hoc of labor within an
organization of labor, which division of labor, inclusive context
may affect their without
structure restructuring
Commitment of a Norms of high Norms of moderate Commitment only to Commitment only to
leadership commitment commitment unit leaders unit leaders
Prescribed High Moderate Minimal Little or none
orientation of units

iaries and among the subsidiaries themselves analyzing such federated relationships among
tend to be more federative because, contrary to units when the participants have only limited
the case of both unitary and mandated net- option for discretionary behavior and no oppor-
works, issues of competency and power tend to tunity to terminate the relationship.
be contested within the MNC and interdepen- Despite the broad theoretical scope of the in-
dencies among the units tend to be reciprocal as terorganizational perspective as shown in War-
well as sequential (Ghoshal & Nohria, 1989). ren's classification of the field, empirical appli-
This claim is consistent with Provan's analysis of cations of this perspective have so far been lim-
different kinds of federations and his observa- ited to contexts that range from federative to
tion that the network characteristics of division- social choice and interaction contexts that range
alized firms generally are similar to those of in- from unitary to federative have been excluded
dependent federations (see Table 1, p. 83 in from the domain of interorganizational inquiry
Provan, 1983). As demonstrated by Provan, and placed in the domain of intraorganizational
Beyer, and Kruytbosch, (1980), the interorganiza- analysis (Cook, 1977). As such, the relationships
tional approach can be particularly useful for between the diverse units of a multidivisional or

a multinational corporation have rarely been collective actors or corporate groups [thus mak-
examined from an interorganizational perspec- ing] it uniquely appropriate when organizations
tive. or subunits of organizations are used as the pri-
Meanwhile, the limitations of applying tradi- mary unit of analysis" (1977, p. 63). It is this sug-
tional intraorganizational theory to the analysis gestion of Cook that we adopt and develop in
of such complex and dispersed business organi- this article.
zations have become increasingly clear. As The Multinational as a Network: Constructs
summarized by Nohria and Venkatraman and Terminology
(1987), the most critical of these limitations stem
from the need in such analysis to provide a rel- Let us consider a multinational corporation M
atively clear separation between the "organiza- with operating units in countries A, B, C, D, E,
tion" and its relevant "environment." As a result, and F and a focal organization in the corporate
"the environment is typically viewed as an ex- headquarters H. For the purpose of analytical
ogenous entity and is reified as a source of un- simplicity, let us assume that all the units of M
defined uncertainties (e.g., volatility, resource are engaged in a single and common business
scarcity, etc.) as opposed to being seen as a field (i.e., M is a single-industry company). Note that
of specific interacting organizations which lo- H serves as a coordinating agency and plays the
cate the source of those contingencies" (Nohria role that Provan (1983) described as belonging to
& Venkatraman, 1987, p. 2). The organization is the Federation Management Organization
seen as a well-defined collective and is as- (FMO) and, therefore, must be distinguished
sumed to be internally homogeneous, coherent, from the organizational unit, say A, that is re-
and consistent. "Therefore, it is typically de- sponsible for operations in the home country of
scribed in distributional (e.g., organization M, even though the two may be located in the
chart, division of responsibility, authority, etc.) same premises. By the term multinational net-
and categorical (e.g., centralized versus decen- work we shall refer to all the relationships and
tralized, mechanistic versus organic, differenti- linkages that exist among the different units of
ated versus integrated, etc.) terms as opposed to M (i.e., among A, B, C, D, E, F, and H).
relational terms that focus on the actual interac- Each of the national operating units of M is
tion patterns based on both internal and exter- embedded in a unique context and, for any
nal flows of products, information, and specific type of exchange relationship, has its
authority" (Nohria & Venkatraman, 1987, p. 2). unique organization set (Aldrich & Whetten,
In contrast to these limitations of traditional 1981). For example, the unit A can have existing
intraorganizational analysis, a dominant con- or potential exchange relationships with a spe-
struct in most interorganizational theories is an cific set of suppliers [SA], buyers [bA], regulatory
exchange relation (e.g., Ax and By) that is de- agencies [rA], and it competes for resources with
fined as consisting of "transactions involving the an identifiable set of competitors [CA]. Collec-
transfer of resources (x, y) between two or more tively, the group consisting of [SA, bA, TA, CA, etc.]
actors (A, B) for mutual benefit" (Cook, 1977, p. constitutes what we call the organization set of A
64). The term resources as used in this context and denote by the symbol [OSA].
includes "any valued activity, service or Different members of the organization set
commodity" (Cook, 1977, p. 64, emphasis [OSA] can be internally connected by exchange
added) and therefore includes not only the flows ties. In keeping with Aldrich and Whetten's
of finances and products but also the flows of thinking (1981) we can define the density of
technology, people, and information. Further- [OSA] as the extensiveness of exchange ties
more, as Cook observed, "the term actor in the within the elements of the organization set of A.
theory refers not only to individuals but also to Density measures the extent to which actors

