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In the text below, the adverbs are in bold; the word

ADVERBS or words that they modify are underlined.

How to identify adverbs

She would nerer rest until she had ferreted out the
a Definition
whys and wherefores.
Adverbs are words that modify (that is, change or
enhance the meaning of) verbs: Very green and neat and precise was that yard.

The walked slowly. Oh, I know it nearly all.

Below them was a pond, looking almost like a river, so
Adverbs modify not only vebs; they also modify a
range of other language units. long and winding was it.

Mrs Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main

• An adverb modifies a verb: ADVERB CONJUNCTION

road dipped down into a little hollow.

They did everything well.
Here sat Marilla Cuthbert, always slightly distrustful of
• An adverb modifies an adjective: ADVERB ADVERB

They are very helpful.
Accordingly, after tea Mrs Rachel set out.
• An adverb modifies a determiner: (LM Montgomery, Anne of Avolea.)

I have read nearly every book on that shelf.


Subclasses of adverbs
• An adverb modifies a conjunction:
There are three subclasses of adverbs.
The lamp was exactly over the table.

• An adverb modifies another adverb: 1 Common Adverb: We walked slowly.

Adverb 2 Interrogative Adverb: How do you do?
They acted extremely carefully. 3 Conjuctive Adverb: I think, therefore I am.
(René Descartes)

• An adverb modifies a sentece: 1 Common adverbs (in bold) tell you where, when,
how or to what extent something occurs. Some
Luckily, they arrived on time. grammars subdivide common adverbs into adverbs
ADVERB SENTENCE of ‘place, ‘time’, ‘manner’, ‘extent’, ‘frequency’ and
so on.

b Sentence frames All of the words in bold below are common adverbs.

An adverb is any word that fits into the following - The blooms are here today but, sadly, often gone
quite quickly by tomorrow.
They did the job __________. [well, slowly, yesterday, EXTENT MANNER TIME
ADVERB often, intelligently]
2 Interrogative adverbs ask questions about the
Oops! There is one rogue word that slips into the frame: the where, when, how (and so on) of an occurrence.
pronoun themselves. But apat from that, all other words that The replies to questions headed by interrogative
fit into the frame are indeed adverbs. adverbs are common adverbs, or strings of words
that do the same job as common adverbs – phrases
or clauses.
c Suffixes Questions with
Interrogative Adverbs
• Most adverbs (as do adjectives) take comparative –er Answers with Adverbs, Adverbs
and superlative –est suffixes: sooner, soonest. For Phrases, or Adverbs Clauses
some multisllabic adverbs you use more and most Where are you?
instead of –er and –est: more intelligently, most
INT ADV I am here.
When did you begin? ADV
INT ADV I began some time ago.
Why do you call it sad?
• Many (certainly not all) advebs derive from adjectives
INT ADV I call it sad because it makes me feel
with the suffix –ly: funny [adjective], funnily [adverb]. ADV CLAUSE
How are you getting along?
d Examples
INT ADV I am getting along well.
(Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.)
shy -shyly (timidamente)
3 Conjuctive adverbs function partl as adverbs, dry -dryly (secamente)
partly as conjunctions. They are also called
‘transition words’. 4 Quando o adjetivo termina em LE, essa terminação é
substituida por –ly.
There are fewer than are a dozen of these words.
The main ones are: probable -probably (provavelmente)
simple -simply (simplesmente)
however -de qualquer modo furthermore -além disso
otherwise -de outra maneira nevertheless -todavia Casos especiais:
moreover -além do mais therefore -portanto good -well (bem)
fast -fast (velozmente)
• The conjuctive function of these words is that they link hard -hard (duramente, muito)
the sentences in which they occur with the sentences -hardly (mal, dificilmente, quase não)
before. -hardly ever (quase nunca)
• The adverbial function of these words is that they early -early (primeiro, adiantado, cedo)
modify the sentence in wich they occur – somewhat like late -late (último, atrasado, tarde)
adjuncts. ADV -lately (ultimamente, recentemente)
-um tanto low -low (baixo)
-lowly (humilde)
Some Adverbs:


0% 50% 100% 1. MUCH (muito)

never sometimes often usually always
a) antes de substantivos não contáveis.

always -sempre - much water, much rain, much food

usually, generally -geralmente
often, frequently -frequentemente b) antes de adjetivo no grau comparativo, acentuando a
sometimes, at times -às vezes diferença na comparação.
once -uma vez
twice -duas vezes - much easier, much better, much worse.
three times -três vezes
every month, day, Sunday -todo mês, dia, domingo 2. MANY (muitos /as)
hardly (ever) -quase nunca
seldom, rarely -raramente Antes de substantivos contáveis no plural.
never -nunca
- many rivers, many books, many people.


