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Mixed Kinematic and Dynamic Sideslip Angle Observer

for Accurate Control of Fast Off-Road Mobile Robots

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Roland Lenain
Cemagref, 24 avenue des Landais, 63172 Aubière, France
e-mail: roland.lenain@cemagref.fr
Benoit Thuilot
Lasmea, 24 avenue des Landais, 63177 Aubière, France
e-mail: thuilot@lasmea.univ-bpclermont.fr
Christophe Cariou
Cemagref, 24 avenue des Landais, 63172 Aubière, France
e-mail: christophe.cariou@cemagref.fr
Philippe Martinet
Lasmea, 24 avenue des Landais, 63177 Aubière, France
e-mail: martinet@lasmea.univ-bpclermont.fr
Received 12 February 2009; accepted 14 August 2009

Automation in outdoor applications (farming, surveillance, military activities, etc.) requires highly accurate
control of mobile robots, at high speed, although they are moving on low-grip terrain. To meet such expecta-
tions, advanced control laws accounting for natural ground specificities (mainly sliding effects) must be de-
rived. In previous work, adaptive and predictive control algorithms, based on an extended kinematic represen-
tation, have been proposed. Satisfactory experimental results have been reported (accurate to within ±10 cm,
whatever the grip conditions), but at limited velocity (below 3 m·s−1 ). Nevertheless, simulations reveal that
control accuracy is decreased when vehicle speed is increased (up to 10 m·s−1 ). In particular, oscillations are
observed at curvature transition. This drawback is due to delays in sideslip angle estimation, unavoidable at
high speed because only an extended kinematic representation was used. In this paper, a mixed backstepping
kinematic and dynamic observer is designed to improve observation of these variables: the slow-varying data
are still estimated from a kinematic representation, which is then injected into a dynamic observer to supply
reactive and reliable sliding variable (namely sideslip angle) estimation, without increasing the noise level. The
algorithm is evaluated via advanced simulations (coupling Adams and MatLab software) investigating high-
speed capabilities. Actual experiments at lower speed (experimental platform maximum velocity) demonstrate
the benefits of the proposed approach.  C 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

1. INTRODUCTION instance, Micaelli & Samson, 1993). In such a context, sim-

The development of autonomous mobile robots acting at plifying assumptions (mainly pure rolling and nonsliding
high speed in a natural environment constitutes an impor- at tire/soil contact point) can be introduced, and control
tant issue, considering the numerous fields of application law design can then be based on kinematic models. Alas, in
(see Siegwart & Nourbakhsh, 2004). From transportation off-road conditions, the complexity of the phenomena en-
to agricultural operations (Bruinsma, 2003) (not to mention countered and their variability do not permit reliance on
exploration, surveillance, military activities, etc.), the ben- such hypotheses. As a consequence, direct transfer of this
efits brought by such robots may indeed improve both the work to the off-road context, and especially at high speed, is
safety and the efficiency of the required tasks. As a result, impossible without a significant loss in terms of precision.
the robotic research related to such a topic is the object of Dynamic vehicle representations [general dynamic vehicle
increasing interest (as highlighted in Buehler, Iagnemma, & models, as in Unyelioglu, Hatipoglu, and Ozguner (1997),
Sanjiv, 2007), bringing together many research areas, such or partial ones focused on tire/ground contact forces
as sensing, planning, and control. (e.g., Ellouze and d’Andréa-Novel (2000)] and steering ac-
The latter area has been addressed in the work of nu- tuator dynamics [e.g., Tai, Hingwe, & Tomizuka (2004)]
merous researchers, but only a few have specifically consid- could account accurately for fast and complex robot behav-
ered fast off-road mobile robots. Control of wheeled robots iors. However, they involve numerous parameters and are
has indeed been studied in depth for on-road vehicles, therefore tractable for control purposes only when vehicles
indoor robots, and urban transportation systems (see, for move in structured and nonvarying environments, such as

Journal of Field Robotics 27(2), 181–196 (2010) C 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). • DOI: 10.1002/rob.20319
182 • Journal of Field Robotics—2010

asphalt roads. As an alternative, some approaches consider the proposed observer is introduced: dynamic modeling,
the specific phenomena encountered in a natural environ- cornering stiffness adaptation, and the dynamic sideslip
ment (mainly due to wheel skidding) as perturbations in angle observer itself are successively presented. Advanced
the kinematic model to be rejected (see Wang & Low, 2007, simulations, as well as experimental results, are then pro-
for instance). Some robust control techniques are then de- posed to show the efficiency of the algorithm at high speed.
signed to compensate for such perturbations [as investi-
gated in Eaton, Katupitiya, Siew, and Dang (2008), Hao, 2. PREVIOUS WORK
Lenain, Thuilot, and Martinet (2005), or Lucet, Grand, Salle,
2.1. Kinematic Modeling with Sliding
and Bidaud (2008)]. However, these approaches tend to be
Taken into Account
conservative, even at limited speed, and oscillating behav-
ior can be recorded when significant sliding occurs. Usually, vehicle motion is derived from a kinematic rep-
In previous work, another approach was used: addi- resentation based on the assumption of rolling without
tional variables, consistent with a dynamic vehicle repre- sliding at the tire/ground contact point (see, for instance,
sentation, are estimated online and then incorporated into Samson, 1995). If such a hypothesis is relevant in the ur-
what is called an extended kinematic model, from which ban vehicle context, its direct transposition to all-terrain ve-
control laws are designed. As detailed in Lenain, Thuilot, hicles leads to inaccurate results. Consequently, low-grip
Cariou, and Martinet (2007) for agricultural vehicles or conditions have to be properly modeled. In this paper, it is
in Cariou, Lenain, Thuilot, and Martinet (2008) for more proposed to incorporate variables representative of sliding
generic off-road mobile robots, these observer-based adap- phenomena, namely tire sideslip angles, into the kinematic
tive and predictive control laws are relevant in an off-road model. These variables [used in dynamic vehicle models
context: at the velocity range considered in these appli- to derive contact forces; see Bakker, Nyborg, and Pacejka
cations (up to 10 km·h−1 ), high accuracy can be ensured (1987) or Ryu, Agrawal, and Franch (2008)] denote the dif-
whatever the grip conditions and terrain interaction en- ference between wheel plane orientation and actual speed
countered. However, if higher speeds are expected (up to vector direction.
40 km·h−1 in the near future), the efficiency of the proposed Because in a kinematic framework, mobile robots are
approach decreases: because the observer is designed from usually described as a bicycle (see Figure 1), two tire
an extended kinematic representation, a delay in the esti- sideslip angles βF and βR are considered, respectively, for
mation of the sliding variables (homogeneous with sideslip the front and rear axles. It is assumed that they are entirely
angles) progressively appears and is particularly disad- representative of sliding effects. Moreover, as path track-
vantageous from a control point of view (oscillations can ing control in off-road conditions is here addressed, vehi-
then be noticed, especially at curvature transitions). To al- cle modeling is derived with respect to the path to be fol-
low a significant increase in vehicle velocity, dynamic ef- lowed (denoted ). The notations used in the sequel (see
fects have to be taken into account in the sliding observer also Figure 1) are as follows:
without, however, introducing parameters that are hardly • F and R are, respectively, the centers of the front and
measurable. rear axles, where the virtual wheels of the bicycle model
This paper addresses the design of such an observer. It are located. R is the point to be controlled.
can be broken down into two steps. The first aims at adapt-
ing online the cornering stiffnesses (i.e., estimation of the
variations in grip conditions) to be injected into the sec-
ond step, dedicated to sideslip angle observation from a
dynamic vehicle model. The previous observer (based on
an extended kinematic vehicle model) is still used in par-
allel, in order that no preliminary knowledge with respect
to the terrain may be needed. Such an approach dispenses
with any need for online direct measurement of grip con-
ditions (hardly feasible at reasonable cost) when the use of
a dynamic model considerably reduces the delay in slid-
ing variable estimation. As a result, the accuracy of mobile
robot motion in off-road conditions can be preserved, even
at high speed.
The paper is organized as follows: in the first part, pre-
vious work is recalled, including extended kinematic mod-
eling, preliminary sideslip angle estimation, and design of Figure 1. Path tracking parameters. In this configuration, ac-
the adaptive and predictive control law still used to demon- cording to sign conventions, y, θ̃, βR , βF have negative values,
strate the capabilities of the approach. In the second part, when δF has a positive value.

