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WorkspaceFactory Workspace Dataset Types of Classes

IWorkspaceFactory IWorkspaceFactory : IUnknown

WorkspaceDescription (in plural: Boolean):
IWorkspace IWorkspace : IUnknown IDataset IDataset : IUnknown Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)
String IDataset ConnectionProperties: IPropertySet BrowseName: String
WorkspaceType: esriWorkspaceType
ContainsWorkspace (in parentDirectory: String,
DatasetNames (in DatasetType:
esriDatasetType): IEnumDatasetName
Datasets (in DatasetType: esriDatasetType):
Category: String
FullName: IName
Name: String
PropertySet: IPropertySet
Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
in fileNames: IFileNames): Boolean IEnumDataset
PathName: String Subsets: IEnumDataset created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
Copy (in WorkspaceName: IWorkspaceName,
in destinationFolder: String, out
workspaceNameCopy: IWorkspaceName):
Type: esriWorkspaceType
WorkspaceFactory: IWorkspaceFactory
* Type: esriDatasetType
Workspace: IWorkspace
another class.
CanCopy: Boolean IGeometryDef IGeometryDef : IUnknown
Create (in parentDirectory: String, in Name: ExecuteSQL (in sqlStmt: String)
Exists: Boolean CanDelete: Boolean
Type inheritance Types of Relationships
String, in ConnectionProperties:
IsDirectory: Boolean CanRename: Boolean
esriSystem.IClone AvgNumPoints: Long
IPropertySet, in hWnd: OLE_HANDLE): Associations represent relationships between classes . They have defined GeometryType: esriGeometryType
IWorkspaceName Copy (in copyName: String, in esriSystem.IPersistStream GridCount: Long
copyWorkspace: IWorkspace): IDataset multiplicities at both ends.
GetClassID: IUID IWorkspace2 IWorkspace2 : IUnknown
GridSize (in Index: Long): Double
GetWorkspaceName (in parentDirectory:
String, in fileNames: IFileNames): NameExists (in Type: esriDatasetType, in Rename (in Name: String) CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
HasM: Boolean
HasZ: Boolean
IWorkspaceName Name: String): Boolean
InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
IsWorkspace (in fileName: String): Boolean IDatasetEdit : IUnknown Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
Move (in WorkspaceName: IWorkspaceName, InterfaceB
IWorkspaceEdit IWorkspaceEdit : IUnknown ® ® subclasses.
in destinationFolder: String): Boolean
Open (in ConnectionProperties: IPropertySet,
in hWnd: OLE_HANDLE): IWorkspace AbortEditOperation
IsBeingEdited: Boolean
ESRI ArcGIS 10 Class
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with IGeometryDefEdit IGeometryDefEdit : IGeometryDef
DisableUndoRedo IDatasetEditEx : IUnknown which it creates an object from another class .
OpenFromFile (in fileName: String, in hWnd:
OLE_HANDLE): IWorkspace EnableUndoRedo
InterfaceG Interface of interest AvgNumPoints: Long
Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service GeometryType: esriGeometryType
ReadConnectionPropertiesFromFile (in HasEdits (pHasEdits: Boolean) IsBeingEdited (out pIsBeingEdited: Boolean, InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control GridCount: Long
fileName: String): IPropertySet IWorkspaceEditEvents HasRedos (pHasRedos: Boolean) out hrReason: HRESULT) marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class. GridSize (in Index: Long): Double
HasUndos (pHasUndos: Boolean) (<classname>)InterfaceO HasM: Boolean
IWorkspaceEditEvents2 IsBeingEdited: Boolean An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A HasZ: Boolean
IWorkspaceFactory2 IWorkspaceFactory2 : IWorkspaceFactory RedoEditOperation IDatasetEditInfo IDatasetEditInfo : IUnknown SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
StartEditing (withUndoRedo: Boolean)
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
OpenFromString (in connectStr: String, in CanEdit: Boolean
hWnd: OLE_HANDLE): IWorkspace StartEditOperation
StopEditing (in saveEdits: Boolean) CanRedo: Boolean Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
CanUndo: Boolean Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
ILocalDatabaseCompact StopEditOperation
ILocalDatabaseCompact : IUnknown UndoEditOperation
IDatasetAnalyze multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
(optional) IDatasetAnalyze : IUnknown (Optional) represents interfaces that are
Compact (in Name: IWorkspaceName) Inbound Interface
IWorkspaceEdit2 IWorkspaceEdit2 : IWorkspaceEdit
(optional) inherited by some subclasses but not all . 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
AllowableComponents: Long The subclasses list the optional
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory enumeration 0..1 - Zero or one
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory : IUnknown EditDataChanges (in editChangeType: Analyze (in tableComponents: Long) interfaces they implement. Outbound Interface
(optional) DeleteConnectionFile (in PathName: String) esriEditDataChangesType): firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
EditConnectionFile (in PathName: String, in IDataChangesEx ISchemaLock Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
hWnd: OLE_HANDLE): IWorkspaceName InEditOperation: Boolean ISchemaLock : IUnknown (Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
RenameConnectionFile (in oldPathName:
(optional) only on specific instances of the class . Field
IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit Property Get 1..* - From one to any positive integer
String, in newName: String): IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit : IUnknown ChangeSchemaLock (in schemaLock: Property Put
IWorkspaceName (optional) IField IField : IUnknown
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
MultiuserEditSessionMode: GetCurrentSchemaLocks (out Property Put by Reference esriSystem.IClone AliasName: String
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo esriMultiuserEditSessionMode schemaLockInfo: IEnumSchemaLockInfo) helper class required to support this DefaultValue: Variant
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo : IUnknown firstMember: Type
(optional) event interface in Visual Basic. Method esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Domain: IDomain
SetParameters (in server: String, in instance: StartMultiuserEditing (in esMode: secondMember: Type DomainFixed: Boolean
String, in user: String, in password: String, in esriMultiuserEditSessionMode) IGPValue Editable: Boolean
versName: String) SupportsMultiuserEditSessionMode (in GeometryDef: IGeometryDef
esMode: esriMultiuserEditSessionMode): IsNullable: Boolean
Boolean Length: Long
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo2 ISetDefaultConnectionInfo2 : Name: String
(optional) ISetDefaultConnectionInfo Fields Precision: Long
IFeatureWorkspace IFeatureWorkspace : IUnknown Required: Boolean
ClearParameters (in server: String, in instance:
RecordSet IFields IFields : IUnknown Scale: Long
String) Type: esriFieldType
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo3 CreateFeatureClass (in Name: String, in esriSystem.IClone Field (in Index: Long): IField VarType: Long
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo3 : Fields: IFields, in CLSID: IUID, in IRecordSet IRecordSet : IUnknown FieldCount: Long
(optional) EXTCLSID: IUID, in FeatureType: IXMLSerialize CheckValue (in Value: Variant): Boolean
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo2 esriFeatureType, in ShapeFieldName: Cursor (in Recycling: Boolean): ICursor FindField (in Name: String): Long
IXMLSerialize (esriSystem)
String, in ConfigKeyword: String): GeoDataset IPersist
Fields: IFields SelectionSet Table
FindFieldByAliasName (in Name: String):
Long IFieldEdit : IField
ClearParameters3 (in server: String, in IFeatureClass IsFeatureCollection: Boolean IFieldEdit
instance: String, in authenticationMode: CreateFeatureDataset (in Name: String, in IPersistStream Table: ITable ISelectionSet ISelectionSet : IUnknown
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference): IGeoDataset IGeoDataset : IUnknown IClass IClass : IUnknown AliasName: String
Count: Long IFields2 IFields2 : IFields DefaultValue: Variant
SetParameters3 (in server: String, in IFeatureDataset IEnumIDs IEnumIDs : IUnknown
Extent: IEnvelope FullName: IName CLSID: IUID Domain: IDomain
instance: String, in authenticationMode: CreateQueryDef: IQueryDef
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
IRecordSet2 IRecordSet2 : IRecordSet
IDs: IEnumIDs EXTCLSID: IUID 1..* DomainFixed: Boolean
String, in UserName: String, in password: CreateRelationshipClass (in relClassName: FindFieldIgnoreQualification (sqlSyntax:
String, in OriginClass: IObjectClass, in Target: ITable Next: Long Extension: IUnknown Editable: Boolean
ISQLSyntax, in Name: String, out Index:
String, in VersionName: String, in DestinationClass: IObjectClass, in RowBuffer DetachTable
Add (in OID: Long)
Reset ExtensionProperties: IPropertySet
GeometryDef: IGeometryDef
IsNullable: Boolean
historicalInfo: Variant) forwardLabel: String, in backwardLabel: IGeoDataset2 SaveAsTable (in Workspace: IWorkspace, Fields: IFields
IGeoDataset2 : IGeoDataset in TableName: String): ITable AddList (in Count: Long, in OIDList: Long) HasOID: Boolean Length: Long
IWorkspaceFactoryStatus String, in Cardinality: esriRelCardinality, in (optional) IRowBuffer IRowBuffer : IUnknown Combine (in otherSet: ISelectionSet, in setOp: Indexes: IIndexes Name: String
IWorkspaceFactoryStatus : IUnknown Notification: esriRelNotification, in GeodataXform: IGeodataXform esriSetOperation, out resultSet: OIDFieldName: String
IFieldsEdit IFieldsEdit : IFields
Precision: Long
(optional) IsComposite: Boolean, in IsAttributed:
NativeExtent: IEnvelope
Fields: IFields
IRecordSetInit IRecordSetInit : IUnknown ISelectionSet) Required: Boolean
WorkspaceStatus: IEnumWorkspaceStatus Boolean, in relAttrFields: IFields, in Value (in Index: Long): Variant Field (in Index: Long): IField
NativeSpatialReference: ISpatialReference MakePermanent AddField (in Field: IField) FieldCount: Long Scale: Long
OriginPrimaryKey: String, in MaxRecordCount: Long AddIndex (in Index: IIndex)
destPrimaryKey: String, in Refresh Type: esriFieldType
OpenAvailableWorkspace (in wstatus: RemoveList (in Count: Long, in OIDList: Long) DeleteField (in Field: IField)
IWorkspaceStatus): IWorkspace OriginForeignKey: String, in AddField (in Field: IField)
CreateRowBuffer: IRowBuffer Search (in pQueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in DeleteIndex (in Index: IIndex) DeleteAllFields()
PingWorkspaceStatus (in Workspace: destForeignKey: String): IRelationshipClass IGeoDataSetSchemaEdit IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit : IUnknown CreateTable (in Fields: IFields) Recycling: Boolean, out ppCursor: ICursor) QueryFilter FindField (in Name: String): Long DeleteField(in Field: IField)
IWorkspace): IWorkspaceStatus Insert: ICursor Select (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in selType:
CreateTable (in Name: String, in Fields: CanAlterSpatialReference: Boolean SetSourceQueryDef (in pQueryDef: esriSelectionType, in selOption: IModelInfo IModelInfo : IUnknown
IQueryDef) esriSelectionOption, in selectionContainer:
IQueryFilter IQueryFilter : IUnknown ITable ITable : IClass
in ConfigKeyword: String): ITable AlterSpatialReference (in SpatialReference: ModelName: String
OpenFeatureClass (in Name: String): ISpatialReference) Row SetSourceTable (in pTable: ITable, in IWorkspace): ISelectionSet IPersistStream OutputSpatialReference (in FieldName: CreateRow: IRow
IFeatureClass pFilter: IQueryFilter) String): ISpatialReference CreateRowBuffer: IRowBuffer
IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit2 IRow IRow : IRowBuffer esriClone.IClone SubFields: String Indexes
OpenFeatureDataset (in Name: String): ISelectionSet2 ISelectionSet2 : ISelectionSet DeleteSearchedRows (in QueryFilter:
WorkspaceStatus IFeatureDataset (optional)
IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit2 :
HasOID: Boolean
IXMLSerialize WhereClause: String IQueryFilter)
OpenFeatureQuery (in QueryName: String, in IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit GetRow (in OID: Long): IRow IIndexes IIndexes : IUnknown
IWorkspaceStatus IWorkspaceStatus : IUnknown pQueryDef: IQueryDef): IFeatureDataset OID: Long Update (in pQueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in (esriSystem) AddField (in subField: String) GetRows (in oids: Variant, in Recycling:
OpenRelationshipClass (in Name: String): CanAlterGeodataXform: Boolean Table: ITable Recycling: Boolean, out ppCursor: ICursor) Boolean): ICursor esriSystem.IClone Index (in pos: Long): IIndex
ConnectionStatus: IndexCount: Long
OpenRelationshipQuery (in pRelClass:
AlterGeodataXform (in xform: Delete IQueryFilter2 IQueryFilter2 : IQueryFilter Insert (in useBuffering: Boolean): ICursor
RowCount (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter): Long
IXMLSerialize Index
IRelationshipClass, in joinForward: IGeodataXform) Store SpatialResolution: Double (esriSystem) FindIndex (in Name: String, out pos: Long)
Workspace: IWorkspace Search (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in IIndex IIndex : IUnknown
WorkspaceFactories in Boolean, in pSrcQueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in AlterResolution (in xyResolution: Double, in
zResolution: Double, in mResolution:
Recycling: Boolean): ICursor
FindIndexesByFieldName (in FieldName:
String): IEnumIndex
pSrcSelectionSet: ISelectionSet, in IRowChanges IRowChanges : IUnknown Select (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in selType: esriSystem.IClone Fields: IFields
GISClient, DataSourcesFile, DataSourcesGDB, TargetColumns: String, in Double)
IQueryFilterDefinition IQueryFilterDefinition : IUnknown
esriSelectionType, in selOption:
IIndexesEdit IIndexesEdit : IIndexes IXMLSerialize IsAscending: Boolean
DoNotPushJoinToDB: Boolean): ITable ConstructResolutions (SpatialReference: OriginalValue (in Index: Long): Variant esriSelectionOption, in selectionContainer: IsUnique: Boolean
DataSourcesOleDB, DataSourcesRaster, OpenTable (in Name: String): ITable ISpatialReference, numberRequested: ValueChanged (in Index: Long): Boolean QueryDef FilterDefs: IFilterDefs IWorkspace): ISelectionSet
Index (in pos: Long): IIndex (esriSystem) Name: String
Long, out defaultXYResolutionIndex: Update (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in
TrackingAnalyst,Geoprocessing IFeatureWorkspaceManage IFeatureWorkspaceManage : IUnknown Long, out xyResolutions: IDoubleArray, IQueryDef IQueryDef : IUnknown
PostfixClause: String Recycling: Boolean): ICursor IndexCount: Long
out zResolutions: IDoubleArray, out IRowCompare IRowCompare : IUnknown UpdateSearchedRows (in QueryFilter: AddIndex (in Index: IIndex)
mResolutions: IDoubleArray) SubFields: String IQueryFilter, in buffer: IRowBuffer) DeleteAllIndexes()
IsEqual (in otherRow: IRow): Boolean IQueryFilterDefinition2 IQueryFilterDefinition2 : IQueryFilterDefinition IIndexEdit IIndexEdit : IIndex
AnalyzeIndex (in TableName: String, in Index: Tables: String DeleteIndex(in Index: IIndex)
String) WhereClause: String
PrefixClause: String ITableCapabilities ITableCapabilities : IUnknown Fields: IFields
AnalyzeTable (in TableName: String, in IRowEdit IRowEdit : IUnknown IsAscending: Boolean
tableComponents: Long) Evaluate: ICursor
IsUnique: Boolean
CanDelete (in aName: IName): Boolean CanSelect: Boolean Name: String
CanRename (in aName: IName): Boolean DeleteSet (in Rows: ISet) IQueryDef2
WorkspaceExtension DeleteByName (in aName: IDatasetName)
IQueryDef2 : IQueryDef

IWorkspaceExtension IWorkspaceExtension : IUnknown

IsRegisteredAsObjectClass (in Name: String): IRowEvents IRowEvents : IUnknown PostfixClause: String
Boolean PrefixClause: String
IsRegisteredAsVersioned (in aName: IName):
DataDictionaryTableNames: IEnumBSTR OnChanged Evaluate2 (in Recycling: Boolean): ICursor
ValidateField (in pInField: IField): IField OnDelete SpatialFilter
Name: String OnInitialize
PrivateDatasetNames (in dtype: ISpatialFilter ISpatialFilter : IQueryFilter
IFeatureWorkspaceManage2 : OnNew
esriDatasetType): IEnumBSTR IFeatureWorkspaceManage2 OnValidate FilterOwnsGeometry: Boolean
FeatureDataset RasterDataset in Raster Geometry: IGeometry
IWorkspaceExtension2 GeometryEx (in Geometry: IGeometry):
IWorkspaceExtension2 : IWorkspaceExtension IFeatureDataset IFeatureDataset : IDataset Boolean
(optional) GetObjectClassNameByID (in ObjectClassID:
Workspace: IWorkspace Long): String
GetRelationshipClassNameByID (in
GeometryField: String
SearchOrder: esriSearchOrder 0..1
CreateFeatureClass (in Name: String, in SpatialRel: esriSpatialRelEnum
OwnsDatasetType (in DatasetType: relClassId: Long): String ClassExtension
Fields: IFields, in CLSID: IUID, in Cursor SpatialRelDescription: String
esriDatasetType): Boolean EXTCLSID: IUID, in FeatureType: ClassHelper IClassExtension IClassExtension : IUnknown
IFeatureWorkspaceSchemaEdit IFeatureWorkspaceSchemaEdit : IUnknown esriFeatureType, in ShapeFieldName: ICursor ICursor : IUnknown
IWorkspaceExtensionControl IWorkspaceExtensionControl : IUnknown String, in ConfigKeyword: String):
Fields: IFields IClassHelper IClassHelper : IUnknown
IFeatureClass Init (in pClassHelper: IClassHelper, in
AlterClassExtensionCLSID (in Name: String, DeleteRow Class: IClass pExtensionProperties: IPropertySet)
Init (in pWorkspaceHelper: in ClassExtensionCLSID: IUID, in
IWorkspaceHelper) FindField (in Name: String): Long Shutdown
classExtensionProperties: IPropertySet) IFeatureClassContainer IFeatureClassContainer : IUnknown
Shutdown AlterInstanceCLSID (in Name: String, in Object AttributedRelationship Flush
InsertRow (in buffer: IRowBuffer): Variant
InstanceCLSID: IUID) Class (in ClassIndex: Long): IFeatureClass
ClassByID (in ID: Long): IFeatureClass IObject IObject : IRow
IRelationship NextRow: IRow
UpdateRow (in Row: IRow)
IWorkspaceDomains IWorkspaceDomains : IUnknown
ClassByName (in Name: String): ObjectClass
IFeatureClass Class: IObjectClass
ClassCount: Long IObjectClass IObjectClass : IClass
CanDeleteDomain (in DomainName: String) : Classes: IEnumFeatureClass
WorkspaceHelper Boolean
IValidate IValidate : IUnknown IObjectClassEvents AliasName: String RelationshipClass ObjectClassExtension
DomainByName (in DomainName: String) :
IDomain IObjectClassSchemaEvents ObjectClassID: Long
IWorkspaceHelper IWorkspaceHelper : IUnknown
Domains: IEnumDomain RelationshipClasses (in role: esriRelRole) : IRelationshipClass : IUnknown
IObjectClassExtension IObjectClassExtension : IUnknown
GetInvalidFields: IFields IEnumRelationshipClass
Workspace: IWorkspace DomainsByFieldType (in Type: esriFieldType) IRelationshipClassContainer IRelationshipClassContainer : IUnknown
GetInvalidRules: IEnumRule BackwardPathLabel: String
: IEnumDomain GetInvalidRulesByField (in FieldName: IDataset Cardinality: esriRelCardinality
RelationshipClasses: IEnumRelationshipClass DestinationClass: IObjectClass
String): IEnumRule IClassSchemaEdit
AddDomain (in Domain: IDomain) : Long
Validate (out errorMessage: String): 2 DataStatistics IClassSchemaEdit : IUnknown IRelationshipClassEvents DestinationForeignKey: String esriEditor.IObjectInspector
DeleteDomain (in DomainName: String)
AddRelationshipClass (in pRelClass: Boolean * Relationship (optional) DestinationPrimaryKey: String
FeatureDataset: IFeatureDataset
IObjectInspector : IUnknown
IRelationshipClass) IDataStatistics IDataStatistics : IUnknown hWnd: OLE_HANDLE
IWorkspaceDomains2 : IWorkspaceDomains CreateRelationshipClass (in relClassName: AlterAliasName (in Name: String) ForwardPathLabel: String
IWorkspaceDomains2 String, in OriginClass: IObjectClass, in
IRowSubtypes IRowSubtypes : IUnknown IRelationship IRelationship : IUnknown Cancelled: Boolean IsAttributed: Boolean Clear
AlterClassExtensionCLSID (in
DestinationClass: IObjectClass, in Continue: Boolean ClassExtensionCLSID: IUID, in IsComposite: Boolean Copy (in srcRow: IRow)
SubtypeCode: Long DestinationObject: IObject Notification: esriRelNotification
Cursor: ICursor
ConfigurationKeyword AlterDomain (in Domain: IDomain) forwardLabel: String, in backwardLabel: OriginObject: IObject classExtensionProperties: IPropertySet)
OriginClass: IObjectClass
Inspect (in Objects: IEnumRow, in Editor:
* String, in Cardinality: esriRelCardinality, in
Notification: esriRelNotification, in
InitDefaultValues RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass Field: String
SampleRate: Long
AlterDefaultValue (in FieldName: String, in
Value: Variant) OriginForeignKey: String
IConfigurationKeyword IConfigurationKeyword : IUnknown IGeodatabaseRelease IGeodatabaseRelease : IUnknown IsComposite: Boolean, in IsAttributed: SimpleStats: Boolean AlterDomain (in FieldName: String, in Domain: OriginPrimaryKey: String IObjectClassValidation
Boolean, in relAttrFields: IFields, in Statistics: IStatisticsResults IDomain) RelationshipClassID: Long IObjectClassValidation : IUnknown
Comments: String BugfixVersion: Long UniqueValueCount: Long RelationshipRules: IEnumRule (optional)
CanUpgrade: Boolean OriginPrimaryKey: String, in AlterFieldAliasName (in FieldName: String, in
ConfigurationParameters: destPrimaryKey: String, in UniqueValues: IEnumVARIANT
CurrentRelease: Boolean AliasName: String) AddRelationshipRule (in Rule: IRule)
IEnumConfigurationParameter OriginForeignKey: String, in AlterFieldModelName (in FieldName: String, in ValidateField (in Row: IRow, in FieldName:
Description: String
* MajorVersion: Long
MinorVersion: Long destForeignKey: String) :
ModelName: String)
AlterInstanceCLSID (in InstanceCLSID: IUID)
CreateRelationship (in OriginObject: IObject,
in DestinationObject: IObject): IRelationship
String): String
ValidateRow (in Row: IRow): String
esriConfigurationKeywordType DeleteRelationship (in OriginObject: IObject,
Upgrade AlterModelName (in Name: String) in DestinationObject: IObject) IObjectClassEvents
Name: String RegisterAsObjectClass (in DeleteRelationshipRule (in Rule: IRule) IObjectClassEvents : IUnknown
IGeodatabaseRelease2 IGeodatabaseRelease2 : IGeodatabaseRelease
IDatasetContainer IDatasetContainer : IUnknown Feature suggestedOIDFieldName: String, in DeleteRelationshipsForObject (in anObject: (optional)
TableSort ConfigKeyword: String): Long IObject)
DatasetSupported (in Type: IFeature IFeature : IObject
IClassSchemaEdit2 DeleteRelationshipsForObjectSet (in OnChange (in obj: IObject)
esriDatasetType): Boolean AddDataset (in pDatasetToAdd: IDataset) ITableSort ITableSort : IUnknown anObjectSet: ISet) OnCreate (in obj: IObject)
Extent: IEnvelope IClassSchemaEdit2 : IClassSchemaEdit
(optional) GetObjectsMatchingObjectSet (in OnDelete (in obj: IObject)
FeatureType: esriFeatureType Ascending (in Field: String): Boolean
ConfigurationParameter IGeodatabaseRelease3 IGeodatabaseRelease3 : Shape: IGeometry CaseSensitive (in Field: String): Boolean AlterClassExtensionProperties (in
2 *
pSrcObjectSet: ISet):
IRelClassEnumRowPairs IRelatedObjectClassEvents
IConfigurationParameter IConfigurationParameter : IUnknown
* IGeodatabaseRelease2 1 ShapeCopy: IGeometry Compare: ITableSortCallBack
Cursor: ICursor
classExtensionProperties: IPropertySet) GetObjectsRelatedToObject (in anObject:
IObject): ISet (optional)
IRelatedObjectClassEvents : IUnknown

Fields: String IClassSchemaEdit3 GetObjectsRelatedToObjectSet (in RelatedObjectCreated (in RelationshipClass:

