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• D ~ 4J n !~~.r:.
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!I \::~DE~T~:.' ~:..

Vol. 30-No. 36

Cel tificat!'s of rlectlOn ,\I r bung

PIE'!;tlU cd bv tile Montgomel v
• County Boald ot ElrctlOl1s 101 the
hundreds of )PI sons elet t f'cI to of- Allot Money for COllstruction Of
fice at the NOlembrl 6 eleetlOl1
- - - - - - ---_...&- -- -
Main Lille Post Office Building's
Curtain's Catch Fire a.t Sho,ver;
In 1111' Posl Otfl~e RPPI OPll-1 an adequate blllld1l1~c However,
utlOn bill no\\ pendln~ 111 Con- I at thiS lIl1Ie plans al I' so indefl-
Fire1n en U"exIJected Guests gless $1250UO has bpt'n ,\llolteel llltl' tllat IIlp :;Ize ot tile ~round
101 tlle eonsllllll1on 01 lhe Nal- 'I allll lJuIldlnK h,lle I'l't to be de-
Nancy M,I{ Kpnzle .\lld Jane lh,lt the pnta e II aU belllnd her bel th post ol1lCp alld $90 UOO eal'h ll'1l1l111ed
II us 11l flames She slll1 Isn'l s\lre 101 thl' posl 01111 e III M"IIOIl ami I Thp NUl bel'lh posl ottlce lQcat-
Na~h glell up to'~l'tlH"1 III N,ll- 111 Rosel1lont I'd 011 Essex AI e lJe~IIIJle a first
beltlJ. TIIPI' II ent to LOll el MpI- Illhlt stat teel the fli e. ex('ept that
Ion togethel nne! h,ll e bef'n the '1H' llUeI lust 11I1I1~ CLll tams spec!- Of the 1111 ge gioUP 01 Mam lIass Olfll e on Julv I 1944. Jo:;-.
best of fllends t'l l'l slllce When allv (Iealed to keep them perm- Lllle post Offll {'s Wl11l11 ,0 e III eph Kellpv sel yes liS postmllster
Nancl' annonnerd 11('1 cn~a~e­ anentlv stalcllcd She tIlInks that Collected 160 Gifts JOBS FOR VETERANS Ime fOI a nell bUllell11g Nal bl'rlll 101 NIlI bel til
ment sPlelal Ilepks a!.!o tt, Lt W<ll- lhe PlcpalatlOn With w41ch theY The latest Wal Dppaltmet JaIl'S the 1l\I~pst h.l11elout since COllellllons m Iht' Nlllb(>lth of-
ter H. RosellI' 01 Hal t.sdale NY. W('I e tl eat eel musl have been hlgh- LOll ~I Mel ion Se1110r HlI:th casllaHv list has leleased the name It IS II filsl class office selVll1g f1ce Rle ovell!\xed as Ihelt' IS
,Jane II I~htng to cia hE'1 11Onm. !y lllflammabl!' At anv Jate. every School s Red ClOSS Club has col- 01 Captain Rob!'1 t C. Dllscoll. of II populous bm ough whel e, con- onll' apPloXlmatell' 3000 SQual e
CUI tam 111 Ihe dll11Dg loom \las lected 16~ gifts ~or the local se l:- Veterans seeking employment may Insert classi- 501 Havetford Rd Wynnewood. slderable llade IS tlansactt'c1 I fept 01 flOO1 space IIvallllble for
,",ave a SUlPllSP kitchen sholl!'1 101 soon nfile. hel heirloom gland- lice hOSPItals. MIS Elizabeth FOII-
her fied advertisements WITHOUT CHARGE on the veter- liS bem~ killed m action 111 (he Each of thp thlee posll1last f'ls 111111Saet1l1K busmess
fathel s ('lock was badIv bllstereel.l lel . sponsor of the club. announ- EUlopean Theater of OpelatlOns. sllid thllt no \\old has bepn 1('-' MellOn. ltl Ime fOi a $90.000
JanE'. nm\ MIS H,lIOlci P Ken- ans page in the Haverford Township News. Our Town,
c111ck. I~ t he c1au~htel of Ihe late
anel thc dl111l1g room rUg was com- eed Tuesday
plctcl\ c1!'s(lOyed 1 The gifts al e selected by SCI V1ce- HIS wife MI s. Mal\! me T DllS- (ell'ed fl om Wasl1l11~ton IIbout I blllldmg. Is now houseel at the
of Narberth; Bala-Cynwyd & Merion News and The colI. leeeived Iloid lecentlv thal new post olTlll' bUIldll1\.:s anel'MI'II011 statIOn of thp PpnnsYI-
The FH I' Demll tment 1 esponded ~.e~1 i~~d~ef~~~t I~~~et;~v;a~h\~!~ I
Robert P Nash anel Ml s Nash. 01
lana Ave. Nal bel th Nann Is the after bemg \lounded bv shell file there had b!'en 110 mdleatlOn 1I1llt I vania Rail Road which o",ns the
daughtel of the James B. Mae- to. tlle hUlry call unmedlatelv. but the Gley Ladles take to each bed. Main Liner. 111 the HUltgen Fmest 111 Gel- the mattel would bl' tnken 11110 I bllllclmg the office now oc(·upies.
Kenzles of Nal bl oak Park b'i tile t1lne thev all'lved. the girls The Red Cross Club has also man I', Capta111 Dllscoll dlPd as a conslderallon unv lime III the neal ConellllOns ltl Ihls second class
hael evell'thlng undel control. made 400 tlav covers flom the
In order to insert such advertisements, servicemen lesult of wounds Attaeheel to the future. office ule vel" croweled and accOl-
The shower tUln!'d nut to be a
surprlSe 111 male \laYs than one. The weeldin~ will take place at display tlays. The Art Department. or women must call in person at the newspapers' offi- 229tl1 Field Artillel v BattalIOn of Pn01 to the WIll Nat bert h WIlS c1lllK to MI s Kathell11e M. Shpr-
All Samts' Church in Wynnewood undel William Bahmermann. has the 28th DIVISIOn Capta111 Dlis- first on the list of cOmllllll1ltles lock postnllstless additional Quar-
Little had the lJost!'ss expected to ces, 8 Cricket Ave., Ardmore, and present honorable coli had bc~n overseas about one m the 17th Como essional dls- tel s have to be I elHed everv year
have the Nal bel th Fire Compmw at 4.00 P M. FridaI' afternoon. maele 30 postels to decorate the
and the ('ouple will leave fOI a walls. discharge papers. Ads will be limited to 25 words and ~ear. He had been m t11f' service tnel to get 1\ new postoltlee Hnw- at Chllstmas lime In Older to
as the chief l'nteltaU1C'rs.
It happelleel ilkI' this' hone~ 11100n 111 Flotlda following Vallev FOll!;e General Hospital. s1I1ee tile mustellnz of the Penn- I
evel. this plan \I as Junked aftel take cal e of the heavy loads
will be accepted for insertion in all four papers once a
Gifts ha/:l been opened and the
girls were havin~ suppet. when
the ('eremony. When they return Uulted States Naval Hospital. anel
North Nancy and her future hus- S\I arthmore Service Hospital are week for three weeks, unless cancelled earlier by
sylvania Nat lanai G\1uld 111 1941
He Is :n.11 vlved bv his Wife and
son. Robelt C Dllseoll. Jt.. two
~pect01s at that time hael agreed l
the onset of tile \I al. Postal 111- of mail.
In Rosemont. condition. are
tha-t a plot of ground 140 feet much the same. maklnll the need
band. who Is now on terminal th(l~e suoplled bY the school. Red
Mrs. Nash. who was pourinll: coffee
at the head of the dining room leave. wm take UP reSidence In or CI--- "1'lt01 Corps transports the
around New York. I r.1 "pI ....
I ad"~rl i'ler. \ ears ole ISQuare would be nperleo to erect 101 B ne\\ office acme.
table. turned around to discover I

OUR TOWN December 6, 1945. •


CAMERA TOPICS I'Spectator' ._. Impressed That Walzer's Illttle nln~s*abou1..J7iE'STAR£11 [ JUNIOR BASIC j!Night Uub License

Departure Is Serl·ous Loss • SIDE~INE SUCCESS, -"~71 May Be Refused

- - - - - - - b y T. T. HoldCl1*
;"'r.!" ByGE0R.GELlLLEY • p";:- .,
},«\'·/H'·):i'!U NEW YORK, N. Y. - Arter Ozw:, Nelson. who gaIncd fame , " •
17 expe,runC'nts, RadIO Theater, with a band and an unschooled ';]
The ne\\'s that Fred Walzer has sold his home and is leaving-
the show
llc all stop-ranking
(Mondav drama- nights, singll1g vOice ' uses. both . iItUe now.
. i, Haverford Twp. Also •
Narberth IS not the kind one wants to hear. He has been around CBS), has settled on a permanent
producer-Ienn, gl ay-h,llred WI.I-
As a comedian With Wife Barnct
Ht!iIard (CBS's home-happy "Oz-
~ IApproves Food and
Ii Drink
t he Borough for nearly fifty years and no person amongst us has
made a more clefinlte impression, and m 1110re dIverse ways, than he
llal11 K"lghley, 5:!, ex-Colonel Il1 zie and Hanid," Sunc;lay even- .;, Places •
l harge of AAF i n g s ), he's
h:1-~. PolitIcally, he was the most potent vote-getter in these part~, p hot ography, f 0 11 n d the j
perhaps 111 the entire county. The late Charles Johnson once told produc,?r of bandsman's 1 Forty eating and drinkIng ps- o

this I eporter that as a "worker" Fred Walzer had no equal and the
,uch mO\'le l11ts dream-home>o ! I tablishments have been licensed
I :IS "The Man lite No travel- I under the new State health act In ,
lold boss legretted.,that our local war-horse was not more of an Who Came ~~ mg, hotc'ls. late I
; Haverford Township but one nIght •
"organizatIOn man. !?,I n. n C'
. C,eolge Wdsh-
I: ' smoky h 0 rs,
Oz IS II smart
U •I
~ club is being threatened with a
. Johnson's personal fondnC'ss for Fred once induced hIm to make
IllgtOI,~ S.I cpt ~u y He's a closing order. The> new act ral.~l's •
Ia place for the Narberth man on the detectl\'e staff In the Distnct llere. KClgh- 1a w v C' I'. But sanItary standards in all estab-
AttorneY's office, but that Idea so terribly shocked the pohtiCal ortho-
doxy of Peter Hess and other regulars that the plan had to be (froppec!.
ky, smoothly
spoken. aplomb
(12 . j·ean, .. an
since· the band
111' for 111 e d to
phlY hiS way
lishments where food and drInk
are sold.

TheIl' was not!ung emotIOnal In Johnson's hard-bOIled polttlCal dll'el'- \rm. Keighley actol, 10 dll ec- Ozzie Nelson Ihrough New A report on inspections made of
Uon, but It IS well known that he felt worse about not gettIng Fred ••. 710 tm tmg),. started t I I J e rs e y StatC' the Township's restaurant.~, drug
through than Fl'ed did himself. . out Il1 home
to\\'n PI111~delphl~ to be a tll~-
smith, shOl Uy S\\ Itchee! to P~r~s
, •. 710 ega Law School
W:1S doing so well by graduatIOn,
he kept right on With It, ne\'er
Iiltores and tap rooms was made
Wedneilday night at a meeting of
Fred Walzer may have thought he was a "polltlcian", but he t? study langua~cs. . !IC' speaks trJ('d his chosen trade. Nelson, :14, the Haverford TownshIp Health
l1e\'er was. He unbIasedly served all the peop Ie, f nen · d an d f oe, ]0 I ench., Halwn, S!).anlsh flucnt.ly. and \VI' fe 11ave been 111~I'l'1'ed
~ 10 IBoard
at 0 k in the t Municipal building
One o[ lIol]y.\\·oOd s ~e\\' retl.rmg years. He "met" her in a movie a mon .
without st1l1t or lImit, because that was JllS mherent nature, and hE: elirf'ctors, h,C'lghJey IIve5 qLII,etly shol t which he SOl\\' coinelclen- D. N. Ross, health officer, tolr!
never stopped to figure what he was personally getting out of 1t • WIth IllS wife,. px-actress Gen- tally 111 Han l('t's l;ome town the Health Board members that.
That's not at all the wav po II·t IClans
. opera t e. TI1ere mus t b I' a qUI d ('\'Ie\'(' Tob1l1. In an enormous Des 'l\~OIII~S Ia In IJoll"\I'ood h'I' the
f nlKht t clUb lIad been k derelict. ,
pro quo 111 e\,erythmg they do, and whIle they are quick (almost
hIli-top Bevedv Hills 1101l1C', dC'-
\'otes IllS spare tlllle to musIc
'I C'
wangled an' introductIOn.
_or some llne III ma 109 l'epalr.,
: 'and improvements rC'quu'ed under

dlC'ary) In stressmg "party regulanty", they themselves won't bat pn (plano) and a home garden. VERY LITTLE THINGS j the new law.
He said one of t he toilets was
eye III dump1l1g theIr party overboard If that best answers their pn- BUT IS IT REAL? In the lyrics of tht" tune "IIubba. ~ lout of oreier, cracked glasses Rnd
vate ('ncls as 1l1dn·iduals. Songl11an Johnny McrC'er USI:'S Hubba" (from hiS film, "0011 j blOken dishes weI e 111 use and
< ~here was no rl1:1l11l1~ hot wat!'!"

A ;
That's \\hy tile borough group deselted the RepublIcan candidate plob.lblv the most aflected South- Face"), \\ hlch Perr.\, Como ocea- r
for Go\'elnor and calned Narberth for HemphIll the Democrat. At "In .lccent on the radiO. Although sionally sings on i'iBC's "Supper j
, ,lIl one of the rest loomS.
The health cluectors told HalTv

anoUler tune they scratched Johnson's Nestor. Ambler Wllhams. al:.d bOln In Al,J!Jall1il, 1\1eleel' hasn't Club," IS the phla,e: ''l'm a smalt : Frltsehman. the boald's seclf'tary,
I,elped elect hIS opponent. The Pity IS that to acllleve theIr purposes bff'11
ad around
(' s, tal k the s South for dec- tomalo that YOLl c<ln't dig," VOiced : , t a notI f .Y tlH' niL< . 11 t C' IU)
I proPI Ietor
tlwy dnerted the suffrage of hundreds of thell' neIghbors, who, sheep-
11kI', voted the way they were told, thus lIldictmg the Amencal11srr.
of Ihe rntIre community.
.. 'tl.lIght"
tl Ie all". ,ong-
strC"s Georgia
ofT by the fcmale
nlenlbel' of tile
s h 0 IV'S ql1ar
!sat °tncelthatlhe waS 1l1.nolati°I1 of

'. I
ta e leaU 1 rC'iW Iallons. T 1lPV
told hIm to lIst aJi the Items that
were reported unsatIsfactory by
'. ,

Fred Wal~er SImply could not be of that devious ilk. No pre-

t('n~lOn IS made that he was profound m hIS conclUSIOns, but he Ilact FI edda Gibson,
Gibbs, \'. ho for-
n1l'll.v s"ng as
tC't. Promptly
NBC's Leg ,I I llI". ,,.....
Mmel changed f

' t i
> ' _I'
'I b
l~te~lthl ~ Ic~r.
~e ea
t 0 /cer da so 0 f tile
t Id t J
1 l •
a 1rpsh all', country code, WIth enough hal' d - Ilea d I'd mte II Igence 1,0 doesn t !JLlt on the lin p 10: , i '
',lo..-_ .t(' ~ ( 1, I fire ,
oar escapes
t lat Ie boarded 01111 up oneand 0 11'
If'alIze that an oblIgation to a political party was at the tall-end of II
.IS milch of .In
,ICt bllt likes
"I'm a j Iving
1ll:lJ1l:1 thilt YOII ,\a' , ~
'~ I ported this to police and flre of- •
man's CI\'Jc anc! moral dulles. If mdeed It was on the lIst at ~alI. To
toe the mark. and to do what he was tolel to do, IrrespectIl'e of the I
II s t {' n e r s to
t h J n k she IS
Southern. She
C' an' t d I
Why? Nobody
k now s . . •
r.. "
,'V" ' 1
flcial<. '1
It \\'a.s pointed 011t at the 11lPpj-
ing' that the State LIquor Boal d
ments of the case, was allen to Walzer's forthng llt natulr, and ~o IS a natn'" N"w Johnny Mercer And~' Rl1ss('lI, _ A!' Pholo <olllluy Nt/v l'ork VrtSS 1",1I1"lr would lefuse to Issur a lIquor 11-
C8sIIy \\as he stilTed by wha~he thought \\as selfish perfidy that hIS Yorker. Singer .. lie aecellt-lwtcs clooner of the Andy Russell TIn; 1cpn,agel, Iparnin~ to dress cense to any Plopnctor \\ho frllled
('asW~atlOn occaSIOnally Cperhaps Imprudently) took extreme flIghts. Y v £' t t e, a J 0 anD a v I s 7'CHlclllbcrs lellen well ('ally in lifc, can d(,]lenr! to obtaIn a local eatmg- and drmk-
d k d tl 1 Brooklyn gill, laborC'd under a show (Monday on slIeh baSIC r!It'SSPS as 11118 rose ing estabhsl1ment license.
To Fred a spade (or a knave) was a spa e lora na\'e) an lere Fl ('nch acct'nt untt! she fired the nights. CBS), inval'labl.. filnds. In addition to the new Stat e
\\ as nothmg he cou Id d 0 excep t t 0 ca II tllem I ou dl ~'as h e saw tl le:n. l)l't'~' "gent \\ hose idea It \\ as. t ne I I t i t J
I t coral layon gab~rcline by a l'\e\\' Ilea I t I1 act 'I\" IllC I1 was sIgnee I bv
• • •
II w 11 C' ravC' Ing
Dl1 1111 Il1 g£' 1', 111<' r"dlO I11ll1drC'ader at chiidlen's hospitals.J-Ie spent a
en el :1In ° York r!C'si/;Ilf·I.
Like mall\' cllps,"s fCJI' \.OlIIJ'" tl
Governor 1\1al till on Mal' 23. 1945
H f d H Itl Board IS
It was In l'SI"tlble t Ilat t Ius kmd 0 f goo d oa k- s IlOll Ii c b e se Iectea ',llld fa ' I ' Newt Yorker,
lit,,-Iong f tI af- J'"~,Ol'
c" In on~
. III 1115 \'Ot1th \1'1/11 a juniors, 1his one has an adjustahle ... preparingIe avel a01 localea ordinance I , 10.
to t,'k'~ IS.'·II"
'c ." fOI'lllallj' \\ltll tile 11cIglll)01!IOod polItIcal set-lip th:lt \\as I ,'ets a c ,ISS accC'1l or 1f' alr'l bad
sOInelhll1g lliat IS sllpposed to bl' C n I Ot Sk nlm InJIII".
J :SOI)hlstlc,lted
't I l' 1 1
\\alst llIe \I IIC I can JP. OOjlPC I I I b e· sllpplelllellt tl',e "'tate
male ,0l1l'elned about lIttle Jobs than an~·th1l1g rise. The group had I l~aCK Ea, Boston FIances Lang- "or e 1.1 IS 1I:,ner \\"l"l f'S, lC'!' ('omingly al .11,,1 the li~ht Sjlot. The new orclmance. wl1lcl1 mu't
"LIt cpc'ded 111 s t ampmg Ioca I a fT airs \\ It I1 a me d lOenly tl la t gave small' 1"lel JI'C,'/11 1,'Iolida ,"Ild Telliles- Johnny Prescnts show (1uC's-
'J'I'I'l~' .1e\I·AII~cl ]llllton". fl'OIII a 111'!!:ll be passed by II
" " " . .
Ille to\\"nsl11p com- d I
I "',111 0111:,'11 SllOl e, 011 tllC' otllnl' day nights, NBC) III a ticket" mISSIOners. \\ t requIre 111e 1(',1
IJI'omlse fOI' tile to\vn's f11tlJI'e alld 111 addit Ion tile Inaclllllatiol1S 11.' "I · ' coilaI' a pppal lot II£' ~j e of the f f d d d k
IIICi, Il,l\t' IOllf'd dOlln 5011111"rll ~
cabm be~lde the oee,ln on Long J
bl lS ImIen t0 emp 00 I an 1111'111';
«, ',Pi '" D",((o, I CiJ111111ls11Cd the I1lgh repute the commul11t, bad earned as an L1n- I .,('cents rl.tll,\" their 0\\ n - hland. young gl II, and \I ide hi acC'let esta oyes \\ I1 I CI1 IS
I'l~r\'es ClIt wil h Iln"CI:II In fllllnps~ not reql1ll cd under the new St al e
F I I ~c t '1~1 't (IS ,1 l' On I
y one 0f n11ny 'Sll')Jec t
s i t arc Sln"lple
t i3 ' f or th e I exeelled crnte!' of el\ k enterpnse. "'1\ e IIAI'
,., I' tile fi,"."e
'-n'"" sill' Ill,c'S tlom Ileal til ac.t.
t- ,'I ce,I,,'1 ' ., l-n,t"l C>I'O, v <,1.1 SV,.1 C,-,,;"c by Henr'y Lenny. ApparentI~·, Ihe tnne for correctIOn and !'L'SClle l1ad passed. Nar- the Hml'lsburg records indIcate he coIlected more money for the State IllP ShOllldels. Sevelal thousands of doJlals
bC'lth had defil1ltely bec0111e a pohtll'al to\\n. It IS true It took l1lan~ on It than had cI'er oc'cillred before. .\nothpl' impollanl f"alille or were spent bv lestaulanl and
11 "11"111111'11
, v
to keel) H'al
zel' out. He fOLlgllt slnule-11alldeel

alld \\~<
" A s \\ e all know Fred can't be anywhere vrry long before people SUf 11 Junior sl\1I's as tillS I~ that dnnklng place al
n,Oll~ than a match for anI' dozen of them. Some saj' he could stmt to know 111m prett~' \\ell and tile Earles were quick to adopt han
lhe drcss is pa~r to slip IlJlO, <Iud ImprovemenLs
d fil)tonmake
rc a s
to 1I1C'et the ncw slandards.
ncr the
- ..
£'as\' 10 keep plpssed and loolu nl;" • _
ha\C' lIcked the \\hole tnbe If that, speCial SItuatIOn had not eXtste,l a' part of their lOner household. There he would often SIt lJ1 the klt- I
111 the Fnst Dlstnct. In any event, the tlIrnO\'er of less than a hun- ('\1('n \\Ith the GOIprnor and thus prOVIde the Execu\i\'e with the In- ~ I School Contribution •
died votes would ha\e \\on tile day for Walzer, and that bell1g so fOlmal evel1lngs that relrased the day from care. Fred won't clanl1 F IS' f Nalbeltil Public School pupIls of
tllel L' "~eC'lllS lIttle \\ al rant for the glOOlll tJlat IS no\\ expressed that alfalrs oj state \\ere dlscussC'd. but tile casual conversatIOn ser-
h I JerVIces
H or I
grades fl\'('. <IX. seven and ('Iuht
pontllbutee! 51601 to Ill(' UnltC'd
The sad I ub IS, holl'('\'e1', that after FI ed [:oes tl]ere IS no one 12ft, \ pd ltS lJUI pose and our fnend \1 as steady company for the ent H'e IC ae ,. aney War Che:s\. Of lhlS amount. S750
a e a battlll1g s~'mbol of a free to\\ n, utterly no 011(' \\ ho commancls adm:lllstl atlon
such a stlong IJcniOnal allegIance. The rest of US are too tned, 100 That's \\hy the Democrats \\ho \\rnt to Harnsblll'g from Narbelth Hanev, of 539 Spnng MIll Ave .. 1
lous\, and 100 lJlr fit for such a frav. The polItIcal flatelnIlv WIll lule to Plotest Walzt'l s :1pPoll1tInent because he was a RepublIcan got Conshohocken. who ~ied TIlllrs-:
Illl' 100St and Cl\ Ie SPl1'1t under such dismal auspIces IS SImply Im- shol t -shl tft "Tha t's a poOl' al f;lIment to put up to me," .'aid the clay III Bryn Mawr Hospital were:
pOSSIble. GOIplnor. "for I \\as a RepublIcan, too. Furthermore, I lIke Fled. no held from St. Matthew's Clllllch I
Funeral srrnces for Michael J,' C?me from t,he flve-t wo sP~t Ion.


