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Lifestyle and Fertility

Undoubtedly, the lifestyle and daily habits of both women and men, can significantly affect their fertility
and reduce the chance of conception.

A rich and balanced diet ensures a healthy female body, able to capture and sustain a pregnancy until the
end without problems. The consumption of fresh fruits and green vegetables rich in folic acid is essential
for women during pregnancy. Studies have shown that supplementation of folic acid three months before
conception and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy significantly reduce the incidence of neural
diseases in newborns.

Obesity and anorexia usually cause defects during the normal menstrual cycle. In cases of overweight
women has been observed that the loss of 10% of total body weight can cause spontaneous ovulation or
better response to ovarian hormonal drugs administered to induce ovulation. Moreover, excessive
consumption of alcohol destroys both the quality of the sperm (concentration, motility, morphology) and
quality of eggs, thus reducing the ability to achieve fertilization and pregnancy. Indeed, the consumption
of alcohol is limited to two glasses of wine a week.

Smoking and drug use negatively affects ovulation and semen parameters, reducing the likelihood of
achieving a pregnancy by 40%. The pairs then it is better to get rid of this harmful habit. Also,
environmental toxins and soluble wastes adversely affect fertility and should therefore be avoided.
Furthermore, men are required to limit their exposure to high temperatures (saunas, hot baths) and the
extreme heat reduces the concentration and sperm motility. Finally, women especially during pregnancy
should inform their gynecologist about all the medicines they take, and some are not safe for the fetus.

Lifestyle Vs. Genes: What are our ages?

Nikolas Georgiakodi

What are our ages? Query torturing several men and women who are over the age of 40 is usually the
person viewing the picture changes dramatically. Until recently, the investigations showed that the aging
of our skin was completely clear case ... gene. In short, heredity played an important role in the speed at
which our skin ages and show "tired". Modern research has shown, however, that regardless of genes,
the factors that have to do with the premature aging is every day around us. They relate to our lifestyle,
bad habits, our psychological state, but also the environment in which we live. So what exactly these
factors? According to experts, smoking, diet, sun exposure and excessive stress are more "dangerous"
enemies of our youth. How? Find out below.

Stress ...
... Cause the cells of our body to suffer. The stress and anxiety, reduce telomeres (sections of genetic
code) located at the ends of chromosomes. In experiments conducted, people suffering from extreme
stress or because of work or because of poor conditions at home, had an average of 10 years to increase
their biological age compared to their actual value. Stress reduces to a point where the telomeres, the
biological aging of cells ranged from 9 to 18 years! The cells are more affected by the reduction are those
belonging to the immune system cells that make up the body's defenses. Depression also increases
wrinkles and lines on the face, while those suffering from chronic depression are very "tired" muscles of
the face. The use of antidepressants, according to experts, can reduce the problem. Finally, people
suffering from depression tend to neglect themselves, enough smoke and consume large quantities of

The alcohol then ...

raising levels of female hormone estrogen in men and the male hormone testosterone in women. In men
the muscle volume decreased significantly, the body becomes more curved, the bones weaken and the
hair becomes more sparse. Alcohol also lowers insulin levels in the blood, leading to increased levels of
fat and create "curves" in men. In women the opposite occurs. The curves are lost, while the increase of
testosterone makes the skin less dry and rough, increasing the wrinkles. These changes start even with
small quantities and worsen with increasing consumption.

Smoking ...
as we have noticed several times on the packet is one of the main factors that cause premature wrinkling.
Smoking increases the production of metalloproteinase, a substance that helps skin renewal. So far so
good it sounds. However, an increase of production, creates problems as it begins to dissolve not only
the old and the new accelerating skin aging. In addition, smoking reduces the blood vessels that nourish
the skin cells, which means that smokers have wrinkles at younger ages than non-smokers. From
research done on, proved that smokers aged 40-49 years had similar levels Pliers non-smokers aged

Diet ...
This affects greatly the aging of the skin with a ... strange way. After the age of 40, people have more
weight than normal, they tend to look younger (!) Because the fat "pulls" the skin, making it appear firmer
and firmer. In no way is meant to start after 40 to eat in Abakan. If you want to delay aging, kai to live
longer with fewer health problems, it is best to limit the necessary calories you consume daily. H long diet
restriction in calorie intake (about 1,800 calories a day) is able to slow the rate at which ages the human

The report, otherwise attractive, solar radiation is one of the major factors of aging. Chronic skin exposure
to sunlight may gradually lead to premature aging, resulting in some areas brown spots and other
discoloration. The tan may seem prima facie attractive, but actually creates the conditions for premature
skin aging.

How can we "cheat" the fullness of time and show younger; Botox; Wrong answer. Following some simple
basic rules slowing premature aging? Right!