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• v is the vehicle linear velocity at point R, assumed to To this end, it was proposed in Lenain et al. (2007)
be strictly positive and manually controlled, and vF de- to apply observer theory to model (1). Because two vari-
notes the linear velocity at the center F of the front ables have to be estimated, two output variables were as-
wheel. sociated with model (1), namely Xobs = (y, θ̃)obs . The two
• δF is the measured front steering angle obtained thanks sideslip angles were then seen as control variables, and a
to an angular sensor. It constitutes the control variable, control law was proposed for these variables in order to
and its measure permits both to feed observer algo- ensure the convergence of Xobs to the measured variables
rithms and to ensure the low-level, closed-loop control Xmes = (y, θ̃)mes .
of the steering actuator. More precisely, extended model (1), when its first
• βF and βR are the front and rear tire sideslip angles. equation is dropped, can be rewritten as nonlinear state
• M is the point on the reference path , which is the clos- representation (2), where δF is considered as a known pa-
est to R. M is assumed to be unique. rameter (supplied online by the sensor of the steering de-
• s is the curvilinear abscissa of point M along . vice) and u = (u1 , u2 ) = (βF , βR ) represents the variables to
• A(s) denotes the curvature center of the path  at point be controlled:
M, so that c(s) is the curvature of  at that point.
• Ẋobs = f (Xobs , δF , u) =
y is the vehicle lateral deviation at point R with respect
⎛ ⎞
to . v sin(θ̃obs + u2 )
• θ is the orientation of vehicle centerline with respect to ⎜  ⎟
⎝ cos(u2 )[tan(δF + u1 ) − tan(u2 )] c(s) cos(θ̃obs + u2 ) ⎠.
an absolute frame [O, XO , YO ). v −
• L 1 − c(s)yobs
θ (s) is the orientation of the tangent to  at point M
with respect to [O, XO , YO ). (2)
• θ̃ = θ − θ (s) is the vehicle angular deviation with
respect to . As sideslip angles do not exceed a few degrees in practice,
• L is the vehicle wheelbase. this state equation can be linearized with respect to the con-
trol vector u in the vicinity of zero (i.e., no sliding). It leads
It can be established [see Samson (1995) for model to
derivation in the nonsliding case and Lenain, Thuilot, Ẋobs = f (Xobs , δF , 0) + B(Xobs , δF )u (3)
Cariou, and Martinet (2006) for the integration of the
sideslip angles] that with B(., .) denoting the derivative of f with respect to u,
evaluated at u = (0, 0):
cos(θ̃ + βR ) ⎡ ⎤
ṡ = v , 0 v cos(θ̃obs )
1 − c(s) y ⎢ ⎥
B(Xobs , δF ) = ⎣ v c(s) sin(θ̃obs ) v ⎦ . (4)
ẏ = v sin(θ̃ + βR ), (1) v −
. L cos2 δF 1 − c(s)yobs L
θ̃ = v [cos(βR )λ1 − λ2 ],
Matrix B is invertible provided that θ̃obs = π/2, 3π /2, and
with v = 0. Such conditions are met in practical path following
conditions. Equation (3) can then be exactly linearized by
tan(δF + βF ) − tan(βR ) c(s) cos(θ̃ + βR ) imposing
λ1 = , λ2 = .
L 1 − c(s) y
u = B(Xobs , δF )−1 [m − f (Xobs , δF , 0)], (5)
It can be observed that this model becomes singular when
y = 1/c(s), i.e., when R is superposed with A(s). This prob- with m denoting auxiliary control variables.
lem is not encountered in practice because, on the one hand, Finally, let us introduce the observation error e =
actual path curvatures are quite small and on the other Xobs − Xmes . Sliding parameters can then be relevantly esti-
hand, the vehicle remains close to  when properly initial- mated by injecting m = G e + Ẋmes into Eq. (5), because the
ized. The lateral deviation is thus always smaller than the error dynamic is thus given by ė = G e. The (2 × 2) matrix
radius of curvature of . G to be chosen as a Hurwitz matrix constitutes the observer
gain imposing the settling times for the observed state. In
the sequel, G is chosen as a diagonal matrix in order to de-
2.2. Preliminary Sideslip Angle Estimation
couple the convergence of the two observed variables. The
To derive control laws from model (1), sideslip angles have term Ẋmes is evaluated via numerical derivation and there-
to be available. The current robot state, as well as the modi- fore has to be slightly filtered in order to ensure its rele-
fications in terrain configuration (i.e., grip conditions), have vance despite the measurement noise. Because convergence
a significant impact on both these variables, particularly in of the observed state with the measured one has then been
an off-road context. As a result, βF and βR must be esti- achieved, u can be regarded as a relevant estimation of the
mated online. sideslip angles.