Immediate elldt'nce of thIs hes in Ille fact tllat Kl'nneth Pial' mattel \\hat he was or IS"
ll'el'llf'd less than 500 \otes at last month's rlectlOn. Hele \\as a mnn Earle has had Ills eventful dav. penod of unusual controversy, ReqUIem Mass 11'111 be obsetTed
at 9 Monoay mornll1g. Solemn I
at \\HlP leno\\n and recogl1lzed abllIt~· \\ho cuuld ha\e been of lI1e,Ll- !:ut let no one tcll Frcd \Valzer that he \\IlS a heal'\' dnnker when he and 1I1ternment, WIll be In st.
mabie \'alue to Nalberth as It conflonts the need of makll1g \ery manY!\\as GO\'C'rI10l". The chIt-chat 'as usual! pelslsted that he \\as, bllt
Dems Cemetery, Ardmore.
A natIve of Ireland, Iw was the
I' _


post-\\ ar l'xpenehtures, a program that challenges the best of ('xpc 11-' Fred IS \\ Itnpss to the fact that he ne\ 1'1' drank even a glass of beer, son of the late MIchael ,J. and: DIAMOND JEWELRY
pnce and skIll 111 to\\n plannll1g and mana"ement. dUlll1g Ill" entlle term and \\oe betIde anyone Who dars to contra- ElIzabeth Cantwell Haney. He
We are now payln/: the "'orJd's I1lgh- •
No" Mr. Pray \\ as I eelstel ed as a Democ:rat and that \\ a' anathema dId hn11 came to thIS country at an C'arly est priers lor Diamonds. YOll are
to our polItIcal pronnctals, \\ ho only urge Democ1 atll: \ otes \\ l'e~l . • • avc
War and 1. was a veteran of WOlld sure to rccci\f! the hue and hO!1e~t
\"alue lur your dlamond~ whell yOll
speual orders come from Non IStO\\ n Jor them to do so. The complet P confidc'nce whIch Fred Walzer could inspire in He was employed as a pamtel deal \\'Ilh this old reliable nrm
EstablIshed 48 yclUll.
Well, It'S a son v 'and stupId) Pi aspect, tlIls tnflmg sunula!lon men \\ ho ha \'e to be cal eful and cIrcumspect m t'lelr Pi ocedure is in Consholl0cken 'mIll suddenl\'
of rlemoclac~' tlwt eXIsts here and \\lllCh l1a.., flusllated as fine an cx- clgl1lfieant of Ihose rpltable qualitIes \\hlCh enabl~d hIm 10 so excpI- taken III a few \\eek~ ago. Hp K EI.. I.. \7
~~ CO.
Tr.ls pllotogr,'rh ,\cdld be a welcome Sight to any servicemen who h~ve I illbltlOn of Amencan achtelement as I" pOSSIble 111 au~ subullJan plac·,· Irntly' befnC'nd tillS Narberth for neally a half-century. As he g0es ~1~~la~lt~~do~eI~~;~~.Ma\\I'Hos- N. W. Cor. 11th &. Walnut St •.
grown up "'clJnd the ~e3C03St. Speed Grar-hlc pllOto by Arthur MIles. 11l all the natIOn. faIth to ne\\" fields, tlw; repOlter is certall1 that he speaks for hun- ~ -==-- ---- - --- •

1 ell eds of local I f'sldents \\ hen he \\ Ishes Fred and hIS famIly Godspeed
I F'led Walzet nllt:ht, not agrer t!lat !Ie lias quile as impol tant to anr! expressC's the con\1ctlOn that the Borou;:,h never had a more use-
;N,llbl'll!l as tillS \'ie\\pomt makes hun out to be. In fact, It IS velY lui or devoted cllizen. ThIS IS where lIe should turn shOUld he e\er
.Ikely our young man WIll be rather beWIldered by thIS e~tImate of Ius IJeed cooperatIOn of any kmd, for thIS IS where it wiII be hapPIly al'd
1,I11<e \ alue to the to\\ n's tomorrow. Nerertheless, those wllO supported qUIckly accorded.
IllS electIOn \"entllre~, gladly makmg available an,v cost that \\ as 111-
,·~I!red. ale \\pll aware of \\hat they expected Fted's nomlllatlOn to
accOll1pllsh and IllS depalture at thlS cntlcal ttme can only sHess the
"Me. .I'm staying
County Fire Loss
dIsmal note of our local scene as It presently eXIsts Perhaps the \\'1l10S
of freedom blow less restnctedly at Ventnor and It could be that otl1er
bags 1\"111 be packed for the same sea journey.
Small During Month
November was marked bv a i'H the Army! •
small fire loss in the county. ac-
The finc thlJlg called loyalty IS something grand to behold 111 the
cordIng to the report of FIre Mar-
hfe ot Fled Walzer. This Ieporter \\as one of ItS leC'IPlents and lIe
Will lIe\ er ceasc' to remember the sterlll1g \'I! tue hIs fl lend made of
personal devotion. Fletcher Stites also had JIlany Ol'caSlOn~> to know
shal WIllIam Green of Green Lane
at the monthlY meetIng- of the
Montgomery County FlrC'men's
ASSOCIatIOn Satmelay night at
Iiow steadfast Fred Walzer was to Ius cause and bow he could be Horsham fil e house. •
depended on to be true-blue 111 every contingency. The total loss caused by 54 fires
was $28.415, covered bY insurance AND HERI THEY ARE!"
When Fletcher's flag fell as a lesult of the numerous set-backs totallll1R' $114,000. Green stated i
\\ 11lch came to him because of illS topsy-turvy financ1l1g, and \\ hen considering the number of fires
By Anne Goc><le the loss was unusually low and
IllS fall' \\ eatber travelers deserted 111m en masse, 'Ii'red could alwaYs
It reflectrd credIt on the firemen •
I be counted on for the mIdnight vlells. Then It was that Fletchel's FingCl' nail POllRh baR a rC'ally for their good work.
I.despalr was derpest and when he yearned for the kmd of consulta- lls,'l"l1l purpose, too.. One. tom.ato FortY-six compames were rep- "First. 1 k",'p "AnI' tilllf' aft,'r ~O H'lIrS I
Cross lighting, achieved by placing lights ahead of the camera and well
tlOn \\ lu('h could come only from trusted fn'c:nds.
I pacl,pr III Incllana palntg Its \llcl,-
Il'l s' nails tlH" Rhac1e o[ rC'cI of the
resented by 65 delegates and the
total attendance was 189. The
1That lIlClInS a lut.
pr",pnl grad ...
6 C,lIl It'lnt' 011 half 1',1\ IIH'" "s·
to each Side of the subject, gives thIS picture good texture and a three. InCidentally, and only to ans\\cr the customarv C'alumny, Fred I \lleelRe color ot IlIJeIH'SS the ean- address of welcome was Riven by I "By It'cnlisting for 3 ~{'aIS I
ifll! ~t'''I IJ\ \C'lll 10 tlllf·f·.qudrlt'IS
dimensional effect. Graflex photo by John Cavanaugh. ,~a\'e male than IIp-serVIce, a matter of several thQusand dollars, a ner wallts. the preSIdent of the host com-
pany, Jesse Duckworth. The pres- 2 cnn pick my own hrallPh of
rl'lIl"ln{'n! 1'01\ all"1 .\0 \I',IIS of
s{'ni..,· ,\lld tit" lill1l' 1\1' al"'"d"
substantIal sum for a plam man who had no easy way of makmg IllS
Some or the new I adios Offered
* * * Ident. WIllIam T. Muldrew, was In ~cnice in the Air. l;ronnd or st'J\,'d in a"li,,' milll'lJI 01 11,\1,"
charge of the business session.
• ChriRIInas RhoPPCI R III P. interIor
I-------- -- St'I \ icc Foret·..., and can go to allY
O\'crseas Ihealer 1 wish.
~l'ni~e ("011111, IO"IIHI 111\ If'lllt'· 1
and won't rUll artci' a tC'\\' months , lII{'lll IlllJ('. Add"d /II' -/r"/Ii,,,.
Abo Ambler WIlliam could have a great deal to say about the Spi \·ie". ThC'Y'lt' being I11a'lc in l'\C'w TIlt'IlI .'it "/lIS /1/ (II) •..,)U,/([ to Ill".'"
canst ancy of Fred Walzer. Ambler \\ as well learned in the law, but he I Y OJ k loll R \Ill h pa Its that have
\ras not the most urban Judge 111 the county courts. HIS IJ1CISIVe \\HYS 1 bl'en III 8tOI.I/;1' and have deteri- STOP MOTH 3 {'\"II p:l't In\" nlll'tl'!inp:,onl P,\\,
thongh I'm Ic','nhslillg.
Also. I gt'l $';0 a ""lIr I "l'nlislm"lIt
lll:rt many feelmgs and that was the cillef reason \\ hy his thm- 01 atl'd \lIllie IhC'Il'.
sk1l1l1ed enemIes ganged up on him and succeeded 111 electmg IllS (,P- G
All 0,1'>1 chillun (',In han' ~boes
* * * DAMAGE bonll' for {,lIch " ..11' l\c hcrn in
Ihe Afmv. 1\11 O;'P"II<"'lIts n'c,'i,,' JANUARY 31, 1946 •
jlonent. At that hard-pressed
. II1terral. ane! at all other tImes, Fn'd no\I ' r tl ICy Il:iI'P' 11IC Jllice.
. A n, I famIly allo\\iIllCf" fOI tflt' fnlllf'lrll
"-I Protect your wool elothlnp. AN IMPORTANT DATI o
Walzrr was the Judge s falthful stand-by, tal'll1g care of many per- :111 thf'se same ehillull call kl'ep furs, rugs, agamst moth of 111\ "llll'lnH'1l1. And I'll Ill'
sonal and politIcal chores, and gettmg more thnlI out of \\ hole-heart- thelll 100],111/; spic k and span bC'- damage, Have them BEE, {'ligib!" fur (,I Bill (If Hlghl< IWllc-
ldly I unnll1g the race than the average man gets out of Wll1r,ll1g It. eausC' thl' 01' shlnola's C'asy to aJlPI~' LOV-IZED by us. Repairecl fits whc'll 1l1el out of 11It' AI lIlt. e
free If later damaged by MEN now In Army who reenlilt
At the tune of the Judge's top ll1f1uenee IJ1 the party, \\hen John- and plentiful, too.
wn was \\'lllmg to observe hIS pohtIcal \\ Ishes. Ambler told Fred he ' * * *
Called For and
4 "1\1) food, clo,h{'s.
lIJ('dical and df'llldl
,'ale 1I1e all
before February 1 will b. reen-
Hated in pr.sent grade. Men hon-

could be :.;henff if Fleteher Stites woule! stop fighting the Orpal1ll.a- Clothing SIll'ci,llisls of t11e U.S. ~nJlpllt'd 10 Illf'.
And I (',Ill leuln orably discharged can reenlist
tlon. It would have been a bIg Job for Fred, but he never pressed the Dppaltull'nt of Aglicullulc warn I Delivered all) of 20ll ,kIlls 01 Ir,llle, ill the within 20 days after dIScharge
pomt that Fletcher should Yield, and so he never landed. a~alnsL Ihe plll"ch,lsp. or appald; Al my ~chools. In grade hold at 'imo of d", 'I
WIllie m thIS stram, and to let the ul1lnformed kno\\ that Ambler "hleh reqllileR l'xt('n~I\(, IIltera-,
flon. If it clops bat e to hp cionI',
\Vllllams was made of extra fine clay, It IS now recorded cat tile nsk lto\< "\ PI', check 8C'am~. hl'm ancl I
Louis the Tailor 5 "All of n< who arf' Ict'nlis'ing
charge, provided they reenlt.,
b.foro February I, 1946.

I of stllTlI1g- Ambler's Ire) that he was the only man \\ho offeled real \\;lIstllllp to be Sllle thf're's ndp, :
Clealll1lg, Pressing, Repairzng
:lJ"(' going 10 h.1\f' from .Ill to
I)ll dol'" fnrlongh nf hO//I" \l111t
Yeu may enl, .. AT ANY TIME
for 1 '/2, 2 or 3 year period,.
money to La aid Fletcher StItes 111 hIS dIlemma, a great sum, WIthout I {(lIatl' llIatf'llal to allow tor nf'pdpfl i
l"letcher's knowledge, an act of sheer fnendshlp, WIth no expectatIOn I changes and 8hr!Jlkage, If wasl!, j'
234 Woodbine Ave.
Narberth 2666
fnll pa\ alld onr Ila\t,1 paid hoth
\\,1\'. '\Ild \""11 h,I\I':1O d,l'" fnr·
(One~yeClr enlis'ments for m~n
now in 'he Army With at 1001'
that the money \\ ould ever be returned. ThIS reporter knows, for he I able. longh "\t'" ) ",\1' \1 ith \,,1\ 6 month. of .ervice )
v,as there \\hen the tender was made. The money was ne\er used be- ~~~~~~~~;:;;~~~~~;:;:;;~~~_~~_~_~~~~~~::~g
Icause tlIere \\ as a mmunUI11 need tor many times that amount. f *****************~------------- *
fCIII/It:\: Photo Dilutor
• • •
f'olll1er GOVernor Earle will be another who WIll be sorry to hear
that l"red IS leal'mg the State. It \\IlI be remembered that Earle came
'osc Pay
20 Yearl' 30 Yean
Candid shots, Indoor pictures under natural illumination "nd casual
snapshootmg all fOlm into the realm of miniature work. Miniatul'e
Speed GraphiC photo by Alan Kenson.
- - - - - --------
lilt,) office chiefly because of RepublIcan aid and Walzer Was one of
tbose Republicans. He was appomted to a prett,y good sort of job, and INSURANCE In Addition 10 Food, Lodrinr,
Clolhel .nd MediCiI C.r.
Ma.ler S.. rlteant
or First Sergeant $118.00
Technical Sergeant 1 J 4,00
Month Service

--- *

"The House of Riding Habits"


50 "e
PIli" 20'"

If Mpmhrr of FJr,"~
Inl rPR"" for
S"n:1Cf-' O\'£"n;pa~ (b) Plus
Staff S .. r~ .. ant
Sergeant ,
74 ..'~

SAVING Crews, P'lfachutllt, etc. (c)
- Plus 5 t"o Increo!\e 1" Pny
{or Each 3 Yeors 01 ServIce.
Pri"ate F,r.1 Cia .. , 54,00
Pri,'ate • • • • 50,00

123 Narberth Ave. Consult us before borrow- ~

ing on yoU!' insurance. We ********************************
3 Doors From RIDING can effect substantial sav-
Riding Apparel
t 29 S. 13th St.
The National
Bank of Narberth
u.s. ARMY

315·19 DEKALB ST.

For Men. Women and Chlldl'en "GUARDIAN OF VICTORY"
Patronize YoU!' Neighbor. Good Service, Gooi:l Leather Ideal Gifts for ChrIstmas Philadelphia MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL NORRISTOWN, PAl
-We Will Make That Old Hat Look New
Open Mon,. Wed.. Frl. Evenings KIN. 3248 RESERVE SYSTEM
6, 1945,
IA uthor Speaks'IInter-Racial. Topic

Local Clul) 0,1 E valullt~'l 0' I The Main Line Community
LeBA1le wlll present MISS Marian
Lantz. executive SL!cretary of the
"ears Author Ot1ter P eop1es delphIa
International Institute ?f Phila-
and lecturer on mter-cul-

RevielfJ Book or os
Mr, and Mrs, Samuel J MC-\
Cal tncy of 405 Wood~lde A"p, und thclr babY, MarJol'le, are now
1\11'. and Mrs. James A. Moore
I p~tll S tural subjects at Temple Univer-
sity, a1: Its speaker at its monthly
Narberth Ladies Hear forum at the Mam Line Y.M.C.A.,
K:11 bpI tI1, are leav,n~ Fllda I De- j'('sldl1l~ on Flat Rock Rd., Penn
(ember 7 101 ChI< ago to \ 1~lt I Valley. MI. Moore. untIl hIS dls- Narberth W oman Is Grace TompkinsoTI
December 10. at 9 P. M.
Narberth Group Has t 11C'lr d,1tH':lltCI MI" lLilelL 'Ii I (Il.lH':1' on Dee:ember 1. was R Ilell- L oca I Ch aIrman
. And Music Program
Folk dances. customs. and the
music and art of. nat1Qnal groups
L< ('klp\. 111 Ll'cklt Y IS .1 lese.IILII' tl'nallt III till' U. S Naval Reselve
Christmas Party , cll11lliSt all rolOl il.IJLu~'rapll\ Ie. I SI'I \ Ill~ m the Intelligence BU- Of CampaI'gn have been woven mto the program
of the International InstItute con-
Listed For Dec. 13 Tlml' Life aile! FOlttllll' mnga- Ile.lll Mrs Moore IS the lonner The Commumty Club of Nar- Itrlbutmg to greater understanding
ZIIlC'. MISS DOlothy Kelly. of Menon.
berth held a meeting December 4.1 between the races and the na-
MI' S.1l11url .l McCnl t ne\ L,{ M('cm tne\', \\ III ret\1l n on • • • Santa Claus will do his Christ- at 2 P. M. at which Grace Tomp- tlOl1als of foreig-n countries. Miss
' I f II \V " C m- I T1I1 'e!,IY 01 nl'xt' \\ I'ek : :\II'. ,11ul lUI's. Horace \1\'. lIay- mas shopping early for t,he fam- kmson. author of "Her Own Peo- Lentz WIll discuss her experiences
PI e;'1 d llh a 1[' 01111 n S o , • I dcn, ot "Chen y Lodge." Menon,
n,1l11ltv Club of NallJcI tIl, opened Ndl !Jl'llh s ;\!I's. X. ,\. U·.\lflnzll. I ntci t<l111ed fit dmncr 111 honor of IllCS of \Iomen belongmg to the pIe" was the g-uest speaker. m \\'orkmg- WIth varIOUS races at
111f' mrclll1L'; hf'1rl TIII',>dav aflf'r- .lr" l'ntCl l:1llwcI fit .1 dlllllel 101' I MILS Nane:~ .Jane MacKenZie and federated club:> of Montgomery At the meetmg, sponsored by the forum and a question and an-
thc LIterature commIttee and pre- swer penod wlll follow hel ad-
I'oon m the Coml1111'1'\V BIlllclllle: hI I l\IO sl"lel, ane! Lhl'll I1US- LlCulenat \V,lllel H, Rosclle, \ County. ,.
.Thc "!lcakN )1 l.le aflclnoon. I>,llH" aLt \11 (
. I I "k
IIm\ ,il cI C ROllk 01 Gpllnantll\1 n ;:JIll.
111's. Glaee Tumpk'II"on \Ias m- I and 1\11 allcl ;\;II" ,John 'I. De,
I 1'.1
..1 a11l 1 IS c·

on Wpe!nesday. December

• • • .

And the Victory Bonds WIl! be
I the foundation of his buymg as
Mrs. Samuel J. McCartney, Mrs. I
Tompkmson spoke on the conflIct ~
SIded over by the club preSIdent, dress.

Iioclueed by MI' EIl\\ III Knle Llt-j Mal (0 of Phllauclplll,1 !HI'. and Mrs. Clarence LelJ(ht l clubwomen sponsor a campaign between French and English waY5
: "Io~cl, S\Camole A\e. Mellon. I fi I
CI a ture , clUll.1 man 0 f tIlc ~I oU P ,
' ' btl I' of llfe In Canada.
. " I ' I e;a \ e ,I pai 1\' last Sunda\, m honor u nance t le es 10splta cale Mrs. Tompklnson, a Canadmn
1'.11 s. 'Iompkll1son I CVle\1 ed tllf I Mr. ,llld 1\11 s. fhllm. s l\lIlls. 01 I f I, d d yl t ._ -I II' and I econdltionmg pOSSIble for
Gflckgrol1ncl 01 11\ I ncw book "Hpi Bl\11 Ma\11 A\C~. ,md thCll daugh-: 0 ,t 1C,il son an flUi, 1 ~I 111 a • . . by bIrth. cited her own back-
0\\ n pcople' SI1l' ('Xpl:lll1{ d 111 Lt'l :\!ls' 11.11 JOI!l' Mills, had as MI .we! MI s. Clal cnce Leigh wounded servicemen
I eceivmg ~round as an example of the dlf- I
actal!. lllP Ollglll Ilf her e:haIHl'- thell glllStS l.lSI \\cd:. Lt. IJ.g,) I MO\l'r. JI. ~reatment m hospitals of thIS ficulty of understandll1g- people ...
with dIfferent customs, llablts and,
and the (llston"' ,'lnd !lIStlll\' Lt
, ,. h, " ",
B,lll),llil Bagb~,
M,ll\I] gE I Odamson LOUlsnllc. Ky., I lUI's. Arthur Cle\'cu~el·.
I-'t. Ben- ,
nlll~ (;,1 Lt 1.1 g I JV1.11 v COll1cllfl! Hd Bala-C\'l1\I~cl, IS ~ntellalll1ng for the :>ale of $1,500,000 worth
Bangor _tate. December 15 IS the closmg date standards of living. She was born
of English parentage and was not 1<
• Stat111~ that 1..1 lC'al pI )111 11 BIC\I'tl'l H<I\II de Glacc, Mel. hpI bllde;e llub thIS FlldaY 01 bonds In Pennsylvama to pro- allowed to play WIth the Frenc;1
b"L\II~n tlll' FI~' ,1.1.1 ,u:el ~11"IISh Lt '.1 ~ I B<llbala B.l1l o[ Blol1x-I' . . ' . l. Vide for the care and rccondltlon- chlldrcn 111 her own neighborhood. 1<
, l'e:ople: of that cOl.ntly lIas !hp I \ IlII' N Y and 111 Franklln :\11'.•Iud ;\lIs. LI(J~d ..\ . {luge . ,
.11~pO me~1 ~~nt-
f 10 000 f l' n nth It wasn't unW she learned to, *
• GI the pl'as~l1t
LI(t th.il tile Flrl1111 s< ttipis \" 11'1 Sh,dl All ,lltCl1drd tIll' Aln1\'- SIII11111lt L<1ne Prun Vallcy, had
I\PI' and till' En'2- N,I\\ 10o\lJall ,-:anw 011 S,ltlllclav, <Is IhcI! '':IlL'',t last \Irl'kencl. MISS ~~me~~~n~o~I~~~as q~~t~al:·$92930.
"1' 0p tOI e know a French (:;11'1 mtlmatelv
that she I eahzed the value of the I **
11< lIIPnant ArI.lmSOlI and M1', Alice vOlt. 01 Rt'adln~. Pa.
Ilsh \ICIl' 01 .1 mOIl' rdlll .Ilrt! I
Lal k'-:I 01111d .Incl lC'1t sliP '1101 ShuJl \1 III bl' t Ill'll gllesls OvCI the • •
;\II'.•11 III I\ll's. II a 1'\'1'\ BI\('k and t~ve
' .. '"
Because We Cale IS tl1e mo-
French contllbutlon to the com-
mumty. " LUNCH from 60e *
1'.11" Tompkmsun said thdt II \1.1" I Chllslmas llOhd,l's
<Impl\ ,I casp 01 1Ill' 1l11110111" • ' thell s111 ,tl I dau~htci. Pam. al e County FederatIOn of Women s
bcJ1Ind the Mon1g0m t,Y I Her expenence taught her that I
undelstandmg a people lIas the l
** DINNER from 85e
'IO\IP nOl b[lll'': \lnc!['I"tiJocl 1J\ (HI,t \\llll,llll 'I'o\\n .\llllil'Ws. nOlI or[\lp\lJ1~ thell' home 011 Pat- Clubs In ItS stlon~ appeal to be.st way to leam to hke t hem-, COCICTAll HOURS' TO 6 P. AI
t!lP 111 a )Olil \ "10\1 P U S '", ~{ l i t I I" I '1'1 Olllas Ion Lu 11(' Ul R,lclnnl MI s Buck I' evcI y pel son to pur('hase t1n ad- and that all tolerance would have * *
.~l.r., . ' II .~. 'P It '10 Is tIl(' 101111el MIS' Rllth McClark- dlUona! bond. a Victory Bond, t1t
'Illis I \(; "Ill' ttlt \1,1" II I' \ \\' 'I \
ItIllS!' (If·~lob.t! \\,1;' ~-Jll' l11dc(1 lO::~'(i\I; n'I~~(~·si\ll·' "'''d~JI~\~S as Ill. of ::ital!' ,Rd Bala-C'.r~w~.d. tllls ume, Tl~e~e \10l~1en be:leve l
to come from that hke and undel-!
standmg. She also saId that peo-
hCI talk b\ s,l\lll 1,,1' \l'I\OlII [111'11 110llle Oil Blll,ln Rd I\lel- Bl'fOlc illS cllschalfe ~I, Bue:k \1 as tl1at e\el~ pelson ma'i gIVe ta~g- . I* *
~I,oulcl b~' llO!lC1<l~S l~le ~
ple should pomt up the other and Cocktail Lounge

11'\ to unll<'I' :II d Ind
t.JIClanL of one anotl,ll
Ion 101 tIll? Cl1llstm<ls
C,!Clel Andll'\"S IS a\ ppl1nsd-
<i !lcutenant 1;1
SN R. Ible proof of IllS rememblance of
the saenfices of our fightmg men
man's llkenesses instead of hlfl
differences, as a furthel basL, for
* *

• Hostl SSf'S a I (hi :1.L' t'l'

, . . Dl'. and :\Il's. DanlCl
" II [ \ anl<l 5LILC' COll.''''C :ll;d LIl'utel:- bl'()oks. Meelln:.\ House Lane. Mer- and all of whom gave ~'ears out
]\1. Shew- -some of whom gave their ltves
Mrs. Wcsley Dunnmgton, pian-
.~l,lfl ,:1.IS anL ~nCllll\S IS StdLIOIHd at Quul - IOn. held a house-palt\' last \\eek- of theIr lIves to theIr country-
:,lIS. p"ukrl i\1l! (!
i3ulns F BI"t MIL ~I 1..\ L.t!. I sll 1 Oilli. R. I
<lnd 1\11 s ,.\ C. 111.1 I ' I'll C ,I
I ' • •
I cnd 111 110nm of then nephew,l G~ ll1SUlll1g the wounded the best
I CadI'] F.ilson Peu ce \\ ho \1'111 be hospital care and lecondltIon1l1g.
ISt. played selectIOns for the mem- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bel'S of the club. and Mrs. Edwl11

