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Technical Specifications Maximum sie Copyboard (efective size) Negative material ettectve siz of fn level) Backlight (efectve size) Maximum copy size at 1:1 exposures (122 with 213 mm WA lens), Working ranges of tne standard tenses: 213 mm WA lens 195 mm WA lens Working range of the optional lens £80 mm, enlargement lens. Light sources: Fates tight Sacklght Program storage Working height Floor space required Not weight Power supply Power eoneumption Heat emission 2D function Rescteening function RM 2200 TT ONLY Program stocage Printer interface PC intertaco Constant focus 510 x 630 mm / 20 x 24" inch 460 x 610 mm / 18" x 28 inch, 400 x $00 mm / 16 x 20 inch $20 x 594 mm J 16° x 24" inch. 50% - 200%, 20% - 50% 4 200% - 500%. 500% - 900%, 4 525 W High output halogen famps. 4 x 20 W Fluorescent tubes 12 Line wotk, 40 Seroen work available, 1150 mm / 45! inch, 1820 mm x 1500 men / 36" x 59 Ineh, 182 keg / 400 Ibs, 4300 Volts AC 60 Hs / 200 Volts AC 50 Hi. 2500 W. ‘9000 Kjoule Height of object 0 - 99 mm © level 130 avaiable. RS 232 C, 75, 300, 1200, 4800 baud. «RS 282 ©, 75, 300, 1200, 4800 baud. ‘Manual size setting with constant visual focus on film lee! HELIOPRINT. INTRODUCTION (01 MAR 1990 REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 AFFICHAGE COMMUN 2100-2200 Les diodes associées aux boutons s‘allument lorsque ceux-ci sont actionnés et tant que {'in- formation tapée au clavier n’a pas été validée. Les diodes peuvent aussi s‘allumer en cours de programmation pour attirer l'attention sur Vopération suivante a effectuer: OBJECTIFS ae DUREE EFFECTIVE D‘EXPOSITION EXPOSITION SANS TRAME EXPOSITION PRINCIPALE FLASH FL1 N° DU PROGRAMME SOURCE LUMINEUSE N° DE TRAME AGFA-GEVAERT L INSTRUCTIONS D’EMPLO! La diode allumée indique I’ objectif en place Une diode clignotante indique I’objectit 4 mettre en position, Les rapports de reproduction sont : 50 % a 200 % pour le 210 mm 20 % & 50 % et 200 % a 500 %pour le 135 mm 400 % a 1000 % en transparence pour le 80 mm L'affichage donne aussi des informations obtenues par action sur a -f a: ¢ Oo - on revient ala durée effective d’exposition par une action sur Un 16 clignote dans cet affichage si aucun diaphragme n'est sélectionné. Aprés une action sur C+ {. Vaffichage indique : PRO L’affichage indique ““End”" quand tous les programmes ont été visualisés par des actions répétées sur [y* Hf Clignote lorsque aprés avoir modifié I'écart de trame une exposition courte sans trame doit étre faite. Clignote quand FL1 est utilisé pour Ia pose flash pour indiquer que la pose qui va suivre est la pose principale. Indique qu'une source lumineuse externe est utilisée pour la pose flash = — EPROMASTER 2100-2200, page 8 GM Pour ceNTAGE Cet affichage donne également des informations obte nues par action sur woo Oo wu ‘on revient au POURCENTAGE par une action sur [P] Par une action sur]. "" on visualise le n° de pro: gramme, la source lumineuse et éventuellement le n° de trame du programme enregistré. Indique -dt-lorsqu’ on visualise l'écart de densité de lor: ginal par 2 actions sur. < Affichage des différents programmes enregistrés par une action répétée sur +H TOUCHES SUPPLEMENTAIRES REPROMASTER 2200 COMMANDE GAUCHE Mise au point manuelle Montée porte-objectif Descente porte-objectif COMMANDE DROITE Obturation en fonction/hors fonction aa Montée porte document 8 Descente porte-document VOYANTS SUPPLEMENTAIRES REPROMASTER 2200 a Mise au point manuelle a indique un mouvement du porte-objectif ou du porte document. Attendre |’extinction de ce voyant pour continuer a travailler avec la caméra ga Obturateur en fonction go Filtre en place INSTRUCTIONS D’EMPLO! AGFA-GEVAERT | REPROMASTER 2100-2200 5 i ' 4 § H Page 6 SYSTEME DE MISE AU POINT DU REPROMASTER 2100 iS ] < Indications lumineuses de mise au rapport (c6té gauche) ¥ et de mise au point (coté droit) | a Manivelle gauche pour la mise au rapport (porte-objectifi. | 4 Manivelle droite pour la mise au point (porte-document) | iA SS Les manivelles peuvent étre tournées rapidement tant ul V qu'un seul voyant est allumé. j Quand fa fléche gauche et l'indicateur central sont allu- g més, tourner lentement la manivelle. Le buzzer émet >» I un signal sonore avant d’atteindre le point de réglage optimal pour lequel seul le voyant central est allumé. Le signal sonore est continu si la manivelle est tournée dans le mauvais sens, tant que le rapport ne correspond pas & celui demandé au clavier la diode % +[] clignote, PROGRAMMATION Nous allons traiter I'exemple du COPYPROOF. { De plus amples renseignements concernant la programmation et utilisation du matériel peu- vent étre trouvés dans le manuel “Instructions d’Emploi’’ fournit avec la machine. Programmation trait we 1, Rapport 100 % . Diaphragme 22 2. uw: 3. Choix de l'éclairage 4. Sélection programme trait HH 5. Choix du numéro de programme au clavier (exemple : 1) : Taper [P] | -@ 6, Ouverture programmation oH 7. Temps de pose de base < Taper un temps au clavier (exemple : 30) Taper [P. 8. Exposition [ EPROMASTER 2100-2200 i) AGFAGEVAERT INSTRUCTIONS D’EMPLOI ene Hoo Oe eB 9. Au terme de Fexposition min s’allume et Vaffichage indique 0.40 Taper [P], 0.40 est enregistré. 10, Dmax s‘allume, entrer la valeur de la derniére plage blanche aprés exposi tion (exemple : 0.50) Taper [B]. Le temps de pose est corrigé | Le 2 11. Verrouitiage programmation et passage en mode travail Sil’écart est supérieur & 2 plages par rapport a 0.40, recommencer en 5 en programmant le temps calculé. Programme tramé la 1. Rapport 100 % 2. Diaphragme 11 | S27 +L) 8. Choix de réctairage { | O 4, Sélection programme tramé | # 5. Choix du n° de programme (garder le numéro de programme trait correspondant) Taper le n° au clavier (exemple : 1) Taper [P]. La diode “tramé” s’allume Entrer au clavier le n° de trame (exemple : 1) Taper [P Ouverture programmation . 9. Temps de pose de base < Taper le temps au clavierlexemple : 450) trame CME : temps de pose trait X 20 ro ° trame CGE : temps de pose trait X 15 Taper [P. 10. Exposition REPROMASTER 2100 2200 ———4 INSTRUCTIONS D’EMPLO! AGFA-GEVAERT Page 8 TOUCHES COMMUNES 2100-2200 Tableau de commande : lo-@ TEST TRAVAUX TRAMES TRAVAUX TRAITS ANNULATION DUREE DE POSE DE BASE ECART DE TRAME DUREE DE FLASH . 13 PROGRAMMATION ~. DENSITE MINIMALE » oO REGULATION DE L'EXPOSITION i ~ 2, DENSITE MAXIMALE i 7H SELECTEUR DE 3 7 PROGRAMME i) AGFA-GEVAERT Vérification et dépannage des fonctions contrdlées élec- troniquement, Fait apparaitre la durée d’exposition du programme tramé sélectionné. Fait apparaitre la durée d'exposition du programme trait sélectionné. Annule une programmation défectueuse et fait réappa- raitre le programme précédent. Programmation du temps de pose de base Modification de I’écart de trame. En pressant 2 fois cette touche I’écart de densité (Omax-Dmin) de lori nal est affiché. Programmation et sélection par pression répétée de la source lumineuse utilisée pour la pose flash FL1 : flash externe (réflexion sur une feuille de papier blanc couvrant le porte document) FL2 : Flash interne FL3 : Flash interne & 100 % } (2200 FL4 : Flash interne faible uniquement) FLS : Flash interne faible 2100 % J Quand FL3 ou FL5 est sélectionnée, si" appareil est en réduction I'exposition se fait en 4 temps 1. Exposition principale 2. L’appareil se met 4 100 % 3. Exposition flash 4, Retour au rapport choisi Sécurité permettant la programmation des durées de pose et le verrouillage des programmes enregistrés. Presser cette touche pour entrer la valeur de la densité minimale Correction de l'exposition de base programmée. Par action successive sur cette touche, on peut aug: menter ou diminuer la durée d'exposition. Presser cette touche pour entrer la valeur de la densité maximale. La diode clignote si 'écart de densité de Iori ginal est inférieur a I'écart de trame. Par aotion successive sur cette touche, on affiche les. différents programmes déja enregistrés pour la source lumineuse sélectionnée. Presser cette touche pour sélectionner un numéro de programme (chiffre cumpris entre 1 et 9) Apres une action sur P pour validation on peut alors taper un numéro de trame (chiffre compris entre 1 et 9) dans le cas de travaux tramés) REPROMASTER 2100 2200 INSTRUCTIONS D'EMPLOI Kae FLOU 3 DIMENSIONS ORIGINAL COPIE POURCENTAGE : ALLUMAGE CONSTANT wv: REFLEXION TRANSPARENCE wes VIDE OO EXPOSITION Panneau latéral droit oO EXTINCTION AFFICHAGE “@ Uaffichage indique dF, on peut alors entrer un coetti- cient pour créer un flou, Permet la photographie d'un objet. L’atfichage indique 3d. On peut alors entrer la hauteur de I'objet en mm. Calcul du pourcentage quand celui-ci est inconnu, Presser cette touche pour entrer fe pourcentage de reproduction désiré. Ensemble des boutons pour la programmation et la mise au rapport. Chaque information entrée au clavier doit étre validée par une action sur la touche [P_ On actionne la touche [E] pour effacer une informa- tion introduite par erreur et non validée. Allumage ou extinction de la source lumineuse sélectionnée. Sélection de |'éclairage par réflexion Sélection de I'éclairage par transparage. Commande de la pompe a vide Déclenchement de I exposition Pour l'utilisation d’émutsions panchromatique Connecteur pour densitometre RM21 FEPROMASTER 2100-2200 page 4 i i : : : INSTRUCTIONS D’EMPLO! AGFA-GEVAERT 419 1 8 2 7 6 227 wo ‘SPARE PART Pos Part No, 2 HE+72567 3) HE+72566 4 HE+ 72088 8 -HE+77404 6 HE+31860 7 HE473167 8 HE+73220 9 HE+73029 10 HE+73094 11 HE+S3597 12 HE+21628 13 HE+2180 14 HE+7009 18 HE +6500 16 HE+ 44997 17 HE 21046 te HE+SaS07 19 HE+ 49907 20 HE4 72007 21 HE+ 72054 22 HE+ 21636 23 HES 13617 24 HES 72770 25 HES 72927 e+ 72772 27 HE+67901 28 HE+72776 29 HE+72773, 30 HE+25526 at HE+44097 32 HE+72774 3 34 35 36 HE +73979 HE-+20575 HE + 74824 HE +68001, Description ‘CHASSIS, COMPLETE BOTTOM PART, FIGHT BOTTOM PART, LEFT CHASSIS FRAME ‘COUNTER NUT M10 STAR WASHER SOREW MBX 12 INSERTION CAP BRACKET — ANGLE FOR BRACKET ‘SET SCREW, M6 X 12 WASHER Me NUT M6 ‘TRANSVERSE BRACE SET SCREW ‘STAR WASHER, MS NUT MG ‘SET SCREW, MBX 12 ‘STAR WASHER, MS TOP SECTION OF CHASSIS SET SCREW WASHER MS ADJUSTABLE FOOT GAS PRESSURE SPRING FITTING FOR GAS PRESSURE SPRING BEARING FOR WIRE, BALL BEARING CLAMPING FING BEARING HOLDER SET SCREW M6 X 50 ‘STAR WASHER, M6 we: ‘COVER PLATE PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW ‘STOP BLOCK SET SCREW Pos Part No. T i Descriotion BETES okie AGFA @ HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 3 4.2.0 tHe —"ny AGFA @ | HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.16.0 Pos_Part No, HES 97956 E+ 35008 E+ 20079 +HE-+55530 E+ 54208 HE+ 73201, HE+ 44202 HE+a7427 E+ 20028 HE 45616 HE + 69482 HE +6948 HE +73202, HE 423961 HE +73208, He + 20729, HE +37060 HE 20088 HE 72608 Hes 7a127 E+ 72073 HE =70007 HE + 42870, HE +73005 HE + 23902 E+ 73206 E+ 73207 HE #73254 HE 473208, HE + 72669 HE+72579, HE + 72562 HE +7576 HE+73949 HE +73250 HE+72661 HE+ats71 HE + 72676 HE +73262 HE+ 21849 HE+73709 HE+ 73904 HE +20361 HE + 68966 HE + 07600 HE +08084 E+ 20002 HE +0774 E+ 20575 HE +67755, HE 48011 HE+72726 HE+73206 HE+67750 HE+ 94088 HE+71905 HE+71906 HES 71451 Description BACK LIGHT TRAY, ASSEMBLY ‘SCREW, Ma STAR WASHER NUT, Ma ‘SUDE VALVE, COMPLETE SUDE BUTTON BACK LIGHT TRAY, NOT MOUNTED EARTH TERMINAL EARTHING LABEL NUT, MB ‘SCREW, MB X 25, [ALLEN SCREW, MB X 20 WASHER, MOUNTING BOX PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW CABLE CLAMP ‘SCREW FOR HANOLE STAR WASHER, NUT, M3 ‘CABLE PROTECTION ING ‘CABLE PROCTECTION FING. SPRING ‘VACUUM HOSE: ANGLE TUBE FITTING (GUARD PLATE, REAR SIDE SCREW 4X6 GUARO PLATE, FRONT SIDE GGUARO PLATE, RIGHT SELF-TAPPING SCREW 6X22 (GUARD PLATE, LEFT GUIDE PIN FOR SHUTTER ‘CLAMPING FING 10536 BEARING FOR LOCKER PLATE SSOREW MBK25 Nur DISC SPRING ‘SPRING GUIDE WASHER, ‘SPRING FERRULE NUT MG ‘SUDING BLOCK (CLAMPING SUPPORT ARM. PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW ‘SOCKET FLUORESCENT LAMP, 200 ‘WALL SOCKET ‘SCREW 84 X6 REACTOR 220/50 6042, VDEICSA PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW PREHEAT TRANSFORMER 'SELF-TAPPING SCREW 6x9 Ieniror Poe HOLDER FOR PRINT PLATE ‘SPACE BUSHING ‘SELF-TAPPING SCREW ‘SET OF WIRES ‘SET OF CABLES (CHOKE Cou Pos PartNo. E+ 71455 HE+ 99642 E+ 35908 HE 74907 HE + 76082 HE+ 77081 HE+ 77657 E+ 74787 Bezseass Description INSULATING PLATE 'SELECTAPPING BOLT 8 X 19 ‘STAR WASHER SELF ADHESIVE VACUUM SIGN ‘COVER PLATE, WHITE ‘SPRING FOR VACUUM HOUSE PLATE SPRING SPRING 10. or] AGFA HELIOPRINT SPARE PART ust | REPROMASTER 2100 [an 1088 4.17.0 18 19 23 22 29 19 2 Bmw 2 Sac Bt \ \ ea sun AGFA HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988 4.17.0 Pos PartNo. BACK LIGHT TRAY ASSEMBLY ‘SCREW, Ma STAR WASHER NUT. Ma SLIDE BUTTON BACK LIGHT TRAY, NOT MOUNTED EARTH TERMINAL EARTHING LABEL HE + 54208, HE+37407 HE+20028 NUT, MB 10 HE+49616 SCREW, MB x 25 11 HE 68882 ALLEN SCREW, MB x 20 WASHER 72808. CABLE PROTECTION FING 74127, CABLE PROTECTION FING 72673. SPRING 18 HE+70907 VACUUM HOSE 17 HE+42870 ANGLE TUBE FITTING 18 HE+73205 GUARD PLATE, REAR SIDE 19 HE+28302 SCREWS x6, 20 HE4+73206 GUARD PLATE, FRONT SIDE 21 HE473207 GUARD PLATE, RIGHT 22. HE473254. SELF-TAPPING SCREW 6 X 22 73208 GUARO PLATE, LEFT 72663. GUIDE PIN FOR SHUTTER 25. HE+72579 CLAMPING RING 10 X.35. 28 HE+72662. BEARING FOR LOCKER PLATE 76875. ALLEN SCREW Mis X 25 28 HEA75949 NUT 30 HE+73350.OISC SPRING 31 HE+72681 SPRING GUIDE 52 HE+81571 WASHER 72878 SPAING 421849 NUT M6 a5 HE+71400 MICRO SWITCH 26 HE+6E500 SPACER FOR PRINT 37 HE+44768, SELFTAPPING SCREW 4X25 38 HES 75314 SAFETY SWITCH 8 0 HE 472688. SPACER HE +7312 SCREW MX 16 41 HE+29505 SCREW M4 K 15, 42° HE +2078. NUT, Mé 43° HE+61905 CABLE FASTENER 44 HE+71878 HOLDER FOR CABLE FASTENER 45 HE+72851 LABEL 46 HE+72808. CABLE PROTECTION FING 47 HE+-73799. SLIDING BLOCK 48 HE+73964 CLAMPING SUPPOAT ARM 49 HE+20205 SCREW, 6X65 50 HE 20729. SCREW FOR HANDLE 51 HE+68956 SOCKET 52 HE+07609. FLUORESCENT LAMP, 20 W 53 HE403t@4 SOCKET 54 HE #23302 SCREW 4x6 55 HE» 67754 BALLAST 220V) 60-60 HZ 36 HE 420575 PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW 57 HE+67755 PREHEAT TRANSFORMER 58 HE448011 SELE-TAPPING SCREW 8 X 9 58 HE47272¢ IGNITOR Pos_ Part No, HE+ 73208 He +67780 HE +3088 HE+71305 HE+ 74907, He + 20079, HE+ 75302 e+ 76002 HE+77697 E+ 74787 Baz ee Description HOLOER FOR PRINT CIRCUTT BOARD SPACE BUSHING SELF-TAPPING SCREW SET OF WIRES, SELF ADHESIVE VAQUUM SIGN NUT, Ma SET SCREW M& x 50 COVER PLATE. DISK SPRING 18%9.2%0,7 ‘SPRING AGFAD _ HELIOPRINT SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988 4.18.0 Za a ee a“ 4 Pos PartNo Description Pos PanNo. Description SUDE VALVE, COMPLETE. I HE+54801 HOUSING FOR SLIDE VALVE HE #54708 SLIDE FOR SLIDE VALVE HE-+54712 LID FOR SLIDE VALVE HE+54852 O-RING AGFAS SPARE PART HELIOPRINT UST REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.18.0 os Part No, HE + 54802 HE +5479 HE #54712 HE + 54052 Deserition e IDE VALVE, COMPLETE HOUSING FOR SLIDE VALVE SLIDE FOR SLIDE VALVE LID FOR SLIDE VALVE. O-RING FOR Deseription Pos Pant No. Description Pos Past No, OLDER WITH MICRO-SWITCH, MOUNTED | WE +73343 HOLDER FOR MICRO SWITCH HE+71490 MICRO SWATCH HE+ 72682 SHAFT HE +72686. SPRING HE+72471 CLAMPING RING HE+7268¢ SWITCH BASE 8 HE +2096 9 HE 420088 10. HE 437060 11 HE + 69867 Description SCREW NUT, M3 STAR WASHER SPACER AGFA HELIOPRINT. ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988 4.19.0 os Part No. Description. LOWER PART, LEFT, MOUNTED HE+71756 BOTTOM PART HE+70566 ON/OFF SWITCH E+ 73207 COVER PLATE, LEFT HE+44202 EARTH TERMINAL HE 497427 EARTHING LABEL Pos Part No. Description HE-+95998 STAR WASHER HE420078 NUT, Ma HE+72590 NEEDLE BEARING HE+71757 BUTTON COVER Pos Part No. Desevipton Pos PartNo. Description LOWER PART, RIGHT, MOUNTED 2 HE #74523 COVER PLATE 10 HE+71757 BUTTON COVER 3. HE¥71756 BOTTOM PART 11 HE+31610 SPRING WASHER 4 HE #74489 OENSITOMETER ADAPTER, 12 HE448011 SELETAPPING SCREW 8x9 5 HE+72596. SPACE BUSHING 13 HE+69520 DENSITOMETER CABLE 6 HE+ 20088 NUT, MS HE4+35998 STAR WASHER 7 HE+68259 NUT NYLON MATERIAL | 14 HE-+60081 DENSITOMETER AM 21 3 HE+69027 PUSH BUTTON | 9 HE 472509 NEEDLE BEARING i AGFA HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.3.0 Pos Pag No. Description LOWER PART, LEFT, MOUNTED 7786 He +7068 he +7227 He +2702 HE+37407 E+ 35990, He «20079 Hester BOTTOM PART ONIOFF swiTcH (COVER PLATE, LEFT EARTH TERMINAL EARTHING LABEL, STAR WASHER NUT Ma BUTTON COVER, __Pos_ PartNo. Deserition Pos Part Na. 7 Pos PartNo. Description : - LOWER PART, RIGHT, MOUNTED 7 Ne Fea2ss NUT NYLON MATERIAL 8 NE-re2927 PUSH BUTTON 2 HE 474523 COVER PLATE 9 HE+ 7i757 BUTTON COVER 3 Menriz66 BOTTOM. AT [x0 Hesatato SPR 3wmASHER 4 Wes74a9 DENSMOY TERADAPTER | 11 Neeate seu APNG Sonew 0 5 HE172506 SPACE BU HING 12 HE 469620 DEN. OMETER CABLE 6 Hes 20084 NUT. | 13 Ne vacase ran waster AGFA SPARE PART REPROWAS _ HELIOPRINT ust zsresioss | 4.3.0 Pos Part No. Description UPPER PART, MOUNTED HE4717S0 UPPER PART HE-+ 72080 ARROW INDICATION HE+72081 FOCUS INDICATION HE+72078. COVER PLATE HE+71895 SIDE PANEL BOARD HE #57251 LAMP.I2V, 3.201, FORDISPLAY = CL ~ (2206 | | | _ Pos PartNo. Description | _AGFA®D SPARE PART HELIOPRINT ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.4.0 5 6 7 . | Pos PartNo. HEF 7701 He #71757 He + T1093, E+ 72600 HE +7260 HE +72602 wes 71761 MES T1757 He+71093 HE 172605 HE + 72603, HE + 72608 Description UPPER PARE, LEFT, MOUNTED Cover, LEFT BUTTON COVER, BUTTON PRNT BOARD PUSH BUTTON MANJAUT. PUSH BUTTON LENSES - UP PUSH BUTTON LENSES - DOWN Deseription ——s UPPER PART, RIGHT, MOUNTED COVER, LEFT BUTTON COVER BUTTON PRINT BOAR PUSH BUTTON FOR SHUTTER, PUSH BUTTON COPYBOARD - UP PUSH BUTION COPYBOARD - DOWN Pos Part No “Pos Part No Description (eseription za} AGFA HELIOPRINT. ‘SPARE PART ust f 25 FEB 1988 REPROMASTER 2200 4.4.0 Pos Part No. Desetiption Deseription os Pan No He--68081 OENSITOMETER AM 21 | bx] AGFA SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2100 HELIOPRINT ust 25 MAR 1988 4.5.0 0 4 REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 SPARE PART ust AGFA HELIOPRINT Pos PartNo. Description 10 0 12 13 4 15 6 v 6 19 20 21 23 24 28 26 27 28 29 30 3t 32 3 4 35 7 39 at 42 43 HE + 77059 HE + 42905 HE+73801 HE+ 70559 E+ 76560 HE + 81052 HE + 76408 HE+ 72757 HE+ 72788 HE+ 76400 E+ 73220 HE 477508 HE 44007 HE + 65962 HE 477574 HE +7572 HE + 72830 HE + 72840 E+ 72861 E+ 70758 E+ 70558 HE #70758 HE +67902, HE +67901 HE +4097, HE +53597 HE #74247 HE +52796 HE +5779 HE +72861 HE +7222 HE+23361 HE +35491 HE +35096, HE+71678 HE +61395 HE +74250 HE + 74251 HE + 76813, HE+ 76812 HE+21840 HE + 76556 HE +7656 HE+77763, ‘SPINDEL SYSTEM COMPLETE PROFILE ‘STAR WASHER ‘SCREW NO. 19, ROWER 1 ROLLER2 ROLLERS SPINDLE. WASHER ‘CLAMPING RING MOUNTING PLATE FOR SPINDEL NUT INSERTION CAP TTENSILOCK SAFETY BOLT [STAR WASHER, MG SET SCREW M6 x 20 BACKLIGHT SUSPENSION COMPLETE SUSPENSION UPPER SPINDLE BED LOWER SPINDLE BED ‘COVER FOR SPINDLES SCREW 4x8 ‘COVER ‘SCREW 4x5 BEARING HOUSING. BALL BEARING STAR WASHER, 6 SET SCREW, M6 X 12 ‘BOW SPINOLE NUT ‘SPINDLE BEARING BEARING WASHER, LABEL FERAULE PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW ANGLE TAP ‘STAR WASHER HOLDER FOR CABLE FASTENER, CABLE FASTENER WASHER 21/15%0.3 WASHER 21/1510.5 PLATE FOR SPINDEL NUT ‘SPACE BUSHING NUT M6 BRACKET BEARING PIN, SUDING BEARING Pos Part No. Description ee | _AGFA@ HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2100 ust 25 MAR 1988 4.7.0 os PartNo. Desetipton LENS HOLDER ADJUSTMENT PLATES, HE+72935 ADJUSTMENT PLATE HE+21649 NUT MB HE #35190 SET SCREW M5x25 HE 472422 ADJUSTMENT PLATE, RIGHT HE+67835. DISTANCE BUSH HE+73734 ADJUSTMENT SCREW (Description — AGFA HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.8.0 Description Poe Part No, Description ee TOP SECTION OF CHASSIS j 2 veeren wiseneuiens a rere sonewwone ol tee em caret aes tee aon aoe: 2, tEoaes Sit rorecnowene elite eel onane Site reer] ome erating 2 fecamt puro Tarre Som & tetone somanate of eee oars 3 telonne oem rouse fea ere oni eureree of te psa aan oa & tevarer Saneee ee ceed oer & terns wrercne i mlommee & esos Cute tl eeveresl eats 2 feces fevournenk te erect orice Se aes cee ie neve mcrae Si toes roottaes tetera te etanescnewes lis tescoatlcommres mre tm tetone eaveaen a AGFA D> SPARE PART REPRONASTER 2100 ust hanes [4-00 HELIOPRINT Past No Desesiption MOTOR ASSEMBLY 80795. BRACKET E+ #3758 MOUNTING PLATE HE + 68001 SEF SCREW HE #44907, STAR WASHER, MS He +61827, TENSION BOLT HE #62225. ALLEN SCREW M6 X80 HE +6970 WASHER HE+0914 BELT WHEEL HE) 21905 WASHER 4399 X08 1HE-+95996 STAR WASHER ME+7O7S8 SCREW 4X8 1s He+7are6 14 He #21628 1s ME+82227 16 HE +68726 17 HE 69105, ra HE+ 72738 39 HE + 20206 20 NE+7I977 21 HE+er29 22 HEF2IE09 BELT WHEEL WASHER 65% 19% 1.25 DORINVING BELT 140 37 DANING BELT 150 X a7 moron ->HE4 8227t HanNess FOR MOTORS SCREW, 6X65 GuARO FOR MOTORS CABLE TIE NUTMG AGFA} HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 = JUL 1988 Sa os PartNo. HE+ 73952 HE+ 54291 HE+ 61601 E+ 97076, HES 47503, HE 476725, HE 420516 Description HANOLE, COMPLETE: HANDLE cover’ WASHER 8 2x15K15 BUSHING FOR HANDLE ‘cIRCUP CONICAL HANDLE SELF-TAPPING SCREW AGFA} HELIOPRINT 33966 Pos Part No. ‘SPARE PART ust Description REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.10.0 Pos Pant No. Description Pos Part No, Description MICRO SWITCH COVER PLATE 2 -HE+72995 HOLDER FOR MICRO SWITCH | 3 -HE+71490 MICRO SWITCH | 4 HE+97050 STAR WASHER | 5 Hes20084 NUT. MS 6 8 HE+72008 CABLE PROTECTION ANG HE+71878 HOLDER FOR CABLE FASTENER HE+61995 CABLE FASTENER 10.3. — Pos Part No. Description Pos PartNo, Description MICRO SWITCH COVER PLATE: | HE472034 BOW FOR MICRO SWITCH 72933 GUARD FOR MICRO SWITCH (E+61607 SCREW MX1B E+20086 NUT, Ma HE+a7060 STAR WASHER HE+61995 CABLE FASTENER ME +71490. MICRO SWATCH | |_ __ AGFA SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust 25 FEB 1988, 410.0 2 [ear] AGFA SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2100 HELIOPRINT ust 25MAR 1966 | 4.11.0 HE+72779 e+ 77467 HE 72763 E+ 72706 E+ 96086 HE+ 72065 HE+ 71857 E+ 72787 HE+72788 HE +5874 HE+ 72403 HE+ 72808, HE+ 23272 HE 20079 HE + 35908 HE 73566 E+ 70007 E+ F097 e+ 70097 E+ 20028 HE + 49735, HE 49727 HE 21669 HE 40097 HE 21969 HE 42085 HE 71602 HE 72058 HE+ 21628 E+ 60001, E+ 70097 HE +68103, HE + 76504 HE + 70595 HE+81610, HE +76596 HE+31060, Description VACUUM LID, COMPLETE GAS PRESSURE SPRING LOCKING PLATE, NOT SPACER SCREW HANDLE FOR SUDING VALVE \VAGUUM RUBBER BLANKET VACUUM LID, NOT MOUNTED ‘VACUUM GAUGE. ‘WASHER INSERTION CAP (CABLE PROTECTION FING CYUNDER SCREW NUT, Mé ‘STAR WASHER ‘STUD FOR VALVE VAGUUM HOSE VACUUM HOSE VACUUM HOSE NUT, MB ‘CASE FOR VAGUUM GAUGE BOTTOM CASE FOR VACUUM GAUGE NUT M6 ‘STAR WASHER, MS (CLAMPING FING. ‘STAR WASHER LOCKING PAWL ‘SET SCREW WASHER Ma ‘SET SCREW ‘VACUUM HOSE 190 DEGREES ANGLE STUD BRACKET, LEFT BRACKET, RIGHT STOP SUPPORT STAR WASHER Pos_Part No. Description AGFA HELIOPRINT SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.12.0 os Part No| Seseription TOP SECTION OF CHA ANGLE FOR SIDEPANEL STAR WASHER PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW SCREW M 5x20 ANGLE TAP DAIVINGHHEEL, WASHER FOR SPINDEL scReW ‘STAR WASHER ‘SPRING FOR SHUTTER, HEH 72765 HE 472704 HE + 22601 He +5008, He + 58327 12 HE 439189 12 NE# 25078 M4 HE+72596 18 HE+72597 16 HE 6395 HE 48997 la Hes 70707 19 He¥ 73708 EW 73007 E+ 73606 He +69708 | HE + 69705 | Description SET SCREW MaxI0 WASHER CABLE PROTECTION RING GABLE PROTECTION RING CABLE FASTENER STAR WASHER, MG LOWER PART, LEFT, MOUNTED LOWER PART, AIGHT, MOUNTED. UPPER PART, LEFT, MOUNTED UPPER PART, RIGHT, MOUNTED POSITIONING TRANSDUCER °C" FIGHT POSITIONING TRANSOUCER LEFT CEE HELIOPRINT SPARE PART ust REPROMASTEA 2200 ZeFe6 1608 4.1120 AGFA HELIOPRINT SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988 4.12.0 Pos Part No. He +72779 HE «77467 He #72783 HE+ 72788 HE +6056 HE 4+ 72065, HE+ 71657 HE 4 727er HE+ 72788 He +5874 HE 472443, HE +72808, He 23272 HE +20078 HE + 25608, HE + 73566 HE+ 70097 He + 70097 HE + 70097 HE + 20028 HE + 49735, oe HE + 21089 HE 44997 E+ 21969 HEY 42035 E+ 71602 E+ 72056 E+ 21628 HE 68001 HE 70997 E+ 68103 HE +7594 HE +7505, He +2160 HE + 76596 HE +51860 Description Pos Part No. VACUUM LID, COMPLETE | GAS PRESSURE SPRING LOCKING PLATE PIvoT ‘SPACER ‘SCREW HANDLE FOR SLIDING VALVE VACUUM RUBBER BLANKET VACUUM UD, NOT MOUNTED VACUUM GAUGE WASHER i INSERTION CAP (CABLE PROTECTION FING CYLINDER SCREW ‘NUT, STAR WASHER ‘STUD FOR VALVE VACUUM HOSE VACUUM HOS: VACUUM HOSE NUT, MB ‘CASE FOR VACUUM GAUGE ‘BOTTOM CASE FOR VACUUM GAUGE NUT MB [STAR WASHER, MS CLAMPING RING. STAR WASHER, LOCKING PAWL SET SCREW WASHER MB SET SOREW VACUUM HOSE ANGLE STUD BRACKET, LEFT ‘BRACKET, FIGHT STOP SUPPORT STAR WASHER, Descrition 7 AGFAS HELIOPRINT SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988 4.13.0 Pos Part No. Deseripton Pos PartNo, Desciiption coven 2 HE+73245 PLATE COVER | 3 HE472077 SCREW SxS 5 HE4 12955 T-PIPE 6 HE 470967 VACUUM HOSE 7 HE 475525 PUSH BUTTON 8 HE 475525 COVER BUTTON 9 HE 421606 COUNTER NUTIMIS X 1 10 HE+40185 VALVE HOUSING 11 HE+99626. SPRING FOR COPYBOARD 12 HE+75519. SPINOLE | 13 HE+75827 COVER FOR NUT 14 HE #72443 INSERTION CAP AGFA} ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2100 HELIOPRINT ust 25 MAR 1988 4.13.0 Pos Pan No. Description cOvER HE473245 PLATE COVER He +72077 SCREW MSXS E+ 12959 PRE HE + 70097 VACUUM HOSE HE + 75525 PUSH SUTTON HE +75526 COVER BUTTON HE +21806 COUNTER NUT MIS X 1 HE 140185 VALVE HOUSING HE +90026 SPRING FOR COPYBOARO 16475519 SPINDLE HE» 7557 COVER FOR NUT HE 172449. INSERTION CAP Por Pant No. Description AGFAS HELIOPRINT SPARE PART ust | 25 FEB 1988 REPROMASTER 2200 4 14.0 AGFA HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.14.0 " 2 8 4 15 6 7 8 16 2 2B 24 28 a HE+73240 HE+73163, HE 421385, HE+ 72894 HE+72798, HE+73185, HE +73223, HE +68590 HE +71005, HE + 80887 HE + 20088, HE +80889 HE +80890, HE+80491 HE +0892 HE +8089, HE + 50804 HE + 80895, HE + 80496 He + 80007 HE +20408 HE +20400 HE +72794 HE +71768 HE +63596, HE+ 78195, HE +7500 e+ 72797 HE+72796 HE+71903, HE + 71882 HE + 20556. E+ 72743 HE + 35998, HE + 23961 HE+ 23090 HE + 20079 HE+77513, HE + 72599, Desesiption FRONT PANEL, COMPLETE ‘CONTROL PANEL, NOT MOUNTED HOWDER FOR CONTAOL PANEL WASHER 4.39 X08 WANG NUT Ma ‘TAPE FOR DISPLAY PANE FRAME FOR DISPLAY PANE DISPLAY PANE ‘SPACER FOR PRINT ‘CONTROL PANEL BOARD CP + PUSH BUTTON-BLANK PUSH BUTTON.O PUSH BUTTON-1 PUSH BUTTON-2 PUSH BUTTONS PUSH BUTTON PUSH BUTTONS PUSH BUTTONS PUSH BUTTON PUSH BUTTONS PUSH BUTTONS PUSH BUTTON-P PUSH BUTTON-C PUSH BUTTON 10X10 LIGHT GREY PUSH BUTTON 12X12 NYLON WASHER PAWL NUT Ma ‘CPU PRINT BOARD — ‘SPACER SPACER CONTROL PANEL 6OARO OP 2 SERVICE SWITCH PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW EARTHING WIRE STAR WASHER PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW ‘SPROCKET M4 NUT, Ma HINGE NYLON NUT Pos Part No. Desorption AGFA® _ HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.18.0 4.15.0 REPROMASTER 2700 25 FEB 1988, ‘SPARE PART UST AGFA HELIOPRINT Poe Part No, Hes 73763 HES 73183 He + 21335, ME 72694 WES 72796 HES 73385 HE 473608 HE 63590 HE+71905 e+ 0887 HE +80888 HE + 90169 HE + 90890, HE +0291 E+ 80292 HE #20000, HE +0808 HE +0295 HE +8006 HE +e0007 He +0890 2 3 ote one Deseription FRONT PANEL, COMPLETE CONTROL PANEL, NOT MOUNTED HOLDER FOR CONTROL PANEL WASHER 429K 08 WING NUT Ma ‘TAPE FOR DISPLAY PANE FRAME FOR DISPLAY PANE REDACRYLIC PLATE SERIGRAPHICS SPACER FOR PRINT ‘CONTROL PANEL BOARD CP1 PUSH BUTTON BLANK PUSH BUTTONS PUSH BUTTON PUSH BUTTON2 PUSH BUTTONS PUSH BUTTON-+ PUSH BUTTONS: PUSH BUTTONS PUSH BUTTON PUSH BUTTONS PUSH BUTTON PUSH BUTTON-P PUSH BUTTON-C PUSH BUTTON 10 x 10 PUSH BUTTON 12 x 12 NYLON WASHER PAWL NUT Ma (CPU PRINT BOARO SPACER SPACER CONTROL PANEL BCARO CP 2 SERVICE SWATCH PANHEAD TAPING SCREW EARTHING WIRE: STAR WASHER, PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW SPROCKET M4 NUT. Ma HINGE NYLON NUT Pos Past No, Description 8.0/9 ‘SPARE PART L_ HELIOPRINT EM ust REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988 aaicroma| AGFA HELIOPRINT SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.19.0 Pos PartNo. _ Description (CABLE CONNECTION 80x HE+73202 MOUNTING BOX HE +23361 PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW HE +7923 CABLE CLAMP HE+37060 STAR WASHER ME 420044 NUT, Ma. HE +3598. STAR WASHER HE+20079 NUT, Ma HE 472808. CABLE PROTECTION RING HE + 44202 EARTH TERMINAL Pos_Part No. |i Hevrares 12 Hesriest | 19 Hes ras | 14 HE «30642 15 E+ 35098 | 36 Hesarear 7 HEL 77081 ‘eseripion ‘SET OF CABLE CHOKE con. INSULATING PLATE SELF TAPPING BOLT 8X 13, ‘STAR WASHER EARTHING LABEL ‘SPRING FOR VACUUM HOUSE AGFA HELIOPRINT SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988, 4.20.0 Pos Part No BRRSee eeSeRe HE + 73200 HEY 72015 HE+72680 HE 76208 HE 78177 HE+78178 E+ 72668 HE 78223 HE+ 40658 E+ 73211 E+ 72066 HE + 72685 HE + 73012 HE+77901 HE+ 73213 HE 75286 HE+ 77873 HE+ 77876 E+ 70598 HEY 1792 HE+ 70992 e+ 72687 HE + 72666 HE+72675 Hes 73144 HE 70858 E+ 75288 E+ 73983 HE 73352 HEL 77915 HE+21571 HEY 67917 HEY 77016 HE 20528 HE 477584 Description ‘COPYBOARD ASSEMBLY ‘copveoaRD Tare ‘SCREW vot GLASS HOLDER ‘SET SCREW MexB0 GLASS PLATE COVER (8 Sy (GUOE STRIP SOREW 5X10 LUFTING BOW SUDING HOLDER FOR GLASS PLATE INSERTION CAP ‘THREADED PLATE ADJUSTING SCREW \VACUUM BLANKET WITH FILTER PLATE CLAMPING RAIL ANGLE DISTANCE PIECE CLAMPING RING RUBBER CUSHION ADHESIVE FELT SIZE DIAGRAM SHEET — ‘BEARING FOR LIFTING BOW ‘SPRING os Part No. Description. ee ees, 3/0 CLAMPING STRIP FOR SIZE DIAGRAM SHEET DOUBLE-SIDED TAPE ANGLE Nur ANGLE ‘SUPPORT WASHER Ms ADHESIVE FILT HOLOER, ‘SELF-TAPPING SCREW 8X10 (GUIDE BUSHING. AGFA HELIOPRINT SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 —_— 25 MAR 1988 4.20.0 ‘ AGFA HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 of JU! 1986 4.21.0 Pos. Part No, He +7308 He riots E+ 72590 We + 7204 He 7177 Hee7eire © LsBerasce @ HE+7e028 10 Hesse i Hevzaatt 12 Het 72060 1s Heroes ie Heyraer2 1s Heszre0t eo Heeraais 37 HE 75266 18 Hevrere te He+e76 2 He 70598 es e179 He +7092 vez? He +2088 He +678 es rata He 70458 Het 77018 wet 73388 we raise He +7968 He 78208 Heater Hever? Het rro16 He +084 wes 77504 He + 8068 BISRLBRISBESASERR Description COPY BOARD COMPLETE ‘COPY BOARD TAPE STOP SCREW Prvor GLASS HOLDER ‘SET SCREW MB X 80 GLASS PLATE GUE STRIP ‘SCREW MS x 10 UFTING BOW SUDING HOLDER FOR GLASS PLATE INSERTION CAP. THREADED PLATE ADJUSTMENT SCREW VACUUM BLANKET WITH FILTER PLATE: CLAMPING RAL, ANGLE ‘CONNECTION BAR CLAMPING RING. BLACK FILLET ADHESIVE FELT ‘SIZE DIAGRAM SHEET BEARING FOR LIFTING BOW SPRING. CLAMPING STRIP FOR SIZE DIAGRAM SHEET DOUBLE-SIDED TAPE, SUPPORT NUT ANGLE AKTIVATOR ANGLE WASHER M5 ADHESIVE FELT HOLDER SELV-TAPPING SCREW 8 X 19, (GUIDE BUSHING. LOCKING PLATE: Pos_Part No. > He + Shee Description AGFA® ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT aww | zo] AGFAD HELIOPRINT_ ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988, 4.21.0 "Pos PartNo, Description Lap HOUSE AIGHT, COMPLETE 2 HE+73¢46 COVER FOR LAMP HOUSE 4 HE+73328 SOCKET HOLDER 5 HE+24252 SCREW MAX, 6 HE 435908 STAR WASHER 8 HE+73324 MOUNTING PLATE/LAMP ARM, RIGHT 10 HE+73743 TERMINAL 11 HE420036 SCREW 12 HE+37060. STAR WASHER, 13 -HE+20008 NUT, M3 14 HE #44202 EARTH TERMINAL 15 HE +35008. STAR WASHER 16 -HE+20079 NUT, M4 17 -HE+37427_EARTHING LABEL 18 HE+72744 SET OF WIRES 19 HE+68509 SOCKET FOR QUARTZ IODINE LAMP 20 HE+73296 POWER SUPPLY CABLE 21 HE+72067 CABLE PROTECTOR 22 HE+73327 RELIEF ANGLE 23 HE+ 24252 SCREW Maxe 24 HE+5008 STAR WASHER 25 HE+72827 CABLE PROTECTION AING 2 HE+72026 27 HE+34088 SELF-TAPPING SCREW 28 HE+62499 CABLE FASTENER 29 HE+20575 PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW 30 HE+48011 SELE-TAPPING SAEW 8x9 31 HE+35998 STAR WASHER, 32 HE+21985 WASHER 4.399 X08 38 HE+72166 FRONT GOVER PLATE, RIGHT Ps 35 36 a7 38 2 0 a 2 42 2 a HE 29002 SCREW 4X6 HE+37060 STAR WASHER HE+75977 COVER HE4 23902 SCREW 4X6 HE+37060 STAR WASHER HE+70851 PARABOLIC REFLECTOR HE+64068 SET SCREW HE 71766 WASHER HE+78110 QUARTZ IODINE LAMP HIGH OUTPUT 110V HE.+75220 QUARTZ IODINE LAMP HIGH OUTPUT 220¥ HE+75240 QUARTZ IODINE LAMP HIGH OUTPUT 240V HE+79044. BAFFLE HE+73345 ADJUSTMENT SCREW 45 HE+35908 STAR WASHER, HE+20079 NUT, Ms 47 HE+25526 SET SOREW M6 X20 HE+72686 CYLINDER SCREW Max AGFA® ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2100 HELIOPRINT ust 25 MAR 1988 4.22.0 \ 1B 92 31 30 0 a [fs Jf Me / Sid 45 46 44 = AGFAS SPARE PART E REPROWASTER 2000 HELIOPRINT ust 2 5 FEB 1988 4.23.0 os. Part No HE+73946 HE +7338 HE + 24252 HE+95998 HE+73926 E+ 73746 E+ 20086 HE +37050, HE +2004 HE +4az02 HE +5098, HE+20079 E+ a7807 HE 472744 HE +6360 HE+73298 HE+72067 HE +7327 G+ 24052 HE 35096 E+ 72827 HE+72826 HE +34088 HE +62498, HE +20575 23014 He + 35098, ME + 21385, HES 72166 HE + 25502 HE 4.97060 HE +7597 He + 23002, HE +37060, HE + Toast HE + 64066, HEY 71766 HE+ 75110, HE+75220 HE +75240 e+ 72386 HE 73345 HE + 35908, HE + 20079, HE + 25526 He + 73686 Deseription |__Pos_Part No, LAMP HOUSE RIGHT, COMPLETE (COVER FOR LAMP HOUSE ‘SOCKET HOLDER SCREW MaxS STAR WASHER [MOUNTING PLATE/LAMP ARM, RIGHT TERMINAL SCREW STAR WASHER NUT, Ma EARTH TERMINAL STAR WASHER NUT, Me EARTHING LABEL, SET OF WiRES ‘SOCKET FOR QUARTZ IODINE LAMP POWER SUPPLY CABLE ‘CABLE PROTECTOR RELIEF ANGLE SOREW Max STAR WASHER ‘CABLE PAOTECTION ANG | SELF-TAPPING SCREW CABLE FASTENER PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW SELF-TAPPING SFEW 8X9 STAR WASHER WASHER 4:39 x08 FRONT COVER PLATE, RIGHT SCREW 4X6 STAR WASHER: cover, SOREW 4X6 STAR WASHER PARABOLIC REFLECTOR SET SCREW WASHER QUARTZ IODINE LAMP KiGH OUTPUT HIV {QUARTZ IODINE LAMP HIGH OUTPUT 220¥ ‘QUARTZ IODINE LAMP HIGH OUTPUT 240 SAFFLE i ADJUSTMENT SCREW STAR WASHER, NUT. Ma SCREW 6 X30 CYLINDER SCREW ttexs 1 Description __ AGFAS__|| SPARE PART HELIOPRINT ust REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988 4.24.0 1 10 © 30 31 32 14:15 es AGFA HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2100 ust 25 MAR 1988 4.23.0 Pos Part No. HE+73346 HE4+73928 HE + 24252 HE+35008 HE+73928 HEY 73748 HE+ 20036 HE+37080 HE+ 20088 HEY 44202 HE+35008 HE + 20079 HEY97427 E+ 72786 HE + 68500 HE+73298 HE 72067 WE+ 73327 HE + 24082 HE+35908 HE 72827 HE 72826 HE+34088 HE+ 62490 HE+20575 HE+-ag011 HE +5908 HE+ 21385, HE+72167 HE + 23302 HE+37050 HE+75378, HE +2302 HE +37050, HE+70881 HE + 64058, HE+71766. HE+75110, 42 HE+75220 42 HE+ 78240 43 HE+7a348 44 HEF 73545, 45 HE+35098 48 HE+ 20079 47 HE+ 25526 48 HE+ 70686 2 2 24 25 28 27 28 29 20 SSEIKRLERE ee Description COVER FOR LAMPHOUSE SOCKET HOLDER SCREW axa STAR WASHER MOUNTING PLATE/LAMP ARM, LEFT TERMINAL ‘SOREW STAR WASHER NUT. Mo EARTH TERMINAL STAR WASHER ur, M4 EARTHING LABEL ‘SET OF WIRES SOCKET FOR QUARTZ ]ODINE LAMP POWER SUPPLY CABLE ‘CABLE PROTECTOR RELIEF ANGLE ‘SCREW MaxB ‘STAR WASHER ‘CABLE PROTECTION RING CABLE REUEF ‘SELF-TAPPING SCREW ‘CABLE FASTENER PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW SELF-TAPPING SREW 8x9 STAR WASHER WASHER 4:9 x08 FRONT COVER PLATE, LEFT SCREW 4x6 STAR WASHER Cover SOREW 4x6 STAR WASHER | PARABOLIC REFLECTOR | SET SCREW | WASHER QUARTZ IODINE LAMP HIGH OUTPUT 110¥ QUARTZ IODINE LAMP HIGH OUTPUT 220¥ QUARTZ IODINE LAMP HIGH OUTPUT 240 | BAFFLE eo | ADJUSTMENT SREW STAR WASHER NUT. Ma SET SCREW M6 X 30 (CYLINDER SCREW Max, Pos PartNo. Description AGFA HELIOPRINT. ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.24.0 4 Mw 90 aS AGFA ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust 25 FEB 1988 4.25.0 13.2! os Part No, WORKING TABLES, COMPLETE 2 HE+71005 WORKING TABLE, LEFT 3 HE+72033 SCREW MSxI2 4 HE+76443. SUCTION UFTER Pos PatNo, Description 5 HE+76101 ALLEN KEY NA2S 6 HE+73303 WORKING TASLE, RIGHT Pos PartNo, Description _ Pos PartNo. Description = WORKING TABLE, RIGHT, COMPLETE 2 HE 473378 WORKING TABLE, RIGHT 6 HE71516 SCREWMS x6 3. HE+71924 HOLDER FOR DENSITOMETER, 7 HE421385 WASHER 4.3/9 X08 4 HE+71995. CABLE PROTECTOR 8 HE+ 70047 SPAGER BUSHING 5 HE+73972 ORAWER FOR WORKING TABLE AGFA HELIOPRINT SPARE PART _REPROMASTER 2100 ust 2 5 MAR 1988 4.25.0 | | 134 jis] oe PartNo. Description Pos PartNo. Description z = WORKING TABLES, COMPLETE. j He72089 SCREW Msxta He 76048 SUCTION UFTER HES 7BI01 ALLEN KEY N25 | Pos Part No, Oescrip WORKING TABLE, LEFT HE +78867 WORKING TABLE, LEFT HE + 76888 HOLDER PLATE HE+23902 SCREW 4X6 AGFA S SPARE PART REPROWAS HELIOPRINT ust “25 FEB 1988 ctiption WORKING TABLE, FIGHT, COMPLETE HE473378 WORKING TABLE, RIGHT He+71924 HOLDER FOR DENSITOMETER. HE+71935 CABLE PROTECTOR HE+73572 ORAWER FOR WORKING TABLE HE+71516 SCREW MA x6 HE+21355 WASHER 4.399 X08 HE +7007. SPACER BUSHING Pot PartNo. Deseription AGFA} HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988 4.28.0 Pos Part No, Desorption FILTER CASSETTE HE-+72942 BOTTOM OF FILTER CASSETTE HES 67917 ADHESIVE FILT HE 472970 UD OF FILTER CASSETE HE 442005 STAR WASHER HE +53600 NUT MS HE +2361 PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW HE4+72643. INSERTION CAP WE+20079 NUT, mt HE +5098. STAR WASHER Pos Part No. Description AGFA HELIOPRINT SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.26.0 l 7 - - — _ Pos Part No. Deseiption Pos PartNo. Gescription FILTER CASSETTE | we+rasee sorTontoe rutER cASserTe | 12 wera seacen He 20084 NUT, 489 { HE #72722. FILTER PRINT CIRCUIT BOARD 24 HE+44969 TIGHTERING STRIP 7 X 6X 330 HE +72808 CABLE PROTECTION FING | 25 HE+72979 SHUTTER PLATE 3 HE 467017 ADHESIVE FLT 20 HE+23812 WASHER 4 HE+72833. BRACKET OF FILTER PRINT CIRCUIT BOARD | 21: HE+72077._ GUIDE PIN FOR SHUTTER 5 HE +7060 STAR WASHER HE4+72978 GUIDE PIII FOR SHUTTER, 6 HE #71850 CLAMPING RING 7 a 9 HE+72971. LO OF FILTER CASSETTE 26 HE421385 WASHER 4379 x0.8 10 HE+72969. COVER FOR SHUTTER, 27 HE +4295 STAR WASHER 1 Hec7as0e ROQBER STOP FOR SHUTTER PLATE | neo vrs 12 HEsatAat CLAMPING NG FOR PRESSURE LOADED STAY | 29 HE-20081 PARHEAD TAPPING SCREW 1 Hesraast MOUNTING PLATE Fos MAGNET 3 Meena) TAPE ts Heseprae MAGNET COL 3 ne 20079 NUT te Ye HE ves100 ARMATURE FOR MAGNEX Se Hessen STARWIASHER {7 Hevzatte CYLINDER Somer tHE 72600 GUIdE FOR MAGNET AGFA S SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT _ ust 25 FEB 1988 4.29.0 Pos Part No. Description Pos Part No. Description REED PRINT, COMPLETE HE4 68797 REED-PRINT HE #68796 MOUNTING PLATE E+ 68708. COVER PLATE HE+S3111 CYLINDER SCREW E+ 20088 NUT, MS HE+68472 SPACE BUSHING HE + 35908 STAR WASHER HE+ 22691 SCREW HE 46437 SCREW Maxes HE+57703 SPACER AGFAS | SPARE PART REPROMASTER Doe HELIOPRINT ust 25 MAR 1988 4.27.0 2 Hes6aror 3 Hes ares 2 HE +eeraa 5 He+soT B HEF z008s 7 HE+68672 HE + 35908 Por PartNo. Description {EED-PRINT, COMPLETE REEDPAINT JOUNTING PLATE COVER PLATE CYLINDER SCREW NUT. MS ‘SPACE BUSHING STAR WASHER. SonEW SCREW M3125 SPACER ~, © AGFAS___ HELIOPRINT | SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988 4.30.0 2 26 27 19 2 Hh ob oe 26 os PartNo. Dessipton Pos PartNo, Dest LENS HOLDER ASSEMBLY 2 HE+7297S LENS HOLOER DEWCE 2), HE-73195. TUBE FOR HANOLE 3. HE+67917 ADHESWE FLT 21 HE+73189. SPRING 4 HE 79221 CONTACT RAL 22 HE+73192_ RELEASE PIN 5 HEF21885 WASHERA30 x08 28 HE+ 73197 CYLINORCAL PIN © HE+20141. SCREW FOR GLASS PLATE STAY 24 HE476720 GUIDING PLATE 7 HE+21986 WASHER 439 X08 25 HE+70064 HANDLE 8 HE#69746 HOLDER FOR MAGNET pte w | 25 He+7578 space BUSHING 9 HE+29726 CYLINDER SCREW Weta y | 27 Met T2080 THnEADED PLATE 10 HE 59672 MAGNET 25 HES79196. SPACER 11 HE+74789 LENS HOLDER DEWCE Hii 4 25 -HE+5060. STAR WASHER 12 HE+7G188 BEARING FOR SHAFT 20 HE+37a94 SCREW, M4 13 HEs7O187 SHAFT St HE+ 21365 WASHER 429 X08 1¢He-68806 CLAMPING RING 19 1.2 ‘ 32 HE+ 24252 SCREW MAK 5 Hev7e2z2 ALLEN SCREW 33 MEH7S611 LABEL ire tesa emer 17 Hesaiaso STAR WASHER | Ye WE+So443 SET SCREW Me x 16 | 19 HE+ 73190 SUOING RAL | AGFAS SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2100 }—__AGrAS __| TER 2100 | HELIOPRINT ust 25 MAR 1988, 4.28.0 Deseription | | j LENS HOLDER ASSEMBLY 2 ve+700r§ LENS HOLDEN DEMCE fo HE 0195 TUBE FORANOLE 3. Mesorerr ADMESWE ALT | Bt neszsieo SeRNG ft eera2et CONTACT RAL | Ze wewvatea RELEASE PW 3 Merataes WAShER aap KOs | % Mesa CrunonicaL ew @ MEszote! SCREW FORGUAGS PLATE STAY Be Neb rer0 GONG PLATE 7 Mesonss wasiEReaD xos Bs Ne cva0e! HANDLE © Mesenras HOLDER FOR MAGRET we Mee 7er0 SPACE BUSHING 9 Mevzora®_ CvtINDER SCREW 27 NE 70080, THREADED PUMTE 10 Nevssare waoneT zo Ner7a.ee SPACER Th Het vera (ent HOLOER OEWCE | 3% Mesasooe sranwasnen {2 HEF73180 BEARING FOR SHAFT | go Hevavase sonew. we 43° HE #73167 SHAFT | 91 HE +2135 WASHER 43/9 x08 wt HEFeal06 CLAWPING ANG 10% 12 ae HE421252 SCREW MOS Y Hetrazee Rtew sone | 33 Meevsstr tabeu 1 Ne vraece esa tare | HE ST660 STAR WASHER | te Netaoeea SEV SCREW MBX 15 | 7.2 to Hes 7a100 SUNG Aa | AGFA i; ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRIMNT ust 25 FEB 1988 4.31.0 Fos. PartNo, HE + 69905 HE+7art1 HE +7419 HEF 7aI12 E+ 75751, HEA 7an15 HE serss6 HE 60517 HE + 74242 E+ 72988 E+ 74256 HE +7973 HE + 75908 HES 75752 HE + 69006, HE + 74242 erat HE+7a113 e+ 74112 HE 474115 E+ 69305 Deserition Pos. Part No. LENSES DIAPHRAGM SETTING RING 80,135, 150¥M LENS [MOUNTING RING 135 MM, UPPER. PARTITION RUBBER WASHER 195 MM [MOUNTING FING 135 MM, LOWER. 135 MM STABLE LENS, WITHOUT RINGS. SOREW MSK10 213KIM WA LENS, WITHOUT FINGS DIAPHRAGM RING WITH HOLDER FOR MAGNET LOCKING PIN, LONG ‘CONNECTION BAR. [MOUNTING ING FOR 213 MM WA COVER PLATE i ‘80 MM LENS KIT (INCL. POS. NO. 20 -28}, ‘80 MM LENS, WITHOUT RINGS CONNECTION BAR LOCKING PIN, LONG. [MOUNTING RING 135 MM, UPPER. PARTITION RUBBER WASHER 135 MM MOUNTING RING 135 MM, LOWER ‘SCREW MaK10 | DIAPHRAGM SETTING RING 60,135,150MM LENS | Description AGFA HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988, 4.29.0 Pos Part No. HE + 69508, SHEE zenS E+ 7412 HE #75751 HE #74115, 67456 HE + 69517 HEY 74082 HE +7208 E+ 74256 HES 7g773, HE 475398 He + 75752 Ne +69206, E+ 74282 HE #74111 Pt HES 7a013 29 Hee rane 25 HEF 7at19. 6305, Deserption Lenses os Part Ne DIAPHRAGM SETTING RING 80,135, 508M LENS | MOUNTING RING 125 84, UPPER PARTITION AUB3EA WASHER 136 tM. MOUNTING FING 195 nM, LOWER, 195 MM STABLE LENS, WITHOUT RINGS SCREW MaK10 21SMM WA LENS, WITHOUT RINGS DIAPHRAGR RING WITH HOLDER FOR MAGNET LOCKING PIN, LONG CONNECTION BAR MOUNTING RING FOR 213 Mint WA, COVER PLATE BO NRE LENS KIT (NCL, POS. NO. 20-28) 0 MM LENS, WITHOUT ‘CONNECTION BAR LOCKING PIN, LONG MOUNTING RING 135 tte, UPPER, PARTITION RUGBER WASHER 135 Mt MOUNTING RING 195 MN, LOWER. SCREW Max10 DIRPHRAGM SETTING RING 80,135,150MM LENS. | _Deseription L_ HELI AGFAD OPRINT SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988 4.82.0 os Part No. Description Pos PartNo. Description BELLOW ASSEMBLY 2 HE+72610 BELLOW 13, HE #69061 HOLDER FOR BELLOW 3 HE+73177 HOLDER RAL FOR BELLOW 14 HE+21849 NUT M6 4 HE¥24252 SCREW Max 15 HE+44997 STAR WASHER, MG 5 HE +3598 STAR WASHER, 16 HE471769 TESA TAPE 5 HE+75371 GLAS HOLDER 17 HE+75731 FOCUSING SCREEN DIN SIZE, RED 7 HE+67853 ALLEN SCREW Ms x35, 17 HE+75730 FOCUSING SCREEN INCH SIZE, GREY 3 HE+67835. SPRING FOR GLASS FRAME 48 HE+75552. TAPE L=420MM™ 9 HE+73079. SPRING FOR GLASS PLATE HOLDER 10 HE#75513, GUIDE FOR GLASS PLATE 11 HE +72445 ALLEN SCREW Mex 12 HE72811 GLASS PLATE AGFA ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2100, HELIOPRINT ust 25 MAR 1988 4.30.0 @l= Part No. Deseription FILM LEVEL AND BELLOW oe een ern ff eee re encuccae a ete wre tere acs fe alam oars oe ae ee earl crane ee ee ees AGFAS SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust ‘01 JUL 1988 4.33.0 os Part No. Deseription FLASH SYSTEM, COMPLETE ‘5 HE+69460. FLASH LIGHT LAMP, BV, 0,48 2 HE +6467 WHITE COVER PLATE 6 -HE473641 HOLDER FOA FLASH PCB 3 HE+68967 FLASH PRINT CIRCUIT BOARD 4 HE+70667 SCREEN FOR FLASH LIGHT LAMPS Pos Part No. Description ~ — Part No._Desoripticn_ a — ALTER OPAWER MOUNTED 2 HEs7200 FILTEROAAWER Hes 20064 NUT, Mo 2 HELEB764 CLAMPING RING HE460455. GREY FILTER NO. 206 4 HE+eu6t2 FLTERDSC E6849 BLUE ALTER U 4080 S HE+26469 BALL LOCK HES e967 GREEN FLTER Us25C 6 HEeptge SPACE BUSHING HE+69457 RED FLTERL S800 7 We170237 PLATE SPRING Hevenae1 TAPE 8 HEsa70G0 STAR WASHER Heessare MAGNET —| AGFAS SPARE PART TEPROWASTER 2100 HELIOPRINT ust 25 MAR 1988 4.31.0 Pos Pat No FLASH SYSTEM, COMPLETE 2 HE4 09667. WHITE COVER PLATE 2 -HE 471897. FLASH PRINT CIRCUIT BOARD HES 70607 SCREEN FOR FLASH LIGHT LAMPS Poe Pat No. Deseription FILTER DRAWER MOUNTED 2 HEA 7240 FILTER DRAWER 2 HE #68764 CLAMPING AING 4 HE 469512 FILTER DISC 5 ME# 25963 BALL LOCKS 6 HE +6812 SPACE BUSHING 7 E+ 70237 PLATE SPRING 5 HE-+37060. STAR WASHER 5 HE 469469, FLASH LIGHT LAMP, 6V, 0,407 6 HES71170. FLASHLIGHT LAMP, 6V, 0.181 7 HE479541 HOLDER FOR FLASH PCB. Pos Pan No, Deeesiptc 11 HE+69855. GREY FILTER NO. 300 12 HE #60895. BLUE FILTER U 4986 13 HE+69167 GREEN FILTER U S25C | 14 HEs60857 RED FILTER L599C 15 HE 460381 TAPE 16 HE+S3872 MAGNET I | 9 HE +2084 NUT, Ma 19.0/1 AGFA a L_HELIOPRINT SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 ust 25 FEB 1988 4.34.0 oy Pos Part No, | __ AGFA@ HELIOPRINT Description Pos _Part No | HE + 72828, E+ 25868 HE+ 73896 E+ 73783 BALL LOCK 6 FILTER HOLOER INSERTION FOR FILTERHOLOEA COPYCOLOR FILTER DRAWER | ‘SPARE PART ust Desedption REPROMASTER 2100 25 MAR 1988 4.32 = Pos PartNo. HE + 73828 E+ 26468 HES T9754 He +5972 He 1 ar491 e+ 7aaa2 HE + 73980 HE +7350, to HEe7a7S9 COPYCOLOR FILTER ORAWER, COMPLETE | (COPYCOLOA FILTER DRAWER BALL LOCK 8 ARMA FOR MAGNET HOLDER MAGNET SPRING | PLATE FOR MAGNET HOLDER Aft | screw | FILTER HOLDER INSERTION FOR FILTERHOLOER | AGFAD ‘SPARE PART HELIOPRINT | ust REPROMASTER 220 25 FEB 1988 4 4 ae 88 7! Bes ww oo & ss 46 s6 69 71 j l44] LH 7 ___AGFA®D ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2100 HELIOPRINT. ust 25 MAR 1988 4.33.0 Pos Patt No, BESCRLE Bans SLBRISSEVRRLGRASS HE + 73068 HE4+73075 HE+23902 HE+37060, He+32001 HE + 24282 HE +5008 HE + 72862 HE +4202 HE «37407, HE +20079 HE + 71401 HE+71480 HE +23961, HE +3089 HE + 78165, HE+37964 HE + 72507 HE +6500 HE +63506 HE + 69109 E+ 60569 HE+s9168 HE + 74075 HE+75790 HE+ 71686 HE 72735 HE +6375 HE +68016 HE + 49697 HE +5764 HE + 71482 E+ 72741 E+ 69647 e+ 73747 HE +7149 HE + 72727 HE+8184 HE+71390 HE+ 72078 HE4+35008, HE + 20078 HE+73244 HE + 73243, HE +72007 HEY 21385 HE + 23361 E+ 20208 HE+72598 E+ 72597 HE + 71678 HE +62400 HE + 12955, HE+61395 HE +3491 HE + 72008 HE+ 71488 HE 71469 Description Pos Part No. POWER SUPPLY SECTION UD FOR POWER SUPPLY SECTION BOW FOR WALL SOCKET ‘SCREW 4X6 STAR WASHER FLAT WASHER ‘SCREW Mexe, 71 STAR WASHER 72 \VAQUUM LABEL 3 EARTH TERMINAL m4 EARTHING LABEL. 75 NUT,Mé 76 STUFFING BOX 78 CLAMPING NUT 9 PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW INSULATING PLATE PAWL NUT M4 SSOREW, Ma (CABLE PROTECTION FING ‘SPAGER FOR PRINT NYLON WASHER POWER SUPPLY CABLE, 220V-240V POWER SUPPLY CABLE, 110V/60HZ CSA/UL POWER SUPPLY CABLE, 220V.240V/60HZ CSAIL POWER SUPPLY LIGHT SOUACE INTERFACE Poa i MAINS SELECTOR | CONDENSOR 4.0 AMP FUSE, USA 10.0 AMP FUSE EARTH WIRE LaBEL TERMINAL POWER SUPPLY FILTER, FUSE HOLDER, TERMINAL CONTACTOR, | ‘SET OF WIRES WALL SOCKET EARTHING WIRE COVER FOR POWER SUPPLY SECTION ‘STAR WASHER NUT. Mg UD HOLDER, RIGHT UD HOLDER LEFT ‘SCREW FOR LID HOLDER WASHER 4.399 X08 PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW ‘SCREW, B6 X65 (CABLE PROTECTION RING CABLE PROTECTION RING HOLDER FOR CABLE FASTENER, (CABLE FASTENER PIPE CABLE FASTENER ANGLE TAP (CABLE PROTECTION FING ‘SET OF CABLES ‘SET OF CABLES TO LENS HOLDER 3sees HE +4202 HE+37427 HE+72863 E+ 74957 HE+72280, He +70097 HE+7205 HE+ 64068 HE 44997 E+ 70997 HE + 45667 HE+75766 E+ 77513 Description EARTH TERMINAL, EARTHING LABEL LABEL CABLE FOR MAINS SELECTOR ape. ‘VACUUM HOSE GUIDE PIN SET SCREW STAR WASHER, M6 VACUUM HOSE ‘VACUUM TUBE CONNECTOR WARNING LABEL HINGE AGFA HELIOPRINT ust ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2100 16 34 9 7 1014 5 6 13:15 25 12 3 13 26 28 6 ee ag AGFA SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT usT 01 JUL 1988 4.36.0 Pos Part No. See8e He+72078 HE +35098, HE +20079 He 472246 HE 73268 HE +72807 HE+21385 E+ 23961 E+ 20206, HE +72598, e+ 72597 HE+71878 HE+62409 HE + 12955 HE +61395 HE + 35491 HE+71487 Description POWER SUPPLY SECTION ‘COVER FOR POWER SUPPLY SECTION STAR WASHER, NUT, M4 UO HOLDER, FIGHT UD HOLDER, LEFT ‘SOREW FOR LID HOLDER WASHER 4.399 X08 PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW SCREW, 6X65 (CABLE PROTECTION FING. (CABLE PROTECTION FING HOLDER FOR CABLE FASTENER (CABLE FASTENER, TRIPE ‘CABLE FASTENER ANGLE TAP HARNESS, ‘HE-+71448 -HARNESS FOR LENS HOLDER, HE + 44202 HE +3747 HE + 72063 HE+ 74367 HE+ 73260 HE + 70007 HE +7205 HE + 64068 HE +4997 HE+70097 HE+ 48667 HE +7766 HE +69109 HE +60569 HE+77513 AGFA HELIOPRINT. EARTH TERMINAL EARTHING LABEL LaBEL CABLE FOR MAINS SELECTOR LABEL ‘VACUUM HOSE GUIDE PIN ‘SET SCREW STAR WASHER, M6 VACUUM HOSE VACUUM TUBE CONNECTOR BEL POWER SUPPLY CABLE 220r240v POWER SUPPLY CABLE 110V HINGE Pos Part No, a! ‘SPARE PART ust Description REPROMASTER 2200 01 JUL 1988, 4.37.0 27 35 24 23 2615 25 33 _AGFA@ HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 ust 01 JUL 1988, 4.38.0 Pos ara art No, We+79068 HE+73075 HE + 23902 E+ 67060 HE +3001 HEY 24082 HE +35098 He + 72062 HE + 44202 He+a7427 HE+20079 HE+ 71281 HE+71490 e+ 20961, HE +0899 HE+a7394 HE+72597 HE +68500 HE +68596, HE+74075 HE+78799 HE+71860 HE+72735 HE +62375 HE +68016 HE + 49097 HE+71891 HE+78195 HE+ 71482 HE+ 72741 HE+ 69647 HE 73747 HE 71449 HE+72727, HE +08184 HE+71390 HE + 72608, Deseription POWER SUPPLY SECTION uo ‘BOW FOR WALL SOCKET ‘SCREW 4X6 ‘SLIDE FOR LOCKING DEVICE FLAT WASHER ‘SCREW M4 X8 STAR WASHER. VACUUM LABEL EARTH TERMINAL EARTHING LABEL NUT. Ms ‘STUFFING BOX CLAMPING NUT PANHEAD TAPPING SCREW INSULATING PLATE ‘SCREW, M4 (CABLE PROTECTION FING ‘SPACER FOA PRINT NYLON WASHER POWER SUPPLY « LUGHT SOURCE INTERFACE PCB - MAINS SELECTOR PCB CONDENSOR FUSE 4.0 AMP, USA FUSE 100 AMP EARTH WIRE MOTOR SHUTTER INTERFACE PCB PAWL NUT M4 TERMINAL POWER SUPPLY FILTER, FUSE HOLDER ‘TERMINAL CONTACTOA HARNESS: WALL SOCKET EARTH WIRE (CABLE PROTECTION RING: Pos Pan No. Description AGFA HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 [orga tees [4.00.0 21.072 REPROMASTER 2100 zeman i968 | 4.95.0 SPARE PART ust AGFAD HELIOPRINT 2 HE+73966 3 HE+34207 4 HE+20729 6 HE+3108 7 HE+33612 11 HE+ 12874 12 HE+4a202 13 HE+3s900 14 HE +2079 15 HE+0x09 16 HEA 71385 17 HE+71480 19 HE+67017 20 HE+37427 21 HEF 71192 22 HE+73368 23 HE+ 56096 24 HEF 7I192 25 HE+72355 27 HE+ 73098 28 HE+35908 29° HE+ 29052 90 HE+ 21985 31 HE+66007 2 HE+ 62065 33 HE+33685 34 HEH77081 25 HE+ 47325 36 HES 42897 a7 He+e1029 38 HE+67008 Pos Part No. Description Pos Par No. = ASF VACUUM MOTOR PUMP, 220V,240V/50 HZ | Cover [RUBBER FOOT ‘SCREW FOR HANOLE POP RIVET WASHER ‘VACUUM HOSE EARTH TERMINAL ‘STAR WASHER NUT, Ma ‘CABLE WATH PLUG FOR LAMP GUARDS. ‘STUFFING BOX ‘CLAMPING NUT ‘ADHESIVE FIT EARTHING LABEL VACUUM HOSE ‘BASE FOR VACUUM MOTOR PUMP VACUUM RESERVOIR, COMPLETE \VAGUUM HOSE VACUUM PUMP 220V/50HZ_ ‘CABLE FASTENER STAR WASHER, SSOREW Maxa WASHER 4399 X08 INON-RETURN VALVE, COMPLETE ABEL RUBBER SLEEVE SPRING FOR VACUUM HOU: FASTON PLASTIC INSULATION FOR FASTON EARTH WIRE ABEL eseription AGFA} HELIOPRINT. ‘SPARE PART ust | 25 MAR 1988 REPROMASTER 2100 — 236.0 | __AGFAS_ SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust Pe Pos Patt No. 2 HE+73966 3 HE+3«207 4 HE+20720 6 HE+31008 7 HE +3962 11 HE + 12674 12 HE +4420 13 HE +asaga 14 HE+20079 1S HE+03409 16 HEY 71385, 17 HE+71880 1a Hes 6rex7 9 HE+ 37427 21 HEF 71192 + 73968 23 HE + 56096 2a KES 71192 25 HE+72055 27 HE+ 73098 28 HE+3s008 29 Hes 24282 0 HE+ 21385 31 HE+ 65007 22 HE+62065 3a HE+ 99685 34 HE+ 77081 38 HES 47325 36 HE+42697 a7 HES a1029 38 HE-+67008 Description Pos. Part No [ASF VACUUM MOTOR PUMP, 220V.2404/50 HZ cover RUBBER FOOT ‘SCREW FOR HANDLE POP RIVET WASHER \VAQUUM HOSE EARTH TERMINAL STAR WASHER NUT, Ma ‘CABLE WITH PLUG FOR LAMP GUARDS ‘STUFFING BOX CLAMPING NUT ADHESIVE FILT EARTHING LABEL \VAQUUM HOSE BASE FOR VACUUM MOTOR PUMP ‘VACUUM RESERVOIR, COMPLETE VACUUM HOSE VACUUM PUMP 220Vi50HZ = CABLE FASTENER STAR WASHER ‘SCREW MAX WASHER 4.399 X08 [NON-RETURN VALVE, COMPLETE set ‘AUBBER SLEEVE SPRING FOR VACUUM HOUSE FASTON PLASTIC INSULATION FOR FASTON EARTH WIRE. LABEL Description AGFA HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust 25 FEB 1988 REPROMASTER 2200 4.41.0 AGFA HELIOPRINT Pos Part No, SSBSRRRBRP8Sesaa kaReeoovousen EGRPECSLBRLER Description, VACUUM MOTOR PUMP 220V160HZ, COMPLETE HE+73966 HE+34207 HE+37050 HE + 20086 HE +3103, HE+33812 E+ 14005 HE+36150 HE+35111 HEY 12876 HE+ 44202 He+a7427 HE+ 20079 HE+59552 E+ 71385 HE+71480 HE + 48675, HE+67917 HE+35008, HE} 12874 HE+73968 E+ 56935 HE 12874 HE + 53546, HE+ 72645, HE+ 71878, HE+35008 HE + 24082 E+ 21385 HE + 66907 HE +62087 HE+ 45675 HE+ 20729 HE+36931 HE 39685 HE+67008 HE+ 20729 HE+ 21458 HE +8003 HE+67760 HE +6708 E+ 77081 HE+ 81029 coven STAR WASHER Nur, Ms POP RIVET WASHER 12-POLED TERMINAL STRIP INSULATING PLATE CYLINDER SCREW \VAQUUM HOSE EARTH TERMINAL EARTHING LABEL NUT, Mé POWER SUPPLY CABLE FO} [STUFFING 80x (CLAMPING NUT ABEL ADHESIVE FILT STAR WASHER VACUUM HOSE \VAGUUM RESERVOIR, COM! ‘VACUUM HOSE CABLE FASTENER STAR WASHER, SCREW max WASHER 4:39 x08 LaBEL 220601 LABEL ‘SCREW FOR HANDLE PUSBER SLEEVE ANGLE TUBE FITTINGS ‘SCREW FOR HANOLE SET SCAEW FAN FOR VACUUM MOTOR BUSHING LABEL EARTH RE AGFA® HELIOPRINT RUBBER FOOT FOR VACUUM MOTOR PUMP ‘BASE FOR VACUUM MOTOR PUMP ‘VACUUM MOTOR PUMP, 220V)60H2 HOLDER FOR CABLE FASTENER. NON-RETURN VALVE, COMPLETE | [RUBBER FOOT FOR VACUUM MOTOR PUMP. ‘SPRING FOR VACUUM HOUSE Pos PartNo. )R LAMPS, WITH PLUG: PLETE PUMP i ‘SPARE PART Description REPROMASTER 2100 ust 25 MAR 1988 4.38.0 Wea 12$Se othe 21.12 REPROMASTER 2200 FEB 1988 bs ‘SPARE PART ust = AGFA & HELIOPRINT Pos Part No. 6 7 19 He 679066 HE 639207 HE + 37060 HE + 20084 ME + 31000, He +3812 HE + 14095, HE 694150. HE s3gnT ME + 2074 HE +4702 Hes a7827 E+ 20079 HE + 59552 HE +7128, HE 471480 HE 467917 HE + 35908, HE 12875, HE +72368 HE + 56096, He + 12878 HE +34169 HE +72645 HE + 71078 HE +35908, HE + 24282 HE+ 21385 HE + 66007, HE +7855 WE +20729 HE + 36391 HE + 33685, HE 67008, HE +2145, HE +38000, HE +6760 HE +67000 HE +7708 HE +1029, Descxiption __-Pos_Part No, PUMP HOUSE 100V/60HZ coven UBER FOOT STAR WASHER NUT, M3, POP RNET WASHER 32.POLED TERMINAL STRIP INSULATING PLATE CYLINDER SCREW VACUUM HOSE EARTH TERMINAL EARTHING LABEL NUT. Ms POWER SUPPLY CABLE FOR LAMPS, WITH PLUG STUFFING BOX CLAMPING NUT ADHESIVE FILT STAR WASHER VACUUM HOSE BASE FOR VACUUM MOTOR PUMP. VACUUM RESERVOIR, COMPLETE ‘VACUUM HOSE Hes VACUUM MOTOR PUMP, 1o0vi60 HZ. 23 S'S} CABLE FASTENER HOLDER FOR CABLE FASTENER, STAR WASHEA SCREW Max, WASHER 4.39 X08 NON-RETURN VALVE, COMPLETE LABEL to0vI6oHZ SCREW FOR HANOLE RUBBER FOOT FOR VACUUM MOTOR PUMP PUBBER SLEEVE 90 DEGREE ANGLE FITTING SET SCREW FAN FOR VACUUM MOTOR PUMP BUSHING Lape SPRING FOR VACUUM HOUSE EARTH WIRE | Description AGFA HELIOPRINT st ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 25 FEB 1988, 4.45.0 Recommended Spare Part List for 1 - 10 Cameras. SPL Pos. Page No. No. Qty. PartNo. Description 4.3.0 3 1 HE#70565abede —On/OH switch 4.3l00 0 41 Heevaaeg Densitometer adapter 4910 91 HE seat Beit whee! 49:0 131 HE+7a7e6 Beit wheel solo) 1801 HES72763 Driving belt 4.910 16 1 HE +68726 Driving belt 150 x 037 4.9.0 17 1 He+e9t05 Motor 410.0 3 3 HE¥riag Miro switch aio 4 1 HE#7I803 Batton PCB Sito 221 HE+69705 Psioning taneducer "lott 40 231 HE +69708 Positioning transducer °C" right 4.130 8 1 HES71857 ‘Vacuum rubber blanket 413.0 2 2 HESTorTe Gas pressure spring 413.0 1 01 HE+727a8 Vacuum gauge 4.1310 12 5 HE#724ea Insertion cap 4.1310 36 1 -HE#68103 ebce © Wdegree angle stud 4.1310 17 1 HE #73566 ace Stud for valve 4.13.0 1 HE+58520 abice Side vale, complete 4.13.0 7 1 HE 472065 abice Handle for siding valve 41610 15 1 HE ¥75695 a CPUPCB. 