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Recruit. Train. Retain.

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.4

Proprietary and Confidential

eLogic Learning © 2010

Corporate Headquarters
14934 North Florida Avenue
Tampa, Florida 33613
Phone: (813) 901-8600
Toll-Free: (888) 356-4425
eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

NAVIGATION ............................................................................................................................. 2

INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 9

ADMINISTRATOR USER LOGIN ............................................................................................... 10

ADMIN HOME .......................................................................................................................... 12

ADMINISTRATIVE MENU BAR ................................................................................................. 13

ORGANIZATIONAL FLOW ........................................................................................................ 14

Level One(s)....................................................................................................................... 15
All Level Ones ....................................................................................................................... 19
Add Level Ones ..................................................................................................................... 20
Edit Level One ...................................................................................................................... 22
Assign Curriculum to a Level One ........................................................................................... 23
Copy Curriculum from one Level One to another Level One ..................................................... 29
Assign Manager(s) to a Level One .......................................................................................... 31
Level Twos ......................................................................................................................... 33
All Level Twos ....................................................................................................................... 37
Add Level Twos .................................................................................................................... 38
Edit Level Two ...................................................................................................................... 40
Assign Curriculum to Level Two(s) ......................................................................................... 42
Copy Curriculum from one Level Two to another Level Two ..................................................... 49
Assign Manager(s) to Level Two(s) ........................................................................................ 51
Level Three ........................................................................................................................ 53
All Level Threes .................................................................................................................... 57
Add Level Three .................................................................................................................... 58
Edit Level Three .................................................................................................................... 60
Assign Curriculum to a Level Three ........................................................................................ 62
Copy Curriculum from one Level Three to another Level Three ................................................ 68
Assign Manager(s) to Level Three .......................................................................................... 69
Manage Facilities and Resources ....................................................................................... 71
Manage Facilities................................................................................................................... 72
Add New Facility ................................................................................................................... 74
Manage Resources ................................................................................................................ 77
Add New Resource ................................................................................................................ 79
Job Classification ............................................................................................................... 82
Add Job Classification ............................................................................................................ 85
Edit Job Classification ............................................................................................................ 87
Manage COA Codes ............................................................................................................ 88
Add COA Code ...................................................................................................................... 90
Edit COA Code ...................................................................................................................... 92
Locations............................................................................................................................ 93
Add Location ........................................................................................................................ 96
Edit Location ......................................................................................................................... 97
Categories .......................................................................................................................... 98
Add Category ...................................................................................................................... 100
Edit Category ...................................................................................................................... 101

2 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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CURRICULUM ........................................................................................................................ 103

Courses ............................................................................................................................ 104
Add eLogic Authored Course ................................................................................................ 106
Course Information – eLogic Authored Course ...................................................................... 107
Course Testing Configuration – eLogic Authored Course ........................................................ 124
Course Configuration – eLogic Authored Course .................................................................... 128
Task List – eLogic Authored Course ...................................................................................... 131
Add SCORM Course .......................................................................................................... 133
Course Information – SCORM Course ................................................................................... 136
Course Testing Configuration – SCORM Course ..................................................................... 144
Course Configuration – SCORM Course ................................................................................. 149
Task List – SCORM Course ................................................................................................... 152
Manage SCORM Properties (SCORM 1.2 and AICC) ............................................................... 154
Manage SCORM Properties (SCORM 2004)............................................................................ 170
SCORM Course Naming ....................................................................................................... 184
Import New SCORM Course Version ..................................................................................... 185
Course Listing .................................................................................................................. 187
Active Courses .................................................................................................................... 188
Pending Courses ................................................................................................................. 190
Inactive Courses ................................................................................................................. 191
Archived Courses ................................................................................................................ 192
Course Copy ..................................................................................................................... 193
Training Session(s) .......................................................................................................... 195
Training Session search ....................................................................................................... 196
Add Training Session(s) ....................................................................................................... 207
View Attendees ................................................................................................................... 216
Manage Attendees - Marking Attendance .............................................................................. 218
Does the timing of marking attendance for a training event matter? ...................................... 220
Manage Attendees – Mentor Notes ....................................................................................... 220
Print Name Tags ................................................................................................................. 223
Print Attendee List .............................................................................................................. 224
Manage Waitlist .................................................................................................................. 225
Copy Training Session ......................................................................................................... 228
Instructor Unavailable Time ................................................................................................. 229
Training Session Copy ......................................................................................................... 232
Media Library ................................................................................................................... 233
Add New Media ................................................................................................................... 236
Check Out/Check In Media .................................................................................................. 238
Course Library ................................................................................................................. 240
Test Banks ....................................................................................................................... 242
Add Test Bank .................................................................................................................... 244
Test Bank Report ................................................................................................................ 249
Learning Paths ................................................................................................................. 250
Add Learning Path............................................................................................................... 253
View/Add Curriculum in a Learning Path ............................................................................... 258
Assign a Learning Path to a Level One .................................................................................. 261
Assign a Learning Path to a Level Two ................................................................................. 265
Assign a Learning Path to a Level Three ............................................................................... 270
Copy Learning Path(s) from one Level One to another Level One ........................................... 274
Copy Learning Path(s) from one Level Two to another Level Two .......................................... 276
Copy Learning Path(s) from one Level Three to another Level Three ...................................... 278
Pre-Hire Testing ............................................................................................................... 280

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Add/Edit Pre-Hire Test ......................................................................................................... 282

Add a New Pre-Hire............................................................................................................. 286
Assign a Test to a Pre-Hire .................................................................................................. 289
Promote Pre-Hire to Associate Status ................................................................................... 290
Manage Files and Folders ................................................................................................ 292
Bulk Upload ........................................................................................................................ 295
What are the allowed file types to be uploaded via the bulk upload process? .......................... 295

PEOPLE .................................................................................................................................. 296

Admin Users ..................................................................................................................... 297
Add Admin User .................................................................................................................. 299
Roles and Privileges Matrix .................................................................................................. 305
Site Administrator Role ........................................................................................................ 311
Course Author Role ............................................................................................................. 315
Instructor Role .................................................................................................................... 319
Training Manager Role ........................................................................................................ 324
Level One Manager Role ...................................................................................................... 327
Level Two Manager Role ..................................................................................................... 331
Will a Level Two or Three Manager have limited access to add/edit associates? ...................... 332
Level Three Manager Role ................................................................................................... 336
Edit Admin User .................................................................................................................. 342
Associates ........................................................................................................................ 343
Add Associate ..................................................................................................................... 346
Associate Edit ..................................................................................................................... 351
Edit Associate Online Course Transcript Records ................................................................... 355
Combine Associate Transcript(s) .......................................................................................... 358
Course Authors’ Bios ........................................................................................................ 360
Assign Course to an Associate ......................................................................................... 363

SITE INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 365

Portal Content ................................................................................................................. 366
Main Site versus Sub Portal(s) Content ................................................................................. 373
Manage Survey(s) ............................................................................................................ 374
Add Survey(s) ..................................................................................................................... 376
Copy Survey ....................................................................................................................... 380
Edit Survey ......................................................................................................................... 382
Manage Site Emails .......................................................................................................... 384
Site Email Matrix ................................................................................................................. 387
Site Emails in a Portal Environment ...................................................................................... 390
Manage Email Templates ................................................................................................. 403
Site Information Email and Email Template Matrix ................................................................ 406
Email a Level One ............................................................................................................ 407
Email a Level Two ............................................................................................................ 410
Email a Level Three .......................................................................................................... 412
Email Associates in a Course ........................................................................................... 414
Email Attendees in a Training Session............................................................................. 416
Email Job Class(es) .......................................................................................................... 419

REPORTS ............................................................................................................................... 421

Reports Matrix ................................................................................................................. 422
Report Overview .............................................................................................................. 427

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What do the date parameters represent when running a report?............................................ 427

Why do inactive associate users display on reports? .............................................................. 430
Active Instructors ............................................................................................................ 431
Curriculum ....................................................................................................................... 432
List Courses By ................................................................................................................... 434
Course Source Usage Summary Report ................................................................................ 436
Course Source Usage Detail Report ...................................................................................... 438
List Training Sessions by Status Report ................................................................................ 440
Training Session Calendar.................................................................................................... 443
Course Cost ...................................................................................................................... 445
Associate Reports – Courses ........................................................................................... 448
List Associates Report ......................................................................................................... 449
Associates by Course Status Report...................................................................................... 456
List Associates by Course with Percentage Difference between Pre and Final Assessment ........ 463
List Associates by Learning Path Report................................................................................ 468
Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level Report .................................................................... 473
Associate Activity Report ..................................................................................................... 477
Associate Cumulative Course Hours Report ........................................................................... 481
Associate Reports – Training Sessions ............................................................................ 485
Associates by Training Session ............................................................................................. 486
List Associates by Training Session by Status Report ............................................................. 490
Associate Reports – Certifications ................................................................................... 496
Associate Certification Report .............................................................................................. 497
Certification Expiration Report.............................................................................................. 501
Survey Reports ................................................................................................................ 505
Survey Results by Course .................................................................................................... 506
Survey Results by Training Session ...................................................................................... 509
Generic Survey Results ........................................................................................................ 512
Media Library Checked Out Report .................................................................................. 515
Pre-Hire Results Report ................................................................................................... 518
Custom Reports ............................................................................................................... 520

ADMINISTRATIVE HEADER LINKS ........................................................................................ 521

Support ............................................................................................................................ 521
Logout .............................................................................................................................. 521

CONTENT EDITOR .................................................................................................................. 522

Is there a size limit to the content editor? ............................................................................. 523
Tool Bar Buttons .............................................................................................................. 523
Selecting Text ..................................................................................................................... 524
Applying Formatting Attributes to Text ................................................................................. 525
Table of Toolbar Buttons and Drop Down Lists...................................................................... 526
Position Objects Options ...................................................................................................... 530
Copying from Other Applications .......................................................................................... 531
Finding Text ....................................................................................................................... 532
Whole Word Match.............................................................................................................. 534
Checking spelling ................................................................................................................ 534
Checking Spelling as You Type ............................................................................................. 534
Fixing Spelling Errors ........................................................................................................... 535
Spelling Dialog Box ............................................................................................................. 535
Spell Checking Selected Text ............................................................................................... 536

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Setting Spell Check Options ................................................................................................. 537

Pictures .............................................................................................................................. 537
Using the First Picture Properties Dialog Box ......................................................................... 540
Inserting a Picture from the Server ...................................................................................... 541
Deleting a Picture from the Server ....................................................................................... 542
Inserting a Picture from Your Computer ............................................................................... 542
Using the Second Media Selection Dialog Box ....................................................................... 544
Picture Properties Dialog Box ............................................................................................... 544
Adjusting a Picture .............................................................................................................. 545
Pixels ................................................................................................................................. 545
Setting a Border .................................................................................................................. 547
Aligning the Picture ............................................................................................................. 548
Resetting Width, Height, Border Thickness, and Alignment .................................................... 549
Adding Space around the Picture ......................................................................................... 549
Editing the Picture's Title ..................................................................................................... 550
Options Button.................................................................................................................... 550
Deleting a Picture................................................................................................................ 550
Tables ................................................................................................................................ 551
Creating a Table ................................................................................................................. 552
Deleting a Table.................................................................................................................. 553
Table Dialog Boxes and Menus ............................................................................................ 555
Table Properties Dialog Box ................................................................................................. 557
Cell Properties Dialog Box .................................................................................................... 559
Table Context Sensitive Menu .............................................................................................. 561
Manipulating Table's Format ................................................................................................ 563
Choosing the Number of Rows and Columns ......................................................................... 563
Placement of Inserted Row or Column.................................................................................. 564
Adding or Removing Rows and Columns ............................................................................... 564
Specifying Table Width ........................................................................................................ 565
Specifying Table Width by Percentage .................................................................................. 565
Setting Table Width by Percentage....................................................................................... 567
Specifying Table Width by Pixels .......................................................................................... 568
Setting Table Width by Pixels ............................................................................................... 569
Specifying Horizontal Alignment ........................................................................................... 570
Table Backgrounds .............................................................................................................. 571
Specifying a Table's Background Color.................................................................................. 571
Deleting a Table's Background Color .................................................................................... 573
Specifying a Background Image for a Table .......................................................................... 573
Deleting a Background Image .............................................................................................. 575
Setting Table Borders .......................................................................................................... 575
Assigning Border Color ........................................................................................................ 576
Assigning a Cell Border Color ............................................................................................... 576
Assigning Border Size .......................................................................................................... 578
Working with Table Cells ..................................................................................................... 578
Specifying the Width of a Cell .............................................................................................. 580
Deleting a Cell .................................................................................................................... 582
Setting a Cell's Border Color ................................................................................................ 583
Specifying a Cell's Background Color .................................................................................... 585
Deleting a Cell's Background Color ....................................................................................... 586
Specifying a Background Image for a Cell ............................................................................. 587
Deleting a Background Image .............................................................................................. 588
Using the Color Box............................................................................................................. 589
Spanning Rows or Columns ................................................................................................. 590

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Spanning More than One Row or Column ............................................................................. 591

Effect of Spanning a Cell ..................................................................................................... 592
Aligning Text Within a Cell ................................................................................................... 592
Setting Vertical Alignment.................................................................................................... 594
Splitting a Cell .................................................................................................................... 596
Merging Two Cells ............................................................................................................... 597
Word Wrap ......................................................................................................................... 597
Setting Cell Padding and Spacing ......................................................................................... 600
Assigning Cell Padding......................................................................................................... 600
Assigning Cell Spacing ......................................................................................................... 600
Add a Global Term Library ................................................................................................... 601
Add a Local Course Library .................................................................................................. 602
Add External Files ............................................................................................................... 603
Add External Media to Lesson .............................................................................................. 604
Bookmarks ......................................................................................................................... 606
Creating a Bookmark ........................................................................................................... 606
Changing the Destination Window ........................................................................................ 608
Hyperlinks .......................................................................................................................... 609
Creating a Hyperlink ............................................................................................................ 609
Using a Quick Link .............................................................................................................. 610
Entering a Hyperlink Manually .............................................................................................. 611
Testing a Hyperlink ............................................................................................................. 611
Editing a Hyperlink .............................................................................................................. 613
Preventing a URL from Becoming a Hyperlink ....................................................................... 613
Working with HTML ............................................................................................................. 614
Viewing and Editing HTML ................................................................................................... 614
Editing a Section of a Page .................................................................................................. 615
Inserting HTML ................................................................................................................... 616
Cleaning HTML ................................................................................................................... 616
Inserting Content from MS Office ......................................................................................... 618
Section 508 Compliance ...................................................................................................... 619
Using the Content Editor without a Mouse ............................................................................ 619

ASSOCIATE USER APPLICATION ........................................................................................... 622

Associate Login Page ....................................................................................................... 622
Login Name and Password ................................................................................................... 623
Forgot your Password? ........................................................................................................ 623
Portal Pages ....................................................................................................................... 624
Associate Landing Page ................................................................................................... 625
My Course(s) Tab ............................................................................................................. 626
Pre-requisite Display ........................................................................................................... 627
Course with Deadline .......................................................................................................... 627
Manager Approval Display ................................................................................................... 627
Email Instructor .................................................................................................................. 627
Drop Course ....................................................................................................................... 627
Course in Progress / Course Moved to Transcript .................................................................. 628
My Workshops Tab .......................................................................................................... 629
Learning Path View ............................................................................................................. 629
Unregister a Training Session .............................................................................................. 630
Email instructor ................................................................................................................... 630
Date Display for Multi-day Event .......................................................................................... 631
Waitlist Process ................................................................................................................... 632
My Transcripts Tab .......................................................................................................... 633

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Course(s) ........................................................................................................................... 634

Workshop/Seminar(s).......................................................................................................... 635
Mentor Notes ...................................................................................................................... 636
Printing Certificates ............................................................................................................. 636
Certifications....................................................................................................................... 638
Print Transcript ................................................................................................................... 638
My Notes Tab ................................................................................................................... 640
My Information ................................................................................................................ 642
Navigation Bar ................................................................................................................. 643
Online Training ................................................................................................................ 644
Search by Course or Learning Path Name ............................................................................. 644
Search for Course Categories ............................................................................................... 646
Duplicate View of Courses ................................................................................................... 646
Course Cost ........................................................................................................................ 646
Workshop/Seminar ......................................................................................................... 648
Default View - Monthly ........................................................................................................ 648
Color Indicator on the Monthly View ..................................................................................... 649
Weekly View ....................................................................................................................... 649
Daily View .......................................................................................................................... 650
Search by Name ................................................................................................................. 650
Time zone display ............................................................................................................... 654
Group Registration .............................................................................................................. 656
Duplicate View of Training Sessions ..................................................................................... 658
My Portfolio ..................................................................................................................... 659
Logout .............................................................................................................................. 659
Self Registration .............................................................................................................. 660
Fields Displayed .................................................................................................................. 660
Job Classification................................................................................................................. 660
Access Code ....................................................................................................................... 660
Pre-Hire Testing ............................................................................................................... 661
Pre-Hire Registration Page ................................................................................................... 662
Take Test ........................................................................................................................... 663
Direct URL Link ................................................................................................................... 664

APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................. 665

Quick Guides .................................................................................................................... 666
Illegal Special Characters ................................................................................................ 667
System Requirements ...................................................................................................... 668
Admin Users PC Requirements ............................................................................................. 669
Associate Users PC Requirements ........................................................................................ 669
FTP Upload Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 670
Associate User Interface ...................................................................................................... 671
Administrative User Interface ............................................................................................... 674
Certification Record Interface .............................................................................................. 676
Transcript Record Interface ................................................................................................. 678
Job Code Interface .............................................................................................................. 680
Glossary ........................................................................................................................... 681

8 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Welcome to the Administrative User Guide for the eSSential Learning Management System. The
Administrative User Guide is divided into four main sections. The first section outlines the
functionality provided for Administrative users. Administrative users are setup differently in the
application since they have access to setup functionality which drives the Associate (student)
user functionality. An administrative user can be granted different roles and/or privileges based
on their job responsibilities and expected use of the system. This section follows the flow of the
administrative menu bar. The guide outlines functionality based on the order that is presented on
the administrative menu bar (left to right) and then based on the order it displayed on individual
menus (top to bottom).

The second section provides an in-depth review of the functionality of Web Edit Pro. This is a
third party software control which has been integrated into the eSSential application. This
provides the functionality when using the eLogic tool to create an online course (rather than a
third party SCORM authoring tool). This also provides the mechanism to enter text for Content
Management Pages, Overview/Objectives on courses and training sessions, and Mentor notes.
The Web Edit Pro control provides a robust set of functionality for formatting text, inserting
external links, and inserting external files.

The third section describes the functionality of the associate user facing application. This section
walks you through the associate user experience and outlines the functional options an associate
has from login to course viewing to self updating of profile information.

The final section is an appendix of various information and best practices that we have found
helpful for clients to maximize their return on their LMS investment with eLogic.

On occasion, we will update the Administrative Guide between release cycles. The need for
updates usually results from client questions to the eLogic support team. When we find that
additional detail added to the Admin Guide will help reduce client questions, we will add that
information. Please check the Knowledge Base Section of Issue Track for the latest version of
the Administrative Guide and other documents we have found that are helpful for administrators
of the eSSential Application.

9 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3


The eSSential application has two different types of users. The majority of users are Associate
users. These are commonly referred to as “students.” Their purpose for using the application is
to quickly find the training (either online or instructor led) that is relevant to their development, and
to take that training. Associate users login on a different page than administrative users. They
navigate to the URL that your company defined as the main site URL during the implementation
process. This is often http://client.elogiclearning.com , where the “client” is replaced by a name
selected by your company.

The second type of user is the Administrative User. These users are responsible for managing
the learning management application. Administrative users can have a variety of roles. A site
administrator has full access to the entire application and can perform all setup functions as well
as run all reports. Instructors and course authors have limited access to just the courses or
training sessions for which they are responsible. Training Managers have a broader access than
instructors/course authors but not quite as broad as site admins. Training Managers have access
to all curriculum and they have the ability to run most reports. The final role an administrative
user can have is that of Level Manager. A Level Manager can be set at the Level 1, Level 2 or
Level 3 hierarchy. Generally Level Managers are responsible for monitoring the training activity
of associates in their level hierarchy. Level Managers have access to associate records and to
run reports for their level hierarchy.

Administrative users login on a different page from Associates. This URL is the Associate URL
with the addition of /admin. Using the example above, the Admin User login page would be
http://client.elogiclearning.com/admin . The illustration below depicts the layout of the Admin
Login page.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

This page operates in a similar fashion to the associate login page. The administrative user will
enter their unique user name and password. This page does not contain a “forgot password”
option. It is expected that administrative users are frequent visitors to the LMS and thus would
not easily misplace their login credentials. The user name and password for an Administrative
User is not case sensitive. Both fields can be entered as all upper case, all lower case, or mixed
case regardless of how the user name or password was originally entered.

Site Administrators have the ability to define custom content links to display just under the banner
in the illustration above. The words Home, FAQ Page, Help, and Announcements in the
illustration are all links to content pages which can contain any information your organization
would like displayed. These links can be increased or eliminated. Please see the Portal Page
section for more information on how to manage content pages.

11 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

When an administrative user first logs into the application, the first page they will see is the Admin
Home page. This is also the first Menu Option and thus can be returned to at any point when
navigating through the Administrative site. On the Administration Home Page there is a Welcome
Box (see illustration below).

This box will tell you how many site licenses you have available, and how many of those licenses
are active. On the top part of this box, the words “Admin Home Page Content” is one of many
content managed pages that can display any message you wish to enter to your users.

You may return to this page at any time by clicking on the “Admin Home” button located on the
Menu Option bar on the top of the screen.

12 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3


The Administrative Menu Bar is the main method for navigating through the Admin Site. The bar
is located on the top of the screen at all times when logged in as an administrative user. The
Administrative Menu Bar is depicted below:

There are six primary Menu options: Admin Home, Organizational Flow, Curriculum, People, Site
Information and Reports. This Training Manual will discuss all six Menu Options in the order they
are presented in the Administrative Menu Bar.

13 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

The second Menu Option is called Organizational Flow. The Organization Flow menu contains
links to the major setup/configuration areas of the application. This is where the organizational
hierarchy is defined, including curriculum assignments and manager designations. It is also
where Facilities and Resources are defined for Training Events. Job Classifications, COA Codes,
and Locations which can be used as attributes on an associate record for curriculum assignment
purposes are defined in this menu. Finally, this is the menu where you access the Category
management page. Categories are added to online courses as a method to group courses for
associate search purposes.

When you click on or pass over the Organizational Flow link, eight additional menu options will
appear: Level One(s), Level Two(s), Level Three(s), Manage Facilities and Resources, Job
Classification, Manage COA Codes, Locations and Categories making the Menu Option bar is
depicted below:

Depending on your access role as an administrative user, not all of these options will be
available. You can contact the Site Administrator at your company if any menus are not
accessible which you believe you need to use.

14 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Level One(s)
The three level hierarchy in the eSSential application are core to the foundation of the system’s
setup. The level hierarchy drives three primary functions in the application. The first purpose of
the level hierarchy is to provide a mechanism for assigning curriculum. Organizing associates by
affinity groups (department, geography, product focus, interest, etc.) with the level hierarchy
allows you to assign curriculum to one group but not to another. You can assign a computer
programming course to the IT level but not to Sales and Marketing. When you do this, the
associates in the IT level will be able to search for and register for the computer programming
course but those in the Sales and Marketing level will not. This allows you to deliver the relevant
training to the appropriate groups and make it simple for your users to find the training they need.

The second function that the level hierarchy provides is for reporting purposes. Many of the
system reports are grouped by level hierarchy. This allows you to monitor associate progress by

The final function provided by the level hierarchy is the management feature. You can assign
one or more managers as the “owner” of a hierarchy value. As the owner of a hierarchy value,
when the manager is in the application they can report on their levels only. The report will only
display level values where the manager is identified as the “owner/manager.” Additionally, if you
assign a course or training session and indicate that manager approval is required, the first
manager assigned to the Level value as the “owner” will be the manager that receives an email
request when an associate attempts to register for a course/training session that requires
manager approval.

During the eSSential implementation process, your organization will be given the opportunity to
mask the Level terminology with something more relevant to your company. This admin guide
will describe the Levels with our standard terminology (Level One, Level Two, and Level Three).
Your organization may have a different label defined (i.e. Company, Department, and Team).

Level One is the highest level in the hierarchy. Any curriculum assigned at the Level One value
will be accessible by associates within the Level Twos and Level Threes under the Level One.
Selecting the Level One(s) link from the first menu launches the Level One search page.

On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions:
 Add a new Level One by clicking on the line marked “Add New Level One”
 Search for a Level One alphabetically using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] links (important note,
if the name of a Level One starts with a numeric value, they will not display when using
the A-J, K-R, or S-Z links. These links only display Level Ones with names that start with
an alpha character.)
 View all existing Level Ones by clicking on the link marked “All Level One(s)”
 Search for a particular Level One by typing in a partial or full name of the Level One in
the “Level One Name” box and hit search

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The Level One(s) search page is depicted below:

When using the search by “Level One Name” feature, enter at least one
character (letter or number) in the box and click the “Search” button. The blank
space after the single character will function as a wild card and bring up all level
ones that begin with that character. Leaving the name field blank will bring up an
error message.

Once an appropriate search is performed using any of the methods defined above, the Level One
search results page will display. This search page contains six columns of information for each
Level One.

• The first column contains the Level One code. This value is used in the Associate and
Admin User uploads.
• The second column contains the Level One name. This name is also a hyperlink which
will launch the Level One edit screen (see the Edit Level One section of this guide for a
description of the Edit Level One page).

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

• The third column contains the name of the Level One contact. This name is a hyperlink
as well which will launch an email form within the application that allows you to
immediately send the Level One contact an email.
• The fourth column contains the number of Level Twos under the Level One.
• The fifth column contains a link to launch the Level Two search results page (described in
more detail later in this guide). The search defaults to returning only Level Twos
associated with the Level One selected.
• The sixth column contains a red X which will allow you to delete any Level One that has
no associate user assigned. This control is in place to ensure the data integrity of the
system. If you deleted a Level One that had associates assigned directly to Level Twos
or Threes below the Level One, then those associate records would become orphaned in
the application. They would not have access to courses or training sessions, nor would
they appear on reports. Note: Before deleting an organization level, please delete
curriculum assignment records first.

The following illustration depicts the Level One search results page.

Selecting the Contact Name launches the email form. The “Mail To” field is automatically
populated with the email address for the contact defined on the Level One record. The “Your
Name” and “Your E-Mail” will automatically be populated as well with your information (based on
who is logged into the application).

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The user is required to enter the subject of the email, provide the appropriate phone number and
define the email message (all are required fields). Once the “Send” button is clicked, the email
will be automatically sent to the contact person. The illustration below depicts the email form:

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All Level Ones

There is a second method to display all Level Ones defined in your application. By using the
mouse and highlighting the Level One(s) link from the first menu (do not click), a “fly-out” menu
will appear. The first option on that “fly-out” menu is the All Level One(s) option. The following
illustration depicts the fly-out menu.

After selecting the All Level Ones link, the Level One search results page will display (see
illustration below):

For a detailed description of the Level One search results page, please see the “Level One(s)
section of the Admin Guide.

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Add Level Ones

In order to add a new Level One value to the application, you can either select the Add Level One
link from the fly-out menu or you can select the Add New Level One link from the search or
search results page.

Only basic information is required to create a new level one value. The screen illustration below
depicts the Add Level One page. All four fields of information are required on this page in order
to successfully create a new level one value.

The Name field is the name of the Level One. This name will display on reports and be the name
used for searching in the application. The Contact Person and Contact Email fields have limited
use in the application. These can be useful in large organizations with numerous level values to
insert information for a key point of contact. These fields do not drive any system functionality
other than to default values for an email form if you select the contact name from a search results
page. The final field on this screen is the Level One Code. This field is important if your
organization will be using the Associate or Admin User FTP file load process. The code entered
here must match the code you place in the FTP file in order for the system to make the
connection between the associate and the appropriate level hierarchy.

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The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric) for the creation of Level 1,2,and 3s.

Field Length Allowable Characters

Name 200 Alphanumeric, hyphens
Contact Person 100 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Contact Email 100 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Level One Code 50 Alphanumeric

Once you have entered this required information, you then select the “Insert Information” button
located at the bottom middle of your screen. You will then be taken back to the Level One search
screen (depicted below):

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Edit Level One

To edit a Level One value, you can perform any one of the searches described above to find the
Level One. To open the Level One edit page, select the Level One name from a Level One
search results screen. The illustration below depicts the layout of the Level One edit page. It is
very similar to the Level One Add page with the only functional difference being the ability to
email the level one code by selecting the Level One code hyperlink.

If you select the Level One Registration Code link a new window will open with an email form.
When launching this form from a Level Two or Level Three, this can be useful for organizations
that use the self registration feature of the eSSential application. The Level Two Code or Level
Three Code (a decision on which to use is made during your implementation) must be given to
create an associate user via the self registration page. This is a quick way to email that code with
a URL link to the self registration page.

On this form you will need to enter the email address for the recipient and your phone number.
You are allowed to enter several email addresses on this form. To enter more than one email
address, you must separate each address with a comma and a space. When entering the phone
number, you must enter a 10 digit US phone number otherwise the system will display an error
message indicating an invalid format was entered. This page is illustrated below:

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Assign Curriculum to a Level One

If there is curriculum (curriculum is the generic name for both online courses and instructor led
training sessions) which your organization would like to provide to a large group of the user
population, the best method for curriculum assignment is to assign at the Level One. In order for
any course or training session to be available for an associate user to search for and register, the
curriculum must be assigned. Assignments can be made to all of the users in a Level One or can
be constrained based on Job Code and COA code (described further below).

To navigate to the level one assignment page, select Organization Flow from the Admin Menu
Bar, then mouse over the Level One link. This will launch the Level One fly-out sub-menu. In the
fly-out sub-menu below the “Add a Level One” link is the “Assign Curriculum to an Level One”
link. Select this link to launch the Level One Curriculum Assignment process.

Before an assignment can be made or updated, you must first select the Level One value. The
drop down box on this page will list in alphabetical order the Level Ones defined in the system.
Select the Level One value that you wish to assign curriculum to and then click the <<Go>>
button. Selecting a specific Level One value will launch the Curriculum search page.

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The curriculum search page is used to limit the number of records returned for organizations that
have large training libraries (combination of online courses and instructor led training). For
organizations that assign several thousand curricula to a single organization, it can take several
minutes for all records to return. Using this search feature, you can find all curricula based on
name and/or category. If you want to see all curricula assigned, leave the name field empty and
select the <<Continue>> button. This will perform a wild card search and return all assignment
records. The name field is a wildcard search. If you enter a single character in the field, all
courses and training sessions with that character in the name will be returned (if you enter “a” in
the search name all courses/training sessions with an “a” anywhere in the name field will return).
If you want to see all curricula that has the word “advanced” in the curriculum name, enter
advanced in the curriculum name field and leave the search category drop down as “All
Categories.” If you select a search category, only online course assignments will return since
training sessions do not have categories assigned. Once you have entered the appropriate
search criteria, select the <<Continue>> button to display the Curriculum assigned page.

The Curriculum Assigned page displays the name of the Level One (in yellow) which you
selected. From this page, you can view all curricula already assigned to the Level One value
selected that match the search term entered. You also have the ability from this page to change
the Requires Approval and Mandatory designation for the assignments listed. This is done by
selecting the respective check box on the assignment row you would like to change. If the check
box is empty, this indicates approval is not required or the curriculum is not mandatory. By
selecting an empty check box, the check box will become populated and the curriculum will now
either require manager approval or be mandatory. If the check box has a check mark, selecting
the check box will remove the check mark. From this page, you also have the ability to delete
assignments. To delete an assignment, select the delete link on the assignment row you would
like to delete. When the delete action is selected, the page will refresh and display the original
search results page.

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To add a new curriculum assignment to the Level One, you must select the [Add Curriculum] link
at the top of the page. This link launches the following screen:

The first option on the page is the [Return to Assign Curriculum to a Level One Main Page].
Selecting this link returns the user to the main page without creating a curriculum assignment.

Next on this page is the Curriculum Requires Manager Approval check box. By marking this
check box, the curriculum assignment being made will require manager approval before an
associate user can launch a course or attend a training session. When the associate user selects
a course that is assigned to their organizational level with the manager approval option selected,
they will see that manager approval is required in the search results screen for courses (see
illustration below).

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If the user selects the Begin Training button, that user will be presented with a message
indicating that their request to take the training has been forwarded to their manager for approval
(see illustration below).

While the course is pending manager approval, the associate will see a message in their My
Courses list indicating that the course is pending manager approval. The associate will have the
ability to resubmit the request by selecting the Resubmit Approval Request link.

The manager approval request will be sent to the admin user that is assigned as the manager for
the lowest organizational level the associate is assigned. If the associate is assigned to a Level
Three value, then the manager for that Level Three will be sent the notification. If the associate is
assigned to a Level Two, then the manager for the Level Two will be sent the notification. If
there is no manager assigned to the associate’s level two or level three, then the request will be
sent to the Site Email address defined during your implementation process. The system does the
following check (assuming the associate is assigned to a Level Three):

• First Check – Send email to Level Three manager assigned. If no Level Three Manager
assigned, move to Second Check.
• Second Check – Send email to Level Two manager assigned (Level Two parent of Level
Three for the associate). If no Level Two Manager assigned, move to Final Check.
• Final Check – Send email to Site Email address defined during implementation.

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When a course is marked as Approval, and an associate registers for the course,
the email requesting approval to take the course will only be sent to the first
manager assigned (in the event you have more than one manager assigned to
the same Level value). The reason behind this is to prevent conflicting responses
from being entered (Manager A approves but Manager B rejects).

When a training session is marked as Approval, the associate is registered for

the training event to “secure” a seat. If the manager declines the request, the
registration is deleted; but if the manager does not respond, the associate will be
considered registered for the training event. They will display on the attendee list
and the instructor will be able to mark their attendance. This was designed to
prevent overbooking training events with limited seating.

An approval request can be approved or declined by one of two methods. The first method is for
the manager to select the approve or decline link in the email request. The second method is to
search for the associate record as an Admin user and select the approve or decline link from the
associate maintenance page (see People section for more detail). If the course or training
session is approved, a notification will be sent to the associate indicating they can proceed with
the course or they can attend the training event. If the course or training session is declined, a
notification is sent to the associate and the course/training event registration is deleted.

Next on this page is the Curriculum is Mandatory check box. By marking this checkbox, the
curriculum assignment being made will be mandatory. Each time an associate enters the system,
the application will check to determine if the associate has at some point registered for all the
courses identified as mandatory. If there are any courses that are marked mandatory but the
associate has never registered for the course(s), then the system will automatically register the
associate for that course. This automatic registration only applies to courses. It will not work for
a training session since the system cannot predict which event the associate would like to attend
(location and time). If you mark a training session as mandatory, it will display to the associate
user as Mandatory in the training session calendar and search areas but they will not be auto

The auto registration only checks for previous registrations of a mandatory course. If the
associate registered for the course, but failed it, the system will not re-register that user. Since
clients have different business rules around the failing of courses, we determined it was best to
operate this function based on registration only.

It is possible to combine the Mandatory flag and the Manager Approval flag on a
course but we advise against it. The intent of Mandatory is to ensure all
associates register for the course thus the auto registration functionality. The
intent of Manager Approval is to route a registration through the manager before
the associate can be registered. If both flags are set on a course, the associate
will be auto registered for the course and the manager will not receive a

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Next on this page is the Curriculum drop down list. This is an alphabetical listing of all active
curriculum in the application. You are allowed to select a single course or training session for the
assignment process. This is the only required field on the page. Once the course or training
session has been selected, if you do not want to use one of the other options on the page, you
can select the <<Add>> button and the assignment record will be created.

Next on this page is the Job multi-select box. By selecting one or more job codes, you can limit
the associates who can take the curriculum to just those with job codes that match your selection.

Next on this page is the COA Code multi-select box. This operates in the same fashion as the
Job Code box. By selecting one or more COA codes, you can limit the associates who can take
the curriculum to just those with COA codes that match your selection.

The final option on the page is the Level Two multi-select box. This option is useful when you
want to assign the same curriculum to more than one Level Two under the Level One that you
have selected but you do not want to assign it to all Level Twos under that Level One. The list
box defaults to All Level Twos selected and then lists each Level Two individually in alphabetical

If you wish to select more than one value from the Job, COA Code or Level Two
multi-select boxes, hold down the CTRL key while selecting them.

Once all of your assignment options have been entered, select the <<ADD>> button to create the
assignment record(s). After the add process is complete, the page will refresh showing the
original assignment record search results page. The newly added curriculum assignment record
may not display depending on the search term which was originally entered.

If you want to view all assignments for the level one or if your initial search result does not
match the Learning Path name exactly:

1. Select the [Choose a different (Level 1 name)] link from the top of the page
2. Reselect the level 1
3. Then, either leave the search field blank to view all, or enter a search term that matches
the assignment exactly
4. Click the continue button to view

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Copy Curriculum from one Level One to another Level One

The copy curriculum from one Level One to another Level One can be used by clients who desire
to have a basic “template” of curriculum (courses and training sessions) assignments and then
copy that template to other Level One organizations in their application. Once copied, the
assignments can be edited. This is particularly useful if there is a large number of curricula
available in a client’s library.

To navigate to the copy curriculum page, select Organization Flow from the Admin Menu Bar,
then mouse over the Level One link. This will launch the Level One fly-out sub-menu. In the fly-
out sub-menu below the “Assign Curriculum to an Level One” link is the “Copy Curriculum from
one Level One to another Level One” link. Select this link to launch the Level One Curriculum
copy process.

From the copy curriculum page, you can only select one source (from) and one destination (to)
for the copy. The first drop down list represents the source organization. This is the “from”
organization which has the assignments you wish to copy. The second drop down list represents
the destination organization. This is the “to” organization which will receive the copied

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The copy feature will not create duplicate assignment records.

Assignments created through the copy feature work just as manual assignments. If you create an
assignment at a Level 1, then all associates assigned to directly to the Level 1 and to the Level
2’s and Level 3’s under that Level 1 will have access to that curriculum. If assignments were
made with any restrictions such as Job Codes, COA Codes, Level 2’s, then those same
restrictions will be copied to the destination organization.

The copy feature works up the hierarchy. If you are copying a Level 3 to a Level 3, any
assignments made at the Level 2 or Level 1 above the “From” Level 3 will be included in the
copy. This only matters when copying from a Level 3 to a different Level 3 that is not under the
same Level 1 and/or 2 parent.

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Assign Manager(s) to a Level One

You can assign one or more managers as the “owner” of a Level One. As the owner of a Level
One, when the manager is in the application they can report on their Level One(s). The report will
only display Level One values where the manager is identified as the “owner/manager.”
Additionally, if you assign a course or training session and indicate that manager approval is
required, the first manager assigned to the Level One value as the “owner” will be the manager
who receives an email request when an associate attempts to register for a course/training
session that requires manager approval. The Level One manager will only receive the manager
approval request if there is no Level Three or Level Two manager assigned below the Level One.

To assign a manager to a Level One, you must launch the Level One Manager assignment page.
To navigate to the Level One Manager assignment page, select Organization Flow from the
Admin Menu Bar, then mouse over the Level One link. This will launch the Level One fly-out sub-
menu. In the fly-out sub-menu select the “Assign Manager(s) to an Level One” link. Select this
link to launch the Level One Manager Assignment process.

The first selection you will need to make is the Level One manager to assign. The Level One
Manager drop down list will have an alphabetical (by last name) list of all Level One managers in
the application (see Administrative User section for detail on how to create a Level One
manager). After you have selected the appropriate Level One Manager, select the <<Go>>
button on the right to complete the selection process (see illustration below).

After selecting the Level One Manager, a new page will display which will list all Level One values
the manager has already been assigned to (if any). From this page, you can choose a different
manager by clicking on the “Choose a different Level One Manager” link located at the top of the

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screen. You may also delete a previously assigned Level One by clicking on the grey delete link
on the right. This will only delete the link between the manger and this Level One. It will not delete
the Level One or the manager from the system. To add a new level one assignment for the
manager, select the [Add Level One] link (see illustration below).

The next page to display is a screen that allows you to select a Level One for the assignment.
This page has a single drop down list with an alphabetical listing of Level One names. Select the
appropriate Level One and then the <<ADD>> button to complete the manager assignment
creation process (see illustration below).

After this action has been completed, the page will refresh returning you to the list of all Level
Ones assigned to the Manager.

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Level Twos
The three level hierarchy in the eSSential application are core to the foundation of the system’s
setup. The level hierarchy drives three primary functions in the application. The first purpose of
the level hierarchy is to provide a mechanism for assigning curriculum. Organizing associates by
affinity groups (department, geography, product focus, interest, etc.) with the level hierarchy
allows you to assign curriculum to one group but not to another. You can assign a computer
programming course to the IT level but not to Sales and Marketing. When you do this, the
associates in the IT level will be able to search for and register for the computer programming
course but those in the Sales and Marketing level will not. This allows you to deliver the relevant
training to the appropriate groups and make it simple for your users to find the training they need.

The second function that the level hierarchy provides is for reporting purposes. Many of the
system reports are grouped by level hierarchy. This allows you to monitor associate progress by

The final function provided by the level hierarchy is the management feature. You can assign
one or more managers as the “owner” of a hierarchy value. As the owner of a hierarchy value,
when the manager is in the application they can report on their levels only. The report will only
display level values where the manager is identified as the “owner/manager.” Additionally, if you
assign a course or training session and indicate that manager approval is required, the first
manager assigned to the Level value as the “owner” will be the manager that receives an email
request when an associate attempts to register for a course/training session that requires
manager approval.

During the eSSential implementation process, your organization will be given the opportunity to
mask the Level terminology with something more relevant to your company. This admin guide
will describe the Levels with our standard terminology (Level One, Level Two, and Level Three).
Your organization may have a different label defined (i.e. Company, Department, and Team).

Level Two is the second level in the hierarchy. Any curriculum assigned at the Level Two value
will be accessible by associates within the Level Two and any Level Threes under the Level Two.
Selecting the Level Two(s) link from the first menu launches the Level Two search page.

On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions:
 Add a new Level Two by clicking on the line marked “Add New Level Two”
 Search for a Level Two alphabetically using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] links (important note,
if the name of a Level Two starts with a numeric value, they will not display when using
the A-J, K-R, or S-Z links. These links only display Level Two with names that start with
an alpha character.)
 View all existing Level Twos by clicking on the link marked “All Level Twos”
 Search for a particular Level Two by typing in a partial or full name of the Level Two in
the “Level Two Name” box and hit search

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The Level Two(s) search page is depicted below:

Once an appropriate search is performed using any of the methods defined above, the Level Two
search results page will display. This search page contains nine columns of information for each
Level Two.

• The first column contains the Level Two code. This value is used in the Associate and
Admin User uploads.
• The second column contains the Level Two name. This name is also a hyperlink which
will launch the Level Two edit screen (see the Edit Level Two section of this guide for a
description of the Edit Level Two page).
• The third column contains the name of the Level Two contact. This name is a hyperlink
as well which will launch an email form within the application that allows you to
immediately send the Level Two contact an email.
• The fourth column contains the Level One parent name for the Level Two value.
• The fifth column contains the number of Level Threes under the Level Two.
• The sixth column contains a link to launch the Level Three search results page
(described in more detail later in this guide). The search defaults to returning only Level
Threes associated with the Level Two selected.
• The seventh column provides a count of all active associates either directly assigned to
the Level Two or assigned to a Level Three under the Level Two.
• The eighth column allows you to view a list of all active associates assigned to the Level
Two directly or to a Level Three under the Level Two.
• The ninth column contains a red X which will allow you to delete any Level Two in the
system. If you delete a Level Two that has associates assigned either directly or to a
Level Three under the Level Two, all of the associates related will be deactivated and
their Level Two assignment will be empty (Level One and Three will remain). A warning
message will display if you select the delete option to confirm your intention is to delete
the Level Two. If you do delete a Level Two, all Level Threes under that Level Two will
need to be given a new “parent” Level Two value. Note: Before deleting an organization
level, please delete curriculum assignment records first.

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The following illustration depicts the Level Two search results page:

Selecting the Contact Name launches the email form. The “Mail To” field is automatically
populated with the email address for the contact defined on the Level Two record. The “Your
Name” and “Your E-Mail” will automatically be populated as well with your information (based on
who is logged into the application).

The user is required to enter the subject of the email, provide the appropriate phone number and
define the email message (all are required fields). Once the “Send” button is clicked, the email
will be automatically sent to the contact person. The illustration below depicts the email form:

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Selecting view option from the Level Two search results screen (magnifying glass icon), will
launch a page that displays all Level Two Associates assigned. This search results page is
described in detail under the People section of this Admin Guide.

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All Level Twos

There is a second method to display all Level Twos defined in your application. By using the
mouse and highlighting the Level Two(s) link from the first menu (do not click), a “fly-out” menu
will appear. The first option on that “fly-out” menu is the All Level Two(s) option.

After selecting the All Level Two(s) link, the Level Two search results page will display (see
illustration below):

For a detailed description of the Level Two search results page, please see the “Level Two(s)
section of the Admin Guide.

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Add Level Twos

In order to add a new Level Two value to the application, you can either select the Add Level Two
link from the fly-out menu or you can select the Add New Level Two link from the search or
search results page.

Only basic information is required to create a new level one value. The screen illustration below
depicts the Add Level Two page. All five fields of information are required on this page in order to
successfully create a new level two value.

The Level Two Name field is the name of the Level Two. This name will display on reports and
be the name used for searching in the application. The Contact Person and Contact Email fields
have limited use in the application. These can be useful in large organizations with numerous
level values to insert information for a key point of contact. These fields do not drive any system
functionality other than to default values for an email form if you select the contact name from a
search results page. The Level Two email entered will also receive a copy of certification

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reminders (sent 30 days prior to expiration) sent from the application for associates assigned at
or below the level two organizational value.
The next field on this screen is the Level Two Code. This field is important if your organization
will be using the Associate or Admin User FTP file load process. The code entered here must
match the code you place in the FTP file in order for the system to make the connection between
the associate and the appropriate level hierarchy. The next field is a drop down list of all Level
One values in the system. This field is used to define the “parent” value for the Level Two.

The final option is the Pay Per Use Group checkbox. When checked, any curriculum assigned to
this Level Two will require payment (via eCommerce functionality) before the associate can
launch the course. All the courses returned in the Online Training search results for an associate
in that level two will display a Buy Now button, even if the course does not have a cost assigned.
During the implementation process, your organization must have elected to have eCommerce
functionality setup for this function to work. Additionally, your organization must have selected
either to have the eCommerce functionality setup at the Level Two or Level Three hierarchy level.
It cannot be setup to work with both.

The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric) for the creation of Level 1, 2 and 3s.

Field Length Allowable Characters

Level Two Name 200 Alphanumeric, hyphens
Contact Person 100 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Contact Email 100 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Level Two Code 50 Alphanumeric

Once you have entered this required information, you then select the “Insert Information” button
located at the bottom middle of your screen. You will then be taken back to the Level Two search
screen (depicted below):

In red you will be informed that the update was successful. In addition, this screen again has a
link that allows you to add a new Level Two. In addition, you also have the option of searching
alphabetically for a Level Two by using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] links, you can view all existing
Level Twos by clicking on the link marked “All Level 2s,” or you can search for the Level Twos by

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Edit Level Two

To edit a Level Two value, you can perform any one of the searches described above to find the
Level Two. To open the Level Two edit page, select the Level Two name from a Level Two
search results screen. The illustration below depicts the layout of the Level Two edit page. It is
very similar to the Level Two Add page with the only functional difference being the ability to
email the Level Two code by selecting the Level Two code hyperlink.

If you select on the Level Two Registration Code link a new window will open with an email form.
When launching this form from a Level Two or Level Three, this can be useful for organizations
that use the self registration feature of the eSSential application. The Level Two Code or Level
Three Code (a decision on which to use is made during your implementation) must be given to
create an associate user via the self registration page. This is a quick way to email that code with
a URL link to the self registration page.

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On this form, you will need to enter the email address for the recipient and your phone number.
You are allowed to enter several email address on this form. To enter more than one email
address, you must separate each address with a comma and a space. When entering the phone
number, you must enter a 10 digit US phone number otherwise the system will display an error
message indicating an invalid format was entered. This page is illustrated below:

Occasionally, clients will find the need to re-organize their hierarchy structure.
When you edit the Level One parent for a Level Two, the system will not
automatically update all existing associates that are assigned with that Level Two
or any Level Threes under the Level Two. This will cause the associates record
to be out of sync with the new hierarchy in the application. You can easily resolve
this out of sync situation by either manually changing the underlying associates
(if a small number) or by leveraging the associate user file upload.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Assign Curriculum to Level Two(s)

In order for any course or training session to be available for an associate user to search for and
register, the curriculum must be assigned. Assignments can be made to all of the users in a
Level Two or can be constrained based on Job Code (described further below).

To navigate to the level two assignment page, select Organization Flow from the Admin Menu
Bar, then mouse over the Level Two link. This will launch the Level Two fly-out sub-menu. In the
fly-out sub-menu below the “Add a Level Two” link is the “Assign Curriculum to a Level Two” link.
Select this link to launch the Level Two Curriculum Assignment process.

Before an assignment can be made or updated, you must first select the Level Two value. The
drop down box on this page will list in alphabetical order the Level Twos defined in the system.
Select the Level Two value that you wish to assign curriculum to and then click the <<Go>>
button. Selecting a specific Level Two value will launch the Curriculum search page.

The curriculum search page is used to limit the number of records returned for organizations that
have large training libraries (combination of online courses and instructor led training). For
organizations that assign several thousand curricula to a single organization, it can take several

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minutes for all records to return. Using this search feature, you can find all curricula based on
name and/or category. If you want to see all curricula assigned, leave the name field empty and
select the <<Continue>> button. This will perform a wild card search and return all assignment
records. The name field is a wildcard search. If you enter a single character in the field, all
courses and training sessions with that character in the name will be returned (if you enter “a” in
the search name all courses/training sessions with an “a” anywhere in the name field will return).
If you want to see all curricula that have the word “advanced” in the curriculum name, enter
advanced in the curriculum name field and leave the search category drop down as “All
Categories.” If you select a search category, only online course assignments will return since
training sessions do not have categories assigned. Once you have entered the appropriate
search criteria, select the <<Continue>> button to display the Curriculum assigned page.

The Curriculum Assigned page displays the name of the Level Two (in blue) which you selected.
From this page you can view all curricula already assigned to the Level Two value selected and
the search criteria entered. You also have the ability from this page to change the Requires
Approval and Mandatory designation for the assignments listed. This is done by selecting the
respective check box on the assignment row you would like to change. If the check box is empty,
this indicates approval is not required or the curriculum is not mandatory. By selecting an empty
check box, the check box will become populated and the curriculum will now either require
manager approval or be mandatory. If the check box has a check mark, selecting the check box
will remove the check mark. From this page, you also have the ability to delete assignments. To
delete an assignment, select the delete link on the assignment row you would like to delete. This
page will also indicate if an assignment has been made at a Level One that impacts the Level
Two. When an assignment has been made at the Level One parent for a Level Two, the page
will display the assignment record and a note in the Level Threes Assigned column indicating
“Assigned by Level One.” The same note will appear in the delete column indicating that the
assignment cannot be deleted since it was made at the Level One.

In the event of a duplicate assignment being made (assigned at the Level One and assigned at
the Level Two), the highest level assignment will win. If the assignment was made at the Level
One for all job codes but then made at a Level Two for only a single job code, the Level One
assignment to all job codes wins. You would need to delete the assignment at the Level One for
the Level Two assignment to apply. Once the delete action has been performed, the page will
return to the original search results page.

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To add a new curriculum assignment to the Level Two, you must select the [Add Curriculum] link
at the top of the page. This link launches the following screen:

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The first option on the page is the [Return to Assign Curriculum to a Level Two Main Page].
Selecting this link, returns the user to the main page without creating a curriculum assignment.

Next on this page is the Curriculum Requires Manager Approval check box. By marking this
checkbox, the curriculum assignment being made will require manager approval before an
associate user can launch a course or attend a training session. When the associate user selects
a course that is assigned to their organizational level with the manager approval option selected,
they will see that manager approval is required in the search results screen for courses (see
illustration below).

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If the user selects the Begin Training button, that user will be presented with a message
indicating that their request to take the training has been forwarded to their manager for approval
(see illustration below).

While the course is pending manager approval, the associate will see a message in their My
Courses list indicating that the course is pending manager approval. The associate will have the
ability to resubmit the request by selecting the Resubmit Approval Request link.

The manager approval request will be sent to the admin user that is assigned as the manager for
the lowest organizational level the associate is assigned. If the associate is assigned to a Level
Three value, then the manager for that Level Three will be sent the notification. If the associate is
assigned to a Level Two, then the manager for the Level Two will be sent the notification. If
there is no manager assigned to the associate’s level two or level three, then the request will be
sent to the Site Email address defined during your implementation process. The system does the
following check (assuming the associate is assigned to a Level Three):

• First Check – Send email to Level Three manager assigned. If no Level Three Manager
assigned, move to Second Check.
• Second Check – Send email to Level Two manager assigned (Level Two parent of Level
Three for the associate). If no Level Two Manager assigned, move to Final Check.
• Final Check – Send email to Site Email address defined during implementation.

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When a course is marked as Approval, and an associate registers for the course,
the email requesting approval to take the course will only be sent to the first
manager assigned (in the event you have more than one manager assigned to
the same Level value). The reason behind this is to prevent conflicting responses
from being entered (Manager A approves but Manager B rejects).

When a training session is marked as Approval, the associate is registered for the
training event to “secure” a seat. If the manager declines the request, the
registration is deleted but if the manager does not respond, the associate will be
considered registered for the training event. They will display on the attendee
list and the instructor will be able to mark their attendance. This was designed
to prevent overbooking training events with limited seating.

An approval request can be approved or declined by one of two methods. The first method is for
the manager to select the approve or decline link in the email request. The second method is to
search for the associate record as an Admin user and select the approve or decline link from the
associate maintenance page (see People section for more detail). If the course or training
session is approved, a notification will be sent to the associate indicating they can proceed with
the course or they can attend the training event. If the course or training session is declined, a
notification is sent to the associate and the course/training event registration is deleted.

Next on this page is the Curriculum is Mandatory check box. By marking this checkbox, the
curriculum assignment being made will be mandatory. Each time an associate enters the system,
the application will check to determine if the associate has at some point registered for all the
courses identified as mandatory. If there are any courses that are marked mandatory but the
associate has never registered for, then the system will automatically register the associate for
that course. This automatic registration only applies to courses. It will not work for a training
session since the system cannot predict which event the associate would like to attend (location
and time). If you mark a training session as mandatory, it will display to the associate user as
Mandatory in the training session calendar and search areas but they will not be auto registered.

The auto registration only checks for previous registrations of a mandatory course. If the
associate registered for the course, but failed it, the system will not re-register that user. Since
clients have different business rules around the failing of courses, we determined it was best to
operate this function based on registration only.

It is possible to combine the Mandatory flag and the Manager Approval flag on a
course but we advise against it. The intent of Mandatory is to ensure all
associates register for the course thus the auto registration functionality. The
intent of Manager Approval is to route a registration through the manager before
the associate can be registered. If both flags are set on a course, the associate
will be auto registered for the course and the manager will not receive a

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Next on this page is the Curriculum drop down list. This is an alphabetical listing of all active
curriculum in the application. You are allowed to select a single course or training session for the
assignment process. This is the only required field on the page. Once the course or training
session has been selected, if you do not want to use one of the other options on the page, you
can select the <<Add>> button and the assignment record will be created.

Next on this page is the Job multi-select box. By selecting one or more job codes, you can limit
the associates who can take the curriculum to just those with job codes that match your selection.

The final option on the page is the Level Three multi-select box. This option is useful when you
want to assign the same curriculum to more than one Level Three under the Level Two that you
have selected but you do not want to assign it to all Level Threes under that Level Two. The list
box defaults to All Level Threes selected and then lists each Level Three individually in
alphabetical order.

If you wish to select more than one value from the Job or Level Three multi-select
boxes, hold down the CTRL key while selecting them.

Once all of your assignment options have been entered, select the <<ADD>> button to create the
assignment record(s). After the add process is complete, the page will refresh showing the
original assignment record search results page. The newly added curriculum assignment record
may not display depending on the search term which was originally entered.

If you want to view all assignments for the level two or if your initial search result does not
match the Learning Path name exactly:

1. Select the [Choose a different (Level 2 name)] link from the top of the page
2. Reselect the level 2
3. Then, either leave the search field blank to view all, or enter a search term that matches
the assignment exactly
4. Click the continue button to view

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Copy Curriculum from one Level Two to another Level Two

The copy curriculum from one Level Two to another Level Two can be used by clients who desire
to have a basic “template” of curriculum (courses and training sessions) assignments and then
copy that template to other Level Two organizations in their application. Once copied, the
assignments can be edited. This is particularly useful if there is a large number of curricula
available in a client’s library.

To navigate to the copy curriculum page, select Organization Flow from the Admin Menu Bar,
then mouse over the Level Two link. This will launch the Level Two fly-out sub-menu. In the fly-
out sub-menu below the “Assign Curriculum to a Level Two” link is the “Copy Curriculum from
one Level Two to another Level Two” link. Select this link to launch the Level Two Curriculum
copy process.

From the copy curriculum page, you can only select one source (from) and one destination (to)
for the copy. The first drop down list represents the source organization. This is the “from”
organization which has the assignments you wish to copy. The second drop down list represents
the destination organization. This is the “to” organization which will receive the copied

The copy feature will not create duplicate assignment records.

Assignments created through the copy feature work just as manual assignments. If you create an
assignment at a Level 2, then all associates assigned directly to the Level 2 and to the Level 3s
under that Level 2 will have access to that curriculum. If assignments were made with any
restrictions such as Job Codes, COA Codes, or Level 3s, then those same restrictions will be
copied to the destination organization.

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The copy feature works up the hierarchy. If you are copying a Level 3 to a Level 3, any
assignments made at the Level 2 or Level 1 above the “From” Level 3 will be included in the
copy. This only matters when copying from a Level 3 to a different Level 3 that is not under the
same Level 1 and/or 2 parent.

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Assign Manager(s) to Level Two(s)

You can assign one or more managers as the “owner” of a Level Two. As the owner of a Level
Two, when the manager is in the application they can report on their Level Two(s). The report will
only display Level Two values where the manager is identified as the “owner/manager.”
Additionally, if you assign a course or training session and indicate that manager approval is
required, the first manager assigned to the Level Two value as the “owner” will be the manager
that receives an email request when an associate attempts to register for a course/training
session that requires manager approval. The Level Two manager will only receive the manager
approval request if there is no Level Three manager assigned below the Level Two.

To assign a manager to a Level Two, you must launch the Level Two Manager assignment page.
To navigate to the Level Two Manager assignment page, select Organization Flow from the
Admin Menu Bar, then mouse over the Level Two link. This will launch the Level Two fly-out sub-
menu. In the fly-out sub-menu select the “Assign Manager(s) to an Level Two” link. Select this
link to launch the Level Two Manager Assignment process.

The first selection you will need to make is the Level Two manager to assign. The Level Two
Manager drop down list will have an alphabetical (by last name) list of all Level Two managers in
the application (see Administrative User section for detail on how to create a Level Two
manager). After you have selected the appropriate Level Two Manager, select the <<Go>>
button on the right to complete the selection process (see illustration below).

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After selecting the Level Two Manager, a new page will display which will list all Level Two values
the manager has already been assigned to (if any). From this page, you can choose a different
manager by clicking on the “Choose a different Level Two Manager” link located at the top of the
screen. You may also delete a previously assigned Level Two by clicking on the grey delete link
on the right. This will only delete the link between the manger and this Level Two. It will not delete
the Level Two or the manager from the system. To add a new Level Two assignment for the
manager, select the [Add Level Two] link (see illustration below).

The next page to display is a screen that allows you to select a Level Two for the assignment.
This page has a single drop down list with an alphabetical listing of Level Two names. Select the
appropriate Level Two and then the <<ADD>> button to complete the manager assignment
creation process (see illustration below).

After this action has been completed, the page will refresh returning you to the list of all Level
Two’s assigned to the Manager.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Level Three
The three level hierarchy in the eSSential application are core to the foundation of the system’s
setup. The level hierarchy drives three primary functions in the application. The first purpose of
the level hierarchy is to provide a mechanism for assigning curriculum. Organizing associates by
affinity groups (department, geography, product focus, interest, etc.) with the level hierarchy
allows you to assign curriculum to one group but not to another. You can assign a computer
programming course to the IT level but not to Sales and Marketing. When you do this, the
associates in the IT level will be able to search for and register for the computer programming
course but those in the Sales and Marketing level will not. This allows you to deliver the relevant
training to the appropriate groups and make it simple for your users to find the training they need.

The second function that the level hierarchy provides is for reporting purposes. Many of the
system reports are grouped by level hierarchy. This allows you to monitor associate progress by

The final function provided by the level hierarchy is the management feature. You can assign
one or more managers as the “owner” of a hierarchy value. As the owner of a hierarchy value,
when the manager is in the application they can report on their levels only. The report will only
display level values where the manager is identified as the “owner/manager.” Additionally, if you
assign a course or training session and indicate that manager approval is required, the first
manager assigned to the Level value as the “owner” will be the manager that receives an email
request when an associate attempts to register for a course/training session that requires
manager approval.

During the eSSential implementation process, your organization will be given the opportunity to
mask the Level terminology with something more relevant to your company. This admin guide
will describe the Levels with our standard terminology (Level One, Level Two, and Level Three).
Your organization may have a different label defined (i.e. Company, Department, and Team).

Level Three is the bottom level in the hierarchy. Any curriculum assigned at the Level Three
value will be accessible by associates within the Level Three only. Selecting the Level Three(s)
link from the first menu launches the Level Three search page.

On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions:
 Add a new Level Three by clicking on the line marked “Add New Level Three”
 Search for a Level Three alphabetically using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] links (important
note, if the name of a Level Three starts with a numeric value, they will not display when
using the A-J, K-R, or S-Z links. These links only display Level Three with names that
start with an alpha character.)
 View all existing Level Threes by clicking on the link marked “All Level Threes”
 Search for a particular Level Three by typing in a partial or full name of the Level Three in
the “Level Three Name” box and hit search

53 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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The Level Three(s) search page is depicted below:

Once an appropriate search is performed using any of the methods defined above, the Level
Three search results page will display. This search page contains seven columns of information
for each Level Three.

• The first column contains the Level Three code. This value is used in the Associate and
Admin User uploads.
• The second column contains the Level Three name. This name is also a hyperlink which
will launch the Level Three edit screen (see the Edit Level Three section of this guide for
a description of the Edit Level Three page).
• The third column contains the name of the Level Three contact. This name is a hyperlink
as well which will launch an email form within the application that allows you to
immediately send the Level Three contact an email.
• The fourth column contains the Level Two parent name for the Level Three value.
• The fifth column provides a count of all active associates directly assigned to the Level
• The sixth column allows you to view a list of all active associates assigned to the Level
Three directly.
• The seventh column contains a red X which will allow you to delete any Level Three in
the system. If you delete a Level Three that has associates assigned directly, all of the
associates related will be deactivated and their Level Three assignment will be empty
(Level One and Two will remain). A warning message will display if you select the delete
option to confirm your intention is to delete the Level Three. Note: Before deleting an
organization level, please delete curriculum assignment records first.

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The following illustration depicts the Level Three search results page.

Selecting the Contact Name launches the email form. The “Mail To” field is automatically
populated with the email address for the contact defined on the Level Three record. The “Your
Name” and “Your E-Mail” will automatically be populated as well with your information (based on
who is logged into the application).

The user is required to enter the subject of the email, provide the appropriate phone number and
define the email message (all are required fields). Once the “Send” button is clicked, the email
will be automatically sent to the contact person. The illustration below depicts the email form:

55 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Selecting view option from the Level Three search results screen (magnifying glass icon), will
launch a page that displays all Level Three Associates assigned. This search results page is
described in detail under the People section of this Admin Guide.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

All Level Threes

There is a second method to display all Level Threes defined in your application. By using the
mouse and highlighting the Level Three(s) link from the first menu (do not click), a “fly-out” menu
will appear. The first option on that “fly-out” menu is the All Level Three(s) option.

After selecting the All Level Three(s) link, the Level Three search results page will display (see
illustration below):

For a detailed description of the Level Three search results page, please see the “Level Three(s)
section of the Admin Guide.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Add Level Three

In order to add a new Level Three value to the application, you can either select the Add Level
Three link from the fly-out menu or you can select the Add New Level Three link from the search
or search results page.

Only basic information is required to create a new level one value. The screen illustration below
depicts the Add Level Three page. All five fields of information are required on this page in order
to successfully create a new level three value.

The Level Three Name field is the name of the Level Three. This name will display on reports
and be the name used for searching in the application. The Contact Person and Contact Email
fields have limited use in the application. These can be useful in large organizations with
numerous level values to insert information for a key point of contact. These fields do not drive
any system functionality other than to default values for an email form if you select the contact
name from a search results page.

The next field on this screen is the Level Three Code. This field is important if your organization
will be using the Associate or Admin User FTP file load process. The code entered here must
match the code you place in the FTP file in order for the system to make the connection between
the associate and the appropriate level hierarchy. The next field is a drop down list of all Level
Two values in the system. This field is used to define the “parent” value for the Level Three.

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The final option is the Pay Per Use Group checkbox. When checked, any curriculum assigned to
this Level Three will require payment (via eCommerce functionality) before the associate can
launch the course. All the courses returned in the Online Training search results for an associate
in that level three will display a Buy Now button, even if the course does not have a cost
assigned. During the implementation process, your organization must have elected to have
eCommerce functionality setup for this function to work. Additionally, your organization must
have selected either to have the eCommerce functionality setup at the Level Two or Level Three
hierarchy level. It cannot be setup to work with both.

The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric) for the creation of Level 1,2 and 3s.

Field Length Allowable Characters

Level Three Name 200 Alphanumeric, hyphens
Contact Person 100 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Contact Email 100 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Level Three Code 50 Alphanumeric

Once you have entered this required information, you then select the “Insert Information” button
located at the bottom middle of your screen. You will then be taken back to the Level Three
search screen (depicted below):

In red you will be informed that the update was successful. In addition, this screen again has a
link that allows you to add a new Level Three. You also have the option of searching
alphabetically for a Level Three by using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] links, you can view all existing
Level Threes by clicking on the link marked “All Level Threes.” or you can search for the Level
Threes by name.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Edit Level Three

To edit a Level Three value, you can perform any one of the searches described above to find the
Level Three. To open the Level Three edit page, select the Level Three name from a Level Three
search results screen. The illustration below depicts the layout of the Level Three edit page. It is
very similar to the Level Three Add page with the only functional difference being the ability to
email the Level Three code by selecting the Level Three code hyperlink.

If you select the Level Three Registration Code link a new window will open with an email form.
When launching this form from a Level Two or Level Three, this can be useful for organizations
that use the self registration feature of the eSSential application. The Level Two Code or Level
Three Code (a decision on which to use is made during your implementation) must be given to
create an associate user via the self registration page. This is a quick way to email that code with
a URL link to the self registration page.

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On this form, you will need to enter the email address for the recipient and your phone number.
You are allowed to enter several email address on this form. To enter more than one email
address, you must separate each address with a comma and a space. When entering the phone
number, you must enter a 10 digit US phone number otherwise the system will display an error
message indicating an invalid format was entered. This page is illustrated below:

Occasionally, clients will find the need to re-organize their hierarchy structure.
When you edit the Level Two parent for a Level Three, the system will not
automatically update all existing associates that are assigned with that Level
Three. This will cause the associates record to be out of sync with the new
hierarchy in the application. You can easily resolve this out of synch situation by
either manually changing the underlying associates (if a small number) or by
leveraging the associate user file upload.

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Assign Curriculum to a Level Three

In order for any course or training session to be available for an associate user to search for and
register, the curriculum must be assigned. Assignments can be made to all of the users in a
Level Three or can be constrained based on Job Code and Location (described further below).

To navigate to the level three assignment page, select Organization Flow from the Admin Menu
Bar, then mouse over the Level Three link. This will launch the Level Three fly-out sub-menu. In
the fly-out sub-menu below the “Add a Level Three” link is the “Assign Curriculum to a Level
Three” link. Select this link to launch the Level Three Curriculum Assignment process.

Before an assignment can be made or updated, you must first select the Level Three value. The
drop down box on this page will list in alphabetical order the Level Threes defined in the system.
Select the Level Three value that you wish to assign curriculum to and then click the <<Go>>
button. Selecting a specific Level Three value will launch a “Curriculum Assigned” display page.

The Curriculum Assigned page displays the name of the Level Three (in blue) which you
selected. From this page, you can view all curricula already assigned to the Level Three value
selected. You also have the ability from this page to change the Requires Approval and
Mandatory designation for the assignments listed. This is done by selecting the respective check
box on the assignment row you would like to change. If the check box is empty, this indicates
approval is not required or the curriculum is not mandatory. By selecting an empty check box, the
check box will become populated and the curriculum will now either require manager approval or
be mandatory. If the check box has a check mark, selecting the check box will remove the check
mark. From this page, you also have the ability to delete assignments. To delete an assignment,
select the delete link on the assignment row you would like to delete. Once the delete action has
been performed, the page will return to the original search results page.

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This page will also indicate if an assignment has been made at a Level Two that impacts the
Level Three. When an assignment has been made at the Level Two parent for a Level Three, the
page will display the assignment record and a note in the Delete column indicating “Assigned by
Level Two.” The assignment display screen only displays assignments made one level up in the
hierarchy. Any assignments made at the Level One will not display on the Level Three
assignments screen.

In the event of a duplicate assignment being made (assigned at the Level Two and assigned at
the Level Three), the highest level assignment will win. If the assignment was made at the Level
Two for all job codes but then made at a Level Three for only a single job code, the Level Two
assignment to all job codes wins. You would need to delete the assignment at the Level Two for
the Level Three assignment to apply.

To add a new curriculum assignment to the Level Three, you must select the [Add Curriculum]
link at the top of the page. This link launches the following screen:

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The first option on the page is the [Return to Assign Curriculum to a Level Three Main Page].
Selecting this link, returns the user to the main page without creating a curriculum assignment.

Next on this page is the Curriculum Requires Manager Approval check box. By marking this
checkbox, the curriculum assignment being made will require manager approval before an
associate user can launch a course or attend a training session. When the associate user selects
a course that is assigned to their organizational level with the manager approval option selected,
they will see that manager approval is required in the search results screen for courses (see
illustration below).

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If the user selects the Begin Training button, that user will be presented with a message
indicating that their request to take the training has been forwarded to their manager for approval
(see illustration below).

While the course is pending manager approval, the associate will see a message in their My
Courses list indicating that the course is pending manager approval. The associate will have the
ability to resubmit the request by selecting the Resubmit Approval Request link.

The manager approval request will be sent to the admin user that is assigned as the manager for
the lowest organizational level the associate is assigned. If the associate is assigned to a Level
Three value, then the manager for that Level Three will be sent the notification. If the associate is
assigned to a Level Two, then the manager for the Level Two will be sent the notification. If
there is no manager assigned to the associate’s level two or level three, then the request will be
sent to the Site Email address defined during your implementation process. The system does the
following check (assuming the associate is assigned to a Level Three):

• First Check – Send email to Level Three manager assigned. If no Level Three Manager
assigned, move to Second Check.
• Second Check – Send email to Level Two manager assigned (Level Two parent of Level
Three for the associate). If no Level Two Manager assigned, move to Final Check.
• Final Check – Send email to Site Email address defined during implementation.

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When a course is marked as Approval, and an associate registers for the course,
the email requesting approval to take the course will only be sent to the first
manager assigned (in the event you have more than one manager assigned to
the same Level value). The reason behind this is to prevent conflicting responses
from being entered (Manager A approves but Manager B rejects).

When a training session is marked as Approval, the associate is registered for the
training event to “secure” a seat. If the manager declines the request, the
registration is deleted but if the manager does not respond, the associate will be
considered registered for the training event. They will display on the attendee
list and the instructor will be able to mark their attendance. This was designed
to prevent overbooking training events with limited seating.

An approval request can be approved or declined by one of two methods. The first method is for
the manager to select the approve or decline link in the email request. The second method is to
search for the associate record as an Admin user and select the approve or decline link from the
associate maintenance page (see People section for more detail). If the course or training
session is approved, a notification will be sent to the associate indicating they can proceed with
the course or they can attend the training event. If the course or training session is declined, a
notification is sent to the associate and the course/training event registration is deleted.

Next on this page is the Curriculum is Mandatory check box. By marking this checkbox, the
curriculum assignment being made will be mandatory. Each time an associate enters the system,
the application will check to determine if the associate has at some point registered for all the
courses identified as mandatory. If there are any courses that are marked mandatory but the
associate has never registered for the course(s), then the system will automatically register the
associate for that course. This automatic registration only applies to courses. It will not work for
a training session since the system cannot predict which event the associate would like to attend
(location and time). If you mark a training session as mandatory, it will display to the associate
user as Mandatory in the training session calendar and search areas but they will not be auto

The auto registration only checks for previous registrations of a mandatory course. If the
associate registered for the course, but failed it, the system will not re-register that user. Since
clients have different business rules around the failing of courses, we determined it was best to
operate this function based on registration only.

It is possible to combine the Mandatory flag and the Manager Approval flag on a
course but we advise against it. The intent of Mandatory is to ensure all
associates register for the course thus the auto registration functionality. The
intent of Manager Approval is to route a registration through the manager before
the associate can be registered. If both flags are set on a course, the associate
will be auto registered for the course and the manager will not receive a

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Next on this page is the Curriculum drop down list. This is an alphabetical listing of all active
curricula in the application. You are allowed to select a single course or training session for the
assignment process. This is the only required field on the page. Once the course or training
session has been selected, if you do not want to use one of the other options on the page, you
can select the <<Add>> button and the assignment record will be created.

Next on this page is the Job multi-select box. By selecting one or more job codes, you can limit
the associates who can take the curriculum to just those with job codes that match your selection.

The final option on the page is the Location multi-select box. This option may not be used by
your organization. It is a decision that is made during the implementation process. If used, all
Locations created in the system will display regardless of the Level Three. There is no
parent/child relationship between a Level Three value and a Location. The purpose of the
Location assignment option is to provide an option to constrain curriculum based on geography.
This is typically more applicable when a training event (instructor led) is going to be offered only
in a certain geography but can also be used in the event that associates in one geography have
regulatory considerations that associates in other geographies do not; thus an online course
addressing those regulatory considerations may only be applicable to a single geography. The
list box defaults to All Locations selected and then lists each Location individually in alphabetical

If you wish to select more than one value from the Job or Location multi-select
boxes, hold down the CTRL key while selecting them.

Once all of your assignment options have been entered, select the <<ADD>> button to create the
assignment record(s). After the add process is complete, the page will refresh showing the
original assignment record search results page. The newly added curriculum assignment record
may not display depending on the search term which was originally entered.

If you want to view all assignments for the level three or if your initial search result does
not match the Learning Path name exactly:

1. Select the [Choose a different (Level 3 name)] link from the top of the page
2. Reselect the level 3
3. Then, either leave the search field blank to view all, or enter a search term that matches
the assignment exactly
4. Click the continue button to view

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Copy Curriculum from one Level Three to another Level Three

The copy curriculum from one Level Three to another Level Three can be used by clients who
desire to have a basic “template” of curriculum (courses and training sessions) assignments and
then copy that template to other Level Three organizations in their application. Once copied, the
assignments can be edited. This is particularly useful if there is a large number of curricula
available in a client’s library.

To navigate to the copy curriculum page, select Organization Flow from the Admin Menu Bar,
then mouse over the Level Three link. This will launch the Level Three fly-out sub-menu. In the
fly-out sub-menu below the “Assign Curriculum to a Level Three” link is the “Copy Curriculum
from one Level Three to another Level Three” link. Select this link to launch the Level Three
Curriculum copy process.

From the copy curriculum page, you can only select one source (from) and one destination (to)
for the copy. The first drop down list represents the source organization. This is the “from”
organization which has the assignments you wish to copy. The second drop down list represents
the destination organization. This is the “to” organization which will receive the copied

The copy feature will not create duplicate assignment records.

Assignments created
through the copy feature
work just as manual
assignments. If you create
an assignment at a Level 3,
then all associates assigned
directly to the Level 3 will
have access to that curriculum. If assignments were made with any restrictions such as Job
Codes, COA Codes, or Locations, then those same restrictions will be copied to the destination

The copy feature works up the hierarchy. If you are copying a Level 3 to a Level 3, any
assignments made at the Level 2 or Level 1 above the “From” Level 3 will be included in the
copy. This only matters when copying from a Level 3 to a different Level 3 that is not under the
same Level 1 and/or 2 parent.

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Assign Manager(s) to Level Three

You can assign one or more managers as the “owner” of a Level Three. As the owner of a Level
Three, when the manager is in the application they can report on their Level Three(s). The report
will only display Level Three values where the manager is identified as the “owner/manager.”
Additionally, if you assign a course or training session and indicate that manager approval is
required, the first manager assigned to the Level Three value as the “owner” will be the manager
that receives an email request when an associate attempts to register for a course/training
session that requires manager approval.

To assign a manager to a Level Three, you must launch the Level Three Manager assignment
page. To navigate to the Level Three Manager assignment page, select Organization Flow from
the Admin Menu Bar, then mouse over the Level Three link. This will launch the Level Three fly-
out sub-menu. In the fly-out sub-menu select the “Assign Manager(s) to an Level Three” link.
Select this link to launch the Level Three Manager Assignment process.

The first selection you will need to make is the Level Three manager to assign. The Level Three
Manager drop down list will have an alphabetical (by last name) list of all Level Three managers
in the application (see Administrative User section for detail on how to create a Level Three
manager). After you have selected the appropriate Level Three Manager, select the <<Go>>
button on the right to complete the selection process (see illustration below).