.. till' It'a Llbll' . 11: and 111;'i H~( 11,11 cl, S CIll';\.1 QI aduated flom thc U S. MIlitary
TIll' PI 0.1('( t I Olllil. tll'l' fJl Ult' o.f COl1,ilol:(l~ 1-['11 St.lle: 1..(1 Brll.1- I A( ac!{'111 \ Jl1 .Jlmp
1~<1(1 .Is thCII I'lll:st s las(
Mr<. R. Ben Smith. of Nar-
berth. IS chaull1an of tl1e Jedclfl-
R. KIrk was chaIrman of the af-'
fau. Tea was served after the
meetmp. II Ith MIS. .Johl1 H. BaI-
rub h,ls II.t,cI a" Il.unl, )),>1<\ C\n\I\(1
fOI DpI el11bcI l.l at Ull' 11011)( 01 \\ <(~I;('I\(1 C,~)t <llll ,R~bl'll S Che,\I.
MI" A F JOilIISll11. 1011.1 A\<'. US"
• : • \tlon's e:ampaIgn 111 thl:> county,
:\11'. and :\Irs. I'homas D. Bon es, She says thflt 1l1d1\ Idual I'lubs
.11;r1 .lls ,CIH~\ of .J.l!111'- TII'\1ll L:'.1ll' B,ll,l-C\I1\\ycl file leae:huw: a total of $25000 In the
zeI' and Mrs. A C. Muller POUl'll1g.
Mrs. J. H. Speck. challman of I FOR CHRISTMAS
tho Camp and HospItal committee
N,llbl'lt!l A"lst.\lll llootcS"IS ,\,111 t~l\\l1 L ,I C.IPt"I;1 ,!ol,;U ,J enll'l W1l11l1g at c!mnel SaLUlda\ I s!leclal e:ampal"n \\'Ill lecelve the
bL MIS \V D BId n'lclt hit' CI 1I" l,sN :'Inri 1\11, Che.1 01, e\ ellln': Sm "con GencI al CitatIOn All de- Pbotos'al''' (Ollll.,y N.w )'o,k Dress I",tit"t. entertamed for hcr committee at "MERRY CHRISTMAS"
Joscph II i\ 1111 ('I 111" \V .J :\111- \\ ',l·.111IH,:~OIl, :tnd ~llss .Jl'al1 Che\\'1 . " 1l0n~I11atlOns of'Senes E. F and G A high frilled neckline on a bright yellow crepe blouse, coupled with a her 110me. 21 Woodbll1e A\ e·'1
leI, 111~, F i\1ullI01' Pili" 111S of 1\11\ YOlk : :\il's. 1I(1'\;lI'd \. "llItlll':\. of Bonds bought by club\\omen or black crepe skirt and adjustable red cummberbund-a gay date dreGS Narberth. WednesdaY afternoon. By Bing Crosby
f . .I Sull1\ all anel MI' C A T l - : \ I ct I '1'1 J i Rll 1l1l10ncl, va l'XP{'( ts 10 be j0111- <old b\ them to any mdl\1dllal or deSigned by Emily Wilkens for young Juniors. There were 4 taoles ot bndge fol-
lowll1g a ~.!?"Ch:~~~~ the guests. Consisting of the foIlow-
.1;1-: POI,l! \\7I11tI11\' USMC MIS 'Vblt- bl'~'e:r~~lltecl. No panoll saVl11g
'..CI MIS M(Cl1ln('\ \\111 ill' Ill' , I . •In :\ rs, WilMS " I cd sllOl11\' b\ I1CI husband COl- ;1 '''Inlzatlon b\' Decembcr 15 may
gllisl 01 1J111l0l 'Illl' p,lltl 1\111 ill' O'H,I;.:,III. of Geln1.l11tO\\ll 'VlII\Tlo"".II·!Jl'sitlf'sas\'cat{'l· 11101ls{' \11t!"IIS h{'I' ShOlllt!l'IS. The
)1 ec[ ued il\ ... Iwi t b<l'11 t: s' Ilf,IIl'( [. 1III m,ll'I,lgI ol tIll II nl'\ Is II1£' fOI ml'1 I\11<s Te"~ Plle:e bonels 111'1\ be eOllnted hO\I ever W alltl lild I l \I.IS, Ii lit II la I('\I. "1,1 I l IS Cll t \1 it h the flr{'dom Iprn· 109 Records
I,'lceLI11"c 'at I P 1\1 lollo\ll'd u\ 10 H'" [n iO I\lls"
cl,:Il'-:Jllel LI( I<!ell,lnl
Anna .Jolm D
11.1111.'101 ' MCIIOI1
V.dlp·, Road Club mem'. bCIS' ale. Ulge . d t 0 'Ie- qlll I{' ,I qlil" 1 lOll lor ih{' gil 1 In 1]1'1 ag"ls IllSISI llpon. ~el has Ils galh·
Annual Prom Held ... Silent Ni/:"ht - Hob' Night
blle!~1 , " ClJlkl AU" 'on ot :\Jl' K.,thl\1l })l ..mtl :\Il's, .I.III1f'S R. C.IlIl{'roll, 1,011 tlH'11' sales to then club
11',lIs. :'\0\\. I1J.I1\b to :\1'\1' YOII,'s liS I1I CII'lth placed for a tllm The annual Se1110r Class Fall
... Adeste Ficteles
Tlw CIlll'IIl<l' tlll)111 ll; tl.'l CIOKI OI!\11111J11 \11 ill< 11l.lcul.ltl' D"I\lll1Hcl MellOll \\lllentelt.11n fhanmanorplrSldel1t Each club- t!"IL,II<IS o! \OII1\Q Illnlo!'(lolhls, hlpll11l' . Prom of Lower MerIOn High I
... White Christmas
.1", lJ I CrlHljllOIl CIllllln Oil NO\lmilcl "I CI III 11 l'1 111 hanOI o( thell son.[ ,01n,ln IS UI',Cel to bllY 01' ~ell at Ihl'" 1.,,111011 e01\'1 lOllS ~()llm'slC'ls 1l1<,lllse till' 'O\1ng- gill's \\alst- School \\ as helel 111 the DO\I I1S I
lommletll' \\Il! \1< t,'1
In~S s
PIOLl'Ce!S 01 _~11I'
lill\cltle ,It tlll' D.elll,bli III I t 117
;.l!I'S :1 III gO TIll' RI" PII'IJp J' DonahuP ;1.1\ (\ellll~g
:\11 (;['01"1' S C"ml'lOll SatuI- lcasL one bond to bcnefit some
. \. ollnded \eteran.
I (,1I1 dl's~ \\IIII all of thC' tl.111' 01
tiIe II 111011' gIO\\IlIlJ! Slstl'IS.
Illle c1lall":'s 110111 \\cl'k .to \lrC'I;,
hIm, NO'iembel' 17. with 356 per-
son:> attendll1g.
... Gocl Rest Ye Merry
Charles Fetter. senIOr class
to 1\lont,-:ol11l1\ 'O,UIc\ \\111,11
On Dl'Cl'l11bl'l I, .1i tIll' r~II,ll
[OU'1I1 01 tLI' bll'II,-:'olJ\lJ .lss:s]l'd
b, till' H(\,.J .J :"It 1~IICI. ulll- ]It'tl·Or Clltb Tol
:\11'. and :\Ils. RidJald I,\tlllS.of
----.,. - 'l'hp e11(". PlCIlIllei aho\(' lilIo\\s 111,111\' ol tltp l!JfSSI'S dpSlr:llCd fol'
11iS t 110\1 e!l\rlh'Onl':'\I'II"Olk(!P, liP I HleIlHll!p\\llllaelJ\1stablc\\ailil-
'1~1l' I 11.IS soh (<J IIII' \ O\1ll~ jlll1["1 's I 1111 s. "
"rr, IllC'" I'xC'rp 1Il pal Y l,jf $274.64.
announced a nct profit
... I'll Be Home fOl'
lOO!11' thr COll"I'll.ltHn alld o,"- l,ltrd
c.I'n Commltler \\111 111,,'1 k 0CI to
'lI'lSt:, C. Cl· - .
1l1'hllllCl A\c
LHJI![1l1111 COOI;I' \'110 "['I\lrllll,:':IOll'ldlU],ltl'e!llPonthe\)llth J
figllll' e11111C'JlltH's ot' all 1I11e1l'ftllf'11 II'S",~"
II t
alC 1,f'pl '.Ollt If
I 1I1 IY 11
The gym was decorated m ma-
loon and white WIth a football
... Faith of Our Fathers
... Let·s Start the New Yeal'
1,1.IS1\T CIl(OI,III011'
P ~10!11 1\lJ,I\ \1('~ '!JllI!!'
TI11 cllltlLll1l11lS 1:1 lIJ" DIIO)JI.IIl
Il( (1lstll.llpd IOll1p,lIl'l1
tJO!11 \'IIlIOI lVe
l11c II\OI1S trlS t l1tilS
.1 Isrlall~1trl
tl1p 100mCIP.tlllll.1 1\11's DOlOtl1\:'lIS I \\.1I'11111f'. 1111111'\ (']llpl'eI sllOlllelf'IS "\lll l.II],IIS all' Pllhl'!' holero sl)l£) theme, This was espeCIally ap-
propnate because of Lowel' Mel-
pUll llH'Cd tllnt (] 1\ alLI'1 :2 p:\l
and aL 1111' 111<'11111'-: un Oll I !11' - - - - - - - - - - -
bll 18

To lfed Jan. 5
'! Wo,nell's Club
P itr t y f or C·lr l s
PIICI' llf V,dlp\ 1{o,lll MCllOn
- - - - - --
"1111 I,ss Il1all Illlll hips. 'l'hl' IIlelI' 0,' slwlI 101 h('1 sholler \\alsI1lnl',
'.,,111p.ill>· gill'S 1111' a \\RI5111Ill', .lllfl'I,lII,;all'Ill'.lllyfl.II,'t!o!'seml-
'1111 till' l!LrJ!, (?xlrnlll'l! ~ol(a of tli,' elllllCll, for I'a.'\e \lllho\11 hllik.
---------- ---- ... Dann~' Boy
... Jilll:'le Bells
... Santa Claus Is Coming

Club 11;;~ll~tlt~I::lll~11';eIUfof1~\~~JO~':I;;~: ~X.,n(l~ B(lZlIlIr

· PIaDS LI·ons to Be Santa
---- To Town
W/OlllllU'S 1\11' CLIIII)(1 \'.II1."lh;>1lk 1\111- Bala-Cynwyd Group I The Kit Of The Year "H'e Hare This
Album ill Stock"
I Ill,!. 01 F,ll lLII, .mel Nt'\\ Plans Series of
fl cars T (I Iii• 0 It ! Tl·llS F· 1
rl( (ly
N .J
YOlk .Inn i\L \VIIII.lIn L ll.uk,
ISeason Dances For GI Pat·lentSTO 25 Ch·Id I
Fred. Dannenhauer, Jr.
.", e.:(> LI·,fe
, i
,Ill ot 111 .tlld :\lls 1'1'11 \ II
Cl.I' k 01 \VJ!IIJt! '1,1)1 B.tI.l-C\ n-
\1 \ c! 'I III bc 'ol, 11111'/1 cion ::;atuI· ------ I A festl\'e and C010l fUl Cl111s1mas
l ren II

(11\ r d 1110re CI U)
.LU1}"I' \ 5 1III tilt
GLlCI' CIJIIIlil N Y 1,,\[1(11001111,11111 \ o! '\ IMlt\ I \)r ~I\rn b 'i t IlC J 1InlOi
Woman's Club of Bala-C\n\\\d fOI Turkey Dinner and iI 121 N, X,uherth Ave.,
,l'st £1_
L'x·e"lltl·Ye I:~oard

IJl pl1ef'it to Ollell

School Children Help
I~ ' '-
1-"; or £
LOlli \\' l''it \' III I'!lll:dtl'
:\1", :\IJI( III II ,I I <!'nrlec! !IllS'> ~
Cnd)Jlll, .. nd PoXIIO!1 ::)liluol" 1() \ 1'l.1f t -I:> "-
BlO\111IC Tl00P 3. \\llle:1J I he\' spon-
S'JI onMonrla\.D{e:cmbrI1 .
7 at
Red Cross Juniors Party Scheduled i I \ Narbel·th Theatre Bldg'.
1\1. t mg I anc! \,oJ!,l'e! f<l! Illl' 13111.,,11 ,lllC! " . lH. ();> .J.. 8 P M Thel f' \\ III be a tl PC. 1)1 cs-
Prepare Gifts For December 18 i l_
' 1i U ~ ~(;,11' I11lll!' <l1111l1' tl)( \"nl ---- ents. ealOl S111~mg lefleshmcnts
I)ecell1bel '-l 1\1: Cl.llk .1tllllCll'd ~t P.IU]" 'l]l[' Al (] 1110 I e Wonlt'n's Club :ll1d tlw clIllmatl/atlOll of "1hc 1------
• ~{lIOU} CC'IH 4\1 (1 ... ~ JI .l1H1 \\ 41S \\ ill hold It:; C1111<..:t }l1US Bazaar 111 NIght Befol e Clulstn1as"
I 'III III III II 111111I111111111111111111111111111'

s 2.00 Complete
111 s Kel1l1<\1 (I 01 1"01 \ ( lJ.t 11- 'l.ll1u.d l'r! 111'lIl II.! 1\.11 (1 Y'111\'['1 _ MI S, Rob!'1 t H;11 pel, trachcl at ACCOlllmg to MI' R A CfI n- The Baln -Cyml yd LIOns Clltb
mall 0 111l' . ( UI .llion I p.ll II 1'1 It 'II \ 11,(" pi '16 H[ ,S a llH'lIll1l'l L ,Ill' a1lClItOllUI11 of IlJe riub ilousp
tile Gal d mel P al k 'el Se:I l \\l
1001. I lIon. \ Ice-C Ila1l'man 0 ! tl le C amp I \1 I1111 a\ CIS t am1ua I CI11lSLmaS
Pi PSI ntl'c1 El C,ltlll'llllp
I\11"s D HIt I nc~pl- 0: till' 11.1 "t \ PUc101l1' -Instil tile: of : ]11s Fllda\. st al till'': at 10 A M I ['nelel PlnllO selectIOns. and Hospltrl Con1l11lttee of the Ipartl' for undel')Jl'lvlleged chIldren
SOl1 ,ll Ille \Vo,nan s Club of B.l1a- . I 1~~(1I I ,\llCl ' \
FI CI Ub },I' to,I1[,( I l I11' I I \1 I11 Il{' oppn t 0 i Ile J1U) III c un· MI s C R. S unmers iISd lea 110S,- \1:am Lme Reel Closs IS eoopel'- I at the Bala Golf Club on TuC'sda \

\'ll\\\£1 un NOlI n'111'1 :2G SIlt'I<M Ofl1 Icr II t CO-OIIIl1:1t[lI

1 e f I nll'l- III 1 P M tes'. alc IP d )JV M j IS A ' FC 1\'- .ltll1'" \\Ilh the southeaste1 n aftell100n. December 18. Each
th,lt 111l' C!ll11e'I' \1 ell' POUt ,lICe! AmpI J(' 111 A1LUI S 111 \Vad'I1Wton Calth\'. 1\lls. Alflcd Dwtllcil. MIS I
0 •
\\ I111t' otll ,il'('C'lOI \Il I I' ,a\ .I"e" Iwful I' '1'1' \' .11 nnc1 1.1tl'l ", 1;11:cd III AnlJ(l11<'s 0011" I e I a In I C 5, ,Joiln Fete:hel. i\Tls \VIlllam H h al1la Cl1aptel m plans to membel of the LIOns Club ,VIII
nlIIHl,l!.:h It \',IS.l )l1\\1\("I' I,mt-, t!J~ /\\I.lllOI1 DI\I ,"'ll 01 \1 I' ~lll- ~ll"un<ls lancl\ ,1lJlon'. pamt- PUf.!h MI, Robelt L Shenk. and Lelp make CI1Jlstma~ ga~er
111 10_lspons01 a ehIld for tile palty and
• l'Cl "olr!\ to IUI"'S ,md 1t'dclclS plu, P'OI'III\ Aclll1Jl11,llaUon "J~~ m.11s "nCl !11an\' othpl mls- MIs MOlton SUllclelland MIS lal mlhtalY hosjJllal, 11urkn' dmner that \\'111 follow
Chllll'sl' \1 oml Il sl1e CXP].11l11 cl
\\PII' dl-pO\\1'11Ulll1 the LlIl1Il\ as:
b01l11';n,lkers ane! \\I\1S but 1t \\,1, I
not unl.1 1850 tll,lt Chll1.1 iJc~,.lnl
.AR" U1Tlaf/c
'Ill!' 1I1.1111,1"e of 111's COl"
1\11" G C 8el1\11'/ Ie tIle chan-
nl,lll ,lncl 1\111 sUI>el\lse the 15 CalOl
Call Millel IS the scout lea del ane!
l'IILlllCOU' ,llllllps \,1; IJe fOI ~all' IS asslstl'd by MIS Wallace SmIles

Each patIent 111 the hOSPlLaI<:pnteltamrcl
The Blo\\nJl'S all' the Misses I~ to recel\e a gift 110111 01~anI7'1-ltroupe
IApPi oXl111ately 25 chIldren \\ III be'

Buten tIons and mdl\ldllais 111 the 1'0111- O'NeIl \1111 aet
bv a profeSSIOnal
fl0111 Ne\\ York. Hu~h
Santa Claus a~ a~1d
10 rclue:1le MIS"
IH'I \"O!11pn.
I f
'Ihc CUll-
gO\ _ SI',In« 'LOll.l\lll . -. B Clll11,s. I ' el.lll.:htll
I lJl i\11 ,1111l :'11'" A, M BOllllU L 01 '
' (once~s\Ons
•.• !lle of
I I II \
Includecl 111 Joe:el\n CaIter. Judy Gre\', Sus- ,llumly. If he IS staltmg 011 a i
I a111lP Hamlltoll. AlIce II \\111. Nata- I' d '
\\ i II d' s]llbut P "Ifls to e,acl 1 C11
I The cJ11Icllen chosen for thIS
II d ~
• l111uccl be~,lll 'lhoos 01 t1l' peo- '\ CI'l N D i L l D 11 \111' I1SP:1' \\1 Je a talle of so- lie Keene Balbala Lund. MallOn elI a~ fllllough he ":111 hflvl' II party aIe lee:ommendecl by th~ Narberth 2163
]lll' I)('C,\Il"r o[ tIll' 1ll1lOc!UIUOll of 1V i\1(CI~(l'l ,1 11 U....,'''''ICR<J'.,Oil 0°fn'll]( 1.lIleel
.c.:' tllt ' 1 \llllle 1 r!ppll"nv \\hIC'l \1\1! Lukel1s. Susanne MealS, Jody IL"~.\eI k'I t If ,10\,eve!', I I1e PHtLt IBala-C\'l1\I~d SOCIal S e l' v IC e
upon the111 that\\ I,111
tl ht f God
l1C 11('ount cq\lall~
I111PICS'I'C! I Co
I [ ((
t" E f "I;
" "1 ' (1:CI I' II:.1I!11\ llS'lC
ltlno u u anc !lIS h [ - I
:'1 I tJ11' .-\' Pd,l\.1('pC on centel stage cllllnn MIller Balbala MOl1tu~ue.
Cath- le111alll 111 the IllS kIt Bllre,lll.
PIlllC, O\\,pl1, Ton1l11lc, Jane Pal- \1111 be s0111e\',hat dlflelent and i In the r\'enn]g of December 18

111 •. ll' Sl~ 0 ,'. , Cil'llan 01 610 1I.liP]\\oocl Bd I H.Hhcl Hallirt 'TIUl11P'S pamt· taw Kalen Reynolrls. Dalla d n 'd t the members 01 the LIOns WIll
Clunc'r \\Omll1 shc eon- 1!\lcll1101l' took pl.ll'C NO\I'l11I;cI :20 II '" ,lIl' b.'nlf.! PXI .Illll'd tIll'OJlg'11 Slentz. Pegg\' Ann Smiles. Glacc 1:,I~ne to mce more le.'>t!lcLed hl1\e then' annual Chnstmas dln-
lmued ale nOle(110l tllCI1 Ih.1s-':J, Yllll1,1 Alli0I1:1
lil\ cl£'anllnls', anCl ujJlI,.:ll\l1l'SS
oul tIlt' 1110nlh 01 Dee:e111bcI allhc und Ruth Ta~lo1', MlUY Lou needs. Both kits \'.tll contam an InrI', nt 7 P M. Members.w1\'e'i
A '-:1.IClu,lte 01 FIll'l'dL Cl'llll.t! '[IUiJ Illlll'£' and Ian be \11'\\('0 \)\' Ton1]lk1l1s, June Wceks, and LIdia a~soltment of small gifts and \\Ill and thell guests \\Ill number 100
• Il1~hl\ 11'~aICIC'c1O~I scl;oOI~
and thl' mISSIOn fOI llWll lll.1I\\ele ac- S(hool
01 ;\Lu'\]anci anel \V.1Sllln~ton
U i\1 Cl'l! Collc,c " '~ucsls
_ I ,aal
and \lsl1 JI< of t'lC Ba- W I1t ' . ll~ ' be boxed and tled attl'.· "tlvely and ,'.1ll IJe served a steak d mnel'

11'1-11111Ielll1!': Pi ,1111 TIll' "" qcm . j I [ ,1l1 I I \ i _ _ The Book Clllb \\ II! meet on Anotl1 l' IJI1 s I th CI t Entl'l tan1l1lC'nt Will be prOVide;!
of thc go\clnmcnt "('11001" lIas ('(j \\Iln tIlt' 28tl1 HnLlll1enl 01 Ihr I ",""'" , Monda\'. Dccember 10. at 800 P. e a e 0 C 1I1S - foJlo\"ll1g the dmner, whIch als')
jlall('lneri aitPI the ml"lOn '1lwol j'lflh i\I.lllllt' D1\I"lOn 011 1\\0 HL,\\IE .• I M.m the home of Mrs. D. C. Mor- lI:as plans I11clude sponsol'lng an \\111 be held at the Golf Club.
buL lhell stanel,nd \\rlr !JOI a(',l- ~Jlll.l as a ~Iound-"ll I,alson of- \ TI1I' ~Ieatc,t l.l111Ia]] pVC'!' IC- ~antl1au. The ploCiram \\111 fe:u- mter-\Iard tIel' tnmmll10 'oml)l - I -----~.---- -
clrmlcalll as lln.:h III tl1e Icalm of .,ICI (OICild Il1 tIll' \\olld 101 n 24-110UI tUle George Kauffman·s. "The tltlOl1. The C,lInp and ° Hospital S)'OTS l\IARK REI'AIR NEEDS Attractive Gifts
I Pl'l lod \\ as on Ihe IsLll1d of Luzon. Man Who Came to D1l1ner," \\ Ith C01l1nl1ttee IS \\ 01 knw to ~ee:ure
• Iclrals 01 eoncllwt"
M II d . k' t!'
- ••-
In till' olcl-1.1silIOll[el ,llms-g\\-,PI1lilpllllWS. ,luI' 14-15 191t.when club membcIs Iradlll~ the Imes of three pllzes to be pIa CPU 111 the'luns \\hat IS called a "whItewash
,\olks~f .J~~~n~~.s~l~nS;I~d\h~,nl 11I1'~ til['11' \\,1, 0111' noble' th1l1L. I!llll'l' leeL 10 111lhes Ipll \\ltllln 24 the play.
A 1.111road e:ompanY 1I1 England
DOIl't Forget • ..
and Ch1l1e'e pea~anls 11.1\(' becn
Chm acto l\1oH'ml'n t' Tc n t hous- 11_l:ll11rl\ S\ 1~~Ja I h \ t 01 sulI"llI1" I nolll S
\,:ud sun looms for tile usc of all special' The tlam caInes no
MUSIC notes WIll be ~I\'cn b\ Inembel s of the \\'.Il d and also passengers. but IS eqUiPped to note
MIS . .John Fetcher und cUlrent \\ekame an\' Chlhtmas balls 111 evety ,101t and bump on the track
f#,'>E£6 The New Address
'h'11' to In,ld slne:e 19"9 n. ncl. 111
~ ~ " events I C\'le\\ cd by MIS Rle:hm d good e:ondltIon. I As a bump IS hit. a splash of All Medical Need.
E1 xperot ~,Iorang'ements ~ \v.da~~ ml~
L AyeI'. MIS. M. sunderland \l'lll 1 'I t ' I d d tl
tatl mass rdue:allOn, the foullda-
tlOn of dell1ol1 ,ll \ Is b( m,-: LId. 11..
for lepolt on the theatle,
Tl lC 111
r,. st pos t , · f 1 d
-\\ al olma a n c e ·
The JunIOr Red Cross IS \\'Olk- I ·gt
on Cllllstmas plan" J01 the I hI m~
pall' crews al
k ItO
1 ppe otofn
1e sp 01
le- Valentine's Flower
• M.
The EX('CUtlH' Bo,lId \1111 m('l't
on Fllel;l' No\'cmbcl 14 at 10 A AllY Home ••• Here's Ho\v
>:I\cn b\ the .Jt111101S on November ndht:1IY hospitals MISs Anne B. -
tra. \llth r'lankpronounced
has been LeNone's aO1ches-gll'Ut (d,Ullnan of M.un J1Il1l01 L1I1e Blanch
:.",1\ ItIes. rc- ~o\\nsend.
'-- - - -- - - - - -1IIl
, ,
The D('('embel All Exlnblt ,n sue:e:c's MI s. G R. Sunmels. ,,01 ted t haL school clllldl en. ' THEATIU. Pharmacy 39 N. NARBERTH AVE.
the e:lubh(l\ls(' Is b\ Cat!wllnc e:halman. l1ad as hel committee. IInough thell' scl1001 orgal1lzatlOns Tllllr ,rr! -S.11 .Il,'r 6-7-8 • • • •
~lle vely actl\'l'ly \\I)lkllW on theh I At Narberth Station
Giant 01 CIV'''tllll( Hill \\110 le- Mrs. WllllUll1 F KoeJle . .Jr. Mrs
c:eiH'cl tIlc Clc"slOn CC'hol;1IsllljJ .James ForgIe, Mrs. Perr1l1 Snllt:l. GIfts to G1\'e llWll1e: l PEGGY ANN GARNER Narberth 2838-2839
wll1le stitch J11g ,ll Ihe Acac!L'll1\ of and MIS. Morton Sunc!el!and. lIleans that tllcv al e gat el1l1<.;
Fllll' Al ts 111 Pllll"e!l'lpllla She IMs \
:I BachclOl 01 FllW A1 ts Cle~1 PI'
Olhcr dances Will folio\\' thl'ougl1-
out the club srason
ne\\' ILcms sUItable to be:
the p,ltlents as gifts to their
I fro mtl)(' Unl\('1 sit\' 01 Penns\'l- 0 - l11ends and relatl\es outside of I ..
• Guest of Honor I
\anla \Ias Chl'rllOI 01 H,llIIS!JIU>:
ASSOI tallOn 01 Al t lasl \ l'al ,mdl
\\on Ihe M,ll\ ~J1lllh ]lllZC fm 1\1l..,s Geltrude Ell' of Bn'll
1I1e hos]lltal. I
The JUl1101 s 111 22 scbools of I Stili •
litiS area all' al"o makll1g 850
~ltlll" 'I'm's. Ort. 9-10-1
'fIll' StorY () f
Gem"!1' Ge!'sh\\ ill
lane!se:atH'S at l he Aeal1wcll 111l' ""1.1\\ l' \1'111 be the guest 01 honor CIlllstl1la.., tl ay sets ane! 1000
artist has also supel \ Isrd ,lncl
taue:ht m P111lacle!pllla ~I hooTs
.me! speaker at We meetll1g of
the IntelnatlOnal RelatIOns De-
menu e:overs. 1400 t,lgS to be tied
10 the gilt kIts 101 the patients,
_____,. _ IJ~1 tmf'l~t of the Consl1Ohocken 46 postels lor t!Ie hospital \\ alels
Ardmore Ollthnists Woman s Club Tuesday 111 thc
Marl' H, Wood Palk House.
and reCleatlO11 room~ and 300
g:eetmg e:alds and emc!opes for
Held Meeting MISS Ely WIll dISCUSs
"Ul11ted NatIOns Charter." She IS
lllP the patlenL~ to mUll.
----0---- Wed. '1lIlIrs. DI'" 12-13 • • • •