ConfigurationString: String Upgrade2 (in doPrerequisiteCheck: IFeatureBuffer IFeatureBuffer : IRowBuffer IDs: IEnumIDs IClassSchemaEdit3 : IClassSchemaEdit2 anObjectSet: ISet): ISet IRelationshipClass, in
Name: String Boolean, in doUpgrade: Boolean, in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter (optional) GetRelationship (in OriginObject: IObject, in
Shape: IGeometry objectThatWasCreated: IObject)
cancelTrack: ITrackCancel, in Messages: Rows: ICursor AddGlobalID (in FieldName: String) DestinationObject: IObject): IRelationship
IGPMessages) SelectionSet: ISelectionSet GetRelationshipsForObject (in anObject:
SortCharacters (in Field: String): Long DeleteGlobalID IRelatedObjectClassEvents2
IObject): IEnumRelationship IRelatedObjectClassEvents2 : IUnknown
IWorkspaceProperties IFeatureChanges IFeatureChanges : IUnknown Table: ITable IClassSchemaEditEx GetRelationshipsForObjectSet (in (optional)
IWorkspaceProperties : IUnknown IClassSchemaEditEx : IUnknown anObjectSet: ISet): IEnumRelationship
(optional) OriginalShape: IGeometry Sort (in pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel) (optional) RelatedObjectChanged (in RelationshipClass:
Property (in propertyGroup: ShapeChanged: Boolean IRelationshipClass, in objectThatChanged:
esriWorkspacePropertyGroupType, in RegisterGlobalIDColumn (in columnName: IObject, in RelatedObject: IObject)
PropertyType: Long): IWorkspaceProperty IRelationshipClass2 IRelationshipClass2 : IRelationshipClass RelatedObjectMoved (in RelationshipClass:
Enumerations IFeatureDraw IFeatureDraw : IUnknown
UnregisterGlobalIDColumn (in
columnName: String) GetObjectsMatchingObjectArray (in
IRelationshipClass, in objectThatChanged:
IObject, in moveVector: ILine, in
RelatedObject: IObject)
ISQLSyntax ISQLSyntax : IUnknown InvalidArea: IInvalidArea pSrcObjectArray: IArray, in RelatedObjectRotated (in RelationshipClass:
IModelInfo IModelInfo : IUnknown pQueryFilterAppliedToMatchingObjects: IRelationshipClass, in objectThatChanged:
esriConfigurationKeywordType esriSelectionOption esriMultiuserEditSessionMode GetDelimitedIdentifierCase: Boolean Draw (in drawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in
1 - esriConfigurationKeywordGeneral 1 - esriSelectionOptionNormal 0 - esriMESMVersioned GetFunctionName (in sqlFunc: Display: IDisplay, in symbol: ISymbol, in (optional) IQueryFilter, in returnAllObjectMatches: IObject, in Origin: IPoint, in Angle: Double,
ModelName: String Boolean): IRelClassEnumRowPairs in RelatedObject: IObject)
2 - esriConfigurationKeywordNetwork 2 - esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne 1 - esriMESMNonVersioned esriSQLFunctionName): String symbolInstalled: Boolean, in Geometry: GetObjectsMatchingObjectSetEx (in
IGeometry, in drawStyle: esriDrawStyle) RelatedObjectSetMoved (in
3 - esriConfigurationKeywordTopology 3 - esriSelectionOptionEmpty GetIdentifierCase: Boolean pSrcObjectSet: ISet, in RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass, in
4 - esriConfigurationKeywordNetworkDataset GetInvalidCharacters: String FeatureCursor ISubtypes pQueryFilterAppliedToMatchingObjects: objectsThatNeedToChange: ISet, in
esriWorkspacePropertyGroupType GetInvalidStartingCharacters: String IFeatureEdit IFeatureEdit : IRowEdit ISubtypes : IUnknown IQueryFilter, in returnAllObjectMatches: objectsThatChanged: ISet, in moveVector:
5 - esriConfigurationKeywordTerrain GetKeywords: IEnumBSTR (optional)
esriSelectionType 1 - esriWorkspacePropertyGroup IFeatureCursor IFeatureCursor : IUnknown
DefaultSubtypeCode: Long
Boolean): IRelClassEnumRowPairs ILine)
1 - esriSelectionTypeIDSet GetSpecialCharacter (in sqlSC: RelatedObjectSetRotated (in
2 - esriWorkspaceTablePropertyGroup esriSQLSpecialCharacters): String BeginMoveSet (in features: ISet, in start: Fields: IFields DefaultValue (in SubtypeCode: Long, in
esriDatasetType 2 - esriSelectionTypeSnapshot IRelationshipClass3 IRelationshipClass3 : IRelationshipClass2 RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass, in
GetStringComparisonCase: Boolean IPoint): IDisplayFeedback FieldName: String) : Variant objectsThatNeedToChange: ISet, in
1 - esriDTAny 3 - esriSelectionTypeHybrid GetSupportedClauses: Long MoveSet (in features: ISet, in moveVector: DeleteFeature Domain (in SubtypeCode: Long, in
esriWorkspacePropertyType IsAttachmentRelationship: Boolean objectsThatChanged: ISet, in Origin: IPoint,
2 - esriDTContainer GetSupportedPredicates: Long ILine) FindField (in Name: String): Long FieldName: String) : IDomain in Angle: Double)
3 - esriDTGeo 0 - esriWorkspacePropCanExecuteSQL ParseColumnName (in FullName: String, out RotateSet (in features: ISet, in Origin: Flush HasSubtype: Boolean
esriSetOperation dbName: String, out ownerName: String, SubtypeFieldIndex: Long
4 - esriDTFeatureDataset 1 - esriWorkspacePropCanEdit IPoint, in Angle: Double) InsertFeature (in buffer: IFeatureBuffer):
1 - esriSetUnion
2 - esriWorkspacePropIsReadonly
out TableName: String, out columnName: Split (in point: IGeometry): ISet Variant SubtypeFieldName: String IRelClassSchemaEdit IRelClassSchemaEdit : IUnknown IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents
5 - esriDTFeatureClass 2 - esriSetIntersection String) SubtypeName (in SubtypeCode: Long) : String IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents : IUnknown
6 - esriDTPlanarGraph 3 - esriWorkspacePropSupportsQualifiedNames ParseTableName (in FullName: String, out SplitAttributes (baseFeature: IFeature) NextFeature: IFeature (optional) (optional)
3 - esriSetDifference
7 - esriDTGeometricNetwork 4 - esriWorkspacePropSupportsMetadata dbName: String, out ownerName: String, EnumFeatureGeometry UpdateFeature (in Object: IFeature) Subtypes: IEnumSubtype AlterBackwardPathLabel (in backwardLabel: ConfirmSendRelatedObjectChanged (in
8 - esriDTTopology
4 - esriSetSymDifference
5 - esriWorkspacePropCanAnalyze out TableName: String) WorkspaceProperty IFeatureEdit2 IFeatureEdit2 : IFeatureEdit
AddSubtype (in SubtypeCode: Long, in
String) RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass, in
objectThatChanged: IObject): Boolean
9 - esriDTText 6 - esriWorkspacePropCanGetConfigurationKeywords QualifyColumnName (in TableName: String, in IEnumGeometryBind IEnumGeometryBind : IUnknown AlterForwardPathLabel (in forwardLabel:
ConfirmSendRelatedObjectMoved (in
esriSpatialRelEnum 7 - esriWorkspacePropIsGeoDatabase
columnName: String): String IWorkspaceProperty IWorkspaceProperty : IUnknown SubtypeName: String) String)
10 - esriDTTable QualifyTableName (in dbName: String, in SplitWithUpdate (in Geometry: IGeometry): IEnumGeometry GeometrySource: IUnknown DeleteSubtype (in SubtypeCode: Long) AlterIsComposite (in IsComposite: Boolean) RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass, in
11 - esriDTRelationshipClass 0 - esriSpatialRelUndefined 8 - esriWorkspacePropMaxWhereClauseLength IsReadOnly: Boolean ISet objectThatChanged: IObject, in
12 - esriDTRasterDataset 1 - esriSpatialRelIntersects 9 - esriWorkspacePropHasPrivateEditSession
ownerName: String, in TableName: String):
String * IsSupported: Boolean IClone OutputFilter: IQueryFilter
IValidation IValidation : IUnknown
moveVector: ILine): Boolean
13 - esriDTRasterBand 2 - esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects 10 - esriWorkspacePropSupportsHighPrecisionStorage PropertyValue: Variant IFeatureSimplify IFeatureSimplify : IUnknown ISupportErrorInfo BindGeometrySource (OutputFilter: (optional) ConfirmSendRelatedObjectRotated (in
IQueryFilter, in collectionSource: Rules: IEnumRule RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass, in
14 - esriDTTin 3 - esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects 11 - esriWorkspacePropSupportsExtensionDatasets ITransactions ITransactions : IUnknown IUnknown) RulesByField (in FieldName: String): objectThatChanged: IObject, Origin: IPoint,
15 - esriDTCadDrawing 4 - esriSpatialRelTouches 12 - esriWorkspacePropLastCompressDate SimplifyGeometry (in Geometry: Angle: Double): Boolean
InTransaction: Boolean IEnumRule
16 - esriDTRasterCatalog 5 - esriSpatialRelOverlaps 13 - esriWorkspacePropLastCompressStatus IGeometry) RulesBySubtypeCode (in SubtypeCode: ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetMoved (in
17 - esriDTToolbox 6 - esriSpatialRelCrosses 14 - esriWorkspacePropSupportsArchiving Long): IEnumRule RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass, in
AbortTransaction objectsThatChanged: ISet, moveVector:
18 - esriDTTool 7 - esriSpatialRelWithin 15 - esriWorkspacePropSupportsMoveEditsToBase CommitTransaction IFeatureSimplify2 IFeatureSimplify2 : IFeatureSimplify ILine): Boolean
8 - esriSpatialRelContains StartTransaction AddRule (in Rule: IRule)
19 - esriDTNetworkDataset DeleteRule (in Rule: IRule) ConfirmSendRelatedObjectSetRotated (in
9 - esriSpatialRelRelation IsSimpleGeometry (in Geometry:
20 - esriDTTerrain Validate (in Selection: IQueryFilter, in RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass, in
esriWorkspaceTablePropertyType ITransactionsOptions ITransactionsOptions : IUnknown
IGeometry, out reason: objectsThatChanged: ISet, Origin: IPoint,
21 - esriDTRepresentationClass 1 - esriTablePropRowCountIsCalculated esriNonSimpleReasonEnum): Boolean Workspace: IWorkspace): ISelectionSet
22 - esriDTCadastralFabric (optional) ValidateSelection (in Selection: ISelectionSet, Angle: Double): Boolean
23 - esriDTSchematicDataset
esriSplitPolicyType 2 - esriTablePropCanAddField AutoCommitInterval: Long in Workspace: IWorkspace): ISelectionSet AttributedRelationshipClass
1 - esriSPTGeometryRatio 3 - esriTablePropCanDeleteField
IFeatureProject IFeatureProject : IUnknown ValidateSet (in Selection: ISet): ISet IClass IObjectClassInfo
24 - esriDTLocator 2 - esriSPTDuplicate 4 - esriTablePropCanAddIndex
26 - esriDTMap IValidation2 IDatasetEdit IObjectClassInfo : IUnknown
3 - esriSPTDefaultValue 5 - esriTablePropCanDeleteIndex
ISpatialCacheManager ISpatialCacheManager : IUnknown IValidation2 : IValidation (optional)
27 - esriDTLayer 6 - esriTablePropOIDIsRecordNumber Project (in outputSR: ISpatialReference) (optional) IDatasetEditInfo
28 - esriDTStyle 7 - esriTablePropMaxFieldNameLength CacheExtent: IEnvelope AlterRule (in Rule: IRule) IRelClassSchemaEdit CanBypassStoreMethod: Boolean
29 - esriDTMosaicDataset esriSQLClauses
8 - esriTablePropBindCursor CacheIsFull: Boolean IFeatureEvents IFeatureEvents : IUnknown ITable
1 - esriSQL_DISTINCT IObjectClassInfo IObjectClassInfo2
9 - esriTablePropSupportsMultiColumnIndexes EmptyCache IObjectClassInfo : IUnknown ITableCapabilities IObjectClassInfo2 : IUnknown
2 - esriSQL_ALL
FillCache (pExtent: IEnvelope) InitShape (optional) (optional)
4 - esriSQL_AS OnMerge
1 - esriDTRange 8 - esriSQL_ORDER_BY esriWorkspaceType CanBypassStoreMethod: Boolean
OnSplit CanBypassEditSession: Boolean
2 - esriDTCodedValue 0 - esriFileSystemWorkspace ISpatialCacheManager2 : CanBypassStoreMethod: Boolean
3 - esriDTString
16 - esriSQL_GROUP_BY ISpatialCacheManager2 IObjectClassInfo2
1 - esriLocalDatabaseWorkspace ISpatialCacheManager
2 - esriRemoteDatabaseWorkspace (optional)
IObjectClassInfo2 : IUnknown RelationshipClassEvents
esriSQLFunctionName CacheExpansionFactor: Double
esriDrawStyle IRelationshipClassEvents IRelationshipClassEvents : IUnknown
1 - esriDSNormal 1 - esriSQL_MIN CanBypassEditSession: Boolean
esriJoinType FillCacheEx (pExtent: IEnvelope,
2 - esriSQL_MAX expansionFactor: Double) CanBypassStoreMethod: Boolean
2 - esriDSValid OnChange (in rel: IRelationship)
3 - esriSQL_COUNT 0 - esriLeftOuterJoin OnCreate (in rel: IRelationship)
4 - esriDSInvalid 1 - esriLeftInnerJoin
8 - esriDSUnknown 4 - esriSQL_SUM OnDelete (in rel: IRelationship)
5 - esriSQL_AVG IFeatureWorkspaceAnno IFeatureWorkspaceAnno : IUnknown
6 - esriSQL_VAR
esriTransformType AddSymbolCollection (in Name: String, in
esriEditSearchOption 7 - esriSQL_STDDEV symbolCollection: IUnknown) IFeatureClassExtension IFeatureClassExtension : IUnknown
1 - esriTTMove
1 - esriEditSearchBoth 8 - esriSQL_CONCAT CreateAnnotationClass (in Name: String, in
2 - esriTTStretch Fields: IFields, in CLSID: IUID, in
2 - esriEditSearchBasicOnly 9 - esriSQL_LEADING 3 - esriTTRotate EXTCLSID: IUID, in ShapeFieldName:
3 - esriEditSearchDeltaOnly 10 - esriSQL_LOWER 4 - esriTTProgrammatic String, in ConfigKeyword: String, in CoverageAnnotationFeature ObjectClassEvents IFeatureClassCreation
4 - esriEditSearchNewDeltaOnly 11 - esriSQL_TRAILING dstFeatureDataset: IFeatureDataset, in NetworkFeature in FeatureClass IFeatureClassCreation : IUnknown
5 - esriEditSearchDeletedBasicOnly 12 - esriSQL_SUBSTRING srcFeatureClass: IFeatureClass, in RasterCatalogFeature in ICoverageAnnotationFeature AnnotationFeature in DimensionFeature in IObjectClassEvents IObjectClassEvents : IUnknown (optional)
13 - esriSQL_SUBSTRINGBYTES esriDatasetFileStatAccessMode annoProperties: IUnknown, in Geodatabase Network ICoverageAnnotationFeature : IUnknown IFeatureClass IFeatureClass : IObjectClass CanCreateFromPoint: Boolean
14 - esriSQL_UPPER 0 - esriDatasetFileStatAccessUnknown
referenceScale: IUnknown, in Geodatabase Raster AnnotationBlob: IMemoryBlobStream
Carto Carto AreaField: IField OnChange (in obj: IObject)
esriFeatureElementType symbolCollection: IUnknown, in autoCreate: FeatureClassID: Long OnCreate (in obj: IObject)
15 - esriSQL_ASCII 2 - esriDatasetFileStatAccessWrite Boolean): IFeatureClass OnDelete (in obj: IObject)
1 - esriFETWholeFeature FeatureDataset: IFeatureDataset IFeatureClassDraw
16 - esriSQL_CHAR 4 - esriDatasetFileStatAccessReadOnly ReplaceSymbolCollection (in Name: String, in IFeatureClassDraw : IUnknown
2 - esriFETVertex FeatureType: esriFeatureType
4 - esriFETEdge
17 - esriSQL_SOUNDEX 6 - esriDatasetFileStatAccessReadWrite symbolCollection: IUnknown) LengthField: IField (optional)
18 - esriSQL_TRANSLATE ShapeFieldName: String CustomRenderer: Variant
8 - esriFETPart IDatabaseCompact CustomRendererPropPageCLSID: IUID
19 - esriSQL_TRIM IDatabaseCompact : IUnknown ShapeType: esriGeometryType
16 - esriFETAnnotation esriDatasetFileStatTimeMode ExclusiveCustomRenderer: Boolean
20 - esriSQL_ABS (optional)
32 - esriFETConnectionPoint
21 - esriSQL_ACOS 0 - esriDatasetFileStatTimeLastAccess ObjectClassValidator CreateFeature: IFeature
CreateFeatureBuffer: IFeatureBuffer
ObjectClassSchemaEvents RequiredFieldsForDraw: IFields
64 - esriFETConnectorPoint 1 - esriDatasetFileStatTimeCreation CanCompact: Boolean DoesCustomDrawing: Boolean
22 - esriSQL_ASIN FeatureCount (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter):
23 - esriSQL_ATAN 2 - esriDatasetFileStatTimeLastModification Compact IValidation IValidation : IUnknown Long
IObjectClassSchemaEvents IObjectClassSchemaEvents : IUnknown HasCustomRenderer: Boolean
esriTopoConfiguration 24 - esriSQL_CEILING IWorkspaceConfiguration Domain Rule GetFeature (in ID: Long): IFeature IFeatureClassEdit
IWorkspaceConfiguration : IUnknown Rules: IEnumRule OnAddField (in FieldName: String)
25 - esriSQL_COS (optional) GetFeatures (in fids: Variant, in Recycling: IFeatureClassEdit : IUnknown
0 - esriTCChain esriConnectionDBMS IDomain IDomain : IUnknown RulesByField (in FieldName: String): IRule IRule : IUnknown
Boolean): IFeatureCursor
OnBehaviorChanged (optional)
1 - esriTCLoop 26 - esriSQL_FLOOR ConfigurationKeywords: IEnumRule OnDeleteField (in FieldName: String)
0 - esriDBMS_Unknown Description: String Category: Long Insert (in useBuffering: Boolean): CanEditWithProjection: Boolean
2 - esriTCStar 27 - esriSQL_LOG IEnumConfigurationKeyword ISchemaLock RulesBySubtypeCode (in SubtypeCode: esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IFeatureCursor CustomSplitPolicyForRelationship (in Row:
1 - esriDBMS_Oracle FieldType: esriFieldType Long): IEnumRule Helpstring: String
3 - esriTCMesh 28 - esriSQL_LN Type: esriRuleType Search (in filter: IQueryFilter, in Recycling: IRow, in relClass: IRelationshipClass):
2 - esriDBMS_Informix MergePolicy: esriMergePolicyType
29 - esriSQL_MOD esriSystem.IClone Name: String AddRule (in Rule: IRule) Boolean): IFeatureCursor esriRelationshipSplitPolicy
3 - esriDBMS_SQLServer Select (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in selType:
30 - esriSQL_SIGN IWorkspaceSpatialReferenceInfo : IUnknown DeleteRule (in Rule: IRule)
4 - esriDBMS_DB2 IWorkspaceSpatialReferenceInfo IPersistStream SplitPolicy: esriSplitPolicyType esriSelectionType, in selOption: HasCustomSplitPolicyForRelationship:
1 - esriFTSimple
31 - esriSQL_SIN
32 - esriSQL_TAN
5 - esriDBMS_PostgreSQL SpatialReferenceInfo:
Type: esriDomainType Validate (in Selection: IQueryFilter, in
Workspace: IWorkspace): ISelectionSet
* esriSelectionOption, in selectionContainer: Boolean
7 - esriFTSimpleJunction 33 - esriSQL_LOG10 IEnumSpatialReferenceInfo MemberOf (in Value: Variant): Boolean ValidateSelection (in Selection: ISelectionSet, IWorkspace): ISelectionSet
Update (in filter: IQueryFilter, in Recycling:
FeatureLayer in Carto
in Workspace: IWorkspace): ISelectionSet
8 - esriFTSimpleEdge 34 - esriSQL_POWER esriGeodatabaseServerClassType ValidateSet (in Selection: ISet): ISet Boolean): IFeatureCursor
9 - esriFTComplexJunction 35 - esriSQL_ROUND 0 - esriServerClassUnknown IWorkspaceExtensionManager
10 - esriFTComplexEdge 36 - esriSQL_TRUNCATE 1 - esriServerClassPersonal (optional) IWorkspaceExtensionManager : IUnknown IValidation2 IValidation2 : IValidation IGeoDataset IGeoDataset : IUnknown
11 - esriFTAnnotation 37 - esriSQL_SINH 2 - esriServerClassWorkgroup Extension (in Index: Long): AlterRule (in Rule: IRule) Extent: IEnvelope
12 - esriFTCoverageAnnotation
13 - esriFTDimension
38 - esriSQL_COSH
39 - esriSQL_TANH
3 - esriServerClassEnterprise IWorkspaceExtension RelationshipRule SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
ExtensionCount: Long
14 - esriFTRasterCatalogItem 40 - esriSQL_HEX IRelationshipRule IRelationshipRule : IRule
41 - esriSQL_EXTRACT FindExtension (in pGUID: IUID): IFeatureClassWrite
IWorkspaceExtension DestinationClassID: Long IFeatureClassWrite : IUnknown
42 - esriSQL_BITLENGTH RegisterExtension (in Name: String, in pGUID: DestinationMaximumCardinality: Long (optional)
esriFieldType 43 - esriSQL_CHARLENGTH RangeDomain AttributeRule RemoveFeature (in Feature: IFeature)
0 - esriFieldTypeSmallInteger 44 - esriSQL_OCTETLENGTH
UnRegisterExtension (in pGUID: IUID)
CodedValueDomain IAttributeRule IAttributeRule : IRule
DestinationMinimumCardinality: Long
DestinationSubtypeCode: Long RemoveFeatures (in features: ISet)
1 - esriFieldTypeInteger 45 - esriSQL_POSITION ICodedValueDomain IRangeDomain IRangeDomain : IUnknown OriginClassID: Long WriteFeature (in Feature: IFeature)
ICodedValueDomain : IUnknown WriteFeatures (in features: ISet)
2 - esriFieldTypeSingle 46 - esriSQL_CURRENTDATE IDatabaseConnectionInfo IDatabaseConnectionInfo : IUnknown
DomainName: String OriginMaximumCardinality: Long ConnectivityRule in
3 - esriFieldTypeDouble CodeCount: Long MaxValue: Variant FieldName: String OriginMinimumCardinality: Long
47 - esriSQL_CURRENTTIME (optional) MinValue: Variant IFeatureClassLoad
4 - esriFieldTypeString 48 - esriSQL_CURRENTUSER ConnectedDatabase: String Name (in Index: Long): String SubtypeCode: Long OriginSubtypeCode: Long Geodatabase Network IFeatureClassLoad : IUnknown AttachmentManager ObjectClassDescription
5 - esriFieldTypeDate ConnectedUser: String Value (in Index: Long): Variant (optional)
6 - esriFieldTypeOID 50 - esriSQL_CONVERT AddCode (in Value: Variant, in Name: String) FeatureConstruction LoadOnlyMode: Boolean
IAttachmentManager IAttachmentManager : IUnknown IObjectClassDescription IObjectClassDescription : IUnknown
7 - esriFieldTypeGeometry 51 - esriSQL_CAST DeleteCode (in Value: Variant)
8 - esriFieldTypeBlob IDatabaseConnectionInfo2 IFeatureConstruction IFeatureConstruction : IUnknown IFeatureClassManage IFeatureClassManage : IUnknown HasGlobalID: Boolean AliasName: String
IDatabaseConnectionInfo2 : ClassExtensionCLSID: IUID
9 - esriFieldTypeRaster (optional) IDatabaseConnectionInfo ConstructedFeaturesSubtype: Long UpdateExtent AddAttachment (in OID: Long, in att: InstanceCLSID: IUID
10 - esriFieldTypeGUID esriSQLPredicates DefaultZ: Double IAttachment): Long ModelName: String
11 - esriFieldTypeGlobalID 1 - esriSQL_EQ esriWorkspaceConnectionStatus ConnectionCurrentDateTime: Variant DeleteAttachment (in attID: Long) ModelNameUnique: Boolean
FeaturesChanged: Boolean
12 - esriFieldTypeXML 2 - esriSQL_NOT_EQ 0 - esriWCSUp ConnectionDBMS: esriConnectionDBMS ITableAttachments ITableAttachments : IUnknown DeleteAttachmentsForParent (in OID: Long) Name: String
4 - esriSQL_LT 1 - esriWCSDown ConnectionServer: String AutoCompleteFromFeatures (FeatureClass: RequiredFields: IFields
AttachmentManager: IAttachmentManager GetAttachmentsByAttachmentIDs (in attIDs:
8 - esriSQL_GT GeodatabaseServerClass: IFeatureClass, processingBounds: ILongArray, infosOnly: Boolean):
2 - esriWCSAvailable HasAttachments: Boolean
esriLockType esriGeodatabaseServerClassType IEnvelope, lineSrc: IEnumFeature,
16 - esriSQL_LE IEnumAttachment
InvalidArea: IInvalidArea,
1 - esriLockTypeShared 32 - esriSQL_GE TransformGroup ClusterTolerance: Double,
AddAttachments GetAttachmentsByParentIDs (in oids:
2 - esriLockTypeExclusive 64 - esriSQL_BETWEEN esriEditDataChangesType DeleteAttachments ILongArray, infosOnly: Boolean):
selectionWorkspace: IWorkspace, out
128 - esriSQL_NOT_BETWEEN 0 - esriEditDataChangesWithinSession ITransformGroup ITransformGroup : IUnknown SelectionSet: ISelectionSet)
UpdateAttachment (in att: IAttachment)
256 - esriSQL_IN 1 - esriEditDataChangesWithinOperation RecordNumberSet AutoCompleteFromFeaturesFromCursor GeoDatabaseHelper
1 - esriMPTSumValues
512 - esriSQL_NOT_IN Add (in ClassID: Long, in OID: Long, in (FeatureClass: IFeatureClass, FeatureClassDescription
1024 - esriSQL_LIKE Feature: IFeature) IRecordNumberSet IRecordNumberSet : IUnknown processingBounds: IEnvelope, lineSrc: IGeoDatabaseBridge IGeoDatabaseBridge : IUnknown IFeatureClassDescription IFeatureClassDescription : IUnknown
2 - esriMPTAreaWeighted 2048 - esriSQL_NOT_LIKE esriLocatorQuery Delete (in ClassID: Long, in OID: Long) IFeatureCursor, InvalidArea:
3 - esriMPTDefaultValue 4096 - esriSQL_IS_NULL 0 - esriLocatorStyle DeleteAllInClass (in ClassID: Long) IDs: IEnumIDs IInvalidArea, ClusterTolerance: Double, FeatureType: esriFeatureType
esriSystem.IClone MaximumRecordNumber: Long GetFeatures (in pFeatureClass:
8192 - esriSQL_IS_NOT_NULL 1 - esriLocator Next (out ClassID: Long, out OID: Long, out selectionWorkspace: IWorkspace, out IFeatureClass, in fids: Long[], in ShapeFieldName: String
Count: Long) MinimumRecordNumber: Long
16384 - esriSQL_EXISTS 2 - esriAllTypes IFIDSet SelectionSet: ISelectionSet) Recycling: Boolean): IFeatureCursor
esriRelCardinality NextSet (out ClassID: Long, out featureSet: AutoCompleteFromGeometries
32768 - esriSQL_NOT_EXISTS Add (recordNumber: Long)
1 - esriRelCardinalityOneToOne ISet) (FeatureClass: IFeatureClass,
2 - esriRelCardinalityOneToMany esriLocatorWorkspaceType Reset
AddRange (in minRecord: Long, in IGeoDatabaseBridge2 IGeoDatabaseBridge2 : IGeoDatabaseBridge
maxRecord: Long) processingBounds: IEnvelope, lineSrc:
3 - esriRelCardinalityManyToMany esriSQLPrivilege 0 - esriLocalSystemLocatorWorkspace And (in otherRecordNumberSet:
IRecordNumberSet): IRecordNumberSet
IEnumGeometry, InvalidArea:
AddList (in SelectionSet: ISelectionSet, in
1 - esriSelectPrivilege 1 - esriFileSystemLocatorWorkspace IInvalidArea, ClusterTolerance: Double,
2 - esriUpdatePrivilege 2 - esriRemoteDatabaseLocatorWorkspace EditSessionDataChanges ClearAll selectionWorkspace: IWorkspace, out OIDList: Long[])
XYEvent2FieldsProperties XYEventSource IEnumAttachment IEnumAttachment : IUnknown
esriRelationshipSplitPolicy Delete (recordNumber: Long) SelectionSet: ISelectionSet) GetLineOfSight (in pSurface: ISurface, in
4 - esriInsertPrivilege 3 - esriExtensionLocatorWorkspace Difference (in otherRecordNumberSet: pObserver: IPoint, in pTarget: IPoint, out
1 - esriRSPUseDefault 4 - esriArcGISServerLocatorWorkspace IDataChangesEx IDataChangesEx : IUnknown ConstructLines (cancel: ICancelOperation, IXYEvent2FieldsProperties IXYEvent2FieldsProperties : IXYEventSource IXYEventSource : IUnknown Next: IAttachment
8 - esriDeletePrivilege IRecordNumberSet): IRecordNumberSet targetFC: IFeatureClass, sel: ppObstruction: IPoint, out ppVisibleLines:
2 - esriRSPPreserveOnLargest
3 - esriRSPPreserveOnSmallest
5 - esriLocalDatabaseLocatorWorkspace ChangedIDs (in ClassName: String, in DddServerEnvironment Negate: IRecordNumberSet
Or (in otherRecordNumberSet: IEnumFeature, replaceExistingInTarget: IPolyline, out ppInvisibleLines: IPolyline, esriSystem.IClone IXYEventProperties EventProperties: IXYEventProperties
4 - esriRSPPreserveOnAll esriSQLSpecialCharacters
DiffType: esriDifferenceType): IFIDSet esriSystem.IExtension Boolean, InvalidArea: IInvalidArea, out pbIsVisible: Boolean, in IPersistStream XFieldName: String
IClass EventTable: ITable
ModifiedClasses: IEnumBSTR IRecordNumberSet): IRecordNumberSet bApplyCurvature: Boolean, in INetworkClassDescription INetworkClassDescription : IUnknown
5 - esriRSPDeleteRelationship 1 - esriSQL_WildcardManyMatch esriLocatingError esriSystem.IExtensionConfig SetAll ClusterTolerance: Double) YFieldName: String RefreshExtent
ConstructLinesFromCursor (cancel: bApplyRefraction: Boolean, in ZFieldName: String
6 - esriRSPDeleteParts 2 - esriSQL_WildcardSingleMatch 0 - LOCATING_OK Extract (in ClassName: String, in DiffType: ISupportErrorInfo SetBounds (in startRecordNumber: Long, in EnabledFieldName: String
maxRecordNumber: Long) ICancelOperation, targetFC: pRefractionFactor: Variant) IVirtualTable
3 - esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix esriDifferenceType): IDifferenceCursor IVirtualTable : IUnknown NetworkAncillaryRoleFieldName: String
ExtractEx (in ClassName: String, in XOr (in otherRecordNumberSet: IFeatureClass, sel: IFeatureCursor, QueryElevationBand (in pTinTriangle: IXYEventProperties IXYEventProperties : IUnknown
4 - esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierSuffix 2 - LOCATING_E_INVALIDMEASURE IRecordNumberSet): IRecordNumberSet ITinTriangle, in zLowerBound: Double, in
esriRelNotification 5 - esriSQL_EscapeKeyPrefix DiffType: esriDifferenceType): replaceExistingInTarget: Boolean,
zUpperBound: Double, out pCount:
IDatasetEdit IDatasetEdit : IUnknown
3 - LOCATING_E_CANT_FIND_ROUTE InvalidArea: IInvalidArea,
1 - esriRelNotificationNone IDifferenceCursorEx Long, in pRegion: WKSPointZ[])
6 - esriSQL_EscapeKeySuffix 4 - LOCATING_E_ROUTE_SHAPE_EMPTY ClusterTolerance: Double) IsBeingEdited: Boolean
2 - esriRelNotificationForward 5 - LOCATING_E_CANT_FIND_LOCATION ConstructPolygonsFromFeatures (cancel: QueryPixelBlock (in pSurface: ISurface, in
3 - esriRelNotificationBackward 6 - LOCATING_E_CANT_FIND_EXTENT ICancelOperation, FeatureClass: xOrigin: Double, in yOrigin: Double, in IDatasetEditInfo IDatasetEditInfo : IUnknown
4 - esriRelNotificationBoth esriTableComponents IFeatureClass, processingBounds: xPixelSize: Double, in yPixelSize:
1 - esriBusinessTable
8 - LOCATING_E_TO_PARTIAL_MATCH IEnvelope, modifyExisting: Boolean, Double, in Type: esriRasterizationType,
in valueForNoData: Variant, in block:
IEventSource IEventSource : IUnknown Attachment RasterCatalogClassDescription
2 - esriFeatureTable replaceTargetSelection: Boolean,
esriRelRole 4 - esriAddsTable
10 - LOCATING_E_ROUTE_NOT_MAWARE WorkspaceEditEvents FIDSet lineSrc: IEnumFeature, InvalidArea: Variant)
RemoveList (in SelectionSet: ISelectionSet, IAttachment IAttachment : IUnknown
1 - esriRelRoleAny 8 - esriDeletesTable IInvalidArea, ClusterTolerance: Double,
2 - esriRelRoleOrigin 16 - esriRasterTable IWorkspaceEditEvents IWorkspaceEditEvents : IUnknown IFIDSet IFIDSet : IUnknown labels: IFeatureClass) AttachmentID: Long
12 - LOCATING_E_MULTIPLE_LOCATION ConstructPolygonsFromFeaturesFromCurs ContentType: String
3 - esriRelRoleDestination 32 - esriArchive
13 - LOCATING_E_NULL_EXTENT or (cancel: ICancelOperation, targetFC:
OnAbortEditOperation IXMLSerialize Add (in fID: Long) Data: IMemoryBlobStream
OnRedoEditOperation Count: Long IFeatureClass, processingBounds: GlobalID: String
esriRuleType esriTableNameErrorType OnStartEditing (in withUndoRedo: Boolean) Delete (in fID: Long) IEnvelope, modifyExisting: Boolean, Name: String
esriXYEventError OnStartEditOperation
1 - esriRTAttribute 1 - esriIsSQLReservedWord Find (in fID: Long, out doesExist: Boolean) replaceTargetSelection: Boolean, ParentID: Long
-2147201023 - XYEVENT_E_INVALID_X_NAME OnStopEditing (in saveEdits: Boolean) pLineSrc: IFeatureCursor, InvalidArea: Size: Long
2 - esriRTEdgeConnectivity 2 - esriHasInvalidCharacter -2147201022 - XYEVENT_E_INVALID_X_TYPE OnStopEditOperation Next (out fID: Long)
3 - esriRTJunctionConnectivity 4 - esriHasInvalidStartingCharacter Reset IInvalidArea, ClusterTolerance: Double,
-2147201021 - XYEVENT_E_INVALID_Y_NAME OnUndoEditOperation
SetEmpty pLabels: IFeatureClass)
4 - esriRTSpatial -2147201020 - XYEVENT_E_INVALID_Y_TYPE ConstructPolygonsFromGeometries
5 - esriRTRelationship -2147201019 - XYEVENT_E_INVALID_Z_NAME (cancel: ICancelOperation,
6 - esriRTTopology esriMetadataSyncAction IFIDSet2 IFIDSet2 : IFIDSet
0 - esriMSAAccessed -2147201018 - XYEVENT_E_INVALID_Z_TYPE FeatureClass: IFeatureClass,
IDs: IEnumIDs processingBounds: IEnvelope,
1 - esriMSAAlways -2147201017 - XYEVENT_E_CANT_SELECT
WorkspaceEditEvents2 modifyExisting: Boolean, pLineSrc:
esriSchemaLock 2 - esriMSACreated
-2147201015 - XYEVENT_E_CANT_DELETE_FIELD IEnumGeometry, InvalidArea:
1 - esriSharedSchemaLock 3 - esriMSANotCreated IWorkspaceEditEvents2 IWorkspaceEditEvents2 : IFIDSetOperator IFIDSetOperator : IUnknown IInvalidArea, ClusterTolerance: Double)
2 - esriExclusiveSchemaLock 4 - esriMSAOverwrite IWorkspaceEditEvents PlanarizeLines (cancel: ICancelOperation,
Difference (in otherFIDSet: IFIDSet): enumFeature: IEnumFeature,
OnBeginStopEditing (in saveEdits: IFIDSet ClusterTolerance: Double)
esriSearchOrder Boolean) Intersect (in otherFIDSet: IFIDSet): IFIDSet PlanarizeLinesFromCursor (cancel:
0 - esriSearchOrderSpatial SymmetricDifference (in otherFIDSet: ICancelOperation, FeatureClass:
1 - esriSearchOrderAttribute IFIDSet): IFIDSet IFeatureClass, FeatureCursor:
Union (in otherFIDSet: IFIDSet): IFIDSet IFeatureCursor, ClusterTolerance:
SplitPolygonsWithLines (cancel:
ICancelOperation, FeatureClass:
IFeatureClass, processingBounds:
IEnvelope, lineSrc: IEnumFeature,
InvalidArea: IInvalidArea,
ClusterTolerance: Double)
(cancel: ICancelOperation,
FeatureClass: IFeatureClass,
processingBounds: IEnvelope, pLineSrc:
IFeatureCursor, InvalidArea:
IInvalidArea, ClusterTolerance: Double)
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
another class.