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2.3. Path Tracking Control Algorithm dictive curvature servoing was proposed in Lenain et al.
(2007), with the aim of sending the steering set point to the
Because all the variables in model (1) are now avail-
front wheel actuator in advance. To impose such a behavior,
able, control law design can be addressed. As this paper
control law (6) is split into two terms:
is mainly focused on sideslip angle observer design, the
derivation of the path tracking control law (the initial mo- δF = δTraj + δDeviation ,
tivation for investigating sideslip angle reconstruction) is
only sketched below. Further details can be found in Lenain δTraj = arctan(g1 ), (8)
et al. (2006).  
δDeviation = arctan − βF ,
1 + g1 g2 + g12
2.3.1. Adaptive Control Algorithm
Model (1), like any mobile robot kinematic model, can be
turned into an exact linear form, named a chained system L cos θ̃2
g1 = c(s) ,
form (see Samson, 1995), via state and control transforma- cos (βR ) α
tions and a time-scale change (derivation with respect to (9)
curvilinear abscissa instead of derivation with respect to L cos3 θ̃2
time). Relying on this linear form, a classical proportional g2 = A + tan (βR ).
cos (βR ) α2
derivative (PD) control can then be designed to ensure the
convergence of the actual lateral deviation to zero, whereas This separation leads to a control expression split into two
the angular deviation compensates the rear tire sideslip an- main tasks:
gle. The reverse transformations finally provide nonlinear δTraj : nonnull term when deviations and sliding are
expression (6) for the steering control law for path tracking: equal to zero. This term mainly depends on reference

L path curvature. It will be used to design the prediction
δF = arctan tan(βR ) + algorithm.
cos(βR )
  δDeviation : null term when deviations and sliding are
c(s) cos θ̃2 A cos3 θ˜2 equal to zero. This term mainly depends on sliding pa-
× + − βF (6)
α α2 rameters and deviations (y, θ̃2 ) and ensures their conver-
gence to 0.
As sliding conditions are unpredictable, the prediction al-
θ̃2 = θ̃ + βR , gorithm can be applied only to δTraj . From the knowledge of
α = 1 − c(s)y, (7) the reference path, the future path curvature value at time
t + H is inferred and used to compute the objective δ Obj to
A = −Kp y − Kd α tanθ˜2 + c(s)α tan θ̃2 . be reached by δTraj at time t + H .
Then, relying on model predictive control (MPC;
In a natural environment, grip conditions are always
see Richalet, 1993), a control sequence for δTraj is computed
changing. The adapted sideslip angle variables injected into
with the aim of minimizing, on the time window [t, t + H ],
control law (6) are able to account for such fast modifica-
the quadratic difference between a chosen shape δ Ref join-
tions more efficiently than standard approaches attempting
ing δ Obj at t + H and the expected steering angle δ̂ actual
to reject them asymptotically (such as introducing an inte-
computed from the actuator model; see Figure 2.
gral term into path tracking control laws designed for mo-
The first term of this optimum control sequence,
bile robots moving without sliding). More accurate tracking Pred , is then substituted for the previous trajec-
called δTraj
performance can then be achieved; see Lenain et al. (2006).
tory term δTraj , leading to the following overall control law

2.3.2. Predictive Algorithm

Nevertheless, when relying on the previous adaptive con-
trol law, transient overshoots in lateral deviation can still be
observed when the vehicle enters a curve. These overshoots
are mainly due to delays induced by the steering actuator,
whose dynamic is not described in model (1). The steering
angle value obtained by control law is indeed sent to a low-
level control loop with its own delay and settling time (0.1
and 0.8 s, respectively), and servoing is ensured thanks to
an absolute angle encoder. To account for such delays and
then prevent transient overshoots in path tracking, a pre- Figure 2. Notations and general description of MPC.

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expression: but this is no longer true at higher speed. This can eas-
ily be checked in simulation: if simulated sideslip angles
δF = δTraj + δDeviation . (10) (available in simulation) are reported into control algo-
Further details can be found in Lenain et al. (2007). rithms, then oscillations are no longer observed during
path tracking.
2.4. Capabilities and Limitations As a result, preservation of high-accuracy path tracking at
As reported, for example, in Lenain et al. (2007) or in Cariou high speed demands the integration of dynamic features
et al. (2008), such an approach ensures highly accurate path into the observer algorithm in order to decrease estimation
tracking [close to the localization sensor accuracy, i.e., a few delays and therefore improve guidance accuracy at tran-
centimeters when a real-time kinematic–global positioning sient phases.
system (RTK–GPS) device is used], independently of the
vehicle to be controlled (farm tractor, off-road mobile robot,
etc.), the shape of the path to be followed, grip conditions,
or terrain geometry (flat or sloping field). Furthermore, the
chosen representation does not demand dynamic vehicle 3.1. Dynamic Modeling
parameters, which are not so easy to measure and are sub-
To incorporate dynamic effects into sideslip angle estima-
ject to change. Finally, control law performance is specified
tion, a dynamic model describing mobile robot motion in
with respect to a curvilinear abscissa, so that the vehicle’s
a yaw frame is first designed. As previously, a bicycle ve-
behavior is independent of its velocity.
hicle is considered (see Figure 3) and the velocity is sup-
Nevertheless, these very satisfactory performances
posed to be slow varying, so that longitudinal forces can
can be obtained only at quite limited velocity (below
be disregarded. With respect to the extended kinematic
10 km·h−1 , from our experimental records). At higher
representation depicted in Figure 1, the additional variables
speed, oscillations may appear, especially at transient
and notations are as follows:
phases. Several reasons could explain this fact:
• Sampling frequency and sensor limitations. In previous • G is the vehicle center of gravity,
work, the control law sampling frequency was cho-
• a and b are, respectively, the front and rear half-
sen with respect to the features of the sole exterocep- wheelbases,
tive sensor used for guidance: an RTK GPS running
• u is the linear velocity at the center of gravity,
at 10 Hz. Naturally, such a choice restrains the maxi-
• β is the vehicle sideslip angle,
mum reachable velocity, because the Shannon theorem
• Ff and Fr are, respectively, the lateral forces generated
has to be satisfied. Nevertheless, this limitation (around at the front and rear tires,
30 km·h−1 ) is much higher than the velocities for which
• m is the total mobile robot mass, and
oscillations have been experimentally observed (from
• Iz is the moment of inertia about the vertical axis passing
15 km·h−1 ). Moreover, simulation runs carried out with through the vehicle center of gravity (i.e., at G).
a 20-Hz sampling frequency for both positioning infor-
Using these notations, a dynamic model describing
mation and control law show similar oscillating behav-
robot motion in a yaw frame (see Schofield, Hägglund, &
ior in low-grip conditions.
• Kinematic representation. A pure kinematic representa-
tion cannot reflect dynamic phenomena acting at high
speed (inertial effects, tire/ground contact transitions,
etc.). Nevertheless, because an “extended kinematic
model” accounting for skidding effects via online-
adapted sideslip angles has been considered, an accu-
rate description of off-road mobile robot motion can be
expected, as long as sideslip angles can be satisfactorily
• Observer algorithm. The proposed sideslip angle observer
is indeed the main limitation at high speed. On the one
hand, it disregards any dynamic phenomenon, and on
the other hand its settling time must be limited in or-
der to filter out sensor noise. As a consequence, sliding
estimation is noticeably delayed and inaccurate at tran-
sient phases (even if it supplies relevant steady values).
At low speed, the influence of this delay is negligible, Figure 3. Dynamic bicycle model with sliding parameters.

