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Due March 8th, 2011

Spice the unknown drug

Source 1
Dozen soldiers are being discharged from service for a drug that can't be tested in a
usual urinalysis nor is illegal by civilians. The only applicable way to know if a person is
indeed under the influence of spice is for them to openly admit they have used it or by
being caught with the drug on them and being turned in by another person. Why is our
military being treated differently than the average person? Is it because they are held to
higher standards than we are? Or is it because our chain of command is scared of the
outcomes this new drug can cause in the line of duty that will effect many lives of
soldiers and our countries families?
For a soldier to use this legal drug as a counter reactor for mental disorders or
conditions they have acquired on the job, being deployed or with the daily life stress is
uncalled for yet, it is a legal versus them using the harder course of marijuana which
has harsher side effects.

this source supports my thesis because it proposes the same question that I
hold. Why is our soldiers being banned from a legal substance?

Source 2
Marine corps has been set to an even higher standard than any branch of our military
services and state that "the abuse of these substances and others like them poses a
significant threat to the health and safety of mar inns and sailors, as well as the
efficiency, good order, and discipline, of marine corps unit." set forth by Major General
Jensen and that he is " compelled to take these measures."
A bill set forth by Onslow County legislators Senator Harry brown and rep George
Cleveland to ban all synthetic cannabinoids has been approved by judiciary II
committee. They expect the senate will not hesitate to pass the bill either.

this source gives a proposed reason behind the soldiers being held to a higher

Source 3
Within the navy, sailors upon Bataan have all signed a agreement stating they are aware
of the ban on spice, to cancel out when being caught with it, the saying ' I didn't know it
was banned'. A very smart way yes, but banning a so called " drug" that is causing a
sailor to deter from his duties is one thing, but to ban them from places they purchase
daily necessary items or the occasional weekend splurge has many outraged and
thinking our military has gone a bit over board in banning a so called "drug" that isn't
illegal. And per the navy's policy of zero-tolerance on drugs is a bit harsh seemings as
this spice has not been classified as a "drug" since is it neither illegal nor traceable. The
Navy, although discharging sailors for the use or possession of this substance, has
done an admirable job at allowing these soldiers to go about this discharge outside of
the military court system which saves a longer process or actual charges being brought
forth. Can their really be UCMJ actions brought against these sailors for using a
substance that isn't illegal or labeled as a traceable drug?

Source 4
Per periodical source in Octobers 2010, spice was considered a controlled substance.
This controlled substance was said and proved to be a synthetic marijuana and they
have been able to classify 7 chemicals used to create it. It has been mDe.
Misdemeanor in Idaho to possess, distribute, sell or create any instance that contains
one of the seven banned chemicals.
There is no text they can do out in the field when making an arrest S of right now. The
current kits they have for testing a controlled substance doesn't include the chemicals
used to manufacture spice nor the chemicals listed in this ban. They are n the process
of waiting for this such type of kit to be developed.

Source 5
Spice is legal substance even though it's infamous reputation is spread of a synthetic
alternative to marijuana. The side effects when this substance is consumed include.
High similar to marijuana when smoked, hallucinating nausea, and elevated blood
pressure, vomiting, and short-term memory loss.
It can be legally sold in Montana and can be possessed, but nearly 20 states have
banned all types of synthetics
Spice is a herbal blend of plant products that are treated with a synthetic product similar
to tetrahydrocannabinol, thc, which is the substance in which creates the high effect.five
per gram, which is about the size of a koolaid packet. This package cautions that the
product is only for incense use only and should not be consumed.
Just as with anything you consume, you don't know what the long term effect it will have
on your body and that seems to be the largest argument for the banning of this
substances besides the effects that do take place when consumed in your body.

Source 6
Since Jan 1 2009, 27 non judicial punishment actions at Jill for drug use and or user of
mind altering substances have occurred.
A legal incense that produces a marijuana like high when smoked, spice is distributed
under the names spice, spice gold, spice diamond, spice silver, spice arctic energy, k-z,
black mamba, puff and sugar sticks.
Air force code 44-121 pgh 3 5 6 the service prohibits, " the knowing use of any
intoxicating substance, other ant he lawful use of alcohol or tobacco products, that is
inhaled, injected or consumed, or introduced into the body in any manner to alter moods
or function". Airman, caught using spice face up to a max punishment for a violation of
a dishonorable discharge,or confinement for two years, total forfeiture of pay for two
years, or a reduction n rank.
Interestingly, as spice has yet to be banned by the state or federal government and
because Hill is a federal installation, it is not illegal for civiLans to possess the
substance. It is not a crime for a civilian to use or possess botanical license under the
current state or federal law.

Thesis statement

Subject: Spice the unknown drug

Should spice be illegal?

As a non traceable substance, should only military personnel be banned from what is
legal to civilians and bought in department and mini mart stores across the country?

Things to look up

What are the 7 chemicals they are trying to make illegal that can be formed in to spice?
What UCMJ actions can be taking n course with using a legal substance?
Why is spice considered illegal to military personnel only?
What states have bans n spice?
What actions are taken on soldiers who have smoked or in possession of the
What effects come from using spice otherwise indicated in the directions such as eating
or smoking it?
Do soldiers feel they are being taken advantage of due to their job on being banned
from something that is legal to others?
Deaths that have occured from the usage of spice?

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