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Biotechnd. Rog.

1991, 7, 369-378 309

Kinetic Model for Substrate Utilization and Methane Production in the

Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Feeds
Archana Barthakur, Munindra Bora, and H. Devendra Singh'
Biochemistry Division, Regional Research Laboratory, Jorhat 785 006, Assam, India

A kinetic model for anaerobic digestion of organic substrates is presented. Two

complementary kinetic equations, one each for substrate utilization and methane
production, are derived. The model equations take into account extracellular hydrol-
ysis of complex substrates and consider the hydrolyzed products as the limiting substrates
for cell growth and product formation according to Monod kinetics. The equations are
applied to the experimental data on the anaerobic digestion of a variety of feeds reported
in the literature with reasonable agreement of the predicted and observed values. When
substrate hydrolysis is poor and rate limiting, the equations are reduced to a Contois-
type equation. On the other hand, if no hydrolysis of the substrate is involved as in
the case of simple and soluble substrate, the equations take the form of a Monod-type
relationship. Thus, the equations represent a generalized kinetic expression for
fermentation relating the Monod and Contois equations, which hold good in two extreme

Introduction concentration (X)as

Various kinetic models have been advanced for anaer-
obic digestion of waste biomass and methane production.
Most of the early models were based on a single-culture where S is the growth-limitingsubstrate concentration in
system and used the Monod equation or its variations the reactor, p m is the maximum specific growth rate, and
(1-3). Recently, several dynamic simulation models were C is an empirical constant. On the basis of the Contois
developed on the basis of a continuousmulticulture system equation, Chen and Hashimoto (10,19)developed kinetic
corresponding to major bioconversion steps in anaerobic models for substrate utilization and methane production
digestion with the assumption of culture growth according and showed that the models were in accord with the
to Monod-type kinetics (4-7). Doubt was, however, experimental data of various investigators on aerobic and
expressed by several investigators on the validity of anaerobic digestion of various organic feeds. A Contois-
applying the Monod equation in waste treatment (8-10). type relationship was also used to describe the kinetics of
In the Monod equation ( I I ) , specific growth rate is cell growth on nonmiscible liquid hydrocarbon (20, 21)
expressed as a function only of the concentration of the where substrate transfer could be a limiting factor. The
limiting substrate in the reactor. It does not contain any Contois equation has a drawback as it contains an empirical
term for influent substrate concentration, implying that constant C that is ill-defined and ill-understood.
effluent substrate concentration is independent of the
influent substrate concentration. Experimental results The basic validity of the Monod equation was demon-
of various investigatorson anaerobic and aerobic digestion strated in chemostata using pure cultures and simple
of waste, however, were not in accord with this implication substrates (8,22). Deviation from the Monod relationship
of the Monod equation. Dependence of the effluent in many digestion systems may be due to the complexity
substrate concentration on the influent was observed on of the systems. In the digestion of organic wastes, growth-
examination of the experimental results of the anaerobic limiting substrate, due to necessity, was generally ex-
digestion of dairy manure (2), of beef cattle manure at pressed in terms of COD or volatile solids (VS), which
mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures (12,13),of rice may not truly reflect the nature of the growth-limiting
straw (14), of poultry litter (15), and of water hyacinth substrate. Digestion of complex organic wastes involve
(16). In aerobic chemostat operations with glucose as the the hydrolysis of polymeric compounds (cellulose, hemi-
growth-limiting substrate, Grady et al. (8) showed that cellulose, protein, etc.) constituting the waste by exoen-
effluent concentration of the growth-limiting substrate zymes in the extracellular medium or on the surface/
expressed as chemical oxygen demand (COD) was not vicinity of the cells. Only the hydrolyzed assimilable
independent of the concentration of substrate entering compounds may be considered as the growth-limiting
the reactor when pure or heterogenouscultures were used. substrate in terms of the Monod relationship. There are
However, when the substrate was measured as glucose, various reports that extracellular hydrolysis is the rate-
the Monod equation was found to be true in pure cultures limiting step in the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes
but not in heterogenous cultures. (7,23-25). It is necessary to take into account the hy-
drolysis process in model building for organic waste
In the models proposed by Contois (17) and Fujimoto digestion.
(181,specific growth rate ( p ) was considered as a function
of the growth-limiting nutrient in both the influent and From theoretical consideration, kinetic treatment of
effluent and it was expressed in terms of microbial anaerobic digestion on the basis of a multiculture system
may be desirable in view of the heterogenous nature of the
microbial population bringing about the various biocon-
Correspondence should be addressed to this author. version steps involved. However,the kinetic models based
875&7938/Q113007-0369$02.50/0 0 19s1 American Chemlcal Soclety and American Institute of Chemical Englnwrs
970 Bbtechnol. h g . , 1991, Vol. 7, No. 4