After selecting the Level Three Manager, a new page will display which will list all Level Three
values the manager has already been assigned to (if any). From this page, you can choose a
different manager by clicking on the “Choose a different Level Three Manager” link located at the

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top of the screen. You may also delete a previously assigned Level Three by clicking on the grey
delete link on the right. This will only delete the link between the manger and this Level Three. It
will not delete the Level Three or the manager from the system. To add a new Level Three
assignment for the manager, select the [Add Level Three] link (see illustration below).

The next page to display is a screen that allows you to select a Level Three for the assignment.
This page has a single drop down list with an alphabetical listing of Level Three names. Select
the appropriate Level Three and then the <<ADD>> button to complete the manager assignment
creation process (see illustration below).

After this action has been completed, the page will refresh returning you to the list of all Level
Threes assigned to the Manager.

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Manage Facilities and Resources

Facilities and resources are the physical or virtual (web conference or phone conference)
locations where a training event will be held. The manage facilities and resources option from the
Organizational Flow menu is the area of the application where administrative users can define
and edit facilities and resources.

For physical scenarios, the Facility is the building where the training will be held. The resource is
the room within the building where the training will be held. Some buildings may have multiple
rooms capable of holding a training event each with different capacities. As a result, setting up a
facility with multiple resources is a common configuration.

For virtual scenarios, users typically setup one “facility” as the web conference and then create
one resource. Some clients have found the need to create multiple resources for the web
conference when they expect to have parallel web conferences running. The conflict checking
would prevent two web conferences from being scheduled at the same time if only a single
resource was created.

To navigate to the Manager Facilities and to the Manage Resources area, first select the
Organizational Flow menu. Next, mouse over the Manage Facilities and Resource link. This will
display the “fly-out” menu. From the fly out menu, you can select either the Manager Facilities
option or the Manage Resources option.

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Manage Facilities
To Add, Edit, Inactivate, or Delete a Facility, you will navigate to the Manage Facilities menu.

On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions:
 Add a new Facility by clicking on the line marked “Add New Facility”
 Search for a Facility alphabetically using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] links (important note, if
the name of a Facility starts with a numeric value, they will not display when using the A-
J, K-R, or S-Z links. These links only display Facilities with names that start with an
alpha character.)
 View all active Facilities by clicking on the link marked “All Active Facilities”
 View all inactive Facilities by clicking on the link marked “All Inactive Facilities”
 Search for a particular Facility by typing in a partial or full name of the Facility in the
“Facility Name” box and select the <<Search>> button.

The Facilities search page is depicted below:

Once an appropriate search is performed using any of the methods defined above, the Facilities
search results page will display. This search page contains five columns of information for each

• The first column contains the Facility name. This name is also a hyperlink which will
launch the facility edit screen. This hyperlink is only available when a facility has not
been used for training events. Once it has been used, the facility is considered “locked”
for data integrity purposes and cannot be edited. If the address for a facility changes, we
consider that a new facility and a new facility must be created to be used on new events.
The old facility should be inactivated. Inactivating the facility will not impact any future
events with the facility assigned. It will just prevent the facility from being used on new
events or available when editing an existing event.
• The second column contains the type of facility. With the exception of clients who have
implemented the optional web conference integration, there is no functionality driven by
the facility type. This is for information purposes only. There are six valid facility types:
o Classroom – Used for the classic instructor led training room scenario

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o Conference Call – Used for teleconference events

o Field Training – Used when the training to be conducted is “On the Job” and not
in a single classroom setting.
o Media Library – This type is no longer used in eSSential and should be ignored.
o On Site – Used when training will be conducted at a site location (cross between
field training and classroom)
o WebCast – Used for web conference events
• The third column contains the city and state of the facility. Even though city and state are
not applicable for virtual meetings, the application still requires one to be defined.
• The fourth column displays the status of the facility. A green checkmark indicates the
facility is active. A red X indicates the facility is inactive. This icon is a hyperlink which
performs a call to action. Selecting the icon will either activate or inactivate the facility
depending on its current status. Only a facility that does not have future events assigned
can be inactivated. When a future event is assigned, the icon disappears from the facility
• The last column is a link to Delete the facility. This link is only active/available if the
facility has not been used on any training event. Once the facility has been used, the link
will change from “Delete” to “Has Past Event(s).”

The following illustration depicts the Facility search results page.

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Add New Facility

From the Facilities Search page, you can add a new facility by selecting the “Add New Facility”
link at the top or bottom of the page. When adding a facility, there are 11 available fields of
information to define. Nine of these fields are required.

• Facility Name – This is the name of the facility. This is what will display on all reports and in
drop down lists for the training event. This must be a unique name (duplicates are not
allowed). This name will display on notifications and iCalendar meeting invites for training
events if the Location token is selected.
• Facility Type – This defines the type of facility (physical and virtual).
o Classroom – Used for the classic instructor led training room scenario
o Conference Call – Used for teleconference events
o Field Training – Used when the training to be conducted is “On the Job” and not in a
single classroom setting.
o Media Library – This type is no longer used in the eSSential application
o On Site – Used when training will be conducted at a site location (cross between field
training and classroom)
o WebCast – Used for web conference events
• Choose Timezone – This field is for information purposes only and used to define the
timezone the physical facility is located.
• Address – Address line 1 for the facility. Will display on reminder emails for events and on
iCalendar invites if the Location token is included in the email template for the training
session. Since this can display on the reminder, some clients will use this field as the URL
for a web conference event.
• City – City the facility is located. Will display on reminder emails for events and on iCalendar
invites if the Location token is selected on the email template for the training session.
• State – State the facility is located. Will display on reminder emails for events and on
iCalendar invites if the Location token is selected on the email template for the training
• Zip – Zip code for the facility. Will display on reminder emails for events if the Location token
is selected on the email template for the training session.
• Contact – Main contact person for the facility. Will display on the reminder emails for events.
If this facility is being created for web or telephone conferences, the conference call
participant code can be entered here. This will display just above the phone number on the
event reminder if the Location token is selected on the email template for the training session.
• Phone – Main phone number for the facility. This phone number will display on training event
reminders and on iCalendar invites automatically sent from the system via email if the
Location token is selected on the email template for the training session. If this facility is
being created for web or telephone conferences, the conference call number can be entered
• Fax – Fax number for the facility.
• Comments – Any comments (driving directions) for the facility.

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The following table identifies the maximum length of each text entry field.

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

Facility Name 200 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens
Facility Type n/a Yes Not applicable
Choose Timezone n/a Yes Not applicable
Address 150 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
City 25 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Zip 15 Yes Alphanumeric
Contact Person 25 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Phone 15 Yes Valid 10 digit phone number only
Fax 15 No Valid 10 digit phone number only
Comments 255 No Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods

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The following illustration depicts the Add New Facility page:

Once you have defined all required information, select the “Insert Information” button to complete
the transaction and add the facility.

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Manage Resources
To Add, Edit, Inactivate, or Delete a Resource, you will navigate to the Manage Resources menu.

On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions:
 Add a new Resource by clicking on the link “Add New Resource”
 Search for a Resource alphabetically using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] links (important note, if
the name of a Resource starts with a numeric value, they will not display when using the
A-J, K-R, or S-Z links. These links only display Resources with names that start with an
alpha character.)
 View all active Resources by clicking on the link marked “All Active Resources”
 View all inactive Resources by clicking on the link marked “All Inactive Resources”
 Search for a particular Resource by typing in a partial or full name of the Resource in the
“Resource Name” box and select the <<Search>> button.

The Resource search page is depicted below:

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Once an appropriate search is performed using any of the methods defined above, the Resource
search results page will display. This search page contains six columns of information for each

• The first column contains the Resource name. This name is also a hyperlink which will
launch the resource edit screen. This hyperlink is only available when a resource has not
been used for training events. Once it has been used, the resource is considered
“locked” for data integrity purposes. This name will display on notification reminders sent
from the application as well as on iCalendar invites if the Location token is selected on
the email template for the training session.
• The second column contains the facility name where the resource is assigned.
• The third column contains the type of resource (this is labeled Category when creating
the resource). The type of resource available will differ depending on whether the
resource is physical or virtual.
o Workspace– This is used for physical rooms.
o Online/Teleconference – This is used for virtual rooms.
• The fourth column contains the capacity of the room. This can be applicable for both
physical and virtual resources. Virtual resources may be constrained by number of web
conference or teleconference licenses that are available.
• The fifth column displays the status of the resources. A green checkmark indicates the
resource is active. A red X indicates the resource is inactive. This icon is a hyperlink
which performs a call to action. Selecting the icon will either activate or inactivate the
resource depending on its current status.
• The last column is a link to Delete the resource. This link is only active/available if the
resource has not been used on any training event (past or future). Once the resource
has been used, the link will change from “Delete” to “Has Past Event(s).”

The following illustration depicts the Resource search results page.

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Add New Resource

From the Resource Search page, you can add a new resource by selecting the “Add New
Resource” link at the top or bottom of the page.

The first page that will display is a drop down list of all the active Facilities in the application. You
must select the facility first before you can add a resource.

After the facility is selected, the page will refresh and you will need to select the resource
category. There will be only one value in the drop down list. It will depend on whether the facility
is a physical or virtual facility. If the facility is a physical location, then Workspace will be the
available option. If the facility is a virtual location, then Online/Teleconference will be the
available option.

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After selecting the resource category, the page will refresh with the remaining fields now available
to define. When adding a facility, there are 6 available fields of information to define. Five of
these fields are required.

• Facility– This is the facility where the resource is located.

• Resource Category – This field is dependent on the facility selected. Physical facilities
will have a resource category of Workspace. Virtual facilities will have a resource
category of Online/Teleconference.
• Resource Type – This defines the type of facility (physical and virtual).
o Classroom – Physical resource type
o Conference Room – Physical resource type
o Office – Physical resource type
o Support Room – Physical resource type
o Team Room – Physical resource type
o Training Room – Physical resource type
o Virtual Classroom– This is the only type valid for a virtual facility.
• Resource Name – This is the name of the resource. This will display on reports, email
reminders/iCalendar invites, during the training event setup, and to associates when
searching/registering for an event. If this is a web conference resource, you may elect to
enter the conference URL in this area since this will display on the email reminders.
• Capacity – This is the capacity for the resource. This is mainly for informational purposes
unless the event being created is a virtual event (web conference). When a virtual event
is created, the capacity established on the resource is the maximum capacity that can be
setup for the event. This is to provide a control to prevent exceeding the maximum
allowed seats in the web conference software
• Comments – Any comments for the resource such as equipment available in the room,
floor of the building located, telephone number to direct dial room, etc.

The following table identifies the maximum length of each text entry field and if any special
characters are allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

Resource Name 35 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, periods
Capacity 4 Yes Numeric
Comments 255 No Alphanumeric, hyphen, periods

The following illustration depicts the Add New Resource page.

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Once you have defined all required information, select the “Insert Information” button to complete
the transaction and add the resource. Once the resource is added, the page will refresh and
display the message below.

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Job Classification
Job Classifications drive two key functions within the application. The primary function is to
provide additional functionality during the curriculum and learning path assignment process.
When assigning curriculum or a learning path to an organizational level, you have the option of
restricting that assignment to one or more job classifications (referred to as Job Codes or Jobs).
Please see the Curriculum Assignment or Learning Path Assignment sections of the user guide
for more information on this process. The second function is for reporting purposes. Job
Classification/code displays on several of the reports in the application.

To navigate to the Job Classification search page, first select the Organizational Flow menu.
Next, select the Job Classification link. This will display Job Classifications search page.

Once the Job Classification link is selected the Job Classification search page will display (see
illustration below):

From this page you can search for a Job Classification by the Job Classification title or by key
word/phrases in the Job Description field. If you wish to view all the Job Classifications leave the
areas blank and click the <<Go>> button at the bottom of the form.

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Once you have conducted a search, the Job Classification search results page will display (see
screen illustration below). There are six columns of information on the Job Classification search
results page.

• The first column contains the Job Classification title (name). This title is also a hyperlink
which will launch the Job Classification edit screen.
• The second column contains the Job Classification Code (Job Code). This code is the
code that is used for the Associate FTP file. The code must match exactly for the
associate record to be assigned to the correct Job Classification.
• The third column contains the Job Classification description.
• The fourth column is title Competency. This column is no longer used by the application
and can be ignored.
• The fifth column displays the Use in Portal status. A green checkmark indicates the job
classification is available on the Self Registration page. A red X indicates the Job
Classification will not be available on the Self Registration page. This functionality is
used by clients who have a mix of internal employees and external users (clients,
vendors, other third parties). The job classifications that display to the external users for
self registration likely will need to be a smaller subset of job classifications than what is
used for internal employees/users.
• The sixth column displays the Permit Multi-Registration status. A green checkmark
indicates the job classification is enabled for Multi-Registration. This means that any
associate with that job classification will be able to register other associations within their
Level 3 for Training Events. A red X indicates the Job Classification is not enabled for
Multi-Registration. This functionality is used by clients who want to provide managers of
Level Three organizations with the ability to register team members for Training Events
without setting up an Administrative User for each manager (allow them to use their
associate user record).

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At the top of this page are links to “Change your Search," “Enter a New Search” or “Add a New
Job Classification.” If you have used one of the search options the words or phrases will be listed
in red under “Results For” at the top of the screen.

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Add Job Classification

To navigate to the Job Classification add page, first select the Organizational Flow menu. Next,
select the Job Classification link. This will display the “fly-out” menu. From the fly out menu, you
select the Add Job Classification option.

On the Job Classification add screen, there are six fields displayed (see illustration below).

• Job Title – The job title field represents the name that will display whenever a job
classification is presented in the application.
• Job Code - The Job Code is the code that is used for the Associate FTP file. The code
must match exactly for the associate record to be assigned to the correct Job
Classification. Since this is used by the Associate FTP process, this value must be
unique. Duplicate job codes are not allowed.
• Competency - This field is no longer used by the application and can be ignored.
• Portal Visibility – Checking this box indicates the job classification is available on the
Self Registration page. This functionality is used by clients who have a mix of internal
employees and external users (clients, vendors, other third parties). The job
classifications that display to the external users for self registration likely will need to be a
smaller subset of job classifications than what is used for internal employees/users.
• Permit Training Session Registration – Checking this box indicates the job
classification is enabled for Multi-Registration. This means that any associate with that
job classification will be able to register other associations within their Level 3 for Training
Events. This functionality is used by clients who want to provide managers of Level
Three organizations with the ability to register team members for Training Events without
setting up an Administrative User for each manager (allow them to use their associate
user record). This works only for associates that are assigned to a Level 3. If your
organization only assigns to the Level 2 level, you will not be able to utilize this
functionality. This is done for performance purposes. Large organizations may have
thousands of associates assigned at the Level 2 value.
• Job Description - The final field is where the Job Classification description is created.
This is for information purposes only.

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The following table identifies the maximum length of each text entry field and if any special
characters are allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

Job Title 100 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens
Job Code 20 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens
Competency n/a No Not applicable
Portal Visibility n/a No Not applicable
Permit Training Session No
n/a Not applicable
Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Job Description 200
(includes spaces)

In order for peers to register their shared job code members, the permit multi
registration must be checked for the job code and all associates must be
assigned to the same level 3.

Complete the required information and click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen. This
will save the Job Classification information and add the record.

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Edit Job Classification

To edit an existing job classification, you must select the Job Classification title from the Job
Classification search results screen (see Job Classification section above for description on how
to search for job classifications). Once the Job Classification Title link has been selected, the Job
Classification edit screen will display.

This screen has the same information as the Job Classification Add page. The only difference on
the add page is the presence of a “Delete” link. If you select the Delete link, the job classification
record you are on will be permanently deleted from the application. If associates exist that are
assigned to the job classification, those associate records will now have no job classification.
Additionally, if there are any curriculum/learning path assignment records in the system which
used the Job Classification, these assignments will still be present but will no longer be valid (will
not work). The system does not perform any validation prior to a delete. The record will be
deleted if you select the Delete link. If you inadvertently deleted a record that should not have
been deleted, you will need to add the job classification and send a full associate file via the FTP
process to update associate records.

Note that the description has a limit of 200 characters and spaces. The box under the Job
Description box provides a tally of how many characters are remaining. This count is
automatically updated as you enter the description.

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Manage COA Codes

COA Codes are standardized skill set codes used by some industries to identify individuals who
have certain skill sets. You can get more information on the definition of COA Codes from
http://www.coastandards.org/. COA code(s) can be assigned to Associate records either via the
FTP upload process or manually via the Associate Maintenance page. Within eSSential, the
COA code provides another option when assigning Curriculum and Learning Paths to a Level
One (similar to Job Classifications). They are different from Job Classifications since they are
only available for assignment at the Level One. They are not available at the Level Two or Level

To navigate to the COA Code search page, first select the Organizational Flow menu. Next,
select the Manage COA Codes link. This will display COA Code search page.

Once the Manage COA Codes link is selected the COA Codes search page will display (see
illustration below):

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From this page you can search for a COA Code by the COA Code title or by key word/phrases in
the COA Code Description field. If you wish to view all COA Codes leave the areas blank and
click the <<Go>> button at the bottom of the form.

Once you have conducted a search, the COA Codes search results page will display (see screen
illustration below). There are four columns of information on the COA Codes search results page.

• The first column contains the COA Code title (name). This title is also a hyperlink which
will launch the COA Code edit screen (explained later in the admin guide).
• The second column contains the COA Code. This code is the code that is used for the
Associate FTP file or when updating an Associate record manually. The code must
match exactly for the associate record to be assigned to the correct COA Code.
• The third column contains the COA description.
• The fourth column is title Competency. This column is no longer used by the application
and can be ignored.

At the top of this page are links to “Change your Search”, “Enter a New Search” or “Add a New
COA Code.” If you have used one of the search options the words or phrases will be listed in red
under “Results For” at the top of the screen.

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Add COA Code

To navigate to the COA add page, first select the Organizational Flow menu. Next, select the
Manage COA Codes link. This will display the “fly-out” menu. From the fly out menu, select the
Add COA Code option.

On the COA Code add screen, there are three fields displayed (see illustration below).

• COA Title – The COA title field represents the name that will display whenever a COA
Code is presented in the application.
• COA Code - The COA Code is the code that is used for the Associate FTP file. The
code must match exactly for the associate record to be assigned to the correct COA
Code. Since this is used by the Associate FTP process, this value must be unique.
Duplicate COA codes are not allowed. The COA Code 0 is a system default and is not
allowed to be used by clients. If a duplicate code is entered in the Add Screen, the
application will update the existing record rather than insert a new record thus potentially
changing the COA Title and COA Description.
• COA Description - The COA description field is for information purposes only.

The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

COA Title 150 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens
COA Code 50 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens
Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
COA Description 200
(count includes spaces)

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Complete the required information and click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen. This
will save the COA Code information and add the record.

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Edit COA Code

To edit an existing COA Code, you must select the COA Title from the COA Code search results
screen (see Manage COA Codes section above for description on how to search for COA
Codes). Once the COA Title link has been selected, the COA Code edit screen will display.

This screen has the same information as the COA Add page. The only difference between this
page and the add page is the presence of a “Delete” link. If you select the Delete link, the COA
Code record you are on will be permanently deleted from the application. If associates exist that
are assigned to the COA, those associate records will now have invalid COA Codes.
Additionally, if there are any curriculum/learning path assignment records in the system which
used the COA Code, these assignments will still be present but will no longer be valid (will not
work). The system does not perform any validation prior to a delete. The record will be deleted if
you select the Delete link. If you inadvertently deleted a record that should not have been
deleted, you will need to add the COA Code back to the system. Since the associate records and
curriculum records are not changed by the delete process, they will now be useable without any
further effort required.

Note that the description has a limit of 200 characters and spaces. The box under the COA
Description box provides a tally of how many characters are remaining. This count is
automatically updated as you enter the description.

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The Locations functionality within eSSential can either be enabled or disabled by clients. This is
a decision made during the implementation process. If the Location link is disabled on your
menu, it is likely that your company chose to not enable Locations during the implementation. If
enabled, Locations are a method for restricting curriculum assigned to the Level 3. On the Level
3 assignment page, all Locations created in the system will display regardless of the Level Three
selected. There is no parent/child relationship between a Level Three value and a Location. The
purpose of the Location assignment option is to provide an option to constrain curriculum based
on geography. This is typically more applicable when a training event (instructor led) is going to
be offered only in a certain geography but can also be used in the event that associates in one
geography have regulatory considerations that associates in other geographies do not; thus an
online course addressing those regulatory considerations may only be applicable to a single
geography. The list box defaults to All Locations selected and then lists each Location
individually in alphabetical order. Location is not available for Learning Path assignment. It is
only available for courses/training sessions.

To navigate to the Location search page, first select the Organizational Flow menu. Next, select
the Location(s) link. This will display Location search page.

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On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions:
 Add a new Location by clicking on the link “Add Location”
 Search for a Location alphabetically using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] radio buttons and then
selecting the “Search Location(s)” button. (important note, if the name of a Location
starts with a numeric value, they will not display when using the A-J, K-R, or S-Z links.
These links only display Locations with names that start with an alpha character.)
 View all Locations by leaving the Location Name field empty and selecting the “Search
Location(s)” button. (the alphabetical radio buttons must not be selected for this option to
 Search for a particular Location by typing in a partial or full name of the Location in the
“Location Name” box and selecting the “Search Location(s)” button.

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Once you have conducted a search, the Location search results page will display (see screen
illustration below). There are three columns of information on the Location search results page.

• The first column contains the Location Name. This title is also a hyperlink which will
launch the Location edit screen (explained later in the admin guide).
• The second column contains the Location Type.
• The third column contains a Delete hyper link. This will allow Locations not used in
assignments to be deleted from the application. If there are any curriculum assignments
constrained by Locations, this Delete link will change to “Curriculum Assigned.” The
curriculum assignments will have to be deleted first before the Location can be deleted.

At the top of this page are links to “Add Location” which will launch the Add Location page or
“Search” which will re-launch the search page with search terms cleared.

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Add Location
To navigate to the Location Add page, first select the Organizational Flow menu. Next, mouse
over the Location(s) link. This will display the “fly-out” menu. From the fly out menu, select the
Add Location option.

On the Location add screen, there are two fields displayed (see illustration below).

• Location – The Location (name) field represents the name that will display whenever a
Location is presented in the application.
• Location Type – This field has only one option and thus the default option must be

The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Allowable Characters

Location 200 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods

Complete the required information and select the “Add Location” button at the bottom of the
screen. This will save the Location information and add the record.

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Edit Location
To edit an existing Location, you must select the Location Name from the Location search results
screen (see Locations section above for description on how to search for Locations). Once the
Location Name link has been selected, the Location edit screen will display.

This screen has the same information as the Location Add page. The only field that is editable is
the Location Name. This field can be changed even if the Location has been used for Curriculum
assignment or exists on an Associate record. The database stores the Location ID in these
related tables and not the Name, thus it is safe to edit the name.

Once you have made the changes to the location, select the <Save Changes> button at the
bottom. The page returns to the search page.

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Categories are used as a filtering device to make searching for courses easier for the Associate
users. Category names are available to assign to Courses from the course add/edit page (this is
an optional assignment but we encourage all clients to use this to assist with course searches).
The category is then visible to the associate from the “front-end” of the platform within the Library
when the associate performs a course search.

To navigate to the Category search page, first select the Organizational Flow menu. Next, select
the Categories link. This will display Category search page.

On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions:
 Add a new Category by clicking on the link “Add Category”
 Search for a Category alphabetically using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] radio buttons and then
selecting the “Search Categories” button. (important note, if the name of a Category
starts with a numeric value, they will not display when using the A-J, K-R, or S-Z links.
These links only display Categories with names that start with an alpha character.)
 View all Categories by leaving the Category Name field empty and selecting the “Search
Categories button. (the alphabetical radio buttons must not be selected for this option to
 Search for a particular Category by typing in a partial or full name of the Category in the
“Category Name” box and selecting the “Search Categories” button.

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Once you have conducted a search, the Category search results page will display (see screen
illustration below). There are three columns of information on the Category search results page.

• The first column contains the Category Name. This title is also a hyperlink which will
launch the Category edit screen (explained later in the admin guide).
• The second column contains the Category Type. All Categories will have the type of
• The third column contains a Delete hyper link. This will allow Categories to be deleted
from the application. There is no control associated with this delete. If you delete a
category which is assigned to one or more courses, those courses will no longer have a
category defined.

At the top of this page are links to “Add Category” which will launch the Add Category page or
“Search” which will re-launch the search page with search terms cleared.

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Add Category
To navigate to the Category Add page, first select the Organizational Flow menu. Next, mouse
over the Categories link. This will display the “fly-out” menu. From the fly out menu, select the
Add Category option.

On the Category add screen, there are two fields displayed (see illustration below).

• Category – The Category (name) field represents the name that will display whenever a
Category is presented in the application.
• Category Type – This field has only one option and thus the default option must be

The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

Category 50 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Category Type n/a Yes Not applicable

Complete the required information and click the “Add Category” button at the bottom of the
screen. This will save the Category information and add the record.

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Edit Category
To edit an existing Category, you must select the Category Name from the Category search
results screen (see Category section above for description on how to search for Categories).
Once the Category Name link has been selected, the Category edit screen will display.

This screen has the same information as the Category Add page. The only field that is editable is
the Category Name. This field can be changed even if the Category has been used for a Course.
The database stores the Category ID in course table and not the Name, thus it is safe to edit the

Once you have made the changes to the location, you hit the “Save Changes” button at the
bottom. The page returns to the search page.

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The third Menu Option on the Administrative Menu bar is the Curriculum menu. Within this menu
option you will be able to add/edit courses, add/edit training sessions, manage the Media Library,
preview courses using the Course Library, Manage Test Banks, add/edit Learning Paths including
curriculum included and organizational assignments, manage the pre-hire process and Manage
Files and Folders.

The Curriculum menu holds links to the “content” of the application. This is the area of the
administrative application where the main student facing areas are managed.

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Course is the term used in the eSSential LMS application to describe online courses which can
be taken 24 x 7 by associates generally without administrative/manager involvement (only
exception is when a course requires manager approval before it can be started). There are two
different types of courses in the application. The first type of course is a course that is authored
in the eSSential authoring tool. The second type of course is authored in an external SCORM
compliant authoring tool and then imported into the eSSential LMS. Most companies use the
SCORM option but when a company’s course requirements are simple it can be quicker/easier to
build the course directly with eSSential’s tool. The only downside to building the course directly in
eSSential is the portability of the course. SCORM standards were developed so that a course
could be used in more than one eLearning content player without the need to modify the course.
The eSSential authoring tool is built specifically for eSSential and does not have a SCORM
export option. The Admin user guide divides the courses into the two different types. Most of the
functionality for each type is the same but there are some differences. Please refer to the
appropriate section based on your needs.

To navigate to the Course search page, first select the Curriculum menu. Next, select the
Courses link. This will display Course search page.

On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions:
 Add a new eLogic Authored Course by selecting the link “Add New Course”
 Display a listing of all active courses by selecting the link “All Active Courses”
 Display a listing of all pending courses by selecting the link “Pending Courses”
 Display a listing of all inactive courses by selecting the link “Inactive Courses”
 Display a listing of all archived courses by selecting the link “Archive Courses”
 Initiate the Copy Course functionality by selecting the link “Copy Course.” This copy
feature is only available for eLogic authored courses.
 Search for a Course alphabetically using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] links. (Important note, if
the name of a Course starts with a numeric value, they will not display when using the A-
J, K-R, or S-Z links. These links only display Courses with names that start with an alpha
 View all Courses (regardless of status) by leaving the Course Name field empty and the
Category drop down list with the default “All Categories” option. Then selecting the
“Search” button.
 Search for a particular Course by typing in a partial or full name of the Course Name in
the “Course Title” box and selecting the “Search” button. This option can also be

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combined with the Category drop down list if you would like to limit the courses returned
to a single Category.

Once you have conducted a search, the Course search results page will display (see screen
illustration below). There are three columns of information on the Course search results page.

• The first column contains the Course Title. This name is also a hyperlink which will
launch the Course edit screen (explained later in the admin guide).
• The second column contains the Course Number. This is defined when the course is
created and can be used as a reference for each course.
• The third column contains an Action Link. This link will give you the option to Deactivate
courses if your search results list active courses. This link will give you the option to
Delete or Archive any pending course. This link will give you the option to Activate or
Archive any Inactive course. This link will give you the option to Unarchive (moves to the
inactive status) any archived course. NOTE: When you deactivate a course that is
currently registered for (not completed) by one or more associate users, the course will
be removed from their My Courses list. If the course was part of a Certified Learning
Path, the Certified Path completion logic will look for only active courses currently
included in the Certified Path, thus deactivating the course will not prevent the user from
completing the Certified Path.

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Add eLogic Authored Course

To navigate to the Add Course page, first select the Curriculum menu. Next, mouse over the
Courses link. This will display the “fly-out” menu. From the fly out menu, mouse over the Add
Course option. This will display a second “fly-out” menu. From this menu, select the Create
Course link.

The Add eLogic Authored course screen is divided into four main sections.

• Course Information - The course information area is where the course content and
summary information is defined.
• Course Testing Configuration – The course testing configuration is where pre-
assessment and final assessment information is defined for the course.
• Course Configuration – The course configuration area is where the course is approved
and ancillary information about the course is defined (CEU, suggested hours, associate a
survey, etc.).
• Task List – The final area is a task list that tracks progress in developing a course. Only
when all items on the Task List have a Green Checkmark will the course be available to
be activated and assigned.

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Course Information – eLogic Authored Course

The course information area is where the course content and summary information is defined.
This area is located in the top left hand corner of the Course Add Screen.

When the Create Course is first launched, there are only five options available in the Course
Information area (see illustration below).

• Title– The Title (name) field represents the name that will display whenever a Course is
presented in the application. This field displays on the transcript for each associate. This
field will not allow duplicate titles to be created. The duplicate check scans both courses
and training sessions. If you change the title of a course, any associates who have
previously completed the course will have the original title listed in their transcript. We
keep a history of the name in order to prevent the transcripts from changing.
• Source– This drop down field identifies the source of the course. This is available for
selecting and sorting courses on the Course Source Usage Summary Report and the
Course Source Usage Detail report. The system is delivered with the following available
course sources (Bridgefront, Custom Third Party Developed, ElementK, eLogic Platform,
Harvard, Internally Developed Articulate, Internally Developed Atlantic Link, Internally
Developed Captivate, Internally Developed eLogic Editor, Internally Developed Fly Paper,
Internally Developed Lectora, Mindleaders, Other, Puresafety, Skillsoft, and Vivid).
• Category – This is the category which will be associated with the course when
associates perform course searches in the Online Library.
• Course Number – This is a reference number only and will display on course search
results to the associate (can be used to confirm correct course version was selected).
• Instructor Assigned – This is a list of all Active Instructors, Course Authors, and
Training Managers. This list is alphabetical by Admin User last name. The instructor
assigned to the course will display for course searches and can be used by associates
for a person to contact with any course content questions. Additionally, the Instructor
Assigned can receive notifications when a course is dropped by an Associate. This is an
optional configuration that is determined during setup. By default this is disabled, but
eLogic can enable this notification to be sent to the Instructor Assigned each time an
associate drops an online course.

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The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

Title 200 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens
Source n/a Yes Not applicable
Category n/a No Not applicable
Course Number 20 No Alphanumeric, hyphens
Instructor Assigned n/a Yes Not applicable

Once you have entered the required initial information, select the <<ADD>> button. The screen
will be refreshed with a note that “Course Information Was Inserted Successfully!” and the Course
Information box will expand to contain additional options (see the screen illustration below).
Additionally, the task list will now have a green checkmark next to the course information task.

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There are now four additional boxes available in the Course Information area plus a link to the
Course Overview and Objectives area.

• Assign to a Level One – This link allows you to view which Level Ones the course has
been assigned. This link will also allow you to add new Level One assignments for the
course. This is a quick method to view assignments but does not have the same
functionality as when you use the Assignment feature on the Organizational Flow menu.
• Assign to a Level Two – This link allows you to view which Level Two the course has
been assigned. This link will also allow you to add new Level Two assignments for the
course. This is a quick method to view assignments but does not have the same
functionality as when you use the Assignment feature on the Organizational Flow menu.
• Course Pre-reqs – This link allows you to define pre-requisite(s) for the course. A pre-
requisite, if assigned, must be completed before the Associate can access the course.
The pre-requisite can be either another course or a training session.
• Course Lessons – This link is where you define the content of the course (for eLogic
authored courses).
• Course Overview and Objectives – This link launches the Editing tool and allows
course overview, objectives and resources to be added. This information will display
from the course search results screen to associates.

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Assign to Level One(s)

The Assign to Level One(s) link allows you to view which Level Ones the course has been
assigned. This link will also allow you to add new Level One assignments for the course. This is
a quick method to view assignments but does not have the same functionality as when you use
the Assignment feature on the Organizational Flow menu. You will not be able to constrain
assignments made here by Job Code, or by COA Code. Additionally, assignments defined via
this link cannot be marked as Mandatory or Requires Manager approval. When displaying
assignments made using the Organizational Flow menu, only the Level One name will display
even if the assignment had a special constraint or attribute added.

When the Assign to Level One(s) link is selected, the box to the right of the title will be updated
with any current Level One names assigned. Additionally, there will be a new link available, “Add
This Course to a Level One.”

If you select the “Add this Course To a Level One” link, a new screen will display which allows
you to select a single Level One from the drop down list. Choose the appropriate Level One and
then select the <<Go>> button. The Level One will have access to the course once the course
has been approved and activated.

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Assign to Level Two(s)

The Assign to Level Two(s) link allows you to view which Level Twos the course has been
assigned. This link will also allow you to add new Level Two assignments for the course. This is
a quick method to view assignments but does not have the same functionality as when you use
the Assignment feature on the Organizational Flow menu. You will not be able to constrain
assignments made here by Job Code. Additionally, assignments defined via this link cannot be
marked as Mandatory or Requires Manager approval. When displaying assignments made using
the Organizational Flow menu, only the Level Two name will display even if the assignment had a
special constraint or attribute added.

When the Assign to Level Two(s) link is selected, the box to the right of the title will be updated
with any current Level Two names assigned. Additionally, there will be a new link available, “Add
This Course to a Level Two.”

If you select the “Add this Course To a Level Two” link, a new screen will display which allows
you to select a single Level Two from the drop down list. Choose the appropriate Level Two and
then select the <<Go>> button. The Level Two will have access to the course once the course
has been approved and activated.

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Course Pre-reqs

The Course Pre-reqs link allows you to define pre-requisite(s) for the course. A pre-requisite, if
assigned, must be completed before the Associate can access the course. A pre-requisite can
be either another eLearning course or a Training Session. If there is one or more pre-requisite
that is has not been completed, the associate will not be allowed to register for the course
directly. They will only be allowed to register for the course if it is part of a Learning Path. If the
course is registered as part of the learning path, the associate user will not be able to start the
course until all pre-requisites have been completed. If more than one pre-requisite is defined, the
pre-requisites can be completed in any order by the associate but only one pre-requisite will
display at a time to the associate. This is based on the order that is defined when the pre-
requisites are established for the course.

When the Course Pre-reqs link is selected, the box to the right of the title will be updated with any
current course pre-reqs defined. Additionally, there will be a new link available, “Manage Pre-

Selecting the “Manage Pre-reqs” link allows you to select a Curriculum pre-requisite. The screen
has a reminder message that indicates before a course/training session selected as a pre-req can
be utilized by an Associate, that course/pre-requisite must be assigned to the appropriate Levels.
If you select a pre-requisite and then never assign the pre-requisite, the course will never be able
to be accessed by the associate. This first page will display all of the currently assigned pre-
requisites for the course (if any).

From this page, select the “Add Course Pre-Req” link to launch the drop down list to add a new
pre-requisite for the course. Both Active Courses and Active Training Sessions are available for
the pre-req selection. The drop down list has all active courses/training sessions displayed in
alphabetical order.

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Once you have selected the appropriate Course/Training Session, select the <<ADD>> button.
The page will refresh with the newly selected pre-req now displaying in the list of pre-reqs for the
course. When more than one pre-req is added, arrows to the left of the pre-req title allow you to
order the pre-reqs. These arrows control which pre-requisite displays to the associate user on
the search results page and on the My Courses area. Because of space limitation on the page,
only one pre-requisite will be displayed at a time. Once the pre-requisite is completed, the next
pre-requisite will display until all are completed.

Once you are finished with defining pre-reqs for the course, you can either select the “Return to
All Courses” link or the “Return to Current Course” link (to return to the course you were

Associates will not be able to register for a course until they have
completed its pre-req, unless they are registered for a learning path that
includes the course or assigned the course directly from the admin side.

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Course Lessons

The core of course development using the eLogic authoring tool is performed using Course
Lessons link. This link provides the ability to define course “pages” as well as Self Assessments
for use within the course.

When the Course Lessons link is selected, the box to the right will be updated and display
lessons defined for the course. It will also display two additional links. The “Add a New Lesson”
link is the quickest method to start defining the Lesson. The “Manage Lessons and Self
Assessments” link will launch a page that has a list of all lessons defined (to launch for editing)
and links to Add New Lesson, Add New Shared Lesson, and Manage Files Folders.

The Add New Lesson page has the common course header information. This information is
present on all pages within the eLogic course development area. This header will display the
course name as an easy reference for which course you are currently developing. The header
also contains links to perform the following functions:

• Return to All Courses – This link launches the All Active Courses list.
• Return to Current Course – This link launches the course edit screen for the course you
are currently developing.
• Add New Lesson – This link launches the Add New Lesson page. This lesson will be
available only to the current course
• Add New Shared Lesson. – This link launches the Add New Shared Lesson page. A
shared lesson is available to more than one course.
• Managed Files and Folders – This link launches the Manage Files and Folders page.
Please see the Managed Files and Folders section of the User Guide for a more detailed

When creating a lesson page, there are three available fields of information.

• Lesson Title – This field is the only required field. The title entered in this field will be
visible in the navigation area of the course when the associate user launches the course.
• External Weblink – This field allows you to define an external weblink for the Lesson.
This would allow you to show content as the lesson from outside the eSSential LMS.
This can utilize outside web-based lessons and still maintain one cohesive database for
all your Associates within the eSSential LMS. Additional text can be added either before

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or after the website is imbedded. Either this field or the Content field should be populated
with information otherwise the Lesson will be blank. If you enter a weblink, you will need
to check the Activate External Weblink box to enable the field.
• Content – This field is controlled by the eLogic editor and provides robust functionality for
defining your content. Please refer to the Editor section of the user guide for more
information on the functionality of the eLogic editor.

Once you have completed inputting all the lesson information, select the “Save” button located at
the bottom of the screen. Once you have saved your first lesson, the page will refresh displaying
the link to the lesson just created along with the standard header links. Two new links will be
displayed next to the Lesson link. The first is a link to Delete the lesson. The second is a link to
create a Self Assessment for the lesson. See screen illustration below.

Self Assessment - Once a lesson has been developed, you have the option of defining a self-
assessment for the lesson (page) to reinforce the material being reviewed. A self assessment
can be one or more multiple choice questions. The self assessment will appear as a link from the
Lesson page. The self assessment can be setup to be an optional self assessment or a
mandatory self assessment. If marked mandatory, the associate user must complete the self
assessment before proceeding to the next lesson/page of the course. Self assessments are
scored and displayed to the end user but those scores are not stored in the LMS. They are for

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reference/reinforcement purposes only. If you wish to create a more comprehensive assessment

that is scored and stored, please see the test section for Pre-Assessments and Final
Assessments. To build a self assessment, select the “Create Self Assessment” link next to the
Lesson where the assessment should be assigned. The page will display any previously defined
self assessment questions for the lesson as well as a link to “Add A New Question.”

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When you select the “Add A New Question” link, the Content Editor will appear. This is where the
self assessment question is defined. At the bottom of the screen, you will see an option to
indicate where the answer can be found. The option of being able to select the lesson from which
the answer was derived is beneficial on two fronts. First, if you elect to use this option and
indicate where the answer came from, if the Associate answers the question incorrectly, they will
be provided with feedback informing them that their answer is wrong and referring them back to
the appropriate lesson. Second, you can have cumulative self assessments by using questions
from previous lessons to ensure that the information previously learned is still being maintained.

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Once you have entered the question and decided whether to use the “Select Lesson” option,
select the “Save Question” button. This will save the Question and refresh the page with a new
Content Editor field. This field/box is used to enter the first potential answer.

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The possible answers to the question will appear to the Associate in the order in which they are
entered into the system. Therefore, you may not want to start with the correct answer for every
question. You will need to have distracters (wrong answers that may be interpreted as a correct
answer by someone who has not read and understood the lesson) as well as the correct answer.
Type in the distracter or the answer in the box provided. If it is the correct answer, click on the
“Correct Answer” box and then click on the “Save Answer” button. Once you do this, you will be
presented with the same screen with the following additional information available at the bottom:

If you have already indicated that one of the answers you provided was the correct answer, you
will be informed that the correct answer has already been assigned. Continue adding distracter
questions, selecting the “Save Answer” button after every entry. There is no limit as to the
amount of possible answer choices that you can utilize. If you determine that you have
incorrectly marked an answer as correct, select the delete button for that answer and you will be
allowed to submit a new correct answer.

When you have completed saving the correct answer, as well as all distracter answers, and you
wish to add another question, click on the grey “Add A New Question” link provided in the bottom
left hand corner of your screen. Repeat all the steps previously explained on how to add a
question and answers.

Once you have completed all the questions, answers and distracters associated with the lesson,
click on the grey “Done With Test” link for provided in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.
The screen will refresh and will look like this:

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At this point you have the option of editing any of the saved questions simply by clicking on the
grey Edit link. If you decide you want to remove the question entirely, just click on the grey
Delete link. If you decide to add another question, click on the grey “Add A New Question” link.

Once you have completed defining the course lessons and self assessment questions (if
applicable), select the “Return to Current Course” link. On this page, the Task List will now have
a Green Checkmark next to the Lessons Assigned task. You only need one Lesson to have this
task considered complete.

Require Self Assessment and Reorder Lessons– As previously stated, a self assessment can
be optional or mandatory. To mark a self assessment as mandatory, select the Course Lessons
link from the main Course Edit page. Next select the Manage Lessons and Self Assessment link.
This will refresh the page with all lessons defined listed. On this page, there will be a checkbox
labeled “Require Self Assessment” next to each lesson that has self assessment questions
defined. When this checkbox is marked, the self assessment question becomes required before
the associate user can progress in the course. The user can answer the question(s) correctly or
incorrectly and still advance. Additionally, on this page you have the ability to re-order lessons
using the order arrows in the first column. Arrow up moves the lesson higher in order. Arrow
down moves the lesson lower in order.

Add New Shared Lesson – A shared lesson is one that can be used in more than one course.
When you select the Add New Shared Lesson link, the page will refresh with a list of all Active
eLogic Authored Courses in the system. Once you have selected the course with the Lesson you
wish to use in the current course and select the <<Get Lesson>> button, the page will refresh
with a new drop down list. This list will be the lessons defined for the course previously selected.

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After the shared lesson is selected, the page will refresh with the main Managed Lessons list
displaying. Shared lessons will display differently in the list. The shared lesson will appear in
bold. There will not be a link to Delete the Lesson. The link instead will be “Remove Shared
Lesson.” Delete is not allowed since it would impact other courses. You will have the ability to
create a self assessment for the shared lesson. The self assessment will only impact the current
course. It will not impact the original course or any other course the lesson may be used on.

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Course Overview and Objectives

The Course Overview and Objectives link will launch the Content Editor and give you the ability to
define Overview, Objectives and Resources related to the course. This information will display for
both eLogic authored courses and SCORM courses from the search results screen. They are
also visible within the course for eLogic authored courses (on the first page of the course). See
Content Editor Section of the user guide for a detailed description of its functionality.

The following are items you may want to consider including in your overview and objectives for
eLearning courses (and training sessions). You can enter the Overview and Objectives in one or
all of the Content Editors.

Course Title Heading

Graphic related to course

What you will learn

Include a paragraph or two describing the course
overview, encompassing the selling points of the
course or training session. The overview box is
designed to define a brief overview of the course.
Think of the Overview as the inside jacket of a book.
It tells the Associates just enough information to get
their attention and allow them to decide if it is a
course in which they would be interested.
List or detail the intended audience for the course or
training session

List any pre- requisites for the course with links to
register for those courses

The course objectives are statements of what the
course intends to teach, along with stated learning
of skills-acquisition goals. The course objectives
should be goal oriented, honest and achievable.

Course Price (if applicable)

May detail included features or offers

Continuing Education Credits (if applicable)

CEUs are documentation to registration boards, certification boards, or professional

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Additional Resources
Links to related information and media; System requirements

Once you are complete with defining the course overview and objectives, select the “Submit”
button. On this page, the Task List will now have a Green Checkmark next to the Overview and
Objectives task. If you do not wish to define overview and objectives, you can place a space in
the field and select the submit button.

Introduction and Syllabus

If you select Yes to the Introduction and Syllabus option in the Course Configuration section, the
page will display a new link “Introduction and Syllabus” under the “Course Overviews and
Objectives” link. This option is only applicable to eLogic authored courses. When defined, there
will be a link in the navigation area of the eLogic course. The link is labeled “Introduction and
Syllabus.” Selecting the link will display the information defined for each field.

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Course Testing Configuration – eLogic Authored Course

The testing configuration section of the Course edit screen allows you to define your both pre-
assessments and final assessments for the course. If you would like to associate either a pre-
assessment or a final assessment with the course, you have the option of building a static
assessment that is only available to this course or choosing from a pre-defined Test bank. The
following section of the user guide describes each option available in the Testing Configuration

• Use Pre-Assessment? – Setting this option to yes enables the pre-assessment

functionality within eSSential. This will work for both an eLogic Authored course and a
SCORM course. When enabled, the associate user will have to complete the pre-
assessment before they can take the course. Once they have completed the pre-
assessment for that course/registration, they will not have to re-take the pre-assessment.
After completing the course, if they register for the course again in the future, they will
have to re-take the pre-assessment. The default option for Use Pre-Assessment is set to
“No.” To change the option, select the Yes option and then select the <<Update>>
button at the bottom of the Course Testing Configuration area. When this is done, the
page will refresh and there will now be a link to “Manage Pre-Assessment.” This link is
used if you would like to create a static pre-assessment for the course. Static pre-
assessments are linked to one and only one course as opposed to Test Banks which can
be used on many courses. When a pre-assessment is associated with a course, the pre-
assessment questions and answers will display to the associate user when they finish the
pre-assessment with a button to launch the course. If you use both a pre-assessment

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and final assessment for the course, you will be able to report on the percentage
improvement. If you intend on building a static pre-assessment, the functionality is very
similar to Self Assessments with the only difference being that you do not have the option
of referencing which lesson contains the answer. Please refer to that section for
instructions on how to build your test questions/answers.

• Use Pre-Assessment as a Final Assessment – Selecting this option allows the Static
Pre-Assessment that you built to be used as the Final Assessment. If you select Yes for
this option, you must also select Yes for the Use Final Assessment option as well as
selecting No to use test bank for final assessment.

• Use Banks on Pre-Assessment? – This radio button will allow you to select Yes to use
a pre-defined Test Bank (see Test Bank section for more information) as the pre-
assessment. If you select Yes to this option and you previously had a static Pre-
Assessment defined, the Static pre-assessment will be deleted and the Test Bank will be
used. If you select this option, the next two options must be selected as well, otherwise
the pre-assessment will not work.

• Choose Bank for Pre-Assessment – This is a drop down list of all available Test Banks
in the application. Once you have selected the test bank to use, the Number of
Questions Available for the Pre-Assessment will refresh with the total number of
questions defined in the Test Bank selected. Both pre-assessment and final assessment
type test banks are available to select in the Pre-Assessment drop down list on the
course add/edit page. Only Final Assessment type test banks display in the final
assessment drop down list on the course add/edit page.

• Number of Questions on Pre-Assessment – In this field you will define the number of
questions to use from the Test Bank for the pre-assessment. If you select a number less
than the total number of questions available, the test questions will be randomized and
be different each time an associate takes the pre-assessment. You cannot enter a
number in this field which is greater than the number of questions available.

• Number of Questions Available for Pre-Assessment – This is a control field that

displays the total number of questions available for the Test Bank selected.

• Use Final Assessment? – Setting this option to Yes enables the final assessment
functionality within eSSential. When enabled, the associate user will have to complete
the final assessment before they can be given credit for completing the course. The
default option for Use Final Assessment is set to “No.” To change the option, select the
Yes option and then select the <<Update>> button at the bottom of the Course Testing
Configuration area. When this is done, the page will refresh and there will now be a link
to “Manage Pre-Assessment.” This link is used if you would like to create a static final
assessment for the course. Static final assessments are linked to one and only one
course as opposed to Test Banks which can be used on many courses. If you intend on
building a static final assessment, the functionality is very similar to Self Assessments
with the only difference being that you do not have the option of referencing which lesson
contains the answer. Please refer to that section for instructions on how to build your test
questions/answers. This option is only applicable for eLogic Authored courses. For

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SCORM courses, the final assessment will be built into the course. When final
assessments are associated with a course, the Level Manager for the associate will
receive email notification when the associate completes the final exam.

• Show Detailed Results of the Final to the Associates – If this option is enabled (set to
Yes), the detailed questions and answers will display to the associate user when the
course is completed. This will indicate which questions were answered correctly and
which were answered incorrectly (with the correct answer indicated).

• Is Final Grade? – If this option is enabled (set to Yes), the final exam will be graded and
the pass/fail will be determined based on the minimum score for passing entered. If this
option is left as No, then the associate user will get a 100 and Pass in their transcript
when the final is completed.

• Use Test Bank on Final Assessments? – This radio button will allow you to select Yes
to use a pre-defined Test Bank (see Test Bank section for more information) as the final
assessment. If you select Yes to this option and you previously had a static Final
Assessment defined, the Static pre-assessment will be deleted and the Test Bank will be
used. If you select this option, the next two options must be selected as well, otherwise
the final assessment will not work.

• Choose Bank - This is a drop down list of all available Test Banks in the application.
Once you have selected the test bank to use, the Number of Questions Available for the
Final Assessment will refresh with the total number of questions defined in the Test Bank
selected. Both pre-assessment and final assessment type test banks are available to
select in the Pre-Assessment drop down list on the course add/edit page. Only Final
Assessment type test banks display in the final assessment drop down list on the course
add/edit page.

• Number of Questions for Final Assessment – In this field you will define the number of
questions to use from the Test Bank for the final assessment. If you select a number less
than the total number of questions available, the test questions will be randomized and
be different each time an associate takes the final assessment. You cannot enter a
number in this field which is greater than the number of questions available.

• Number of Questions Available for Final Assessment – This is a control field that
displays the total number of questions available for the Test Bank selected.

• Minimum Score for Passing – The score entered here determines the minimum score
for passing both the Pre-Assessment and Final Assessment. The score entered must be
a valid whole number from 0-100. Passing or Failing the pre-assessment does not drive
any functionality in the system. Failing the final assessment will result in a Fail status in
the transcript for the user. Additionally, any failed course will not qualify as a completion
for a certified learning path. The course will have to be retaken by the associate until a
passing score is obtained.

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Once you have completed all the entries in the “Course Testing Configuration” box, click on the
<<UPDATE>> button that will save the information. The screen will then refresh with a red line
inserted under the “Course Testing Configuration” box title stating, “Course Testing Was

If you make any changes to the Course Testing Configuration main section (not
including defining static assessments), you must select the <<Update>> button
for this section. If you select the <<Update>> button for another section, your
changes will be lost.

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Course Configuration – eLogic Authored Course

The course configuration section of the Course edit screen allows you to approve/activate the
course and define additional ancillary information. The admin user must have course approval
rights to update information in this section. The following section of the user guide describes
each option available in the Course Configuration area.

• Approve Course - The option in the Course Configuration box is whether the new
course has been approved. This is a feature only available to Site Administrators.
Course Authors will see a different Course Configuration display. This will allow them to
forward the course to the appropriate Site Admin for approval. Courses cannot be
approved until all of the items in the Task List have a Green Checkmark. Once
approved, the Site Admin will now have the ability to activate the course. The course
cannot be assigned and used by associates until the course is active. This approval step
provides a control point for organizations with multiple course authors to ensure courses
have been developed to your standards before they are published to the user group.

• Course Due Date - The “Course Due Date” option controls whether or not the course
must be completed within a certain number of days from the registration date. eSSential
has reporting that provides visibility to those that are near or have passed their due date.
If the due date has passed without the course being completed, the My Courses display
will change. The associate user will no longer be allowed to launch the course and there
will be a note indicating “This course was to be completed by MM/DD/YYYY.” The
associate will have the option to drop the course and re-register thus recalculating the
due date. Our philosophy is that organizations will still want the course to be taken by the
associate but will want to have visibility to those associates who do not complete within a
specified timeframe. This can also be used by clients who have implemented the

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eCommerce functionality. They may have time limits set for completing a course but will
allow the user to re-register if the course is purchased again. If you select Yes for this
option, you must enter a valid whole number for the next option (Course Due in

• Course Due in ___Days – A valid whole number greater than 0 must be entered in this
field when the Course Due Date option is set to Yes. When this is done, the course will
calculate a due date and display that due date to each associate. There will also be a
note on the course search results screen indicating “Note: This course is due within __
days of registration.” The due date is calculated as the registration date plus the course
due in __days value entered. For example if the registration date is 7/8/2009 and the due
in days is set to 1, the due date will be 7/9/2009.

• Suggested Hours to Complete - The “Suggested Hours to Complete” allows you to

enter the suggested amount of time you anticipate it would take an average person to
complete the course. This is solely a suggested time period and will not put any time
limits on the course actually being completed. The value entered here will display on the
Associate Cumulative hours report which can provide your organization with a metric of
the number of training hours completed within the LMS. This value will also display to the
associate user on the course search results screen before they register for the course.
This field will accept numbers with up to two decimal places of precision (.25). This field
displays on the transcript for each associate. If you change the Suggested Hours to
Complete, the value on all transcripts will change as well.

• Course CEUs – The Course CEUs field allows you to enter the number of Continuing
Education Units associated with the course. This is for information purposes only and
does not display to the associate user. This field will accept numbers with up to two
decimal places of precision (.25). This field displays on the transcript for each associate.
If you change the CEUs, the value on all transcripts will change as well.

• Course Cost – The Course Cost field has a dual purpose. For clients using
eCommerce, this will be the cost displayed and charged to the user when they purchase
the right to take the course. For clients that use internally but assign “costs” to courses
taken for purposes of charging back training to departments/cost centers, the cost
entered in this field can be reported using the Financial report. If a value is entered
besides zero, a cost will display in the curriculum search results, but the associate will
only be directed to the eCommerce page to enter payment if Pay Per Use is checked for
their level on the Organizational Flow level management page. This field will accept
numbers with up to two decimal places of precision (495.95)

• Introduction and Syllabus – As referenced in the Course Information section, the

introduction and syllabus are only available for eLogic authored courses. If this option is
set to Yes, then a link will become available under the Overviews and Objectives link in
the Course Information section. Information entered for the Introduction and Syllabus will
be available in the left navigation area of the eLogic course. The Introduction is similar to
the Overview of the course in that it describes what the course will entail. The
Introduction is typically more detailed than the Overview. The Syllabus can be a method
to set time-lines within the course. If the course has projects or papers that are due at a

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certain time, this can be outlined in the Syllabus. The Introduction and Syllabus are most
frequently used when you are offering a course that is being taken by a group of
Associates at the same time.

• Entrance Survey - The entrance survey is an optional setting for the course. An
entrance survey can be an anonymous method to collect information about the
associates taking the course. The Entrance survey drop down list displays all active
Course Surveys in the application. If an entrance survey is selected, the associate user
will have to complete the survey before they can start the course/pre-assessment. If you
do not want an entrance survey, then leave the default option “None Selected.” Survey
responses can be multiple choice, Likert scale (1- 7) or essay. Please see the Survey
section of the User Guide for more information on how to create a Course Survey.

• Exit Survey - The exit survey works the same as an entrance survey except for the fact
that it is launched when the course is completed (after the last slide or final assessment).
This functionality works with both eLogic Authored courses as well as with SCORM

Once you have completed all the entries in the “Course Configuration” box, click on the
<<UPDATE>> button that will save the information. The screen will then refresh with a red line
inserted under the “Course Configuration” title stating, “Course Configuration Was Updated!”

If you make any changes to the Course Configuration, you must select the
<<Update>> button for this section. If you select the <<Update>> button for
another section, your changes will be lost.

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Task List – eLogic Authored Course

The Task List Box is located on the bottom right hand side of your screen, under the Course
Configuration Box. The Task List Box will appear on your screen as this:

The Task List Box’s main purpose is to keep you apprised of your progress in publishing a new
course. As indicated in the Course Configuration section, the new course cannot be activated
until all the items in the Task List have been completed.

The items required to be completed are as follows:

- Course Information
- Overview and Objectives
- Lessons Assigned
- Pre-Assessment Problem Checker (If you have elected to have a Pre-Assessment)
- Final Assessment Problem Checker (If you have elected to have a Final Assessment)
- Course Walk Through

As the first three items (Course Information, Overview and Objectives and Lessons Assigned) are
completed, the eLogic Learning© platform will automatically replace the boxed red “x,” indicating
non-completion, with a boxed green check mark. The Pre-Assessment Problem Checker and the
Final Assessment Problem Checker tasks are links. These links will need to be clicked on once
you have completed the course. By clicking on these links, the program will automatically check
for problems and report any problems back to you. The Course Walk Through link is only
available for eLogic authored courses and allow you to launch the course and walk through each
lesson. You only have to complete the walk through once, but the link will remain available to
provide an easy method to launch the course from the administrative side. If there are no
problems and all the other tasks have been completed, your Task List Box will look like this:

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Once you have received green checks for every task, the Course can be approved and become

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Add SCORM Course

The eSSential LMS is a SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) certified
application. SCORM standards are maintained by the ADL and our application has passed their
certification testing process. As a SCORM certified application, the system can run any SCORM
compliant published course. This provides clients with the flexibility to build their courses using a
leading third party authoring tool or to purchase their courses from a third party content provider
without worrying if the course will work in the LMS. As long as the course has been created to
SCORM Standards (1.2 or 2004) it will launch from eSSential and communicate information
(Score, Status, Bookmark, etc.) back to the eSSential application.

Click Here to view the SCORM Quick Guide

Adding a SCORM course to the eSSential application is performed using the import feature. To
Navigate to the Import Course area, select Curriculum from the Admin Menu Bar and then mouse
over the Courses link. This will display a fly-out menu. Mouse over the Add Course option and
display another fly-out menu. From this menu, you select the Import Course option.

After the Import Course link is selected, the Import Course screen will display. From this screen
you can browse for your manifest zip file and import the course. The browse feature uses the
standard windows navigation approach to find the file. Only courses that are 120 MB and smaller
can be loaded via this process. If your SCORM course is larger than 120 MB, you will have to
“chunk” the course into smaller sub-courses which can be linked together using pre-requisites or
learning paths.

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After the course has been selected using the browse feature, the <Import> button will now
become available. To start the import process, select the <Import> button. This starts the
process of extracting the files to the server.

When the process has completed, the page will refresh with the title of your course and the
message “Import Successful.” If there was a problem with your upload there will be a warning
message in the far right box (under the column labeled Parser Warnings). If this occurs, there is
an issue with your SCORM course. Please load the course into Test Track and review the debug
log to determine the course issue. If you need assistance with this process, eLogic offers
SCORM course troubleshooting services. Please contact your account representative for more

Once a SCORM course has been imported, the course is placed in a Pending status. There are
still key elements of the course which need to be defined in the eSSential application before the
course can be activated. These key course elements are defined using the course edit page.
The SCORM version of the course edit page is much like the eLogic Course edit page with some
small differences which are outlined below. If the user who imported the SCORM course does
not have course approval privileges, they will still be able to access the imported course in
pending status. They can edit the course details as much as needed and then forward the course
to an admin user with approval rights to finish the activation process. A user without course
approval process will be able to see ALL SCORM courses in pending status not just the ones
they imported.

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To find a recently imported course, you will Navigate to the Curriculum option from the main
Admin Menu Bar. From the curriculum menu, mouse over the Courses option. This will display a
fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu, select the Pending Courses option. This will display a list of
all Pending Courses in the application.

From the pending courses list, select the course name link that corresponds to the course you
imported. This will launch the SCORM course edit page with the pre-loaded information from the
course displayed.

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Course Information – SCORM Course

The course information area is where the course content and summary information is defined.
This area is located in the top left hand corner of the SCORM Course Edit Page.

For a SCORM course, there are only nine options available in the Course Information area (see
illustration below).

• Title– The Title (name) field represents the name that will display whenever a Course is
presented in the application. This field displays on the transcript for each associate. This
field will not allow duplicate titles to be created. The duplicate check scans both courses
and training sessions. If you change the title of a course, any associates who have
previously completed the course will have the original title listed in their transcript. We
keep a history of the name in order to prevent the transcripts from changing.
• Source– This drop down field identifies the source of the course. This is available for
selecting and sorting courses on the Course Source Usage Summary Report and the
Course Source Usage Detail report. The system is delivered with the following available
course sources (Bridgefront, Custom Third Party Developed, ElementK, eLogic Platform,
Harvard, Internally Developed Articulate, Internally Developed Atlantic Link, Internally
Developed Captivate, Internally Developed eLogic Editor, Internally Developed Fly Paper,
Internally Developed Lectora, Mindleaders, Other, Puresafety, Skillsoft, and Vivid).
• Category – This is the category which will be associated with the course when
associates perform course searches in the Online Library.
• Course Number – This is a reference number only and will display on course search
results to the associate (can be used to confirm correct course version was selected).
• Assign to a Level One – This link allows you to view which Level Ones the course has
been assigned. This link will also allow you to add new Level One assignments for the
course. This is a quick method to view assignments but does not have the same
150functionality as when you use the Assignment feature on the Organizational Flow
• Assign to a Level Two – This link allows you to view which Level Two the course has
been assigned. This link will also allow you to add new Level Two assignments for the
course. This is a quick method to view assignments but does not have the same
functionality as when you use the Assignment feature on the Organizational Flow menu.
• Course Pre-reqs – This link allows you to define pre-requisite(s) for the course. A pre-
requisite, if assigned, must be completed before the Associate can access the course.
The pre-requisite can be either another course or a training session.
• Course Overview and Objectives – This link launches the Editing tool and allows
course overview, objectives and resources to be added. This information will display
from the course search results screen to associates.
• Instructor Assigned – This is a list of all Active Instructors, Course Authors, and
Training Managers. This list is alphabetical by Admin User last name. The instructor
assigned to the course will display for course searches and can be used by associates
for a person to contact with any course content questions. Additionally, the Instructor
Assigned can receive notifications when a course is dropped by an Associate. This is an
optional configuration that is determined during setup. By default this is disabled, but
eLogic an enable this notification to be sent to the Instructor Assigned each time an
associate drops an online course.

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The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

Title 200 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens
Source n/a Yes Not applicable
Category n/a No Not applicable
Course Number 20 No Alphanumeric, hyphens
Instructor Assigned n/a Yes Not applicable

Once you have entered the required initial information, select the <<ADD>> button. The screen
will be refreshed with a note that “Course Information Was Inserted Successfully!” Additionally,
the task list will now have a green checkmark next to the course information task.

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Assign to Level One(s)

The Assign to Level One(s) link allows you to view which Level Ones the course has been
assigned. This link will also allow you to add new Level One assignments for the course. This is
a quick method to view assignments but does not have the same functionality as when you use
the Assignment feature on the Organizational Flow menu. You will not be able to constrain
assignments made here by Job Code, or by COA Code. Additionally, assignments defined via
this link cannot be marked as Mandatory or Requires Manager approval. When displaying
assignments made using the Organizational Flow menu, only the Level One name will display
even if the assignment had a special constraint or attribute added.

When the Assign to Level One(s) link is selected, the box to the right of the title will be updated
with any current Level One names assigned. Additionally, there will be a new link available, “Add
This Course to a Level One.”

If you select the “Add this Course To an Level One” link, a new screen will display which allows
you to select a single Level One from the drop down list. Choose the appropriate Level One and
then select the <<Go>> button. The Level One will have access to the course once the course
has been approved and activated.

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Assign to Level Two(s)

The Assign to Level Two(s) link allows you to view which Level Twos the course has been
assigned. This link will also allow you to add new Level Two assignments for the course. This is
a quick method to view assignments but does not have the same functionality as when you use
the Assignment feature on the Organizational Flow menu. You will not be able to constrain
assignments made here by Job Code. Additionally, assignments defined via this link cannot be
marked as Mandatory or Requires Manager approval. When displaying assignments made using
the Organizational Flow menu, only the Level Two name will display even if the assignment had a
special constraint or attribute added.

When the Assign to Level Two(s) link is selected, the box to the right of the title will be updated
with any current Level Two names assigned. Additionally, there will be a new link available, “Add
This Course to a Level Two.”

If you select the “Add this Course To an Level Two” link, a new screen will display which allows
you to select a single Level Two from the drop down list. Choose the appropriate Level Two and
then select the <<Go>> button. The Level Two will have access to the course once the course
has been approved and activated.

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Course Pre-reqs

The Course Pre-reqs link allows you to define pre-requisite(s) for the course. A pre-requisite, if
assigned, must be completed before the Associate can access the course. A pre-requisite can
be either another eLearning course or a Training Session. If there is one or more pre-requisite
that is has not been completed, the associate will not be allowed to register for the course
directly. They will only be allowed to register for the course if it is part of a Learning Path. If the
course is registered as part of the learning path, the associate user will not be able to start the
course until all pre-requisites have been completed. If more than one pre-requisite is defined, the
pre-requisites can be completed in any order by the associate but only one pre-requisite will
display at a time to the associate. This is based on the order that is defined when the pre-
requisites are established for the course.

When the Course Pre-reqs link is selected, the box to the right of the title will be updated with any
current course pre-reqs defined. Additionally, there will be a new link available, “Manage Pre-

Selecting the “Manage Pre-reqs” link allows you to select a Curriculum pre-requisite. The screen
has a reminder message that indicates before a course/training session selected as a pre-req can
be utilized by an Associate, that course/pre-requisite must be assigned to the appropriate Levels.
If you select a pre-requisite and then never assign the pre-requisite, the course will never be able
to be accessed by the associate. This first page will display all of the currently assigned pre-
requisites for the course (if any).

From this page, select the “Add Course Pre-Req” link to launch the drop down list to add a new
pre-requisite for the course. Both Active Courses and Active Training Sessions are available for
the pre-req selection. The drop down list has all active courses/training sessions displayed in
alphabetical order.

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Once you have selected the appropriate Course/Training Session, select the <<ADD>> button.
The page will refresh with the newly selected pre-req now displaying in the list of pre-reqs for the
course. When more than one pre-req is added, arrows to the left of the pre-req title allow you to
order the pre-reqs. These arrows control which pre-requisite displays to the associate user on
the search results page and on the My Courses area. Because of space limitation on the page,
only one pre-requisite will be displayed at a time. Once the pre-requisite is completed, the next
pre-requisite will display until all are completed.

Once you are finished with defining pre-reqs for the course, you can either select the “Return to
All Courses” link or the “Return to Current Course” link (to return to the course you were

Associates will not be able to register for a course until they have
completed its pre-req, unless they are registered for a learning path that
includes the course or assigned the course directly from the admin side.

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Course Overview and Objectives

The Course Overview and Objectives link will launch the Content Editor and give you the ability to
define Overview, Objectives and Resources related to the course. This information will display for
both eLogic authored courses and SCORM courses from the search results screen. They are
also visible within the course for eLogic authored courses (on the first page of the course). See
Content Editor Section of the user guide for a detailed description of its functionality.

The following are items you may want to consider including in your overview and objectives for
eLearning courses (and training sessions). You can enter the Overview and Objectives in one or
all of the Content Editors.

Course Title Heading

Graphic related to course

What you will learn

Include a paragraph or two describing the course
overview, encompassing the selling points of the
course or training session. The overview box is
designed to define a brief overview of the course.
Think of the Overview as the inside jacket of a book.
It tells the Associates just enough information to get
their attention and allow them to decide if it is a
course in which they would be interested.
List or detail the intended audience for the course or
training session

List any pre- requisites for the course with links to
register for those courses

The course objectives are statements of what the
course intends to teach, along with stated learning
of skills-acquisition goals. The course objectives
should be goal oriented, honest and achievable.

Course Price (if applicable)

May detail included features or offers

Continuing Education Credits (if applicable)

CEUs are documentation to registration boards, certification boards, or professional

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Additional Resources
Links to related information and media; System requirements

Once you are complete with defining the course overview and objectives, select the “Submit”
button. On this page, the Task List will now have a Green Checkmark next to the Overview and
Objectives task. If you do not wish to define overview and objectives, you can place a space in
the field and select the submit button.

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Course Testing Configuration – SCORM Course

The testing configuration section of the SCORM Course edit screen allows you to define your pre-
assessment for the course. If you would like to associate a pre-assessment with the course, you
have the option of building a static assessment that is only available to this course or choosing
from a pre-defined Test bank. The following section of the user guide describes each option
available in the Testing Configuration area.

• Use Pre-Assessment? – Setting this option to Yes enables the pre-assessment

functionality within eSSential. This will work for both an eLogic Authored course and a
SCORM course. When enabled, the associate user will have to complete the pre-
assessment before they can take the course. Once they have completed the pre-
assessment for that course/registration, they will not have to re-take the pre-assessment.
After completing the course, if they register for the course again in the future, they will
have to re-take the pre-assessment. The default option for Use Pre-Assessment is set to
“No.” To change the option, select the Yes option and then select the <<Update>>
button at the bottom of the Course Testing Configuration area. When this is done, the
page will refresh and there will now be a link to “Manage Pre-Assessment.” This link is
used if you would like to create a static pre-assessment for the course. Static pre-
assessments are linked to one and only one course as opposed to Test Banks which can
be used on many courses. When a pre-assessment is associated with a course, the pre-
assessment questions and answers will display to the associate user when they finish the
pre-assessment with a button to launch the course. If you use both a pre-assessment
and final assessment (within the SCORM course) for the course, you will be able to
report on the percentage improvement. The process for building a static Pre-Assessment
is described below.
• Manage Pre-Assessment - Once you have answered Yes to the Use Pre-Assessment
option and selected the <<Update>> button, the Manage Pre-Assessment link will
become available. This link is used to define a static pre-assessment. You also have the
ability to select a Test Bank for the pre-assessment (see next section). The static pre-
assessment can be one or more multiple choice questions. To build a pre assessment,
select the “Manage Pre-Assessment” link. The page will display any previously defined
pre assessment questions for the lesson as well as a link to “Add A New Question.”

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When you select the “Add A New Question” link, the Content Editor will appear. This is
where the pre-assessment question is defined.

Once you have entered the question, select the “Save Question” button. This will save
the Question and refresh the page with a new Content Editor field. This field/box is used
to enter the first potential answer.

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The possible answers to the question will appear to the Associate in the order in which
they are entered into the system. Therefore, you may not want to start with the correct
answer for every question. You will need to have distracters (wrong answers that may be
interpreted as a correct answer by someone who has not read and understood the
lesson) as well as the correct answer. Type in the distracter or the answer in the box
provided. If the answer you are entering is the correct answer, click on the “Correct
Answer” box and then click on the “Save Answer” button. You are only allowed to enter
one correct answer. Once you do this, you will be presented with the same screen with
the following additional information available at the bottom:

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If you have already indicated that one of the answers you provided was the correct
answer, you will be informed that the correct answer has already been assigned.
Continue adding distracter questions, selecting the “Save Answer” button after every
entry. There is no limit as to the amount of possible answer choices that you can utilize.
If you determine that you have incorrectly marked an answer as correct, select the delete
button for that answer and you will be allowed to submit a new correct answer.

When you have completed saving the correct answer, as well as all distracter answers,
and you wish to add another question, click on the grey “Add A New Question” link
provided in the bottom left hand corner of your screen. Repeat all the steps previously
explained on how to add a question and answers.

Once you have completed all the questions, answers and distracters associated with the
lesson, click on the grey “Done With Test” link for provided in the bottom right hand
corner of your screen. The screen will refresh and will look like this:

At this point you have the option of editing any of the saved questions simply by clicking
on the grey Edit link. If you decide you want to remove the question entirely, just click on

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the grey Delete link. If you decide to add another question, click on the grey “Add A New
Question” link.

Once you are complete with defining the pre-assessment questions (if applicable), select
the “Return to Current Course” link.

• Use Banks on Pre-Assessment? – This radio button will allow you to select Yes to use
a pre-defined Test Bank (see Test Bank section for more information) as the pre-
assessment. If you select Yes to this option and you previously had a static Pre-
Assessment defined, the Static pre-assessment will be deleted and the Test Bank will be
used. If you select this option, the next two options must be selected as well, otherwise
the pre-assessment will not work.

• Choose Bank for Pre-Assessment – This is a drop down list of all available Test Banks
in the application. Once you have selected the test bank to use, the Number of
Questions Available for the Pre-Assessment will refresh with the total number of
questions defined in the Test Bank selected. Both pre-assessment and final assessment
type test banks are available to select in the Pre-Assessment drop down list on the
course add/edit page. Only Final Assessment type test banks display in the final
assessment drop down list on the course add/edit page.

• Number of Questions on Pre-Assessment – In this field you will define the number of
questions to use from the Test Bank for the pre-assessment. If you select a number less
than the total number of questions available, the test questions will be randomized and
be different each time an associate takes the pre-assessment. You cannot enter a
number in this field which is greater than the number of questions available.

• Number of Questions Available for Pre-Assessment – This is a control field that

displays the total number of questions available for the Test Bank selected.

• Minimum Score for Passing – The score entered here determines the minimum score
for passing the Pre-Assessment. The score entered must be a valid whole number from
0-100. Passing or Failing the pre-assessment does not drive any functionality in the
system. It simply gives an indication to the associate of their pre-assessment score
relative to mastery.

Once you have completed all the entries in the “Course Testing Configuration” box, click on the
<<UPDATE>> button that will save the information. The screen will then refresh with a red line
inserted under the “Course Testing Configuration” box title stating, “Course Testing Was

If you make any changes to the Course Testing Configuration main section (not
including defining static pre-assessments), you must select the <<Update>>
button for this section. If you select the <<Update>> button for another section,
your changes will be lost.

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Course Configuration – SCORM Course

The Course Configuration section of the Course edit screen allows you to approve/activate the
course and define additional ancillary information. The admin user must have course approval
rights to update information in this section. The following section of the user guide describes
each option available in the Course Configuration area.

• Approve Course - The option in the Course Configuration box is whether the new
course has been approved. This is a feature only available to Site Administrators.
Course Authors will see a different Course Configuration display. This will allow them to
forward the course to the appropriate Site Admin for approval. Courses cannot be
approved until all of the items in the Task List have a Green Checkmark. Once
approved, the Site Admin will now have the ability to activate the course. The course
cannot be assigned and used by associates until the course is active. This approval step
provides a control point for organizations with multiple course authors to ensure courses
have been developed to your standards before they are published to the user group.

• Course Due Date - The “Course Due Date” option controls whether or not the course
must be completed within a certain number of days from the registration date. eSSential
has reporting that provides visibility to those that are near or have passed their due date.
If the due date has passed without the course being completed, the My Courses display
will change. The associate user will no longer be allowed to launch the course and there
will be a note indicating “This course was to be completed by MM/DD/YYYY.” The
associate will have the option to drop the course and re-register thus recalculating the
due date. Our philosophy is that organizations will still want the course to be taken by the
associate but will want to have visibility to those associates that do not complete within a
specified timeframe. This can also be used by clients that have implemented the
eCommerce functionality. They may have time limits set for completing a course but will
allow the user to re-register if the course is purchased again. If you select Yes for this

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option, you must enter a valid whole number for the next option (Course Due in

• Course Due in ___Days – A valid whole number greater than 0 must be entered in this
field when the Course Due Date option is set to Yes. When this is done, the course will
calculate a due date and display that due date to each associate. There will also be a
note on the course search results screen indicating “Note: This course is due within __
days of registration.” The due date is calculated as the registration date plus the course
due in __days value entered. For example if the registration date is 7/8/2009 and the due
in days is set to 1, the due date will be 7/9/2009.

• Suggested Hours to Complete - The “Suggested Hours to Complete” allows you to

enter the suggested amount of time you anticipate it would take an average person to
complete the course. This is solely a suggested time period and will not put any time
limits on the course actually being completed. The value entered here will display on the
Associate Cumulative hours report which can provide your organization with a metric of
the number of training hours completed within the LMS. This value will also display to the
associate user on the course search results screen before they register for the course.
This field will accept up to numbers with up to two decimal places of precision (.25). This
field displays on the transcript for each associate. If you change the Suggested Hours to
Complete, the value on all transcripts will change as well.

• Course CEUs – The Course CEUs field allows you to enter the number of Continuing
Education Units associated with the course. This is for information purposes only. This
field will accept up to numbers with up to two decimal places of precision (.25). This field
displays on the transcript for each associate. If you change the Course CEUs, the value
on all transcripts will change as well.

• Course Cost – The Course Cost field has a dual purpose. For clients using
eCommerce, this will be the cost displayed and charged to the user when they purchase
the right to take the course. For clients that use internally but assign “costs” to courses
taken for purposes of charging back training to departments/cost centers, the cost
entered in this field can be reported using the Financial report. If a value is entered
besides zero, a cost will display in the curriculum search results, but the associate will
only be directed to the eCommerce page to enter payment if Pay Per Use is checked for
their level on the Organizational Flow level management page. This field will accept up
to numbers with up to two decimal places of precision (495.95)

• Entrance Survey - The entrance survey is an optional setting for the course. An
entrance survey can be an anonymous method to collect information about the
associates taking the course. The Entrance survey drop down list displays all active
Course Surveys in the application. If an entrance survey is selected, the associate user
will have to complete the survey before they can start the course/pre-assessment. If you
do not want an entrance survey, then leave the default option “None Selected.” Survey
responses can be multiple choice, Likert scale (1- 7) or essay. Please see the Survey
section of the User Guide for more information on how to create a Course Survey.

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• Exit Survey - The exit survey works the same as an entrance survey except for the fact
that it is launched when the course is completed (after the last slide or final assessment).
The Exit Survey functionality works the exact same way no matter if it is an eLogic course
or a SCORM course.