NOTE: Antes de adjetivos ou outro adverbio, no grau normal.

Os adjetivos qualificativos descrevem o substativo
e em geral vêm antes deles. - very easy, very cold, very late, very well.

- Turtles are slow animals. 4. VERY MUCH (muito)

Os adverbios de modo descrevem a forma como a ação Depois do verbo e seu compemento, em posição
do verbo é praticada e vêm depois dele. Em geral, os diferente da que ocorre em português.
advébios de modo são formados pelo acrescimo de –ly ao
adjetivo. - I like her very much.

- Turtles move slowly. 5. SO (tão)

1 O suffixo –ly é acrescentado, normalmente, aos adjetivos Antes de adjetivos ou advérbio, no grau normal.
que terminam em L:
- She is so lovely!
final -finally (finalmente) - She is so well!
natural -naturally (naturalmente)
careful -carefully (cuidadosamente) 6. SO MUCH (tanto /a, muito /a)
financial -financially (financeiramente)
special -specially (especialmente) Antes de substantivo não contável, singular, depois de
verbos e complementos.
2 Quando o adjetivo tem duas sílabas e terminam em Y,
essa letra é trocada por i e acrescenta-se –ly: - She makes so much money...
- I work so much.
easy -easily (facilmente)
happy -happily (felizmente) 7. SO MANY (tantos / tantas)

3 No caso dos adjetivos de uma única sílaba, o Y Antes de substantivo contáveis, no plural.
- She has so many fans... - We have less money than you.
8. RATHER (bastante) - They have fewer problems now.

- That man is rather stupid. ADVERBS OF TIME

- It was rather cold last weekend.
now -agora
9. TOO (demais) soon -em breve, logo
then -então
a) antes de adjetivo ou outro advérbio, no grau normal. still-ainda
tomorow -amanhã
- too easy, too cold, too late, too well. already -já
yet -já (interogativas)
b) antes de much, many, little: -ainda não (negativas)
ever -sempre, qualquer hora
- too much danger
- too many drugs
- too little hope ADVERBS OF PLACE

10. ALMOST (quase) here -aqui

there -lá
- I almost hit that car. everywhere -em todo lugar

11. ENOUGH (suficiente /mente)

a) antes de substantivo
maybe -talvez
- There is not enough opportunity in their lives. perhaps -talvez
probably -provavelmente
b) depois de adjetivo ou advérbio, no grau normal. possibly -possivelmente

- They are strong enough to solve their problems.

12. PLENTY OF (mais do que suficiente)
Para ler o texto:
- I have plenty of money. 1 Circule os adverbios (preste atenção aos sufixos)
- I have plenty of friends. 2 Grife os cognatos e os pronomes.
3 Procure saber o tema do texto lendo os enunciados das
13. LITTLE / FEW (pouco, um pouco) questões propostas.
A LITTLE / A FEW (algum / alguns) 4 Use a lista de verbos regulares e irregulares no fim da
LESS / FEWER (menos) apostila.
5 Retire palavras julgadas importantes, anote no caderno e
• Little (not many) é usado com substantivos não- procure sua classe gramatical e seu significado no
contáveis. Sentido negativo. dicionário.
6 Após a leitura discuta o tema com colegas e professores.
- There’s little coffe left. (We should have bought some (nada melhor que várias opiniões para clarear uma idéia)

• Few (not many) é usado com substantivos contáveis. INSTRUÇÃO: Leia o texto que se segue e responda às
Sentido negativo. questões propostas de 1 à 5.

- There was few people at the meeting. (I expected Online games to clean up their action
China’s software industry will soon classify all its online
games in an effort to protect the health and welfare of
• A little é usado com substantivo não-contável e children from violent and pornographic content.
expressa uma pequena quantidade (não chega a
China Consumer’s Association, China Software Industry
much), e tem sentido positivo.
Association and Software World Magazine announced
- He is not rich but he has a little money. (he has money
Wednesday that they will work together to provide standards
enough to live.)
to classify online games in order to create more healthy
• A few é usado com substantivo contável e expressa um environment for adolescents.
pequeno número (não chega a many), e tem sentido
positivo. The computer gaming industry is developing rapidly in
China. Online game revenues amounted to 1.32 billion yuan
- He is not very popular, but he has a few friends. (I
expected he hasn’t any friends) (US$159 million) last year and are expected* to reach 6.7
billion yuan (US$810 million) by 2007.
• Usamos less (menos) + substantivos não-contáveis no
plural e fewer (menos) + substantivos contáveis no
Through last year, China had 13.8 million online game d) essa indústria poderá recuperar o prestígio, após
players, accounting for 20.2 per cent f Internet users and the remodelar seus jogos.

