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Indiana University

I541 – Human Computer

Interaction I
Midterm Report
CTWeb Clinical Experience Tracking

Team 4: Eric Cox, Steven Entezari, Andre Franklin

Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

Table of Contents

I. PROBLEM SPACE ................................................................................................................ 3

A. CONTEXT ........................................................................................................................................... 3
B. USE ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
C. PEOPLE ............................................................................................................................................... 4
D. USABILITY AND EXPERIENCE GOALS .................................................................................... 5
1. Usability Goals ........................................................................................................................... 5
2. User Experience Goals ............................................................................................................. 6
II. CONCEPTUAL MODEL ....................................................................................................... 6
A. DESIGNING A REPRESENTATION OF THE TARGET SYSTEM ........................................ 6
B. BUILDING OBJECTS AND ACTIONS .......................................................................................... 7
III. IDENTIFYING NEEDS & ESTABLISHING REQUIREMENTS ...................................... 8
A. TARGET AUDIENCE AND THEIR NEEDS ............................................................................... 8
B. REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 9
1. User requirements .................................................................................................................... 9
2. Functional requirements ....................................................................................................... 9
3. Usability requirements .........................................................................................................10
C. TASK SCENARIOS ..........................................................................................................................10
Scenario 1: .......................................................................................................................................10
Scenario 2: .......................................................................................................................................11
IV. DESIGN & PROTOTYPES ................................................................................................ 12
A. CONCEPT DESIGN..........................................................................................................................12
1. Product concept explained in detail ..................................................................................12
2. Low-fidelity prototype ...........................................................................................................12
B. HIGH-FIDELITY PROTOTYPE....................................................................................................13
1. Digital illustrations .................................................................................................................13
2. Explanation of interaction and interface design ..........................................................13
V. EVALUATING THE DESIGN ............................................................................................ 14
A. USABILITY STUDY .........................................................................................................................14
1. Interview/Questionnaire ......................................................................................................14
2. Internal walkthrough ............................................................................................................15
B. ASSESSMENT OF FINDINGS ......................................................................................................16
1. User profiles...............................................................................................................................17
Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

2. Task evaluation ........................................................................................................................17

VI. APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................... 18
A. INITIAL PRODUCT ABSTRACT .................................................................................................18
B. LOW-FIDELITY SKETCHES ........................................................................................................19
C. HIGH-FIDELITY SKETCHES .......................................................................................................21
1. Prototype screenshots ............................................................................................................22
D. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ...........................................................................................................25
E. SAMPLE CONSENT FORM ..........................................................................................................26
F. QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS .......................................................................................................27

Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

HealthONE Inc. has asked our firm to develop an interactive product that can reach an
international user-base for a new medical data input device. Our firm has decided that there is
an immediate and critical need for a mobile clinical tracking system to be utilized at the medical
university level that enables medical students to log of clinical encounters, track progress within
rotations and view statistical data, all while in the clinical setting. Medical students have a
growing need to leverage advances in technology to more efficiently communicate with
professors as well as the hospitals and clinics where they perform their clinical and residency
A software company has developed an application that allows medical students to perform
some basic functionality related to their clinical experiences. There are also additional similar
systems and web services already in use by other universities, however, these universities
developed their systems in-house for self-use. These designs show great progress in the
capabilities available through smart phones, but only take advantage of a limited number of
possibilities this application could offer. For example, one major issue with these applications is
that they were only designed to work with the Palm and Windows Mobile operating systems.
Our team has determined a need to extend the current functionality to other devices such as
Blackberry, Droid, and iPhone and include application features that will provide ease of task
completion and overall a more pleasurable user experience. The application will satisfy needs
unaddressed by current systems by supporting students in complex scenarios, such as acquiring
signatures from clinicians, dialogue with Faculty and preceptors, and tracking course
progression while in the clinical setting. The application will be able to run as an autonomous
application or as an extension of a universities existing application offering for its medical

Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

Our design firm will create a new secure mobile-web platform that will enable the access of all
system information with any mobile platform, whether it’s an iPhone, Blackberry, Droid,
Windows Mobile, or a Palm OS device. Although the system will be accessible via multiple
types of mobile devices and platforms, we recommend that users of the clinical tracking system
access the system via a mobile device with a touch screen interface. The system being
completely web-based alleviates the need to install and/or configure a mobile application. For
access to the system, users will need to access the Internet via the mobile devices’ data plan or
wireless capabilities. The system will have both a mobile interface and a standard web
interface. Our system will maintain the use of electronic verification, but will also provide a
feedback feature for communication and verification between students, hospital staff and
professors. It will compare students work rate with course baseline information to provide
progress reporting as a means to assist in time management against expected completion
dates. The clinical forms, encounters checklists, and user notifications will be simplified for
mobile accessibility. The web interface will provide Faculty/Staff with the ability to validate
clinical encounters and track student progress.