Once you have completed all the entries in the “Course Configuration” box, click on the
<<UPDATE>> button that will save the information. The screen will then refresh with a red line
inserted under the “Course Configuration” title stating, “Course Configuration Was Updated!”

If you make any changes to the Course Configuration, you must select the
<<Update>> button for this section. If you select the <<Update>> button for
another section, your changes will be lost.

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Task List – SCORM Course

The Task List for a SCORM course is different than for an eLogic authored course since there are
fewer steps required to publish a SCORM course within the eSSential application (no course
lessons to be defined or Final Assessment). The Task List area is also the area where the
Manage SCORM Properties link is located. This link usually will not be
necessary to access. Typically the default properties are satisfactory for running a SCORM
course. Occasionally, clients will find they have unique requirements for a course and will need
to edit the SCORM properties.

The Task List Box is located on the bottom right hand side of the SCORM Course Edit Page. If
you are not using a Pre-Assessment for the course, the task list will have two options to complete
(Course Information and Overview/Objectives). If you have selected Yes to the Use Pre-
Assessment option, then a third task will be visible (Pre-Assessment Problem Checker).

The Task List Box’s main purpose is to keep you apprised of your progress in publishing a new
course. As indicated in the Course Configuration section, the new course cannot be activated
until all the items in the Task List have been completed.

The items required to be completed are as follows:

- Course Information (define required fields; Title, Source, and Instructor Assigned)
- Overview and Objectives (insert text or a space if you do not want to define
- Pre-Assessment Problem Checker (If you have elected to have a Pre-Assessment)

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As the first two items (Course Information, and Overview/Objectives) are completed, the eLogic
Learning© platform will automatically replace the boxed red “x,” indicating non-completion, with a
boxed green check mark. The Pre-Assessment Problem Checker is a link. This link will need to
be selected once you have completed the course. By selecting this link, the program will
automatically check for problems and report any issues back to you.

Once you have received green checks for every task, the Course can be approved and become

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Manage SCORM Properties (SCORM 1.2 and AICC)

The second to last item in the task list box is the link “Manage SCORM Properties.” SCORM 1.2
and AICC standards were not as comprehensive as SCORM 2004. As a result, the manage
SCORM properties options are more detailed for a SCORM 1.2 or AICC course. Fewer items are
defined in the course thus more have to be defined in the SCORM engine.

To access the SCORM properties, select the Manage SCORM Properties link at the bottom of the
Task List from the SCORM Course Edit Page. Once this link is selected, a separate browser
window will launch and display the first page, Navigational Controls.

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Navigational Controls

The following options are available for SCORM 1.2 Navigational Controls:
• Show Navigation Bar – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the navigation
bar to the associate user. If this option is not selected, then the Show Finish Button,
Enable Previous/Next, Show Progress Bar, and Show Help are all not available. These
options display in the Navigation Bar and thus would not be available if the Navigation
Bar is not displayed.
• Show Finish Button – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the exit button to
the associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting has no effect.
• Show Close SCO Button – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the Close
SCO button to the associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting has
no effect.
• Enable Previous/Next – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the previous
and next buttons to the associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting
has no effect.
• Show Progress Bar – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the progress bar
to the associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting has no effect.
• Show Help – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the help button to the
associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting has no effect.
• Show Title Bar - Determines if the SCORM Player should display the title bar to the
associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting has no effect.
• Prevent Right Click – Prevents the associate user from right-clicking in the SCORM
Player windows. This setting can be useful for high-stakes assessments or other
situations where you wish to prevent the user from looking at the internal structure of the
content or data in the player. This setting only affects the SCORM Player windows (the
course structure and navigation bar). It does not affect your content.
• Enable Choice Navigation – Determines if the SCORM player will allow the associate
user to navigate a course by clicking on the links in the course structure. If the “Show
Course Structure” setting is disabled, this setting has no effect.
• Show Course Structure – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the course
structure. The course structure will appear to the left of the display stage (area) in outline
format. It is particularly useful for courses containing multiple SCOs.
• Course Structure Starts Open – Determines if the SCORM Player should begin with the
course structure visible or hidden. The associate user can always show/hide the course
structure if it is available and the navigation bar is shown. If the Show Course Structure
setting is disabled, this setting has no effect.
• Course Structure Width – This setting drives the width of the course structure window in
• Structure Status Display – This setting defines how icons are displayed within the
course structure menu to indicate success and completion status for each SCO. The
available options are:
o Success Only (passed/failed) – Only success status is presented to the
associate user.
o Completion Only (completed/incomplete) – Only completion status is
presented to the associate user.
o Separate – Both success and completion status are presented to the associate
user as separate indicators.

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o Combined – Success and completion status are presented to the user as one
combined metric.
o None – The SCO level status is not presented to the associate user.
• Invalid Menu Item Action – This setting determines how to handle menu item options
that are not valid. The available options are:
o Show – Invalid menu items are visible but will result in an invalid action
o Hide – Invalid menu items are not visible.
o Disable– Invalid menu items are visible but do nothing.

Once you have made any changes to the Navigational Controls, select the “Save” button at the
bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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Launch Behavior

The following options are available for SCORM 1.2 Launch Behavior:
• SCO Launch Type – These settings determine how each SCO will be launched. The
available options are:
o Frameset – Launches the SCO inline (within the existing browser) rather than
launching it in a new browser window.
o New Window – Launches the SCO in a new browser window.
o New Window, After Click – Launches the SCO in a new browser window after
forcing the associate user to click on an explicit link. This setting can be useful
for circumventing popup blockers.
o New Window without Browser Toolbar – Launches the SCO in a new browser
window without the standard browser toolbar.
• Player Launch Type– These settings determine how the SCORM player will be
launched. The available options are:
o Frameset – Launches the player inline (within the existing browser) rather than
launching it in a new browser window.
o New Window – Launches the player in a new browser window.
o New Window, After Click – Launches the player in a new browser window after
forcing the associate user to click on an explicit link. This setting can be useful
for circumventing popup blockers.
o New Window without Browser Toolbar – Launches the player in a new
browser window without the standard browser toolbar.
• New Window Options– These settings control the new window size if one of the new
window options were selected for SCO and/or Player.
o Use Browser Defaults– Launches the browser window with the client’s browser
default dimensions.
o Full Screen – Launches the content in a full screen environment. The content
must include an obvious method to exit the content otherwise, there may be
problems with the user closing the browser window and interrupting the
communication back to the eSSential LMS.
o Specify New Window Dimensions – Launches the browser window with
specific height and width dimensions.
o Require Window Dimensions Checkbox – This option will display a warning
message to the associate user if the dimensions of the window are smaller than
the specified dimensions (if the user resizes the browser window manually).
• Prevent Window Resize – Checking this option prevents the associate user from
resizing the browser window for the SCORM player.

Once you have made any changes to the Launch Behavior options, select the “Save” button at
the bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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Rudimentary Sequencing

These settings control what action the SCORM Player will take when a SCO exits. These settings
are not applicable to SCORM 2004 courses since SCORM 2004 Simple Sequencing allows the
content to specify these behaviors. There are three factors the SCORM Player looks at when
determining the action to take when a SCO exits: the position of the SCO in the course (is it in the
middle, or is it the last SCO), the state of the SCO/Course, and the SCORM exit type specified by
the SCO. NOTE: These settings only take affect when the content originates an exit action by
calling LMSFinish before the learner initiates an exit action by using a navigational control in the
SCORM Player.

• Intermediate SCO– These settings apply to all but the final SCO.
o Normal – This setting defines the action that is taken when the exit type is
normal. The following values are available. They are defined separately based
on whether the course requirements were satisfied or not (you can select a
different option when the course is satisfied versus not satisfied).
 Exit course– Close the SCORM Player and return to the eSSential LMS
(My Courses list).
 Exit course after confirm – Display a message to the associate user to
confirm he/she would like to exit the course. If confirmed, return to the
eSSential LMS (My Courses list). If not confirmed, return to the course.
 Go to next SCO – Proceed to the next SCO unless it is the final SCO
which will then display a message.
 Display Message – Display a message page. The SCORM player will
determine what message to display based on the current state of the
player. There are two potential states. If the course requirements are
satisfied for the SCO, the message “The course is now complete.
Please make a selection to continue” will display. If the course
requirements are not satisfied, the message “Please make a selection to
continue” will display.
 Do Nothing – The SCORM Player will take no action. The associate
user will need to manually close the browser or navigate to the next
o Suspend – This setting defines the action to take when the exit type is suspend.
The same options exist as were defined for the normal exit.
o Timeout – This setting defines the action to take when the exit type is timeout.
The same options exist as were defined for the normal exit.
o Logout - This setting defines the action to take when the exit type is logout. The
same options exist as were defined for the normal exit.
• Final SCO– These settings apply to the final SCO. If it is a single SCO course, the single
SCO is treated as the Final SCO.
o Normal – This setting defines the action that is taken when the exit type is
normal. The following values are available. They are defined separately based
on whether the course requirements were satisfied or not (you can select a
different option when the course is satisfied versus not satisfied).
 Exit Course – Close the SCORM Player and return to the eSSential
LMS (My Courses list).

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 Exit course after confirm – Display a message to the associate user to

confirm he/she would like to exit the course. If confirmed, return to the
eSSential LMS (My Courses list). If not confirmed, return to the course.
 Go to next SCO – Not applicable option.
 Display Message – Display a message page. The SCORM player will
determine what message to display based on the current state of the
player. There are two potential states. If the course requirements are
satisfied for the SCO, the message “The course is now complete.
Please make a selection to continue” will display. If the course
requirements are not satisfied, the message “Please make a selection to
continue” will display.
 Do Nothing – The SCORM Player will take no action. The associate
user will need to manually close the browser or navigate to the next
o Suspend – This setting defines the action to take when the exit type is suspend.
The same options exist as were defined for the normal exit.
o Timeout – This setting defines the action to take when the exit type is timeout.
The same options exist as were defined for the normal exit.
o Logout - This setting defines the action to take when the exit type is logout. The
same options exist as were defined for the normal exit.

Once you have made any changes to the Rudimentary Sequencing, select the “Save” button at
the bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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Rudimentary Rollup

The Rudimentary Rollup settings specify how to score courses and when to consider the course
• Score Rollup Mode – This setting drives the method the SCORM Player will roll-up
score data provided by the course and transmit the score to the eSSential LMS.
o Score Provided by Course - This is primarily used for single SCO courses.
This parameter transfers the score provided by the first SCO in the course to the
course level.
o Average Score of all Units – This will sum all the scores that were provided by
the course and divide that sum by the total number of SCOs in the course.
o Average Score of all Units with Scores – This will sum all the scores that were
provided by the course and divide that sum by the total number of SCOs that
actually reported scores.
o Fixed Average – This will sum all the scores that were provided and divide by a
fixed number (as specified in the Number of Scoring Objects.
• Number of Scoring Objects – This is used for the fixed average scoring roll-up. This
will be the denominator and the sum of all scores will be the numerator. This only applies
if the Score Rollup Mode was set to Fixed Average.
• Status Rollup Mode– This setting determines how completion status is rolled up to the
course level. The following options are available.
o Status Provided by Course – This is primarily used for single-SCO courses.
This parameter transfers the status from the first SCO in the course to the course
o Complete When All Units Complete – This setting considers the course
complete when all SCOs have achieved completion. This means that the lesson
status value is either “failed,” “completed” or “passed.”
o Complete When All Units Satisfactorily Complete – This setting considers the
course complete when all SCOs have achieved completion in a satisfactory
manner. This means that the lesson status value is either “completed,” or
“passed.” The course will remain in process in the LMS if the course is “failed,”
thus a failed status will never be recorded in the associate user’s transcript if this
setting is selected.
o Complete When Threshold is Met – This setting considers the course complete
when its rolled up score (as determined by the Score Rollup Type) exceeds the
threshold specified in the Threshold Score for Completion field.
o Complete When all Units Complete and Threshold Score is Met – This
setting considers the course complete when all of the SCOs have achieved
completion (lesson status = failed, completed, or passed) and when its rolled up
score exceeds the threshold specified in the Threshold Score for Completion
• Threshold Score for Completion– Determines the threshold for completion. This value
should be a decimal between 0-1 (multiply the decimal by 100 to equate it to a
percentage). This field only applies if the Status rollup mode is set to “Complete when
threshold is met” or “Complete when all units complete and the threshold score is met.”
• First SCO is Pretest– When enabled, this option indicates if the first SCO achieves a
lesson status of passed, then the rest of the SCOs in the course will be marked complete.

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Once you have made any changes to the Rudimentary Rollup, select the “Save” button at the
bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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Compatibility Settings

The following options are available for SCORM 1.2 Compatibility Settings:
• Finish Causes Immediate Commit – This setting is provided to deal with Single SCO
configurations where it can be difficult to capture the exit effectively. Select this option if
you are working with a Single SCO course that is not always recording completions
• Wrap SCO Window with API– When the SCO is launched in a new window, some
courses (depending on the authoring tool created in) can have trouble communicating
with the SCORM API. This setting will wrap an empty frameset around the SCO window
which presents an API that relays call back to the real SCORM Player API.
• Always Flow to First SCO – This setting, when enabled, will direct the SCORM Player
to always load the first SCO in a course upon initial launch regardless of whether the
sequencing rules dictate this behavior (a SCO navigation override option to always go to
the first SCO).
• Enable Validation of SCORM Interaction Results – This option enables SCORM
format validation logic for interaction responses. Enable this setting when you want to
include descriptive text in addition to the single number/character allowed by SCORM
1.2. This affects both the user response and the correct response.
• Master Score Overrides Lesson Status – If the mastery score indicates that a SCO is
or is not complete, but the lesson status indicates the opposite, this setting determines if
the score should override the status.
• Reset RunTime Data Timing – This setting determines when to reset runtime data. The
available options are:
o Never – SCORM player will never reset CMI runtime data.
o When Exit is Not Suspend – Only saves CMI runtime data if exit is suspend.
o On Each New Sequencing Attempt – The SCORM player will reset the CMI
runtime data every time the SCORM 2004 sequencing algorithm dictate that a
new attempt should begin. This option is not applicable for SCORM 1.2 or AICC
• Return to LMS Action – This setting determines whether the course suspends and
saves state or ends the course (end attempt) upon exit. The available options are:
o Legacy – This setting uses the SCORM 3rd edition return to LMS where the state
of the attempt is saved expecting the user to return eventually.
o Suspend All – This saves the state of the attempt if the associate user is going
to return. This is used in SCORM 4 Edition Courses.
o Exit All – This ends the attempt. This is used in SCORM 4 Edition Courses.
o Selectable – This opens a dialog box giving the user the option to chose
between Suspend All And Exit All. This is used in SCORM 4 Edition Courses.
• Disable Root Activity – This setting, when enabled, forces the root level course activity
to be disabled (non-clickable) to prevent creating a new attempt.
• Rollup at SCO Unload – This setting, when enabled, forces rollup at all SCO unloads to
handle when Terminate/LMS Finish is not called by the SCOs.
• Override Objective and Completion Set by Content to True – This setting, when
enabled, overrides the ObjectiveSetByContent and CompletionSetByContent settings in
the manifest to always be true. This can be used to eliminate the “auto-complete”
process when a course is exited improperly.

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• Completion Status of Failed Success Status – This defines the value to set the
completion status if a failed success status is sent from the course to the LMS.
o Unknown– Passes an unknown status to the LMS
o Completed– This will complete the course.
o Incomplete– This will leave the course in a incomplete status.
• Make Student Preference Global to Course– This setting, when enabled, causes any
student preferences specified for a SCO to be applied to all SCOs in a course.

Once you have made any changes to the Compatibility Settings, select the “Save” button at the
bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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Communication Settings

The following options are available for SCORM 1.2 Communication Settings. These settings
control the maximum failed attempts to communicate between the SCORM player and the LMS
server and the frequency that information is committed back to the LMS.
• Maximum Failed Attempts– This setting determines the maximum number of attempts
to try a runtime data update to the LMS before declaring a failure. The default setting is
• Commit Frequency – This setting determines how often (in milliseconds) that runtime
data sends updates to the LMS server. Some events within the course may send
immediate updates, but this will set the minimum frequency that information is saved to
the LMS (similar to an auto save feature in MS Word).

Once you have made any changes to the Communication Settings, select the “Save” button at
the bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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Debugger Options

This area of the SCORM 1.2 properties manages the settings related to client-side (browser)
logging. The available options are:
• Control – This setting determines the level of logging which should be performed within
the control subsystem of the client. The available options are:
o Off – No debug log messages are written.
o Audit – Basic debug log messages are written.
o Detailed – Audit log messages are written along with additional detail message.
• Runtime – This setting determines the level of logging which should be performed within
the runtime subsystem of the client. The available options are:
o Off – No debug log messages are written.
o Audit – Basic debug log messages are written.
o Detailed – Audit log messages are written along with additional detail message.
• Sequencing – This setting determines the level of logging which should be performed
within the sequencing subsystem of the client. The available options are:
o Off – No debug log messages are written.
o Audit – Basic debug log messages are written.
o Detailed – Audit log messages are written along with additional detail message.
• Include Timestamps – This setting enables timestamps to be recorded within the client-
side log

Once you have made any changes to the Debugger Options, select the “Save” button at the
bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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History Options

This option allows you to determine whether launch history will be captured and whether to
capture summary or detailed information. If history is not captured, then only the last login
attempt will be tracked. This information is not visible in standard reports but could be included
on custom reports if a client has a specific need.

• Capture History – Determines if course should send information about each launch
attempt to the LMS (see screen illustration below).
• Capture Detailed History – Determines if detailed launch history should be sent to the
LMS (see screen illustration below).

Summary History

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Detailed History

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This option allows you to save your currently configured properties for this course as a preset
which can be used on other SCORM 1.2 courses or to apply a previously configured preset to the
current SCORM 1.2 course. This can be a time saving option if you always want your SCORM
1.2 courses to have the same settings and these settings are substantially different than the

• Default Settings – If you would like to apply the default SCORM 1.2 settings to the
course, select the “apply” link next to the default settings option.
• Saved Presets – If you have previously created presets, the name of those presets will
appear on the screen (see the Example of a Preset and the Second Example in the
screen illustration below). You can either select the “apply” link next to the appropriate
preset or you can select the “delete” link which will permanently delete the preset from
future use.
• Create a new preset based on current settings– To create a new preset, enter a name
for the Preset in the Title field and select the <<Create>> button. This will refresh the
page and save the preset.

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Manage SCORM Properties (SCORM 2004)

The last item in the task list box is Manage SCORM Properties. SCORM 1.2 and AICC standards
were not as comprehensive as SCORM 2004. As a result, the manage SCORM properties
options are more detailed for a SCORM 1.2 or AICC course. Fewer items are defined in the
course thus more have to be defined in the SCORM engine.

To access the SCORM properties, select the Manage SCORM Properties link at the bottom of the
Task List from the SCORM Course Edit Page. Once this link is selected, a separate browser
window will launch and display the first page, Navigational Controls.

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Navigational Controls

The following options are available for SCORM 2004 Navigational Controls:
• Show Navigation Bar – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the navigation
bar to the associate user. If this option is not selected, then the Show Finish Button,
Enable Previous/Next, Show Progress Bar, and Show Help are all not available. These
options display in the Navigation Bar and thus would not be available if the Navigation
Bar is not displayed.
• Show Finish Button – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the exit button to
the associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting has no effect.
• Show Close SCO Button – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the Close
SCO button to the associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting has
no effect.
• Enable Previous/Next – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the previous
and next buttons to the associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting
has no effect.
• Show Progress Bar – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the progress bar
to the associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting has no effect.
• Show Help – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the help button to the
associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting has no effect.
• Show Title Bar - Determines if the SCORM Player should display the title bar to the
associate user. If the Navigation Bar is disabled, then this setting has no effect.
• Prevent Right Click – Prevents the associate user from right-clicking in the SCORM
Player windows. This setting can be useful for high-stakes assessments or other
situations where you wish to prevent the user from looking at the internal structure of the
content or data in the player. This setting only affects the SCORM Player windows (the
course structure and navigation bar). It does not affect your content.
• Enable Choice Navigation – Determines if the SCORM player will allow the associate
user to navigate a course by clicking on the links in the course structure. If the “Show
Course Structure setting is disabled, this setting has no effect.
• Show Course Structure – Determines if the SCORM Player should display the course
structure. The course structure will appear to the left of the display stage (area) in outline
format. It is particularly useful for courses containing multiple SCOs.
• Course Structure Starts Open – Determines if the SCORM Player should begin with the
course structure visible or hidden. The associate user can always show/hide the course
structure if it is available and the navigation bar is shown. If the Show Course Structure
setting is disabled, this setting has no effect.
• Course Structure Width – This setting drives the width of the course structure window in
• Structure Status Display – This setting defines how icons are displayed within the
course structure menu to indicate success and completion status for each SCO. The
available options are:
o Success Only (passed/failed) – Only success status is presented to the
associate user.
o Completion Only (completed/incomplete) – Only completion status is
presented to the associate user.
o Separate – Both success and completion status are presented to the associate
user as separate indicators.

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o Combined – Success and completion status are presented to the user as one
combined metric.
o None – The SCO level status is not presented to the associate user.
• Invalid Menu Item Action – This setting determines how to handle menu item options
that are not valid. The available options are:
o Show – Invalid menu items are visible but will result in an invalid action
o Hide – Invalid menu items are not visible.
o Disable– Invalid menu items are visible but do nothing.

Once you have made any changes to the Navigational Controls, select the “Save” button at the
bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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Launch Behavior

The following options are available for SCORM 2004 Launch Behavior:
• SCO Launch Type – These settings determine how each SCO will be launched. The
available options are:
o Frameset – Launches the SCO inline (within the existing browser) rather than
launching it in a new browser window.
o New Window – Launches the SCO in a new browser window.
o New Window, After Click – Launches the SCO in a new browser window after
forcing the associate user to click on an explicit link. This setting can be useful
for circumventing popup blockers.
o New Window without Browser Toolbar – Launches the SCO in a new browser
window without the standard browser toolbar.
• Player Launch Type– These settings determine how the SCORM player will be
launched. The available options are:
o Frameset – Launches the player inline (within the existing browser) rather than
launching it in a new browser window.
o New Window – Launches the player in a new browser window.
o New Window, After Click – Launches the player in a new browser window after
forcing the associate user to click on an explicit link. This setting can be useful
for circumventing popup blockers.
o New Window without Browser Toolbar – Launches the player in a new
browser window without the standard browser toolbar.
• New Window Options– These settings control the new window size if one of the new
window options were selected for SCO and/or Player.
o Use Browser Defaults– Launches the browser window with the client’s browser
default dimensions.
o Full Screen – Launches the content in a full screen environment. The content
must include an obvious method to exit the content otherwise, there may be
problems with the user closing the browser window and interrupting the
communication back to the eSSential LMS.
o Specify New Window Dimensions – Launches the browser window with
specific height and width dimensions.
o Require Window Dimensions Checkbox – This option will display a warning
message to the associate user if the dimensions of the window are smaller than
the specified dimensions (if the user resizes the browser window manually).
• Prevent Window Resize – Checking this option prevents the associate user from
resizing the browser window for the SCORM player.

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Once you have made any changes to the Launch Behavior options, select the “Save” button at
the bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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Compatibility Settings

The following options are available for SCORM 2004 Compatibility Settings:
• Finish Causes Immediate Commit – This setting is provided to deal with Single SCO
configurations where it can be difficult to capture the exit effectively. Select this option if
you are working with a Single SCO course that is not always recording completions
• Logout Causes Player Exit– This setting determines whether the SCORM Player
returns to the LMS or closes the SCO. This setting applies to situations where the
cmi.exit data model is set to “logout.”
• Wrap SCO Window with API– When the SCO is launched in a new window, some
courses (depending on the authoring tool created in) can have trouble communicating
with the SCORM API. This setting will wrap an empty frameset around the SCO window
which presents an API that relays call back to the real SCORM Player API.
• Always Flow to First SCO – This setting, when enabled, will direct the SCORM Player
to always load the first SCO in a course upon initial launch regardless of whether the
sequencing rules dictate this behavior (a SCO navigation override option to always go to
the first SCO).
• Enable Validation of SCORM Interaction Results – This option enables SCORM
format validation logic for interaction responses. Enable this setting when you want to
include descriptive text in addition to the single number/character allowed. This affects
both the user response and the correct response.
• Raw Score Can Act as Scaled Score – In SCORM 2004 content, if a SCO sets a raw
score but not a scaled score, should the raw score count as the normative score for the
• Rollup Empty Set to Unknown – For SCORM 2004 courses, determines the rollup
status when no child activities contribute to rollup. When true, completion and
satisfaction remain unknown.
• Use Quick Look-Ahead Sequencer– Look ahead processing allows the SCORM
Engine to dynamically update the course structure that is visible and enabled based on
the current state of the SCO. By default, this setting should be enabled. For very large
courses, this processing may cause a noticeable slowdown in the web browser client. In
that case, this setting may need to be disabled.
• Reset Runtime Data Timing – This setting determines when to reset runtime data. The
available options are:
o Never – SCORM player will never reset CMI runtime data.
o When Exit is Not Suspend – Only saves CMI runtime data if exit is suspend.
o On Each New Sequencing Attempt – The SCORM player will reset the CMI
runtime data every time the SCORM 2004 sequencing algorithm dictate that a
new attempt should begin. .
• SCORM 2004 Edition – This setting defines which edition of SCORM 2004 the course
was published to. This setting should never be changed from what was defined as part
of the import of the course. The available options are:
o SCORM 2004 2nd Edition – 2nd edition of SCORM 2004.
rd rd
o SCORM 2004 3 Edition – 3 edition of SCORM 2004.
• Return to LMS Action – This setting determines whether the course suspends and
saves state or ends the course (end attempt) upon exit. The available options are:

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o Legacy – This setting uses the SCORM 3 edition return to LMS where the state
of the attempt is saved expecting the user to return eventually.
o Suspend All – This saves the state of the attempt if the associate user is going
to return. This is used in SCORM 4 Edition Courses.
o Exit All – This ends the attempt. This is used in SCORM 4 Edition Courses.
o Selectable – This opens a dialog box giving the user the option to chose
between Suspend All And Exit All. This is used in SCORM 4 Edition Courses.
• Disable Root Activity – This setting, when enabled, forces the root level course activity
to be disabled (non-clickable) to prevent creating a new attempt.
• Rollup at SCO Unload – This setting, when enabled, forces rollup at all SCO unloads to
handle when Terminate/LMS Finish is not called by the SCOs.
• Override Objective and Completion Set by Content to True – This setting, when
enabled, overrides the ObjectiveSetByContent and CompletionSetByContent settings in
the manifest to always be true. This can be used to eliminate the “auto-complete”
process when a course is exited improperly.
• Invoke Rollup at Suspend All – Causes Rollup at a SuspendAll request by the SCO.
• Satisfaction Causes Completion – Sets any Activity to completed when it is set as
• Make Student Preference Global to Course– This setting, when enabled, causes any
student preferences specified for a SCO to be applied to all SCOs in a course.

Once you have made any changes to the Compatibility Settings, select the “Save” button at the
bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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Communication Settings

The following options are available for SCORM 2004 Communication Settings. These settings
control the maximum failed attempts to communicate between the SCORM player and the LMS
server and the frequency that information is committed back to the LMS.
• Maximum Failed Attempts– This setting determines the maximum number of attempts
to try a runtime data update to the LMS before declaring a failure. The default setting is
• Commit Frequency – This setting determines how often (in milliseconds) that runtime
data sends updates to the LMS server. Some events within the course may send
immediate updates, but this will set the minimum frequency that information is saved to
the LMS (similar to an auto save feature in MS Word).

Once you have made any changes to the Communication Settings, select the “Save” button at
the bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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Debugger Options

This area of the SCORM 2004 properties manages the settings related to client-side (browser)
logging. The available options are:
• Control – This setting determines the level of logging which should be performed within
the control subsystem of the client. The available options are:
o Off – No debug log messages are written.
o Audit – Basic debug log messages are written.
o Detailed – Audit log messages are written along with additional detail message.
• Runtime – This setting determines the level of logging which should be performed within
the runtime subsystem of the client. The available options are:
o Off – No debug log messages are written.
o Audit – Basic debug log messages are written.
o Detailed – Audit log messages are written along with additional detail message.
• Sequencing – This setting determines the level of logging which should be performed
within the sequencing subsystem of the client. The available options are:
o Off – No debug log messages are written.
o Audit – Basic debug log messages are written.
o Detailed – Audit log messages are written along with additional detail message.
• Show Simple Sequencing Logs – Displays a more user friendly version of the
sequencing debug log instead of the technical version created by the regular
audit/detailed version.
• Look-ahead – This setting determines the level of logging which should be performed
within the sequencing-look ahead subsystem of the client. The available options are:
o Off – No debug log messages are written.
o Audit – Basic debug log messages are written.
o Detailed – Audit log messages are written along with additional detail message.
• Include Timestamps – This setting enables timestamps to be recorded within the client-
side log

Once you have made any changes to the Debugger Options, select the “Save” button at the
bottom right hand corner of the screen. A message will display to the left of the button “Save
Succeeded” once the save is complete and you can either exit the SCORM properties window or
move to a different SCORM property link.

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History Options

This option allows you to determine whether launch history will be captured and whether to
capture summary or detailed information. If history is not captured, then only the last login
attempt will be tracked. This information is not visible in standard reports but could be included
on custom reports if a client has a specific need.

• Capture History – Determines if course should send information about each launch
attempt to the LMS (see screen illustration below).
• Capture Detailed History – Determines if detailed launch history should be sent to the
LMS (see screen illustration below).

Summary History

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Detailed History

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This option allows you to save your currently configured properties for this course as a preset
which can be used on other SCORM 2004 courses or to apply a previously configured preset to
the current SCORM 2004 course. This can be a time saving option if you always want your
SCORM 2004 courses to have the same settings and these settings are substantially different
than the defaults.

• Default Settings – If you would like to apply the default SCORM 2004 settings to the
course, select the “apply” link next to the default settings option.
• Saved Presets – If you have previously created presets, the name of those presets will
appear on the screen (see the Example of a Preset and the Second Example in the
screen illustration below). You can either select the “apply” link next to the appropriate
preset or you can select the “delete” link which will permanently delete the preset from
future use.
• Create a new preset– To create a new preset, enter a name for the Preset in the Title
field and select the <<Create>> button. This will refresh the page and save the preset.

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SCORM Course Naming

eLogic utilizes a security function from Microsoft, URL Scan, to prevent malicious programs from
being passed to the site using the URL. This scanner looks for characters that can be used as
programs and blocks them from being run on the server. Because of this security measure, it is
important that SCORM course packages are not named with special characters (see list below).
The actual SCORM course when published should be limited to alpha and numeric characters.
You have a larger list of character values that can be used in naming the course in the eSSential
LMS (after it has been imported). The name in the application (Course Title) is what displays to
the end user not the original SCORM package name. The SCORM package name is the default
title assigned in the LMS but you have the ability to override and change after the course is
imported into the application.

The following is the list of characters or character combinations that are specifically not allowed.
This list may change from time to time if additional security threats are identified.

• ..
• ./
• \
• :
• %
• &
• #
• $
• '
• ;(
• *
• |
• @
• =
• >
• ?
• `
• ;
• !
• "
• ;)
• <
• ~
• --

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Import New SCORM Course Version

The last item in the task list box is the link “Import new version of this course.” Periodically,
clients may find the need to update an online course. When this occurs, the client needs to
determine how they want to treat tracking the course. You have two options. If it is important to
differentiate the course from the previous version of the course, you should load the course as a
new course. When you do this, the course will show separately in all reports and will be
differentiated in the associate user’s transcript. This is often necessary when regulatory
requirements have changed and you need to prove that users have completed a course that has
been updated with the new regulations. We advise clients to name the new version of the course
with a different title than the old course so it is easily distinguishable.

In the second scenario, client will make minor/more cosmetic changes or not have the need to
differentiate the old and new version on reports. This may happen when you update a course
with new company branding, fix minor punctuation or spelling issues, change wording for a page
of the content but the meaning did not change, etc. When you have the need to update the
version but want to keep reporting consolidated, you will use the “Import new version of this
course” link on the course edit page.

To access the Import new version page, you will need to search for the course you want to
update. On the course edit page, select the “Import new version of this course” link at the bottom
of the Task List.

Once this link is selected, a separate browser window will launch and display browse/import
page. This page is almost identical to the Import a SCORM course page. The only difference is
that the title of the course you are updating will display in the top left hand corner of the import

After you have selected the browse feature and located the zip file containing the course you
want to update, the <Import> button will become available. When you select the Import button,
the version update process will start. There will be a progress bar that tracks percentage
complete. Larger courses 60MB+ may take a few minutes to import depending on your internet
connection speed.

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Once the import process is finished, the upload progress bar will disappear and be replaced with
the import result table. If the update was successful, the message column will display the note
“Import Successful.” If there were any parser warnings, they would display in the Parser
warnings column.

Once the import is finished, any associate users that are currently in process of taking the course
(registered but incomplete), will finish the old version. Any new registrations will be registered for
the new version of the course. No further action is required on your part. The course remains
active and remains assigned where it was previously assigned. If you had many any changes to
the SCORM property defaults, you will have to re-perform those property changes. The importing
of a new version resets the SCORM properties to the default values.

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Course Listing
There are 6 ways to find a course within the application. Users can list all active, pending,
inactive, or archived courses. Users can also perform two different types of searches on active
courses. The first is a search by name (see Course section for more information). The second is
a search by alphabet grouping (see Course section for more information). The following section
describes each of the methods to display a list of courses by course status (active, pending,
inactive, and archive).

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Active Courses
When you mouse over the “Courses” link under the Curriculum menu, the fly-out menu will
display with five additional menu options. To see a list of all Active Courses in the application,
select the Active Course option from the fly-out menu.

Once the Active Course link has been selected, the active course search results screen will
display. If you have more than several hundred active courses, this list may take several minutes
to generate. The active course search results screen contains three columns of information.

• The first column contains the Course Title. This name is also a hyperlink which will
launch the Course edit screen (explained later in the admin guide).
• The second column contains the Course Number. This is defined when the course is
created and can be used as a reference for each course.
• The third column contains an Action Link. This link will give you the option to Deactivate
courses if your search results list active courses. This link will give you the option to
Delete or Archive any pending course. This link will give you the option to Activate or
Archive any Inactive course. This link will give you the option to Unarchive (moves to the
inactive status) any archived course. Deactivating or Archiving a training session with
events in the future will not remove the event reservations for the instructor and
facility/resource. You must remove those future events first before inactivating. NOTE:
When you deactivate a course that is currently registered for (not completed) by one or
more associate users, the course will be removed from their My Courses list. If the
course was part of a Certified Learning Path, the Certified Path completion logic will look
for only active courses currently included in the Certified Path, thus deactivating the
course will not prevent the user from completing the Certified Path.

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Pending Courses
There are typically two categories of courses in the pending status. First, a course that is
pending may be a course that an Instructor is in the process of creating or has not been approved
yet. The second type of pending course is a SCORM course that was imported but has not been
“configured” yet in the application.

When you mouse over the “Courses” link under the Curriculum menu, the fly-out menu will
display with five additional menu options. To see a list of all Pending Courses in the application,
select the Pending Course option from the fly-out menu.

Once the Pending Course link has been selected, the pending course search results screen will
display. If you have more than several hundred pending courses, this list may take several
minutes to generate. The pending course search results screen contains three columns of
• The first column contains the Course Title. This name is also a hyperlink which will
launch the Course edit screen (explained later in the admin guide).
• The second column contains the Course Number. This is defined when the course is
created and can be used as a reference for each course.
• The third column contains an Action Link. This link will give you the option to Delete
courses. The only type of course that can be deleted is a pending course. This is
because a pending course cannot have any history (just created). Additionally, if you do
not want to delete the course, you have a link with the option to Archive the course.

The alphabetical and search links will only perform searches on Active Courses!!
They do not search Pending, Inactive or Archived courses.

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Inactive Courses
When you mouse over the “Courses” link under the Curriculum menu, the fly-out menu will
display with five additional menu options. To see a list of all Inactive Courses in the application,
select the Inactive Course option from the fly-out menu.

Once the Inactive Course link has been selected, the inactive course search results screen will
display. If you have more than several hundred inactive courses, this list may take several
minutes to generate. The inactive course search results screen contains three columns of
• The first column contains the Course Title. This name is also a hyperlink which will
launch the Course edit screen (explained later in the admin guide).
• The second column contains the Course Number. This is defined when the course is
created and can be used as a reference for each course.
• The third column contains an Action Link. This link will give you the option to Activate the
course or Archive the course.

The alphabetical and search links will only perform searches on Active Courses!!
They do not search Pending, Inactive or Archived courses.

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Archived Courses
The intention of the Archive course status is to remove the course from most sections of the
application. This will reduce the size of your inactive course list and allow the inactive list to be
more manageable (performance will improve when displaying all inactive courses). You should
leave a course in the inactive status until you are sure that you will likely never access the course
again. That is the point that a course should be designated as Archived.

Navigating to the list of archived courses is different than the other status courses. You cannot
get to the list of Archived courses from the fly-out menu. You must first launch the course search
screen and then select the Archived Course link in the header area.

Once the Archived Course link has been selected, the archived course search results screen will
display. If you have more than several hundred archived courses, this list may take several
minutes to generate. The archived course search results screen contains three columns of
• The first column contains the Course Title. This name is also a hyperlink which will
launch the Course edit screen (explained later in the admin guide).
• The second column contains the Course Number. This is defined when the course is
created and can be used as a reference for each course.
• The third column contains an Action Link. This link will give you the option to Unarchive
the course which changes the status of the course to inactive.

The alphabetical and search links will only perform searches on Active Courses!!
They do not search Pending, Inactive or Archived courses.

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Course Copy
The eSSential application has an option to copy an eLogic Authored course and create a new
version of the course. Copying a course does not affect the original course. It creates a new
version of the course that can be independently maintained. This functionality only works for
eLogic Authored courses. For a SCORM course, you can rename the course source file and
import it into the application which will effectively create a copy of the course. To navigate to the
Course Copy page, select Curriculum from the main Admin Menu Bar, then mouse over the
Courses menu option. This will display a fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu, select the Course
Copy link.

The drop down Course list contains an alphabetical listing of all active eLogic Authored courses in
the application. Select the course you want to copy. Next, enter the new name for the course.
The name must be 200 alphanumeric characters or less (no special characters but hyphens are
allowed). Select the <<Save As>> button and the new course will be created in a Pending status.
The course must have the task list completed, approved and activated before it can be used.

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Training Session(s)
Training Sessions is the term used within the eSSential application for instructor led training.
Training sessions can be in-person training or training conducted virtually via web conference or
teleconference. The training session is the umbrella information about what is to be trained. The
training event is the specific scheduling of a training session (location, date, time and instructor).
One training session can have one or many training events.

To search for a previously created training session, select the Curriculum option from the Admin
Menu bar. From the Curriculum menu, select the Training Session(s) link. This will launch the
Training Session search page.

Click Here to view the Training Session Quick Guide

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Training Session search

From the training session search page, you have seven options for searching training sessions.

List All Active Sessions – This option provides a list of all Active Sessions. You can also
access this page by placing your mouse over the Training Session(s) link on the Curriculum
menu. This will display a fly-out menu with several options. Select the Active Training Session(s)
link to display the Active Sessions search results page. The active sessions search results
screen contains six columns of information.
o Title – This is the title of the training session. It is also a hyperlink that will launch the
training session edit page (see Training Session Add/Edit section for more information).
This title will not allow a duplicate name to be created. The duplicate check scans both
courses and training sessions. This is done to prevent confusion on reports.
o Number – This is the number that was defined when the training session was added.
This is typically a reference number for training catalog purposes.
o Events – This is a count of all future and past training events associated with the training
o Approved – This column indicates whether the training session has been approved (Yes)
or not (No).
o Status – This column will indicate the course status. Since this is a list of all Active
Training sessions, all sessions will have the status of Active.
o Action – This column contains a link to deactivate the training session. NOTE: When
you deactivate a training session that is currently registered for (attendance not marked)
by one or more associate users, the training session will remain in their My Workshop list.
This is done since this is a physically scheduled event. As a practice, you should not
deactivate training sessions if there are future scheduled events with registrations. If the
training session was part of a Certified Learning Path, the Certified Path completion logic
will look for only active training sessions currently included in the Certified Path, thus
deactivating the course will not prevent the user from completing the Certified Path.

The Active Training Sessions search results page also contains the standard search links
(All Active Sessions, Pending Sessions, Inactive Sessions, Active Sessions by
Alphabetical Group, and Calendar view). It also contains a link to add a New Training

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Pending Sessions – This option provides a list of all Pending Sessions. A pending session is
one that has not been approved by a Site Administrator. Pending training sessions will not
display to associate users when they are searching for training events. You can also access this
page by placing your mouse over the Training Session(s) link on the Curriculum menu. This will
display a fly-out menu with several options. Select the Pending Training Session(s) link to display
the Pending Sessions search results page. The pending sessions search results screen contains
six columns of information.

Users should not try to register associates for pending training sessions.
The session should be active first.

• Title – This is the title of the training session. It is also a hyperlink that will launch the
training session edit page (see Training Session Add/Edit section for more information).
• Number – This is the number that was defined when the training session was added.
This is typically a reference number for training catalog purposes.
• Events – This is a count of all future and past training events associated with the training

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• Approved – This column indicates whether the training session has been approved (Yes)
or not (No). Since this is a pending screen, all sessions will display a No value.
• Status – This column will indicate the course status. Since this is a list of Pending
Training sessions, all sessions will have the status of Pending.
• Action – This column contains up to two links. It will always contain a link to Archive the
Pending session. It may also include a link to delete the training session. You are only
allowed to delete a training session if no events are associated. This is to prevent
orphaned reservations within the application (resource and instructor reservations).
Some organizations will setup the entire training event calendar for a training session
while the training session is in pending status and thus when it is approved, the training
session is ready to be assigned. When this business process is used, it is important that
the training session not be deleted after the first event is created.

The Pending Training Sessions search results page also contains the standard search
links (All Active Sessions, Pending Sessions, Inactive Sessions, Active Sessions by
Alphabetical Group, and Calendar view). It also contains a link to add a New Training

Inactive Sessions – This option provides a list of all Inactive Sessions. An inactive session is
one that has not been activated or was activated and then was inactivated. Inactive training
sessions will not display to associate users when they are searching for training events. You can
also access this page by placing your mouse over the Training Session(s) link on the Curriculum
menu. This will display a fly-out menu with several options. Select the Inactive Training
Session(s) link to display the Inactive Sessions search results page. The inactive sessions
search results screen contains six columns of information.

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• Title – This is the title of the training session. It is also a hyperlink that will launch the
training session edit page (see Training Session Add/Edit section for more information).
• Number – This is the number that was defined when the training session was added.
This is typically a reference number for training catalog purposes.
• Events – This is a count of all future and past training events associated with the training
• Approved – This column indicates whether the training session has been approved (Yes)
or not (No).
• Status – This column will indicate the course status. Since this is a list of Inactive
Training sessions, all sessions will have the status of Inactive.
• Action – This column contains two links. You will have the ability to activate the training
session or to archive the training session. Archive any training session that you expect to
never use again.

The Inactive Training Sessions search results page also contains the standard search
links (All Active Sessions, Pending Sessions, Inactive Sessions, Active Sessions by
Alphabetical Group, and Calendar view). It also contains a link to add a New Training

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Archive Sessions – This option provides a list of all Archived Sessions. An archived session is
a training session that is meant to never be used again. By archiving the training session, it will
reduce the number of sessions that display on the Active or Inactive training session list.
Archived training sessions will not display to associate users when they are searching for training
events. The only method to access the Archived Sessions list is from the training session search
headers. There is not a fly-out menu option to display this list. The archive sessions search
results screen contains six columns of information.

• Title – This is the title of the training session. It is also a hyperlink that will launch the
training session edit page (see Training Session Add/Edit section for more information).
• Number – This is the number that was defined when the training session was added.
This is typically a reference number for training catalog purposes.
• Events – This is a count of all future and past training events associated with the training
• Approved – This column indicates whether the training session has been approved (Yes)
or not (No).
• Status – This column will indicate the course status. Since this is a list of Archived
Training sessions, all sessions will have the status of Archive.
• Action – This column contains two links. You will have the ability to activate the training
session or to inactivate the training session.

The Archive Training Sessions search results page also contains the standard search
links (All Active Sessions, Pending Sessions, Inactive Sessions, Active Sessions by
Alphabetical Group, and Calendar view). It also contains a link to add a New Training

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Alphabetical Group Search – There are three alphabetical grouping search links available. [A-
J] will produce a list of all training sessions that have a first letter of A through J in the training
session title. [K-R] will produce a list of all training sessions that have a first letter of K through R
in the training session title. [S-Z] will produce a list of all training sessions that have a first letter
of S through Z in the training session title. Additionally, any course that has a title starting with a
numeric value will not display when using one of these three links.

o Title – This is the title of the training session. It is also a hyperlink that will launch the
training session edit page (see Training Session Add/Edit section for more information).
o Number – This is the number that was defined when the training session was added.
This is typically a reference number for training catalog purposes.
o Events – This is a count of all future and past training events associated with the training
o Approved – This column indicates whether the training session has been approved (Yes)
or not (No).
o Status – This column will indicate the course status (Active, Pending, Inactive, or Archive)
o Action – This column contains different action links depending on the status of the
training session (Activate, Deactivate, Delete, and Archive). NOTE: When you
deactivate a training session that is currently registered for (attendance not marked) by
one or more associate users, the training session will remain in their My Workshop list.
This is done since this is a physically scheduled event. As a practice, you should not
deactivate training sessions if there are future scheduled events with registrations. If the
training session was part of a Certified Learning Path, the Certified Path completion logic
will look for only active training sessions currently included in the Certified Path, thus
deactivating the course will not prevent the user from completing the Certified Path.

The Alphabetical Group Training Sessions search results page also contains the
standard search links (All Active Sessions, Pending Sessions, Inactive Sessions, Active
Sessions by Alphabetical Group, and Calendar view). It also contains a link to add a
New Training Session.

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Calendar View Search – The calendar view search feature allows the user to see a list of
training events either by Day, Week, or Month view.

• Daily View – The daily view is the default view when you first select Training Session(s)
from the Curriculum menu or when you select the Calendar View option from any
Training Session list page. This view is more of a view of instructor availability rather than
a training session search view. The daily view defaults to the time zone for the user but
there is a drop down list that allows the time zone to be changed. The daily view is a grid
that displays the active instructors in the application as rows down the left side of the grid.
The columns are 30 minute increments between 12:30 AM (morning) and Midnight.
Within the grid, the boxes are color coded.
o Grey boxes represent unavailable time based on the schedule established on the
instructor’s admin record (see the Admin User section for more information on
how to setup available time for the instructor).
o Blue boxes represent busy time which indicates the instructor is scheduled to
lead a training event during that time.
o White boxes represent available time. The instructor could be scheduled for
training events during these times.
o Red boxes represent personal time blocked by the instructor. The application
has the ability for the instructor to define “out of the office” time. This would be
time that they are normally available for training but for some reason (vacation,
non-LMS event, etc.) will not be available. See the instructor unavailable time
section of the user guide for more information on how Instructors book
unavailable time.

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On the daily view page, there is a small calendar icon above the grid. If you select
the calendar icon, it will display a monthly grid that will allow you to select a different day
to display. The day that defaults is today’s date, but you can select any date in the future
or past using this calendar icon functionality.

• Weekly View – To display the weekly view, select the weekly tab from the Calendar View
page. The weekly view is geared more toward displaying the training events that are
scheduled for the week selected. This view will display Monday through Sunday as the
column headers. Within each column, there will be a list of each training event scheduled
for the day. The list will display in ascending order by the time of day the event is
scheduled. For each event, the time of the event will display along with the training
session name and the instructor for the event. The primary instructor for the event will
display in red font. If an assistant instructor is assigned, the assistant instructor will

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display in blue font. The date range for the week selected will display at the top of the
screen to the left of the calendar icon. The weekly view defaults to the time zone for the
user but there is a drop down list that allows the time zone to be changed. The weekly
view has the same functionality as the daily view to use the calendar icon to change the
date (week) selected.

• Monthly View – To display the monthly view, select the monthly tab from the Calendar
View page. The monthly view is geared more toward displaying the training events that
are scheduled for the month selected. This view will display a calendar for the month.
Within each day, there will be a list of each training event scheduled for the day. The list
will display in ascending order by the time of day the event is scheduled. For each event,
the training session name will display (less space than the weekly view, thus only the
training session name will display). Past events will display in red font and be display
only. Future events will display in grey font and are hyperlinks. Selecting the session

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name will launch the training session edit page for the session selected. The month view
does not have the calendar icon. This view utilizes a month scroll feature. To the left of
the month name is a button that allows you to scroll “move” to the previous month. To
the right of the month name is a button that allows you to scroll to the next month. The
monthly view has a drop down for time zone but since event times are not displayed on
the calendar this drop down does not change the view.

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Search by Name – The search by name feature allows the user to search for a specific training
session using the training session title (name). When performing a search by name, there will be
a wild card at the end of the entered text. There is NOT a wild card at the beginning. For example
if you are searching for a training session called “Stockroom Training” and you entered “Sto” the
session would display in the search results screen along with any other training sessions which
have a title starting with “sto.” If you enter “room training” in the name field, the “Stockroom
Training” session would not return in the search results screen. The search results screen will
display all training sessions that match the name entered regardless of training session status.
The search results screen is the same as the screen returned for the alphabetical group search.

o Title – This is the title of the training session. It is also a hyperlink that will launch the
training session edit page (see Training Session Add/Edit section for more information).
o Number – This is the number that was defined when the training session was added.
This is typically a reference number for training catalog purposes.
o Events – This is a count of all future and past training events associated with the training
o Approved – This column indicates whether the training session has been approved (Yes)
or not (No).
o Status – This column will indicate the course status (Active, Pending, Inactive, or Archive)
o Action – This column contains different action links depending on the status of the
training session (Activate, Deactivate, Delete, and Archive).

The Search by Name search results page also contains the standard search links (All
Active Sessions, Pending Sessions, Inactive Sessions, Active Sessions by Alphabetical
Group, and Calendar view). It also contains a link to add a New Training Session.

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Add Training Session(s)

There are two options to launch the Add Training Session page. The first option is to select the
Curriculum link from the Admin Menu Bar. Next, place your mouse over the Training Session(s)
option (this will display a fly-out menu). From the fly-out menu, select the first option, “Add
Training Session.” The second option to launch Add Training Session page is to select the Add
New Training Session link from any of the training session search pages described above.

Once the Add Training Session link has been selected, the Add Training Session page will
display. When the page is first launched, there are 7 fields of information that can be entered.

• Title– The title (name) field represents the name that will display whenever a Training
Session is presented in the application (both to Admin users and Associate users).
Although this field accommodates a title of up to 200 characters, we highly recommend
shorter title names. Long training session names do not display well on the monthly
calendar view to associate users. Additionally, they can create difficulties in displaying
the full name of the training session on the certificate. This title displays in the reminder
notifications sent from the application as well as the subject line of the iCalendar meeting
invite. This title has a duplicate check. It scans both course and training session names
and will not allow a duplicate title to be created.
• Number – This is a reference number only similar to the course number.
• Target Audience – This field is for administrators and instructors to place notes on
targeted users for the training session. This does not display to the associate users. The
note can be useful when determining how to assign the training session.
• CEUs– This field allows the entry of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for the training
• Administrator – This drop down field includes a list of all Site Administrators, Training
Managers, and Instructors. When populated, the administrator entered will have access
to manage the training session information. Site Administrators have access to all
training sessions so this security feature is for Training Managers and Instructors.
• Reminder Email – This drop down field lists all email templates in the application. Select
an email template from the list that has Training Event objects defined. A training event
object is a field reference which will be replaced by the actual event information when the
event reminder is sent (location, time, training session name, etc.). This allows you to
create a generic reminder template rather than event by event reminders. Event
reminders are sent by default 6 days and 1 day prior to the event to all Active Associates
registered for the event. Please see Email Templates section of the user guide for more
information on how to use the Email Template function.
• Post Session Email – This drop down field lists all email templates in the application.
Select an email template from the list that has a link to a training session survey. Post
session emails are typically used to distribute surveys to the event attendees. This
allows anonymous feedback to be collected for the training event. Post session emails
are manually initiated by the instructor when attendance for the training session is
marked. There is a checkbox on the manage attendance page “Send follow-up email to
attendees.” When this checkbox is marked and the update button is selected, all active
users marked attended for the event will receive the post session email selected. Users
not marked attended will not receive the email.

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Name Sent To When

associates registered for training one and six days before a training
Training Session Reminder
session session event
admin checks Send Email box on
Active or inactive associates marked
Post Training Session Email Manage Attendees page and clicks
attended for an event

• Registration Survey – This drop down field lists all Training Session surveys available.
If you select a training session survey in this field, the user will have to complete the
survey as part of the registration process. This can be useful for capturing demographic
information or any special requirements a user might have for the training event (food
preferences, allergies, etc.).

The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

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Field Length Required Allowable Characters

Title 200 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Number 20 No Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Target Audience 200 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
CEUs 5 No Numeric with decimal (decimal counts in length)
Administrator n/a Yes Not Applicable
Reminder Email n/a Yes Not Applicable
Post Session Email n/a Yes Not Applicable
Registration Email n/a No Not Applicable

Once you have entered the required initial information, select the <<ADD>> button. The screen
will be refreshed with a note that “The Training Session cannot be approved: Missing Overview
and Objectives” and the page will expand to contain additional options (see the screen illustration

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Once the page has refreshed, you now will have the ability to define Overview/Objectives and
create specific events for the Training Session. The Overview/Objectives functionality works
identically to the Course Overview/Objectives functionality. There will be three separate Content
Editor areas (one for Overview, one for Objectives, and one for Resources). The Overview and
Resources information will display to the associate user when they register for the training event.
This can be useful for entering information about the web conference if the same web conference
information will be used for all training events.

Adding Event – To add a specific scheduled event for the training session, you start by entering
information in the Add a Location area.

The following six fields are required to start the event add process.

• Facility – This drop down list contains all active facilities in the application. Select the
facility where the training event will be held or select the virtual facility you have created
(web conference or teleconference) if this will be a virtual training event.
• Timezone – Select the timezone based on the location of the event. Ensure you select
appropriately between Standard time and Daylight Savings time. In the United States,
DST starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. If
your training event will be between those dates, ensure you set the time to DST. The
system performs a calculation when displaying time for the event. It will take the
timezone from the user’s computer and compare it to the timezone for the event to
display the time in local time for the user. The system updates the user’s timezone at
each login. If a user has not logged into the system for several months, they may have
Eastern Standard Time stored when Eastern Daylight Time should be. This will impact
the time they see on reminder emails. This can be better managed by using the
iCalendar feature. An iCalendar (internet calendar) link is included on the registration
confirmation page when the user first registers for the training event. The same link is
included on the email confirmation they receive after registration. If the user selects the
iCalendar link, the meeting invite will be added to their local calendar provided that the
calendar supports the iCalendar standard (Microsoft Outlook does support iCalendar).
See the Associate User experience section of this guide for more information on
• Start Date –In this field enter the Month, Day, and Year for the first day of the training
• End Date – In this field enter the Month, Day, and Year for the end date of the training
event. Most training events will be single day events and thus the Start Date and End
Date will be the same. If the event will span more than one day, enter the appropriate
end date. **NOTE – There are two considerations you need to be aware of for multi-day
events. First, the iCalendar function will only have an invite for the first day of the event
automatically added to the person’s calendar. The second consideration is the
registration period. If an event runs from May 15 to May 17, the event will be available
for registration to users up until May 17th after the event start time. That is the point the
event will no longer be available for registration.
• Start Time – In this field enter the start time for the event. The minute field has
increments of 15 minutes (00, 15, 30, and 45). Make sure to select the appropriate
option between AM and PM.

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• End Time - In this field enter the end time for the event. The minute field has increments
of 15 minutes (00, 15, 30, and 45). Make sure to select the appropriate option between
AM and PM.

Once you have entered the Location information, select the <<Add Date>> button. The page will
refresh and display the “Resources” section of the event setup process. If you select a facility
that has no resource availability for the day and time entered above, the system will display an
error message that no resources are available. In the Resources Area, you will define three

• Room – This field contains a list of all resources (rooms) defined for the facility previously
selected. Select the appropriate room where the event will be held (or the virtual
resource if a virtual meeting).
• Total Attendees – Define the maximum number of associate users that will be allowed to
register for the training event. Once the registration list reaches this limit (including any
registrations that are pending manager approval), future associate users registering will
be informed that they were placed on the Waitlist. This number must be a whole number
0 or greater. In the event you receive an error message indicating the maximum capacity
cannot be exceeded, then the resource you have selected is a web conference which has
a capacity that is less than the number you have entered. You will need to either change
the resource for the event or lower the total attendees.
• Instructor – This field contains a list of all active Training Managers and Instructors in
the application. Select the instructor who will be leading the event.

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Once you have input all the necessary information, select the <<Submit>> button. The system will
perform a conflict check to ensure the room and instructor selected are available for the date/time
of the event. If the conflict check is clear, the room and instructor will be booked for that
date/time and the event will be added to the application. If the conflict check is not clear, an error
message will display indicating that a conflict exists. If the conflict check was clear, the page will
refresh and display two new pieces of information.

The first is an “Assistant Instructor” button under the resources section. This allows you to define
a single assistant for the training session. Selecting the button will display a list of instructors in
the application. Select the appropriate instructor and then the <<Submit>> button. This will
perform a conflict check for the assistant instructor and book the assistant instructor if the conflict
check is clear. The assistant instructor is for information and scheduling purposes only. An
assistant instructor will not have access to manage the event, nor will they display on information
sent to the associate user.

In addition to the Assistant Instructor, the page will also display the event summary box for the
event just created (if within 30 days, if outside of 30 days in the future you will need to select the
View all events to display the new event).

If the training session is marked as inactive or archived, it does not release the
reservations of the room and instructors. In order to free up these resources, they
must first be released from the training session before it is marked as inactive or

From this event summary area, you have four new options:

• Edit – The edit feature will allow you to change information about the event (date,
instructor, time, facility, room, and attendee size). Changing an event will NOT
automatically email all registered users of the event change. Clients are advised to use
the Email Associates in a Training Session functionality and email registered users of the
change for the specific event impacted.

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• Register – If there are no associates registered for the event, this link launches an
associate search screen and allows the admin user to register an associate directly for
the training event.
• Delete – This link will delete the training event. This link is only available when
associates have not registered for the event.
• Task List – This button will launch the task list screen. On this screen, you can create
tasks (to do’s) related to the training event. The task can be assigned to any
administrative user in the application. The task can also be setup to send a task
reminder. Task reminders are sent daily at 3:15 PM Eastern. The reminder is sent on
the due date for the task. The person assigned the task will be able to update the task to
mark it complete. From this screen, you will also be able to view all previously created
tasks and their status (Completed or Not Completed).

Once associates are registered for a training event, the training event summary screen will
change and the links available will change. The Edit and Task List options remain the same. The
Delete link has been removed (since associates are registered). The register link has also been
removed. The following new links are available.

• Cancel – The cancel link replaces the Delete link. By selecting cancel, the application will
send an email notification to all associates registered for the event indicating that the
event has been canceled.
• Print Name Tags – This link will launch a report in a separate window that can print
name tags for an instructor led event. The report prints to Avery 5395 sized sheets (8
Badges per sheet). The reporting tool prints all reports to a PDF first. From the PDF,
you can print to a printer or send electronically.
• View Attendees – The view attendees link replaces the Register link. Once the training
session is approved and active, you will be able to register associates to the event via
this page. The page will provide a list of currently registered associates. If an associate
user is inactivated they will remain registered for the training event and continue to
display on this list. At the top of the page is the link “Register an Associate for this
Training Session event.” This link will launch the associate search screen and allow you
to register an associate directly for the event. From this page, you also have a link to un-
register a registered associate. You can also insert Mentor notes for the associate.

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Finally, on the page there is a “Return to current Training Session” link which will return
you to the main training session edit screen.
• Print Attendees List – The print attendees list link will launch a report in a separate
window with all attendees listed in alphabetical order. This report is commonly printed
and used for a sign-in sheet when physical signatures are required for attendance audit

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View Attendees
From the training session edit page within the event area, there is a link to View Attendees. The
page will provide a list of currently registered associates. If a user is inactivated after they had
registered for an event, they will remain registered. The application does not automatically
unregister a user based on the user becoming inactivated. From this page, you will be able to
register associates for the event, unregister associates, and add Mentor notes.

Once the training session is approved and active, you will be able to register associates to the
event via this page. At the top of the page is the link “Register an Associate for this Training
Session event.” This link will launch the associate search screen and allow you to register an
associate directly for the event.

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After you have entered your search term for the associate (see Associate section of the user
guide for more information on associate search options), the page will refresh with a list of
associates that match your search criteria. On the search results page, you will select the
“Register for Event” link to add the associate to the training session.

Registering an associate from the administrative side auto-generates a registration email to the
associate. The associate will receive the Site Email “Training Session Registration” when
registered by an Admin User via this functionality.

Once the page refreshes, one of two possible views will display. If the event had capacity, the
associate will be added to the list of registrants. If the event was full, the screen will display the
message “The event is full. The associate(s) is added to the waiting list.” See the Manage
Waitlist section of the user guide for more information on how this functions.

Unregister Associate – To unregister an associate from the event, select the Un-register link on
the View Attendees list. This will remove the associate from the event. The application sends the
Site Email Training Session Cancel when the instructor unregisters an associate from a training
event. It is still good practice for the instructor to contact the associate to confirm they received
the notification when they have been dropped from an event. This is especially important for
clients that do not require email addresses for associates.

Once you are finished with the View Attendees page, select the “Return to Current Training
Session” link. This will close the view attendees page and display the main Training Session edit

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Manage Attendees - Marking Attendance

Once a training session event is in the past, the links on the event summary section will change.
You will have to select the “View all events” link to show the past events. The default view
displays events 30 days in the future. Once you have found the appropriate event summary
area, you will notice that all previous links have been removed and a new link is visible (Manage
Attendees). Selecting this link will display the manage attendee list.

The manage attendee list will display all registered associates with seven columns of information.

• Associate Name – This displays the associate’s first and last name
• Associate Email – This displays the associate’s email address if one exists.
• Attended – This radio button provides the user the ability to mark whether or not the
associate attended the event. Yes = attended. No = not attended.
• Test Score – This allows the user to enter a test score, if applicable, for the training
event. The score entered here will not display on the associate transcript tab. A score
can only be entered if the associate user is marked as attended. If they are marked as
not attended, 0 will be assigned as the score. Only numeric values are allowed in this
field. The value can exceed 100 if your scoring system is structured on a scale of
greater than 100.
• Start and End time – The start and end time will default to the start date/time for the
event and the end date/time for the event. If the user only attended part of the event,
you can alter their attendance time with these fields. This will impact the cumulative hour
• Total Break Time – This allows you to enter any break times. Break time entered in this
field will reduce the total amount of time the associate will receive credit for on the
cumulative hour reports.
• Mentor Notes – This link allows you to enter mentor notes for the associate. These
mentor notes can be useful to provide the associate specific feedback to work on from
the training event. This can also be used for goal setting and for the evaluation/review

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process. A training event can be created for performance review and the mentor notes
can be used to document the feedback. Notes entered here are visible to the associate
user from the transcript record for the event. See the Mentor Notes section of the user
guide for more information.

Additionally, on the manage attendee screen, you have the ability to mark a non-registered user
for the event. This feature is used to accommodate walk-ups to the training event if your
organization allows that practice. The “Mark a Non-Registered Associate as Attending this
Training Session” link will launch the associate search screen. From this search/registration
screen, the process works the same as the search/register feature from the View Attendees

If you use the “Mark a Non-Registered Associate as Attending this Training

Session” option, you must still select the <Update> button on the main
attendance page. Otherwise, the attendance will not be recorded completely in
the application. You must always select the <Update> button before exiting this
page if you have made any changes.

The final feature available on the Manage Attendees list is the checkbox to initiate the sending of
the Post Session email (selected at the training session level). Post session emails are typically
used to distribute surveys to the event attendees. This allows anonymous feedback to be
collected for the training event. To send the email, mark the checkbox labeled “Send follow-up
email to attendees.” When this checkbox is marked and the <<Update>> button is selected, all
users marked attended for the event will receive the post session email selected.

Once you are finished with your updates, you will need to select the <<Update>> button to save
your changes. After that, you can select the “Return to Current Training Session” link. This will
close the manage attendees page and display the main Training Session edit page.

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Does the timing of marking attendance for a

training event matter?
It is important to notify all instructors that it is important to post
attendance as close to the training session event as possible because
certified paths that have the training session in it will use that date
when determining certificate expiration if it is the final course needed
to be taken.

Manage Attendees – Mentor Notes

One of the options available on the Manage Attendees page is the mentor note link. Mentor
notes can be useful to provide the associate specific feedback to work on from the training event.
This can also be used for goal setting and for the evaluation/review process. A training event can
be created for performance review and the mentor notes can be used to document the feedback.
Notes entered here are visible to the associate user from the transcript record for the event.

To insert a mentor note, select the Mentor Note icon for the associate that you wish to create the
note. Mentor notes are specific to an individual associate and are only visible by admin users
and the associate. When the mentor note link is selected, the Mentor note screen will display.
This screen contains three content editor fields. For more information on the functionality of the
Content Editor, please refer to the Content Editor section of the user guide. Each field has the
date and time stamp defaulted from the launch of the mentor note page. This timestamp can be
removed. The fields available for mentor notes include:

• Session Notes – This area can be used to enter general notes specific to the session.
This could include feedback on performance, accomplishments of the associate, or any
other relevant point of discussion.

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• Goals and Objectives – This area can be used to enter goals and objectives for the
associate for the upcoming period.

• Action Plan – This area can be used to enter specific action items to accomplish the
goals/objectives and target timeframes for those actions.

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If you need to make updates to the mentor note, the second launch of the mentor note page will
insert a second date/timestamp below the first note. This gives an audit history of the updates to
the mentor notes. Once all notes have been entered, select the <<Submit>> option and the
Manage Attendees page will display.

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Print Name Tags

The eSSential application has the ability to print name tags on Avery 5395 sized badge sheets (8
badges per sheet). This “report” is launched from the training event summary area for future
events where at least one associate is registered for the event. You cannot print name badges
for events that are in the past. The name tag displays the Associate’s Name (first and last), the
Training Session Name, and the Associates’ Level 2 organization name.

To print a Name Tag, select the “Print Name Tags” link from the event summary area. This link
will launch a report in a separate window. All eSSential reports are built using Crystal Reports.
The window that is launched is the HTML viewer from Crystal Reports. The print generates a
PDF first. From the PDF, you can print to a printer or send electronically.

Depending on your browser security settings, you may have to select the print option twice so
that you can “authorize” the download of the file from the web site. The illustration below displays
an example of the top half of the name tag report. Once you are finished with the report, close
the report browser window using the X in the top right hand corner of the window..

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Print Attendee List

The eSSential application has the ability to print an attendee list. This report is commonly printed
and used for a sign-in sheet when physical signatures are required for attendance audit
purposes. The attendee list is in alphabetical order by the associate’s last name and it includes
an area to check attendance and obtain a signature. The report also displays the associates’
email address so they can correct the email address if it needs to be updated. This “report” is
launched from the training event summary area for future events where at least one associate is
registered for the event. You cannot print an attendee list for events that are in the past

To print the attendee list, select the “Print Attendees List” link from the event summary area. This
link will launch a report in a separate window. All eSSential reports are built using Crystal
Reports. The window that is launched is the HTML viewer from Crystal Reports. The print
generates a PDF first. From the PDF, you can print to a printer or send electronically.

Depending on your browser security settings, you may have to select the print option twice so
that you can “authorize” the download of the file from the web site. The illustration below displays
an example of the top half of the Attendee List report. Once you are finished with the report,
close the report browser window using the X in the top right hand corner of the window.

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Manage Waitlist

The eSSential application will place associate users on a waitlist after event capacity has been
reached. Event capacity is defined when the event is created. If an event is created with a
capacity of 10, the 11 person trying to register for the event will be placed on a waitlist. The
associate will not receive a registration confirmation email until they are moved from the waiting
list to active registration when another associate cancels their registration.

The application has automated waitlist registration functionality. If any users unregister from the
event (either initiated by associate user or are unregistered by an admin user), the system will
automatically register the first person on the waitlist. The following is the page display that a user
will see when they attempt to register for an event which is full.

The waitlist order is determined by the earliest person attempting to register to the latest person
attempting to register. The automated process is the easiest (no user involvement) method to
add users to an event when seats become available. Occasionally, clients will need to add a user
to the event who is not the first person on the waitlist. The following section describes how to
manually add a user from the waitlist to an event.

The administrative user will need to navigate to the training event maintenance page using the
search process described above. Once on the training event page, the user will see that the
event is full and the number of associate users currently on the waitlist.

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The number of associates currently on the waitlist is displayed in the bottom left hand corner of
the event information area. Directly under the number on the waitlist is a link to “Manage Waiting
List.” When this link is selected, all of the users on the waitlist will display in the order they
attempted to register for the event.

From this manage waitlist page, the admin user can either add users to the event from the waitlist
or remove users from the waitlist queue. This is done by checking all the users to register or
remove and then selecting the appropriate button. If registering users from the waitlist to an
event, we give the admin user the ability to overbook an event if desired. In an example where
there is one available seat and 4 people on the waitlist, if the admin user selected and registered
all 4 people, then the event would now be overbooked by 3.

When the register button is selected, the system will perform the standard registration process
including sending the associate user an email notification that they have been registered for the

If you would like to use the automated registration feature for the waitlist and register in the order
people are on the waitlist, you can increase the event capacity by 1 or more than 1. If you
increase the capacity by 10 for example and there are 20 people on the waitlist, you can initiate
the automatic registration process by dropping a person that is registered and then application
will automatically register 11 from the waitlist (1 to replace the dropped user and 10 for the event
capacity increase). The only way to initiate the automated waitlist is for a user to drop or be
dropped from an event registration.

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In addition to access the manage waitlist page from the main event area, there is also a link on
the view attendees page.

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Copy Training Session

The Copy Training Session functionality copies the training session information fields from an
existing, active training session to a new training session. This functionality duplicates the
training session with a new name and copies the Target Audience, CEUs, Reminder Email
selection, Post Session selection, Registration Survey selection and the Overview and Objectives.

The administrator is not copied, but will be auto populated as either the admin user who is doing
the copy if they are an instructor or training manager, or the field will default to None Selected.
The training session number is also not copied since it must be unique and will default to zero.

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Instructor Unavailable Time

The eSSential application has the ability for the instructor to define “out of the office” time. This
would be time that they are normally available for training but for some reason (vacation, non-
LMS event, etc.) will not be available. Unavailable time, as indicated by an instructor, is factored
into the conflict check performed by the application when a training event is created.

The eSSential application has conflict checking for all training events. The conflict checking
confirms that the room (resource) and instructor are both available for the date(s) and time(s)
selected for the training event. An instructor can be unavailable for three reasons. First, they
could be booked for another training event. Second, the event being scheduled could be outside
the window of their working days/hours (see Instructor Availability section of Add an Admin User).
The final conflict occurs when an instructor has booked unavailable time in the application. This
is used to identify blocks of time on specific days when the instructor would normally be available
but are not. This is commonly used for vacation or for non-LMS related meetings.

To navigate to the “Add Unavailable Time” page, the instructor would select the Calendar View
from the training session search page.

On the default view (Daily), there is a link under the instructor’s name labeled [Add Unavailable

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When this link is selected, the Add Unavailable Time page will display. The first section of this
page allows the user to enter a new block of unavailable time.

In this first area, there are five fields available to define the unavailable time and one action

• Start Date – This is the date (Month, Day, Year) for the unavailable time window.
• Start Time – This is the start time (hour and minutes in 15 minute increments and
AM/PM designation) for the unavailable time window.
• End Time – This is the end time (hour and minutes in 15 minute increments and AM/PM
designation) for the unavailable time window. This should be greater than the start time.
• Comment – The comment field is used to provide a brief description of the reason for the
unavailable time
• Add – This button saves the unavailable time block and refreshes the page. All required
fields must be entered before the record can be saved.

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Just below the Add Unavailable Time Area is a list of all future unavailable time blocked for the

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Training Session Copy

The Training Session Copy functionality copies the Training Session Information fields from an
existing, active training session to a new training session. This functionality duplicates the
training session with a new name and copies the Target Audience, CEUs, Reminder Email
selection, Post Session selection, Registration Survey selection and the Overview and

The Administrator is not copied, but will be auto populated as either the admin user who is doing
the copy if they are an instructor or training manager, or the field will default to None Selected.
The Number is also not copied since it should be unique, and will default to zero.

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Media Library
The Media Library is a cross between document management system and library for the
administrative users of the eSSential application. This area provides basic functionality for
allowing electronic media (i.e. Power Point presentations, Excel files, PDF files, etc.) to be loaded
to the LMS and then “checked out” by administrative users that are geographically dispersed and
do not have another easy method to share files. The system can also serve as a basic library
management system allowing physical media (i.e. books, CDs, and DVDs) to be requested,
checked-out, and then checked back in.

To navigate to the Media Library, select the Curriculum option from the Admin Menu Bar. Next
place your mouse pointer over the Media Library link (this action will cause a fly-out menu to be
displayed). From the fly-out menu, select the View Media Library link.

Once the “View Media Library” link has been selected, the Media Library search page will display.
From the Media Library search page, you have several options.

• All Media – This link will display a list of all Media defined to the Media Library in the
• Alphabetical Group Media Search – These links [A-J], [K-R], and [S-Z] will display a list
of media based on the first letter of the Media name. Any media starting with a numeric
character will not be returned by one of these links.
• Media Name – This option will allow the user to search by the Media Name. Enter all or
part of the Media name in the field and then select the <<Search>> button to execute the
search. The name entered will have a wildcard entered automatically after the search
term. If you want to see a list of all Media that have a name starting with “A,” you would
enter “A” in the Media Name as the search criteria.
• Add New Media – This link launches the Add New Media page. (See the Add New
Media section for more information).

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Once one of the previously described search options has been executed, the Media Library
search results page will return. If your search criteria did not produce a result, the message
“There is currently no Media available” will display. Please retry your search with different
criteria. On the Media Search results page, there will be 8 columns of information.

• Media Name – This displays the media name. If the media is not checked out, the name
will be a hyperlink to allow you to edit information about the media. If the media is
checked out, this link changes to a display only field for data integrity purposes.
• Type – This displays the Media Type defined when the media was added to the Library.
Media types available are (Book, CD, DVD, Excel Document, PowerPoint, VHS, Word
Document, and PDF)
• View File – For electronic media, this is a link to launch the actual file. This column will
be empty for physical media.
• Details – This link displays the comment field information entered when the Media was
added to the library. This is displayed in a separate window when this link is selected.
You will have the option to print this comment from the pop-up window.
• Quantity/ In-Use – This field displays the total available for the media and the total
currently checked out. This number is only meaningful for physical media but the system
will also track for electronic media to provide you with information on how often the
electronic media is accessed (shows popularity/utility of the file loaded).
• Status – The status field will either display a link to check out a media item or will display
the message “Checked Out” in red if there is nothing available to check out. Quantity and
In-Use are the same. If you select the check out link, an email will automatically be sent
to the Site Email address defined during the implementation with your request to check
out the media item. When the request is approved, you will receive an email with a link to
download the item (if electronic). If physical, you will receive an email indicating the item
has been sent to you per company shipping practices.
• Delete – This will display a link to delete the media item if no one currently has it checked
• Check-in – This will display a link to allow the item to be checked back in. This button
link will only display if an item is currently checked out. This button displays a popup
window indicating who has the item checked out. You can check the item back in from
this window. Only Site Admin users are allowed to check in a Media item.

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Add New Media

To add new media to the Library, you will select the “Add New Media” link at the top of the Media
Library search page. The first field you must select is facility. There will be one valid option which
is “Media.” After the media option is selected, the page will automatically refresh and the
Category drop down list will display. From the Category drop down list, you will again have Media
as the only option available. Once Media is selected from the Category drop down list, the page
will refresh automatically and the Add Media page will display.

On the Add Media page, the Facility and Category fields will be populated. You will need to
complete the remaining fields to successfully add the media.

• Media Type – This is the Type of media that you are adding to the system. Valid types
are Book, CD, DVD, Excel Document, PowerPoint, VHS, Word Document, and PDF.
• Media Name – This is the name that will display for the media to other admin users.
• Upload File – This link is only applicable for electronic media. Select the <<Browse>>
button and launch the standard windows browse window. This will allow you to browse
on your computer or network to find the electronic file to upload.
• Quantity – This field allows you to define the quantity you have available. For electronic
media, we suggest defining a very large number (999,999) since the quantity is really not
applicable. For physical media, you will need to define the actual number you have
• Comments – This field is optional and will display on the Media Library main page when
the details link is selected. This can include any helpful instructions on how the Media
should be used or whom to contact with any questions.

The following table identifies the maximum length of each text entry field and if any special
characters are allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

Media Name 35 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, periods
Comments 255 No Alphanumeric, hyphen, periods

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The maximum size of a file uploaded to this area is 4 MB.

Once all the information has been inserted, select the <<Insert Information>> button to save the
record. The page will refresh with a message that the Media was added.

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Check Out/Check In Media

The Media Library is not a fully functioning Document or Library Management system. It does,
however, provide basic functionality for those clients that do not require a full document/library
management system. The Media Library is only available for Administrative Users. The intent of
the library is to provide a forum where administrative users involved in the training process at a
company could easily share electronic material or physical material.

To check out an item from the media library, the user would navigate to the Media Library list
page. To navigate to the Media Library, select the Curriculum option from the Admin Menu Bar.
Next, place your mouse pointer over the Media Library link (this action will cause a fly-out menu
to be displayed). From the fly-out menu, select the View Media Library link. From this page,
perform a search as described above to return a list of media items.