on multiculture systems necessarily involve a good number to the difference in concentrations of the hydrolyzed
of kinetic equations and coefficients, which makes the substrate outside and inside the cells and to the concen-
models highly complex, as shown by the reported models tration of the active cell biomass X (mass/volume). It is
(4-7). Further, the incorporation of all the cultures assumed that hydrolyzed substrate entering into the cells
involved in the anaerobic digestion in a design of the mul- is metabolized very fast so that the intracellular concen-
ticulture system cannot be easily done. tration S, = 0. When the uptake of hydrolyzed substrate
Considering these problems, there is a strong case in is not rate limiting with respect to hydrolysis, the following
favor of a simpler kinetic treatment of anaerobic digestion relationship can be written:
on the basis of a single culture system. Methanogenesis
may be specially suited for such treatment as there is a (3)
strong holistic characteristic in the process. Various
cultures and bioconversion steps in methanogenesis are where k is the hydrolyzed substrate transport rate coef-
interdependent and the whole process has certain self- ficient (time-').
regulatory characteristics within ita process limits. The Equations 2 and 3 give
most important factor in the treatment of the process is
the identification of the rate-limiting step. (4)
In this paper, a kinetic model for substrate utilization
and methane production in the anaerobic digestion of Stage 111. Cell growth on hydrolyzed (assimilable)
organic feeds is presented that takes into account the substrate is assumed to follow Monod kinetics and is
processes of hydrolysis, substrate uptake, and cell growth. expressed as
Derivation of two kinetic equations from the model, one
each for substrate utilization and methane production, is
described. It is also shown that the basic derivation from
the model represents a generalized equation that takes
the form of the Monod and Contois equations in two where K, is the half-saturation constant with respect to
extreme conditions. hydrolyzed substrate (mass/volume).
Upon substitution of the value of s h from eq 4, eq 5
Development of the Model becomes
The following considerations were taken into account
in the development of the kinetic model.
(1)Complex polymeric compounds cannot be taken up Under steady-state conditions of continuous digestion in
by the cells without initial hydrolysis into assimilable a completely mixed reactor without recycling, the following
compounds. The direct substrate for cell growth and relationship holds:
product formation is the hydrolyzed assimilable com-
pounds. p = 110 (7)
(2) Transport of hydrolyzed assimilable compounds into
the cells is not rate limiting. In the anaerobic digestion F = (So- S)/O
of cellulose, Pavlostathis et al. (7) did not find any (8)
significant pool of hydrolysis products and concluded that where 0 is the hydraulic retention time, F is the volu-
the conversion of particulate cellulose to soluble products metric substrate removal rate [mass/ (volume-time)], SO
governed the rate of fermentation. Lee and Donaldson is the influent hydrolyzable (biodegradable) substrate
(5) also observed a low pool of soluble carbon in cellulose
fermentation. concentration (mass/volume) , and S is the hydrolyzable
substrate concentration (mass/volume) in the effluent or
(3)The whole process of anaerobic digestion is assumed in the digester.
to be carried out by a multiculture complex that utilizes To achieve simplification of the model, maintenance
the hydrolyzed assimilable compounds. The various parts energy and microbial decay are considered small so that
constituting this multiculture complex interact with each the biomass yield coefficient Y (cell mass/substrate mass)
other, behaving as an organic whole. As a corollary from is constant. Then
this assumption, the kinetic constants in the model are
related to this complex and are global in scope.
The digestion process is assumed to take place in three
- - - Y(S0- S)
x = FY
stages: (I) extracellular hydrolysis of complex compounds By use of eq 9, eq 6 can be expressed as
into soluble assimilable substrates, (11)transport of soluble
assimilable substrates into cells, and (111) utilization of pm KakY So-S K,
-=- -+ - + 1
assimilable substrates for cell growth and product for- P K h S s
Stage I. Hydrolysis is assumed to be a first-order This is the basic equation for substrate utilization in the
reaction with respect to the concentration of hydrolyzable anaerobic digestion of complex organic substances.
substrate S (mass/volume): K, for hydrolyzed substrate is expected to have a small
value. K, for sugar in methane fermentation was reported
to be 0.24 g/L (6). When S >> K,, which may be the case
in the practical anaerobic digestion of complex feeds, the
where s h is the concentration of hydrolyzed substrate second term of the right-hand side of eq 10 becomes
(mass/volume) and Kh is the hydrolysis rate coefficient negligible and the equation degenerates to
(time-'). The validity of this assumption was experimen-
tally demonstrated by Pavlostathis and Gossett (6).
Stage 11. Internalization/transport of hydrolyzed
substrate into the cell is considered to be directly related This equation has the structure of the Contois equation
Botectmd. Rog., 1991, Vol. 7, No. 4 371