The clinical tracking system will be primarily designed for Medical Universities, used by medical
students while on rotation within hospitals and clinics and University Faculty/Staff for tracking
educational progress. First, second, and fourth year students will be utilizing the utility to log
clinical encounters. Third year students will be utilizing the utility to both log encounters and
obtain verification of their encounter by a preceptor. Preceptors are faculty, staff, and resident
students who have been given proper rights by administrators. All primary and secondary users
should have a basic understanding of mobile technology, specifically with accessing the
Internet, and completing/submitting forms. The clinical tracking system will be developed for
the English language initially, but future development and marketing is planned for
international use.

Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

Primary Users Secondary Users Stakeholders Excluded Users

1st year students Medical Faculty IT professionals Hospital administrators
2nd year students Medical Staff LCME Patients
3rd year students
4th year students


 Effectiveness – The clinical tracking system will provide medical students access to
electronic clinical tracking forms and statistical data while providing Faculty/Staff access
to encounter validation tools. The goal is to provide both users with anytime access via
a simple mobile and web-based interface.
 Efficiency – Users will be able to interact with the system, submitting and viewing data
in real-time. Users will have the ability to log clinical data, track progress within
rotations and view statistical data while on-site. Affording them the opportunity to take
immediate corrective action. Clinical data submitted will be immediately accessible
through statistical reports.
 Safety – The system will also provide visual feedback to help the user avoid errors. In
the event errors are made, the system will correct itself or provide the user with
avenues to correct.
 Utility – With increasing and more stringent medical education standards, the system
provides a valuable tool in logging and tracking clinical encounters. The system will
seamlessly tie together the logging of data with subsequent reports. Moreover, the
students will have more situational awareness as to their progress in the program as
well as where they are in the program with regards to the average student. Functions
like this will evolve HealthONE’s utility to bring it to the forefront of the industry.

Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

 Learnability – The simplified interface, including icons, buttons and graphics will provide
an enjoyable experience and enhance the learning process.
 Memorability – The mobile interface will have simplified functions, which will not
require the user to remember complex operations. Quick familiarization with both
mobile and web interfaces will enable users to access pertinent information quickly and
with ease.


 Helpful – The system must be intuitive and inviting to the user. It must provide a one-
stop portal for logging and tracking. The system must afford medical students the ease
of uploading data without interrupting daily activities.
 Motivating – By providing the users with real-time statistics and comparative data, the
system will enable students to track individual progress compared to other students in
terms of yearly experience progression.
 Rewarding – Student users will no longer need to rely solely on Faculty/Staff feedback
on logging clinical experiences. The system must give the students administrative level
access to their own reports and put them in charge of their succession. The system will
be found to be so accurate and effective that the users will voluntarily recommend the
product to potential users. We predict this on the basis of our products direct impact on
the student’s engagement in the medical program.


A. Designing a representation (concept) of the target system

Due to the fact that medical students work closely with clinicians during the majority of their
years in medical school, the most widely used functions of CTWeb need to be designed for a
mobile interface. The fact that today’s students utilize mobile technology in their everyday life
fits well with the system operating via a mobile web browser; however, important functions of
CTWeb will also be accessible via the standard web browser. Because smart phones and PDAs
will be accessing system content, the design of the interface must be formatted for mobile

Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

browsers, and easy to navigate as well as easily read in a wide array of environments. The
system must be cross platform compatible and not lock the user into purchasing any one
specific device. The information reported while using the system is specific to a student’s
academic success; therefore security features must be in place for authenticating the user.

B. Building objects and actions (defined abstractly and broadly)

The major metaphor associated with CTWeb is classroom. The system’s main functions will
support and accomplish the goals of the medical student while on rotation. After
authentication via the mobile interface, users will be met by the system with an intuitive home
screen. The design of the system will provide avenues to log and submit clinical data, review
and validate student encounter data, provide feedback, view educational requirement
checklists, and view student comparison statistical data without being obtrusive and time
consuming. Nightly processes will run within CTWeb to not only generate several different
types of reports, but also notify Faculty and Staff of logged encounters data that is in need of
preceptor verification.

Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

C. General proposal of the product’s objects and interactions

CTWeb is a web-based system designed for both mobile browser and standard browser access.
The sleek interface will afford quick, but accurate logging of clinical data. CTWeb allows
students to access, log, and subsequently submit patient data with a minimum of obstruction
and time lost. The system, being web-based, allows for student, preceptor, and Faculty access
anytime, and from anywhere with real-time user-centered statistics and data.


A. Target audience and their needs

The target audience of CTWeb is associated with the Medical/Healthcare domain. At a
higher view, Doctors, Nurses, Residents, Academic Faculty, and Students comprise our
target audience.
Students in various medical schools around the country conduct different types of
interventions, or encounters, with patients of their hospital. The tracking of these
encounters needs to be recorded in such a way to allow the preceptors (Doctors, Nurses,
and Residents) to review and validate the encounter so the student can attain credit from
the Academic Faculty. This must be done while adhering to LCME, or the Liaison Committee
on Medical Education, standards.
The students can perform many different encounters throughout the day which causes the
potential creation of a backlog for the preceptor to verify. This elicits the need for the
pending validations to be located in a central place. Preceptors are also very busy
throughout the day and may not always find time to validate encounters. Therefore, the
system needs to alert the student as to when he/she has “overdue”’ validations. Preceptors
may also desire to give feedback to the user with regards to the conduct of an encounter.
Academic Faculty’s only concern regarding CTWeb is to ensure that the required
encounters are being completed. This specifies a need of the system to provide feedback via
reports to the faculty upon request. Also, to assist the student in making these
requirements, a need is elicited to provide self-monitoring of completed encounters and
even suggestions for future courses-of-action based on historic data.

Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

B. Requirements analysis
1. User requirements
 Students will manually type clinical experience data into CTWeb using a PC, Mac,
PDA or Smartphone device.
 The student will retrieve feedback from CTWeb indicating the clinical experience
data has been properly uploaded.
 The preceptor will receive a clinical experience notification from CTWeb.
 The preceptor will make a selection from a menu using CTWeb to accept or decline
the clinical experience information from the student.
 The student will receive a clinical experience notification from CTWeb that the
preceptor has accepted or denied the student’s clinical experience.
 The clerkship director will receive summary clinical experience information for
students who are under performing.
 The clerkship director will use CTWeb to monitor a student’s logged clinical
experiences, experiences accepted or denied by a preceptor, and the students
response to denied clinical experiences.

2. Functional requirements
 CTWeb will require a username and password for all users.
 CTWeb will confirm the users credentials using LDAP.
 CTWeb will accept manually typed diagnosis, procedure, and venue information from
credentialed student.
 CTWeb will provide a selection menu for the preceptor to accept or deny a students
clinical experience submission.
 CTWeb will record the preceptor’s response to the student’s clinical experience
 CTWeb will deliver an email notification to the student regarding the preceptor’s
response to the clinical experience submission.
 CTWeb will deliver an email notification to the clerkship director in the event the
student is under performing.
 CTWeb will provide reports, statistical graphs and feedback dashboards giving the
student summary progress information during each rotation.

Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

3. Usability requirements
 CTWeb will automate the logging and tracking of clinical experiences for both primary
and secondary stakeholders, eliminating the need for paper-based methods.
 CTWeb will allow students to submit multiple clinical experience request to the
preceptor for acceptance or denial. Eliminating the need to make multiple request.
 CTWeb will allow preceptors to accept or deny multiple clinical experience request from
a single student. Eliminating the need to sign multiple clinical experience request.
 CTWeb will operate as a closed network to secure the user’s information.
 CTWeb will partition each user’s profile information in order to secure the users specific
 CTWeb will allow users to forward emails from their CTWeb account to other email
based systems. This utility will provide ease of use when managing email systems.
 CTWeb will use a ‘Clinic’ metaphor structure to support user’s learnability of the system.
 CTWeb will accept clinical experience data from the student via either the laptop or
Smartphone devices to support the patient-clinician experience.