On the search results screen, there is a Check Out link under the status column. The
administrative user would select that link which would send an email request to the Site Email
address identified by your company during your initial implementation process. On the email
notification there will be a link to approve the request or reject the request. When the request is
approved, the system will increment the quantity in the user column by one. The system does not
track specifically who has the item checked out, nor does the system provide any fulfillment
functionality to manage the shipping process for physical media. The application simply tracks
that one additional item has been checked out. It is the responsibility of your company to track by
whom and handle the shipping process outside the LMS if that is required.

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Any Site Administrative user will be allowed to check an item back in. To check in a media item,
execute a search for the media item using the steps outlined above. From the search results
page there will be a <Check-In> button for any media items that currently have at least one
quantity in the checked out state. Select the Check-In button and the check in pop-up window will
launch. Select the check box and then the <Submit> button. This will complete the check in
process and increase the available quantity.

For electronic media where a check in process is not relevant, we recommend setting the number
of items available at such a high value, that you will never need to check in an item. This will give
you a counter of how often the item was used by your organization.

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Course Library
The Course Library is the quickest and easiest way for an Admin user to view all active courses in
the system and launch a course in preview mode. This listing displays all courses (eLogic
Authored and SCORM). The course is launched using a Generic user ID thus the system does
not try to perform any bookmarking or transcript updates based on viewing the course via the
library. This gives the Admin a quick method to preview the course. Some third party content
providers using content servers do not support SCORM and deliver the courses via AICC. We
have no way of determining if a course is SCORM or AICC thus we have included two links in the
course library. Our recommendation is always use the SCORM link and if you encounter an
issue try the AICC link.

If your intention is to test a SCORM course, we advise that you test the course using a “test”
associate user rather than the course library. This will provide you with the ability to test all user
scenarios including score, status and bookmarking.

To navigate to the Course Library, select the Curriculum option from the Admin Menu Bar. Next,
mouse over the Course Library option. This will display a fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu,
select the View Course Library option. This link will launch the course library screen.

The course library page is a full list of all active courses in the application. To reduce the list of
courses, you have the option of selecting one of the Alphabetical Group search options. This will
reduce the courses displayed to just courses starting with the letter A-J, K-R or S-Z. Any course
that starts with a numeric value in the Course Title will not display using one of the Alphabetical
Group search links.

From the course library page, select the View Course details link to launch the course. The
course will launch in a separate window. When you are finished previewing the course, select the
<<Done>> button or close the SCORM course and you will be returned to the Course Library

Next to each course title in the library list, there is a View Course Details column. If the course is
an eLogic authored course (not SCORM/AICC), the link to launch the course is labeled “View
Course Details.” If the course is a SCORM/AICC course, then two separate links will appear.

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The “View SCORM Course” link launches the course without a user ID. This is done to ensure
that you do not encounter any issues if multiple versions of the course have been loaded. This
prevents the system from tracking a registration of the generic user and tying that registration to
the first version launched of the course via the course library. The “View AICC Course” launches
the course with a User ID since AICC requires a user ID. If you have loaded multiple versions of
the course, you may encounter versioning issues and have to preview the course with a test user.

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Test Banks
As referenced in the Course section of the Admin User Guide, the eSSential application has the
ability to develop and use Test Banks. A test bank is a group of test questions which, when
properly used, can randomize the questions displayed to associate users for both Pre-
Assessments and Final Assessments. Randomizing questions is a useful technique in situations
where the likelihood is high that associate users would “share” test answers. As an
Administrator, you can create a test bank with 100 questions. You can then assign that test bank
to a course for both the pre-assessment and final assessment. When you assign the question
you can indicate that 20 questions will be used. The 20 questions displayed to associate users
will be a random selection out of the 100 and be displayed in a random order. This reduces the
likelihood that answers could be shared since no two users will see the same test (set of
questions and sequence of questions).

To navigate to the Test Bank area, select Curriculum from the Admin Menu Bar. From the
Curriculum Menu, select the Test Bank link. This will launch the Test Bank Search page.

On the test bank search page you will have three search options and an Add a New Test Bank

• Alphabetical Group Search – The links [A-J], [K-R], and [S-Z] will display a list of Test
Banks based on the first letter of the Test Bank name. Any Test Bank starting with a
numeric character will not be returned by one of these links.
• All Test Banks – This link will display a list of all Test Banks defined in the application.
• Bank Name – This option will allow the user to search by the Test Bank Name. Enter all
or part of the Test Bank name in the field and then select the <<Search>> button to
execute the search. The name entered will have a wildcard entered automatically after
the search term. If you want to see a list of all Test Banks that have a name starting with
“A,” you would enter “A” in the Bank Name as the search criteria.
• Add a New Test Bank– This link launches the Add New Test Bank page. (See the Add
Test Bank section for more information).

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Once you have executed one of the above available searches, the Test Bank search result page
will display. The test bank search results page will display four columns of information.

• Bank Name – This column displays the name entered when the test bank was created.
This field is 50 characters in length and does not accept special characters.
• Type – This column indicates the type of assessment created. Both pre-assessment and
final assessment type test banks are available to select in the Pre-Assessment drop
down list on the course add/edit page. Only Final Assessment type test banks display in
the final assessment drop down list on the course add/edit page.
• Questions – This column displays the number of questions that have been defined for
the test bank.
• Action – This column contains two links. The first link launches the test bank edit screen
which will allow you to add questions, remove questions or change questions on the test
bank. The second link will delete the test bank. If the delete action link is selected, a
confirmation message will display. If the user selects the <<OK>> option, the test bank
will be deleted. If they select the <<Cancel>> button, the bank will not be deleted. If a
test bank is deleted that was associated with one or more courses, those courses will
now not have assessments associated. You will need to manually define a new
assessment. The system does not prevent a user from deleting a test bank that has
been assigned.

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Add Test Bank

You have two navigational options to launch the Add Test Bank page. The first option is to select
the Add a New Test Bank link from the Test Bank search page or search results page. You also
have the ability to navigate directly to the Add Test Bank page via the menu options. First, select
the Curriculum menu from the Admin Menu Bar. Next, mouse over the Test Bank link which will
display a fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu, select the Add Test Bank link. This process will
launch the Add Test Bank page.

From the Add Test bank page, you have two options for creating the test bank “shell.” The first
option is to create a test bank from scratch using the Add a New Bank section of the page. The
second option is to create the test bank as a copy of an existing test bank. This is useful when
you have a test bank already created which you can edit from thus saving time (many of the
questions are going to be the same but you want to add, edit or remove a few questions to make
the test bank unique).

To build a test bank from scratch, two fields must be initially defined.
• Pre-Assessment Test Bank – This check box defines which type of test bank this will
be. If the check box is marked, the test bank will be given the Pre-Assessment type. If
the check box is not marked, the test bank will be given a Final Assessment type. Both

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pre-assessment and final assessment type test banks are available to select in the Pre-
Assessment drop down list on the course add/edit page. Only Final Assessment type
test banks display in the final assessment drop down list on the course add/edit page.
• Bank Name – The second field that must be populated is the Bank Name. This is a 50
character sized field that accepts alphanumeric values. Special characters are not
allowed in the Test Bank name. This name must be unique. The system will perform a
duplicate name check and return the message “Test Bank Already Exists” if the name
entered is the same as a previously defined Bank.

Once this information has been entered, select the <<Submit>> button, this will add the test bank
to the application and launch the question/answer creation page. There will be a message at the
top of the page indicating that the test bank has 0 questions defined and that the bank was
created on today’s date by your user name. Additionally, this page will also show that the new
test bank is not assigned to any courses. When the test bank is assigned to a course, that
course name will display on this page in the order that it was assigned (if assigned to more than
one course). From this page, you can create and edit questions or you can modify the name of
the test bank.

Adding questions and answers is performed with the same functionality as described in creating a
Static Pre-Assessment or Static Final Assessment. This is accomplished by clicking on the grey
“Add A New Question” link. When you select the link, the Content Editor will appear for defining
the question.

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Once you have entered the question, select the “Save Question” button. This will save the
Question and refresh the page with a new Content Editor field. This field/box is used to enter the
first potential answer.

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The possible answers to the question will appear to the Associate in the order in which they are
entered into the system. Therefore, you may not want to start with the correct answer for every
question. You will need to have distracters (wrong answers that may be interpreted as a correct
answer by someone who has not read and understood the lesson) as well as the correct answer.
Type in the distracter or the answer in the box provided. If the answer you are entering is the
correct answer, click on the “Correct Answer” box and then click on the “Save Answer” button.
You are only allowed to enter one correct answer. Once you do this, you will be presented with
the same screen with the following additional information available at the bottom:

If you have already indicated that one of the answers you provided was the correct answer, you
will be informed that the correct answer has already been assigned. Continue adding distracter
questions, selecting the <<Save Answer>> button after every entry. There is no limit as to the
amount of possible answer choices that you can utilize. If you determine that you have
incorrectly marked an answer as correct, select the delete button for that answer and you will be
allowed to submit a new correct answer.

When you have completed saving the correct answer, as well as all distracter answers, and you
wish to add another question, click on the grey “Add A New Question” link provided in the bottom
left hand corner of your screen. Repeat all the steps previously explained on how to add a
question and answers.

Once you have completed all the questions, answers and distracters associated with the test
bank, click on the grey “Return to Current Test” link or the “Return to Test Banks” link.

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Test Bank Report

The test bank report is an on screen display of all the questions and answers associated with a
test bank. The report will display the questions and answers in the order in which they were
entered into the application. The answer which is correct will be marked with a <<This is the
correct answer>> note to the right of the answer. The note will be in red font.

To launch the Test Bank report, select the Curriculum menu from the Admin Menu Bar. Next,
mouse over the Test Bank link which will display a fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu, select
the Test Banks Report link. This process will launch the Test Bank Report selection page. You
must first select a test bank from the drop down field and then select the <<Go>> button.

The top of the report will display the name of the Test bank. Next there will be a message
indicating the total number of questions on the test bank. The final portion of the test bank report
header lists all of the courses that the test bank has been assigned. In the body of the report,
each question with the corresponding answers will be displayed.

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Learning Paths
Learning Paths is the eSSential approach to grouping curriculum together to allow the associate
user the ability to register once for the learning path and receive multiple individual curricula in
their My Courses/My Workshops list. Clients typically utilize the learning path functionality for one
of three reasons.

• Ease of registration – the learning path feature allows for the simple grouping of similar
curriculum. The associate registers for the learning path and receives multiple individual
curricula registrations. This can be useful if you have broken a large SCORM course with
heavy video into small “chunks.” The courses can be linked with pre-requisites and
added to a single learning path.
• Competency definition – The learning path can also be used to define a competency.
This would be useful for clients that have a series of courses or training sessions that,
when completed, should have provided the user with a minimum required competency in
the subject matter area.
• Certification – When creating a learning path, the user will have the option of marking the
learning path as a certified path. When a user completes a certified learning path, the
system will automatically insert a certification record in their transcript. This certification
record will have an expiration date. The data is calculated from the certified path
completion date based on the period of time selected for the certified learning path (1-7
years, calendar year, or lifetime). Additionally, the client can elect to have a Certificate of
Completion available similar to courses/training sessions which can be launched from the
associate My Transcript tab. This is a configurable setting determined by each client.
Certified learning path functionality is described in more detail in the Add a Learning Path
section of the user guide.

To navigate to the Learning Path area, select Curriculum from the Admin Menu Bar. From the
Curriculum Menu, select the Manage Learning Path(s) link. This will launch the Learning Path
Search page.

From the Learning Path Search page, there are two search options and a link to add a new
learning path.

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• All Learning Paths– This link will display a list of all Learning Paths defined in the
• Learning Path Name – This option will allow the user to search by the Learning Path
Name. Enter all or part of the Learning Path name in the field and then select the
<<Search Learning Path(s)>> button to execute the search. The name entered will have
a wildcard entered automatically after the search term. If you want to see a list of all
Learning Paths that have a name starting with “A,” you would enter “A” in the Learning
Path Name as the search criteria.
• Add Learning Path – This link launches the Add Learning Path page. (See the Add
Learning Path section for more information).

When using the search by name feature, enter at least one character (letter or number) in the
box and click the “Search Learning Path(s)” button. The blank space after the single character will
function as a wild card and bring up all learning paths that begin with that character. Leaving the
learning path name field blank will bring up an error box.

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Once you have executed one of the above available searches, the Learning Path search result
page will display. The learning path search results page will display five columns of information.

• Learning Path Name – This column displays the name of the Learning Path. This is a
hyperlink that will launch the Learning Path edit page.
• Days Due from Registration – If the learning path was created with a days due from
registration requirement, that value will display in this column. If this option was not
selected, the column will display a “0.”
• Certification Path – This column displays the certified path designation. If the learning
path was created as a certified path, the column will display a “Y” value. If the learning
path is not a certified path, the value that displays will be an “N” value.
• Status – This column will contain an action link. If the learning path is currently active, it
will display a green check mark which allows you to inactivate the learning path when
selected. If the learning path is inactive, it will display a red X which allows you to
activate the learning path. Inactive learning paths will not be available for curriculum
assignment. When a learning path is inactivated, it can no longer be registered for by the
associate users even if assignment records still exist.
• Delete – This column contains a link which allows learning paths that have not been used
to be deleted. If a learning path has been registered for by an associate user, then the
learning path can no longer be deleted. The column will display “Cannot Delete” for
those cases. If the learning path has not been registered for by an associate user, then
there will be a “Delete” link in the column.

From the search results screen, you also have links that will launch the Add Learning Path page,
the Learning Path Search page, and the View Curriculum in a Path page.

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Add Learning Path

You have two navigational options to launch the Add Learning Path page. The first option is to
select the Add Learning Path link from the Learning Path search page or search results page.
You also have the ability to navigate directly to the Add Learning Path page via the menu options.
First, select the Curriculum menu from the Admin Menu Bar. Next, mouse over the Manage
Learning Path(s) link which will display a fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu, select the Add
Learning Path link. This process will launch the Add Learning Path page.

To add a learning path, seven fields are available for entry.

• Learning Path– This field is used to define the learning path name.

Important Note: This field does not check for duplicate learning path names. Best Practice
is to check for duplicate name before adding in the new learning path by using the search
feature. Duplicate learning paths can cause issues with reporting and confuse the associates
if they have more than one learning path to select from with the same name. Additionally, if
you change the learning path name over time and this is a certified learning path, only the
current name will display in the drop down list for the Associate Certification report. In order
to report on data for the previous named certification, the client would have to run the
Certification Expiration report and manually type the previous certification name. Changing a
certified learning path name will also prevent the renewal logic from working. For renewals,
the application matches based on learning path name. If the name changes, the renewal will
not be able to be processed. It will appear the student has earned a different certification.
For this reason, we encourage clients to not change Certified Learning Path names.

• Learning Path Cost– This field is used for clients that are implementing eCommerce
functionality. This allows the user to define the cost to be charged for the learning path
during the eCommerce transaction. If a value is entered besides zero, a cost will display
in the curriculum search results, but the associate will only be directed to the eCommerce
page to enter payment if Pay Per Use is checked for their level on the Organizational
Flow level management page.
• Send Email Flag – This flag enables the functionality to send an email to a single email
address each time an associate user completes the learning path. This may be useful in

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compliance and commerce situations but could be overwhelming for large volume
learning paths.
• Email Address – This filed becomes enabled if the send email flag field is selected. You
must enter a valid email address format in the field when the send email flag is checked.
• Certified Path Flag – The certified path functionality provides a robust feature set for
allowing the system to manage certifications and certification renewal automatically.
When this flag is enabled, the learning path becomes a certified path. When an
associate user completes a certified path, the system will automatically create a
certification record in their transcript. The certification will be given an expiration date
based on the completion date plus the expiration period selected in the Expiration drop
down list. Certified paths work in the following manner:
o Completion logic – The completion logic is based on the curriculum currently
defined for the learning path. If the user registered for a path that had 10 online
courses defined at the time of registration and then 2 more courses were added
to the path later that day, the associate user would have to complete the 12
courses (not the 10). This provides clients the flexibility as certification
requirements change to apply those changes to all in process associate users. If
you do change the curriculum within a learning path, we recommend that you
notify users of the change and the need to register for the learning path to
add/remove any curriculum changes. Additionally, the completion logic checks
for pass/fail status. An associate user will not receive credit for a course failed or
a training session not attended. If the user fails the course, they will have to re-
register for the learning path. This will add any failed courses to their My
Courses list. They will have to successfully pass the course(s) failed before they
will get credit for the Certified Path. They will not, however, have to retake any
courses that were passed.
o Drop Control – Certified paths have an added control to not allow a single
course/training event registered for as part of the path to be dropped individually.
If the associate user drops any course that is part of a certified path, then all
courses/training sessions that have not been completed will be dropped. This
control is in place to prevent users from dropping part of the certified path but still
receiving credit for completing the path (and thus earning the certification).
When a drop is initiated for a course or training path that was registered for as
part of a learning path, the system performs a check to see if the certified path
flag is enabled. If it is enabled, all courses/training sessions registered for and
not completed as part of the learning path will be dropped.
o Renewal Logic – The system provides a renewal period for certified paths. After
a certified path is completed by a user, they are not allowed to re-register for the
certified path until they receive their reminder that the certification is about to
expire. For most clients, the reminder is sent 30 days prior to expiration. At the
point the notification is sent, the certified path is unlocked and the user is allowed
to get re-certified. If the user satisfactorily completes/passes all curricula within
the certified path prior to their expiration date, they will receive a renewal
certification record (new record). The new record will have its expiration date
calculated from the previous certification’s expiration date and not the certified
path completion date. Keeping the certified path locked until 30 days prior to the
expiration ensures that taking of the certified path is done in alignment with the
company’s certification periods. The renewal match is done based on certified

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

learning path name. It is important to not change the name of a certified learning

o Shared Curricula – If two or more certified learning paths have the one shared
curriculum (either course or training session), the associate user will need to
complete the shared curriculum in the first learning path before registering for the
second learning path. If they do not, they will have to re-register for the second
learning path. The application has a control that prevents an associate from
being registered more than once for the same course or training session at the
same time.
o Certificate of Completion– If your company elected to have Certificate of
Completions enabled for certifications, each time an associate completes a
certified learning path, a certification will be automatically created and will have a
link to display the certificate of Completion from the My Transcript tab. If this
option is disabled, then no link will display next to the Certification.
• Expiration – This field must be entered when the certified path is enabled. This
expiration period will be added to the completion date (for new certifications) or added to
the expiration date (for renewals) to determine the expiration date for the certificate. The
LP completion date will either be the date the last course was completed or the date that
Attendance was marked for a training event (if the training session is the last item in the
certified learning path to complete). There are three main categories of expiration
o Yearly Expiration – The application has 1 year to 7 year expiration periods.
This represents adding the number of years selected to the completion date or
prior expiration date to calculate the expiration date for the certification earned.
o Calendar Year – This option allows for a certification earned to expire on 12/31
of the earned year. Whether the certification was earned on 1/1 or on 11/1, they
will both have the same expiration date of 12/31. This can be used by
companies that are on a calendar year period and want all users to have the
same expiration date regardless of when they earned their certification.
o Life Time – When this option is selected, the expiration date will be 12/31/2099.
• Number of days for path completion – This operates similar to the field on the course
add/edit page to define number of days for completion. The “Number of Days for Path
Completion” option controls whether the course must be completed within a certain
number of days from the registration date. eSSential has reporting that provides visibility

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to those that are near or have passed their due date. If the due date has passed without
the course being completed, the My Courses display will change. The associate user will
no longer be allowed to launch the course and there will be a note indicating “This course
was to be completed by MM/DD/YYYY.” The associate will have the option to drop the
course and re-register thus recalculating the due date. Our philosophy is that
organizations will still want the course to be taken by the associate but will want to have
visibility to those associates that do not complete within a specified timeframe. This can
also be used by clients that have implemented the eCommerce functionality. They may
have time limits set for completing a course but will allow the user to re-register if the
course is purchased again. The value entered in this field will be an override if a different
value is entered for a course in the learning path. NOTE: When using this field on a
certified learning path with one or more training sessions, please ensure you have
available training events regularly scheduled. If an associate user registers for a learning
path and there are no training events within the number of days for path completion
timeframe, they will not be able to finish the path.

The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).
Field Length Required Allowable Characters
Learning Path 255 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Learning Path Cost 5 No Numeric, periods
Send Email Flag n/a No Not applicable (checkbox)
Email Address 200 No Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Certified Path Flag n/a No Not applicable (checkbox)
Expiration n/a No Not applicable (drop down list)
Number of days for completion 4 No Numeric

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Once this information has been entered, select the <<Add Learning Path>> button, this will add
the Learning Path to the application and launch the Learning Path Search page with a message
at the top of the page indicating, “The Learning Path was updated!”.

After a learning path has been created, the user can always edit the learning path information by
selecting the learning path from the search results screen. The only difference between the Add
Learning Path page and the Edit Learning Path page is the ability to launch the Overviews and
Objectives definition page. This page works just as Courses and Training Sessions. There are
three separate Content Editor fields that allow entry of Overview, Objectives, and Resources.
When entered, this information can be viewed by the Associate user by selecting the
overview/objectives link for the learning path from the Online Library search results page.

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View/Add Curriculum in a Learning Path

Once a learning path has been created, curriculum has to be assigned to the learning path before
it can be used in the application. Learning Paths can have an unlimited number of courses
and/or training sessions added via the View/Add Curriculum in a Learning Path page.

This page can be accessed in two methods. The first method is to select the “View Curriculum in
a Path” link on the Learning Path search result page. This page can also be accessed directly
from the menu. To navigate to the View/Add Curriculum in a Learning Path page, you first select
Curriculum from the Admin Menu Bar. Next, you will mouse over the Manage Learning Path(s)
link which will display a “fly-out” menu. From the fly-out menu, select the View/Add Curriculum in
a Learning Path link.

Once the View/Add Curriculum in a Learning Path link is selected, the page will refresh and
present a screen with a drop down box to select the learning path which you wish to view or add
curriculum. The drop-down list has an alphabetical listing of all learning paths defined in the
application. Any learning path with a name starting with a numeric value will display first in the
list. Select the appropriate learning path name and select the <<Continue >> button. This will
launch the curriculum listing page for the Learning Path.

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The page will display any courses or training sessions currently included in the learning path.
This page has three columns of information plus a link to add curriculum to the learning path.

• Curriculum Name – This displays the name of the course or training session that is
assigned to the learning path. The curriculum assigned to the learning path will display
in alphabetical order with any numeric course/sessions displayed first.
• Type – This displays the type of curriculum (course or training session).
• Delete – This call to action link allows you to remove any previously assigned curriculum.
This will not impact any associate user currently in process of a learning path or any user
that has successfully completed a learning path. It will only impact new registrations.
• Add Curriculum to Learning Path - To add a new course or training session, select the
Add Curriculum to Learning Path link.

When the Add Curriculum to a Learning Path option is selected, the page will refresh and present
a screen with a drop down box to select the curriculum to add to the learning path. This listing is
an alphabetical list of all active courses and training sessions. Any training sessions will be noted
with a hyphen followed by the caption “training session.” Once you have selected the appropriate
curriculum, select the <<Add Curriculum>> button. The page will refresh displaying the
curriculum assigned page so that you can continue the process of adding curriculum to the
learning path until you are complete.

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If a Learning Path has a course B with a pre-requisite Course A, and both Course
A and Course B are in the learning path, when a student registers for the learning
path and has completed the Course A before registering for the learning path,
they will still be required to recomplete course A to complete the Learning path,
but they will get credit for completing the pre-req and thus can take Course B first
if they so choose.

If curriculum within a learning path is inactivated (either course or training

session), that curriculum will display on this page with its status in red, but that
curriculum will not be available to associate users when they register for the
learning path. If you deactivate curriculum in learning paths, you should delete
the curriculum from the learning path.

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Assign a Learning Path to a Level One

If there is a learning path which your organization would like to provide to a large group of the
user population, the best method for learning path assignment is to assign at the Level One. In
order for a learning path to be available for the associate user to search for and register, the
learning path must be assigned. Assignments can be made to all of the users in a Level One or
can be constrained based on Job Code and COA code (described further below).

To navigate to the Assign a Learning Path to a Level One page, select Curriculum from the
Admin Menu Bar, then mouse over the Manage Learning Path(s) link. This will launch the fly-out
sub-menu. In the fly-out sub-menu is the “Assign a Learning Path to a Level One” link. Select
this link to launch the Level One Learning Path Assignment process.

Before an assignment can be made or updated, you must first select the Level One value. The
drop down box on this page will list, in alphabetical order, the Level Ones defined in the system.
The first option in the list is the All Level Ones option. If this is selected, the Learning Path will be
added to every level One currently in the application. If a new Level 1 is later created, it will not
have the assignment. The assignment would have to be redone for the new Level 1.

Select the Level One value that you wish to assign a Learning Path to and then click the <<Go>>
button. Selecting a specific Level One value will the Learning Path Name search page.

The Learning Path search page is used to limit the number of records returned for organizations
that have a large number of Learning Paths. For organizations that assign several thousand
Learning Paths to a single organization, it can take several minutes for all records to return.
Using this search feature, you can find all Learning Paths based on a name search. If you want
to see all Learning Paths assigned, leave the name field empty and select the <<Continue>>
button. This will perform a wild card search and return all Learning Path assignment records for
the organization. The name field is a wildcard search. If you enter a single character in the field,
all learning paths with that character in the name will be returned (if you enter “a” in the search
name all learning paths with an “a” anywhere in the name field will return). If you want to see all
learning paths that have the word “advanced” in the learning path name, enter “advanced” in the

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Learning Path name field. Once you have entered the appropriate search criteria, select the
<<Continue>> button to display the Curriculum assigned page.

The Learning Path Assigned page displays the name of the Level One (in yellow) which you
selected. From this page, you can view all Learning Paths already assigned to the Level One
value selected based on the search criteria entered. From this page you also have the ability to
delete assignments. To delete an assignment, select the delete link on the assignment row you
would like to delete. Once the delete is finished, the page will refresh using the same search
criteria previously entered.

To add a new learning path assignment to the Level One, you must select the [Add Learning
Path] link at the top of the page. This link launches the following screen:

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On this page, the first field that must be selected is the Learning Path drop down list. This is an
alphabetical listing of all Learning Paths in the application. You are allowed to select a single
learning path for the assignment process. This is the only required field on the page. Once the
learning path has been selected, if you do not want to use one of the other options on the page,
you can select the <<Add>> button and the assignment record will be created.

Next on this page is the Job multi-select box. By selecting one or more job codes, you can limit
the associates who can take the learning path to just those with job codes that match your

Next on this page is the COA Code multi-select box. This operates in the same fashion as the
Job Code box. By selecting one or more COA codes, you can limit the associates who can take
the learning path to just those with COA codes that match your selection.

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The final option on the page is the Level Two multi-select box. This option is useful when you
want to assign the same learning path to more than one Level Two under the Level One that you
have selected but you do not want to assign it to all Level Twos under that Level One. The list
box defaults to All Level Twos selected and then lists each Level Two individually in alphabetical

If you wish to select more than one value from the Job, COA Code or Level Two
multi-select boxes, hold down the CTRL key while selecting them.

Once all of your assignment options have been entered, select the <<ADD>> button to create the
assignment record(s). After the add process has completed, the page will refresh using the same
search criteria as originally entered.

If you want to view all assignments for the level one or if your initial search result does not
match the Learning Path name exactly:

5. Select the [Choose a different (Level 1 name)] link from the top of the page
6. Reselect the level 1
7. Then, either leave the search field blank to view all, or enter a search term that matches
the assignment exactly
8. Click the continue button to view

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Assign a Learning Path to a Level Two

In order for any learning path to be available for an associate user to search for and register, the
learning path must be assigned. Assignments can be made to all of the users in a Level Two or
can be constrained based on Job Code (described further below).

To navigate to the Assign a Learning Path to a Level Two page, select Curriculum from the
Admin Menu Bar, then mouse over the Manage Learning Path(s) link. This will launch the fly-out
sub-menu. In the fly-out sub-menu is the “Assign a Learning Path to a Level Two” link. Select
this link to launch the Level Two Learning Path Assignment process.

Before an assignment can be made or updated, you must first select the Level Two value. The
drop down box on this page will list, in alphabetical order, the Level Twos defined in the system.
Select the Level Two value that you wish to assign a learning path to and then click the <<Go>>
button. Selecting a specific Level Two value will the Learning Path Name search page.

The Learning Path search page is used to limit the number of records returned for organizations
that have a large number of Learning Paths. For organizations that assign several thousand
Learning Paths to a single organization, it can take several minutes for all records to return.
Using this search feature, you can find all Learning Paths based on a name search. If you want
to see all Learning Paths assigned, leave the name field empty and select the <<Continue>>
button. This will perform a wild card search and return all Learning Path assignment records for
the organization. The name field is a wildcard search. If you enter a single character in the field,
all learning paths with that character in the name will be returned (if you enter “a” in the search
name all learning paths with an “a” anywhere in the name field will return). If you want to see all
learning paths that have the word “advanced” in the learning path name, enter “advanced” in the
Learning Path name field. Once you have entered the appropriate search criteria, select the
<<Continue>> button to display the Curriculum assigned page.

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The Learning Path Assigned page displays the name of the Level Two (in blue) which you
selected. From this page, you can view all Learning Paths already assigned to the Level Two
value selected based on the search criteria entered. From this page you also have the ability to
delete assignments. To delete an assignment, select the delete link on the assignment row you
would like to delete. Once the delete is finished, the page will refresh using the same search
criteria previously entered.

This page will also indicate if an assignment has been made at a Level One that impacts the
Level Two. When an assignment has been made at the Level One parent for a Level Two, the
page will display the assignment record and a note in the Level Threes Assigned column
indicating “Assigned by Level One.” The delete column will have a note “Assigned by Level One”
indicating that the assignment cannot be deleted since it was made at the Level One.

In the event of a duplicate assignment being made (assigned at the Level One and assigned at
the Level Two), the highest level assignment will win. If the assignment was made at the Level
One for all job codes but then made at a Level Two for only a single job code, the Level One
assignment to all job codes wins. You would need to delete the assignment at the Level One for
the Level Two assignment to apply.

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To add a new learning path assignment to the Level Two, you must select the [Add Learning
Path] link at the top of the page. This link launches the following screen:

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On this page, the first option to select is the Learning Path drop down list. This is an
alphabetical listing of all learning paths in the application. You are allowed to select a single
learning path for the assignment process. This is the only required field on the page. Once the
learning path has been selected, if you do not want to use one of the other options on the page,
you can select the <<Add>> button and the assignment record will be created.

Next on this page is the Job multi-select box. By selecting one or more job codes, you can limit
the associates who can take the learning path to just those with job codes that match your

The final option on the page is the Level Three multi-select box. This option is useful when you
want to assign the same learning path to more than one Level Three under the Level Two that
you have selected but you do not want to assign it to all Level Threes under that Level Two. The
list box defaults to All Level Threes selected and then lists each Level Three individually in
alphabetical order.

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If you wish to select more than one value from the Job or Level Three multi-select
boxes, hold down the CTRL key while selecting them.

Once all of your assignment options have been entered, select the <<ADD>> button to create the
assignment record(s). After the add process has completed, the page will refresh using the same
search criteria as originally entered.

If you want to view all assignments for the level two or if your initial search result does not
match the Learning Path name exactly:

1. Select the [Choose a different (Level 2 name)] link from the top of the page
2. Reselect the level 2
3. Then, either leave the search field blank to view all, or enter a search term that matches
the assignment exactly
4. Click the continue button to view

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Assign a Learning Path to a Level Three

In order for a learning path to be available for an associate user to search for and register, the
learning path must be assigned to an organizational level. Assignments can be made to all of the
users in a Level Three or can be constrained based on Job Code and Location (described further

To navigate to the Assign a Learning Path to a Level Three page, select Curriculum from the
Admin Menu Bar, then mouse over the Manage Learning Path(s) link. This will launch the fly-out
sub-menu. In the fly-out sub-menu is the “Assign a Learning Path to a Level Three” link. Select
this link to launch the Level Three Learning Path Assignment process.

Before an assignment can be made or updated, you must first select the Level Three value. The
drop down box on this page will list, in alphabetical order, the Level Threes defined in the system.
Select the Level Three value that you wish to assign the Learning Path to and then click the
<<Go>> button. Selecting a specific Level Three value will launch the Learning Path Name
search page.

The Learning Path search page is used to limit the number of records returned for organizations
that have a large number of Learning Paths. For organizations that assign several thousand
Learning Paths to a single organization, it can take several minutes for all records to return.
Using this search feature, you can find all Learning Paths based on a name search. If you want
to see all Learning Paths assigned, leave the name field empty and select the <<Continue>>
button. This will perform a wild card search and return all Learning Path assignment records for
the organization. The name field is a wildcard search. If you enter a single character in the field,
all learning paths with that character in the name will be returned (if you enter “a” in the search
name all learning paths with an “a” anywhere in the name field will return). If you want to see all
learning paths that have the word “advanced” in the learning path name, enter “advanced” in the
Learning Path name field. Once you have entered the appropriate search criteria, select the
<<Continue>> button to display the Curriculum assigned page.

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The Learning Path Assigned page displays the name of the Level Three (in Yellow) which you
selected. From this page, you can view all Learning Paths already assigned to the Level Three
value selected based on the search criteria entered. From this page you also have the ability to
delete assignments. To delete an assignment, select the delete link on the assignment row you
would like to delete. Once the delete is finished, the page will refresh using the same search
criteria previously entered.

This page will also indicate if an assignment has been made at a Level Two that impacts the
Level Three. When an assignment has been made at the Level Two parent for a Level Three, the
page will display the assignment record and a note in the Delete column indicating “Assigned by
Level Two.” The assignment display screen only displays assignments made one level up in the
hierarchy. Any assignments made at the Level One will not display on the Level Three
assignments screen.

In the event of a duplicate assignment being made (assigned at the Level Two and assigned at
the Level Three), the highest level assignment will win. If the assignment was made at the Level
Two for all job codes but then made at a Level Three for only a single job code, the Level Two
assignment to all job codes wins. You would need to delete the assignment at the Level Two for
the Level Three assignment to apply.

To add a new Learning Path assignment to the Level Three, you must select the [Add Learning
Path] link at the top of the page. This link launches the following screen:

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The first option on this page to select is the Learning Path drop down list. This is an alphabetical
listing of all active learning paths in the application. You are allowed to select a learning path for
the assignment process. This is the only required field on the page. Once the learning path has
been selected, if you do not want to use one of the other options on the page, you can select the
<<Add>> button and the assignment record will be created.

Next on this page is the Job multi-select box. By selecting one or more job codes, you can limit
the associates who can take the learning path to just those with job codes that match your

The final option on the page is the Location multi-select box. This option may not be used by
your organization. It is a decision that is made during the implementation process. If used, all

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Locations created in the system will display regardless of the Level Three. There is no
parent/child relationship between a Level Three value and a Location. The purpose of the
Location assignment option is to provide an option to constrain location based on geography.
This is typically more applicable when a learning path has a training event included (instructor
led) which is going to be offered only in a certain geography. This location constraint can also be
used in the event that associates in one geography have regulatory considerations that
associates in other geographies do not, thus learning paths addressing those regulatory
considerations may only be applicable to a single geography. The list box defaults to All
Locations selected and then lists each Location individually in alphabetical order.

If you wish to select more than one value from the Job or Location multi-select
boxes, hold down the CTRL key while selecting them.

Once all of your assignment options have been entered, select the <<ADD>> button to create the
assignment record(s). After the add process has completed, the page will refresh using the same
search criteria as originally entered.

If you want to view all assignments for the level three or if your initial search result does
not match the Learning Path name exactly:

1. Select the [Choose a different (Level 3 name)] link from the top of the page
2. Reselect the level 3
3. Then, either leave the search field blank to view all, or enter a search term that matches
the assignment exactly
4. Click the continue button to view

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Copy Learning Path(s) from one Level One to another Level One
The copy Learning Path(s) from one Level One to another Level One can be used by clients who
desire to have a basic “template” of Learning Path assignments and then copy that template to
other Level One organizations in their application. Once copied, the assignments can be edited.
This is particularly useful if there is a large number of Learning Paths available in a client’s library.

To navigate to the copy Learning Path assignment page, select Curriculum option from the Admin
Menu Bar, then mouse over the Manage Learning Path(s) link. This will launch the Learning Path
fly-out sub-menu. In the fly-out sub-menu below the “Assign a Learning Path to a Level Three”
link is the “Copy Learning Path(s) from one Level One to another Level One” link. Select this link
to launch the Level One Learning Path copy process.

From the copy learning path page, you can only select one source (from) and one destination (to)
for the copy. The first drop down list represents the source organization. This is the “from”
organization which has the assignments you wish to copy. The second drop down list represents
the destination organization. This is the “to” organization which will receive the copied

The copy feature will not create duplicate assignment records.

Assignments created through the copy feature work just as manual assignments. If you create an
assignment at a Level 1, then all associates assigned directly to the Level 1 and to the Level 2s

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and Level 3s under that Level 1 will have access to that learning path. If assignments were
made with any restrictions such as Job Codes, COA Codes, Level 2s, then those same
restrictions will be copied to the destination organization.

The copy feature works up the hierarchy. If you are copying a Level 3 to a Level 3, any
assignments made at the Level 2 or Level 1 above the “From” Level 3 will be included in the
copy. This only matters when copying from a Level 3 to a different Level 3 that is not under the
same Level 1 and/or 2 parent.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Copy Learning Path(s) from one Level Two to another Level Two
The copy Learning Path(s) from one Level Two to another Level Two can be used by clients who
desire to have a basic “template” of Learning Path assignments and then copy that template to
other Level Two organizations in their application. Once copied, the assignments can be edited.
This is particularly useful if there is a large number of Learning Paths available in a client’s library.

To navigate to the copy Learning Path assignment page, select Curriculum option from the Admin
Menu Bar, then mouse over the Manage Learning Path(s) link. This will launch the Learning Path
fly-out sub-menu. In the fly-out sub-menu below the “Copy Learning Path(s) from one Level One
to another Level One” link is the “Copy Learning Path(s) from one Level Two to another Level
Two” link. Select this link to launch the Level Two Learning Path copy process.

From the copy learning path page, you can only select one source (from) and one destination (to)
for the copy. The first drop down list represents the source organization. This is the “from”
organization which has the assignments you wish to copy. The second drop down list represents
the destination organization. This is the “to” organization which will receive the copied

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The copy feature will not create duplicate assignment records.

Assignments created through the copy feature work just as manual assignments. If you create an
assignment at a Level 2, then all associates assigned to directly to the Level 2 and to the Level 3s
under that Level 2 will have access to that learning path. If assignments were made with any
restrictions such as Job Codes, COA Codes, Level 2s, then those same restrictions will be copied
to the destination organization.

The copy feature works up the hierarchy. If you are copying a Level 3 to a Level 3, any
assignments made at the Level 2 or Level 1 above the “From” Level 3 will be included in the
copy. This only matters when copying from a Level 3 to a different Level 3 that is not under the
same Level 1 and/or 2 parent.

277 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Copy Learning Path(s) from one Level Three to another Level Three
The copy Learning Path(s) from one Level Three to another Level Three can be used by clients
who desire to have a basic “template” of Learning Path assignments and then copy that template
to other Level Three organizations in their application. Once copied, the assignments can be
edited. This is particularly useful if there is a large number of Learning Paths available in a
client’s library.

To navigate to the copy Learning Path assignment page, select Curriculum option from the Admin
Menu Bar, then mouse over the Manage Learning Path(s) link. This will launch the Learning Path
fly-out sub-menu. In the fly-out sub-menu below the “Copy Learning Path(s) from one Level Two
to another Level Two” link is the “Copy Learning Path(s) from one Level Three to another Level
Three” link. Select this link to launch the Level Three Learning Path copy process.

From the copy learning path page, you can only select one source (from) and one destination (to)
for the copy. The first drop down list represents the source organization. This is the “from”
organization which has the assignments you wish to copy. The second drop down list represents
the destination organization. This is the “to” organization which will receive the copied

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The copy feature will not create duplicate assignment records.

Assignments created through the copy feature work just as manual assignments. If you create an
assignment at a Level 3, then all associates assigned directly to the Level 3 will have access to
that learning path. If assignments were made with any restrictions such as Job Codes, COA
Codes, Level 2s, then those same restrictions will be copied to the destination organization.

The copy feature works up the hierarchy. If you are copying a Level 3 to a Level 3, any
assignments made at the Level 2 or Level 1 above the “From” Level 3 will be included in the
copy. This only matters when copying from a Level 3 to a different Level 3 that is not under the
same Level 1 and/or 2 parent.

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Pre-Hire Testing
The Pre-Hire functionality of eSSential allows an organization to perform assessments on users
prior to adding the user as an associate to the application. This is most commonly used in the
hiring/recruiting process to assess the recruit’s competency in a particular area or areas. Once
the recruit has gone through the recruiting process, the system has the ability to “promote” the
pre-hire record to an associate record or to delete the pre-hire from the application depending on
whether they have been hired or not. Pre-hire records do not count toward the eSSential site
user license. eCommerce clients have also used this functionality as a method for
recommending/placing the “Pre-Hire” in an appropriate level of course that is sold. This is a
manual placement process that is done by a system administrator based on the assessment
results. Essentially, the pre-hire functionality allows you to assess a large population of people
without having to purchase an eSSential license. Once it has determined a person has met your
assessment criteria (using the eSSential assessment and any other factors outside eSSential),
that person would be added to the system as an associate record and then count against the site
license count.

To navigate to the Pre-Hire area, select Curriculum from the Admin Menu Bar. From the
curriculum menu, select the Pre-Hire Testing link. After selecting the Pre-Hire Testing link, the
Manage Pre-Hire Testing page will display. From this page, you have the ability to initiate four
primary functions:

• Add/Edit Pre-Hire Test – This area gives you the ability to create a new pre-hire test or
to edit an existing pre-hire test. See the Add/Edit Pre-Hire Test section of the user
guide for more information.
• Add a Pre-Hire – There are two links on this page to allow an administrative user to
create a pre-hire record. In addition to providing the ability to create a pre-hire via the
administrative user function, clients also have the ability to allow pre-hires to self register
using the pre-hire registration page by using the URL
http://client.elogiclearing.com/admin/secure/prehire_test.asp. The client.elogiclearning
reference would be replaced by the production URL your company selected during the
implementation process.
• Assign a Pre-Hire Test to a Pre-Hire – This option allows you to select the pre-hire test
the pre-hire should complete. This will generate an email to the pre-hire with a link to
launch the registration page. The test ID and pre-hire’s name will be defaulted on the
registration page. Once the registration information is completed, the test will launch.
• Promote Pre-Hire to Associate Status – This option allows you to view the “score”
achieved by the pre-hire. From this page, you can promote pre-hire records to an
associate record (and delete any records not selected for promotion). You also have
the ability to adjust the score/weighting on the pre-hire test if needed.

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Add/Edit Pre-Hire Test

The pre-hire test definition process is essentially the same process as defining a self-
assessment, static pre/final assessment or a test bank. The one difference is that with a pre-hire
test, you have the ability to weight answers. Essentially, you can make some questions more
valuable toward the total test score than other questions. To navigate to the pre-hire test add/edit
page, select the Curriculum menu from the Admin Menu Bar. Next, select the Pre-Hire Testing
link from the Curriculum menu. This process will launch the Manage Pre-Hire Testing page.

From the Manage Pre-Hire Testing page, you can either select the Add New Pre-Hire Test link to
launch the add process or you can select from the drop down list of existing Pre-Hire tests
defined in the system to edit an existing pre-hire test. If you are editing an existing pre-hire test,
you must select the <<Go>> button after selecting the pre-hire test from the drop down list to
launch the edit page.

The first option to define when creating a new pre-hire test is the name of the new pre-hire test.
Enter a unique name for the pre-hire test in the “Enter Name” field. The name can be 50
Alphanumeric characters. Special characters are not allowed.

Once the name has been entered, select the <<ADD>> button, this will add the pre-hire test to
the application and launch the question/answer creation page. There will be a link at the top of
the page to “Return to Pre-Hire Main Page.” From this page, you can create and edit questions.

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Adding questions and answers is performed with the same functionality as described in creating a
Static Pre-Assessment or Static Final Assessment. This is accomplished by clicking on the grey
“Add A New Question” link. When you select the link, the Content Editor will appear for defining
the question.

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Once you have entered the question, select the “Save Question” button. This will save the
Question and refresh the page with a new Content Editor field. This field/box is used to enter the
first potential answer. With each answer, the following three fields are available for each answer:

• Answer – This is the text answer that you would like to have display to the pre-hire.
• Code – The code option is no longer used by the application.
• Weight – This field is used to define the weight that will be given to the pre-hire for
selecting the answer. In a typical situation, the weight will be 1 for a right answer, a value
between 0 and 1 for a partial credit answer, and 0 for an incorrect answer. You can also
use the weighting to give extra weight to more difficult questions or more important
questions (A weight of 2 for the answer to a hard question but only a weight of 1 for a
normal question). Only one answer should have a weight of greater than 0.

The possible answers to the question will appear to the Associate in the order in which they are
entered into the system. Therefore, you may not want to start with the correct answer for every
question. You will need to have distracters (wrong answers that may be interpreted as a correct
answer by someone who has not read and understood the lesson) as well as the correct answer.
Type in the distracter or the answer in the box provided. If the answer you are entering is the

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correct answer, enter a weight value greater than 0 and then click on the “Save Answer” button.
Once you create an answer, the page will refresh displaying all previously entered answers and
give you the option to create a new answer.

When you have completed creating answers for the question, select the “Add A New Question”
link provided at the top of the screen to create another question for the test. Repeat all the steps
previously explained on how to add a question and answers.

Once you have completed all the questions, answers and distracters associated with the test
bank, select the “Return to Test” link.

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Add a New Pre-Hire

There are two links on the Manage Pre-Hire Main page that launch the Pre-Hire Add page.
Select either of the two links and an initial screen will display with four fields of information
available to define.

• First Name – This field allows you to define the first name for the pre-hire.
• Middle Name - This field allows you to define the middle name for the pre-hire.
• Last Name - This field allows you to define the last name for the pre-hire.
• E-Mail Address - This field allows you to define the email address for the pre-hire. This
will be the email address that will receive the notification (with URL link) for the pre-hire to
complete the pre-hire test.

The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

First Name 30 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Middle Name 30 No Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Last Name 30 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Email Address 50 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods

Once the appropriate information has been inserted, select the <<Add info and choose Pre-hire
test>> button. This will create the pre-hire record and then launch the pre-hire test screen. From
this screen, you are allowed to select which test you want to assign to the pre-hire to complete.
You can select more than one test if desired. To select more than one test, select each test with
a mouse click while holding the CTRL key on your keyboard. If more than one test is selected,
the pre-hire will have multiple links embedded in their email notification (one link for each test). If
the pre-hire tries to take the same test more than once, they will receive an error message.

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Once you are finished selecting the appropriate test(s), select the <<Go>> button. The page will
refresh with a confirmation message that the tests were assigned and sent to the pre-hire’s email
address. At the top of the new page, there is a link to return to the Pre-Hire Main Page.

When the pre-hire selects the link from the notification, this will launch the pre-hire test process.
The first page to complete is further information about the pre-hire (see illustration below).

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Assign a Test to a Pre-Hire

If a pre-hire already exists in the application and you wish to assign a new test to the pre-hire, you
can use the Assign Test to Pre-Hire functionality on the Main Pre-Hire page. In order to assign a
test to a pre-hire, select the pre-hire from the Pre-Hire Name drop down list under the “Choose
Pre-hire (Person) to assign a test to” header. This list contains all pre-hires in the application in
the order the pre-hire was added to the application. Once a pre-hire is promoted to an associate
user or deleted, they will disappear from this list. Once the appropriate Pre-Hire has been
chosen, select the <<Go>> button.

This launches a pre-hire edit page which will allow you to update the name or email address for
the pre-hire. This page also contains a link to delete the pre-hire. Make any necessary changes
to the pre-hire’s information and select the <<Update Info and choose Pre-hire test>> button.
This action will reveal the pre-hire test multi-select page.

Once you are finished selecting the appropriate test(s), select the <<Go>> button. The page will
refresh with a confirmation message that the tests were assigned and sent to the pre-hire’s email
address. At the top of the new page, there is a link to return to the Pre-Hire Main Page.

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Promote Pre-Hire to Associate Status

When a pre-hire completes a pre-hire test, the site administration email address will receive an
email notification that a test has been completed. This email can serve as an initiation process to
review the test results or some clients elect to periodically review all test completions (once a day,
once a week, etc.) using the process defined below.

To start the pre-hire test results and promotion process, select the relevant test and relevant date
range from the “Promote Pre-Hire to Associate Status” area of the main Pre-Hire page. The date
range entered is based on test completion date. Once the test and date range has been entered,
select the <<Go>> button to launch the Promote Pre-Hire to Associate Status page.

The Promote Pre-Hire to Associate Status page lists all pre-hire tests taken for the date range
entered. If no pre-hire tests were completed during the timeframe selected, the message “No
Pre-Hires found for this test during the requested date range” will display. The list of pre-hire
tests taken will display six columns of information.

• Promote– This checkbox allows you to select which pre-hires will be promoted and
which will be deleted from the application. Any pre-hire record not checked will be
deleted from the application. Any pre-hire record checked will be converted to an
associate record that is in pending status. This record is left in pending status so that
additional information can be added to the record (organizational hierarchy, update email,
job code, etc.).
• Name– The name column displays the last name and first name for the pre-hire.
• Email – The email column displays the email address for the pre-hire.
• Test Instance – The test instance is the unique system value given to each instance of a
test being completed in the application. This is for reference purposes only.
• Score/Total – This shows the score achieved by the pre-hire out of the total number of
points available on the test.
• Adjust Score – This link launches the Grade Answers page for the pre-hire test row. On
the Grade Answers page, you will see the pre-hire name, the question text, the answer
selected, and the weight provided. If you would like to give credit or partial credit for an
answer, you can enter the new weight in the appropriate row and then select the
<<Update Weight>> button. There is a screen illustration below of the Grade Answers

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The following is a screen illustration of the Grade Answers page.

Once all pre-hire rows have been checked as to who should be promoted to an Associate status,
select the <<Promote Pre-Hire>> button. This action will create an associate record in Pending
status for all pre-hires checked and delete the pre-hire records not selected.

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Manage Files and Folders

The Manage Files and Folders area of the application provides clients with the ability to load files
to the application to be used for online courses, content management pages and
overview/objective descriptions. Files loaded via this function will be available as external links.
Each file loaded is given a unique URL by the eSSential application. This URL can be used
within your courses or on content managed pages (loading user guide, policy/procedure manual,
reference documentation, etc.).

To navigate to the File Manager page, select Curriculum from the Admin Menu bar. From the
Curriculum menu, place your mouse over the Manage Files and Folders option. Selecting the
Files option from the fly-out menu will launch the File Manage page.

The header section of the File Manager page displays several pieces of information and four
icons which execute actions.

• URL Path – Below the “files” menu icon is the URL path for the current folder. All files
loaded to this folder will have the same URL path with a unique extension for the file
name. If you create subfolders, each subfolder will have a different root URL path.
• # of SubFolder(s) – The number of subfolder(s) indicates the number of subfolders that
have been defined for the current folder.
• # of File(s) – This value indicates the number of files that have been loaded to the
current folder.
• Refresh Icon – The refresh icon is used to refresh the list after adding a new file or
• New File Icon – The new file icon is no longer used by the application (replaced by
the Bulk Upload) and thus can be ignored.
• New SubFolder Icon – A new subfolder may be added by selecting the new folder
icon. This will add a subfolder under the current folder selected.
• Bulk Upload Icon – In order to upload file(s) to the application, select the Bulk Upload
icon . The maximum file size allowed to be uploaded is 4MB. The bulk upload page
is detailed further in the next section of the User Guide.

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The main body of the File manager page lists all folders (first) and then files (second) in
alphabetical order which have been previously loaded/defined for the folder selected. This listing
displays six columns of information.

• Name – The name column provides several functional options. If you select the folder
icon or the file icon to the left of the name, you will launch a separate window which will
display the file/folder size, type, created by timestamp, last accessed timestamp, and the
last modified time stamp. Additionally, the name is a hyperlink. If you select a folder
name, this will allow you to drill down to the subfolder view for the folder selected. If you
select a file name, this will launch the File Download function of Internet Explorer which
will allow you to open the file, save the file locally, or cancel the download action. The
file download function may have issues depending on the file type. We recommend
always using the “Browse” icon to the right of the file name to open documents.
Finally, in the name column the icon will display as the first line when you are
viewing a subfolder. This icon allows the user to return to the parent folder for the
subfolder selected.
• Size – This displays the total size of the folder or file (in MB, KB, or B as appropriate).
• Type – This displays the type of object. All folders will have a type of “File Folder.” Files
will have various types (PDF File, WMV File, SWF File, etc.).
• Modified – This displays the timestamp (date and time) the file was last modified. If the
file has never been modified, this will display the date the file was loaded into the
eSSential LMS.
• Link Path – This displays the partial URL path to the file. This column will only be
populated for actual files. Folders will not have a path displayed in this column. The
path will include /files/filename.doc. Combine the filename.doc with the http: path
displayed at the top of the File Manager page for the folder
http://crvl.stg.elogiclearning.com//files/ and you will have the full URL path to the file
(http://crvl.stg.elogiclearning.com//files/filename.doc) .
• Actions – This column contains three icons which perform specific actions.
o The icon launches the file in a separate browser window. This browse
feature is only available for files. Selecting this icon for a subfolder will display
an error message.
o The icon allows you to rename a file or folder that you have created. This
icon will launch a separate small window which will default to the current name.
Enter the new name and select the <<OK>> button. This option does not work
for the “data” folder which is a system controlled folder.
o The icon will not delete a file. This is related to how files are synchronized
across the web server farm. If you need to replace a file, you will need to
rename the existing file and load a new version.

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Bulk Upload
The bulk upload page which is launched from the File Manager screen is the process for
uploading files to the Files and Folder area. This page will allow you to upload a single file or
multiple files. The total size of the file or files that is uploaded in one upload cannot be larger than
4 MB. If you have three files to upload and each of those files are 2 MB per, you will need to load
the first two files and then load the third file separately.

To navigate to the Bulk Upload page, select the

icon from the top right corner of the File
Manager page. This page has instructions for
how to perform the upload. It also has a note
regarding the file size limitation for a single
upload. The three buttons on the Bulk Upload
page perform the following functionality:

• Select Files – This launches the

windows navigation page. This allows
you to search for files accessible to the
computer (local or network drive) to
select for uploading. This browse
feature defaults to image type files. You can change the file type at the bottom right hand
corner of the screen to display All Files or specific file types. The following are the only
file types which are allowed to be uploaded in the application.(gif, jpg, png, doc, docx,
ppt, pps, pptx, xls, xlsx, swf, txt, pd)
• Upload Files – This button executes the upload process. Any files listed in the upload
list will be uploaded to the application.
• Clear All Files – This button allows you to clear all files from the list. You also have the
option to select a single file and press the Delete button on your keyboard. This will clear
a single file.

Once files have been selected and the <<Upload Files>> button selected, a progress bar will
display showing the status of the upload process. When the upload is complete, the page will
refresh with a message in green text that # file(s) were uploaded. Close the Bulk Upload window
when you are finished to return to the File Manager page.

What are the allowed file types to be uploaded via

the bulk upload process?
The following are the only file types which are allowed to be uploaded
in the application.

gif, jpg, png, doc, docx, ppt, pps, pptx, xls, xlsx, swf, txt, pdf

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The fourth Menu Option on the Administrative Menu bar is the People menu. Within this menu
option, you will be able to view, add and edit your Admin Users and Associates. You will also be
able to assign an online course directly to an associate. The menu also has the link to combine
associate transcripts if you have an associate that has been duplicated in the system and has
curriculum activity registered for both of the associate user records. Finally, this menu launches
the Course Authors’ Biography page.

The People menu drives the management of the two different types of users the system has. The
Administrative users are the “managers” of the application. These are the users that have the
ability to log into the Administrative side of the application and perform various setup and
reporting functions. The Associate users are the target audience of the eSSential LMS. They are
the “students” or “learners” of the application. When an associate user logs into the application,
they have a much simplified application view. The Associate view is targeted to help the
associate quickly find the training that is relevant to their needs and to easily take that training.

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Admin Users
The People menu drives the management of the two different types of users the system has. The
Administrative users are the “managers” of the application. These are the users that have the
ability to log into the Administrative side of the application and perform various setup and
reporting functions. The Associate users are the target audience of the eSSential LMS. They are
the “students” or “learners” of the application. When an associate user logs into the application,
they have a much simplified application view. The Associate view is targeted to help the
associate quickly find the training that is relevant to their needs and to easily take that training.

Click Here to view the Roles and Privileges Matrix in Quick Guides

To navigate to the Admin User search page, first select the People menu. Next, select the Admin
User link. This will display Admin User search page.

On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions:
 Add a new Admin User by selecting the “Add New User” link
 Search for an Admin user alphabetically by Last Name using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] links.
The A-J link for example will return all admin users in the application that have a last
name starting with the letter A through the letter J.
 View all Admin Users by selecting the “All Users” link.
 Search for a particular Admin User by typing in a partial or full last name of the User in
the “Last name” box and selecting the “Search” button. This performs a wildcard search
inserting the wildcard after the last character you entered in the field. If you enter “Sm”,
all users with a last name starting with “Sm” will be returned (Smalls, Smith, Smithe, etc.).

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Once you have conducted a search, the Admin User search results page will display (see screen
illustration below). There are three columns of information on the Admin User search results

• Full Name - The first column displays the full name of the admin user. This displays the
last name first followed by the first name. The search results page is listed in
alphabetical ascending order by last name.
• E-Mail - The second column displays the email address for the Admin user. The email
address is a hyperlink which will launch an email form that allows you to send an email
directly to the Admin User.
• Action - The final column contains Action Links. There are up to 2 links for each admin
user. The “Edit” link launches the Admin Edit page. This page allows you to
change/update information for the Admin User record. The second link, “Delete” allows
you to delete the Admin user record. This link is only available if the Admin user has not
been associated with a Training Session/Training Event. If the Admin user has been
associated with a training session/event, then the link will change to “Has Event(s).” This
is for data integrity purposes to ensure you do not lose history of who taught an event by
deleting the admin user. If you have an instructor who is no longer associated with your
organization, rather than deleting the admin record to remove their access to the
eSSential LMS, you will need to update their user name or password to prevent their use
of the Admin user record in the future.

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Add Admin User

If you wish to add a new Admin User, you can click on the “Add New User”. Simply move your
mouse over the “Admin Users” which will make an additional box appear which states “Add
Admin Users.”

Once the Add Admin User link has been selected, the Add Admin User page will display. When
the page is first launched, there are 7 main fields of information that can be entered. Additionally,
you will also have to define instructor availability information and manager privileges.

• First Name– This field allows the entry of the admin user’s first name.
• Last Name– This field allows the entry of the admin user’s last name.
• Login Name– This field is for the login name the admin will use to login to the
application. This field must be a minimum of 4 characters in length and be unique.
Duplicate Login Names for admin users is not allowed. If you enter a duplicate name, the
system will display an error message.
• Email Address– This field is the email address that is used to send the admin user
notifications from the application.
• Job Title– This drop down field lists all of the job titles available in the application (see
Job Classification section of the Admin User Guide). On the admin user record, the job
title is for information purposes only and does not drive any system functionality.
• Password– The password field allows for the definition of the password that the admin
user will enter to login to the application. For security purposes, this password must be a
minimum of 8 characters in length. Once defined, an admin user never has to change
their password. When the password is entered in this field, the characters are masked
and display as bullet points. Additionally, we recommend only Site Administrators are
given access to the Manage Admin Users pages. This is done to prevent non-Site
Administrators from editing their record to increase their privilege level to a Site
Administrator. Since only Site Administrators typically have access to this page, other
Admin Users (Instructors, Course Authors, Training Managers and Level Managers) will
not have access to update their password. They will use the same password or have to
make a request to a Site Administrator to change.
• Confirm Password– This control is in place to ensure the password entered in the first
field was the correct, intended password. Since both fields are masked, it is possible that
a person mistyped the password in the first field and would not be able to tell. It is highly
unlikely that they would mistype the password in both fields and in an identical fashion.

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The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

First Name 50 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Last Name 50 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Login Name 20 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Email Address 50 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Job Title n/a No Not applicable
Password 20 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Confirm Password 20 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods

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Instructor Availability

After the initial user information is entered, the next section to be defined is the “Instructor
Availability” information. The timezone field is required for all users. The other fields are only
relevant to Instructor and Training Manager users. This section defines the available work week
for an instructor. An instructor will not be able to be scheduled to lead any training event that is
outside the window of available time entered in this section. For this reason, many clients create
the instructors with an available window of time as Sunday to Saturday and 12:00 AM to 11:30
PM. In addition to the general instructor available time, the instructor can book/manage their
unavailable time (vacation, meetings scheduled outside the LMS, etc.). This is described in more
detail in the Instructor section of the admin guide. There are five fields to complete in the
Instructor Available section.

• Available Start Day – This field defines the start day of the week that the instructor is
available to lead training events. This field combined with the Available End Day
determines the consecutive days of the week the instructor will be available to teach.
Typical configurations are defined below but you can enter any consecutive day range
you require. The range must be consecutive days:
o Sunday to Saturday – This sets the instructor availability to 7 days a week.
o Monday to Friday – This sets the instructor availability to the typical business
o Saturday to Sunday - This sets the instructor availability to just the weekend.
• Available End Day – This field defines the end day of the week that the instructor is
available to lead training events.
• Available Start Time – This field defines the start time of day that the instructor is
available to lead training events. This field combined with the Available End Time
determines the consecutive time range of the day the instructor will be available to
teach. The time blocks are divided into 30 minute increments. Typical configurations
are defined below but you can enter any consecutive time range you require. The range
must be consecutive time blocks within the day:
o 12:00 AM to 11:30 PM– This sets the instructor availability to 23.5 hours a day.
It is not possible to set instructor availability to 24 hours a day. This is the
largest time range that can be defined.
o 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM – This sets the instructor availability to the typical business
day window.
• Available End Time – This field defines the end time of day that the instructor is
available to lead training events.
• Timezone – This field must be entered for all Admin Users. This is done to calculate the
training event time display to the admin user if they have access to the Training Session
pages of the application. If an event is created as Central Standard Time and an Admin
User is created with the Eastern Standard Time option, the system will automatically
perform the calculation and display the time of the event to the Admin User in Eastern
Standard Time. For example, if the event is created as 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Central
Standard Time, admin users with Eastern Standard Time will see the event as 2:00 PM to
3:00 PM since the Eastern timezone is one hour ahead of Central. It is important to note

301 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

that the system does not automatically change users (admin or associate) from Standard
Time to Daylight Savings or vice versa when the time change occurs. If you want the
admin users to see the correct time, you will need to change their timezone.

The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

Available Start Day n/a No Not applicable
Available End Day n/a No Not applicable
Available Start Time n/a No Not applicable
Available End Time n/a No Not applicable
Timezone n/a Yes Not applicable

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After the Instructor Availability Section has been defined, the next area to select is the roles
section. There are seven available roles in the application. Each is described below at a high
level and then in more detail in their respective sections of the user guide. When a role is
selected, the system will automatically define the default set of privileges to the new user. A user
can have only a single role unless the Training Manager role is selected. Training Managers
have a combined set of privileges (Course Author, Instructor, and Level One Manager).

• Site Administrator – This is full access in the application. This is the highest level of
privileges a client can give to an Admin User.
• Course Author – This role is typically given to instructional design users that are going
to be responsible for creating courses within the application.
• Instructor – This role is typically given to the admin users who will be leading training
• Training Manager – This role is typically given to admin users who manage the course
authors and instructors. They can access both the author functionality and the instructor
functionality. They also have the ability to run additional reports.
• Level One Manager – This role is given to the owner(s) of a hierarchy level. These
business leaders will have access to view activity of the associate users assigned to their
hierarchy. They can do this by running reports or by pulling up individual associate
records using the associate maintenance area (see later section of the User Guide).
Since Level One is the highest level of the hierarchy, the Level One Managers will have
the ability to see associates in the Level Twos and Level Threes below their Level One.
A Level One Manager can be given more than one Level One to “own.” Additionally,
more than one manager can be defined to own a Level One.
• Level Two Manager - This role is given to the owner(s) of a hierarchy level. These
business leaders will have access to view activity of the associate users assigned to their
hierarchy. They can do this by running reports or by pulling up individual associate
records using the associate maintenance area (see later section of the User Guide).
Since Level Two is the second highest level of the hierarchy, the Level Two Managers
will have the ability to see associates in the Level Threes below their Level Two (in
addition to associates directly in their Level Two). A Level Two Manager can be given
more than one Level Two to “own.” Additionally, more than one manager can be defined
to own a Level Two.
• Level Three Manager - This role is given to the owner(s) of a hierarchy level. These
business leaders will have access to view activity of the associate users assigned to their
hierarchy. They can do this by running reports or by pulling up individual associate
records using the associate maintenance area (see later section of the User Guide).
Since Level Three is the lowest level of the hierarchy, the Level Three Managers will
have the ability to only see associates in their Level Three(s). A Level Three Manager
can be given more than one Level Three to “own.” Additionally, more than one manager
can be defined to own a Level Three.

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Once you select the role for the admin user, the default privileges for that role will automatically
be checked. In addition to the privileges that display on this page, there are automatic privileges
that are assigned in the system based on the role selected. These automatic privileges cannot
be changed (added or removed) unless the role given to the user is changed. They are only
controlled by the role assignment. You do have the ability to remove or add privileges from the
default check marks made based on the role selected.

Once you have entered the required information, select the <<Submit>> button. The screen will
be refreshed with a note that “Administrative User Information Was Successfully Updated in the

304 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Roles and Privileges Matrix

Role Privileges Reporting

Site Site Administrators have access to all areas of the Access to all reports under the reporting
administrative side of eSSential by default. menu. This is an inclusive privilege.
Administrator Assigning Site Administrator access should be Reports cannot be individually disabled.
Role limited to a relatively short list of LMS It is an all or none assignment. Site
administrators at a client to protect the setup of the Admin users will also be able to run
application. With Site Administrator access, a user Name Tag and Attendee List reports
can change any setting available in the application. from the training session area. They will
also be able to run transcripts and
A Site Administrator user has all privileges checked
certificates on behalf of an Associate
by default with the exception of Managing Training
Event Attendance. The Manage Training
Event(s)/Sessions provides greater access rights
than just the Manage Training Event Attendance
option thus the two privileges are mutually

Course Author The Course Author is typically assigned to users By default, a course author does not
that will be limited to publishing and managing have the View/Run reports option
Role online courses. enabled.
Course Authors will only be able to view/edit active, Reporting permissions can be added
inactive and archived courses that they have been manually to the Admin user
assigned as the administrator. A course author will management page to grant the Course
be able to view all Pending courses. This is done to Author the same reporting access as the
facilitate the process of completing a course after it Site Administrator.
has been imported using the SCORM import
engine. Course Authors will only be able to
view/edit test banks and surveys that they created.
When adding a course, the Course Author role will
not have approval rights. They will have to select
from a list of authorized admin users to email and
request approval for the course and select the
[Send Request] button.
Course Authors will only be able to add training
sessions. They will not have the ability to edit or
approve a training session once it has been added.
They do not have the ability to be set as the
administrator or instructor for a training session,
thus they would not have access to manage
attendance. The instructor or training manager role
should be used for this purpose.
When Course Authors are logged into the
Administrative Application, they will also be
presented with a [My Profile] link at the top left
portion of the screen. When selected, this launches
the Bio Information page and allows the Course
Author to change their biographical information.

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Role Privileges Reporting

Instructor Role The Instructor role is automatically given only the Instructor users will be able to run Name
privilege to Manage Training Event Attendance and Tag and Attendee List reports from the
to View Associates. The Instructor role is typically training session area.’
assigned to admin users whose only role in the
application will be to register users for a training Reporting permissions can be added
session event and mark attendance. manually to the Admin user
management page to grant the
Instructor the same reporting access as
the Site Administrator.

Training A Training Manager is a role with combination List Associates – Option to Select Level 1
privileges. Users with this role are given instructor,
Manager Role course author and level one manager access. The List Associates by Course Status – Option to
Select Level 1
idea behind a training manager is that they are an
administrative user that should be limited to working List Associates by Course with Percent
with one or a few Level One organizational values. Difference between Pre and Final
That is why the role is a combination of Instructor,
Course Author and Level One Manager. The List Associates by Learning Path – Option to
Training manager receives all the functional access Select Level 1
that an instructor or course author does but they
Course Cost by Level One
are constrained to seeing only data related to the
Level One values where they have been assigned Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level One
as a manager.
Associate Activity Report - Option to Select
Level 1

Associate Cumulative Course Hour Report -

Option to Select Level 1

List Courses By

Course Source Usage Summary Report –

Option to Select Level 1

Course Source Usage Detail Report - Option

to Select Level 1

List Training Session By

List Associates by Training Session by Status

– Option to Select Level 1

Training Session Calendar Report

Associate Certification Report

Certification Expiration Report

306 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Role Privileges Reporting

Level One The Level One Manager role is intended to be List Associates – Option to Select Level 1
given to business owners within the organization
Manager Role who are the primary stakeholder(s) for a segment of List Associates by Course Status – Option to
Select Level 1
the organization. Assigning a Level One Manager
gives that user access to all Level Two and Level List Associates by Course with Percent
Three information below their Level One. Difference between Pre and Final
Their primary need to access the system will be to
run reports to view progress/usage of the LMS by List Associates by Learning Path – Option to
the users in their hierarchy. The second reason Select Level One organization for running
they will access the system is to view a specific report
associate and register that associate for curriculum.
Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level One

Associate Activity Report - Option to Select

Level 1

Associate Cumulative Course Hour Report -

Option to Select Level One organization for
running report

List Associates by Training Session

List Associates by Training Session by Status

– Option to Select Level 1

Course Cost by Level One

List Courses By

Course Source Usage Summary Report –

Option to Select Level 1

Course Source Usage Detail Report - Option

to Select Level 1

List Training Session By

Training Session Calendar Report – This

displays a list of all active Training Sessions
in the application even if the training session
is not assigned to the Level Manager’s
hierarchy. This allows the Level Manager to
see instructor led training available and
determine if any should be requested to be
assigned to their hierarchy.

Associate Certification Report

Certification Expiration Report

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Role Privileges Reporting

Level Two The Level Two Manager role is intended to be List Associates – Option to Select Level 2
given to business owners within the organization
Manager Role who are the primary stakeholder(s) for a segment of List Associates by Course Status – Option to
Select Level Two organization for running
the organization. Assigning a Level Two Manager
gives that user access to that Level Two and the
Level Three information below their Level Two. List Associates by Course with Percent
Difference between Pre and Final
Their primary need to access the system will be to
run reports to view progress/usage of the LMS by
the users in their hierarchy. The second reason List Associates by Learning Path – Option to
they will access the system is to view a specific Select Level 2
associate and register that associate for curriculum.
The final driver behind creating a Level Two Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level One
manager is for the manager approval functionality.
Associate Activity Report - Option to Select
If no Level Three manager exists below the Level
Level 2
Two, the Level Two manager will receive the
manager approval notification for associate users Associate Cumulative Course Hour Report -
within their hierarchy. Option to Select Level 2

List Associates by Training Session

List Associates by Training Session by Status

– Option to Select Level 2

Course Cost by Level Two

List Courses By

Course Source Usage Summary Report –

Option to Select Level 2

Course Source Usage Detail Report - Option

to Select Level 2

List Training Session By

Training Session Calendar Report (under

Course Usage link) – This displays a list of all
active Training Sessions in the application
even if the training session is not assigned to
the Level Manager’s hierarchy. This allows
the Level Manager to see instructor led
training available and determine if any should
be requested to be assigned to their

Associate Certification Report

Certification Expiration Report

308 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Role Privileges Reporting

Level Three The Level Three Manager role is intended to be List Associates – Option to Select Level 3
given to business owners within the organization
Manager Role who are the primary stakeholder(s) for a segment of List Associates by Course Status – Option to
Select Level 3
the organization. Assigning a manager as a Level
Three Manager gives that manager access to that List Associates by Course with Percent
Level Three only. Difference between Pre and Final
Their primary need to access the system will be to
run reports to view progress/usage of the LMS by List Associates by Learning Path – Option to
the users in their hierarchy. The second reason Select Level 3
they will access the system is to view a specific
associate and register that associate for curriculum. Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level One
The final driver behind creating a Level Three
Associate Activity Report - Option to Select
manager is for the manager approval functionality.
Level 3

Associate Cumulative Course Hour Report -

Option to Select Level 3

List Associates by Training Session

List Associates by Training Session by Status

– Option to Select Level 3

Course Cost by Level Three

List Courses By

Course Source Usage Summary Report –

Option to Select Level 3

Course Source Usage Detail Report - Option

to Select Level 3

List Training Session By

Training Session Calendar Report – This

displays a list of all active Training Sessions
in the application even if the training session
is not assigned to the Level Manager’s
hierarchy. This allows the Level Manager to
see instructor led training available and
determine if any should be requested to be
assigned to their hierarchy.

Associate Certification Report

Certification Expiration Report

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Site Training Course Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Default Privilege Admin Mgr Author Mgr Mgr Mgr Instructor
Add Admin User(s) X
Edit Admin User(s) X
View Admin User(s) X
Add Associate(s) X
Edit Associate(s) X X
View Associate(s) X X X X X X
Edit Instructor(s) X
View Instructor(s) X X
Add Course(s) X X X
Edit Course(s) X X X
View Course(s) X X X X X X
Approve Course(s) X
Manage Test Bank(s) X X X
Manage Pre-Hire Test(s) X

Manage Training Event(s)/

Session X X

Manage Training Event

Attendance X

Manage Learning Path X

Manage Course Category(s) X X X

Manage Portal Content X
Manage Survey(s) X X X
Manage Email X
View and Run Reports X X X X X
Manage Ad-hoc Reports (only
available to clients who have
purchased add-on module) X

Manage Facilities & Resources X X

Add Level One X
Edit Level One X
View Level One X X X
Add Level Two X
Edit Level Two X
View Level Two X X X X
Add Level Three X
Edit Level Three X
View Level Three X X X X X

310 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Site Administrator Role

Site Administrators have access to all areas of the administrative side of eSSential by default.
Assigning Site Administrator access should be limited to a relatively short list of LMS
administrators at a client. This is to protect the setup of the application. With Site Administrator
access, a user can change any setting available in the application. Anyone given Site
Administrator privileges should have completed the 2 day Administrator training provided by
eLogic to ensure they fully understand the functionality available in the application.


A Site Administrator user has all privileges checked by default with the exception of Managing
Training Event Attendance. The Manage Training Event(s)/Sessions provides greater access
rights than just the Manage Training Event Attendance option thus the two privileges are mutually

Privilege Notes

• If View User(s) is unchecked, Add and Edit User(s) will not work for the Site Admin
• If View Course(s) is unchecked, Add and Edit Course(s) will not work for the Site Admin
• If Add Course(s) is unchecked, the Site Admin will still have the ability to access the Copy
Course feature (for eLogic authored courses)
• If View Level One is unchecked, Add and Edit Level One will not work for the Site Admin
• If View Level Two is unchecked, Add and Edit Level Two will not work for the Site Admin
• If View Level Three is unchecked, Add and Edit Level Three will not work for the Site
• If View Instructors(s) is unchecked, Edit Instructors(s) will not work for the Site Admin

Automatically Assigned Privileges

The following areas of the application are automatically assigned when an Admin User is given
the Site Admin Role.
• Site Admin users will always have access to add associates even if the privilege is
• By giving Edit Level 1, 2, or 3 access, you automatically receive access to assign
Curriculum to Level One, Two, or Three
• The Manage Learning Path(s) privilege gives access to add, edit, and delete learning
paths along with assigning curriculum to learning paths and assigning the learning path to
• Job Classifications is a function that only users with the Site Admin role have access
• Manage COA Codes is a function that only users with the Site Admin role have access
• Location(s) is a function that only users with the Site Admin role have access
• Media Library
• Course Library
• Manage Files and Folders
• Course Authors’ Bios is a function that will be visible to the Site Admin automatically but
is not useable if the Site Admin does not have Admin User privileges

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• Combine Associate Transcripts is a function that is only available to Site Admins

• Assign Course to Associate is a function that will be visible to the Site Admin
automatically but is not useable if the Site Admin does not have Associate privileges
• Email (a Level 1, 2, 3, Associates in a Course, Attendees in a Training Session, or Job

Admin Menu Bar

As a Site Admin with default privileges, the all options are available from the main Admin Menu
Bar to select.

Similarly, all options are available under each submenu with the exception of the Curriculum
menu. There are two links which are now permanently disabled (Group/Association Certification
and Competency Testing). There is another option which is commonly disabled. This is the Ad
Hoc Report System under the Reports Submenu. This is an add-on module that must be
purchased from Crystal Reports (now SAP) before it can be enabled for a client.

Organizational Flow Submenu

Curriculum Submenu

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People Submenu

Site Information Submenu

Reports Submenu

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As the Site Administrator, a user will be given access to the following reports under the reporting
menu. This is an inclusive privilege. Reports cannot be individually disabled. It is an all or none
assignment. In addition to the reports listed below which are launched from the Reports menu,
Site Admin users will also be able to run Name Tag and Attendee List reports from the training
session area. They will also be able to run transcripts and certificates on behalf of an Associate

• Active Instructors – Lists all active instructors in the application.