ESRI® ArcGIS® 10 Type inheritance Types of Relationships

Associations represent relationships between classes . They have defined
Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service multiplicities at both ends.
Workspace in Dataset in marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
Geodatabase Geodatabase InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
Core Core InterfaceB
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
GeoDataset in which it creates an object from another class .
InterfaceG Interface of interest
Geodatabase Core InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
(<classname>)InterfaceO the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
NetworkWorkspace Network diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
INetworkWorkspace INetworkWorkspace : IUnknown INetwork INetwork : IUnknown Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
EdgeCount: Long multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
ISupportErrorInfo CreateNetwork (in networkName: String, in IVersionedObject2 JunctionCount: Long (Optional) represents interfaces that are
NetworkType: esriNetworkType, in MaxDegree: Long ForwardStar inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
buildNormalizedTables: Boolean): MaxTurn: Long
INetwork IForwardStarGEN The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
Status: esriNetworkStatus IForwardStarGEN : IUnknown Outbound Interface enumeration
GetNetworkNames: IEnumBSTR TurnCount: Long
FeatureDataset interfaces they implement.
firstValue - firstEnumeration
OpenNetwork (in networkName: String, in Network: INetwork M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
NetworkType: esriNetworkType, in CreateForwardStar (in honorState: INetworkCollection INetworkCollection : IUnknown Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
FindAdjacent (in fromEdgeEID: Long, in (Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
networkAccess: esriNetworkAccess): Boolean, in JunctionWeight: INetWeight, AtJunctionEID: Long, out
INetwork in FromToEdgeWeight: INetWeight, in GeometricNetwork (in Index: Long): only on specific instances of the class . Property Get
adjacentEdgesCount: Long) IGeometricNetwork 1..* - From one to any positive integer
ToFromEdgeWeight: INetWeight, in Property Put
QueryAdjacentEdge (in Index: Long, out GeometricNetworkByName (in Name: Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
INetworkWorkspace2 INetworkWorkspace2 : INetworkWorkspace turnWeight: INetWeight): IForwardStar
adjacentEdgeEID: Long, out String): IGeometricNetwork
(<classname>) indicates the name of the
Property Put by Reference
CreateNetBrowser (in ElementType: reverseOrientation: Boolean, out helper class required to support this
FormatNumber (in Index: Long): Long esriElementType): IEnumNetEID GeometricNetworkCount: Long
adjacentEdgeWeightValue: Variant) event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
FormatNumberCount: Long CreateGeometricNetwork (in Name: String, secondMember: Type
QueryAdjacentEdges (in
CreateNetworkEx (in networkName: String, INetworkUpdate INetworkUpdate : IUnknown adjacentEdgeEIDs: Long[], in in NetworkType: esriNetworkType, in
in NetworkType: esriNetworkType, in reverseOrientation: Boolean[], in buildNormalizedTables: Boolean):
IsAttributesBeingUpdated: Boolean IGeometricNetwork
buildNormalizedTables: Boolean, in IsSchemaBeingUpdated: Boolean adjacentEdgesWeightValue: Variant[])
ConfigKeyword: String, in formatNum: IsTopologyBeingUpdated: Boolean QueryAdjacentJunction (in Index: Long, out
Long): INetwork adjacentJunctionEID: Long, out INetworkCollection2 INetworkCollection2 : INetworkCollection
GetMaxStorableClassID (in formatNum: StartAttributesUpdating adjacentJunctionWeightValue: Variant)
Long): Long StartSchemaUpdating FormatNumber (in Index: Long): Long
QueryAdjacentJunctions (in
StartTopologyUpdating FormatNumberCount: Long
adjacentJunctionEIDs: Long[], in
StopAttributesUpdating adjacentJunctionsWeightValue: Variant[]) CreateGeometricNetworkEx (in Name:
StopSchemaUpdating QueryAtTurn (in Index: Long, out String, in NetworkType:
StopTopologyUpdating adjacentTurnEID: Long, out esriNetworkType, in
adjacentTurnWeightValue: Variant) buildNormalizedTables: Boolean, in
Enumerations INetElements INetElements : IUnknown ConfigKeyword: String, in formatNum:
Long): IGeometricNetwork
GetEID (in UserClassID: Long, in UserID: GetMaxStorableClassID (in formatNum:
Long, in UserSubID: Long, in Long): Long
ElementType: esriElementType): Long
GetEIDCount (in UserClassID: Long, in
UserID: Long, in ElementType: IEnumNetEID
esriNetworkErrors esriElementType esriNetworkFeatureAncillaryRole IEnumNetEID : IUnknown
-2147205119 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_FEATURE_WORKSPACE 0 - esriETNone 0 - esriNFARNone
esriElementType): Long
GetEIDs (in UserClassID: Long, in UserID:
ObjectClass in
Count: Long
-2147205118 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_NETWORK_NAME 1 - esriETJunction 1 - esriNFARSource
-2147205117 - NETWORK_E_UNKNOWN_NETWORK_TYPE 2 - esriETEdge 2 - esriNFARSink
Long, in ElementType: ElementType: esriElementType Geodatabase Core
esriElementType): IEnumNetEID Network: INetwork
-2147205116 - NETWORK_E_CANNOT_OPEN_TABLE 3 - esriETTurn IsValidElement (in EID: Long, in
-2147205115 - NETWORK_E_CANNOT_CREATE_TABLE ElementType: esriElementType): Last: Long
-2147205114 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_ELEMENT_CLASSES Boolean Next: Long
esriNetworkStatus Prev: Long
-2147205113 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_WEIGHT_DEFINITIONS QueryIDs (in EID: Long, in ElementType:
esriFlowDirection 0 - esriNSInvalidConnection Reset
-2147205112 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_WEIGHT_ASSOCIATION esriElementType, out UserClassID:
0 - esriFDUninitialized 1 - esriNSNetworkAlreadyExist Long, out UserID: Long, out UserSubID:
-2147205111 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_NETWORK_ACCESS 1 - esriFDWithFlow 2 - esriNSReadOnlyNetwork Long) IEnumNetEIDBuilderGEN IEnumNetEIDBuilderGEN : IUnknown
-2147205110 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_FORMAT_NUMBER 2 - esriFDAgainstFlow 3 - esriNSCannotOpenTables
-2147205109 - NETWORK_E_OLD_WORKSPACE_VERSION 3 - esriFDIndeterminate 4 - esriNSCannotCreateTables INetAttributes INetAttributes : IUnknown
EIDs: Long[] *
-2147205108 - NETWORK_E_CANNOT_CLOSE_TABLE ElementType: esriElementType
5 - esriNSInvalidElementClasses
-2147205107 - NETWORK_E_CANNOT_DELETE_TABLE 6 - esriNSInvalidWeights GetDisabledState (in EID: Long, in
Network: INetwork GeometricNetwork FeatureClass
-2147205106 - NETWORK_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR 7 - esriNSUnknownStatus Add (in EID: Long)
esriNetworkAccess ElementType: esriElementType): IGeometricNetwork INetworkClass
-2147205105 - NETWORK_E_REACHED_MEMORY_QUOTA 8 - esriNSValidNetwork IGeometricNetwork : IGraph INetworkClass : IFeatureClass
0 - esriNAReadOnly Boolean
-2147205104 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_ENGINE_CONNECTION 9 - esriNSInvalidName GetWeightValue (in EID: Long, in
1 - esriNAReadWrite ClassesByNetworkAncillaryRole (in Role: FieldToWeightMapping (in FieldIndex:
-2147205103 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_ENGINE IDataset
-2147205102 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_ENGINE_FSTAR 2 - esriNACreate ElementType: esriElementType, in
weightInternalID: Long): Variant IDatasetEdit
0..1 *
Long): Long
GeometricNetwork: IGeometricNetwork
-2147205101 - NETWORK_E_UNKNOWN_ENGINE_ERROR ClassesByType (in Type: esriFeatureType): NetworkAncillaryRole:
esriNetworkType IGeoDataset
-2147205100 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_NETWORK INetAttributesEdit INetAttributesEdit : INetAttributes NetElementClass IMetadata IEnumFeatureClass esriNetworkClassAncillaryRole
-2147205099 - NETWORK_E_NETWORK_ALREADY_EXISTS esriNetworkClassAncillaryRole 0 - esriNTStreetNetwork EdgeElement (in location: IPoint): Long
-2147205098 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_USER_CLASS_ID 0 - esriNCARNone 1 - esriNTUtilityNetwork IMetadataEdit GeometryForEdgeEID (in edgeEID: Long):
SetDisabledState (in EID: Long, in INetElementClass INetElementClass : IUnknown IGeometry
-2147205097 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_WEIGHT_NAME 1 - esriNCARSourceSink ElementType: esriElementType, in INativeTypeInfo
-2147205096 - NETWORK_E_READ_ONLY_NETWORK disableState: Boolean) UserClassID: Long GeometryForJunctionEID (in junctionEID:
-2147205095 - NETWORK_E_EDIT_SESSION_IN_PROGRESS SetWeightValue (in EID: Long, in
ISchemaLock Long): IGeometry
-2147205094 - NETWORK_E_UPDATE_SESSION_IN_PROGRESS ElementType: esriElementType, in InvalidArea: IInvalidArea
esriNetworkErrorType 0 - esriTDTo
weightInternalID: Long, in weightValue: JunctionElement (in location: IPoint): Long
-2147205093 - NETWORK_E_NO_EDIT_SESSION_IN_PROGRESS 0 - esriNETAll 1 - esriTDFrom
Variant) Network: INetwork
-2147205092 - NETWORK_E_NO_UPDATE_SESSION_IN_PROGRESS 1 - esriNETConnectivity NetworkFeature (in networkElement:
-2147205091 - NETWORK_E_PROPERTY_IS_ALREADY_SET 2 - esriNETAssociatedElements INetElementDescription):
-2147205090 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE INetSchema INetSchema : IUnknown
3 - esriNETMissingAllElements
4 - esriNETMissingAnyElements
ElementClass (in Index: Long):
NetWeight INetworkFeature
NetworkType: esriNetworkType
0 - esriWTNull
-2147205088 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_ELEMENT_ID 5 - esriNETDuplicateElements 1 - esriWTBitGate INetElementClass INetWeight INetWeight : IUnknown
OrphanJunctionFeatureClass: ICursor Feature in
-2147205087 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_USER_ID 6 - esriNETAssociatedWithInvalidElements 2 - esriWTInteger
ElementClassByUserID (in IFeatureClass IFeatureCursor FeatureCursor
-2147205086 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_USER_SUB_ID 7 - esriNETAssociatedFeatures 3 - esriWTSingle
elementclassUserID: Long):
IXMLSerialize BitGateSize: Long Rules: IEnumRule Geodatabase Core
-2147205085 - NETWORK_E_OVERFLOW_USER_CLASS_ID INetElementClass WeightID: Long RulesByClassAndSubtype (in ClassID:
8 - esriNETAssociatedWithMissingFeatures 4 - esriWTDouble
-2147205084 - NETWORK_E_OVERFLOW_USER_ID ElementClassCount: Long WeightName: String Long, in SubtypeCode: Long):
9 - esriNETGeometry 5 - esriWTBoolean
-2147205083 - NETWORK_E_OVERFLOW_USER_SUB_ID Weight (in weightInternalID: Long): WeightType: esriWeightType IEnumRule
10 - esriNETEmptyGeometry INetWeight ValidFlowDirection: Boolean
-2147205082 - NETWORK_E_OVERFLOW_ELEMENT_ID 11 - esriNETMultipartGeometry WeightAssociations (in weightInternalID:
-2147205081 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_WEIGHT_ID 12 - esriNETIdenticalStartStopVertex Long): IEnumNetWeightAssociation INetWeightEdit INetWeightEdit : INetWeight CreateOrphanFeature (in location: IPoint,
-2147205080 - NETWORK_E_COPY_OVERFLOW_USER_CLASS_ID 13 - esriNETZeroLengthGeometry WeightAssociationsByTableName (in out orphanEID: Long):
-2147205079 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_WEIGHT_VALUE BitGateSize: Long ISimpleJunctionFeature
14 - esriNETAssociatedWithSameFromToJunction TableName: String): WeightName: String
-2147205078 - NETWORK_E_NO_EDIT_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS IEnumNetWeightAssociation EstablishFlowDirection
15 - esriNETMismatchedZValue WeightType: esriWeightType
-2147205077 - NETWORK_E_EDIT_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS 16 - esriNETStandaloneJunction WeightByName (in WeightName: String): SearchForNetworkFeature (in location:
IPoint, in Type: esriFeatureType):
-2147205076 - NETWORK_E_LOOP_EDGE_CHAIN INetWeight
WeightCount: Long IEnumFeature INetworkFeature
-2147205075 - NETWORK_E_CANNOT_READ_TABLE INetworkFeature : IUnknown
-2147205074 - NETWORK_E_CANNOT_WRITE_TABLE GetAncillaryRole (in UserClassID: Long, out IFeatureClassContainer IFeatureClassContainer : IUnknown Enabled: Boolean
-2147205073 - NETWORK_E_CORRUPT_DATA ancillaryRole: GeometricNetwork: IGeometricNetwork
-2147205072 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_WEIGHT_ELEMENT_TYPES esriNetworkClassAncillaryRole, out Class (in ClassIndex: Long): IFeatureClass
AncillaryRoleFieldName: String) EnumNetWeightAssociation ClassByID (in ID: Long): IFeatureClass
ClassByName (in Name: String): * CreateNetworkElements: IEnumNetEID
GetEnabledDisabledFieldName (in
IFeatureClass Disconnect
-2147205069 - NETWORK_E_INVALID_TABLE_NAME UserClassID: Long): String IEnumNetWeightAssociation IEnumNetWeightAssociation : IUnknown
ClassCount: Long OnDisconnect
INetSchemaEdit INetSchemaEdit : INetSchema Count: Long Classes: IEnumFeatureClass
-2147205066 - NETWORK_E_DUPLICATE_TURN Next: INetWeightAssociation
-2147205065 - NETWORK_E_BAD_TURN_INTERIOR_EXTERIOR_CONFLICT AddElementClass (in UserClassID: Long): Reset IGraph IGraph : IUnknown
-2147205063 - NETWORK_E_BAD_TURN_SELF_LOOP AddWeight (in networkWeight: INetWeight) FeatureDataset: IFeatureDataset
-2147205062 - NETWORK_E_BAD_TURN_UNCONNECTED_ANCHOR AddWeightAssociation (in weightSource: AddFeatureClass (in FeatureClass:
-2147205061 - NETWORK_E_BAD_TURN_UNCONNECTED_EDGES INetWeightAssociation) IFeatureClass, in EnabledFieldName:
PutAncillaryRole (in UserClassID: Long, in String, in Role:
ancillaryRole: esriNetworkClassAncillaryRole, in
-2147205059 - NETWORK_E_DELETE_WEIGHT_HAS_ASSOCIATIONS esriNetworkClassAncillaryRole,
-2147205058 - NETWORK_E_DUPLICATE_PROPERTY AncillaryRoleFieldName: String)
AncillaryRoleFieldName: String) DeleteSet (in featuresToDelete: ISet)
-2147205057 - NETWORK_E_UNDEFINED_PROPERTY PutEnabledDisabledFieldName (in NetWeightAssociation Init (in Dataset: IFeatureDataset, in
-2147205056 - NETWORK_E_MISSING_PROPERTY UserClassID: Long, in graphID: Long, in graphName: String, in
-2147205055 - NETWORK_E_CANNOT_OPEN_LOGICAL_NETWORK enabledDisabledRoleFieldName: String) INetWeightAssociation INetWeightAssociation : IUnknown buildNormalizedTables: Boolean, in
FieldName: String createGraph: Boolean)
INetTopology INetTopology : IUnknown IXMLSerialize TableName: String Merge (in mergingFeatures:
WeightID: Long IEnumFeature): IEnumFeature SimpleJunctionFeature EdgeFeature
GetAdjacentEdge (in AtJunctionEID: Long, Split (in splittingEdge: IEdgeFeature, in
in Index: Long, out adjacentEdge: Long, point: IGeometry): ISet ISimpleJunctionFeature ISimpleJunctionFeature : IUnknown IEdgeFeature IEdgeFeature : IUnknown
out reverseOrientation: Boolean) INetWeightAssociationEdit INetWeightAssociationEdit : TransformSet (in features: ISet, in Type:
GetAdjacentEdgeCount (in AtJunctionEID: INetWeightAssociation esriTransformType, in tranformation: EdgeFeature (in Index: Long): FromJunctionEID: Long
IEdgeFeature FromJunctionFeature: IJunctionFeature
NetElementDescription Long): Long
GetFromToJunctionEIDs (in edgeEID: FieldName: String
EdgeFeatureCount: Long FromToJunctionEIDs: IEnumNetEID
Long, out FromJunctionEID: Long, out TableName: String IGeometricNetworkConnectivity EID: Long GeometryForEdgeElement (in subID:
INetElementDescription INetElementDescription : IUnknown IGeometricNetworkConnectivity : IUnknown
ToJunctionEID: Long) WeightID: Long Long): IGeometry
ToJunctionEID: Long
ElementType: esriElementType RebuildConnectivity (in IJunctionFeature IJunctionFeature : IUnknown ToJunctionFeature: IJunctionFeature
UserClassID: Long INetTopologyEdit INetTopologyEdit : INetTopology pIncrementalRebuildArea: IEnvelope)
UserID: Long GeometryForJunctionElement (in subID:
UserSubID: Long AddEdgeByEndEIDs (in edgeDescription: IGeometricNetworkConnectivity2 Long): IGeometry
IGeometricNetworkConnectivity2 :
INetElementDescription, in NetworkAncillaryRole:
IGeometricNetworkConnectivity esriNetworkFeatureAncillaryRole
INetElementDescriptionEdit FromJunctionEID: Long, in
INetElementDescriptionEdit : OriginalGeometryForJunctionElement (in
ToJunctionEID: Long): Long CheckAndRepairConnectivity (in
INetElementDescription AddJunction (in junctionDescription: subID: Long): IGeometry
checkOnly: Boolean, in logFilePath:
ElementType: esriElementType INetElementDescription): Long String, out errorSelectionSets: ISet, out
UserClassID: Long DeleteByEID (in EID: Long, in hasInternalInconsistencies: Boolean, in ISimpleNetworkFeature ISimpleNetworkFeature : IUnknown
UserID: Long ElementType: esriElementType) pRepairConnectivityProgress:
UserSubID: Long DeleteByID (in UserClassID: Long, in IRepairConnectivityProgress)
UserID: Long, in UserSubID: Long, in RebuildConnectivity2 (in
ElementType: esriElementType) pIncrementalRebuildArea: IEnvelope)

IGeometricNetworkErrorDetection IGeometricNetworkErrorDetection : IUnknown

ErrorTable: ITable
Rule in SimpleEdgeFeature ComplexEdgeFeature
CreateErrorTable (in Name: String, out
Geodatabase Core ErrorTable: ITable) ISimpleEdgeFeature ISimpleEdgeFeature : IUnknown IComplexEdgeFeature IComplexEdgeFeature : IUnknown
CreateSelectionSetFromErrorTable: ISet
DeleteNetworkElements (in selectionSets: EID: Long GeometryByPoints (in fromPoint: IPoint, in
ISet) toPoint: IPoint): IGeometry
DetectNetworkErrors (in errorType: GeometryForEID (in edgeEID: Long):
esriNetworkErrorType, in areaOfInterest:
ISimpleNetworkFeature ISimpleNetworkFeature : IUnknown IGeometry
IEnvelope, in selectionSets: ISet, out JunctionFeature (in Index: Long):
problemSelectionSets: ISet) IJunctionFeature
JunctionFeatureCount: Long
StreetNetwork UtilityNetwork ConnectivityRule ConnectAtIntermediateVertices
SplitEdgeElement (in point: IPoint, in
IStreetNetwork IStreetNetwork : INetwork IUtilityNetworkGEN IUtilityNetworkGEN : INetwork IConnectivityRule IConnectivityRule : IRule newJunctionEID: Long)
ValidFlowDirection: Boolean
IComplexNetworkFeature IComplexNetworkFeature : IUnknown
EstablishFlowDirection (in sourceEIDs:
Long[], in sinkEIDs: Long[]) EdgeElementCount: Long
GetFlowDirection (in edgeEID: Long): EnabledByIndex (in edgeIndex: Long):
esriFlowDirection Boolean
PartialEstablishFlowDirection (in
FindEdgeEID (in point: IPoint): Long
sourceEIDs: Long[], in sinkEIDs: Long[])
SetFlowDirection (in edgeEID: Long, in
flowDirection: esriFlowDirection)

JunctionConnectivityRule EdgeConnectivityRule
IJunctionConnectivityRule IJunctionConnectivityRule : IConnectivityRule IEdgeConnectivityRule IEdgeConnectivityRule : IConnectivityRule
EdgeClassID: Long DefaultJunctionClassID: Long
EdgeMaximumCardinality: Long DefaultJunctionSubtypeCode: Long
EdgeMinimumCardinality: Long FromEdgeClassID: Long
EdgeSubtypeCode: Long FromEdgeSubtypeCode: Long
JunctionClassID: Long JunctionClassID (in Index: Long): Long
JunctionMaximumCardinality: Long JunctionCount: Long
JunctionMinimumCardinality: Long JunctionSubtypeCode (in Index: Long):
JunctionSubtypeCode: Long Long
ToEdgeClassID: Long
ToEdgeSubtypeCode: Long
IJunctionConnectivityRule2 IJunctionConnectivityRule2 :
IJunctionConnectivityRule AddJunction (in ClassID: Long, in
SubtypeCode: Long)
DefaultJunction: Boolean ContainsJunction (in ClassID: Long, in
SubtypeCode: Long): Boolean
GetJunctionInfo (in Index: Long, out
ClassID: Long, out SubtypeCode: Long)
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
another class.

