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Design 130

Watt Post lcp MounteC Outdocr Lunninaire

Quality Lighting
A Divisi0n 0f LPI Limited Partnership
Design 130
Setting the Performance Standards
for Today's Lighting Practices

Success through Innovation. Quality

l,ighl.ing ('ontinues to build ils llLrsi
n.rss on the principlc ol d.rvclol)ing Horizontal
rr' rr lr'r'f'rr"rrrn.p -lar,lrr,l'. l\'rf',r
mance is.iudgcd on tlvo criteriat the Lamp
abilil y of a lighting system to l)rovid(-' Technology
good qualit! light an.l achieving
that qualit"y light with tlrc fcwcst Vertically mourrt
nLrmbel of poles and lixturcs ed lamps have
It(ic(:ss:11y. been llro\,cn 1o bai
the best u'a) 1.o il
Sincc l9(i5, Quality Lighting has
luniinate large ar-ca
ileen a m4jor for(c in 1)uldoor area
appljcirtions. The
liglrting. Sl:lrting $.ith Qrralitt s
conventional hori
l)iollc(-'ring efforts in the (lcvclol) zontal niounte(llamp
mcnt of 01r(?r'Luminaires. y.,/ li('(rl
as designcd lor r()adwa.v all
A(:11to.I tt tt ratou(hed Z.l?r.p :lbchno logy :rn(l ()nl.inLring on
plications is.jusl not effecti\.e lirr arca liglil.ing. In the
photo sh.ou's ( t1.Lel-l !vil.h innovative methods tr) rcdllcc
holizontal posjtion, th(i bol
(r(hielEd 1t'i tlt Quu li I lJ reflectivc glarc ar.l incirease lighting
1.orn h21lf of the ar-c tubc
L igh li n.g's u tl 1\t.ned is not surl oundaral br- a
peUirin.ane k,(:lt
ra:flactor sulface, pro
't 1 t)
| ( )g !1. t 1' lL i.ah N du ( e s

ducing li()1. spots
( l.lt (,r't.t, isa unsted liqllt rlin:cl lv beneath the
tlu!t is tLit ('(lt:(1. u.lt!'etd, jxturc a llni
ptodltdtLg bett?t 1t n.i ! I d p(n)r
I lirinitv (higlr rrr:txi
.li)rtt.i I lJ end rcd Lted riiuJlt to mininlum
rirt ios ).

to -.?= V, rtical mountecl lamps, combincd lvith Quality

\ .t LiAhting s pcrformance designed rcflccl.or systems,
glve you precisc distribution patterns and almost
\ ..r'.
unlimil.ccl flexibility in mcctirlg 1.he needs of any
area lighting sil.uation.

New Generation Vertical Lamp

6 i .4l_'; Technology
i:..*a*yi {
s !: r,',&l { F()l tlie first tirne rectangu lar and squarc disl ributions
havc bccn achieved tluough the use of vertical lamp
reflector technology. $.itl()u1. the use of hodzontal
.:':.:# lamps, refractors or prisns, Quality Lighting has pro
duced 1.he first truly rectangular and squarc shapcd
distributions. What this means to the industry is l.rss
gld|e, and better uniJbt-t[it!] togcthct in cil.her a
rpIlungular ur a -qurrF di\l rihrll ior.
TlLe cor,l)i.nati.otL aJ r:om,|xtu rtr1. 0ualitJ' Ljghting s Ne\\'\rR and VS Reflector System
cun-)es end h.etllirlcred t eflectar now do alvay with both annoying and $-astcrlul
fi,nish produce either o, rectangruLar problcms associal.ed with other lighting
or (L square di^stt ibuti,or, i, QuaLit!] technologies, by designing high pcrforrnance, cutolf
Lighting's urL'ique VR and VS reJTec luninaires employing vertically mounted lamps jn
tor s1,/ster6. unique, patented reflector systems.

I O u*r* verricar VR and VS Reflector

I Rectangular & Vertical Perbrmance Reduces
I Square Distributions lnstallation Gosts over 300/o
I Tn" ,niquc .-rossover distriburions of Never before have optical systems
the VR and VS Reflector -& offered such unique distdbutions.
Systems fill in the Compare the results in the installations below
rounded outer adapted from actual lighting layouts in which 50'
poles normally spaced 240'apart can now be
spaced 300'apart.

ing true rectangular and square shapes.

