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Work Life Balance and Working


Archana Bhatt
Senior Trainer
Adani Management Development Centre
Adani Group Ahmedabad
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Women - Then Second level
● Third level

● Fourth level

● Fifth level
Women of Today’s India
Impact of

India Inc cheering the women of

Employment Status
Corporate Management –

Managerial Cadre – 5
– 10 %

Unorganized sector
Key strengths of Indian Women
Ability to network with colleagues
Ability to perceive and understand situations
Strong sense of dedication, loyalty and commitment to their
Ability to multitask
Collaborative work style-solicit inputs from others with respect for ideas
Skills to take on the challenges and managing crises situations
Willingness to share information (interactive leadership style)
Sensitivity in relationships – being compassionate, empathetic
and understanding
Behaving in gender-neutral manner
Economic Career Ambition

Why Women

Family Support Self Actualization

Challenges women face

Being treated differently by not being offered challenging

Not being part of important organizational issues.
Given the option of hiring men are always preferred
for key positions.
Managerial Success is more associated with
men than women
Indian organizations under appreciate
woman’s’ capabilities and talents
Challenges women face
Men tend to want women to act like a men
Most men are not comfortable working for a women
To be successful in business women develop
management styles that make it more comfortable
for men to work with
The major barrier to women’s advancement
to corporate leadership include of lack of
mentorship of women and inhospitable
environment for women.
Challenges of unorganized

Unemployed Alcohol abuse by
husband husband
labor Many children Exploitation by
as no family
the employers
planning Domestic
Rising Prices Unhygienic
Violence living
and Aging in-laws
money crisis conditions
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cond level
Third level
● Fourth level

● Fifth level
Like many career women
In western countries
Indian women struggle
with work/life balance
while Indian society
by and large still
Continues to have
strong traditional family &
social expectations.
The Changing Equation of New Era
  The Machine Age The Industrial Age The Network Age

Stress High Higher Highest

You go to work,
People are working 24/7 hour work.
come back & Life
Work Life at work but Days split in
started only when
Balance continue to work compartments
you are home
also at home dedicated to 'Life'

Both men and

Both men and
Women Men Worked and women work and
women worked and
& Women Tended tend to the home
women still tended
Work the home sharing
the home
The Blurred Line -
I love my job & the recognition it gives
My spouse is very supportive & understanding
I have two wonderful children

24 hour day is not enough to get my work

done & still have time for children &
spouse! And where do I fit my
parents, in-laws,
friends & society?

It seems there is no ‘Personal Time’ for

What WLB is
n There is no
perfect fit size for all
n It is not about being perfect
n It is not about being right
n It is not about being clever or
having all the answers
n It is not about being a
superwoman or superman
n It does not mean an equal
n An individual’s Work Life Balance
will vary over the years
What is
Many things
to many
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Second level
● Third level

● Fourth level

● Fifth level
p p in e
Ha Peace
s s JOB
e nt w o
Dec Good e th
rl d Se
Wo Health
e the
FUN R ecog
a ng
on n i ti
Time with
Challenges of balancing the work
Career Development
Career Priority in duel income couples
Career Priority in duel income couples –
Other related issues
After School Care
Staying Away
Aging and Work
Climbing the success
Women have learnt to balance family and work within
the concept of joint & nucleus family.
They have developed courage to act independently and
take decisions of their own.
Men have undergone an attitudinal change, They realize the
support extended by women
Increased cooperation extended to partners
by men sharing house hold work including
rearing of children resulting in partnership,
prosperity and peace in family life.
Climbing the success
Enforcement of Sexual harassment regulations
have given adequate security for women to accept
organizational challenges .
Socializing by women has been accepted as a way
of life by a segment of society. This is yet to catch
amongst all levels in the society.
The older generation has recognized the
need of the hour and volunteer to
support working women by being
available in the hour of need.
Climbing the success
Flexible working hour’s choice giving an
opportunity to both the spouses to adjust
and share the family responsibility
Seeking carrier in diversified areas of
work and expertise possible & the
importance of work life balance is
recognized .
Financial support under various “Women
entrepreneur” schemes has provided
opportunity for those who aspire to carry
out business on their own.
You are not alone in this
WLB is all about choices one makes and decide to live with
the consequences of the choice made
It is as simple as well it is complex
When an employee makes the choice the organization gets
affected too
Companies would want you to be competitive
It is the end result that matters
No company wants employees to be unhappy

Jack Welch, author of the book ‘WINNING’

WLB affects one and all
It is about deciding personal
professional priorities
It is about facing the
consequences of the choice
one makes
It is all about Managing TIME,
Compromising on
personal priorities and
still achieving fulfillment
in what ever one
does – for self, for family or for
Thank You

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