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Actual sliding area Pseudo sliding Actual sliding area Jaballah, Naamane, and Messaoud (2008). An alternative
one is presented in Section 3.3.
4000 Injecting Eqs. (12) into model (11) then leads to
Lateral force (N)

Lateral force vs Stiffness

2000 sideslip angle curve estimation 1
θ̈ = [−a CF βF cos(δF ) + b CR βR ],
0 Iz
Actual state of the
tire/ground contact
2000 1
β̇ = − [CF βF cos(β − δF ) + CR βR cos(β)] − θ̇,
4000 um
C b θ̇
6000 0 βR = arctan tan β − , (13)
u cos(β)
15 10 5 0
Slip angle (°)
5 10 15  
a θ̇
βF = arctan tan β + − δF ,
Figure 4. Nonlinear tire behavior, here modeled with varying u cos(β)
cornering stiffness. v cos(βR )
u= .
Rantzer, 2006, or Ellouze & d’Andréa-Novel, 2000) is Considering now that, in practice, sideslip angles (βF , βR ,
1 and β) are quite small and that nonlinear tire behavior
θ̈ = [−aFf cos(δF ) + bFr ], has been taken into account via the adaptation of cor-
nering stiffnesses, model (13) can be linearized around
1 null sideslip angles, leading to the dynamic model to be
β̇ = −[Ff cos(β − δF ) + Fr cos(β)] − θ̇ ,
um considered in the sequel:
bθ̇ 1
βR = arctan tan β − , (11) θ̈ = [−a CF βF cos(δF ) + b CR βR ],
u cos(β) Iz
a θ̇ 1
βF = arctan tan β + − δF , β̇ = − [CF βF cos(δF ) + CR βR ] − θ̇,
u cos(β) um
cos(βR ) b θ̇
u=v . βR = β − , (14)
cos(β) u

To design an observer from model (11), lateral forces a θ̇

βF = β + − δF ,
Ff and Fr have first to be evaluated. Numerous models are u
available in the literature to compute such forces (see, for u = v.
example, Bakker et al., 1987, or Canudas de Wit, Olsson,
Astrom, & Lischinsky, 1995). Nevertheless, most of them 3.2. General Algorithm Description
link the lateral forces to tire sideslip angles in a nonlinear
The objective is now to derive online estimation of tire
way, as depicted by the black dashed line in Figure 4.
sideslip angles βF and βR from dynamic model (14), with
Such relations rely on numerous parameters, difficult
the aim of eventually improving the reactivity of the over-
to identify and moreover varying with the type of contact
all path tracking algorithm [with respect to what was pre-
and terrain, tire load, etc. When considering all-terrain ap-
viously obtained when βF and βR were supplied by ob-
plications, these numerous parameters cannot definitely be
server (5), derived from extended kinematic model (1)]. As
assumed as constant during vehicle motion. As a result,
can be seen from model (14), βF and βR are directly related
in order to keep model (11) tractable, Ff and Fr are here
to yaw rate θ̇ and vehicle sideslip angle β. The former vari-
viewed as linear functions of front and rear tire sideslip
able can be measured by an onboard sensing system (either
angles (βF and βR ), but relying on varying cornering stiff-
from an RTK–GPS receiver or from a low-cost gyrometer),
nesses CF and CR :
but not the latter one. Moreover, the vehicle sideslip angle
Ff = CF (vehicle/terrainconfig.) βF , equation relies on cornering stiffnesses CF and CR , repre-
(12) sentative of grip conditions, unknown and time varying.
Fr = CR (vehicle/terrainconfig.) βR . As a result, a mixed kinematic and dynamic observer
is here proposed for sideslip angle estimation. Its general
Online estimation of CF and CR can take into account not principle is described in Figure 5. With respect to the pre-
only varying grip conditions, but also the nonlinear parts vious observer scheme shown in Figure 6, the control loop
of the tire model (as depicted with the blue dashed line (top of the figure) is unchanged and still fed with the esti-
in Figure 4). Estimation algorithms have been proposed in mated front and rear tire sideslip angles. In contrast, the ob-
Bouton, Lenain, Thuilot, and Martinet (2008) and in Msirdi, servation loop consists now of three successive steps, each

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Figure 5. Scheme of the mixed kinematic and dynamic observer.

one relying on the variable supplied by the preceding step. rate built from dynamic model (14) converges with the
This approach to observer design is therefore similar, to measured rate and that the observed vehicle sideslip an-
some extent, to the celebrated backstepping control design gle converges with the value inferred from observer (5).
technique. The three blocks shown in Figure 5 are described However, as mentioned above, observer (5) supplies a
below: delayed estimation for sideslip angles, relevant only in
a steady state. Therefore, a high priority is given here,
• Preliminary extended kinematic observer (red dashed via gain tuning, to the convergence of the observed yaw
box). This is observer (5). As discussed before, it can sup- rate (because yaw rate measurement is reliable), in order
ply relevant tire sideslip angle estimation at low speed. to rely mainly on dynamic model (14). CR and CF can
However, when higher speeds are considered, estima- then reactively describe actual terrain conditions. This
tion is delayed, especially at transient phases, and is cornering stiffness observer is detailed in Section 3.3.
no longer suitable for vehicle control. Nevertheless, it • Dynamic sideslip angle observer (blue dashed–dotted
constitutes a preliminary slow-varying approximation box). This last step constitutes the formal sideslip an-
of the targeted estimates, relevant in a steady state. It gle observer, derived from standard observer theory ap-
is therefore used below as an input for the other two ob- plied to dynamic model (14), where the cornering stiff-
servation steps. ness estimations obtained in the previous step have been
• Cornering stiffness observer (green dotted box). This reported. Once more, priority is given, via gain tun-
second step of the observation loop is concerned with ing, to the convergence of the observed yaw rate, in or-
online adaptation of cornering stiffnesses, with the aim der that sideslip angle estimation shall mainly rely on
of reflecting grip condition variations. More precisely, dynamic model (14) and not on the values supplied by
stiffnesses are viewed as the control variables, and a con- preliminary observer (5). This dynamic sideslip angle
trol law is designed to ensure that the observed yaw observer is detailed in Section 3.4.

Figure 6. Diagram of the preliminary extended kinematic observer.

