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iluka Hedge Fund Consulting

Hedge Fund Replication

This and other hedge fund related articles are available at www.ilukacg.com/articles

A number of different approaches to replication have recently been postulated by practitioners

and academics. This articles examines a number of them commenting on their rationale,
feasibility and prospects for success. By Tammer Kamel.

Before embarking on a survey and because the mission is to match the

subsequent critique of several replication ingenuity of the manager. At the other
approaches available to investors, there is a extreme, an investor who uses hedge funds
fundamental question that must first be as beta sources can have high expectation of
addressed: What is it about hedge funds that success from simple, passive replication
is valuable and worth replicating? methodologies. Still an other investor might
use hedge funds because of certain return
For example, a 45 year old egotist with a
properties such as muted downside risk,
penchant for fine wines pontificating about
lower volatility and minimal correlation.
the housing market from his midtown office
This again frames the replication problem
might constitute a hedge fund replica, but
differently and creates its own challenges.
what use? The very objective of replication
But the important point is that replication
depends on a hedge fund’s utility. Is that
efforts cannot and should not commence
utility its alpha generating capabilities? Its
until an investor decides exactly what hedge
correlation characteristics? Mitigated
fund attributes are to be cloned.
downside risk? Access to alternative risk
premia? Each of these utilities leads to After clearly defining the replication
vastly different replication objectives and objective, cloning can commence. But even
hence different approaches. then, there remains an important secondary
question: Why replicate at all? Academics
What and Why are perhaps excused from this question, but
Indeed, there is no consensus as to the true an investor has more than 10,000 hedge
utility of a hedge fund. The reality is funds to choose from. What does she hope
various investors value hedge funds for to achieve by cloning that cannot be found
different reasons meaning the objective of in the vibrant and competitive hedge fund
replication also varies per investor. So we market place?
can already conclude that it is unlikely that On this question, there seems to be four
one universal replication methodology will areas where a clone can be superior to a
ever prevail unless it somehow can achieve conventional fund. The first is liquidity. An
all the objectives mentioned above and investor in a conventional hedge fund is
perhaps others. This seems unlikely, bound by the often arbitrary redemption
especially now, when current technology rules of the fund. An investor in a hedge
struggles to achieve even one. Thus fund often has to “manage” liquidity by
investors should be methodical in their use attempting to anticipate the behavior of her
of cloning technology. To begin, they must fellow investors lest they redeem quickly,
ask themselves exactly what they want from leaving her with the least liquid (and least
their hedge funds in the first place before attractive) remnants of a fund’s portfolio.
embarking on a replication quest. An investor who executes a replication
If for example the value of a hedge fund is strategy does not face these problems. She
its alpha generating capability then is guaranteed “fair” liquidity at all times.
replication becomes extremely challenging She will enjoy whatever liquidity is on offer
Hedge Fund Replication

Real or Clone?
from the actual market and can never be hurt combined make a very strong case. And an
because other investors beat her to the exit. investor gets all these benefits the moment a
conventional hedge fund is replaced by a
The second advantage of a clone is
clone. However, they are only real benefits
transparency. An investor implementing a
if the clone actually succeeds in its
replication strategy knows at all times the
replication mission and there of course lies
precise composition of the portfolio. This
the rub. This article explores this challenge
has risk measurement and risk management
by examining several different replication
advantages plus the corollary that style drift
approaches that have been postulated by a
is impossible.
number of capable academics and
Perhaps the biggest advantage offered by in practitioners.
house replication is cost. Not only are
management and performance fees Tell Dr Kat what you really want
eliminated, but the time cost of Hedge funds might be of value to investors,
comprehensive due diligence is too. On a but it’s not because of alpha. This is the
$100 million portfolio, the sum of these core assumption of the replication
costs could easily be $4 million. That methodology Professor Harry Kat and his
constitutes a 4% performance improvement coauthor Helder Palaro espouse in a series
which can be put directly in the “alpha” of papers and related product offerings. In
column. fact, they make the assumption that
The final advantage is one of capacity or perpetual alpha generation is impossible
scalability. An investor who clones a hedge because hedge funds operate in near
fund via highly liquid capital markets will efficient markets. This is bold assumption
never be capacity constrained. indeed, and one that many—probably all—
hedge funds would dispute. But refuting it
Any one of the these four benefits make the is difficult because, while there are plenty of
cloning exercise appealing. The four hedge funds which, statistically, show