as described in eq 1. It is similar to the Chen-Hashimoto Volumetric substrate removal rate F may be expressed
equation (10, 19): as
F3--So-S - Sm(1-R) pmO-l K0

e e p,e + A + Qpme +A- 1)

where K = YC. From eqs 11and 12, K = K,kY/Kh and
C = K,k/Kh. The dimensionless kinetic parameter K of (21)
the Chen-Hashimoto equation and the ill-defined em- where Sm/8 denotes the loading rate of total COD or VS.
pirical constant C of the Contois equation are thus
completely expressed in terms of the metabolically iden- Methane Production Kinetics. In anaerobic waste
tifiable parameters K,, k , Y , and Kh. stabilization, the ultimate oxygen demand of the waste
In the case of readily hydrolyzable substrates, Kh may being degraded was reported to be equal to the ultimate
be very large in relation to other values. In the extreme oxygen demand of the methane gas produced for a wide
case of soluble and assimilable substrates, e.g., glucose, variety of wastes (26). Through stoichiometry, the de-
Kh = m. In such cases, the first term of the right-hand struction of l g of waste COD was shown to be equal to
side of eq 10becomesnegligible and the equation is reduced the production of 0.35 L of methane at STP (26). From
to this relationship McCarty (26) showed that waste COD
destroyed could be calculated from the methane produced.
If it is assumed that the ratio of biodegradable COD
reduction and biodegradable VS reduction remains con-
which is the Monod equation. It shows that eq 10 is a stant throughout the anaerobic process, the above rela-
generalized equation relating the Monod and Contois tionship can be used for calculation of methane production
equations, which hold good in two extreme cases. in terms of VS destruction after suitable correction of the
By use of eq 7, eq 10 can be rearranged as COD/VS ratio, which is generally constant for a given
Following the derivation of Chen and Hashimoto (19),
if B denotes the specific methane yield in liters at STP per
gram of COD or VS added to the digester and Bo denotes
where A = K,kY/Kh, to show that the effluent substrate the maximum specific methane yield in liters at STP per
concentration is dependent on the influent substrate gram of COD or VS at infinite retention time, the
concentration. biodegradable COD or VS in the digester will be directly
At washout, So = S, then eq 10 can be written as proportional to Bo - B and Bo will be directly proportional
to the biodegradable COD or VS loading. Then the
following relationship can be derived
It shows that if S >> K,, p = p m at critical retention time. -- B
S0-s --
Equation 10 can be rearranged as S Bo-B
Spm By use of eq 22, eq 10 may be expressed as
A(So-S)+K,+S %=A- B + -K+,1
to show that as S approaches zero, p approaches zero. p Bo-B S
Incorporationof RefractoryCoefficient. In the case The above equation representa the kinetic equation for
of complex organic substrates, which are generally ex- methane fermentation. By use of eq 17,the above equation
pressed as COD or VS, a part of the substrate is usually may be rearranged to give
refractory to biodegradation. The refractory coefficient
R is expressed as S,/STO,where S,and Sm are respectively
the refractory and total COD or VS concentrations in the
influent feed. When STdenotes the effluent total COD
or VS concentration, the following expressions can be or