4.16.0 10 1 —HE#71905 © © Gontal PCB CPT 4116.0 18 1 —-HE#71903 «@ © Control PCB CP2 411810 52 2 HE407609 © Fluocescent tube 4.1810 551 HE467754 ‘Ballast 220V/s060H2 4.18.0 Sf 1 HES67755 a Preheat vansformer 411810 69) 1 HE#72728 ge ignitor PCB 412210 8 1 HE+72668 b> Glass plate cover for copyboard 4.2210 12 2 -HE472065 abe Sliding holdor for glass plate 4.22.0 18 2 —HEFT7901 abe Adjustment screw 40 231 HE +72687 ‘Size diagram sheat 422.0 2% 1 HES T3ta Clamping strip for size diagram sheet 4.2.0 ar 1 HE #70458 Double sided tape 4.240 19 2 HE+68500 Lamp socket 4.28.0 42 © 44 HE #75200 (Quartz iodine lamp, 220, S5OW 4.2410 424 HE#75240 (Quartz iodine lamp, 240V, S5OW 4.280 42 © 4 HES75110 (Quartz iodine lamp, 1 10V, S5OW 4.27.0 32 HE+ 764830, Suction iter 4.010 2 1 Heséarar Feed print PCB 4.2910 15 2 HE +6924 Magnet col 4.98.0 3 1 -HE#71097@ —ash Light PCB 4.33.0 12 1 HEF72811. b Glass plate for fim level 4.33.0 17 1 -HE475731 Focusing screen DIN size, red 4.99.0 2 1 HE47579 ae Light source interface PCB, 4.9910 21 1 -HE474075 ade Power supply PCB. 4.3010 281 -HE+71@91 ae Motor shutter interface PCB 4.390051 HEF 7t44g Contactor 4.90.0 21 HE¥71860 Main selector PCB: ‘Also FEA 1810 Spare part ‘Also FIM 12-13-15-1600 Spare part ‘Aso RM 310 Spare part ‘Aso FIM 3600 Spare part ‘Also FIM 3500 Spare part ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 ust HELIOPRINT (Only parts marked * are diferent 0 the SP edton 25 FEB 1988, cantons 5 HE 56448 SCREW MB x 16 77 HE-+ 56848 SCREW Ma X 16 ———S = AGFA®D ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT. ust (01 MAR 1969 4.47.0 Only parts marked * are sitferent tothe S.P.L edition 25 FEB 1988, OLD SPL EDITION OT OCT 1983) [Pos PartNo. Desiipion "2 NE479225 COVER PLATE “4 HE 471901 DENSTTOMETER ADAPTER PCB *6 HE 471009 NYLON WASHER M3 *7 HE +2004 NUT MS "10 HE +37060 SPROCKET M3 11 HE #72743 EARTHING WIRE "13 HE +-68061 DENSITOMETER AM 21 ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 04 MAR 1989 4 16 #17523 44 [ zy Jt SOW1S* 16 4204821 » ‘OLD SPL EDITION (OT OCT 1983 Only parts marked * are citferent to the SPL edition 25 FEB 1968, |ASTER 2200 4.49.0 REPROM (01 MAR 1989 ‘SPARE PART ust AGFA HELIOPRINT HE+72606 GUIDE RAIL HE+44997 SPROCKET M6 HE+53597 SCREW M6 x 12 HE+72749 SUDING Rall. FOR LENS HOLDER HE+72749 SLIDING RAIL FOR COPY BOARD HE 4+ 44907 SPROCKET Me HE +59507 SCREW M6 X 12, HE+72750 SLIDING PIN 8:3 FOR COPY BOARD HE472751 SUDING PIN 8.4 FOR COPY BOARD HE #72752 SUDING PIN 8,2 FOR COPY BOARD HE 473962 SUDING PIN 8.5 FOR COPY BOARD HE+72753 SLIDING PIN 8.3 FOR LENS HOLOER HE+72754 SUDING PIN 8,4 FOR LENS HOLOER. HE+72755 SLIDING PIN 8:2 FOR LENS HOLOER HE+73961 SUDING PIN 8,5 FOR LENS HOLOER. #11 HE4+72756 SPINDLE ‘12 HE+72757 WASHER "13, HE+72758 CLAMPING RING +14 HE4+70Ra2 SPINDLE NUT "15 HE-+72767 MOUNTING PLATE FOR SPINDLE NUT 16 HE+44907 SPROCKET M6 +17 HE-+83697 SCREW M5 X 12 "18 HE472769 BEARING +19 HE4+65862 SCREW Ms X 20 720 HE4+44997 SPROCKET M6 *21 HE + 21849 NUT M6. 22 HE4+72897 HOLDER FOR BACK LIGHT TRAY 23, HE+73788 LENS HOLOER DEVICE 24 HE+72899 UPPER SPINOLE BED +25 HE+72840 LOWER SPINDLE BED "26 HE+72841 COVER FOR SPINDLES "27 HE+70758 SOREW 4X8 "28 HE+72842 MOUNTING ANGLE FOR WIRE "29 HE+70758 SOREW 4x8 "30 HE+71999 FITTING FOR SUDING RAIL *31 HE+20001 SELF-TAPPING SCREW 4 x6 32 HE +72649 REAR PLATE FOR LENS HOLDER "33, HE + 70758 SCREW 4X8 +34 HE-+67002 BEARING HOLDER "35 HE +67001 BALL BEARING "36 HE4+44097 SPROCKET M6 "37 HE +53597 SCREW MBX 12 }+38 HE-+72019 BOW FOR SPINDLE NUT 39 HE +64874 CLAMP BUSHING +40 HE+35858 POINTED SCREW MS x6 ‘41 HE+52795 SPINDLE BEARING +42. HE+52779 BEARING WASHER 44 HE+ 73232 FERRULE 45 HE+ 73253 FERRULE 46 HE+23361 SELE-TAPPING SCREW 6X9 47 HE+35401 ANGLE TAP 48 HE +35096 SPROOKET M4 ]-49 HE4+71878 HOLDER FOR CABLE FASTNER 50 HE4+61305 CABLE FASTNER AGFA HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART ust (01 MAR 1989 4.50.0 ‘OLD SPL. EDITION Only parts marked * ae diferent to the &.P.L edition 25 FEB 1968. 01 OCT 1963 #5. HE4+-72439 INTERNAL ADJUSTMENT PLATE, LEFT AGFA ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200, HELIOPRINT ust (01 MAR 1989 4.51.0 (OLD SPL EDITION (1 OCT 1983 "3. HE 472032 MOUNTING PLATE FOR MOTOR tg HE 72762 BELT WHEEL 14 HE 472778 SCREW MS X6 16 HE 467826 DRIVING BELT 150 X L037 AGFA HELIOPRINT ‘SPARE PART 663 415 a5 42 6 (Only parts marked * are diferent to the S.P.L edition 25 FES 1968, fotocrasea [Pos Pan Ne. Descripion "5 HE 472505 SCREW 10x25, AGFA ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust Of MAR 1989 4.53.0 "9 HE+727B0 ADJUSTMENT BAR 95 HE+72785 PNOT "11 HE+72789 SCREW Me X25 19 HE+12874 VACUUM HOSE 20 HE+ 12874 VACUUM HOSE "21 HE + 12874 VACUUM HOSE 926 HE+72949 HINGE FITTING 22 HE+79297 SPRING 33 HE+ 12874 VACUUM HOSE *95 HE +73695 COVER PLATE FOR LID #96 HE + 23902 SELF-TAPPING SCREW 4 X 6 AGFA ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust (01 MAR 1989 4.54.0 nly parts marked * ae diferent to the SP.L edition 25 FEB 198 ‘HE 412874 VACUUM HOSE HE + 12874 VACUUM HOSE HE + 69509 ADJUSTING KNOP HE-+69510 INSERTION CAP "10 HE+40199 BLEEDER VALVE ‘SPARE PART ust REPROMASTER 2200 [erman sco [+080] OD SPL EDMON (01 OCT 1983, "14 HE-+20079 NUT MG wis wes7osos cpupomRO HEE FSOAS “2s HE asc SELFTAPPIG SCREW MA 725 HE 173590 NSERTION BOAAD AGFA ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust ‘01 MAR 1989 4.86.0 8 23 22.20 19 ‘OLD SPL EDITION ‘01 OCT 1983 ‘SPARE PART ust HELIOPRINT ‘OLD SPL EDTION Only parts marked * ae diferent to the SPL ection 25 FEB 1988, 1 GT 1963, He 472589 PIVOT HE 472670 GLASS HOLDER RAIL HE+72578 SCREW M6 X 60 E+ 73210 METAL STRIP ‘10 HE #35858 POINTED SCREW MS x 6 /+15.HE+73066 ADJUSTMENT SCREW MS X 20, +17 HE+72672 CLAMPING Rall, FRONT "18 HE+72671 CLAMPING RAIL, REAR "19, HE+-72964 CONNECTION BAR FOR CLAMPING RAILS "21 HE+72065 NUT FOR CONNECTION BAR +22 HE 67917 FELT STRIP +28 HE+71109 TAPE AGFA ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust Ot MAR 1989 4.58.0 1110 90 91 92 14 15 aw 27 1934.4 3 2818 \ L— iy JTt \ a, 93 6 § 35 34 37 OLD SPL EDITION Only parts marked * are diffrent tothe SPL edion 25 FEB 1988, orieeerisosa AGFA SPARE PART HELIOPRINT ot 18 14-92 31 30 x10 11 20 2 18 28 3 4 3419 27 : VV] 4 “2900 Ss : \ | He ‘ (O10 SPL EDMION Only parts marked * are diferent to the SP.L edition 25 FEB 1968, OF OCT 1988 }+10 HE+14095 12.POLED TERMINAL STRIP 126 HE+72329 SHIELD FOR LAMP HOUSE, LEFT 42. HE+12521 QUARTZ IODINE LAMP 220V/550W +42 HE+ 12548 QUARTZ IODINE LAMP 110V/550W 42 HE-+36469 QUARTZ IODINE LAMP 240V/550W AGFA ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust (01 MAR 1989 4.60.0 Only parts marked * are different tothe S.P.L edition 25 FEB 1968 Pos Pant No. Doseipton 7 +3 HE4+68257 RUBBER SUCTION UFT a? Only parts marked * are different to the S.PL. edition 25 FEB 1988, OLD SPL EDITION (01 OCT 1983 ‘Desorption 2 HE4+73739 WORKING TABLE, LEFT *3 HE#73740 HOLDER PLATE AGFA ‘SPARE PART HELIOPRINT ust ‘01 MAR 1989) REPROMASTER 2200 4.61.0 (Only parts marked * ae diferent o the S.P.L edition 25 FEB 1988 ‘OLD SPL EDITION (or OCT 1883 93 HE+60472 SPACE BUSHING AGFAS ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust 01 MAR 1989 42.0 * (Only parts marked * ave diferent tothe S.P.L edition 25 FEB 1988. o Por Pan No. Osenipton ss HE+29726 SCREW M3 x 10 +11 HE+72064 SUDING LENS HOLDER 124 HE +73198 GUIDING PLATE 25 HE+ 73191 STAY #33 HE-+69070 SCALE FOR APERTURE SETTING. AGFA®D ‘SPARE PART HELIOPRINT ost OLD SPL EDITION itterent to the SPL eeltion 25 FEB 1988. (Of OCT 1983 Pos Pant No. Desoiplion ‘Onty parts marked ‘Bas PartNo. Desctition Boh 34 "3 HE+73218 MOUNTING AING #23 HE+73218 MOUNTING RING = =U 4 HE+69572 PARTITION RUBBER WASHER 1724 HE+68572 PARTITION RUBBER WASHER, "5. HE+73219 MOUNTING FING +25 HE+73219 MOUNTING FING _ 5 HE+69098 135 MM LENS. 725 HE+35149 SCREW M4 X10 "7 HE #21985 WASHER M6 *27 HE+21385 DIAPHRAGM SETTING FING "3 HE 435149 SCREW M4 X 10 10 HE +59872 MAGNET "12 HE +69907 LOCKING PIN "14 HE+52027 MOUNTING RING 715 HE+72835 INSERTION CaP "20 HE +68784 60 MM LENS WITHOUT RINGS 22 HE +69007 LOCKING PIN ‘SPARE PART ust AGFA® HELIOPRINT crane [4.04.0 | ‘OL SPL EDITION nly parts marked * are diferent tothe S.P.L edition 25 FEB 1088, oLOGr. m3 "6 HE 4.79009 GLASS PLATE HOLDER "10 HE +72000 GLASS PLAT GUIDE, RIGHT ‘11 HE4+79001 GLASS PLAT GUIDE, LEFT "17 HE +49518 RED FOCUSING SCREEN FOR DIN SIZES |S, "17 HE-+57347 RED FOCUSING SCREEN FOR INCH SIZES, AGFA ‘SPARE PART HELIOPRINT et Pos Pant No, Description +6 HE+69570 SPACE BUSHING “10 HE+60981 TAPE Only parts marked * re diferent tothe S.P.L edition 25 FEB 1968. +2 HE 479627 COPYCOLOA FILTER DRAWER ‘OLD SPL EDMON (OF OCT 1983, AGFAS ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust ‘01 MAR 1989 4.66.0 OLD SPL EDITION Only parts marked * are different tothe $.P.L edition 25 FEB 1988, (01 OCT 1983, oa He + 24252 SCREW ME x8 #26 HE+71452 CABLE FOR MAINS SELECTOR AGFAD ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust ‘01 MAR 1989 4.67.0 7 95 24 23 PS 7 i 2 ‘OLD SPL EDITION Only parts marked * are diferent tothe S.P.Ledion 25 FEB 1988, OF OCT 1969 Pos Pant No. Desorption 5 HE+37060 SPROCKET MS 21 HE+71996 POWER SUPPLY POE "22, HE +71899 LIGHT SOURCE INTERFACE PCB 31 HE 14095 TERMINAL STRIP 34 HE 14005 TERMINAL STRIP ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 ust rn 180 ‘OLD SPL EDTION Only parts marked * are different tothe S.P.L edition 25 FEB 1988, Loc [Pos Par No. Dessipton Pos Pat No. Desorption "4 HE 437060 SPROCKET M3 728 HE+71198 SCREW M4 x8 5 HE+20084 NUT M3 729 HE+20729 SCREW M4X5, HE + 14095 TERMINAL STRIP 32 HE+67008 LABEL HE #94150 INSULATING PLATE AGFAD ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ust ‘01 MAR 1989 4.69.0 ‘OLD SPL_EDITION (01 OCT 1983 16 HE+59017 STUFFING BOX 1117 HE+57983 CLAMPING NUT "18 HE +69172 VARISTOR 33 HE+39685 RUBBER BUSHING ‘SPARE PART REPROMASTER 2200 ust CONTENTS PAGE NO. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FILM LEVEL. LEVELLING THE CAMERA, WORKING TABLES. POWER SUPPLY. SAWP HOUSINGS, cOPYBOARD. LENSES. VACUUM PUMP. ‘SYSTEM CHECK, 10. PRINTER CONNECTION (®M 2200 1} ADJUSTMENT PROCEOURE 1, LEVELUNG THE FILM LEVEL. 2, LEVELLING THE CAMERA 4, POWER SUPPLY, 5, UAP HOUSE LEVELLING LIGHT DISTRIBUTION. 6, LEVELLING THE COPYBOARD. Procedure A Using a machine spin level Procedure 8, Using the colimator. Procedure C. Using the test chart 7, COLLIMATION OF THE LENSES. Colimation of the 213mm eas, Colirmation of the 135mm lens. Collation of the Optional lens. SECURING THE FILM LEVEL GLASS PLATE, 9, SYSTEM CHECK. OPTICAL CENTRE, ADJUSTMENT IN DIRECTION NORTHISOUTH, ADJUSTMENT IN DIRECTION EASTIWEST. SERVICE PROGRAM #2. Selection of camera type SERVICE PROGRAM #22, Selection of an extra lens. SERVICE PROGRAM #23. Initiation of the EEPROM. SERVICE PROGRAM #24, ADJUSTMENT OF THE 213mm LENS. ADJUSTNENT OF THE 213mm LENS. (RM 2200 1) ADJUSTMENT OF THE 135mm LENS. ADUSTMENT OF THE 125m9n LENS. (AIM 2200 I) [ADJUSTMENT OF THE somm LENS. [ADJUSTMENT OF THE Bom LENS, (RM 2200 1) 16 15 16 15 _ AGFAD HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION REPROMASTER 2200 “2odec 1908 [5.0.0 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE. 1. FILM LEVEL. Position the grey flash ring on top of the built-in flash PCB, inside the bellow. Mount the glass plate, and check that it is in level with the top chassis. ‘Tap each glass plate comer. For check/adjustment, see page 5.4.0 —____* }2. LEVELLING THE CAMERA. Place a spirit level on the film glass plate, and tum the adjustable feet until the camera is in tevel For check/adjust ment, see page 5.4.0 _—_ 3. WORKING TABLES. Mount the working tables. |4. POWER SUPPLY. The camera is adjusted to the voltage and frequency stated on the yellow label on the ‘camora power cable. Check the label with the mains Switch the mains OFF. Wf the camera has to work on a diferent voltage/frequency, perform check/adjustment on page 5.5.0 Connect the camera cable to the mains rr continue on the next page. AGFAS HELIOPRINT. REPROMASTER 2200 INSTALLATION 10 MAR 1988 Ghar) installation continued, 5, LAMP HOUSINGS. Press the cable intry into the lamp arms. Move the lamp housings in fully down position. Mount the extra bolts in the lamp arms, and tighten ail four bolts. Mount the baffles, Check lamphouse fevelling For check/adjustment, see page 5.5.0 Check the light distribution. For check/adjustment, see page 6.5.0 6. COPYBOARD. Raise the copyboard glass litter, and slide the glass plate into the lifting bow. Gently push it fully back into the glass holder rail. Place the registration sheet and close the copyboard. Place a spirit level (at the rear and diagonally, both ways), on the copyboard. Check that the copyboard is in level Perform check/adjustment on page 5.6.0 ‘ continue on the next page REPROMASTER 2200 DS _- - HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION TOMAR 1908 | 5.2.0 7. LENSES. Check collimation of the lenses. | For check/adjustment, see page 5.8.0 8. VACUUM PUMP. ae Connect the vacuum hose to the stud on the | pump, and to the stud at the back of the camera Connect the power cable from the camera, to the socket on the vacuum pump, 9. SYSTEM CHECK, Test the Reflex Light, the Backlight and the Vacuum. Check the optical centre. Perform check/adjustment on page s.0 @® Check Size and Focus. Perform check/adjustment on page 5.9.0 Level the copyboard using the test chart Perform check/adjustment on page 5.7.0 4 10. PRINTER CONNECTION. (RM 2200 1) Preform Service Programs #32 and #33 on page 6.15.0 and page 6.16.0 AGFA HELIOPRINT REPROMASTER 2200 INSTALLATION 20DEC 1988 | 5.3.0 ADJUSTMENT Note. Valid rom SOFTWARE LEVEL 50 1. LEVELLING THE FILM LEVEL. cee = Check that the gas plate isin level with the (+: Imm), See fg. 1 Tap each corner of the glass plate with afin: {or even contact with the underlying support rails fn isten Fat Adjustment: ‘Adjust tho rear suppor rail and the two tront allen screws. uni the glass plate is in level withthe frame, and has, ‘even contact with tne eupport rails. Soe fig, 282, — 2. LEVELLING THE CAI Check: = Piace the spit evel on the rear edge of the glass plate and teheck thatthe camera isin level. See fig, 4 Adjustment ro) re two rear camera feet. See Hig. 6 Check: Pace the spit level (diagonally both ways) on the g plate, and check thatthe camera isin level Adjustn Ae Hront camera feet, once at a tine Sea fig 6 Fg AGFA S REPROUASTER 2000 HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION “10 MAR 1988 5.4.0 4, POWER SUPPLY. Check: Check thatthe voltage/requency stated on the yellow label (on the power cable, equals the mains. Adjustment: = Open the power supply section, and move the vollageftiequency plugs according to the mains. 5. LAMP HOUSE LEVELLING. Checks Use a spin level, and check thatthe lamp house is ingeve See fig. 7 Adjustment = Loosen the three sevews A on the top of the lamphouse, and ‘ove the lamphouse unt itis in level, Tighten the tee rows. See fi. 7 LIGHT DISTRIBUTION Preparation’ = Switeh the mains ON. * Switch the eamera ON. Place the cardboard scieen, (supplied with the camera) between the LEFT bale and the quartz lamps. CAUTION: The cardboard material is inflammable. Read the text on the cardboar ‘Switch the retlex light ON. Check: week that the weakest shadow line is placed approx. 170mm across. the canto line on the sie slagram sheet. See 9. 8. Adjustment || turn sew on wach bate, unt the weakest shadow ne rea = is placed approx. 170mm acoas tha carte ine onthe size Gingram see. See fg, 8 Saitoh the rlox ht OFF, and caconnect the power eabie trom the et ap, Aapeat tne Preparation the Check andthe Adjustment foe the fg amphowsing AGFA > REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT. INSTALLATION 10 MAR 1988 6. LEVELLING THE COPYBOARD. LEVELLING THE COPYBOARD CAN BE DONE IN 9 WAYS, A Using a machine spin level +B. Using a collimator *C. Using a test chart Not: * Uso procedure A+B to achieve a normal accuracy, + Use A+84+C to achieve optimal accuracy * Use procedure C alter ajustment of size and focus, Procedure A. Using a machine spirit leve! Check: ‘Open the glass, and remove the two front screws. Lit tne copyoosrd frame to get access to the backlight Nay. Place the spirit level on the backlight tray. See fig 5 (Chock that the backlight tray is in level. Note: The two fear allen serens ‘A (both cos) are the pivot points. See ig 9. i eee J Adjustment: — “Loosen oth atin screws (4), See tg. 9 + Loosen the Iocknuts on the bolts (8). and adjust the bolts Until the backlight tay isin level Tighten the four ailen screws (A) and the locknuts, See fig 8 Replace the copyboard frame and the two front screws. = Close the copyboard and place the spirit level atthe rear {and diagonally both ways) on the glass piste, See fig. 10, Adjust the two front and the two tear sorews CA) until the ‘copyboad is in level. Maintain 7 to 10mm Between the copyboard frame and the backlight vay. See Fig, 10811 Procedure 8. Using the collimator, <= Preparation: Calibrate the cotimator Place the mitror under the collimator, and calibrate until the tellected cross ftom the mistor covers the crass in the collimator. See fi. 12 AGFA REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION 10 MAR 1988 5.6.0 TWO LENSES Remo inding cap. by louse ot allen screw and ove the two others. CAMERA WITH THREE LENSES: “Remove the diaphvagm connwetion bar Loosen one ailen serew ((emave the two others} and remove ‘the optional fens from the lensholder + Slide the opening into the optical cent. ‘Adjust the copyboard to 100% size and place the mittor in the centre of the copyboar. Cheek. ‘Check that the reflected cross frorn the eopyboatd covers the cross in the collimator Adjustment: Aust wo font and ibe wo car sews cs) QD ice i,t) unl atete cor tom tw copyboad Saree Gone eaiatr mount te optona nflinding cap, bu do nt phen any lan eee on tlre aja tne Sapam on bath ens 22 Tutn the optoral en, unl ine sonneston br, without any ition, prnStey te over te cng pn Titun the 8 ten sews “oahec th nano before te connection bari ace Procedure C. Using the test chart Note: Botore using this procedure, perform in sequence 1-4 1. Procedure A. Leveling the copyboard using a machine wii level 2 Procedure B. Leveling the copyboaid using the eotimate. 