within the set are connected, on average, to one border linkages among customers, competitors,
another (i.e., the mean relation from any one and other relevant organizations as a key factor
actor to any other actor). As suggested by Ald- that does or should influence the behaviors of
rich and Whetten, such a construct of density MNCs (e.g., this is a focal issue for a number of
can be operationalized in different ways. For essays in Porter, 1986).
present purposes, we can choose the simplest of Because of such linkages among the different
these ways and define it as the percentage of local organization sets, all members of all the
actual to potential ties among members of [OSA]. organization sets of the different units of M col-
The concluding section of this article includes a lectively constitute what we shall call the exter-
more detailed discussion on identification of nal network (Tichy, Tushman, & Fombrun, 1979)
boundaries and measurement of densities for within which the multinational network is em-
the different local organizations sets. bedded. In the same manner as we defined the
The density of such connections within the dif- construct of density for each of the different or-
ferent local organization sets of A, B, C, and so ganization sets of the different units of M, we can
on may vary. For example, it has been noted by also describe the density of this external network
many authors that the level of connectedness as the ratio of actual to potential ties among all
among different members of an industry group its constituents. To differentiate between these
is significantly higher in Japan in comparison to two densities, we shall refer to the density of ties
some Western countries (e.g., see discussions within each of the local organization sets as
and the quotation from Lohr cited in Granovet- within density and the density of ties within the
ter, 1985, p. 497). Similarly, it has been shown in total external network, that is, across the differ-
the management literature that within the same ent organization sets, as across density.
national environment, the level of cohesiveness The main thesis in this article is that different
among customers, suppliers, competitors, and attributes of the MNC can be explained in terms
so forth may be higher in certain businesses of selected attributes of the external network
such as construction (Eccles, 1981), publishing within which it is embedded. Following the ar-
(Powell, 1985), textiles (Sabel, Herrigel, Kazis, & guments of Benson (1975), the interactions within
Deeg, 1987), and investment banking (Eccles & the different organizational units of the MNC are
Crane, 1987), compared to others. best explained at the level of resource ex-
The different organization sets of the different change. This suggests two attributes of the MNC
units of M may themselves be interconnected as particularly relevant to our analysis: (a) the
through exchange ties. For example, one of the distribution of resources among its different af-
supplying organizations in the local environ- filiated units and (b) the structural characteris-
ment of A may be an affiliated unit of another tics that mediate internal exchange relation-
multinational company, and it may have ex- ships within the MNC and continually restruc-
change linkages with its counterpart in the local ture the resource configuration (Zeitz, 1980).
environment of B. Similarly, the actions of reg- These two characteristics of the MNC and how
ulatory agencies in one location (say, rc) may they relate to within and across densities will
influence the actions of their counterparts in provide the focus of our attention for the remain-
other locations (say, rD). Such influence may be ing part of this article.
manifest in actions such as retaliation by rc to
what is seen as protectionist action of rD, or de- Resource Configuration in MNCs
regulation by rD to reciprocate or just emulate
similar action by rc (Mahini & Wells, 1986). Such Resources such as production equipments, fi-
linkages also may exist among suppliers and nance, technology, marketing skills, and man-
competitors. In fact, much of the current litera- agement capabilities may be located in any one
ture on global strategy considers such cross- or more of the different units of M. By the term
resource configuration we refer to the way in front-loading models to meet Europe-wide de-
which the resources of M are distributed among mand. Its research centers, product develop-
A, B, C, D, E, F, and H. (We use the word re- ment laboratories, and component-producing
source in the sense of Cook [1977, p. 64] to refer units are all similarly differentiated and special-
to "any valuable activity, service, or com- ized. By contrast, despite considerable recent ef-
modity".) In some companies that Bartlett (1986) forts to increase such specialization, Philips
described as "centralized hubs," most of such owns five factories in Europe that produce iden-
resources may be concentrated in any one loca- tical or near-identical models of television sets,
tion, typically the parent company. For exam- each basically for a local market. In other words,
ple, 90 percent of the manufacturing invest- the resources of Philips are dispersed on a local-
ments of Matsushita, the Japanese consumer for-local basis (Ghoshal, 1986)-they are dis-
electronics company, and 100 percent of its re- persed but undifferentiated, with identical re-
search facilities are located in Japan. In con- sources being used by each unit to carry out
trast, in companies such as Philips, Matsushita's essentially similar tasks in and for its own local
European competitor and one that Bartlett cate- environment. We refer to this dimension of re-
gorized as a "decentralized federation," over 77 source configuration as specialization, and it
percent of total assets are located outside the represents the extent to which the resources lo-
company's home, which is in the Netherlands, cated in each unit are differentiated from those
and no single national subsidiary has more than in others.
15 percent of the company's worldwide assets. Resource configuration in MNCs traditionally
This difference illustrates one aspect of resource has been analyzed from an economic perspec-
configuration in MNCs that is of analytical inter- tive, typically under the assumption that re-
est, namely, dispersal, by which term we refer source location decisions are based on rational,
to the extent to which the company's resources self-interested considerations such as needing
are concentrated in one unit versus dispersed increasing profitability, gaining access to new
among the different units. markets or desired factors of production, protect-
However, although both Philips and Elec- ing competitive position, and minimizing costs
trolux (the Swedish home appliances company) and risks (for reviews, see Buckley & Casson,
have a relatively high level of dispersal in the 1985; Caves, 1982; Dunning, 1981; Hennart,
sense that both companies have significant 1982). Explanations of both dispersal and spe-
parts of their total assets distributed in a number cialization have therefore focused on factors
of countries, the pattern of distribution of such such as differences in costs of inputs (e.g.,
assets is very different in the two cases. Let us Stevens, 1974), potential scale economies in dif-
consider their resources within Europe. For ferent activities (e.g., Porter, 1986), impacts of
Electrolux, even though the resources are dis- transportation and other "friction" costs (e.g.,
persed, they also are very specialized, that is, Hirsch, 1976), imperfections in information and
the resources and associated activities located other intermediate product markets (e.g., Ma-
in any one country are of sufficient scale to meet gee, 1977; Rugman, 1980), defense against op-
the company's worldwide or, at least, regional portunism (e.g., Teece, 1986), and potential ben-
requirements for that activity, thereby avoiding efits of risk diversification (e.g., Lessard & Light-
the need for carrying out the same activity or stone, 1986).
task in multiple locations. For example, Elec- Following from Granovetter's (1985) ideas,
trolux's washing machine factory in France pro- much of this analysis can be criticized as under-
duces top-loading washing machines only and socialized or oversocialized conceptualizations
it meets the company's requirements in that that ignore the important and ongoing effects
product category for all of Europe. Similarly, the that surrounding social structures have on eco-
washing machine factory in Italy produces only nomic behaviors of organizations. We present
here an alternative framework that relates dis- nese companies in the petrochemical industry,
persal and specialization to the densities of in- the density of linkages among key players in a
teractions both within and across the different national industrial context greatly influences in-
local organization sets of the company. As sug- dustry performance and company strategy. For
gested in the introductory section, our concep- a variety of economic, legal, sociological, cul-
tualization is strongly influenced by the work of tural, and historical reasons, some countries
institutional theorists who have argued that the such as Japan are characterized by dense link-
structure and behavior of organizations are in- ages among the suppliers, producers, regula-
fluenced by both technical and institutional fac- tors, customers, and others involved in a partic-
tors (Meyer & Scott, 1983) and that "organiza- ular field of industrial activity (Westney & Saka-
tions compete not just for resources and custom- kibara, 1985). Such linkages among the different
ers, but for political power and institutional actors may involve different kinds of exchanges
legitimacy, for social as well as economic such as those involving funds, people, or infor-
fitness" (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983, p. 150). Al- mation, and they may be established and main-
though Meyer and Scott have been cautious in tained through many different mechanisms
suggesting that business organizations belong such as integrating governmental agencies, in-
to "technical sectors" in which the economic terlocking boards of directors, cross-holding of
need for efficiency and effectiveness in control- equity, institutionalizing systems of personnel
ling work processes dominates institutional flows, using long-term contracts and trust-based
need for legitimacy, they also have contended relationships, and mediating roles of organiza-
that "while the two dimensions (technical and tions such as trade associations, banks, and
institutional) tend to be negatively correlated, consultants (e.g., the collected essays in Evan,
they are apparently not strongly so" (1983, p. 1976). Bower's study shows how Japanese petro-
140). As suggested by Westney (1989), we be- chemical companies were able to capitalize on
lieve that for MNCs, strong needs for legitimacy such linkages, not only to build entry barriers in
and local isomorphism in each host country en- the local market, but also as a means of restruc-
vironment coexist with strong demand for effi- turing and rationalizing the industry.
ciency within its worldwide system and, there- In locations in which the local organization
fore, the institutional structure of the environ- sets are densely connected, the implications for
ment (i.e., the attributes of the local organization local units of MNCs are clear. As argued by
sets and the external network) plays an impor- Granovetter (1973), strong and multiplexed ties
tant role in moderating the influence of technical among the existing members of the national or-
and economic considerations. Even though they ganization sets will lead to exclusion from the
are different from traditional economic analysis, sets of those who cannot establish equally
our arguments are much more consistent with strong and multiplexed ties with each member.
recent work of economists such as Porter (in Westney and Sakakibara's (1985) study on the
press) and Kogut (1988), both of whom have R & D activities of Japanese and American com-
shown the importance of interinstitutional struc- puter companies illustrates this effect of within
ture in determining the competitiveness of differ- density in the local organization sets. According
ent countries and companies in different busi- to these authors, the Japanese R & D centers of
nesses. some of the American computer companies
Effects of Within Density in National could not tap into local skills and technologies
because the absence of associated manufactur-
Organization Sets
ing and marketing activities prevented the iso-
As Bower (1987) has shown through his in- lated research establishments from building
depth study of American, European, and Japa- linkages with the local "knowledge networks"