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Hedge Fund Replication

evidence of alpha there are just as many that In either case, the mission of a clone is
don’t. So on aggregate, total hedge fund simply to produce a return distribution that
alpha production might actually be close to matches that of the archetype hedge fund. It
zero and perhaps negative after all fees and doesn’t matter if the clone uses a different
biases are accounted for. strategy or a completely different market, as
long as the return distribution is per
Most hedge fund managers will concede that
specification, replication has been achieved.
aggregate hedge fund alpha is nil because
Any vehicle that can achieve this would
such a statement says nothing about their
constitute a valid replica. Note that this
own abilities. However, this is a problem
means that the monthly returns of archetype
for investors because it means that the alpha
and clone could be different, but in time,
expectation of any arbitrary hedge fund is
their aggregate statistical properties
zero. In this context, Professor Kat’s
(volatility, skewness, kurtosis, correlation,
assumption is entirely reasonable.
etc) will match.
Under an efficient market assumption then,
This ability to alter the risk/return profile of
any replicator is liberated from pursuing
an asset or asset class is not something
alpha. But this then begs the question, why
unique: options do precisely that same
would one want to replicate a hedge fund if
thing. Like a hedge fund, an option takes
it contains no alpha let alone invest in it?
one distribution and transforms it into
Professor Kat would reply that a hedge fund
another. For example, a call option takes the
may be of value to an investor not because
lognormal distribution of a stock and
of excess returns, but because of its return
transforms it into the positively skewed,
distribution. An investor may value
asymmetric distribution of the option. The
mitigated downside risk, positive skewness,
essence of Professor Kat’s approach to find
low or negative correlation, or decreased
an option whose return distribution matches
volatility. Even accompanied by no alpha,
the archetype fund. For example, a correctly
these performance properties of hedge funds
specified exotic option replicates an equity
can be attractive. Indeed, that investors
long short fund if it transforms the
continue to flock to hedge funds in spite of
lognormal distribution of stocks in the same
the low alpha expectation, argues for this
way the fund does. So the professor’s
methodology is ultimately an exercise in
Hedge Funds in Efficient Markets reverse engineering: find the exotic option
with same return distribution as the hedge
In this paradigm then, the utility of a hedge fund.
fund is its ability to transform the risk/return
profile of an asset class. For example, a Finding the replicating option reduces to
“good” equity long short fund takes the log defining a payoff function. This function
normal distribution of the stock market and can be deduced given the distribution of the
skews it to the right while reducing its underlying and the required distribution of
volatility. Thus the value of this equity long the option. But having done this, one cannot
short fund is its ability to generate returns simply purchase such an option in the OTC
with certain statistical characteristics. Thus market because even describing the payoff
the mission of a replicator is to produce function contractually could be impossible
returns with similar statistical let alone finding someone to sell it to you.
characteristics. Instead, the solution is to synthesize the
option. This in can be done by combining a
The return characteristics of a hedge fund set of vanilla options to achieve the desired
can be described parametrically using exotic option. But professor Kat takes an
conventional statistical measures like even simpler approach: He synthesizes the
volatility, skewness, kurtosis and correlation option by dynamically trading the
or more generally via a distribution function. underlying. Synthesizing options by

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Hedge Fund Replication

dynamic trading is actually a well developed merely replicate the marginal distribution of
science. the hedge fund. Its correlation
characteristics vis-à-vis an investor’s core
Risk and Return portfolio are critical. Hence the reverse
In general, unless one can buy them cheap, engineering problem is one that includes
options do not offer an investor higher risk correlation as well. In general, one must
adjusted returns. Indeed, the risk adjusted find the payoff function of an exotic option
returns offered by a fairly priced call option whose joint distribution matches the joint
on a stock are exactly the same as the risk distribution of the archetype fund and the
adjusted returns offered by the stock itself. investor’s core portfolio.
In other words, the expected risk adjusted One irony of the methodology is that a clone
return of a (correctly priced) derivative is employing the technique might actually
only ever as good as its underlying. Given execute a trading strategy substantially more
this axiom Professor Kat wisely suggests complex than its archetype. On the other
that when creating a “hedge fund exotic hand, one of the appealing things is that the
option” one should use an underlying asset technique can be extended beyond just
with high expected risk adjusted returns. replication: Instead of using some real
For example, if one replicates a equity long hedge fund to infer a desirable return
short fund using stocks, the replicating distribution, one can dispense with the
fund’s risk adjusted returns can at best be as archetype fund entirely and simply define
good as the underlying stocks’. But if some ideal performance characteristics and
instead one uses an asset class with a higher proceed to produce that. Either way, a
Sharpe Ratio than stocks, the clone will have synthetic hedge fund in Professor Kat’s
better returns. Indeed, Professor Kat methodology is nothing other than a fairly
suggests using a maximally diversified priced exotic option on a broadly diversified
portfolio of stocks and bonds as the building portfolio of stocks and bonds. The user
block of replication since such portfolio chooses the exact statistical properties she
offers the highest rate of return per unit of wants—and gets them, but the expected
risk. This is why Professor Kat’s return of the replicating fund is set by the
methodology may attempt to replicate some market based on the expected return of the
particular hedge fund strategy without ever underlying and the price of risk.
touching any of the instruments the
archetype fund would employ. Hedge Funds: What are they
There is a further implication of this: The good for?
expected returns of the hedge fund clone Professor Kat’s approach is predicated on a
will be the same as the building block asset the important assumption that the value of a
one uses less the net cost of options. For hedge fund is its ability to transform return
example, if the target return distribution is to distributions. If this really is the only value
minimize downside risk then it will of hedge funds, then they are most certainly
implicitly include put options which will expensive and overly risky. Much better to
have to be paid for. This in turn implies a just use options to achieve the same thing
lower return. Professor Kat’s method gives and dispense with the hedge fund entirely, as
the investor the ability to define the exact Professor Kat suggests. His replication
distribution she wants, but the expected product invites investors to choose any
return will be set by the market based on the return distribution and it will construct the
building block portfolio’s expected return option (and advise how to synthesize it via
and the cost of downside protection she is regular trading of the building block
implicitly buying. portfolio).
Professor Kat is adamant about one
important point: It is not sufficient to