Thr AlClmol I' OplllJllst Club hr]d

a member of the United NatIOns
CommIttee of plllladelplua.
If an Entrhsbman lea\es $1,000.- "WILSON"

a bUSlljC<S mcl'! ll1g m "011111111'tlOn 000 at I11S death. hiS hellS get onll' IN TECHNICOLOR
\llth thcn \\ ('ekll' luneheol1 Tues-
day a( tllP Llallrl'ch Count I \' Club. Heard Speaker $600.000. the I e<t goes to tlll' Bnt- ALEXANDER KNOX &
Ish gOvelll111ent as an 111helltane:e GERALDINE FITZGERAIJD
Manoa. \\ Ith Os\',lI' B Wl'lclman At tbe I egular meeting of the tax.
p!esle!u1g Men's Club of St. George's Chl1le:h.
Al'clmole A\e. and Darby Rd. I1f'ld , I
All al1~cments \\ PI e l11,lfll' to en-
tCI tam the clll1f!I ell at Clulst last \\ eek. the guest speaker \1 ll' "
Home Paladlsr. Pa. 011 Deeem- Ll Colonel .I, J. Scanlon who srlV-
bcr 20, dlsllllJUtm~ ~Ills and to\,s
to all. as \\ cJl as PIO\ Idmg entcI-
ed under Major Gl'I1Pral LucIUS
CIa\' mLc!Togatlllg' Na7.i le.1dels
tammen( for tlwl11
Olllel a11all S S( hedulPd ml'1udl'
Colonel Scnnlon led a gloup dls-
cu~slon pellOd follo\Vmg hiS t,llk FOR THE SOCIAL
a Chl'lsll11as Pal t \' 101 tlH' .JU11l0r Chm les Maxwell presldcd at thl> I
Optulllsts on Dl'('l'mbl'r 27th With
Tom MOll'I1l'ad as speakl'r at thr
meetmg, I SEASON
Llanl'II'h Countl\' CIllb .JanU:ll\
22 WIll br Opli-i\1IS. Night and The Sophisticate
Janual v 25 \\ III bp Al Phillips
Nlgh( MI PIlllhps IS GO\'ernor 01
the Sreond DlstllPt of Opllll1Lst
PICTURE Reducing Systenz The New
FRAMES Includes
Will Shows $10 To Valances
Each Relative 1-HE 0.1 t of exprrt flower arrange- can be combined later on, if Work Benches No Steam, No Heat, No Diet, No Drugs For That Debutante Look
Aftrl tl1~k1l1P ',pl'['lfil' hr ow'sl, Cedal' Lamp Posts
lotal1l11! S50 to hiS "dt'.ll sm \'I\,- ment is amazingly simple, and like, in infinite variety.
Simplest of all basic designs- SPECIAL OFFER'
1l1g lelatl\'es' Milton Palk R\an.
Blyn M,i\\l". beQuc,ttl1ecl tl1e bal-
wilhln reach of all. Large masses
and one of the most tlseful-lS the We can g1\'P you OUI' spot I ecluc'1I1g or Expr- PRICE and
Hnce of hIs SI600 cst ate to a I
fncnd. Ecllth V, Neff of 612 Mont-,
of blooms arc unnecessary; for most
rooms. several smaller, skillful ar-
triangular pattern, preferably not SHULL e:ycle treatments or both combmed for the
l ' "Idl offer below.
too synunelllcaL Pictured above is a We Know You'll Be Pleased
goml'1'Y A\'r" Blyn Ma\\!' undpr l'an~emcnLs .lIe distine:tly prcfel'led.
fine example, cl'eatcd by Alyn LUMBER COMPANY
tel ms of l11s Will filed for probate
Fast l'ule to learn is to plan your
design. Begin by choosing one of
Wayn<o, flower stylist of F1or~ts'
Telegraph Delivery Assn., to show
25 Bala Ave., Treatments $3, 15 for $36 Narberth and Haverford Aves.
The speCIfiC' Ipgacies to relatives Bala-Cynwyd
ure: $10 each to I1b w!fp. Mary the simpler Iypes of flower compo- the possibilities in a simple, home
M. Ryan: IllS dau[.\hter. Wlmfred sition; triangular, circulm' or radil!t- Mardell arrangement of contrasting Narberth 4270
R. and Frances M. Ryan and his
Cynwyd 0662
Pampons,-parlicularly when using
two sons. WIlliam P. and Robert I ing. There are only a few basic
132 Bala Avenue Cynwyd 9136 Coming Soon a Slenderizing Salon
patterns you need to know-these a figlll ed vase as focal point. Closed noon Saturday
P. Ryan. Miss Neff IS also named
~ I ~
e)tecutrlx of the Will. Ryan died .U1ll1llllllllllltllllllllllllltlIUIIIIIIIIIIIl111111l11111111111111II11I1I1I111J1111l111F..
ltv. 17.
OUR TOWN December 6, t 945.

OUR TOWN IList Local Veterans NARBERTH Names Announced ~:C~:~~~~~~~~~;~?~:::in:::t~ Burlingame Again ~~~~I:fl~. b~iE~~:I~~~~~~:~;
Enter aB ~econd Cia'. mntter OctOber, 1938, at the Post. Olflce at
C 00 IBoardHea d Ruth Aronson. Nancy Beane. Nan- all the principals of Lower Mer-

RecendY RI eeased
Narberth, Pa .. under the Act Of March 3, 1879. cv Blackwood. Doris Gherksey, Ion Township Schools. Dr. Frank
P. K. l;3arker. P!'e~ldellt of the
0 Betty Gilbert. Lillian Grainger.
TlIl Gyorgy, Mary ,LaClair, Connie
Township Commission and Mrs.
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association
I Narberth ended an undefeated i
L H' H
MscKenna, Jane Mlloler. pau} ¥os,-
e., Helen Qvalle. J yce ReL~emer,.
Barker. J. Walter Hammonds. new
GEORGE A. WALKER, President Qnd Editor
H LESSERAUX Advertlslng Manngcr
II SerVICemen

season by winning over German-
town Friends School on Novem-
\) , 8 b . f 26 0 iF •

d N'Ig
aSIBemard RuckdescheJ.
JOY Sharp. Gwen Stose. Robert
Solons Have Annual
D' M'
Lower Merion tax colJector. and
the Rev. Andrew Mutch. Pastor
Emeritus of the Bryn Mawr Pres-
Published E\'ery l'hursday W omen A rrlve In el y a scole 0 -.
In the first quarter, Charles IJ .
enlors an
t d
Ine Tyson. Nancy Wedge. Ruth Ar-
old Georgia Barclay Ann David- B
eetIng at
byterlan Church,
powm. speaking- to the ILSsem-
Deadline lor ad\'ertlalng nnd new, eopy-Wl'dne.day 9 A M.
S ta t es f or L eaves I SOli, Carmela DiGiov~1l1l1i. a a- yn wyd bled g-~Jests, gave a history of the
SubscriptIon 1'nt1'-S2 per year In ndvance McQuiston received. a pass and
made a touchdown for Narberth. I unlors ..lIS e
I - --,..- - . educatlOnal system in Pennsylva-
Publication Olflce-Elght Cricket Aw'nuc, Ardmore, Pa.
Phone-Ardmore 5720 nnd 5721; Greenwood 7740 . I Fort.v-six local men and women Th~ Play.
BaileY alsoco~el,'~cl 25 yards: Dick
1 cc elved a pass and
Sixteen Lower Merion Senl'or Wayne ChI'ld Saved E. E. Burlinj{ame, 14-year. veter- nlawere from
run bythe days when
religious schools
were relea.~ed from the service
Member of Bucks-Montgomery New.J)nP~r Publishers AssociatIon
during tlJe past week. They arc:
Lt. Mary L. Connell, Haverford.
.' ' .
HIl s.
. , "
I High Schoo, students attained
I,al~/Ol a touchdown, covellng 45 I first Honor Ron standing in the From Pool By Dog
first QUarter by recelvin~ four
I , .
an president of the Lower Merion t d' d
Township School :Board, was re~ i~si?tu~10~~0 ern. state-supported
elected Tuesday evening by unani-
. In the second Quarter. Tom LIl- "A's" in major SUbjects, it was an-I Two-yeal-old JUdlt~ Cannale,l mous vote of the Quorum attend- upL~tei" Dr. ~utC\who ~as callr
PvL Donald H. Nauta. Ardmore.
Cpl. Ernest. W. Annable, Ard- Ils scored a t.ouchdown. makmg nounced Ia.'it Friday • I?f Wayne. was sRve~ flom drown- ance. Dr. J. W. Anderson was 1'1'- CO~Pli 0 sfPJ Lex.e~p~on~o.usy,
«: HUll C" II (~ALEN DAR morr'.
'1'/4 FletcllPr Carroll. Bryn Mawr
T /4 Raymond A. Ce'rio. Ard-
the score 19-0 at the half. Skip!
pass, on the 35 yard line In the I
. '. .
:- a
.' mg, \\'he.n sl~e feU mto a ne'igh- elected vice president.
Thaw intereept.ed a Germantown I Cl~~~eFW~~.Olw~f~\~..t y, u~t~~ ~r~1 bor s sWJn1l1!-mg pool SU.llday by: a Burlingame administered
n el 01 freak combmatlon. a tightly ?lP- School Board oath of office t.o I 'ld .
To • <; n~en I' owel e I ~ C! n
the illg\\n;I!lf~t~l~e;:lTz~;,~ellen~,tl a;r-
. ," . liP .In.\ en le
Note: For publication on l'har5CIay, all churCh notlc~ mUBt ., '.
more. . middle of the fourth period and t~le efil:. t HOl~Ol RO.lI "tudent.s some-I pered ~irplal1e cJeth snowsuit and neWly-elected Raymond P. scott! c 11 I en o~-!:,~__:~~_muI1l.t~.
be recetved by lUonday at 5 P. M. each week. Mall notice to
this paper, c/o 80s 350, Ardmore, Pa,. or telephone Ardmore Pk. Nicholas Divalr'rlo. Ardmore.
Pfc. Robert J. Peoples, Bryn
faced for a touchdown, Both ex- tim. m Decembel. ... ., I a barkmg dog. and to Mrs. S. E. Slocum, who' C
tra points in the game were I Nal?le~'lIof t st~dents ~\I.t.h filst , The suit m~de her buoyant and Iwas re-elect~d, up?n Pl:esen~alion, oun Y to
t 0
pen Bids
5720 or Hilltop 3600.
T /4 Thomas J. Brennan, Ard-
scored by rushll1g.
Dugger LE McQuiston
•.em 1 s. I~ I Il1g on,
an ~~is ~le. Cl '. when the tots pet, a Collie, Rex'i of their o!fiClal notificatIOns ISSUed I BIds will be opened by the
flll I' attracted the attention of her from the county scat in Norris- Mont.gomerv COllnty c~mmlssion-

Narberth Presbyterian Baptist Church Of the more. Pompt LT Rice NOl en. DebOl ah Putnam, Ronald father. Lieut. Col. George Cannale, town. Joseph P. Parks, another ers December 10 for light bUlbs,
Sgt. Donald C. Knepp, Ardmore, Drum LG M. Chios West.. , . ' . she was found floating onlY a few newly elected me~ber of the board. fiags, headstones, photostatic sup-
Church Euangcl Capt. Jim W, White, Ardmore. Hallowell C Mariani JumOls. Je~n Fll;.I.d,. Isabel Gla- feet from the bank. was absent an~ Will be sworn in at plies. tax and assessment books
Windsor Bnd Grayling Avenues 1st Lt, John H. Mitchell, Ard- l\Ienges RG Scott ham, Rlcha1d Gdel t. Nan c y Though unconscious when pull- the next meetmg. and janitors' supplies. • ...
Rev. Bryant M. Klrkland, Pastor Rev. R ~art;:fJ~ie~~. Pastor more. Bachrach RT Smyth j H~ntz: Bett~ H.opkms. Nancy ~?r-I ed out of the water. the child. was ,'J;'uesday. e\'enin~'s m e ~ tin g: -
John Van Ne,s, D. D.. Pa.•tor hmerltu. SUNDAY Major Henry B. Coleman, Ard- Taylor RE Bailey ,lac l:el, Ge~ Rld.me ~Imon. Hall let Quickly restored by artificial res- \\ hlch took pla.ee m the .lIbrary. of
Reoel E. JOhl~~~,o;.;yl'tant pastor 9.45 A M.-Cllurch Schoo!. more. Murdock LH I
L i m Smith, MalY Zleglel.'
Ma ell~
. j
piration. aided by Dr. Percival the Bala-Cynwyd Jumor High
1e n . S.opholllores: Manon .tone~. VI~'- Nil'hob'On of Ardinore, who was School. preceded .a School Board' F or Over 30 Years &
9.45 A. M.-Blble cln,se. lor all. I 11.00 A M.-MornlnR Service 2nd Lt. Helen G. Hartnett Bryn Shaeffer RH
11.00 A M.-t'!.?r.phl~gp;";;~~'rh. Ip Sermon N((I'!JCl't h JJptlwdist Church Mr.wr. HfllTlS QB c T7 w I gomla Merntt. Ruth Parr, Vlrgmla: summoneci bv Mrs. Call1mle. dl11ner for aDProxlmat.ely 60 guests I
, 2nd Lt. Helen M. Lyons. Bryn Ste\'ens FB L\~" I Armstrong, Barbara Jones. Shawn ,. __:.__ 0 . _ _ --- of the preSident and the BOflrd. :
11.00 A M,-Chlldren'B Nursery.
I~:~J ~. ~'-=s~~'!~r chgh~l!st?:;;vlceJin.
&%ex and PrIce Avenue..
MInIster. Cnrl R. Hammerly.
U. Irving L. Griffin. W~'nn!'- PS
• I IS ,: Disney. Peggy Ferguson. Ann Four- ,
Op nier. Jean Haig, Helen HaWkins,:
ee In
t' kl'
roo Ine
Dr. S. Edgflr Downs, Superinten- I
denLTEmeritus of the Lower Mer- i
0 Marjory Hope. Dorothy Leonard. I Tile December meetin~ of the Ion .ownship Scl1ools, was the

$ 700 000
denvor BUNDAY wood. N .. ' St. Margaret's
6.45 P. M.-.J\lnlor Chrl,t Inn Endra,·or.' fi4~ AA. ~i::'~~:'tri':n SChool, Pvt. George L. Bucklf'Y, Bflla- i~ Waldron Acadell1" i
6 ,Bpat.riee Myers. Jflck Pugh. LOlli~e ,Delflware County Women's Club 1~.!:Il1..cIPaJ--.s!Je~!,er:..._~~d _g:l.!:sts _ in.- : Golden Guern8ey
7.45 P. M'-~'lr~~n~s5Xyllng Hour. I 6.45 P l\l.-Y<l1tth FellowBhlp. Cynw~·d. 26 Bala-Cynwyd J I
7 PRUldTlJjg. BMar::"I'aret~ RObb' J G\\'(~nd will be held nf'xt. Tlle~dfly at. 8.00 I
Milk, Cream and
800 P M Bible "'tUdV and FellOW I
. - .hlP ~ . , . If () fif T1'I1/1!J
"f I-,U fl lcran
PtC. JOSPpll F. Hammonds. Br.Y11
26 MontJwmerv Dav
O' 0 dy.
0' w ··
ever y ::sa~er, hOll'ar P. M. at. t.he home of Mrs. William
IC. DonnellY. 531 Kathmere Rei .. I ,
St. Mar,~7aret's Catholic Church Major James K. Willing. Ard- : Second Honor Roll includes: Pfl- Brookline. She lI'ill be a.'isisted by , Dairy Products
Church WoodbIne and Narberth Ave.
Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor.
T /4 Allf'n Steven. Ardmore.
Cpl. Walter LE'ecl1. Jr .. Ardmore.
----0-- -- I I
13; tTkia Ballagh. Geraldine Fisc·her.lMrs. R. W. Reckard and Mrs. Her- I
Francr's Flint, Frank Haig. Mary bert J. Dietricl1.
LOll Haldeman. ,Jane Hanscom. Henry Van Dyke's "The Other I , WORTH OF The Finest Quality Milk
RR~/~~'I~S '{,onot;c:~g:r. Samuel T. NIcholas. D. D.. Pastor Col. John B. Flick, Bryn Mawr. I
Engineers found wooden frame Frank Jennings, Nancy Kavanagh, Wise Man" will be presented by I MAIN LINE
Rev Charles T. Olnan
reBldence, Rev WillIam
Mnssp.s-6.30: J Kane
7.30: 9.00: 10.15: I
9.45 A. M.-SundaY SchooL
2nd Lt. Alfred G. Frisk. Bala-
c t · TI B Redf J
buildings standing amidst the rub- Mary Jo Mason. EBen Meyers, Mrs. Walter Irwin.
ble of stone. concrete and steel
structul'es dlll'I'ng tile 1941 bll'tz of I'li =~========~-:::===~==================ii
With Deep Cream
That Whips. '.•
11.15; 12.15. Sodality nnd Mlrnculous
P. k. De,·otlOns. 1'uesdBY e"enlng at.
11.00 A M.-Mornlnc Worship.
7.00 P M.-,Iuolor nnd Senior Luth· Ardmore.
er Lealrues.
ap am lomas. ern, 1'••
1st Ll. Herbert Niballer. Bala.
S/Sgt. Howard E. Ziegler. Nar-
- - - ' -----.-- - - - - - - - - - - I
I . •
We Rre active. We can
Household Deliveries to
All Parts of the
berth. ESTATE OFJc)}iN-F~ENNEDY. dp-: sell your real estate Quick- Main Line.
No\'. 23 Deadline For Licensing T/4 Francis P. Contino. Nar- bp~~T,~e~ot;~~~m~~/~~JJ~~\~~RJ~.;'fNar- ; OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ly. ConSUlt us TODAY!

Food and Drink Places Started

T /5 William R. Oswald. Ard-
Lptter, T,,,tnmentary 011 Ole AbO"e:
E<tnt,· hun' bpCIl ~r"ntpd to tilt' ltnder- :
si/",,,d, who rrQ\lPst aU J)prson$ hnYlng:
HaVlng een H onora bI y D'ISC h arg ed F rom th e
' B
United States Navy
~i'tl~;~> °Jpc~~':.\~i'd;on~~;~~t ~'~~W~<t~~~ ; Ul1l10Ul1""eS h:s re-el1try ~:'1tO general practice GUERNSEY DAIRIES
These New Health Regulations f c;rl James D. Evans, Jl'.. Haver-
or .
T /5 Charles H. Hewitt. Ardmore.
s.lIne. and all prrsons Indebtpd to th.. I
,kClornt to mAke PAyml'nt. wahout de- !
v ~ 37 E. Lancasler Av~ ..
Ardrnor(' - Phone 5239 Phone - Wayne 112 f
S/Sgt. Richard P. Wuner, Ard- lay. to I 110111'5 242 West Montgomery Ave. Approved agency for F. n. A
Adopted by the Ad\'isory Health Board June 27, 1945. for more. JOHN H. ECKELS, Dail~' except Friday & MortJ:ages
the protection 01 the public llealth by regulating the conduct CIlI. John H. McNall~', Wynne- 17th And Dlnmo~~r~~~·?~'ts. Saturday Haverford, Pennsylvania ~lortgage Correspondent for ,i
(Openin!:'s for employment
of returned veterans and
and operation of public eating and drinkinR places in accord- \':ood Phllndp!phta 21. Pa 10-12 Noon. 7-9 P. M. Telephone: John Hancock Mutua) I
ance with allthorit~· conferred by the Act of May 23, 1945, Pfc. Joseph F. Matthews. Ard- O;~l1t:? ~,;~, t~,t tOI'~~~Ys·PA~~'~~~$·B~II'I~l~~': : and by appointment Ardmore 1214 _.' .~,~.':.."lIsurance ~o. :
veterans of "ar "ork),
No proprietor ~hall be granted a license t.o operate or conduct
• public eating and dnnking place \.:ithin this Commonwealth except mon'. Pvl. C]aren~e H. Barr, Glad- PhilAdelphia 2, Pa o.'rr:.~-il~I~-8~-~6t~,
- ~====:::::==========:::::=======================~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
upon compliance with the following reRulations: I W\'ne.
1. The premises of all public entinR and drinking places shall Sgl. James E. Addison. Ardmore.
be kept ('le:1n and fref' from litter or rubbish. .Tack L. Siltoflllfln. Bryn Mawr.
2. Walls and ceilings of all rooms shall be kept clean and in 1st Lt.. Herbert Nlbfluer, Ba]:1.
1st Lt. John B. Smythe. Menon
good repair.
3. All rooms in which articles of food or drink are prepared or
served. or in which utensils are washed shall be well lighted and
/Sgt. Franci~ N. Her,'iman. Ard-

ventilated. morr'.
4. Runnin~ wflt£'r under pressUre. if available, shan be easi1;'& Cpl. Clinton L. Mellor, Haver-
accessible to ali rooms In which food is prepared or utensils arc ford.
washed, and tile water supply. under any circumstances. shall be ade-
quate. and of a safe, sanitary quality obtained from a source or sourc-
Cp!. Jol1n F. Devinney. Al'dmorr'.
Sgt. ,James W. Barnett. Nar- .,
es approved b~' the Secretary of HeaILh. brrth.
T '5 James C. SI1l'a, Narbrrtl1.
5. During the season when fIies are prevalent, unless ot.her ef- 1'/4 Josrph A. Mitel1r'll. Bflla-
fective means approved by the Secl'l'tar~' of Health are provided to C::nwyd.
prevent the entr:1nce of fIirs. all openings into the outer air shall be Pfc. Jol1n T. Cusack, Ardmore.
effectivcly screened and doors shall be self-closing. Cpt. Margflret L. Myer~. Mprion.
6. Fly-tight pn\'ies or water-flushed toilets with a sYstem of Mpn and \\'omen on the Mflin
Cnll/l1Il1cel nil Paye 2 Srconel Scction Line l1a\'!' returncd to tllis coUll-
- • - . - • - ----- I r.\· and are to receive furloughs.

FOI" ('1 \ Jet"I"'" CI11-Istn1'lS

'. £h - - - A'"Otd I Thl'Y are:
Lt Calvin Batcl1elor. Narberth.
-I'd' Capt Frank J. Jan~rn, Bryn
H () I aynger.
Pfe. LinWOOd G. Grasty. Br~'n
- --- -- .- .. - - - - - - - - - - - ----- 11,,\\'1'.
Thi~ is the Christmas Anwl'ica has been waiting for e\'er I Cautain Rrtlph E. McKinoey, •
, P car I II al'lor.
1 Ardmore.
since Sgt. Lawrence F. Morri,,>. Ard- ,
In millions of homes. G. 1. ,Joe is back. Back to join the m~:7'5 Rfllpl1 E. Donnon. Ardmore. •
family around the Christmas tree . . . to help eat the Christ- 1st Lt. Caroline H. Holtz. Bryn
mas dinner, , , to pxchang-e gifts h~' "impI~' reaching out his MT\\;~~' Arthur Abne~', BrynMawr.
hand-in persun. Pfe. Charles A. Jackson, Ard-
Thif: is the \'jc!ory Chl'i:..;tmw: Amel'll:a has dreamed of ll1Ttsgt. Courtland F. Kanzinger,
during the long. hard months of war. Thif: is it! Ardmore.
, . . . . . Pfe ..Tol1n A. Peaks. Bryn Mflwr.
Would l au \\'J1l1l1gl~' do Hn:dhll1g to mal' the haPPJl1css
of this Chri;:tm<ls S('ason': You bet vou wouldn't! I
Pvt. Wade A. Monis. Brm Mawr.
Pontiac Moves 0
0_ - --

. Yet, if thing'S run ,true to form: Christn:as will be ruincd i

r more setI e
111 thousands of Amcl'lcan homes by an aCCident to someone I

in the famil\'.
These ,;ccidcnts are especi<lll~'
tragic and ironic at the
New Ad
Christmas season in an~' year. This year the:\' are doubly f:O. _
This ~'ear. of all ~·ear;:. we want no tragedy that can be Main Line Pontiac, Inc. has
a \'oided. bou~ht tile buildings flnd grounds
of 213 E. Lancaster A\·e.. Ardmore.
Even when the fury of the war was at its height, acci- Officers of the corporation are
Barney Fishel'. president: Charles
dents on the home front were taking a far heavier toll than M. Davis. manager: Hans Ben-
battles. And the month after gasoline rationing was lifted, ham. sales mana~er and .Joseph
Schaffer. service manager The
almost three times as man~' Americans were killed in traflic firm is open for business a.s of
accidents as died in . the hloody
' battlc of Tal'awa '' ri~Al1ltl now
ma k·'es 0 f automo b'l
I es \\'1'11
Is America WIlli ng' to pay a higher price in hum,l n I ife be serviced in the shop, and auto-
for enjoYing ])e'lCe th'ln for g'lininrr it'l mobiles will gO on salc immccliate-
. , ' , '". IIY the General Motors CorpOl'atlOn
Isn't it \\'ol'th a I ittlc extra trouble this Christma:-: seu- starts mfl11Ufacturil~g in Quantity.
son to })\'e\'ent ,'lccidents th,tt brinrr
. ,
StH'I'(n\' 'llJd suffel'l'11 r al1d
t'o " g , tel'The bUlldmg
Ave.. and the at 150 ~. Lancas-
_13 feet front-
tragedy'! Just a little extra care ,md a little common sense ing on it to a depth of 16q fe.et.
'11 d . was purchased from the Fldehty
WI a It. Mutual Life Insurance' Company
The National Safety COlllJcil suggests a Christmas holi- for tI.le sum of $60,000.
- Mam Lll1e Pont.lac. Inc. holds
day slogan that seems especially appropriate this year. It is: the Pontiac franchise for a.1l al'pa
"For a Merry Christmas-Avoid Holida~'lJger!" ~~o\~~C Main Line from Cynwyd to
The first flutomobile has already
arnved. It's a streamlme. sedan
coupe, a 1946 moclel. which IS slm-
Something to remember y,hen you say
From Pearl Harbor ,Dccrll1ber 7, 1941\ to V -.J Day (Au[;ust 14, 19451 ilar in pattrl'll to last. model man-

"Welcome Home!/1
nfflctured in 1942.
WAR r,ASUALTIES Thc firms also owns two ot.her
(FrOIl1 the Arll1~' anlt Navy) buildings on East Lancflst.cr Ave.
at 49 and 65,
Killed ., , , , " . 261.608
Wounded , , ,., , , .. 651,911 American steel mills haye been
operatinr:: at virtually full eapaci-
Missing ,.,., , ,.",.,.,.". 32.811 ty from Dee. 7. 1941 to V-E Day,
Prisoners .. , .. , , , . 124,194 May 8, 1945. Some of our boys have waited years to heal' responsibility to continue buying Bonds-and occupation . . . t.o bring home the men who!'e
those two words. holding on to the ones you already ha \'e. period of service so richly entitles them t.o re-
Tota t , 1.070.524
TIlE IIOME FRONT ACCIDENT TOLL turn ... and to care for the Hick and wounded
What I hey've endured for the sake of hearing Your purchase of Vietory Bonds lwlps t.he
IFl'Om the National Safety COUllcil) in Otll' Navy and Army hO:i1pitals.
Killed " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355,000
Paid Immediately For them is more than we like t.o dwell upon. man who's just. come home, helps him in a very
Yau didn't think it
Injured "
lIncludinr:: 1.250.000 cascs involl'ing somc ]Jrrmanent disability I
DIAMONDS But those two words. '''Welcome I-lome!" can
hecome just. an empt.y phrase if you forget, for
real way. For your mouey, in Victory Bonds.
helps prevent inflat.ion-And that. in turn.
No-the job isn't over.
/1'((8, did yo II ?
, THE TRAFFIC TOLl. AtONE DIAMOND JEWELRY one n:.inute. your responsibility t.o the man yOli means Rccurit.y for him, Rnd a beUer chance to
Killed .. ", , .. ,........ . , , " . . 94,000 Then shau' that. you know it isn't, over! Show
ANTIQUE JEWELRY say them to, , . and t.o t.he several million men get. a job,
Injured ., · , " , .. 3.300.000 We are paylnR the highest price, it to the boys who've come home-and tn
in hIstory overseas who are st.ill yearning to come home.
THE TOLL IN HOME., ALONE And remember this: It. will cost. plenty of t hO:i1e who wish they could - by buying another
Killed '" . , . , ,
Injured .. ', .. , ,
, . . . . . . . 119,000
17,500,000 CARL TON'S What we're talking about, of course, is your money to maintain and supply our forces of Bond-t.oday!