C. Task Scenarios (Task Description)

Scenario 1 – Typical medical student
Tomeika is third year med student doing her clinical work at Montgomery Regional Hospital in
Blacksburg, Virginia. She is being evaluated on her ability to perform a suture on an eight-year-
old boy named Roger who was deeply cut by glass on the playground.
Tomeika gives her evaluation of the situation and the necessary steps to take in order to
resolve the Roger’s issue, the preceptor agrees and Tomeika begins. She reassures Roger
before performing the suture and talks the preceptor through the procedure as she asks
questions about chosen techniques that Tomeika implements. After the suture is complete
Tomeika and the preceptor that observed her work begin to discuss what went well and what
went wrong and ways Tomeika could improve or apply her understanding more accurately.

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Tomeika annotates the procedure details in the encounter form on CTWeb using her iPhone.
Once the review of the suture is complete, Tomeika immediately hits the submit button on the
encounter web form. She receives an email notification from CTWeb verifying that the
encounter was logged and a notification was submitted to the preceptor who evaluated the
Approximately one hour later Tomeika receives a notification that her preceptor has validated
the procedure she performed and a link is provided for her to access her user account on
CTWeb. Tomeika logs in and begins reviewing the “Track Your Progress” section. Using the
link, Tomeika determines quickly that she is finished with the sutures required for her program
and decides to return to her apartment to study.

Scenario 2 – Typical medical student

Luke is a third-year medical student at IUPUI currently at Wishard Hospital in Indianapolis,
Indiana. Luke believes he has submitted most of his requirements to his preceptor, but is
logging into CTWeb to check on the status of his encounters.
Once logged in Luke begins to reviews his “Encounters Awaiting Signature” dashboard which he
created using CTWeb. It is here that Luke finds he has logged all of his requirements as
complete, but his preceptor Linda, who is the nurse on staff that works most of the shift when
Luke is at the hospital, hasn’t signed any.
Luke puts away his Blackberry Storm and takes a few moments to catch up with Linda to check
on the status of his encounters. Luke finds Linda and she explains that she would like to sit with
Luke now and approve his encounters all at once.
Linda logs into CTWeb finds the 3rd year students category, selects Luke Willmington and clicks
a checkbox for all of the encounters she has for him. Linda chooses the option to approve all
encounters. Luke receives a summary notification of all of the encounters that were approved
and Linda receives a notification for each individual encounter.
Luke explains to Linda that she can customize her CTWeb account so that she can only receive
one update at any interval that she requests. Linda updates her settings and saves the changes
to only receive a summary email on Fridays.

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A. Concept Design
1. Product concept explained in detail
CTWeb is a multi-platform web tool that encompasses academic learning management with
clinical experience logging and tracking related to University Medical School curriculum and
LCME standards. CTWeb serves as a multidimensional tool, which improves the effectiveness
of logging clinical experience data in a variety of environments, and provides invaluable tools
for students and faculty to manage content and achieve academic goals.

2. Low-fidelity prototype
The low-fidelity prototype sketches for CTWeb consisted of three separate submissions from
individual team members. To better grasp the concept of design and gather data about the
proposed interface, each sketch was analyzed and used in the final prototype design.
a. Sketches (low-fidelity prototype)
Appendix B represents the final prototype sketches of the conceptual design.

Home Screen
Clear paths to user tasks and system functions are immediately evident within CTWeb’s home
screen. The navigation bar located at the top of the page provides quick access to the most
important and frequently used features of CTWeb such as:
 Encounters logging
 Message retrieval
 Reports by rotation
 User preference settings
The home screen dashboards consist of:
 Encounters data snapshots in graphical form
 ‘Take action’ messages

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 Medical news
 Faculty/Staff search

B. High-fidelity prototype
The high-fidelity prototype of CTWeb was created using a variety of application development
tools including Microsoft PowerPoint, PHP, JavaScript, and basic HTML.
1. Digital Illustrations
a. Illustrations (high-fidelity prototype)
Appendix C represents the high-fidelity prototype design of CTWeb.