that were embedded in the dense interactions riety that is necessary to match the structures of
among different members of the organization set the local organization sets. Consequently, in this
for the computer industry in Japan. case, dispersal will increase while specializa-
Where the linkages within the local organiza- tion will decrease.
tion sets are sparse, no such barriers are cre-
ated, as shown in the U.S. Department of Com- Effects of Across Density in the
merce's account of the television industry in the External Network
United States in the early 1970s (Paul, 1984). Ab-
sence of ties among producers because of ri- When the linkages across the different na-
valry and antitrust laws, and their arm's-length tional organization sets are sparse, the MNC's
relationships with suppliers, labor, and govern- resource configuration follows the pattern we
ment, created an environment that made it easy have described previously based on consider-
for Japanese producers to enter the U.S. market ation of the within densities alone. If there are
with local sales offices importing finished prod- high interactions across members of the differ-
ucts from the parent companies. However, ent national organization sets, this situation
when the American companies responded in a changes significantly.
unified manner through the Electronics Industry Consider first the case of low within density
Association, with the support of labor unions and high across density. We have argued that
and suppliers, they were able to obtain govern- low within density will lead to low dispersal and
ment support on antidumping suits, and the re- high specialization, and the company will locate
sulting politically negotiated import quotas its resources according to the resource niches in
forced the Japanese companies to establish local different countries. But, with high across densi-
manufacturing facilities. ties, many of these national resource niches are
We can, therefore, make the following propo- eliminated because of freer flows. If technolo-
sitions about the effects of within density on dis- gies developing in one location can be accessed
persal and specialization in the configuration of instantaneously from another, or if excess capi-
resources in a multinational. When interaction tal available in one environment can be bor-
densities within the different national organiza- rowed in markets located elsewhere, there is no
tion sets are low, the social context exerts limited longer any need to locate specific activities in
influence and intended economic rationality be- specific locations to benefit from access to local
comes dominant in resource configuration deci- resources. Therefore, with high across density,
sions. In this situation, therefore, the MNC will resource-seeking concentration will decline
concentrate research, production, assembly, (though not necessarily be eliminated because
and other similar activities based on consider- regulatory and other barriers may selectively
ation of potential scale and scope economies prohibit certain flows of people and products).
and locate them on the basis of resource niches Consider now the case of high within densi-
(Aldrich, 1979) that may exist in different coun- ties coupled with high across densities. We have
tries as a result of their comparative advantages suggested that high within density will lead to
(e.g., R & D in the United States or Japan, man- high dispersal and low specialization because
ufacturing in Singapore or Brazil). As a result, its of the need for matching the structures of the
overall resource configuration will show rela- local environments. However, when across den-
tively low dispersal and high specialization. sities are high, it is no longer necessary to es-
When within densities are high, however, the tablish a comprehensive range of resources in
company will be forced to fragment its activities each market because exchange linkages can
and locate more of the different kinds of re- now be established across borders, without the
sources in each market so as to provide the va- need for complementary facilities on a location-