Equations 24 and 25 show that, at constant influent

substrate concentration, as 0 approaches m, BIB0 ap-
proaches unity.
By use of eqs 7,17, and 18, the basic equation 10 can be Volumetric methane production rate M,,in volume of
expressed as CH4 per digestion volume per unit time, may be expressed
by use of eq 25 as
+ K,/ ( S , - RS,)
Equation 19 can be rearranged as
e e
] (26)

Estimation of the Kinetic Parameters. For the

estimation of the kinetic parameters pm, A, K,, and Bo and
the refractory coefficient R, the nonlinear least-squares
to show the relationship between influent and effluent method as described by Draper and Smith (27) was used
concentrations of total COD or VS. by minimizing the combined sum of squares (5”) for
372 Biotedmol. R ~ J1991,
, Vol. 7, No. 4

Table I. Kinetic Conmtnntr and Refractory Coefficients in the Anaerobic Digestion of Various Feeds
_, -.
dairy manure 32.5 34.9 (VS) 0.751 0.585 0.45 0.28 0.223
52.3 0.890 0.585 0.45 0.28 0.223 2
69.8 1.220 0.585 0.45 0.28 0.223
87.2 1.500 0.585 0.45 0.28 0.223
cattle waste 35 49 (COD) 0.50 0.40 0.25 0.30 0.37
73 0.50 0.40 0.25 0.30 0.37 12
93 0.64 0.40 0.25 0.30 0.37
cattle waste 55 49 (COD) 0.36 0.40 0.50 0.30 0.34
73 0.53 0.40 0.50 0.30 0.34 12
95 0.57 0.40 0.50 0.30 0.34
116 0.70 0.40 0.50 0.30 0.34
acetic acid 35 3.135 (acetic acid) O.OOO18 O.OOO18 0.440 0.30 0.332 1
propionic acid 35 5.62 (COD) 0.0014 0.0014 0.274 0.25 0.370 1