2. Explanation of interaction and interface design

Accessing the application via mobile device or web browser will initially prompt the user for
authentication. This is essential, as the application’s security features will not only determine
the depth and breadth of the user experience, but will keep clinical data secure and private.
Upon validation the user is greeted with a detailed navigation structure along with dashboard
content specific to the user’s current clinical schedule.
Dashboards outline clinical experience completeness graphs by rotation, graphs that compare
to the average of the class, action items, and yearly progress. Menu items such as (Log
encounters, Messages, Track encounters, and System settings) are located at the top of the
main page with appropriate sub menus. Content specific menu items such as logging, and
tracking delve the user into more specific selections such as (rotation, date, and procedure
name). The system continues to narrow content choices to enable users to submit clinical
encounters data for validation, request additional verification, and track rotational completion
tasks across rotations throughout the year.
System settings can be changed to manage notifications by (validated encounters and
educational progress). Additionally, users can specify alternative rotation content on the main
page dashboard through system settings. The mobile interface allows students to quickly
access clinical rotation reports while entering and logging new encounters data. This feature
enables students to be proactive in their learning experience. The user is kept aware of their
location within the system by the use of ‘breadcrumbs’ and navigational clues. The user can

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easily return to the main page by selecting the home link from any page. Further visual
representations of the interaction and interface design can be viewed in Appendix C.

V. Evaluating the Design

A. Usability Study
1. Interview

Demographic and Experience Questionnaire

(Please note, your information will not be sold or given to outside entities. It is for internal use only.)

1. Job Title: ___________________________________________

2. Age: 18-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50 or over

3. Role: Student Staff Faculty

4. Gender: Female / Male

5. Clinical specialty: _____________________________________

6. How often do you use a computer?

All day / A few hours a day / A few times a week / A few times a month / Never

7. How comfortable are you with computers?

Very comfortable 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Not comfortable

8. How often do you use a smartphone or PDA?

All day / A few hours a day / A few times a week / A few times a month / Never

9. How comfortable are you with a smartphone or PDA?

Very comfortable 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Not comfortable

10. How often do you use the internet?

All day / A few hours a day / A few times a week / A few times a month / Never

11. What is your level of satisfaction with paper-based clinical tracking?

Very satisfied 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Not satisfied

12. Have you ever used an electronic system to log patient data as a student?

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Yes / No

Thank you for completing our questionnaire.

2. Internal walkthrough
1) You are a third year student on rotation at the Indiana University School of Medicine. You
have just completed a central vein catheter insertion procedure for which you need a
signature from Dr. James Ellison. Using CT-Web please log the encounter and request the
signature on the performed procedure.

2) You are starting your Basic Clinical skills rotation, and cannot remember exactly how
many procedures you need for each encounter. Using CTWeb, navigate to the rotation
tracking web page of the site and determine how many Central vein catheter insertions
you are required to complete.

3) You have been working at a clinic for several months now. You have been logging
your encounters, but you don’t seem to remember if Dr. Satanos, Dr. Harmon, or Dr.
Stansfield have been your preceptors during this rotation or not. On the CTWeb
homepage choose the option that will tell you which doctors have been your preceptors
since you started this rotation.

4) You would like to know how many incomplete (not signed by a preceptor) encounters
you have, using CTWeb please navigate to the notifications section and find this

Post-Study User Experience Interview

1. How did you like using CTWeb for clinical experience tracking?
Liked very much / It was OK / Disliked / Disliked very much

2. Was all of the text easy to read and understand? Yes / No

3. What features of CTWeb were vague or confusing?


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4. Was CTWeb easy to learn and use?

Yes / No

5. Was it easy to complete the tasks you were asked to perform using CTWeb?
(if no, explain what it was that tripped you up)
Yes / No

6. Compared to paper-based clinical logging, does CTWeb increase or decrease your

efficiency for logging clinical experiences?
Much more efficient / Slightly more efficient / About the same / Less efficient
/ Much less efficient

7. Do you think other medical students or Faculty would like using CTWeb for clinical
experience tracking?
Yes / No

8. Would you feel confident using the mobile interface to log clinical experiences while in
the clinical/patient setting?
Yes / No

9. How would you rate your experience with using CTWeb?

Excellent 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Poor

10. What did you like the most about CTWeb?


11. What did you like the least about CTWeb?


B. Assessment of findings
After a review of all our data from interviewing primary and secondary stakeholders of our
application we were able to narrow problem areas of our solution to; users had trouble

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understanding what our labels meant and users had difficulty navigating the system
architecture to a desired outcome.