by-location basis. In other words, if there is high comparative advantages or resource niches as
across density, the logic of resource allocation applicable to those tasks.
for both high and low within densities becomes Chandler (1986), among others, has docu-
inappropriate. Instead, a completely different mented that because of improvements in com-
set of criteria emerges: In this situation, resource munication and transportation infrastructures
configuration is greatly influenced by the nodal around the world, increasing across densities
characteristics of the complex external network. has been a dominant trend that has affected a
Consider, for example, the situation in which wide range of industries in the recent past. The
customers in locations A, B, D, and E are observed consequences of this trend are entirely
strongly influenced by the standards and pref- consistent with our arguments. For example,
erences of customers in location C. Bartlett and until the late 1970s, the telecommunications
Ghoshal (1986) and Prahalad and Doz (1987) switching industry was characterized by high
have described the existence of such lead mar- within and low across densities. Interactions
kets in many businesses, and this existence is among members of the industry were high
predicted by the normative systems that Lau- within each country because of its status as a
mann, Glaskiewicz, and Marsden (1978) pro- strategic industry and the resulting coordinating
posed as one of the modalities that influence the role of the national governments. However, until
behaviors of members in a network. In such a the advent of digital technology, the industry
situation, the MNC will tend to locate a signifi- was highly regulated in most countries, and the
cant amount of resources in C so as to be able to need to synchronize the switching equipment
sense the demands of local customers and re- with the ideosyncrasies of local terminal equip-
spond to them in a fashion that attracts their pa- ments constrained opportunities for cross-border
tronage. The level of resources in C will exceed linkages. As a result, the resources of most mul-
what is required to match the needs for mem- tinational companies were highly dispersed,
bership of the local organization set (OSC) and and they had low levels of specialization. ITT
will, instead, be targeted to benefit from the provides a good illustration: Each of its national
greater role of C as a central node in the larger subsidiaries in Europe had its own local facilities
external network that is created by the linkages for product development, manufacturing, and
among (OSA), (OSB), (OSC), and so on. Given marketing, and the corporate staff including the
that for different activities of the MNC, different top management of the company consisted of
locations might emerge as the nodes in the rel- fewer than 100 employees.
evant external networks, and given that even for The context of this industry has changed sig-
the same activity there might be multiple nodes nificantly in the 1980s: Although within densities
instead of a single node, the consequence of in- have remained high, across density has in-
creasing across density for the resource config- creased substantially due to the emergence of
uration of the company will be one of moderate digital technology and the growing trends of
dispersal (i.e., not as high as in the case of local- standardization and deregulation, all of which
for-local distribution but higher than concentra- have facilitated cross-border integration among
tion only in countries offering specific resource suppliers, customers, and other industry partic-
niches) coupled with increasing specialization. ipants. As a result, resource configurations of
Tasks will be divided into finer and finer seg- the producers have also changed. Even though
ments so that each could be located at the ap- the overall level of dispersal has been reduced
propriate nodal locations which, however, to a limited extent, the level of specialization has
might well be different from those that would be increased drastically. Ericsson, for example,
predicted by the traditional considerations of has closed only a few of its factories around the