Type inheritance Types of Relationships

Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
ESRI® ArcGIS® 10 InterfaceG Interface of interest
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
which it creates an object from another class .
InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
(Optional) represents interfaces that are
inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
Outbound Interface enumeration
interfaces they implement.
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
(Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
only on specific instances of the class . Property Get
GeoDataset in Geodatabase Core 1..* - From one to any positive integer
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this
event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type

FeatureDataset ITopology ITopology : IUnknown
ITopologyContainer ITopologyContainer : IUnknown Cache: ITopologyGraph
IDataset ClusterTolerance: Double ObjectClass in Geodatabase Core
DefaultClusterTolerance: Double DirtyArea (in location: IPolygon): IPolygon
MaximumClusterTolerance: Double FeatureDataset: IFeatureDataset
MinimumClusterTolerance: Double MaximumGeneratedErrorCount: Long
Topology (in Index: Long): ITopology IDatasetEdit State: esriTopologyState
TopologyByID (in ID: Long): ITopology TopologyID: Long
TopologyByName (in Name: String): IGeoDataset
ITopology ISchemaLock AddClass (in classToAdd: IClass, in
TopologyCount: Long Weight: Double, in XYRank: Long, in
IFeatureClassContainer ZRank: Long, in
CreateTopology (in Name: String, in IMetadata EventNotificationOnValidate: Boolean)
ClusterTolerance: Double, in
IMetadataEdit RemoveClass (in classToRemove: IClass) 0..1
maxGeneratedErrorCount: Long, in
ConfigurationKeyword: String): ITopology *
ValidateTopology (in areaToValidate:
IEnvelope): IEnvelope
* FeatureClass
ITopologyContainer2 ITopologyContainer2 : ITopologyContainer ITopology2 ITopology2 : ITopology ITopologyClass ITopologyClass : IUnknown
DefaultZClusterTolerance: Double ZClusterTolerance: Double ITopologyClassEvents EventNotificationOnValidate: Boolean
MaximumZClusterTolerance: Double IsInTopology: Boolean
MinimumZClusterTolerance: Double Topology: ITopology
IErrorFeatureContainer IErrorFeatureContainer : IUnknown Weight: Double
CreateTopologyEx (in Name: String, in XYRank: Long
ClusterTolerance: Double, in ErrorFeature (in SpatialReference: ZRank: Long
ZClusterTolerance: Double, in ISpatialReference, in errorType:
maxGeneratedErrorCount: Long, in esriTopologyRuleType, in
ConfigurationKeyword: String): ITopology GeometryType: esriGeometryType, in Feature in Geodatabase Core
OriginClassID: Long, in OriginOID: Long,
in DestinationClassID: Long, in
DestinationOID: Long):

ErrorFeatures (in SpatialReference:
ISpatialReference, in Rule: ICursor
ITopologyRule, in Extent: IEnvelope, in Cursor
Errors: Boolean, in Exceptions: Boolean):
esriTopologyRuleType Rule in Geodatabase Core ErrorFeaturesByGeometryType (in
-1 - esriTRTAny SpatialReference: ISpatialReference, in TopologyFeature
0 - esriTRTFeatureLargerThanClusterTolerance GeometryType: esriGeometryType, in
Exceptions: Boolean): ITopologyFeature ITopologyFeature : IUnknown
1 - esriTRTAreaNoGaps
3 - esriTRTAreaNoOverlap ErrorFeaturesByRuleType (in
4 - esriTRTAreaCoveredByAreaClass
5 - esriTRTAreaAreaCoverEachOther
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference, in
7 - esriTRTAreaCoveredByArea esriTopologyRuleType, in Extent:
8 - esriTRTAreaNoOverlapArea TopologyRule IEnvelope, in Errors: Boolean, in
10 - esriTRTLineCoveredByAreaBoundary
11 - esriTRTLineProperlyInsideArea ITopologyRule ITopologyRule : IUnknown
Exceptions: Boolean):
13 - esriTRTPointCoveredByAreaBoundary AllDestinationSubtypes: Boolean
IToplogyGraph ITopologyGraph : IUnknown
15 - esriTRTPointProperlyInsideArea AllOriginSubtypes: Boolean ITopologyRuleContainer ITopologyRuleContainer : IUnknown BuildExtent: IEnvelope
16 - esriTRTAreaContainOnePoint DestinationClassID: Long Edges: IEnumTopologyEdge
19 - esriTRTLineNoOverlap DestinationSubtype: Long CanAddRule (in Rule: ITopologyRule): EdgeSelection: IEnumTopologyEdge ITopologyErrorFeature ITopologyErrorFeature : IUnknown
20 - esriTRTLineNoIntersection DestinationSubtypeSpecified: Boolean Boolean
21 - esriTRTLineNoDangles
GUID: String
Name: String
* Rule (in RuleID: Long): IRule
Extent: IEnvelope
HasElement (Element: ITopologyElement):
DestinationClassID: Long
DestinationOID: Long
22 - esriTRTLineNoPseudos RuleByGUID (in GUID: String): IRule Boolean
OriginClassID: Long Rules: IEnumRule IsPosting: Boolean ErrorID: Long
26 - esriTRTLineCoveredByLineClass OriginSubtype: Long Nodes: IEnumTopologyNode IsDeleted: Boolean
OriginSubtypeSpecified: Boolean RulesByClass (in ClassID: Long):
28 - esriTRTLineNoOverlapLine NodeSelection: IEnumTopologyNode IsException: Boolean
TopologyRuleType: esriTopologyRuleType IEnumRule
29 - esriTRTPointCoveredByLine RulesByClassAndSubtype (in ClassID: SelectionCount (whichElements: Long): Long OriginClassID: Long
TriggerErrorEvents: Boolean SelectionExtent (whichElements: Long, OriginOID: Long
31 - esriTRTPointCoveredByLineEndpoint Long, in SubType: Long): IEnumRule
34 - esriTRTPointDisjoint ErrorShapeTypes (out multipoints: Boolean, includeAdjacent: Boolean): IEnvelope ShapeType: esriGeometryType
out polylines: Boolean, out polygons: AddRule (in Rule: ITopologyRule) SelectionParents: IEnumTopologyParent TopologyRule: IRule
35 - esriTRTPointCoincidePoint
37 - esriTRTAreaBoundaryCoveredByLine Boolean) DeleteRule (in Rule: ITopologyRule) TopologyRuleType: esriTopologyRuleType
Build (Extent: IEnvelope, preserveSelection:
38 - esriTRTAreaBoundaryCoveredByAreaBoundary DemoteFromRuleException (in Boolean)
errorException: ITopologyErrorFeature) DeleteEdge (Edge: ITopologyEdge)
39 - esriTRTLineNoSelfOverlap
PromoteToRuleException (in DeletePseudoNodesFromSelection
40 - esriTRTLineNoSelfIntersect errorException: ITopologyErrorFeature) EnumHitTest (whichElements: Long,
41 - esriTRTLineNoIntersectOrInteriorTouch QueryPoint: IPoint, searchRadius: Double,
42 - esriTRTLineEndpointCoveredByPoint Workspace ITopologyProperties out hitInfo: IEnumTGHitInfo): Boolean
ITopologyProperties : IUnknown
43 - esriTRTAreaContainPoint GetParentEdges (FeatureClass:
44 - esriTRTLineNoMultipart Classes: IEnumFeatureClass IFeatureClass, FID: Long):
ITopologyWorkspace ITopologyWorkspace : IUnknown
ClusterTolerance: Double IEnumTopologyEdge
45 - esriTRTLineNoIntersectLine
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference GetParentGeometry (FeatureClass:
46 - esriTRTLineNoIntersectOrInteriorTouchLine OpenTopology (in Name: String): ITopology IFeatureClass, FID: Long): IGeometry
GetParentNodes (FeatureClass: ObjectClassExtension
IFeatureClass, FID: Long):
esriTopologySelectionResultEnum IEnumTopologyNode in Geodatabase Core
0 - esriTopologySelectionResultNew GetSelectionFeedback (whichElements: Long,
pAnchor: IPoint, proportionalStretch:
1 - esriTopologySelectionResultAdd Boolean): IDisplayFeedback
2 - esriTopologySelectionResultSubtract GetSplitMoveNodeFeedback (nodeToSplit:
3 - esriTopologySelectionResultXOR ITopologyNode, proportionalStretch:
TopoElement Boolean, outputSR: ISpatialReference):
esriTopologyState ITopologyElement ITopologyElement : IUnknown HitTest (whichElements: Long, QueryPoint:
IPoint, searchRadius: Double, hitPoint:
0 - esriTSUnanalyzed Geometry: IGeometry IPoint, hitDistance: Double, hitElement: FeatureClassExtension
1 - esriTSAnalyzedWithErrors
2 - esriTSAnalyzedWithoutErrors
IsDeleted: Boolean
IsSelected: Boolean
* ITopologyElement): Boolean
HitTestSelection (whichElements: Long, ITopologyClassEvents ITopologyClassEvents : IUnknown
3 - esriTSEmpty Parents: IEnumTopologyParent QueryPoint: IPoint, searchRadius: Double,
Visited: Boolean hitPoint: IPoint, hitDistance: Double,
hitElement: ITopologyElement): Boolean OnValidate (in validatedArea: IGeometry)
esriTopologyElementType QueryGeometry (in Geometry: IGeometry) Post (out InvalidArea: IEnvelope)
ReshapeEdgeGeometry (pEdge:
1 - esriTopologyNode ITopologyEdge, reshapeGeometry: IPath):
2 - esriTopologyEdge Boolean
4 - esriTopologyFace Select (selectHow:
Element: ITopologyElement): Boolean
SelectByGeometry (whichElements: Long,
esriTopoSide selectHow:
0 - esriTSLeft
1 - esriTSRight
pGeometry: IGeometry)
SetEdgeGeometry (pE: ITopologyEdge,
pGeometry: IPath) ITopologyClassEvents ITopologyClassEvents : IUnknown
TopologyNode EnumNodeEdge TopologyEdge SetEmpty
SetParentSelected (FeatureClass:
ITopologyNode IEnumNodeEdge IEnumNodeEdge : IUnknown ITopologyEdge ITopologyEdge : ITopologyElement IFeatureClass, FID: Long, Selected: OnValidate (in validatedArea: IGeometry)
ITopologyNode : ITopologyElement Boolean): Boolean
Count: Long FromNode: ITopologyNode SetSelectionEmpty (whichElements: Long)
Degree: Long IsClockwise: Boolean
Edges (clockwise: Boolean): LeftParents (boundedByEdge: Boolean): SplitEdgeAtDistance (pE: ITopologyEdge,
Next (out nextEdge: ITopologyEdge, out IEnumTopologyParent Distance: Double, bAsRatio: Boolean,
IEnumNodeEdge Tolerance: Double, out ppFrom:
IsDegreeKnown: Boolean atFrom: Boolean) LeftVisited: Boolean
Reset RightParents (boundedByEdge: Boolean): ITopologyEdge, out ppMid: ITopologyNode,
out ppTo: ITopologyEdge)
IEnumTopologyParent SplitEdgeAtPoint (pE: ITopologyEdge,
RightVisited: Boolean pSplitPoint: IPoint, Tolerance: Double, out
ToNode: ITopologyNode ppFrom: ITopologyEdge, out ppMid:
ITopologyNode, out ppTo: ITopologyEdge)
SplitMoveNode (nodeToSplit: ITopologyNode,
pMoveTo: IPoint, proportionalStretch:
TransformSelection (Direction:
esriTransformDirection, Transformation:
ITransformation, bProportionalStretch:
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
another class.

Type inheritance Types of Relationships

Associations represent relationships between classes . They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
InterfaceG Interface of interest
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
which it creates an object from another class . ESRI® ArcGIS® 10
InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class. Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
(Optional) represents interfaces that are
inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied) GPValue
The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
interfaces they implement. Outbound Interface enumeration IGpValue IGPValue : IUnknown
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers) IPersistStream DataType: IGPDataType
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration IClone
(Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer Empty
only on specific instances of the class . Property Get IXMLSerialize GetAsText: String
1..* - From one to any positive integer IsEmpty: Boolean
Property Put
Property Get/Put <<Struct>> SetAsText (in text: String): IGPMessage
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Structure key
helper class required to support this
Property Put by Reference IGPDataType IGPDataType : IUnknown
event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type IClone ControlCLSID: IUID
secondMember: Type DisplayName: String
FullName: IName
HelpContext: Long
HelpFile: String
MetadataFile: String
Name: String
CreateValue (in text: String): IGPValue
GPDataTypeName ValidateDataType (in Type: IGPDataType):
DataElement IGPMessage
IDataElement IDataElement : IUnknown
IGPDataTypeName IGPDataTypeName : IUnknown ValidateValue (in Value: IGPValue, in
Domain: IGPDomain): IGPMessage
Field in Index in IMetadata CatalogPath: String IGPName IGPName : IUnknown
Children: IArray IName
Geodatabase Geodatabase ChildrenExpanded: Boolean Category: String
FullPropsRetrieved: Boolean IPersist Description: String
Core Core MetadataRetrieved: Boolean IPersistStream DisplayName: String
Name: String Factory: IUnknown
Type: String
IXMLSerialize Name: String

GetBaseName: String
GetExtension: String FieldType
GetFile: String IDataElementType IDataElementType : IUnknown
GetPath: String IFieldType IFieldType : IUnknown IGxFilterInfo CreateOutputDataElement (in CatalogPath:
String, in optionalWorkspace: String):

IIndexType IIndexType : IUnknown

DEDataset DEWorkspace DEDatasetType DEWorkspaceType

IDEDataset IDEDataset : IUnknown
IDEWorkspace IDEWorkspace : IUnknown
IDEDatasetType IDEDatasetType : IUnknown IDEWorkspaceType IDEWorkspaceType : IUnknown
CanVersion: Boolean
ConnectionProperties: IPropertySet
DatasetType: esriDatasetType
ConnectionString: String
DSID: Long Domains: IArray
Versioned: Boolean WorkspaceFactoryProgID: String
WorkspaceType: esriWorkspaceType

DERepresentationClass DETable DEGeoDataset

IDERepresentationClass IDERepresentationClass : IUnknown IDETable IDETable : IUnknown IDEGeoDataset IDEGeoDataset : IUnknown

Attributes: IGraphicAttributes Fields: IFields Extent: IEnvelope Domain in * DEGeoDatasetType

IMetadata FeatureClassName: String HasOID: Boolean SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
Indexes: IIndexes Geodatabase Core IDEGeoDatasetType IDEGeoDatasetType : IUnknown
IXMLSerialize OverrideFieldName: String
OIDFieldName: String
IPersistStream RepresentationRules:
RequireShapeOverride: Boolean IDEGdbTable IDEGdbTable : IDETable DETableType
RuleIDFieldName: String
AliasName: String IDETableType IDETableType : IUnknown
CLSID: String
ControllerMemberships: IArray
DefaultSubtypeCode: Long
ExtensionProperties: IPropertySet DEFeatureDataset DEFeatureDatasetType
GlobalIDFieldName: String
HasGlobalID: Boolean
IDEFeatureDataset IDEFeatureDataset : IUnknown IDEFeatureDatasetType IDEFeatureDatasetType : IUnknown
ModelName: String
RasterFieldName: String
GPSubtype RelationshipClassNames: IStringArray DERelationshipClassType
SubtypeFieldName: String
IGPSubtype IGPSubtype : IUnknown IDERelationshipClassType IDERelationshipClassType : IUnknown
Subtypes: IArray
IPersist DefaultValue (in FieldName: String): Variant
IPersistStream DomainName (in FieldName: String): String DEGeometricNetwork
SubtypeCode: Long DEGeometricNetworkType
SubtypeName: String IDEGeometricNetwork IDEGeometricNetwork : IUnknown
FeatureClassNames: IStringArray IDEGeometricNetworkType IDEGeometricNetworkType : IUnknown
NetworkType: esriNetworkType
NetworkWeights: IArray
GPRelationshipClassKey DEFeatureClass OrphanJunctionFeatureClassName: String DEFeatureClassType
IClone Rules: IArray
IGPRelationshipClassKey : IUnknown WeightAssociations: IArray IDEFeatureClassType IDEFeatureClassType : IUnknown
IPersist ClassKeyName: String
IDEFeatureClass IDEFeatureClass : IUnknown
KeyRole: esriRelKeyRole IDEGeoDataset FeatureType: esriFeatureType
IPersistStream ObjectKeyName: String HasM: Boolean IDETopologyType IDETopologyType : IUnknown
IXMLSerialize HasSpatialIndex: Boolean
HasZ: Boolean
ShapeFieldName: String
* ShapeType: esriGeometryType
DERelationshipClass IDEGdbFeatureClass IDEGdbFeatureClass : IDEFeatureClass
IDETopology IDETopology : IUnknown
IDERelationshipClassEx IDERelationshipClassEx : IUnknown AreaFieldName: String ClusterTolerance: Double IDERasterCatalogType IDERasterCatalogType : IUnknown
LengthFieldName: String FeatureClassNames: IStringArray
BackwardPathLabel: String
Cardinality: esriRelCardinality MaximumGeneratedErrorCount: Long
ClassKey: esriRelClassKey Rules: IArray

DestinationClassKeys: IArray ZClusterTolerance: Double
RelationshipRule in * DestinationClassNames: IStringArray
ForwardPathLabel: String
Geodatabase Core IsAttributed: Boolean
IsComposite: Boolean esriRelKeyRole
IsReflexive: Boolean
KeyType: esriRelKeyType IDERasterCatalog DERasterCatalog * esriDEExpandType
0 - esriDEExpandNone
0 - esriGPMessageTypeInformative
0 - esriRelClassKeyUndefined 0 - esriRelKeyRoleOriginPrimary
1 - esriDEExpandChildren 1 - esriGPMessageTypeProcessDefinition 1 - esriRelClassKeyClassID 1 - esriRelKeyRoleDestinationPrimary
Notification: esriRelNotification
OriginClassKeys: IArray 2 - esriDEExpandDescendants 2 - esriGPMessageTypeProcessStart 2 - esriRelClassKeyClassCode 2 - esriRelKeyRoleOriginForeign
IDERasterCatalog : IUnknown 3 - esriRelKeyRoleDestinationForeign
OriginClassNames: IStringArray 3 - esriGPMessageTypeProcessStop
DEGdbUtilities RelationshipRules: IArray RasterFieldName: String
TopologyRule in 50 - esriGPMessageTypeWarning
esriGPMessageSeverity 100 - esriGPMessageTypeError esriRelClassCodeType
IDEGdbUtilities IDEGdbUtilities : IUnknown Geodatabase Core 101 - esriGPMessageTypeEmpty 0 - esriRelClassCodeTypeInteger esriRelKeyType
0 - esriGPMessageSeverityInformative
1 - esriGPMessageSeverityWarning 102 - esriGPMessageTypeGDBError 1 - esriRelClassCodeTypeString 0 - esriRelKeyTypeSingle
GetDatasetTypeDescription (in Type: 200 - esriGPMessageTypeAbort 1 - esriRelKeyTypeDual
esriDatasetType): String 2 - esriGPMessageSeverityError
GetDatasetTypeFromString (in desc: GPMessages 3 - esriGPMessageSeverityAbort
String): esriDatasetType 0 - esriRelDirectionForward
GetExpandTypeDescription (in Type: IGPMessage IGPMessage : IDispatch
1 - esriRelDirectionBackward
esriDEExpandType): String 0 - esriRelClassCodeTypeInteger
GetExpandTypeFromString (in desc: Description: String 1 - esriRelClassCodeTypeString 2 - esriRelDirectionBoth
String): esriDEExpandType
GetFeatureTypeDescription (in Type: IPersistStream
ErrorCode: Long
Type: esriGPMessageType ConnectivityRule in *
esriFeatureType): String IXMLSerialize IsAbort: Boolean
Geodatabase Core
GetFeatureTypeFromString (in desc: IPersist IsError: Boolean
String): esriFeatureType IsInformational: Boolean
IGPControllerMembership IGPControllerMembership : IUnknown
GetFieldTypeDescription (in Type: IsWarning: Boolean
esriFieldType): String
GetFieldTypeFromString (in desc: String): IGPMessages IGPMessages : IUnknown DEBrowseOptions
esriFieldType IGPDomain : IUnknown
GetGeometryTypeDescription (in Type: Callback: IGPMessagesCallback IDEBrowseOptions IDEBrowseOptions : IUnknown
esriGeometryType): String Count: Long MemberOf (in Value: IGPValue): IGPMessage
GetGeometryTypeFromString (in desc: MaxSeverity: esriGPMessageSeverity IXMLSerialize ExpandType: esriDEExpandType
String): esriGeometryType Messages: IArray RetrieveFullProperties: Boolean
RetrieveMetadata: Boolean IGPVariable : IUnknown
(in Role: esriNetworkClassAncillaryRole): Add (in msg: IGPMessage)
NetWeight in * DataType: IGPDataType
String AddAbort (in Message: String)
AddError (in ErrorCode: Long, in Message:
GPTopologyMembership Derived: Boolean
(in desc: String): String) Geodatabase Core IGPTopologyMembership IGPTopologyMembership : IUnknown
Name: String
Value: IGPValue
AddMessage (in Message: String)
AddMessages (in Messages: EventNotificationOnValidate: Boolean
GetNetworkTypeDescription (in netType:
IGPMessages) IXMLSerialize IClone IDataElementInfo : IUnknown
esriNetworkType): String TopologyName: String
GetNetworkTypeFromString (in desc: AddWarning (in Message: String) Weight: Double IPersistStream GetDataElement (in pBrowseOptions:
String): esriNetworkType Clear XYRank: Long IStringArray IDEBrowseOptions): IDataElement
GetRelationshipCardinalityDescription (in GetMessage (in Index: Long): IGPMessage ZRank: Long
InitializeMessages (in nMessages: Long) IXMLSerialize
card: esriRelCardinality): String IGPDataTypeFactory : IUnknown
GetRelationshipCardinalityFromString (in Replace (in Index: Long, in msg:
desc: String): esriRelCardinality IGPMessage) CLSID: IUID
GetRelationshipClassKeyDescription (in ReplaceAbort (in Index: Long, in Message:
ClassKey: esriRelClassKey): String
GetRelationshipClassKeyFromString (in
ReplaceError (in Index: Long, in ErrorCode: NetWeightAssociation in * GPGeometricNetworkMembership
GetDataType (in Name: String): IGPDataType
GetDataTypeName (in Name: String):
Long, in Message: String) IGPName
desc: String): esriRelClassKey
GetRelationshipKeyRoleDescription (in ReplaceMessage (in Index: Long, in Geodatabase Core GetDataTypeNames: IEnumGPName
KeyRole: esriRelKeyRole): String Message: String)
ReplaceWarning (in Index: Long, in IGPGeometricNetworkMembership IGPGeometricNetworkMembership : IUnknown
GetRelationshipKeyRoleFromString (in
Message: String)
desc: String): esriRelKeyRole AncillaryRoleFieldName: String
IXMLSerialize EnabledFieldName: String
GetRelationshipKeyTypeDescription (in IWorkspaceDefinition IWorkspaceDefinition : IUnknown
KeyType: esriRelKeyType): String GeometricNetworkName: String
GetRelationshipKeyTypeFromString (in NetworkAncillaryRole: Children: IArray
desc: String): esriRelKeyType GPMessage esriNetworkClassAncillaryRole IXMLSerialize Domains: IArray
GetRelationshipNotificationDescription (in Version: String
Notification: esriRelNotification): String WorkspaceType: esriWorkspaceType
IGPMessage IGPMessage : IDispatch
GetRelationshipNotificationFromString (in
desc: String): esriRelNotification Description: String
GetWorkspaceTypeDescription (in Type:
IClone ErrorCode: Long
esriWorkspaceType): String IPersistStream Type: esriGPMessageType GPNetworkDatasetMembership
GetWorkspaceTypeFromString (in desc: IXMLSerialize
String): esriWorkspaceType IsAbort: Boolean
IPersist IsError: Boolean
IsEqualDEGeoDataset (in
IsInformational: Boolean IGPNetworkDatasetMembership IGPNetworkDatasetMembership : IUnknown
pDEGeoDataset1: IDEGeoDataset, in
pDEGeoDataset2: IDEGeoDataset): IsWarning: Boolean NetworkDatasetName: String
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
another class.

