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Name Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Sp.

High Lord 1500 X 5 8+D6 8 5 X 5+D6 per hit (again if Na 2+ amour re-roll Son of London, High Lord of Lon
of London more hits with the D6) 2+ invon re-roll of the Emperor, Armor of the Em
Samarneil 4 from sniper 3+dodge Sniper of Gods, Bolters of the 1st
2 per pistol (total of 38) Rapid shot, Shall not stand by…,
20 from bolters Unbreakable will, Forward once
Storm trooper bodyguard, Living
Furious charge, Lover of the Lord
you dare…., Teleportation Matrix
Dark Sky, 500 9 5 6 8 4 X 5 Na 2+amour re-roll Son of London, Jump packs, Forw
Drop Lord 2 shots per inch when 4+invon more. Living Idol, Shall not stand
of the sky drop assault 3+dodge Unbreakable will, Bring the men
Sky Assault, Furious charge, Dro
bodyguard, If you dare…., Telepo
Matrix, Home Burns….., The S.A.S
London, ZATS
Lord Lady 500 X 5 8 6 4 X 4+D6 per unsaved Na 2+amour re-roll Lady of London, Forward once m
Commissar wound 4+invon Idol, Shall not stand by…, Unbrea
Lioness 3+dodge Commissar, Sword of London, Lo
High Lord, If you dare…., Telepor
Matrix, Amour of London, ZATS
Storm 500 X 5 X 8 4 8 4 per enemy in range Na 2+amour re-roll Son of London, Forward once mo
Trooper L.t 4 in combat 4+invon Idol, Shall not stand by…, Unbrea
“Scar Face” 3+dodge If you dare…., Teleportation Mat
Bodyguard of the High Lord and
K.A.S.S.I.A.N, Amour of London, Z
“Mad” Sam 500 X 0 4+8 5 4 X 5D6 per enemy in base Na 2+amour re-roll Son of London, Yahhh! (Every se
(X) contact 4+invon discounted and immune to insta
3+dodge WTF Is that….(both friendly and
moral or are removed from play,
of rules (12 inch)) Unbreakable w
MINEEEE! (can hold objectives),
(+4 str), ZATS, Duel Power chain
(+2 str rending) maniac (+2 str)
(+2 str) teleportation matrix
L.T Kelly 150 5 5 4 4 2 2 4 shots per enemy in Na 2+amour re-roll Son of London, Forward once mo
range plus D6 per hit 4+invon Idol, Shall not stand by…, Unbrea
3+dodge If you dare…., Teleportation Mat
of London, ZATS
Lone 150 5 5 6 4 3 X 1 instant hit re-roll Na 2+amour re-roll Son of London, Sniper of Death, L
Sniper wound 2+ instant death Can you see me? Living Idol, Shall not stand by…,
“Chris” 2+invon Unbreakable will, If you dare….,
Teleportation Matrix, Amour of L
ZATS, Demo charges
Knight 150 X 5 X 9 2 X 5+2D6 per enemy in Na 2+amour re-roll Son of London, Forward once mo
Charles contact 4+invon Idol, Shall not stand by…, Unbrea
If you dare…., Teleportation Mat
of London, Cyber Horse, L.T of th
Tank 150 (each) 4 4 4 4 2 X Two shots with the main Na Tank amour Son of London, Tank commander
Command weapon and sponsors (or the big stuff, Were you want me?
double the amount, (To ON! Ramming speed, Never fall b
the guns)) Unbreakable will, Combine fire, T

Captain 150 X 4 5 5 4 X 4 + 1 per enemy in range Na 2+ amour re-roll Son of London, Forward once mo
“Ollie” (Dmf) 3+invon Idol, Shall not stand by…, Unbrea
3+ dodge you dare…., Teleportation Matrix
London, Banner of London, Die m
fether, You will hold commissar,
Black 150 5 3 6 4 2 X 2+ 1 per man in squad Na 2+ amour Dreams of old glory
Commissar 3+invon