world, but it has converted many of them into within the network of United Way organizations
focused manufacturing centers that produce a were significantly modified by the linkages be-
narrow range of components. Similarly, each of tween the individual agencies and other ele-
the laboratories of Alcatel, the company created ments in their local communities upon which the
by merging 177 and CIT-Alcatel, has now been United Way depended for its survival. The de-
given the mandate and resources to pursue a pendence of the United Way on the local com-
specific and well-defined technology or devel- munities of its different organizations is in some
opment task in contrast to the earlier situation ways akin to the dependence of the multina-
when most of them operated quite indepen- tional on the local organization sets of its differ-
dently, developing the entire range of products ent national units: Just as dense linkages with
for their local markets. the key elements of their communities enhanced
the power of the United Way organizations,
Centrality and Power dense exchange relationships with the members
Within the Multinational Network of their local organization sets can be expected
to enhance the powers of the national units of
Our preceding arguments on resource config- the multinational.
uration in MNCs were based on a notion of iso- It is inappropriate, however, to draw a direct
morphic fit with the characteristics of the exter- correspondence between the United Way and
nal network; we did not address the question of an MNC because the central management or-
how such a fit is achieved. An MNC's configu- ganization of the United Way lacks the hierar-
ration of resources at any point in time is the chical power of the headquarters of the MNC. To
outcome of previous resource flows and, as ar- incorporate this difference in our analysis, it is
gued by Benson (1975), the flow of resources necessary to consider how hierarchical power
within an interorganizational network is influ- might modify the interunit exchange patterns
enced by the distribution of power within the proposed by Benson.
network. In this section, we will suggest that We suggest that the efficacy of the hierarchi-
within and across densities in the different na- cal power of the headquarters to counteract the
tional organization sets of an MNC predicate the linkage-based power of the subsidiary is contin-
relative power of the headquarters and the na- gent on the density of interactions among mem-
tional units, and that the nature of resource bers of the subsidiary's organization set. When
flows generated by the resulting distribution of this within density is low, the potential power of
power leads to the pattern of isomorphic fit we the subsidiary is derived from its individual dy-
have described. adic relationships. In this situation, the head-
Effects of Within Density in National quarters is more effective in counteracting the
Organization Sets power of the subsidiary because it is potentially
easier to have "direct control" over such rela-
Applying Zald's (1970) political economy ap- tionships through mechanisms such as periodic
proach to the analysis of interorganizational re- visits by the headquarters staff. However, such
lations, Benson (1975) suggested that an actor in direct control becomes more difficult in this case,
such a network can enhance its power in dyadic when the subsidiary's power is not derived from
relationships with other actors on the strength of an individual dyadic relationship, but from the
its relationships with other organizational or so- web of exchange relations in the local organi-
cial networks. Subsequently, Provan et al. (1980) zation set of which it is a part. Remote control
provided empirical support to this proposal loses efficacy when "localness," by itself, is the
when they demonstrated that power relations key requirement for maintaining the relation-

ships. For example, in the case of the Australian pendency relationships within an MNC were
subsidiary of Ericsson that we referred to earlier, based only on consideration of dyadic exchange
extensive cross-licensing arrangements among between the headquarters and the national
all the producers, and the resulting close rela- units. The situation changes when consideration
tionships among equipment suppliers, custom- of structural power is brought into the analysis.
ers, and regulators, was a main reason (other Structure of the external network now enters the
than distance) that impeded closer control of the calculation as an important variable because
local subsidiary from Stockholm and allowed different members of the multinational network
the subsidiary to build up the high level of re- can potentially develop different levels of struc-
search and other resources. tural power based on their positions within the
Therefore, the positive relationship between larger network of interactions among customers,
environmental linkages and power of the local suppliers, and so forth across different countries.
unit of an interorganizational network proposed Ignoring for present purposes the exceptions
by Benson (1975) will remain operational in the to the rule pointed out by Cook, Emerson, Gil-
context of an MNC under the condition of high more, and Yamagishi (1983), the structural
within density. Following the arguments of Em- power of actors in a network can be assumed to
erson (1962) and Cook (1977), the local unit will arise from their centrality within the network
use this power to reduce its dependence on the (Laumann & Pappi, 1976; Lehman, 1975). As
other units of the network. Therefore, it will bar- pointed out by Freeman (1979), the term central-
gain for and obtain a full range of resources so ity has been defined and used in the literature in
that it will be able to autonomously carry out as many different ways. For this article, we can
many of its functions as possible. If all or most of limit our attention to what Freeman describes as
the units of the MNC are located in environ- point centrality of the different actors within the
ments of high within density, the consequence multinational network, and we can also define
of this process will be a high level of dispersal of the point centrality of each actor as a function of
its resources on a local-for-local basis. its degree (i.e., the number of other actors within
Effects of Across Density in the the multinational network with which it has di-
External Network rect exchange relations). Following the argu-
ments of Freeman, the headquarters enjoys the
Existing literature on the distribution of power highest levels of point centrality when linkages
in social networks reveals two main sources of among the subsidiaries are minimal. In a situa-
power in such collectivities (Fombrun, 1983). tion of extensive interactions among the subsid-
First, power is an antipode of dependency in iaries, the centrality of the headquarters de-
exchange relations (Emerson, 1962), and it ac- clines relative to those of the subsidiaries, and
crues to members of the network who control the centrality of the different members of the net-
critical resources required by others but do not work becomes dependent on the actual struc-
depend on others for resources (Aldrich, 1979; ture of such linkages. This explanation becomes
Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). In keeping with Cook clear from a comparison of the three network
(1977), this might be called exchange power to structures shown in Figure 2 (each of which is
distinguish it from the second source of power reproduced from Freeman, 1979).
that arises from structural rather than exchange High across density typically implies a high
dependencies. Structural power emanates from level of interactions among the subsidiaries of a
the position of a member within the network, as multinational. As an illustration, consider the
shown by Lazarsfeld and Menzel (1961); it is an case of a manufacturer of automotive tires such
attribute that is induced by a member's context. as Italy's Pirelli and Company. The company
Our preceding discussions on power-de- produces and markets car and truck tires in a

Point Centrality (degree)


4 1 1 1 1

B 2ci C

| H C 4 4 2 2 2

B 2b


4 4 4 4 4

B 2c C

Figure 2. Centrality measures for three different network structures.