Type inheritance Types of Relationships

Associations represent relationships between classes . They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
ITin : IUnknown ITinEdit : IUnknown ISurface : IFunctionalSurface
InterfaceG Interface of interest which it creates an object from another class .
DataEdgeCount: Long IsDirty: Boolean ZFactor: Double
DataNodeCount: Long IsEditable: Boolean InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
DataTriangleCount: Long IsInEditMode: Boolean AsPolygons (pFeatureClass: IFeatureClass, in
(<classname>)InterfaceO the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
Extent: IEnvelope Type: esriSurfaceConversionType, in
Fields: IFields AddFromFeatureClass (in pFeatureClass: pClassBreaks: IDoubleArray, in An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
HasEdgeTagValues: Boolean IFeatureClass, in pFilter: IQueryFilter, in pClassCodes: ILongArray, in FieldName: diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
HasNodeTagValues: Boolean pHeightField: IField, in pTagValueField: Variant) ® ®
HasTriangleTagValues: Boolean
IsDelaunay: Boolean
IsEmpty: Boolean
IField, in Type: esriTinSurfaceType, in
pbUseShapeZ: Variant)
Contour (in rootHeight: Double, in interval:
Double, pFeatureClass: IFeatureClass, in
FieldName: String, in
ESRI ArcGIS 10 Special Interfaces
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
with another object. Association and composition relationships have
AddFromFeatureCursor (in pCursor: digitsAfterDecimalPoint: Long) multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
ZFactor: Double
IFeatureCursor, in pHeightField: IField, in ContourList (in pBreaks: IDoubleArray, Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service (Optional) represents interfaces that are
SaveAs (in newName: String, in pOverWrite: pTagValueField: IField, in Type: pFeatureClass: IFeatureClass, in
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
Variant) esriTinSurfaceType, in pbUseShapeZ: FieldName: String, in The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
Variant) digitsAfterDecimalPoint: Long) Outbound Interface enumeration
AddFromPixelBlock (in xOrigin: Double, in GetAspectDegrees (in pPoint: IPoint): Double interfaces they implement.
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
ITinAdvanced : ITin yOrigin: Double, in xPixelSize: Double, in GetAspectRadians (in pPoint: IPoint): Double
yPixelSize: Double, in valueForNoData: GetContour (in pPoint: IPoint, out ppContour: Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
(Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
EdgeCount: Long Variant, in block: Variant, in ZTolerance: IPolyline, out pElevation: Double)
GetElevation (in pPoint: IPoint): Double
TinElement only on specific instances of the class . Property Get
Flag: Long Double, in pMaxPoints: Variant, out 1..* - From one to any positive integer
FullExtent: IEnvelope pbToleranceAchieved: Variant)
GetLineOfSight (in pObserver: IPoint, in ITinElement ITinElement : IUnknown Property Put
NodeCount: Long pTarget: IPoint, out ppObstruction: IPoint, (<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
ProcessCancelled: Boolean
AddPointZ (in pPoint: IPoint, in TagValue: out ppVisibleLines: IPolyline, out IDataset ISupportErrorInfo Index: Long Property Put by Reference
Surface: ISurface Long): Long ppInvisibleLines: IPolyline, out pbIsVisible: Tin IsEmpty: Boolean helper class required to support this
TrackCancel: ITrackCancel AddShape (in pShape: IGeometry, in Type: Boolean, in bApplyCurvature: Boolean, in IGeoDataset IsInsideDataArea: Boolean event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
TriangleCount: Long esriTinSurfaceType, in TagValue: Long, bApplyRefraction: Boolean, in IMetadata TagValue: Long secondMember: Type
UniqueTagValueCount (in Type: in pZ: Variant) pRefractionFactor: Variant) TheTin: ITin
esriTinElementType): Long AddShapeZ (in pShape: IGeometry, in GetProfile (in pShape: IGeometry, out IMetadataEdit
Type: esriTinSurfaceType, in TagValue: ppProfile: IGeometry, in pStepSize: Variant) ITin Init (in pTin: ITin, in Index: Long)
ConvertToPolygons (pFeatureClass: Long, in pbUseShapeZ: Variant) GetProjectedArea (in referenceHeight: SetEmpty
IFeatureClass, in pFilter: ITinDynamicFilter, Double, in Type: esriPlaneReferenceType): INativeTypeInfo
AddWKSPointZ (in pPoint: WKSPointZ, in
in bStopAtEnforcedEdge: Boolean, in
vlue: Long): Long
Double ISupportErrorInfo
pFieldName: Variant) GetSlopeDegrees (in pPoint: IPoint): Double ITinFeatureSeed ITinFeatureSeed : IUnknown
ExtractPolygon (in pSeed: ITinElement, in DeleteEdgeTagValues GetSlopePercent (in pPoint: IPoint): Double ITinAdvanced
pFilter: ITinFilter, in bStopAtEnforcedEdge: DeleteNode (in Index: Long) GetSlopeRadians (in pPoint: IPoint): Double ITinAdvanced2 Index: Long
Boolean): ITinPolygon DeleteNodesOutsideDataArea GetSteepestPath (in pPoint: IPoint): IPolyline TagValue: Long
ExtractPolyline (in pSeed: ITinEdge, in pFilter: DeleteNodeTagValues GetSurfaceArea (in referenceHeight: Double, ITinAdvanced3 UseTagValue: Boolean
ITinFilter): ITinPolyline DeleteSelectedNodes in Type: esriPlaneReferenceType): Double ITinNodeCollection
FindNaturalNeighbors (in pPoint: IPoint): DeleteTriangleTagValues GetVolume (in reference: Double, in Type:
ITinNodeArray InitNew (in pExtent: IEnvelope) esriPlaneReferenceType): Double IFunctionalSurface
FindTriangle (in pPoint: IPoint): ITinTriangle PropagateTriangleTagValue (in pSeed: InterpolateShape (in pShape: IGeometry, out ISurface
FindTriangleNeighborhood (in pPoint: IPoint): ITinTriangle, in newTagValue: Long, in ppOutShape: IGeometry, in pStepSize:
ITinTriangleArray Variant) ITinSurface
bStopAtEnforcedEdge: Boolean)
GenerateUniqueTagValue (in Type:
InterpolateShapeVertices (in pShape: ITinSurface2
esriTinElementType): Long IGeometry, out ppOutShape: IGeometry)
GetDataArea: IPolygon Save IsVoidZ (in Value: Double): Boolean ITinSurface3 TinEdge TinNode TinTriangle TinImporter
GetEdge (in Index: Long): ITinEdge SaveAs (in newName: String, in Locate (in pRay: IRay, in hint: Long): IPoint ITinEdit
GetEdgeTagValue (in Index: Long): Long pOverWrite: Variant) LocateAll (in pRay: IRay, in hint: Long):
ITinEdit2 ITinNode ITinNode : ITinElement ITinImporter ITinImporter : IUnknown
GetEdgeType (in edgeIndex: Long, out pType: SetEdgeTagValue (in Index: Long, in Value: IDoubleArray ITinEdge ITinEdge : ITinElement ITinTriangle ITinTriangle : ITinElement
esriTinEdgeType) Long) QueryNormal (in pLocation: IPoint, pNormal: ITinSelection AzimuthDegrees: Double
X: Double Area: Double GetTinNamesFromLandXML (in xmlName:
GetNode (in Index: Long): ITinNode SetEdgeType (in Index: Long, in Type: IVector3D) Y: Double
GetNodeTagValue (in Index: Long): Long esriTinEdgeType) QueryPixelBlock (in xOrigin: Double, in ITinFeatureEdit FromNode: ITinNode Z: Double
Area3D: Double String, in pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel,
LeftTriangle: ITinTriangle AspectDegrees: Double
GetNodeZ (in Index: Long): Double SetNodeTagValue (in Index: Long, in yOrigin: Double, in xPixelSize: Double, in ITinNodeInfo Length: Double Edge (in Index: Long): ITinEdge
out ppOutTinNames: IStringArray)
GetTriangle (in Index: Long): ITinTriangle yPixelSize: Double, in Type: GetAdjacentNodes: ITinNodeArray ImportFromLandXML (in xmlName: String,
GetTriangleSeeds (in pFilter: Value: Long) esriRasterizationType, in valueForNoData: ITinEditErrorLog Length3D: Double GetIncidentEdges: ITinEdgeArray Node (in Index: Long): ITinNode
in TinName: String, in pIndices:
SetNodeZ (in Index: Long, in Z: Double) RightTriangle: ITinTriangle Perimeter: Double
ITinDynamicFilter, in
SetSpatialReference (in pSpatialReference:
Variant, in block: Variant) ISurfaceIntersectionEvents ToNode: ITinNode
GetIncidentTriangles: ITinTriangleArray
Perimeter3D: Double ILongArray, in pTrackCancel:
bStopAtEnforcedEdge: Boolean): QuerySurfaceLength (in pShape: IGeometry, GetVoronoiRegion (in pClippingPolygon: ITrackCancel, out ppOutTinNames:
IEnumTinTriangle ISpatialReference) out pLength: Double, in pStepSize: Variant) Type: esriTinEdgeType IPolygon): IPolygon SlopeDegrees: Double
GetTriangleTagValue (in Index: Long): Long SetTriangleInsideDataArea (in Index: Long) QueryAsPoint (pPoint: IPoint) SlopePercent: Double IStringArray)
GetUniqueTagValues (in Type: SetTriangleOutsideDataArea (in Index: GetNeighbor: ITinEdge QueryAsWKSPointZ (out pPoint: WKSPointZ)
GetNextCCW: ITinEdge QueryAdjacentTriangleIndices (out pTi: Long,
esriTinElementType): ILongArray Long) out pTj: Long, out pTk: Long)
Init (in Name: String) ITinSurface : ISurface GetNextCW: ITinEdge
IsVoidZ (in Value: Double): Boolean
SetTriangleTagValue (in Index: Long, in RasterInterpolationMethod:
TinName GetNextInTriangle: ITinEdge ITinNode2 ITinNode2 : ITinNode QueryAdjacentTriangles (pTi: ITinTriangle,
IDatasetName GetPreviousInTriangle: ITinEdge pTj: ITinTriangle, pTk: ITinTriangle)
MakeEdgeEnumerator (in pAreaOfInterest: Value: Long) esriSurfaceInterpolationType Degree (in bEnforcedEdgesOnly: Boolean): QueryAsRing (pRing: IRing)
QueryAsLine (pLine: ILine)
IEnvelope, in Criteria: Long, in pFilter:
StartEditing: Boolean SunPosition: WKSPointZ IMetadata QueryAsWKSPointZs (out pFrom: Long QueryCentroid (pCentroid: IPoint)
ITinFilter): IEnumTinEdge IsOnDomainBoundary: Boolean QueryCircumCircle (pCenter: IPoint, out
MakeNodeEnumerator (in pAreaOfInterest: StopEditing (in bSaveEdits: Boolean):
GetPartialVolumeAndArea (in reference:
IMetadataEdit WKSPointZ, out pTo: WKSPointZ)
Boolean Source: esriTinNodeSourceType pRadius: Double)
IEnvelope, in Criteria: Long, in pFilter: Double, in Type: IName QueryElevationBand (in zLowerBound:
ITinFilter): IEnumTinNode IncidentTriangle: ITinTriangle Double, in zUpperBound: Double, out
MakeTriangleEnumerator (in pAreaOfInterest: esriPlaneReferenceType, in pTriangles: INativeTypeInfo IncidentTriangleIndex: Long
ITinEdit2 : IUnknown IEnumTinTriangle, in pVolume: Variant, pCount: Long, out pRegion: WKSPointZ)
IEnvelope, in Criteria: Long, in pFilter:
in pSurfaceArea: Variant, in IPersist QueryAdjacentNodeIndices (pNodes: QueryNormal (pNormal: IVector3D)
ITinFilter): IEnumTinTriangle ILongArray) QueryVertices (out pPi: WKSPointZ, out pPj:
QueryEdge (in Index: Long, pEdge: ITinEdge) pProjectedArea: Variant) IPersistStream QueryIncidentEdgeIndices (pEdges:
AddFrom3dMultipointFeatureClass (in WKSPointZ, out pPk: WKSPointZ)
QueryEdgeAsLine (in Index: Long, pLine: GetSurfaceElement (in pPoint: IPoint): ILongArray)
ILine) pFeatureClass: IFeatureClass, in
ITinSurfaceElement QueryIncidentTriangleIndices (pTriangles:
QueryEdgeAsWKSPointZs (in Index: Long, pClippingFilter: ISpatialFilter)
ResetExtent (in pExtent: IEnvelope) ILongArray)
out pFrom: WKSPointZ, out pTo:
WKSPointZ) SaveSnapshot (in Name: String, in
QueryNearestEdge (in pPoint: IPoint, pEdge: bOverWrite: Boolean) ITinSurface2 : ITinSurface
ITinEdge, pDistance: Double) SetToConstrainedDelaunay
QueryNearestNode (in pPoint: IPoint, pNode: SwapEdge (in Index: Long, in Type: ConvertToMultiPatches (in pFeatureClass: TinNativeType Workspace
ITinNode, pDistance: Double) esriTinEdgeType, in Tag: Long): Long IFeatureClass, in maxPatchSize: Long, INativeType
QueryNode (in Index: Long, pNode: ITinNode) in maxStripSize: Long)
ITinWorkspace ITinWorkspace : IUnknown
QueryNodeAsPoint (in Index: Long, pPoint: DecimateNodes (in pAreaOfInterest: (optional)
QueryNodeAsWKSPointZ (in Index: Long, out ITinFeatureEdit : IUnknown IEnvelope, in ZTolerance: Double, in IsTin (in Name: String): Boolean TinEnumerator
pPoint: WKSPointZ) bCopyBreakline: Boolean, in OpenTin (in Name: String): ITin
QueryTriangle (in Index: Long, pTriangle:
ElementsIgnoredInConflictTest: Long pMaxRemainingNodeCount: Variant, out IEnumTinElement IEnumTinElement : IUnknown
IsInMemoryEditMode: Boolean ppNewTin: ITin, in pbToleranceAchieved:
QueryTriangleAsRing (in Index: Long, pRing: StopAtEnforcedEdge: Boolean Variant) TinNodeArray Next: ITinElement
QueryNext (in pElement: ITinElement)
IRing) StopAtJuncture: Boolean DecimateNodesByCount (in Reset
QueryTriangleAsWKSPointZs (in Index: Long, AddPointZ (in pPoint: IPoint, in TagValue: pAreaOfInterest: IEnvelope, in ITinNodeArray ITinNodeArray : IUnknown
out pPi: WKSPointZ, out pPj: WKSPointZ, maxRemainingNodeCount: Long, in
out pPk: WKSPointZ) Long, pSeed: ITinNode)
bCopyBreakline: Boolean, out ppNewTin: Count: Long
SetEmpty AddPolygon (in pShape: IPolygon, in Type: Element (in Index: Long): ITinNode
esriTinEdgeType, in TagValue: Long, in ITin)
edgeTagValue: Long, in NodeTagValue: InterpolateAsMultiPatch (in pShape:
Long, pSeed: ITinTriangle, in pZ: IPolygon, in maxStripSize: Long, out
ITinAdvanced2 : ITinAdvanced Variant) ppMultiPatch: IMultiPatch)
TinEdgeEnumerator TinTriangleEnumerator
LocateMultiple (in pRay: IRay): IMultipoint
AddPolygonZ (in pShape: IPolygon, in TinNodeEnumerator IEnumTinTriangle IEnumTinTriangle : IUnknown
ConvertToPolylines (pFeatureClass:
IFeatureClass, in pFilter:
Type: esriTinEdgeType, in TagValue: TinEdgeArray IEnumTinNode IEnumTinEdge IEnumTinEdge : IUnknown
Long, in edgeTagValue: Long, in IEnumTinNode : IUnknown IEnumTinElement Next: ITinTriangle
ITinDynamicFilter, in pFieldName: NodeTagValue: Long, pSeed: ITinSurface3 : IUnknown ITinEdgeArray ITinEdgeArray : IUnknown ISupportErrorInfo IEnumTinElement Next: ITinEdge NextTriangleStrip (in maxSize: Long):
Variant) ITinTriangle) Next: ITinNode ISupportErrorInfo
InterpolationMethod: Count: Long IEnumTinElement QueryNext (pNode: ITinNode) ISupportErrorInfo QueryNext (pEdge: ITinEdge) ITinNodeArray
FindTriangleIndex (in pPoint: IPoint): Long AddPolyline (in pShape: IPolyline, in Type: QueryNextAsWKSPointZs (out pFrom: NextTriangleStripIndices (in maxSize: Long):
esriSurfaceInterpolationType Element (in Index: Long): ITinEdge QueryNextAsWKSPointZ (out pPoint:
GetCountedUniqueTagValues (in Type: esriTinEdgeType, in TagValue: Long, in WKSPointZ, out pTo: WKSPointZ, out ILongArray
ProfileWeedTolerance: Double WKSPointZ, out pbIsEnd: Boolean)
esriTinElementType, out ppValues: NodeTagValue: Long, pSeed: ITinEdge, Reset pbIsEnd: Boolean) QueryNext (pTriangle: ITinTriangle)
ILongArray, out ppCounts: ILongArray) Reset QueryNextAsWKSPointZs (out pPi: esriTinError
in pZ: Variant) Extract (in pBoundary: IPolygon): ITin
GetLeftTriangleIndex (in edgeIndex: Long): AddPolylineZ (in pShape: IPolyline, in Type: GetVolumeAndArea (in pAOI: IGeometry, in WKSPointZ, out pPj: WKSPointZ, out pPk: -2147219456 - E_TIN_WORKSPACE_EXISTS
Long esriTinEdgeType, in TagValue: Long, in referenceHeight: Double, in Type: WKSPointZ, out pbIsEnd: Boolean) -2147219455 - E_TIN_WORKSPACE_NOT_CONNECTED
GetNaturalNeighborZ (in X: Double, in Y: Reset -2147219454 - E_TIN_WORKSPACE_ALREADY_CONNECTED
NodeTagValue: Long, pSeed: ITinEdge) esriPlaneReferenceType, out
Double): Double
GetNeighborEdgeIndex (in edgeIndex:
AddPolyObjects (in pFeatureClass: pbIsOutsideDataArea: Boolean, in TinTriangleArray -2147219453 - E_TIN_EMPTY_OBJECT
IFeatureClass, in pFilter: IQueryFilter, in pVolume: Variant, in pSurfaceArea:
Long): Long pHeightField: IField, in pValueField: Variant, in pProjectedArea: Variant) ITinTriangleArray ITinTriangleArray : IUnknown -2147219451 - E_TIN_WRONG_TOPOLOGY
GetNodeDegree (in nodeIndex: Long, in IField, in bSetEdgeTagValue: Boolean, in InterpolateZ (in X: Double, in Y: Double): -2147219450 - E_TIN_NUMERIC_LIMIT
bEnforcedEdgesOnly: Boolean): Long bSetNodeTagValue: Boolean, in Type: Double Count: Long
GetNodeSource (in nodeIndex: Long): esriTinEdgeType) Intersect (in pReferenceSurface: Element (in Index: Long): ITinTriangle TinFilter -2147219449 - E_TIN_FAILED_TO_OPEN
-2147219448 - E_TIN_FAILED_TO_SAVE
esriTinNodeSourceType CanAdd (in pShape: IGeometry, in spacing: ITinSurface, in pAOI: IGeometry, in -2147219447 - E_TIN_FAILED_TO_COPY
GetNodeSourceCounts (out pcOriginal: Double): Boolean pOutFeatureClass: IFeatureClass, in ITinFilter ITinFilter : IUnknown
-2147219446 - E_TIN_FAILED_TO_RENAME
Long, out pcSuper: Long, out CanAddVertex (in pPoly: IGeometry, in volumeFieldName: String, in ISupportErrorInfo
pcDensified: Long, out pcIntersection: pNewPoint: IPoint, in bClose: Boolean, in surfaceAreaFieldName: String, in DataElementsOnly: Boolean -2147219445 - E_TIN_FAILED_TO_DELETE
Long, out pcUnknown: Long) spacing: Double): Boolean codeFieldName: String) -2147219444 - E_TIN_FILE_EXISTS
CanPass (in pElement: ITinElement): Boolean -2147219443 - E_TIN_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED
GetRightTriangleIndex (in edgeIndex:
Long): Long
CanDeleteVertex (in pNode: ITinNode, in
pSeed: ITinFeatureSeed, in spacing:
QueryLocate (in pRay: IRay, in hint: Long,
pLocation: IPoint)
TinPolygon -2147219442 - E_TIN_OUT_OF_MEMORY
GetSpecialEdgeCounts (out Double): Boolean QueryLocateMultiple (in pRay: IRay, ITinPolygon ITinPolygon : IUnknown -2147219441 - E_TIN_IN_EDIT_MODE
pcHardDataEdges: Long, out CanMove (in pSeed: ITinFeatureSeed, in pLocations: IMultipoint) -2147219440 - E_TIN_NOT_IN_EDIT_MODE
pcSoftDataEdges: Long, out dx: Double, in dy: Double, spacing:
ISupportErrorInfo AsEdges: IEnumTinEdge
QueryTriangleNormal (in Triangle: Long, -2147219439 - E_TIN_CANNOT_CREATE_GEOMETRY
pcTagValueDataEdges: Long) Double): Boolean pNormal: IVector3D) AsNodes: IEnumTinNode
AsPolygon (in pNodeFilter: ITinFilter, in -2147219438 - E_TIN_POLYGON_NOT_DEFINED
HasEdgeType (in Type: esriTinEdgeType): CanMoveVertex (in pNode: ITinNode, in -2147219437 - E_TIN_POLYLINE_NOT_DEFINED
bGetZ: Boolean): IPolygon
Boolean pSeed: ITinFeatureSeed, in
AsTriangles: IEnumTinTriangle TinNodeSourceFilter TinDynamicFilter TinDataElementFilter -2147219436 - E_TIN_HAS_VOID_Z
IsEdgeInsideDataArea (in edgeIndex: pNewLocation: WKSPoint, in spacing: ITinSelection : IUnknown ISupportErrorInfo
Long): Boolean ITinDynamicFilter ITinDynamicFilter : ITinFilter -2147219435 - E_TIN_HAS_NO_VALUE
Double): Boolean ITinNodeSourceFilter : ITinFilter
IsNodeInsideDataArea (in nodeIndex: CanReplace (in pShape: IGeometry, in SelectedElementCount (in Type: ITinFilter -2147219434 - E_TIN_NODE_UNDELETABL
Long): Boolean pSeed: ITinFeatureSeed, in spacing: esriTinElementType): Long ITinNodeSourceFilter Criteria: Long Init (in pElement: ITinElement): Long -2147219433 - E_TIN_FIELD_ALREADY_EXISTS
IsNodeOnDomainBoundary (in nodeIndex: Double): Boolean -2147219432 - E_TIN_OBJECT_NOT_EMPTY
ClearSelection (in Type:
Long): Boolean CanRotate (in pSeed: ITinFeatureSeed, in esriTinElementType) -2147219431 - E_TIN_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE
IsTriangleInsideDataArea (in triangleIndex: pOrigin: IPoint, in Angle: Double, in FlipSelection (in Type: esriTinElementType,
TinPolyline -2147219430 - E_TIN_WRONG_GEOMETRY_TYPE
Long): Boolean spacing: Double): Boolean in bDataElementsOnly: Boolean) -2147219429 - E_TIN_NEED_VALUE
QueryAllEdgeIndicesAroundNode (in CanScalePolygon (in pSeed: ITinTriangle, GetSelection (in Type:
ITinPolyline ITinPolyline : IUnknown
nodeIndex: Long, pEdges: ILongArray) in pOrigin: IPoint, in Scale: Double, in esriTinElementType): IEnumTinElement ISupportErrorInfo AsEdges: IEnumTinEdge -2147219427 - E_TIN_ZERO_VALUE
QueryBeginEndNodeIndices (in edgeIndex: spacing: Double): Boolean HasSelection (in Type: AsNodes: IEnumTinNode TinEdgeTypeFilter TinTriangleFilter TinValueFilter -2147219426 - E_TIN_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE
Long, out pBegin: Long, out pEnd: Long) ClusterPoints (in pSeed: ITinNode, in esriTinElementType): Boolean AsPolyline (in pNodeFilter: ITinFilter, in bGetZ:
ITinEdgeTypeFilter -2147219425 - E_TIN_INVALID_NAME
QueryEdgeIndicesAroundNode (in spacing: Double, in pFilter: ITinFilter): IsSelected (in Index: Long, in Type: Boolean): IPolyline ITinEdgeTypeFilter : ITinFilter ITinTriangleFilter ITinTriangleFilter : ITinFilter ITinValueFilter ITinValueFilter : ITinFilter
nodeIndex: Long, pEdges: ILongArray) IEnumTinNode esriTinElementType): Boolean
QueryElementAsGeometry (in Type: ConvertToPolygons (pFeatureClass: Type: esriTinEdgeType ActiveBound: esriTinBoundType ActiveBound: esriTinBoundType -2147219423 - E_TIN_MEMORY_TIN
QuerySelectionExtent (in Type: ClassBreakCodes: ILongArray ClassBreakCodes: ILongArray -2147219422 - E_TIN_FAILED_TO_SWAP
esriTinElementType, in Index: Long, IFeatureClass, in pFilter: esriTinElementType, in pExtent: ClassBreaks: IDoubleArray ClassBreaks: ILongArray
pGeometry: IGeometry) ITinDynamicFilter, in IEnvelope) ITinEdgeTypeFilter2 ITinEdgeTypeFilter2 : ITinEdgeTypeFilter LowerBound: Double LowerBound: Long
-2147219421 - E_TIN_NAN
QueryNaturalNeighborIndices (in pPoint: bStopAtEnforcedEdge: Boolean, in SelectAll (in Type: esriTinElementType, in PropertyType: esriTinTrianglePropertyType -2147219420 - E_TIN_SUPER_NODE
UniqueValue: Long
IPoint, pNodes: ILongArray) bSkipDensifiedNodes: Boolean, in bDataElementsOnly: Boolean) TinSurfaceElement RegularEdgesExcluded: Boolean
UniqueValue: Double UpperBound: Long -2147219419 - E_TIN_FAILED_TO_CREATE_FILE
QueryNeighborsAndWeights (in X: Double, pFieldName: Variant) SelectByArea (in Type: UpperBound: Double -2147219418 - E_TIN_FAILED_TO_OPEN_FILE
in Y: Double, pNeighbors: ILongArray, ConvertToPolylines (pFeatureClass: esriTinElementType, in pArea: IPolygon,
ITinSurfaceElement ITinSurfaceElement : IUnknown -2147219417 - E_TIN_FAILED_TO_DELETE_FILE
pWeights: IDoubleArray) IFeatureClass, in pFilter: in bPassThrough: Boolean, in
ITinValueFilter2 ITinValueFilter2 : ITinValueFilter
-2147219416 - E_TIN_GEOMETRY_HAS_NO_Z
QueryNodeIndicesAroundNode (in ITinDynamicFilter, in AspectDegrees: Double
bDataElementsOnly: Boolean, in action: Elevation: Double ZeroTagValueExcluded: Boolean -2147219415 - E_TIN_WRONG_VARIANT_TYPE
nodeIndex: Long, pNodes: ILongArray) bSkipDensifiedNodes: Boolean, in esriTinSelectionType) FaceTagValue: Long -2147219414 - E_TIN_WRONG_SURFACE_TYPE
QueryTriangleEdgeIndices (in pFieldName: Variant) SelectByEnvelope (in Type: NodeTagValue: Long
triangleIndex: Long, out pA: Long, out -2147219413 - E_TIN_WRONG_ELEMENT_TYPE
Delete (in pSeed: ITinFeatureSeed) esriTinElementType, in pEnvelope: SlopeDegrees: Double
pB: Long, out pC: Long) DeleteVertex (in pNode: ITinNode, in -2147219412 - E_TIN_DIFFERENT_TIN
IEnvelope, in bPassThrough: Boolean, in -2147219411 - E_TIN_FIELD_ERROR
QueryTriangleIndicesAroundNode (in pSeed: ITinFeatureSeed) bDataElementsOnly: Boolean, in action:
nodeIndex: Long, pTriangles: ExtractPolygon (in pSeed: -2147219410 - E_TIN_NEED_TRIANGLE_SEED
ILongArray) ITinFeatureSeed, in bGetZ: Boolean, in SetSelected (in Index: Long, in Type: -2147219409 - E_TIN_WRONG_SEED_TYPE

QueryTriangleNeighborhoodIndices (in bSkipDensifiedNodes: Boolean): esriTinElementType, in action: -2147219408 - E_TIN_WRONG_GEN_SEED
pPoint: IPoint, pTriangles: ILongArray) IPolygon esriTinSelectionType) -2147219407 - E_TIN_FAILED_UPDATE_SEED
QueryTriangleNodeIndices (in ExtractPolyline (in pSeed: ITinFeatureSeed, SetSelection (in pElements: -2147219406 - E_TIN_NODE_SHARED
triangleIndex: Long, out pA: Long, out in bGetZ: Boolean, in IEnumTinElement, in action: -2147219405 - E_TIN_INTERNAL_ERROR
pB: Long, out pC: Long) bSkipDensifiedNodes: Boolean): esriTinSelectionType) -2147219404 - E_TIN_FILTER_REQUIRED
SaveAsVersion (in newName: String, in ver: IPolyline esriPlaneReferenceType esriSurfaceConversionType esriTinEdgeType esriTinNodeEditInfo esriTinQualification esriTinSurfaceType esriTinTrianglePropertyType -2147219403 - E_TIN_NO_SPATIALREF_INFO
esriTinVersion, in pOverWrite: Variant) IsNodeShared (in pNode: ITinNode): 0 - esriPlaneReferenceAbove 0 - esriDegreeSlope 0 - esriTinRegularEdge 1 - esriTinNodeUnknown 1 - esriTinAll 0 - esriTinDegreeSlope
0 - esriTinContour -2147219402 - E_TIN_NOT_PROJECTED_SYSTEM
Boolean 1 - esriPlaneReferenceBelow 1 - esriPercentageSlope 1 - esriTinSoftEdge 2 - esriTinNodeSuperNode 2 - esriTinInsideTin 1 - esriTinPercentageSlope
ITinNodeCollection : IUnknown 1 - esriTinHardLine -2147219401 - E_TIN_METADATA_ERROR
Merge (in pCommonEdge: ITinEdge, in 2 - esriDegreeAspect 2 - esriTinHardEdge 4 - esriTinNodeOriginal 4 - esriTinInsideDataArea 2 - esriTinDegreeAspect
newValue: Long, in 2 - esriTinHardClip -2147219400 - E_TIN_CANNOT_CREATE_OBJ
ITinAdvanced3 : IUnknown HasNodeTagValues: Boolean 8 - esriTinNodeDensified 8 - esriTinSingleEdge 3 - esriTinArea
bKeepCommonNodes: Boolean) 3 - esriTinHardErase -2147219399 - E_TIN_UPDATE_ERROR
TinVersion: esriTinVersion NodeCount: Long esriRasterizationType 16 - esriTinNodeLineEnforce 16 - esriTinDoubleEdges 4 - esriTinHardReplace 4 - esriTinSurfaceArea -2147219398 - E_TIN_BAD_CLASS_BREAKS
Move (in pSeed: ITinFeatureSeed, in dx: esriTinElementType
Double, in dy: Double, in bGetNewZ: ConvertToVoronoiRegions (pFeatureClass: 0 - esriDegreeSlopeAsRaster esriSurfaceInterpolationType 32 - esriTinNodeIntersection 5 - esriTinHardValueFill 5 - esriTinPerimeter -2147219397 - E_TIN_BAD_CLASS_CODES
GetNextCCWEdgeIndex (in edgeIndex: 1 - esriPercentageSlopeAsRaster 0 - esriLinearInterpolation 0 - esriTinNode 64 - esriTinNodeLineTouch 6 - esriTinSurfacePerimeter
Boolean) IFeatureClass, in pFilter: ITinFilter, in 6 - esriTinZLessHardLine -2147219396 - E_TIN_UNSUPPORTED_SPATIAL_REFERENCE
Long): Long 1 - esriNaturalNeighborInterpolation 1 - esriTinEdge
MoveVertex (in pNode: ITinNode, in pSeed: pClippingPolygon: IPolygon, in 2 - esriDegreeAspectAsRaster 128 - esriTinNodeCoincident esriTinSelectionType 7 - esriTinZLessHardClip -2147219395 - E_TIN_LICENSE_NOT_AVAILABLE
GetNextCWEdgeIndex (in edgeIndex: 2 - esriTinTriangle
ITinFeatureSeed, in pNewLocation: indexFieldName: String, in 3 - esriElevationAsRaster 2 - esriNaturalNeighborZmin 256 - esriTinNodeSnap 0 - esriTinSelectionNew 8 - esriTinZLessHardErase -2147219394 - E_TIN_EXTENSION_DISABLED
Long): Long
GetNextEdgeIndexInTriangle (in WKSPoint, in bGetNewZ: Boolean) tagFieldName: String) 4 - esriHillShadeAsRaster 3 - esriNaturalNeighborZmax 512 - esriTinNodeModified 1 - esriTinSelectionAdd 9 - esriTinSoftLine esriTinVersion -2147219393 - E_TIN_BELOW_V8
edgeIndex: Long): Long RefreshTagValues GetNode (in Index: Long): ITinNode 4 - esriNaturalNeighborZaverage esriTinIgnoredElementType 2 - esriTinSelectionSubtract 10 - esriTinSoftClip 0 - esriTin70001 -2147219392 - E_TIN_IN_MEMORY_EDIT
GetPreviousEdgeIndexInTriangle (in RemoveIslands (in pSeed: ITinTriangle, in GetNodeTagValue (in Index: Long): Long 5 - esriNaturalNeighborZnearest 3 - esriTinSelectionFlip 11 - esriTinSoftErase 1 - esriTin80001
1 - esriTinNothing -2147219391 - E_TIN_WRONG_EDGE_TYPE
edgeIndex: Long): Long Area: Double, bKeepNodes: Boolean, GetNodeZ (in Index: Long): Double esriTinNodeSourceType
2 - esriTinNodesWithNonZeroTag 12 - esriTinSoftReplace -2147219390 - E_TIN_BAD_VALUE
QueryElementIndicesAroundNode (in Type: bZeroTag: Boolean) GetVoronoiRegion (in nodeIndex: Long, in 1 - esriTinUnknown
Rotate (in pSeed: ITinFeatureSeed, in 4 - esriTinNodesWithZeroTag 13 - esriTinSoftValueFill -2147219389 - E_TIN_FATAL
esriTinElementType, in localNodeIndex: pClippingPolygon: IPolygon): IPolygon esriTinBoundType 2 - esriTinSuperNode 14 - esriTinZLessSoftLine -2147219388 - E_TIN_FDS_FATAL
Long, in triangleIndex: Long, pIndices: pOrigin: IPoint, Angle: Double, in QueryNode (in Index: Long, pNode:
0 - esriTinClassBreaks 4 - esriTinOriginal 15 - esriTinZLessContour -2147219387 - E_TIN_CANCELLED
ILongArray) bGetNewZ: Boolean) ITinNode)
ScalePolygon (in pSeed: ITinTriangle, in QueryNodeAsPoint (in Index: Long, pPoint: 1 - esriTinSimpleBounds 8 - esriTinDensified 16 - esriTinZLessSoftClip -2147219386 - E_TIN_MUST_BE_DELAUNAY
pOrigin: IPoint, Scale: Double, in IPoint) 2 - esriTinUniqueValue 32 - esriTinIntersection 17 - esriTinZLessSoftErase -2147219385 - E_TIN_XML_CORRUPTED
bGetNewZ: Boolean) QueryNodeAsWKSPointZ (in Index: Long, 3 - esriTinSimpleBoundsExclude 18 - esriTinMassPoint -2147219384 - E_TIN_INVALID_LANDXML_FILE
StartInMemoryEditing: Boolean out pPoint: WKSPointZ) -2147219383 - E_TIN_FAILED_RESET_EXTENT
-2147219382 - E_TIN_NULL_FIELD_VALUE
Distributed Geodatabase Core Objects
Replica ReplicaDescription
IReplica IReplica : IUnknown
IReplicaDescription IReplicaDescription : IUnknown
ConnectionInfo: IWorkspaceName
Description: IReplicaDescription DatasetNames: IEnumName
Name: String IsPrivateTable (in Index: Long): Boolean
Owner: String ReplicaModelType: esriReplicaModelType