responses of s T / s T o and B through the best-fit criterion production was extremely low, possibly due to the accu-
mulation of volatile fatty acids (VFA).A basic requirement
for eq 25 is that, for a given feed, methane production per
unit mass of the feed digested should be constant. If
methane fermentation is associated with the accumulation
of other products such as VFA,the above condition cannot
where the subscript u,exp denotes the uth experimental be fulfilled. Accumulation of VFA is known to be an
observation corresponding to the independent variable indication of impending reactor upset. A few methane
e,, qprddenotes the predicted value from the models production data were also omitted in the calculation as
through use of the assigned parameter values at e,, and the results were far from satisfying the above condition.
n is the total number of observations. The parameter The values of A, R, pm, K,,and BOcalculated according
values were varied to minimize T as defined in eq 27 until to the model equations from the data of Morris are given
the best values were obtained. Equation 20 was used to in Table I. From these parameter values, the values of ST
obtain the predicted values Of sT/sTo, and eq 25 was used predicted by eq 20were compared with the experimentally
for calculating the predicted values of B. Such a method observed values in Figure 1. The values match closely
of multiple parameter estimation was also used by Chiu with the line of perfect fit with r2= 0.999. The comparison
et al. (28) in the study of kinetic behavior of mixed of observed values of B with the predicted values is shown
populations of activated sludge. in Figure 2. Though there is scattering of observed data
The comparison between the predicted and experimen- points, the r2 value of 0.748 indicates the acceptability of
tally observed values O f S T and B was done by calculating the fit. The value of B is highly susceptible to experimental
the coefficient of determination (r2). As r2 approaches error, as it is obtained by dividing methane production by
unity, increasing correspondence between the predicted feed loading. Any error in the estimation of methane
and observed values is indicated. production and Sn, is, therefore, magnified in the calcu-
Computation was done by using a Horizon Unique lated value of B.
System computer of Hindustan Computer Ltd., Calcutta, The value of R for dairy manure was found to be 0.585,
India. which is similar to the value of 0.584 calculated by Chen
and Hashimoto (9) from the same data of Morris. The
Evaluation of the Kinetic Model with value also agrees with the experimentally determined
Experimental Results values ranging from 0.55 to 0.60 obtained by Morris (2).
Literature data on semicontinuous anaerobic digestion The value of 0.45 day1 for pm obtained in this study is
and methane production from various complex materials slightly higher than the value of 0.411 day1 obtained by
and pure substrates were analyzed and kinetic parameters Chen and Hashimoto (10) from the same data by using
were determined on the basis of the above kinetic models. the substrate utilization equation developed by them. They
STand B values as predicted by the model equations were also reported lower values of 0.284.33 day1 for pm
compared with the experimental values. Data for anaer- calculated from the same data by using an equation for
obic digestion of a complex substrate, cattle manure, methane production (19). The reason for the latter low
reported by Morris (2)and Hashimoto (12)were selected values for pm may be due to the inclusion of questionable
for analysis as the data were extensive with regard to data for methane production, as discussed above, in their
influent substrate concentration, retention time, and tem- calculation. By fitting the data to a Monod-type equation,
perature of digestion. The work on the anaerobic digestion Morris (2) obtained straight-line curves in the plots of
of acetic and propionic acids reported by Lawrence and 1/Svs 0 for each S.~O and observed that pm was unaffected
McCarty (1) gave data of an extreme condition where ex- by variation in Sn, but K,increased with the increase of
tracellular hydrolysis of the substrate was not involved. SO.The K,value of 26-101 g of TVS/L obtained by him
Examination of the validity of the model equations under cannot be considered real. He obtained a high pm value
such a condition was considered important. of 1.0 day1 but its determination in terms of the Monod
Anaerobic Digestion of Dairy Manure. Morris (2) equation is questionable because of the variable KB
carried out anaerobic digestion of dairy manure at 0 values obtained in the plots. This exercise by Morris clearly
of 30,20,10,5,and 2.5days and ST^ values of 34.9,52.3, indicates the inadequacy of the Monod equation in
69.8,and 87.2g of TVS/L in a semicontinuous mode with describing the kinetics of anaerobic digestion of complex
daily feeding and wasting at a digester temperature of feeds. The low K, value of 0.28 g/L for hydrolyzed
32.5 OC. For the calculation of the kinetic parameters, substrate obtained in the present analysis is comparable
the data for 6 = 5and 2.5days were omitted as the methane with the reported KOvalues of 0.24 g/L for sugar (5) and
~ t e C h n dBog.,
. lQQl,
Vol. 7, No. 4 373
*Ol /
70 -
/ h

2ot /
I lot/ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 3. Comparison of observed STwith predicted values for
Figure 1. Comparison of observed and predicted STvalues for anaerobic semicontinuous digestion of cattle waste at 35 and 55
anaerobic semicontinuous fermentation of dairy manure at 32.5 "C. Data from Hashimoto (12). Sm (g of COD/L) at 35 " C (0)
"C. Data from Morris (2). Sm (g of VS/L): (0) 34.9,(0) 52.3, 49, (0)73,and (A)95. Sm (g of COD/L) at 55 "C: ( 0 )49, (W)
(A)69.8,and (X) 87.2. 73, (A)95,and (X) 116.