135 S. 13th St. Est•• 898

James Allan Dash annOunces
the presentation of hb artist ]lU-
pll, Robert Blake. in an organ re-
St. Mury's Episcopal Church. Ard-
MI'. Blake lpft the Ardmore
Baptist Church to become OnUln-
ist of St. Paul's EpicsOPlll Church.
Camden. N. J., where 11e will di-

S \V IN G Wt' Also

lillY su.nm

VICTORY BONDS-to have and to hold

cital of works of modern Ameri- rect a professional ['hair of men
can composers. on Deccmber 9 at and boys.

AII " 0\ iii IJ ,I. r E!\ 1\ r 1\ H

fermer)) IIf Ih. o\rm.nd J. P.. rlre. Go"

Suborb." 11 •• 1 hi. I., and
ef the Hope Company. Builder.
hue rombined their In tercel. to establl ••


Suburban HOllie Ilulldlng elld Ueueral 11 ...1 EoI~le Tile Ben Greenblatt studios ,

8U2 Time. Medical Buildin., Ardmor., I'enne.
2511 ~. Urond
* This is an official U. S. Treasury advertisement-prepared under auspices of Treasury Department and War Aduertising Council J

" Three Whippets, Three Hills On Their Beechwood



Little Ann lIarper, six, daughter of Pvt. and Mrs. Robert S.
Harper, of 109 lana Ave., Narberth, hugs her doll as her picture
FOUR-YEAR-OLD JOSEPH j\iARIANI must ha\'e been look- was taken recently. A first grade student at the Narberth Publlc
ing at a prospective Christmas present when this picture of him School, her father was a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra for
was taken recently, The son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph F. Mariani. two Years, and was with the Indianapolis symphony. He is noW
of Conshohocken, his fath~r was recently d·jscharged from the stationed at Fort Hamilton, N. Y.
service after over one yeal' overseas in France. and Germany..
I Plloto Courtesy Myers StudIo)
l\IOR.~ sea food merchant, has
Oriental Rug·s, Christmas Fund
THE 'NUDGE' mised, trained and shown dogs
most of his life, But at his
Beechwood home. 824 Home-
St olen From Manoa Family
stead Rd., he has reared three
children who arc destined to
' ht Two oriel!-tal rugs and $12
I When our service men were sent to the far corners of the globe out-point thl'ir dad. Roland Search 0 ver E19 Christma,~ savings were taken
brought his two boys and girls
,/ and Into every foreign and remote nation of the world, little books of
instructions were handed them, pointing out the proper conduct and Ull with heavy-jouled English State Area for Zych from the home of W, O. Wilks.
behavior to be observed among the strange and different peoples they Bulldogs, at that time his fav- Search over an eight-state area 405 Upland Rd., Manoa, last Fri-
would meet. These manuals of manners told of the customs, habits, orite breed. Now he has turned continued today for Theodore day evening it was revealed by the
taboos, and gave some ideas of the language and rituals of the races to Whippets and the tOil pic- Zych, 20, of Schiller St.. Phila- Haverford Township police Sat-
the boys would mingle With . . . the advice, thus given, must have ture shows from left to I'ight, delphia, who fled tbe Graterford d
proved very effective, judging from reports. Franklin, 13, with "Glass Wa- Branch of tile Eastern State Pen- ur ay.
Now t!le troops are floWing back; daily they arrive by the thous- gon" on the leash; Virginia, 11, ltentiary yesterday afternoon. The rugs, valued at $525. were
with "'''armer Action;" and taken from the living room floor.
ands from the ends of the earth and how very welcome they are. Most Roland, 15, with "Meander b~' Warden Cornelim Burke said Another oriental rUg in the dinin~
of the boys have been abroad so long that it will take a little time to Mistake." The lower pieture Zych escaped while working with room was ignored by the thieves.
orient them to the new fads and favorites and some of the recent shows Franklin and Virginia a farm detail of some 200 other as was an ermine coat hanging in
jive lingo that has sprung up in their absence. However, there are giving "Glas~ 'Vagon" a goin!:' urisoners under supervision of We hall closet, and $4 grocery
some among the lads who have the "girl" all picked out and intend to over to keel. him in tip top Iour prison guards, at 3 yesterday money lying in full view on a liv-
be married immediately on arrival home and a great majority of the shape for the next show. When afternoon. ing room table,
others are going to be married pretty immediatelY whether they know they grow Ull Franklin wants to Zych was serving two and one The $12 belonged to Rosemarie.
it or not. be a professional dog handlel'; half to five years on a burglary 17, a senior at Haverford Town-
To these young service men. then, who will be about to enter into Roland and Virginia, veterin- charge. ship High School. Rosemarie had
a stranger state than any theY have been in so war, the following few arians. Franklin already has Zych was arre:;ted in Octoller, planned to spend the money on
little hints and bits of advice are offered. These admonitions might placed th'st 20 out of 22 trieS 1944. by Auxiliary Police Captain a Christmas shoppin!:' trip the next
also serve as a sort of a "refresher course" to those new husbands who in rna.ior shows. One of the William E. Baldwin, Wl10 in a morning. She kept the moneY in
have been away so long and may have forgotten many of the do's and times he lost it was to his bro- washroom at st. Adalbert's Hall. a manicuring set in a bel'eau
dont's and some of the more intangible considerations of the matri- ther, Roland, Thompson and Westmoreland drawer.
monial state, and who may also like to re-familiarize themselves with Sts.. Philadelphia, overheard him Tile thieves entered the house
the nomenclature they will have to grow accustomed to. talking about a gun, during a by breaking a pane of glass in the
In the matter of the engagement ring, if it is spoken of very
eestaticlY as "exquisite" or "adorable," it will be on the dainty side;
some fraction of a caret. If in buying the thing, you "went for a lung"
which is a Runyon like way of saying $1,000.00 or so (how did Damon
get in here anyway?) t.he stone then might be termed "beautiful" or
Dr. Babb, Late Ardmore Resident,· Sunday night dance. k'itchen door some time between
,~~ Baldwin questioned Zych. a 7:15 and 10:00 P. M. while Mr.
22-caliber rifle fell to the floor and Mrs. Wilks, Rosemarie. and
(if the room. The auxiliar~' placed Winton, 13. were at the movies.
Zych under arrest and while wait- The. dog, a cocker spaniel, was
.. "gorgeous." An~' ring much more expensive than that would receive
the more sincere. if subdued. "just lovely," but a pure, white, three-
carat job migllt call for the supreme accolade which would be just a
gasp and then silence.
Authority on David Rittenhouse ;ng for a patrol car at a ('all box left I1l the l)asement.
was beaten by several ~'outJg' men I The Wilks famih' has jllst re~
'.1'110 came to Zych's aiel. Baldwin cenlly moved to ManOR from Iowa.
managed to retain his hold on th~ Mr. Wilks is tIle assistant manager
This is, indeed, a different land ~'ou are going to find yourselves
in, my good fellows, and nothing will be more difficult of comprehen-
sion than this self-same language in which superlatives mean posi-
Dr. Maurice ,J. Babb. who died clocks and astronomical instru-
recently at his home III Ardmore, ments nnd his observation of the
all over again llnd in the CaUl'S? jin 1884. However, he was not. ap-
of the Yenl' assembled an ever, pealing for monument.s of stone
1'risoner until polire arrived.
of t.he PhilarlelplJia branch of the
IVlaytag WashIng Machine Co,.
tives and positives carry tremendous weight, Consider the wedding was t,he leading. authority of rc- transit of the planet Venu,i, -in g-reater qUantlty of notes than 111' or bronze. He wanted the publlc When bears from aU. S. nation- Tllis robbery occurred just eight
presents: any small gift, like six colored ice tea glasses, will be pro- cent times on the life and achieve- ,1769. and continUing thereafte{·. had before the janitor's outburst.! to become better informed abol·t al park broke into 110mes and stole days after t.he series of robberies
nounced "perfectly exquisite" or "absolutely adorable." you will dis- ments of David Rittenhouse. The while !lving in Philadelphia, a~ Dr. Babb spoke several times III Rittenhouse's achievements. meat and sugar residents near in Ardmore Park early Thanks-
cover, as you progress, that "adorable" and "exquisite" t the accent brief mention of his death said Amertea's foremost scientist, a.; IMontgomery County on his favor-I Through the wise foresig.ht. of Rockv Mountain' Nat.lOnal Park,. giving morning. At that time
always on the first syllable of "exquisite") are useful all-PUl'po~e
words in describing any small inexpensive Il"ift or purchase; for I
nothing about his Rittenhou.se treasurer of Penmylvania and the
research. It merely told that I:e first director of the Mint. But it
was 75 years old, and for 35 year.; is a story that cannot readily be
'ite theme. The most lmpOl'tam the Pan'mount Park CommiSSion,
of these appearances was at th'~ in the later years of the 19th cen-
meeting held Saturday aftpl'lloon, tury, Ritte'.lhouse's birthplace, on
Colo.: queried !.:1>C: go\'ernment I nine homes on Rising Sun, Maple
about making up the lost ration Shade and Malvern Rds. were
points. robbed one after another.
example-"I think those ash trays are the most 'ek's kWi-zit' I've he had been a member of the fac- ja7.zed. April 16, 1932. ll1 the halI at Fan'- Lmcoln Dnve, near Germantown,
ever seen in all my life; tell me where in the world did you get them?" ulty of the University of penn-I Only one book-sized biograph:: view Village, to commemorate tl1e was saved and its preservation a>.-
may only mean that the speaker is checking up to find out if they s~'ll'all1a. of RIttenhouse was ever pubhshed 200th anll1versary of Rltten- sllred. The preservatIOn of hiS
came from Gimbel's basement. . Despite Dr. Babb's ea·rnest in- -that of William Barton, in 1813. house's birth. Before the meet-\NOrritOn home is due solely to tl:e
Sooner or later, but inevitabb, you unsuspecting benedicts vestigations on hIS Iavorite SUb-I Of COIU'se, it has long been Uti- ing there was a visit to the nea1- interest of the successive myners.
will be asked to be perfectly frank and give your candid opinion jed, contillued fat' 30 years, his I available, excepL in historical ll- by Ballard house. where Rltten-
About. a. century a.go. Rltten-
about a new hat or dress - "it's onh' home on approval, so I want
YOU to tell m~, honestly, how you like it?" Remember this! ! .'u~t
ordinar~' superlatives like, "Gee, I think it's swell" or "you look
beautifur," or "that's ver~' pretty" will, generally, be interpreted
plans to pUblish a f.ulI and 11u-1 bral'irs.
t.horitati\'f' biography of Da\'id
Rittenhousr failed of f·ruition. He I Dr. Babb began colleelim: Hit-
could not write flash~', hysterical'j tenhouse material about 1915. H?
hOuse came as a. boy of t.wo and house College was established at
II'hich was his home until 1769. Roxborough as a memorial to
Dr. Babb spokr on "Rittenhouse's I Rittenhousf'. But it survivpd only
Life in Norriton." his talk mUS-I' a. few Years. Norrist.own's Rit-
If Your Sugar Bowl
as downright disapproval. You must rave and continue to rave fictionized biograph~·. What he sought all manner of doelUflcntac. traterI with lantern views. tenllouse Junior High Sc.hool is a
and, even then, you won't be believed, especiallY, if the lady isn't
too sold on the dress or hat, herself, and intends to send it back
wrote was SOlid, informative and sources, interviewed descendants
well SUbstantiated. Consequentle' I and visited places where Ritten-
it had no appeal for pUblisheJ'.~ Ihouse had lived. In 1919 a jan-
He also was the principal Imore SUbstantial educ.ational tri-
speaker at the mam observance I butI'.
of this bicentennial in Philadel- In the 1890's members of th~
liS EMpty
You must know that there is no such cold as just a plain, com- who issue books reasonably sUl'~ I'itor who worshipped orderliness, phia. Dr, Babb repaired the lon~ widespreading Rittenhouse famiiy
mon cold, If "Joe" has a cold and his wife it;; telling her telephone of a wide appeal to the appetite in cleaning Dr. Babb's room, gatl~- neglected planetarium that Rit- began holding reunions. As a
"confidante" about it, then Joe has a perfectly, terrible, dreadfUl, for lurid sensationalism. ered together a quantity of wha t tenhouse made for the Universit,y lastinp; tribute to the family it
frightful. or natsy cold. On the other hand. no married woman ever Dr. Babb believed David Ritten·· seemed to him to be loose scraps of Pennsylvania, and it was in II'as proposed to publish a family
had a plain headache, it is always either a terrific sick or splitting house was Pennsylvania's mast of paper and sold t.hem to a juni, operation for the bicentennial. history. The book was compiled
headache. , distinguished native SOIL Th~ man for $1. When Dr. Babb re· • • • by Daniel K. Cassel. The author
The "nUdge" is another quaint married custom it would be well most distingUished man assoriat- turned he found that t.he janitor Deploring the lack of recogni- had to do much "spade work" ill
~or us to stUdy a minute. Many of YOU men have been in the Signal
I'd ,vith Pennsylvania doubtless had sold all his Rittenhouse notes. lion accorded Rittenhouse in the a field that few had cultivated.
Corps and are expert a.t receiving and decoding messages. However. was Benjamin Franklin. But. 11'~ I Efforts to recover the material 20th century. Dr. Babb wouJ(! Consequently,. judged from mod-
even this experience will help but little in figuring out the "nudge." was not born in Pennsylvania. were unavailing. mention the fact that the ont.. ern genealogICal standards, the
Rittenhousp's wa~. unquestionabl~' Fortunate],,, Dr. Babb's collee- monument to him was the mode". book is defective. Nevertheless,
Let's say Mrs. Smivens has come to call and you start. talking. in all a remal'kable career, beginning at t.ion of photographs pscaped the shaft. on the grounds of the Court being the onb' work on the su1)-
innocence, about the UmIatI' Radio hour you heard last. week. At this his boyhood home on Germar.- I'a vagI's of the janitor. Undis- House in Norri ,t.own, erected in- ject, it is still frequently con-
point you get the "nUdge" 01' as it happens. a sharp kick in the shins, town Pike with t.he making of maYI'd. Dr. Babb began his work ridental to the county cent,ennia!. suIted.
followed by a pointed stare, and as you are bewilderingly wondering
what it is all about. the guest leaves and your little wife turns on you
and says, "I thought I'd die when you started talking about that I
\'er star for capturing General dt Guerre for the capture of thr tile Victory Loan Trains.
Among assignments since I,is
\200 Attend LI·on's
I Xerleben at Kassel. Germany; the i ursel~al at CherbOUl'g; and the
• Umlote Radio haul'. Don't you know it's on Wednesday night and I
told Mrs. Squiltch you were in Scranton on Wednesday night as an Bronze Star for bravery in helP-I RUSSian Medal of Bravery for a~­ display of excellem leadership m
the field of battle. which mclud-
Club Card Party
excuse for not going to that Girl Scout affair. Now Mrs. Smivens is a ;ng to capture the Gemu'nd Dam; ~Jon 111 Austna agaInst the Gel-
thE Purple Heart With Oak Leaf Imans. cd participation in the St. La Over 200 members and guests
• very dear friend of Mrs. Squiltch's a.nd she'll probably run right over breakthrough; the smash into the of the Main Line Lion's Club at-
and inform her that you were home Wednesday night. Why I never Cluster for two wounds received Gen. Smythe is at pres~nt sta-
in action; the Combat Infantry- tioned in Headquarters. Army Slegfried Line at Duren, the tended a card party last Thurs-
was so mortified in my whole life."
Some of ~'ou have seen a great deal of action and plenty of excite- man Badge for exemplary conduct Ground Force.>, Washington, V. ~rOs."lllg of the Rinne at the R~-
I ,
day.at the A!'dmore ':'om~.n s Club.
ment but you will never see such a commotion 01' as mUch production
made about anything as one woman paying back eighteen cents that
she borrowed from another woman, Now, your walking along, in bliss-
in ground combat: the French C., where he is serving in the re-
Legion of Honor and the Croix, quirements section, and directinB
magen Bridge; and .:apture by ilis
combat team of 10,000 troops at
Cherbourg, has been assistant
commander ot' the 80th (Blue I
Dick MattiS, Lowel. Mellon foot-
ball ,co!lch and chal!'man of the
ente.1 tallunent comn~l.ttee, was in
TRY these sweet-tasting
ful ignorance with your "one and onlY" when you run into Mrs. Smiv- Gen. Snlythe Gets Goering Baton Ridge) Division and his current chmge of the aff.an. .
ens. Abruptly your lady hisses at you, "give me eighteen cents, don't
ask any questions, just give me egihteen cents." The best yOU can do
is a quarter so this is grabbed from you and pressed on Mrs. Smivens
as "the eighteen cents I borrowed from you last week." Voluble pro-
: signment He' returned to t.he
,IS. . " , •
l!l.l1~ed S~ates on Aug: 10 and .l:a.~
tl\ Ice ,PlevlOusly \ ISlted ,NOll I.',
t.o\\'n sll1ce hIS rdl.trn, l?nce to be
At the party, which was. held m
place of the regular meetmg last
week. door prize~ were given and
many useful articles were chanced
off. Included amollg them were:
tests follow and the quarter is batted back and forth. Mrs. Smivens honored at a t.cs"mon1<ll dInner electric irons, mix masters. sweep-
finally accePts but this makes her owe your wife seVen cents. so this 2\~~~~ b~' tile Norn~Lown Exchange ers, and _~leetri~o:~IOCkS.
starts the whole business all over again, That night will come a, sheep-
.. ish tinkle at your doorbell and maybe "Junior Smivens" will, awk-
wardly, hand in the seven cents or if he is, particularly, well broken HOW RUBBER SPREAD .
SPAIN STARTED 5TH COI,UMN Here's good news for the sweet·toof4.ted
The term "fifth column." now
to doUble harness. it might be Mr. Smivens, himSelf. If Henry Wickham had not applied to acts of sabotage and
smuggled 70,000 rUbber tree seeds espionage. first was used in the folks who like desserts. Philadelphia liNt.

• Gen. Smythe To Accompany Army out of ;Brazil in 1876 and taken Spanish Civil War, when rebel
them to England, whence plants general Queido de Llano announc-
were sent to the East Indies to ed that General Franco was mov_
thrive and develop into the ing on Madrid with four columns,
world's chief rubber source, Bra- and would be met in the city it-
Home Economists have prepared a new set ~

Train To Norristown Next Thursday 'zil probablY would be the center self by a fifth column,
of rubber production today.
dessert recipes that can be made without a single
. Two and one-half centuries ago,
One of the Army's outstanding Infantry combat com- In the Umted States 47,000,000 bachelors were considered unde-
manders, who repeatedly demonstrated his own personal people live in two-tenths of one sirable in Canada and they could grain of sugar, yet have a richness of flavor thcat
per cent of the total land ~r.ea, be made to forfeit their privileges
bravery in Europe, is now leading a different sort of cam- and 75.000,000 on the remall1mg 10f citizenship if not married with-
paign in the United States. He is Brig. General George W. ninety-nine and eight-tenths per in 15 days of the arrival of a bride pleases all tastes, Among these recipes are suQ
cent. ship.
L. Smythe, native Norristonian, who is heading the three Army
Ground Forces Victory Loan Trains, now touring the nation delectable desserts as Nut Crunch Honey <rake.
in behalf of Victory Bonds, one of which will app€ar in Nor-
ristown, Dec. 13. Gen. Smythe will personally head the list
of combat officers and men who will be present.
OPENING NEXT WEEK Peanut Butterscotch Pie, Chocolate P~ddiAg
Oen. Smythe, famed for his~-------------­
athl~tic .e~ploits at West point, is the Victory Loan Train, The ba- Cake, and Chocolate Honey Bit Cookies that
offiCIal !lalson officer between the ton was loaned by President Tru-
Treasury Department and Army . '. . .
Ground Forces from First Army. man fO! the VICtOlY Loan Tram. you'll have to keep under lock and key! Ask for
"nd he hab personally been di- Gen. Smythe has taken part in
recting the greatest exhibition of the War from its inception being
Am~rlea's fighting men and at Pearl Harbor wilen th~ JaPs
eqUipment as It tours through 40 struck. He takes partiCUlar pride your free set of recipes on Dessert" without
of t~e 48 states, pel'mittmg the in the exploits of his outfit-the
publIc to see not oI,lly the wea- 47th regiment of the 9th Infantry
pons of the AmerIcans, which Division. Whose recofd wa:> un- A NEW AND DIFFERENT Sugar at any of our offices.
won the war. but also ~uch of surpassed In the European Thea-
the equipment of the AxIS. tel' of Operation. Ted R. Gamble, NationaJ. War FinanCe Director, presenting
the famous Herman Goering Diamond StUdded Baton, valued at
Highlighting the Victory Loan His row upon row of ribbons
Train which wUl be in Norristown tell the storY-Distinguished Ser- $300,000 to Brig. Gen. George Smythe. of Army Ground Forces,
on Dec. 13. will be the famed dia- vice Cross for extraordluary hero-
mond 'studded baton of Herman ism in action during the German
~oering, valued at $300,000. This December breakthrough; Silver
and native Norristonian, for Use on the Victory Loan Train,
which wlll be in Norristown, Dec. 13. Gen, Smythe is Army
Ground Forces commander of the Army Victory Loan Trains,
oaton was pre:>ented to Gen. star for heroism at Normandy which al'e appearing in 40 of the 48 states, and will be present ARDMORE
Smythe by Ted Gamble, National and Cherbourg; the Oak Leaf
War Finance D)rector, for use on Cluster·in lieu of the secOl'ld 811-
I , I
with other top Army officers when the Train exhibition appears
~~ .


H e a I t hR e g u I a t ion s Completes Fifty Years Service Nelson J. Miles, 31, of Noble st., Mary Harrison. of 518 Noble St.,
committed to Montgomery County
Prison la.>t night by Officer Kig-
twisted her right foot when she
siipped on a brick pavement this
25 WORDS FOR SOc (In One Pap_) sewage disposal approved by tht; secretary of Health shall be pro-
gins. of the State Police. for driv-
ing a cal' without an inspection
morning and wa~; ta~;en to Mont-
gomery Hospital, where x-ray px- •
$1.40 FOR FOUR PAPERS vided for the use of employes and aH toilets or priv.ies on ~he pr~l~es :;t.icker. was released on payment amination.> were made to deter-
shall be maintained in a clean and S::lllltary condition. TOilet faCIlities of a fine and costs this morning n'.ine the extent of...!.he injury. __
THE MAIN LINER, HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP NEWS provided for the public shall be separate for men and women. The
OUR TOWN, BALA-CYNWYD & MERION NEW~ doors of all toilet rooms shall be self-closing.
7. Adequate and convenient i1and-washing facilities, including
You maY .end money order, .tamps or personal check, Addr_ au
communication. to Lowcr Merion Newspapers. Ardmore. P&.
(Special Monthly Ratea)
hot water, soap. and approved sanitary' towels, shall be prOVided fOl'
employes. The use of a common towel is prohibited. '
8. All multi-use utensils and all show and display cases or 'Yin-
dows, counters. shelves, tables. chairs. refrigerating equipment, smks
and other equipment or utensils shaH be so constlUcted as to be clean-
GREenwood 7740 Hilltop 3800 ed easily and shall be kept in good repair. I
Ardmore 5720 9. All equipment except that in storage inclUding display cases
or windows, counters. shelves, tables. refrigerators, stoves, hoodS, and With the abrupt encling of the war, and with it
sinks shall be kept clean and free from dust dirt and other contam-
inating material insects and vermin. All cloths and towels used by the laying off of many pel'sons working in de- •
WANTED-COOK (while) aho elwmllt'r- Grand. & Uprllhte waiters, chefs and other employes shall be clean. Paper towels 01' nap- fense industries ••. we had hig-h hopes that we
mo1el. HpfCl'enCf'!-l. :! In !nlnll~', no QUick Removal kins, single-service items of any type, such as paper cups, plates and
bundn·. Arcl~()~('~98~.

