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Do government interfere in family planning?

(Developed countries)
As supported by the statement above, government should not interfere in family p
lanning because family planning is a FREEDOM OF CHOICE. Family planning involve
the decision that should be made by the individuals which involve the willingnes
s and abilities to raise a child. What is the reason for this?
As a country become more and more developed, the power in which a individuala ha
ve the choices and abilities to raise a child increase.In a developed country, i
ndividuals are more educated as compared to those in developing countries.
Answer the part for: Government should not interfere in family planning.
Answer the part for:Why should the government not interfere in family planning.
The government intervention in family planning can increase standard of living f
or people. By controlling the population size, the government can help to decrea
se unemployment rate....China used to be overpopulated until the government inte
rvened with the one-child policy that has successfully decreased the population
and fertility rate of the citizens. This allowed for more job vacancies for Chin
a Citizens and also a higher wage with less competition. As a result, the standa
rd of living for citizens was improved in China. Also, Singapore, which was over
populated in the mid-twentieth century, was able to improve the quality of its h
ealthcare because government stepped in to control population size so that resou
rces can be used more efficiently. These examples show that government interven
tion in family planning can improve citizens standard of living by controlling t
he population size according to the country needs
The Government should interfere in family planning because overpopulation of the
country will only bring about negative impacts to the nation's social aspects.O
verpopulation means that the problem of land constraints will surface. Land cons
traints will hinder the development of infrastructure, proper housing conditions
,amenities and as a result, living conditions will deteoriate. This may also he
ighten the risk of contagious diseases. For example, Myanmmar which faces the pr
oblem of overpopulation, suffers from water borne diseases. Poor living conditio
ns such as poorly sanitized living areas caused by overcrowding led to such dise
ases spreading rampantly. Also, India generally has very bad living conditions,
especially in the slum areas.
As India focuses on agriculture as one of its primary economic pillars, the land
available for housing is limited.Hence, slum surfaced to accommodate large popu
lation. These slums have poor water and drainage facilities and are breeding gro
und for diseases and poor hygiene.
As we can see from these examples, overpopulation can led to poor living conditi
ons and reduce quality of life for the citizens.
The government should not interfere in family planning because it will infringe
on human rights. Humans have the freedom to choose to decide their family as wel
l as planning their family future and structure. Government intervention will re
strict the availiability of choice oan individual has. For example, traditional
Asians families usually yearn for a son and will keep giving birth to get one.
Traditional families believe that a son can carry on the family line and also ta
ke care of them when they're old,even if their sons are married. This is the ver
y reason why there was such a debate over China one-child policy.
They will live their own lives, thus, it is best for families to choose their ow
n family size without government decision.
Also, certain government policies such as forced sterilization can go against re
ligious rights. For example, in Peru, the government implemented forced steriliz
ation which caused religious debates because it went against islamic doctrines.
Thus,there are cultural and religious factors to consider when it comes to famil
y planning and individuals should be given the right to choose based on their cu
ltural and religious background.
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