High Lord Of London: If the High Lord ever falls, each unit counts as having an additional 2D6 attacks until his slayer falls.
Armor of the Emperor: Whither it be a golden suit of armor, or just a chip from the armor himself, he has a 2+ armor with re-roll which
he always gets along with a 2+invonuable save with re-roll. Only his lover and bodyguards and closest friends have seen it, and from
under his jacket it is said gold sparkles from within, for like said, it could be a chip forged into his armor, or his armor itself, of the first
design. No one will tell.
Sword of The Emperor: Like the armor, it is a mystery. If it is the small broken fragments of the sword forged into his, for it took the
reactor core of a titan to forge it in, any Xenon or Traitor that is touched by it is bathed in holy fire, which spreads to there friends. He
gains D6 to his strength wielding such a weapon and each hit caused by it, generates 5D6 , which follows on (To a maxim of 3 times) and
counts as instant death with no form of saves allowed. If the wounds generated from this exceed the amount of enemies, it bounces onto
the next squad of the player’s choice. All hits count as automatic wounds. This can wound tanks and titans depending on armor.
Bolters of the 1st Crusade: Old and relics, they count as strength 9 with rending, and have 20 shots. This can wound tanks and titans
depending on armor.
Rapid shot: He himself has 19 old pistols around his body, were ever he can fit one. To take down a lesser squad that attempts to hold
them off or a hero to be weakened. He has two shots with them, counting as strength 8 with rending. This can wound tanks and titans.
Sniper of the Gods: A sniper from the siege of Terra, counts as having 4 shots at strength 10 with rending. All hits are instant death. No
need to roll to wound. This can wound tanks and titans depending on armor.
Lover of the High Lord/Lady: if either one is killed, then he will be immune to all ranged wounds but will suffer D6 strength 3 hits for
each enemy in combat. All stats, aside from wounds will be set to 10 until his/her’s slayer(s) are killed.
Cyber Horse, L.T of the Guard: His mount works the same as tank shock rules, the L.T of the guard means that all storm troopers count as
have +2 to all stats to the limit.
Demo Charges: Any building that he has passed though is wired t blow, if a tank, walker or unit walks into it, partially, from the base of
the building 3D6 dice are rolled. Any model caught partially or full is removed. Tanks and walkers suffer 2D3 destroyer hits. The
deceased unit that set them off is killed. No form of saves allowed. Any form of tank or walker is destroyed (including super heavies and
titans, friendly or hostile)
Banner of London: Any enemy in 24inches take a moral test or are removed from the board until the next turn, to represent them fleeing
from the holder of the banner. Also any man with Son of London gain an extra attack and pass all tests automatically unless said so by the
controlling player.
You will hold Commissar: His nerve us unbreakable, both this rule and Hold them back work at 48 inches.
Dreams of Old Glory: These are those who have lost all honor, wither it be in war or in cities, they have fled to London to try and re-gain
the honor of fighting in such a war, or die with the name. Either way, they are happy. They get +1 attack per person in there squad.
Son of London: Every person aside from Marines and Eldar has this rule. They know the city well enough, in cover their save is 2+ with
re-roll, in open ground they have 6+ with re-roll
Forward once more: All named heroes of London have this. Any person with Son of London special rule (including heroes) within 12
when assaulting, they gain D6+attacks when they charge, and if wounded each second wound committed on them (after saves) is
Living Idol: All named heroes have this rule. Any man within 12 (even allies) pass Leadership tests automatically
Shall not stand by…: Every unit and hero with Son of London has this rule. When wounded, roll a dice. On a 5+ the wound is discounted.
If within 12 of a hero with Living Idol rule it is increased with a re-roll, though Instant death wounds discount this rule
Unbreakable will: Every hero of London has this rule. When in a squad they count as always passing orders and if the hero had Living
Idol rule, the Unbreakable will is extended to 12. They also count as always passing leadership tests, unless the controlling player says
so, then they have an Ld of 9
If you dare….: If a commissar (aside from the Lord Lady) decides to shot a sergeant or leader of any kind of London, the commissar is
removed from play (they got killed by the squad, that’s nice eh?)
Teleportation Matrix: every named hero of London has this. When moving, they can go up to 96 so long as were they land is clear and
they are within 1 inch away from any enemy. They also gain a 3+dodge when they are wounded by a missile weapon of any kind, they
will move 1 inch away from were they were standing, if a template weapon they are moved outside of the template.
Amour of London: 3+ amour is given, always counts as getting this save, even from power weapons and instant death attacks it is 6+
(though not template weapons).
ZATS: Any person or squad that has these can re-roll failed hits.
:Note, not all rules are put into this, some are in stats, others must be conducted by the controlling player:

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