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Hedge Fund Replication

But regardless of what most hedge funds their due diligence checklist. They should
are, they should actually be more than just of course, but that they don’t is a big
distribution transformers, even if they can’t marketing problem for Professor Kat
perpetually generate alpha. They should at because his methodology deemphasizes
least seek alternative returns, (hedge fund returns and that is a difficult sell in this
beta in the vernacular). Under an efficient industry. His replication methodology is
market assumption, hedge funds would still sound and theoretically sensible, but alas it
add value if they were doing this. Only if may be incompatible with the investment
these hedge fund beta factors joined approach of many.
Professor Kat’s building block portfolio,
would his methodology really subsume Plain Vanilla Replication: Lo and
hedge funds and still only if his efficient Hasanhodzic
market assumption is valid. But hedge fund Like Professor Kat, Professor Lo is not
beta is difficult to passively invest in. concerned with exactly what hedge fund
Hence the usefulness of the real thing, even managers are doing. For replication
sans alpha. purposes, he too treats hedge funds as black
Good Replication of a Bad boxes which is perhaps ironic since he is
himself a competent traditional hedge fund
Investment? manager when not at MIT. Writing with
While Professor Kat is fundamentally right Jasmina Hasanhodzic in 2006, Professor Lo
that investors often get nothing out of their postulated a simple, linear factor model for
hedge fund portfolios other than a replication which works well enough to call
transformed risk/return profile on some set into question just how much value hedge
of beta factors, it is still the case that hedge fund managers add, yet not well enough to
funds promise to be much more. That they suggest firing them all.
don’t actually deliver is a failing of the
Professors Lo and Hasanhodzic begin with
individuals who run them. But it is not a
the assumption that some fraction of hedge
flaw in the ideal they strive for.
fund performance is not the product of
While Professor Kat’s product may do well manager skill but merely returns from
to give investors what they are actually are simple, passive exposures to certain asset
getting out of their real world hedge fund classes. Replication of this component of
investments, it still fails to deliver the hedge fund performance is thus achievable
promise of hedge funds—just like the real by simply making certain passive
ones do. This begs the philosophical investments. If manager skill is only
question, should one replicate what hedge responsible for a small component of hedge
funds are or what they should be? fund returns, then this approach can be
expected replicate the bulk of hedge fund
Light on the kurtosis, extra skew returns. On the other hand, if hedge fund
please performance is dominated by manager skill
Synthetic hedge funds are ultimately just or even just attributable obscure beta factors,
hedge funds employing a new strategy. then his core assumption is wrong and
They will in time be judged on the exact clones will never come close to matching
same criteria “traditional” hedge funds are. the performance of archetype hedge funds.
And, despite the best advise of textbooks, As a simple example, consider an equity
professors and me, investors are return long short fund which is net long the stock
zealots. They are preoccupied by returns— market. In such a fund, some component of
and not risk adjusted returns—just good old performance will necessarily be replicable
fashioned bankable returns. I don’t meet by simply being long a diversified set of
many hedge fund investors who put skew, stocks. The rest of the fund’s performance
kurtosis and correlation ahead of returns on