number is expected to grow to 41.8 million by 200. 3 Com baseno texto, qual das relações abaixo NÃO pode
At present, online games have no grades and everyone can* ser estabelecida entre os jogadores e os jogos online?
log onto the Internet to give games a try.
a) Os jogadores, por serem influenciáveis, acabam
Statistics show that 80 per cent of online game players are perdendo o controle sobre seus atos.
under the age 25 and have become* addicted. b) Os jogadores, rebeldes que são, encontram nos jogos
uma forma de demonstrar sua revolta.
Most of the games are imported and some of them contain
c) Os jogadores, devido à imaturidade, são impossibilitados
“improper” content for young people, including material that de discernir entre jogos bons e ruins.
is violent, pornographic, gambling or superstitious. d) Os jogadores, pela falta de uma orientação adequada,
aceitam jogos considerados não saudáveis.
“Adolescents are not mature enough to resist the influence
of unhealth online games”, said Li Xinmin, a professor at 4 Leia o trecho a seguir, retirado do texto.
China National Children’s Center.
“They like to imitate people around them but lack the ability
“They like to imitate people around them but* lack the ability to separate the virtual cyber world from the real one”...
to separate the virtual cyber world from the real one”, he
De acordo com contxto em que está inserida a passagen
acima, depreendemos que
Many children become too addicted to games to stay a) a realidade virtual passa a ser imitada pelos jovens, por
concentratedon their studies. Some even spiral downward* ser muito próxima ao que eles vivenciam no dia-a-dia.
b) a inaptidão para lidar com o que representa o mundo
and commit crimes.
virtual transforma pessoas comuns em máquinas virtuais.
One tpical example is a 15-year-old boy in Shenzhen of c) o mundo virtual se insere de tal forma na vida dos jovens,
South China’s Guangdong Province robbed an old woman to que ultrapassa as telas e interfere em suas vidas.
d) o espaço virtual atrai os jovens porque eles não são
get money to play online games, according to Shenzhen informados de que os jogos podem criar dependência.
Evening News.
Teachers and parents often worry about their children’s 5 Leia o período abaixo, retirado do texto.

vulnerability since* most kids don’t hae access to good “China’s software industry will soon classify all its online
guidance. (...) games in an effort to protect the health and welfare of
(Source: China Daily, 08-07-2004 – With adaptations)
children from violent and pornographic content.”

Its, em destaque acima, faz referência a/à

*are expected = espera-se
*can = pode
*have become = têm se tornado
a) industry.
*ae imported = são impotados b) health.
*but = mas c) welfare.
*spiral downward = perdem as estribeiras d) children.
*since = uma vez que 1ª Etapa – PAES 2004 / Unimontes

1 Através do texto, que faz referencia ao efeito dos jogos 6 Write a few or a little.
online para a sociedade, podemos constatar que
1__________ oranges 2__________ oranges
a) os jovens, para jogarem com responsabilidade, precisam 3__________ butter 4__________ eggs
estar na faixa etária dos 25 anos. 5__________ paper 6__________ newspapers
b) a indústria de software é incapaz de criar meios para 7__________ banks 8__________ cheese
limitar o acesso dos jovens a esses jogos. 9__________ work 10_________ air
c) a sociedade chinesa vai exigir que esses jogossejam 11_________ hours 12_________ coffee
proibidos para crianças e adolescentes. 13_________ news 14_________ cigarettes
d) esses jogos devem mostrar aos jovens um cenário que 15_________ beauty 16_________ languages
seja menos nocivo à sua formação.
7 Fill the gaps in the table
2 Com relaçãoà Industria chinesa de jogosonline, o texto
traz a informação de que, nos anos vindouros,

a) essa indústria correrá o risco de perder clientela pelo teor

de seus jogos.
b) essa indústria estará fadada ao fracasso, se mudar o
tema dos jogos.
c) essa indústria abocanhará número cada vez maior de
adeptos com seus jogos.
Positive Comparative Superlative
fast 1 fastest
well 2 3
4 more cheaply 5
6 7 worst
in a livel way 8 9
beautifully 10 11
hard 12 hardest
13 more cleverly 14
wisely 15 16
17 more slowly 18
19 20 most angrily
in an ugly way 21 22
23 moe quickly 24
early 25 26
27 28 soonest
29 further 30

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