this was not so in the prediction of B, which is a very

oz5 t sensitive value. It was found by these investigators (12,
19,29) that only different values of K varied in relation
to changes in Sn, could make satisfactory predictions of
0 The Bo value of 0.223 L/g obtained in this analysis is
a equivalent to a methane production of 0.335 L a t STP/g
9 020. of COD digested. This value is close to the stoichiometric
methane value of 0.35 L at STP/g of COD destroyed as

m reported by McCarty (26).

0 Anaerobic Digestion of Cattle Waste. Hashimoto
F (12) studied semicontinuous methane fermentation of
u0 cattle waste a t 35 OC and at different Sn, values of 49,73,
g 015' 95,116, and 142 g of COD/L. At 35 OC, high S n values
a of 116 and 142 g/L produced high levels of VFA a t all the
6 values studied; therefore, these data were not considered
in the analysis. At a low 8 value of 8 days, S n values of
73 and 95 g/L also produced high levels of VFA and the
data were considered unsuitable for analysis. At 55 "C,
010 digestion and methane production were very much im-
0'10 015 02 0'25 proved. Even a t a low 8 value of 4 days and a high Sn,
value of 116 g/L, VFA production was within the accept-
Figure 2. Comparison of observed methane yield ( B ) with able limit. Data for 6 = 5 days and S n = 49 and 73 g/L
predicted values for anaerobic fermentation of dairy manure at were omitted in the analysis, as the methane production
32.5 "C. Data from Morris (2). Sm (g of VS/L): (0) 34.9,( 0 ) was found to be erratic.
52.3, (A)69.8,and (X) 87.2. Kinetic parameters and refractory coefficientcomputed
by use of eqs 20, 25, and 27 are shown in Table I.
0.143-0.207 g/L for acetate (I)in the anaerobic methane Comparison of predicted ST with the observed values
fermentation. showed close correspondence with r2 = 0.94 for data a t 35
For anaerobic digestion of dairy manure, eq 10 is almost "C and r2 = 0.99 for data a t 55 OC (Figure 3). The
equivalent to eq 11 or 12 as the second term of the right- correspondence of the predicted B with the observed
hand side of eq 10 has a relatively negligible value. Then values, however, was not as good as the above but within
A = K. In the present study A was found to be increased acceptable limits, with r2 values of 0.77 and 0.70 for data
along with the increase in Sn, (Table I). But Chen and at 35 and 55 "C,respectively (Figure 4). The effect of B
Hashimoto (10) in their analysis of the data according to and S n on ST is depicted in Figure 5. At low 8, ST
eq 12 obtained a constant value of 1.02 for K a t all Sn. decreased rapidly with the increase in 8, but as 8 was further
In the present experiment, the average value of A was increased, only a slight decline in S was observed. The
found to be 1.09, which is very close to the above value of figure also shows that with the increase of Sn,, ST also
K. The apparent independence of K from S n observed increased, showing the dependence of ST on Sn,.
by them may be due to the fact that prediction of STwas The value of wm at 55 "C expectedly was higher than
less affected by the variation in K so that an average value that at 35 "C. These values, however, were somewhat
of K was sufficient for satisfactory prediction of ST.But lower than the values of 0.326 and 0.586 day1 at 35 and
974 Bbtechnol. Frog., 1991, Vol. 7, No. 4
i 0'3

z -02

m 0
0 I
0.3- 2. A -1
2 v

- 01
0.2- /I2= r2=0.77( 35<$
0.70( 5c))