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Hedge Fund Replication

however, is governed by the manager’s His analysis does reveal that a great deal of
capability to buy eventual winners and short hedge fund returns are indeed nothing more
eventual losers. If the manager is not than returns on simple, passive investments.
particularly good at this, then his efforts will Indeed, many a single hedge fund is easily
translate to noise around his net long replicated by passive beta exposure.
position. In this case, replicating the fund However, across some 1600 hedge funds,
by simply being long the stock market will replication failed to capture a substantial
work quite well. However, the better the fraction of real hedge fund performance. In
manager is, the less the clone’s passive other words, on average, the clones
strategy will be able to keep up. underperformed.
Professor Lo identifies six passive But one should not take this result to mean
investments that can be combined in some passive replication can’t work. Professor Lo
way in an attempt to replicate hedge fund was not setting out to develop an industrial
performance. They are: stocks, bonds, strength clone. Rather, he was testing
currencies, commodities, credit and whether passive replication can work at all.
volatility. Having selected an archetype And given how well his simple six factor
fund, his mission is then to determine what approach worked, there is reason to be
amount of exposure to each of these optimistic about the next generation of
investments would best approximate the passive replication approaches. Indeed, if
hedge fund and then measure just how well hedge funds were replicable by the relatively
they do. simple approach purposed by Professor Lo,
the implication would not be a clone
The canonical way to do this is via a
invasion but rather, one would hope, the
mathematical technique called regression
demise of funds altogether; investors would
which determines the size of each of the six
surely go straight to the beta. Ironically,
passive investments that minimizes tracking
successful passive replication might
error between archetype and clone.
precipitate the death of archetype and clone.
Regression also measures what fraction of
archetype performance is actually captured Lo’s Alpha
by the clone’s passive investments. Note the
key difference from Professor Kat: The Lo In the classic alpha/beta paradigm, alpha is
methodology is return centric. It aims to desirable because it represents performance
match returns on a per month basis as best from some unique risk source, presumably
as possible with little regard for anything the manager’s skill set. In practice, alpha is
else. The Kat methodology is not return just the label for those returns that cannot be
centric at all, preferring to match aggregate attributed to some set of beta factors. In
return statistics. Professor Lo’s method is Professor Lo’s analysis, hedge fund returns
actually the much simpler approach both which were not attributable to stock, bond,
conceptually and in implementation. His currency, commodity, credit and/or volatility
methodology might manage to capture some markets were labelled as alpha. But what is
correlation characteristics of the archetype, the nature of Lo’s alpha?
but its linear, passive nature prevents it from There are two possibilities. Firstly,
ever achieving the other objectives of Kat’s, Professor Lo might simply be missing some
like skewness, kurtosis, volatility, etc. The simple beta factors that might well mop up a
two different methods underscore how lot of excess returns not explained by his
different replication objectives leads to original six factors. For example, the “small
completely different approaches and thus cap” beta factor is missing from the
different clones. professor’s analysis. Its presence might
Does Professor Lo’s methodology achieve explain away some of what thus far looks
its objective? The answer is a qualified no. like alpha. Indeed, other beta factors might
do the same.