number of countries including the United States, that as across density increases, intersubsidiary
Italy, and Germany. It also supplies tires to the linkages become more extensive, and the cen-
Ford Motor Company in each of these countries. trality of the headquarters declines, relative to
Until such time that Ford's local units in these other units.
countries operated relatively autonomously, It is more interesting to note, however, under
with minimal coordination, there was little need this condition, multiple points can emerge
for Pirelli's local units to coordinate their own within the MNC with the same or similar degree
activities with regard to their supply to Ford. But of point centrality. Note that for the star-shaped
as the interactions and coordination among structure (Figure 2c), the headquarters and all
Ford's operations in these countries increased, the subsidiaries have the same point centrality,
leading to internal comparisons of the prices, whereas in the hub-shaped structure (Figure
quality, and support provided by common ven- 2a), the headquarters has a very high level of
dors (thereby enhancing across density, as rel- point centrality compared to the subsidiaries. In
evant to Pirelli), Pirelli's subsidiaries also Figure 2b, however, whereas one subsidiary
needed to enhance their internal coordination has the same point centrality as the headquar-
and communication on issues of quality levels, ters, other subsidiaries have less.
pricing, service, and so on to prevent customer An outcome such as the network structure
dissatisfaction (see Terpstra, 1982). In other shown in Figures 2b or 2c will follow from the
words, as a general principle, it can be stated existence of nodes in the external network. For

example, for Pirelli, the United States, Italy, and man, 1982) and global leader or contributor
Germany may emerge as external nodes be- roles (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1986) for specific activ-
cause the headquarters for its major worldwide ities and tasks.
customers may be located in these markets. Fur-
ther, only one of these external nodes (Italy) may Large MNCs as
coincide with the location of the company's own Differentiated Networks
headquarters. Normative hierarchy in customer Several highly simplifying assumptions were
tastes and preferences (e.g., adoption by cus- made in the foregoing discussions on resource
tomers in other countries of a perfume or wine configuration in MNCs under different condi-
that is popular in France) and the advanced tions of local and global interlinkages. The enor-
states of certain technologies in certain countries mous complexity of several disparate country-
(e.g., ceramic technology in Japan, computer level organization sets and the diversity of the
software technology in the United States and the heterogeneous international business environ-
United Kingdom) are some other examples of ment were dichotomized into high-low catego-
such external nodes that can affect the point ries of within and across densities. In reality, the
centralities of different units within the MNC. For levels of connectedness within and across the
the different activities of the MNC, different lo- national organization sets can be expected to
cations can emerge as the nodes of the external vary across countries and groups of countries.
network; for any particular activity, a number of Density of interactions across the national orga-
different locations can possess such nodal char- nization sets may be high for the developed
acteristics. Consequently, following the argu- countries, or among regional groupings, but
ments of Burt (1978), the multinational network low in developing countries, particularly the
typically will develop multiple centers that have more regulated and autarchic. Similarly, inter-
different internal coalitions and nodes corre- actions among members within the national or-
sponding to the different coalitions and nodes ganization sets may be high in homogeneous
that may exist in the external network. societies that have a tradition of strong interin-
Therefore, in such a situation, the nodal units stitutional linkages, and it may be low in coun-
of the multinational will develop structural tries where such linkages are discouraged
power and use this power to attract resources through legislation, impeded because of soci-
from within the MNC network. As a result, the etal heterogeneity, or rendered ineffective be-
level of dispersal in the MNC's resources will be cause of poor communication infrastructures or
moderate-lower than local-for-local dispersal the absence of linking institutions.
(because not all units will emerge as nodes) but Therefore, the configuration of resources in
higher than in the case of concentration in loca- multinationals engaged in such businesses will
tions of specific resource niches (except for busi- be influenced by multiple criteria. In some loca-
nesses where a specific country enjoys a domi- tions internal interactions within the local orga-
nant position in all activities). Further, a high nization sets may be high, but external linkages
level of specialization also will develop in the with other organization sets may be low. In such
resource configuration because nodal positions locations, the MNC may provide all the required
within the MNC network can be expected to vary resources in appropriate measures so that its lo-
by activities and tasks as a reflection of similar cal unit can build and maintain linkages with
variance in the external network. Note that both key members of its own community. The orga-
the process and the outcome aspects of this con- nization sets in some other countries may be
clusion resonate with some recent empirical sparsely connected internally, but different ele-
findings such as those of subsidiaries being ments of the local environment may be strongly
given world product mandates (Poynter & Rug- connected with their counterparts in other coun-