1. User Profiles
According to our demographic study most of our users were between the ages of 18-29 and
varying experience with a smart phone or PDA. However, all of our users expressed they had
experience with an electronic system for logging patient data before using CTWeb, and thought
this method was more efficient than a paper based-method, 3 of 5 users who preferred an
electronic method also expressed confidence using CTWeb to log clinical experiences while in
the clinical/patient setting.
2. Task Evaluation
Although, users enjoyed using the interface there were some inherent problems identified by
users regarding “labeling” and more symptomatic problems that geared toward “information
architecture”, these problems are as follows:
a. I’m impressed by your statistics………What do they mean?
Early on during our solution brainstorming we determined students needed a
graphical way to see how well they were progressing through their medical program
as compared against the average student in the same program at the same point in
time. We wanted to ensure the information presented would help the student
quickly assess how well they were doing in their program. Out of our 5 users 4
expressed confusion about what our charts and graphs were representing, based on
this information we thought it best to change our metaphors to ones more
applicable to the actions taken or lack there of, for example instead of “incomplete”
for our pie chart section indicating a task has not been started we decided to change
the metaphor to “Not Signed”, to support terminology used in the domain. As well
headers were enlarged to draw the users attention to the description of the content
before seeing the graphic and attempting to derive a meaning from vague
b. Click one get on Free!!!!
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From our applications home page we included a feature for students to search for
encounters based on a-typical yet specific information relevant to their procedures.
The intended functionality was to serve as a way to query the database using key
fields to retrieve information the student may not otherwise recall how to find. This
issue, users expressed dealt with the multiple selection options and the assumption
that two or more items had to be selected in order for the feature to work. What
needs to be made obvious to the user is by clicking any one of the options the
desired result can be achieved.
c. I’ll take what is pending for 500 Alex!
Another feature of the dashboard is designed to indicate to the user information
that may require them to take action, such as my preceptor has not signed 6 of my
procedures I need to send the preceptor a reminder, or I have 3 encounters that I
forgot to submit for a signature I need to access those and submit them right away.
While this shortcut is a great idea according to our subjects, they mentioned not
knowing what “Pending” meant. Our research indicates the label used here
(Pending) should be changed to something that does a better job describing the
information that it contains. For example “5 Encounters Awaiting Signatures”, which
provides a link to allow the user to request a signature.
Appendix F represents further information and details about the questionnaire results, which
includes both individual and average scores.

VI. Appendices
A. Initial Product Abstract
The CTWeb clinical tracking system has been initially designed to aid medical students, faculty,
and Medical Universities in tracking educational based clinical experiences, required by LCME
standards. In the ever-changing environment of medical education, CTWeb will be an
invaluable asset to clinical tracking. The majority of Medical Universities continue to utilize
paper-based methods of experience tracking. This primitive form wastes valuable time in the
fast-paced environment of medical education. Medical educators, along with students need an

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all-encompassing system that provides methods of logging, feedback, and progress tracking
across medical rotations.
The CTWeb clinical tracking system will serve as a medical universities primary component for
meeting all of these needs. The system will be accessible, upgradeable, extensible, and

B. Low-fidelity sketches
Original Interface Sketches

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Original Mobile Sketches

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C. High-fidelity sketches
Refined Interface Sketch

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Prototype screen shots

home screen

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track encounter

view reports

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mobile interface login

list of rotations

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log an encounter

D. System Architecture

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E. Sample Consent Form

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I hereby grant full permission to CTWeb to take notes of my comments during the usability
test for the CTWeb Clinical Tracking web site.

I understand that other employees involved with CTWeb may review these usability notes.

I understand that I may be quoted directly in internal documents, without reference to my


I understand that usability notes, my name, address, phone number and e-mail address will
not be shared with external third parties.

This consent and waiver will not be made the basis of a future claim of any kind against
CTWeb and any of its agencies.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this

_________________ day of ____________________ A.D. 20___.

Name: _________________________________________________

Signature :______________________________________________

Address : ___________________________________________



Witness: ____________________________________

Date: _______________________________________

F. Questionnaire results
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User A User B User C User D Average


Job Title Med student Clinical faculty Med Student Non-Med

Student Expert
Age 18-29 40-49 18-29 18-29 3 18-29,
1 40-49
Role Student Faculty Student Student 3 Student,
1 Faculty
Gender Female Male Female Female 3 Female,
1 Male
Clinical specialty Anesthesia Emergency N/A N/A

User Experience

How often do you use a A few hours a A few times a A few hours a All Day A few hours a
computer? day week day day
How comfortable are you 1 2 3 1 1.7
with computers?
How often do use a A few hours a All day A few hours a All Day A few hours a
smartphone or PDA? day day day
How comfortable are you 1 1 4 1 1.7
with a smartphone or PDA?
How often do you use the A few hours a A few times a A few hours a All Day A few hours a
internet? day week day day
What is your level of 3 4 5 2 3.5
satisfaction with paper-based
clinical tracking?
Have you ever used an Yes No Yes No 2 Y, 2 N
electronic system to log
patient data as a student?