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Hedge Fund Replication

The other possibility is that the alpha is truly Next Generation Clones
an artefact of manager skill. Interestingly,
this does not necessarily mean the returns Although Professor Lo falls well short of
are can’t be replicated. Technically, it cloning Nirvana, he has demonstrated that a
depends on the precise nature of the substantial fraction of hedge fund
manager’s skill. Presumably there are two performance is indeed replicable by passive
kinds: unique and common. Replicating the investing. The success he achieves with
former should be impossible, but not so for such a simple approach bodes well for the
the latter. next generation which will reach to an
expanded set of classical beta and perhaps
An example of a “common” skill would be alternative beta too. Armed with this
executing an fx carry trade. There is no extended tool set, these future clones will
secret to how this is done: One shorts a low come closer to comprehensive replication.
yielding currency and gets long a high
yielding one. Furthermore, perpetually Of Nickels and Steamrollers
holding a diversified portfolio of fx carry In a 2005 paper, Professors Duarte,
trades tend to be profitable albeit risky. If a Longstaff and Yu explored the risk return
hedge fund is in fact doing this, the characteristics of a number of fixed income
dividends would appear as alpha in any strategies employed by hedge funds.
regression similar to Professor Lo’s. And Though the paper did not focus on
while this alpha is technically the product of replication, it offered a number of insights
“manager skill” it is hardly a unique or on the subject. This is because to achieve
valuable skill. Rather, it is skill that any the measurements they wanted to take, the
decent hedge fund manager will have. authors actually constructed hedge fund
Practitioners are beginning to differentiate replicators. But their approach was distinct
these common skills from truly unique from anything thus far discussed. What the
skills. They are, quite rightly, no longer in authors did was emulate the actual trading
awe of the former while still quite willing to approach of fixed income arbitrage
pay high fees for the latter. strategies by mechanized rules. This in
As such, returns which are the product of essence is “white box” replication: Do what
common skills have lately been stripped of it is the hedge funds are doing.
their alpha status. Instead, these returns are Unlike the methods thus far discussed, one
being referred to as “alternative beta” or must understand the actual strategies
“hedge fund beta”. Alternative beta is not employed by hedge funds to succeed in this
beta in the classic sense because it is not approach. The deeper the understanding, the
achievable by a passive, zero maintenance better the prospects for successful
investment. It is really a trading strategy. replication. The major advantage of this
But it is a trading strategy that is simple, replication approach is that, if it is done
well defined and, on average, profitable. correctly, it could capture everything a
Most importantly, returns from common conventional fund has to offer—including
skills are easily replicated which is why alpha. The disadvantage is that the executor
“beta” is a more appropriate classification must himself be an expert on any strategy he
than “alpha”. aims to replicate.
Examples of alternative beta include carry In their paper, the authors constructed
trading, liquidity trading, certain types of various “micro” hedge funds, each
event risk and certain types of spread trades. employing a particular strategy. For
All these strategies are well understood. example, the authors constructed a swap
They require active management by a trader spread arbitrage clone. Swap spread
who is competent, but not necessarily arbitrage is the art/science of betting on the
brilliant. yield spread between government bonds and

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Hedge Fund Replication

libor swaps. The authors’ clone took swap as all hedge funds are, which probably
spread positions based on simple rules means by track record: annual return and
consistent with how actual arbitrageurs volatility.
behave. After “paper trading” the strategy,
The verdict of the market place will be easy
the authors measured its performance
to quantify because it can be measured in
characteristics. Their emphasis was on what
AUM terms. If, net of fees, hedge fund
fraction of returns could be characterized as
replicators out perform conventional hedge
alpha. (They did not compare their clones’
funds, they will attract capital. But many
performance to real hedge funds, primarily
hedge fund investors typically demand multi
because this was not their purpose. Also, it
year track records before they affirm a
would be difficult to find the right
particular manager. And so one certainty is
benchmark fund to compare their highly
that, while replicas might fail any time, it
focused, single strategy funds to.)
will be some years before they are able to
But even though replication was not the establish a reputation of capability.
authors’ objective, there are lessons for Investors will also need to be wary of a fresh
aspiring clones. Firstly, the authors did find dose of survivorship bias because, if enough
that a substantial fraction of returns from replication products launch in the near
“sophisticated” fixed income arbitrage is future, there will inevitably be some left in
beta driven. This is encouragement for the three years from now—even if they are all
likes of Professor Kat and Professor Lo who poor.
aim to replicate via beta only. However,
Conventional hedge funds will not be a
there is bad news too: The authors found
causality of replication products any time
that the performance of some clones were
soon. But perhaps their fee structures will
not all beta driven. Some of their clones
be. If replication research has demonstrated
generated alpha too. This is anathema to
anything conclusively, it is that a substantial
beta based replicators because they, by
fraction of hedge fund performance is
construction, cannot produce alpha.
nothing but beta. And beta is not something
One interesting conclusion in the paper was that investors should pay high management
that it seems that the more intellectually fees for and certainly not something that
challenging hedge fund strategies are more they should pay performance fees on. The
difficult to replicate by simple beta emergence of replication strategies might
approaches. For example, the authors finds spurn investors to demand performance fees
that mortgage arbitrage, a notoriously linked to alpha—otherwise known as
complex strategy, can not be fully replicated benchmarking.
by simple beta factors. Volatility arbitrage
Replication is also forcing investors to face
on the other hand, can be.
Professor Kat’s most excellent question:
The key question is whether a combination What do you really really want from your
of white box micro clones would subsume a hedge fund investment? For too long, with
real fixed income arbitrage fund—alpha and kudos to hedge fund marketers, hedge funds
all. have been perceived as “better” than
conventional investments. Replication
Conclusion should prompt investors ponder what they
The theoretical and practical value of hedge actually want from a hedge fund and in
fund replication remains contentious. doing so figure out if hedge funds are
Nevertheless, several institutions have “better” at achieving their objectives. This
recently introduced replication products. In sort of sober approach to hedge fund
one sense, these offerings are ultimately just investing is long overdue.
hedge funds implementing a strategy called
“replication”. As such, they will be judged www.ilukacg.com

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