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3.3. Cornering Stiffness Observation 3.4. Sideslip Angle Estimation

Let us denote β̄F and β̄R the tire sideslip angle estimations Because relevant values of CR and CF are supplied online
supplied by extended kinematic observer (5). A prelimi- by observer (18), all the parameters in dynamic model (14)
nary estimation of the vehicle sideslip angle, denoted β̄, can are now known. Standard observer theory can then be ap-
then be immediately inferred from model (14): plied to this model in order to estimate sideslip angles. Be-
cause the dynamic effects are described in model (14), it is
b β̄F + a β̄R + b δF expected that this second sideslip angle observer will dis-
β̄ = . (15)
L play higher reactivity than observer (5), previously built
from extended kinematic model (1).
A first observer model is then built from dynamic
Let us first inject the third and fourth equations (14)
model (14) by considering X1 = [θ̂˙ 1 β̂1 ]T as the observed into the first two. Dynamic model (14) can then be pre-
state and u = [CF CR ]T as the control vector. This leads to sented as a linear state space form, with X2 = [θ̇ β]T as
state vector and δF as control variable:
Ẋ1 = A1 X1 + B1 u, (16)
Ẋ2 = A2 X2 + B2 δF , (20)
where where
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
⎡ ⎤ −a 2 CF − b2 CR −a CF + b CR a CF
a β̄F cos(δF ) b β̄R ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥

 − u Iz Iz ⎥ , B2 = ⎢ Iz ⎥
0 0 ⎢ Iz Iz ⎥ A2 = ⎢
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ C ⎦
A1 = , B1 = ⎢

⎥ . (17)
⎦ a CF − b CR CF + CR
−1 0 β̄F cos(δF ) − −1 −
− − uβ̄m
u2 m um um
Matrix B1 is well defined, provided that vehicle velocity is (it has also been assumed that cos δF ≈ 1).
nonnull, which is always assumed in path tracking appli- The standard observer equation associated with
cations. model (20) is
Cornering stiffnesses CF and CR are considered as the
control variables, and a control law has to be designed to X̂˙ 2 = A2 X̂2 + B2 δF + G2 X̃2 , (22)
˙ ˙
force X1 to converge with X̄ = [θ̄˙ β̄]T , where θ̄˙ is the mea- where X̂2 = [θ̂ 2 β̂2 ] is the observed state, X̄ = [θ̄ β̄] is

sured yaw rate and β̄ is given by Eq. (15). This latter vari- the measured state [measured yaw rate and preliminary ve-
able can be seen as a consistent objective for β̂1 , especially hicle sideslip angle estimation (15)], and X̃2 = X̂2 − X̄ is the
in a steady state. In transient phases, the priority put on the observer error. From Eqs. (20) and (22), it can be deduced
measured yaw rate (via observer gain tuning) limits the in- that
fluence of the delays attached to β̄. Convergence of X1 to X̄ X̃ 2 = (A2 + G2 ) X̃2 . (23)
can easily be obtained by choosing Convergence of the observer error X̃2 to zero is clearly
achieved, provided that G2 is chosen such that A2 + G2 is
u = B1−1 [G1 X + X̄˙ − A X1 ], (18) negative definite. Of course, the settling time of cornering
stiffness observer (18) has to be set shorter than the settling
with X = X1 − X̄ and G1 a positive definite matrix, be-
time of this observer, in order that relevant values for CR
cause injecting Eq. (18) into Eq. (16) leads to
and CF may be available in the A2 and B2 matrices.
˙ X = G1 X . (19) Once more, β̄ has been chosen as the measurement as-
sociated with the second observed state, because its steady-
The only difficulty concerns the inversion of matrix B1 re- state value is always correct. To avoid misestimation of
quired in Eq. (18). As can be observed in Eqs. (17), B1 is sideslip angles at transient phases, priority has again to be
singular when sideslip angles are null and badly condi- given (when tuning G2 ) to the convergence of θ̂˙ 2 (whose
tioned when sideslip angles are close to 0. Such cases oc- associated measurement is reliable) with respect to the con-
cur when mobile robots move in a straight line on even vergence of β̂2 , such that the proposed observer essentially
ground, which is quite a standard situation. Therefore, in relies on dynamic model (14).
the sequel, the conditioning of matrix B1 is tested prior to Finally, the front and rear tire sideslip angles to be used
activating cornering stiffness estimation: if B1 is badly con- in control law (10) can be obtained by injecting β̂2 into the
ditioned (i.e., the robot does not turn), the previous corner- third and fourth equations (14):
ing stiffness values are used as input values for dynamic
b θ̂˙
sideslip angle observation (this is not a serious concern, be- β̂R = β̂2 − ,
cause sliding is very limited in such situations). Cornering u
stiffness observation is turned on again when the system is a θ̂˙
excited sufficiently to allow relevant estimation. β̂F = β̂2 + − δF .

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Equations (24) constitute the mixed kinematic and dy- Table I. Simulated robot parameters.
namic sideslip angle observer. As demonstrated below,
when off-road mobile robots move at high speed, ob- Parameter Value
server (24) permits, with respect to observer (5), improve-
ment in the robustness and reactivity of sideslip angle esti- Chassis mass (m) 300 kg
mation and therefore the performances of path tracking. Wheel mass 17 kg
Yaw inertia (Iz ) 270 kg·m2
Wheelbase (L) 1.2 m
4. ADVANCED SIMULATION RESULTS Rear half-wheelbase (b) 0.6 m
The capabilities of mixed kinematic and dynamic sideslip Track 1.3 m
angle observer (24) were first investigated through simu-
lations, in order that the same conditions could be repro-
duced in several runs with different settings. Simulations
were carried out using Adams multibody dynamic simula- of the robot’s geometric features, the expected steering an-
tion software coupled with MatLab/Simulink software. gle, if motion without sliding could be achieved, would be
8.5 deg.
4.1. Simulation Description Several path tracking simulations were run, consider-
ing two vehicle velocities (v = 4 and 8 m·s.−1 ) and the fol-
4.1.1. Mobile Robot Definition lowing three control strategies:
A virtual mobile robot was designed with the celebrated
• CWoS: Control law without sliding compensation. Control
Adams simulation software. Its properties were chosen to
law (10) is used, but sliding is neglected (βF and βR are
match the features of the actual experimental device to be
set to zero). The resulting control law could also have
presented in Section 5. This robot, depicted in Figure 7, is
been derived from a classical Ackermann model. In the
composed of a suspended chassis attached to four wheels.
following figures, the results related to CWoS are de-
The two front ones are steerable, whereas the rear ones are
picted with a black plain line.
motorized and then impose robot velocity (to be precise,
• CWSKinObs: Control law with sideslip angles estimated via
it is their angular acceleration that is actually controlled).
extended kinematic observer (5). In the following figures,
The geometric and inertial parameters of this virtual robot
the simulation results related to CWSKinObs are de-
(which can easily be modified) are shown in Table I.
picted with a red dotted line.
• CWSDynObs: Control law with sideslip angles estimated
4.1.2. Path Tracking Scenario via mixed kinematic and dynamic observer (24). In the fol-
The reference path (Figure 8) is composed of a short straight lowing figures, the simulation results related to CWS-
line, continued with a long curve of constant curvature. The DynObs are depicted with a magenta dashed line.
connection between these two parts consists of a clothoid For each test, the mobile robot starts 50 cm away from the
curve, in order to ensure curvature continuity and there- reference path.
fore path kinematic admissibility. The radius of curvature
of the circular part of the reference path is 8 m. In view


Y coordinates (m)



0 10 20 30 40
X coordinates (m)
Figure 7. Simulated robot. Figure 8. Path to be followed in simulation.