Fair Prlcea
Courteau. "en
forks. shall be used only once.
10. After each 'usage aH multi-nse eating and drinking utensilS
would be able to obtain the necessar~' help to 1'/
P. HUGHES .. SON put our plant back somewhere neal' our. pre-war
CLEARANCE SALE CAKEFUL 5846 Market It., shaH be thoroughly cleansed and effectively subjected to a bacteri-
REDUCED dol!, alld animals to make operating level-to pick up your laundry bundle • I

PblJa. cidal process approved by the Secretary of Health.
~'c.\lrHelf. P('r!pctgifts for Chri:-;tI11:ls, PIANO MOVING OR CALL
2:ic and 50c. SJn~('l" Srw!n~ Machin" Co .. 11. After bactericidal treatment utensils shall be stored in a on time •.• return it to you after a specific
AU. 7450 Wen 61"
57 Lnncnstf't" A \'HHIP, ArdnlOrf', POI. EvenJnls Gra. 4529 clean. dry place protected from flies. dust and other contamination,
ELEC1 R1CRA1·iGE.-·'!;InI--:lutoriJ;;tt;: and shaH be handled in such a manner as to prevent contamination period in OUI' plant •.. that we woolld be able
W(.~tll1~hol1~{', 4 lHlrJ1I'rs. \'('0" gUDd HOME FURNISHINGS so far as practicable. Paper towels or napkins, single-service utensils,
c0ndltlon. 100 E. Marshal! Rd., Lans- containers, or other Items shall be purchased .only in sanitary con- George Abbott. son of the founder of Abbotts Dairies. this to package it as we would like, and as you were
dC:Wllf-'. P:l. WlnClow Shades-Venetian Bllnes. tainers, shall be stored therein in a clean, dry place until used. and week celebrated his half century anniversary since joining the
7:-riECE'\'alnut dllll'tCt! suit('. P('r!"ct Linoleum accustomed to receive it before the war.
condition. ChIld's rorkil1l-;" hor;o;C'. Call HOBSON & OWENS shaH be handled' in a sanitary manner. company. Abbott wa:; cited last Friday by C. R. Lindback. com-
1015-1017 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Iotawr
Hilltop 3844 Friday 1-8 P. 1II. Saturday 1.2. No article, polish, or other substance containing any cyan- pany president. at the ninth annual dinner of the Abbotts Twen-
b"for(' 1 P. 1II .. ._ Phone' Bryn Mawr l1:ro or 1121 ide preparation or other poisonous material shall be used ro1' the ty-Five Year Club. This clUb membership no\\" totals 242 men HOWEVER, we are greatly disall)lointerl. COIJ-
BERYL\V~\LNUT 3-pl{'C't· }wdrnonl ."iUitf:, UPHOLSTERING cleansing or polishing of utensils. and women who have been associated with the company for 25 ditions are worse than ever. We HAVE NOT
nIse i\fohng";tnr 11111 ~ize bed nnct bu- 13, No kitchen nor refrigerator waste water shall be discharged years or more. .
rroll. Call CYll\V:.:r1 4~l2!)-,J. UPHOLSTERmo AND REPAffiINa- t,o the surface of the ground. All garbage and trash shall be kept. been able to obtain the extra help which is
:!13ICYCi,Es~I-I;~;:·.-'";;~ijg!;·l·s. 2~
Springs or three-pleco sulto rellalred,
110.00; chairs recovered. ..~.OO. Go separately in suitable receptacles anu in such manner as not to be- necessary to do all this .•. and we a)lolo"ize 1'01'
~1::lroon colon·d. ExcPlJl'l1t cnJlClitlUll.
;..'tnkf' oHI'I'. c.-ill ..\n]IlWl"C l!fj'!)-\V.
lLlONEL,--t---I\llHTiCll;-- I·'JYl'r-Pll·nrtc
train wit 11 u"ld:~ anel 1"1(-['t1'l(' s\l:ltc1H.. ~.
Nnzy PC':l jil['l:t'l ~~:l(l :~:L Cdl Hil1tnl) {;:i:l9.
AnyWhere. Call LEWIS, Wayne 14llCl
227 East Lancaster Avenue. Wayne.
come a nuisance. Garbage containers shaH be water-tight and fly-
tight p.nd shall be kept covet:ed except when garbage is being intro-
duced or removed. They shall be cleansed thoroughly inside and out
Victory Bond Sales Here Soar our inability to do the thinl:' which in the past.
made up our lau ndry service.
~iAi;r;E--(·:\trll~'l-:)l1· -- dl11(;1 t l'-ta l)lt,- ar~d
chairs. Vcry I-:lJod condition. C:tll Sat-
\l!<lny:-:. CYIHO.'cl 1:172.
4.I3UR-NEH~--(_i(';1~·:ll l·i!-;-:M~·~l)t o~'~Cnli
BRIC-A-BRAC, china, etc.• 01 all de-
scriptions. Complete homes & allart-
m,,"ts. Top prices. Call anywhere.
affer each emptying. -
14. AH food and ddnk shaH bf clean. wholesome. foree from
spoilage and so prepal:ed as to be safe for human eO.l1sumption. AH
milk and milk products sorved or med shall conform to the provis-
To $4,710,125 Total in Norristown We hOlle you will bear with liS. fOl' sl1ch time
as it will be until we arc ahle to I\'et the extra .,•
SPENCER, ORE. 3551 ions of the Act of July 2, 1935, and the regulations of the Pennsyl-
_~r!)~·_I:~,ll_._:~'7:~O. ~ _ Victory l30nd sales. "E" series. in Rrand total, one billion. 114 mil-
THICYCLE. Sl(j. pl'l'-wal'. nt~W r'OlHlItion.
WANTED TO RENT vania Department of Health. All shellfish shall be !orolll approved help needed.
sources, and if shucked stock shaH be kept until used in the con- the Norristown-Bridgeport area lion dolJars was in E-boncl sales.
Call Hllllnp :01·1 aft t'l" tI p. 7\l. DISTRJCT MANAGER of national or- yesterday totaled $18.256.50. ac- The E-bond national Quota is
NO\fl:,'th"-' t lmc- t~orcl;';:-COl:tJ wood. tainers in which they w,ere placed at the shucking plant. Oysters,
!~::ni;~atjon rt'rclltly tran~ferr('d to
clams or other shellfish If served on the sheH must be served in the ,i cording to an announcement made two billion dollars.
Cut any lc'nr,tll Call Cynwyd 0984. Pllllac!t'lphin wishe.c; to leas(~ de~lrnblc
1111'('(' or four lwdroo1l1 house in suburbs.
Vlill tHkf' Jh)SsP.<..:sion now or Intrf, Thor-
original shell; but the use of crab shells in any manner whatsoever I today by the War Finance Com-
mittee. bringing total sales of tha~ State Bond Total
in the preparation or serving of food is prohibited. ( ser:es of $5.32.880.50.' . Philadelphia. Dec. 6
CiIARiTA·i~i:-E-Ir.:"E·T-ITIJ-TioNi)-;·sfunds ow:hly r{'spun~lblc and best reference,.,. ,) - .
}l/'nllYDnckt'r 4470, between !.l-5, 15. All readily perishable food and drink shall be kept a.t or Over-all 1J0nd ~ales III the'. area, Pennsylvania E Bond sales total i
Ilvallnble for flrst mortgage at 5"1'• .
15 Year term. pa,'ablc nlOntllly It de- ELDEin,y- r-.IANZl~. :I.·;;;room a-n-d--=-b-o-a,-'<t below 50 degrees F. except ,·when being prepared or served. ar:~ountcd to $87.:>~56.50?_makll1g a 1::: 7,9.800.000 01~ 55.4 per eent of th,e:
Rlred No anpra,;al f('c, Quick action. m' room \".Ith brenkfast, Mnnoa or 16. All food and drink shall be so stored, displayed. and served, gl~nd total of $~II0.L:>.50, ,statr's S144.000.000 quota. St'ltf'i
Phone Hilltop llJ9-W Bro0kline section. Permanent. F. Ruhl, as to be protected from dust. flies, vermin. depredation and pOllution
:r.~ E. Bl'll('cilct A\·C., So. Ardlnore, ~y rodents. unnecessary 11andling. droplet infection, overhead leak- S V· t L F" r Chan'man G. Ruhland Rebmann. I A Certified Laundry
PERSONALS U. ': Ie ory oan," Ig~res .Jr.. announced today. The 24- I
tlliALESTATE age, and other contamination. All n~eans necessary for the elimina- , \Vashll1gton. Dec. 6 , __ ,_ -The hour increase was $3.830.000 plus I
~~-l yOU!" rl111t11"l'11
sl,op. EX])I·r1t'l1{'(·(! 1\'HCht'r:; in ('h~Hg('.
\\'llllt' YOU
tion of flies. roaches. and rodents shall be llsed. All prepared, readY- ,
to-eat foods must be stored in containers which do not come in di- ,
Treasury announced today that ~;5.170.000 allotment of credit for I ARDMORE
Fre': tran."'-J)nl"t:llioll to ;111<1 frorn our In excellent communIties Ie a," total sales of all classes of seeun- Ii. Bonds pUl'chased by members'
l1'nr~inr. :-,chn()l. lLu's I't'a!'onalJ}r. DaY mcilve prlcCll. rect contact with the floor and in such manner as to prevent con- I tICS 1n the VIctory. Loan stand at of tne armed forccs.
~k3~11l Hi~~_t~!? _.~.~!~~:- . _ Por Bale or Rent. tamination. No fowls or an·imals except "seeing eye" dogs with the l I J


LADIES - WilY throwawaY your old WILL1AJ,4 PUGS 10 b1111on. 223 nlllhon dollal·s.
blind. shall be kept or allowed in any room in which food or drink I
13~~f81.1~i~~li~{~'~~~\\?~1l~~f ti~~I;~~l~
b!"lf'f('n~f'!--:. f)uitcn:-;('s, etc? 3Ul Mont~r·mer:v Il.venue. CYDWJc1.
Bring them to 11~ for n'n~ir5: The Robtn
is served. prepared or stored. i
ShOP. 43 \V. Lal1c:IQCl" A\,P., Ardmore. 17. All employes shall wear clean garments. shall wash their I tlOnal total close to the 11 bIllion
W ANTED I 833 LHllca.ster AVc .. Bryn Mawr,
,pc,re for 1 car. ill r('ar. S5 pcr month. hands after each visit to the toilet and keep them clean at all times ~ dollar goal to be rcae!lcd by ror-
-=:-:::-==:::-:-::---=---cc----- Wm. L. Mirkll Co .. 123 South Broad. while engaged in handling food. drink. utensils. or equipment. Ade- ~ mal end of the drive Df'c. 8.
WAR VETERlIN Buy, Furn1ture. new. Pll!la .. Kill~sl"y 1100. Quate lockers or dressing rooms shall be prOVided for employes' cloth- l' Meanwhile. tllf' salrs to ineH-
used and nntlqucs, Washing & Sewlns ing and shall be kept clean. Soiled linens. coats. and aprons shall be '; viduals were "O\'cr tile top" 011 tllr
Machines. Planas. anythlnR ElectrIcal. FOOD FOIt THE DEAD kept in containers provided for this purpose. EmPlOyes. shall not. eX.-1 four billion dollar go;J1. \\'ith foul'
Feathers. HaIr. Brlc-n-Brac. ~Uver. BraM, A number of prescribed foods billion 36 million dollars alr.ad,·
& COPllerwnrr. M"rble Fnrnlture. rug~. pectorate in rooms in which food is prepared, served or stored.
PnlntlnRs. Jew('lry I'll Buy from Attic were placed beside the mummy 18. A placard or placards containing the warning with respect I subscribed. Of the inclividual s;lles USE THESE SERVICES FOR
to Bas('ment, COLEMAl'> 907 N 7th St. ca~e in ancient Egypt to providc to cleansing of h&nds and expectornting as in paragraph No. 17 of 'I figure. which is included in tl1e
Phlla.. 23. LOMllnr:.:d:...:.93:::3::.2,--, _ food for the deceased in the next these regultions shall be posted in ali toilet rooms. Ii
\\·orld. The cosllv larder con-
GRADE SCHOOl, th:'nl,lf~11 l1lt~h ~cl1on1.
All ~1l1).if·r1.'- ;nr'!l1d1Ilg Dramll lind
tained 10 different rneats. 16 kinds
of bread. 6 wines. 4 beers. 5 kinds
of poultr~·. 11 kinds of fruit. and
19. No person who is affected with any disease in a communi-
cable form or is a carrier of such disease shall work in an¥ public
eating or driri~ing place. Any proprietor. manager or other employe ~
sllspected of being affected with any diseaSe in a communicable form 1
Art. Day or ('\l'llilll:.
:Rprwyn, Pa.
P. O. Box 327,
a Quantity of sweets. or of being a carrier of such dIsease shall be excluded from emPloy-I
ment pending diagnosis of his condition including such laboratory or "

~_~INE _OUTf~
other tests as ma~' be indicate<!. Carl Bates. Plymouth. talked CARPENTER·JOBBER
himself into ;'0 cdl in tile County
Painting Paperhanging ,\ltedtions - Kitchen Cabinets
We can now ~ive you fast,
Gencr,,1 Contracllng accurate service on vour
hooes on more than 50 chan~es Prison this morning. Get our Estimate Free Estimat,·s rad;o repairs. All you imve
RAILROADS SAY UNION 1:1 rules which alone would cust
Ihe carriers morc than tlu'cc-
Bates came before ,JucJ~e Dan- Snnset 32;7
W. C. COMPTON to do is to pl10ne or bring #

DEMANDS TOO GREAT ne!lower on an attaclllnent. be- H. EARL HUSTON ,'our radio to lIS and we will

Chicago. Dec. 6 ~::-Major
r"nrths of a billion dollars annu-

ing some S500 in aITears on a
$17.50 weekly SUPpOI·t order for
foUl' children.

Andcrson Ave., Drexel lIil1
- - -~-- ---- -~
Chestnnt st., Newtown SQn"re
I'honc Ncwtown Sq. 0~9j-W
have it back to ~'OU in
t\\'cnt~'-folIr hOlll'S. All work
gl1arall t rce!.
railroads chargcd today that
Newly Decora(ed nnion labor had demandcd an- The estate of Thomas A. He said 112 earns S40 a week at 24 Hr. Service
The Dining Room nual \I"ap;e increasc~ totalling S2.- Chambers. Norrhtown, is valued Corson's QuanT. v'!wl'e hc also re- STONE • BRICK ROOFING
000.000.000 and in addition in- at $2,255. according to an inven- sidps. Hb wife. Anna. livps in
SIDING! Essex Repair Shop
New sisted on rule c11anges \\"hieh
would destroY efficiency of the
tory filed today in the office of
Register of Wills Mary H. Beerer. Norristown. Their four children PLASTERING ... 104 ESS}~X AVE., Ph. 2135

Wynnewood Dinners Served carrie!".',.

In the first public announce- USES MANY LANGUAGES
are in fosLer homes.
"I \\'as told thp lac;t time I wns
5109 P. M. ment since waRe ncp;otJa tion;; Some R\\ssian broadcasting sta- here It was my last cllanre. and I CELLARS SKILLED MEN-
House .,t"rted two weeks <lbO. spokesmcn
for the carrier~ said progrcs., was
tions -broadcast in 64 languages.
because the country covers so
came i:l today to take tIle rap".
said Batcs.
1226 BANQUETS • PARTIES being blocked by "the insist:'nce much territory and includes so "YOu'\'e been drinking. haven't Estimates Cheerfully Get Our E.Mmate
l\Iontl:'omery of some of the operpting brother- many peoples. YOU?," asked the Court. "Yes." Given
Ave. replied Bates.
Stating he was unable to pay
Call Narberth 9282
Win~ Liquors Beer
anything toda~' eithl'r on tlle
current order or un tlk arrearages.
William A. Cipolla n MYRTLE AVB.
Chatham VlIlue. Upper Dull,
BaleS was committed 1"01' contempt l!S2 N. 42d St.. Phila., 4. Pa. Granite 7020 Hilltop USf J
Really Fine of court.
Delicious Home Cooked Meals BAKED HAM SANDWICHES

5004 CITY AYEo
Thomas Youn~. p!ly.. ,kia,n and
scientist. born in the 18th ccn-I
tllry, read tIle Bible twice before
his fourth birthdaY. and could
Atlantie Service Station
Next best thing
Windsor & Essex Aves., ,Narbe~h. Ph. Narberth 9258 read several foreign languages at
the age of eight. JOBBING 1'(AYLOlt'S !tUN ROAD, Mi\:Ii'OA

WhIte Flash
Repail'ing, Remodeling
NEW· and
Ethyl Gasoline
Victory came too late to permit
roe m:!llufacture of enoll,l(h
A .lleUSullt l'lace to Dille Call Us For Estimate Atlantic Lubrication Service
\\'ashing and Simonizing
J I"milroll watches 10 meet all
dcmands this Har. So if Ihe
Hamilton you ';'allt~) ~il'e i~n',
LUNCHEONS Lawrence & Mahan We will )lick \1)1 alllI return
your automobile.
here, it's on the \\'av":"and we
can proyidc a Hamilt;m ~ift cer-
38 Rodman Ave., Llanerch tihcatc to senc unlil it).:ets hcre.
DINNERS Hilltop 2281
PHO'NE: Hilltop 9193 .
II. I". srl'I~I . . ZI~n
BANQUETS n·orl11l'rl.\' "'jf h H it:I~S & nros,)
2:t! B;lJa .\\'1' .• ("YI1\\"~'d. Pa..
('."l1wsd 3:!,i()
Beautiful Cocktail Lounge
HOWARD JOHNSON'S Wines Complete Radio


Jobbing & Estimating

Be .- t
The Finest Food at All Time.
Plumbing & Heating
SEA FOOD 1837 Windsor ParIt Lnne
62nd & WALNUT S1S. CHOPS 17 W. LANCASTER AVE. ARDMORE 5753 Manoa IlilltoD ClH
--_._.- -- .. _----------------

The HmntJ 0.1 Good Food
and RepaIring Furniture JOBBER
rmCE SUITE ::;64·7~
2Springs Repairs - Hemouclin%


We require extra cleanly
care of each farmer producing
Abbotts DeLuxe ttA" Milk and we

Dininl:' Room Chairs

Rewebbed ..••.. Sl1.01l
Cushions Refilled

Chairs Rel:"hll'd

,. S2.50
Sew BlIiltlinr:-s
Let Us Estimate On

Victor, Your reward him with a Cash Bonus for 127 Wilson, Manoa

his cooperation. ~1111~Hl':'<11r(lft II ill tllll :n7!1 MIN 5 P. M.

Re-upholstering $2.50 Per Uphqlstering Co.

You can always depend on the erms as'Low as Week 4028 Market St.
Year Guarantee B.~R. 11252 or SAG. 0299
purity and fine flavor of" this out.. .. t~~bll"h('{1 2t> Yllllrs
standi'ng milk, because our labo..
ratory tests Inake sure this Bonus
is earned.

ABB orrs flJe r£llXIJ .~. MILK.£lL.-.

Wall and Mantel, Made to Order
and Ite!lilvered. lIIade Fro.

GenuIne Plttsburf:h Plate GI....
Electrical Work
Quick ltelI1uvaJ Remude!ed and Resl1Y«~ Wiring, Baseplugs,
Fair prIces
. ~,. ~~. Lamps, Switches, etc.

The First Laboratory Controlled Milk in Pennsy'uania Conrteous Men
I ABBOTTS DAIRIES, Inc. - Philadelphia, Camdcll, Scuhore d /Usa Plano Mo,ln,
Write All Electrical Appliances
814 LANCASTER AVE., BRYN MAWR an\\ Buy Them the Convenient Way From Any Abpotts Man or Woman 5846 Market at.
GlaaB Shop
I , or Call Wed I Chester Pike
John B. Stoudt Bryn Mawr 9246 . Charles F. Stoudt ALL. 7450 - West 511t Boulevard 30llZ Hillto 8186-W
KYeD1nu GKA..


Manoa I "hal ged fJ am Naml sel vIce at the
WJl1lam Edward Uladfitld Ra- sf'palatlOn centel Bambridge
c1lOman 2/1: USN of 46 WaveJiy Mel
Rei Manoa IS expected home
this 1\ cek litCI tl\ a yea I s Pacific Lt AnthollY P Pennock USNR
1 A \\arnmg to vetelans agamst \life of ease on the meome hom (uty HiS blOthel Ptc Buan P of 12 E Lodges Lane Bala Cyn-
the legIOn of swmdlel s \\ ho look your golden 01 ange glOve
Of the mOIl' than 500 flauds I>laeifield IS now st ItlOned It the \\ \ d has been leleased flam ae-
upon IetUl ned soldlel s as an easy that the Bettel Busmess BUI eaus !\lall!le Cal ps Paj mastl I s office (lie Naval Sel\lee 111 Washmgton
BUlIlblldge Md D C
malk \\as Issued leeently by WII-lha\e lun down DI Fostel ex-
l1am TI ufant FOstel m the pam plams osme of the most populal I t John B Bennet Jl USA IS Comdr Milton C Jackson
\. pillet Gyps and S\\mdlels and most effective lepau Jackets
Nevel belO1 I' DI Foster IdoOl - to doOl deceiveIs luckv 'lOW statIOned at M \Ilquma Lu- USNR ane!
01 227 Valley Rd Merion
Comdr ClUJ e N DaViS
POInts out have swlndlels seen I chalms tllcky adveltlSlng Illegal zon PllllJpPlne Islands \1 lUI tile
so mue'l money almost \\lthm Imonevlendmg get-Ilch qUIck HcadquUl tCls BattelY 911 Flcld USNR of 136 Lodges Lane Bala-
theu gl asp Man~ a soldIer has in schemes I angmg flam lUI fal ms t,1 tllIel \ Battalion MI s Bennet e\ Jl\I) d 1\ el I' lecently leleased
hIs pockets hiS back pa\ plus I to 011 gushels ane! still mOle \\ays the fOlmel Fa~ I' Aile cn Rlcdel of f10m actl\e Na\al SCI vice at the
pal t of hIS mustel mg-out pay of losmg YOUl money 1010 Gmfield Ave M lila I IS at- SCPal atlOn centel Waslllngton
Soldlels and sallols and t11eu fam-\ Both the filst late slick1'1 \\ho cenelmg tile H Il cum JunlOl Col- D C
11Ies have mOle than 30 bIllIOn e!ol- falls fOl tile centUl)-old Spamsh lege B1,n Ml\11
lals m \\al bonds pIUS enOlmous IPllsonel flaud and the a\elage
savmgs m banks pius the pllvllege Ibe\\lldeled consumel \\ho doesn t Paul l\Iacatee A\ lilian Machlll-
undel the G I Bill of Rights of get IllS money s \\ 01 th wIII plofit 1st Mate 1 c U::5N \\ 110 II IS sta
havmg loans up to $2000 gualan- hom a caleful leaellng of tlJe Uoned It Memphis Tcnn hIS
teed by the goveInment don ts and the 1),0\\ al es at been dlscll II gee! aJtel 37 month:;
VetI'l ans as well as othel s al I' the end of the pamphlet sel \lee He allCl hiS \llfe the fOI-
\\ alned by tins ne\\ Publte Alfan s Gyps and S\\ mdles IS No 109 mel Mal gucllte S\\ eelle~ 01 Ma-
pamp llet to watch out fOl such masellI's of ten cent pamphlets
swmdles as pal tnel ship Iackets Issued b\ t le Publte Alfun sCam
o SCHWOEBEL tellltollal lights fO! a patented Ilmttee an educatIOnal 01 gamza
Cadet MIdshipman William product fake schools and the tlOn at 30 Rockefellel Plaza Ne\\
o Schwoebel son of Mr and plantatIOn racket that promises a YOI k 20 N Y
MI s Rlcllal d Sehwoebel of 605
AldmOle A\e AldmOle \\as
Iecentl\ as.<,lgneel to the SS
01 egan TI all \\ hlch left Ne\\
• YOlk lecentl~ A gladuate of Harold D Speakman Post
Ha\ellOld To w n s hip High American LegIOn Narberth
also lefel s the men to the mam
OIga111zatlOn whIch have been set
John IU ClOmlllc Jr of 501
School 111 Janualy 1945 Cadet
Seh\\ oebel \\ III IctUJ n to the Commander C M Beltz
U S Mel chant Malll1e Aca
aem\ m Ne\\ YOI k aftel seven
Meetlllgs 4th Tuesday
UP fOl thell benefit A totRI of 15
ne\\ men l1a\ I' 10mI'd the post
Nunan Siook Post
She IboUIIl" Rei M 1Il0 I st llon
eo It K"I Flcld l\ICIH!l In MISS
,,~ teletl pe OPCI ItOI 1\ lUI Uw At
Certificates Still
months sea dut\ While m high
Contactmg the vetel ans as soon Amencan Legion Oakmont
school Sch\\ oebel \\ as on the as the~ have been dlsehalged the CGmmandel Chestcl F McPhelson
speCial hanOI loll a membel of VetI'l ans Sel\ Ice Baal d headed by Meetmgs 31 d Tuesdav
tile NatIOnal HanOI SoclCty Ie F M Challengel has helped place
pi Ins to
Cal ps 1\ IS ellScilaloed
am sell Itt last Mond \I and
cntci the Unll CI sltv of
Penns~ II IlllI 111 1\111 C h He IS a
Unclaimed by Vets
The WOlld Wal II Comlnlttf'e of gl aeluate of H IH l!olu 101lnsIIIlJ
Ob jectives Given Therapy Service (ened file mellt a\\alds and men 111 sUItable Jobs and aIds the
\\ as n the soccel I I am He en men III eontactmg the Vetelans tl Is post has bepn 01 gamzed to HI~h SdlOOI llld \\ as l!l the sel
PI I'd the Academv m June Admullst al tlOn fOl addItIOnal Ilelp Ilelp the ne"" el membel s of till \ll:e elt;lit nllllt!IS
1945 Wlt11 about 20 pel cent of the gl up become acqu lInted 1\ fth the
For New Program To Be Started Soon DISCHARGED
total em aliment World Wal II oldel membels
vetelans thiS post leeentl\ sent
'1he Post lecentl, admlttf'd to
0\ el ~OO notices of thell meet1l1gs membel ship Llll1an G BI Ul fOi m
10 both \etelans and men still 111 el WAVE
, the sel vice askmg that they at- Nunan Slook Post 338 Amellcan
.. Rehabilitation \ims Yets \dministration tend Lo IOn \1 III hold a Pack lMe P l\ t\
Stated for ~mputee Lists Program For - - -••- - - - S;ltUI da\ e\ enmg 111 the LegIOn
Dug Out GI assl\ n and Ralston
Sen icemen Disabled Veterans Commander E A Olsen
A\es Oakmont The ploglam \\111
me ude a SOCIal e\enl11 M \\Itll Ie
Meetrngs 3rd \\ ednesda, I
h f shment.s anel danclllg
" AlaI ge numbel of mcmbel s as
WIth a leplesentatl\e on the \\ll] as plOspeetlle membels at
Havel fOl d To\\nshlp Vetel ans I tfnded Open House at the DI g
CommIttee t!1ls Post \\ III soon Out Ilst Tllesda\ TIl(' monbel shiP
have t\\ 0 men \\ ho ha\ e been 01 t!1e Post to date IS 144
tlamed b\ the VeleJans Adnllllls
tI atlOn to help ans\\ 1'1 all Ques Merion Post Amc Ilea II I (/:Ion
tlOns I eMal dmg claims fOI ms and (omman!lci Ralllh F Moss
secUllng employment Meetl\1gs 1st 1 {It sc!a'
The Command1'1 of the Post IS
sued a statement 111 \llllCh he Said WIth a membel ship almost en G II 1 D I' i
that It IS most ImpOl tant fOI an\ I c s,)~ I s e
\ etel an \\ ho IS 111 need of has tl,d\ composed of Pi olesslOnal
mtallzatlOn to kno\\ fhat If he de-I men thiS post IS leadv anel able ((II \\ 1111 1111 IIl\d( II of 4l
slles It he ma\ appeal at the Ito place letmlled sel\lemen miL IlllllAe L 1l(lh Ila d
PhiladelPhIa Na\al Hospital \\llh d bl l Th Pst 11 I~ld 1 mill" on N>lclll
IllS dlschalge papels fOI tIeat any esaa I' POSI IOn I' 0 III _4 It Ruston Ll II I Cl I' I (