• List Courses By (under Curriculum report link)
• Course Source Usage Summary Report (under Curriculum report link) – Option to Select
Level One organization for running report.
• Course Source Usage Detail Report (under Curriculum report link)- Option to Select
Level One organization for running report.
• List Training Session By (under Curriculum report link)
• Training Session Calendar Report (under Curriculum report link)
• List Associates (under Associate Reports > Courses) – Option to Select Level One
organization for running report.
• List Associates by Course Status (under Associate Reports > Courses) – Option to
Select Level One organization for running report.
• List Associates by Course with Percent Difference between Pre and Final Assessment
(under Associate Reports > Courses)
• List Associates by Learning Path (under Associate Reports > Courses) – Option to Select
Level One organization for running report.
• Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level One (under Associate Reports > Courses)
• Associate Activity Report (under Associate Reports > Courses) - Option to Select Level
One organization for running report.
• Associate Cumulative Course Hour Report (under Associate Reports > Courses) - Option
to Select Level One organization for running report.
• List Associates by Training Session (under Associate Reports > Training Sessions)
• List Associates by Training Session by Status (under Associate Reports > Training
Sessions) - Option to Select Level One organization for running report.
• Associate Certification Report (under Associate Reports > Certifications)
• Certification Expiration Report (under Associate Reports > Certifications)
• Survey Results by Course (under Survey Reports link)
• Survey Results by Training Session (under Survey Reports link)
• Generic Survey Results (under Survey Reports link)
• Media Library Report
• Pre-Hire Results

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Course Author Role

The Course Author is typically assigned to users that will be limited to publishing and managing
online courses.

Course Access and Approval

Course Authors will only be able to view/edit active, inactive and archived courses that they have
either created or been assigned as the administrator. A course author will be able to view all
Pending courses. This is done to facilitate the process of completing a course after it has been
imported using the SCORM import engine. Additionally, they will only be able to view/edit test
banks and surveys that they created.

When adding a course, the course author role will not have approve rights. They will have to
select from a list of authorized admin users to email and request approval for the course and
select the <<Send Request>> button.

The email notification the approver receives is depicted below.

Training Session Access and Approval

Course Authors will only be able to add training sessions. They will not have the ability to edit or
approve a training session once it has been added. Additionally, they do not have the ability to
be set as the administrator or instructor for a training session, thus they would not have access to
manage attendance. The instructor or training manager role should be used for this purpose.

My Profile

When Course Authors are logged into the Administrative Application, they will also be presented
with a My Profile link at the top left portion of the screen. When selected, this launches the Bio
Information page and allows the Course Author to change their biographical information. See
Course Author Bios for more information.

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A Course Author user has a limited set of privileges checked by default. These privileges are
focused on courses and training sessions with the added ability to manage course categories and
surveys (to support their management of online courses).

Automatically Assigned Privileges

The following areas of the application are automatically assigned when an Admin User is given
the Course Author Role.

• Media Library
• Course Library
• Manage Files and Folders
• Course Authors’ Bios

Admin Menu Bar

As a Course Author with default privileges, the all options are available from the main Admin
Menu Bar to select but the available options under each submenu are limited.

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Organizational Flow Submenu

Curriculum Submenu

People Submenu

Site Information Submenu

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Reports Submenu

Assuming View/Run reports privilege is checked, a course author will have access to the
following report menu:


By default, a course author does not have the View/Run reports option enabled. If this is
enabled, they have access to run all the reports in the application that a Site Admin has access to
run. The only difference is the Label for “Level One” on the report parameter screens are named
“Report Manager.” otherwise the access is identical.

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Instructor Role
The Instructor role is automatically given only the privilege to Manage Training Event Attendance
and to View Associates. The Instructor role is typically assigned to admin users whose only role
in the application will be to register users for an instructor led training event and mark attendance.

Unavailable Time

The eSSential application has the ability for the instructor to define “out of the office” time. This
would be time that they are normally available for training but for some reason (vacation, non-
LMS event, etc.) will not be available. Unavailable time as indicated by an instructor is factored
into the conflict check performed by the application when a training event is created.

The eSSential application has conflict checking for all training events. The conflict checking
confirms that the room (resource) and instructor are both available for the date(s) and time(s)
selected for the training event. An instructor can be unavailable for three reasons. First, they
could be booked for another training event. Second, the event being scheduled could be outside
the window of their working days/hours (see Instructor Availability section of Add an Admin User).
The final conflict occurs when an instructor has booked unavailable time in the application. This
is used to identify blocks of time on specific days when the instructor would normally be available
but are not. This is commonly used for vacation or for non-LMS related meetings.

To navigate to the “Add Unavailable Time” page, the instructor would select the Calendar View
from the training session search page.

On the default view (Daily), there is a link under the instructor’s name labeled [Add Unavailable

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When this link is selected, the Add Unavailable Time page will display. The first section of this
page allows the user to enter a new block of unavailable time.

In this first area, there are five fields available to define the unavailable time and one action

• Start Date – This is the date (Month, Day, Year) for the unavailable time window.
• Start Time – This is the start time (hour and minutes in 15 minute increments and
AM/PM designation) for the unavailable time window.
• End Time – This is the end time (hour and minutes in 15 minute increments and AM/PM
designation) for the unavailable time window. This should be greater than the start time.
• Comment – The comment field is used to provide a brief description of the reason for the
unavailable time
• Add – This button saves the unavailable time block and refreshes the page. All required
fields must be entered before the record can be saved.

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Just below the Add Unavailable Time Area is a list of all future unavailable time blocked for the


An instructor has three privileges marked by default (Manage Training Event Attendance, View
Associates, and View and Run Reports).

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Automatically Assigned Privileges

The following areas of the application are automatically assigned when an Admin User is given
the Instructor Role.

• Media Library
• Course Library
• Manage Files and Folders

Organizational Flow Submenu

Nothing is available by default under the Organizational Flow submenu to an instructor.

Curriculum Submenu

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People Submenu

Site Information Submenu

Nothing is available by default under the Site Information submenu to an instructor.

Reports Submenu
Assuming View/Run reports privilege is manually added, a course author will have access to the
following report menu.


By default, a course author does not have the View/Run reports option enabled. If this is
enabled, they have access to run all the reports in the application that a Site Admin has access to
run. The only difference is the Label for “Level One” on the report parameter screens are named
“Report Manager,” otherwise the access is identical. Instructor users will also be able to run
Name Tag and Attendee List reports from the training session area.

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Training Manager Role

A Training Manager is a role with combination privileges. Users with this role are given instructor,
course author and level one manager access. The idea behind a training manager is that they
are an administrative user that should be limited to working with one or a few Level One
organizational values. That is why the role is a combination of Instructor, Course Author and
Level One Manager. The Training manager receives all the functional access that an instructor or
course author does but they are constrained to seeing only data related to the Level One values
where they have been identified as a manager.


A Training Manager user has a combination of Course Author, Instructor and Level One Manager
privileges. This is the only user role that combines privileges from other roles.

Automatically Assigned Privileges

The following areas of the application are automatically assigned when an Admin User is given
the Instructor Role.

• Media Library
• Course Library
• Manage Files and Folders

Organizational Flow Submenu

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Curriculum Submenu

People Submenu

Site Information Submenu

Reports Submenu

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As a Training Manager, a user will be given access to the following reports under the reporting
menu. This is an inclusive privilege. Reports cannot be individually disabled. It is an all or none
assignment. In addition to the reports listed below which are launched from the Reports menu,
Training Manager users will also be able to run Name Tag and Attendee List reports from the
training session area. Because they have the Level One role, they are only able to report on data
associated with the Level Ones where they have been assigned as manager.

• List Associates (under Associate Reports > Courses) – Option to Select Level One
organization for running report.
• List Associates by Course Status (under Associate Reports > Courses) – Option to
Select Level One organization for running report.
• List Associates by Course with Percent Difference between Pre and Final Assessment
(under Associate Reports > Courses)
• List Associates by Learning Path (under Associate Reports > Courses) – Option to Select
Level One organization for running report
• Course Cost by Level One
• Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level One (under Associate Reports > Courses)
• Associate Activity Report (under Associate Reports > Courses) - Option to Select Level
One organization for running report
• Associate Cumulative Course Hour Report (under Course Usage link) - Option to Select
Level One organization for running report
• List Courses By (under Course Usage link)
• Course Source Usage Summary Report (under Course Usage link) – Option to Select
Level One organization for running report
• Course Source Usage Detail Report (under Course Usage link)- Option to Select Level
One organization for running report
• List Training Session By (under Course Usage link)
• Training Session Calendar Report (under Course Usage link)
• Associate Certification Report (under Certifications link)
• Certification Expiration Report (under Certifications link)

326 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Level One Manager Role

The Level One Manager role is intended to be given to business owners within the organization
who are the primary stakeholder(s) for a segment of the organization (depending on how you
have structured your organizational hierarchy). As detailed in the Organizational Flow section of
the Admin Guide, the Level One is the highest level of the hierarchy. Assigning a manager as a
Level One Manager gives that manager access to all Level Two and Level Three information
below the Level One.

As a Level One manager, their access is in three main areas. Their primary need to access the
system will be to run reports to view progress/usage of the LMS by the users in their hierarchy.
The second reason they will access the system is to view a specific associate and register that
associate for curriculum.


A Level One manager has limited privileges checked by default.

Automatically Assigned Privileges

The following areas of the application are automatically assigned when an Admin User is given
the Level One Role.

• Media Library

327 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Organizational Flow Submenu

• Level One managers have the ability to drill down to Level Twos and Level Threes under
the Level One using the link on the Level One search results page.

Curriculum Submenu

• The list Course(s) submenu launches the curriculum assigned screen. From this screen,
the Level One manager can view all courses and training sessions assigned to the Level
One. They cannot add any new curriculum nor can they delete curriculum assignments
or change the approval/mandatory designation. This is a view only list of assignments.

328 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

People Submenu

• By default, Level One managers are only given access to view associates that are within
the organizational hierarchy where they are assigned as the “manager.” The view option
will let a Level One manager “login” as the associate and from there they can register the
associate for any curriculum appropriate or view their transcript. The Level One manager
default can search by alphabetical grouping of last name only (A-J, K-R or S-Z).

• If you manually assign Add or Edit associate privilege to the Level One manager, they will
only be able to add or edit associates within their organizational hierarchy. The search
results and the drop down list for Level One will only display information related to the
level one value(s) they are assigned as the “Manager.”

Site Information Submenu

A Level One manager has no access to this menu. All options are disabled.

329 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Reports Submenu


As a Level One Manager, a user will be given access to the following reports under the reporting
menu. This is an inclusive privilege. Reports cannot be individually disabled. It is an all or none
assignment. The Level One manager will only be able to view Level One data where they are
assigned as the “Manager.”

• List Associates (under Associate Reports) – Option to Select Level One organization for
running report
• List Associates by Course Status (under Associate Reports) – Option to Select Level One
organization for running report
• List Associates by Course with Percent Difference between Pre and Final Assessment
(under Associate Reports)
• List Associates by Learning Path (under Associate Reports) – Option to Select Level One
organization for running report
• Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level One (under Associate Reports)
• Associate Activity Report (under Associate Reports) - Option to Select Level One
organization for running report
• Associate Cumulative Course Hour Report (under Associate Reports) - Option to Select
Level One organization for running report
• List Associates by Training Session
• List Associates by Training Session by Status – Option to Select Level One organization
for running report
• Course Cost by Level One
• List Courses By (under Course Usage link)
• Course Source Usage Summary Report (under Course Usage link) – Option to Select
Level One organization for running report
• Course Source Usage Detail Report (under Course Usage link)- Option to Select Level
One organization for running report
• List Training Session By (under Course Usage link)
• Training Session Calendar Report (under Course Usage link) – This displays a list of all
active Training Sessions in the application even if the training session is not assigned to
the Level Manager’s hierarchy. This allows the Level Manager to see instructor led
training available and determine if any should be requested to be assigned to their
• Associate Certification Report (under Certifications link)
• Certification Expiration Report (under Certifications link)

330 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Level Two Manager Role

The Level Two Manager role is intended to be given to business owners within the organization
who are the primary stakeholder(s) for a segment of the organization (depending on how you
have structured your organizational hierarchy). As detailed in the Organizational Flow section of
the Admin Guide, the Level Two is the second level of the hierarchy. Assigning a manager as a
Level Two Manager gives that manager access to that Level Two and the Level Three
information below the Level Two.

As a Level Two manager, their access is in three main areas. Their primary need to access the
system will be to run reports to view progress/usage of the LMS by the users in their hierarchy.
The second reason they will access the system is to view a specific associate and register that
associate for curriculum. The final driver behind creating a Level Two manager is for the
manager approval functionality. If no Level Three manager exists below the Level Two, the Level
Two manager will receive the manager approval notification for associate users within their


A Level Two manager has limited privileges checked by default.

331 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Will a Level Two or Three Manager have limited

access to add/edit associates?

Level Two and Level Three managers are only able to add associates
to the levels in which they are assigned as the managers. They also
have limited search capabilities; they are only able to search through
the alpha list search for active associates.

Automatically Assigned Privileges

The following areas of the application are automatically assigned when an Admin User is given
the Level One Role.

• Media Library

Organizational Flow Submenu

• Level Two managers have the ability to drill down to Level Threes under the Level Two
using the link on the Level Two search results page.

Curriculum Submenu

• The list Course(s) submenu launches the curriculum assigned screen. From this screen,
the Level Two manager can view all courses and training sessions assigned to the Level
Two. They cannot add any new curriculum nor can they delete curriculum assignments
or change the approval/mandatory designation. This is a view only list of assignments.

332 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

People Submenu

• By default, Level Two managers are only given access to view associates that are within
the organizational hierarchy where they are assigned as the “manager.” The view option
will let a Level Two manager “login” as the associate and from there they can register the
associate for any curriculum appropriate or view their transcript. The Level Two manager
is not provided a search option. They will be presented with a list of all associates
assigned to the Level Two (or three below the two) where they are designated as the

333 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

• If you manually assign Add or Edit associate privilege to the Level Two manager, they will
only be able to add or edit associates within their organizational hierarchy. The search
results and the drop down list for Level Two will only display information related to the
Level Two value(s) they are assigned as the “Manager.” The Level One parent value will
automatically be defaulted and is not changeable by a Level Two manager.

Site Information Submenu

A Level Two manager has no access to this menu. All options are disabled.

Reports Submenu


As a Level Two Manager, a user will be given access to the following reports under the reporting
menu. This is an inclusive privilege. Reports cannot be individually disabled. It is an all or none

334 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

assignment. The Level Two manager will only be able to view Level Two data where they are
assigned as the “Manager.”

• List Associates (under Associate Reports) – Option to Select Level Two organization for
running report
• List Associates by Course Status (under Associate Reports) – Option to Select Level Two
organization for running report
• List Associates by Course with Percent Difference between Pre and Final Assessment
(under Associate Reports)
• List Associates by Learning Path (under Associate Reports) – Option to Select Level Two
organization for running report
• Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level One (under Associate Reports)
• Associate Activity Report (under Associate Reports) - Option to Select Level Two
organization for running report
• Associate Cumulative Course Hour Report (under Associate Reports) - Option to Select
Level Two organization for running report
• List Associates by Training Session
• List Associates by Training Session by Status – Option to Select Level Two organization
for running report
• Course Cost by Level Two
• List Courses By (under Course Usage link)
• Course Source Usage Summary Report (under Course Usage link) – Option to Select
Level Two organization for running report
• Course Source Usage Detail Report (under Course Usage link)- Option to Select Level
Two organization for running report
• List Training Session By (under Course Usage link)
• Training Session Calendar Report (under Course Usage link) – This displays a list of all
active Training Sessions in the application even if the training session is not assigned to
the Level Manager’s hierarchy. This allows the Level Manager to see instructor led
training available and determine if any should be requested to be assigned to their
• Associate Certification Report (under Certifications link)
• Certification Expiration Report (under Certifications link)

335 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Level Three Manager Role

The Level Three Manager role is intended to be given to business owners within the organization
who are the primary stakeholder(s) for a segment of the organization (depending on how you
have structured your organizational hierarchy). As detailed in the Organizational Flow section of
the Admin Guide, the Level Three is the lowest level of the hierarchy. Assigning a manager as a
Level Three Manager gives that manager access to that Level Three only.

As a Level Three manager, their access is in three main areas. Their primary need to access the
system will be to run reports to view progress/usage of the LMS by the users in their hierarchy.
The second reason they will access the system is to view a specific associate and register that
associate for curriculum. The final driver behind creating a Level Three manager is for the
manager approval functionality. They will receive the manager approval notification for associate
users within their Level Three(s).


A Level Three manager has limited privileges checked by default.

Automatically Assigned Privileges

The following areas of the application are automatically assigned when an Admin User is given
the Level One Role.

• Media Library

336 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Organizational Flow Submenu

• Level Three managers only have the ability to view the Level Three(s) where they are
assigned as manager.

Curriculum Submenu

• The list Course(s) submenu launches the curriculum assigned screen. From this screen,
the Level Three manager can view all courses and training sessions assigned to the
Level Three. They only see assignments made at the Level Two and Level Three levels
of the hierarchy. They will not see assignments made at the Level One even though that
curriculum will be available to associates for the Level Three. They cannot add any new
curriculum nor can they delete curriculum assignments or change the
approval/mandatory designation. This is a view only list of assignments.

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338 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

People Submenu

• By default, Level Three managers are only given access to view associates that are
within the organizational hierarchy where they are assigned as the “manager.” The view
option will let a Level Three manager “login” as the associate and from there they can
register the associate for any curriculum appropriate or view their transcript. The Level
Three manager default privilege can search by alphabetical grouping of last name only
(A-J, K-R or S-Z).

• If you manually assign Add or Edit associate privilege to the Level Three manager, they
will only be able to add or edit associates within their organizational hierarchy. The
search results and the drop down list for Level Three will only display information related
to the level Three value(s) they are assigned as the “Manager.” The level One and Two
parent values will automatically be defaulted and is not changeable by a Level Three
manager. They can only change the Level Three assignment.

339 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Site Information Submenu

A Level Three manager has no access to this menu. All options are disabled.

Reports Submenu


As a Level Two Manager, a user will be given access to the following reports under the reporting
menu. This is an inclusive privilege. Reports cannot be individually disabled. It is an all or none
assignment. The Level Two manager will only be able to view Level Two data where they are
assigned as the “Manager.”

• List Associates (under Associate Reports) – Option to Select Level Three organization for
running report
• List Associates by Course Status (under Associate Reports) – Option to Select Level
Three organization for running report
• List Associates by Course with Percent Difference between Pre and Final Assessment
(under Associate Reports)
• List Associates by Learning Path (under Associate Reports) – Option to Select Level
Three organization for running report
• Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level One (under Associate Reports)
• Associate Activity Report (under Associate Reports) - Option to Select Level Three
organization for running report
• Associate Cumulative Course Hour Report (under Associate Reports) - Option to Select
Level Three organization for running report
• List Associates by Training Session
• List Associates by Training Session by Status – Option to Select Level Three
organization for running report
• Course Cost by Level Three
• List Courses By (under Course Usage link)
• Course Source Usage Summary Report (under Course Usage link) – Option to Select
Level Three organization for running report

340 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

• Course Source Usage Detail Report (under Course Usage link) - Option to Select Level
Three organization for running report
• List Training Session By (under Course Usage link)
• Training Session Calendar Report (under Course Usage link) – This displays a list of all
active Training Sessions in the application even if the training session is not assigned to
the Level Manager’s hierarchy. This allows the Level Manager to see instructor led
training available and determine if any should be requested to be assigned to their
• Associate Certification Report (under Certifications link)
• Certification Expiration Report (under Certifications link)

341 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Edit Admin User

If you wish to edit an existing Admin User, perform a search for the Admin user following the
instructions outlined in the Admin User section of this guide. When the appropriate Admin user
record is found, select the Edit link to launch the Edit Admin User Page. The edit Admin User
functionality has the same functional options as the Add Admin User. The only difference is that
when the screen is first accessed, the fields will be pre-populated with the previously defined
information for the user.

Once you have finished editing the Admin User record, select the <<Submit>> button to save the
changes made.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

The People menu drives the management of the two different types of users the system has. The
Administrative users are the “managers” of the application. These are the users that have the
ability to log into the Administrative side of the application and perform various setup and
reporting functions. The Associate users are the target audience of the eSSential LMS. They are
the “students” or “learners” of the application. When an associate user logs into the application,
they have a much simplified application view. The Associate view is targeted to help the
associate quickly find the training that is relevant to their needs and to easily take that training.

To navigate to the Associate search page, first select the People menu. Next, select the
Associates link. This will display Associate search page.

On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions.
 Add a new associate user by selecting the “Add An Associate” link
 Search for an Associate user alphabetically by Last Name using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z]
links. The A-J link for example will return all active associate users in the application that
have a last name starting with the letter A through the letter J.
 Search for a particular Associate User by typing in a partial or full last name of the
Associate in the “Last name” box and selecting the “Search” button. This performs a
wildcard search inserting the wildcard after the last character you entered in the field. If
you enter “Sm,” all users with a last name starting with “Sm” will be returned (Smalls,
Smith, Smithe, etc.). This field also combines with the Active, Inactive, and Pending
radio buttons. The Active option is the default. If you perform a last name search with
the radio button on Active, only users that are active that match your last name search
criteria will return. If you change the radio button to Inactive, only users that are inactive
that match your last name search criteria will return. If you change the radio button to
Pending, only users that are pending that match your last name search criteria will return.
 Search for a particular Associate User by typing in a partial or full last name of the
Associate in the “Last name” box and selecting the “Search” button. This performs a
wildcard search inserting the wildcard after the last character you entered in the field. If
you enter “2,” all users with an Employee IDs starting with “2” will be returned (2, 20, 204,
etc.). This field also combines with the Active, Inactive, and Pending radio buttons. The
Active option is the default. If you perform an Employee ID search with the radio button
on Active, only users that are active that match your Employee ID search criteria will
return. If you change the radio button to Inactive, only users that are inactive that match
your Employee ID search criteria will return. If you change the radio button to Pending,
only users that are pending that match your Employee ID search criteria will return.
 Search for all Associate Users assigned to a particular Level 1 organization hierarchy
structure. Any user that belongs in that hierarchy chain will be returned. This field also

343 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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combines with the Active, Inactive, and Pending radio buttons. The Active option is the
default. If you perform an Employee ID search with the radio button on Active, only users
that are active that match your Employee ID search criteria will return. If you change the
radio button to Inactive, only users that are inactive that match your Employee ID search
criteria will return. If you change the radio button to Pending, only users that are pending
that match your Employee ID search criteria will return.
 Search for all Associate Users assigned to a particular Level 2 organization hierarchy
structure. Any user that belongs in that hierarchy chain will be returned. This field also
combines with the Active, Inactive, and Pending radio buttons. The Active option is the
default. If you perform an Employee ID search with the radio button on Active, only users
that are active that match your Employee ID search criteria will return. If you change the
radio button to Inactive, only users that are inactive that match your Employee ID search
criteria will return. If you change the radio button to Pending, only users that are pending
that match your Employee ID search criteria will return.
 Search for all Associate Users assigned to a particular Level 3 organization value. Any
user that is assigned to that specific Level 3. This field also combines with the Active,
Inactive, and Pending radio buttons. The Active option is the default. If you perform an
Employee ID search with the radio button on Active, only users that are active that match
your Employee ID search criteria will return. If you change the radio button to Inactive,
only users that are inactive that match your Employee ID search criteria will return. If you
change the radio button to Pending, only users that are pending that match your
Employee ID search criteria will return.

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Once you have conducted a search, the Associate search results page will display (see screen
illustration below). There are three columns of information on the Associate search results page.

• Associate - The first column displays the full name of the admin user. This displays the
last name first followed by the first name. The search results page is listed in
alphabetical ascending order by last name. The name displayed is also a hyperlink.
Selecting the name will launch the Associate Edit page.
• Level Two - The second column displays the Level Two assigned to the user.
• Job Title – This column displays the job title/classification assigned to the user if one has
been assigned.
• Register for Curriculum – This link allows the admin user to launch a separate window
and login to the application as the associate user without having to know the associate’s
password. This is helpful in troubleshooting any problems the associate user may report.
Any activity done while logged in as the associate will be credited to the associate so
admin users should only use this link for support purposes.

Registering (logging-in) as an associate from the admin side bypasses the usual
checks the application executes when an associate logs in from the student
side. Time zone checks, password expiration checks and mandatory course
checks are not executed when logged-in as associate from the admin side.

• Action - The final column contains variable links. If your search results yield active
users, then the column will include a red X icon to deactivate the user. If your search
results yield inactive or pending associates, then the column will display a Green
Checkmark icon which will activate the user.

345 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Add Associate
In order to add an Associate user to the application, you can either select the Add Associates link
from the fly-out menu or you can select the “Add An Associate” link from the search or search
results page.

The information available for the associate user record will vary by client. During the
implementation process, each client is asked which fields of data to enable to collect for each
associate. These fields can be different between the associate add/edit screen available to the
admin user versus what is made available to the associates on the Self Registration page or the
My Information page.

There are several fields that are required and will always display. These fields have to be
populated otherwise the associate record cannot be created.

• Employee ID
• First Name
• Last Name
• Level One
• User Name
• Password

The following table describes each field that can be enabled/disabled for the associate record.

Field Admin Self My Required Comment

Edit Reg. Info.

First Name Y Y Y/N Yes

Last Name Y Y Y/N Yes

User Name Y Y Y/N Yes Login name. eLogic’s standard

setup requires a User Name to
have a minimum of 8
characters. This minimum
length is a configurable setting
and can be changed by eLogic.
If the minimum is changed, it
is a global setting and applies
to all associates.

Password Y Y Y/N Yes When a password is changed

from the admin side, the
admin can re-use a password
that the associate has
previously used. When the
associate changes their

346 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Field Admin Self My Required Comment

Edit Reg. Info.

password, they are not

allowed to re-use a previous
password. Passwords are a
minimum of eight
alpha/numeric characters and
must contain at least 1
numeric value

Level 1, 2, and 3 Y Y Y/N Yes Access Code on Self


Email Y/N Y/N Y/N No Although not required, this

field is highly recommended
for communications

Location Y/N Y/N Y/N No Can be used for curriculum

assignment at Level 3

Job Code Y/N Y/N Y/N No Can be used for curriculum

and learning path assignment
at all Levels. Also displays on
many of the associate course
reports. Can also be used for
group registration feature.

COA Code Y/N Y/N Y/N No Can be used for curriculum

and learning path assignment
at Level 1. If you have a COA
code assigned to an associate
and need to remove the COA
code, you must insert the
value 0 in the COA code field.
This is the default value and
represents no COA code

Middle Name Y/N Y/N Y/N No Display Only

Address Line 1 Y/N Y/N Y/N No Can be used for default

address on eCommerce

Address Line 2 Y/N Y/N Y/N No Can be used for default

address on eCommerce

City Y/N Y/N Y/N No Can be used for default

address on eCommerce

State Y/N Y/N Y/N No Can be used for default

address on eCommerce

347 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Field Admin Self My Required Comment

Edit Reg. Info.

Zip Y/N Y/N Y/N No Can be used for default

address on eCommerce

Phone Y/N Y/N Y/N No Display Only

License Number Y/N Y/N Y/N No Display Only

Profession Y/N Y/N Y/N No Display Only

Gender Y/N Y/N Y/N No Display Only

Date of Birth Y/N Y/N Y/N No Display Only

Manager Y/N Y/N Y/N No Display Only

Manager Email Y/N Y/N Y/N No Display Only

Date of Hire Y/N Y/N Y/N No Display Only

EEO Code Y/N Y/N Y/N No Display Only

Safety Code Y/N Y/N Y/N No Display Only

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The screen illustration below depicts a potential setup for the Add An Associate page.

Field Length Allowable Characters

Employee ID 50 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
First Name 30 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Middle Name 30 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Last Name 30 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods

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Field Length Allowable Characters

COA Code 255 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Address 1 50 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Address 2 50 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
City 30 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Zip 15 Numeric
Country 50 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Phone 15 Numeric
Email Address 50 Must be valid email address format
Confirm Email 50 Must be valid email address format
Alphanumeric (eLogic’s standard setup requires a
User Name to have a minimum of 8 characters. This
User Name 20 minimum length is a configurable setting and can be
changed by eLogic. If the minimum is changed, it is
a global setting and applies to all associates.)
Password 20 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Confirm Password 20 Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods

Once all the information has been entered, select the “Submit” button located at the bottom of
your screen to save the associate record. If there are available site licenses, the associate will be
added in an Active status. If there are no available licenses, they will be added in an inactive

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Associate Edit
To edit an Associate record, you can perform any one of the searches described above to find the
Associate. To open the Associate edit page, select the Associate name from the Associate
search results screen. The illustration below depicts the layout of the Associate edit page. As
described in the Add Associate section, the fields that display on this screen will vary depending
on the decisions your organization made during the implementation of your version of the
eSSential application.

When updating a user’s hierarchy, the application only displays the appropriate
Level 2s for the Level 1 selected and only the appropriate Level 3s for the Level 2
selected. If you want to change the list of available Level 2s or Level 3s, you have
to change the Level 1 first and select Level 2 next, and then finally the Level 3.

Professional Certifications

The professional certification section of the associate edit screen displays all certifications the
associate has earned. A certification can be added for an associate in one of three methods.
The first method is for the certification to be automatically generated by the application when an
associate successfully completes a Certified Learning Path (please see the Learning Path section
of the user guide for more information on Certified Learning Paths). The second option is to
manually create the certification by selecting the Add Certification button at the bottom of the
Professional Certification section. The final method is to import Certification records using the
upload interface.

When manually adding a certification record, four fields of information are available and all four
fields are required. If you manually add a certification record and your company has elected to
enable Certificates of Completion for certification records, then the associate user will have a link
in their My Transcript tab to display a Certificate of Completion when the certification record is

• Certification name – This is the name that will display on the transcript and be used on
the certification reports.
• State – This is the primary state the certification is valid for. There may be some
certifications that have applicability across states. When this occurs, we recommend
selecting the associate user’s home state. This field is displayed on the transcript and is
also available as a parameter on one certification report.
• Certification number – This field is used to enter the certification number provided by
the outside certifying organization (if applicable). If no number is provided by the
certifying organization, we recommend inserting “Not applicable” in this field.
• Expiration date – This date indicates the date the certification will expire. The
application will send the associate user a notification reminder 30 days in advance of this
expiration date reminding the user that the expiration is forthcoming.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Associate Transcript

The associate transcript section lists all curriculum attempted by the associate (courses and
training sessions). The transcript displays in descending order by event date/course date. The
course date is the last accessed date (for in process courses) or completed date for completed
courses. The transcript contains the following information:

• Curriculum– This is the name of the course or training session. The admin view of the
transcript is sorted in alphabetical ascending order by curriculum name. This is also the
link to launch the edit course transcript record. Selecting the name for an online course
(does not apply to training sessions since those can be edited with the manage
attendance process on the event) will launch the edit transcript record page.
• Interactions Report – This report will display associate interactions in a course for
SCORM courses only. The report link will be available regardless of the course status
(pass, failed, or incomplete). This report will not display any data unless the course is
configured to report interactions to the LMS. Some third-party content providers like
Mindleaders and ElementK often have the courseware setup to not report details back.
This link will not display for eLogic authored courses or training sessions. The report will
contain the following information:
o Interaction – The ID or question number for the interaction.
o Description – Description of interaction/question. This may not display
depending on course setup.
o Response – This indicates whether the response was correct or incorrect.
o Time Stamp – Time the associate user answered the interaction.
o Student Answer – Answer provided by the student.
o Correct Answer – Correct answer for the interaction.
• Event Date/Course Date – This is the date the course was last accessed or the start
date of the event attended by the associate.
• CEU – This is the CEU on the course/training session at the time the course/training
session was completed by the associate user. If the CEU value has changed since the
user completed the curriculum, then the value displayed here will be different than what
is currently on the curriculum management page since this view points to the historical
transaction table.
• Hours - This is the Estimated Hours to complete on the course at the time the course
was completed by the associate user if the record was related to an online course. If
the Estimate Hours to complete value has changed since the user completed the
course, then the value displayed here will be different than what is currently on the
course management page since this view points to the historical transaction table. If the
record was related to a workshop, this is the hours entered when attendance is marked
(start to end time less any break time entered).
• Score – This column is only populated if there was a final assessment associated with
the course or a score manually entered for the training session.
• Status – This column indicates the status of the transcript line. Status values are:
o Passed – Indicates that the associate completed the online course and met the
mastery requirements.
o Failed – Indicates that the associate completed the online course but did not
meet the mastery requirements.
o Incomplete – Indicates that the associate has not completed the online course.

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o Attended – Indicates that the associate was marked as attending the training
o Did Not Attend – Indicates that the associate was marked as not attending the
training event. NOTE: For training events where attendance has not been
marked yet, nothing will display on the transcript. It is only after attendance is
marked by an administrator that a record will display as either attended or did
not attend.
• Notes – This column provides a link for viewing Mentor notes entered for the
associate. The mentor notes link only displays for training sessions where mentor notes
have been entered.
• View Certificate – This provides a link to view/print the certificate available to the
associate for successfully passing the course or attending the training event. This link
will not display if the course has been failed or not completed. The link will also not
display for training sessions not attended.
• Transcript History – This link will only display if a transcript record has been edited by
a Site Administrator. This link launches the change history on the record. Please see
the Transcript Edit section of the administrative guide for more information.

Associate Curriculum Pending Approval

This section displays any pending request for manager approval related to the associate. Any
attempts by the associate to register for curriculum that requires manager approval will display in
this list until the curriculum request has either been approved or rejected by the manager or
Admin user. This section contains three columns of information.

• Curriculum – This displays the name of the course or training session requested by the
• Registered Date – This displays the date the associate attempted to register for the
curriculum requiring approval.
• Action – This displays two action links. One link allows the request to be approved and
the second link rejects the request. The associate will be email notified (if an email
address exists for the associate) once an action is selected. If the approve action is
selected, the course will now be available to launch. If the reject action is selected, the
course or training session registration will be deleted.

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Once you have completed viewing/editing the associates record, select the <Submit> button to
save any changes made and return to the Associate Search page.

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Edit Associate Online Course Transcript Records

Administrative users with the Site Admin role will have access to edit aspects of online course
transcript records. This edit is limited to Status, Score, and CEU. This process does not allow for
attendance at a training session to be edited. Users can update attendance at a training event
using the manage attendees page for the training event. The curriculum name for online course
records will display in light grey in the Associate Transcript section which will allow the edit page
to be launched. Training session records will display in black font and are not active links.

After selecting the course name, the transcript edit page will display. At the top header on the
page will be the Associate’s name. In the sub-header, the course name will be listed. In the
detail section of the page, the user will see the following information:

• Completion Date/Time – This is display only. We do not allow the completion date to be
changed as part of the transcript edit.
• Status – This drop down list contains three values (Passed, Failed and Incomplete).
Incomplete is in the list in the event that a SCORM course did not communicate the
appropriate success status to the LMS. Users should not change a Passed or Failed to
Incomplete. This only updates the success status and not the completion status.
Changing from a Passed or Failed will not allow the user to access the course again.
The course will remain completed.
• Score – This is a numeric field that allows any numeric value between 0 and 100 to be
entered. You must enter wholes numbers only. Decimals are not allowed.
• CEU – This is a numeric field that allows any numeric value to be entered up to 5
characters with up to two decimal places of precision.
• Reason for Edit – This field is required for any transcript edit. You must enter the
reason the transcript record is being updated. This information will display for historic
reporting purposes.

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Once you are complete with editing the transcript record, select the <Submit> button to save the
changes or the <Cancel> button. Once a transcript record is changed, the transcript view to the
Admin User will change indicating that a recorded has been edited. Any edited transcript record
will display a transcript history link to the far right of the transcript record in the admin display
only. This allows the user to view who made the transcript record change and why. If a transcript
record was changed multiple times, each change would be listed on the history page.

After selecting the Transcript History link, the Transcript Edit History will launch in a separate
window displaying the following information:

• Curriculum Name – This displays the online course name related to the transcript record
that has been edited.
• Edit By – This displays the Name of the admin user who made the edit.
• Reason for Edit – This displays the reason entered at the time of the edit.
• Edit Date – This displays the date and time stamp the change was made.
• Previous Score – This displays the previous value for the Score field.
• Edit Score – This displays the new value for the Score field. (These may be the same if
the edit performed was not on the Score field).
• Previous Status– This displays the previous value for the Status field.
• Edit Status– This displays the new value for the Status field. (These may be the same if
the edit performed was not on the Status field).
• Previous CEU – This displays the previous value for the CEU field.
• Edit CEU – This displays the new value for the CEU field. (These may be the same if the
edit performed was not on the CEU field).

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Once you are finished viewing the transcript edit history, the window can be closed using the
browser X button.

Changing the status of an In Process course from Incomplete to Passed will

leave the Course in the My Courses list. If the user drops the course from the My
Courses list, it will delete the transcript record. This edit feature should only be
used when there was a problem with a SCORM course and the correct Success
Status, correct Score, or correct CEUs were not completed. Before editing a
course transcript record, we recommend confirming the Course is not on the My
Courses list.

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Combine Associate Transcript(s)

The combine associate transcript functionality is used when a client has discovered that they
have duplicated associate records in the application. This most commonly occurs in the self
registration mode where the associate registers themselves for the application more than once
and completes curriculum under each associate that they created. It can also happen in
situations where the employee ID for an associate has changed and either a duplicate was
created by the FTP load process or manually by an administrator. The employee ID is the field
used by the application to determine if the associate already exists.

When either of these situations is encountered, the combine associate transcripts can be
launched by Site Admins (only). To launch the Combine Associate Transcript(s) option, select
the People option from the Admin Menu Bar. Using the mouse, hover over the Associate option.
This will display the fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu, select the Combine Associate
Transcript(s) link.

When the link is first selected, the Associate Search page will display. This allows you to use any
method described in the Associate section of the Admin Guide to search for the duplicate
associate records. Once the duplicate associate record has been found (source), select the
<Select Source Transcript> button. Make sure that you select the associate record you want to
be eventually deactivated. The record you select in this step will have all transcript information
removed and placed on the associate record selected in the second step. Once the <Select
Source Transcript> button has been selected, the page will refresh and display the Associate
Search page.

Execute a second search to find the associate record you wish to have remain active in the
system. This record will receive all transcript information from the first associate record selected.
Once the correct “destination” associate record has been found, select the <Select Destination
Transcript> button. This will move all course, training session and certification history from the
first associate record (source) to the second associate record (destination). Once this button is

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selected, it cannot be undone. You will need to deactivate the source record so that it is no
longer used accidentally.

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Course Authors’ Bios

The Course Authors’ Biography functionality allows you to define information about the course
author. The information entered in the description field is visible to the Associate when they are
searching for online courses. This can be helpful to associates to confirm the material is going to
be relevant and from a respected source. Only Admin Users with the Course Author role
checked will display in this list. This would include training managers (they have the course
author role checked) and users with both Instructor and Course Author selected. Any user with
just the Instructor role selected will not display.

To navigate to the Course Authors’ Bio page, select People from the Admin Menu Bar. On the
people menu, select the Course Authors; Bio link.

On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions.
 View all Course Authors by select the link marked “All Bios.”
 Search for a Course Author alphabetically (by last name) using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z]
links (important note, if the last name of a Course Author starts with a numeric value, they
will not display when using the A-J, K-R, or S-Z links. These links only display last
names that start with an alpha character.).
 Search for a particular Course Author by typing in a partial or full last name in the “Last
Name” box and select the <Search> button.

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Once a search has been entered, the Course Author’s search results screen will display. This
page has two columns of information.

• Name – This displays the name of the Course Author. It defaults to the name entered for
the Admin user record but can be changed using the Bio functionality. The name field is
also a link to launch the course author biography edit page.
• Email – This displays the email address of the Course Author. It defaults to the email
address entered for the Admin user record but can be changed using the Bio

Once a course author record is found using the search process described above, selecting the
name will launch the course author biography edit page. On this page, there are five fields of
information available.

• First Name – This defaults to the first name entered for the course author when the
admin user record was created. You have the ability to change the first name to a “goes
by” name in this screen. If the name is changed here, it does not impact the name on the
Admin user record. It only impacts what is displayed in the Instructor Assigned drop
down list on the Course Add/Edit page and what is displayed to the associate when they
select the “Learn about Author” link on the library search results page.
• Last Name – This defaults to the last name entered for the course author when the
admin user record was created. You have the ability to change the last name in this
screen. If the name is changed here, it does not impact the name on the Admin user
record. It only impacts what is displayed in the Instructor Assigned drop down list on the
Course Add/Edit page and what is displayed to the associate when they select the “Learn
about Author” link on the library search results page.
• Certification – This is for information only purposes. This field does not display
anywhere else in the application other than on the course author bio page.
• Email – This defaults to the email entered for the course author when the admin user
record was created. You have the ability to change the email in this screen. If the email
is changed here, it does not impact the email on the Admin user record. It only impacts
what is displayed in the course author bio search results page. This should only be used
if you have a secondary email address for the course author you would like tracked in the

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• Description – This field uses the content editor functionality to allow you to define a
robust biography for the author. Please see the content editor section of the user guide
for more information on the editor options.

The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

First Name 30 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Last Name 30 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Certifications 500 No Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Email Address 255 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods
Description n/a Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens, commas, periods

Once you have completed your changes to the biography record, select the <Submit> button to
save your changes.

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Assign Course to an Associate

The assign course to an associate feature allows a Site Administrator (no other roles are allowed
access to this functionality) to register an associate for an online course (does not work for
training sessions because of the need to select a specific date and location) directly to any active
associate in the system without the need to first assign that course to the associate’s hierarchy.

This is useful for “exception” registration where the course is not applicable for the other
associates in a hierarchy but one or a few associates have an approved need to take the online

To access the Assign Course to an Associate process, select the People option from the Admin
Menu Bar. From the People menu, select the Assign Course to an Associate link. This will start
the course registration process.

The first page displayed is the course selection page. This displays a list of all active courses in
the application. The list is in alphabetical order by course name with any courses starting with
numeric values displaying first. You can only select one course. Once you have selected the
appropriate course, select the <<Go>> button to proceed to the associate search page.

The associate search page that displays is the standard associate search page. You can search
by any of the methods listed in the Associate section of the Admin Guide. Once you have
entered your search term, the search results page will display.

Using the [A-J] [K-R] [S-Z] Active Associate Quick links OR clicking the search
link after the initial associate search will only search associates and not allow you
to register for curriculum. Be sure that the link displays as Register for
Curriculum to register the associate for the course selected.

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On this search results page you have five columns of information:

• Associate – This displays the associate name and is also a hyperlink to open the
associate edit screen. This can be useful in large organizations to confirm the correct
associate is being selected.
• Level Two – This displays the Level Two name assigned to the associate.
• Job Title – This displays the job classification/title assigned to the associate.
• Register for Curriculum – This link allows you to register the user for the course. If this
is selected, the associate will be registered and the page will refresh to the Course
selection page. This will allow you to continue the process if there are other associate
users which need to be registered for the same course or a different course.
• Deactivate – This link allows you to deactivate the associate user.

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The fifth Menu Option on the Administrative Menu bar is the Site Information menu. Within this
menu you will be able to view, add and edit your portal content, manage Surveys, manage email
templates/content, and send emails to associates based on a variety of criteria.

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Portal Content
Portal content pages are areas within the application where you can define messages, images
and links to display to the end user. Every main associate user facing page has a portal content
area where you can define customized messages. These customized messages can be changed
as frequently as you desire. In addition to the associate user facing portal pages, several pages
in the administrative user side have portal areas. If your organization elected to have multiple
portals created (different branding) as part of your implementation, you also have the ability to
define different messages for the same page (one message for each portal). For example, if you
have a main site and a separate portal. You can have two different messages for the Associate
Home Page. Any associate logging into the main site will see one message and any associate
logging into the portal site will see a different message. In addition to the standard content areas
that are defined with the application, you are also provided a minimum of five custom pages.
These custom pages can be displayed as menu links on the login page for associates and admin
users. These pages can also be used as links within courses (eLogic authored) or within other
content pages (any place the Content Editor is used).

To navigate to the Portal Content list page, select Site Information from the Admin Menu bar.
From the Site Information menu, select the Portal Content link.

After the Portal Content link is selected, the page will refresh displaying the Website to Edit
selection screen. This page will have a drop down list that contains all of the portals which have
been created for your organization. The drop down list contains the URL for each portal. If you
only have one portal, the only option that will display is your main site. Select the site that you
wish to define/edit content pages and then select the <<Go>> button.

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After the site has been selected, the page will refresh and display all available system content
pages. This is referred to as the Manage Master-Site Content page. These are the content
areas that are visible on all associate user facing pages and a few of the admin user facing
pages. To view/edit the custom pages, select the “Go to main Client-Site Content Pages” link at
the top of this page. This will display the list of custom pages available. These do not display
automatically in the application, you have to use the URL for the page to include in an existing
page or content editor field (course author, overview/objectives, course, etc.).

The Master-Site Content page displays an alphabetical list of the 19 standard available content
areas. Each content page title is a hyperlink. Select the appropriate hyperlink to launch the
content editor for that page. A description of the application page that each content area will
display on is included in the following list:

Title Admin or Associate Description of Application Page

Admin Home Page Admin User This content area displays just below the Admin
Menu Bar on the home page displayed when all
admin users first log into the application.
Associate Log-In Associate User This content area displays to the right of the login
Page box on the associate login page.
Course Admin User This content area displays just below the course
Management Page search header on the Course add/edit page.
EULA Page Associate User This optional page can be displayed each time an
associate logs into the application. If enabled
during your implementation process, associate
users will be required to Accept the “End User
License Agreement” terms before they are allowed
to access the application. This is often used in
client implementations where courses are sold by
the client to their end customers.
Final Assessment Associate User This content area displays on the eLogic final
Result Page assessment. This is only available for eLogic
authored courses and does not apply to SCORM
courses since they have the final assessment
within the course.

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Title Admin or Associate Description of Application Page

Log-In Assistance Associate User This content area displays at the top of the login
assistance page which is accessed from the login
page. This is useful for storing information about
password/user name logic (if applicable) or who to
contact to assist with logins.
My Information Associate User This content area displays just below the navigation
Page menu bar on the Associate My Information Page.
My Portfolio Page Associate User This content area displays just below the
Navigation Menu Bar on the home page displayed
when all associate users first log into the
Online Training Associate User This content area displays at the top of the course
Results Page search results page displayed to associates after
they have executed a search for online courses.
Online Training Associate User This content area displays at the top of the course
Search Page search page displayed to associates when they
start the search for online courses.
Payment Associate User This content area only displays for clients with
Confirmation eCommerce enabled. This displays at the top of
the payment confirmation page after credit card
information has been entered.
Payment Entry Associate User This content area only displays for clients with
Page eCommerce enabled. This displays at the top of
the payment entry page where credit card
information is entered.
Pre Assessment Associate User This displays at the top of all pre-assessments
Page presented to associate users. This displays just
below the Pre-Assessment title and above the note
indicating that this is a pre-assessment for course
(insert course name).
Pre Hire Self Associate User This content area only applies to clients using pre-
Registration Page hire functionality. This displays at the top of the
page where pre-hires can sign-up (enter personal
Self Registration Associate User This content area displays at the top of the self
Page registration page.
SSO Message Associate User This content area no longer displays in the
application. It has been removed with
enhancements to the SSO process.
Survey Page Associate User This content area displays at the top of every
survey in the application when the associate user is
presented the survey. It displays just above the
survey instructions area and below the main
navigation menu bar. This can be useful for
supplemental instructions related to importance of
completing survey.
Terms of Use Both This content area is a link from the footer through

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Title Admin or Associate Description of Application Page

Page the entire application (both admin and associate).
This page is commonly used by clients to indicate
their legal terms for using the site and is less
intrusive than the EULA page.
Training Session Admin User This content area displays on the training session
Management add/edit page just above the *Required Fields note
and below the search header for the page.
Workshop/Seminar Associate User This content area displays at the top of the
Search Page Workshop/Seminar search page to the associate
when they select Workshop/Seminar from the
navigation menu bar.

Once a content page title is selected, the content editor will be displayed for the page selected.
On this page, there are several links and additional information.

• Go to Main Client/Site Content Pages – This list allows you to view the main content
listing for either the Site or Client content pages. If you are working on a Site content
page, this link will be labeled Client Content Page. When selected, this will display the
full list of Client Content Pages. If you are working on a Client content page, this link will
be labeled Site Content Page. When selected, this will display the full list of Site Content

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• Edit a Different Section – This link returns you to the full list of content pages for the
section you are currently working (either Site or Client).
• Done Editing Content – This link returns you to the Admin Home page.
• Reference URL – This displays the URL that the page has been assigned. This can be
used for linking to the content area from any other page in the application. **NOTE: If
your organization has purchased additional portals, the reference URL will include the
main site URL only. You will need to update the URL before using it to reference the
portal URL not the main site URL. If you do not, the branding on the page will be the
main site not the portal. For example, if the main site URL is mainsite.elogiclearning.com
and the portal is portal.mainsite.elogiclearning.com, you would need to add the portal. to
the URL reference to be able to use the content page with the correct portal branding.
• Page Name – This is the name of the page. For Client content pages, this defaults to
New Page but can be changed to an appropriate title to describe how you are using the
page. For Site content pages, the title should not be changed.
• Viewable Checkbox – This checkbox is relevant for Client content pages. This allows
you to create a link on the associate and admin login page. This link launches the
content page.
• Content Editor – This is the standard eLogic content editor and is where the content
page information is entered. Please see the Content Editor section of the Admin Guide
for more information on how the Content Editor functions.

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Although you can rename any page by typing in a new name in the box provided,
it is a best practice to not rename the preset pages. These preset Portal Pages
deliver content to specific places on the platform and renaming may allow for
confusion as to where the information will appear. The “New Page” Portal Pages
can be renamed and when marked viewable they will only appear on the
navigation bar when an associate or administrator is ready to log-in.

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Main Site versus Sub Portal(s) Content

If your organization has purchased a sub portal or sub portals in addition to your main site, you
have the ability to have different content pages for each sub portal. When you first select Portal
Content from the Site Information menu, you will be presented with a drop down list of websites
available to your company. Select the site that you wish to define/edit content pages and then
select the <<Go>> button. You will be working with the content pages for that site until you
reselect the Portal Content menu option and select a different web site.

Once you have selected the correct portal to work with, a list of Site Content links will display.
Not all site pages will apply to the portal. Site pages which display on the Admin side are driven
by the main site and not the Portal. These site pages can be ignored when viewing a list of site
pages for the portal.

• Admin Home Page

• Course Management Page
• Training Session Management Page

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Manage Survey(s)
The eSSential application provides clients with the ability in several areas to collect anonymous
survey information from associate users. Course Surveys have the ability to be launched both at
the time the course is first launched as well as when the course is completed by the associate
user. This can be useful for clients to collect demographic data (before course launch) as well as
satisfaction data (after course completion). Similarly, Training Session Surveys can be launched
at the time of registration for the training session. Additionally, a Generic survey can be included
as a link in the post training session email that can be sent by the instructor. This can be used to
collect feedback on the training session (instructor, content, facility, etc.). Finally, Generic
Surveys can be used in any email sent from the system. The survey can be selected from any
Site email or Email template. This can be used to determine reasoning behind several actions.
Everything from why an associate dropped a course to what was an associate’s favorite course
completed this year.

To navigate to the Survey search page, first select the Site Information menu. Next, select the
Manage Survey(s) link. This will display Survey search page.

On this page, you will have access to the following multiple functions.
 Display a listing of all active surveys by selecting the link “Active Survey(s)”
 Display a listing of all inactive surveys by selecting the link “Inactive Survey(s)”
 Search for a Survey alphabetically using the [A-J] [K-R] or [S-Z] links. (Important note, if
the name of a Survey starts with a numeric value, they will not display when using the A-
J, K-R, or S-Z links. These links only display Surveys with names that start with an alpha
 Search for a particular Survey by typing in a partial or full name of the Survey Name in
the “Survey Name” box and selecting the <Search> button. This is a wildcard search. If
you enter “A” in the name field and select <Search> all surveys starting with “A” will
 Add a new survey by selecting the link “Add New Survey”

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Once you have conducted a search, the Survey search results page will display (see screen
illustration below). There are three columns of information on the Survey search results page.

• The first column contains the Survey Name (Title). This name is also a hyperlink which
will launch the Survey edit screen (explained later in the admin guide).
• The second column contains the Survey Type. There are three valid types.
o Course – Used for online courses.
o Training Session – Used for training sessions.
o Generic – Used for email templates/site emails.
• The third column contains an Action Link to Deactivate the survey. When a survey is
deactivated, it can no longer be selected for use on a course, training session or email. It
is also no longer reportable (will not display in drop down list for survey reports). Please
do not deactivate a survey until you have finished analyzing results from the survey. If
you deactivate a survey that is assigned to a Course, Training Session or Email
Template, the survey will still be available to associates to complete. You must remove
the survey from any course, training session or email template where it is assigned if you
want the survey to no longer be taken.

Admin user with the Course Author role will only be able to view/edit surveys
which they created. They do have access to copy a survey created by a different
admin user but they cannot edit the original version of the survey.

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Add Survey(s)
To navigate to the Add Survey page, first select the Site Information menu. Next, mouse over the
Manage Survey(s) link. This will display the “fly-out” menu. From the fly out menu, select the
Add Survey option. This will launch the Survey Page.

On the survey add page, there are three main sections of information.

• Survey Information – This area displays the high level information about the survey.
• Survey Currently Assigned To – This area is empty for a new survey. When a survey
is assigned to a course or training session, this area will be populated with information on
where the survey is assigned.
• Survey Questions – This area is where the survey questions are defined.

In the Survey information area, there are three fields that must be completed to create the survey

• Name – This is the name of the survey.

• Type – There are three valid types
o Course - If you want the survey to be available on a course, you must select the
course type.
o Training session - If you want the survey to be available on a training session,
you must select the Training session type.
o Generic - If you want the survey to be available on an email, you must select the
Generic type.
• Active – This indicates whether or not the survey is active. We recommend leaving the
survey inactive until you have defined the questions. This prevents the risk that a survey
is assigned before questions are available.

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The following table identifies the maximum length of each field and if any special characters are
allowed (beyond alphanumeric).

Field Length Required Allowable Characters

Name 200 Yes Alphanumeric, hyphens
Type n/a Yes Not applicable
Active n/a Yes Not applicable

Once you have entered this information, select the <<Add>> button to create the survey. The
screen will be refreshed with a note that “Survey Information Was Inserted Successfully!” and the
Survey Questions area will now indicate “No Questions(s) Found.”

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Once you have given the survey a name and a type, you will need to add survey questions. To
do this, select the “Add a Survey Question” link. This will launch the survey question add page.
On this page, there are two areas.

• Question Type – There are three valid question types.

o Likert Scale (1-7) – This allows questions to be created where the associate can
indicate the degree with which they either agree or disagree with the question. A
1 indicating that they strongly disagree up to a 7 where they strongly agree. This
is the most common survey question type.
o Multiple Choice – This allows the question to be created with multiple possible
answers to select from. This works very similarly to the assessment functionality
with the only difference being that there is no correct answer.
o Open Answer – This allows for a free text response from the associate when
they answer this type of question. Open answer questions should be phrased so
that the Associate can either fill in the blank or type a longer essay type
• Question – This is where the question and answers (only for multiple choice type
questions) are defined. This uses the standard content editor for creating the question.
Please see the content editor section for more information on how this functions.

Once you have completed the question, click on the <<Update Question>> button located at the
bottom of the screen. If you selected Multiple Choice as the question type, the page will refresh
and you will have the ability to enter your possible answers. If you selected Likert or Open
Question, the page will refresh and display the main survey page with the question now visible in
the Survey Questions area.

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Copy Survey
The eSSential application has an option to copy a Survey and create a new version of the survey.
Copying a survey does not affect the original survey. It creates a new version of the survey that
can be independently maintained. To navigate to the Survey Copy page, select Site Information
from the main Admin Menu Bar, then mouse over the Manage Survey(s) menu option. This will
display a fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu, select the Copy Survey link.

The drop down Survey list contains an alphabetical listing of all Surveys in the application. This
includes both Active and Inactive surveys. Each survey displays a note in parenthesis after the
survey name indicating the status of the survey (active or inactive) and the type of survey
(course, training session, or generic). Select the survey you want to copy. Next, enter the name
for the new survey. The name must be 200 alphanumeric characters or less (no special
characters but hyphens are allowed). Next select the survey type you want to create. You can
mix survey types. You can select a course survey to copy and create a training session type
survey if you would like. This is often done when you have a standard survey you want for both
courses and training sessions. You can use the copy feature to create a version of each. Select
the <<Save As>> button and the new survey will be created with an inactive status. You will
need to search for and activate the survey before it can be used.

The copy feature will copy all questions which have ever been assigned to the
survey. If you have previously deleted questions, those questions are retained
for reporting purposes and will display on the copied survey. They can either be
deleted on the new version of the survey or can be used for the survey.

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Course Authors will be able to see all training surveys in this list (even surveys
not created by them). This functionality allows course authors to share best
practice surveys. One author can copy a survey another author/user has created
and then edit from that survey if they desire.

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Edit Survey

When selecting the Survey Name from a survey search results page, you launch the Survey Edit
page. On the survey edit page, there are three main sections of information.

• Survey Information – This area displays the high level information about the survey. If
you make any changes in this area, you must select the <<Update>> button to save your
o Name – This is the name of the survey.
o Type – There are three valid types (Course, Training Session, and Generic). If
you want the survey to be available on a course, you must select the course
type. If you want the survey to be available on a training session, you must
select the Training Session type. If you want the survey to be available on an
email, you must select the Generic type.
o Active – This indicates whether or not the survey is active.
• Survey Currently Assigned To – This is a display only area. This only works for
Course and Training Session type surveys. This displays all courses or all training
sessions where the survey is currently assigned.
• Survey Questions – This area is where the survey questions are defined.

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Manage Site Emails

Site Emails are the email notifications which are automatically sent from the eSSential application
when various functions are executed. The Manage Site Emails area allows a client to configure
the wording and/or images that display on the email notifications. If your organization elected to
have multiple portals created (different branding) as part of your implementation, you also have
the ability to define different site email wording/images for each portal. For example, if you have
a main site and a separate sub portal, you can have two different email messages for the
Certification Reminder.

Email notifications for Associates will only be sent to Active associates. Inactive
associates do not receive notifications. All emails from the application come from

To navigate to the Site Email list page, select Site Information from the Admin Menu bar. From
the Site Information menu, select the Manage Site Emails link.

After the Manage Site Emails link is selected, the page will refresh displaying the Website to Edit
selection screen. This page will have a drop down list that contains all of the portals which have
been created for your organization. The drop down list contains the URL for each portal. If you
only have one portal, the only option that will display is your main site. Select the site that you
wish to define/edit site email language/format and then select the <<Go>> button.

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After the site has been selected, the page will refresh and display all available site emails. The
Site Emails page displays an alphabetical list of the 11 available site emails. Not all notifications
sent from eSSential can be edited/controlled by a client. The 11 displayed in this list are the only
11 that are available for client configuration. Each Site Email title is a hyperlink. Select the
appropriate hyperlink to launch the content editor for that Site Email. A description of the Site
email is included in the Site Email Matrix.

Once you select a Site Email name, the Site Email Edit page will appear. On this page, there are
four possible fields to update.

• Subject – This text appears in the subject line of the email. This is a required field.
• Survey – This drop down list displays all active generic surveys in the application. This
allows you to send a link to a generic survey which can be launched from the email
notification. This is an optional field.
• Email Header – This content box allows an admin user to enter customized text in the
header (top section) of the email. This displays just above the body text in most email
notifications. This is a required field.

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• Email Body - This content box allows an admin user to enter customized text in the
Body of the email. This displays just below the email text in most email notifications.
This is typically where system tokens will be defined. System tokens display dynamic
data when inserted in an email. Each associate will receive information specific to them
(their name, training event location, training event time, training event instructor, etc.).
This is a required field.

Once you are finished editing the Site Email, select the <Submit> button to save the change
made. The page will refresh and display the Web-Site selection drop down list. This allows the
user to select a different portal or the same portal to edit a different Site Email address.

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Site Email Matrix

Name Sent To When
Admin user record added or edited;

The following information that is automatically added

to the email:
First Name:
Last Name:
Administration Email admin user added or edited
Link to any attached optional Survey

It will not indicate what privileges/role changes were

Associate user record added or edited;

The following information that is automatically added

to the email:
First Name:
Last Name:
Level One:
Level Two:
Administration Register associate user added or edited Level Three:
Link to any attached optional Survey

It will not indicate any other fields that may be

available since this can differ from client to client
based on their configuration.

sent 30 days prior to a certification expiring for

an associate

The following information that is automatically added

to the email:
Manager's Name
Student's Name
Certification Name/Title
The Level 2 Contact defined on the Certification Code or Number
level two maintenance page receives State
Certifications Reminder Expiration Date
copy of notification (this is not the
The email will have the following "Tokens" that will be
Level 2 Manager).
used to pull the above information, they should not be
Link to any attached optional Survey

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Name Sent To When

associate drops course

associate and course author The following information that is automatically added
(instructor); if a course author has to the email:
Course Drop
been deactivated and None Selected, First Name:
site email Last Name:
Course Name:
Link to any attached optional Survey

admin cancels event

The following information that is automatically added

to the email:
Associate Name:
Workshop Title:
Event Cancellation associate Start Date and Time:
End Date and Time:
Link to any attached optional Survey

This notification will also be sent to any inactive

associates that are still registered for the training
associate completes course; course completion
is an optional feature and can be disabled
globally at the client's request

The following information automatically added to the

Associate Name:
associate and associate's level Level Two Assignment:
Final Exam (Course manager, starting at level three, if Course Title:
Completion) none then to level two, if none then Number of Credits:
site email address Date of Completion:
Time Zone:
Detailed Results (will be listed if this option is selected
in course creation)
(Answer in parentheses is student's answer, Green is
correct answer)
Link to any attached optional Survey

upon completion of learning path

The following information that is automatically added

email address assigned to learning to the email:
Learning Path
path Associate Name:
Learning Path Name:
Date of Completion:
Link to any attached optional Survey

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Name Sent To When

associate self-registers

The following information that is automatically added

to the email:
First Name:
Self-registration associate
Last Name:
Link to any attached optional Survey
on due date of the task

The following information that is automatically added

to the email:
Hello [OwnerName]*,
This is a reminder that the task [TaskName] *for
Task list admin assigned the task
[WorkshopTitle]* on
[SessionDate]* is Due.
Task Description:
* these are "Tokens" that should not be removed
Link to any attached optional Survey
associate is unregistered from event

The following information that is automatically added

to the email:
Training session cancel associate and instructor
Associate First Name:
Associate Last Name:
Title of the Workshop/Seminar:
Link to any attached optional Survey
associate registers/is registered for event

The following information that is automatically added

to the email:
Workshop Title:
Start Date and Time:
End Date and Time:
Time Zone
Note: <notation if pending manager approval>
Location: <includes the following>
The Facility Name:
Training session registration associate The Facility Contact:
The Resource Name:
The Resource Comments:
The Facility Address:
A link to add this to their Calendar (iCalendar link for
Outlook integration).
Other Workshop Information including:
Overview (from training session)
Resources (from training session)
If a survey has been added to the site email it will show
as a link: Click Here To Take Survey!

NOTE: All emails from the application come from do-not-reply-client@LMSNotification.

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Site Emails in a Portal Environment

For clients who have purchased multiple branded portals for their LMS, many of the Site Emails
(not all) can be branded differently by portal. When you first access the Site Email option, you will
be presented with a drop down list to select the main site or appropriate portal.

If you select the main site, the full list of site emails will display. If you select a portal, then only
the site emails which can be branded separately will display in the list of available site emails.
Only emails that are triggered by associate users while they are on a portal can be portal specific.
This list includes the Course Drop, Final Exam (course completion), Self Register, Training
Session Cancel (drop), and Training Session Registration. All other site emails are trigged on the
admin side or by automated processes and will be branded based on how the main site email
template has been setup.

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Email Tokens

For site emails, the following tokens are available to be inserted in the email reminders. A token
will display information specific to associate receiving the email notification. Tokens only work
with Site Emails for training event reminders, certification reminders and task list reminders.
These tokens do not work with other site emails and email templates.

The following is a list of tokens available for Training Events Reminders (email template):
[CourseTitle] - name of training session
[StartDate] - start date of event
[EndDate] - end date of event
[StartTime] - start time of event
[EndTime] - end time of event
[StudentFn] - Student's first name
[StudentLn] - Student's last name
[StudentEmail] - Student's email
[Location] - Facility and resource (room) name, facility address, facility contact, and facility
contact phone number.

The following is a list of tokens available for Certification Reminders (Site email):
[AssociateName] – This is the name of the associate (first name space and then last name).
[CertificationName] – This is the Certification name either manually entered or the certified
learning path name (if certification was earned automatically upon completion of a certified
learning path).
[NumberCode] – This is the Certification number for manually entered certifications. Nothing will
display for this token if the certification was earned via the Certified Learning Path functionality.
[StateName] – This is the Certification State for manually entered certifications. Nothing will
display for this token if the certification was earned via the Certified Learning Path functionality.
[ExpDate] - Expiration Date for the certification

The following is a list of tokens available for Task Reminders (Site email):
[OwnerName] – This is the name of the admin user assigned the task (first name space and then
last name).
[OwnerEmail] – This is the email address for the admin user assigned the task.
[TaskName] – This is the short name given the task.
[TaskDescription] – Detailed description of the task.
[TaskDueDate] – This is the due date of the task.
[WorkshopTitle] – This is the name/title of training session.
[SessionDate] - This is the start date of the training event.

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Administration Email

The following is an illustration of the Administration Email. The eLogic logo is the Email Header.
The sentence “Your admin User information has been successfully updated through the CRVL
site” is the Email body. Both of these sections can be updated by the client via the Site Email

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Administration Register

The following is an illustration of the Administration Register. The eLogic logo is the Email
Header. The sentence “Your student record has been successfully updated on
crvl.stag.elogiclearning.com” is the Email body. Both of these sections can be updated by the
client via the Site Email area.

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Certifications Reminder

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Course Drop

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Event Cancelation

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Final Exam

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Learning Path

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Self Register

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Task List

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Training Session Cancel

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Training Session Registration:

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Manage Email Templates

Email Templates operate in much the same fashion as Site Emails. Email templates are the
email notifications which are available to be used for Training Session emails (reminder and post
session email) and emails that are available for sending from the application using either the
Email a Level One, Email a Level Two, Email a Level Three, Email Associates in a Course, Email
Attendees in a Training Session, or Email Job Class(es) options.

To navigate to the Manage Email Templates page, select Site Information from the Admin Menu
bar. From the Site Information menu, select the Manage Email Templates link.

After the Manage Email Templates link is selected, the page will refresh displaying the Email
Template selection screen. This page will have a drop down list that contains all of the Email
Templates which have been created for by your organization. Select the Email Template that you
wish to edit and then select the <<Go>> button. If you want to create a new Email Template,
select the “Add a New Email Template” link.

After the site has been selected, the page will refresh and display the Email Template Add/Edit
page. This page has six available fields.

• Title – This is the title for the email template that will display in the drop down list to the
admin users when they are selecting the email template (on training session page or
email pages). This is a required field. This field accepts up to 50 alphanumeric

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• Description – This is a longer description for the email template. This is for information
purposes only and can be used to indicate where the email template is intended to be
used. This does not display anywhere else in the application other than the email
template edit page. This is a required field. This field accepts up to 500 alphanumeric
• Subject – This text appears in the subject line of the email. This is a required field.
• Survey – This drop down list displays all active generic surveys in the application. This
allows you to send a link to a generic survey which can be launched from the email
notification. This is an optional field.
• Email Header – This content box allows an admin user to enter customized text in the
header (top section) of the email. This displays just above the body text in most email
notifications. This is a required field.
• Email Body - This content box allows an admin user to enter customized text in the
Body of the email. This displays just below the email text in most email notifications.
This is typically where system tokens will be defined. System tokens display dynamic
data when inserted in an email. Each associate will receive information specific to them
(their name, training event location, training event time, training event instructor, etc.).
This is a required field.

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Once you are finished adding/editing the Email Template, select the <Submit> button to save the
Email Template. The page will refresh and display the Web-Site selection drop down list. This
allows the user to select a different portal or the same portal to edit a different Site Email address.

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Site Information Email and Email Template Matrix

Name Sent To When

initiated by admin user with appropriate

Email level 1 active associates in selected level 1
initiated by admin user with appropriate
Email level 2 active associates in selected level 2
initiated by admin user with appropriate
Email level 3 active associates in selected level 3
Site Information

active associates in progress of initiated by admin user with appropriate
Email associates of a course
selected course privileges
Email associates of training active associates registered in initiated by admin user with appropriate
session selected training session privileges
active associates in selected job initiated by admin user with appropriate
Email job classes
classes privileges
initiated by admin user with appropriate
Level Contact Level Contact assigned to level
associates registered for training one and six days before a training session
Training Session Reminder
Email Templates

session event

Active or inactive associates marked admin checks Send Email box on Manage
Post Training Session Email
attended for an event Attendees page and clicks Update

NOTE: All emails from the application come from do-not-reply-client@LMSNotification.com

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Email a Level One

The eSSential application provides Admin Users with the ability to send an email to all Active
Associates (inactive associates do not receive the notification) in a single Level One or in Multiple
Level Ones. This is done using the Email a Level One function. This can be useful if you want to
send a mass notification regarding the LMS.

To navigate to the Email a Level One page, select Site Information from the Admin Menu bar.
From the Site Information menu, select the Email a Level One link.

After the Email a Level One link is selected, the page will refresh displaying the Email a Level
One screen. This page will have a multi-select list that contains all of the Level One values for
your organization. On this page you have two options to select.

• Level One(s) – This is a multi-select list. To select one or more Level Ones, select each
Level One and hold the Ctrl key for each selection.
• Email Template – This is a drop down list of all email templates in the application. Select
the email template you wish to use to send. Make sure your email template does not
have any tokens. Tokens do not work for Mass emails.

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Once you have selected the appropriate Level One(s) and Email template, select the <Next>
button. IMPORTANT NOTE – Please wait until the page refreshes with the “E-Mail Was Sent
Successfully” message. If you do not wait for the page to refresh, not all of the associates will
receive the message. If you selected all Level One(s) and have a large list of associates (tens of
thousands), it could take several minutes before the page refreshes while the system emails
every active associate.

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If you want to send a custom email (not use an existing email template), keep the “None
Selected” in the template drop-down box and click the “Next” button. You will then be given a
template for you to fill in the Subject line and a content editor box for the body of the email. When
you have completed the email body, you need to click on the Submit button and this will send the
email out to the Level One(s) that you chose.

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Email a Level Two

The eSSential application provides Admin Users with the ability to send an email to all Active
Associates (inactive associates do not receive the notification) in a single Level Two or in Multiple
Level Twos. This is done using the Email a Level Two function. This can be useful if you want to
send a mass notification regarding the LMS.

To navigate to the Email a Level Two page, select Site Information from the Admin Menu bar.
From the Site Information menu, select the Email a Level Two link.

After the Email a Level Two link is selected, the page will refresh displaying the Email a Level
Two screen. This page will have a multi-select list that contains all of the Level Two values for
your organization. On this page you have two options to select.

• Level Two(s) – This is a multi-select list. To select one or more Level Twos, select each
Level Two and hold the Ctrl key for each selection.
• Email Template – This is a drop down list of all email templates in the application. Select
the email template you wish to use to send. Make sure your email template does not
have any tokens. Tokens do not work for Mass emails.

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Once you have selected the appropriate Level Two(s) and Email template, select the <Next>
button. IMPORTANT NOTE – Please wait until the page refreshes with the “E-Mail Was Sent
Successfully” message. If you do not wait for the page to refresh, not all of the associates will
receive the message. If you selected all Level Two(s) and have a large list of associates (tens of
thousands), it could take several minutes before the page refreshes while the system emails
every active associate.

If you want to send a custom email (not use an existing email template), keep the “None
Selected” in the template drop-down box and click the “Next” button. You will then be given a
template for you to fill in the Subject line and a content editor box for the body of the email. When
you have completed the email body, you need to click on the Submit button and this will send the
email out to the Level Two(s) that you chose.

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Email a Level Three

The eSSential application provides Admin Users with the ability to send an email to all Active
Associates (inactive associates do not receive the notification) in a single Level Three or in
Multiple Level Threes. This is done using the Email Level Three function. This can be useful if
you want to send a mass notification regarding the LMS.

To navigate to the Email a Level Three page, select Site Information from the Admin Menu bar.
From the Site Information menu, select the Email a Level Three link.

After the Email a Level Three link is selected, the page will refresh displaying the Email a Level
Three screen. This page will have a multi-select list that contains all of the Level Three values for
your organization. On this page you have two options to select.

• Level Three(s) – This is a multi-select list. To select one or more Level Threes, select
each Level Three and hold the Ctrl key for each selection.
• Email Template – This is a drop down list of all email templates in the application. Select
the email template you wish to use to send. Make sure your email template does not
have any tokens. Tokens do not work for Mass emails.

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Once you have selected the appropriate Level Three(s) and Email template, select the <Next>
button. IMPORTANT NOTE – Please wait until the page refreshes with the “E-Mail Was Sent
Successfully” message. If you do not wait for the page to refresh, not all of the associates will
receive the message. If you selected all Level Three(s) and have a large list of associates (tens
of thousands), it could take several minutes before the page refreshes while the system emails
every active associate.

If you want to send a custom email (not use an existing email template), keep the “None
Selected” in the template drop-down box and click the “Next” button. You will then be given a
template for you to fill in the Subject line and a content editor box for the body of the email. When
you have completed the email body, you need to click on the Submit button and this will send the
email out to the Level Three(s) that you chose.

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Email Associates in a Course

The Email Associates in a Course option emails all active associate users who are currently
registered for a course. If the user has completed the course, they will not receive the email.
This function only emails active associates registered but not complete with a particular course.

To navigate to the Email Associates in a Course page, select Site Information from the Admin
Menu bar. From the Site Information menu, select the Email Associates in a Course link.

After the Email Associates in a Course link is selected, the page will refresh displaying the Email
Associates in a Course screen. This page will have a multi-select list that contains all of the
active courses in the application. This is a multi-select list. To select the All Courses (this would
be all active courses in the system) select the All Courses option. To select one or more
Courses, select each Course and hold the Ctrl key for each selection. Once you have indicated
the appropriate options, select the <Next> button.

The next page is the email on the fly page. This page allows you to define the subject line, select
a survey (if applicable) and enter the email message using the content editor.

414 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

After entering the relevant Subject, Survey, and Email Body text, select the submit button.

Please wait until the page refreshes with the “E-Mail Was Sent Successfully”
message. If you do not wait for the page to refresh, not all of the associates will
receive the message. If you selected All Courses and have a large list of
associates currently registered but not complete for your courses, it could take
several minutes before the page refreshes while the system emails every
associate. If an associate is registered for more than one course, they will
receive an email for each course registration.

415 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Email Attendees in a Training Session

The Email Attendees in a Training Session option emails all active associate users who are
currently registered for a training session (one or more events). This email only is sent to users
registered in the training event. This does not go to users who were on the waitlist.

To navigate to the Email Attendees in a Training Session page, select Site Information from the
Admin Menu bar. From the Site Information menu, select the Email Attendees in a Training
Session link.

After the Email Attendees in a Training Session is selected, the page will refresh displaying the
Training Session selection screen. This page will have a drop down list that contains all of the
active training sessions in the application. Once you have indicated the appropriate Training
Session, select the <Go> button.

The next page is the Training Event selection page. On this page you have two options to select.

• Training Event(s) – This is a multi-select list. To select the all Training Events option (this
would include past and future) select the All Events option. To select one or more
Events, select each Event and hold the Ctrl key for each selection.
• Email Template – This is a drop down list of all email templates in the application. Select
the email template you wish to use to send. Make sure your email template does not
have any tokens. Tokens do not work for Mass emails.

416 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

After selecting the relevant Event(s) and Email Template, select the <Next> button. IMPORTANT
NOTE – Please wait until the page refreshes with the “E-Mail Was Sent Successfully” message.
If you do not wait for the page to refresh, not all of the associates will receive the message. If you
selected all Training Events and have a large list of associates in those events, it could take
several minutes before the page refreshes while the system emails every associate.

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If you want to send a custom email (not use an existing email template), keep the “None
Selected” in the template drop-down box and click the <Next> button. You will then be given a
template for you to fill in the Subject line and a content editor box for the body of the email. When
you have completed the email body, you need to click on the Submit button and this will send the
email out to the Events(s) that you chose.

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Email Job Class(es)

The Email Job Class(es) option emails all active associate users who are associated with the job
class(es) you select.

To navigate to the Email Job Class(es) page, select Site Information from the Admin Menu bar.
From the Site Information menu, select the Email Job Class(es) link.

After the Email Job Class(es) is selected, the page will refresh displaying the Job Class selection
screen. This page will have a mulit-select list that contains all job classes in the application. To
select one or more Job Classes, select each Job Class and hold the Ctrl key for each selection.
Once you have indicated the appropriate Job Classes, select the <Next> button.

The next page is the Job Class Email page. On this page you have three options to select.

• Subject Line – This is where the subject line for the email is entered. This field is
• Survey – This is a drop down list of all generic surveys in the application. This is an
optional field and should only be selected if you wish to include a survey link in the email.

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• E-Mail Body – This content editor allows you to define the email message.

After entering the relevant email body information, select the <Submit> button. IMPORTANT
NOTE – Please wait until the page refreshes with the “E-Mail Was Sent Successfully” message.
If you do not wait for the page to refresh, not all of the associates will receive the message. If you
selected several job classes and have a large list of associates in those job classes, it could take
several minutes before the page refreshes while the system emails every associate.

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The sixth, and final, Menu Option on the Administrative Menu bar is the Reports menu. Within
this menu you will be able to view, export or print the reports available to you based on your
administrative role. This section of the administrative guide lists reports from the Site Admin
perspective since the Site Admin has access to all reports in the application.

Click Here to view the Reports Matrix in Quick Guides

421 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Reports Matrix
Menu Sub-Menu Title of Title on Description Report Parameters
Report Report
Active none Active Active The Active Instructors’ report will Lists all instructors
Instructors Instructors provide you with a listing of all the
Instructors active Instructors in the system. This
Report includes any Admin User with the
Instructor role checked (including
Training Managers who have
multiple roles checked).