* Stop smoking
* Reduce total daily calorie consumption
* Exercise at least twice a week
* Less fat in the diet, and this comes from the fresh non-oil fries. This is to avoid butter, cream, cheese,
lamb, coconuts, palm oil, margarines, hydrogenated vegetable oils.
* Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and foods rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, ie, pulses and
wholegrain rice, wholemeal bread, corn, potatoes and reduce overall food high in protein, which is also
poor in complex carbohydrates.
* Reduce sugar in a couple tablespoons sharp maximum per day
* Reduce salt. No manufactured or restaurant foods, not canned, not soy sauce or meat, diced meat
gravies, ready soups, chips, crackers. Read the labels on foods. They must not contain more than 150
mg sodium per serving
* Drink alcohol in moderation or not at all

Lifestyle major cause of breast cancer

Genetic factors play a relatively minor role in causing breast cancer, and other factors related to lifestyle
such as obesity, diet, alcohol and breast-feeding is more important, according to a British scientific
The study, to Ruth Treivis of cancer epidemiology unit at Oxford University, published in the medical
journal "The Lancet", according to news agencies Reuters and French, studied over 17,000 cases of
women with and without the disease.

It found that the presence of specific genes increases while the risk of disease, but even more important
(and independent) are the factors that have to do with lifestyle.

According to the researchers, this finding is encouraging, because even if a woman has inherited a
"suspect" genes for cancer, if you care to live in this healthy way (weight control, limiting alcohol, etc.),
you can reduce the risk of disease.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in developed countries and kills nearly half a million
each year worldwide. Scientists have discovered so far 18 genes that increase the risk for the disease
that explain about 8% of all cases worldwide.

In the new study, British researchers took blood samples and detailed information about the lifestyles of
women who participated.

They analyzed the DNA of the women, while correlated with ten known environmental factors that
increase cancer risk: the age of onset of puberty, the number of births a woman, age when primitive (the
later, the greater the risk), whether breastfed or not, whether it is menopause and what age, the possible
use of hormones, weight in relation to the amount of fat, height and alcohol consumption.

According to the researchers, there was no substantial evidence to show interaction between genes and
environment on the disease, so the genetic and environmental factors are independent of each other,
although they can charge to it, if other the same person.

"Genes are responsible for only a proportion of breast cancers. The main risk factor remains the way of
life. The good news is that some of these factors can change, so changing behavior, women may reduce
cancer risk breast cancer, "said researcher Jane Green, also of Oxford University, who collaborated with

Another U.S. study, published last year in the U.S. had concluded that almost 40% of all breast cancer
cases could have been avoided if women have a healthy life by controlling their weight, drinking more
alcohol, making it more physical exercise and breastfeeding their babies.

Survival Guide (Water)

It is a coup, war, earthquake, a major disaster.

How to survive in the city, how they provide for our survival and those we love when they cut the
electricity and / or distribution of food and / or water.
First do not panic.
Then make sure to keep our temperature stable.
After searching for water. And clean.
Drink before thirsty.

Lack of water.
There is no water, we have bottles.

a) Drink the water from the cistern (if we have not put medicine) or the heater.

b) If we are trying to find a river. Due to the impurity of water leave for 1-2 hours to settle the dirt on the
bottom. Then pour clean water into another container and the filter with double fabric (eg shirt). This
removes dirt and thick parasites. After the boil for 6 minutes minimum (15 if you can).
Put in a bottle and shake to get oxygen to taste better.

c) melt ice. He did not lick the cold makes us lose our internal moisture in the effort to combat it. I do not
drink untreated NEVER if you get sick with diarrhea (at least) will lose more fluids.

-If you have something to cook but you put a drop of chlorine bleach (about 1 liter disinfect.) If the water
does not smell chlorio, put a few drops more. Anaktepste and let it settle for an hour to kill germs. For
flavor, put some charcoal (boxes at pharmacies or fireplace). Allow 45 minutes.
Another solution is the clay. A clay Petroula diameters 1 / 100 for half a liter of water, let dissolve for ten
minutes. Stir. If the water is very bad with interference filter with a cloth first.
-Tail. If no pleats tipot'allo your urine as soon as "produced". In some countries believed to be "medicine".
However, if you have no choice, as the shipwrecked and stranded ... The seawater contrary to the myths
can be drunk if you drink only sips 2 -3 per three-hour rather than 2 consecutive days.

-Do not eat, smoke, eat sweets and savory.

Healthy Lifestyle

Nutrition Center Nutrition Center

Because nothing is more important in life from health and wellbeing, we gathered a lot of advice about
nutrition for a healthier lifestyle, as well as additional information on physical activity, pregnancy, weight
management and your fitness, proper feeding your baby and more. GDA GDA
GDA (Guidline Daily Amounts-RDA) is a concise guide that shows the proportion of calories, fat, sugar
and salt in food you buy. Stay Active Stay Active
Regular exercise offers so much more to our health over weight loss. Discover how you can exercise
regularly, even on days when you're too busy, and feel the difference almost immediately. Weight
Management Weight Management
Now that health problems such as diabetes, coronary heart disease and stroke are increasingly
associated with overweight and obesity, managing your weight is one of the most important steps you can
take towards a healthier lifestyle. Calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator Body Mass Index (BMI)
The BMI measures the ratio of fat in your body for your total weight. It is a very good indicator of overall
health and wellness and you can be your goal, if you manage your weight.

