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The Nutritional and Medicinal Value of Seaweeds Used in Chinese Medicine


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Adsorption of heavy metals in glacial till soil

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mobility and reactivity of heavy metals in soils are critically dependent on the aqueous.
speciation, controlling their solubility and adsorption behavior. Evaluation ...


Pelletized Ponderosa Pine Bark For Adsorption Of Toxic Heavy Metals ...

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evaluated for removal of toxic heavy metals from synthetic aqueous. solutions. When soaked in
water, pellets did not leach tannins, and they. showed high adsorption ...

Least Toxic Methods of Cockroach Control

... 5 pest species of cockroaches are more closely related to each other than they are ... However,
chitin synthesis inhibitors are not yet available ...
edis.ifas.ufl.edu/IG105 - Cached

Other Uses of Plant Oils - Plant Oils Applications, Plant Oils Use ...

... alkaloid derived from tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, and other Nicotiana species. ... Edible
Chitosan Coatings as Novel, Effective Biopesticides (PDF) New Uses of ...
www.plantoils.in/uses/other/other.html - 74k - Cached
Crab Shell, Insect Exoskeleton And Other Forms Of Chitin Cause Allergic ...

It is also possible that afflicted workers have forms of the chitin-degrading protein that function
less well than the other common genetic variants. ...
www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070422141749.htm - 55k - Cached

The distribution of chitin in an insect

Oscar E. Tauber
Department of Zoölogy and Entomology, Iowa State College

By treating the clean skeletal tissue of an insect with concentrated KOH at 160° C., the
contained chitin is converted to chitosan, and all pigmentation and admixtures are
removed. The per cent distribution of chitin, expressed as chitosan, in the exoskeleton of
the cockroach, Periplaneta fuliginosa, ranges from 37.65 in the dorsal abdomen to 18.22
in the hindwings. Other regions contain the following per cents: ventral abdomen, 37.11;
metathoracic legs, 35.55; mesothoracic legs, 33.28; prothoracic legs, 32.24; pronotum,
31.55; head, 31.07; genitalia, 29.28; dorsal thorax, 29.07; ventral thorax, 28.33;
antennae, 27.77; cerci, 25.65; and forewings, 19.99. Regional variations are constant in
different individuals of the same species. The crop and gizzard contain 18.69 per cent;
the hindgut, 18.15 per cent. The remainder of the alimentary tract contains no chitin.
Traces of chitin are found in the trachea. No chitin is found in the egg-cases of this
species. No correlation between chitin content and pigmentation or hardness is shown.
Based on results from three trials, using thirty insects, the per cent of chitosan in the
clean, dry chitinous material from the entire animal is 29.60; the per cent of chitosan
based on the weight of the live animal averages 2.01.


[edit] Usage

Chitosan is used primarily as a plant growth enhancer, and as a substance that boosts the ability
of plants to defend against fungal infections. It is approved for use outdoors and indoors on many
plants grown commercially and by consumers. The active ingredient is found in the shells of
crustaceans, such as lobsters, crabs, and shrimp, and in certain other organisms. Given its low
potential for toxicity and its abundance in the natural environment, chitosan is not expected to
harm people, pets, wildlife, or the environment when used according to label directions.[3]

Chitosan can also be used in water processing engineering as a part of a filtration process.
Chitosan causes the fine sediment particles to bind together and is subsequently removed with
the sediment during sand filtration. Chitosan also removes phosphorus, heavy minerals, and oils
from the water. Chitosan is an important additive in the filtration process. Sand filtration
apparently can remove up to 50% of the turbidity alone while the chitosan with sand filtration
removes up to 99% turbidity.[4] Chitosan has been used to precipitate caseins from bovine milk
and cheese making[1][2]

Chitosan is also useful in other filtration situations, where one may need to remove suspended
particles from a liquid. Chitosan, in combination with bentonite, gelatin, silica gel, isinglass, or
other fining agents is used to clarify wine, mead, and beer. Added late in the brewing process,
chitosan improves flocculation, and removes yeast cells, fruit particles, and other detritus that
cause hazy wine. Chitosan combined with colloidal silica is becoming a popular fining agent for
white wines, because chitosan does not require acidic tannins (found primarily in red wines) to
flocculate with.[5]






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