4. Lans eatimation 4. Service Program # 24 Preparation: Key in 100% size, and pl che oui Position the fest chart on the film level, until the hotizontal ‘nd the vertical ines exactly cover each other. See fg, 14 Check: (Cheek all four corner markings. See fig. 14 Adjustment: Fine adjust the screws 'R (se fig, 18) Note: Depending on the accuracy of procedure AB. the cent point may move A necessary, reposition the test chart on the fim level, and feagjust the screws AGFA HELIOPRINT REPROMASTER 2200 INSTALLATION | 10 MAR 1988 5.7.0 Fg 1 Collimation of the 219mm lens. Preparation: Key i 100% sie Sige the 213mm lens into working position. = Remove the glass plate and place a mtor on top ofthe iene. Feplace the glass plate {Pace the colimator in the canze of tho fim level Check: ~ Check thatthe reflected cross from the mir. covers the ‘ross in the colar. S00 fig 16 Adjustment: ‘Adjust the lonsholder on the four nuts (A-B-C-0}. See fi Luni the reflected crass ffom the miror covers the eros in the colimator ‘Remove the mir. Collimation of the 135mm lens. Proparation: Sle the 125mm lens into working positon Remove the glace plate and place a micar en top of the lens. Replace the glass plate Place the colinator in the centve of the glass plate Check: ‘Check that the cllected cross from the mio, covers the ex0ss in the colimator. See fg. 16 Adjustment “Adjust the three 2.5mm allon serews on the lens mounting fing, uni the rellected croaa trom the mor, covers th in the colimator. See fig. 18 Remove the mistr, and replace the glass plate Callimation of the Optional lens. Preparation: = Slide the optional lens into working positon Remove the glass plate and place a mircor an top of the lens. “Replace the glass plate. Place the colimatar in the centre of the tim level Check ‘Check that he reflacted cross tom the cross inthe calmator. See fig 16 Adjuster ‘Adjust tne vee 25mm allen serews on the lans mounting fing, until the relleced cross from the mittor covers the cross in the collimator. See tig 16 Remove the mitt, and replace the lass plate AGFAS HELIOPRINT REPROMASTER 2200 INSTALLATION 10 MAR 1988 6.8.0 SECURING THE FILM LEVEL GLASS PLATE. emove the glass plat, Loosen the guides for the glass plate place the glass plate Press the guides into contact with the glass plat. Remove the glass plate, and tighten the screws, Feplace tho glass plate 9. SYSTEM CHECK. orn \L CENTRE. Preparation: Slide 135mm lens into working position, Select the largest aperture. @e = Use a thin needle, and make a small hole (small as possi) exactly in the contre ofthe size diagram sheet. Pace the size diagram sheet on the copyboard and close the glass plate ‘Switeh the backlight On. Key in 20% sie, - Pesition the focusing ecreen on the fm level, nti the light ‘spot trom the size dlagram sheet isin the cenive of the focusing sereen, Cheek: ~ Key in 400% size and check thatthe light spot en the focusing screen stays within a radius of 3mm from the conte he oistance "X between the horizontal EastWest lightspot. See fig. 18. Now the lightspot must be moved (by moving the 8 the sistance °X Ia deetion NonhySouth + 25% ie) ADJUSTMENT OF OPTICAL CENTRE ADJUSTMENT IN DIRECTION NORTH/SOUTH. ~ Loosen the locknuts on the bolls "B foot sides). See fig. 1 Tun the adjustment bolts “A: (equal) and rove the Fensholder the distance °X" unt the lightspot is on the EastWest horizontal ine, and then adeltional 25%. Example: Distance °X'= 20mm. 26% of X= Sam. Results: X'=25mm = Key in 20% sie - Position the focusing screen on the fim level, until the lightspot trom the size diagram sheet, once more, isin the centre of the focusing screen e Koy in s00% size Measure the distance “Y” between the vertical Novth/Sauth REPROMASTER 2200 | HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION 70 MAR 1988 Fai ‘ADJUSTMENT IN DIRECTION EAST/WEST. ‘Adjust the bolts 'B' oosen the opposite) and move the Jonshoider the distance "Y” until the lightspot fs on the North/South vertical line, and then additional 25%, See fig. 19, = Key in 20% size, = Position the focusing screen on the fim level, unt the lightspat from the size diagram sheet is in the centre of the focusing screen Che Key in 800% size and check thatthe light spot stays in the fptical centre +- 3am, when the camera is moved from 20% 10 400% size W necessary repeat the adjustment NORTH/SOUTH. or EASTWEST ==AGENOEEs HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION REPROMASTER 2200 10 MAR 1988 5.10.0 Service Program #21 Selection of camera type PROGRAM DESCRIPTION, * The program provides the CPU withthe following standard lone configuration + Lens holder postion 1 fs without a len, (000) * Lens holder position 2 mounted with a 213mm lens Lens holder posiion 3 mounted with « 136mm lens Press button PROGRAMME SELECTOR Key in 21 -P The LEO at Orin turns “ON NOTE: ~Fmn e Oni baton epee ni he el amie suber appr tcl (aos sel “Press P to store the telected camera type “Tho buzzer will beep and the program wil return to Service Mode (SEr prog) Display Figure Cameratype wr = AM 1810 wth Fuorescent Back ight "aL —RUTETO Wir neandessest Back ght Be RW 2200 with uorescent Back Faht —] [zara 220 wir ieancescant Gack ight 6 it s600 4 Han extra lens is to be mounted, Service Program #22 must be performed. AGFA @ HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION REPROMASTER 2200 I 20 DEC 1988. rare HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION ‘2 DEC 1988 Service Program #22 Selection of an extra lens - Press button PROGRAMME SELECTOR, Key in 22-P The LED at % - button tins ‘ON + Press the % - button repeatedly untl the required tens holder no (1, 2,3) appears inthe digplay. ‘The LED at Omin button turns “ON. «Press the Omin button repeatedly unt the required lens appears inthe display + Lens holder postion 1 is without a fens, (000) (Optional 8mm lens), + Lens holder positon 2 mounted with # 212mm lens. * Lens holder posiion 3 mounted with a 135mm lens. + Press P and the program stores the data = Press STOP and the program will return to Service Mode (SE* prog) AGFAS EPROMASTER 200 5.12.0 Service Program #23 ion of the EEPROM Initia This Program is used to delete all data programmed in the EEPROM, replacing these data with the standard data listed in the chart bolow. meee PLEMEL Press button PROGRAMME SELECTOR. Key in 2a-P 23° ‘Tho display wil show a ftashing P Press P cass The display will show a flashing figure 23 which automatically will change to SEr prog alter about 20 seconds | Functions HstendardSetings. Tine Work | Line Work | Sereen Werk | Sevean Work | Sereen Work Din 010 max 2.00 Exposure Regulator 2.00 3- Dimensione! 100 Detooue 0.00, '% - Enlargements 100% Basic Exposure 180 i Program Number 7 i 5 2 Breakpoint 040 040 Screon Number ° q 2 2 Screen Range 120 090 0.90 Basie Flach FL r= 12] FL1 = 13,1| FL2 = 165 ght Source Reflex Light | Retox Light | Retlex ght | Rete Light Filter 4 4 4 4 I Password (000 RS 292 Status ‘Standard datatoemat / OFF Printer 300 baua / OFF FL. = External Flash FL2 = Internal Fach High AGFA REPROMASTER 2200 H HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION 20 DEC 1988 5.13.0 SERVICE PROGRAM #24. ADJUSTMENT OF THE 213mm LENS. Preparation: - Place the test chart on the copyboaid and! th fm level + Slide the 213mm lens into working positon and telect the largest apesture Press the % - button and key in 100-P. ct + Use the test chart and check size and focus, Note. "1 the following procedure is used, ony tine adjustments ate necessary + The buzzer wl note active inthe program. + ifthe STOP Button is pressed during te adjustment, the camera will return to Service Mode. (SE prog) Adjustment: ‘Switch the camera ‘OFF AM the back of the contol panel, sie the Service Switch to the it + Switch the camera ON’ ‘The display wil show: ser prog Koy in # 24-7 ‘Tae contiol panel wil show + 210 Led turns ON (focal length) + 28 (rogram #) * Dmmin LED turns ON, Key in 213. ‘The copyboard and the lenshclder wil move to their extzeme top and bettom positon = LEDs Mashing, * Upper display wil show 213 * Lower spay will show 0000 + Press button MANUAL. Manual symbol turns ‘ON Release button MANUAL. Manus symbol tuine OFF, Press SCREEN WORK, and check thatthe value of the °X' Transducer = 1000 +15 (is shown in the display for 2 sec.) Press LINE WORK and check thatthe value ofthe C’ Transducer = 7000 +- 15 (is shown inthe asplay for 2 sec.) Note: ‘Nis recommended to make a note of the values. They can bo used to adjust Yhe wheels of a new transducer, Deore the Wansducer is installed in the eamera. Ref. Service Program # 12 ithe values are out of speciicaions, tien adjust the Transducer to specications according 40 Serve Program #12, = Select the Backlight, and switch the Constant light ‘ON Press P, ‘To program will move the camera into approx, 200%, Prass button MANUAL Manual symbol tuns ‘ON AGFA > REPRONASTER PD HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION, 20 DEC 1988 5.14.0 SERVICE PROGRAM #24. Tis program fs used when adjusting the Automatic Indication System for Sie Sewing and Focusing Wan erior occurs or STOP is pressed during the adjustment, then, a lower display will show Ext in 4 see, SLED wil fash The buzter wal beep * The camera wil return to Service Mode. (SEF prog) ‘Adjustment data willbe replaces with standard data forthe selected lens Adjustment of 213mm lens. Slide the 213mm lens into warking positon “Dmin e008 + 2r3mm (tocal length) + Lens symbot ON =e program 3) [Each lens can be adjusted separately, but the 213mm lene must be the fst to adjut Pesiorm tne adjustment ofthe lenses inthis order: 219mm -135mm - BOmm, - Solect largest aperture, (11.0) WARNING | During the next step, the STOP button can not be used to stop the camera. Use the ONIOFF switch in emergency. Press P to move the Copyboard and the Lens to thei reme top and bottom positon "Notice that the camera stops in MANUAL MODE. {i2. Manual push button in Itt side hood is locked). Pres INE WORK and check athe vat ansucer = reno «Prt Pat progr il bing he came apps 207% @ In approx. 2 sec. the lower digplay shows a flashing BuSy for preheating the fluorescent light. Display shows: £213 mmm) * Manual symbol ON + 200 (% suze) * Constant LED ON * Back Light ON NOTE: During adjustment of size and focusing, iis important that both lens and copyboard are moved into correct settings, fiom a lower position and upwards (ve. ike the camera i sell under normal operation), Press vacuum button on the front panel, and on the copy boaid, push the vacuum valve to ‘ON’ position Use the test chart kt (HE + 81160) and fine adjust size and focus using UP and DOWN buttons on lt and right side hoods. {use 100% markings} | _AGFAS REPROMASTER 2200 It HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION 2 DEC 1988 [5.14.1 Note: During the adjustment of size and focus, tis important, that the lenshalder and the copyboard are moved into correct settings, fom & lower position and upwards, fe ike ihe camera under noimal operation). (Use the test chart it (HE 481160), and fine adjust size and focus, using Up and DOWN buttons on the Bight And Left Front Hoods Press burton MANUAL Manual symbol turns OFF Pross P. The carnera will move to approx. SO% position. = Press button MANUAL. Manual symbol turns ‘ON Use the test chart, and fine adjust only sie, using UP and DOWN buttons On The Lett Front Hood Only. The buttons on the ight front hood, must nok be veed. W used, the eamera will etum to Senate Mode and the adjustment must be cepeatod Press button MANUAL, Manual symbot turns ‘OFF Press P and the camera will move to appiox. 100% position. Press button MANUAL, Manual symbot tuins “ON Use the test chart and fine adjust only sie, using UP and DOWN buttons on the Fight Front Hood Only ‘The buttons on the leit ont heod, must not be eed, H used, the camera wil turn to Service Mode and the adjustment must Be repeated Press button MANUAL anual symbol tuine ‘OFF Prese P Read out the figuies in the lower display or 2 sec) which i the accuracy of the adjustment. the figure is bigger than 1.0, the acjustment must be repeated, ter the readout, the ear fa wil return to Service Mode. (SEC pro9) ADJUSTMENT OF THE 135mm LENS) Preparation: + Place the test chart on the copyboard and the fim level ‘Slide the 125mm lons into working postion and select the largest aperture {Press the % = button and key in 100 ~P. Cheek: Use the test chart and check size and focus. Note: + if he folowing procedure is used, only fine adjustments are necessary. + The buzzer wil not be active in the program, + Hine STOP button is pressed curing the adjustment, dhe camera wil return to Gervice Mode. (SE prog) Adjustment: + Switch the camera ‘OFF {the back of the contol panel, slide the Service Switch 10 the fet, Switch the camera “ON. The display wil show Se 9109 AGFA REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT _ INSTALLATION zoveC 1988 [5.15.0 Lise me test chart and faye aj i wing UP wr OWN tn on el (UP and DORN batons on night side hood ae locked Press P to bring the camera in approx. 100% a6 Use the test chart and fine agjst size using UP ancl DOWN butions on ight side hood only. (UP and DOWN buttons on let side hood ate locke) ress P and read the (gute inthe lower dispay, which 4s the accuracy of the adjustment. the figute is bigger ‘than 1.0 the adjustment must be repeated. ‘ter adjustment, the camera wil sop and return to Service Mode. (SE prog) Aajustmer Slide the 195mm lens into working position Key in #-24-P tof 135mm Li Solel ages peru. 1.0) Press Po bang ve camera Spon. AOD sie “inspron 2 see: te lowe ips shows fishin BuSy for prehesting the fuorscent ight rast vacuum button on he nt pane and on te ey board, push the vacurn valve t"ON’ poston e@ 32 test chart and fine adjust size and focus using UP and DOWN buttons on left and right side hoods. (use 100% markings) ress P10 bing the camera in approx. 25% size Use the test chart and fine agjst size using UP and DOWN buttons on elt side hood. (UP and DOWN buttons on right side hood are Jockes) Press P to bring the camera in approx. 200% size Use the test chart ana fine acjust size using UP and DOWN buttons on right side hood. (UP and DOWN buttons on lft side hood ate locked Press P and read the figu inthe lower display, whichis the accuracy of the adjustment. the figure is bigger than 1.0 the adjustment must be repeated [Alter adjustment, the upper display shows DIA and the lower display shows 200 (). fhe Dias Light Unit RM 33: NOT used, Press STOP and the camera will eturn to Service Mode (SEr prog). W the the Dias Light Unit is used, Pest P and the camera will go to 200%. + In approx. 2 sec. the lower dlsplay shows @ Nashing BuSy Press vacuum button on the front panel and on the copy board push the vacuum valva to its on possiton Place the test chart in the center ofthe Dias Light Unit and adjust focus using the UP and DOWN buttons on right side hood. Press P and the camera wl return to Service Made, (SEr prog) Adjustment of 80mm Lens. ‘Slide the Bomm lens into working position okey in #242? + Select largest aperture. (15.6) Press P to bring the camera in approx. 800% size. The progiam wil select Dias Light = In approx. 2 see. the lower display shows a flashing BuSy for preheating the tuorescent light Press vacuum bution on the front panel, and on the copy Board, push the vacuum valve to “ON' postion W wanes During the next step, be cavetull that the 213mm lens does not touch into the Dias Light Unit. This wil cause damages tothe tens noider and the Dias Light Unt e AGFA S REPROMASTER Tait | HELIOPRINT _ INSTALLATION 2 DEC II [5.15.1 Keyia #.24-P The contol panel will show: + 135mm LED tuins “ON (ocal length) + 24 (progiam #) + Dmnin LED tuins "ON. = Key in 195 -P Select Backight and switch the Constant light ‘ON’ 1 Press P. The camara will move to approx. 400% size During the adjustment of size and focus lower position and upwards, (ke. ike the eamera under normal operation). Press button MANUA Manual symbol turns ‘ON’ + Press button MANUAL. Manual symbol turns ‘OFF Press P. The camera will move to approx. 25% pasion, Pras button MANUAL, Manual symbol tins ‘ON! Use the test chart, and fine adjust only size using UP and DOWN buttons on the Lett Front Hood Only The burtons on the ht font hood, must not be used, If used, she camera wil etura to Service Mode and the adjustment must be peated, Press button MANUAL. Manual symbol turns ‘OFF’ Press P. The camera will move to approx. 200% position ress button MANUAL Manual symbol turns ON” Use the test char, and fine adjust only size using UP and DOWN buttons on the Right Front Hood Only ‘The buttons on the left front hood, must not be used, used, the camera wil fetuin to Service Mode and the adjustment must be @) ove + Press button MANUAL, Manual symbol turns OFF Press P Fad out the fiques inthe lower display (lor 2 soe.) which is the accuracy ofthe adjustment. ithe figure is bigger than 1.0, the agjustment must be repeated. ‘Te camera wil tum to Service Mode, (Ser prog) ‘At the back of the contiol panel, lie the Service Switch tothe right Press STOP. The camera retuins to NORMAL MODE, ADJUSTMENT OF THE 80mm LENS. Preparation: Place the tost chart on the copytoard and the film level ‘Slide the Born lens inio working positon and select the lagee! aperture Press P10 bring the camara in 500% site Use the test chart and check size and toos, it ie important, thatthe lensholder and the copyboaid are moved into corect settings, from a AGFA} REPROMASTER 2200, HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION 20 deC 1988 | 5.16.0 Place the test char sn the center of the Dias Light tat and fine adjust sine and focus using UP and DOWN buttons on Jett and right Sie hoods, use 100% maokings) Press P to bring the camera in approx S00% size Use the test chart and fine adjust size and focus using UP ang DOW butions on eft and ight side hoods. (use 100% markings) Press P and read the figure in the lower display, which isthe accuracy ofthe adjustment. the figure ks bigger than 1.0 the adjustment must be repeated [Alter agjustmert, the camera will stop and tetuin to Service Moge, (SEr prog} AGFA REPROMAS | HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION mec wes | 5.16.1 Note: +1 1h folowing procedure is used, only fine adjustments ae necessary The buzzer wil not be active in the program *irtne STOP butloa is pressed curing the adjustment, the camera wil tin to Service Mode. (SEF prog) Adjustment: Switch the camera OFF “Atthe back of the contol panel, slide the Service Switzh tothe lett Switsh the camera ON. ‘The display will show SE: prog Key in # 24? The contro! pane! will snow: * Bomm LED turns ‘ON’ local length +28 program #} * Din LED tuins ‘ON’ Key in 80 {Select Backlight and switen the Constant ight ON. “Press P. The program wil move the camera into approx. 