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Self – Learning Home Task

Lesson 1 – Mathematical System

Name: ___________________________________________ Section:________________

Activity 1
1. Read the lessons regarding
Mathematical System, History of
Geometry and the Axiomatic
Structure of Mathematical System. Score Activity 2
2. Answer directly in this work book
Activity 1 and check your answer in
the answer key.
3. Answer directly in this work book
Activity 2 and check your answer in
the answer key. Activity 3
4. Answer directly in this work book
Activity 3 and check your answer in
the answer key.

Mathematical System

A Mathematical System generally is a logical study of shape, arrangement, and quantity. Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and
Calculus are examples of Mathematical System.

Geometry is a logical mathematical study of points, lines, planes, and solids, their properties, measurement, and relationship to
each other in space. Historically, the word “geometry” comes from two Greek words – geo, which means “land” or “earth”, and
metria, meaning “measurement”.

Euclid, a famous Greek mathematician, lived in Alexandria, Egypt, about 300 B.C. His most famous
book, The Elements, sounds like a chemistry book, but is actually a work on algebra, geometry, and
theory of whole numbers. Except for the Bible, Euclid’s book has gone through more translations and
editions than any other book in the world. He began with simple terms and statements and derived
or proved everything else logically. In geometry there are three terms that we do not try to define.
These terms are “point,” “line,” and “plane.” Starting with these terms as a foundation, we build our
mathematical system of geometry.

In general, geometry develops one’s skill in critical thinking and mathematical reasoning. Even in daily living, these skills may
improve interpersonal communication and reduce misunderstandings.

Axiomatic Structure of a Mathematical System

An Axiomatic system is a system composed of the following:

 Undefined Terms
 Definitions or Defined Terms
 Axioms or Postulates
 Theorems

Undefined Terms are terms that are left undefined in the system. Instead of providing a definition for them, we resort to a
description, illustration, or demonstration.


1. Point – represented by a dot, it has no length, width or thickness.

2. Line – represented by a straight line with two arrowheads, it has no thickness but its length extends and goes on forever
un both directions.

3. Plane – infinite collection of points arranged in a flat surface.

Definitions or Defined Terms on the other hand are terms defined from the undefined terms in the system.


1. Angle – a figure formed by two line sharing a common endpoint called the vertex of an angle.
2. Parallel lines – lines in a plane which do not intersect.

Axioms or Postulates are statements that are considered true without proof or validation.


1. Through any two points there is exactly one line.

2. If two lines intersect, then they intersect at exactly one point.

Theorems are statements proved to be true using postulates, definitions or other established theorems, and logic.


Vertical Angle Theorem states that vertical angles are equal in measure.

Given ∠ 𝑎 and ∠ 𝑏 are vertical angles.

Prove: m∠ 𝑎 = m∠ 𝑏, note m∠ 𝑎 means

measure of angle 𝑎.

By the angle addition postulate,

𝑐 m∠ 𝑎 + m∠ 𝑐 = 180 degrees

m∠ 𝑎 + m∠ 𝑐 = 180 degrees
By substitution, we get:

m∠ 𝑎 + m∠ 𝑐 = m∠ 𝑏 + m∠ 𝑐

Subtract m∠ 𝑐 from both sides of the equation.

m∠ 𝑎 + m∠ 𝑐 - m∠ 𝑐 = m∠ 𝑏 + m∠ 𝑐 - m∠ 𝑐

m∠ 𝑎 = m∠ 𝑏


 An axiomatic system is said to be consistent if there are no axiom or theorem that contradict each other.
 An axiomatic system should be consistent for it to be logically valid. Otherwise, the axiomatic system and its statements
are all flawed.


 A postulate is said to be independent if it cannot be proven true using other axioms in the system.
 An axiomatic system is said to be independent if all of its axioms are independent.

Instruction: Complete the statement by writing your answer in the space provided.

1. We think of a point as ___________________________________.

2. A point is represented by a _________________________________.

3. What physical characteristics does a point have? ___________________________________________________

4. We think of a line as a collection of _______________________________.

5. In Geometry, line is understood as (straight, curve) ______________________.

6. A plane can be thought of as a (flat, curved) __________________ surface, made up of ________________.

7. How long is a plane? ______________________________________.

8. How thick is a plane? _____________________________________.


Instruction: Choose among following that best describes the answer for each item below.

Undefined Terms Point Axiom Euclid

Line Theorem Geometry Defined Terms
Geo Mathematical System Plane Metria

________________________1. Greek word for “measurement”.

________________________2. It is a system of logical study of shape, arrangement, and quantity.

________________________3. It is a statement proved to be true using postulates, definitions or other established theorems,
and logic.

________________________4. It is represented by a dot, it has no length, width or thickness.

________________________5. Greek word for “land” or “earth”.

________________________6. It has no thickness but its length extends and goes on forever un both directions.

________________________7. Statements that are considered true without proof or validation.

________________________8. Instead of providing a definition for it, we resort to a description, illustration, or demonstration.

________________________9. An author of the book “The Elements” and a famous Greek mathematician, lived in Alexandria,
Egypt, about 300 B.C.

________________________10. It is a logical mathematical study of points, lines, planes, and solids, their properties,
measurement, and relationship to each other in space.
Activity 2
1. Metria
2. Mathematical System
3. Theorem
4. Point
5. Geo
6. Line
7. Axiom
Activity 3 8. Undefined Terms
Points A and B 9. Euclid
Point D 10. Geometry
Line t and Point D
Line p
Activity 1
None or 0
1. Based on one’s opinion.
Infinitely many
2. Dot
3. No length, no width, no thickness
None or 0
4. Points or dots
5. Straight
6. Flat, points or dots or lines
7. Can be infinite or finite
8. no thickness
Answer Key

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