Curriculum none List Course Active Course The List Courses By report provides Course Status
By Report a list of courses in the application for
Course Category
the status selected (all, active,
inactive or pending). This can be
useful to confirm report counts
(number of active reports) and to
monitor report development progress
(reports in pending status).
Course Course Source The Course Source Usage Summary Level 1
Source Usage Report provides a list of course
Date Range
usage by source (method course
Usage Summary was obtained). This report only
Summary Report generates for active courses. The
summary version of the report
Report provides high level counts based on
registrations (not completions).
Course Course Source The Course Source Usage Detail Level 1
Source Usage Detail Report provides a list of course
Course Source Type
usage by source (method course
Usage Report was obtained). This report only Date Range
Detail generates for active courses. The
detail version of the report provides a
Report line for each associate user that has
registered for the report during data
parameter selected. This report
provides a method to analyze the
effectiveness of the various course
sources (where purchased or how
course built internally).
List Training Training The List Training Session By report Training Session Type
Session By Session provides a list of training sessions in
the application for the status selected
Report (all, active, inactive or pending). This
report also displays all events (past
and future) created for the training
Training Training The Training Session Calendar Training Session
Session Calendar Report provides a detailed calendar
Date Range
of all events scheduled for a
Calendar Report particular training session. This
Report includes instructor, address of facility
(if in person), and registered/capacity

422 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Menu Sub-Menu Title of Title on Description Report Parameters

Report Report
Course Cost none Financial Financial The Course Cost report allows Level 1
Report Report administrative users to view cost
Date Range
calculations based on the cost value
assigned to each report (if defined).
For each registration for a course
during the date range selected, the
report will total the cost. This can be
useful for both clients that are
eCommerce based where they
charge credit cards to register for the
course as well as clients that allocate
internal LMS cost to Departments/GL
codes based on course registrations.

Associate Courses List All Associates The List Associates report has three Individual or Level 1
Associates Status Report different main report options. The
Reports Individual report option allows
administrative users to print a
transcript for an individual associate
for a selected date range. The All
report option allows the
administrative user to generate a
report that contains all curriculum
activity (both courses and training
sessions) in the eSSential
application since the first use of the
application. The Level option
provides administrative users with
the ability to view all curriculum
activity (both courses and training
sessions) for a particular Level for
the date range entered. The Level
Option available will be different
depending on the role/level
assignments for the administrative
user running the report.
List List Associates The Associates by Course Status Course
Associates by Course report is one of the most used
Date Range
reports in the application by clients.
by Course Status This report can be used for exception Status
Status analysis. There are several status
options on the report parameter page
(Failed, Incomplete, All Who Have
Not Completed or Not Registered,
Near Deadline or Missed Deadline)
which allow administrative users to
identify associates who are not in
compliance with training objectives.
The report can also be used to view
all associates who passed a course
for a particular date range. This
report displays course activity only.
Training session activity is not
included on this report.

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Menu Sub-Menu Title of Title on Description Report Parameters

Report Report
Associate Courses List List Associates The List Associates by Course with Course
Associates by Course Percentage Different between Pre
Reports and Final Assessment report is
Date Range
by Course with Percent useful for measuring the quality of
with Difference the course content. This report
compares the score achieved by
Percent Between associate users on the pre-
Difference Pre/Final assessment versus their score on
Between Assessment the final assessment. If associates
are improving their scores after
Pre/Final viewing the course, then the course
Assessment is achieving the desired results to
some degree. This report only works
for courses that have both a pre
assessment and final assessment
assigned. The report will show
activity that is in process. If a
associate user has completed the
pre-assessment but not completed
the final assessment, a row will still
display on the report for that
associate user.
List List Associates The List Associates by Learning Path Learning Path
Associates by Learning report is useful for viewing the
Level 1
activity related to a learning path for
by Learning Path a specified registration period. The Date Range
Path report displays all curriculum
included in the learning path, when
the associate registered for the
learning path and their current status
for each curriculum. This allows the
admin user to see who has
completed the learning path and who
is in process of completing the
learning path (with the curriculum left
remaining to complete).
Enrollment Enrollment by The Enrollment by Course Grouped Course
by Course, Course, by Level report provides a list of all
Date Range
associates that have registered for a
Grouped by Grouped by course along with their status and
Level 1 Level 1 score (if applicable) on the course
final assessment. The report will run
by Level One, Level Two or Level
Three depending on the role of the
administrative user running the
Associate Associate The Associate Activity report is Level 1
Activity Activity useful for viewing the detailed lesson
Date Range
activity associated with eLogic
Report Report courses. This report is the only report
in the application which displays a
row for each lesson within an eLogic
course that has been accessed by
an Associate and activity related to
SCORM courses at a summary level.

424 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Menu Sub-Menu Title of Title on Description Report Parameters

Report Report
Associate Courses Associate Student The Associate Cumulative Course Level 1
Cumulative Course Lesson Hours report provides an analysis of
Reports hours completed for curriculum
Date Range
Hours Activity (courses and training session) for the
Report Report registration timeframe selected. This
report is the only report in the
application which displays hour

Training List Cumulative The Associates by Training Session Training Session

Associates Curriculum report lists all registration activity for
Sessions all events associated with the
by Training Hour Report training session selected. This report
Session indicates whether the associated
attended, did not attend, or if
attendance has not been marked.
The report will not display any future
List List Associates The List Associates by Training Training Session
Associates by Training Session by Status report is one of
Level 1
the most used reports in the
by Training Session Status application by clients who heavily Job Code
Session use the instructor led training
functionality of eSSential. This report Date Range
Status can be used for exception analysis. Status
There are several status options on
the report parameter page which
allow administrative users to identify
associates who are not in
compliance with training objectives.

Certifica Associative Associative The Associate Certification report Certified Learning Path
Certificatio Certification allows the admin user to view
tions certified learning path activity. This
Date Range
n Report Report report includes options for viewing all
certifications earned during the date
range entered regardless of whether
the certificate is currently active or
inactive, view all certifications that
were earned during the date range
and are still active by the end date
selected, and for viewing all
certifications that expired during the
time period selected.
Certificatio Certification The Certification Expiration report Certified Learning Path
n Expiration Expiration allows the admin user to view
Other Certification
certifications expiring within the date
Report Report range selected. This report includes State
both certifications earned via the
certified path functionality as well as Certification Number/Code
certifications manually entered or Date Range
entered via the FTP import.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Menu Sub-Menu Title of Title on Description Report Parameters

Report Report
Survey none Survey Survey Results The Survey Results by Course report Survey
Results by by Course allows the admin user to view
Reports aggregate survey results for the time
Date Range
Course period selected for surveys
associated with online courses.
Survey Survey Results The Survey Results by Training Survey
Results by by Training Session report allows the admin user
Date Range
to view aggregate survey results for
Training Session the time period selected for surveys
Session associated with training sessions.

Generic Generic The Generic Survey Results report Survey

Survey Survey Results allows the admin user to view
Date Range
aggregate survey results for the time
Results period selected for generic surveys
(typically sent via email notification).
To navigate to the Survey Reports
List Page, select Reports from the
Admin Menu Bar. On the Reports
menu select the Survey Reports link.
This will display the Survey Reports
List page. From this page select the
Generic Survey Results section.

Media none Media Media Library The Media Library Checked Out Media Name
Library Checked-out Report allows the admin user to view
Library media library items checked out by
Media Type
Checked- Report
admin users for the time period Check-out Date Range
out Report selected. This report only displays an
item if it is currently checked out (as
of the time the report ran).

Pre-Hire none Please Please Choose The Pre-Hire Results Report allows Pre-Hired Associate
Choose Pre- Pre-Hire the admin user to view detailed
Results responses (questions and answers)
Hire from a pre-hire for a particular pre-
hire test.

Custom The Custom Reports page will only

be active for clients who have had
Reports eLogic build one or more custom
reports for their organization. When a
custom report is developed for a
client, the Custom Reports option
from the Reports menu becomes

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Report Overview
The following section describes general areas of report functionality that apply to all reports in the

Active/Inactive Users

In order to capture all system activity, eSSential reports display activity for both active and
inactive associate users. Some clients wish to only view activity for active associates. In these
situations, eLogic recommends that the client change the organization assignment for inactive
associates to an “Inactive Associate” hierarchy. By grouping all inactive associates under a
single hierarchy (Level One, Level Two and Level Three), this will remove the inactive associates
from active hierarchies but still provide the flexibility to view inactive associate activity when

Date Parameters

Several of the reports available in the eSSential application have date parameters. When a date
parameter is listed, it is a required parameter for the report to generate. You will receive an error
message if not selected. Please note that most dates for standard eSSential reports are based
on registration date (unless otherwise specified such as survey and media library reports). This is
because the registration date is the only date guaranteed to be present regardless of the status
(passed, failed, incomplete, attended, not attended, future event).

What do the date parameters represent when

running a report?
Several of the reports available in the eSSential application have date
parameters. When the date parameters are used, only records
meeting the date parameters selected will be returned. All reports
default to a single date (today’s date).

Please note that most dates for standard eSSential reports are based
on registration date (unless otherwise specified such as survey and
media library reports). This is because the registration date is the only
date guaranteed to be present regardless of the status (passed, failed,
incomplete, attended, not attended, future event).

The year date range available is the current year minus 15 years for the start of the range and
current year plus 5 years for the end of the range. You will always have a 20 year range for

427 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Crystal Reports 2008

All reports delivered with the eSSential application were developed with Crystal Reports 2008
Enterprise. This includes the Certificates which associate users can view/print after completing a
course or attending a training session. Crystal 2008 displays the report to the user in a web
HTML viewer. The report always launches in a separate window. When a report launches, the
page it is launched from is automatically refreshed. This ensures that when the user returns to the
original report parameters page that the report parameters have been cleared.

Regardless of the report launched, the same Crystal Reports 2008 options will be available.
These are:

• This is export option within Crystal Reports. There are eight export options.
o Crystal Reports (RPT) – This saves the report output in the native Crystal format
o PDF – This saves the report output in PDF. This is the same as printing the
o Microsoft Excel (97-2003) – This saves the output in Microsoft Excel format and
tries to preserve as much of the formatting as possible. If the report you are
exporting has more than the maximum rows allowed in Microsoft Excel 2003, the
report export process will automatically create a new worksheet and continue the
export process until all records are exported.
o Microsoft Excel (97-2003) – Data Only – This outputs the report in a raw data
format in Excel removing most report headers, footers and subtotals. If the
report you are exporting has more than the maximum rows allowed in Microsoft
Excel 2003, the report export process will automatically create a new worksheet
and continue the export process until all records are exported.
o Microsoft Word (97-2003) – This outputs the report to Word saving as much
formatting as possible.
o Microsoft Word (97-2003) – Editable - This outputs the report to Word using the
RTF file format removing as much formatting as possible.
o Rich Text Format (RTF) – This is very similar to the Word (97-2003) output
option and tries to maintain as much formatting as possible.
o XML – This outputs the report to XML format.

• This is the print option within Crystal Reports. The reporting tool uses PDF to print
all reports. It creates a PDF version of the report first and then from Adobe Reader you
are allowed to print a hard copy. Depending on your Microsoft browser settings, you may
be asked to authorize the download of the report via a yellow bar at the top of the page.
After you select yes, you will have to select the print button again. To avoid the download
question from Microsoft, you can change your browser settings using the following steps:
o Select the Tools link from the Internet Explorer menu bar
o Select Internet Options
o Select the Security Tab
o Select the Custom level button
o Scroll to the Downloads section and change the setting to Enable for the
“Automatic prompting for file downloads”

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• This is not currently used in the eSSential application. If selected, this

will de-select the group tree menu option.

• This is selected by default. This displays or hides the left navigation

window on the report. If selected, you have the ability to navigate to a specific group in
the report (if the report has a group by option). This is done by selecting the group name
in the left navigation window. If a report has no group by, then the group tree window will
display but it will be blank/empty.

• This is the main navigation between pages of the report (if

more than one page). The first button allows navigation to the first page of the

report. The button allows navigation to the previous page. The number field
allows for navigation to a specific page by entering the page number. The next button

allows navigation to the next page. The final button allows navigation to the last
page of the report.

• This drill up feature is not currently used on eSSential reports.

• This allows the report to be zoomed in or out. Valid options include 400%,
300%, 200%, 150%, 125%, 100% (default), 75%, 50%, and 25%

• This is the search feature. Type a text string you would like to
search by in the field and select the binocular icon to initiate the search. The tool will
highlight all instances of the text string found on that page of the report.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Why do inactive associate users display on

In order to capture all system activity, most eSSential reports display
activity for both active and inactive associate users. Some clients
wish to only view activity for active associates.

In these situations, eLogic recommends that the client change the

organization assignment for inactive associates to an “Inactive
Associate” hierarchy.

By grouping all inactive associates under a single hierarchy (Level

One, Level Two, and Level Three), this will remove the inactive
associates from active hierarchies but still provide the flexibility to view
inactive associate activity when required.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Active Instructors
The Active Instructors’ report will provide you with a listing of all the active Instructors in the
system. This includes any Admin User with the Instructor role checked (including Training
Managers who have multiple roles checked). This report has no report parameters. Selecting
the report menu option will automatically launch the report. To navigate to the Active Instructors
Report, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Active
Instructors link, this will launch the Active Instructors report in a separate window.

Report Parameters
This report has no parameters.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Alphabetical (ascending) by Instructor Last Name.

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description
Name Displays the full name of the instructor
Email Displays the instructors email address
Certifications Displays the certifications the instructor hold.

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The Curriculum menu of reports includes five reports which present a higher level view of
curriculum information.
• List Courses By – This provides a list of courses in the application for the status
selected (all, active, inactive or pending).
• Course Source Usage Summary Report – This provides a list of course usage by
source (method course was obtained). This report only generates for active courses.
The summary version of the report provides high level counts based on registrations (not
• Course Source Usage Detail Report – This provides a list of course usage by source
(method course was obtained). This report only generates for active courses. The detail
version of the report provides a line for each associate user that has registered for the
report during data parameter selected.
• List Training Session By - This provides a list of training sessions in the application for
the status selected (all, active, inactive or pending). This report also displays all events
(past and future) created for the training session.
• Training Session Calendar Report – This provides a detailed calendar of all events
scheduled for a particular training session. This includes instructor, address of facility (if
in person), and registered/capacity information.
To navigate to the Curriculum Report List Page, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On
the Reports menu, select the Curriculum link. This will launch the Curriculum Report List Page.

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433 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

List Courses By
The List Courses By report provides a list of courses in the application for the status selected (all,
active, inactive or pending). This can be useful to confirm report counts (number of active
reports) and to monitor report development progress (reports in pending status). This is a point in
time report. If information about the course has changed over time, only the current course
attributes will display on the report (as of the time the report is generated).
To navigate to the List Courses By report, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On the
Reports menu, select the Curriculum link. This will launch the Curriculum Report List page. From
this page, select the List Courses By Option.

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Course Type Filters by the status of the course. The report defaults to the All No
option. The valid options are:
• All – This will list all courses in the system regardless of
status (with the exception of Archive courses which will
not display). The title on the first page of this report will
be “All Course Report”
• Active – This will list all active courses in the system.
The title on the first page of this report will be “Active
Course Report”
• Pending – This will list all pending courses in the
system. The title on the first page of this report will be

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“Pending Course Report”

• Inactive - This will list all inactive courses in the system.
The title on the first page of this report will be “Inactive
Course Report”
Category Filters by the category the course is assigned. The drop down No
list will contain all categories defined in the system (even if not
assigned to a course). The report defaults to the All option.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Alphabetical by Course Status (if all report)

• Secondary Sort – Alphabetical (ascending) by Course Name

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Create Date The date and time the course was created
Author Name The name (first and last) of the Instructor assigned to the course
Course Title The title of the course
Category The category the course is assigned to
Status The status of the course
Course Number The course number of the course
Cost The cost to take the course

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Course Source Usage Summary Report

The Course Source Usage Summary Report provides a list of course usage by source (method
course was obtained). This report only generates for active courses. The summary version of
the report provides high level counts based on registrations (not completions).
To navigate to the Course Source Usage Summary report, select Reports from the Admin Menu
Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Curriculum link. This will launch the Curriculum Report List
page. From this page, select the Course Source Usage Summary Option.

Report Parameters

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Option Description Required

Level One This option will be different depending on the role of the Yes
user. All users with the exception of Level Two and Level
Three Managers will be presented with a List of Level One
values. Course Author and Instructors will have a Level
One list but the list will be labeled “report manager.” For
Level Managers, they will only see values based on their
manager assignments. Site Admins, Instructors, and
Course Authors will be able to see all Level One values.
Only a single Level One can be selected via the drop down
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin Yes
registration date. Only registration activity on or after (to the
End Date) this date will be selected for the report.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or before (to the Start
Date) this date will be selected for the report.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Alphabetical by Course Type

• Secondary Sort – Alphabetical (ascending) by Level One Name

• Third Sort - Alphabetical (ascending) by Level Two Name

• Fourth Sort - Alphabetical (ascending) by Level Three Name

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Course Source This is the course source.
Level One This is the Level One organization name.
Level Two This is the Level Two organization name. Only Level Twos with
activity will display on the report (for the parameters entered).
Level Three This is the Level Three organization name. Only Level Threes
with activity will display on the report (for the parameters entered).
Count This displays the count of course registrations for all the courses
matching the source listed for the date range selected, for the
organization displayed.

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Course Source Usage Detail Report

The Course Source Usage Detail Report provides a list of course usage by source (method
course was obtained). This report only generates for active courses. The detail version of the
report provides a line for each associate user that has registered for the report during data
parameter selected. This report provides a method to analyze the effectiveness of the various
course sources (where purchased or how course built internally).
To navigate to the Course Source Usage Detail report, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar.
On the Reports menu, select the Curriculum link. This will launch the Curriculum Report List
page. From this page, select the Course Source Usage Detail Option.

Report Parameters

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Option Description Required

Level One This option will be different depending on the role of the Yes
user. All users with the exception of Level Two and Level
Three Managers will be presented with a List of Level One
values. Course Author and Instructors will have a Level
One list but the list will be labeled “report manager.” For
Level Managers, they will only see values based on their
manager assignments. Site Admins, Instructors, and
Course Authors will be able to see all Level One values.
Only a single Level One can be selected via the drop down
Course Source This parameter allows a single course source to be Yes
Type selected. All course sources will display in the drop down
list even if they have not been assigned to a course.
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin Yes
registration date. Only registration activity on or after (to the
End Date) this date will be selected for the report.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or before (to the Start
Date) this date will be selected for the report.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Alphabetical by Course Title

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Name This displays the first and last name of the associate.
Course Title This displays the title of the course.
Email This displays the email address of the associate (if applicable).
Date Registered This displays the date the associate registered for the course. If a
person registers for the same course more than once on the same
day, then the detail records are grouped by registration date. This
means that only one record will show in the detail section but the
count of usage will be correct. For example, if associate user
John Smith takes the “Basics of Safety” course on 10/15/09 and
fails and then registers again for the same course on 10/15/09 and
this time passes, there will only be one record in the detail section
but the count will equal 2.

439 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

List Training Sessions by Status Report

The List Training Session By report provides a list of training sessions in the application for the
status selected (all, active, inactive or pending). This report also displays all events (past and
future) created for the training session. This is a point in time report. If information about the
training session has changed over time, only the current training session attributes will display on
the report (as of the time the report is generated).
To navigate to the List Training Session By report, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On
the Reports menu, select the Curriculum link. This will launch the Curriculum Report List page.
From this page, select the List Training Session By Option.

440 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Training Session Filters by the status of the training session. The report No
Type defaults to the All option. The valid options are:
• All – This will list all training sessions in the system
regardless of status (with the exception of Archive
training sessions which will not display). The title on
the first page of this report will be “Training Session

• Active – This will list all active training sessions in

the system. The title on the first page of this report
will be “Training Session Report””
• Pending – This will list all pending training sessions
in the system. The title on the first page of this
report will be “Training Session Report”
• Inactive - This will list all active training sessions in
the system. The title on the first page of this report
will be “Training Session Report”

441 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Alphabetical (ascending) by Course Name

• Secondary Sort – Date order (ascending) by Event Date

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Title This displays the title of the Training Session.
Instructor Name This displays the first and last name of the administrator assigned
to the training session (not event).
Number This displays the number entered for the training session.
Status This displays the current status of the training session (active,
pending, or inactive)
Locations This displays one row for each event established for the training
session. On that row the facility City/State and the date of the
event will display (Day of Week, Month, Day, Year).

442 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Training Session Calendar

The Training Session Calendar Report provides a detailed calendar of all events scheduled for a
particular training session. This includes instructor, address of facility (if in person), and
registered/capacity information.

To navigate to the Training Session Calendar report, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar.
On the Reports menu, select the Curriculum link. This will launch the Curriculum Report List
page. From this page, select the Training Session Calendar Report Option.

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Training This option will display a list of active training sessions in the Yes
Session application. You are allowed to select either All Training
sessions or a single training session for each report generation.
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin event date. Yes
Only event start dates on or after (to the End Date) this date will

443 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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be selected for the report.

End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end event date. Yes
Only event start dates on or before (to the Start Date) this date
will be selected for the report.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Alphabetical by Event Date (ascending)

Report Attributes (columns)

Colum Title Description

Event Detail This displays the date and time of each event associated with the
training session(start and end date/times)
Instructor This displays the first and last name of the instructor for the event
Address This displays all location information for the training facility
(address, city, state, zip and phone number)
Registered/Seats This displays the number of associates currently registered over
the total number of available seats entered for the training event
(may be different than seats available for the room)

444 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Course Cost
The Course Cost report allows administrative users to view cost calculations based on the cost
value assigned to each report (if defined). For each registration for a course during the date
range selected, the report will total the cost. This can be useful for both clients that are
eCommerce based where they charge credit cards to register for the course as well as clients
that allocate internal LMS cost to Departments/GL codes based on course registrations. This
report will calculate the cost for allocation.

The report is named Course Cost when logged in as a Site Administrator, Course Author or
Instructor. When logged in as a Training Manager or Level One Manager the course is named
Course Cost by Level One. When logged in as a Level Two manager, the course is named
Course Cost by Level Two. When logged in as a Level Three manager, the course is named
Course Cost by Level Three.

To navigate to the Course Cost report, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On the Reports
menu, select the Course Cost link. This will launch the Course Cost parameter page.

From the course cost parameter page, select the appropriate report parameters and select the
<Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a separate browser window.

445 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Level One This option will be different depending on the role of the Yes
user. All users with the exception of Level Two and Level
Three Managers will be presented with a List of Level One
values. Course Author and Instructors will have a Level
One list but the list will be labeled “report manager.” For
Level Managers, they will only see values based on their
manager assignments. Site Admins, Instructors, and
Course Authors will be able to see all Level One values.
Only a single Level One can be selected via the drop down
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin Yes
registration date. Only registration activity on or after (to the
End Date) this date will be selected for the report.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or before (to the Start
Date) this date will be selected for the report.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Course Title in ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Associate First Name in ascending order

446 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Course Title This displays the name of the course. This is a group by in the report
and does not display next to each detail row.
Course Cost This displays the cost of the course as of the time the report is
generated. If the cost value has changed over time, the report only
displays the current cost as defined on the course setup. This is
displayed in the group header with the course title and thus does not
display next to each detail row.
Associate This displays the first and last name of the Associate in the detail
section of the report. If an associate has registered for the same
course more than once during the period selected, there will be a
separate row for each registration.
Email This displays the current email address for the associate user. If the
email address has changed over time, only the current email address
will display.
Total Students for This displays the total course of associate registrations for the course
Course for the date range selected. This is part of the group footer and thus is
a single total for the course and does not display in the detail row
Course Grand Total This displays the total course cost of associate registrations for the
course for the date range selected. This is part of the group footer and
thus is a single total for the course and does not display in the detail
row section.
Level One Grand Total This displays the grand total cost for the report. This is part of the
report footer and thus is a single total for the Level One and does not
display in the detail row section.

447 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Associate Reports – Courses

The Associate Report option on the Reports menu has three submenus (Courses, Training
Sessions, and Certifications). The courses option contains links to generate the seven system
reports which focus on Associate online course and learning path activity.
• List Associates– This is a transcript report for either an individual associate or group of
associates. This displays all training activity for the group selected for the date range
selected (Individual and Level options have date range).
• List Associates by Course Status– This is one of the most used reports in the
application by clients. This report can be used for exception analysis. There are several
status options on the report parameter page (Failed, Incomplete, All Who Have Not
Completed or Not Registered, Near Deadline or Missed Deadline) which allow
administrative users to identify associates who are not in compliance with training
• List Associates by Course with Difference between Pre and Final Assessment– For
courses with both a pre-assessment and a final assessment, this report provides metrics
on percentage change between the associate’s score on the pre-assessment and their
score on the final assessment.
• List Associates by Learning Path - This provides a list of associates who have
completed all or part of a learning path.
• Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level One – This provides a list of all associates
that have registered for a course along with their status and score (if applicable) on the
course final assessment.
• Associate Activity Report - This provides a detailed review of an Associate’s lesson
activity for eLogic courses. The report will also present SCORM course information but
not at the Lesson level.
• Associate Cumulative Hour Report– This provides an analysis of hours of curriculum
completed (courses and training sessions) for the period selected.
To navigate to the Associate Reports – Courses List Page, select Reports from the Admin Menu
Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the Associate
Reports fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu select the Courses link. This will launch the
Associate Reports – Courses List page.

448 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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List Associates Report

The List Associates report has three different main report options. The Individual report option
allows administrative users to print a transcript for an individual associate for a selected date
range. The All report option allows the administrative user to generate a report that contains all
curriculum activity (both courses and training sessions) in the eSSential application since the first
use of the application. The Level option provides administrative users with the ability to view all
curriculum activity (both courses and training sessions) for a particular Level for the date range
entered. The Level Option available will be different depending on the role/level assignments for
the administrative user running the report. Site Admins, Course Authors, and Instructors will see
a list of all Level Ones in the application. Training Managers or Level One Managers will only be
able to see the Level Ones they are assigned. Level Two managers will only see Level Twos
they are assigned. Level Three managers will only see Level Threes they are assigned.

The report will show both completed courses and in process courses (for eLogic authored
courses, the course will display only after the final assessment has been started). Training
session activity will only display after attendance is marked for an event.

To navigate to the List Associates report, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On the
Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the Associate Reports fly-out
menu. From the fly-out menu select the Courses link. This will launch the Associate Reports –
Courses List page. From this page, select the List Associates report section.

From the List Associates parameter page, select the appropriate report parameters and select the
<Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a separate browser window.

449 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

By This option controls the type of report that will be generated Yes
and whether additional report parameters will be necessary
to complete. There are three options:
• All – When selected, no further report parameters
are required. The report will display all curriculum
activity from the beginning use of the application.
For large organizations with hundreds of thousands
of training records, this report option may not be
viable (too long to generate or report too large to
generate). The All option is the default option.
• Individual – When selected, a second parameter
screen will display. The second screen allows for
the Associate to be selected, the date range
entered, and designation of export format if
applicable. The associate drop down list only
displays active associates.
• Level – When selected, a second parameter screen
will display. The second screen allows for the Level
value to be selected, the date range entered, and
designation of export format if applicable.

Report Parameters – Individual

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Option Description Required

Name This option will be different depending on the role of the Yes
user. Site Admins, Course Authors, and Instructors will be
presented with a list of all active associates in the eSSential
application. Level One, Level Two, Level Three and
Training Managers will be presented with a list of active
associates related to the organizational levels to which they
are assigned as managers. From this drop down list, only a
single Associate can be selected via the drop down list.
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin Yes
registration date. Only registration activity on or after (to the
End Date) this date will be selected for the report.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or before (to the Start
Date) this date will be selected for the report.
Export Data Set This check box generates the report to a web page rather No
than output to Crystal Reports. The web page presents all
data in a columnar format with no headers or footers. This
allows the data to be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet.
This option can be used if the export to Excel option from
Crystal Reports does not provide the output format desired.

Report Parameters – Level

451 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Option Description Required

Level One This option will be different depending on the role of the user. Yes
All users with the exception of Level Two and Level Three
Managers will be presented with a List of Level One values.
Course Author and Instructors will have a Level One list but
the list will be labeled “report manager.” For Level Managers,
they will only see values based on their manager
assignments. Site Admins, Instructors, and Course Authors
will be able to see all Level One values. Only a single Level
One can be selected via the drop down list.
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or after (to the End Date)
this date will be selected for the report.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or before (to the Start Date)
this date will be selected for the report.
Export Data Set This check box generates the report to a web page rather than No
output to Crystal Reports. The web page presents all data in
a columnar format with no headers or footers. This allows the
data to be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet. This option
can be used if the export to Excel option from Crystal Reports
does not provide the output format desired.

Report Sort Order – Standard Report

• Primary Sort – Level Name in alphabetical ascending order (only on All report option)

• Secondary Sort – Course Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Third Sort – Associate Last Name in alphabetical ascending order

Report Attributes (columns) – Standard Report

Column Title Description

Level Name This displays the Level One Name (All option) or Level Two Name
(Individual and Level options). This is a group by in the report and does
not display next to each detail row.
Course Title This displays the name of the course. This is a group by in the report
and does not display next to each detail row.
Name This displays the first and last name of the Associate in the detail section
of the report. If an associate has registered for the same course more

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Column Title Description

than once during the period selected, there will be a separate row for
each registration.
Date Registered This displays the registration date and time for when the curriculum
registration was performed by the Associate. This displays in the detail
section of the report.
Date Completed This displays the date and time when the course was completed or the
date that attendance was marked for training sessions. If the course
has not been launched or attendance not marked, then the field will be
NULL. If the course is in process, then the last access date will display in
the completed field. This is easy to identify since the status for the line
will be “I” and there will be a value in the date completed column.
Email This displays the current email address for the associate user. If the
email address has changed over time, only the current email address
will display.
CEU This is the CEU on the course/training session at the time the
course/training session was completed by the associate user. If the
CEU value has changed since the user completed the curriculum, then
the value displayed here will be different than what is currently on the
curriculum management page since this view points to the historical
transaction table.
Hours This is the Estimated Hours to complete the course at the time the
course was completed by the associate user if the record was related to
an online course. If the Estimate Hours to complete value has changed
since the user completed the course, then the value displayed here will
be different than what is currently on the course management page
since this view points to the historical transaction table. If the record
was related to a workshop, this is the hours entered when attendance is
marked (start to end time less any break time entered).
Status This displays the status abbreviation for the curriculum. Options include:
• P – Passed (online courses)
• F – Failed (online courses)

• I – Incomplete (online courses)

• A – Attended (training sessions)
• M – Did not Attend (training sessions)
Note – training session records will only display on this report after
attendance has been marked for the event.
Score This displays the score achieved on the final assessment by the
associate. For courses that do not have a Final Assessment or for
Training Sessions where a final score is not entered, the report will
display a “0” in the score column. For eLogic authored courses where
the final assessment can be taken twice, the report will display two

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Column Title Description

records if the final assessment was taken twice (once for each attempt).

Report Sort Order – Export Data Set

• Primary Sort – Level Name in alphabetical ascending order (only on All report option)
• Secondary Sort – Course Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Third Sort – Associate Last Name in alphabetical ascending order

Report Attributes (columns) – Export Data Set

Column Title Description

StudentID This is the unique ID automatically assigned by the application when the
associate user record is created. This can help identify unique users if
two associates happen to have the same first and last name.
PaymentID This is the unique ID automatically assigned by the application when the
associate user registers for a course or training event.
AccountName This displays the Level Two Name.
DateRegistered This displays the registration date and time for when the curriculum
registration was performed by the Associate.
CourseName This displays the name of the course.
StudentLN This displays the last name of the Associate user.
FullName This displays the first and last name of the Associate user.
StudentEmail This displays the current email address for the associate user. If the
email address has changed over time, only the current email address
will display.
TimesTaken This displays the times taken for an eLogic authored course. This does
not display for SCORM courses (value of 0 is displayed).
StudentTestScore This displays the score achieved on the final assessment by the
associate. For courses that do not have a Final Assessment or for
Training Sessions where a final score is not entered, the report will
display a “0” in the score column. For eLogic authored courses where
the final assessment can be taken twice, the report will display two
records if the final assessment was taken twice (once for each attempt).
StudentTestStatus This displays the status abbreviation for the curriculum. Options include:

454 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Column Title Description

• P – Passed (online courses)

• F – Failed (online courses)
• I – Incomplete (online courses)

• A – Attended (training sessions)

• M – Did not Attend (training sessions)
Note – training session records will only display on this report after
attendance has been marked for the event.
Type This value will always be 2. This column can be ignored.
StartDate This displays the start date for the report range entered to generate the
EndDate This displays the end date for the report range entered to generate the
Date Completed This displays the date and time when the course was completed or the
date that attendance was marked for training sessions. If the course
has not been launched or attendance not marked, then the field will be
NULL. If the course is in process, then the last access date will display in
the completed field. This is easy to identify since the status for the line
will be “I” and there will be a value in the date completed column.
CEU This is the CEU on the course/training session at the time the
course/training session was completed by the associate user. If the
CEU value has changed since the user completed the curriculum, then
the value displayed here will be different than what is currently on the
curriculum management page since this view points to the historical
transaction table.
CourseHours This is the hour value currently on the Course Management page. This
will only display a value if the record is related to an online course and
there is a value currently entered for that course.
AttHours This is the Estimated Hours to complete the course at the time the
course was completed by the associate user if the record was related to
an online course. If the Estimate Hours to complete value has changed
since the user completed the course, then the value displayed here will
be different than what is currently on the course management page
since this view points to the historical transaction table. If the record
was related to a workshop, this is the hours entered when attendance is
marked (start to end time less any break time entered).

455 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Associates by Course Status Report

The Associates by Course Status report is one of the most used reports in the application by
clients. This report can be used for exception analysis. There are several status options on the
report parameter page (Failed, Incomplete, All Who Have Not Completed or Not Registered, Near
Deadline or Missed Deadline) which allow administrative users to identify associates who are not
in compliance with training objectives. The report can also be used to view all associates who
passed a course for a particular date range. This report displays course activity only. Training
session activity is not included on this report.

Admin users who are level or training managers will only see report data for
courses that are assigned to their level.

To navigate to the Associates by Course Status report, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar.
On the Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the Associate Reports
fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu select the Courses link. This will launch the Associate
Reports – Courses List page. From this page, select the Associates by Course Status report

From the Associates by Course Status parameter area, select the appropriate report parameters
and select the <Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a separate browser

456 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Course This option is a list of all active online courses in the Yes
application. If you wish to report on a course that is currently
inactive, you will need to temporarily reactivate the course
(ensure the course is not assigned so that associates cannot
take it), run the report and then deactivate the course. This is a
drop-down list, therefore, only one course can be selected for
the report at a time.
Level One This option will be different depending on the role of the user. Yes
All users with the exception of Level Two and Level Three
Managers will be presented with a List of Level One values.
Course Author and Instructors will have a Level One list but the
list will be labeled “report manager.” For Level Managers, they
will only see values based on their manager assignments. Site
Admins, Instructors, and Course Authors will be able to see all
Level One values. Only a single Level One can be selected via
the drop down list.
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or after (to the End Date) this
date will be selected for the report.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or before (to the Start Date)
this date will be selected for the report.
Status This parameter allows the user to select the desired course Yes
status. Frequently an associate will be included under multiple
options depending on how many times they registered for the

457 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Option Description Required

course during the date range selected. For example, if an

associate registered for the course three times during the date
range entered and failed once, passed once and was
incomplete on the third registration, the associate would display
under at least four options (passed, failed, pass/fail, and
incomplete). Options include:
• Passed – This option displays records where the
associate has passed the course. If the associate has
passed the course multiple times, separate records will
display for each pass.
• Failed – This option displays records where the
associate has failed the course. If the associate has
failed the course multiple times, separate records will
display for each fail.
• Passed/Failed – This option displays records where
the associate has passed or failed the course. If the
associate has passed/failed the course multiple times,
separate records will display for each pass/fail.
• Incomplete – This option displays records where the
associate is in process with the course. The associate
can have only one in process registration for a specific
course thus only one record for an associate will show
on this report.
• All who have not Completed or Registered – This
option displays records where the associate has not
registered for the course during the timeframe selected
or has registered for the course but is not completed. If
the user has any passed or failed records for the
course during the registration period entered, they will
not display when this option is selected.
• Close to Deadline - This option can be used when a
course has been setup with a “days due.” The “days
due” field on the course setup screen calculates the
number of days an associate has to complete the
course from the registration date. This option lists all
associates that are within 31 days of the due date they
have for the course and have not completed the
• Missed Deadline – This option can be used when a
course has been setup with a “days due.” The “days
due” field on the course setup screen calculates the
number of days an associate has to complete the
course from the registration date. This option lists all

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Option Description Required

associates that missed the deadline for completion.

Once an associate has missed a deadline, they cannot
take the course. They have to drop the course and re-
register for it. When they drop the course, the
associate will no longer appear on the report under this
Export Data Set This check box generates the report to a web page rather than No
output to Crystal Reports. The web page presents all data in a
columnar format with no headers or footers. This allows the
data to be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet. This option
can be used if the export to Excel option from Crystal Reports
does not provide the output format desired.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Level One Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Level Two Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Third Sort - Level Three Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Fourth Sort – Associate Last Name in alphabetical ascending order

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Course Title This displays the name of the course selected on the report parameter
page. This is a group by in the report and does not display next to each
detail row.
Level One Name This displays the Level One Name. This is a group by in the report and
does not display next to each detail row.
Level Two Name This displays the Level Two Name. This is a group by in the report and
does not display next to each detail row.
Level Three Name This displays the Level Three Name. This is a group by in the report and
does not display next to each detail row.
Date Registered This displays the registration date and time when the curriculum
registration was performed by the Associate. This displays in the detail
section of the report.

459 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Name This displays the first and last name of the Associate. This displays in
the detail section of the report. If an associate has registered for the
same course more than once during the period selected, there will be a
separate row for each registration.
Emp-ID This displays the employee ID for the associate user.
Job Title This displays the current Job Title for the associate user. If the job title
has changed over time, only the current job title will display.
Score This displays the score achieved on the final assessment by the
associate. For courses that do not have a Final Assessment, the report
will display a “0” in the score column. For eLogic authored courses
where the final assessment can be taken twice, the report will display
two records if the final assessment was taken twice (once for each
Status This displays the status for the course. Options include:

• Passed
• Failed

• Incomplete

• NULL – This displays when the associate user has not

registered for the course.
Date Completed This displays the date and time when the course was completed or the
date that attendance was marked for training sessions. If the course
has not been launched or attendance not marked, then the field will be
NULL. If the course is in process, then the last access date will display in
the completed field. This is easy to identify since the status for the line
will be “I” and there will be a value in the date completed column.

460 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Sort Order – Export Data Set

• Primary Sort – Level One Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Level Two Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Third Sort - Level Three Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Fourth Sort – Associate Last Name in alphabetical ascending order

Report Attributes (columns) – Export Data Set

Column Title Description

CourseID This displays the ID automatically assigned to the course when the
course was created. This will allow you to distinguish unique courses if
the name is identical.
CourseTitle This displays the name of the course.
DateRegistered This displays the registration date and time when the curriculum
registration was performed by the Associate.
TimesTaken This displays the times taken for an eLogic authored course. This does
not display for SCORM courses (value of 0 is displayed).
Final_Status This displays the status abbreviation for the curriculum. Options include:
• P – Passed (online courses)

• F – Failed (online courses)

• I – Incomplete (online courses)

Final_Score This displays the score achieved on the final assessment by the
associate. For courses that do not have a Final Assessment, the report
will display a “0” in the score column. For eLogic authored courses
where the final assessment can be taken twice, the report will display
two records if the final assessment was taken twice (once for each
FullName This displays the first and last name of the Associate user.
JobTitle This is the job title/classification assigned to the associate user’s record.
StudentEmail This displays the current email address for the associate user. If the
email address has changed over time, only the current email address
will display.
EmployeeID This is the employee ID for the associate user.
EEOCode This is the EEO Code for the associate user.
Date of Hire This is the Date of Hire for the associate user.

461 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Column Title Description

Level2Code This is the Level 2 Code assigned to the associate user.

Level2Name This displays the Level Two Name.
StartDate This display the start date for the report range entered to generate the
EndDate This displays the end date for the report range entered to generate the
AccountID This is the Level 2 ID assigned by the application when the Level 2 is
OrganizationID This displays the application assigned ID value for the Level 1.
DivisionName This displays the Level Three name.
ReportStatus This value corresponds to the status parameters selected when the
report was generated:
1) Passed
2) Failed
3) Passed/Failed
4) Incomplete
5) All who have not Completed or Registered
6) Close to Deadline
7) Missed Deadline
StudentLN This displays the last name of the Associate user.
Date Completed This displays the date and time when the course was completed or the
date that attendance was marked for training sessions. If the course
has not been launched or attendance not marked, then the field will be
NULL. If the course is in process, then the last access date will display in
the completed field. This is easy to identify since the status for the line
will be “I” and there will be a value in the date completed column.
StudentActive This displays whether or not the student is active. 1 = Active and 0 =

462 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

List Associates by Course with Percentage Difference between Pre

and Final Assessment

The List Associates by Course with Percentage Different between Pre and Final Assessment
report is useful for measuring the quality of the course content. This report compares the score
achieved by associate users on the pre-assessment versus their score on the final assessment.
If associates are improving their scores after viewing the course, then the course is achieving the
desired results to some degree. This report only works for courses that have both a pre
assessment and final assessment assigned. The report will show activity that is in process. If a
associate user has completed the pre-assessment but not completed the final assessment, a row
will still display on the report for that associate user.

Admin users who are level or training managers will only see report data for
courses that are assigned to their level.

To navigate to the List Associates by Course with Percentage Different between Pre and Final
Assessment report, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On the Reports menu, select the
Associate Reports link. This will display the Associate Reports fly-out menu. From the fly-out
menu select the Courses link. This will launch the Associate Reports – Courses List page. From
this page, select the List Associates by Course with Percentage Different between Pre and Final
Assessment report section.

From the List Associates by Course with Percentage Different between Pre and Final
Assessment parameter area, select the appropriate report parameters and select the <Go>
button to generate the report. The report will launch in a separate browser window.

463 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Course This option is a list of all active online courses in the Yes
application which have both a pre assessment and final
assessment defined (for SCORM courses it is assumed that
the SCORM course will have a final assessment built in the
course so only a pre-assessment must be defined). If you
wish to report on a course that is currently inactive, you will
need to temporarily reactivate the course (ensure the course
is not assigned so that associates cannot take it), run the
report and then deactivate the course. This is a drop-down
list, therefore, only one course can be selected for the report
at a time.
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin Yes
registration date. Only registration activity on or after (to the
End Date) this date will be selected for the report.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or before (to the Start
Date) this date will be selected for the report.
Export Data Set This check box generates the report to a web page rather No
than output to Crystal Reports. The web page presents all
data in a columnar format with no headers or footers. This
allows the data to be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet.
This option can be used if the export to Excel option from
Crystal Reports does not provide the output format desired.

464 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Associate First Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Date registered in ascending order

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Course Title This displays the name of the course selected on the report
parameter page. This is a group by in the report and does not
display next to each detail row.
Name This displays the first and last name of the Associate. This
displays in the detail section of the report. If an associate has
registered for the same course more than once during the period
selected, there will be a separate row for each registration.
Date Registered This displays the registration date and time for when the
curriculum registration was performed by the Associate. This
displays in the detail section of the report.
Pre-Assessment Score This displays the score the associate achieved on the pre-
Final-Assessment Status This displays the status for the course. Options include:

• P - Passed
• F - Failed

• I – Incomplete (SCORM courses, as soon as they are

launched, will appear on the report in this status. eLogic
courses will not appear until the final assessment is
Final-Assessment Score This displays the score achieved on the final assessment by the
associate. For courses that do not have a Final Assessment, the
report will display a “0” in the score column. For eLogic authored
courses where the final assessment can be taken twice, the report
will display two records if the final assessment was taken twice
(once for each attempt).
% Difference between Pre- This is a calculated field which displays the Final Assessment –
Final Assessment Pre Assessment score. Positive numbers indicate an
improvement and negative scores indicate a decreased score.
Date Completed This displays the date and time when the course was completed or
the date that attendance was marked for training sessions. If the
course has not been launched or attendance not marked, then the

465 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

field will be NULL. If the course is in process, then the last access
date will display in the completed field. This is easy to identify
since the status for the line will be “I” and there will be a value in
the date completed column.

Report Sort Order – Export Data Set

• Primary Sort – Associate Last Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Date registered in ascending order

Report Attributes (columns) – Export Data Set

Column Title Description

CourseID This displays the ID automatically assigned to the course when the
course was created. This will allow you to distinguish unique
courses if the name is identical.
CourseTitle This displays the name of the course.
DateRegistered This displays the registration date and time for when the curriculum
registration was performed by the Associate.
TimesTaken This displays the times taken for an eLogic authored course. This
does not display for SCORM courses (value of 0 is displayed).
AccountName This displays the Level Two Name.
FullName This displays the first and last name of the Associate user.
Email This displays the current email address for the associate user. If the
email address has changed over time, only the current email
address will display.
Status This displays the status abbreviation for the curriculum. Options
• P – Passed (online courses)

• F – Failed (online courses)

• I – Incomplete (online courses)
Score This displays the score achieved on the final assessment by the
associate. For courses that do not have a Final Assessment, the
report will display a “0” in the score column. For eLogic authored
courses where the final assessment can be taken twice, the report
will display two records if the final assessment was taken twice
(once for each attempt).

466 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Column Title Description

PreAssessmentTestStatus This displays the preassessment status. This will always be P.

PreAssessmentTestScore This displays the score achieved on the pre assessment by the
associate. For courses that do not have a Pre Assessment, the
report will display a “0” in the score column.
Diff This is the calculated value of the Final Assessment score minus
the Pre Assessment score.
Date Completed This displays the date and time when the course was completed or
the date that attendance was marked for training sessions. If the
course has not been launched or attendance not marked, then the
field will be NULL. If the course is in process, then the last access
date will display in the completed field. This is easy to identify since
the status for the line will be “I” and there will be a value in the date
completed column.

467 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

List Associates by Learning Path Report

The List Associates by Learning Path report is useful for viewing the activity related to a learning
path for a specified registration period. The report displays all curriculum included in the learning
path, when the associate registered for the learning path and their current status for each
curriculum. This allows the admin user to see who has completed the learning path and who is in
process of completing the learning path (with the curriculum left remaining to complete).

Admin users who are level or training managers will only see report data for
courses that are assigned to their level.

To navigate to the List Associates by Learning Path report, select Reports from the Admin Menu
Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the Associate
Reports fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu select the Courses link. This will launch the
Associate Reports – Courses List page. From this page, select the List Associates by Learning
Path report section.

From the List Associates by Learning Path parameter area, select the appropriate report
parameters and select the <Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a
separate browser window.

468 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Learning Path This option is a list of all learning paths in the system (active Yes
and inactive). This list will include the learning path even if it
is not assigned to a Level One, Two or Three (if the admin
user is a Level Manager). This is a drop-down list,
therefore, only one course can be selected for the report at
a time.
Level One This option will be different depending on the role of the Yes
user. All users with the exception of Level Two and Level
Three Managers will be presented with a List of Level One
values. Course Author and Instructors will have a Level
One list but the list will be labeled “report manager.” For
Level Managers, they will only see values based on their
manager assignments. Site Admins, Instructors, and
Course Authors will be able to see all Level One values.
Only a single Level One can be selected via the drop down
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin Yes
registration date. Only registration activity on or after (to the
End Date) this date will be selected for the report.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or before (to the Start
Date) this date will be selected for the report.
Export Data Set This check box generates the report to a web page rather No
than output to Crystal Reports. The web page presents all
data in a columnar format with no headers or footers. This
allows the data to be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet.
This option can be used if the export to Excel option from
Crystal Reports does not provide the output format desired.

469 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Associate First Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Date registered in ascending order (this ensures learning path
registrations will be grouped together if associate has registered for the same learning
path multiple times)
• Third Sort – Course title in alphabetical ascending order

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Learning Path This displays the name of the learning path selected on the
parameter page. This is a group by in the report and does not
display next to each detail row.
Name This displays the first and last name of the Associate. This
displays in the detail section of the report.
Curriculum Title This displays the name of the curriculum in the learning path.
Date Registered This displays the registration date and time when the curriculum
registration was performed by the Associate. This displays in the
detail section of the report.
Date Completed This displays the date and time when the course was completed or
the date that attendance was marked for training sessions. If the
course has not been launched or attendance not marked, then the
field will be NULL. If the course is in process, then the last access
date will display in the completed field. This is easy to identify
since the status for the line will be “I” and there will be a value in
the date completed column.
Final-Assessment Status This displays the status for the curriculum. Options include:

• P - Passed
• F - Failed
• I – Incomplete
• A – Attended

• M – Not Attended
Score This displays the score achieved on the final assessment by the
associate or score entered by instructor. For courses that do not
have a Final Assessment or for Training Sessions where a final
score is not entered, the report will display a “0” in the score
column. For eLogic authored courses where the final assessment
can be taken twice, the report will display two .

470 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Sort Order – Export Data Set

• Primary Sort – Associate First Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Date registered in ascending order (this ensures learning path
registrations will be grouped together if associate has registered for the same learning
path multiple times)
• Third Sort – Course title in alphabetical ascending order

Report Attributes (columns) – Export Data Set

Column Title Description

CourseID This displays the ID automatically assigned to the course when the
course was created. This will allow you to distinguish unique
courses if the name is identical.
CourseTitle This displays the name of the course.
DateRegistered This displays the registration date and time when the curriculum
registration was performed by the Associate.
TimesTaken This displays the times taken for an eLogic authored course. This
does not display for SCORM courses (value of 0 is displayed).
AccountName This displays the Level Two Name.
FullName This displays the first and last name of the Associate user.
Email This displays the current email address for the associate user. If the
email address has changed over time, only the current email
address will display.
Status This displays the status abbreviation for the curriculum. Options
• P – Passed (online courses)

• F – Failed (online courses)

• I – Incomplete (online courses)
• A – Attended (training session)

• M – Not Attended (training session)

Score This displays the score achieved on the final assessment by the
associate. For courses that do not have a Final Assessment, the
report will display a “0” in the score column. For eLogic authored
courses where the final assessment can be taken twice, the report
will display two records if the final assessment was taken twice

471 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Column Title Description

(once for each attempt).

AccountPaymentID This displays the Level 1 Name.
StartDate This display the start date for the report range entered to generate
the report.
EndDate This displays the end date for the report range entered to generate
the report.
PathName This displays the Learning Path Name
Date Completed This displays the date and time when the course was completed or
the date that attendance was marked for training sessions. If the
course has not been launched or attendance not marked, then the
field will be NULL. If the course is in process, then the last access
date will display in the completed field. This is easy to identify since
the status for the line will be “I” and there will be a value in the date
completed column.

472 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level Report

The Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level report provides a list of all associates that have
registered for a course along with their status and score (if applicable) on the course final
assessment. The report will run by Level One, Level Two or Level Three depending on the role
of the administrative user running the report.

Admin users who are level or training managers will only see report data for
courses that are assigned to their level.

To navigate to the List Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level report, select Reports from the
Admin Menu Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the
Associate Reports fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu select the Courses link. This will launch
the Associate Reports – Courses List page. From this page, select the Enrollment by Course
Grouped by Level Report section.

From the Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level parameter area, select the appropriate report
parameters and select the <Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a
separate browser window.

473 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Course This option is a list of all active online courses in the Yes
application. If you wish to report on a course that is
currently inactive, you will need to temporarily reactivate the
course (ensure the course is not assigned so that
associates cannot take it), run the report and then
deactivate the course. This is a drop-down list, therefore,
only one course can be selected for the report at a time.
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin Yes
registration date. Only registration activity on or after (to the
End Date) this date will be selected for the report.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or before (to the Start
Date) this date will be selected for the report.
Export Data Set This check box generates the report to a web page rather No
than output to Crystal Reports. The web page presents all
data in a columnar format with no headers or footers. This
allows the data to be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet.
This option can be used if the export to Excel option from
Crystal Reports does not provide the output format desired.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Level Two Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Associate First Name in alphabetical ascending order
• Third Sort – Date registered in ascending order

474 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Level Two Name and Code This displays the Level Two Name and Code. This is a group by in
the report and does not display next to each detail row.
Name This displays the first and last name of the Associate in the detail
section of the report.
Email This displays the current email address for the associate user. If
the email address has changed over time, only the current email
address will display.
Date Registered This displays the registration date and time for when the
curriculum registration was performed by the Associate.
Final-Assessment Status This displays the status for the course. Options include:

• P - Passed
• F - Failed

• I – Incomplete (SCORM courses, as soon as they are

launched, will appear on the report in this status. eLogic
courses will not appear until the final assessment is
Score This displays the score achieved on the final assessment by the
associate or score entered by instructor. For courses that do not
have a Final Assessment or for Training Sessions where a final
score is not entered, the report will display a “0” in the score
column. For eLogic authored courses where the final assessment
can be taken twice, the report will display two records if the final
assessment was taken twice (once for each attempt).
Count This calculated field counts the number of course registrations per
grouping level (for each Level Two and then a grand total for the

Report Sort Order – Export Data Set

• Primary Sort – Level Two Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Associate First Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Third Sort – Date registered in ascending order

475 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Attributes (columns) – Export Data Set

Column Title Description

CourseID This displays the ID automatically assigned to the course when the
course was created. This will allow you to distinguish unique
courses if the name is identical.
CourseTitle This displays the name of the course.
DateRegistered This displays the registration date and time when the curriculum
registration was performed by the Associate.
TimesTaken This displays the times taken for an eLogic authored course. This
does not display for SCORM courses (value of 0 is displayed).
AccountName This displays the Level Two Name.
FullName This displays the first and last name of the Associate user.
Email This displays the current email address for the associate user. If the
email address has changed over time, only the current email
address will display.
Status This displays the status abbreviation for the curriculum. Options
• P – Passed (online courses)

• F – Failed (online courses)

• I – Incomplete (online courses)

Score This displays the score achieved on the final assessment by the
associate. For courses that do not have a Final Assessment, the
report will display a “0” in the score column. For eLogic authored
courses where the final assessment can be taken twice, the report
will display two records if the final assessment was taken twice
(once for each attempt).
AccountPaymentID This displays the Level 1 Name.

476 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Associate Activity Report

The Associate Activity report is useful for viewing the detailed lesson activity associated with
eLogic courses. This report is the only report in the application which displays a row for each
lesson within an eLogic course that has been accessed by an Associate. For example, if a
course has four lessons and an associate has accessed/viewed three of the lessons within the
course, the report will display three rows. This report also will display activity related to SCORM
courses but this information is at a summary level (one row per course per associate registration).

To navigate to the Associate Activity report, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On the
Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the Associate Reports fly-out
menu. From the fly-out menu select the Courses link. This will launch the Associate Reports –
Courses List page. From this page, select the Associate Activity report section.

From the Associate Activity parameter area, select the appropriate report parameters and select
the <Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a separate browser window.

477 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Level One This option will be different depending on what role the user Yes
is. All users with the exception of Level Two and Level
Three Managers will be presented with a List of Level One
values. Course Author and Instructors will have a Level
One list but the list will be labeled “report manager.” For
Level Managers, they will only see values based on their
manager assignments. Site Admins, Instructors, and
Course Authors will be able to see all Level One values.
Only a single Level One can be selected via the drop down
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin Yes
registration date. Only registration activity on or after (to the
End Date) this date will be selected for the report.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or before (to the Start
Date) this date will be selected for the report.
Export Data Set This check box generates the report to a web page rather No
than output to Crystal Reports. The web page presents all
data in a columnar format with no headers or footers. This
allows the data to be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet.
This option can be used if the export to Excel option from
Crystal Reports does not provide the output format desired.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Course Title in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Associate First Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Third Sort – Lesson title in alphabetical ascending order

478 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Course Title This displays the name of the course selected on the report
parameter page. This is a group by in the report and does not
display next to each detail row.
Name This displays the first and last name of the Associate. This is a
group by in the report and does not display next to each detail row.
Level Two Name This displays the Level Two Name. This is in the associate group
by in the report and does not display next to each detail row. This
will always display the Level Two name regardless of how the
report was run (Level 1, 2 or 3)
Lesson Title This displays the title for each lesson within the eLogic authored
course that has been accessed by the associate. Any lessons not
accessed will not display in the report. For SCORM courses, there
will be a single row labeled “Course Overview.”
Date Added This displays the date and time when the SCORM course is
registered and date/time when the lesson was first accessed for
eLogic authored courses. This displays in the detail section of the
Last Viewed This displays the date and time when the SCORM course is
registered and the date/time when the lesson was last accessed
for eLogic authored courses. This displays in the detail section of
the report.

Report Sort Order – Export Data Set

• No sort order

Report Attributes (columns) – Export Data Set

Column Title Description

StudentID This is the unique ID automatically assigned by the application when the
associate user record is created. This can help identify unique users if
two associates happen to have the same first and last name.
StudentName This displays the first and last name of the Associate user.
CourseTitle This displays the name of the course.
LessonTitle This displays the title of the lesson if an eLogic authored course. If a

479 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Column Title Description

SCORM course, this will always display Course Overview.

LastViewed This displays the date and time the course was last viewed by the
associate user.
DepartmentName This displays the Level Two Name.
DateRegistered This displays the registration date and time for when the curriculum
registration was performed by the Associate.
DateAdded This displays the date and time when the SCORM course is registered
and date/time when the lesson was first accessed for eLogic authored

480 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Associate Cumulative Course Hours Report

The Associate Cumulative Course Hours report provides an analysis of hours completed for
curriculum (courses and training session) for the registration timeframe selected. This report is
the only report in the application which displays hour information. The hours displayed on the
report are the Estimated Hours to complete (for courses) and the actual timeframe for the event
(based on start and end time minus break time entered when attendance is marked).

If the credit hours for a particular course are changed after an associate has
completed the course, the value at which it was assigned at the time of
completion will be what shows up. For example:
• Monday - person “A” took a course that was worth 1 credit hour
• Tuesday - the credit hours for the course was changed to 3 credit hours
• Wednesday - person “B” took the course
• When this report is run, Person A will have 1 for credit hours and Person
B will have 3 for credit hours for the same course.

To navigate to the Associate Cumulative Course Hours report, select Reports from the Admin
Menu Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the
Associate Reports fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu select the Courses link. This will launch
the Associate Reports – Courses List page. From this page, select the Associate Cumulative
Course Hours report section.

From the Associate Cumulative Course Hours parameter area, select the appropriate report
parameters and select the <Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a
separate browser window.

481 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Level One This option will be different depending on the role of the Yes
user. All users with the exception of Level Two and Level
Three Managers will be presented with a List of Level One
values. Course Author and Instructors will have a Level
One list but the list will be labeled “report manager.” For
Level Managers, they will only see values based on their
manager assignments. Site Admins, Instructors, and
Course Authors will be able to see all Level One values.
Only a single Level One can be selected via the drop down
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin Yes
registration date. Only registration activity on or after (to the
End Date) this date will be selected for the report.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end registration Yes
date. Only registration activity on or before (to the Start
Date) this date will be selected for the report.
Export Data Set This check box generates the report to a web page rather No
than output to Crystal Reports. The web page presents all
data in a columnar format with no headers or footers. This
allows the data to be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet.
This option can be used if the export to Excel option from
Crystal Reports does not provide the output format desired.

482 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Level Two Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Level Three Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Third Sort – Student First Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Fourth Sort – Curriculum Name in alphabetical ascending order

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Level One Name This displays the Level One Name. This is a group by in the report
and does not display next to each detail row.
Level Two Name This displays the Level Two Name. This is a group by in the report
and does not display next to each detail row.
Level Three Name This displays the Level Three Name. This is a group by in the
report and does not display next to each detail row.
Name This displays the first and last name of the Associate. This is a
group by in the report and does not display next to each detail row.
Curriculum Name This displays the name of the course or training session. This is
part of the detail section of the report. A separate line will display
for each curriculum the associate has registered for in the
registration date range entered. Training sessions will only display
on this report after attendance has been marked. In process
SCORM courses will display as soon as the course has been
Training Type This displays the type of training. This will be either by Course for
online courses or Training Session for instructor led training
Hours This displays the hours from the Estimated Hours field for courses
and the calculated time based on (End time – start time – breaks)
from the mark attendance process. For courses, this displays the
value on the course at the time the course was completed. If the
estimated hours to complete has changed over time, this value will
be different.

483 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Sort Order – Export Data Set

• No sort order

Report Attributes (columns) – Export Data Set

Column Title Description

Level3ID This is the unique ID automatically assigned by the application when the
Level 3 is created.
Level3Name This displays the Level Three Name.
Level2ID This is the unique ID automatically assigned by the application when the
Level 2 is created.
Level2Name This displays the Level Two Name.
Level1ID This is the unique ID automatically assigned by the application when the
Level 1 is created.
Level1Name This displays the Level One Name.
FullName This displays the first and last name of the Associate user.
LastName This displays the last name of the Associate User.
Type This displays the type of training. This will be either by Course for online
courses or Training Session for instructor led training events.
CreditHours This displays the hours from the Estimated Hours field for courses and
the calculated time based on (End time – start time – breaks) from the
mark attendance process. For courses, this displays the value on the
course at the time the course was completed. If the estimated hours to
complete has changed over time, this value will be different.
StartDate This displays the start date range entered to generate the report.
EndDate This displays the end date range entered to generate the report.
CourseName This displays the name of the course.
CEU This displays the CEU value for the course/training session. This
displays the value on the course/training session at the time the
course/session was completed. If the CEU value has changed over
time, this value will be different.
DateCompleted This displays the date and time when the course was completed or the
date that attendance was marked for training sessions. If the course
has not been launched or attendance not marked, then the field will be
NULL. If the course is in process, then the last access date will display in
the completed field. This is easy to identify since the status for the line
will be “I” and there will be a value in the date completed column.

484 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Associate Reports – Training Sessions

The Associate Report option on the Reports menu has three submenus (Courses, Training
Sessions, and Certifications). The Training Sessions option contains links to generate the two
system reports which focus on Associate training session activity.

• List Associates by Training Session– This report lists all registration activity for all
events associated with the training session selected. This report indicates whether the
associate attended, did not attend, or if attendance has not been marked.
• List Associates by Training Session by Status– This is one of the most used reports
in the application by clients who heavily use the instructor led training functionality of
eSSential. This report can be used for exception analysis. There are several status
options on the report parameter page (Did Not Attend Only, Not Registered, and All Who
Have Not Attended) which allow administrative users to identify associates who are not in
compliance with training objectives.

To navigate to the Associate Reports – Training Sessions List Page, select Reports from the
Admin Menu Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the
Associate Reports fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu select the Training Sessions link. This
will launch the Associate Reports – Training Sessions List page.

485 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Associates by Training Session

The Associates by Training Session report lists all registration activity for all events associated
with the training session selected. This report indicates whether the associate attended, did not
attend, or if attendance has not been marked. This report displays all past events for the training
session selected. The report will not display any future event.

Admin users who are level or training managers will only see report data for
training sessions that are assigned to their level.

To navigate to the Associate Reports – Training Sessions List Page, select Reports from the
Admin Menu Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the
Associate Reports fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu select the Training Sessions link. This
will launch the Associate Reports – Training Sessions List page. From this page, select the
Associates by Training Session report section.

From the Associates by Training Session parameter page, select the appropriate report
parameters and select the <Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a
separate browser window.

486 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Training This list includes all active training sessions in the application. Yes
Session The list does not filter by assignment or activity. All active
training sessions will display in the list regardless of the Level
Manager running the report but only detail related to the Level
Managers assignment will display (or no records if no activity). If
you wish to report on a training session that is currently inactive,
you will need to temporarily reactivate the training session, run
the report and then deactivate the training session. From this
drop down list, only a single Training Session can be selected via
the drop down list.
Export Data Set This check box generates the report to a web page rather than No
output to Crystal Reports. The web page presents all data in a
columnar format with no headers or footers. This allows the data
to be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet. This option can be
used if the export to Excel option from Crystal Reports does not
provide the output format desired.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – City for the event in ascending order (report is grouped by event)
• Secondary Sort – State for the event in ascending order
• Third Sort – Event date

• Fourth Sort – Associate User’s First Name ascending order

• Fifth Sort – Associate User’s Last Name ascending order

487 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Training Session Title This displays the name of the training session. This is a group by in the
report and does not display next to each detail row.
Event Location/Date This displays the City and State where the event will be held (based on
facility). It also displays the start date for the event.
Date Registered This displays the registration date and time when the event registration
was performed by the Associate. This displays in the detail section of the
Name This displays the first and last name of the Associate in the detail section
of the report. If an associate has registered for the same training
session but different events, there will be a separate row for each
Email This displays the current email address for the associate user. If the
email address has changed over time, only the current email address
will display.
Status This displays the status the associate for the training session. Options
• Attended – attendance has been marked and the associate
attended the training event
• Did Not Attend – attendance has been marked and the
associate did not attend the training event
• NA – attendance has not been marked yet for the event
Score This is the score, if entered, for the associate. If no score is entered, a
0.00% will display.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Sort Order – Export Data Set

• Primary Sort – City for the event in ascending order (report is grouped by event)
• Secondary Sort – State for the event in ascending order

• Third Sort – Event date

• Fourth Sort – Associate User’s Last Name ascending order

Report Attributes (columns) – Export Data Set

Column Title Description

CourseID This is the unique ID automatically assigned by the application when the
training session is created. This can help identify unique users if two
training sessions happen to have the same name.
CourseTitle This displays the name of the training session.
DateRegistered This displays the registration date and time when the curriculum
registration was performed by the Associate.
TimesTaken This displays the value of 0 always and can be ignored.
FullName This displays the first and last name of the Associate user.
Email This displays the current email address for the associate user. If the
email address has changed over time, only the current email address
will display.
Status This displays the status abbreviation for the session. Options include:
• A – Attended (training sessions)

• M – Did not Attend (training sessions)

Note – training session records will only display on this report after
attendance has been marked for the event.
Score This displays the score entered for the training session when attendance
is marked. For Training Sessions where a final score is not entered, the
report will display a “0” in the score column.
City This is the city for the facility where the event was held.
State This is the State for the facility where the event was held.
StartDate This displays the event start date.

489 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

List Associates by Training Session by Status Report

The List Associates by Training Session by Status report is one of the most used reports in the
application by clients who heavily use the instructor led training functionality of eSSential. This
report can be used for exception analysis. There are several status options on the report
parameter page (Did Not Attend Only, Not Registered, and All Who Have Not Attended) which
allow administrative users to identify associates who are not in compliance with training

Admin users who are level or training managers will only see report data for
training sessions that are assigned to their level.

To navigate to the Associate Reports – Training Sessions List Page, select Reports from the
Admin Menu Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the
Associate Reports fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu select the Training Sessions link. This
will launch the Associate Reports – Training Sessions List page. From this page, select the List
Associates by Training Session by Status report section.

From the List Associates by Training Session by Status parameter area, select the appropriate
report parameters and select the <Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a
separate browser window.

490 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Training Session This list includes all active training sessions in the application. Yes
The list does not filter by assignment or activity. All active
training sessions will display in the list regardless of the Level
Manager running the report, but only detail related to the Level
Managers assignment will display (or no records if no activity).
If you wish to report on a training session that is currently
inactive, you will need to temporarily reactivate the training
session, run the report and then deactivate the training session.
From this drop down list, only a single Training Session can be
selected via the drop down list.
Level One This option will be different depending on the role of the user. Yes
All users with the exception of Level Two and Level Three
Managers will be presented with a List of Level One values.
Course Author and Instructors will have a Level One list but the
list will be labeled “report manager.” For Level Managers, they
will only see values based on their manager assignments. Site
Admins, Instructors, and Course Authors will be able to see all
Level One values. Only a single Level One can be selected via
the drop down list.
Job Code This option displays the job codes available in the application. No
If this parameter is used, the associates that return on the
report will be limited to just the associates who have the job
code selected. This is a drop down list that allows only one
value to be selected.
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin start date for Yes
the event. Only activity for events with a start date on or after

491 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Option Description Required

this start date will be selected for the report. Please review
each status explanation below for how it relates to the Start and
End Date range.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end start date for Yes
the event. Only activity for events with a start date on or before
this end date will be selected for the report. Please review
each status explanation below for how it relates to the Start and
End Date range.
Status This parameter allows the user to select the desired course Yes
status. Frequently an associate will be included under multiple
options depending on how many times they registered for the
course during the date range selected. For example, if an
associate registered for the course three times during the date
range entered and failed once, passed once and was
incomplete on the third registration, the associate would display
under at least four options (passed, failed, pass/fail, and
incomplete). Options include:
• Attended Only– This option displays records where
the associate has been marked as attending the
training event between the start and end date indicated
on the report parameter. The date will be based on
start date for the event (NOT the registered date or the
attendance marked date). If the report is run with the
parameters of 8/1/2009 to 8/31/2009, then all events
for the training session selection that have a start date
within that range will be selected for the report. Only
users that have been marked attended for an event in
that date range will appear on the report. If the
associate has attended multiple events for the same
training session, separate records will display for each
event. If attendance has not been marked for an
event, no records will display when this option is
selected. This option displays both active and inactive
• Did Not Attend– This option displays records where
the associate has been marked as not attending the
training event between the start and end date indicated
on the report parameter. The date will be based on
start date for the event (NOT the registered date or the
attendance marked date). If the report is run with the
parameters of 8/1/2009 to 8/31/2009, then all events
for the training session selection that have a start date
within that range will be selected for the report. Only
users that have been marked Did Not Attend for an
event in that date range will appear on the report. If

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Option Description Required

the associate has registered for multiple events for the

same training session and has been marked not
attended for more than one event, separate records will
display for each event. If attendance has not been
marked for an event, no records will display when this
option is selected. This option displays both active and
inactive associates.
• Attended/Did Not Attend– This option displays
records where the associate has been marked as
attending or not attending the training event between
the start and end date indicated on the report
parameter. The date will be based on start date for the
event (NOT the registered date or the attendance
marked date). If the report is run with the parameters
of 8/1/2009 to 8/31/2009, then all events for the training
session selection that have a start date within that
range will be selected for the report. Users that have
been marked attended or did not attend for an event in
that date range will appear on the report. If the
associate has attended or not attended multiple events
for the same training session, separate records will
display for each event. If attendance has not been
marked for an event, no records will display when this
option is selected. This option displays both active and
inactive associates.
• Registered– This option displays records where the
associate has registered for a training event and the
training event has a start date within the timeframe
entered on the report parameter screen. For example,
if the associate user registers on 1/15/09 for a training
event that has a start date of 4/1/2009 and the report is
run with a start date of 4/1/2009 and an end date of
7/31/2009, the user record WILL display. The report
will display all registrations for events with a start date
within the date range entered regardless of whether
attendance has been marked or not. This option
displays both active and inactive associates.
• Not Registered– This option displays records where
the associates for the Level selected on the
parameters screen have not registered for the training
session and the event start date is within the date
range selected on the report parameter screen. This
option should only include active associates. This
option does not display inactive associates.
• All who have not Attended– This option displays

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Option Description Required

records where the associate is either Not Registered

for the training session, marked as Missing the event,
or where attendance has not been marked yet
(registered but attendance not marked). The event
start date must be between the start and end date on
the report parameters screen. This option should only
include active associates. This option does not display
inactive associates.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Level Two Name in alphabetical ascending order. This will be a group by
for the report.
• Secondary Sort – Level Three Name in alphabetical ascending order. This will be a
group by for the report.
• Third Sort – Associate Last Name in alphabetical ascending order
• Fourth Sort – Associate First Name in alphabetical ascending order

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Training Session Title This displays the name of the training session selected on the report
parameter page. This is part of the header of the report and does not
display next to each detail row.
Level Two Name This displays the Level Two Name. This is a group by in the report and
does not display next to each detail row.
Level Three Name This displays the Level Three Name. This is a group by in the report and
does not display next to each detail row.
Name This displays the first and last name of the Associate. This displays in
the detail section of the report. If an associate has registered for the
same course more than once during the period selected, there will be a
separate row for each registration.
Job Title This displays the current Job Title for the associate user. If the job title
has changed over time, only the current job title will display.
Event Date This displays the start date for the event the associate user is registered
for or attended/did not attend. If the user is “not registered,” then this

494 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

field will be empty. This displays in the detail section of the report.
Facility Name This displays the facility name where the event was held. This displays
in the detailed section of the report. If the user is “not registered,” then
this field will be empty.
Date Registered This displays the registration date and time when the curriculum
registration was performed by the Associate. This displays in the detail
section of the report. If the user is “not registered,” then this field will be
Status This displays the status for the course. Options include:
• Attended – marked as attended
• Did Not Attend – marked as did not attend

• Registered – Registered but attendance has not been marked

• Not Registered – not registered for an event within the date

495 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Associate Reports – Certifications

The Associate Report option on the Reports menu has three submenus (Courses, Training
Sessions, and Certifications). The Certification option contains links to generate the two system
reports which focus on Certifications held by associates.

• Associate Certification Report – This report allows the admin user to view certified
learning path activity including viewing all earned certifications from the certified learning
path functionality, just current (non-expired) certifications or just expired certifications.
• Certification Expiration Report– This report allows the admin user to view certifications
expiring within the date range selected. This report includes both certifications earned
via the certified path functionality as well as certifications manually entered or entered via
the FTP import.

To navigate to the Associate Reports – Certifications List Page, select Reports from the Admin
Menu Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the
Associate Reports fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu select the Certifications link. This will
launch the Associate Reports – Certifications List page.

496 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Associate Certification Report

The Associate Certification report allows the admin user to view certified learning path activity.
This report includes options for viewing all certifications earned during the date range entered
regardless of whether the certificate is currently active or inactive, view all certifications that were
earned during the date range and are still active by the end date selected, and for viewing all
certifications that expired during the time period selected.

To navigate to the Associate Reports – Certifications List Page, select Reports from the Admin
Menu Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the
Associate Reports fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu select the Certifications link. This will
launch the Associate Reports – Certifications List page. From this page, select the Associate
Certification Report section.

From the Associate Certification Report parameter page, select the appropriate report parameters
and select the <Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a separate browser

497 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Certification This list includes all active learning paths in the application which Yes
Learning Path have the certified path flag checked. The list does not filter by
assignment or activity. All active certified learning paths will
display in the list regardless of the Level Manager running the
report but only detail related to the Level Managers assignment
will display (or no records if no activity). If you wish to report on a
certified learning path that is currently inactive, you will need to
temporarily reactivate the certified learning path, run the report
and then deactivate the certified learning path. From this drop
down list, only a single Certified Learning Path can be selected.
If there are any manual certifications entered into the system that
are spelled identically to the Certified Learning Path name, these
certifications will also return for this report. This gives clients the
flexibility of adding manual certifications and having those
included on this report for compliance reporting. NOTE: If a
client has changed the name of a certified learning path over
time, only the current name will display in the drop down list. In
order to report on data for the previous named certification, the
client would have to run the Certification Expiration report and
manually type the previous certification name. For this reason,
we encourage clients to not change Certified Learning Path
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the start date for the Yes
reporting period. The date will have different meaning depending
on the status selected for the report (see certification status for
more detail).

498 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Option Description Required

End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end for the reporting Yes
period. The date will have different meaning depending on the
status selected for the report (see certification status for more
Certification This drop down list contains three options. The All option is the Yes
Status default for the report parameter.
• All – This option lists all certifications that were earned
during the date range selected.
• Current – This option lists certifications that were earned
during the date range selected and have an expiration
date that is greater than the end date selected.
• Expired – This option lists certifications that expired
during the date range selected.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Level One Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Level Two Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Third Sort – Level Three Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Fourth Sort – Expiration Date in ascending order
• Fifth Sort – Associate Last Name
• Sixth Sort – Associate First Name

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Level One Name This displays the Level One Name. This is a group by in the report and
does not display next to each detail row.
Level Two Name This displays the Level Two Name. This is a group by in the report and
does not display next to each detail row.
Level Three Name This displays the Level Three Name. This is a group by in the report and
does not display next to each detail row.
Name This displays the first and last name of the Associate. This displays in
the detail section of the report. If an associate has multiple certifications
for the learning path and date range selected, there will be a separate
row for each.
Certification This displays the name of the certification which is the name of the
Learning path at the time the certification was earned.
Earned Date This displays the certification earned date. The date the certified
learning path was completed or the date the manual certification was
entered in the system (if the manual certification name is spelled exactly
as the certified path).
Expiration This is expiration date for the certification record.

500 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Certification Expiration Report

The Certification Expiration report allows the admin user to view certifications expiring within the
date range selected. This report includes both certifications earned via the certified path
functionality as well as certifications manually entered or entered via the FTP import.

To navigate to the Associate Reports – Certifications List Page, select Reports from the Admin
Menu Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Associate Reports link. This will display the
Associate Reports fly-out menu. From the fly-out menu select the Certifications link. This will
launch the Associate Reports – Certifications List page. From this page, select the Certification
Expiration Report section.

From the Certification Expiration Report parameter page, select the appropriate report
parameters and select the <Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a
separate browser window.

501 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Certification This list includes all active learning paths in the application which *
Learning Path have the certified path flag checked. The list does not filter by
assignment or activity. All active certified learning paths will
display in the list regardless of the Level Manager running the
report, but only detail related to the Level Managers assignment
will display (or no records if no activity). If you wish to report on
a certified learning path that is currently inactive, you will need to
temporarily reactivate the certified learning path, run the report
and then deactivate the certified learning path. Only a single
Certified Learning Path can be selected via the drop down list.
Other For manually entered certifications, this text entry field allows the *
Certification entry of the manual certification name as a report filter. The
report will only return certification records that match the name
entered in this field. This is an exact string search. If you do not
spell the name exactly as the certification is spelled, the report
will not return data.
State This is a drop down list of all State values. When a manual *
certification is entered, the State is a required field. If you select
a State value, then all certifications with that State will be
returned on the report.
Certification For manually entered certifications, this text entry field allows the *
Number/Code entry of the certification number/code as a report filter. The

502 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Option Description Required

report will only return certification records that match the

number/code entered in this field. This is an exact string search.
If you do not spell the certification number/code exactly, the
report will not return data.
Start Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin certification Yes
expiration date. Only certifications that expire within the date
range entered will return on the report results.
End Date This parameter allows the user to select the end certification Yes
expiration date. Only certifications that expire within the date
range entered will return on the report results
(*) = One of these fields is required for the report to run (only one of the parameters can be
selected. These parameters cannot be combined)

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Level One Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Level Two Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Third Sort – Level Three Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Fourth Sort – Certification Name in ascending order

• Fifth Sort – Certification Expiration date in ascending order

503 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Level One Name This displays the Level One Name. This is a group by in the report and
does not display next to each detail row.
Level Two Name This displays the Level Two Name. This is a group by in the report and
does not display next to each detail row.
Level Three Name This displays the Level Three Name. This is a group by in the report and
does not display next to each detail row.
Name This displays the first and last name of the Associate. This displays in
the detail section of the report. If an associate has multiple certifications
for the learning path and date range selected, there will be a separate
row for each.
Certification This displays the name of the certification which is the name of the
Learning path at the time the certification was earned.
State This displays the State abbreviation selected when the certification was
Code This displays the Certification Code/Number entered when the
certification was created.
Expiration This is expiration date for the certification record.