, ment It IS not lIeCeSSalV that the Wal Actl\ltles COIl1Illltlee headed \1 I l t OlJce It 11 P PI Oll( I o!
Sickness be conti acted \\ hIll' III b\ Samuel N KII kl\ n IS selldlllg IV I C 1lI1 P II I ad b cn III tl
tile sel vIce Ilettf'1 s to all men m t he MellOn Sll I II e 1 II , J 11l I t 10k ] I I
al e 1 \\ hlch state that til( mell call 11 t wAllie 11 SI I I III I 1111)) I
E A BUCKLEY JR Manoa Post American Legion eall at the post fm 111\ help 01 III I
Fh ht OlIlcel Eml" A Buck (ollllllandcr Joseph C lIuo fOllnatlOn the\ m 1\ \1 Ish I'll' Rohel I IIlllsclI
le\ JI 21 SOI1 at MI and MI s 1\Ieetmgs 2nd Monda~ At tile Ie Itlal I11cetmg held thIs llld 1\1 S II ,Hill e
.. E A Bll( kle\ of 26 O\elhll1
Rd B tla C\ 11\\ \ d \\ III Iecel\ e nmgs
illS llOnOlabk dlschaJge flam dl\ Fllelal
\\eek the membEls of tl e po t !\Ille I All Ll I II
Ope1l1l1g theu Post foUl 1'\1' heard a I etelUll of 20 \ e IS SCi 111 t e sci cc
a \\ ef'k Wednesdal Thul s \ I I' 111 tile Mil lle Cal ps tell (1 I 1111 II ci 11 l! e I( II
1I1 111 Ill!

the A!\F Sepala(lOn Base and Manoa Post has and Satllldl'l\ Ihe IllS expellen( es chum till ee \ eat s \101 IIII tll I I I II 1
OJ "a1l1zed a com as a Japanese pl1S0nel TIle 'PC' Ik I Ollll I om C ImjJ 0 e l l 1
Andlel\S Field 'vaslllll"ton D mittel' to gl\;e letulned sell ICC lei Lt James B Sllllnll lIas Ie tl eken II I It I III II
C A ~I aduate of LOI\ PI MellOn men and \ elel ans ad\ Ice I ('I~U1 d cued b\ the U S RrlllMcI s 11l til( j I I I III I s 11 \1 I jJ 1\ III 11 II
HIgh Se hool Buckle\ ent(' I 111~ filllll out the mam fOllTIS lfilst hbelatlOn of pllSOI1PI VIIlO FOl e !\1111l I il Ho PIt 1
tile SCI \ Ice 111 October 1942
TI\ 0 bl othel s James Ine! necessal \ fOI pensIOns lObs hos
pllallzat IOn etc The COmlll1ttee I the meeting
Commandel Moss pI eSlded at
GcO! ~I al e III the sel \ Il:e ----------------- - -- - - I

Need New Approach to Aid Disabled Vets :'~'~:~I~"~~:t~,;,~n M,

II ,. "I II .. '" !" !\" ,. l" l'I ,. l'! I'! !" "'4 ~ 1"I-~ 1'1'"
rq!'l l"", "'" lI.z ~ lII<I ~ !loll !liiI ~ I!\l\( .". )I * ll;" lIoi 1'-\" '" I e II 11 I NIH I

t f d t d I I Ollll on 30 d s 1 u I b
By H D HASSALL, BROOKLINE, PA IS\mpathetrc and knows t 1le Iequllemen S 0 m us 1) an 10le a I!; lJ J I I 11 II
WhIle It IS a ood th1110 that the Vetel an should be \\ ho IS m a pOSItIOn to state whetllel 01 not the CeI tam F II t) it (I I '\ t on U Illllel
b b Sci 00
J cpt mfOlmed as to 11lS llghts \\e belIeve thele IS a much nhyslcal and mental 1equll ements of the wOlk can be un
leatel plOblem facmg the Vetelan If he has expellenced a del taken by the apphcant m questIOn We thelcfOle come
cllsabllIt\ and It becomes 111cleasmgly necessaIV that full to the conclUSIOn that thele ale four maJOl factols 1ll
J ('cogl1ltlOn be gIven to the plOblem of JOn PL \CEl\lI ~T \ olved Il1 thIS problem
OF 1I1E PHI SIC \I I l HANDIC \PPI D It IS of COUlse 1 The \\Olkel should have the abilIty to accom
undcl stood that all Vetel ans \\ ho ha\ e suffel ed dlsablll pllsh the task efflclently-l e to be able to
ill'S al e gl\ en a thOlOUsh exammatlOn at the time they meet the ph) slcal demands of the Job
lea e the So, Ice and should be well awal e of the extent of 2 The WOl kel must not be a hazal d to hImself
theIl dlsabllltv Altel that has been accompllshed and the 3 The wOlkel should not Jeopaldlze the sale ty of
Cllsabled Vetel2.n knows what has happened to hIm 111 the othels
"tltctest mechcal sense he IS faced \\ Ith the plOblem of 4 The,lPb should not aggl avate the disabIlIty of
8ppl\ mg hIS dIsabIlIty to hIS futUle employment and It IS the workel
tillS phase of the SItuatIOn WhICh should call for the most In addItIOn to the fOlegomg thele IS the mattcI of
(nll",htcned exammatlOn and mtelllgent appllcatlOn on lestollng to the dIsabled vetel an the pllvllcge of dIn mg
tnc pal t of emplo\ el s thloughout the Count1y an automobIle covellng the use of the family cm 0] the llel s te s 11 llle II xt III k
The fhst tlllng we ale faced WIth IS the mattel of use of vehicles fOl busmess pUlposes and we must thele I John l'\lllsh :-:;lllllllJ I
J\PPRAISING THE JOB T\\o elements ale mvolved-the fOle do what we can to enable hIm to exelClse thIS uSN 111 (lsel llMllIIIJlll lllil
,t!JIlIt to a\OId self 1I1JUlY dUlmg the nOlmal COUlse of 1)IIVllege ThIS ploblem also has fOUl mam thmgs to be list Illonth 0It C!clmlll
~ 1Il I III Ihl Iftl Il lsitl lid
\ OIl. 01 the plobable effects of loss of self contlOl o/elcome ~(II:; elut\ H 11111]1 Illll Ill"
The unllcsll ablllt,oJ of cel tam })lWSICal cllsabllttles fm 1 Evel y pOSSible 0PPOI tUl1lty to dllve should be 11 nil I
lItH i\l 1\ B~Slllltllll
I llo
Illl 111\"
thiS exposUl e mCl eases 111 da ect 1elatlOnshlp to the sevel extended to the dIsabled cLUI ned to B10 klllH lid II ~
lOll 11\ lllg \lltll I II III tl II !VI
It\ of the 1lazal d an d tl1e seveuty 0 f tlle dlsa b III t y d IS 2 Once appl0vec1 b y t he St a t e tl la t tlle d lsa bl ec1 liol ell t' Slllltll\\lck 100~ E 111
aOllItlcs which may be slgmficant al e defectIve \ lsual dllvel should be plotected by State 1ecO! ds 11It;tOIl Hd
<lClutV depth posseSSIon and pellphel al VISIOn blmdness flam suffellng unjust chal ges of unfitness to
(I SOl dos \\ hlch 1I1telfel WIth ablhty to mamtam balance dllve
\, Il0US othel v. ell kno\\ n medIcal deases amputatIOns and 3 The safety of othel motollsts and pedestI rans
n sOIdcIS of the nel\OUS system \\hlCh mtelfele \\lth loco as welJ as the dllvel hImself must not be ]eop
Discharge Papers 1 lOtIon 01 cooldmatlOn aldlzed That IS evelY attempt should be made
Can Be Photostated It IS mad\ lsable to expose or thopedlc dIsabIlIties of the to msUl e that the dllvel IS and WIll contmue to
In Norristo" n 100\el lImbs \\hICh lequlle one O! two CI utches f01 SUppOlt be a safe dllvel
DISlllnJ o"['(] \( til rl1lS and sel t~ sevele mechal1lcal haZal ds because of the posslblltty of 4 The State depal tment must be ploteeted
lapel may hal(
s photost It( dL11111
t he hllRe
De \ O( It JOllal aelll OJ s ldlllche Ital:; shppmg and fallmg Sellous hazal ds al e also undesll able agamst chal ges 0 f llcensmg un fi t dl lvel s
al tment of Vetel nns AlIa II s of rme! sllllll11 pOSitIOns I exposurE'S fOI those condItions lIkely to mvolve cel tFlm loss Wlule evel y effOl t should be made to 1etUln to a diS
IlstO\\IIIn IheNO!Conllll 111 HouseL In NOlof t 1\'lhl
John PS IIeIII VAnot \IOmlll
e IllfilH lCplesenta
til( II 1101 k of self control or attacks of famtness 01 dlzzmess It thel e- abled dllvel the pllvllege of opel atmg a cal It IS most
PtlOlcttsRtoe\\onl cjellS adI II e(r I0 \ oTj~IPednlllaes tc I slStlllg 1I01l1en II 11 \ et(,1 ans fm e becomes necessar y bef01 e we can aSSlO'n dIsabled vetel- Impm tant that the pel sonal plotectlOn of the mdlvldual
D eel .,"~ but \\11 llso ollel eOllnsehn~ sel b
IrcOlded 3461 dl rlUlI I' papcls \11C 10 othu ell Il>le I\omcn such ans to Jobs m thIS commumty to have a full applalsal of the ,lnd the safety of othel motollsts on the hlgh\\ay be taken
'01 101lnel membel of the AImed s 1\IIl'S md IIIdollS 01 \clOl1lS Jobs avaIlable so that \\c do not send a lound pe O' to fit a lPtO consldelatlOn Thele have been numelOUS statements
FOI (CS flO111 the county PI elc Icncc III ftlllll~ 111e Jobs
Dlsrllal!::ecl \etelans ancl so 1\111 bc ~l\en to \101111n \deluns square hole To do thIS \\e must hale fullmfollnatlOn as to 10 the effect that no mattel how sellOUS the dlsabllltv husb Illli 01 til
11 t I Ih
Iccmell al\altlllR dlsehll lS file 11(1 \lldo\\s lnd I I t i l I ml soc to eOll1l\ S1100 ouse'
~0111g- to til(' office 101 1I1fol111a- ~n \\ h al I I j Illl'::' °d \ "CCl I the phYSICal and mental 1equll ements of each Job and aftel pJ oVlded the mdlvldual can dllve he should be lIcensed 11 ct i\11l1l1111t <l .j0~ Dudl(\ lIHI se llll IS 11)1 1I1nkcI s
I a l q a lice 1111 1'1 1\1 tJ 1 b tl l e t 1 t I h d tl t tl Id t I Ale N Ib III hIS bun llllnsldl St lei (S cal I ng r, 1I1clllstlie<
lOll and advlee on mnm mattcI S SCI I Ie C' II gU]ltlOns lIS laS een secul cd len t 1e full Inedlcal examinatIon e1 aln lOSPl a s ave sal 1a le) wou no el en 110lll tl I AI1ll1 Al FOI IS III San sl OIl II It 111 n I I; I"e ealllln"'
_ _ _0. _ INrI' I of the appltcant can be blOUght mto focus WIth the 1equll e 1ecommend the use of boostel deVIces as long as the I Allt JIll} I (x I H IS I \ (lll n on III I till e! pbs II 1)( ~20 pel cent ..
e" rop I1y t 0 B e
as they IetUl n to e 1\ lilall hfe
't I . el L lllonth llJ III ChillI BUI III III tllll Ilomens
I ~lS S nstructlOl1S to I L\. 'd d D r:: 1 IC'nts and It WIll be then an easy mattel to deCIde whethel mdlvldual could opel ate the car sahstaetollly \\ Hhout 1111 IIllIII IlIl ttl! IS I supplv ul - - ---
Expediate l\'lail "aI e ec. 1;)

Faeed \\ Ith llJ 1111IJj('e Hll'nted I Ht 10 bl 11 knolln

Illqll tIl S IVISaile!TIll W N luonal
01 not that appllcant IS fitted 101 the phySIcal a.nd mental them but It has been demonstJated that to opel ate the fIll!
Il (Xel t Ion necessar y fOI the handlmg of tne WOl k For It ob a\ el age cal undel •emel gency con d It Ions 1equll es a 1111111 AUTOMOBILE
flullle of COII~spondencl lnd fllM mbllsillp Tloph\ 101 HH~ the \lOusly \\ould be an upsettmg factor to the dIsabled Vetel mum of 150 pounds of p1essure on the foot bleak and 35
S 101 til C of tl Hned pel sonne! the 111 sl IVOlld \V 11 II munbu IllP B0dy & Fen der
\etelans AdmllllstlntlOn lecent tlOpll\ of Ihe Amtlle 11l Le IOn an to be placed m contact WIth wOlk WhICh he IS not phySl pounds on the clutch and 15 pounds on the steelmg wheel
h appe lied to Ielel ms and then illS been put up fOl eOll1jl( tltl~1l ([tll\ 01 nlentally able to handle It the dIsabled dllvel cannot exel t tllesp pI essUl es WIth
e ependents to Il'slll( t thell mall I
The LJ opll\ \1 III bl III 11 ded
to officml bu llJess mel to follo\\ I l-l'111l lllllltil 10 the \11Il1l11lg de- WIth the fOlego111g facts befOIe us It would appeal to plosthetJc deVIces ObVIously he has a defiCIency that must I Repa-Irs
tam lules 10 expedite
'l he lull's me Its Pi a IHI 011 Dccel1lbcI 15 Tile 1\ lllllel Ill~
tllStml Ilt b\ natIOnal Ilndqual tJ la t commum t y ve t el ans COmml tt ees 1f Ialt
t 1ey e a d 0 1Je t a k en cal e 0 f b y ms t a II a t Ions on tlle cal WIHC I1 \\ III of Sgt
lVIl and MI s Wllllllll L H( In
Include the \ etel Rn s Ilame filld I \ III be III It (it 1) 11 t1llCl11 \1111111 all t Ilell \\01 I. successfully should be 111 a pOSItIOn to know enable hIm to do so WhIle the automobIle manufactUl el s lIlg 81 of 52;) BI I n ~J \II I AI( Complete Auta
Wdll'S Icglbh Illllten III e\CI\ I ell It clutl hIS tile III est pelccllt BIll C\l1lllcl his beell P1ulIlutf'Cl P,lIl1 t mg ,mc1
lettel gJ\ e tile c numbel III gl 01 WOl III W 11 II mClllbel s 11l 111(' 1equll ements of the VallOUS entel pllses and to get that al e now at WOI k on plans to make a\ allable at llttJe cost to Ins pi eSI nl 1lllk fl e III 1 "tll1l1

.ettel s Ielatmg to a \etel an saul Ime 101 1946 IS cOllljlUJed IllfolmatlOn we belleve that thele should be some method vallOUS types of cal boostels etc It becomes lllCl easmgl\ cun ftllh ~I tde HI IS I lolled Re fll1l s h l11g
I enslOn compensatIOn IehabllJ- \\llh It~ totll Illlmbel s hip on No to the IIll11el\ 'llllUII 01 H" III
tatton 01 tJallllllg l1lclude the \embel 18 fOl 1945
n \ 01 k nU1l1beiS and the
I cf contactmg pelsonnel managels and ownelS of those necessalY that the dllvel lumselfa s well as the motollng qualtels Secane! Al III \ 111 MUll
A blonze pllque moUnted ani busmesses and that they shOUld be brought togethel and pUblic must be protected agamst physlcal1allUles pillS Tenll I Ardmore Auto Body
sellaI Ilumbel of the \ etel an in sohd II alnut .." x 33 I1lclll's the
each lettel legaldll1g lIlSUlance tJopl1\ l\lll C;~lY an etchmg of that a plan "of Job detaIl" shauld be worked out WIth them The foregomg IS but a small part of the dISCUSSIOn Da\1l1 Zud CM 1 I: of 334 and Paint Co.
gl\e the xc nu IIIIJeI in the case the LegIOns ne\\ natIOnal heae!- so that any commIttee or commISSIOn handlIng thIS re- wIuch must be undeltaken and the pUblICIty WhICh must Kent HcI Btll CllI\\)d hilS been 65 E Lancaster Ave.,
uf II deceased vetelan qUllltels buJlelmg 111 IndJanapohs honOlubly e!lslh 11~ d fl01l1 N Lv tl Ardmore
VA offiCIals siud that the lapid habIlItatIOn of the Vetelans would be m a pOSItIOn to m- be given to thIS matter of disabled eVtelans And the elVlce at the sepalltlOn centel t
1~~~~lt~~t~~~ket~~tl;~lemaltl~~~ clL~c~~~~~ggs~IOve~leIJ~tW~I~mil~;ItellIgently place the dIsabled applIcant In additron to that, ~ooner mtellIgent approach and action IS undeltaken tlle Bul.nblldge Md • GUS NICHOLS
Ardmore 2211
~ ~h\~enotral office to R9proxlm- n ConglesslOnal \\mners sU1~ivell this commiSSIon wIll find It very necessary to have on their sooner the commumty will be domg ItS Just Job ;,0 these Challes \\ Montague SF 2/c
:I. ~ 5. 00 pieces of /mall per the global war or about 40 per I commIttee, a medIcal man of good standing-one who is leturnmg dISabled yeterans ~~i~~l~~~teb~e~e~gn~~blyBd~=
j J "·:.i


PORTS Four Haverford High, Two Lower Merion Aces on All-Big Six
Wetheraid Lone vig:~:oi~ ~ri~es~ries Banquet To Honor

Upper Darby High'lI footbaU BOB M'CAUSLAND, Haverford
LM-erloo Veteran Haverford Eleven VlIlanova College has extended

leason officiaUy was completed
>\'hen Haverford scored a 9-0 de-
~ision to take the Suburban Big
Six title, but storm warnings are
SI h0 .
.JIM FLECK, Lower Merion
,TACK GILLIGAN, Haverfor.d
JOE TADDIE, Abington
ROY GROVER; Haverford
BILLHENN, Upper Darby
ED DIPAOLO, Lower lWerion

its football contract with Detroit
University's Titan for three more
it has been announced by
Maroon Five Plays Rev. Edwar~ B. McKee, modera- Big Six Champs to Be
fluttering over the Royal strong-
!Iold for the 1946 season.
"You can pick us for the cham-
pionship next sea,~on," said Royal
Of Gn oae es BOB NEWMAN, Radnor
JIlU HESS, Haverford
PARRY SCOTT, Lower Merion
JOHN KANE, Lower Merion
l)ICK SUSEMIHL, Cheltenham
M erChantvI'II'
0 pener
e In
tor of athletiCS.
The Wildcats, who defeated De- Dined Dec. 19 at
High School J
:::oach Fred (Dutch) Loeb, Yester- JOHN TRIPLETT, Abington B TONY PILLIGI, Cheltenham troit by 14-0 this season for the
day. "I may be sticl'ing my neck
out right now, but I honestly be-
Second Squad Lists FRANCIS MULLIN, Radnor B BOB S'i'EIRERT, Haverford seventh time In 13 games. will play
lieve we're going to have the best 2 Players From HONORABLE MEN1I'ION-Ends, Broadhag, Abington; Brown, Upper Darby; tackle, Keetley, Upper Buzz Wetherald. veteran guard, in the Motor City. November 10, Haverford High Football fans
Darby; guards, Cripps, Upper Darby; 8tai, pper ar y; Wle nterA'b' PPter ~Bar Y; "I' ane I, A fmgdt.onp; dcen- will be the only. holdover w len
't U D b E' h U b '" 11' b' I 1946. Detroit will play in Philadel- '11 h tl Hi·
club in the league next season. phia, possibly in Shibe Park, NO- WI onor le averford H gh
"We were inexperienced this Each Team tel', Silverman, Cheltenham; backs, Powell, Lower Merion; es, mg on, rown ~y~!Iaver or , . a ula: Lower Merion HI!~h's basketball vember 19, 1947, and Villanova will School Varsity Football Squad,
~·ear. But look what we have . BOB KING Upper Dal'by; MuJlln, Lower Merion; Jackson, Upper Darby; Shephard, Lower MerlO , Smith, AbIngton, team opens its season next Friday, return there the following year on winners of the Suburban Big Six •
coming back: 13 of our 24 let- I I
termen, Including two sopho-
Four members of Haverford Agnew, Haverford.
High's championship eleven were _ H f d H- h F- 0 December 14, encountering Mer-
I chantvl1le (N. J.) High in the Ard-
November 14.
;Because J?etrOlt
dropped varsity
. Championship, at a dinner to be C
held Wednesday,
School December 19, in