0 .l 0.2 0.3 0.4
Figure 4. Comparison of observed and predicted values of B for Md
Figure 6. Comparison of predicted (continuous broken lines)
with observed values of (0) ST, (A)B, and (0) in the anaer-
obic fermentation of acetic acid at 35 O C . Data from Lawrence
anaerobicsemicontinuousfermentation of cattle waste at 35 and and McCarty (1) (digester 2).
55 O C . Data from Hashimoto (12). Sm (g of COD L) at 35 "C:
(0) 49, ( 0 )73, (A)95. sm(g of COD/L) at 55
73, (A) 95, and (X) 116.
( 0 )49, (H)

6104 r2.0939
4 03 3

0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2
Figure 7. Comparison of predicted (continuous broken lines)
with observed values of (0) M/
ST,(A)E , and (0) in the anaer-
obic fermentationof propionic acid at 35 "C. Data from Lawrence
and McCarty (1) (digester 9).
0 10 20 30
e (DAYS) The K,value was low as expected for small molecules of
hydrolyzed products. There was a tendency for a rise in
Figure 5. Effect of Sm and 0 on STin anaerobic digestion of A along with the rise in Sn, though the rise was not as
cattle waste at 35 "C (continuouslines) and 55 O C (brokenlines).
Data from Hashimoto (12). A comparison between predicted steep as that observed in the case of the Morris data (Table
(lines) and observed values (symbols) is shown. I). The values were also much lower than those obtained
from the Morris data as presented above. This may be
55 "C, respectively, obtained by Hashimoto (12) through due to the character of the feed, which showed a state of
the use of an empirical equation. The R value of 0.4for considerable degradation, probably leading to a higher
cattle waste was much lower than the value of 0.585 K h . Bo values for digestion a t 35 and 55 O C were nearly
obtained for dairy waste as discussed above. This may be the same. Hashimoto (12)also obtained a Bovalue of 0.42
due to the difference in the quality of these two cattle L/g of VS (0.37L/gof COD) at both temperatures, which
manures. The waste used by Hashimoto (12) had 1.14 g is close to the values obtained in this study.
of COD/g of VS, whereas the manure used by Morris (2) Anaerobic Digestion of Acetic and Propionic Acids.
had 1.26g of COD/g of VS. Further, the former had high Acetic and propionic acids are soluble and assimilable
VFA content (7% of TS), lower pH (4.9-5.01, and lower substrates for anaerobic digestion and methane produc-
alkalinity (32mg/g of TS) in comparison to the latter, tion. Hydrolysis step prior to substrate transport into the
which had pH 7.3 and higher alkalinity (110mg/g of TS). cells will not be involved in these cases and, therefore, the
The waste used by Hashimoto appears to have undergone value of A will be insignificant. R values also are expected
considerable predigestion as indicated by the low pH and to be insignificant as these substrates are considered to be
high VFA. This might be the reason for overall very good completely digestible. With these substrates, eq 10 is
performance in waste utilization and methane production expected to be reduced to eq 13, which is the Monod
as reported by Hashimoto (12). A low R value of 0.43 for equation. Work of Lawrence and McCarty (1) on the
dairy manure was also reported by other investigators (30). anaerobic digestion of acetic acid (digester 2) covered
Wtechnol. Rog., 1991, Vol. 7, No. 4 375