200% (1000% in software 4.0). Note: During he adjustment of site and focus it is important, that the lenshelder and the copybaard are moved into corm lower position anc upwards, (elke the camera under normal operation} + Press button MANUAL. ‘Mana symbol tins ‘ON’ Use the test chart, and fine adjust size and focus, using UP and DOWN buttons on the Bight And Left Front Hoods «Press bution MANUAL. Manual symbot tuens OFF” «Press P. The program will move the camera into approx. S00% size + Press button MANUAL. Manual symbol turns ‘ON’ Use the fest chart, and fine adjust size and focus, using UP and DOWN buttons on the Fight And Lett Front Hoods Press button MANUAL. Manual symbot turns OFF: = Press P ‘Road out he figures in the lower display (lor 2 sec) which is the accuracy ofthe adjustment, Ihe figure is bigger than 1.0, he adjustment must be repeated. ‘The camera will return to Service Mode. (SEr prog) {At the back of the contol panel, sie the Service Switch tothe right + Press STOP, The camera fatuins to NORMAL MODE. settings. trom a AGFA S REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT INSTALLATION aoprc ie [5.17.0 i MISE A NIVEAU - COLLIMATION Porte-film Positionner un niveau a bulle parallélement a l'arrigre de l'appareil et ajuster les 2 pieds arrigres a l'aide d'une clé de 13 mm. Positioner le niveau en diagonale sur la glace porte-film et ajuster le pied avant correspondant. Si nécessaire ajuster a l'aide d’une clé allen de 3 mm les 2 vis avant de la glace porte- film de facon a ce qu'elle soit stable et de niveau. Vérifier le bon fonctionnement du vide. Porte-document Placer un collimateur au centre de la glace porte-film: Enlever le cache qui remplace |’objectif 80 mm (desserret les 2 vis et enlever la 3°) Placer un miroir au milieu de la glace porte- document. Superposer les 2 croix dans le collimateur l'aide des vis de réglage de 10 mm poin- ‘tés sur le dessin par des fléches. Eviter de toucher a la vis arriére droite. Remettre le cache qui remplace Iobjectif 80 mm. AGFA-GEVAERT MAINTENANCE REPROMASTER 2100-2200 page 3 Objectifs, Mettre t'objectif 210 mm en position Placer un miroir sur l'objectif 210 mm. Positionner le collimateur au centre de la glace porte-film. Superposer les 2 croix dans le collimateur a l'aide des vis de régiage de 10 mm du por te-objectif | | Eviter de toucher a la vis arriére droite. Mettre 'objectif 135 mm en position. Placer un petit miroir sur 'objectif 135 mm. Positioner le collimateur au centre de la glace porte-film Superposer les 2 croix dans le collimateur a l'aide des 3 vis de réglage de 7 mm qui se trouvent sur objectif. REGLAGE DES DEFLECTEURS Les bras des habitacles des quartz sont posi- tionnés a 24° environ. Allumer une rangée de quartz et régler les déflecteurs de facon a ce que I'ombre de la partie supérieure de ceux-ci se trouve entre les formats A 3 et A 4 de la mire, DIAPHRAGMES a Verifier la correspondance des diaphragmes. des 2 objectifs (1 seul clic pour un méme. diaphragme). PROMASTER 2100-2200 ae _ ee perro saneor| MAINTENANCE AGFAGEVAERT ® REGLAGE DU CENTRE OPTIQUE - Positionner l'objectif 210 mm. - Vérifier que objectif se trouve au centre du trou rectangulaire percé dans le porte- objectif. - Si nécessaire desserrer les vis C et centrer | Vobjectif dans le trou rectangulaire en glis- | sant le porte-objectif. Resserrer les vis C - Positioner l'objectif 135 mm. - Ouvrir le diaphragme. - Percer un petit trou au centre de la mire porte-document. + Allumer fa transparence. = Mettre la caméra & 20 %. = Centrer la mire supérieure sur le spot e lumineux. | + Mettre la caméra 8 500 %. =Mesurer les distances EST/OUEST et NORD/SUD entre le centre de la mire et le centre du spot lumineux. | - Desserrer les vis B et leurs contre-écrous chaque extrémité du porte-objectif Régler les bis B jusgu’a ce que le centre du spot dépasse la ligne verticale du cen tre de la mire de 20 % de la distance EST/OUEST mesurée (point A et B). | - Resserrer les vis B et leurs contre-écrous. - A aide d'une clé de 10 mm régler les vis e ‘A jusqu’a ce que le centre du spot dépasse la ligne horizontale du centre de la mire de 20 % de la distance NORD/SUD mesurée (point B en C). - Mettre la caméra 3 20 %: - Recentrer la mise supérieure. - Mettre la caméra a 500 %. ~ Verifier que le centre du spot lumineux se trouve au centre de la mire. Sinon réajuster. - Le réglage est correct lorsque le centre du spot lumineux se trouve dans un rayon de 3 mm par rapport au centre de la mire. a i 5 AGFA-GEVAERT MAINTENANCE IREPROMASTER 2100-2200 page § REGLAGE DU CENTRE OPTIQUE {ancienne version) | - Positionner r'objectif 135 mm | Ouvrir le diaphragme. Percer un petit trou au centre de la mire | porte-document. |= Allumer la transparence. - Metre la caméra a 20 % ~Centrer la mire supérieure sur le spot lumineux - Mettre la caméra 8 500 % ~Mesurer les distances EST/OUEST et NORD/SUD entre le centre de la mire et le centre du spot fumineux. + Desserrer les vis C et glisser le porte objec- tif usqu’a ce que le centre du spot dépasse la ligne verticale du centre de la mire de 20 % de la distance EST/OUEST mesurée (Point A et B) ~ Resserrer les vis C et leurs contre-écrous. - Al/aide d’une clé de 11 mm régler les vis A Jusqu’a ce que le centre du spot dépasse la ligne horizontale du centre de la mire de 20 % de la distance NORD/SUD mesurée. N (point B en C). | - Mettre la caméra a 20 %. - Recentrer la mise supérieure. - Mettre la caméra a 500 %, - Vérifier que le centre du spot lumineux se trouve au centre de la mire. Sinon réajus- ter. ~ Le réglage est correct lorsque le centre du spot lumineux se trouve dans un rayon de 3 mm par rapport au centre de la mire. oe 2100-2200 —— MAINTENANCE AGFA-GEVAERT page 6 7 PROGRAMME TESTS Tests des composants (platines CPU et claviers) : 1, ROM'S (IC 18-17-16-15-14-13). 2. RAM'S (IC 10-11) et EAROM {IC 12). 3. Affichage 7 segments et LED'S. Test de la Caméra 11, Ajustage OSCILLATEUR décompte du temps de pose. 12, Tranducteurs. pour Test d’installation 21. Sélection du type de la caméra 22. Utilisation de l'objectif 80 mm. Pour passer en mode test = éteindre la caméra, - basculer le switch a l'arriére du tableau de bord & gauche, + allumer la caméra, I'affichage indique “’Ser Prog.” Pour sélectionner un programme “H - actionner la touche L]? - taper le numéro du programme au clavier - valider avec la touche P Pour revenir en mode normal - éteindre la caméra, - basculer le switch & l'arrigre du tableau de bord a droite, - allumer la caméra, AGFA-GEVAERT MAINTENANCE 4. Touches clavier. 5. Sorties platine CPU 6. Entrée platine CPU. 14, Effacement des programmes clients. i 15. Constantes pour le calcul du temps de pose. 23. Effacement de I'EAROM. 24. Synchronisation - en fin de test I'affichage revient 8 “‘Ser Prog’’ seul ou aprés une action sur + Ga) si rien d’autre n'est spécifié, REPROMASTER 2100:2200 page 7 1, Test ROM’S (IC 18-17-16-15-14-13) : sélectionner le programme test 1, Iaffichage indique la version du PRO: GRAMME installé dans la caméra, - les roms sont testées, si une rom est défectueuse, ’affi- * 2. Test RAM’S (IC 10-11) et EAROM (IC 12) : | + sélectionner le programme test 2, | - les ram's sont testées puis un “P” cli- | gnotant apparait dans laffichage, - actionner nouveau P pour tester 'EAROM, + un "2" clignote enivron 60 secondes hage 7 segments et LED'S : - sélectionner le programme test 3, -un "8" apparait dans chaque affi- cheur, | - les points décimaux et les différents | ‘segments des afficheurs sont allumés una un, les led’s sont allumées une a une, * 4, Test des touches claviers : - sélectionner le programme test 4, + & chaque action sur une touche son symbole est affiché, REPROMASTER 2100-2200 = MAINTENANCE page 8 j E 3 i {| 7 ‘ i chage supérieur indique R13.R14. R15.R16.R17 ou R18 et I'affichage inférieur un code d’erreur ERO1.EROZ ou ERO3. pendant le test de I'EAROM, - si une RAM est défectueuse ERO4 cli- gnote dans I'affichage, - si'EAROM est défectueuse EROS cli- gnote dans I’affichage. - les lampes de mise au point sont allu- mées une & une, - tous les afficheurs, toutes les LED’S et toutes les lampes s’allument, On peut alors tester les led’s du vide et de sélection d’éclairage par action sur les touches correspondantes. les touches de sélection d'éclairage doivent étre relachées pour poursui- vre le test. AGFA-GEVAERT | e. ‘OO _ cE | | ‘= L : : S ®@ ce— | bE Sr : bF mp bP di | _ Er df :E > _ PS . dF pee 6 20 — eo . dd a ac S! @, «%- 7 Toutes les touches clavier peuvent étre tes- t6es. L’affichage montre le chiffre ou la let- tre actionnée. “- laet= ee =) wy: O:2 = Pour sortir du test actionner la touche <& +L] puis sur la touche C] - @ 4 sormcevmert | nner REPROMASTER 2100-2200 2 page 9 i i : 3 if E 5 4 q i * 5. Test des sorties : sélectionner le programme test 5, tune action sur}: +E active ou arrete le buzzer, une action sur] 8. provo- que I’allumage ou I’extinction de la source lumineuse sélectionnée, . Test des entrées : sélectionner le programme test 6 -actionner (J: # une nouvelle fois Uatfichage inférieur donne alors des informations concernant l’objectif, le diaphragme en place et I’éclairage sélectionné, Actionner [Je une action sur C]+ 2. provo que I’allumage ou {extinction des lampes flash, Si un de ces trois tests ne fonctionne pas changer I'lC 6. al 7 Diaphi Sh - 1. Objectif 80 mm en position 26 .Dianhregme en place - 2. Signal d'objectif valid présent e : a - 3. Objectif 150 mm en posi of 1}o 16 ~ 4. Quartz sélectionnés Poltta 22 - 5. Transparence sélectionnée atlEOsleo) 327 ~6. 7. 8. codage diaphragme. I ge diaphragme. isulnonln 46 ou [+ Portedocument | Uatfichage indique pour chaque roue du transducteur considéré 1 code variant de O a3t. © 11. Réglage de I'oscillateur pour le décompte du temps de pose en reflexion : - Vaffichage indique OSC et un nom- bre proche de 1000, - allumer les quartz et mesurer la ten sion secteur a la prise qui alimente Vappareil - ajuster P3 sur la platine CPU de fagon a avoir la valeur adéquate en fonction de la tension secteur. REPROMASTER 210.2200 Tension secteur Affichage 1266 81271 1130 a 1134) 220V — 10% = 198V 220V - 5% = 209 V} | 1000 220 V 866.8 875) 719 8_725| MAINTENANCE | AGFA-GEVAERT 12 214. 215. 221. ¢ 22. ‘ast transductours : - par action surC]* visualiser la distance porte-film porte-objectif en 1/8 de mm (allumage du segment supérieur dans le premier afficheur), - par action surC]* on visualise la distance porte film, porte- document en 1/8 de mm (allumage du segment inférieur dans le premier afficheur), - la distance minimum porte-film, porte-objectif est 1000 + 5, Effacemont des programmes clients : + utilisé seulement pour effacer tous les programmes clients (trait et tramé). Les valeurs de synchronisa- tion (programme test 24) ne sont pas effacees. - dans l'affichage un “'P’’ clignote, - sion a sélectionné ce test par erreur ‘Sélectionner de la constante d’ouver- ture utilisée pour le calcul du temps d’exposition. - les valours de la constante d’ouver- ture sont initialisées par le pro- gramme test 23 a: 1.00 pour l'objectif de 210 mm 0.96 pour lobjectif de 135 mm. 0.90 pour l'objectif de 80 mm - si ces valeurs ne conviennent pas elles peuvent étre modifiées de ‘Sélection du type de la caméra - sélectionner le programme test 21 laled Qs 2 - pour le Repromaster 2100 taper 21 Pp s'allume Utilisation de t'objectif 80 mm - sélectionner le programme test 22 lated [+ 2 s’allume = {a distance maximum porte-film, porte-document est 7000 + 5 Lorsqu'on change un transducteur, il faut si possible repositionner celui-ci ala valeur de l'ancien : = au minimum pour le porte-objectif, -au maximum pour le porte- document. Si ce n'est pas possible refaire le pro- gramme test 24. on peut sortir dy_ programme par une action L] « Sinon actionner & nouveaula touche Pp -le chiffre 14 clignote environ 15 secondes. fagon a pouvoir conserver le méme temps de pose de base lorsqu’on change d’objectif, - positioner 'objectif pour lequel la valeur doit étre changée, - sélectionner le programme test 15, - taper la valeur de la constante, puis Pp - pour le Repromaster 2200 taper 25 P (ancien soft inférieur 42.0) ou 22 P (nouveau soft) Si un objectif 80 mm est monté sur la caméra taper ‘8OP"” Sinon taper OP AGFA-GEVAERT MAINTENANCE page 11 REPROMASTER 2100-2200 REPROMASTER 2100-2200 © 23. Effacement de I'EAROM : Ce programme efface tous les pro grammes clients et le programme de synchronisation (programme test 24) A outiliser qu'en cas de nécessité (appareil bloqué, affichage erroné) sélectionner le programme test 23 * 24. Synchronisation Synchronisation des transducteurs pour mise au point automatique. Le buzzer n’est pas alimenté comme en Objectif 210 mm - Mettre position - Sélectionner le programme test 24 = La diode D MIN s‘allume + Taper 213 P Les fléches de mise au point indique : - de descendre le porte-document en butée -de monter le porte-objectif en butée. Vobjectif 210 mm en On peut alors visualiser en huitiéme de millimatres par action sur oO: : la distance porte-objectifi porte-film qui doit tre 1000 + 5 a: : la distance porte document/porte film qui doit étre 7000 + § Si nécessaire transducteurs. On peut noter ces valeur pour un réa justage ultérieur. Quand tout est cor rect actionner P Laffichage indique 200 % et les fle- ches de mise au point indiquent le sens de rotation des manivelles pour atteindre un format proche de 200 %, - Fignoler le réglago & la mire en dimension et netteté. Actionner P repositionner les page 12 | MAINTENANCE un “P"" clignote dans affichage (si on a sélectionné ce programme par erreur on peut en sortir par une action sur [J + @ sinon actionner a nouveau P Le chiffre 23 clignote dans I'affichage pendant environ 20 secondes. fonctionnement normal. Les réglages doivent toujours se terminer en remontant. Vaffichage indique 50 %. Cété objectif la fléche de mise au point indi- que le sens de rotation de la manivelle pour atteindre un format proche de 50 %. Cété porte-document le voyant central est allumé. Ne pas toucher au porte-document (méme netteté & 50 % et 4 200 %). -Fignoler le réglage & la mire en dimension, en ne jouant que sur le porte-objectit + Actionner P Uaffichage indique 100 %. Les fléches de mise au point indiquent le sens de rotation des manivelles. Cété objectif : tourner la manivelle jusqu’a ce que le voyant central soit allumé. Reve- nir si nécessaire de facon a allumer le voyant. central aprés la flache vers la droite Cété porte-document : tourner la manivelle pour atteindre un format proche de 100 %. - Fignoler a la mire en dimension en jouant sur le porte-document uni- quement. - Actionner P L'affichage indique pendant 2 secondes ta précision du régiage (recommencer si le chif- fre qui apparait est supérieur & 2.0) Apres chaque réglage par action sur C]+ et ]+ = on peut visualiser et noter les dis. tances des transducteurs pour un réajustage ultérieur. AGFA-GEVAERT Objectif 135 mm Positioner Vobjectif 135 mm Sélectionner le programme test 24 La diode D MIN s‘allume Taper 135 P L’appareil ne demande pas daller en butée, Objectif 80 mm (éventuellement) - Positioner \'objectit 80 mm Sélectionner le programme test 24 La diode D MIN s’allume - Taper 80 P L'appareil ne demande pas daller en butée. Reprendre la procédure du 210 mm Les pourcentages de réglages sont : 400 au lieu de 200 25 au lieu de 50 200 au lieu de 100 Les pourcentages de réglages sont 1000 % ‘On peut actionner dans les 2 cas le porte- document et le porte-objectif. La procédure décrite est celle du 2100 et peut étre reprise pour le 2200. Le porte objectif et le porte document se déplacent alors automatiquement, AGFAGEVAERT REPROMASTER 2100 2200 MAINTENANCE Tous dete oducton MEO Soto A UTILISATION DU BOUTON TEST (a partir de ta version 1.2) Le test de la caméra est entierement automatique. La camera passe au test suivant aprés environ 1 secondes d'attente On peut a la fin de chaque test actionner[P] pour accélérer la procédure. Préparation de la caméra pour le test ~ ouvrir le couvercle — mettre l'objectif 210 mm en position ~ positioner la caméra a 100 % — sélectionner un programme tramé existant — actionner les touches gy « “TEST ACTION Oo-® FONCTION CORRECTE FONCTION INCORRECTE La diode associée a la touche | test clignote. Laffichage supérieure indique la version du programme ins- tallé dans ia camera. Uaffichage inférieur indique TEST La diode associée la touche |L'affichage indique Er 01-02-03 Test s‘allume. 04-05. Uaffichage indique - 1 - 2 Usttichage indique - 2 Uaffichage indique Er 06 3 les diodes s‘allument |Une des diodes ou un des affi- | eC] et we + . | cheurs ne s’allume pas, actionner Tous les segments des affi- | [J+ ©, l'affichage indique cheurs s'allument, les lampes | Er 07 de mise au point s’allument (2100) Si le test 4, (Touches) | n'est pas nécessaire la caméra passe au test 5 aprés 15 secondes 4 Laffichage indique - 4 - et la | La diode associée a la touche REPROMASTER 2100-2200 page 14 Presser les autres tou ches (les touches * «[] et “e+ [Je sont pas tester) actionner les touches (3) - (0) et [P) et [c] P 2 fois ou attendre diode associée @ la touche ac- actionnée ne clignote pas. tionnée clignote jActionner (}+ (2), I'affichage indique Er 08. Vatfichage indique la touche |L'affichage nindique pas la actionnée touche actionnée, Actionner []+ @_ , I'affi- chage indique Er 08 MAINTENANCE AGFA-GEVAERT [rest | ACTION | FONCTION CORRECTE FONCTION INCORRECTE Vaffichage indique un gnotant actionner ¥ +[) Laffichage indique un “b’” cli- gnotant actionner «=» -(] si I'affichage continu a clignoter actionner [J+ @_ , V'affichage indique Er 09 | L'affichage indique - oe” eli [Plou attendre ' Changer les diaphragmes de 11.845 Vaffichage indique “HEAT” pendant 2 secondes Les quartz et la transparence s'allument 15 secondes Les lampes flash interne cli- Les quartz ou la transparence ne s'allument pas. Les lampes flash ne clignotent | | gnotent (2100) pas | Actionner J+ © , l'affichage indique Er 09 Uaffichage indique un 16 cligno- tant ou autre chose que le dia- phragme sélectionné Actionner [}+ @ indique Er 10. L'affichage supérieur indique (11.0-16.0-22.0-32.0-45.0) le diaphragme sélectionné L'affichage inférieur indique di AP. , affichage 712200) Le symbole BM est allumé et le buzzer activé. Passer en automatique en rela- | | chant fe] Laftichage indique GLAS | et le buzzer est active, Fermer correctement la glace porte-document. Si 'erreur n'est pas corrigée dans les 15 secondes la caméra re- tourne en mode normal. La caméra enregistre une erreur de lecture, le buzzer est activé et Vaffichage indique Erll Aprés 15 secondes ou une action sur[P}le porte-objectif continue & monter I'affichage indique Erll Laffichage indique - 7 - Le porte-document at le porte- objectif vont en butée infé- rieure. Le porte-objectif monte en grande vitesse. 8(2200) La caméra passe en mode normal AGFA-GEVAERT l = L'affichage indique - 8 -|Voir7 Le porte-document monte en grande vitesse Le porte document est en butée| supérieure REPROMASTER 2100 2200 MAINTENANCE page 15 oe REPROMASTER 2100 WIRING DIAGRAM AGFA-GEVAERT SCHEMAS ELECTRIQUES PAGE 1 voir AGFA-GEVAERT scnmmas evecrergves AY FEFROMISIER 2100 PAGE 2 voir voir voir AGFA-GEVAERT sonams macteroms C REPROMASTER 7100 paces | SANDWICH AGFA-GEVAERT scumas mecmrgues REPROMASTER 2100 PAGE 5 Bx6V /0,48 Watt AGFA-GEVAERT PAGE 6 ee Ee iit aie ll, MAIN DIAGRAM 2 REPROMASTER 7100 AGFA-GEVAERT scemas eectriaues AL — page 4 e i ASL : : voir v D AS.3 page 5 AGFA-GEVAERT | schemas evecrriaues B L REPROMASTER 2100 voir dQ AY “7 REPROMASTER 2100 | AGFA-GEVAERT | SCHEMAS evectriques © t ; page omen mann voir ‘SANDWICH AGFA-GEVAERT scvewas etectaiaues D sand ASS page 7 REPROMASTER 2100, voir POUPUECEEP EOE EPEOrE EE EEE Poseeh > Byaa-69129 A) tg =. e “ 3 | i! » ® 5 = sit A Bo D E F 6 H ci J K L " N voir ‘ \e01- Le0s ~ ® @ ®— Ts _ Oo “Fes | T_T] AS. 6 REPROMASTER 7700 AGFA-GEVAERT SCHEMAS evectrioues E | i page Bx6V/0,28Woh voir + FLASH = SEE MAIN DIAGRAM 2 6 ® 2 2 ASF | = a _ REPROMASTER 2100 [_ AcPAcevacar | scHemas evectriques F re page REPROMASTER TEI 3100 WIRING DIAGRAM —> voir ¢ voir voir - REPROMASTER 2200 | AGFA-GEVAERT scHemas ececrriaues AL eed — I page 4 voir AGFA-GEVAERT schemas evectriaucs B r REPROMASTER 2200 page 8 J MAIN DIAGRAM 2 r — | AGFA-GEVAERT REPROMASTER 2200 screwas euscrmaurs C : _ | E AGFA-GEVAERT schemas evectriaues DD i a —— — | RePRomasteR 2200 I _ _| page 7 voir © | voir d voir A\A oo : r i | — _ — — ane AGFA-GEVAERT schemas evectiues E REPROMASTER 2200 | page 8 | rePromasrer 2200 SCHEMAS ELECTRIQUES pageto | [ AGFA-GEVAERT MAIN DIAGRAM 2 | Aoracewnenr [ schemas evectriaues A e : . AS 3 | AGFA-GEVAERT | schemas evectriours B [onemeeneeeen | page 12 CPU PRINT WITH HYBRID CIRCUIT AND POSSIBILITY OF 6 x 4K BYTE PROMS A3.4 AGFA-GEVAERT schemas evectrioues © REPROMASTER 2200 page 13 . scuéwas éecrriaues DD = ° woos 6a 87 98 9 810 | - 82 ebbthh Eeees | ebehae shebebh ia! Pyseee 3 euae-esrag GENTE COUT CEE EEE DEEP EEEE EE ! ut j | | ASE REPROMASTER 2200 zl schémas étecrriaues E page 15 omer nt 2 ven enecas ASF REPROMASTER 2200 [ AGFA-GEVAERT SCHEMAS. é.ectaioves F | page 18 i AGFA-GEVAERT scnemas é.ectriours @ | REPROMASTER 2200 ASF page 17 CONTENTS PAGE NO.: Main Block Diagram - Rev. 83/1 Mains Selector Circuit Diagram - Rov. 85/1 Mains Selector Circuit Diagram - Rev. 85/4 (RM 2200 11) Wiring and Main Diagram 2 - Rev. 853 Wiring and Main Diagram 2 - Rev. 88/1 (RM 2200 11) Igniter PCB Circuit Diagram - Rev, 85/3 Back Light Tray Wiring Diagram - Rev. 83/1 Wiring and Main Diagram 1 - Rev. 87/5 Wiring and Main Olagram 1 - Rev. 88/2 (PM 2200 11) Power Supply Circult Diagram « Rev. 84/2 Motor/Shuttor Croult Diagram - Rav. 823... ‘Moter'Shutter Ceuit Diagram - Rev. 86/2 (RM 2200 11) Light Soures Interface Board Circult Diagram - Rev. 83/3, ght Souree Interface Board Cicult Diagram - Rev. 85/1 (CPU Circuit Diagram - Rev. 84/2 (CPU Circuit Diagram - Rev. 65/1 ‘OPU Circuit Diagram - Rev. 86/2 (RM 2200 11) Convo! Panel 1 Circuit Diagram - Rev. 83/3 (Control Panel 2 Cirult Diagram - Rev. 84/4 ‘Control Pane! Circult Diagram - Rev. 88/2 (FM 2200 11) Position Transducer - Rev. Reed PCB - Av. - Fite POB - Rev. 831 Flash Highfow Circuit Diagram - Rev. 63/1 Densitometer Interface Board Circuit Diagram - Rev. 84/1 Side Panel Circuit Diagram - Rev. 83/1 Densitometer Interace Board Circuit Diagram - Rev. 86/1 (RM 2200 Il) ‘Sido Panel Cirout Diagram - Rev. 86/1 (RM 2200 11) Mains Selector PCB - Component Location @e ie Sect PCB - Carpet con FM 201 Igniter PCB - Component Location Power Supply PCB - Component Location Motor/Snutter PCB - Component Location ‘Motor/Shutter PCB - Component Location (RM 2200 I!) Light Source Interface PCB - Component Location (GPU PCB - Component Location (GPU PCB - Component Location (RM 2200 11) CContiot Panel 1 And 2 PCB - Component Location CContiol Pane! PCB - Component Location (RM 2200 11) eed / Fiter PCB - Component Location Flash / Densitometer PCB - Component Location Flash / Densitometer PCB - Component Location (RM 2200 11) ‘Side Panel PCB - Component Location Serial Interface POB - Rev. 85/1 (FM 2200 11) FS 252 Intertace PCB - Rev. 85/3 (RM 2200 I) @ Serial Iniertace PCB - Component Location (AY 2200) FS 292 Intertace PCB - Component Location (RM 2200 11) 8.31.0 List Of Contents 1 Of 1 AGFA? WIRING REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT DIAGRAMS 20 DEC 1988 8.0.0 ° 10 " 2 2 2 M4 M4 ro 18 6 16 w ” 7 7 18 18 18 2. a a 2 2 2 24 2 2 8 6 Ea Ea 2 » Bouton surest S objectits Boutons de programmations Tramage Travail au trait Annuiation - Fonction [7] durée de pose de base | Ecart de tame Durée de flash de base =o Programmation de base Densité minimate 20 Reguiateue d’exposition Densité maximate 26). oC # Selection au programme Sélection de ta rame Indications affichées 5, valeurs proorammées Mise au point manvelte Gi Les moteurs tournent gy Obturateur en fonction gi A Source lumineuse fe) [xa} Iza} Reproduction en 9% a [numero de fa trome <__Vateurs pour tes autres reglages [oo Boutons pour ta mise au point Détocatisation pour retramages et expositions par contact Prises de vues ae pets objets en trois dimensions vensions de original et WU, eatin desce P] Bouton d'caregisteement |] aovton e'ettagage Sources lumineuses Ecisirage continu ip etaage par tansparnce Vac. vide E\] Mise au poi manuette JAN} opturateur out / non. AGFA®S HELIOPRINT Lott Laat, te2t Lett, 24 ss ou 8 so 6 wv ww ww 0 a jontton Pee Pee oe th Saou rey sess ere \ y) Xé a] al fe] 8] 8) 8] 8 S i” 10 m . 