DataConverter Objects ParentID: Long TableExcluded (in Index: Long): Boolean

TableName (in Index: Long): IName

ESRI® ArcGIS® 10
ReplicaDatasets: IEnumReplicaDataset
ReplicaDate: Double TableNameCount: Long
ReplicaGuid: String
ReplicaID: Long AddDatasetNames (in DatasetNames:
ReplicaRole: esriReplicaType IEnumName)
Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service FindTable (in DatasetName: IName): Long
SimpleDataConverter Version: String
Init (in enumNames: IEnumName, in
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. OutputWSName: IWorkspaceName, in
ISimpleDataConverter ISimpleDataConverter : IUnknown ReuseSchema: Boolean, in deType:
IReplica2 IReplica2 : IReplica esriDataExtractionType)
ConfigurationKeyword: String
IConnectionPointContainer FlushInterval: Long AccessType: esriReplicaAccessType
IReplicaDescription2 IReplicaDescription2 : IReplicaDescription
InputDatasetName: IDatasetName AllReplicaDatasets: IEnumReplicaDataset
IFeatureProgress InputQueryFilter: IQueryFilter HasConflicts: Boolean FetchRelatedObjects: Boolean
ISupportErrorInfo IsFeatureTypeSimple: Boolean Log: IEnumReplicaLog RelationshipClassesInfo:
OutputDatasetName: IDatasetName MyGenerationNumber: Long IEnumRelationshipClassInfo
OutputFeatureDatasetName: ReconcilePolicyType:
IFeatureDatasetName esriReplicaReconcilePolicyType FindRelationshipClassInfo (in RCName:
OutputFields: IFields
OutputGeometryDef: IGeometryDef Workspace ReplicaReceivingVersion: String IRelationshipClassName):
ReplicaState: esriReplicaState IRelationshipClassInfo
ParentWindowHandle: OLE_HANDLE IWorkspaceReplicas IWorkspaceReplicas : IUnknown
SibConnectionString: String FindRelationshipClassInfoByName (in
Convert: IEnumInvalidObject SibGenerationNumber: Long Name: String, in database: String, in
ReplicaByGuid (in ReplicaGuid: String):
Reset IReplica SibMyGenNumber: Long Owner: String): IRelationshipClassInfo
ReplicaByID (in ReplicaID: Long): IReplica FindTable2 (in Name: String, in database:
ISimpleDataConverter2 ISimpleDataConverter2 : ISimpleDataConverter ReplicaByName (in replicaName: String): Init2 (in GPReplica: IGPReplica, in String, in Owner: String, in Type:
IReplica TargetWorkspace: IWorkspace) esriDatasetType): Long
DataConvertProcess: IDataConvertProcess Replicas: IEnumReplica
InputSelectionSet: ISelectionSet
RefreshReplicas IReplica3 IReplica3 : IReplica2 IReplicaDescription3 IReplicaDescription3 : IReplicaDescription2
UseArchiving: Boolean AccessType: esriReplicaAccessType
IWorkspaceReplicas2 IWorkspaceReplicas2 : IWorkspaceReplicas
FeatureDataConverter RefreshReplica (in ReplicaGuid: String) IReplicaEdit : IUnknown

IFeatureDataConverter IFeatureDataConverter : IUnknown EnumInvalidObject IWorkspaceReplicasAdmin3 :

ConnectionInfo: IWorkspaceName
IWorkspaceReplicasAdmin3 Description: IReplicaDescription IReplicaFilterDescription : IUnknown
IWorkspaceReplicasAdmin2 Name: String IReplicaFilterDescription
ISupportErrorInfo ConvertFeatureClass (in IEnumInvalidObject IEnumInvalidObject : IUnknown Owner: String
InputDatasetName: IFeatureClassName, ReplicasByDataset (in DatasetType: Geometry: IGeometry
IConnectionPointContainer Next: IInvalidObjectInfo IReplicaEdit ParentID: Long RowsType (in Index: Long): esriRowsType
in InputQueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in esriDatasetType, in DatasetID: Long): ReplicaDatasets: IEnumReplicaDataset
IFeatureProgress outputFDatasetName: Reset ILongArray ReplicaDate: Double
SpatialRelation: esriSpatialRelEnum
TableDefQuery (in Index: Long): String
IFeatureDatasetName, in ReplicaGuid: String TableSelection (in Index: Long): ISelectionSet
outputFClassName: IFeatureClassName, ReplicaID: Long TableUsesDefQuery (in Index: Long): Boolean
in OutputGeometryDef: IGeometryDef, in IWorkspaceReplicaDatasets IWorkspaceReplicaDatasets : IUnknown ReplicaRole: esriReplicaType
OutputFields: IFields, in configKey: Version: String TableUsesQueryGeometry (in Index: Long):
String, in FlushInterval: Long, in ReplicaDatasetsByID (in ReplicaID: Long): Boolean
IEnumReplicaDataset Init (in otherReplica: IReplica)
parentHWND: OLE_HANDLE): ReplicaDatasetsByName (in replicaName: TableUsesSelection (in Index: Long): Boolean
IEnumInvalidObject String): IEnumReplicaDataset
ConvertFeatureDataset (in
IReplicaEdit2 IReplicaEdit2 : IReplicaEdit
inputFDatasetName: InvalidObjectInfo AccessType: esriReplicaAccessType IReplicaFilterDescription2 IReplicaFilterDescription2 :
IFeatureDatasetName, in AllReplicaDatasets: IEnumReplicaDataset
outputFDatasetName: IInvalidObjectInfo IInvalidObjectInfo: IUnknown IWorkspaceReplicasAdmin IWorkspaceReplicasAdmin : IUnknown IReplicaFilterDescription
IFeatureDatasetName, in esriReplicaReconcilePolicyType TableSelectionIDs (in Index: Long): IFIDSet
OutputGeometryDef: IGeometryDef, in ErrorDescription: String
InvalidObjectID: Long AlterReplica (in Replica: IReplica) SibConnectionString: String
configKey: String, in FlushInterval: Long, RegisterReplica (in Replica: IReplica): Long SibMyGenNumber: Long
in parentHWND: OLE_HANDLE) UnregisterReplica (in Replica: IReplica, in IReplicaFilterDescriptionEdit IReplicaFilterDescriptionEdit : IUnknown
ConvertTable (in InputDatasetName: removeCOVersion: Boolean)
IDatasetName, in InputQueryFilter: Geometry: IGeometry
IQueryFilter, in OutputDatasetName: IWorkspaceReplicasAdmin2 RowsType (in Index: Long): esriRowsType
IWorkspaceReplicasAdmin2 : SpatialRelation: esriSpatialRelEnum
IDatasetName, in OutputFields: IFields, IWorkspaceReplicasAdmin TableDefQuery (in Index: Long): String
in configKey: String, in FlushInterval: ReplicaDataset TableSelection (in Index: Long): ISelectionSet
Long, in parentHWND: OLE_HANDLE): IsReferencedByReplica (in DatasetType: TableUsesDefQuery (in Index: Long): Boolean
IEnumInvalidObject esriDatasetType, in DatasetID: Long): IReplicaDataset IReplicaDataset : IUnknown
Boolean TableUsesQueryGeometry (in Index: Long):
IFeatureDataConverter2 DatasetID: Long
IFeatureDataConverter2 : IUnknown Boolean
AlterReplica2 (in Replica: IReplica, in Name: String TableUsesSelection (in Index: Long): Boolean
PersistParentUserInfo: Boolean) ParentDatabase: String
ConvertFeatureClass (in inputFClassName: CanRegisterReplicaDataset (in ParentOwner: String
IDatasetName, in InputQueryFilter: ReplicaDataset: IReplicaDataset, in ReplicaID: Long
IQueryFilter, in InputSelectionSet: Type: esriDatasetType IReplicaDescriptionExtensionManager :
ISelectionSet, in outputFDatasetName:
Replica: IReplica): Boolean IReplicaDescriptionExtensionManager
CanUnregisterReplicaDataset (in IUnknown
IFeatureDatasetName, in ReplicaDataset: IReplicaDataset):
outputFClassName: IFeatureClassName, Boolean IReplicaDataset2 IReplicaDataset2 : IReplicaDataset Extension (in Index: Long):
in OutputGeometryDef: IGeometryDef, in IReplicaDescriptionExtension
RegisterReplicaDataset (in RDataset: ExtensionCount: Long
OutputFields: IFields, in configKey: TargetName: String
IReplicaDataset, in filter: esriRowsType,
String, in FlushInterval: Long, in in UseGeometry: Boolean, in QueryDef: FindExtension (in pGUID: IUID): Long
parentHWND: OLE_HANDLE): String, in pSelID: IFIDSet, in pToReplica: RegisterExtension (in rdExtension:
IEnumInvalidObject FieldChecker IReplica) IReplicaDatasetEdit IReplicaDatasetEdit : IUnknown IReplicaDescriptionExtension)
ConvertFeatureDataset (in UnregisterReplicaDataset (in UnRegisterExtension (in pGUID: IUID)
DatasetID: Long
inputFDatasetName: IFieldChecker IFieldChecker : IUnknown ReplicaDataset: IReplicaDataset, in Name: String
IFeatureDatasetName, in Replica: IReplica) ParentDatabase: String IXMLReplicaDescription IXMLReplicaDescription : IUnknown
outputFDatasetName: InputWorkspace: IWorkspace
ValidateDictionary: ISqlKeywordDictionary ParentOwner: String BinaryGeometry: Boolean
IFeatureDatasetName, in
ValidateWorkspace: IWorkspace ReplicaID: Long Compressed: Boolean
OutputGeometryDef: IGeometryDef, in
Type: esriDatasetType OutputXMLFile: String
configKey: String, in FlushInterval: Long,
Validate (in inputField: IFields, out error:
in parentHWND: OLE_HANDLE)
IEnumFieldError, out fixedFields: IFields) Init2 (in enumNames: IEnumName, in
ConvertTable (in InputDatasetName:
ValidateField (in FieldIndex: Long, in OutputXMLFile: String, in
IDatasetName, in InputQueryFilter:
inputFields: IFields, out error:
EnumFieldError BinaryGeometry: Boolean, in
IQueryFilter, in InputSelectionSet:
IEnumFieldError, out fixedFields: IFields) IPersist Compressed: Boolean, in deType:

ISelectionSet, in OutputDatasetName:
ValidateTableName (in TableName: String, IEnumFieldError IEnumFieldError : IUnknown esriDataExtractionType)
IDatasetName, in OutputFields: IFields,
out fixedName: String): Long IPersistStream
in configKey: String, in FlushInterval: Next: IFieldError
Long, in parentHWND: OLE_HANDLE): Reset
esriDataExtractionType esriReplicaType esriRowsType
1 - esriDataExtraction 1 - esriReplicaTypeChild 0 - esriRowsTypeNone
2 - esriDataCheckOut 2 - esriReplicaTypeParent 1 - esriRowsTypeAll
3 - esriDataReplication 4 - esriCheckOutTypeChild 2 - esriRowsTypeFilter
4 - esriDataXMLExport 8 - esriCheckOutTypeParent ReplicaDescriptionExtension
5 - esriDataXMLCheckOut 15 - esriReplicaTypeAny
FieldError 6 - esriDataXMLExtraction esriReplicaAccessType IReplicaDescriptionExtension IReplicaDescriptionExtension : IUnknown
GeoDBDataTransfer EnumNameMapping IFieldError IFieldError: IUnknown 7 - esriDataXMLReplication
8 - esriRegisterXMLCheckOut
0 - esriReplicaAccessNone
esriReplicaModelType 1 - esriReplicaChildReadOnly
Name: String
IGeoDBDataTransfer IGeoDBDataTransfer : IUnknown FieldError: esriFieldNameErrorType 9 - esriRegisterCheckOut 1 - esriModelTypeSimple 2 - esriReplicaParentReadOnly
IEnumNameMapping IEnumNameMapping : IUnknown FieldIndex: Long 10 - esriRegisterXMLReplica 3 - esriReplicaBothReadWrite
2 - esriModelTypeFullGeodatabase
GenerateNameMapping (in from: 11 - esriRegisterReplica 4 - esriReplicaParentOrChildReadOnly
FindDatasetName (in Name: String, in
IConnectionPointContainer IEnumName, in toName: IName, out to:
Type: esriDatasetType): INameMapping
IEnumNameMapping): Boolean
IFeatureProgress NumberObjectsToTransfer (in from: FindDomain (in Name: String):
IEnumNameMapping): Long INameMapping
Transfer (in from: IEnumNameMapping, in Next: INameMapping
toName: IName) Reset

IGeoDBDataTransfer2 IGeoDBDataTransfer2 : IGeoDBDataTransfer

Delete (in from: IEnumNameMapping, in Types of Classes

toName: IName)
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)
INameMapping INameMapping : IUnknown
Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
Children: IEnumNameMapping
ConfigKeyword: String another class.

NameConflicts: Boolean
SourceObject: IUnknown
TargetName: String Type inheritance Types of Relationships
GetSuggestedName (in toName: IName): Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
String multiplicities at both ends.
esriDataConverterError ValidateTargetName (in toName: IName)
0 - esriNoFieldError CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
1 - esriSQLReservedWord INameMapping2 INameMapping2 : INameMapping InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
2 - esriDuplicatedFieldName Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
3 - esriInvalidCharacter ConfigKeyword: String InterfaceB
4 - esriInvalidFieldNameLength Created: Boolean Class
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
518 - E_DATACONVERTER_CREATETABLEFAILED which it creates an object from another class .
519 - E_DATACONVERTER_WRITEFEATURESFAILED InterfaceG Interface of interest
520 - E_DATACONVERTER_WRITEROWSFAILED InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
521 - E_DATACONVERTER_UNLOADFAILED the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
523 - E_DATACONVERTER_OPENINSERTCURSORFAILED An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
524 - E_DATACONVERTER_INSERTCURSORFAILED diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
525 - E_DATACONVERTER_CANCELLED Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
526 - E_DATACONVERTER_MATCHINPUTFIELDSETFAILED ISqlKeywordDictionary : IUnknown Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
528 - E_DATACONVERTER_ACQUIRESCHEMALOCKFAILED Count: Long multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
Name: String (Optional) represents interfaces that are
inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
530 - E_DATACONVERTER_CANNOT_CREATE_FEATURE_DATASET Add (in reservedWord: String) The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
531 - E_DATACONVERTER_ERROR_READ_ROWS Empty Outbound Interface enumeration
532 - E_DATACONVERTER_ERROR_READ_ALL_ROWS FindKeyword (in keyword: String): Boolean interfaces they implement.
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Remove (in reservedWord: String) secondValue - secondEnumeration
Reset (Instance) represents interfaces that are Interface key * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get 1..* - From one to any positive integer
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this
event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type
ESRI® ArcGIS® 10
Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.

Workspace in IVersionedObject IVersionedObject : IUnknown

IDataset IsRegisteredAsVersioned: Boolean

Geodatabase Core Version: IVersion
RegisterAsVersioned (in isVersioned:

IVersionedObject2 IVersionedObject2 : IVersionedObject

HasUncompressedEdits: Boolean

VersionedWorkspace EnumTableVersionChanges
IVersion IVersion : IUnknown IVersionedObject3 IVersionedObject3 : IVersionedObject2
Access: esriVersionAccess * GetVersionRegistrationInfo (out
isRegistered: Boolean, out
ICollectionTableVersionChanges : IUnknown
Description: String Add (in pOldTable: ITable, in pNewTable:
VersionInfo: IVersionInfo isMovingEditsToBase: Boolean) ITable)
VersionLocks: IEnumLockInfo RegisterAsVersioned3 (in RemoveAll
VersionName: String moveEditsToBase: Boolean)
SupportsMovingEditsToBase: Boolean IEnumTableVersionChanges IEnumTableVersionChanges : IUnknown
CreateVersion (in newName: String): UnRegisterAsVersioned3 (in
IVersion compressDefault: Boolean) Next (out ppOldTable: ITable, out
Delete ppNewTable: ITable)
HasParent: Boolean Reset
IArchivableObject IArchivableObject : IUnknown
IsArchiving: Boolean
IVersion2 IVersion2 : IVersion
DisableArchiving (in deleteArchive: Boolean,
IsRedefined: Boolean in traverseRelationships: Boolean)
CreateChild (in Name: String, in EnableArchiving (in archiveRegistrationInfos:
pInitialStateVersion: IVersion): IVersion ISet, in SeedTimeStamp: Variant, in
GetCommonAncestor (in pVersion: EnumConflictClass traverseRelationships: Boolean)
IVersion): IVersion
IEnumConflictClass IEnumConflictClass : IUnknown
IVersionEdit IVersionEdit : IUnknown
Next: IConflictClass
CommonAncestorVersion: IVersion Reset

ConflictClasses: IEnumConflictClass
ModifiedClasses: IEnumBSTR
PreReconcileVersion: IVersion
ReconcileVersion: IVersion
StartEditingVersion: IVersion
CanPost: Boolean
Post (in VersionName: String)
Reconcile (in VersionName: String): esriDifferenceType
Boolean EnumVersionInfo 0 - esriVersionAccessPrivate
0 - esriDifferenceTypeInsert
1 - esriDifferenceTypeDeleteNoChange
IEnumVersionInfo 1 - esriVersionAccessPublic
IVersionEdit2 IVersionEdit2 : IVersionEdit IEnumVersionInfo : IUnknown
2 - esriVersionAccessProtected
2 - esriDifferenceTypeUpdateNoChange
3 - esriDifferenceTypeUpdateUpdate
Next: IVersionInfo Table 4 - esriDifferenceTypeUpdateDelete
Reconcile2 (in VersionName: String, in Reset
acquireLock: Boolean): Boolean 5 - esriDifferenceTypeDeleteUpdate
IConflictClass IConflictClass : IUnknown
IVersionEdit3 IVersionEdit3 : IVersionEdit2 ITable DeleteUpdates: ISelectionSet
HasConflicts: Boolean
Reconcile3 (in VersionName: String, in UpdateDeletes: ISelectionSet
UpdateUpdates: ISelectionSet
acquireLock: Boolean, in abortIfConflicts:
Boolean): Boolean RestoreRow (in rowID: Long) : IRow

IVersionEdit4 IVersionEdit4 : IVersionEdit3 IVersionedTable IVersionedTable : IUnknown

Reconcile4 (in VersionName: String, in

acquireLock: Boolean, in abortIfConflicts: Differences (in differenceTable: ITable, in
Boolean, in ChildWins: Boolean, in differenceType: esriDifferenceType, in
QueryFilter: IQueryFilter) :
ColumnLevel: Boolean): Boolean IDifferenceCursor

IVersionedWorkspace IVersionedWorkspace : IUnknown VersionInfo

DefaultVersion: IVersion IVersionInfo IVersionInfo : IUnknown
Versions: IEnumVersionInfo
Access: esriVersionAccess
Compress Ancestors: IEnumVersionInfo
FindVersion (in Name: String): IVersion Children: IEnumVersionInfo
Created: Variant DifferenceCursor
IVersionedWorkspace2 IVersionedWorkspace2 : IVersionedWorkspace Description: String
Modified: Variant IDifferenceCursor IDifferenceCursor: IUnknown
Parent: IVersionInfo
IEnumVersionInfo VersionName: String
Next (out OID: Long, out differenceRow:
IsOwner: Boolean IRow)
IVersionedWorkspace3 IVersionedWorkspace3 :
RecommendedSyncOrder: IEnumBSTR
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
another class.

Type inheritance Types of Relationships

Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
InterfaceG Interface of interest which it creates an object from another class .
InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
(<classname>)InterfaceO the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
(Optional) represents interfaces that are
inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
Outbound Interface enumeration
interfaces they implement.
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
(Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get 1..* - From one to any positive integer
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this
event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type
ESRI® ArcGIS® 10
Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.

Workspace in
Geodatabase Core

Table in Geodatabase
Core Workspace
IHistoricalWorkspace IHistoricalWorkspace : IUnknown
DefaultMarkerName: String
HistoricalMarkers: IEnumHistoricalMarker
AddHistoricalMarker (in Name: String, in
tstamp: Variant): IHistoricalMarker
FindHistoricalVersionByName (in
historicalMarkerName: String):
FindHistoricalVersionByTimeStamp (in
tstamp: Variant): IHistoricalVersion
ObjectClass RemoveHistoricalMarker (in Name: String)
IArchivableClass IArchivableClass : IUnknown
Archive: ITable
ArchiveRegistrationInfo: IEnumHistoricalMarker IEnumHistoricalMarker : IUnknown
Next: IHistoricalMarker

IHistoricalVersion IHistoricalVersion : IUnknown

TimeStamp: Variant

ArchiveRegistrationInfo HistoricalVersionMarker
IArchiveRegistrationInfo IArchiveRegistrationInfo : IUnknown IHistoricalMarker IHistoricalMarker : IUnknown

ArchiveTableName: String Name: String

DatasetName: String TimeStamp: Variant
FromFieldName: String
OIDFieldName: String
SeedTimeStamp: Variant
ToFieldName: String

Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
another class.

Type inheritance Types of Relationships

Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
InterfaceG Interface of interest which it creates an object from another class .
InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
(<classname>)InterfaceO the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
(Optional) represents interfaces that are
inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
Outbound Interface enumeration
interfaces they implement.
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
(Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get 1..* - From one to any positive integer
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this
event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type

esriSystem.IName IName : IUnknown

ESRI® ArcGIS® 10
NameString: String
Open: IUnknown

Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.