Task 1 2 min. 4 sec. - DNC - form did OK- Difficulty Ok -Logging 3 OK,
OK difficulty not have option knowing what the encounter 1 DNC
finding how to to request a to select from went very
apply preceptor the home page well. There
signature signature was some
request trouble in
what a
signature is
and how to
obtain one.
Maybe we
should think
about placing
a request-
button on the
log encounter
Task 2 34 sec. - OK 31 sec. - OK OK-Tracking Ok - There was 4 OK

28 | P a g e
Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

Section is a a lot of mental

good idea overload.
There may
have been
for the user to
try to sift
through. Had
tracking her
mouse all the
way across the
screen to the
other end of
the table for
the required
number of
Task 3 29 sec. - OK 25 sec. - OK OK - More Greate - Very 3 OK,
Comfortable Efficiently and 1 Great
with Interface easily done.
Task 4 18 sec. - OK 17 sec. - OK Assumed you Ok - Easily 4 OK
must click found the
multiple "Find a
options before Preceptor"
"Finding a link. Thought
Preceptor" that she would
need to pick
criteria in
order to find a
Task 5 DNC - selected DNC - could not Made the right Ok - Wonderd 2 OK,
notifications find that option selection, but what exactly 2 DNC
but could not mentioned BCS is.
access Pending not However, with
encounters being a good that even, she
that were word to use. easily
unsigned navigated the
rotations page.
Task 6 19 sec. - OK 20 sec. - OK OK-had no Ok - Found 4 OK
issues making notifications
the right easily.
selection Pending, being
w/o signature,
is very
confusing for
the user. Make
it more explicit
that we can
customize the
Also, give the
option to go
back to the

29 | P a g e
Team 4: I541 Midterm Report


Post Interview

How did you like using Liked very It was OK Liked very Liked very Liked very
CTWeb for clinical experience much much much much
Was all of the text easy to Yes Yes No Yes 3 Y, 1 N
read and understand?
What features of CTWeb The select box The graphs The section The routing
were vague or confusing? that asks to don't show entitled tracking seems
choose the what the exact “Notifications” like all the
rotation numbers are, I was not information is
just color coded certain what on it. Maybe a
with specifically the little more
percentages. “Notifications” seperation.
was describing. Little more
I think if that clarification on
section had words like
stated pending.
more specific
Signatures” or
similar to that
it would have
been a little
Was CTWeb easy to learn and Yes Yes Yes Yes 4Y
Was it easy to complete the Yes Yes Yes Yes 4Y
tasks you were asked to
perform using CTWeb?
Compared to paper-based Much more Much more Much more Slightly more 3 Much more,
clinical logging, does CTWeb efficient efficient efficient efficient 1 Slightly more
increase or decrease your
efficiency for logging clinical
Do you think other medical Yes Yes Yes Yes 4Y
students or Faculty would like
using CTWeb for clinical
experience tracking?
Would you feel confident Yes Yes Yes Yes 4Y
using the mobile interface to
log clinical experiences while
in the clinical/patient setting?
How would you rate your 2 3 1 2 2
experience with using

30 | P a g e
Team 4: I541 Midterm Report

What did you like the most Easily readable The settings It was clear The doctor
about CTWeb? statistical feature to allow and concise to finder
graphics students to read. I like
provided in setup how colorful it
color code. notification is and that it
Validation alerts to help in uses pie charts
process with self-tracking. and graphs.
preceptor Validation
process with
What did you like the least The tracking The statistical I am not The grapf with
about CTWeb? tables are tables can be computer the lines.
confusing, not confusing for savvy so it Didn't really
sure what the students. would have use it. Also,
those numbers Not sure they been nice to didn't like that
mean. need to know have a tutorial I could move
percentile. bar that we my boxes or
Students need could click on change
to know how in order to settings. Kind
many they've explain how to of confused
completed navigate me at first.
compared to through the
total expected system. But,
and at what overall, I really
level (observed, enjoyed this
participated, product and
performed). would HIGHLY
recommend its

31 | P a g e

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