7 = O=k | H, oI oD =) 5 X el) * Cry ELS wo ~ ‘ 15 ns 7 ee. 4 ee ee L120 | 1 W 0 Ne —_ Clin : 6) Ss rome} on = -O ne! og = ra z zo: - oe 7 _ vs oY ie 118 (22 — B25 L a 1) « 4 Clas al?) ce wile ~ . ov @=ia te a 1R2 ‘eo I 1 5 | a i Clan dl? Cla ze Back Light Tray Wiring Diagram - Rev. 83/1 | WIRING REPROMASTER 2200 | DIAGRAMS 2G 1988 | 8.5.0 3 ‘ : 1 v v » ina sin nam 2 Ri. 83 | AGFA ‘WIRING REPROMASTER 2200, L_HELIOPRINT DAGRAMS: | 20 DEC 1988 8.3.0 Wiring and Main Diagram 1 - Rev. 87/5, Wiring and Main Diagram 1 - Rev. 8) AGFA WIRING REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT DIAGRAMS [ zovectses | 8.6.0 __ % ane AGFA HELIOPRINT WIRING DIAGRAMS. Power Supply Circuit Diagram - Rev. 84/2 REPROMAST! 20 DEC 1988 8.7.0 oToR IAAT (TERIACE BR FRR 8923~—7tem1-3 GRRE Leet © AOAT PAD SMV # Sav PEAS x0 OH TP one 20nst F210 OnW + 30v [ana | PNR NPR AQMSIMENTS. MADE ID NOMA HANS VOUAGE AXO NO HOTS CONETED Motor/Shutter Circuit Diagram - Rov. 82/3 AGFA WIRING, REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT DIAGRAMS ovec 1988 | 6.8.0 ° te Ignitor PCB Circuit Diagram - Rev, 85/3 ___ AGFA | HELIOPRINT WIRING DIAGRAMS REPROMASTER 2200 20 DEC 1988 8.4 o Main Block Diagram - Rev. 83/1 AGFA HELIOPRINT WIRING DIAGRAMS REPROMASTER 2200 20 DEC 1988 8.1.0 Mains Selector Circuit Diagram - Rev. 85/1 __AGFAS WIRING REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT DIAGRAMS 20 DEC 1988 8.2.0 7 1 1" 7 2 2 = 4 + 2 3 > 6 U8 ° ‘0 " 2 2 15 ° ow 18 ° A : fo Lienoare sev = —| ve on a : iS 1 [Ie | a oy soc 3012200 | Fast Low use. 7 bees os | we FAS! HGCA Psd " ee € P| Laos vsmoara at J coos a f $72 ot we i ey Sree fa E Pst oe fat _ Fast uw Be fy bec an °° Fg mrxer fs H sao ff 7 ae ie ‘BACK EXP. ow Bt Revear q 70 pg ’ SUK ZIS, . — 2200 _ ay a — _—_____—— TY EL xP CoNTACTOR 2s0We sane Taymv eye] excreta coup Op eee, hans om roe t+ we ‘ —_—— ] ~ ap 7 Tha pee | Sx if) RL RU N | = OX INL fe | e4cx on exer — | renexer | we ° sm I — R = s 7 r = = Les SOURCE NTERIACE FC FROM W529 -7099 2 u eS 7 : Light Source Interfaco Board Circuit Diagram - Rev. 8: AGFA? WIRING REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT DIAGRAMS, pooecroe [| 0.9.0 | 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 W 2 13 14 1s 6 7 18 19 20 2 2 a a A 8 Sm i vite 0 evoasta ay qt vat fo eee oo Te | c apal, sm rat nina 7H ov > anc 7012200 02 A lass tow use iy = Fuass Ua 1 Is rs : Be FE sare [TO 7 a = IL equ? Tox . sm a wc i ore fs c fuer pe fat : —_— 7 fst wow 86 [7 = Bee BE Te fxor fa “ toro Ef % S = & ve ou f coy ii Bax PREHEAT ‘ — | mv van? cay,_ppkw Ley Be ons os nav a suns 2a « - —. RELEX EXP CONTACTOR 5 Zz a} coat cox vat | aE Me L _ “ Le | | Cog walla 1 i gay te ye t +12 ‘VART y Y suKz75, 7 eo rue aur fu 03, or Ox INGE ‘a Nee ssev.us ° Al ov 24x on renxoe | we P 7 = ° 7 —_ ® : acces ———— — — s — = = = = —- : ———— 7 = u UCT SURGE NTEMFACE PCA ENON (TO-75799-1 Light Source Interface Board Circuit Diagram - Rev. 85/1 AGFA@ WIRING: REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT DIAGRAMS 20 DEC 1988 8.10.0 AGFA HELIOPRINT WIRING DIAGRAMS CPU Circuit Diagram - Rev. 84/2 REPROMASTER 2200 2006 1988 | 8.11.0 CPU Circuit Diagram - Rev. 85/1 AGFA “AS - WIRING | REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT DIAGRAMS zo DEC i988 | 8.12.0 12 3 6 7 ° 0 " Beep 3 8 aes e g c 5 2 PS © sii E —— - — = a |) |i 6 e ky ron ee i fos aT or baa pao CTs cl fe lipw ices [teo 22 teDs tec 2m | . 5 7 ep 6:8 fLEDALED 3) | e Gia eBe ae [co x -cn| leoo-ses1 an 2. é 17 (epee: fico 2 0 fue sw hoo os : TI Heb s' i |omaan fp 8 oe ‘ [LED 2-035, ep 26:Mov | sasv. + Ty] -8.5v ‘ LED 26: %6 [eve LED) ov x ~ | | TH] 0s 23 is Ei Ei vl abt T4d tm dene 6 : 2 4 ae fase it Ben ; & [-— | Seis : rt Ty Gas ow . Buzz Bose eke . {Ss - = oe 4 = sul, Sle | = 4 ont Tt _ 0 2 «sve ae —— ‘Ble ok 4 ’ 1s BH = ‘ale Hat = | - Firs [2 = | mst ce Hie 80 | = iH “ae Ste | ale She | ® | fe 4 i: sir of s 3 | oa a so = t _ FRON 8523 = 1905-5 ae u v Control Panel 1 Circuit Diagram - Rev. 83/3 AGFA HELIOPRINT wan REPROMASTER 2200 cinGRAMS poDec ree | 8.19.0 2 2 2 2 i c 1 bbe : Be Ss i e . £ ; i 4 a 1 Derene ss ow |B —+t | | | aks 5 | ov:PN Ir Poy : Yeo oF (D " si 3 ° ae ro rst wpe wee see wah : Laurie on a s ++ 1 ° J of Y re 7 a ’ Control Panel 2 Circuit Diagram - Rev. 84/4 AGFA WIRING REPROMASTER 2200 L_HELIOPRINT DIAGRAMS 20 DEC 1988 | 8.14 0 vwsce tA o 7 ‘Se e {a>e ja} ort ; = eens Tee. ° i err ea “ —~) PUTS Position Transducer - Rev. 85/5 Ney Lar = u 1 —____________ Ren penn sirrs soo7_J Reed PCB - Rev. 79/11 AGFA : WiAING REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT | DIAGRAMS 20 DEC 1988 8.15.0 purer 91 LIER 2 FRIER BY SueR 98 FROM 0523-72729-1 Filter PCB - Rev, 83/1 AGFA [__HELIOPRINT _ WIRING DIAGRAMS: Flash Higiview Circuit Diagram - Rev. 83/1 REPROMASTER 2200 20 DEC 1988 8.16.0 7 eee 0 7 2 A 8 c . sow xan sow esc serve cH oa myo : mm fj nso ao pal eves Bree mee, F Both ete See c oun 00 om 29-701 # \ 4 « L ‘Side Panel Circuit Diagram - Rev. 63/1 m ow es329 a SOCKET sine mt so : 0. Sehse e ROT vEW ante es] esl cul cl cal cal ca raf Razor Snap azn| ar] 3 e L = A s as. se t v v Donsitometer interface Board Circuit Diagram - Rev. 84/1 AGFA WIRING REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT DIAGRAMS: 20 DEC 1968 8.17.0 _ | HELIOPRINT > OVO000 cy oR FREQUEN! SELECT $1404 $1405 MAINS VOLTAGE SELECTOR WIRING DIAGRAMS Mains Selector PCB - Component Location REPROMASTER 2200 20 DEC 1988 8.18.0 ‘° 00 Crs vO Ri Ra Sr RUE $4704 s1702 1 S 3 4 6S 6 7 6 Igntor PCB - Component Location AGFA WIRING REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT DIAGRAMS 20 DEC 1988 8.19.0 s Power Supply PCB - Component Location AGFA WIRING REPROMASTER 2200 DIAGRAMS: 20 DEC 1988 3.20.0 AGFA HELIOPRINT WIRING DIAGRAMS: Motor/Shutter PCB - Component Location REPROMASTER 2200 20 DEC 1988 8.21.0 ¢ Light Source Interface PCB - Component Location, AGFA > HELIOPRINT WIRING DIAGRAMS REPROMASTER 2200 20 DEC 1988 8.22.0 9 . 7 20 2 2B 8 c © CPU PCB With RS232 f 6 M |: ° s v a CPU PCB - Component Location . AGFA® beans REPROMASTER 2200 HELIOPRINT ovscans “eec tees [8.20 ema ly A OC Ce AE ol bo ooo ee fa 8 OO ? Ee ? Ler : HELIOPRINT Contiol Panel | And 2 PCB - Component Location WIRING REPROMASTER 2200 DIAGRAMS 20 DEC 1988 3.24.0 ® Reed PCB - Rev. 79/11 REED 45 REED 11 REED 80 REED 150 oe baie ae ae fate Pa — == 3355 om [- _AGFAS WIRING HELIOPRINT DIAGRAMS Reed / Filter PCB - Component Location REPROMASTER 2200 20 DEC 1988 8.25.0 To soe 7 HELIOPRINT Flash / Densitometer PCB - Component Location AGFA HELIOPRINT. ‘WIRING DIAGRAMS REPROMASTER 2200 20 DEC 1988 ruty * Updated informant CONTENTS PAGE NO. Packing of tho Glass Pato 10.1.0 Accossoro Box revised 10.1.0 ‘Camara Manual suppliod withthe camera 2100 only) 10.1.0 Camara Manual suppiod withthe camora (2200 I only) Wott Counter nuts on the Camera Fest 10.2.0 Noiso roduction (2200 only). 10.2.0 CCountor nuts on the Camera Feet (2100 only) 10.2.0 Brackot in the chassis replaced (2100 ony) : : 10.2.4 Power Supply Box an individual Spare Part (2100 ony) 10.2.4 Powor Supply Box an indidual Spare Part (2200 il ony) 10.2.1 “ON/OFF Switch fitted with Special Washor (2100 only) 10.2.2 “ON/OFF Switch fted with Spocial Washor (2200 I nly) 10.2.2 Protoction Sold for‘ buggy hamess (2100 only) 10.2.3 Protoction Shield for C* buggy hamess (2200 l only) 10.2.8 “Transport whoel under the camera 10.2.4 Plug in tho backlight tay susponsion (2100 only) 10.2.4 Plug in tho backlight way suspension (22001 ony) 10.2.4 Sovigrapied toxt removed fom et cover 10.2.5 ‘Mechanical Stop fr tho Copyboard (2100 en) 10.3.0 Spindle Motor Replacement Ki. 10.3.0 Spindle Systom complete as Spare Part 10.9.1 Modified roplacoment ofthe Spindle Motors (2200 only) 10.8.2 od Nipple on one Lensholder adjustment nut 10.3.2 ‘AdétionalRollor combinations in the Spindle system 10.8.3 Noise reduction of "0 and "x Motors (2200 I ony) 10.3.9 ‘Backight tay suspension redasignad 10.3.3 Foodasigned Drive Shaft forthe Adjustment Handles (2100 only) 10.4.0 PPuloys on Drive Shaft to Lensholder and Copyboard divided nto halves (2100 ont) 10.4.0 Friction ve shaft forthe hance (2100 only) 10.4.4 Hands fr tition chive shat roplaced (2100 only) 10.5.0 “Teansport protection ofthe Top Ud 10.6.0 New Vacuum Knob forthe Top Cover 10.6.0 New Hingo forthe Lid 10.6.1 "Now Hinge Modification Kt 10.6.1 ‘Moditiod Top Rear Cover in connection with New Hinge 10.6.2 ‘Gas Prossure Springs fo the Lid with double gaskets 10.6.2 AGFA D TECHNICAL HELIOPRINT AS INFORMATION REPROMASTER 2100-2200 01 OCT, 1991 10.0.0 “Handling tw Camara! Labol ‘Special Nut forthe Vacuum Valve replaced Warranty Waring Label “Transport protoction of tho Front Panel Coated hinge ortho Front Panel Now logo onthe Front Panel Software upgrade 6.01 6.2 (2200 ony) Punched Nuts rplaced (2100 ony) 10.8.4 Punches Nuts roplaced (2200 ony) 10.8.2 Exposure OxcitatorAustment revised 10.8.2 Marking of ables (2100 ony 10.8.9 Marking of abies (200 ton) 10.0.9 Sofware upgrade tom ovel 7.1 97:2 10.0.4 Moro smoth movement the Copyboard (200 ony) 0.10.0 Salty Switch activation (220009) ee ee 10.10.0 ‘Sorng add on he vacuum hoc into Back ight Tray (2100 ony) 10.10.0 Vit Ince Coverin tho Back Light way (2100 ony 10.10.14 Mere smoth movement th Copyoard (2100 on) 10.10.4 ‘Adina washers on Cpyboard austen sarews (2100 ony) 10.10,1 Adina washers on Copyboard adjustment screws (2200 ony) 0.10.2 ‘Agjustmant sew forte backlight tay (2100 ony) 0.10.2 ‘Ajusiment sw forte bacight ray (2200 only) 0.10.9 designed Distance Rodin the Copyboard 10.11.0 Acosive Ft added tothe Copytoard (200 on) 0.11.0 Now bearings for tho titing ow 0.11.0 New Camping Fa for tho Vacuum Blanket wot Naw ron allo serews onthe Copyooard wo. Adhesive Felt added to the Copyboard (2100 only) 10.1.1 ocied Bearing forthe Gass Plato 0.11.2 Repair itor the Glass Pate 0.11.2 ocd Siz Diagram Shoot to. ‘Vacuum Blank Spare Part Kt 0.11.9 Vacuum Blanka reduod 4mm in izo 0.11.4 Leekng ero on the glassholser va (2100 ony) 10.11.46 Locking sew on ho gasshldo vc (220 ony) 0.11.5 Improved Quartz Lamp sockets 0.12.0 Transpo protacton of tho Lamenouses 0.12.9 High ouput Quart Lamps 0.12.0 Information | AGFA @ TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100-2200 HELIOPRINT AS. INFORMATION 01 OCT. 1991 10.0.1 ‘Quarts Lamps Sockets improved 10.12.41 lnmproved Cablo Protocton Ring in tho Lamp Housing - ee 0.12.1 Now serows fr sockat in lamp housos : So oOoS ae 0.12.2 Now Suction Litors : - 1018.0 Drawer in working tables removed a 10.13.0 Now Shuto Plates (2200 onl) - ee te ae 108170) Bearings in he Lonsholder cast ee 10.17.0 ‘Scrowe roplacod on Fitor Caseato (2100 only) we eee ae WWATAT ‘Serows replaced on Fiter Cassote (2200 lon). . cee 10 172 Feed Print Mounting Plate modied with a hamess support 7 eae om OTT. Diaphragm indication corectod ae as ae ene 10.17.3, New Wave Springs fo the Fim Glass Pato 10.18.0 Film Glass Plate Support Rail replaced . : cee ee ne nee OBL Fiter!Copyeslour Drawer intrchangeable (2200 only) 10.19.0 Caution Label (2200 only) : moe : : 10.20.0 Coated hinge forthe Power Supply section... 10.20.0 Warranly Waring Label 5 ona Se tomo Caution Label (2100 only) coon a. ~ 10.20.1 ‘Approval Label on CSA Camera (2100 eniy) : e So 10.20. Approval Label an CSA Camera (2200 only) e 10.20.1 ‘TOV Approval Label relating to power consumption 10.20.2 lmproved Relays on Motor Shuttor Intortaco PCB (2200 only) — w=» 10,20.2 15 Amp Fuse cn the Motor Control POB oe 10.20.3 Punched Nuts replaced (2100 onl). a. vn 10.20.38 Punched Nuts replaced (2200 only). 10.20.4 Main Selector grounded ai. ans ne ve 1020.4 Pint lay - out changed on Light Source Intortaco (2100 onl) oo ee oe 1020.5 Print ay - ut changed on Light Source Intortace (2200 1 nly) . 10.20.5 Contactor forthe exposure lamps replaced : 10.20.6 Marking of eablos oo a . : 10.20.68 * Now Motor Contol PCB, Fev. 04 (AM 2200 only. moe 1020.7 + use 41 ee c wee ea wee 1020.7 ‘Vacuum pump label (2200 erly) on 0.21.0 Spring added tothe Vacuum Pump system . Ee (020 [ASE Vacuum Pump with improved sound absorption 10.21.0 AGFA TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100-2200 HELIOPRINT AS INFORMATION 01 OCT. 1991 10.0.2 Packing of the Glass Plates ‘The procedure for packing the Glass Plate has been changed, Tho Glass Plate wil be packed in a box made of cardboard. ‘The Quality Control wil move the camera Into & euitable % size, £0 the cardboard box can be placed under the Copyboard Introduction date: 2100.90 SEP. 1988 N 43400 ‘Accessorie Box revised ‘To be in accordance withthe hardware used, the content of the Accessove Box, packed with the camera, has been revised. Part No. HE+81911 Spanner HE+20206 —_SelFtapping scrow HE+ 20867 ——_Selttapping screw HE+44453 Pointed acrew HE+33235 Allen key 9 mm HE+67450 Alen key S mm tem is not shown Ia the spare part list. lnvroduetion date: 210028 JUN. 1988 2200 28 JUN, 1988 a iar ie =) Camera Manual supplied with the camera (2100 onl (On request trom Agta Morel, Chapter 1 - 3 -4 from the Technical Handbook have been supplied with the camera. Description. ‘Camera Manual 1. troduction 3. Pro Inatallation 4. Spare Part Ust Description. \ntroduetion date; 11 APR. 1989 x: 47338 | ‘TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 01 JUL 1989 10.1.0 HELIOPRINT CONTENTS PAGE NO. [fB terotnereten me ep ue 10.6.0 New Vacuum Knob for the Top Cover 10.6.0 New Hinge for the Lid 10.6. Now Hinge Mesitcatin Kit 10.6.4 Mocttiod Top Rear Cove in connection with New Hinge 10.8.2 Gas Praseue Springs forthe Lid with double gaskets 10.6.2 “Handling the Camera’ Label 10.6.3 Special Nut for he Vacuum Valve replaced. 10.6.3 Warranty Wasning Label - 10.8.0 Tranepor protection ofthe Front Panel : 10.8.0 Coated hinge for te Front Panel — 10.8.0 New fogo on the Fiont Panel “ 10.8.4 Software upgrade 60 to 62 (2200 ery) : = 10.8.1 Punched Nuts replaces (2100 ony) 10.8. Punched Nuts repiaces (2200 only) 10.8.2 Exposure OsclatorAcjustment revised 10.8.2 4 Marking of eabias (2100 ony) : 10.8.3 1+ Marking of cabs (200 i ony) 10.8.3 Software upgrade from level 7.110 7.2 10.8.4 More smoth movement of the Copyteard (2200 ony) wn 10.10.0 Safety Swit seivation 2200 en) : 10. 10.0 Spring added on the vacuum hose in the Back Light Tray (2100 only). 1.10.0 \iite insert Cover inthe Back ight tay (2100 only) - ee 10.10. More emoth movement of the Copybeard (2100 cy) as on . 10. 10.1 ‘Additional washers on Copyboard adjustment screws (2100 only) 10.10.1 Adtional washers on Gopyboard adjustment S10¥8 es ve oo wm 10. 10.2 Adjustment serow forthe backlight tay (2100 0nI9) as : = a0 ‘Adjustment serow forthe backlight Way (2200 Hon) ae a 10. 10.3 Upanied' AGFA TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 HELIOPRINT. INFORMATION 01 MAR 1990 10.0.1 CONTENTS 1 Now screws for socket in lamp houses PAGE NO.: 10.12.2 | AGFA TECHNICAL | _REPROMASTER 2100-2200 {_HELIOPRINT INFORMATION orwaRrecr [10.0.0 | CONTENTS PAGE NO: > > e-designed Distance Rod in the Copyboard we ae WO [Adhesive Felt added to the Copyboard (2200 only) oe 10.110 [New bearings for the Liting Bow . : 0.11.0 New Clamping Rail for the Vacuum Blanket : we ae WED Now iron allen screws on the Copyboard 7 oa ‘Adnesive Felt added to the Copyboard (2100 only) wee TOAD Mositid Bearing forthe Glass Plate as an . “ 10.14.2 Repair Kit for the GlaS8 PINE ae se oe coe ae ne nee WD Moditod Size Diagram Shoot as ae ve vas se ons me ne oe nee WS Vacuum Blanket Spare Part Kit as 10.11.3 ‘Vacuum Blankot reduced 4mm in size a - : 1.114 4 Locking sorew on the glassholder pivot (2100 only). i 2 10.14 “+ Locking serew on the glassholder pivot (2200H only) 10.1105 Improved Quart: Lamp socket fo oe 1012.0 Transpo protection of the Lamphouses a. ow a 10.12.0 High output Quart: Lamps ee te 10.12.0 Quartz Lamps Sockets Improved : 1.12.4 Improved Cable Protection Ring inthe Lamp Housing . 1.1.1 Now Suction Liters. . . 10.13.0 + Drawer In working tables removed . : 10.13.0 New Shutter Plates (2200 On) as one ses ve on on . 