Broo klIne ReadF-y :IWI-th

more tackles, two sophomore more gymnasium. football ~Ol two, seasqns ~ue to the High djning hall.
ends and four second-classmen selected for the Suburban All-Big aver or Ig lye pensl Ollie Robinson" who coached at the war..~t wasn t until ,thiS year Speakers prominent in the
at guard.
"In the backfield, Ken Jackson
and Charlie Hoenstine wiJI re-
turn for fullback duties, and we'Il
Six team announced y e s t e r d a Y ' I !
lind two more were chosen for the
ond quad
se~n fi~st t'eam selections tlle
F W Ive or ayne On Dec·. 14
' Epl·sc~pal
: Morristown High before stepping that relatIOns were rene\\ed.
into Bl1l Anderson's shoes this
season at L. M., indicated that
J:1e'll .have to rely upon last year's II
Brookl-Ine. -U-
World of Sports, wl1l head the
i-rogram, which wiJI include as ..
honored guests, Mr. and Mrs.
·Ralph Reed, donors of the Brew-
have Wally Lecher ane: Bill Moore
at right half. Bill Padula, whO
played a great game against Hav-
Fords led the list, while Lower
Merion. Radnor and Abington
Outscores Norrl'stown
Haverford High's basketball ~tner gl'ldll'on pl~ymates-Char-
. . .
team lost only to Norristown last 1JeBray and JI~ Hess-m~y 1944-45 reserve squad, since pro- I
Jayvee squad as a nucleus.
Among the members of the! Aseens-00 38 26 ster GallUP Memorial Flagstaff;
John Stretch. donor of the Mad-
erford, will be ready to take ovel each placed two representatives
and Cheltenham had one. The season while winmng the sulJ- round out the varsity. at least I~ moted to the varsity, are John I I · den Memorial Trophy; C. W.
Kraft of the First Federal S. & L.
at left halfback. while both Bill
:McIntyre and Ray Hi[{bins will
be on hand for quart:rrack.
"Most of our kids are 15 and
teams were chosen by a pol! of
Suburban Big Six coaches.
Upper Darby'S Royals, '.'·l~o lost
the title and a 9-0 deCISion to
rom Ie
F" ld Bt
Dro p s 57 -53 DecI"sl'on
t:rban Section One championship, the early games..But they naven t Kane. footbalJ end and 6-foot-31
I but Coach Steve .Juenger antici- had m~ch expel'lence. under lire. center candidate, and Bil! Reese,
I pates a much more difficult task graduatmg to the v~rSlty ~ate I~\st equally aspirant for the same I
when the Fords open their sea- season after playmg With ~he post. Dick Masters and Bob HaW-I
Gas k"Il
I, Sh eppard an d
' Society, of Upper Darby. donor
of the Big Six Trophy; Superin-
ten dent of Schools, R. R. Aber-
nathy; members of the School
16 years old. None of the play-
Haverford Thanksgiving Day,'. son December 14, playing host to jayvees. kins are fighting for the forward M t d'" C t Board; Fred (Dutch) Loeb, head
ers are 18, and we won't be shared second team honors with BrookllDe and Wayne both fig- E;piscopal Academ~'. ,·It looks as though we'lI have blllets. along with Tom Brown and OS ar In our I coach of the traditional rival,
having any of them drafted.
Maybe I'll later be proved Cheltenham, each gaining three ure to be ~n the rebo~nd when Dick WiJliams, captain and for- to rely upon newcomers," 3aid Joe Kearn.
places. Haverford and Lower Mer- they clash m. the featme bask~t- ward, is the only holdover of last Juenger, "and I don't know
I At guard. coach Robinson h a s '
Tuneup Upper Darby High. and, of course, -
the entire Haverford squad and
wron!:'. but the way It looks ion both had two players singled bal~ game of mterest .on the 10\\ er j'ear's title team who will be enough about any of them yet to been alternating Dick Powell and . student managers; Athletic Di-
now we'lI I'eally have it," Loeb out and there was one from Ab- Mam Lme Monday nIght at. Hav- available all year. Williams stands say mUCh. At any rate, I can't· Parry Scott. two more football Remforced by pre-war stars just rector A. J. Cornog' Head Coach
concluded. ington. I erford Junior High School lit 8.30 only 5-foot-5, but capitalizes on afford to be optimistic, the way standouts, Dave Reeves and Dick out of the serVice. the :Brookline Bill Stinson and A'ssistant Steve
LOWER MERION HIGH'S bas- theHaverford pla~'ers selected for IP, M. . . . speed and deception. things appear." I
Mattis. son of the gridiron coach. basketball team .ended ItS losing Juenger '
first team werc Bob McCaus- Wayne IS stll;gmg from a 71-58 Football star Bob McCausland, Juenger. former Temple Uni- Two sophomores from Bala- streak by sm~.slllng ~scensio~ C. .- - - - - - - -
:{etball team will enter the Wayne land. ace end; the Ford co-caP- setbac.k at the. nands of. unde~eat- the end. is another returning vet- vcrsity athlete. is starting his Cynwyd Junior High-Len Shep- C. of. the Philadelphia AmenCan! C t L M ' "
court tourney, sponsored by the tains. Guard Kim Billings and ~d Chfton Heights, whIle BlOok- eran, but the 6-foot veteran wlil fourth sea~on as head baSketball hard and Tom Davis-also are, Ca!holic .u;ag':le, 38-39. at H.aver- our oop, OVles
Rotary Club, for the first time Center Jack Gilligan. and Half- !me has l~st ~ve games i!l a row graduate in mid-yo,a". 5')On after coach. He IS assisted by Al GWllln. forward F
during the Christmas hoIldays, back Jim Hess. Billings convert- m the Mam Lme League. ~ts latest tDe Suburban Section One ra"e West Chester State Teachers' played for prospects. the football team. A
Shephard I fOl a JUUlOJ High,. Monday mght.
I The game servea as a tuneup for ea ure H aver or d t f
ed extra points for Haverford; setback bem~..a 57-53 affair at the, gets well underwav. pair of seniors. Bob Hughes, the sucll ~vell-known players as George Sports Program
leplacing Haverford High.
The Maroon macllir.e will face Gilligan recently was rated by ha~~s of NOIllstown Wednesday at
Tredyffrin-Eastt.own (or Berwyn, Coach Bill Stinson as one of Hav- NOll'1stown... .
And the Fords' third exper-
In Juenger's first two season:; high jumper. and Dick Deal may Gaskill,. Dougymg
ienced performer, Ned Brownley, a.~ Haverford court coach, the I see action at guard. . ,Mostardl' pl3:
.Sheppa,rd ~nd Lou
their flr?t ba?- Haverford Hlg.h s gYl?1,1asiU~
. . ..
to yoU) in its opening gam(', erford's greatest centers. Wa:.:ne \\111 .~e endeavorl.ng. to still is nursing a brOKen arm ~uf- Fords captured the Delaware Lower Merion opened practice ke~ball hell'. m R;lmost fOUl yeals, Will be. opel; SatUlday mOlnmg fOI
while Radnor encounters Ha ver- I
And Hess, aside from his sensa- c:o~e m on thud plac.e Nalbel th, fered on the football field at County crown in the annual Ki- sessions November 1. Brown Prep fOl the Mam. LI~l~ Leag~e ~am- the fOlmatlon of a new bas~etbaJl
ford School. The tournament will tional ball carn~ing. was one of \\ hlch goes t.e CoateSVille ~onda'y Cheltenham. Brownley, who plays wanis tournament. so he hasn't was scrimmaged Monday. Swarth- ~al~n and. especla11y fOl BlOqk- league .. open to all boys m ~he •
be staf<ed December 26-28 in the the best passers in Suburban m .que~t o~ I.ts fi~th victolY. N~I-I guard. wasn't on hand wher. failed to win a title since. taking more College the following day. Ime s all-Important .da~e Wit? townshIP under 18 y~ars old. m-
Radnor g~·m. ranks. offtimes pitching touch- bel th letUIl1S to ItS Bala-C~n\\Yd pening practice was held last over Overbrook High on Wednesday Wayne on th~ HavelfOld cOUlt cl.udlng those who don t attend the -
. t.k t M C I I court next Thursday for a "lubber 0,. I . next Monday mght. hlRh school.
game" with Upper Darby, the 001'- FIIday and Juengel Isn" count.- lOne of the dlStllCt s leadl.ng plO and Lansdo\\ n.e. T l~rsday.
. . .. . • . ." ' . •
AL SEVERANCE, whose Villa- aown s 1'1 es 0 c au sane. Sheppard who had played earli- The league will be under the di- ..
On the second team, Tackle RoY I I
nova College courtmen barely Grovel' and Ful1back Bob Steiert oug 1 lavmg evene t e senes as b f · d h . I t I mg on too much help from hun players, Juenger currenLly IS per- When practice ;filst opened. a '0' .' '. . . ' " .
I d t . J f .' fo' Pat 'son (N J) in total of 110 candidates reported. kl thiS yea I \\ Ith. the U. S. MI!-- rectlOn of Alhe COIUOg.. Haverfo.rd
squeezed through to a 40-37 tri- were chosen from Haverford. Stei- ~g~e~.ab;~~~~ a 51-37 verdict at e~~~h g~'~CC~~i~~ ~ tl:dtU~I~~: t~~m~~eri~an ~~o League.' Last including 30 seniors. 40 juniors rmes at Che~TY POl!l~, appeared In athletic director. and Will compnse
Ihe Of
umph over GeOlgetJwu in their ert. who fiJled in when ace Ned Brookline showed definite im- the Fords appear to be in sad season. he led all league scorers and a like number of sophomores. mucI: .bett~1 conditIOn. than .the si?, Iteamsl' 01 nly ~embers k bthel
opener. breathed easier wtcn Joe Brownley became in.iured early in PI'ovenlent as I't surprised by bat- shape. Jack Gilligan, football .' I th I' I·t ,. . The varsity squad later was pared· othcl letU1l1ees. He sCOled a field lug 1 SC 100 . -.:alslty bas et al
Lord returned f.-om the ~erVlce. the season, played particularly . \, It 1 e 1I~ les a\ el age pel d . t 15 '1'1 HIS 11'" goal the first 30 seconds he was squad are melIglble. -.
He retu1'l1ed in time to take over well ill the litle-clinching game tli~g highly favored NOlTistoW!l' center and co-captaIn, and two game. 10.7 pomts. t °r~· 0 25' \\ l~le .a . ~ea, ~I·t in the game and got another be- Next Wednesday night. :r:>ecem-
at c!'nter. sCOl'inl; 16 point' .md
performing generall\' a;, thOUg;l
he'd nev!'r been a ,va.\'.
against Upper Darby. 1 which. tWICe set record scores m
Jim Fleck. Six-foot. 195-pound t?le 80 s t~llS sea~on'l tOOt\l al~. n~11 the cords for five field goals and I
semor. and Captain Parry Scott i a ,the. \\ ay. ~c. ua ~y, t le lao s one foul toss for 11 points.. Bobby
But. proving thai, the Army were Lower Merion pla~'ers chosen ~ut'i~O}~d Nt~lflsAol~n, b 2~ JO .?2 i Keehn led CoateSVille With 17
BIG JOB AHEAD t~la~mg on le JUUlOl "alSI Y f(J.n; being forced to
Foilowing the opener with Mer- With. a wrenched knee received 111 the Haverford aUd.ltonum ........~J?
chantville. Lower Merion meets a spill ':lnder the basket. .
Coatesville awa\, on December 18
the si.delines
bel' 12. movies will .be .slh">,In
7.30 until 9. RecreatIOnal Co-~ 1-
Gask.111. one of. the Mam Lme nator Steve. Juel1!~er announced.

~iveth and the Army taketh away, for first team honor. Fleck was ~oa, s I o~. le e . t~
Joe Gorman - who was JelllP, an almost unanimous choice at t?tP B~\e~?d 13 of/7t!\ee t~llO\\f gun of the Lukens five last year,
!{roomed for II fOrW81'ci post-was tackle; Scott was one of the Ma- \\ 11 e I.~O me rna e u se\en 0 was held to four points and that
OJ? ~-I points. but Don Markward, big

SAYS EDUCATOR and lays host to Friends Central League s outstandmg players ~e- Tl.le films Will mclude Haverford
of t1~e 'Intpracademic League on fore tilE' war. was unab.le to fmd High a!ld prqfesslOnal .football
December 2'1 . the basket but .turned m .a. Roo.d games mstructlOnal .moYles and
plucked frol11 the campus last roon's most consistent ground IIts 5 le~ t1
week and inducted. gain~rs. .' , d V I d t was a big factor in tile outcome.
gam~al~~~ tl~~nB~~~~~ a~~ori~:r'::~ 1 Herrmann again was the big
Prior to ~oaching at Morris floor game. as did Mostardl m hiS aSPOl ts qUIZ. All are InVited.
town. Robinson' turned out fo;': brie~ appearatlce. . . --------
A graduate of South Catholic Lower Menon second team se- ft Id I d fit f ' 21 gun Monday when the borough Adjustments to meeting chang- midable fives at Berwvn High and Bill A.~h, sho~v\l1g steady IJ?- The Winter of 1886-87 was one
Hil:'h, Gorman sparked the Pi- lectIons were Ed DiPaolo Whtl! e t~(Og \ ar . a ~y. oss. OI ' turned the tables on Upper Darby illg needf in education were con- Chester He' - s a graduate of provement, earned the offenSive of the worst in Wyoming history.
rates to the city scholastic nalTowl\, missed first team' hon- pom s. u I. \\!l-S a m Yam. B I1l to the tune of 51-37 The N a r - " 'I . . to .']]" load for the Brooks. who led all the More than 80 per cent of the .,
court championship last )·ear. ors at guard. and th~ six-foot-one, Ash ,rndd BI.lI pr?PSd ~I~O ~ve{e berth captain again Illld nine field trasted to expansion in business Was lmg_~_n_Co .. ~!_~. __ _ way against an Ascension team range cattle were wiped out.
195-ponnd .John Kan~ at end'I~~:~~cl;~el~,.\\1tl1 pam s, goals and. tallied four ~imes from enterprise by Dr. Ellwood A. tha.t wasn't as str?n as the one ~
. an I
His loss will be keenh' felt.
startillg with this week's issue,
Kane also was well up m the nm-
ning for varsity considel'lltion. and . . I
Norristo\vn got off to an earlY the foul Ime for 22 pomts.
'. I d b i B ' k' Dick Sheldon and Walt Joach-
Geiges supeJintendent of NOlTis-
. ' , . '
BASKETBALL which I:eld the BIOOks to a one-
pomt victory. here last year. Ash
sport.~ nell's 0/ Lower Merion and
Haverford TownS/lips alld 0/ Nar-
berth Borollgh u:ill be included on
finalIv was edged out bv Chelten-j elg lt pomt ell.
om's·' Geol'ge Andel'mo'll

this page. Follow YOllr /0 l:orite eight or Cheltenham's 10 touch- . d

ctlosed tll1e t gap
line on v 0 see le ag es spur t
"'n' oil season "'a' 1·11 tile "'ord' 10 an Ii a gllm aS
ut t le 100 s im each had ten points for Upper to\\n sC.lOols, \\ hen he addlessed
~Ot129-E27 lat half-
I t d·t hiB' king period.
I ~t ItOO -
DarbY ., which
The Panther center. who scored into 8 47-38 edRe in the th:rd pel'- 31-38 at the end of each succeed- eon. meetmg e d at St. om s
trailed 6-10

. 17-'>0
-. the Rotarv
Pansh House.
'. Club h Itoday

"In 1870 there were only 80.000

at its lunch-
J I ' , I
1I\,\lro: Ll~E LEM;UE
l.ast ThursdaY's Results
Narberth. 50; Coate,,·llIe. 40.
Upper Darby. 39; Chester. 38 (extra Bi'ookline was Ivy Reichman,
talIicd six field goals and con-
verted .
1:) POllltS..
three of six foul tries for
Makmg an ImpreSSive debut With
. .
Highest Prices

teams and .•end rn items 01 interest do n . , 1me 1'a ,v was no qUI e s rong . G t d . 1 1 ' d ., pf'l'Iodl. . . , who
n "n ., n
of Coach Dutch Lehman the "
0 1 t' lI't t t . F. P.. G. F. P S U ents en! 0 ed III secon an WAme 51' Nonistown 42 fonner La Salle College stal,
to ollr sport.~ .• taU.
"hottest'1I1lnR he's ei'er seen at enN~~ber~hP~~e~u~~ed nicelv from ~~M~~\ f g g g~~I~t:O~. f
end." '1 . t d d f t ttl' I d D SlwldOI1 5 0 10 B set t f 2 lsi pel cent of these planned to en tel I Clifton
~? 11 edl~cation in United States and 9: . . . 1Iiol1d:u"~ ~esu'lts .
HeiRht.". .I. Wilync. 58.
tallied sevel:: points ...Other nE;w-
com PI'S makmg then bow With
Paid For
SAILOR SENT TO JAIL . •• . I S unex~ec e. e ea a l.e lan S, N~lson. c . I 0 2 F~'~m·'l;. c I 1 3 I college. In 1940. 70 :veal's later. I NRrb etll: .. 51; uppe.~·DarbY. :17. Brookline were Bob Leabsley and
Table Model
of Uppel Dal by and at tlJe same I T
time got a measure of revenge for' oppa I. e
It. tb k' tl I
I I 0 2 M'dl t'
e. n. c .
3 1 7! there were 7.000.000 boys and girls
ff I·Joachlm. J< 5 0 10 Stanley. J< 2 0 4 m OUi "econdal y schools. \~Jth
.., .. I . \\ edl1.','sda.' s Results
NorrlStown. 5,: Brookline. 5~
Standil1"s of the Teams
I ", '., ,W~1t Nason former Hill School
atll.rte.' who are Just out of the
Stanley Gnagey. 19. a discha1'g- Micilael Mash. 34. or 617 Chel'l'y ~s year s se ac m .1p; P ayo sIR. Sh·d·n. J< 3 1 7 F·ll'rt·n. ~ 2 I 5 only a small percentage of the,
eo sailor. today was under a six St .. sustained a puncture wound \\ hen It dl'Ubbe~ CoateSVille. 50 t.o PrAul. g O O 0 Major. J< 0 0 0lwhole ambitious to continue col-I Clifton HeiRhts

.," \\'o~ Lost P.e., sel'\'icp.

fi 0 1000' ASn;NSION C. C. BROOKLINE
.i14 ~
month to five year sentence in or the right hand last evening 40. on the latter Ii court last Thurs-
Bucks County Prison on a charge while. working at Adam Scheidt day.
of ;:,tealing $1350 from a formfT B rewlIlg CO. He was taken to After
tralhng 11-10 at the end
18 I 37 Feeney. J< ~ _~ ~ ported.
- - - H·rm·nn. g 9 4 22 lege education" Dr Geiges 1'e-' Norrlstcwn
t. d ' .
II \'{ayne
4 3
.5il ' O'Shay. f
.500, Lynd. f
G. P. 1'.
~ 2 2 Ash f.
- I :; Morris. 1
G. F. P
6 3 IS
0 0 0
Regardless of
..' .. . 21 951 I liS lemen ous mClease Upper DRrby 3 4 .428, WISmRn. c 0 3 3 Yenbslcy. f () 1 1
girl friend's father. Gnagey, son Sacred Heart Hospital for emer- or the fil st pellO~, Nal bel th SPUI t.- N.lrberth 10 10 1B 13-~1 in enrollment. the conununit,y ICoateq·.llIe 1 ~ .2~0 McCole. R 1 1 3 Relchm:n. f ~ I 7
of 3. Bridgewood Park. N. J., cle,'- gency treatment. cd to gam a.22 17 halft~me edge Uppel ,DAlby 6-37 school must as"ume a greater re-I Ches:e, 1 4 .200: MeGult:c. J< 3 2 8 Sheppald. f 2 0 4 We Win Ca·n
~yman, admitted in court that he
and led the lest of the \\ay wlth-
out too much trouble due to the BROOKI.1NE
6 11
'·b·l·t" tl
SP0!1SI I I Y. le
N .' t .
on IS own SU-
. \BrookIIllP
Next Weel,'s Sdlcdule
I 5
I .166 1 Bladlel, g 2 I :; Phipps. c 2 I 5
--- LlOYd, e 1 0 2
forged the owner's name to bonds
:1flO then cashed them.
II Ian .p a, .0
Falling at his home last evening. and Hany Middleton.
I ' f R . H ..
USB ellmann Ash. f
G. F. P.
5 I II BellRk. 1
CaniglIa, flO 4 Hagne", flO 2 ."
G F PI permtendent asserted. "The stu-Illionday-
~ 915 dent must be given vocational I WRYlle at Brookline
I NRrberth at Coatesville
Totals B 10 26 Nilson. K
Bramhlp. K I 2 4
0 0 0
GA,sklll. II: 0 () 0
Essex Repalr"Sh Op
Q Oillngrl'. f 7 0 14Itladll1ltn.~ t.o PllePdale f?t a Pl~ce In
0' • . , •
Herrman. resembling
Within two weeks or the open- Robert Marberger, 8. of 117 Knox ten years ago, ran wild to score Bramble. f 2 I 5 PreRs. 1 the star of Lafferty. f 0 0 Norristown Rt Uppe,· Darby " Mostardl, g Q 0 0
0 0 0 m US IY 1f le oesn S l10\\ aca- W e d n e s d a Y - ' 104 ESSEX AVE., Ph. 2135
ing of a recruiting drive for Army St.. sustained injuries to his left. 19 points on nine field goals and I Moslard\. f 0 0 0 Outaes·n. c;1 2 HI denllc apt~tude to enter college.
enIlstment.~. 215 Warren. Wyo., arm and was taken to Montgom- one foul toss while Middleton I PhIpps, c 4 2 10 Coughlin. c 3 0 6! "In busmess. If trade Il1creases
I Clifton Heights at Norristown
Coate.,vllie at CIll'.,ter
Ase'·llSlOn C. C .••••... 4 8 9 5-26.
15 83B
Narberth, Pa.
soldiers appliecl for entry into the ery Hospital for x-ray examina- ,, Llovd c O O 0 Shemar g 3 0 6 i I' I'dl'" tile dil'ectol's meet the Thl1rsda~-
'1 Brookline 8 10 10 lO--3~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
regulars. tion. former Lower Merion High
ace. hit
Morris. ~ I
g JO 1 21 Fn"
1 2 4 Htitl."
GR'klll. g O O 0 Ryan. J<
J<' 0 0 (l' ap ."
0 0 0 problem by ex.pan m.g
0 0 0 property and mcreastnp; personnel;
d'· 'tl I'
le p lYSlca
. 1 Clifton Heip:ht
Upper Darby at Narberth
. ---------
s nt Wnnle Rderre,--Herrmnnn al1d Mmphy. '

- - --. Cowley. J< I 1 3 in education, there are many oth-

23 7 53 er problems that ent.er the pic-
I 14 1'3 11 221.~~~~ tur~; The solution isn't that 8im-
18 II 18 10-5'7 pie.
aeferee-CrRndall. I'DI'. Geiges reported that of the
---_. -- men rejected for military service.
Haverford Faces 600.000 were declined because they
fell below the standard of a , 10.> .'~ ~. h _....
17 Court Games fourth grade pupil while a subse-
quent study revealed that of all Crimes Tribunal learned tOdav
Nuernbel'l:'. Dec. 6.-The Wa!'
Ha·verfol'd High's basketball adults over 25 in United States that France attempted to stop tIll'
team will open a 17-Rame schedule today. three million never a·t.tend- war t.wo days aft!'r the invasion
Ion Friday afternoon. December 14. ed school. of ,Polanc!o
I playfng host to Episcopal Acad- "We have a big chal1enge in our A secl'f't Frel1ch note to Benito
,emy's Interacademic League con- school system in developing train- Mussolini. asking that the law •
tenders. it was announced vester- ed leaders for the future securit'l Duce arrange a four-power con-
day bv Allie Cornog, athle'tic di- of Norristown and America. We ference, never got to first base al-
rector. . must get back to the principle though Mussolini did his best.
Friends Central. another In- that only through hard work and The note. a secret. telegram. w['~
terac five, will be met. Tuesdav personal sacrifice can suecess be dated Sept. 2 and proposed un
afternoon. December 18. Afte'I' achieved. Lately there has beell. armistice leaving German troops
I that. the following 15 games all developing a trend toward hold- where they stood in Poland.
will ~e played at night. ing out the hand for public sup- It also advocated a conferenr;e
H:fkrford opens defense of its port if high salaried jobs aren't among Germany. England. France
Suburban Section One title Fri- available," Dr. Geiges asserted. and Poland within two or threE:

day night. January 4. playing host "I intend giving a public ac- days and promised a solution fa-
to Upper Darby High. Other league counting on my office at least once vorable to Germany on til':;
games are with Lower Merion a year," the superintendent prom- grounds that the Reich "already •
Norristown, Abington and Chel~ ised. "What is happening in our has won mOI'al satisfaction."
tenham. schools is of tremendous import- - - -....- - - -- \
The schedUle: D~c. 14. EPiscopal. ance to all of us," WOMEN ON STAMPS
UlOme: 18. Friend" Central.
20, West Chester, l\wny; Jan. 2. Yea- borne: A. A. Hartman. of Phoenixville. On y four women Ilave b een
,don. away; 4. Upper Darby, home': and Erich H. Sander. President of honored on American pas tag e
18. Rndnor, home; II. Abington. nway'; the Kiwanis ClUb, were guest.s. stamps: Martha Washington, Po-
: 18. Cheltenham. away'; 22, Norristown. Wilbur M. Evans was chairman cahontas. Queen Isabella of Spain,
home'; 25. home; Lower Feb. Merion.
1. Upper away'; 30. an d I saa_c__
DarbY. J ._~:~~_a_r_~resl
SI d 'd e.d and Molly Pitcher.
,,,way'; B. AbIngton. home'; 12. Glen- ---------.-------
CHARGED WITH ASSAULT :l1ll1ll[mllllllllllt]IIII11I1I11It]fIlIIllIIlIlt]Il!:
I Nor. home; 15. Cheltenllam. home';
= =
119. NorrlRtowll, RWfl,)'''; 22, Lower Mer..
lon, home'.
- - - - - - ..--. ----.
t F F
Beryl Robbins, charged with as- ::
sault and battery by his wife. I ~
Elizabeth, 501 Moore St., was re- I ~",~" .~
fi'" ",..
a= ::

anque or or s leased 011. payment of costs when:: ,~~'t. ~~ '*'''''~-;,~ ~
Haverford High's championship charges WEre withdrawn at a :: ,\~\ (, . :~'\'~ .~ :: •
football team will be honored by hearing before Magistrate Ralph ~ '. ~:~,_' . \ ::
= . 's.: ~
'township fans at a banquet on McLaughlm.
iDecember 19. The dinner. attend- - - _••- - - ~ .~, . .~ I :::

naslUm. ·
.ed by an anticipated 250, will be UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR
i held in theS Haverford k
Pea ers WI
High gym-
'11' I
Istanbul. Turkey. has a hUKe ::~..
mc ude underground reservoir, wInch sup- :: '\'~, ~ i:i.'
Coaches Bill Stinson and Steve plies water to 600 dwellings and ;::; ~ '~'"\".
~ ~\
- "" ~ v'
,,~ h:'~ y ~
~~ .;;;,. ' '''''~ /,// ' ,
, ~~
'<; .. :". ".i'~ "',
l~;", ",~.::;,~\
;:; I
... ~ '\i, ~ I;
Do you want a pleasant job with a good future? A jot.
that pays you while you're learning? A job that carriel

Juenge, Athletic Director Allie 60 welIs. Three hundred eXQuisite- ~ '~~.'"
COlnoR, and either Ray Morrison, Iy-carved columns support the roof::
T_e_m_p_l_e_._o_r_P_e_n_n_'_s_G_e_o_rg_e_M_u_n_g..:..e_I_·._o_f_t_h_e_r_e_se_I_'V_o_il_'. ________ §
: ,""
~ ~
:"'~' ,.<' ~
regular increases in salary? Then, come to one of the
Bell Telephone Employment Offices. A friendly inte,-
The Greatest of Them All
i ~ I --
viewer will tell you all about the advantages of
working for the Telephone Company.
Work is usually near your home. Congenial asso-
"The American Indian. Jim bration and ask the same question. ~
Go to Sweden to a national cele- ~
Thorpe, Red Terror of the Carlisle Stanley Pear~on.? They'll scratch ::
W"lnter dr-Iy,.-ng ::
ciates, friendly atmosphere, excellent working condi·
tions, clean rest·rooms, and ample opportunity for ad-
Indians," well known in history as their h.eads. Jim o:r:horpe? The, an-
a famous "Sac and Fox" hero I swer Will be shot nght back-' The 1=
,a ::
vancement combine to make telephone work unU5u a llr
I~ BY ::
have been reading with consider- greatest athlete of all time."
able interest the outpourings of I::
:: letting our expert mech- ~
;:; desirable.
Come ;11 now! Bring your birth·certificate or other
at:lletes Ted Baxter, Herman
Dornheim' and Junior Kerrigan
regarding a local squash and ten-
M ~
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anics give you a complete ~
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proof of citizenship• .Apply at any of the foUowin.
nis player named Stanley Pearson. I E ~ c ec up. epen on us ~ Employment Offices:
If anyone at the great Army-Navy TIft D? :: for all repairs - from c
football game, or a great Notre TENSE! ;:; minor adjustments to com- ::
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some would have mentioned that It's bad for the clreulatloll and the I;::;
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he was an actor, others that he was state of mind. There's only one an- ~
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8 dancing master or a ringmaster,
or a college professor 01' \u:lat , not. and that's massnge.
circulatIon. Improves the blood It peps UP the I::
swer for the end of a working daY, :: Whell YOllr Car Fails to Start ::
-Doll't Fail to call U.s =
.... 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia
IeverI doubt if one in a 100 would I cOUllt. and rela~es taut nerves. If ~
have heard of him. I
everybody would stop quibbling and I ~
I:: "'1,4 IN 1. .tI
4S Anderson Avenue, Ardmore

But, if you ask a 100 spectors at take a massalle. this would be a far
a great gridiron. contest, or any better world. Rejuvenate your Sys-
tern with our systematic treatments
great athletic event of national that wlll imllrO\'e your health, in- ::
interest--"Who was Jim Thorpe"? crease your vitality and make you
the answer would have been hand- feel Uke a million.
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410 York Road, Jenkintown
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ed out very quickly and positively OPEN EVEN1~~:R:l:gN SATURDAY § Battery Be Electric ::
-"Jim Thorpe was the greatest
footbaU player in history, and the
greatest athlete of aU time."
Go to California and attend a
Phone ARDMORE 4120
126 Coulter Ave,
St t'
a Ion
304 W. Lancaster Ave.
a ::
"A friendly PI.ce to Wo'*"
Rose Bowl game and you'U get the
same answer.
Cor. Coulter & Sibley Ave, = Ardmore 1825
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