Producing more light further from the
fixture than any reflector system.
The VR and VS Reflector Systems pro
duce distributions that conform perfect-
ly to today's
ing lot

Result: You can use lewer poles employing the

VR and VS Rectangular and Square Distribution
Rellectors as compared to designing the same
installation utilizing Symmetdcal Distrihrrtion

the VR and
VS give the designer
greater ability to utilize larger multiples
of the 60'increment.

Aboue: One VRperpole pnttlur:ing Q

rectangular shepe d distr i bution. One
VS per pole prodxt c'ing o sq'uare
d.i.stri.b .ti.on..

Resulting in:
. Better utilization of lumens;
. Less Pattern Overlap;
. Better control of the light outside the area.
Optical Systems
Type VR-Vertical
A Rectangular l)istribution is pro-
duced from a Vertical Mounted
Lamp. Main beam oricntation indi-
cated by label in fixture.

Type VS-Verlical Square FriXr;
A Square DistribuLion is protluccd h!;..q)r"i
from a \rcltical Mounted Lanrl). 'l
Type V-Veilical
Symmetrical . ,'-'-i.,
i:dr'. f
A Svrnrnel.rii:al Distril)utir)n is pro
duccd liom a !'ertical Mountctl Lamp. "{ir'
Type F-Forward Throw
A Oneway Distribution is produced
fiorn a Horizontal Mounted Lamp.

Ouality Lighting Ollers Three

Engineering Services
1. Oomplete in house computer design
2. Quality l,ighting photomctrics on IBM
compaltrble disk in IES format.
3. Quick.Temp: An outdoor lighting
software available to Quality Lighting
customers capablc of producing accurate
lighting layouts. Layouts that call for multi
ple pole locations and multiple fixtures per
pole (at any hcight, tilt or rotation) can be
printed to any desired st:ale. Photometric
data is casily accessed through Quick-
'lbmp's menu driven format. Wc're sure its
capabilities will help streamline ihe design
of your next lighting project. Let a Quality
Lighting representative in your area
demonstrate Quick{bmp's capabilities as
they relate to your lighting design needs.
Features and Benefits
"0uick Mount" Saves The Superior Protection ol
lnstallation Gosts PPG lndustry's Compliance
ouality Lighting's new post top Coatings
mounting c.lesign simplifies installa-
tion proccdures. The slip fitter is Every Quality Lighting fixture receiving
designed for rnounting on 47: " our standard bronze finish shares the
long, 231" O.D. pipe and comes benefit of the same technology that has
prewirecl through the welded provided lasting protection and beauly to
tubular arms. The cast aluminum the extuded aluminum exteriors of thc
asscmbly features a removable, top nation's skyscrapers. PPG Industry's
cap which allows the installer to Polycron@ Ill, high solids, architectural
complete his wiring after the coating provides good color permanence,
luminaire has been set atop its corrosion rcsistance, and impact/mar
pole. protection.

Designed for Ease

ol Maintenance
Access to the lamp and
the ballast compartment
is achieved easily and
quickly by unscrewing the
captive screw latches. Ad-
ditionally a dual position 1. Pretreatlnent
inertial locking device 2. Primer
holds the housing in a
raised position to facili- 3. Rase Coat
tate ease of maintenance. 4. Top Coat
When lifted up an auto
matic quick release occurs
for easy lowering. Protection above the Required
Going beyond the specifications for ap
plication for Polycron@ III, all Quality
Lighting fl\tures are pretreated and
primed to provide environmental stabili-
ty and corrosion resistance-features that
Longer Component Lile are a requirement only for seaboard and
Through Gooler/Gleaner high corrosive environments. A base and
topcoat of PPG Industry's Polycron@ III,
0peration High Solids Thermal Setting Polyester is
then applied by licensed technjcjans.
Oven curing activates a cross linking of
molecules that chemically bonds pre
treatment to primer and primer to topcoat.
Once heat cured the Polycron@ III
coating will not reflow with future ex
posures to heat. This extensive process
creates an exterior finish that meets or
exceeds all AAMA performance
The silicone impregnated Dacron@ requirements.
gasketing system completely seals
out moisture and dust while allow
ing the fixture to breath during
energrzing and de-energizing.
Specifications and
Design Features/Design 1 30
Tenon Fitler
Cast aluminum rvith wcld
ed tubular arms to fit 1t/,2 "
Long x 231" O.l). pipe.

Hinged Door Frame

Concealed piano type
hingc provides unilbrm
stability to door frame
and permits easy access
to the luminaire fbr

Convex impact ancl heat
resistant clcar glass.