504 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Survey Reports
The Survey menu of reports includes 3 reports which present survey response information.
• Survey Results by Course – This report provides survey results for courses during the
timeframe selected.
• Survey Results by Training Session – This report provides survey results for training
sessions during the timeframe selected.
• Generic Survey Results– This report provides survey results for generic surveys (sent
via email notifications) during the timeframe selected.
To navigate to the Survey Reports List Page, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On the
Reports menu, select the Survey Reports link. This will launch the Survey Reports List Page.

505 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Survey Results by Course

The Survey Results by Course report allows the admin user to view aggregate survey results for
the time period selected for surveys associated with online courses.

To navigate to the Survey Reports List Page, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On the
Reports menu, select the Survey Reports link. This will display the Survey Reports List page.
From this page, select the Survey Results by Course section.

From the Survey Results by Course parameter page, select the appropriate report parameters
and select the <Open Report> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a separate
browser window.

506 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters – Main Page

Option Description Required

Select Survey This list includes all active surveys with the survey type of course. Yes
If you wish to report on a survey that is currently inactive, you will
need to temporarily reactivate the survey, run the report and then
deactivate the survey. From this drop down list, only a single
Survey can be selected.
From Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin survey Yes
response date. Only survey responses on or after (to the To
Date) this date will be selected for the report.
To Date This parameter allows the user to select the end survey response Yes
date. Only survey responses on or before (to the From Date) this
date will be selected for the report.

Report Parameters – Secondary Page

Option Description Required

Select Course This list includes all active courses where the survey has been Yes
assigned. From this drop down list, only a single Course can be

507 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – List in order of the questions on the survey

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Survey Title This displays the Survey Name selected on the report parameter page.
Reporting Dates This displays the From and To Date range selected on the report
parameter page.
Name This displays the Course Name selected on the report parameter page.
Likert Questions All Likert Scale questions created for surveys will display in the same
fashion on the survey results report. The first item which will display is
the question text. Below the question text will be eight columns of
information. The first seven columns represent the available options on
the Likert Scale used in eSSential (1 strongly disagree to 7 strongly
agree). Below each of these columns is the number of survey responses
that selected that value and the percentage that represents of the overall
survey responses. The final column is the total number of survey
responses received for that question for the timeframe selected for the
Multiple Choice All Multiple Choice questions created for surveys will display in the same
Questions fashion on the survey results report. Similar to the Likert Scale
Questions, the first item that appears is the question text. Below the
question text, there are three columns of information with each multiple
choice question. The first question is the answer text. The second
question is the total number of survey responses for the corresponding
answer. The final question is the percentage of survey responses that
selected the corresponding answer. At the end of the detailed answer
section is a total which displays the total number of responses for the
Open Answer Open Answer questions first display the question text and then display
Questions all free answer responses to the question.

508 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Survey Results by Training Session

The Survey Results by Training Session report allows the admin user to view aggregate survey
results for the time period selected for surveys associated with training sessions.

To navigate to the Survey Reports List Page, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On the
Reports menu, select the Survey Reports link. This will display the Survey Reports List page.
From this page, select the Survey Results by Training Session section.

From the Survey Results by Training Session parameter page, select the appropriate report
parameters and select the <Open Report> button to generate the report. The report will launch in
a separate browser window.

509 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters – Main Page

Option Description Required

Select Survey This list includes all active surveys with the survey type of course. Yes
If you wish to report on a survey that is currently inactive, you will
need to temporarily reactivate the survey, run the report and then
deactivate the survey. From this drop down list, only a single
Survey can be selected.
From Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin survey Yes
response date. Only survey responses on or after (to the To
Date) this date will be selected for the report.
To Date This parameter allows the user to select the end survey response Yes
date. Only survey responses on or before (to the From Date) this
date will be selected for the report.

Report Parameters – Secondary Page

Option Description Required

Select Training This list includes all active training sessions where the survey has Yes
Session been assigned. From this drop down list, only a single Training
Session can be selected.

510 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – List in order of the questions on the survey

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Survey Title This displays the Survey Name selected on the report parameter page.
Reporting Dates This displays the From and To Date range selected on the report
parameter page.
Name This displays the Training Session Name selected on the report
parameter page.
Likert Questions All Likert Scale questions created for surveys will display in the same
fashion on the survey results report. The first item which will display is
the question text. Below the question text will be eight columns of
information. The first seven columns represent the available options on
the Likert Scale used in eSSential (1 strongly disagree to 7 strongly
agree). Below each of these columns is the number of survey responses
that selected that value and the percentage that represents of the overall
survey responses. The final column is the total number of survey
responses received for that question for the timeframe selected for the
Multiple Choice All Multiple Choice questions created for surveys will display in the same
Questions fashion on the survey results report. Similar to the Likert Scale
Questions, the first item that appears is the question text. Below the
question text there are three columns of information with each multiple
choice question. The first question is the answer text. The second
question is the total number of survey responses for the corresponding
answer. The final question is the percentage of survey responses that
selected the corresponding answer. At the end of the detailed answer
section is a total which displays the total number of responses for the
Open Answer Open Answer questions first display the question text and then display
Questions all free answer responses to the question.

511 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Generic Survey Results

The Generic Survey Results report allows the admin user to view aggregate survey results for the
time period selected for generic surveys (typically sent via email notification). To navigate to the
Survey Reports List Page, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On the Reports menu,
select the Survey Reports link. This will display the Survey Reports List page. From this page
select the Generic Survey Results section.

From the Generic Survey Results parameter page, select the appropriate report parameters and
select the <Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a separate browser

512 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Select This list includes all active surveys with the survey type of course. If Yes
Survey you wish to report on a survey that is currently inactive, you will need
to temporarily reactivate the survey, run the report and then
deactivate the survey. From this drop down list, only a single Survey
can be selected.
From Date This parameter allows the user to select the begin survey response Yes
date. Only survey responses on or after (to the To Date) this date
will be selected for the report.
To Date This parameter allows the user to select the end survey response Yes
date. Only survey responses on or before (to the From Date) this
date will be selected for the report.

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – List in order of the questions on the survey

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Survey Title This displays the Survey Name selected on the report parameter page.
Reporting Dates This displays the From and To Date range selected on the report
parameter page.
Name This displays the text Open for all generic surveys since they are not
associated with Courses or Training Sessions.

513 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Column Title Description

Likert Questions All Likert Scale questions created for surveys will display in the same
fashion on the survey results report. The first item which will display is
the question text. Below the question text will be eight columns of
information. The first seven columns represent the available options on
the Likert Scale used in eSSential (1 strongly disagree to 7 strongly
agree). Below each of these columns is the number of survey responses
that selected that value and the percentage that represents of the overall
survey responses. The final column is the total number of survey
responses received for that question for the timeframe selected for the
Multiple Choice All Multiple Choice questions created for surveys will display in the same
Questions fashion on the survey results report. Similar to the Likert Scale
Questions, the first item that appears is the question text. Below the
question text, there are three columns of information with each multiple
choice question. The first question is the answer text. The second
question is the total number of survey responses for the corresponding
answer. The final question is the percentage of survey responses that
selected the corresponding answer. At the end of the detailed answer
section is a total which displays the total number of responses for the
Open Answer Open Answer questions first display the question text and then display
Questions all free answer responses to the question.

514 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Media Library Checked Out Report

The Media Library Checked Out Report allows the admin user to view media library items
checked out by admin users for the time period selected. This report only displays an item if it is
currently checked out (as of the time the report ran).

To navigate to the Media Library Checked Out Report parameter page, select Reports from the
Admin Menu Bar. On the Reports menu, select the Media Library Report link. This will display
the Media Library Checked Out Report parameter page.

From the Media Library Checked Out Report parameter page, select the appropriate report
parameters and select the <Go> button to generate the report. The report will launch in a
separate browser window.

515 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters

Option Description Required

Media Name This list includes all media library items available. This list also *
includes an “All” option that, when selected, will display all media
item check out activity for the date range selected. This drop down
list allows only a single option to be selected.
Media Type This list includes all media types available. This list also includes an *
“All Types” option that, when selected, will display all media item
check out activity for the date range selected. This drop down list
allows only a single option to be selected.
Check-Out This parameter allows the user to select the begin check out date. Yes
Start Date Only check out activity on or after (to the End Date) this date will be
selected for the report.
Check-Out This parameter allows the user to select the end check out date. Yes
End Date Only check out on or before (to the Start Date) this date will be
selected for the report.
(*) = One of these fields is required for the report to run (only one of the parameters can be
selected. These parameters cannot be combined)

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Media Name in alphabetical ascending order

• Secondary Sort – Descending order by check out date

516 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Media Name This displays the name of the media that was checked out.
Media Type This displays the type of media associated with the Media that was
checked out. Valid types are:

• Book
• CD

• Excel Document
• PowerPoint


• Word Document
Name This displays the Admin User’s first and last name that checked out the
media item.
Check-Out Date This is the date and time the media was requested for check out. This
may not be the check out date if the Site owner does not approve the
check out request on the same day as the request.

517 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Pre-Hire Results Report

The Pre-Hire Results Report allows the admin user to view detailed responses (questions and
answers) from a pre-hire for a particular pre-hire test.

To navigate to the Pre-Hire Report parameter page, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar.
On the Reports menu, select the Pre-Hire Results Report link. This will display the Pre-Hire
Results Report parameter page.

From the Pre-Hire Results Report parameter page, select the appropriate report parameters (two
separate parameter pages must be entered) and select the <Go> button to generate the report.
The report will launch in a separate browser window.

Report Parameters – Main Page

Option Description Required

Pre-Hire This list displays all available Pre-Hires in the application. Once a Yes
pre-hire is either “promoted” to associate status or deleted, they will
no longer appear in this list.

518 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Report Parameters – Second Page

Option Description Required

Test Name This list displays each test the pre-hire selected has taken (if more Yes
than one).

Report Sort Order

• Primary Sort – Report displays in order that questions are presented to Pre-Hire on the
Pre-Hire test.

Report Attributes (columns)

Column Title Description

Pre-Hire Name This displays the name (first and last) of the pre-hire. This displays in
the report header and is not part of the detail report.
Pre-Hire Email This displays the email address of the pre-hire. This displays in the
report header and is not part of the detail report.
Question/Answer This section displays all of the questions for the pre-hire test and the
answer provided by the pre-hire.
Total Number of This displays total number of questions included on the pre-hire test.

519 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Custom Reports
The Custom Reports page will only be active for clients who have had eLogic build one or more
custom reports for their organization. When a custom report is developed for a client, the Custom
Reports option from the Reports menu becomes active. Depending on what type of custom
report has been built, there may be one or more submenus available under the Custom Reports
option. The submenus have been designed to mirror the standard menu options. If your
organization has had a Curriculum related report built, it will be available under the Custom
Curriculum menu option. Providing custom report menus rather than adding custom reports to
existing pages simplifies the support process (is this client asking a question about a standard
report or a custom report?), and allows clients to obtain a custom report without losing access to
the standard report.

To navigate to the Custom Report parameter page, select Reports from the Admin Menu Bar. On
the Reports menu, select the Custom Report link. This will display a submenu which will list the
available custom report parameter pages (this will vary by client).

For a detailed description of your organization’s custom reports (parameters, business logic, sort
order, fields of information on report, etc.), please refer to the work order documentation created
for the report development process.

520 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3


In the upper right hand corner of the Admin User screen, you will see the support link. This link is
part of the admin user page header and thus is present on all pages for the Administrative User
application. This link will launch the Issue Track login page. Issue Track is the third party web
application used by eLogic to manage support tickets. Your organization will identify 1-3
administrative users authorized to log support tickets on behalf of your organization. These
administrative users will have a user name and password created for Issue Track and will be
trained on how to use the application.

Located to the right of the Support button in the upper left hand corner of the screen is the Logout
link. Like the Support link, the Logout button will be present on every screen, regardless of where
you are in the platform. Whenever you are done using the platform simply click on the Logout
button to logout of the application. The page will refresh and display a page that allows the user
to return to the admin user login page or the associate user login page.

521 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

The Content Editor is a program that you will use every time you need to use text and media. If
you have not used the Content Editor before, you will be required to download the Content Editor
into your system. This is a one-time download and will not affect any of your other programs.
The first time you try to use the Content Editor, a box will pop-up requesting you to download the
appropriate program. Please download the program and proceed with using the Content Editor.

The Content Editor will always appear looking like this:

As you can see, the Content Editor is very similar to Microsoft Word. If you are familiar with
Microsoft Word, you should have no problems using the Content Editor. If you are not familiar
with Microsoft Word, the following sections will help you in using the Content Editor quickly and

522 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Is there a size limit to the content editor?

Yes. There is a 3.2MB size limit for the content editor. If you have
any pages that are approaching this size, it is good practice to save
the information on the page in a word document as a backup. When
you exceed the 3.2 MB limit, the content editor will flush the field and
all information will be lost. There is no warning or error message.

Tool Bar Buttons

This section explains how to use the buttons and drop-down lists on the toolbar. (The toolbar is
the row of buttons across the top of the editor window, illustrated below.)

The buttons let you perform functions such as cutting and pasting text, inserting images, and
creating tables.

523 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Selecting Text

You select text before performing an action on it, such as copying it.

• To select all information on a page, press Ctrl+A.

• To select a portion of the information on a page, you have two choices.

- Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor across the data you want to select.

- Hold down the Shift key and the right arrow key ( ) until the desired data is selected.

• To select a single word, place the cursor on the word and double click the

Selected text has different background and foreground colors.

524 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Applying Formatting Attributes to Text

Several buttons apply formatting attributes to text, such as bold and italics. There are two ways to
apply these attributes.

• Enter the text. Then select the text and press the toolbar button. The button is
now in a "pressed in" condition, and the text has the formatting attribute.
• Press the toolbar button. Then begin typing the text. As you type, the formatting
is applied.

To stop applying the formatting, press the button again. This action changes the button to a
"pressed out" condition and terminates the formatting.

525 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Table of Toolbar Buttons and Drop Down Lists

The following table explains each toolbar button and drop-down list.

If any of the following tools are not visible to you, right click on an empty grey
space and make sure that all of the toolbars are selected. If they are still not
available, drag the whole toolbar out of the frame until it goes to its full size.

Keystroke For more
Button (Internet Function information,
Explorer see

Remove selected text and graphics.

Place that data into temporary memory,
also known as the "clipboard."
Cut Ctrl+X (If you later cut or copy more
information onto the clipboard, the new
information overwrites the original

Copy selected text and graphics into

temporary memory. Leave selected
data where it is. Copying from
Copy Ctrl+C
(If you later cut or copy more other Functions
information into memory, the original
information is lost.)

Insert the most recently cut or copied

Paste Ctrl+V text and graphics at the current cursor

Find Ctrl+F Search for text on the page. Finding Text

Print Ctrl+P Print the editor content.

Reverse the most recent action, as if it

Undo Ctrl+Z never occurred. You can undo as many
actions as you wish.

Redo Ctrl+Y Reverse the undo action.

Spell Check
Begin spell checker. Spelling Upon
(manual) Demand

526 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Spell Check Turn on or off spell check as-you-type
Spelling as You
(automatic) feature.

Bookmark Create a bookmark.

New Hyperlink Create a hyperlink.

Edit Hyperlink Change information about a hyperlink.

Horizontal Line Insert a horizontal line.

Picture Insert a picture.

Introduction to
Table Insert or edit a table.

Edit in Microsoft Editing in

Edit content in Microsoft Word.
Word Microsoft Word

Add a Global
Global Term Library Add words to a global dictionary
Term Library

Local Course Add words to a local course dictionary

Add a Local
Library Course Library

Add a file (.ppt, .doc, .xls, .pdf) to the Add an

Add External File course External File

Add External Add media files to a lesson

Add Media,
Media Audio

Begin the line on which the cursor rests

with a number. If the line above this
line is
Number • not numbered, assign this line
• numbered, assign a number
one more than the line above

Begin the line on which the cursor rests

(or all selected lines) with a bullet ( ).

Increase or decrease the current line's

distance from the left margin.

527 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Align paragraph so that it is arranged

• evenly on the left side (uneven

on the right)
Left, Center, and • in the center of each line
Right Justify • evenly on the right side
(uneven on the left)
• evenly on right and left side

Display a dialog box that shows your

version of the Content Editor and your
eWebEditPro license keys.

Remove all style information applied to

selected text. (You apply styles using
the Style dropdown list.) For example

Remove Style <P class=note>This is initial content.



<P>This is initial content.</P>

Display a list of styles. Users can select

from the list to apply a style to selected
Note that the list can change
Style depending on the formatting of the
selected line.
Your Webmaster determines which
styles are available.

Change the heading size. Your

Webmaster determines which heading
Heading Size sizes are available.

Change the font style. Your Webmaster

determines which fonts are available.

Note: If more than one font appears in

a selection, the browser on the reader's
Font Style PC tries to display text using the first
font. If the browser cannot find that
font, it tries to use the second, etc.

528 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Font Change the font size.


Font Color Change the font color.

Change the background color of the


Background Color Note: To remove background color

from selected text, click the Normal
button ( ).

Bold Ctrl+B Make the text bold.

Italic Ctrl+I Make the text italic.

Underline Ctrl+U Make the text underlined.

Remove all formatting from selected


x2 Superscript
Make the text .

x2 Subscript Make the text subscript

529 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Position Objects Options

These buttons let you absolutely position elements (pictures, tables, etc.) anywhere on a page.

Some older browsers (for example, Netscape 4) do not display

absolutely positioned elements. Absolute position uses the style attribute.
If you use this feature, the content is not compatible with all browsers.

Button Function

Position Lets you move selected table or image anywhere on the screen.

"Locks" selected table or image at its current screen position. Nothing can
Lock move a locked object.
To move the object, unlock it by clicking this button again.

If two or more images overlay each other, moves the selected image in front
Move to Front
of the others.

If two or more images overlay each other, moves the selected image behind
Move to Back
the others.

If two images overlay each other, moves the selected image in front of the
Move forward

If two images overlay each other, moves the selected image behind the other.

Above Text Moves the image above the text.

Below text Moves the image below the text.

530 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Copying from Other Applications

You can copy information from most other Windows applications into eWebEditPro and retain the
formatting from the original application. In general, copying from another application involves
these steps.

1. Sign on to the application in which the information resides.

2. Select the information to be copied.

3. Press <Ctrl>+<C>.

4. Go to the Content Editor.

5. Press <Ctrl>+<V> to paste the selected information.

Here are some points to remember when copying from another application.

• If you want to copy images, you must first upload them to the server,
using the image upload feature.
• You can only copy content, not background information that generates

So, for example, you can copy the values in a spreadsheet but not the formulas used to generate
those values. Also, copying dynamic fields from Microsoft WORD would retrieve the current value
of the fields but not the variables that generate those values.

It's a good idea to experiment with copying from different sources to test the results.

531 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Finding Text

To find text on your Web page, click the Find button ( ) (or <Ctrl>+<F>). When you do, the find
dialog box appears.

Type the text that you want to find on the page and click Find Next. The search stops at the next
occurrence of that text.

The dialog box also lets you specify

• a search direction
• if the search considers the case (upper or lower) of the search term
• whole word match

If you click the mouse on the Web page outside of the editor and press
<Ctrl>+<F>, the find looks for matching words on the Web page.

Search Direction

The search begins where the cursor is when you click Find Next. To make sure you locate every
occurrence of a term, place the cursor at the beginning of the page before you begin the search.

If you begin the search from somewhere other than the top of the page, use the Direction field to
search from the current location to the top or bottom of the file.

532 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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To search from the cursor location to the Click this option in the Direction field

end of the page Down

top of the page Up

Considering the Case of a Search Term

By default, the search ignores the case (upper or lower) of a search term. In other words, if you
enter Bob in the Find What field, the search finds bob, Bob, BOB, etc.

If you want the search to be case sensitive, use the Match case check box on the Find window. If
you enter Bob in the Find what field and place a check in the Match case box, the search only
stops at Bob, not bob or BOB.

533 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Whole Word Match

By default, the search finds any occurrence of the text that you type into the Find what field. For
example, if you enter the, the search finds the word the, as well as those letters embedded in
other words, such as others and theater.

If you want the search to find only whole word occurrences of the text you type into the Find what
field, click the Match whole words only box in the Find dialog box.

Checking spelling
The Content Editor can check your spelling as you type or whenever you want to check it.

Checking Spelling as You Type

You can have the editor check spelling as you type. To turn on the spell-check-as-you-type
feature, click the automatic spell check button ( ).

When you click the button, the spell checker reviews every word in the file. A wavy red line (
) appears under any word whose spelling is not found in the system's dictionary.

The spell checker continues to review each word as you type it, marking any words not in the

Depending on the speed of your computer, there may be a short delay between
the time you type an incorrect word and when the wavy red line appears. Also,
the spell check does not check a word until you enter a space character after the

534 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Fixing Spelling Errors

There are two ways to fix a spelling error (indicated by a wavy red line).

• Click the misspelled word and then right click. A menu displays words that are
similar to the misspelled word. Click the correct word.
• If you know the correct spelling, type the correction.


If you do not want to use the spell-check-as-you-type feature, you can begin spell checking
whenever you wish. To do this, click the spell check button ( ).

When you do, the system checks each word in the file. If the spell check finds a word in none of
the dictionaries, it displays the Spelling dialog box.

Spelling Dialog Box

The Spelling dialog box displays

• the word is not in the dictionary (in the Not in Dictionary field).
• suggested spellings for the word (in the Suggestions field). The most likely
replacement is selected at the top of the list.
• buttons that let you ignore the word, change the word, or exit.

If you want to Do this

Click the suggested

Replace the word with one of the suggestions and continue spell
checking the page.
Click Change.

535 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Click the suggested

Replace every occurrence of the word with one of the suggestions and
continue spell checking the page.
Click Change All.

Click in the Not In

Correct the spelling of the word by typing it and continue spell checking Dictionary field.
the page. Correct the spelling.
Click Change.

Leave the word as is; continue spell checking the page.

You would normally do this if a word (such as a company name) is Click Ignore.
spelled correctly even though it is not in the dictionary.

Leave the word as is; continue spell checking the page, ignoring all
Click Ignore All.
other occurrences of the word.

Stop spell checking. Click Cancel.

Spell Checking Selected Text

To check the spelling for a single word or a group of words, follow these steps.

1. Select the text that you want to spell check.

2. Press the manual spell check button ( ).

3. The spell checker reviews the words in the selected text and stops at any
word not in the dictionary. For documentation of options when a
misspelled word is found, see The Spelling Dialog Box.

4. When the spell checker finishes reviewing the words in the selected text,
it displays the following message

Finished checking selection. Do you want to check the rest of the document?

Click Yes to spell check the rest of the document (including text above the selected text).

Click No to stop the spell checker.

536 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Setting Spell Check Options

The Content Editor can use Microsoft Word's spell checking feature (your Webmaster makes this

If your installation uses Word, Word's Spelling & Grammar window (available from the Tools - >
Options menu) has settings that affect the operation of the spell check.


To insert a picture into the editor, place the cursor where you want the image to appear and click
the Insert Picture button ( ). When you click the button, one of the two Picture Properties
dialog boxes illustrated below appears, depending on how your Webmaster has set up your

The dialog boxes are very similar, with the only difference being

• the Images field (circled in red on the image of the second dialog box, below)
does not appear on the first dialog box
• the Select New File button on the first dialog box is labeled Local File on the
second dialog box.

537 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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538 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

If neither of these boxes pops up, check to verify that your pop up blocker has
been disabled. If they still are not showing up, minimize the main page to see if
the screen popped under the original one.

You can also access this dialog box to modify a picture after you insert it. To do this, follow these

1. Click the picture.

2. Right click the mouse.

3. Click Picture from the menu.

If you see the first dialog box, proceed to Using the First Picture Properties Dialog Box. If you see
the second dialog box, proceed to Using the Second Media Selection Dialog Box.

539 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Using the First Picture Properties Dialog Box

When the first Picture Properties dialog box appears, click the Select New File button. When you
do, the Insert Media Item dialog box appears.

This box lets you insert a picture from your computer (and any network folder available to your
computer), or from the Web server to which your computer is connected. Both choices are
described below.

540 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Inserting a Picture from the Server

The top left corner of the dialog box lists the pictures on the Web server. Pictures that you
previously inserted appear on this list, as do pictures inserted by other users connected to that

To insert a picture from the server, follow these steps.

1. Click the picture from the To Select an Existing File field that you want
to insert.

2. Information about the picture's file size, width and height appears in the
upper right corner of the dialog box.

3. If you want to view a picture before inserting it, click Preview (on the
right side of the dialog box).

4. Click OK.

5. The Picture Properties dialog box reappears. Here, you can change the
properties of the picture. For more information, see

• Adjusting a Picture
• Setting a Border
• Aligning the Picture
• Adding Space around the Picture

6. Click OK to insert the picture into the editor.

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Deleting a Picture from the Server

To delete a picture from the server, select the picture and click the Delete button.

Inserting a Picture from Your Computer

Use the lower left corner of the dialog box to insert pictures from your computer (and any network
folder available to your computer) into the editor.

You can only select files in the To Select a Local File: field if your
computer has permission to upload files to the server.

To insert a picture from your computer, follow these steps.

1. Click the Browse button.

2. Navigate to the file that you want to insert and press Open to insert it.

Your Webmaster can set a maximum size (in kilobytes) for images. If you select an image that
exceeds the maximum, an error message appears and you cannot insert it.

Your Webmaster can also restrict the type of image file you can insert. For example, if your
Webmaster does not authorize you to insert bitmap (.bmp) files and you try to do so, an error
message lists valid file extensions, and you cannot insert the image.

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3. Click in the Enter a description for the file field. Enter a title to describe
the file.

4. After you insert the picture, the title appears in the dialog box's top left
corner to identify the picture to you and all users connected to the same
Web server.

The title is also the alt text for the image. The alt text appears in place of
the image on the Web page if the image itself cannot display for any

5. Information about the picture's file size, width and height appears in the
upper right corner of the dialog box.

6. If you want to view a picture before inserting it, click Preview (on the
right side of the dialog box).

7. Click OK.

8. The Picture Properties dialog box reappears. Here you can change the
picture's properties. For more information, see:

• Adjusting a Picture
• Setting a Border
• Aligning the Picture
• Adding Space around the Picture
• Editing the Picture's Title

9. Click OK to insert the picture into the editor.

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Using the Second Media Selection Dialog Box

When using the second Media Selection dialog box, you can insert a picture from any folder
available to your computer (whether the folder is on your computer or a remote computer) or from
the Web server. Your Webmaster determines which pictures are available on the Web server.

To insert a picture from

• a folder available on your computer, click Local File, navigate to the file of
interest, and click OK.
• the Web server, click the down arrow to the right of the Images field

and select an item from the list.

If you want to view the picture before inserting it, click Click Here to Preview (on the right side of
the dialog box).

Next, you are prompted to enter a User Name and Password. Your Webmaster will assign these
codes to you which are needed to copy the file to the Web server. (Every picture must be copied
to the Web server before you can insert it.)

The Login box includes an Advanced button. For documentation of the dialog
box that appears when you click this button, see "Uploading Images" in the
eWebEditPro Developer's Reference Guide.

Picture Properties Dialog Box

You can also use the Picture Properties dialog box to:

• adjust the picture's width, height, border thickness, and alignment

• reset the image's properties width, height, border thickness, and alignment to
their original specifications
• set spacing between the picture and surrounding information on the page
• enter or edit the picture's title

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Adjusting a Picture
The layout area of the Picture Properties dialog box lets you adjust a picture's width, height,
border thickness, and alignment.

You can use the following fields to adjust the picture before inserting it into the editor.

To make this change Use this field

The width of the picture, in pixels Width

The height of the picture, in pixels Height

Border Thickness
Add a border around the picture
For more information, see Setting a Border

Adjust the alignment of the picture
For more information, see Aligning the Picture

If you substantially adjust the picture's height and/or width, the picture
may be distorted when Associates view your site.

A pixel is a single point in a graphic image.

Computer monitors display pictures by dividing the screen into thousands of pixels, arranged in
rows and columns. The pixels are so close together that they appear connected.

Below is an image shown at regular size and then enlarged so you can see the pixels that make
up the picture.

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regular size

enlarged to show pixels

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Setting a Border
To add a border around a picture, enter the border's thickness in pixels in the Border Thickness
field on the Picture Properties dialog box.

Here is a picture with a 1 pixel border.

Here is the same picture with a 10 pixel border.

If the picture is not a hyperlink, its border is black. If the picture is also a hyperlink, the border is
the same color as a hyperlink (for example, grey or purple if visited).

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Aligning the Picture

To align a picture, use the Alignment field on the Picture Properties dialog box.

When deciding how to align a picture, you need to become familiar with these terms.

• baseline of text - the imaginary line on which the text lies. Some letters (such as
g, p and y) have descenders, segments of letters that extend below the baseline
• bottom of text - the lowest section of a line to which a descender extends
• top of text - the highest spot of a line to which any segment of a letter extends
• vertical center - the midpoint between the top and bottom of the line

The following table lists your alignment choices.

Click this in the

To align
Alignment field

The picture on the left margin, allowing subsequent text to wrap

around it

The picture on the right margin, allowing subsequent text to wrap

around it

The top of the picture with the top of the text Text Top, Top

The vertical center of the picture with the baseline of the text Middle

The vertical center of the picture with the vertical center of the

The bottom of the picture with the baseline of the text (This is
Bottom, Baseline
the default alignment)

The bottom of the picture with the bottom of the text AbsBottom

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Resetting Width, Height, Border Thickness, and Alignment

If you adjust the picture's width, height, border thickness, and/or alignment and later want to
restore all of those settings to their original values, click the Reset button.

Note that you cannot selectively restore some settings -- the Reset button automatically restores
all of them.

Adding Space around the Picture

On the Picture Properties dialog box, you can use the Spacing fields (Horizontal and Vertical)
to add space around the picture. You enter a number of pixels to determine spacing value.

The following graphic illustrates the effect of adding spacing to a picture.

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Editing the Picture's Title

The title that you entered in the Insert Media Item dialog box defaults into the Title field of the
Media Selection dialog box. You can edit the title in this field if desired.

The title is also the alt text for the image. The alt text appears in place of
the image on your site if the image itself cannot display for any reason.

Options Button
When you click the Options button on the File Properties dialog box, the options dialog box
appears. The box displays information about your connection to the Web server.

Deleting a Picture
If you want to delete a picture, follow these steps.

1. Move the cursor over the picture.

2. Click the mouse to select the picture.

3. Click the Cut button ( ).

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Sometimes the information on your Web page looks better when displayed on a table. Here is an

City Baseball Team Hockey Team

Boston Red Sox Bruins

New York Yankees / Mets Rangers

Chicago White Sox / Cubs Black Hawks

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Creating a Table
To create a table, click the table button ( ) then click Insert Table from the menu. When you
do, the Insert Table dialog box appears.

You can also access this dialog box after you insert it. You would do this if you wanted to edit any
of the information entered in the dialog.

To access this dialog after insertion, follow these steps.

1. Click the table.

2. Right click the mouse.

3. Click Table Properties from the menu.

When creating a table, you can specify the

• number of rows and columns

• width
• horizontal alignment on the page
• background color or background picture
• border size and color

For more information about managing tables, see Manipulating Your Table's Format.

For more information about managing individual cells within a table, see Working with Table

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Deleting a Table
To delete a table, follow these steps:

1. Move the cursor over the table until the cursor becomes a four-headed
arrow ( ).

2. Click the mouse button. The table becomes selected (small squares
appear around it).

3. Press <Delete>

Inserting a Table within a Table

You can insert a table within a table. You might want to do this to arrange text in columns.

HTML does not let you use tabs or spaces to align text in columns. You
must use a table to align columns. You can remove the table's border, so
that no lines appear between the columns and rows.

To insert a table within a table, follow these steps.

1. Place the cursor in the cell into which you want to insert a table.

2. Click the Insert Table button ( ).

3. Click Insert Table from the menu.

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4. The Insert Table dialog box appears.

5. Edit the fields in the dialog box as needed. Then, click OK.

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Table Dialog Boxes and Menus

This section explains the menu options and dialog boxes you use to manipulate tables and cells.
The Insert Table Menu

You access the Insert Table menu by clicking on the Insert Table button ( ) when the cursor is
inside a table. When you do, the following menu appears.

The following table lists the menu options and where to get more information on each.

Menu For more information,

Option see

Inserts a new table where the cursor is currently

Insert Table Creating a Table

Creates a new table row above the row in which the Adding or Removing
Insert Row
cursor is currently resting Rows and Columns

Insert Creates a new table column next to the column in Adding or Removing
Column which the cursor is currently resting Rows and Columns

Insert Cell Inserts a cell to the left of the cursor in a table

Deletes table row in which the cursor is currently Adding or Removing

Delete Rows
resting Rows and Columns

Delete Deletes table column in which the cursor is currently Adding or Removing
Column resting Rows and Columns

Delete Cells Deletes the selected cells

Combines the contents of two or more selected cells

Merge Cells Merging Two Cells
into one

Split Cell Divides a cell into two. Each cell occupies one half the Splitting a Cell

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size of the original cell.

Displays and lets you edit table properties, such as the

Table The Table Properties
number of rows and columns, cell padding, and
Properties Dialog Box

Cell Displays and lets you edit cell properties, such as width The Cell Properties
Properties and alignment Dialog Box

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Table Properties Dialog Box

The Insert Table dialog box lets you manipulate most elements of a table's appearance.

The following table lists the fields on this dialog box and refers you to the section that explains
each field.

Field(s) Lets you specify For more information, see

The number of rows and columns in the Choosing the Number of Rows
Size: Rows, Columns
table and Columns

Layout: Width Table width Specifying Table Width

Layout: Horizontal The table's alignment across the Web

Setting Horizontal Alignment
Alignment page

Specifying a Table's
Background Color The background color of the table
Background Color

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Specifying a Background
Background Image A background image for the table
Image for a Table

Borders: Use Default Whether or not to use the default color

Color (gray) for table borders

If you do not use the default, the color

Border Color Assigning Border Color
of the table border

Border Size The size of the table border Assigning Border Size

The space (in pixels) between the cell

Cell Padding Assigning Cell Padding
text and a cell's border

The space (in pixels) between a cell and

Cell Spacing Assigning Cell Spacing
surrounding cells

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Cell Properties Dialog Box

The Cell Properties dialog box lets you manipulate most elements of a cell's appearance.

The following table lists the fields on this dialog box and refers you to the section that explains
each field.

For more information,

Field(s) Lets you specify

Rows Spanned If the cell spans two or more rows Spanning Rows or Columns

If the cell spans two or more columns Spanning Rows or Columns

Specifying the Width of a

Width The minimum cell width

Word Wrap Whether text moves down to the next line when Word Wrap

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it reaches the specified width of a cell

Horizontal Setting Horizontal

The alignment of data across a cell
Alignment Alignment

The alignment of data up and down within a cell Setting Vertical Alignment

Background The cell's background color, if you want it to be Specifying a Cell's

Color different from the table's background color Background Color

Background Specifying a Background

A background image for the cell
Image Image for a Cell

Use Default
Apply the table border color to this cell border

Apply a color other than the table border color to Setting a Cell's Border
Border Color
this cell border Color

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Table Context Sensitive Menu

The following menu appears when you right click the mouse while the cursor is in a table.

The following table lists the menu options and where to get more information on each.

Menu For more

Option information, see

Displays toolbar menus. Click a menu to display its

Using Content Editor
Menus options. Then, click a menu option to perform its
without a Mouse
function, such as copying text.

Removes selected text and graphics. Places that data

into temporary memory, also known as the "clipboard."
Cut (If you later cut or copy more information onto the
clipboard, the new information overwrites the original

Copies selected text and graphics into temporary

memory. Leaves selected data where it is.
(If you later cut or copy more information into memory,
the original information is lost.)

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Inserts the most recently cut or copied text and graphics

at the current cursor location.

Selects all information on your page. After you select it,

Select All
you can cut it, copy it, etc.

Clean HTML Removes unnecessary HTML tags Cleaning HTML

Creates a link to another Web page or a spot within the

Hyperlink Using Hyperlinks
current page

Insert HTML Inserts HTML onto the page at the cursor location. Inserting HTML

Editing a Section of a
Edit HTML Edits your page's HTML

Insert Table Inserts a new table where the cursor is currently resting Creating a Table

Creates a new table row above the row in which the Adding or Removing
Insert Row
cursor is currently resting Rows and Columns

Insert Creates a new table column next to the column in which Adding or Removing
Column the cursor is currently resting Rows and Columns

Insert Cell Inserts a cell to the left of the cursor in a table Inserting a Cell

Adding or Removing
Delete Row Deletes table row in which the cursor is currently resting
Rows and Columns

Delete Deletes table column in which the cursor is currently Adding or Removing
Column resting Rows and Columns

Delete Cell Deletes the selected cells Deleting a Cell

Combines the contents of two or more selected cells into

Merge Cells Merging Two Cells

Divides a cell into two. Each cell occupies one half the
Split Cell Splitting a Cell
size of the original cell.

Table Displays and lets you edit table properties, such as the The Table Properties
Properties number of rows and columns, and their width Dialog Box

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Manipulating Table's Format

This section explains how to manipulate your table's format by specifying:

• a number of rows and columns

• a width
• horizontal alignment
• a background color or image
• border color and size

You can also apply most of these properties to individual cells within a table. See
Working with Table Cells for details.

Choosing the Number of Rows and Columns

Use the Size section of the Insert Table dialog box to specify the number of rows and columns in
the table.

A row is a horizontal series of cells, while a column is a vertical series.

If you know how many rows and columns the table will be, enter those numbers. If you don't know
the number of rows and columns you need when you create the table, estimate how many you
need. You can add or remove rows and columns later.

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Placement of Inserted Row or Column

If you add a row, it appears above the row in which the cursor was resting when you pressed
Insert Row.

If you add a column, it appears on the left side of the table.

Adding or Removing Rows and Columns

To add or remove rows and columns after you create the table, follow these steps.

1. Place the cursor in the cell from which you want to add or delete.

2. Right click the mouse. A menu appears.

3. Click the appropriate action from the menu. For example to add a row,
click Insert Row.

If you are working with nested tables, and you add or remove a column then
undo that action and redo it, you must press the redo button once for each cell in
the row or column.

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Specifying Table Width

When you create a table, you can set its width by specifying one of the following:

• percentage of the window; the table's width varies as a user adjusts the browser
• fixed number of pixels; the table's width stays the same as a user adjusts the
browser size

You can also not set a width but instead let information you enter into the table's cells determine
its width.

To set the width of a table column, adjust the width of one of the cells within the
column (as described in Specifying the Width of a Cell). Usually, this change
affects all other cells in the column.

Specifying Table Width by Percentage

Specify table width by percentage if you want the table to be resized as the user resizes the

In order for the table to resize with the browser, the Word Wrap attribute
must be turned on in all of a table's cells. For details, see Word Wrap.

For example, if you specify that a table is 100% wide, and your browser displays 14 inches
across when it is maximized, the table fills the screen (except for the browser border).

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If you resize the browser to half the screen, the table will be about 7" wide. You still see both
columns, but some of the data is moved down.

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Setting Table Width by Percentage

To specify table width by percentage, choose Percent in the layout section of the Insert Table
dialog box. Then, specify the percentage at the Width field.

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Specifying Table Width by Pixels

Specify table width by pixels if you want the table to remain the same size if a user resizes the

For example, if you specify that a table is 610 pixels wide, and the user's browser is set to low
resolution (640 x 480 pixels), the table occupies the full width of the browser when it is

If the user resizes the browser so that it only occupies the left half of the screen, only the left half
of the table appears. A scroll bar appears at the bottom of the browser. The user must move the
scroll bar to see the rest of the table.

If you set table width by pixels, do not set it to more than 610 pixels. Otherwise, the table will not
fully display on a monitor set to low resolution (640 x 480).

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Setting Table Width by Pixels

To specify table width by pixels, choose Pixels in the layout section of the Insert Table dialog
box. Then, specify the number of pixels at the Width field.

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Specifying Horizontal Alignment

You can specify your table's horizontal alignment (left, right, or center) within the browser.

Alignment Example




If you specify right or left justify, you can wrap text around the table. To do this, move the cursor
to the right or left of the table and begin typing.

Specify the table alignment at the Horizontal Alignment field on the Layout area of the Insert
Table dialog box.

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Table Backgrounds
You can specify a background color or image for your table.

Specifying a Table's Background Color

You can assign a background color to a table to make it more pleasing to the eye. Here is an

If you apply a dark background color to a table, you may want to apply a light
foreground color to the text. Use the font color button ( ) to change the text

To assign a background color to your table, click the Background Color field on the Insert Table
dialog box.

When you click that field, a color dialog box appears. Click the color that you want to apply to the
background of the table.

Follow these steps to get help on how to use the color box.

1. Click the question mark in the top right corner.

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2. A large question mark appears next to your cursor.

3. Drag the question mark to the area of the dialog box that you want to
learn about.

4. Click the mouse button. A box appears with instructions for that area.

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Deleting a Table's Background Color

To delete a table's background color, click the Unassigned box in the Custom Background
area of the Insert Table dialog box.

Specifying a Background Image for a Table

If you want a background image to appear in all table cells, use the Background Image field of
the Insert Table dialog box.

Your Webmaster determines which images are available to you.

To insert a background image:

1. Click the down arrow to the right of (Select Image). A list of background
images appears.

2. Click the image of your choice.

3. Click OK.

Note that when you apply a background image to a table:

• it applies to the entire table, including the borders.

• if the table is larger than the image, the image repeats until it fills the
• if the image is larger than the table, the top left corner of the image aligns
with the top left corner of the table. The rest of the image fills as much of
the table as possible.

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• you can also apply an image to individual cells (see Specifying a

Background Image for a Cell).
• make sure that the image does not obscure user's ability to read the
table text.

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Deleting a Background Image

1. Move the cursor to any cell on the table and right click the mouse.

2. Click Table Properties from the menu.

3. Select the value in the Background Image field and press


4. Click OK.

Setting Table Borders

You can specify a border color or size for your table.

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Assigning Border Color

A table border is the line that separates the table from the rest of your Web page. By default,
table borders are gray. You can change the color of table borders.

If you want a table's border to "disappear," set it to the same color as the page's background
color. This technique is often used to format text on a Web page.

Assigning a Cell Border Color

Each cell also has a border that separates it from the other cells and the table border. By default,
a cell's border color matches the table border. However, you can individually change a cell border
color (see Setting a Cell's Border Color).

To assign a color to your table's border, click the Border Color field on the Insert Table dialog

When you click that field, a color selection box appears. Click the color that you want to apply to
the table's border. Follow these steps to get help on how to use the color box.

1. Click the question mark in the top right corner.

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2. A large question mark appears next to your cursor.

3. Drag the question mark to the area of the dialog box that you want to
learn about.

4. Click the mouse button. A box appears with instructions for that area.

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Assigning Border Size

You can also adjust the size of a table border. Size is measured in pixels.

To assign a border size to your table, enter a number of pixels into the Border Size field on the
Insert Table dialog box.

If you set a table's border size to zero (0) but wish to view the table's boundary lines while you are
editing it, select the table and click the border button ( ). Boundary lines will appear while you
are editing but disappear when a user views the page.

Working with Table Cells

Along with functions for managing tables (described in Introduction to Tables and Manipulating
Your Table's Format), the Content Editor lets you perform actions on individual cells within a

You can perform the following actions on individual table cells.

• Specify a width.
• Insert or delete cells.
• Specify a border color.
• Specify a background color or image.
• Have a cell span two or more columns or rows.
• Specify horizontal and vertical alignment of the data within the cell.
• Split a cell into two cells.

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• Merge two cells into one.

• Turn word wrap on or off.
• Set cell padding and spacing.

HTML does not allow you to adjust the width of a cell's border.

You can also select several cells or a row of cells and change them as described above.
However, you cannot select and change a column of cells.

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Specifying the Width of a Cell

As described in Specifying Table Width, there are several ways to set the width of a table. Within
a table, you can also specify the width of an individual cell.

When you set a cell width, there is no guarantee that the cell will occupy that width when
displayed in a browser. This is because the cell is part of a column, and changes to other cells in
the column can affect the cell whose width you set. Setting cell width only guarantees that the cell
will not be less than the width you specify.

If you want to ensure that a cell's size does not change, set all cells in a column to that width.

To specify a cell's width, follow these steps.

1. Place the cursor in the cell whose width you want to set.

2. Right click the mouse.

3. Click Cell Properties from the menu.

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4. The Cell Properties dialog box appears.

5. In the layout section of the dialog box, enter the cell width at the Width
field. You can enter the width in pixels or percentage. These choices are
explained in Specifying Table Width.

6. Click OK.

To insert a cell, follow these steps.

1. Move the cursor to the right of where you want the new cell to appear.

2. Right click the mouse.

3. Click Insert Cell from the menu.

The new cell appears to the left of the cell in which the cursor resides when you click Insert Cell.
The cursor cell and all cells to its right shift right to make room for the new cell.

In this example, the cursor was in cell "b" when the user clicked Insert Cell.

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Deleting a Cell
To delete one or more cells, follow these steps.

1. Move the cursor to the first cell you want to delete.

2. To delete only that cell, proceed to the next step. To delete several
contiguous cells, select them. Contiguous cells can cross rows.

3. Right click the mouse.

4. Click Delete Cells from the menu.

Any cells to the right of the deleted cells shift left to occupy the vacant space.

In this example, the cursor was in cell "b" when the user clicked on Delete Cells.



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Setting a Cell's Border Color

A cell border is the line that separates it from other cells.

By default, the color of a cell's border matches the color of the table border. However, you can
change the color of any cell border individually.

When viewed in Netscape Navigator, cell borders are gray, regardless of any
change you make on the Cell Properties dialog box.

This example illustrates the effect of different cell border colors within a table.

If you want a cell's border to "disappear," set it to the same color as the table's background color.

To change the color of a cell's border, follow these steps.

1. Move the cursor to the cell and right click the mouse.

2. Click Cell Properties from the menu.

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3. Click the Border Color field on the Cell Properties dialog box.

4. When you click that field, a Windows Color selection box appears. Click
the color that you want to apply to the cell border.

See Also: Using the Color Box

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Specifying a Cell's Background Color

Specifying a Table's Background Color explains how to apply a background color to a table. You
can also apply a background color to a cell.

To apply a background color to a cell, follow these steps.

1. Move the cursor to the cell and right click the mouse.

2. Click Cell Properties from the menu.

3. Click the Background Color field on the Cell Properties dialog box.

4. When you click that field, a Windows Color selection box appears.

See Also: Using the Color Box

5. Click a color to apply to the background of the cell.

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Deleting a Cell's Background Color

To delete a cell's background color, click the Unassigned box in the Custom Background area
of the Cell Properties dialog box.

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Specifying a Background Image for a Cell

Specifying a Background Image for a Table explains how to apply a background image to a table.
You can also apply a background image to a cell.

Your Webmaster determines which images are available.

To insert an image into a cell, follow these steps.

1. Move the cursor to the cell and right click the mouse.

2. Click Cell Properties from the menu.

3. Move the cursor to the Background Image field of the Cell Properties
dialog box.

4. Click the down arrow to the right of (Select Image). A list of background
images appears.

5. Click the image of your choice.

6. Click OK.

Note that when you apply a background image to a cell:

• If the cell is larger than the image, the image repeats until it fills the cell.
• If the cell is smaller than the image, the top left corner of the image
appears in the top left corner of the cell. The rest of the image fills as
much of the cell as possible.
• Make sure the image does not obscure a user's ability to read the cell
text (if any exists).

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Deleting a Background Image

1. Move the cursor to the cell and right click the mouse.

2. Click Cell Properties from the menu.

3. Select the value in the Background Image field and press


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Using the Color Box

Follow these steps to get help on how to use the color box.

1. Click the question mark in the top right corner.

2. A large question mark appears next to your cursor.

3. Drag the question mark to the area of the dialog box that you want to
learn about.

4. Click the mouse button. A box appears with instructions for that area.

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Spanning Rows or Columns

You can create a table cell that stretches across more than one row or column. In the following
table, notice how the row that contains "Sports Teams" spans three columns.

Sports Teams

City Baseball Team Hockey Team

Boston Red Sox Bruins

New York Yankees Rangers

Chicago White Sox Black Hawks

You can also create a column that spans several rows, as illustrated below. Notice that Boston
spans three rows.


City Name

Boston College

Boston Northeastern University

Boston University

New York Columbia University

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Spanning More than One Row or Column

To have a table cell span more than one row or column, follow these steps.

1. Place the cursor in the cell that will span rows or columns.

2. Right click the mouse.

3. Click Cell Properties from the menu.

4. The Cell Properties dialog box appears. In the Rows Spanned or

Columns Spanned field, enter the number of rows or columns that you
want this cell to span.

5. Click OK.

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Effect of Spanning a Cell

When you set a cell to span rows or columns, the editor does not remove the cells that are in the
way. Instead, it moves those cells across or down to the next available position.

For example, the following table has two rows and two columns.

If you set cell A to span two rows, note that cell C moves across to make room for cell A. This
action pushes cell D to the next column.

Aligning Text Within a Cell

Within a cell, you can specify how your text aligns horizontally and vertically.

Setting Horizontal Alignment

In the Cell Properties dialog box, you can specify the horizontal alignment of a cell. You have set
the alignment to left, center, or right, or

• left
• center
• right
• justify - the text is justified down both left and right edges. Many books use this
alignment style. (This alignment is not supported by all browsers.)

This example illustrates these choices.

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To set horizontal justification of a table cell, follow these steps.

1. Place the cursor in the cell that you want to edit.

2. Right click the mouse.

3. Click Cell Properties from the menu

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Setting Vertical Alignment

In the Cell Properties dialog box, you can specify the vertical alignment of a cell. You have four

• top
• middle
• bottom
• along the baseline of the first line of text (the term "baseline" is defined in
Aligning the Picture)

This example illustrates the choices.

To set vertical justification for a table cell, follow these steps.

1. Place the cursor in the cell that you want to edit.

2. Right click the mouse.

3. Click Cell Properties from the menu.

4. The Cell Properties dialog box appears. Click the down arrow to the right
of the Vertical Alignment field.

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5. Click your choice from the list and click OK.

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Splitting a Cell
You can divide a cell into two. If you split a cell, each cell occupies one half the size of the original

Row before split

Row after split

To split a table cell into two cells, follow these steps.

1. Place the cursor in the cell that you want to split.

2. Right click the mouse.

3. Click Split Cell from the menu.

4. Two cells now appear where only one appeared before

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Merging Two Cells

You can merge two cells into one. If you merge two cells, the new cell contains all of the
information from both. The new cell's width equals the sum of the two cells that were merged.

Cells Before Merge

Cell After Merge

To merge two or more cells, follow these steps.

1. Select the cells that you want to merge.

2. Click the Insert Table button ( ).

3. Click Merge Cells from the menu.

4. The Cell Properties dialog box appears. Click the down arrow to the right
of the Horizontal Alignment field.

Word Wrap
Word Wrap is a text formatting feature of tables. It causes text to move down to the next line
when the width of the characters on a line equals the column width. For example, if you set
column width to 50%, with word wrap turned on, a table looks like this.

If you turn Word Wrap off for the same table, you get this result.

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If Word Wrap is turned off, text stays on one line until the user entering table text presses
<Enter>. That keystroke causes text to move down to the next line.

By default, all cells have the Word Wrap feature turned on.

To turn Word Wrap on or off for a cell, follow these steps.

1. Place the cursor in the cell that you want to edit.

2. Right click the mouse.

3. Click Cell Properties from the menu.

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4. The Cell Properties dialog box appears. Click or off the Word Wrap
checkbox and click OK.

5. Click your choice from the list and click OK.

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Setting Cell Padding and Spacing

Cell padding is the space between a cell's data and its border.

Cell spacing is the space between a cell and surrounding cells.

Assigning Cell Padding

To assign cell padding to your table, click the Cell Padding field on the Insert Table dialog box.
Enter the number of pixels.

Assigning Cell Spacing

To assign cell spacing to your table, click the Cell Spacing field on the Insert Table dialog box.
Enter the number of pixels.

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Add a Global Term Library

A Global Term Library is like having a dictionary within the platform for new terms that may need
to be defined for the Associates taking any course. To enter words into the Global Term Library,
you must use the “Global Term Library Button.” The “Global Term Library” button is located in the
Content Editor on the upper right hand side tool bar as shown below:

To use the Global Term Library button, simply highlight the word (using your mouse) that you
want to have entered into the glossary. Once the word is highlighted, click on the Global Term
Library button. Once you have clicked on the Global Term Library button, a box will appear on
your screen which looks like this:

Type in the appropriate definition and click on the “Save” button. Once the definition has been
saved, the word previously highlighted will be shown as an underlined grey word. Although you
will not be able to pull up the definition from the “back-end” (as a Site Administrator), any
associate logging into the system will see the same underlined grey word and, when the
Associate clicks on the link, a box will appear giving them the definition to the word.

One of the main benefits of the Global Term Library is that you only need to enter the word and
its definition one time. If the word appears anywhere else in the platform, it will be automatically
linked to the same definition.

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Add a Local Course Library

A Local Course Library is like having a dictionary within the course for new terms that may need
to be defined for the Associates taking the course. To enter words into the Local Course Library,
you must use the “Local Course Library Button.” The “Local Course Library” button is located in
the Content Editor on the upper left hand side tool bar as shown below:

To use the Local Course Library button, simply highlight the word (using your mouse) that you
want to have entered into the glossary. Once the word is highlighted, click on the Local Course
Library button. Once you have clicked on the Local Course Library button, a box will appear on
your screen which looks like this:

Type in the appropriate definition and click on the “Save” button. Once the definition has been
saved, the word previously highlighted will be shown as an underlined grey word. Although you
will not be able to pull up the definition from the “back-end” (as a Site Administrator), any
associate logging into the system will see the same underlined grey word and, when the
Associate clicks on the link, a box will appear giving them the definition to the word.

One of the main benefits of the Local Course Library is that you only need to enter the word and
its definition one time. If the word appears anywhere else in the course, it will be automatically
linked to the same definition.

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Add External Files

You have the ability to add external files to any lesson. These files may be PDF, Excel, Power
Points or Word Document files. The files when viewed by the associate will open up in a new
window. In order to add external files, you need to click on the “Add External Files” button
located in the Content Editor on the upper left hand side tool bar as shown below:

Once you have clicked on the Add External File button, a box will appear on your screen which
looks like this:

If you have embedded a previous file within the system, that file will be listed in the box in the
upper left corner. To insert the previously used file into the current lesson, click on the file you
want to use and then click view file and open. The file will appear in the top right box. In the area
asking for File Name in the lower left box, type in the name of the file. In the area asking for the
Link Name on Page, type in the word that will be the hot link to open up this file. Then click insert.

If you are embedding a new file into the lesson, you will need to give the new file a name by
typing the name in the box marked “File Name.” You will then need to attach the file that you

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want to embed by either typing the path of the file in the “Existing File” box or using the “Browse”
button to locate the file.

Add External Media to Lesson

You have the ability to embed multiple types of media within any lesson. In order to embed
media, you need to click on the “Add External Media” button located in the Content Editor on the
upper right hand side tool bar as shown below:

Once you have clicked on the Add External Media button, a box will appear on your screen which
looks like this:

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If you have embedded previous media within the system, they will be listed in the box in the upper
left corner. To insert the previously used media into the current lesson, click on the media you
want to use and then click on insert.

If you are embedding new media into the lesson, you will need to give the new media a name by
typing the name in the box marked “Media Name.” You will then need to attach the media file
that you want to embed by either typing the path of the media in the “Media File” box or using the
“Browse” button to locate the media. Next, you will need to designate the type of media that you
are adding by clicking on one of the following buttons:

o None Selected
o Flash
o Windows Media Player – Video
o Audio Media

Once you have completed all the steps, you have to hit the “Save” button located at the bottom of
the screen. Your media has now been embedded into the lesson.

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Use a bookmark to let a user "jump" from any word, phrase, or image to another place in a file.
On your Web page, text appears in a different color to indicate that additional information is
available at the bookmark's location.

For example, if your Web page includes meeting minutes, the top of the page could list the
meeting dates. You could then assign a hyperlink to each date and a bookmark to each set of

The user sees that a date is in a different color, so clicks the date to "jump" to the bookmark that
marks the location of the meeting minutes.

Creating a Bookmark describes how to set up a hyperlink to a bookmark within a file. You can
also set up hyperlink to

• another Web page. This procedure is described in Using Hyperlinks.

• a bookmark within another Web page. This procedure is described in Creating a
Hyperlink to a Location Within a Web Page.

This section explains

• Creating a Bookmark
• Changing the Destination Window

Creating a Bookmark
When creating a bookmark, you must specify a

• source, the text or image that the user clicks to move to the bookmark
• bookmark, the place to which the cursor jumps when the user clicks the source

To continue with the above example, a meeting date is the source, and the meeting minutes are
the bookmark.

To create a bookmark, follow these steps.

1. Select the bookmark text or image.

2. Click the Bookmark button ( ).

3. The Bookmark dialog box appears. Enter the name of the bookmark.

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4. Click Add.

5. The editor screen returns. (The bookmark does not appear on the page.)
Select the source text or image.

6. Click the Hyperlink button ( ).

7. The Hyperlink dialog box appears.

8. Click the down arrow to the right of the Quick Link field and click the
bookmark you created in Step 3.

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9. If desired, you can use the Target Frame field to change the window in
which the destination text appears. For details, see Changing the
Destination Window.

If you leave the Target Frame field blank, the new window replaces the current window.

10. Click OK.

Changing the Destination Window

While defining hypertext, you can use the Target Frame field on the Hyperlink dialog box to
change the window in which the destination page appears.

The possible values that you can enter into the Target Frame field are explained below.

Click this in the Target

If you want the destination page to appear
Frame field

In a new browser window, on top of the current browser. New Window(_blank)

In the same position within the browser window. The new Same Window(_self)
window replaces the current one. Note: this is the default.

If your page contains frames, in the frame that contains the

Parent Window(_parent)
frame with the hyperlink.

If your page contains frames, in the full display area, replacing

Browser Window(_top)
the frames.

If your page contains frames, in the frame with the specified

Enter the name of the frame.

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Use hyperlinks to let a user "jump" from any word, phrase or image to another Web page. The
page can be within your network (that is, on an intranet) or anywhere on the internet.

If you want to create jumps within a file, see Using Bookmarks.

For example, if your Web page includes a jump to the eLogic Learning Web site, you would enter
the text to indicate the jump (for example eLogic Learning Web Site), then create a hyperlink to
www.elogiclearning.com. When users see eLogic Learning Web Site in a different color, they
can click the text to "jump" to the site.

Although most jumps go to the top of another Web page, you can also jump to a bookmark within
a Web page.

This section explains

• Creating a Hyperlink
• Testing a Hyperlink
• Creating a Hyperlink to a Location within a Web Page
• Editing a Hyperlink
• Preventing a URL from Becoming a Hyperlink

Creating a Hyperlink
When creating a hyperlink, you must specify a

• source, the text or image the user clicks to move to the destination
• destination, the Web page to which the display moves when the user clicks the

To continue with the above example, Ektron Web Site is the source, and the Web page available
at www.ektron.com is the destination.

To create a hyperlink, click the Hyperlink button ( ). When you do, the Hyperlink dialog box
appears. From there, you can select from a list of Web pages (also known as Quick Links). Or, if
the page you are jumping to is not on the list, enter the URL address of the destination Web

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Using a Quick Link

Your Web master can add to the Hyperlink dialog box any number of Quick Links, that is, Web
addresses that you can link to simply by selecting an item from a drop down menu.

Quick links are "quick" because you do not need to enter or know the URL of the destination Web
page -- your Web master has already stored that information for you.

To apply a Quick Link, follow these steps.

1. Select the source text or image.

2. Click the Hyperlink button ( ). The Hyperlink dialog box appears.

3. Click the down arrow to the right of the Quick Links field. A list of Web
pages that your Web master has pre-loaded appears.

4. Click an item from the list to select it.

5. If desired, you can use the Target Frame field to change the window in
which the destination text appears. For details, see Changing the
Destination Window.

If you leave the Target Frame field blank, the new window replaces the current window.

6. Click OK.

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Entering a Hyperlink Manually

To create a hyperlink, follow these steps.

1. Select the source text or image.

2. Click the New Hyperlink button ( ). The Hyperlink dialog box appears.

3. Click in the Link field after http://. Then, enter the address of the
destination Web page. For example, to enter a hyperlink to the eLogic
Learning Web site, enter www.elogiclearning.com.

4. If desired, you can use the Target Frame field to change the window in
which the destination text appears. For details, see Changing the
Destination Window.

If you leave the Target Frame field blank, the new window replaces the current window.

5. Click OK.

Testing a Hyperlink
Within the Content Editor, you can test a hyperlink. To do this, double click it. That action
launches the Web page assigned to the hyperlink.

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Sometimes the destination Web page contains bookmarks and you want to jump from your page
to a bookmark on another page (Bookmarks are described in Using Bookmarks).

To create a hyperlink that jumps to another page's bookmark, follow these steps:

1. Go to the destination Web page.

2. Click the bookmark that you want to jump to. For example, on the
illustration below, the text Benefits to Partners jumps to a bookmark
further down on the page.

Why e-Learning?

Can eLearning really help your company?

• Benefits
• Frequently Asked Questions

3. When you click the bookmark, its full address appears in your browser's
address bar. This bookmark's address looks like this.


4. Click the address bar. The address is selected. Press <Ctrl>+<C> to

copy the address into the Windows clipboard.

5. Go to the Content editor.

6. Select the text or image from which you want to jump to the bookmark.

7. Click the Hyperlink button ( ). The hyperlink dialog box appears.

8. Move the cursor to the Link field.

9. Press <Ctrl>+<V> to paste the address you copied in Step 4 into the
Link field.

10. Click OK.

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Editing a Hyperlink
If you need to change a hyperlink's destination Web page or target frame, follow these steps.

1. Click the Hyperlink button ( ). The hyperlink dialog box appears.

2. Edit the Link or Target Frame field as needed.

3. Press OK.

Preventing a URL from Becoming a Hyperlink

If you enter a URL or an email address into the Content Editor, it automatically becomes a
hyperlink. To prevent this, enter an extra space in the URL or address.

For example, instead of entering sales@elogiclearning.com, enter


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Working with HTML

The Content Editor creates pages for display on the World Wide Web or an intranet. These pages
use HTML (hypertext markup language) to format text and images for display in a browser. You
do not need to know HTML to use the Content Editor.

However, if you know HTML, you can view, insert or edit your Web page's HTML code.

This section explains:

• Viewing and Editing HTML

• Inserting HTML
• Cleaning HTML
• Inserting Content from MS Office 2000

Viewing and Editing HTML

When you choose to view your page as HTML, the editor cleans the content using a method
determined by your Webmaster.

To view your page's HTML, follow these steps.

1. Click the View as HTML button ( ), or right click the mouse and click
View as HTML from the menu.

2. The HTML code appears. While viewing the code, you can edit it using
editor functions such as Cut, Copy, Paste and Find. To select all content,
press <Ctrl>+<A>.

You can also set default values for the style, size and color in which the HTML appears. To do
this, click the View Preferences button ( ). When you do, a dialog box appears in which you
can enter formatting information about the HTML code.

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These settings will be used whenever you view as HTML.

The settings are ignored when you view the page in WYSIWYG mode and when the user views
the page.

3. To return to normal view, click the View as WYSIWYG button ( ) or

right click the mouse and click View WYSIWYG.

Editing a Section of a Page

If you want to edit only a section of the HTML on your Web page, follow these steps.

1. Select the portion of your Web page that you want to edit.

2. Right click the mouse.

3. Click Edit HTML from the menu. The HTML code appears.

4. Edit the HTML code as desired.

5. Click OK.

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Inserting HTML
If you want to insert HTML code into your Web page, follow these steps.

1. Place the cursor at the spot on the page where you want to insert the

2. Right click the mouse.

3. Click Insert HTML from the menu.

4. The Insert HTML dialog box appears. Paste or type your HTML code.

5. Click OK.

Cleaning HTML
The Content Editor lets you "clean" the HTML code for your Web page. You would typically use
this feature after entering HTML text or pasting HTML code into eWebEditPro from another

The Clean HTML option removes unnecessary HTML tags, ensures that all tags begin and end
properly, and maximizes the page for efficiency. As a result, the page should be error-free and
load more quickly in a browser. Also, the appearance of clean HTML is more consistent when
viewed in different browsers.

To clean your HTML, follow these steps.

1. Right click the mouse.

2. Click Clean HTML code from the menu.

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3. The Content Editor cleans your Web page's HTML content.

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Inserting Content from MS Office

If you paste text into the Content Editor from a Microsoft Office application, such as Microsoft
Word, the following window appears. The message indicates Office 2000 regardless of the
version of Word that you are using.

For best results, click Yes.

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Section 508 Compliance

This section explains how the Content Editor complies with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
(a law enacted by the United States government that requires Federal agencies to make their
electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities).

Specifically, this section explains how to

• move the cursor into the Content Editor

• use the Content Editor without a mouse


If the Content Editor is one of several fields on a page, and your browser is Internet Explorer,
move to the Content Editor by pressing <Tab> until the cursor lands in the editor.

To move from the editor to the next field, press <Ctrl>+<Tab>.

Using the Content Editor without a Mouse

As explained in Customizing Your Toolbar, the Content Editor toolbar consists of one or more
toolbar menus. Menus have buttons that you click with the mouse to perform actions, such as
copying text.

This section explains how to perform those actions without using the mouse.

1. With the cursor in the Content Editor, press the application key ( ).

2. A menu appears.

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3. Press the down arrow key ( ) to select Menus. Menus become


4. Press <Enter>. A new menu lists all toolbar menus available to you.

If your Webmaster has given you access to all standard toolbar menus, the menu looks like this.

5. Press the down arrow key ( ) to select the toolbar menu that has a
button that you want to use.

6. A new menu appears, listing all options on the selected menu. The
following menu displays what might appear if you select the Edit Menu.
(Your Webmaster determines which menu options are available to you).

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Press the down arrow key ( ) until the desired option is highlighted. Then, click the option to
perform the action.

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Associate Login Page
The screenshot below is an example of what an associate will see when they go to the login
page. The login page is found by launching your web browser and entering the URL your
company defined during the implementation process. The top area of the page consists of the
company branding defined during the implementation. Directly under the branding are several
areas that will be described in more depth later in this guide:

• Portal Page links

• Login Area
• Links to Assist with Login
• Managed Content Area

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Login Name and Password

This area of the associate login page is where the associate inserts their user name in the
“Name” field and their password in the “Password” field. eLogic’s standard setup requires a User
Name to have a minimum of 8 characters. This minimum length
is a configurable setting and can be changed by eLogic. If the
minimum is changed, it is a global setting and applies to all
associates. For security, the password is masked with dots when
the password is typed (rather than displaying the password).
Passwords are a minimum of eight alpha/numeric characters and
must contain at least 1 numeric value. The user name and
password are not case sensitive fields. Mixed case, upper case,
or all lower case can be used regardless of how the original user
name and password were entered. After inserting the login
information, select the <LOGIN> button.

If using copy and paste to enter the Login name and Password it is possible to
pick up unintended characters and / or spaces when inserting the information into
the fields. Please advise your users of this potential if they have problems
logging in the application.

Forgot your Password?

Directly below the login button is the “Forgot your Password?” link to assist associates who have
lost their passwords. When selecting this link, the following will appear:

The user will enter the email address that is on the associate user record in the application and
select the <Submit Information> button. An email will be sent from the application to the user’s
email address with the login user name and a temporary password for the associate. The user
will be prompted to change the temporary password sent as soon as the associate logs into the
application. If more than one user record in the application has the email address entered, then
the user name and password emailed will be the first active user record encountered.

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Portal Pages
Under the branding on the associate login page is an area for links to client managed content
pages also known as “Portal Pages.” These are links the client may use to communicate with
associates prior to logging into the LMS. In the example below there are four pages (Home, FAQ
Page, Help and Announcements).

When a “Portal Page” link is selected, the page’s contents will display directly below the “Portal
Page” links replacing the content that was displayed, including the “Login” box. To return to the
screen where the “Login” box is displayed, use the browser’s back button or re-enter the main
URL. The “Portal Pages” are no longer available to the associate after logging in to the LMS.
Please refer to the Content Managed Page section of the user guide for more information on how
to create/update Client Managed Content pages.

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Associate Landing Page

After logging into the LMS, the associate will see the “My Portfolio” page as the main landing
page. The default tab displayed is the My Course(s) tab where the associate user will be able to
view all currently in process online training courses. Additionally, during the login process the
system checks to see if there are any mandatory courses assigned to the user’s organizational
hierarchy for which the user has not registered. If the system finds any non-registered mandatory
courses, the system will automatically register the user for those courses.

There are four tabs across the portfolio; My Course(s), My Workshop(s), My Transcript(s), and
My Note(s). These will be described in more detail later in this section of the guide.

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My Course(s) Tab
Courses in the LMS refer to online web training that is available on demand and does not require
instructor/associate interaction. This type of training is also known as online training or computer
based training.

The first tab on the associate’s portfolio is the “My Course(s)” tab. The example below shows no
courses listed. This may be the initial view when first logged in or when all courses in the list have
been completed. There is a link n the tab area to launch the online training search page. The
same link is also available on the navigation bar at the top of the page (not shown), which will be
discussed in another section.

After selecting online training courses, the “My Course(s)” tab may look like the example below.
From left to right the course title is displayed followed by course registration date. Next is a link to
email the designated course instructor and the action column. Under the action column, the
associate may “drop” (unregister) a course. Dropping a course will generate an email alerting the
course instructor of the drop as well as sending a copy of the email to the associate.

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Pre-requisite Display

Example 1 shows a course that has a course “302 course” that has a prerequisite. This course
will be unavailable to access until the prerequisite course (“301 course”) has been successfully

Course with Deadline

In Example 2, there is a warning that this course has a deadline to be completed. If the course is
not completed by that due date, the course registration becomes unavailable to complete. The
associate must then drop the course and re-register for the course in order to complete it. The
missed deadline course will display on the List Associates by Course Status report until it is

Manager Approval Display

Under the “Action” column, Example 3 shows a course that requires manager approval before the
course can be accessed. Once an associate registers for a course requiring manager approval,
an automatic email is sent to the associate’s manager.

If the associate has not received an approval notice in a reasonable amount of time, they may
click the link “Resubmit Approval Request” next to “Pending Manager Approval” (see Example 4).
This will resend the request to the designated manager.

Email Instructor

If an associate has a specific question or comment about the course, Example 5 shows a link for
emailing the designated course instructor. Clicking this link will open up the associate’s email
program with the instructor’s email address pre-populated in the “To” box.

Drop Course

Under the “Action” column, Example 6 is a link called “Drop Course.” When selected the course is
removed from the “My Course(s)” list, and an email is generated by the system notifying the
course instructor and associate that the course has been dropped. The associate must reregister
for the course if it is dropped.

If the associate attempts to drop a course registered for as part of a certified

learning path, the drop feature will drop all courses not completed which were
part of that certified learning path. This is done to ensure all courses that are part
of a certified path are completed before the certification is awarded. The
associate will need to re-register for the learning path and complete the entire
Learning Path (even courses previously completed) before they will be awarded
a certification.

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Course in Progress / Course Moved to Transcript

A course will remain in the My Course(s) list until it has been completed. Once a SCORM course
has been launched, the transcript will display the title of the course, a zero (0) for the score and
under status “I” for incomplete. When a course has been completed (passed or failed), the course
is removed from the My Course(s) list and is now displayed under transcripts with the score and
“P” for pass or “F” for failed. The fail status may not “complete” the course depending on how
the SCORM course was configured. Your company may have configured the course to allow the
user to continue to attempt the course until they receive a mastery score. This completion status
is controlled by the course. eLogic authored courses will allow you to fail the course twice before
the course is completed and moved from In Process to a Failed status.

Courses that are built with the eSSential Authoring functionality will only display in the transcript
after the final assessment is started.

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My Workshops Tab

Workshops/Seminars refer to synchronous training that has the associate and the instructor
interacting at the same time. This can be in a traditional class room setting, in the field or via
web/phone conferencing. The My Workshop tab displays all workshops currently registered for
where the attendance has not yet been marked by the instructor. Note: Past events will continue
to display in the My Workshops list until attendance is marked. Marking attendance moves the
record from the My Workshops list to the Transcript.

Learning Path View

A Learning Path is a grouping of individual online courses and/or workshops. Selecting a learning
path allows for all the training contained in the learning path to populate the associate’s “My
Course(s)” and “My Workshop(s)” list at one time.

When a workshop is part of a learning path, there is a second action on the part of the associate.
The associate user must select the specific training event (date, time, and location) to register.
Any training sessions registered for as part of a Learning Path where the associate has not
selected the specific event will display in the My Workshop with a <Register for event> button.

The associate user will need to select the button. This action will display a page which lists all the
future events of this training section (if future training events exist). A future event is defined as
any event that has not yet started. An event will be available for registration up to the minute
before the event is scheduled to start. If you use training sessions as part of certified learning
paths, it is important to ensure an adequate schedule of training events are available, otherwise
the associate user will not be able to complete the certified path.

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The associate user will need to select the desired event date, time and location to attend. Once
the event has been selected, the registration process is complete.

Unregister a Training Session

An associate who chooses to not attend a workshop may unregister by clicking on the link
“Unregister” (Example 1) under the “Action” column heading. Unregistering removes the
workshop from the “My Workshop” tab. This action can only be done while the workshop is in the
“My Workshop” tab. The unregister will remove the associate user from the training event
registration list and also automatically check and register the next user on the waitlist (if a waitlist

Email instructor

Example 1 below illustrates the link to send an email to the workshop instructor. Selecting this
link will open the computer’s email program with the email address of the instructor automatically
inserted in the “To” box.

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Date Display for Multi-day Event

A workshop may be on multiple consecutive dates. On the calendar view in Example 1 below, the
workshop “Greg Test Training Session” displays on consecutive days. The calendar view will
display all future events but for a multi-day event, the event will remain available up until one
minute before the event is scheduled to start on the last day of the event.

Example 1

Selecting the workshop on any of the days will open the select event showing the date range and
location of the training as seen in Example 2 below.

Example 2

After selecting the workshop, the full date range will display under the “My Workshop” tab in the
associate’s portfolio.

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Waitlist Process
When an associate attempts to register for an event which is full, the associate will be placed in a
waitlist queue. There are two ways to be registered from the waitlist. The first is the automatic
registration process. In the event a registered user drops or is dropped from an event, the
system will automatically register the earliest added person still in the waitlist queue. Additionally,
administrative users have the option of manually adding associate users to the event from the
waitlist. The manual add process is described in the training session management section of the
user guide.

There are also two ways to be deleted from the waitlist. The first is an automatic deletion process
which occurs when an associate user successfully registers for a different event under the same
training session. The system performs a check with each registration to see if the user is
currently on any waitlists for other events for the same training session. If any are found, then the
user is deleted from the waitlist on the other event. This is done to prevent the user from getting
registered for the same training session twice. In addition to this automated deletion process,
Administrative users also have the option of manually deleting users from a waitlist queue. The
manual delete process is described in the training session management section of the user guide.

There is no email notification sent to the associate. They will see the following waitlist notification
page. The page is similar to the registration confirmation page but it does not include an
iCalendar link and it contains bold red lettering at the top and bottom indicating the event is full
and the user has been placed in the waitlist queue.

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My Transcripts Tab
The “My Transcript(s)” tab is where all records of completed courses, workshops, certificates and
certifications are visible. This also displays in process SCORM courses and eSSential Authored
courses when the final assessment has been started.

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All Course history for the associate user is listed first in the transcript and grouped together.
Courses are listed in alphabetical order and then by date completed with the most recent date
listed first. With each course taken, the following information will display:

• Course Name – This is the title of the course. If the course name changes, the name in
the transcript will change as well. This value is populated from the course record based
on what is currently defined. If you want the course title on transcript records to remain
static, you will need to create a new version of the course with a different name.
• Date Completed – This lists the date and time the course was completed or, for “In
Process” courses, it lists the last date/time the course was accessed.
• CEU – This is the CEU on the course at the time the course was completed by the
associate user. If the CEU value has changed since the user completed the curriculum,
then the value displayed here will be different than what is currently on the curriculum
management page since this view points to the historical transaction table.
• Hours - This is the Estimated Hours to complete the course at the time the course was
completed by the associate user. If the Estimate Hours to complete value has changed
since the user completed the course, then the value displayed here will be different than
what is currently on the course management page since this view points to the historical
transaction table.
• Score – This is the score earned by the associate user when taking the course. Not all
courses are setup to calculate and send a score. When a score is not available, the term
N/A will display. “SCORM” courses may display a partial score if the course is exited
before the testing is completed and the course has been set up to report partial scores to
the LMS. In these situations, a score will display in the transcript for a record that is “In
• Pass/Fail – This column indicates the associate user’s status with the course. Valid
values are P for pass, F for failed, I for in process, and C for communication issue. The
C status can happen when the communication between the course and the LMS is
terminated. According to SCORM standards the course must be completed in these
situations. Rather than giving the associate a P or F, we assign a C so that it is easier for
clients to identify a communications issue.
• Print Certificate – This icon allows the associate user to launch the certificate of
completion. This Icon will only display if the user has a P for the course. When
launched, the user can print or export an electronic version of the certificate. This link will
not display if your company has elected to not enable Certificate of Completions for
curriculum (courses and training sessions).