10.17.0 Bearings inthe Lensholder cast 10.17.0 Screws replaced on Fiter Cassette (2100 only) 10.174 Screws replaced on Fitr Cassette 2200 W only) ae ans oe os we an a woe WLATAR eed Print Mounting Plate modified with a harness Support as si ss wae te ote we ns oe WATS Diaphragm Indication contested a. ons Boo soe es ae WATS New Wave Springs forthe Film Glass Pia 10.18.0 Film Glass Pate Support Rall eplQced ae cae se es st ne oe tt wee WB FiteCopycolour Drawer interchangeable 2200 only) ae ae ane eee oto ov oe 1019.0 AGFA} ‘TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 HELIOPRINT INFORMATION 01 JUL 1990 10.0.2 i CONTENTS PAGE NO: > Caution Latel (2200 oniy) 10.2.0 Coated hinge for the Power Supply section 1.20.0 Warranty Warning Label 10.20.0 Caution Label (2100 oniy) 10.2.4 ‘Approval Label on CSA Gamera (2100 only) 10.20.45 ‘Approval Label on GSA Camera (2200 only) 10.20.41 ‘TOV Approval Label relating to power consumption 1.20.2 Improved Roiays on Motor Shutter Interface PCB (2200 only) 10.20.2 15 Amp Fuse on the Motor Control PCB 1.20.3 Punched Nuts replaced (2100 only) 10.2.3 Punched Nuts replaced (2200 only) 1.20.4 Main Selector grounded 10.2.4 Print lay - out changed on Light Source Interface (2100 only) 10.20.5 Prin lay - out changed on Light Source interface (2200 W! only} 10.20.5 + Contactor for the exposure lamps replaced 10.2.6 + Marking of cables 10.2.6 ‘Vacuum pump label (2200 only) 1.21.0 Spring added to the Vacuum Pump system 1.21.0 [ASF Vacuum Purp with improved sound absorption 10.210 TECHNICAL, AGFA HELIOPRINT INFORMATION REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 (01 MAR 1990 1 0.3 Bracket in the chassis replaced (2100 on! ‘To uniform the production, the Bracket, uted Inthe motor driven cameras to mount the Motor has been Introduced, New PARTS: Pos. Qty. _ Part No Description. 9 1 HEFS2TS5 Bracket \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. _ Part No Descsition. 9 1 HE+T30¢3 Bracket Invoduction date: 3 NOV. 1988 PR Power Supply Box an individ (2100 To rectify the production, and to improve the painting process, the Power Supply Box has been an individual Spare Part Pos. Qty. Part No. Description, LSA | seven 41 HE+83207 Chassis tame 351 HE+6340 Power supply box 36 6 ~—-HE+83206 Special crow 376 HE+35908 Star washer \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. _ Part No, Description 41 HE+72968 Chassis frame Introduction date: 29 MAR. 1989 FN 47573 Power Supply Box an individual Spare Part (2200 I! ont ‘To rectly the production, and to improve the painting process, the Power Supply Box has been an individual Spare Part. NEW PARTS: Pos._Qly. Part No. Description. 41 HE#83207 Cassia frame 301 HE+83480 Power supply box 4 6 ~—-HE+20205 Special screw 416 HE+35968 Star washer WITHDRAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. Part No, Description, 41 HE+72068 Chassis tame Introduction date: 2200 120 MAR. 1980 FN 47570, AGFA & TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 HELIOPRINT INFORMATION 01 JUL 1989 10.2.1 ‘ON/OFF* Switch fitted with Special Washer (2100 onl ‘To improve the securing of the ‘ON/OFF” Switch, a Special Washer has been Introduced behind the switch. NEW PARTS: Pos._Qty. _ Part No. Description. 111 HE#83184 Special washer \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. Part No, Desciotion. None Introduction date: 18 MAY 1969 FN: 49286 ‘ON/OFF* Switch fitted with Special Washer (2200 Il onl ‘To improve the securing of the “ON/OFF Switch, a Special Washer has boon Introduced behind the switch. NEW PARTS: Pos. Qty. _Part No Desecipton 101 -HE¥89164 Special washer \WITHORAWN PARTS: Qry. PartNo. Descition ‘None Intoducion date: 18 MAY 1980 @| = os 7 AGFA® ‘TECHNICAL, REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 HELIOPRINT INFORMATION (01 JUL 1989 10.2.2 Protection Shield for harness (2100 ont ‘To eliminate the possibility that the hamess forthe ‘C’ buggy get jammed, a Protection Shield hes been introduced, NEW PARTS: Pos. Gy. Part No. Description 38 -HE+35903 «Star washer 381 -HES61305 © © Cable te 301 HE+83493 Protection shield 4 2 HESTISI6 Pillip serew WITHDRAWN PARTS: Pos._Qiy._ Part No. Description. None Introduction date; 30 JUN. 1989 FR 0880 Prote ess (2200 II onl To eliminate the possibilty that the hamess for the “C° buggy get jammed, a Protection Shield hes been Introduced, NEW PARTS: Pos. Gy. Part No. Description 418 HE+35908 Star washer 42 1 HE+61305 Cable te 43 1 HE+83493 Protection shield 442 -HES7I516 Philip screw \WITHORAWN PARTS: Description Introduction date: 30 JUN. 1989 PN 50879 AGFA TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 HELIOPRINT INFORMATION 01 JUL 1989 10.2.3 Transport wheel under the camera To tighten moving of the camera, wo complete transport wheels (packed in ki) has been introduced as an accesso. NEW PARTS: Pos. Qty. _ Part No st 1 HEF EI520 \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. Part No None Introduction date: 1 OCT. 1969 FN: 3 Plug in the backlight tray suspension (2100 on! ‘As a part of the redesigned backlight suspension, a plug has been intioduced. Deseriaton, Transport wheel Kt Deteription ee ple re ee eye TDERAR HES: oe wien ee a ieee cee: 19 6.180 7 EL Plug inthe backlight tray suspension (2200 I on saa parol needed beth sped, lg hes bom nso as 4] {| IH ee “ell tH) fos. Qty. _ PartNo Description. i a ey “ ne oer ee a latroduction date: 6 SEP. 1989 PN 52014 pow Pos] AGFA TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 HELIOPRINT INFORMATION 04 OCT 1989 10.2.4 Serigraphied text removed from left cover To achieve rationalization in production, the serigraphied text “ON/OFF” has been removed from the fad printed on the switen Introduction date: 7 FES. 1900 FA 2200 156511 NeW PARTS: Pos. Gry. Part No, Desctiption 31 HESGO74 ON/OFF switen 44 HESBI287 Cover, ett \WaTHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. _ Part No Description 31 HE+70566 ON/OFF switen 4 1 HE#73227 Covey, left = seigraphied AGFA @ TECHNICAL HELIOPRINT. INFORMATION REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 (01 MAR 1990 | 10.2.5 Spindle System complete as Spare Part Te Spindle System complete has now become a Spare Part Introduction date: Feld fix only PN : TECHNICAL NEW PARTS INCLUDING IN KIT: HE-+ 82228 Pos. Qty. Part No. 2 HE+77059 fe HE+42955 36 HEY73601 HE + 76559 HE 76560 HE + B1Bs2 HE+ 92616 HE + 92817 HE4 76408 E+ 72757 HE 72758 HE+ 76409 HE 473220 HE +7594 HE 44907 HE 65062 HE+ 77578 HES 77872 HE 72890 HE+ 72040 E+ 72841 HE+ 70758 HE+ 76556 HE +70758 HE + 67902 HE+67001 HE+ 44997 HE 452507 Hes 74247 HE+52795 E+ 82779 HE 72861 HE 73082 HE+23961 HE 35491, HE + 35098 HE 71678 HE 61995 E+ 74250 HE+ 74251, HEY 76413 E+ 76412 HE 21640 HE + 76556 HE 76561 E+ 77763 2 3 3 5 7 a 9 10 a 2 3 4 15 16 7 18 19 2 2 22 2 2 25 2 ar 8 a 2 eeRees Bb2eee \MTHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. Patt No. ‘None ‘Description. Profie ‘Siar washer ‘Screw No 10 Roller 1 Folie 2 Poller 3 Roller 4 Plier 5 Spincie Washer Clamping Fing Mounting plate for spindle nut Insertion cap Serrated safety bit Star washer Set screw Méx20 Backlight Suspension complate ‘Suspension Upper spindle bed Lower spindle bed (Cover for spincies ‘Serow 4x8 Cover ‘Serow 4x8 Beating Housing Ball Bearing ‘Star washer Set screw 6x12 Bow spindle aut Spindle bearing ‘Bearing washer Label Fercule Panhead tapping serew ‘angle tap Star washer Holder for cable fastener Cable fastener Washer Washer Plate for spindle nut ‘Space bushing Net Bracket Bearing pin Siiing bearing Description REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 INFORMATION 01 OCT 1988 Modified replacement the Spindle Motors (2200 only) To be lt of laying the camera down when a Spindle Motor hast be replaced, the Mounting Plat has been mocifiod | sevens | poe eee eee ae ee pecaasiis EA res a a eece mcrae Inyvoduetion date: 10 007. 1988 #N 43708 Red Nipple on one Lensholder adjustment nut ‘To emphasize that only twee adjustment nuts on the Lensholder should be used duting collimation of the main lens, a red Nipple has been placed en one of the Lensholder adjustment nuts NEW PARTS: Pos. Part No. Description 2 1 -HE+60797 Nipple WITHDRAWN PARTS: Pos. _Qily. Part No. Descrintion ‘None Introduction date: 2100 18 NOV, 1989 2200 17 NOV. 1988 FN 44919 9088 TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100-2200 | INT. INFORMATION HELIOP. Additional Roller combinations in the Spindle system To achiave a more flexible combination ofthe correct Rollers to be used in the Spindie system duiing assembling, two new Rollers with diferent diameters have been invoduced. This brings the Rollers available up to the number of fv, inthe following sizes, ‘Spare Part Numbe Diameter: Roller 1 HE+76559 (existing Roler) 382mm V/O1 Roller 2 HE+76560 (existing Roller) 351 mm 4/-04 Roller 3 HE +81852 (existing Fler) 353mm 4/041 Roller 4 HE +2616 (additonal Roller) 349mm 4/01 Foller 5 HE +82817 (additional Rater) 350 mm +/-0.1 Introduction date; 2100 13 JUN. 19882200 19 JUN. 1988 fe] FN 40519 40822 Noise reduction of ‘C* and ‘X' Motors (2200 It only) ‘To reduce the vibrations and the noise, Adhesive Felt has been placed between the Motors and the Brackets NEW PARTS: eB iy te rat eran peore) 21 HESerO7 Felt \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qy. Part No esecipton. None Invoduction date: 16 JUN. 1989 PN sosze ar Backlight tray suspension rede: ‘To improve the stitness of the suspension forthe backlight tay it has been redesigned. NEW PARTS: Pos. Qty. _Part No. Desecption 481 HE+84502 Backlight tray suspension \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos, Oty. Part No, Description 151 HEST7S7¢. ——_Gacklight way suspension Introduction date: 2100 13 SEP. 1989 2200 16 SEP. 1989 FN 52348, S014 AGFA} TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 HELIOPRINT INFORMATION 01 OCT 1980 10.3.3 (NEW PARTS: Pos. Qty. Part No. Description. @ 2 -HE+79950 Orie Shaft WITHDRAWN PARTS: Pos. Oly. Part No. Description. None Introduction date: 26 NOV. 1964 FN: 5 Pulleys on Drive Shaft to Lensholder and Copyboard divided into halves (2100 onl; ‘To prevent the Pulley gets loose on the shatt, and to lighen the assembling on the production line, the Pulleyes have been manufactured in two halves. in addition, a Distance Bushing has been introduced. NEW PARTS: Pos. Qty. Part No. Description 4 HEST7755 Paley 382 HE+84188 Distance bushing WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Oly. _ Part No. Dosrition. 192 HEAT7750. Pulley, AGFA TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 yw 8 HELIOPRINT INFORMATION ion drive shalt for the handle (2100 only) ‘To improve the opvation of the camera, a fiction dive ehatt for the handles (same type as RM 310) has been introduces NEW PARTS: Pos. Gry. _ Part No. Deserition 9 2 HES64207 Drive shat complete \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. _Part No. Description 9 2 -HE+79050 ‘Drive shat 4 -HE473rer ley 12 -HEt72777 Pot serew 322 HE+7595¢ Bushing 32 HEs7a055 © Sorew Introduction date: 7 NOV. 1989 FN 5249 AGFA TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 HELIOPRINT. INFORMATION (01 MAR 1990 10 RAL Y ‘Spacor Kit for the Two Pulleys on Top of the Spindles ‘A“spacor tir has boon mado foc old roof to provont ho two hal pat pulleys from moving apart. “Tho spacer kit inciudos all necossary pats forall the hand driven cameras: FM 310, RM 1200 -1600 and FM 2100. Now PARTS: Pos. Gy. PartNo. Description 7 HEsB4S60" Spacer kt Conon oft 2 HeT5555 7 Hesoeres —— Spacal (reo 1 E6416 Scar (RM 1200-1600) 1 Heseates Spacer (PM 310) 1 HEssst4o Seow (2M 910) 1 Hesssb08 ‘Toot washor (AM4910) 1 Herereas Washer ra 310) Irivoducton date; 1 AUG. 1060 PN Notappleabe c= AGFA @ TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100-2200 HELIOPRINT AS INFORMATION oroct. 1991 | 10.4.2 Handles for friction drive shi replaced (2100 onl To conform with introduction ofthe Hriction drive shatt (same type as AM 310) the handles have been replaced. NOTE: The WITHORAWN PARTS (marked with *) are stil available as spare parts. NEW PARTS: Pos, Qty. Part No. Description. 2 2 HES75423 Handle \ATHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Gly. Part No, Description. 122 HE+73052 #3 2 HEssazor +8 4 —-HE+20516 ——_Selftapping screw Introduetion date: PN TBA sor AGFA TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 HELIOPRINT INFORMATION (01 JAN 1990 10.5.0 ith New Hinge When the camera is modified from old type Hinge (Adjustment Bar (p05. 3) betwoon the Hinge) to New Hinge, a new Top Rear Cover must be fited. The visible ctlerence is that the new Cover have larger cutouts because of the new Hinge, ‘No change ia the Spare Part Number. MODIFIED PARTS: Pos. Gly. Part No. Description 2 1 HE#8128 Cover \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Gy. Patt No. Description ‘None Introduetion date: 2100.25 JAN. 1988 2200 21 JAN. 1988 FN ara73 ara82 Gas Pressure Springs for the Lid with double gaskets To secure thatthe Lid is damped betore it reaches the fully open position, the Gas Pressure Springs have been modified. “The gas pressure is increased to 270 Newton, and the Gas Spring ls manufactured with double gaskets to improve the sealing, No change in the Spare Part Number. MODIFIED PARTS: Pos. No. Description. 2 2 HE#72779 Gas pressure spring 270 Newton WITHDRAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. Part Ne. ‘None Introduction date: 2100.26 OCT. 1988 220024 OCT. 1988 Fx 424 ‘aa198 TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 _ HELIOPRINT ndling the Camera‘ Label ‘Aremovable Label which emphasize ‘Not to handle the camera by the Top Rear Cover, hes been placed on the Fear Cover, aN lotroduction date; 2100 17 APR. 19892200 1117 APR. 1980 FN 47984 7992 AGFA} HELIOPRINT TECHNICAL INFORMATION NEW PARTS: Pos. Qty. Part No. Description. - 1 HERI Label \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. __Part No. Description. None tem is not shown in the Spare Part Let Introduction date: 2100 15 NOV. 19682200 14 NOV. 1068 FA 44798 44050 ‘Special Nut for the Vacuum Valve replaced ‘To uniform the produetion, The Special Nut forthe Vacuum Valve has been replaced, NEW PARTS: _ Pos. Qty. Part No, Description. 5 2 HES20079 «Nt \WAITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. _ Part No, Description. 5 5 2 -HEFT27e4 Special nut REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 01 JUL 1989 10.6.3 New logo on the Front Panel On rea Invoduction date: 21002 FER, 1989 220028 NOV. 196822001120 DEC. 1980 PN 3257 ‘5040 5897 Software upgrade 6.0 to 6.2 (2200 I! only) Inoduction of Constant Focus. ic 22 HE + 83640, 16 24 HE +a3eet The Software revision change from 6.0 to 62 MODIFIED PARTS: Pos. Gly. Part No 121 HE+80500 \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. _Qy._ Part No ‘None Inoduction date: 15 FEB. 1989 PN 2200 1 46085 Punched Nuts replaced (2100 only) To prevent that the Punched Nuts, which ate used fo secure the PCB's, damage the thread, ‘normal nuts have been reinttoduced New PARTS: Pos. Qty. _Part No. 2 10 HE+20079 WITHDRAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. _ Part No. 4 8 HE+TBI95 Introduction date: 4 JAN. 1989 PN 200 45555 4 fom Mortsl, the serigraphed logo AGFA - GEVAERT on the Front Panel, has been changed to AGFA, eserption (CPU PCD Rev. 4 Description Description Nut Description. Punched nut sos AGFA TECHNICAL 10.8 REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 INFORMATION (01 MAR 1989) 1 _HELIOPRINT_ Punched Nuts replaced (2200 only) ‘Fe provoat that the Punched Nuts, which are used to secure the PCB's, damage the thiead, ‘normal’ nuts have been ieintioduced NeW PARTS: Pos. Qty. Part No Descriation 7 HEem0079 Nut \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. Part No Description. 148 -HE+76195 Punched nut Introduction date: 19 DEC. 198 FR 45555 sor Exposure Oscillator Adjustment revised The previous adjustment procedure (4.58V on TP1) in Service Program # 11, has becn revises PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The program provides an adjustment ofthe Oscillator on the GPU PCB, which controls the Exposure Time to the Reflex Light + The Oscllator circuits designed to adjust the Exposure Time and compensate for variations inthe Mains Vottage. 1 The Adjustment Procedure makes it possible to transfer the Customer Programs to another CPU. * ithe CPU has to be replaces, pertorm the procedure: CPU PCB Replacement without any change of Customer Programs! ap ore ta camera has been adjusted using the previous procedure (4 55V De-on TP 4), the Basic Exposure Timo and tho Mains Voliage compensation is stil working corcect. nother words, the obtained Exposure Time is corect, even i the ‘Oscilator count er Mains Veltage may vary from one camera to another, + The present adjustment procedure is based on the vollage, measured on the Vacuum Power Cable. * Refer to 2200 W chapter #6. Invodvcton date: 21006 MAR. 18692200117 MAR. 1069 @ FN 47200 ‘7210 AGFAD TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 _ _ HELIOPRINT INFORMATION oar 1989 | 10.8.2 Marking of cables (2100 To avoid erronous connection of plugs oF sockets during service, marking has been intoduoed NEW PARTS: Pos, Qty. _Part No. Description. 181 -HE+8454 Switch with text“S 12" \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qy, Part No. Description. 1901 HE+71882 Switch Invoduetion date: 2100 20 NOV. 1989 FN 54589 Marking of cables (2200 1! only) ‘To avoid erroneous connection of plugs or tockets during service, marking has bes introduced, ‘NeW PARTS: Pos. Qty. _Part No Desorption 271 E+ E4598 Switch with text *S - 12" 41 HES T1882 Switen \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. _ Part No, Description 22 HE#TIB82 Switch Introduction date: 2200 13 NOV. 1989 FN 5097 AGFA TECHNICAL REPROMASTER 2100 - 2200 HELIOPRINT. INFORMATION orman 1900 [10.8.3 | Software upgrade {rom level 7.1 to 7.2 7 {As @ consequence of introduction of ‘Copystepper mode" and costection of filler cassette and color fier incicaion in the display. the software has been upgraded fiom level 7.1 10 72 GPU PCB HE +0500 change the revision code from 06 10 07 1G 22¢ev.7:2 HE+84702 1G 24 row. 7.2 HE+84703 MODIFIED PARTS: Pos. Qty. PartNo. __Description, 321 HES80500 CPU PCB ev.06 \WaTHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. Part No Description ‘None Invodvetion date: 10 JAN. 1900 FN 22001 55809 AGFA TECHNICAL HELIOPRINT INFORMATION @ White Insert Cover in the Back Light tray (2100 only) Instead of painting the inside of the Back Light way white, @ white Insert Cover has been introduced, NEW PARTS: Pos, Qty, PartNo. _beseription 7 1 HEY 76992 Insert caver WITHDRAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. _ Part No Desediption ‘None Introduction date: 10APR. 1985 Pw 2926 soo Copyboard (2100 only) To achieve a more smoth movement of the Copyboard, the two steel washers in the Back Light tay, thas been changed to washers of a plastic material More smoth movement of t NEW PARTS: Pos. Qty. _ Part No Desecation 422 HES8IS71 Washer \WITHORAWN PARTS: Pos. Qty. Pat No, 422 HES72077 «Washer Invoduction date: 1 SEP. 1987 FN 35565 Toor istment screws (2100 onl Additional washers on Copyboar ‘To prevent that the adjustment serews on the Capyboard become loose, the number of washers have been increased to eight LEW PARTS: Pos. Qty. Part No Desecption 404 HEFT3950 Special washer \WATHORAWN PARTS: on oemee e freee AGFAS ; TEOHNICAL REPROWASTEN 2100-2200 HELIOPRINT INFORMATION oF MAR 1989 | 10.10.14

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