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Electronic system for ordering books in the library

Summary Some course books are requirements of the sytudent to

complete a course. These books are reffered by the lecturares
of the subject. There must be some mechanism that allow the
students to purchase some course book directly from library.
SO we will make a system in which the lecturares will order
books online from venders in library and these books will be
easily accessible to the students of the university.
Subject Lecturers,Vendors,Bank

Pre-conditions The lecturer is currently rejistered as a faculty member as only

the login page is avaliable for already rejistered lectureres to
make an order.
Main stream The lecturer login to system and search for the book if the
book is avaliable then he/she will fill the form for order. Here
he/she must fill the required fields like title year of publication
and ISBN number etc. The he will add to card the book. The
order will be further processed and will be marked as the
status. The lecturer can view the status of his book ordered.
Alternate stream If the lecturer is not already rejistered.In this case he/she will
have to make a request for the rejisteration.
If the book is not avaliable online then he/she will make the
request to sell book
Post condition The lecturer sucessfully make an order and can easily view the
status of the ordered book.

Summary If the lecturer wants to order a book but he/she is not yet
rejistered in Library system. Then 1st he/ahe have to make an
order to get rejistered and fill a rejistreration form. Then the
librarian will check the vvalidity of the information if the
information is valid then the user get rejistered otherwise it
will get rejected.
Subject Lecturer, Librarian

Pre-conditions The lecturer belongs to the insitude using system and make a
rejisteration request.
Main stream The lecturer make a rejsiteration proceess. A form is displayed
to him. He fills the form and add the full fletch detail then
submit it. The librarian contact the university database and
check the validity of the lecturer. If he belongs to university
then he got rejistered.

Alternate stream The data entered by lecturer is not valid. In this case the
system will reject the application for rejisteration.

Post condition The lecturer get rejistered in the library system.

Theoretical task :

The system should provide the following benifits to the lectureres:

 Get rejistered in system

 Make an orfer for books.

 Can view the status of the book ordered.

 Can search foer books.

 Can use differnt filters and catageories.

The system sould proviode the following features to the librarian:

 Stock managment

 Book status viewing

 Report delivery

 To make a Payment

 To amke boook listing

 The authorize the lecturer in the system

All actions are carried out in real time through the Internet


Figure 1 usecase diagram

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