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190 • Journal of Field Robotics—2010

Table II. Simulated grip condition parameters. distance (evaluated along the reference path) to be covered
by the vehicle to converge to the reference path from any
Value at Value at starting configuration (see Lenain et al., 2006). Imposing a
Parameter 4 m·s−1 8 m·s−1 settling distance rather than a settling time is advantageous
at low speed: from any given initial conditions, the vehicle’s
Static coefficient 1 1 trajectory toward the reference path is then identical, what-
Dynamic coefficient 0.95 0.95 ever its velocity and even if its velocity varies. In contrast, at
Stiction transition velocity 1,500 mm·s−1 500 mm·s−1
high speed, actuator limitations can quickly be faced when
Friction transition velocity 4,000 mm·s−1 1,500 mm·s−1
trying to satisfy some given settling distance. Control law
Equivalent cornering 8,000 N/rad 40,000 N/rad
performance must then be specified as a settling time, to be
stiffness (i.e., value
chosen consistently with respect to the steering actuator dy-
during steady-state
phases) namics. Because the pure delay and the settling time of the
actuation device of our experimental platform are, respec-
tively, 0.1 and 0.8 s, the settling time of control law (6) was
4.1.3. Grip Conditions set to 5 s. Consequently, (Kd , Kp ) were tuned (see Table III)
in order to impose, respectively, 20- and 40-m settling dis-
The grip conditions were entered via the contact interface of
tances when v = 4 and 8 m·s−1 .
the Adams software, which allows specification of general
In contrast, the observer settings can all be straight-
nonlinear behaviors at the tire/ground contact area. Ter-
forwardly interpreted as settling times [see Eqs. (5), (19),
rain with low adherence was investigated. For the simula-
and (23)]: their tuning can then be specified independently
tion runs carried out with v = 4 m·s−1 , the contact param-
of the vehicle’s velocity. The chosen matrices G1 and G2 ,
eters are representative of a wet grass terrain. If the contact
listed in Table III, are consistent with the requirements
conditions are kept unchanged when v is set to 8 m·s−1 ,
introduced in Section 3.2: on the one hand, in both ma-
then the simulated robot spins around during the curved
trices, the gains associated with the observed yaw rate are
part of the reference path shown in Figure 8. Slightly more
10 times higher than the gains associated with the observed
adherent ground was therefore considered for the simula-
vehicle sideslip angle. This permits greater confidence to be
tion runs carried out with v = 8 m·s−1 in order to ensure
placed in the reliable yaw rate measurement than in the in-
the controlability. The parameters entered in the Adams
evitably delayed vehicle sideslip angle supplied by prelimi-
coulomb friction model in both cases are listed in Table II,
nary kinematic observer (5). On the other hand, the gains of
and the cornering stiffnesses mentioned are issued from the
the cornering stiffness observer (i.e., matrix G1 ) are 10 times
contact parameters entered into Adams for each simulation
higher than those of the dynamic sideslip angle observer
(i.e., matrix G2 ). The settling time of the former observer is
then much shorter than the settling time of the latter one,
4.1.4. Control and Observer Settings which is very much to be expected, because the latter ob-
The control and observer settings used in the simulation server depends on the values supplied by the former.
runs, as well as in the experiments to be described in Sec-
tion 5, are listed in Table III.
Control gains (Kd , Kp ) are used to specify the desired 4.2. Results with Respect to Path
settling distance of path following control law (6), i.e., the Tracking Accuracy
Path tracking relying on the three control strategies was
Table III. Control and observer settings. first performed at a speed of 4 m·s−1 [path tracking errors
are compared in Figure 9(a)] and then at a speed of 8 m·s−1
[tracking errors are reported in Figure 9(b)].
Parameter Value
The importance of taking sliding into account in path
Control gains v = 4, 8 m·s−1 tracking algorithms devoted to off-road mobile robots mov-
Kd = 0.3, 0.15 ing at high speed (and performing ample maneuvers) can
Kp = 0.0225, 0.0056 easily be demonstrated: the tracking error resulting from
Horizon of prediction H 0.8 s the CWoS control algorithm is far from negligible, reaching
Preliminary sideslip angle observer (G) 10 0 a 50-cm steady value when the robot’s velocity is 4 m·s−1
0 5 and stabilizing around 1 m when it is 8 m·s−1 . Such er-
Cornering stiffness observer (G1 ) 5 0 rors are unsatisfactory and may be dangerous, depending
0 0.5 on the application considered. In contrast, the two con-
  trol strategies accounting for sliding effects (CWSKinObs
Dynamic sideslip angle observer (G2 ) 0.5 0
and CWSDynObs) display limited lateral deviation, despite
0 0.05
sliding phenomena.

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Curve 1.5
0.6 CWoS
Tracking error (m)

Tracking error (m)


0 0

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s) time (s)

(a) Tracking errors at 4 m.s−1 (b) Tracking errors at 8 m.s−1

Figure 9. Comparison of tracking errors at different speeds.

Nevertheless, whatever the vehicle velocity, over- 4.3. Results on Cornering Stiffness
all path tracking performance is clearly more attractive and Sideslip Angle Estimation
when sideslip angles are estimated with mixed kinematic
Such an improvement clearly follows from an increased
and dynamic observer (24). When v = 4 m·s−1 , the lat-
reactivity of sideslip angle estimation, as can be observed
eral deviation converges asymptotically to small values
in Figure 10: in the simulation run with v = 8 m·s−1
in the curved part of the reference path with both con-
and the CWSDynObs control strategy, the front and rear
trol strategies, but CWSDynObs ensures faster conver-
tire sideslip angles supplied by preliminary kinematic ob-
gence (lateral deviation returns to values less than 10 cm
server (5) and mixed kinematic and dynamic observer (24)
from t = 13 s, compared to t = 15 s with CWSKinObs)
were both recorded. Figure 10 shows that the latter ob-
with no negative overshoot (while a 20-cm negative over-
server is able, at transient phases (beginning/end of the
shoot is recorded with CWSKinObs). The differences be-
curve), to describe sideslip angle variations reactively with-
tween the two control strategies are accentuated when
out adding any noise. The “actual” rear tire sideslip an-
robot speed is increased. When v = 8 m·s−1 , the de-
gle reconstructed from Adams software internal variables,
lay in the estimation of sideslip angles with preliminary
shown in Figure 10(b), clearly highlights the relevancy of
kinematic observer (5) significantly perturbs the robot’s
the estimated value supplied by observer (24). Of course,
trajectory: when relying on CWSKinObs, a 1-m over-
in a steady state, both observers supply approximately the
shoot is recorded when the robot enters the curve, and
same signal, as expected.
it then follows the reference trajectory with quite large
The capabilities of cornering stiffness observer (18),
oscillations. In contrast, when relying on CWSDynObs,
used in the CWSDynObs control strategy, are more specifi-
both the initial overshoot and the oscillations are satisfac-
cally investigated in Figure 11: the front and rear cornering
torily reduced, so that the robot can quickly return close to
stiffnesses delivered by observer (18) in the previous sim-
the reference path (the lateral deviation values are inferior
ulation (CWSDynObs control strategy with v = 8 m·s−1 )
to 10 cm beyond t = 8 s) despite low-grip conditions.
are reported, as well as the “actual” rear cornering stiffness

0 0.5

Estimated via CWSKinObs 0

Estimated via CWSKinObs
β (°)

βR (°)

Reconstructed βR
Estimated via CWSDynObs
Estimated via CWSDynObs
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s) Time (s)

(a) Front tire sideslip angle (b) Rear tire sideslip angle
Figure 10. Comparison of sideslip angle estimations.