known (31). KBvalues are comparable with the reported

values in the literature, and Bo values are close to the
stoichiometric values. For the digestion of acetic acid and
propionic acids, Figures 6 and 7 respectively show the
comparison of the predicted ST,B, and M,values with the
observed values by plotting the values against 6. In the
acetic acid digestion, predicted values matched reasonably
well with the observed values with r2 = 0.873 for STand
0.684 for B. The matching was much better in the case
of propionic acid digestion with r2 = 0.936 for ST and 0.939
for B. With the increase in 6, STfollowed a typical curve
dictated by the Monod relationship.
The above analysis shows that the kinetics of digestion
of these substrates are more akin to a Monod-type
O- 5 l0 15 20 2 5 0 2 L 6 8 10 relationship.
e (DAW e (DAYS) Volumetric Substrate Removal Rate (F)and Vol-
Figure 8. Effect of 0 and Sm on Fin the anaerobicdigestion of umetric Methane Production Rate (M,). Volumetric
cattle waste at (A) 35 O C and (B) 55 O C . Data from Hashimoto substrate removal and methane production rates are
(12). Comparisons between predicted F (continuous lines) and important factors in the design and operation of anaer-
observed values (symbols)are shown. obic treatment and methane production systems. Figure
8 shows that in the anaerobic digestion of cattle waste
(12),with Sm remaining constant ( A becomes constant),
.-- *
. F increases with a decrease in 6 until F reaches a peak
followed by rapid decline near the critical 8 (washout).
The figure also shows that, at a given 8, as Sm increases,
--. ,

F also increases and F is much higher a t 55 OC than a t 35
"C. Figure 9 shows the effect of substrate loading rate on
5' \
M, in the methane fermentation of cattle waste (12). It
shows that at constant Sm, M,predicted by eq 26 increases
with the increase in substrate loading rate until it reaches
a maximum followed by decline as washout starts. It also
shows that, at a given retention time, M, increases with
the increase in Sm. In practice, theoretical maximum M v
is generally unattainable due to accumulation of VFA. In
the digestion of acetic and propionic acids, the effect of
6 on M, is shown in Figure 6 and 7 depicting a pattern
similar to that above.
Predictions by the proposed kinetic model agree rea-
sonably well with the experimental results obtained by
various investigators on the anaerobic digestion of a variety
/ sTo=;9 g CoO/L(O) of feeds. This supports the basic validity of the model
35 c equations (eqs 19 and 23). Application of the equations
10 20 30 40 50 to digestion of poorly hydrolyzable substrates has shown
LOADING RATE ( 9 CODIL-D) that the equations take the form of a Contois-type
relationship, whereas with soluble substrates the equations
Figure 9. Effect of substrate loading rate and Sm on M,in the are reduced to a Monod-type expression. Fermentations
anaerobic digestion of cattle waste at 35 O C (continuous lines) that fall between these two extreme cases will also be fully
and 55 O C (broken lines). Data from Hashimoto (12). A
comparison between predicted M, (lines) and observed values described by the equations, showing that these equations
(symbols) is shown. represent a generalized expression for fermentations.
Equation 19 will be applicable to aerobic fermentations
experiments at 6 values of 11.8, 7.9, 5.9, 3.9, 2.8, 2.2, and as well, indicating the universal character of the kinetic
1.4 days with Sm = 3.135 g/L measured as acetic acid. model.
The data for 6 = 3.9 days were omitted in the analysis as
material balance and methane production were poor. Data Notation
for 6 = 2.2 and 1.4 days were also omitted as the
experiments were conducted below the critical 8 (2.3 days). A ( = K J z Y / K h )kinetic parameter
Propionic acid digestion was conducted at 6 values of 11.5, B specific methane yield, L of CHd/g of substrate
8.5,5.6,3.9,2.4, and 1.6 days with Sm = 5.62 g of COD/L added
(digester 9). In the analysis, data for 8 = 2.4 and 1.6 days BO maximum specific methane yield, L of CHd/g of
were omitted as the experiments were conducted below substrate added at infinite 0
the critical 8 (3.8 days). C empirical constant in Contois equation
Table I shows the computed kinetic parameters and F volumetric substrate removal rate, g/(L-day)
refractory coefficients for the above digestions. As ex- k hydrolyzed substrate transport rate coefficient,
pected, negligible values for A and R were obtained for time-'
both digestions. pm for acetic acid digestion was found to K (= Y C ) kinetic parameter in Chen-Hashimoto
be higher than that for propionic acid digestion. Relatively equation
poor growth of propionic acid assimilating organisms is Kh substrate hydrolysis rate coefficient, time-'
Bbtechnol. Rug., 1991, Vol. 7, No. 4

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