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Import OmniScan 1.0R0: Limitations and Remaining Anomalies

Document: ImportOmniScan1.0R0_LimitationsRemainingAnomalies_revA.doc

Rev. Prepared by Approved by Date

A Jean-François Martel Guy Maes 28-06-2004


1. Subject ..................................................................................................................................3
2. Convention ...........................................................................................................................3
3. General features ..................................................................................................................4
3.1 CLOSING THE CONVERTED DATA FILE ...............................................................................................4
3.2 DATA FILES WITH LINEAR FOCAL LAWS AND SKEW ANGLE OF 270°OR 180°.....................................4
4. Display of Acquired data.....................................................................................................5
4.1 POSITION OF AN INDICATION (PHASED ARRAY ONLY).......................................................................5
4.2 STRIP VIEWS: SATURATED SIGNAL (OVER 100% FSH) .....................................................................5
4.3 C-SCAN: C-SCAN DATA FROM RF SIGNALS ARE NOT CORRECTLY IMPORTED ...................................6
5. View information and Reporting ........................................................................................6
5.1 VIEW INFORMATION: INCORRECT INFORMATION ..............................................................................6
5.2 REPORTING: ACCESS REPORTS NOT AVAILABLE ..............................................................................6
6. TOFD Manager .....................................................................................................................7
6.1 TOFD ADVANCED PROCESSING ........................................................................................................7

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1. Subject

This document describes the major limitations and remaining anomalies known up to this
date for visualizing, analyzing and processing of *.RDT files created by conversion of
OmniScan data files (*.OPD or *.OUD) with version 1.0R0 of the OmniScan™
Converter stand alone software, and the Import OmniScan™ module for TomoView
2.2R9 (or TomoView 2.2Q14), how they can affect the users and the possible solutions or
ways to bypass them.

2. Convention

In this document, the following color code is applied when referring to OmniScan
software content:

OmniScan menus are written in blue.

OmniScan sub-menus are written in red.
OmniScan parameters are written in green.

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3. General features

3.1 Closing the converted data file

Status: Limitation
Description: When closing the *.RDT file created by the conversion of an OmniScan
data file, the message asking to save an Attribute file (*.A01) always
appears even if no modification (Volumetric Merge, Hysteresis
correction, etc.) was made to the file.
Bypass: None. The created *.RDT file contains custom information fields that
specifies the original OmniScan file name and the date of the
conversion. The presence of these custom information fields prompts
the message even if they are not modified.

3.2 Data files with linear focal laws and skew angle of 270°or 180°

Status: Anomaly
Description: When trying to import data files made of linear focal laws (using the
OmniScan calculator) with a skew angle of 180° or 270°, the
importation fails.
Bypass: Using an external calculator (e.g. TomoView 2.2R9 calculator or Zetec
Advanced PA Calculator), program a law file with linear focal laws and
a skew angle of 180° or 270°. The data resulting from such a law file
are correctly converted and can be merged in TomoView 2.2R9 (or
TomoView 2.2Q14) using the Volumetric Merge function.

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4. Display of Acquired data

4.1 Position of an indication (Phased array only)

Status: Anomaly
Description: Depending on skew angle and orientation of the scan/index axis, the
position of an indication along the scan (or index) axis is wrong. The
position is off by value that is about the width of the wedge used.
Bypass: The OmniScan software always considers the left-front corner of a
wedge (in Phased array) as the reference point and a specific (and fix)
orientation in space (see figure below for a skew angle of 90°):

In this example, the scan offset value is negative (<0). For any other
orientation of the index axis on your test piece (for same skew angle
value), the scan offset value will still be negative. Therefore, proper
probe offset should be entered in the OmniScan
(Probe/Part/Position/Scan Offset or Index Offset) for the data to be
displayed properly. However, if the data is already saved without those
offsets, they can be added in TomoView 2.2R9

4.2 Strip Views: saturated signal (over 100% FSH)

Status: Anomaly
Description: Strip views for saturated signal (amplitude over a 100% FSH) are not
correctly represented.
Bypass: None.

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4.3 C-scan: C-Scan data from RF signals are not correctly imported

Status: Anomaly
Description: C-scan data from RF signals are not correctly imported.
Bypass: None.

5. View information and Reporting

5.1 View information: incorrect information

Status: Limitation
Description: Specific View information values related to setup parameters are
incorrect (Gates, UT Settings, Probe Settings, History, Analog Inputs)
The following View information parameters related to the UT Settings
are not available or incorrect:
- Pulser Voltage,
- Pulse Width,
- Filters,
- Smoothing/Video Filter,
- Acquisition rate, PRF,
- Averaging,
- Digitizing frequency
- Time base resolution
Bypass: To have access to setup parameters, create a report using the OmniScan
report feature (File/Report/Build). When the report is built, it can be
saved (*.HTML file) and/or printed.

For the digitizing frequency, the OmniScan always digitizes the signal
at 100 MHz. Depending on the number of points used to save the data
(UT/Advanced/Point Qty) a compression factor will be applied. The
compression factor can be found in the OmniScan report
(File/Report/Build – Scale factor). Dividing 100 MHz by that factor
will give the effective digitizing frequency. More information on the
concept of compression can be found in the TomoView 2 reference
manual Volume 1.

5.2 Reporting: Access reports not available

Status: Limitation
Description: The reports related to setup parameters (ex: Focal Law Settings, Gate
Settings, etc.) created using the Export database module or the Defect
table module of TomoView 2.2R9 are empty.
Bypass: None. To have access to setup parameters, create a report using the
OmniScan report feature (File/Report/Build). When the report is built,
it can be saved (.html file) and/or printed.
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6. TOFD Manager

6.1 TOFD advanced processing

Status: Limitation
Description: TOFD data files can be properly calibrated using the TOFD Manager
in TomoView 2.2R9, but using the advanced processing features (lateral
wave straightening and removal, SAFT) may cause crashes.
Bypass: None.

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