Journal of Field Robotics DOI 10.1002/rob

192 • Journal of Field Robotics—2010

x 10

Cornering stiffnesses (N/rad) Curve

10 Estimated C

Reconstructed C
5 (Adams)

Estimated C
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
Figure 11. Adaptation of cornering stiffnesses.

reconstructed from Adams software internal variables. As as well as the other parameter values, are listed in Table I).
long as the robot moves in a straight line (i.e., until t = Figure 12(a) compares the lateral deviation recorded with
5.5 s), the cornering stiffness adaptation is frozen, because these wrong parameters to the tracking error obtained in
matrix B1 is badly conditioned: CR and CF are then equal the ideal case (i.e., when correct parameter values are used),
to the chosen initial value 50,000 N/rad. When the robot and Figure 12(b) presents the influence of wrong parame-
enters the curve, the adaptation becomes effective and esti- ters on the adapted cornering stiffnesses.
mates grip conditions quickly and realistically: after a tran- It can be observed that the tracking error is not sig-
sient phase when the steering actuator acts to bring the nificantly modified when wrong mass and inertia are in-
robot back to the reference path, CR and CF tend to al- troduced. It was also demonstrable that sideslip angle es-
most constant values, as expected because the curvature of timation is unaltered too. In fact, path tracking accuracy
the reference path is constant. Their order of magnitude is is preserved thanks to the adaptation of cornering stiff-
then quite correct, in view of the rear cornering stiffness nesses: it can be observed that cornering stiffness values
reconstructed from Adams data. Although the harsh grip in Figure 12(b) (with wrong dynamic parameters) and in
conditions in this sharp curve correspond to the nonlin- Figure 11 (with correct dynamic parameters) are not identi-
ear part of the tire/ground contact model, observer (18) cal in the transient phase (from t = 5 to t = 8 s), as in steady
delivers relevant cornering stiffness values and in turn en- state (beyond t = 8 s, cornering stiffness values in both fig-
ables accurate sideslip angle estimation and accurate path ures differ by around 10,000 N/rad). Thanks to these dif-
tracking. ferences, sideslip angles can be equivalent in both simula-
tion runs. Observer (24) appears therefore to be insensitive
to erroneous inertial parameters. The same result holds for
4.4. Sensitivity to Dynamic Parameters
geometric parameters: path tracking accuracy is preserved
Mixed kinematic and dynamic observer (24) brings signif- if small errors (a few centimeters) are introduced into pa-
icant improvements in sideslip angle estimation and con- rameters a and b. Nevertheless, larger errors in these pa-
sequently in path tracking accuracy, when off-road mobile rameters (more than 15 cm) lead to a deterioration in path
robots move at high speed. Nevertheless, with respect to tracking accuracy: a 25-cm error on half-wheelbases leads
extended kinematic observer (5), additional parameters are to a 20-cm steady lateral deviation at the speed of 8m·s−1
required: the longitudinal position of the center of gravity under consideration.
(a and b), the robot mass m, and its inertia Iz with respect
to the vertical axis. Parameters a, b, and m can easily be
measured, but this is not the case for Iz . To investigate the 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
sensitivity of the proposed approach to poorly known dy-
5.1. Experimental Mobile Platform
namic parameters, simulations with v = 8 m·s−1 were run
injecting an erroneous mass m = 500 kg and an erroneous The experimental platform is shown in Figure 13. It consists
inertia Iz = 200 kg·m2 in CWSDynObs (their exact values, of an electric off-road vehicle whose weight and maximum

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Lenain et al.: Mixed Observer for Control of Fast Off-Road Mobile Robots • 193

x 10
0.6 Curve Curve

Cornering stiffnesses (N/rad)

0.4 1.5
Tracking error (m)

Correct Parameters Estimated CR


Wrong parameters 0.5

Estimated C
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s) Time (s)

(a) Tracking error (b) Cornering stiffness modifications

Figure 12. Results with wrong dynamic parameters.

speed are, respectively, 350 kg and currently 5 m·s−1 . This by these algorithms is then sent to an inner closed loop
vehicle can climb slopes up to 45 deg. driving the steering actuator (the actual front wheel angle is
The main exteroceptive sensor onboard is a Dassault- measured via an absolute encoder). The steady-state error
Sercel dual frequency “Aquarius 5002” RTK–GPS receiver, of the inner closed loop is less than 0.1 deg. Its initial delay
which can supply an absolute position accurate to within and settling time are, respectively, equal to 0.1 and 0.8 s.
2 cm, at a 10-Hz sampling frequency. The GPS antenna is Finally, preliminary measurements and calibrations
located vertically above the center of the rear axle, so that have supplied the dynamic parameter set for this robot, to
the absolute position of point R (i.e., the point to be con- be reported in the observer algorithms, in Table IV.
trolled; see Figures 1 and 3) is straightfowardly obtained
from the sensor. The vehicle heading is then inferred via
a Kalman filter. In addition, a gyrometer supplying a yaw 5.2. Description of the Experiments
rate measurement accurate to within 0.1 deg·s−1 is fixed on First, with the experimental platform described above, a
the chassis, to provide cornering stiffness observer (18) and reference trajectory was manually recorded: once more, it is
dynamic sideslip angle observer (24) with this information. composed of a straight line connected smoothly to a curve
The data supplied by these sensors are sent via an with a constant 4.5-m radius of curvature; see Figure 14.
RS232 serial communication port to a computer, where they The robot steering angle in the circular part of the path is
are processed with a dedicated software framework man- close to δF = 15 deg.
aging unsynchronized sensors and delayed observations Path tracking experiments were performed at v = 3
(see Tessier et al., 2006) and then considered by the ob- and 4 m·s−1 . The three control strategies described in
server and control algorithms implemented in high-level Section 4.1.2 were considered successively. The color
language (C++). The front wheel steering angle delivered code associated with each strategy in the forthcoming
experimental results is identical to the one introduced in
Section 4.1.2. The control and observer settings are those
used in the simulations, where v = 4 m·s−1 , listed in
Table III. A video sequence showing a trial at 4 m·s−1 is
available on the Web site https://projetfast.cemagref.fr/

Table IV. Experimental robot dynamic parameters.

Parameter Value

Total mass, m 350 kg

Yaw inertia, Iz 270 kg·m2
Wheelbase, L 1.2 m
Rear half-wheelbase, b 0.58 m
Figure 13. Experimental platform.