tries. For these locations, the MNC may create a resources to benefit from local resource niches
resource structure that is concentrated and spe- and are in line with the economic and techno-
cialized, and in some cases the location of the logical characteristics of their businesses. Thus,
specialized resources may reflect the desire to in such situations, the resource configurations of
access special resource niches, whereas in different MNCs can be expected to differ as a
other cases the location choice may be moti- reflection of those differences in their businesses
vated by the modalities in the external network. and as a result of their freedom to exercise stra-
Finally, the organization sets in a third group of tegic choices. However, in the context of high
countries may be characterized by high within within and across densities, such freedom is re-
and across linkages: In these locations, the MNC duced because of the network influences: Both
may establish all the complementary resources dispersal and specialization now become essen-
for integrated operations, but it may link these tial, at least for the very large companies that
locations with others so as to leverage the re- have been the focus of our attention in this arti-
sources and achieve economies of concentra- cle. If within density is a country trait and across
tion and specialization. density is a world-system trait, the pattern of
The overall resource configuration for a com- linkages in the overall structure of the external
pany like Philips, then, will reflect a mix of some network is going to be increasingly similar for
resources that are dispersed among some units large multinational companies, irrespective of
on a purely local-for-local basis (e.g., product their businesses. In other words, mimetic and
development, manufacturing, marketing, and normative forces of isomorphism (DiMaggio &
other resources for the lighting business in In- Powell, 1983) may be getting stronger as the
dia); some that are concentrated in different world jolts along to Levitt's (1983) global village,
countries to access specialized local resource and the observed trend of convergence to the
pools (e.g., the global scale audio factory in Sin- differentiated network structure may be an out-
gapore); and others that are concentrated in come of these broader societal changes.
lead markets (e.g., development and manufac-
turing facilities for teletext television sets in the
Implications for Research
United Kingdom). Elsewhere we have described
such a structure as the differentiated network We have proposed a reconceptualization of
and have shown that a number of large multi- the MNC as an interorganizational system
national companies such as Procter & Gamble, rather than as an organization. This reconcep-
Unilever, Ericsson, NEC, and Matsushita are in- tualization creates the possibility of applying ex-
creasingly converging to this structural form de- change theory and network methodologies to
spite the differences in their businesses and par- the study of MNCs and has some important im-
ent company nationalities (Bartlett & Ghoshal, plications for future research on MNC-related is-
1989). sues.
Such a convergence is consistent with the First, at the aggregate level of macrostruc-
theoretical arguments we have presented here. tural differences among MNCs, traditional anal-
Following the arguments of Chandler (1986), ysis has tended to assume internal homogeneity
one effect of worldwide improvements in com- within such companies. This has resulted in
munication and transportation infrastructures is generalized conclusions at the level of the over-
the increasing interlinkages among actors, both all company based on empirical studies that
within and across national boundaries. When have focused on individual actors or specific dy-
such linkages are low, the influence of structural adic links. For example, a sampled group of
embeddedness is low, and MNCs have a greater American MNCs have been inferred to be more
degree of freedom to locate their activities and centralized than their Japanese and European

counterparts based on analysis of the parent have evolved from ubiquitous "company ways"
companies' relationships with their subsidiaries to multidimensional gestalts that are applied dif-
located in one region (e.g., Hulbert & Brandt, ferently to different parts of the organization so
1980). However, as we have argued, headquar- as to respond to shifting global contexts (Bartlett
ters-subsidiary relations within an MNC can & Ghoshal, 1989). The network perspective is
vary widely from subsidiary to subsidiary. The particularly suited for investigation of such dif-
interorganizational network conceptualization ferences in internal roles, relations, and tasks of
can provide new concepts such as graph cen- different affiliated units (e.g., through block
trality (Freeman, 1979) or hierarchy (Coleman, modeling and analysis of functional equiva-
1966), which appear to be theoretically more ap- lence) and of how internal coordination mecha-
propriate for such macrostructural comparisons nisms might be differentiated to match the vari-
among internally differentiated and heteroge- ety of subunit contexts (e.g., the papers by Burt
neous organizational systems like MNCs. on "distinguishing relational contents" (pp. 35-
Second, given such heterogeneity, macro- 74) and "studying status/role-sets using mass
structural analysis alone may not be enough surveys" (pp. 100- 118) in Burt, Minor, & Associ-
and may need to be complemented with micro- ates, 1983).
structural analyses of these internal differences The same argument we made for structure
so as to build a more nearly complete theoretical can also be made for strategy. Discussions on
understanding of the ways in which an MNC company- or even business-level generic strate-
functions. For example, in the differentiated net- gies and how they "fit"generic types of compet-
work MNC, there is no formal macrostructure itive structures are too far removed from the re-
that "fits" all parts of the company's heteroge- ality of highly differentiated strategic ap-
neous environments. Yet, it has to choose a for- proaches that can be expected in different parts
mal departmental structure and might, quite ar- of the differentiated network organization. In-
bitrarily, choose one that appears to be simple stead, it may be more useful to explore the ac-
and consistent with its own administrative heri- tual content of strategy in such complex organi-
tage (Bartlett, 1983, 1986). Therefore, not only zational systems: Network theoretic analysis of
might macrostructure have become more diffi- internal flows of resources, products, people,
cult to predict theoretically-as seems true, and information might be more relevant for de-
given the significant empirically induced modi- veloping middle-range theories on resource
fications to the Stopford and Wells (1972) contin- commitment, decision making, strategic control,
gency model proposed by subsequent studies of normative integration, and creation and diffu-
MNC macrostructures, such as those by Daniels, sion of innovations in such companies (e.g., the
Pitts, and Tretter (1985) and Egelhoff (1988) -but application of network analysis in Carley, 1986;
it might also have become a less interesting at- Burt, 1987; and Walker, 1985). In this article we
tribute to study precisely because of such inde- have focused primarily on the hierarchical net-
terminateness. For example, contrary to the pre- work relationships between the headquarters
dictions of structural contingency, NEC, Procter and the national subsidiaries of an MNC. Inves-
& Gamble, and Unilever have not changed their tigation of the lateral network relations among
macrostructures in over two decades despite the different subsidiaries can open up avenues
some very significant changes in their business for similar fine-grained analysis of both the
conditions. What have changed in these com- causes and consequences of horizontal interde-
panies are the internal management processes; pendencies and synergy.
subsidiaries have assumed new and specific Finally, as has been shown in some recent
roles to respond to changing local conditions, contributions, the interorganizational approach
and the headquarters' control mechanisms can be particularly useful for the study of an-