IDatasetName IDatasetName : IUnknown

INativeTypeInfo Category: String

Name: String
SubsetNames: IEnumDatasetName
Type: esriDatasetType
WorkspaceName: IWorkspaceName

ISQLPrivilege : IUnknown
SQLPrivileges: Long
Grant (in UserName: String, in privileges:
WorkspaceName Long, in withGrant: Boolean)
IWorkspaceName : IUnknown Revoke (in UserName: String, in privileges:
IWorkspaceName Long)
BrowseName: String
(Optional)IDatabaseCompact Category: String IMetadata IMetadata : IUnknown
ConnectionProperties: IPropertySet
PathName: String Metadata: IPropertySet
Type: esriWorkspaceType
Synchronize (in action:
WorkspaceFactory: IWorkspaceFactory
WorkspaceFactoryProgID: String esriMetadataSyncAction, in interval:

IMetadataEdit IMetadataEdit : IUnknown

IWorkspaceName2 IWorkspaceName2 : IWorkspaceName
CanEditMetadata: Boolean
ConnectionString: String

RelQueryTableName TableName
FeatureDatasetName ITableName ITableName : IUnknown GeometricNetworkName
IRelQueryTableName IRelQueryTableName : IUnknown
DoNotPushJoinToDB: Boolean
IFeatureDatasetName IFeatureDatasetName : IUnknown IGeometricNetworkName IGeometricNetworkName : IUnknown
ForwardDirection: Boolean FeatureClassNames: IEnumDatasetName
LeftOuterJoin: Boolean FeatureDatasetName: IDatasetName
GeometricNetworkNames: IObjectClassName : IUnknown
RelationshipClassName: IName IEnumDatasetName IObjectClassName
SrcQueryFilter: IQueryFilter
SrcSelectionSet: ISelectionSet RelationshipClassNames: ObjectClassID: Long
TargetColumns: String IEnumDatasetName
TableNames: IEnumDatasetName
IRelQueryTableName2 IRelQueryTableName2 : IUnknown
IFeatureDatasetName2 IFeatureDatasetName2 : IFeatureDatasetName
IModelInfo IModelInfo : IUnknown TopologyName
DoNotPushJoinToDB: Boolean ModelName: String
IPersistStream FireRowChangedEvents: Boolean TopologyNames: IEnumDatasetName
ITopologyName ITopologyName : IUnknown
ForwardDirection: Boolean
LeftOuterJoin: Boolean DirtyAreasName: IName
RelationshipClassName: IName FeatureDatasetName: IDatasetName
SrcQueryFilter: IQueryFilter TopologyErrorName (in GeometryType:
SrcSelectionSet: ISelectionSet esriGeometryType): IName
TargetColumns: String
IRelationshipClassName IRelationshipClassName : IUnknown

TableQueryName Cardinality: esriRelCardinality

FeatureDatasetName: IDatasetName
IQueryName IQueryName : IUnknown IsAttributed: Boolean FeatureClassName IXYEventSourceName IXYEventSourceName : IUnknown
IsComposite: Boolean
QueryDef: IQueryDef Notification: esriRelNotification IFeatureClassName IFeatureClassName : IUnknown EventProperties: IXYEventProperties
IFeatureClassName EventTableName: IName
FeatureDatasetName: IDatasetName SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
FeatureType: esriFeatureType
IQueryName2 IQueryName2 : IQueryName ShapeFieldName: String
ShapeType: esriGeometryType
CopyLocally: Boolean
PrimaryKey: String
ITopologyClassName ITopologyClassName : IUnknown
TopologyName: ITopologyName
MemoryRelationshipClassName IRasterDatasetName IRasterDatasetName : IUnknown
IMemoryRelationshipClassName IMemoryRelationshipClassName : IUnknown RasterBandNames: IEnumDatasetName
BackwardPathLabel: String
DestinationName: IName
FeatureQueryName ForwardPathLabel: String
OriginForeignKey: String
IFeatureClassName IFeatureClassName : IUnknown OriginName: IName RasterCatalogName RasterBandName
OriginPrimaryKey: String
FeatureDatasetName: IDatasetName IRasterCatalogName IRasterCatalogName : IUnknown
FeatureType: esriFeatureType IRasterBandName IRasterBandName : IUnknown
ShapeFieldName: String IsRasterDataset: Boolean
ShapeType: esriGeometryType RasterFieldName: String NameString: String
RasterDatasetName: IDatasetName

IMosaicDatasetName IMosaicDatasetName : IUnknown
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from IQueryTableName IQueryTableName : IUnknown
another class. Query: String
QueryDescription: IQueryDescription
Type inheritance Types of Relationships
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
InterfaceG Interface of interest which it creates an object from another class .
InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
(<classname>)InterfaceO the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
(Optional) represents interfaces that are
inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
Outbound Interface enumeration
interfaces they implement.
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
(Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
only on specific instances of the class . Property Get 1..* - From one to any positive integer
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this
event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type
RelationshipClass in
Geodatabase Core

® ®
ESRI ArcGIS 10 MemoryRelationshipClass
IMemoryRelationshipClassFactory IMemoryRelationshipClassFactory : IUnknown

Open (in Name: String, in originPrimaryClass:

Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service IObjectClass, in originPrimaryKeyField:
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. String, in originForeignClass: IObjectClass,
in originForeignKeyField: String, in
ForwardPathLabel: String, in
BackwardPathLabel: String, in Cardinality:
esriRelCardinality): IRelationshipClass

Table in Geodatabase
IRelQueryTableSelectionSet IRelQueryTableSelectionSet : IUnknown
ISelectionSet Core
BaseTableSelectionSet: ISelectionSet

Row in Geodatabase RelQueryTable

Core QueryFilter
IQueryFilter IRelQueryTable IRelQueryTable : IUnknown
IObjectClass DestinationTable: ITable
RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass
IQueryFilter2 IFeatureClass SourceTable: ITable
IRelQueryTableInfo IRelQueryTableInfo : IUnknown
ICursor Cursor HasDirectAccessLookup: Boolean
JoinType: esriJoinType
QueryDef: IQueryDef
GetBaseTableOfField (in dbColumn:
IRow IRow : IRowBuffer SpatialFilter String): ITable
IRowBuffer HasOID: Boolean ISpatialFilter IVirtualTable IVirtualTable : IUnknown
OID: Long
IObject Table: ITable
Delete IRelQueryTableManage IRelQueryTableManage : IUnknown

RelQueryCursor VersionChanged (in pSelectedWorkspace:
IFeature : IObject IFeatureCursor
IVersion, in pTargetVersion: IVersion, in
(optional) (optional) pTablesRequiringMapEventFiring:
Extent: IEnvelope
IFeatureBuffer FeatureType: esriFeatureType IEnumTableVersionChanges)
(optional) Shape: IGeometry
ShapeCopy: IGeometry

IRelQueryTableFactory IRelQueryTableFactory : IUnknown

Open (in pRelClass: IRelationshipClass, in

joinForward: Boolean, in pQueryFilter:
IQueryFilter, in pSrcSelectionSet:
ISelectionSet, in target_Columns: String, in
DoNotPushJoinToDB: Boolean, in
openAsLeftOuterJoin: Boolean):

Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
another class.

Type inheritance Types of Relationships

Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
InterfaceG Interface of interest which it creates an object from another class .
InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
(<classname>)InterfaceO the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
(Optional) represents interfaces that are
inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
Outbound Interface enumeration
interfaces they implement.
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
(Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get 1..* - From one to any positive integer
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this
event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type
GeoDataset in Raster in
Geodatabase DataSourcesRaster

ESRI® ArcGIS® 10 RasterDataset Raster RasterLayer in

Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service IRasterDataset IRasterDataset : IUnknown IRaster IRaster : IUnknown
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. CompleteName: String ResampleMethod: rstResamplingTypes
CompressionType: String IClone
Format: String CreateCursor: IRasterCursor
IGeoDataset CreatePixelBlock (in Size: IPnt): IPixelBlock
CanCopy: Boolean Read (in tlc: IPnt, in block: IPixelBlock)
Copy (in copyName: String, in
copyWorkspace: IWorkspace): IDataset
CreateDefaultRaster: IRaster ISaveAs ISaveAs : IUnknown
PrecalculateStats (in index_list: Variant)
CanSaveAs (in Format: String): Boolean
SaveAs (in Name: String, in worksp:
WorkspaceFactory in Workspace in IRasterDataset2 IRasterDataset2 : IRasterDataset IWorkspace, in Format: String): IDataset
Geodatabase Geodatabase IsEmpty: Boolean
ISaveAs2 ISaveAs2 : ISaveAs
CreateFullRaster: IRaster
CreateRaster: IRaster SaveAsRasterDataset (in Name: String, in
pWorkspace: IWorkspace, in Format:
IRasterDataset3 IRasterDataset3 : IRasterDataset2 String, in pStorageDef:
BlockHeight: Long
IRasterStorageDef): IRasterDataset RasterCursor
BlockWidth: Long IRasterCursor IRasterCursor : IUnknown
CanWrite: Boolean
RasterWorkspace FirstPyramidLevel: Long PixelBlock: IPixelBlock
IRasterWorkspaceEx LODInfos: IRasterLODInfos TopLeft: IPnt
IRasterWorkspaceEx : IUnknown MaximumPyramidLevel: Long
(optional) Next: Boolean
CreateRasterCatalog (in Name: String, in Read (in pTlc: IPnt, in pRaster: IRaster, in Reset
Fields: IFields, in ShapeFieldName: pPixelBlock: IPixelBlock)
String, in RasterFieldName: String, in ReadPyramid (in pTlc: IPnt, in
PyramidLevel: Long, in pRaster: IRaster,
ConfigKeyword: String): IRasterCatalog
CreateRasterDataset (in Name: String, in in pPixelBlock: IPixelBlock) PixelBlock
SdeWorkspaceFactory in numBands: Long, in PixelType: Refresh
Write (in pTlc: IPnt, in pRaster: IRaster, in IPixelBlock3 : IUnknown
DataSourcesGDB rstPixelType, in StorageDef:
mode: esriRasterWriteMode, in
IRasterStorageDef, in ConfigKeyword: BytesPerPixel: Long
String, in RasterDef: IRasterDef, in pPixelBlock: IPixelBlock) IPixelBlock Height: Long
GeometryDef: IGeometryDef): NoDataMask (in plane: Long): Variant
IRasterDataset IRasterDatasetEdit IRasterDatasetEdit : IUnknown esriDataSourcesRaster.IPixelBlock2 NoDataMaskByRef (in plane: Long): Variant
DeleteRasterCatalog (in Name: String) PixelData (in plane: Long): Variant
AlterColormap (in pColormap: PixelDataByRef (in plane: Long): Variant
DeleteRasterDataset (in Name: String)
FileGDBWorkspaceFactory in OpenRasterCatalog (in Name: String):
PixelType (in plane: Long): rstPixelType
Planes: Long
DataSourcesGDB IRasterCatalog
OpenRasterDataset (in Name: String):
ComputeStats (in PyramidLevel: Long) Width: Long
IRasterDataset DeleteStats GetNoDataMaskVal (in plane: Long, in x:
RegisterAsRasterCatalog (in Name: String, Erase (in Extent: IEnvelope) Long, in y: Long): Variant
in OIDFieldName: String, in Mosaic (in Raster: IRaster, in tolerance: GetVal (in plane: Long, in x: Long, in y: Long):
GeometryDef: IGeometryDef) Double) Variant
RegisterAsRasterDataset (in Name: String, MosaicBands (in Raster: IRaster, in start: HasNoData (in plane: Long): Boolean
Long, in tolerance: Double)
AccessWorkspaceFactory in in GeometryDef: IGeometryDef)
SaveAsRasterDataset (in Name: String, in
DataSourcesGDB Raster: IRaster, in StorageDef: IRasterDatasetEdit2 IRasterDataset2 : IRasterDataset
IRasterStorageDef, in ConfigKeyword:
String, in RasterDef: IRasterDef, in IsEmpty: Boolean
GeometryDef: IGeometryDef):
CreateFullRaster: IRaster Pnt
CreateRaster: IRaster
IRasterWorkspace2 IPnt IPnt : IUnknown
RasterWorkspaceFactory in (optional)
IRasterWorkspace2 : IUnknown ISaveAs ISaveAs : IUnknown
X: Double
DataSourcesRaster CanCopy: Boolean
Copy (in copyName: String, in
CanSaveAs (in Format: String): Boolean Y: Double
SaveAs (in Name: String, in worksp:
copyWorkspace: IWorkspace): IDataset IWorkspace, in Format: String): IDataset Convert2Point (in env: IPoint)
CreateRasterDataset (in Name: String, in Set2Point (in env: IPoint)
Format: String, in Origin: IPoint, in SetCoords (in X: Double, in Y: Double)
IRasterWorkspace columnCount: Long, in RowCount: Long, in ISaveAs2 ISaveAs2 : ISaveAs
cellSizeX: Double, in cellSizeY: Double, in
numBands: Long, in pt: rstPixelType, in sr: SaveAsRasterDataset (in Name: String, in
ISpatialReference, in Permanent: Boolean):
* pWorkspace: IWorkspace, in Format:
String, in pStorageDef:
IsWorkspace (in Name: String): Boolean IRasterStorageDef): IRasterDataset
OpenRasterDataset (in Name: String):
IRasterCatalogHelper IRasterCatalogHelper : IUnknown
UpdateFootprint (in pCatalog: IRasterCatalog)
UpdateFootprintSpatialReference (in
pCatalog: IRasterCatalog)

IRasterCatalogHelper2 IRasterCatalogHelper2 : IRasterCatalogHelper

Table, ObjectClass,
FeatureClass in UpdateFootprintEx (in pCatalog:
IRasterCatalog, in where: String, in
Geodatabase onlyIfEmpty: Boolean, in pCancel:

IRasterCatalog IRasterCatalog : IUnknown
CanAlterRasterSpatialReference: Boolean
NameFieldIndex: Long
RasterFieldIndex: Long
GdbRasterCatalogLayer in RasterFieldName: String
RasterSpatialReference: ISpatialReference
AlterRasterSpatialReference (in
pSpatialReference: ISpatialReference)

Enumerations Cursor
rstPixelType RasterValue
0 - PT_U1 IRasterValue IRasterValue : IUnknown
1 - PT_U2
Extent: IEnvelope
2 - PT_U4 Types of Classes
Raster: IRaster
RasterDataset: IRasterDataset
RasterDatasetName: IName
RasterStorageDef: IRasterStorageDef
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)
8 - PT_LONG Row, Object, Feature
SetEmptyRasterDataset (in nBands: Long,
in PixelType: rstPixelType) Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
9 - PT_FLOAT created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
10 - PT_DOUBLE IRowBuffer : IUnknown IRasterValue2 IRasterValue2 : IRasterValue
another class.
11 - PT_COMPLEX PersistXform: IGeodataXform
12 - PT_DCOMPLEX Fields: IFields
Value (in Index: Long): Variant
13 - PT_CSHORT Type inheritance Types of Relationships
Associations represent relationships between classes . They have defined
rstResamplingTypes multiplicities at both ends.
0 - RSP_NearestNeighbor CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
1 - RSP_BilinearInterpolation RasterDef InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
2 - RSP_CubicConvolution
Interface of interest Composition
3 - RSP_Majority RasterCatalogItem IRasterDef IRasterDef : IUnknown
InterfaceB and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
IRasterCatalogItem IRasterCatalogItem : IUnknown Description: String
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
esriRasterSdeCompressionTypeEnum IClone IsManaged: Boolean
0 - esriRasterSdeCompressionTypeUncompressed RasterDataset: IRasterDataset SpatialReference: ISpatialReference InterfaceG Interface of interest which it creates an object from another class .
1 - esriRasterSdeCompressionTypeRunLength InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
2 - esriRasterSdeCompressionTypeJPEG the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
3 - esriRasterSdeCompressionTypeJPEG2000 (<classname>)InterfaceO
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
esriRasterCompressionType RasterStorageDef
-1 - esriRasterCompressionUnknown Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
0 - esriRasterCompressionUncompressed IRasterStorageDef IRasterStorageDef : IUnknown Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
1 - esriRasterCompressionLZ77 CellSize: IPnt multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
2 - esriRasterCompressionJPEG (Optional) represents interfaces that are
CompressionQuality: Long
4 - esriRasterCompressionJPEG2000 CompressionType: inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
5 - esriRasterCompressionPackBits esriRasterCompressionType The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
Outbound Interface enumeration
6 - esriRasterCompressionLZW Origin: IPoint interfaces they implement.
7 - esriRasterCompressionRLE PyramidLevel: Long firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
8 - esriRasterCompressionCCITTG3 PyramidResampleType: Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
rstResamplingTypes (Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
9 - esriRasterCompressionCCITTG4
TileHeight: Long only on specific instances of the class . Property Get
10 - esriRasterCompressionCCITTRLE 1..* - From one to any positive integer
TileWidth: Long Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
IRasterStorageDef2 IRasterStorageDef2 : IRasterStorageDef helper class required to support this
event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
Tiled: Boolean secondMember: Type
ESRI® ArcGIS® 10
Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.

GxObject, Name, TIN, and
GeometricNetwork objects ICopyHelper ICopyHelper : IUnknown

IMetadata IMetadata : IUnknown UpdateDatabaseMetadata (in

pDestPropertySet: IPropertySet, in pSrc:
Metadata: IPropertySet IDatasetName, in pDest: IDatasetName)
UpdateMetadata (in pSrc: IName, in pDest:
Synchronize (in action: IName, in isMove: Boolean)
esriMetadataSyncAction, in interval:

IMetadataSynchronizer IMetadataSynchronizer : IUnknown
Name: String
Update (in pPropertySet: IXmlPropertySet, in
itemDesc: String, in Value: Variant)

IMetadataSynchronizerManager IMetadataSynchronizerManager : IUnknown

NumSynchronizers: Long
GetEnabled (in Index: Long): Boolean
GetSynchronizer (in Index: Long):
SetEnabled (in Index: Long, in Enabled:
IXmlPropertySet IXmlPropertySet : IUnknown
CountX (in Name: String): Long
IPersistStreamInit IsNew: Boolean FGDCSynchronizer
IPropertySet IMetadataSynchronizer
DeleteProperty (in Name: String)
ISupportErrorInfo DeletePropertyByAttribute (in Attribute:
IClone String, in Value: String, in deleteParent:
IXMLSerialize Boolean)
GetPropertiesByAttribute (in Attribute:
String, in Value: String, in noValues:
Boolean, out pTags: Variant, out
pValues: Variant) XmlPropertySetEdit
SaveAsFile (in xslPath: String, in header: IXmlPropertySetEdit IXmlPropertySetEdit : IUnknown
String, in outputANSI: Boolean, in
outPath: String) Dataset: IDataset
SetAttribute (in Name: String, in Attribute:
String, in Value: Variant, in action: GetProperty (in Name: String): Variant
esriXmlSetPropertyAction) SetProperty (in Name: String, in Value:
SetPropertyX (in Name: String, in Value: Variant, in propType:
Variant, in propType: esriXmlPropertyType, in action:
esriXmlPropertyType, in action: esriXmlSetPropertyAction)
esriXmlSetPropertyAction, syncing:
TransformImages (in Path: String, out
pFileNames: Variant)

IXmlPropertySet2 IXmlPropertySet2 : IUnknown FGDCSynchronizationHelper

CountX (in Name: String): Long ISynchronizationHelper ISynchronizationHelper : IUnknown
IsNew: Boolean
OverwriteSyncAttribute: Boolean
ExtractBriefEntityAttrProperties (in

Enumerations DeleteProperty (in Name: String)

DeletePropertyByAttribute (in Attribute:
String, in Value: String, in deleteParent:
geoDataset: IClass, in Index: Long, in
PropertySet: IPropertySet)
ExtractBriefRelationshipProperties (in
Boolean) RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass, in
DeletePropertyByNameAndAttribute (in Index: Long, in PropertySet:
esriXmlPropertyType Name: String, in Attribute: String, in IPropertySet)
0 - esriXPTText Value: String, in deleteParent: Boolean) ExtractEntityAttrProperties (in geoDataset:
1 - esriXPTBinaryEnclosure GetAttribute (in Name: String, in Attribute: IClass, in Index: Long, in PropertySet:
2 - esriXPTLink String, out pValue: Variant) IPropertySet)
3 - esriXPTPicture GetPropertiesByAttribute (in Attribute: ExtractFeatureClassProperties (in
Types of Classes 4 - esriXPTImage String, in Value: String, in noValues: geoDataset: IFeatureClass, in Index:

Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)
Boolean, out pTags: Variant, out
pValues: Variant)
GetXml (in Name: String): String
Long, in PropertySet: IPropertySet)
ExtractRelationshipProperties (in
RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass, in
esriXmlSetPropertyAction InitExisting Index: Long, in PropertySet:

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
0 - esriXSPAAddOrReplace
1 - esriXSPAAddIfNotExists
InitGeneric (in rootName: String)
SaveAsFile (in xslPath: String, in header:
String, in outputANSI: Boolean, in
ExtractSpatialProperties (in geoDataset:
IGeoDataset, in PropertySet:
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from 2 - esriXSPAReplaceIfExists
outPath: String) IPropertySet)
3 - esriXSPAAddDuplicate
another class. SetAttribute (in Name: String, in Attribute: FinishSynchronization (in PropertySet:
String, in Value: Variant, in action: IPropertySet)
esriXmlSetPropertyAction) PopulateDistributionProperties (in fileName:
Type inheritance Types of Relationships esriMetadataSyncAction SetPropertyX (in Name: String, in Value: String, in fileType: String, in PropertySet:
Variant, in propType: IPropertySet)
0 - esriMSAAccessed
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined esriXmlPropertyType, in action: PopulateDistributionPropertiesForDatabase
1 - esriMSAAlways esriXmlSetPropertyAction, syncing: (in Dataset: IDataset, in PropertySet:
multiplicities at both ends. 2 - esriMSACreated Boolean) IPropertySet)
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share 3 - esriMSANotCreated SetXml (in xml: String) PopulateStaticProperties (in PropertySet:
4 - esriMSAOverwrite TransformImages (in Path: String, out IPropertySet)
InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
pFileNames: Variant) StartSynchronization (in PropertySet:
InterfaceB IPropertySet, in action:
subclasses. esriMetadataSyncAction, in interval:
Class Long, out Ok: Boolean)
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
InterfaceG Interface of interest which it creates an object from another class .
InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
(<classname>)InterfaceO the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
(Optional) represents interfaces that are
inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
Outbound Interface enumeration
interfaces they implement.
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
(Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get 1..* - From one to any positive integer
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this
event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type
ESRI® ArcGIS® 10
Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.


PlugInNativeType IPlugInWorkspaceHelper IPlugInWorkspaceHelper : IUnknown
INativeType INativeType : IUnknown DatasetNames (in DatasetType:
Aggregated TypeID: IUID
esriDatasetType): IArray
NativeType (in DatasetType: esriDatasetType,
PlugInWorkspaceFactory Description: String in localName: String): INativeType
OIDIsRecordNumber: Boolean
IPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper IPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper : IUnknown RowCountIsCalculated: Boolean
CanSupportSQL: Boolean OpenDataset (in localName: String):
DatasetDescription (in DatasetType: in Geodabase IPlugInDatasetHelper
esriDatasetType): String
DataSourceName: String Core IPlugInWorkspaceHelper2
WorkspaceDescription (in plural: Boolean): IPlugInWorkspaceHelper2 : IUnknown
String (optional)
WorkspaceFactoryTypeID: IUID CanAddIndex: Boolean
WorkspaceType: esriWorkspaceType CanDeleteIndex: Boolean
IsReadOnly: Boolean
ContainsWorkspace (in parentDirectory:
String, in fileNames: IFileNames): Boolean
GetWorkspaceString (in parentDirectory: IPlugInLicense : IUnknown
String, in fileNames: IFileNames): String
IsWorkspace (in wksString: String): Boolean CheckExtensionLicense
OpenWorkspace (in wksString: String): ReleaseLicenseRef
IWorkspaceFactoryFileExtensions (optional)
IPlugInMetadata : IUnknown
IWorkspaceFactoryFileExtensions : IUnknown
(optional) CanEditMetadata: Boolean
ActivationExtensions: String Metadata (in localName: String): IPropertySet
RelevantExtensions: String
IPlugInCreateWorkspace IPlugInCreateWorkspace : IUnknown (optional)
IPlugInMetadataPath : IUnknown
(optional) MetadataPath (in localName: String): String
CreateWorkspace (in workspaceString:
MakeWorkspaceString (in parentDirectory:
String, in file: String, in
ConnectionProperties: IPropertySet):

IPlugInDatasetHelper IPlugInDatasetHelper : IUnknown
Bounds: IEnvelope
ClassCount: Long
ClassIndex (in Name: String): Long
ClassName (in Index: Long): String
Fields (in ClassIndex: Long): IFields
Visual Basic 6
PlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper * OIDFieldIndex (in ClassIndex: Long): Long
ShapeFieldIndex (in ClassIndex: Long): Long

IPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper IPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper : IUnknown FetchAll (in ClassIndex: Long, in

WhereClause: String, in FieldMap: Variant):
CanSupportSQL: Boolean
FeatureDataset in IPlugInCursorHelper
FetchByEnvelope (in ClassIndex: Long, in
DatasetDescription (in DatasetType:
esriDatasetType): String
Geodatabase Core env: IEnvelope, in strictSearch: Boolean, in
DataSourceName: String WhereClause: String, in FieldMap: Variant):
WorkspaceDescription (in plural: Boolean): String IPlugInCursorHelper
FetchByID (in ClassIndex: Long, in ID: Long,
WorkspaceFactoryTypeID: IUID in FieldMap: Variant): IPlugInCursorHelper
WorkspaceType: esriWorkspaceType
IPlugInDatasetInfo IPlugInDatasetInfo : IUnknown
ContainsWorkspace (in parentDirectory: String,
in fileNames: IFileNames): Boolean DatasetType: esriDatasetType
GeometryType: esriGeometryType
GetWorkspaceString (in parentDirectory: String, LocalDatasetName: String
in fileNames: IFileNames): String ShapeFieldName: String
IsWorkspace (in wksString: String): Boolean
OpenWorkspace (in wksString: String):
* IPlugInFileOperations IPlugInFileOperations : IUnknown
CanCopy: Boolean
* Table in CanDelete: Boolean
CanRename: Boolean
Geodatabase Core Copy (in copyName: String, in
copyWorkspace: IWorkspace)
Structs IPlugInFileOperationsClass
Rename (in Name: String): String

IPlugInFileOperationsClass : IUnknown
tagFieldValue <<Struct>> (optional)
m_length: Unsigned Long CanCopy (in ClassIndex: Long): Boolean
m_status: Unsigned Long CanDelete (in ClassIndex: Long): Boolean
m_value: Variant CanRename (in ClassIndex: Long):
Copy (in ClassIndex: Long, in copyName:
String, in copyWorkspace: IWorkspace)
Delete (in ClassIndex: Long)
Rename (in ClassIndex: Long, in Name:
String): String
IPlugInFileSystemDataset : IUnknown
Types of Classes
Class Diagram
FullPath: String
Size: Long
AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.) IPlugInIndexInfo
IPlugInIndexInfo : IUnknown
Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
Indexes (in ClassIndex: Long): IIndexes

created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from IPlugInIndexManager IPlugInIndexManager : IUnknown
another class. (optional)
AddIndex (in ClassIndex: Long, in Index:
Type inheritance Types of Relationships DeleteIndex (in ClassIndex: Long, in Index:
Associations represent relationships between classes . They have defined IPlugInLicense
multiplicities at both ends. IPlugInLicense : IUnknown
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share AddLicenseRef
InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties CheckExtensionLicense
Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in ReleaseLicenseRef
Class subclasses. IPlugInRowCount
IPlugInRowCount : IUnknown
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with (optional)
RowCount (in Index: Long): Long
InterfaceG Interface of interest which it creates an object from another class .
InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
(<classname>)InterfaceO the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A Cursor in
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
Geodatabase PlugInCursorHelper
Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have Core IPlugInCursorHelper IPlugInCursorHelper : IUnknown
multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
(Optional) represents interfaces that are IsFinished: Boolean
inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied) NextRecord
The subclasses list the optional QueryShape (in pGeometry: IGeometry)
enumeration 0..1 - Zero or one
interfaces they implement. Outbound Interface QueryValues (in Row: IRowBuffer): Long
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers) IPlugInFastQueryValues
secondValue - secondEnumeration IPlugInFastQueryValues : IUnknown
(Instance) represents interfaces that are Interface key * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer (optional)
FastQueryValues (in values: FieldValue)
only on specific instances of the class . Property Get 1..* - From one to any positive integer
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this
event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type
Workspace in Geodatabase Core GeoDataset in Geodatabase Core DEGeoDatasetType in
GP DataTypes
DEGeoDataset in
GP ValueObjects
ESRI® ArcGIS® 10
Workspace FeatureDataset Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of ESRI in the United States, the
IWorkspaceExtensionManager IWorkspaceExtensionManager : IUnknown IFeatureDatasetExtensionContainer IFeatureDatasetExtensionContainer : IUnknown European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
Extension (in Index: Long):
Extension (in Index: Long):
IFeatureDatasetExtension IDENetworkDatasetType IDENetworkDatasetType : IUnknown
ExtensionCount: Long ExtensionCount: Long IDENetworkDataset IDENetworkDataset : IUnknown
FindExtension (in pGUID: IUID):
FindExtension (in Type: esriDatasetType):
IXMLSerialize Attributes: IArray * NetworkAttribute
Buildable: Boolean
RegisterExtension (in Name: String, in IPersistStream ConfigurationKeyword: String INetworkAttribute
pGUID: IUID) INetworkAttribute : IUnknown
IGPDescribe Directions: INetworkDirections
UnRegisterExtension (in pGUID: IUID)
HierarchyClusterAttribute: INetworkAttribute DataType: esriNetworkAttributeDataType
HierarchyLevelCount: Long
IWorkspaceDataElements IWorkspaceDataElements : IUnknown
* MaxValueForHierarchy (in level: Long): 0..1 ID: Long
Name: String NetworkAttributeParameter
(optional) Long Units: esriNetworkAttributeUnits
GetDatasetDataElement (in pDatasetSpec: FeatureDatasetExtension NetworkType: esriNetworkDatasetType UsageType: INetworkAttributeParameter INetworkAttributeParameter : IUnknown
IUnknown, in pBrowseOptions: Properties: IPropertySet
NetworkDirections esriNetworkAttributeUsageType
IDEBrowseOptions): IDataElement DefaultValue: Variant
IFeatureDatasetExtension Sources: IArray
GetWorkspaceDataElement (in
IFeatureDatasetExtension : IUnknown
SupportsTurns: Boolean INetworkDirections INetworkDirections : IUnknown Name: String
pBrowseOptions: IDEBrowseOptions): FeatureDataset: IFeatureDataset UserData: IPropertySet DefaultOutputLengthUnits:
INetworkAttribute2 INetworkAttribute2 : INetworkAttribute Value: Variant
Init (in Dataset: IFeatureDataset) esriNetworkAttributeUnits
LengthAttributeName: String
Parameters: IArray * VarType: Long

IWorkspaceDataElements2 IWorkspaceDataElements2 : IDENetworkDataset2 IDENetworkDataset2 : IDENetworkDataset

