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Editing Filler Words

© Gerald M. Weinberg
As an undergraduate, I graded Freshman English papers. I learned to recognize pa
pers written in a dorm closet after lights out. One of the clues was the number
of filler words used to pad the assignment to the requisite length. I could visu
alize the writer sitting cross-legged with a flashlight the night before the ass
ignment was due, counting and recounting words until the quota was reached.
I'm an old guy, and all this happened before the age of computers. (I also worke
d for the Physics Department as a "computer.") Without word processing, adding w
ords to an essay meant retyping the entire paper, which discouraged willy-nilly
changes. Nowadays, however, a few key strokes will insert any sort of padding ne
eded to reach a word quota. That's the bad news.
The good news is that it's just as easy to remove padding. That's particularly g
ood for me, because I tend to sprinkle padding into my own writing. Over time, I
've built a personal list of filler words I can search for in my mss. Most of th
e time, all I have to do is delete these words to improve my writing. Let me dem
onstrate with a few of my favorites.

Very, Lots
"Lots of my clients seem to lose requirements documents once their project is ve
ry well under way."
How is that better than this simpler version?
"Many clients seem to lose requirements documents once their project is well und
er way."
"I thought that the problem-solving would go better if I could cool things down.
Instead, try this:
"I thought the problem-solving would go better if I could cool things down."
"That" can also substitute for a noun, but referring to what?
"We never promised that."
"We never promised the problem-solving would go better."
Or, maybe:
"We never promised I could cool things down."
More Thats
Also, "that" may tag a place where the writing could be improved.
"I decided to attempt to establish some facts that were not a matter of opinion.
"I decided to attempt to establish some opinion-free facts."
What about two "thats" in the same sentence:
"We never promised to deliver that data that early."
We never promised to deliver that data so early.
We never promised to deliver the February 1 pricing data that early.
We never promised to deliver the February 1 pricing data by December 31.
This rewrite also saves you the battle over "that data" vs. "those data."
My greatest problem with "get" is the compound verbs. Get ahead (succeed). Get
away (escape). Get away with (escape blame). Get back (revenge). Get in (arrive)
. Get through (endure or survive). Get up (awaken). Anyway, you get it, right?
"I get it."
This expression is an idiom. If it's a character speaking, the expression might
be part of the voice. But outside of quotes, try other possibilities, such as,
"Now I understand the principle."
"I see. You want me to stop the examples."
One of the biggest dangers is in "make" + [verb] situations. Search for a single
, strong verb to replace this construction.
"The Forensics Department will make every effort to make it ready."
"The Forensics Department will strive to finish the analysis on time."
Or, in a less formal voice:
"The Forensics Department will bust a gut to polish off the analysis."
Composite Verbs
"Get" and "make" are both common words in computer languages. Other common compu
ter words produce similar problems. For example, "do" exists in numerous composi
te forms: Do away with (eliminate). Do battle (fight). Do right by (treat fairly
). Do violence to (hurt, injure). Do away with (kill). And my favorite neologism
, "do lunch."
Then there's that computer word, "take": Take a bite out of (reduce). Take a cha
nce (risk). Take a dim view of (disapprove of). Take a leaf from someone's book
(imitate). Take a poke at (punch). Take after (resemble). In other words, this l
ist could take a long time.
How long can we put up with this sort of filler? Put a damper on (inhibit). Put
money on (bet). Put one's hands together (applaud). Put someone off the scent (m
islead). Put someone on notice (warn). Put the fear of God in someone (frighten)
. Put into action (carry out). Enough examples? So, let's put a lid on it. (stop
Go at (tackle). Go downhill (deteriorate). Go for broke (risk everything). Go h
alves (share). Go into action (start). Go on (continue). Go over (examine). Goes
without saying (obvious).
"It's going to be a long, long time before I finish the topic of composite verbs
." Or, maybe, "It will be a long, long time before I finish with computer verbs.
"If you want to avoid such trouble, start converting those words."
"f you want to avoid such trouble, convert those words."
Or if you want to show more urgency, try something like this:
"If you want to avoid such trouble, convert those words. Now!"
"I designed a little workshop specially for them."
Why not be specific?
"I designed a ten-minute workshop specially for them."
"I designed a three-day workshop specially for them."
More of My Fillersâ and Yours
I could continue with this list, but I think I've made the point. Other words of
mine: take, begin, better, much, good, sure, even, and just. But you're not int
erested in my fillers. You want to know yours.
What filler words are on your own list? These words give you a chance to take a
second look at your ms., with new eyes. My word processor allows me to search fo
r all instances of a filler word. Each instance is another lesson for me. After
a while, I learn to avoid these words altogether.
And while I'm at it, I shorten my sentences.
For more about Gerald M. Weinberg and his fiction please visit his his personal
web page, http://geraldmweinberg.com
Tags: Bookselling, Craft, Gerald M. Weinberg, Jerry Weinberg, Money, Writers on
Writing, blogs, business of publishing, process, research, writing as a career,
writing life

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