The lifestyle is the best defense against flu

A healthy lifestyle is key to strengthening your immune system. To prevent influenza and other diseases,
the best thing you can do, they wrote, is to integrate into your daily health habits.

"I truly believe that our immune system takes care of many things," says Erica Brownfield, professor of
pathology at the Medical School of Emory University in Atlanta. "Even if you are exposed to the flu, you
need to catch it."

The best strategy for flu prevention are the key health behaviors, namely proper diet, regular exercise and
adequate sleep, according to Brownfield.
"It is also to wash your hands frequently and avoid contact with people who have flu. But it's really hard to
avoid contact with germs. To try to keep yourself healthy in general is the best defense against influenza.

Survival Guide

* Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits

When properly nourish your immune system is better able to fight infections. Your body needs natural
vitamins and antioxidants found in healthy foods. Eat plenty of dark green, red and yellow vegetables and
fruits. They are all foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene.

* Say yes to exercise

Every time you walk or run boosts your immune system and natural defense mechanisms of your body
against viruses. A daily walk for 30 minutes or three 10 minute walks is the minimum you need.

If you choose a more intense workout you can have even greater benefits for your health.

* Make sure you get enough sleep

Most adults need about 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Teenagers need a little more - about 9 hours daily. Children
need 10 to 12 hours of sleep.

* Reduce stress and anxiety

The little stress is good, but you should know when to relax. Excess stress weakens the immune system.

"There are no guarantees," admits Robert Schwartz, professor of medicine at the University of Miami.

You can do all these things, follow a completely healthy lifestyle, and still get sick. But if you're healthy
and your immune system works correctly, you are more likely to avoid the flu or at least get sick less

Bike: a new way of life

Lifestyle choice or necessity? Question on the use of bicycle and has to do with whether you are a simple
... viewer-supported, rather that the alternative way to travel is an option if you need or holder of the
medium and think that just a way of life.

In any case, it is certain that the last time the bike has started coming into our lives, not only because they
have moved, largely, the bike paths in Athens and Thessaloniki, but also because some have a form of
relief from the routine and stress. However, there are few who are now opting to bike to travel in order to
"beat" the economic crisis, since all movements with it's free!

The "picture" is reflected in the recent, third nationwide bicycle race, held in Thessaloniki, and which
involved more than 900 cyclists, ie twice higher than last year.

The bar went up and now the organizers of the "Cyclists Thessaloniki put the next target for this year,
which is to attract more riders for everyday use.

Even today, there are few mothers who go by bike, with the back of a child seat, and multiply more and
more cases of entire families, moving on bicycles.

The organized bicycle movements are gaining ground every day and add new cyclists, who are
demanding better quality of life, a healthier environment, safer travel and car drivers respect towards
those who move to entirely eco instrument.

Furthermore, all of us urging citizens to obtain traffic education, learning to use their bikes. Outside-the
last time in Greece, there are many brands of cars, which are in the back of the cab special racks to carry

The aim is to create a safe and modern environment, sustainable mobility, which in part will be
pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. The initiative calls for cyclists to use economic incentives to use
the bicycle as a reduction in the VAT subsidy market and tax relief, improvement and expansion of
bicycle paths based on the needs of cyclists, minimization of cars downtown, the integration of cycling in
the design and implementation every piece of infrastructure, transportation of bicycles on buses and bus
OASTH, trains and the Underground Railway, etc.

Also calls for the creation of secure bicycle parking spaces everywhere, the preferential treatment of the
bicycle as a means of transportation, the revision of the Road Traffic (Traffic) for the safety of cyclists and
education for the spread of cycling in schools, offices etc. .

According to preliminary assessments, and surveys of former President of the Council of Urban Transport
of Thessaloniki (SASTH) Transportation John Tosca, 2% of travel in Greece is by bicycle, while the
corresponding figure last year was 1%. Very soon there will be a formal investigation into this matter.

"The bicycle is a way of life and the ideal medium for travel distances exceeding 10 kilometers. It's fast
and sometimes even faster than machines," he says emphatically member of the Cyclists' Initiative,
Panagiotis Gavrelas.

He continues: "The important thing is they move alone, without crowding, and above all free. Of course,
from our side we must also observe the Highway Code. But that is present in everyone."

"The bike is an extension of our body. It is not just for summer but for winter. When it rains enough
suitable clothing, not to deal with a problem. The bad thing is that in Greece there are places to leave
bikes us, also, that if not careful, you can easily miss it, "he says, for its part, the Royal Tzouveli.

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