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All Workshop (training session) history for the associate user is listed second in the transcript and
grouped together. Workshops are listed in alphabetical order and then by registration date. When
attendance is marked for a training event, the associate record will then appear in the transcript.
The following information will display for each event:

• Workshop/Seminar – This is the title of the training session. If the training session
name changes, the name in the transcript will change as well. This value is populated
from the training session record based on what is currently defined. If you want the
training session title on transcript records to remain static, you will need to create a new
version of the training session with a different name.
• Event Date– This lists the start date for the event.
• CEU – This is the CEU on the course at the time the course was completed by the
associate user. If the CEU value has changed since the user completed the curriculum,
then the value displayed here will be different than what is currently on the curriculum
management page since this view points to the historical transaction table.
• Hours – This displays the hours the associate attended the event. This is calculated
when attendance is marked for the event. The calculation is End Time minus Start Time
minus any breaks. This is calculated on an associate by associate basis. You may have
different values for different associates for the same training session. If the attendance
value changes, the value displayed on all transcripts will change automatically.
• Mentor Notes – The next column does not have a header since Mentor notes are not
always used by clients. This is described in more detail in the next section.
• Status – This column indicates whether the associate user attended the event.
Completed indicates that the user attended. “Did Not Attend” indicates the user was
marked absent.
• Print Certificate – This icon allows the associate user to launch the certificate of
completion. This Icon will only display if the user has a “Completed” status for the
training event. When launched the user can print or export an electronic version of the
certificate. This link will not display if your company has elected to not enable Certificate
of Completions for curriculum (courses and training sessions).

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Mentor Notes

A “Mentor Note” is a documentation of an in person meeting between the instructor and the
associate. Mentor notes are created by administrative users and typically are used to document
performance reviews. They contain notes on each session’s meeting, goals, objectives and action
plans to meet those goals. Not every workshop will have mentor notes. Once a “Mentor Note” is

created, it can be launched by selecting the mentor note icon which will appear in the
“My Workshop(s)” tab next to the record of a workshop listed there or in the “My Transcript(s)” tab
next to a completed event date for the workshop.

Printing Certificates

Under the column “Print Certificate” this icon may appear if the client has approved
associates to view and print their own certificates. A certificate should not be confused with a
certification. A certificate is simply a printed document which signifies the satisfactory completion
of a course or training session. A certification is when a user has completed potentially several
courses/training sessions and, as a result, has earned a designation that has an earned date and
an expiration date.

When the associate selects the Print Certificate icon, a certificate will open in a new window
ready to be printed or saved as an electronic copy.

The first time an associate launches the certificate during a login session, the
new window the certificate appears in will display behind the currently open

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Use the icons at the top of the certificate within the browser’s window to export or print the

Selecting the print icon will send the certificate to a PDF file that may then be printed and/or
saved. In the process of creating the PDF file, the browser (depending on the settings selected)
may block this content from automatically downloading. In this situation the associate will see a
bar at the top of the browser page alerting of the blocked download. Accept the download and
click the print icon again to complete the process.

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The Certification area of the transcript is located after the workshops. Certifications are listed in
the order that they have been earned or added to the transcript. Certifications display only on the
screen and will not appear on the printed transcript. Types of certifications include, but are not
limited to, specific skill sets that require licensing such as a “Class C Drivers License” or
completion of a “certified” learning path.

Certified learning paths can be distinguished in the example above by the absence of a state and
certification ID or code. They will also have an expiration date with a time stamp that indicates the
client selected expiration for this learning path.

The Print Certificate column will only display if your company has elected to have Certificate of
Completions associated with certifications. This is a configurable decision made at the time of
setup and is independent of the decision to enable Certificate of Completions for curriculum
completions (Courses and Training sessions).

Print Transcript

The icon at the bottom of the transcript tab can be used to launch a printable report of the
associate user’s transcript. The printed transcript may look somewhat different from the transcript
displayed in the associate’s “My Transcript(s)” tab. Like in the “My Transcript(s)” tab, courses are
listed first and then workshops. Courses and workshops are listed in alphabetical order and then
sorted further by listing them in order of date and time of completion with the most recent listed
last. On the printed transcript, associates may notice two listings for a course with different status
and scores for each. This is due to some courses having a pre-assessment score that is not listed
on the “My Transcript(s)” tab view of the transcripts. Another difference between the “My
Transcript(s)” tab view and the printed transcript is that certifications are not listed on the printed
transcript. The following fields of data are included on the printed Transcript:

• Date Completed – This lists the date and time the course was completed or, for “In
Process” courses, it lists the last date/time the course was accessed. For training events,
it displays the start date for the event (always displaying mid-night as the time).
• Course Name – This is the title of the course or training session. If the course/training
session name changes, the name in the transcript will change as well. This value is
populated from the course/training session record based on what is currently defined. If
you want the course/training session title on transcript records to remain static, you will
need to create a new version of the course/training session with a different name.
• CEU – This is the CEU on the course/training session at the time the course/training
session was completed by the associate user. If the CEU value has changed since the

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user completed the curriculum, then the value displayed here will be different than what is
currently on the curriculum management page since this view points to the historical
transaction table.
• Hours - This is the Estimated Hours to complete the course at the time the course was
completed by the associate user. If the Estimate Hours to complete value has changed
since the user completed the course, then the value displayed here will be different than
what is currently on the course management page since this view points to the historical
transaction table. For training events, this is calculated when attendances is marked for
the event. The calculation is End Time minus Start Time minus any breaks. This is
calculated on an associate by associate basis. You may have different values for
different associates for the same training session. If the attendance value changes, the
value displayed on all transcripts will change automatically.
• Status – This column indicates the associate user’s status with the course. Valid values
are P for pass, F for failed, I for in process, and C for communication issue. The C
status can happen when the communication between the course and the LMS is
terminated. According to SCORM standards the course must be completed in these
situations. Rather than giving the associate a P or F, we assign a C so that it is easier for
clients to identify a communications issue.
• Score – This is the score earned by the associate user when taking the course. Not all
courses are setup to calculate and send a score. When a score is not available, the term
N/A will display. “SCORM” courses may display a partial score if the course is exited
before the testing is completed and the course has been set up to report partial scores to
the LMS. In these situations a score will display in the transcript for a record that is “In

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My Notes Tab
In the display of courses that are built using the LMS’s internal course authoring tool, (see
example below), is an option to keep notes while going through a course. NOTE: This option is
not available for SCORM courses.

Clicking on the link indicated by the arrow in the example above will open up a new window, with
an “MSWord” like editor, where you may record any notes. The editor requires a special plug-in
for the browser and uses active x controls. If the user does not have administrative rights to install
software on their computer, they may need assistance from their IT staff to install the plug-in.

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After entering notes and saving, the window may be closed. Access to the notes is through the
same link. Notes are only available to review while the course is in progress. Once the test is
started, or if the course has no test and the associate selects the “I Have Finished This Course”
link, the course notes will become unavailable to the associate.

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My Information
This link on the navigation bar takes an associate to a page where they may update their
personal information. The fields available for updating are determined by the client during the
implementation process (see the Associate section of this guide for more information). Below is
an example representative of some of the fields available to be updated by the associate. This
page can be used by Associate Users to reset their password. When this is done, they will not be
able to use a previously defined password.

The “My Information” link may be removed for clients whose associates access
the LMS via single sign on through the clients’ login system since the associate
record is maintained in an external system.

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Navigation Bar
The associate will see the Navigation Bar after logging in to the LMS. It is located under the site
branding and above the portfolio.

The navigation bar enables the associate to open different areas of the platform. The next section
topics will describe each of the navigation links.

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Online Training
Listed first on the navigation bar, the “Online Training” link is used to search and register for
computer based or online courses.

Search by Course or Learning Path Name

Clicking on the “Online Training” link will display the online training search page. The area above
“Welcome to our Library” can display messages from the LMS administration or be left blank. The
search screen has two options, “Name” and “Category.” The “Name” search field will search both
course names and learning path names.

To search by course or learning path name, type in the “Name” field any part of the course or
learning path title. There is a minimum of three characters required for the search to be
successful if searching with the All Categories option. If a specific category is selected, then no
characters are required. In the example below the associate did not know the full name of the
course or learning path; however, they did know that one of the words was “guide.”

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Typing in “g u i” returns the results below. The word guide is in both the title of the learning path
and in the title of the two listed courses.

If the associate does not enter at least three characters in the “Name” field when selecting the
category option “All Categories," the associate will be returned to the search page with a warning
indicating a minimum of three characters is required to execute an “All Categories” search.

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Search for Course Categories

To search by course “Category” the associate will use the “Category” drop down list to choose a
course category. The default display is “All Categories” and then lists categories in alphabetical
order. The categories drop down list is limited to categories that are related to courses and
courses in learning paths that are assigned to the associate’s organizational hierarchy.

When “All Categories” is selected, then the name field will require a minimum of three characters
from anywhere in the course or learning path title. When a specific category is selected (other
than "All Categories"), the name field can be left blank and the search will return all the courses
and learning paths associated with that category or the name field can have one or more
characters entered for searching all courses with the category selected.

Duplicate View of Courses

Courses may appear duplicated on the associate’s online training results page. This will happen
when the course has been assigned at more than one level for the associate’s organizational

Course Cost

If a course is assigned a cost value besides zero, a cost will display to the associate in the
curriculum search results, but the associate will only be directed to the eCommerce page to enter
payment if Pay Per Use is checked for their level on the Organizational Flow level management
page. The register button for courses that are assigned to a level that is Pay Per Use will display
Buy Now, or Continue Training if the course has already been purchased and is incomplete.

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The second link on the navigation bar is “Workshop/Seminar.” These can be in-person training,
an online webinar or a conference call. This link opens the search page for available training

Default View - Monthly

After selecting the “Workshop/Seminar” link, the page will display a calendar with available
workshops. The default view displayed when this page is launched is the by month view. All
views display only workshops that have been assigned to the associate. The month view is the
only view that allows associates to view past events of a training session. To view past or future
months, use the “<<” or “>>” on either side of the name of the month to change the month being
viewed. Click on the “Title” of the training session in the month view to register for that training

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Color Indicator on the Monthly View

Listings on the monthly calendar view are displayed in different colors. A workshop title listed in
red indicates a past session event (see Example 1). A day that is in yellow indicates the current
day (see Example 2). Future events are listed in blue/grey (see Example 3). Future events are
the only active links which take the associate to the workshop registration page.

Example 4 shows a training event that is marked as needing manager approval. When the
associate selects this event, an email is sent to the manager alerting them to approve or deny
the request for training. The associate will receive an email that the request for approval has
been sent. Example 5 shows a course that is mandatory. The course title is in orange and the
notice is in red.

Weekly View

In addition to the monthly view there are two other display tabs to view available workshops,
weekly and daily.

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To change the week being viewed, click on the calendar icon and select the Monday of the
desired week.

Daily View

The daily view displays exactly like the weekly view but only lists active events. To change the
date being viewed, use the calendar icon as described above.

Search by Name

At the top of the calendar view is the search screen. This allows the associate to search for a
particular training session by name. Unlike the search for online courses, the wildcard search for
training sessions is inserted after the text string is entered. Typing “man” will display any training
sessions that start with the characters “man” in the training session title.

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The example above shows the letters “m a n.” The search will return workshops that are available
to the associate that have “Man” at the start of the training session title and have future events

The “Session Title” is a link to take the associate to the workshop registration page.

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If a Survey has been associated with the training session, the survey questions
must be answered before registration can be completed. Text boxes require
some input; if no other instruction for answering text input questions is listed, use
NA to indicate no comment.

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Once registration is completed, the registration page will come up with links to print the page for
the associate’s records and a link to add the event to the associate’s calendar.

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Time zone display

When an associate goes to look at the “Workshop/Seminar” calendar and selects a workshop, the
time displayed should be displayed in the local time zone. An example of this would be a webinar
that is set up in EDT and an associate from the Mountain Time Zone who is scheduling to take it.

The example webinar is set up in Eastern Daylight Savings time as can be seen by the
Administrative view below.

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When the associate, who is in MDT zone, logs in and selects the workshop they will see the time
zone for their own area.

The time and time zone will also appear on registration and workshop reminder emails that are
generated from the LMS. When the associate is first added to the LMS, the time zone is
defaulted to Eastern Time until the associate logs into the LMS for the first time. When logging in,
a script is run that captures the time zone set on the computer being used by the associate. The
system updates this time zone each time the associate logs into the system. If the associate user
does not access the system between daylight savings time changes or if they move, the time
zone displayed to the user may no longer be accurate on reminder messages. This is why the
recommended approach is to have the user leverage the iCalendar link displayed when
registering for the training session. This adds the event to their Outlook calendar where the time
zone is managed by the Microsoft operating system (XP, Vista, Windows 7, etc).

655 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Group Registration

Certain associate job classifications, determined by the client, may have the privilege to register
other associates for training session event(s). This functionality is only available for associates
that are assigned to the same Level Three. If the associate is only assigned to Level One or
Level Two, they will not be able to use the register others in the group registration feature.

After the associate selects the specific date/time/location of the training event, the associate may
then select to register only themselves, other colleagues only, or themselves and others.

When either of the options to register others is selected, another page presents where the
colleagues maybe selected from a list. The page has instructions on how to select multiple
associates from this page.

656 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

When colleagues have been highlighted and the “Register” button has been selected, the page
will update to list the colleagues to be registered for review and update.

Additional colleagues may be added or ones already added may be deleted from the list. The
“Finish Registration” button completes the process.

657 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Duplicate View of Training Sessions

Training sessions may appear duplicated, on the associate’s registration page or on the training
session search pages, showing the same location and time for a particular date. This will happen
when the training session has been assigned at more than one level for the associate’s
organizational hierarchy.

658 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

My Portfolio

Selecting the My Portfolio link from the navigation bar will return the associate to the standard
view as seen when signing in to the LMS.

This link logs the user out of the current session. The page goes back to the initial login screen.

659 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Self Registration

Associates may be added to the LMS by self registering. The LMS administrator or their designee
will provide the associate with the link to the self registration page and an access code.

Fields Displayed

The fields requiring input by the associate during self-registration will be determined by the client
during the implementation process.

Job Classification

If this field is available to the associate, on self registration it will display as a drop down menu
from which the associate will select their job title. Although this may be an optional field
depending on the client’s decisions during the implementation process, some curriculum may be
assigned according to the associate’s job classification.

Access Code

The LMS administrator, or their designee, will provide the associate with the link to the self
registration page and an access code. The access code allows the associate to be placed in the
correct organizational structure where the intended course work has been assigned. The access
code is not case sensitive. Be sure not to pick up leading or trailing spaces as this will cause the
code to error.

Once the self registration page has been completed with all required fields, upon Submit the LMS
will automatically log the associate into the system. The associate may then access the links to
search for online courses or training workshops.

If after completing the self registration page the associate is taken back to the LMS logon page,
the registration was unsuccessful and they will need to contact the LMS administrator at the client
site. This is likely an issue where there are not adequate site licenses to add an associate record
to the application. The user information is recorded but the associate user is set to a pending
status and thus not allowed to login to the application.

660 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Pre-Hire Testing
Prior to being hired or to determine the correct placement for curriculum assignment, a client may
chose to use the Pre-Hire functionality. This allows an organization to perform assessments on
potential associates prior to them being added to the application. If the pre-hire user is added by
an administrative user, they will receive an email similar to the one below from the application
automatically when their pre-hire record is created.

The email will contain link(s) to one or more pre-hire tests. Selecting a link will take the potential
associate to a page containing the pre-hire registration form.

661 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Pre-Hire Registration Page

After the potential associate clicks on the link to take the pre-hire test, the pre-hire registration
page like the one shown below will appear.

Once the form has been completed and all the required areas (required areas are indicated by a
red asterisk next to the filed title) have been updated, the potential associate may click on “Take
Test” button at the bottom of the form.

662 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Take Test

The “Take Test” button will direct the potential associate to the first page of the test. Pre-hire
test(s) questions are in a multiple choice format (which include true and false). When the test has
concluded, the last page presented to the potential associate will have a statement similar to the
one displayed below:

An email similar to the one shown below will be sent to the potential associate’s email address.

663 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Direct URL Link

Some clients may have a direct link to the “Pre-Hire Registration” form on a web page or to a
standard email sent. The difference on the direct link and the form accessed through the email
link is the ability to choose which test to take from a library drop down menu. When the link via
the email is used, the test selection field is disabled. The associate’s name and test will be pre-
populated on the min-reservation form.

664 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3


665 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Quick Guides

666 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

Email Matrix for eSSential 8.24.1
Name Sent To When

Administration Email admin user added or edited Admin user record added or edited
Administration Register associate user added or edited Associate user record added or edited

Certifications Reminder Associate and their level two contact sent 30 days prior to a certification
expiring for an associate
Course Drop associate and course author associate drops course
(instructor); if a course author has
been deactivated and None Selected,
site email
Event Cancellation associate admin cancels event
Site Emails

Final Exam (Course associate and associate's level associate completes course; course
Completion) manager, starting at level three, if completion is an optional feature and can
none then to level two, if none then be disabled globally at the client's request
site email address

Learning Path email address assigned to learning upon completion of learning path
Self-registration associate associate self-registers
Task list admin assigned the task on due date of the task
Training session cancel associate and instructor associate is unregistered from event

Training session registration associate associate registers/is registered for event

Email level 1 active associates in selected level 1 initiated by admin user with appropriate
Email level 2 active associates in selected level 2 initiated by admin user with appropriate
Email level 3 active associates in selected level 3 initiated by admin user with appropriate
Site Information

Email associates of a course active associates in progress of initiated by admin user with appropriate
selected course privileges
Email associates of training active associates registered in initiated by admin user with appropriate
session selected training session privileges
Email job classes active associates in selected job initiated by admin user with appropriate
classes privileges
Level Contact Level Contact assigned to level initiated by admin user with appropriate
Training Session Reminder associates registered for training one and six days before a training session
Email Templates

session event
Post Training Session Email Active or inactive associates marked admin checks Send Email box on Manage
attended for an event Attendees page and clicks Update

NOTE: All emails from the application come from do-not-reply-client@LMSNotification.com

1 Email Matrix for eSSential 8.24.1 | Proprietary and Confidential | © eLogic Learning
Name Sent To When

FTP import email addresses requested by client admin user uploads file to client FTP

Media Library requestor and site email admin user checks out media
Manager Approval associate and associate's level associate registers for curriculum that
manager, starting at level three, if requires manager approval
none then to level two, if none then
site email address receives request
and approval confirmations

Pre-hire Test Completions associate taking test and site email admin invites pre-hire to test; associate

completes test
eCommerce associate and site email associate purchases a pay per use
Number of Site Licenses support@elogiclearning.com IF admin users registers or reactivates user
Exceeded admin user adding associate is site in excess of allowed number of site
admin, all site admins IF admin user licenses
adding associate is not site admin

NOTE: All emails from the application come from do-not-reply-client@LMSNotification.com

2 Email Matrix for eSSential 8.24.1 | Proprietary and Confidential | © eLogic Learning
Roles and Privileges Matrix
Role Privileges Reporting

Site Site Administrators have access to all areas of the Access to all reports under the
administrative side of eSSential by default. Assigning reporting menu. This is an inclusive
Administrator Site Administrator access should be limited to a privilege. Reports cannot be
Role relatively short list of LMS administrators at a client to individually disabled. It is an all or
protect the setup of the application. With Site none assignment. Site Admin users
Administrator access, a user can change any setting will also be able to run Name Tag
available in the application. and Attendee List reports from the
training session area. They will also
A Site Administrator user has all privileges checked by be able to run transcripts and
default with the exception of Managing Training Event certificates on behalf of an Associate
Attendance. The Manage Training Event(s)/Sessions user.
provides greater access rights than just the Manage
Training Event Attendance option thus the two
privileges are mutually exclusive.

Course Author The Course Author is typically assigned to users that By default, a course author does not
will be limited to publishing and managing online have the View/Run reports option
Role courses. enabled.
Course Authors will only be able to view/edit active, Reporting permissions can be added
inactive and archived courses that they have been manually to the Admin user
assigned as the administrator. A course author will be management page to grant the
able to view all Pending courses. This is done to Course Author the same reporting
facilitate the process of completing a course after it has access as the Site Administrator.
been imported using the SCORM import engine.
Course Authors will only be able to view/edit test banks
and surveys that they created. When adding a course,
the Course Author role will not have approval rights.
They will have to select from a list of authorized admin
users to email and request approval for the course and
select the [Send Request] button.
Course Authors will only be able to add training
sessions. They will not have the ability to edit or
approve a training session once it has been added.
They do not have the ability to be set as the
administrator or instructor for a training session, thus
they would not have access to manage attendance.
The instructor or training manager role should be used
for this purpose.
When Course Authors are logged into the
Administrative Application, they will also be presented
with a [My Profile] link at the top left portion of the
screen. When selected, this launches the Bio
Information page and allows the Course Author to
change their biographical information. See Course
Author Bios in the Admin Guide for more information.

1 eSSential v.8.24 Roles and Privileges Matrix | eLogic Learning

Role Privileges Reporting

Instructor Role The Instructor role is automatically given only the Instructor users will be able to run
privilege to Manage Training Event Attendance and to Name Tag and Attendee List reports
View Associates. The Instructor role is typically from the training session area.’
assigned to admin users whose only role in the
application will be to register users for a training Reporting permissions can be added
session event and mark attendance. manually to the Admin user
management page to grant the
Instructor the same reporting access
as the Site Administrator.

Training A Training Manager is a role with combination List Associates – Option to Select Level 1
privileges. Users with this role are given instructor,
Manager Role course author and level one manager access. The idea List Associates by Course Status – Option
behind a training manager is that they are an to Select Level 1
administrative user that should be limited to working
List Associates by Course with Percent
with one or a few Level One organizational values. That Difference between Pre and Final
is why the role is a combination of Instructor, Course
Author and Level One Manager. The Training manager List Associates by Learning Path – Option
receives all the functional access that an instructor or to Select Level 1
course author does but they are constrained to seeing
only data related to the Level One values where they Course Cost by Level One
have been assigned as a manager.
Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level

Associate Activity Report - Option to

Select Level 1

Associate Cumulative Course Hour

Report - Option to Select Level 1

List Courses By

Course Source Usage Summary Report –

Option to Select Level 1

Course Source Usage Detail Report -

Option to Select Level 1

List Training Session By

List Associates by Training Session by

Status – Option to Select Level 1

Training Session Calendar Report

Associate Certification Report

Certification Expiration Report

2 eSSential v.8.24 Roles and Privileges Matrix | eLogic Learning

Role Privileges Reporting

Level One The Level One Manager role is intended to be given to List Associates – Option to Select Level 1
business owners within the organization who are the
Manager Role primary stakeholder(s) for a segment of the List Associates by Course Status –
organization. Assigning a Level One Manager gives Option to Select Level 1
that user access to all Level Two and Level Three
List Associates by Course with Percent
information below their Level One. Difference between Pre and Final
Their primary need to access the system will be to run Assessment
reports to view progress/usage of the LMS by the users
List Associates by Learning Path – Option
in their hierarchy. The second reason they will access to Select Level One organization for
the system is to view a specific associate and register running report
that associate for curriculum.
Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level

Associate Activity Report - Option to

Select Level 1

Associate Cumulative Course Hour

Report - Option to Select Level One
organization for running report

List Associates by Training Session

List Associates by Training Session by

Status – Option to Select Level 1

Course Cost by Level One

List Courses By

Course Source Usage Summary Report –

Option to Select Level 1

Course Source Usage Detail Report -

Option to Select Level 1

List Training Session By

Training Session Calendar Report – This

displays a list of all active Training
Sessions in the application even if the
training session is not assigned to the
Level Manager’s hierarchy. This allows
the Level Manager to see instructor led
training available and determine if any
should be requested to be assigned to
their hierarchy.

Associate Certification Report

Certification Expiration Report

3 eSSential v.8.24 Roles and Privileges Matrix | eLogic Learning

Role Privileges Reporting

Level Two The Level Two Manager role is intended to be given to List Associates – Option to Select Level 2
business owners within the organization who are the
Manager Role primary stakeholder(s) for a segment of the List Associates by Course Status – Option
organization. Assigning a Level Two Manager gives to Select Level Two organization for
running report
that user access to that Level Two and the Level Three
information below their Level Two. List Associates by Course with Percent
Their primary need to access the system will be to run Difference between Pre and Final
reports to view progress/usage of the LMS by the users
in their hierarchy. The second reason they will access List Associates by Learning Path – Option
the system is to view a specific associate and register to Select Level 2
that associate for curriculum. The final driver behind
creating a Level Two manager is for the manager Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level
approval functionality. If no Level Three manager exists One
below the Level Two, the Level Two manager will
receive the manager approval notification for associate Associate Activity Report - Option to
users within their hierarchy. Select Level 2

Associate Cumulative Course Hour

Report - Option to Select Level 2

List Associates by Training Session

List Associates by Training Session by

Status – Option to Select Level 2

Course Cost by Level Two

List Courses By

Course Source Usage Summary Report –

Option to Select Level 2

Course Source Usage Detail Report -

Option to Select Level 2

List Training Session By

Training Session Calendar Report (under

Course Usage link) – This displays a list
of all active Training Sessions in the
application even if the training session is
not assigned to the Level Manager’s
hierarchy. This allows the Level Manager
to see instructor led training available and
determine if any should be requested to
be assigned to their hierarchy.

Associate Certification Report

Certification Expiration Report

4 eSSential v.8.24 Roles and Privileges Matrix | eLogic Learning

Role Privileges Reporting

Level Three The Level Three Manager role is intended to be given List Associates – Option to Select Level 3
to business owners within the organization who are the
Manager Role primary stakeholder(s) for a segment of the List Associates by Course Status – Option
organization. Assigning a manager as a Level Three to Select Level 3
Manager gives that manager access to that Level
List Associates by Course with Percent
Three only. Difference between Pre and Final
Their primary need to access the system will be to run Assessment
reports to view progress/usage of the LMS by the users
List Associates by Learning Path – Option
in their hierarchy. The second reason they will access to Select Level 3
the system is to view a specific associate and register
that associate for curriculum. The final driver behind Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level
creating a Level Three manager is for the manager One
approval functionality.
Associate Activity Report - Option to
Select Level 3

Associate Cumulative Course Hour

Report - Option to Select Level 3

List Associates by Training Session

List Associates by Training Session by

Status – Option to Select Level 3

Course Cost by Level Three

List Courses By

Course Source Usage Summary Report –

Option to Select Level 3

Course Source Usage Detail Report -

Option to Select Level 3

List Training Session By

Training Session Calendar Report – This

displays a list of all active Training
Sessions in the application even if the
training session is not assigned to the
Level Manager’s hierarchy. This allows
the Level Manager to see instructor led
training available and determine if any
should be requested to be assigned to
their hierarchy.

Associate Certification Report

Certification Expiration Report

5 eSSential v.8.24 Roles and Privileges Matrix | eLogic Learning

Site Training Course Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Default Privilege Admin Mgr Author Mgr Mgr Mgr Instructor
Add Admin User(s) X
Edit Admin User(s) X
View Admin User(s) X
Add Associate(s) X
Edit Associate(s) X X
View Associate(s) X X X X X X
Edit Instructor(s) X
View Instructor(s) X X
Add Course(s) X X X
Edit Course(s) X X X
View Course(s) X X X X X X
Approve Course(s) X
Manage Test Bank(s) X X X
Manage Pre-Hire Test(s) X

Manage Training Event(s)/

Session X X

Manage Training Event

Attendance X

Manage Learning Path X

Manage Course Category(s) X X X

Manage Portal Content X
Manage Survey(s) X X X
Manage Email X
View and Run Reports X X X X X
Manage Ad-hoc Reports (only
available to clients who have
purchased add-on module) X

Manage Facilities & Resources X X

Add Level One X
Edit Level One X
View Level One X X X
Add Level Two X
Edit Level Two X
View Level Two X X X X
Add Level Three X
Edit Level Three X
View Level Three X X X X X

6 eSSential v.8.24 Roles and Privileges Matrix | eLogic Learning

eSSential v.8.24 Reports Matrix
Menu Sub-Menu Title of Report Title on Report Description Report Parameters

Active none Active Instructors Active Lists all instructors

The Active Instructors’ report will provide you with a listing
Instructors of all the active Instructors in the system. This includes any
Instructors Report Admin User with the Instructor role checked (including
Training Managers who have multiple roles checked).

Curriculum none List Course By Active Course Course Status

The List Courses By report provides a list of courses in the
Report application for the status selected (all, active, inactive or Course Category
pending). This can be useful to confirm report counts
(number of active reports) and to monitor report
development progress (reports in pending status).

Course Source Course Source Level 1

The Course Source Usage Summary Report provides a list
Usage Summary Usage Summary of course usage by source (method course was obtained). Date Range
Report Report This report only generates for active courses. The summary
version of the report provides high level counts based on
registrations (not completions).

Course Source Course Source Level 1

The Course Source Usage Detail Report provides a list of
Usage Detail Usage Detail course usage by source (method course was obtained). Course Source Type
Report Report This report only generates for active courses. The detail
version of the report provides a line for each associate user Date Range
that has registered for the report during data parameter
selected. This report provides a method to analyze the
effectiveness of the various course sources (where
purchased or how course built internally).

List Training Training Session Training Session Type

The List Training Session By report provides a list of
Session By Report training sessions in the application for the status selected
(all, active, inactive or pending). This report also displays all
events (past and future) created for the training session.

Training Session Training Training Session

The Training Session Calendar Report provides a detailed
Calendar Report Calendar Report calendar of all events scheduled for a particular training Date Range
session. This includes instructor, address of facility (if in
person), and registered/capacity information.

1 eSSential v.8.24 Reports Matrix | elogic Learning

Menu Sub-Menu Title of Report Title on Report Description Report Parameters

Course none Financial Report Financial Report Level 1

The Course Cost report allows administrative users to view
Cost cost calculations based on the cost value assigned to each Date Range
report (if defined). For each registration for a course during
the date range selected, the report will total the cost. This
can be useful for both clients that are eCommerce based
where they charge credit cards to register for the course as
well as clients that allocate internal LMS cost to
Departments/GL codes based on course registrations.

Associate Courses List Associates All Associates Individual or Level 1

The List Associates report has three different main report
Status Report options. The Individual report option allows administrative
users to print a transcript for an individual associate for a
selected date range. The All report option allows the
administrative user to generate a report that contains all
curriculum activity (both courses and training sessions) in
the eSSential application since the first use of the
application. The Level option provides administrative users
with the ability to view all curriculum activity (both courses
and training sessions) for a particular Level for the date
range entered. The Level Option available will be different
depending on the role/level assignments for the
administrative user running the report.

List Associates by List Associates Course

The Associates by Course Status report is one of the most
Course Status by Course used reports in the application by clients. This report can be Date Range
Status used for exception analysis. There are several status
options on the report parameter page (Failed, Incomplete, Status
All Who Have Not Completed or Not Registered, Near
Deadline or Missed Deadline) which allow administrative
users to identify associates who are not in compliance with
training objectives. The report can also be used to view all
associates who passed a course for a particular date range.
This report displays course activity only. Training session
activity is not included on this report.

2 eSSential v.8.24 Reports Matrix | elogic Learning

Menu Sub-Menu Title of Report Title on Report Description Report Parameters

Associate Courses List Associates by List Associates Course

The List Associates by Course with Percentage Different
Course with by Course with between Pre and Final Assessment report is useful for Date Range
Reports Percent Percent measuring the quality of the course content. This report
Difference Difference compares the score achieved by associate users on the
pre-assessment versus their score on the final assessment.
Between Between If associates are improving their scores after viewing the
Pre/Final Pre/Final course, then the course is achieving the desired results to
some degree. This report only works for courses that have
Assessment Assessment both a pre assessment and final assessment assigned. The
report will show activity that is in process. If a associate
user has completed the pre-assessment but not completed
the final assessment, a row will still display on the report for
that associate user.

List Associates by List Associates Learning Path

The List Associates by Learning Path report is useful for
Learning Path by Learning viewing the activity related to a learning path for a specified Level 1
Path registration period. The report displays all curriculum
included in the learning path, when the associate registered Date Range
for the learning path and their current status for each
curriculum. This allows the admin user to see who has
completed the learning path and who is in process of
completing the learning path (with the curriculum left
remaining to complete).

Enrollment by Enrollment by Course

The Enrollment by Course Grouped by Level report
Course, Grouped Course, provides a list of all associates that have registered for a Date Range
by Level 1 Grouped by course along with their status and score (if applicable) on
Level 1 the course final assessment. The report will run by Level
One, Level Two or Level Three depending on the role of the
administrative user running the report.

Associate Activity Associate Level 1

The Associate Activity report is useful for viewing the
Report Activity Report detailed lesson activity associated with eLogic courses. Date Range
This report is the only report in the application which
displays a row for each lesson within an eLogic course that
has been accessed by an Associate. For example, if a
course has four lessons and an associate has
access/viewed three of the lessons within the course, the
report will display three rows. This report also will display
activity related to SCORM courses but this information is at
a summary level (one row per course per associate

3 eSSential v.8.24 Reports Matrix | elogic Learning

Menu Sub-Menu Title of Report Title on Report Description Report Parameters

Associate Courses Associate Student Course Level 1

The Associate Cumulative Course Hours report provides an
Cumulative Hours Lesson Activity analysis of hours completed for curriculum (courses and Date Range
Reports Report Report training session) for the registration timeframe selected.
This report is the only report in the application which
displays hour information. The hours displayed on the
report are the Estimated Hours to complete (for courses)
and the actual timeframe for the event (based on start and
end time minus break time entered when attendance is

Training List Associates by Cumulative Training Session

The Associates by Training Session report lists all
Training Session Curriculum registration activity for all events associated with the
Sessions Hour Report training session selected. This report indicates whether the
associated attended, did not attend, or if attendance has
not been marked. This report displays all past events for the
training session selected. The report will not display any
future event.

List Associates by List Associates Training Session

The List Associates by Training Session by Status report is
Training Session by Training one of the most used reports in the application by clients Level 1
Status Session Status who heavily use the instructor led training functionality of
eSSential. This report can be used for exception analysis. Job Code
There are several status options on the report parameter Date Range
page (Did Not Attend Only, Not Registered, and All Who
Have Not Attended) which allow administrative users to Status
identify associates who are not in compliance with training

Certifications Associative Associative Certified Learning Path

The Associate Certification report allows the admin user to
Certification Certification view certified learning path activity. This report includes Date Range
Report Report options for viewing all certifications earned during the date
range entered regardless of whether the certificate is
currently active or inactive, view all certifications that were
earned during the date range and are still active by the end
date selected, and for viewing all certifications that expired
during the time period selected.

Certification Certification Certified Learning Path

The Certification Expiration report allows the admin user to
Expiration Report Expiration view certifications expiring within the date range selected. Other Certification
Report This report includes both certifications earned via the
certified path functionality as well as certifications manually State
entered or entered via the FTP import. Certification Number/Code
Date Range

4 eSSential v.8.24 Reports Matrix | elogic Learning

Menu Sub-Menu Title of Report Title on Report Description Report Parameters

Survey none Survey Results by Survey Results Survey

The Survey Results by Course report allows the admin user
Course by Course to view aggregate survey results for the time period Date Range
selected for surveys associated with online courses.

Survey Results by Survey Results Survey

The Survey Results by Training Session report allows the
Training Session by Training admin user to view aggregate survey results for the time Date Range
Session period selected for surveys associated with training

Generic Survey Generic Survey Survey

The Generic Survey Results report allows the admin user to
Results Results view aggregate survey results for the time period selected Date Range
for generic surveys (typically sent via email notification). To
navigate to the Survey Reports List Page, select Reports
from the Admin Menu Bar. On the Reports menu select the
Survey Reports link. This will display the Survey Reports
List page. From this page select the Generic Survey
Results section.

Media none Media Library Media Library Media Name

The Media Library Checked Out Report allows the admin
Checked-out Checked-out user to view media library items checked out by admin Media Type
Library Report Report users for the time period selected. This report only displays
Report an item if it is currently checked out (as of the time the Check-out Date Range
report ran).

Pre-Hire none Please Choose Please Choose Pre-Hired Associate

The Pre-Hire Results Report allows the admin user to view
Pre-Hire Pre-Hire detailed responses (questions and answers) from a pre-hire
for a particular pre-hire test.

Custom The Custom Reports page will only be active for clients who
Reports have had eLogic build one or more custom reports for their
organization. When a custom report is developed for a
client, the Custom Reports option from the Reports menu
becomes active.

5 eSSential v.8.24 Reports Matrix | elogic Learning

A Prep Steps curriculum > Training Sessions > Add Training Session
Webinar/Teleconference or Physical Classroom
Organizational Flow > Manage Facilities and Resources > Organizational Flow > Manage Facilities and Resources >

1. Add Facility Add Facility

Facility Name*: Webinar or Teleconference Facility Name*: Facility Name

Software Name Facility Type: Choose from list
Facility Type: WebCast or Conference Call Choose Timezone: For informational purposes only
Choose Timezone: For informational purposes only Address*: Facility Address
Address*: Webinar or City, State, Zip*: Facility Address
Teleconference Number
Contact*: Name and Phone Number
City, State, Zip*: Instructor’s or Headquarters of Facility Contact
Contact*: Name and Phone Number
of Webcast Support

* included on reminder email and iCalendar * included on reminder email and iCalendar

Organizational Flow > Manage Facilities and Resources > Organizational Flow > Manage Facilities and Resources >

Add Resource Add Resource

Facility: Choose from List Facility: Choose from List

Resource Category: Online/Teleconference Resource Category: Workspace
Resource Type: Virtual Classroom Resource Type: Choose from list
Resource Name*: Webinar Software Support Resource Name*: Room Name
URL or Teleconference ID
Capacity: Maximum allowable participants
Capacity: Number of maximum allowable (can be increased later)
participants (can be increased later)
Comments*: Special instructions, such as room
Comments*: Add login/password information location, etc.
with <br> tags to separate lines

* included on reminder email and iCalendar * included on reminder email and iCalendar

Surveys (if applicable) Email Templates

Site Information > Manage Surveys > Site Information > Manage Email Templates >

2. Add Registration Survey (training session) 3. Add Reminder Email

Associate must complete this survey as part of Event reminders are sent by default 6 days and
registration process. Useful for capturing 1 day prior to the event to all Active Associates
anonymous demographic information or any registered for the event.
special user requirements.

Site Information > Manage Surveys > Site Information > Manage Email Templates >

Add Post Session Survey Add Post Session Email

Generic type survey that allows anonymous Typically used to distribute surveys to the
feedback to be collected for the training event event attendees allowing anonymous
(facility, instructor effectiveness, content, learning feedback and manually initiated by the
objectives). instructor when attendance for the training
session is marked.

© 2010 eLogic Learning, L.L.C.

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B Add the Training Session and Event(s)

1. Add Training Session Information

Title – the name that will display whenever a Training Session is presented in the application.
We highly recommend shorter title names for the monthly calendar view to associate users and
certificate. The title will not allow a duplicate title to be created.
Number – This is a reference number only similar to the course number.
Target Audience – for administrators and instructors to place notes on targeted users for the
training session, useful when determining how to assign the training session.
CEUs – This field allows the entry of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for the training session.
Administrator – This drop down field includes a list of all Site Administrators, Training
Managers, and Instructors. The user selected will have full access to manage all events for the
training session.
Select the Reminder Email, Post Session Email and Registration Survey (optional) you
chose/created in the prep steps.

Click the Add button to submit the training session information.

2. Click Create Overview and Objectives

View page 127 in the eSSential Admin Guide for more information
This diplays on the registration confirmation page and waitlist notification. If a Web conference,
this can be an additional location for the login and support information, if it applies to all events.

3. Approve Training Session

Once you add overview and objections, if you have the permissions to approve
training sessions, you may click yes to approve; otherwise, you may click Send for
Approval. Click Update every time to save changes.

4. ActivateTraining Session
Once the training session is approved, click yes to activate training session. Click
Update every time to save changes.

5. Add a Location
Once you add the training session, you can add a location creating an event.
Facility – Select the facility you chose/created in the prep steps.
Timezone – Select the timezone based on the location of the event. Ensure you select
appropriately between Standard time and Daylight Savings time. The training session
timezone is used to calculate local time for users in different timezones.
Start Date – Enter the Month, Day, and Year for the first day of the training event.
End Date – Enter the Month, Day, and Year for the end date of the training event.
Start Time – Enter the start time for the event.
End Time - Enter the end time for the event.

6. Add a Resource
Once you add the location, you can add a resource or room to the event. The list of rooms and
instructors will be limited based on availability for the date, facility and time selected.
Room – Select the resource you chose/created in the prep steps.
Total Attendees – Define the maximum number of associate users that will be allowed to
register for the training event. Once capacity is reached, any users attempting to register will be
placed on a waitlist.
Instructor – Select the instructor who will be leading the event. The user selected will have
access to mark attendance, print name tags, and the sign-in sheet.
Did you know?
7. Submit You do not have create new generic surveys for each
training session. The generic survey report can be
After submitting the resource, the event will display an event summary, where you can edit the
run by training session to separate the results.
event information, register associates directly or delete the event. The event will remain in
pending until the event begins. Click View All to see events not within next 30 days.

© 2010 eLogic Learning, L.L.C.

Proprietary and Confidential View the eSSential Admin Guide for more information
C Edit Events and Manage the Attendees

1. The event summary:

Edit – The edit feature will allow you to change information about the event (date, instructor,
time, facility, room, and attendee size)
Register – If there are no associates registered for the event, this link launches an associate search
screen and allows the admin user to register an associate directly for the training event.
Delete – This link will delete the training event. This link is only available when associates have
not registered for the event.
Task List – This button will launch the task list screen, where you can create tasks and assign to
any administrative user in the application, and view all previously created tasks.

2. Once associates are registered:

Cancel – The application will send an email notification to all associates registered for the event
indicating that the event has been canceled.
Print Name Tags – Launches a report in a separate window that can print name tags for an
instructor led event.
View Attendees – Once the training session is approved and active, you
will be able to register associates to the event via this page, which What if more associates register than are allowed?
provides a list of currently registered associates.
The application has automated waitlist registration functionality. If any users are unregistered from
Print Attendees List – This report is commonly printed and used for a the event, the system will automatically register the first person on the waitlist. If there are
associates on the waitlist, a link will appear on the event summary and the attendees page to view,
sheet when physical signatures are required for attendance audit
delete or register. Over-booking associates from the waitlist is allowed without increasing the
purposes. capacity for that event. View Page 197 in the eSSentail Admin Guide for more information.

3. View Attendees 4. After the event:

Register an Associate for this Training Session Event – Launches the Mark a Non-Registered Associate as Attending this Training Session –
associate search screen and allows you to register an associate directly for Register an associate for a training Session they attended, but did not
the event. The application sends the Site Email Training Session Registra- register in advance.
tion when the instructor unregisters an associate from a training event. Mark Attendance – This will update the associate’s transcript as attended
Un-register – This will remove the associate from the event. The with their score and hours minus any breaks.
application sends the Site Email Training Session Cancel when the Mentor Notes – Provides associate specific feedback to work on from the
instructor unregisters an associate from a training event. training event and for goal setting and for the evaluation and review
Mentor Notes – Provides associate specific feedback to work on from the process. Displays in associate’s transcript once attendance is marked.
training event and for goal setting and for the evaluation and review Send Follow-up email to Attendees – This sends the Post Session Email to
process. Displays in associate’s transcript once attendance is marked. all associates who were marked attended.

Why use the LMS for training sessions?

Track associates’ learning Invite associates to training: Blended learning:
and compliance:
When you register an associate for a Combine elearning courses with instructor led training
Use reports to track associate attendance training session, an email is automatically by offering online training that gives the associates
and successful completion of training; use generated to the associate containing an preliminary knowledge of the content as a prerequisite,
registration surveys to pretest associates iCal (Internet calendar) link, so the associate a training session to field questions and demonstration,
and collect user demographics; use is alerted to the training and can quickly and a follow-up online training that reinforces the
post-session surveys to measure learning add it to their calendar. concepts and offers reference materials for further
efficacy and collect feedback. learning; all wrapped up in a learning path for ease of
access that can be certified and/or mandatory.

© 2010 eLogic Learning, L.L.C.

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A curriculum > Courses > Add Course > Import SCORM Course
1. Import SCORM Course

With course author permissions, Navigate to: Browse to course on your PC and click Import. Click on Pending Courses to edit, approve,
Curriculum > Courses > Add Course > Import Course Maximum SCORM file size = 125Mb. activate and test. Without approval
permissions, you can email an approver.

2. Edit Course Information

Title – the name that will display whenever a Course is presented in the
application. This field will not allow duplicate titles to be created and scans both
courses and training sessions.
Source – the source of the course for selecting and sorting courses on the Course
Source Usage Summary Report and the Course Source Usage Detail report.
Category – the category assigned in course searches in the Online Library.
Course Number – a reference number only displayed on search results.
Assign to a Level One – allows you to view which Level Ones the course has
been assigned and add new Level One assignments for the course.
Assign to a Level Two – allows you to view which Level Two the course has been
assigned and add new Level Two assignments for the course.
Course Pre-reqs – allows you to define pre-requisite(s) for the course.
Instructor Assigned – The instructor assigned can be used by associates as a
contact with any course content questions and receives notifications when a
course is dropped by an Associate.
Course Overview and Objectives – Do this last, after clicking <<Update>>;
launches the Editing tool and allows course overview, objectives and resources
to be added. This information will display on course search results.

Edit Course Testing Configuration Be sure to click <<Update>> in each section after
3. edit to save the changes. Assigning to levels and
Most eSSential clients use the SCORM course itself for all assessments. For more pre-requisites will be saved once the assignments
information on using the eSSential Pre-Assessment and Test Bank functionality, are selected.
please see the Import SCORM Course section of the Admin Guide.

4. Edit Course Configuration and Activate Course

Approve Course - courses cannot be approved until all of the items in the Task List have a Green
Checkmark. Once approved, any Site Admin will now have the ability to activate the course. The course
cannot be assigned and used by associates until the course is active.
Course Due Date - controls whether or not the course must be completed within a certain number of days
from the registration date. If the due date has passed without the course being completed, the associate
user will no longer be allowed to launch the course.
Suggested Hours to Complete - solely a suggested time period and will display on the associate transcript
and some reports, which can provide your organization with a metric of the number of training hours
completed within the LMS.
Course CEUs – allows you to enter the number of Continuing Education Units associated with the course.
This is for information purposes only and displays on the transcript for each associate.
Course Cost – the cost displayed and charged for eCommerce course; assigned “costs” to courses taken for
purposes of charging back training to departments/cost centers and reported on the Financial report.
Entrance Survey - an anonymous method to collect demographic
information about the associates taking the course. If selected,
the associate will have to complete the survey before they can
To Activate the Course: start the course.
Exit Survey - launched when the course is completed (after the
1. Click yes to approve, then <<Update>>
last slide or final assessment) and is a good way to get feedback
on the course.
2. Click yes to activate, then <<Update>>

© 2010 eLogic Learning, L.L.C.

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B curriculum > Courses > Active Courses > Select Course > Manage SCORM Properties
The four most important measurements
What is a SCORM Course?
passed from the course to the eSSential LMS
The Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a
using the SCORM:
technical specification that governs how online training (or
elearning) communicates with different LMS applications.
the final score from course questions and skills
When should I manage SCORM properties? assessment. The course author can set a minumum
Maybe never. The defaults for the SCORM properties in the LMS are the score that recieves a pass for the course.
best settings if the course is configured properly by the course author.
The course is the primary source to correctly configure course completion status
properties. If editing the course is not a viable option to resolve an the course author can set several variables to
issue, there are SCORM property settings in the application that can return a completion: amount of time in the course,
change the course behaviors. the amount of material accessed, the score
recieved, or any combination.

success status
the course author can set several variables to
return a success status of either pass or fail: amount
of time in the course, the amount of material
Completion status not reporting as desired accessed, the score recieved, or any combination.
If a course is not reporting the associate’s completion status to the LMS bookmark
as expected, change the Status Rollup Mode by going to Rudimentary the course communicates where the associate is in
Rollup and setting Status Rollup Mode to Complete When Threshold the course, so when they return, they will be able
Score is Met. Next, enter the desired threshold Score for Completion. to start where they left

Pop-ups and too many windows Course resolution not the same
SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004
To decrease issues with pop-up blockers and too many windows If a course is not displaying the same size on all end users’
opening on course launch, change the launch type of the player and computers, you can control how the course is launched
the SCO by going to Launch Behaviors and changing New Window by going to Launch Behaviors and under New Window
to Frameset. Next, go to Navigational Controls and click Show Options, specify the window dimensions and select
Navigation Bar, or there will be no way to properly close the course. whether resizing of the window is allowed by the user.

Users closing browser before exiting course Save a working configuration

SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004
If users are closing the browser before they exit the course properly, When you find a configuration that works for a specific
the SCO may not report to the LMS correctly. To ensure the course is course authoring tool or course configuration, you can go
exited properly, go to Launch Behaviors and change the player and to Presets and save the current SCORM Properties
SCO launch type to New Window without Browser Toolbar. settings to apply to other courses later. The saved preset
is available for any course you import to the LMS.

C curriculum > Courses > Active Courses > Select Course > Import new version of this course
1. 2. 3.
Select the desired course and Click on Import new version Click Import to import the
make sure the new version of theis course and browse to new version. The new version
.zip file has the exact same the .zip file on your PC. is imported when you see the
name as the original .zip file Import Successful message.
Go to the course in the course
Associates in progress of a course will remain on that version library under the Curriculum
of the course after a new version has been imported. tab to view the new version.

© 2010 eLogic Learning, L.L.C.

Proprietary and Confidential View the eSSential Admin Guide for more information
D Testing the SCORM Course
SCORM course testing scenarios
Create a standardized testing plan
Develop a standardized testing plan for your courses Exit course before finish with course exit button, relaunch
that simulates user behavior based on scenarios your course, and confirm bookmarking prompt
users would encounter.
Exit course before finish with browser exit, relaunch
For best results, test your course in your production course, and confirm bookmarking prompt
environment by only assigning it to your test associate
in the application. Complete course with assessment score greater than or
equal to the mastery score and exit course with course exit
button. Confirm Completion, Pass, and Score all are
Test in Production appropriately communicated to the LMS.

After the course is imported, setup a test Complete course with assessment score greater than or
1. associate to see how the course looks, feels equal to the mastery score and exit course with browser
and functions from the associate’s perspecitve. exit. Confirm Completion, Pass, and Score all are
appropriately communicated to the LMS.

Complete the course. Make notes of any Complete course with assessment score less than the
2. needed changes as you go through the course. mastery score and exit course with course exit button.
Confirm Completion Status (this could be complete or
incomplete depending on the course setup), I or F status
If changes are required, republish the course and Score all are appropriately communicated to the LMS.
3. with the exact same .zip file name and import
the new version of the course in the course Complete course with assessment score less than the
management page. mastery score and exit course with browser exit. Confirm
Completion Status (could be complete or incomplete
When the course looks and feels right, use depending on the course setup), I or F status, and Score all
4. SCORM course testing scenarios to fully vet the are appropriately communicated to the LMS.
course. On the right are some scenarios you
may want to incorporate into your testing plan. Consider executing the above scenarios with different
versions of IE (based on your user community).

Test in the SCORM Cloud

What is a SCORM Cloud? Why use the SCORM Cloud?

a Web based application suite for SCORM courses Test your SCORM packages to make sure they
that includes a SCORM course testing tool. You can perform at their best and fine tune properties
use the SCORM Cloud to test courses quickly during
Launch SCORM courses outside of the LMS to
development without assigning or activating the
isolate issues
course in the LMS.
View data that is returned in an easy reading
For more information and to create a free account:
format without sifting through launch history logs

What are some best practices when developing SCORM courses?

Engaging, interactive content Address multiple learning styles Improve through measurement

Personalize the content to your audience Use a combination of words, illusrations, Test where your learner’s starting point is using
making it relevant to them audio and video to capture the learners pre-assessments
attention and understanding
Make the learner do something – even the Offer opportunities for the learner to test their
basic click is better than nothing knowledge throughout the course
Address the learner’s multiple intelligences
Draw the learner’s attention to the for better retention Test the efficacy of your course using
presentation post-assessments

© 2010 eLogic Learning, L.L.C.

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E Troubleshooting the SCORM Course

Update and search for information Popular authoring tools

The goal of any SCORM course authoring software is to Articulate Lectora
provide your audience rich, interactive online training that is articulate.com trivantis.com/lectora-pro-suite
SCORM compliant and portable across different LMSs. Being forum and support forum and support
software means imperfections and regular updates to smooth articulate.com/forums forum.trivantis.com
out application complications. Be sure to update your course
authoring software before publishing your course.
When issues arise with a course, your first stop is the adobe.com/products/captivate
authoring tool’s forum to find FAQs, lists of known issues and forum and support
solutions to common problems. forums.adobe.com/community/adobe_captivate

Trouble viewing the course

Camtasia Flypaper
There are several settings on your PC that can interfere with techsmith.com/camtasia.asp flypaper.com
the communication of a course to the LMS. forum and support forum and support
forums.techsmith.com forum.flypaper.net
Update your JavaScript
Javascript drives the communication to the LMS. IE and Java
are updated frequently to resolve compatibility issues. If a Atlantic Link
user is not getting a status/score update, make sure they atlantic-link.co.uk/
have the latest version of Java. To install Java Virtual Machine forum and support
on your PC, go to: Java.com/en atlanticlinkglobal.com/index.php?q=forum

Update your Flash player

Most SCORM course authoring tools use Flash .swf files. What are some best practices when
Using the latest version of Flash on your PC may reduce
course viewing issues. To install Flash on your PC, go to:
configuring SCORM courses for eSSential?
get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ We have developed best practice quides that detail
how to configure your SCORM courses to interact
seamlessly with the eSSential LMS.
Run IE without 3rd party add-ons
Sometimes 3rd party add-ons like the Google Toolbar disrupt
the browser’s behavior to the advantage of the toolbar, but Articulate
to the disadvantage of the course. To see if add-ons are www.elogiclearning.com/SCORM/articulate.pdf
interrupting the course, run IE without add-ons by going to: Lectora
Internet Options > Advanced > Secutiry > and uncheck
Enable third party browser extensions

Trouble launching the course

SCORM course project title and file names Your company’s Internet security
eSSential uses a URL scanner as a security measure to control IT departments work diligently to protect their system,
what is being passed in the URL to the application and fend off but at times this security can block SCORM content from
malware or applets that may affect the application’s integrity. launching. Be sure that your IT department has
The URL scanner will only allow the following characters: configured your organizations Internet security to allow
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX your courses to launch properly.

Don’t have access to the course authoring tool to make changes?

The .xml file located within the SCORM course .zip file contains all of the instructions on how the
© 2010 eLogic Learning, L.L.C.
course is to interact with the eSSential LMS. You can send the .xml file to the eLogic Support at
Proprietary and Confidential help@elogiclearning.com for more information on the course configuration.
eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Illegal Special Characters

What are the allowed text characters in fields and titles?

Within the application there are areas for text input. We have controls on the text entry fields to
only allow certain characters to be entered into the database. The allowed characters include:


In addition to securing the application via text entry controls, the following are the only characters
allowed in SCORM course titles (course title or page titles) and file names loaded via the bulk

and _

667 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

System Requirements
eLogic Learning’s eSSential™ LCMS is a web-based application that runs through a standard web
browser. The minimum hardware requirements are 486/66 MHz processor or higher.

ELogic Learning’s platform supports Microsoft’s Internet Explorer version 6.0 and higher. 32 bit
works best with the application. 64 bit has problems on certain pages on the admin view.
FireFox 1.1 and higher for Windows can also be used for associates.

The default security settings of the browser are typically all that are needed to run the
application. Microsoft occasionally will release security updates which change the browser
security settings available and marked by default. This may impact administrative users but
should not impact associate users. If the security settings are not set to the default, then the
Scripting tab within the security settings of the browser will need to be checked. Make sure that
the option to allow Active Scripting is enabled.

668 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Admin Users PC Requirements

Admin users will need to download an ActiveX plug-in to be able to use the Content Editor. The
Content Editor is built by a third party (Ektron) and must be installed on the admin users PC for
the content editor to work. If the admin user does not have Local admin rights to the PC they will
be using, then the Web Edit Pro plug-in will need to be installed by the Client’s IT staff.

The following URL contains a link to install the Web Edit Pro plug-in:


Additionally, the print option within Crystal Reports uses PDF to print all reports. It creates a PDF
version of the report first and then from Adobe Reader you are allowed to print a hard copy.
Depending on your Microsoft browser settings, you may be asked to authorize the download of
the report via a yellow bar at the top of the page. After you select yes you will have to select the
print button again. To avoid the download question from Microsoft, you can change your browser
settings using the following steps:
o Select the Tools link from the Internet Explorer menu bar
o Select Internet Options
o Select the Security Tab
o Select the Custom level button
o Scroll to the Downloads section and change the setting to Enable for the
“Automatic prompting for file downloads”

Associate Users PC Requirements

The associate user will not need the Web Edit Pro control. They may, however, need other plug-
ins depending on how courses have been built that will be delivered via the eSSential LMS. The
following plug-are typically required.

• Flash
• Adobe Viewer (PDF)
• Microsoft’s Media Player (supplied standard with Windows OS)
• Shockwave
• PowerPoint viewer (standard with IE 7+)

669 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

FTP Upload Interfaces

eLogic has five available interfaces to allow clients to upload data into the Learning Management
system. The upload process is accomplished using a comma separated file delivered to eLogic
via an FTP server. The FTP file is monitored 24x7 by an automated job. The import flow
includes the following steps.

Step 1 – A file is received in the FTP folder

Step 2 – The file is decrypted (if client is using encryption)
Step 3 – The file is checked for adherence to requirements and an email is sent notifying
client of processing success (records processed out of total records will be identified. Failed
records will be listed as well on the email). The email is sent to the email address identified
during the implementation process.
Step 4 – The data is loaded into the application
Step 5 – The csv file is moved to the archived directory and renamed with a time stamp to
indicate when processed.

The next five sections of the admin guide describe each interface in detail. Each section includes
a description of how the file is processed, the structure of the file and whether the interface is a
“new record only” import process or if the import will perform updates to existing records.

The available imports are:

• Associate User (new records and updates)

• Admin User (new records and updates)

• Certifications (new records only)

• Transcripts (new records only)

• Job Codes (new records and updates)

670 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Associate User Interface

Most clients with sizeable user populations will create an automated feed between a source
system (typically HRIS) and the eSSential platform. This interface is generically referred to as an
Associate interface since your users could be employees or external parties depending on how
you plan to use the system. The Associate interface must be in a CSV (comma delimited) file
format that can be FTP’d as frequently as your business model requires (typical setup is nightly or

The FTP address, user name, and password will be provided during the course of the
implementation. The file will be placed in the AAA_AssociateFiles Subfolder where AAA is
replaced with the three letter code assigned to the client. Within the project plan, time has been
allocated for your internal resources to build the file, load the file into the Stage environment, and
have your team verify the results before it is approved to load into your Production environment.
The table below provides the exact format that is required and the business logic behind each
field. There are a few rules that apply to all fields.

• Special Characters are not allowed in the application. Characters such as ampersands,
commas, apostrophes, etc. will be interpreted by browsers as programming language
and cause issues with the rendering of the application screens. Special characters must
be removed before the file is provided to eSSential for loading.
• If a non-required field is not to be used, it must have a NULL comma separated place
holder in the import file.
• eLogic recommends sending a full Associate file with each feed. The first file must be a
full file of all active associates. After that, the client has the choice of continuing to send
a full file with the most current information or they can create a separate interface routine
to only pass Associate records that change. To simplify the programming logic and
ensure that all changes are captured, we recommend sending a full feed every time. If a
change only approach is taken, the Associate record passed must be the complete
associate record not just the changed fields. The eSSential import routine does a
complete update (with the exception of user name/password) and if only changed fields
are sent, then data will be lost on the associate record.

Associate File Layout

Field Description Min Max Field Type Required
Length Length Mask
First Name First name of the associate 1 30 varChar X
Middle Name Middle name or initial for the associate n/a 30 varChar
Last Name Last name or initial for the associate 1 30 varChar X
Email Email address for the associate. Even though n/a 50 varChar
this field is not required, it is highly

671 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Field Description Min Max Field Type Required

Length Length Mask

recommended to pass an email address. The

system generates several notices via email.
This greatly improves the workflow of the
system when each associate has a
corresponding email.
Level 2 Code Level 2 Code that the associate will be 1 20 varChar
assigned in the system. This value must X
match exactly to the value created in the LMS
Level 3 Code Level 3 Code that the associate will be 1 20 varChar
assigned in the system. This value must
match exactly to the value created in the LMS
Level 1 Code Level 1 Code that the associate will be 1 20 varChar
assigned in the system. This value must X
match exactly to the value created in the LMS
Employee ID This field must be the unique identifier for the 1 50 varChar
Associate from your source system (HRIS).
This field should be a value that never
changes for the associate since it is used as
the primary link between the source system
and the LMS
Manager Leave this field blank. It is not used by the n/a 200 varChar
Email LMS
Job Code If you will be using Job Codes as an additional n/a 20 varChar
method to assign Curriculum and/or Learning
Paths, then this field should be populated.
The Job Code value must be an exact match
with the LMS value. The only method to
assign or change a Job Code with an
associate is via the Associate Interface.
Safety Code Similar to Job Codes, Safety Codes can be n/a 20 varChar
used as an additional method to assign
Curriculum and/or Learning Paths. The only
method to assign or change a Safety Code
with an associate is via the Associate
EEO Code Similar to Job Codes/Safety Codes, EEO n/a 20 varChar
Codes can be used as an additional method to
assign Curriculum and/or Learning Paths. The
only method to assign or change an EEO
Code with an associate is via the Associate
Original Date Date of original hire for the Associate (if an n/a Date Date/Time
of Hire employee). This is an optional field. mm/dd/yyyy
Location This is the location name. This must be n/a 20 varChar
spelled identically to how it is defined in the

672 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Field Description Min Max Field Type Required

Length Length Mask

Name LMS. As with all other fields, special

characters are not allowed in the name.
Active Status 1 = Active employee/user Int Int Integer
Flag 0 = Inactive employee/user
When an inactive status is passed, that
associate is no longer a valid user of the
system and thus no longer counts against the
User Name Name that will be used to log into the LMS 8 20 varChar
application. This field must be unique and not
duplicated across associates. This field is
required for each associate. This field is
updated on every load to allow for user names
based off of last name to be updated if user is
married/has name change. eLogic’s standard X
setup requires a User Name to have a
minimum of 8 characters. This minimum
length is a configurable setting and can be
changed by eLogic. If the minimum is
changed, it is a global setting and applies to all
Password Password that will be used to log into the LMS 8 20 varChar
application. This field is required the first time
a new associate is passed to the system.
After that, this field is ignored and X
username/password is maintained in the LMS.
eSSential requires at least one numeric and
one character in the password.
Rehire Date Rehire date for employees that are rehired. n/a Date
This is an optional field and is often not
provided by clients.
COA Code(s) COA codes are skill codes that provide 1 255 varChar
another method for assigning Curriculum 1|2|3 (if
and/or Learning Paths. Even though this is a multiple
required field, 0 is a valid value if your values)
organization does not use COA codes. This X
field will allow multiple values to be assigned
to a single Associate. If you do assign
multiple values, separate each value with a
Pipe Bar “|”

673 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Administrative User Interface

The eSSential LMS maintains two distinct user types. The first user type is the Associate user.
These are the main users of the system or the “student” users. When logging in as an associate,
the user will be limited to searching/registering for training, taking online training, and
viewing/printing transcripts and certificates. When logging is as an administrative user, the user
has access to the administrative side of the eSSential LMS application. There are several
standard Administrative roles in the system. Each role provides the user with different system
privileges. A Site Administrator has access to the complete system. A Level 1 Manager has
access to report on all associates assigned to that Level 1 or at any Level 2 or Level 3 below the
Level 1. A Level 2 Manager has access to report on all associates assigned to that Level 2 or
any Level 3 below the Level 2. A Level 3 Manager can only view associates assigned to the
Level 3. The Level Manager roles are typically used to provide managers of resources the ability
to monitor training progress of their direct reports. If a user needs to be both an administrator and
an associate, they will need to have two separate users created in the system.
The administrative user interface provides clients with the ability to automatically load and
maintain administrative users. Clients often create a link between their HR system and the
eSSential LMS leveraging the organizational hierarchy built in the HR system to determine who
should be set up in the LMS as an administrative user and how they should be assigned. This
can either be a one-time feed or a recurring file transfer sent as frequently as appropriate for the
client’s business model.
The Admin User interface file must be in a CSV (comma delimited) file format that can be FTP’d
as frequently as your business model requires. The file will be placed in the AAA_UserFiles
Subfolder where AAA is replaced with the three letter code assigned to the client.
The table below provides the exact format that is required and the business logic behind each
field. There are a few rules that apply to all fields.

• Special Characters are not allowed in the application. Characters such as ampersands,
commas, apostrophes, etc. will be interpreted by browsers as programming language and
cause issues with the rendering of the application screens. Special characters must be
removed before the file is provided to eSSential for loading. The only characters allowed
would be “@” in the email field and “–“ in the first name, last name, and email fields.

• eLogic recommends sending a partial file with each feed. The first file must be a full file of
all admin users. After that, the client may want to consider only sending partial files with
just new admin users or users that have changed. This is especially important if the client
alters admin user privileges from the standard roles. The import process will overwrite any
manual changes restoring the default of the role.

674 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Administrative User Interface Layout

Field Description Min Max Field Type Required
Length Length Mask
First Name First name of the admin user 1 30 varChar X
Last Name Last name or initial for the admin user 1 30 varChar X
User Name Name that will be used to log into the LMS 4 20 varChar
application. This field must be unique and
not duplicated across admin users. This
field is used by the import to determine if
the user exists and should be updated or if
this is a new user. eLogic recommends
using a strong user name alpha and
numeric values, but this is not required.
Email Email address for the admin user. 7 50 varChar X
Password Required and used only the first time a 8 20 varChar
record is sent to eSSential. After that, a
value can still be passed but will not be
used by the system.
Role Type This defines the role that the admin user n/a n/a Integer
should have in the eSSential application.
An admin user can have only one role in
the system.

RoleId RoleType
1 Siteadmin
2 Level 1 manager
3 Level 2 manager
4 Level 3 Manager
Level Code This field is related to the Role Type field. If 1 20 VarChar
Assignment an admin user is given a Level 2 manager
role type, then the Level 2 they are
assigned should be passed in this field. If
an admin user is given the Siteadmin role,
then “0” (numeric value) must be passed in
this field.
If a user has multiple Level 1, Level 2, or
Level 3 assignments, then multiple records
for that user should be sent in the file. For
example, if a user is a Level 3 manager and
should be assigned to 5 level 3s, then 5
records would be passed for that manager
all with identical information with the
exception of this field.

675 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Certification Record Interface

The eSSential LMS has two types of certification records. The first type is tied to a certified
learning path. This certification record is created when an associate successfully completes a
certified path. The certification record is automatically added to their transcript with an expiration
date calculated from the date the final curriculum in the certified path is created. Certification
records from certified paths can be renewed within 30 days of the expiration of that certification
by re-taking the certified path. The system will generate a reminder 30 days prior to expiration
that the certification is nearing the expire date.
The second type of certification is a manually created certification. A manual certification has
most of the same functionality as a certification created from a learning path. The certification will
display on the associate’s transcript. The system will send a reminder 30 days prior to expiration.
The certification will also show on the relevant certification reports. The only difference is that the
record is not tied to a certified learning path thus there is no renewal option. The only way to
renew would be to insert a new manual certification record. There are two ways to manually
create certification records. The first is by logging into the system as an administrative user and
accessing the associate maintenance screen. From this screen, the admin user has the ability to
manually define a certification. The second method is used for the bulk loading of certification
records. This import can be used for initial data conversion purposes or it can be used to
maintain an interface between the eSSential LMS and an external application. The following
section describes the file layout for the certification import.

• The import routine will run in a similar fashion to the Associate user import. The client will be
able to send a file to a FTP folder which will be monitored real-time by the Distribute
Command Engine (DCE). This folder is named “certification”. When a file is detected, the
import process will be initiated. Upon completion, the import process will generate an email
notification with number of records successfully loaded and number of records that failed.
Any failed records will need to be fixed and reloaded by the client in a new interface file. The
following validation checks will be performed by the interface during import.
o User Name must be a Associate in the system (either active or inactive)
o Other field values must be consistent with import layout defined below.
o The import will NOT check for duplicate certification records.
• This is an insert only interface. The import process will not perform any updates of existing
certification records once they are loaded.
• The file should be provided in a csv format with no header record. If Client does not pass a
non-required field, there will still need to be a comma separator for the field.
• As with all other areas of the application, special characters will not be allowed in the
Certification Name or Certification Number fields.

676 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Certification Interface Layout

Field Min Max Required Comment

User Name 1 20 Yes This is the login name for essential
Certification Name 1 100 Yes This is the certification name. It is important that
this name is spelled identical you how the client
would like to run the report. This is the main
parameter for the certification report.
Certification 1 20 No Any alpha numeric value
State 2 2 No This is the two digit state abbreviation.
Earned Date Date Date Yes mm/dd/yyyy. The date must have leading zeros
to the month and day field or the record will not
Expire Date Date Date Yes mm/dd/yyyy. This is the certification expire date.
The date must have leading zeros to the month
and day field or the record will not load.

677 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Transcript Record Interface

The eSSential LMS transcript interface will load data to the courses section of the interface. This
interface will not import training session attendance or certification records. This interface will
allow clients to add transcript records from sources outside of the LMS into the student record for
the LMS.
The import routine will run in a similar fashion to the Associate user import. Client will be able to
send a file to a FTP folder which will be monitored real-time by the Distribute Command Engine
(DCE). The folder is named “transcript.” When a file is detected, the import process will be
initiated. Upon completion, the import process will generate an email notification with number of
records successfully loaded and number of records that failed. Any failed records will need to be
fixed and reloaded by the client in a new interface file. The following validation checks will be
performed by the interface during import.

o Employee ID must be a Associate in the system (either active or inactive)

o Course Number must be a valid number in the system (either active, inactive,
pending or archive).
o Other field values must be consistent with import layout defined below.

• The import will NOT check for duplicate transcript records. Client will be responsible for
insuring only unique records are provided to the import process.
• This is an insert only interface. The import process will not perform any updates of existing
transcript records once they are loaded.
• The file should be provided in a csv format with no header record. If Client does not pass a
non-required field, there will still need to be a comma separator for the field.
• As with all other areas of the application, special characters will not be allowed in the Name
or Number fields.

678 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Transcript Interface Layout

Field Min Max Required Comment

Employee ID 1 50 Yes This is the employee ID in eSSential for the associate
Course Number 1 20 Yes This is the course number
Course Name 1 500 No This is an optional field. If you do not pass a course
name, the system will perform a look-up on the course
table and use the name in the course table. This gives
clients the flexibility to pass a different name than is
currently defined on the course table (in situations where
the name many have changed over time but remained
the same course).
Course Status 1 1 Yes This field should be tied to the completion status field.
Passed and Failed should always tie to a 1 (completed).
Incomplete should always tie to a 0 (incomplete).
P = Passed
I = Incomplete
F = Failed
Score 1 3 Yes Any numeric value from 0 to 100
Completion 1 1 Yes 1 = Complete (should always tie to P or F course status)
Status 0 = Incomplete (should always tie to a I course status)
Date Date Date Yes mm/dd/yyyy. This will be both the registration date and
the completion date.
Hours 1 10 No This is an optional field. If you do not pass the hours
value, the system will perform a look-up on the course
table and use the hours in the course table (if populated).
This gives clients the flexibility to pass a different hours
value than is currently defined on the course table (in
situations where the hours value many have changed
over time but remained the same course). This field
allows up to decimals of precision.
CEU 1 8 No This is an optional field. If you do not pass the CEU
value, the system will perform a look-up on the course
table and use the CEU in the course table (if populated).
This gives clients the flexibility to pass a different CEU
value than is currently defined on the course table (in
situations where the CEU value many have changed
over time but remained the same course). This field
allows up to decimals of precision.

679 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Job Code Interface

The eSSential Job Code interface allows for job codes to be loaded and updated in bulk.

• The import routine will run in a similar fashion to the Associate user import. The client will be
able to send a file to a FTP folder which will be monitored real-time by the Distribute
Command Engine (DCE). This folder is named “jobcode.” When a file is detected, the import
process will be initiated. Upon completion, the import process will generate an email
notification with number of records successfully loaded and number of records that failed.
Any failed records will need to be fixed and reloaded by the client in a new interface file.
• The import will NOT check for duplicate job code records within the file. If you pass two
records with the same job code, the interface will update the record twice.
• This is an insert and update interface. The interface uses the job code to determine if the
record exits. If it does, an update will be performed. If it does not, then an insert will be
• File should be provided in a csv format with no header record. If Client does not pass a non-
required field, there will still need to be a comma separator for the field.
• As with all other areas of the application, special characters will not be allowed in the Code,
Title, or Description fields.

Job Code Interface Layout

Field Min Max Required Comment

Job Code 1 20 Yes This is the unique code associated with the
job classification. This value is used to
determine whether to insert a new record or
update an existing record.
Job Title 1 100 Yes This is the job classification name.
Job Description 1 200 Yes Any alpha numeric value which is the long
description of the job classification.
Self Registration Int Int Yes This field controls whether a job code will
Display display on the self registration page. Either
a 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled) must be
passed in this field.
Group Registration Int Int Yes This field enables all associates with this
job code to have the group registration
functionality. This allows an associate to
register other associates in their org level
for instructor led training only. Either a 1
(enabled) or 0 (disabled) must be passed in
this field.
Safety Code 0 20 No This field is no longer used by the LMS and
should be left blank but a comma separator
must be present to support the file

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

The following is a glossary of commonly used eSSential terms.

Access Code – This code is used during the self registration process to provide a level of
security before allowing a person to manually create an associate record to access the
application. This will be either a valid Level Two or Level Three organizational hierarchy code.

Administrative User – An administrative user is a user that has the ability to log into the
administrative portion of the eSSential application. These users control the setup of the
application and have the ability to run reports on activity. Administrative users are assigned roles
when the user is created which drives what functionality the user has access to use.

Assignment – This is the process of making curriculum or learning paths available to associate
users within a specific Level hierarchy value. Assigning curriculum/learning paths do not mean
that an associate user is registered for the training, it means that the curriculum/learning path is
available for the associate user to register for.

Associate User – An associate user is a user that has the ability to register for and take
curriculum in the application. This is also commonly referred to as the Student user.

Certified Learning Path – This term is used to describe a learning path that has been marked
as certified.

Course – This is the eSSential term for online courses (commonly referred to as Computer Based
Training or CBT). An online course, once built, is available 24 x 7 for an associate user to access
on their schedule and does not require an instructor to lead the training.

Course Author – This is a security role for administrative users. This role is commonly given to
personnel who will be only responsible for creating courses.

Curriculum – This is the general term used to describe both courses and training sessions.
When curriculum is used in the application or user guide, it is referring to either a course or a
training session.

FTP- This abbreviation stands for File Transfer Protocol. This is the process that files are sent
from a client’s system(s) to the eSSential application for the mass loading or updating of data.
There are four available FTP interfaces with eSSential (Associates, Admin Users, Certifications
and Job Codes).

Instructor - This is a security role for administrative users. This role is commonly given to
personnel who will be only responsible for leading instructor led training.

Interface – This term is used to describe how data is mass loaded or updated into the eSSential
application. There are four available FTP interfaces with eSSential (Associates, Admin Users,
Certifications and Job Codes). This is also commonly referred to as an Import.

681 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Learning Path – This term is used to describe a group of curriculum available to an associate
user to register for in a single action. This is commonly done to group curriculum for
competency development purposes. Learning Paths can also be marked as certified learning
paths. When a learning path is marked as certified, the associate user will earn a certification
record when they successfully pass all curriculum in the learning path.

Level One - This is default term used by eSSential to represent the highest organizational level
in the three level hierarchy.

Level One Manager - This is a security role for administrative users. This role is given to
personnel who will be only responsible for “managing” one or more Level One hierarchy values in
the application. Level managers have the ability to generate reports with data for the hierarchy
values where they are identified as a manager. They also have the ability to approve/reject
approval requests for registration, if applicable.

Level Two - This is default term used by eSSential to represent the second organizational level
in the three level hierarchy.

Level Two Manager - This is a security role for administrative users. This role is given to
personnel who will be only responsible for “managing” one or more Level Two hierarchy values in
the application. Level managers have the ability to generate reports with data for the hierarchy
values where they are identified as a manager. They also have the ability to approve/reject
approval requests for registration, if applicable.

Level Three - This is default term used by eSSential to represent the lowest organizational level
in the three level hierarchy.

Level Three Manager - This is a security role for administrative users. This role is given to
personnel who will be only responsible for “managing” one or more Level Three hierarchy values
in the application. Level managers have the ability to generate reports with data for the
hierarchy values where they are identified as a manager. They also have the ability to
approve/reject approval requests for registration, if applicable.

Registration – This refers to the process of signing up for training for the associate user. When
an associate user registers for an online course, the course is automatically launched. When an
associate user registers for a training event, they are placed on the list for the event. When an
associate user registers for a learning path, all of the curriculum in that learning path will be
placed in their My Courses/My Workshops list (they will need to eventually pick the specific event
to register for if there is a training session in the learning path).

Self Registration – This refers to the process of an associate user self registering for the
application. This means the person has manually created their own associate user record to
access the application.

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eSSential Admin Guide 8.24 v10.3

Site Admin User - This is a security role for administrative users. This role provides the highest
level access to the administrative application which a client resource can be given.

Site Email – This email address is defined when the eSSential application is first configured for a
client. Several notifications are automatically sent to the Site Email address only. These
notification are: eCommerce Orders, Pre-Hire Test Completions, Manager Approval Request when
no Level 2 or 3 manager is assigned, Final Assessment result resends (for eLogic Authored Final
Assessments) and Media Library Check-Out Requests.

Student User – This is a common term for Associate User.

Training Event – This is the specific scheduled occurrence of a training session. This includes
the specific date, time, location, room and instructor.

Training Manager - This is a security role for administrative users. This role is a combination
of Level One, Instructor and Course Author roles.

Training Session – This is the general (umbrella) term for instructor led training.

683 eLogic Learning Proprietary and Confidential © 2010

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