Mogul base porcclain lan-rp
holder has a nickel-plated
screwshell with a linned.
c'xtruded aluminum
socket radiator.

Rellector System
VR P.ectangular
Distribulion Positive Locking Specilications
VS Square Distribution Support Each Quality Lighting Design 130 Luminaire shall be of
V-Symmctrical A positive locking support a sharpcutoff photomctric dcsign. The housing shall be
Distribution is provided for securing of spun and welded aluminum with a <:ircumfcrcntial
F Forward Throw the housing in the open reveal and a fully enclosed lamp and ballast compaft
Ilistribution position to facilitatc case ment. The lens frame assembly shall be welded to a
ol maintenance. cast aluminum post top litter to slip fit a 2{ " O.l).
Ballast tenon 4lr " Long. The housing and lcns frame assembly
Balast, capacitor and Housing shall bc equipped with a positive locking support to
wiring arc provided Clean, modcrn profilc plovide access to thc ballast compartment and permit
on a separate mounting luminaire of spun alumi- easy serwicing. The lens frame shall be of one piece ex-
tray, allowing 1br quick num construction with in truded aluminum construction, secured by two (2) cap
and easy inslallation t.emal reinJbrcement I'mrne, tive screw type fastencrs. The hcat and impact resis
and serwicing. and architecturally com tant convex glass lens shall be gasket sealed to the lens
patible horizontal reveal. frame. The second gaskcting system shall lbrm a seal
Door Latches between the lens frame and housing so as to pcrmit
0uick and easy. Captive Finishes airflow within Lhe luminaire. The "VS" reflcctor shall
scrcw latches are vibra- Standard finish. PPG. provide a square lighting distribution patLern. The "VR"
tion resistant. Polycron@ III, 293 P'ronze. reflector shall provide a rectangular distribution. The
Optional Color finishes: Type "V" reflector shall provide a symmctrical distri
Gasketing Azure, Black, Burgundy, bution. The Type "F" reflector shall provide a forward
The silicone impregnatcd Gray, Silver and White are throw distribution. Thc reflector assembly shall consist
f)acron@ gasketing system of architectural quality of a reflector and lamp holder, mounted to a hinged
completely seals out baked enamel. mask to allow easy access to the ballast compartmcnt
moisture while allowing when opened. The standard exterior finish shall be
breathing during energiz Product shall bear U.L. & PPG Polycrono III, high solids architectuml coating,
ing and de energizing. I.B.E.W Labels. standard color dark Bronze.
Ordering lnforrnation
How to 0rder Color 0ptions
Standard Finish is PPG. Polvcron@ III,
To order: Create Your ( )wn Dcsign 293 Bronze, high solids bakcd enamel.
130 by using the folkrwing specifi-
Optional cobr finishes are of architcc
cations and options below. See tural quality baked cnarnel.
Clolors shown are apploximations of
Design Number l.r'ue (:olors.
130 29
Rellector Guide
VR-Rectangular Distribution BZ St, ut, Az (ilt tvlt BK
llrJxlnd! ,\zur, (irr\ 1r
lvl] llLrrk
VS Squarel)istribution
V SymmetricalDistribution
F Fcrrward Throu'
Physical Data
I (XX) Wcight 70 lhr.

MH Mel.al Halide
Projected Area (EPA)
HPS Iligh Pressure Sodiurrt
1 fixture : 2.86 IIPA
120, 20E, 240, 277 , 18t)
Metal Halide, CWA units to provide
!'I)-120V, 227V Fusing f 10% lamp power rcgulation wilh
FDFD 2UEV, ZlUV Duulrle ]\ r"ing +10?; varialion fiom rated inlrut
FDD-480V Doublc Fusing vollage.
Modifications High Pressurc Sotlium, H.PS. ballasts
PClLPhoto Cell opL'rate larnps with ANSI trapezodial
EMQZ Quartz restrike consult limits. All wiring within luminaire shall
factory carry 80'1,, rated current and bc listed
bv II L for use at 6(X) \AC.

- 29" dia.-

Example 0ptions

130-29 VS 1000 HPS 208 WH

WATTAG E Noorrrchrrors I

DESIGN LAMP ,uJ,ro ,ol-0.

Quality Lighting
A Division ot LPI Limited Partnership

2155 Delany Road

Gurnee, lllinois 60031
FAX: 312-360-0181
ooopyiq l988 QuallyLighling A D v sion ol LPI L m ted Parhnsh p
LIT N0 884 1/8810M

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