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194 • Journal of Field Robotics—2010

16 overshoot observed when relying on CWSDynObs is sig-

nificantly smaller (30 cm against 80 cm with CWSKinObs),
and on the other hand, the tracking accuracy when describ-
ing the curve is more satisfactory with CWSDynObs: the
lateral deviation values stay under 10 cm from s = 18 m to
Y coordinates (m)

10 s = 25 m, when the robot moves away from the reference

trajectory by 30 cm with CWSKinObs (at s = 23 m).
8 When v = 4 m·s−1 [Figure 15(b)], the CWSKinObs con-
trol strategy is no longer able to keep the robot tightly
close to the reference path in the curved part: the delay
4 in the estimation of the sideslip angles with preliminary
kinematic observer (5) leads to large oscillations, just like
2 those already observed in simulation with v = 8 m·s−1 [Fig-
ure 9(b)]. In contrast, the CWSDynObs control strategy still
0 5 10 15 20 enables satisfactory path tracking: the overshoot is limited
X coordinates (m)
to 55 cm, and then the robot returns close to the reference
Figure 14. Reference trajectory manually recorded. path (the lateral deviation values stay under 15 cm beyond
s = 16 m), despite the difficult grip conditions and the small
radius of curvature of the reference path.
5.3. Path Tracking Results
The tracking errors recorded during each experiment are
compared in Figure 15. Once more, it can be observed that
5.4. Observer Performance
the tracking error resulting from CWoS (i.e., when low-grip Figures 16(a) and 16(b) present, respectively, the front
conditions are not taken into account) is not negligible: a and rear tire sideslip angles supplied by mixed kinematic
1-m overshoot and a 60-cm steady value when v = 3 m·s−1 , and dynamic observer (24) and by preliminary kinematic
a 1.5-m overshoot and more than 60 cm when covering the observer (5), recorded during the experiment with the
curve at v = 4 m·s−1 . These results differ to some degree CWSDynObs control strategy and v = 4 m·s−1 .
from those obtained in the simulation (Figure 9), because It can be observed, just as in simulation Section 4, that
the actual grip conditions obviously could not be repro- mixed kinematic and dynamic observer (24) can follow
duced accurately and the radius of curvature of the refer- sideslip angle variations reactively when the robot enters
ence path is smaller here. the curve. Because relevant sideslip angle values are avail-
Path tracking performances are, of course, significantly able, the CWSDynObs control strategy can quickly com-
improved when sliding effects are taken into account, and pensate for sliding phenomena and can therefore ensure
just as in simulation Section 4, it can be verified that highly accurate path tracking, as verified in Figure 15(b). In
the more attractive performances are obtained when the contrast, the delay in the estimation of sideslip angles with
sideslip angles are estimated with mixed kinematic and dy- preliminary kinematic observer (5) leads, in these harsh
namic observer (24). When v = 3 m·s−1 [Figure 15(a)], both conditions, to largely erroneous sideslip angle values for
the CWSKinObs and CWSDynObs control strategies en- the first half of the curved part of the reference path. If these
sure asymptotically small lateral deviations in the curved erroneous values were used in control law (6) (CWSKinObs
part of the reference path. However, on the one hand, the control strategy), then sliding phenomena would no longer

1.2 2
Curve Curve

1 Obtained without sliding accounted Obtained without sliding accounted

Lateral Deviation (m)

Lateral Deviation (m)

0.6 1
Controlled via CSWKinObs

0.2 0.5
Controlled via CSWDynObs


Controlled via CSWDynObs Controlled via CSWKinObs

5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
Curvilinear abscissa (m) Curvilinear abscissa (m)

(a) Tracking errors at 3 m.s−1 (b) Tracking errors at 4 m.s−1

Figure 15. Comparison of tracking errors with different control strategies at different speeds.

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Lenain et al.: Mixed Observer for Control of Fast Off-Road Mobile Robots • 195

2 2
Curve Curve
0 0
Estimated via CSWKinObs
Estimated via CSWKinObs
Front Steering angle (°)

Rear Steering angle (°)

Estimated via CSWDynObs Estimated via CSWDynObs

5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
curvilinear abscissa curvilinear abscissa

(a) Front tire sideslip angle (b) Rear tire sideslip angle
Figure 16. Comparison of observed sideslip angles.

be properly compensated. Figure 15(b) has shown that the 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
robot would then display oscillating behavior, which in
This paper proposes a mixed kinematic and dynamic
turn reinforces sliding phenomena and consequently the
sideslip angle observer designed for high-speed path track-
negative impact of the delay in the sideslip angle estima-
ing in an off-road environment. With respect to pure kine-
tion supplied by observer (5), in a vicious circle. Finally,
matic approaches, the use of a dynamic representation for
as Figure 16 shows, the higher reactivity presented by ob-
the estimation of grip conditions improves reactivity in
server (24) is obtained without any increase in noise level
sliding variable adaptation and consequently in path track-
on the sideslip angle signal (this is possible because a par-
ing accuracy. This improvement appears to be significant at
tial dynamic model is used), so that this signal can actually
high speed, because any delay in sliding estimation leads
be sent to control law (6). It contrasts with what is obtained
to oscillating behavior. The kinematic part of the over-
when the gains of observer (5) are increased in an attempt
all observer enables operation without a perfect knowl-
to improve its reactivity.
edge of the vehicle’s dynamic parameters (and especially
The cornering stiffnesses supplied by observer (18) are
tire/ground contact properties), which would have been
reported in Figure 17. Once more, when the robot moves in
unrealistic in practical applications.
a straight line (i.e., until s = 7 m), the adapted stiffnesses
Full-scale experiments are reported. For the present,
are constant (the adaptation is frozen, as matrix B1 defined
the maximum velocity of the experimental vehicle is
in Eqs. (17) is badly conditioned. CR and CF are then equal
5 m·s−1 . Nevertheless, even at this speed, when the robot
to the chosen initial value 5,000 N/rad). As soon as the
has to track paths with small radii of curvature on ground
robot enters the curve, the adaptation turns active and can
where adherence is low, the relevance of the proposed ap-
describe grip condition variations. As can be seen in Fig-
proach is demonstrable: significant improvements in robot
ure 17, the grip conditions are rather similar for both front
behavior and in path tracking accuracy can be recorded.
and rear axles, as is to be expected because the center of
An upgrade of the experimental platform, allowing a max-
gravity is close to the robot center, and they tend to almost
imum velocity of 8 m·s−1 to be attained, is under devel-
constant values, because the curvature of the reference path
opment and will enable further investigation of the ben-
is constant.
efits and relevance of the approach, already indicated in



Adapted Front Stiffness

Cornering stiffnesses




Adapted Rear Stiffness

5 10 15 20 25
curvilinear abscissa
Figure 17. Adapted cornering stiffnesses.

Journal of Field Robotics DOI 10.1002/rob

196 • Journal of Field Robotics—2010

advanced simulations carried out with Adams multibody Lenain, R., Thuilot, B., Cariou, C., & Martinet, P. (2006). High
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Journal of Field Robotics DOI 10.1002/rob

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