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Marauder - Game - StarCraft II

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Previous Terran Unit: Marine Next Terran Unit: Reaper


Primarily a support unit, the
remodeled heavyweight Firebat
suit packs Quad K12 Punisher
grenade launchers that
devastate enemy structures and
vehicles from a distance. As the
Dominion military began to
reevaluate its systems, it
determined that it was still
geared to fight Terran-vs.-Terran battles that were
imagined pre-Zerg. There needed to be an increase in
armor-shattering combat units with weapons capable of
piercing through hardened Zerg carapaces. The
Marauder was the answer. These virtual walking tanks
have given the Dominion infantry the hard-hitting, easy-
to-produce support that had been missing on the front



Race: Terran Producer: Barracks Upgrades:

Life: 125 Hotkey: D
Armor: 1 (+4) Requires: Tech Lab
Movement: Normal Cost: 100 25
Cargo Size: 2 Supply: 2

http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/unit/marauder[3/1/2011 12:19:09 PM]

Marauder - Game - StarCraft II

Attributes: Armored - Biological Build time: 30 Ability:


Armored assault trooper that can attack ground targets.

Once researched, concussion shells slow down enemies.
Very effective against land-based armored units and structures.

Can go inside bunkers for protection and a range increase.

Thor Roach Stalker


Marine Zergling Zealot


STIMPACKS: Combat stimulants that increase movement and attack speed at the expense of health.
CONCUSSIVE SHELLS: Enemies hit by Marauder weapons have their movement speed slowed down temporarily.


VS Terran

Focus fire with Marines and Marauders. Use Stimpacks and Medivac support
if possible.

Build a few Tanks and research Siege Mode.

Get Banshees; Marauders cannot attack air targets.

VS Zerg

Research Metabolic Boost and surround them with a large group of

http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/unit/marauder[3/1/2011 12:19:09 PM]

Marauder - Game - StarCraft II

Combine Zerglings with Hydralisks or Mutalisks.
Research Burrow to ambush enemy forces that are on the move.

VS Protoss

Attack with a large group of Zealots. Try to surround the Marauders and
fight them in the open. Charge is essential.
Build a few Sentries. Use Guardian Shield to protect your warriors, and

Force Field to separate enemy troops or block their escape route.

Get Immortals to support your Zealot force. Be sure to focus fire for
maximum effectiveness.
Air units, especially Void Rays, are good against Marauders.


SCV Marine Marauder Reaper Ghost Hellion Siege Tank Thor

Viking Medivac Raven Banshee Battlecruiser

Comments (341)


Dragonshift 16 hours, 2 minutes ago

"Its about to get heavy"

ThePreator 1 day, 14 hours ago

whenever I think of Marauders i think of tanks i mean does a Marauder look like an infantry to you? :O of course i am glad that

Marauders can be healed by Medivac ;)

http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/unit/marauder[3/1/2011 12:19:09 PM]

Marauder - Game - StarCraft II

ThePreator 5 days, 15 hours ago

to bad they can't Attack air

JetfirePrime 2/19/11 7:06 PM

I don't need Marauders for those Stalkers, roaches and Thors. I got Tanks and Banshees.

DUDE 2/16/11 9:45 PM

i miss firebats i miss firebats

DUDE 2/16/11 9:44 PM

i miss firebat

Frezer 2/13/11 9:50 PM


Crazy 2/6/11 11:50 PM

The SCV's just got promoted!

EuropePower 2/4/11 5:59 PM

marauder > all gate units

Marauder > stalker, obviously

marauder > zealot (just kite with concussive shells)

marauder > sentry (come on, theyre just sentries.)

Doncroft 2/10/11 4:29 AM

@EuropePower: But they lose to a combination of all 3.

PJKill 22 hours, 31 minutes ago

@EuropePower: U can't really kite when the Zealots have charge

Lewis 1/31/11 5:26 AM

a marauder can kill stuff but a marien can shoot both air and ground... whose more useful? (sigh) i miss my aoe firebats @*@@ YOU


http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/unit/marauder[3/1/2011 12:19:09 PM]

Marauder - Game - StarCraft II

Froopermoop 1/29/11 6:01 AM

They say that you should bring banshees to support them against air. How is that supposed to help? Someone was clearly bored on the

graveyard shift...

starwarsnerd 2/10/11 8:02 PM

@Froopermoop: lol that was a fail. i think the banshee's are suppossed to take the brunt of the attack.

ThePreator 5 days, 15 hours ago

@Froopermoop: they must mean vikings in stead of banshees

SteveTheFoB 1/27/11 9:59 AM

Question for Starcraft fanatics. Why are Marauders bad in Terran versus Terran?

Doncroft 1/29/11 2:34 AM

@SteveTheFoB: Because marines and Siege tanks are strong against them. Granted a lone siege tank is very vulnerable,

but protected behind marines, marine/siege tank rips marauders apart. Two marines dish out more damage than the

marauder, for 25 less gas. Marauders are better used against roaches, ultralisks, stalkers, etc. I guess if the Terran went

mass Thor, you'd want marauders, but that's rare. That answer your question?