RoadClassAttributeName: String
UseByDefault: Boolean
IWorkspaceDataElements IDatasetContainer2 IDatasetContainer2 : IDatasetContainer Refresh
(optional) ElevationModel: TimeAttributeName: String
Dataset (in Type: esriDatasetType, in esriNetworkElevationModel
GetNameObject (in DataElement: Index: Long): IDataset TimeZoneAttributeName: String INetworkAttribute3 INetworkAttribute3 : INetworkAttribute2
INetworkDirections2 INetworkDirections2 : INetworkDirections NetworkEvaluator
IDataElement): IName DatasetByName (in Type: esriDatasetType,
in Name: String): IDataset
TimeZoneTableName: String
TrafficData: ITrafficData AttributeMappings: IArray
* DirectionsAttributeMapping
IsTimeAware (ElementType:
esriNetworkElementType): Boolean
DatasetCount (in Type: esriDatasetType):
0..1 INetworkEvaluator INetworkEvaluator : IUnknown
DatasetNames (in Type: esriDatasetType): ISignposts ISignposts : IUnknown
IDirectionsAttributeMapping IDirectionsAttributeMapping : IUnknown CacheAttribute: Boolean
IGPDescribe DisplayName: String
TrafficData * SignpostFeatureClassName: String
AttributeName: String
Name: String
* Datasets (in Type: esriDatasetType):
ITrafficData ITrafficData : IUnknown
SignpostStreetsTableName: String
KeyName: String

WorkspaceExtension DatasetTypes: IEnumDatasetType NetworkSource EvaluatedNetworkAttribute INetworkEvaluator2 INetworkEvaluator2 : INetworkEvaluator

CreateDataset (in DataElement: TimeInterval: Double
IWorkspaceExtension IWorkspaceExtension : IUnknown IDEDataset): IDataset TimeIntervalUnits: esriTimeUnits INetworkSource INetworkSource : IUnknown IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute : INetworkAttribute RequiredFieldNames: IStringArray
ElementType: esriNetworkElementType DefaultEvaluator (in ElementType: Refresh
DataDictionaryTableNames: IEnumBSTR IDatasetContainer3 IGPDescribe
IDatasetContainer3 : IDatasetContainer2 IHistoricalTrafficData
Name: String DatasetByID (in Type: esriDatasetType, in
IHistoricalTrafficData : IUnknown ID: Long
Name: String 0..1 esriNetworkElementType):
INetworkEvaluator INetworkEvaluatorSetup INetworkEvaluatorSetup : IUnknown
FirstTimeSliceFieldName: String NetworkSourceDirections: NetworkSourceDirections Evaluator (in NetworkSource:
PrivateDatasetNames (in dtype: DatasetID: Long): IDataset FirstTimeSliceStartTime: DATE CLSID: IUID
esriDatasetType): IEnumBSTR INetworkSourceDirections INetworkSource, in Direction:
JoinTableBaseTravelTimeFieldName: Data: IPropertySet
Properties: IPropertySet INetworkSourceDirections INetworkSourceDirections : IUnknown esriNetworkEdgeDirection):
DataHasEdits: Boolean
SourceType: esriNetworkSourceType INetworkEvaluator
IWorkspaceExtension2 JoinTableBaseTravelTimeUnits: AdminAreaFieldName: String
IWorkspaceExtension2 : IWorkspaceExtension
Workspace: IWorkspace
JoinTableName: String
UsesGeometryInConnectivity: Boolean
Shields: IShields
StreetNameFields: IArray IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute2 IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute2 :
* Initialize (in NetworkDataset:
INetworkDataset, in DataElement:
IDENetworkDataset, in Source:
OwnsDatasetType (in DatasetType: NetworkDatasetFDExtension JoinTableProfileIDFieldNames: IStringArray
LastTimeSliceFieldName: String
IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute INetworkSource, in Attribute:
esriDatasetType): Boolean INetworkSourceDirections2 INetworkSourceDirections2 : DENetworkDataset: IDENetworkDataset IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute)
ProfilesTableName: String
QueryValue (in Element: INetworkElement,
TimeSliceDurationInMinutes: Long INetworkSourceDirections
IDatasetContainer2 IDatasetContainer2 : IDatasetContainer in Row: IRow): Variant
FieldMappings: IArray SupportsDefault (in ElementType:
(optional) Dataset (in Type: esriDatasetType, in esriNetworkElementType, in Attribute:
Index: Long): IDataset
DatasetByName (in Type: esriDatasetType,
0..1 IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute): Boolean
SupportsSource (in Source:
in Name: String): IDataset Shields INetworkSource, in Attribute:
DatasetCount (in Type: esriDatasetType): IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute): Boolean
Long IShields IShields : IUnknown ValidateDefault (in ElementType:
DatasetNames (in Type: esriDatasetType):
Dataset in Geodatabase Core * CombinedFieldName: String
esriNetworkElementType, in Attribute:
IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute, in
Datasets (in Type: esriDatasetType): NumberFieldName: String
SystemJunctionSource TurnFeatureSource DirectionsFieldMapping ShieldCount: Long
ErrorCode: Long, in ErrorDescription:
String, in errorAppendInfo: String):
DatasetTypes: IEnumDatasetType ShieldDescription (in Index: Long): String Boolean
ISystemJunctionSource ISystemJunctionSource : IUnknown ITurnFeatureSource ITurnFeatureSource : IUnknown IDirectionsFieldMapping IDirectionsFieldMapping : IUnknown ShieldType (in Index: Long): String ValidateSource (in datasetContainer:
CreateDataset (in DataElement: TypeFieldName: String
ElevationFieldName: String FieldName (in Direction: IDatasetContainer2, in NetworkSource:
IDEDataset): IDataset UseCombinedField: Boolean
esriNetworkEdgeDirection): String INetworkSource, in Attribute:
KeyName: String AddShield (in Type: String, in Description: IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute, in
IDatasetContainer3 IDatasetContainer3 : IDatasetContainer2
(optional) DatasetByID (in Type: esriDatasetType, in
* DatasetComponent * String)
DeleteShield (in Index: Long)
ErrorCode: Long, in ErrorDescription:
String, in errorAppendInfo: String):
DatasetID: Long): IDataset Boolean
IDatasetComponent IDatasetComponent : IUnknown
IWorkspaceExtensionControl IWorkspaceExtensionControl : IUnknown DataElement: IDEDataset
JunctionFeatureSource *
Parent: IDataset IJunctionFeatureSource IJunctionFeatureSource : IUnknown
Init (in pWorkspaceHelper: EdgeFeatureSource StreetNameFields
IWorkspaceHelper) ClassConnectivityGroups: ILongArray
Shutdown IDatasetComponent2 IDatasetComponent2 : IDatasetComponent ClassConnectivityPolicy: IEdgeFeatureSource IEdgeFeatureSource : IUnknown IStreetNameFields IStreetNameFields : IUnknown
ID: Long ElevationFieldName: String ClassConnectivityGroup: Long PrefixDirectionFieldName: String
SubtypeConnectivityGroups (in ClassConnectivityPolicy: PrefixTypeFieldName: String
NetworkForwardStar SubtypeCode: Long): ILongArray esriNetworkEdgeConnectivityPolicy Priority: Long
IWorkspaceExtension2 SubtypeConnectivityPolicy (in FromElevationFieldName: String StreetNameFieldName: String
INetworkForwardStarEx INetworkForwardStarEx : IUnknown
IDatasetContainer2 NetworkDataset- SubtypeCode: Long): SubtypeConnectivityGroup (in
SubtypeCode: Long): Long
SuffixDirectionFieldName: String
SuffixTypeFieldName: String
BacktrackPolicy: esriNetworkJunctionConnectivityPolicy
IDatasetContainer3 WorkspaceExtension ISupportErrorInfo esriNetworkForwardStarBacktrack UsesSubtypes: Boolean SubtypeConnectivityPolicy (in
NetworkDataset HierarchyAttribute: INetworkAttribute AddClassConnectivityGroup (in group:
SubtypeCode: Long):
IStreetNameFields2 IStreetNameFields2 : IStreetNameFields
IsForwardTraversal: Boolean esriNetworkEdgeConnectivityPolicy
INetworkDataset INetworkDataset : IUnknown Long) ToElevationFieldName: String INetworkFieldEvaluator INetworkFieldEvaluator : IUnknown
IsRestricted (in Element: INetworkElement): FullNameFieldName: String
AddSubtypeConnectivityGroup (in UsesSubtypes: Boolean
Boolean HighwayDirectionFieldName: String
Attribute (in Index: Long): INetworkAttribute SubtypeCode: Long, in group: Long)
IFeatureClassContainer AttributeByID (in ID: Long):
MaxTraversableHierarchyValue: Long RemoveAllClassConnectivityGroups
LanguageFieldName: String GetExpression (in Expression: String, in
ISchemaLock NetworkDataset: INetworkDataset RemoveAllSubtypeConnectivityGroups (in preLogic: String)
RestrictionAttribute (in Index: Long): SubtypeCode: Long) SetExpression (in Expression: String, in
IVersionedObject2 AttributeByName (in Name: String):
INetworkAttribute INetworkAttribute preLogic: String)
IDatasetAnalyze AttributeCount: Long RestrictionAttributeCount: Long
IGeoDataset Buildable: Boolean AddEdgeRestriction (in Edge:
IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit NetworkType: esriNetworkDatasetType INetworkEdge, in fromPosition: Double,
Source (in Index: Long): INetworkSource in toPosition: Double)
FeatureDatasetName in IMetadata SourceByID (in ID: Long): INetworkSource AddJunctionRestriction (in Junction:
IMetadataEdit SourceByName (in Name: String): INetworkJunction) NetworkConstantEvaluator
Geodatabase Name INativeTypeInfo INetworkSource AddRestrictionAttribute (in Attribute:
SourceCount: Long INetworkAttribute) INetworkConstantEvaluator INetworkConstantEvaluator : IUnknown
ISupportErrorInfo State: esriNetworkDatasetState AddTurnRestriction (in Turn: INetworkTurn)
NetworkScriptEvaluator- NetworkScriptEvaluator
ConstantValue: Variant
SupportsTurns: Boolean AdjustEdgeAttributeValue (in Edge: Functions INetworkScriptEvaluator INetworkScriptEvaluator : IUnknown
INetworkEdge, in fromPosition: Double,
INetworkDataset2 INetworkDataset2 : INetworkDataset
in toPosition: Double, in Attribute: INetworkScriptEvaluatorFunctions INetworkScriptEvaluatorFunctions : IDispatch
INetworkAttribute, in adjustmentType: GetExpression (in Expression: String, in
DirtyArea (in location: IPolygon): IPolygon esriNetworkAttributeAdjustmentType, in NetworkForwardStar- ParameterValueByName (in preLogic: String)
parameterName: String): Variant SetExpression (in Expression: String, in
Value: Variant)
AdjustJunctionAttributeValue (in Junction:
Adjacencies preLogic: String)
FeatureDatasetName INetworkQuery INetworkQuery : IUnknown INetworkJunction, in Attribute: NetworkFunctionEvaluator
INetworkAttribute, in adjustmentType:
INetworkForwardStarAdjacencies INetworkForwardStarAdjacencies : IUnknown
IDatasetContainerName IDatasetContainerName : IUnknown ComplexTurnCount: Long esriNetworkAttributeAdjustmentType, in Count: Long
INetworkFunctionEvaluator INetworkFunctionEvaluator : IUnknown
EdgesByPosition (in SourceID: Long, in Value: Variant)
DatasetNames (in Type: esriDatasetType): OID: Long, in Position: Double, in HasTurn (in Index: Long): Boolean FirstArgument: Variant
IEnumDatasetName AdjustTurnAttributeValue (in Turn: HasTurnRestriction: Boolean Operator: String
includeRelatedSDCHyperEdges: INetworkTurn, in Attribute:
Boolean): IEnumNetworkElement QueryAtJunction (in Junction: SecondArgument: Variant
INetworkAttribute, in adjustmentType:
EdgesBySegment (in SourceID: Long, in esriNetworkAttributeAdjustmentType, in INetworkJunction) GetOperators (in returnDataType:
OID: Long, in fromPosition: Double, in
toPosition: Double):
Value: Variant) QueryEdge (in Index: Long, in NetworkGlobalTurnDelay- NetworkGlobalTurnDelay- esriNetworkAttributeDataType):
adjacentEdge: INetworkEdge, out
QueryAdjacencies (in atJunction:
INetworkJunction, in fromEdge: fromPosition: Double, out toPosition: Category Evaluator IEnumBSTR
ElementCount (in ElementType: INetworkEdge, in lastExteriorEdge: Double)
esriNetworkElementType): Long QueryToJunction (in Index: Long, in INetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory INetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory : IUnknown INetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluator INetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluator : IUnknown
INetworkEdge, in adjacencies:
Elements (in ElementType: INetworkForwardStarAdjacencies) adjacentJunction: INetworkJunction, out AngleCategory: CustomPrimaryRoadCategoryMaxValue:
esriNetworkElementType): QueryAttributeCutoffRange (in Edge: IsFiltered: Boolean) IClone esriNetworkTurnAngleCategory Long
IEnumNetworkElement INetworkEdge, in Attribute: QueryTurn (in Index: Long, in adjacentTurn: IXMLSerialize
DatasetName in Geodatabase Name CrossRoadCategory: CustomSecondaryRoadCategoryMaxValue:
ElementsByOID (in SourceID: Long, in OID:
Long): IEnumNetworkElement
INetworkAttribute, in queryPosition: INetworkTurn)
IPersist esriNetworkRoadCategory Long NetworkEdgeTrafficEvaluator
Double, in cutoffValue: Variant, out FromRoadCategory: DefaultSeconds: Double
ElementsByOIDs (in SourceID: Long, in fromPosition: Double, out toPosition: IPersistStream esriNetworkRoadCategory MaxReverseTurnDeflectionAngle: Long IHistoricalTravelTimeEvaluator IHistoricalTravelTimeEvaluator : IUnknown
oids: ILongArray):
Double) IXMLVersionSupport Seconds: Double MaxStraightTurnDeflectionAngle: Long
TimeNeutralAttributeName: String
ElementsForSource (in SourceID: Long):
QueryEdge (in EID: Long, in Direction:
esriNetworkEdgeDirection, in Edge:
esriNetworkRoadCategory * TurnDelayCategories: IArray
UseCustomRoadCategoryRanges: Boolean WeekdayFallbackAttributeName: String
MaxEID (in ElementType:
QueryJunction (in EID: Long, in Junction:
* Initialize (in Seconds: Double, in SetCustomRoadCategoryMaxValues (in
WeekendFallbackAttributeName: String

esriNetworkElementType): Long AngleCategory: maxPrimaryRoadValue: Long, in

MaxValence: Long
INetworkJunction) NetworkElement ITimeAwareEvaluator ITimeAwareEvaluator : IUnknown
* * ClearIDCache
QueryTraversableRange (in Edge:
INetworkEdge, in queryPosition: Double, INetworkElement INetworkElement : IDispatch
esriNetworkTurnAngleCategory, in
maxSecondaryRoadValue: Long)

NetworkDatasetName CreateForwardStar: INetworkForwardStar out fromPosition: Double, out toPosition: esriNetworkRoadCategory, in

QueryValueAtTime (in Element:
Double, out isFromPositionAccessible: AttributeValue (in AttributeID: Long): INetworkElement, in localTime: DATE, in
CreateForwardStarAdjacencies: ISupportErrorInfo
INetworkDatasetName INetworkDatasetName : IUnknown Boolean, out isToPositionAccessible: Variant esriNetworkRoadCategory, in timeUsage: esriNetworkTimeUsage):
FeatureDatasetName: IDatasetName * CreateNetworkElement (in ElementType:
QueryTurn (in EID: Long, in Turn:
AttributeValueByName (in AttributeName:
String): Variant

INetworkElement INetworkTurn) EID: Long

PopulateIDCache (in SourceID: Long) RemoveAttributeValueAdjustments ElementType: esriNetworkElementType
QueryEdge (in EID: Long, in Direction: RemoveElementRestrictions OID: Long
esriNetworkEdgeDirection, in Edge:
* SourceID: Long

QueryJunction (in EID: Long, in Junction:

QueryTurn (in EID: Long, in Turn:


INetworkQuery2 INetworkQuery2 : INetworkQuery

Types of Classes

0 - esriNAATScale
0 - esriNDSUnbuilt
0 - esriNJCPHonor
TimeZoneID (in networkElement:
INetworkElement): Long
ConvertLocalTimeToUTCTime (in
NetworkJunction NetworkEdge
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)
1 - esriNAATAdd
2 - esriNAATReplace
1 - esriNDSBuilt
2 - esriNDSEmpty
1 - esriNJCPOverride localTimeZoneID: Long, in localTime:
ConvertUTCTimeToLocalTime (in
EnumNetworkElement INetworkJunction INetworkJunction : INetworkElement
EdgeCount: Long
INetworkEdge INetworkEdge : INetworkElement
Direction: esriNetworkEdgeDirection
Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
localTimeZoneID: Long, in utcTime: IEnumNetworkElement IEnumNetworkElement : IUnknown TurnCount: Long FromAzimuth: Double created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
DATE): DATE PositionAlongObject (in another class.
esriNetworkAttributeDataType esriNetworkDatasetType 0 - esriNRCNone QueryEdge (in Index: Long, in positionAlongElement: Double): Double
Next: INetworkElement leavingJunction: Boolean, in Edge:
0 - esriNADTInteger 0 - esriNDTUnknown 1 - esriNRCLocal INetworkBuild INetworkBuild : IUnknown Reset ToAzimuth: Double
1 - esriNADTFloat 1 - esriNDTGeodatabase 2 - esriNRCSecondary INetworkEdge): Any
2 - esriNADTDouble 2 - esriNDTShapefile 4 - esriNRCPrimary
(optional) QueryPoint (in point: IPoint): Any
TurnCount: Long Type inheritance Types of Relationships
AddAttribute (in Attribute: INetworkAttribute) TurnParticipationType:
3 - esriNADTBoolean 3 - esriNDTSDC 6 - esriNRCMajor QueryTurn (in Index: Long, in Turn: esriNetworkTurnParticipationType
AddSource (in Source: INetworkSource) INetworkTurn): Any Associations represent relationships between classes . They have defined
7 - esriNRCAny BuildNetwork (in areaToBuild: IEnvelope):
QueryEdgeInOtherDirection (in Edge: multiplicities at both ends.
esriNetworkAttributeUnits esriNetworkEdgeConnectivityPolicy DeleteAttribute (in Attribute: INetworkJunction2 INetworkJunction2 : INetworkJunction INetworkEdge): Any
QueryJunctions (in FromJunction:
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
0 - esriNAUUnknown 0 - esriNECPAnyVertex esriNetworkSourceType AttributeValueAtTime (in AttributeID: Long, INetworkJunction, in ToJunction: InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
1 - esriNAUInches 1 - esriNECPEndVertex 0 - esriNSTNetworkSource
DeleteSource (in Source: INetworkSource)
in localTime: DATE, in timeUsage: INetworkJunction): Any Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
3 - esriNAUFeet 1 - esriNSTSystemJunction
UpdateSchema (in DataElement:
esriNetworkTimeUsage): Variant QueryPositions (out fromPosition: Double, InterfaceB
4 - esriNAUYards 2 - esriNSTJunctionFeature
IDENetworkDataset) out toPosition: Double): Any Class
QueryTurn (in Index: Long, in Turn: Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
5 - esriNAUMiles esriNetworkEdgeDirection 3 - esriNSTEdgeFeature
INetworkTurn): Any which it creates an object from another class .
6 - esriNAUNauticalMiles 0 - esriNEDNone 4 - esriNSTTurnFeature InterfaceG Interface of interest
7 - esriNAUMillimeters
8 - esriNAUCentimeters
1 - esriNEDAlongDigitized INetworkEdge2 INetworkEdge2 : INetworkEdge InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
2 - esriNEDAgainstDigitized the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
9 - esriNAUMeters esriNetworkTimeUsage AttributeValueAtTime (in AttributeID: Long, (<classname>)InterfaceO
10 - esriNAUKilometers 1 - esriNTUBeforeTraversal in localTime: DATE, in timeUsage: An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
11 - esriNAUDecimalDegrees esriNetworkTimeUsage): Variant diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
2 - esriNTUAfterTraversal
12 - esriNAUDecimeters esriNetworkElementType NetworkTurn CoveredEdgeCount: Long
20 - esriNAUSeconds 1 - esriNETJunction HasCoveringHyperedge: Boolean Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
21 - esriNAUMinutes 2 - esriNETEdge esriNetworkTurnType INetworkTurn INetworkTurn : INetworkElement IsHyperedge: Boolean Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
3 - esriNETTurn esriNetworkTurnAngleCategory 0 - esriNTTImplicit PartialEdgeAttributeValue (in fromPosition:
22 - esriNAUHours Angle: Double multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
1 - esriNTTExplicit Double, in toPosition: Double, in (Optional) represents interfaces that are
23 - esriNAUDays 0 - esriNTACStraight EdgeCount: Long AttributeID: Long): Variant Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
1 - esriNTACReverse TurnType: esriNetworkTurnType PartialEdgeAttributeValueAtTime (in inherited by some subclasses but not all .
esriNetworkElevationModel 2 - esriNTACRight fromPosition: Double, in toPosition: The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
3 - esriNTACLeft QueryAtJunction (in Junction: Outbound Interface enumeration
esriNetworkAttributeUsageType 0 - esriNEMNone esriRoadClass INetworkJunction): Any Double, in AttributeID: Long, in interfaces they implement.
1 - esriNEMElevationFields localTime: DATE, in timeUsage: firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
0 - esriNAUTCost 0 - esriRCUnknown QueryEdge (in Index: Long, in Edge:
2 - esriNEMZCoordinates 1 - esriRCStreet esriNetworkTimeUsage): Variant Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
1 - esriNAUTDescriptor INetworkEdge): Any (Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
2 - esriNAUTRestriction esriNetworkTurnParticipationType 2 - esriRCHighway QueryCoveredEdge (in Index: Long, in only on specific instances of the class . Property Get 1..* - From one to any positive integer
3 - esriNAUTHierarchy 0 - esriNTPTNone 3 - esriRCRamp INetworkTurn2 INetworkTurn2 : INetworkTurn Edge: INetworkEdge): Any Property Put
esriNetworkForwardStarBacktrack 1 - esriNTPTInterior 4 - esriRCFerry QueryCoveringHyperedge (in Edge: Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
5 - esriRCRoundabout AttributeValueAtTime (in AttributeID: Long, INetworkEdge, out fromPosition: Double,
(<classname>) indicates the name of the
0 - esriNFSBNoBacktrack 2 - esriNTPTExterior Property Put by Reference
6 - esriRCMajorRoad in localTime: DATE, in timeUsage: out toPosition: Double): Any helper class required to support this
1 - esriNFSBAllowBacktrack Method firstMember: Type
esriNetworkTimeUsage): Variant event interface in Visual Basic.
2 - esriNFSBAtDeadEndsOnly secondMember: Type
3 - esriNFSBAtDeadEndsAndIntersections
ESRI® ArcGIS® 10
Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.

IRepresentationWorkspaceExtension IRepresentationWorkspaceExtension : IUnknown
DatasetName in Geodatabase Core
FeatureClassHasRepresentations (in FeatureClass:
IworkspaceEvents IFeatureClass): Boolean
IWorkspaceExtension FeatureClassRepresentationNames (in
FeatureClass: IFeatureClass):
IWorkspaceExtension2 IEnumDatasetName
IWorkspaceExtensionControl RepresentationClassNames: IEnumDatasetName
IDatasetContainer CreateRepresentationClass (in FeatureClass:
IFeatureClass, in Name: String, in ruleIDFldName:
String, in overrideFldName: String, in
RequireShapeOverride: Boolean, in Rules:
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo IRepresentationRules, in ClassAttributes: IRepresentationClassName IRepresentationClassName : IUnknown
IGraphicAttributes): IRepresentationClass
OverrideFieldName: String
IDatasetName RuleIDFieldName: String
OpenRepresentationClass (in Name: String): IDatasetName2
IRepresentationClass esriSystem.IName
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
IRepresentationRules IRepresentationRules : IUnknown another class.
Index (in ID: Long): Long
RepresentationClass esriSystem.IClone Name (in ID: Long): String Type inheritance
esriSystem.IPersist Rule (in ID: Long): IRepresentationRule Types of Relationships
IRepresentationClass IRepresentationClass : IUnknown
esriSystem.IPersistStream Add (in repRule: IRepresentationRule): Associations represent relationships between classes . They have defined
FeatureClass: IFeatureClass esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo Long multiplicities at both ends.
IDataset GraphicAttributes: IGraphicAttributes
IDatasetComponent ID: Long esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN Exists (in ID: Long): Boolean
Next (out ID: Long, out repRule:
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
ISchemaLock OverrideFieldIndex: Long IRepresentationRule) InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo RepresentationRules: Remove (in ID: Long) Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
IRepresentationRules RemoveAll
1 1 subclasses.
RequireShapeOverride: Boolean
RuleIDFieldIndex: Long
Reset Class
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
GetRepresentation (in Feature: IFeature, in
InterfaceG Interface of interest which it creates an object from another class .
MapContext: IMapContext):
IRepresentation InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
PrepareFilter (in filter: IQueryFilter)
(<classname>)InterfaceO the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
(Optional) represents interfaces that are
inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
Outbound Interface enumeration
RepresentationRule in esriDisplay interfaces they implement.
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Representation Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
(Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
IRepresentation IRepresentation : IUnknown only on specific instances of the class . Property Get 1..* - From one to any positive integer
Feature: IFeature Property Put
Graphics: IRepresentationGraphics (<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
HasShapeOverride: Boolean Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this
MapContext: IMapContext Method firstMember: Type
RepresentationClass: IRepresentationClass event interface in Visual Basic.
secondMember: Type
RuleID: Long
Shape: IGeometry
ShapeCopy: IGeometry
ShapeEdit: IGeometry
Value (in attrs: IGraphicAttributes, in idx:
Long): Variant

IOverride IOverride Enumerations

HasAttributeOverride: Boolean
esriDisplay.IGraphicsOutline IsOverridenWithField (in attrs:
IGraphicAttributes, in idx: Long): Long esriRepresentationError
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo RemoveOverride (in attrs: -2147218687 - REP_E_INVALID_REP_RULE_ID
IGraphicAttributes, in idx: Long)
-2147218683 - REP_E_REP_USES_REP_RULE
-2147218680 - REP_E_NO_REP_RULES
-2147218672 - REP_E_MUST_BE_THE_OWNER
® ®

Copyright © 1999-2010 ESRI. All rights reserved. ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service
marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.

Workspace in
Geodatabase Core

IWorkspaceFactory2 SqlWorkspaceFactory
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory In DataSourcesGDB

SqlWorkspace QueryDescription
In DataSourcesGDB IQueryDescription IQueryDescription : IUnknown
ISqlWorkspace ISqlWorkspace : IUnknown Fields: IFields
GeometryType: esriGeometryType
IDataset CheckDatasetName (in Name: String, in IsOIDMappedColumn: Boolean
IWorkspace pQueryDescription: IQueryDescription, IsSpatialQuery: Boolean
out pNewName: String) OIDColumnName: String
IWorkspaceProperties GetColumns (in TableName: String, out OIDFields: String
ISQLSyntax ppColumnName: IStringArray, out Query: String
IDatabaseConnectionInfo ppColumnType: IStringArray, out ShapeColumnName: String
ppIsNullable: IVariantArray, out ppSize: SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
IDatabaseConnectionInfo2 ILongArray, out ppPrecision: ILongArray, Srid: String
out ppScale: ILongArray) UseApproximateExtent: Boolean
GetQueryDescription (in Query: String):
GetTables: IStringArray
OpenQueryClass (in Name: String, in
pQueryDescription: IQueryDescription):
OpenQueryCursor (in Query: String):

ICursor SqlCursor IDataset SqlClass

IFeatureCursor ITable
(optional) ITableCapabilities

Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification
for instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object .
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be
created as a property of another class or instantiated by objects from
another class.

Type inheritance Types of Relationships

Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
CoClass Instantiation Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share
InterfaceD properties and methods with the superclass and have additional properties
Interface of interest Composition and methods. Note that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with
InterfaceG Interface of interest which it creates an object from another class .
InterfaceM Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control
(<classname>)InterfaceO the lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated . A
diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches .
Association 1..* Multiplicity A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated
Special Interfaces with another object. Association and composition relationships have
multiplicities on both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
(Optional) represents interfaces that are
inherited by some subclasses but not all . Inbound Interface 1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
The subclasses list the optional 0..1 - Zero or one
Outbound Interface enumeration
interfaces they implement.
firstValue - firstEnumeration M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration
(Instance) represents interfaces that are * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get 1..* - From one to any positive integer
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this
event interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type

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