other MNC-related phenomenon that is assum- explicitly included in both theoretical and em-
ing increasing importance (viz., their forming pirical analyses, and elaboration of these dis-
complex webs of alliances and joint ventures tinctions must be a priority for future research on
with customers, suppliers, and competitors this topic.
[Ohmae, 1989; Harrigan, 1985]). By focusing on Second, we have considered exchange very
relations among actors, the network analysis broadly to include many different kinds of trans-
approach can provide both appropriate con- actions involving products, information, affect,
cepts and methodological tools for rigorous and and so on, without distinguishing among these
theory-grounded investigation of the strategic different flows. As follows from the general ar-
and organizational aspects of such alliances guments of Mitchell (1973) and Kadushin (1978),
(see, for example, the contributions by Walker each of these different kinds of exchanges can
[pp. 227-240], Westney [pp. 339-346], and Hak- have some very different implications for the
ausson & Johanson [pp. 369-379] cited in Con- strategy, organization, and management of an
tractor & Lorange, 1988). MNC; further, those effects are also likely to be
interactive. Therefore, the next phase of theory
Building a Network Theory of the MNC development must explicate the separate and
joint effects of these different kinds of exchanges.
The concepts and arguments presented here Third, we have focused on density as the key
suffer from a number of shortcomings that parameter of the external network because den-
should be overcome before the network concep- sity appeared to relate most closely to the impli-
tualization can yield a useful and testable theory cations of social embeddedness described by
of the MNC. The necessary improvement and Granovetter (1985). Further, it is also a relatively
extension of these preliminary ideas will require simple construct that is easy to conceptualize
both deductive theory building with more so- and to measure once the relevant organization
phisticated use of network theory than has been sets and external network are identified (see be-
achieved here; empirical studies are also low). But density is not a complete description of
needed to induce and test more fine-grained a network, and it is possible that some other
propositions and hypotheses. characteristics of the external network can sig-
First, our definitions of constructs such as nificantly influence specific attributes of the
within and across densities are too coarse be- MNC. Therefore, for more nearly complete de-
cause, as we point out in the concluding section, velopment of theory, it would be desirable to
these densities cannot but differ for different identify a set of parameters that completely and
parts of the total external network of any com- unambiguously define the external network and
pany. Such differences can be expected along then to explore the impact of each of these pa-
both geographic and functional dimensions. For rameters on selected attributes of the multina-
example, the external organizations relevant for tional. Krackhardt (1989) has proposed four pa-
the R & D department of a company may be far rameters (connectedness, hierarchy, least-
more interconnected across national borders upperboundedness, and graph efficiency) as
compared to those that are relevant for the ser- necessary and sufficient descriptors of a net-
vice department. Similarly, while within den- work, and his work provides some interesting
sity, on average, may be higher in Japan than in opportunities for modifying and extending our
the United States, there may be significant dif- theoretical arguments.
ferences between the two contexts for different Finally, besides (indeed, before) such exten-
parts of the local organization sets. One of the sion and refinement of the concepts, it might
main attractions of the network perspective is also be necessary to improve the specificity and
that the implications of such differences can be precision in our definition of some of the con-

structs so as to facilitate their operationalization nization set may be identified through a re-
in empirical research. One key issue concerns peated process of snowball sampling until suffi-
delineation of the boundaries of the different na- cient convergence is achieved, and the organi-
tional organization sets, which is a general and zation set can then be identified empirically from
widespread problem in network research (Lau- this population as the group of organizations
mann, Marsden, & Prensky, 1983). As suggested that interact maximally with one another and
by Aldrich and Whetten (1981), the relevant or- minimally with other members of the popula-
ganization sets may well differ according to dif- tion. Once the relevant local organization sets
ferent kinds of exchange, and the definition of are identified by one or the other method, the
the boundaries may, therefore, depend on the external network can be defined as the collec-
kind of exchange that is the focus of inquiry. In tivity of all these local organization sets.
presenting our ideas here, we have been Clearly, the former method for identifying the
guided by the belief that these boundaries can national organization sets is the more conve-
be identified either through the naturalistic ap- nient, and it is our belief that experienced re-
proach of an a priori commonsense definition, searchers should usually be able to prespecify
or empirically, through measurement of struc- most of the relevant actors with sufficient accu-
tural cohesion (DiMaggio, 1986). In the former racy. Some researchers, however, may prefer
approach, for example, all relevant suppliers, the latter approach for it avoids the arbitrariness
customers, regulators, and competitors in any of an a priori selection. However, as Laumann et
country can be prespecified based on expert al. (1983) have argued, neither approach is fully
knowledge of the local structure of the business. satisfactory, and some better way for delinea-
In the latter approach, a broader population of tion of the boundaries remains as another im-
potentially relevant members of the local orga- portant topic for further reflection.

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Sumantra Ghoshal (PhD, MIT and DBA, Harvard) is

Associate Professor of Management at the European
Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD), Fon-
tainebleau, France.
Christopher A. Bartlett (DBA, Harvard) is Professor at
the Harvard Business School.
Nitin Nohria was an active and equal partner in the
idea development phase and would have been a co-
author of the paper but for the temporary distraction
of having to write a doctoral dissertation. The paper
benefitted from the comments of Martin Kilduff and
Eleanor Westney.


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