Zebulon 1/24/11 11:54 AM

I don't understand why blizzard says that zealots are a counter to marauders. With the last patch, marauders cost the same minerals,

have a faster build time, and much longer range. When you consider that most protoss players spend a lot of gas on stalkers and

immortals in the early game, the extra 25 gas cost of marauders is irrelevant. I agree with the post below that colossi are an effective

counter, but you can't get them quickly enough at the beginning of the game. Basically, protoss needs three units to counter marauders -

- zealots, stalkers, and immortals. And some how protoss players have to build all three at the same rate that terrans build marauders.

Doncroft 1/29/11 2:36 AM

@Zebulon: Actually, in the early game, you need Zealot, Sentry, Stalker to counter pure Marauders. It sucks, but it's true.

Luckily, if you micro correctly, you can own them. Also, when you say Marauders build faster than Zealots, you're forgetting

that warp gates build zealots a lot faster than gateways do AND you can chrono boost them to make them even faster.

Fergilicious 1/18/11 9:32 PM

Anyone heard the justin bieber parody banelings ?

it starts "but thaose marauders turn toss to goo"

by h to the husky husky starcraft.

DeathStalker 2/1/11 1:03 PM

@Fergilicious: I was told it was H to the usky Husky.

http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/unit/marauder[3/1/2011 12:19:09 PM]

Marauder - Game - StarCraft II

blazer 1/16/11 12:52 AM

kind of cheap with marine and medivac suport

PJKill 22 hours, 30 minutes ago

@blazer: Kind OF?

DemonMonkey 1/14/11 3:23 AM

I think these Strong Against and Weak Against things are just wrong. I am trying to counter, but they all fail.

My army was almost as big as theirs.

Maybe I need to learn how to micro?

SKTroop 1/15/11 2:07 AM

@DemonMonkey: Dude, as a Terran player that gets my ass kicked by Protoss, all you have to do is use Colossi.

1.) If you go Zealots vs. Marauders, go kill yourself. Zealots rarely ever touch them through stimpack and concussives.

2.) Stalkers: Nah... With concussive shells and the stimpacks it's not even possible for stalkers to kite marauders anymore,

except maybe with blink.

3.) Colossi? Sadly, they destroy marauders. Their superior range and cliffwalk ability is surmount to total annihilation for

MMM's. Or just go Voids.

How do you do it? Keep the early Marauders/marines out of your base with a few sentries and then quickly tech up to


URIKtheBOSS 1/21/11 3:44 PM

@SKTroop: lol.. maybe you shouldn't have gone only T1 units while toss got to T3.. vikings destroy collosus..

SKTroop 1/9/11 9:10 PM

These things are the only units keeping terrans from complete annihilation by protoss

masternoob 1/8/11 12:18 AM

when these things have concussive shells they're perfect alongside rines, love these little guys

PJKill 1/3/11 11:18 PM

I love facing protoss because they always four gate or stay with gateway units so marauders pwn them so I just mass them when facing

toss. BTW I'm bronze so protoss are cheesing with fourgate all the time :C

Doncroft 1/6/11 6:45 AM

http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/unit/marauder[3/1/2011 12:19:09 PM]

Marauder - Game - StarCraft II

@PJKill: They need to learn about the happy place called a Robotics Facility.

Caveman 1/8/11 4:12 AM

@PJKill: 4 gate isnt cheese*facepalm*

TehTealThief 1/11/11 1:52 AM

@PJKill: like caveman saide Four gate is not a cheese its a basic strategy *bangs head on wall*

trasknari 1/3/11 2:49 AM

stalker : run for live maruaders D:

VergenSoldie 1/2/11 10:37 PM

lets hav a blast!!!

Indeo 12/22/10 8:07 PM

Mmm... My favorite ;)

chimcharbich 12/31/10 9:17 PM

@Indeo: ur gay

VergenSoldie 1/2/11 10:38 PM

@Indeo: lets have a blast!!!

Binaro 12/20/10 9:57 PM

Terran tier comparisons #2: Marauders being the tier 2 anti-armor unit is very powerful. Unfortunately, comparing to the other tier 2

anti-armor, these are extreme units. By extreme, i mean their weapon damage. Having an attribute bonus that's the same as the base

damage makes marauders either kick serious @ss or die very badly. Still, 100 minerals and 25 vespene, it's worth it getting these guys

in swarms, even if they can't fight very well against tier 1 units, since tier 1 are all rapid-cooldown-attackers, since their life amount is

rather enduring(though lowest among tier 2 anti-armor) and their weapon speed is rather fair.

Slayer 12/20/10 6:58 PM

...i love my protoss y really do, but those marauders turn toss to goo.... did someone heard husky song? weird but fun :)

BugPokemon 12/24/10 2:35 AM

@Slayer: lolz yeah

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Marauder - Game - StarCraft II

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