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I noticed the latest version of Firefox Portable on TPB is 3.5.

2, I thought it
would be helpful if i uploaded this torrent :P

Installing Firefox Portable

To install Firefox Portable, just download the torrent and then double-click the
.exe when its finished. Select the location you wish to install to and click OK.
A FirefoxPortable directory will be created there and all the necessary files
installed. That's all there is to it.

Flash Plugin

To install Flash, Run the included Flash installer for Firefox Portable,

Shockwave Plugin

To install Shockwave, follow these steps:

1. Run the Shockwave installer, included in the .zip

2. Run the installation routine and, instead of letting it install to a local

browser, select to choose your browser

3. Browse to X:\FirefoxPortable\App\firefox (where X is your device's driver

letter) and continue with the installation

4. You may need to restart Firefox Portable for the changes to take effect
If the above fails, try the alternate (and more geeky) method:

1. Install the plugin in a local copy of Firefox (on your hard drive)

2. Locate your plugins directory (usually C:\Program Files\Mozilla


3. Copy the plugin you need from there to your FirefoxPortable\Data\plugins

directory (Some Exmaples: For Flash, copy NPSWF32.dll... for Shockwave,
copy np32dsw.dll)

Improving Firefox Portable's Performance

Firefox Portable runs quite well from faster flash drives (and portable hard
drives or iPods) when connected to a USB 2.0 port. But what if your flash
drive is a bit below average speed-wise (and just because it says "USB 2.0"
on it, doesn't mean it's fast)? Or what if you're stuck connecting to USB 1.1
ports at work or school? Well, there are a few ways to improve performance.

First off, it helps to realize why things are slow. Firefox Portable has to read
and write bits of data to and from your portable device while it's running. On
most flash drives, every time something is written, all reads stop. When this
happens, Firefox Portable can appear to "freeze" or "hesitate" momentarily.
Add to this the fact that most flash drives aren't as fast as they promise. They
all say "USB 2.0 high speed" on them, but they're actually limited by the
speed of the memory chips inside them and the controller chip that handles
communication between those chips and a PC. There's about a 40x speed
difference between a slow drive and a fast drive when dealing with writing
small amounts of data. And, even if a drive can write a 5mb MP3 file quickly,
it may be slow with writing lots of tiny files.

Here's a list of different things you can do to speed things up:

* Disable Cache - Cache is disabled by default because on most drives,
cache will actually slow Firefox Portable down. If you've copied in a local
profile or enabled it, you can disable it within the Options window.

* Disable Session Restore / Undo Close Tab - Firefox 2.0 introduced a new
feature called session restore. It keeps track of all your open windows and
tabs and can restore your session if Firefox should crash. While a handy
feature, it does have the unfortunate side effect of writing to disk on every
page load, which slows down Firefox Portable. In Firefox 3.0, this feature was
enhanced to provide more features but at the cost of more disk writes (which
is why Firefox Portable asks on first run if you'd like to disable it). There's no
option to disable it in the usual Tools - Options windows, but you can disable
it manually.

1. In Firefox's address bar, type in about:config and then hit enter

2. Right-click on any entry and select New - Boolean

3. For the name, enter browser.sessionstore.enabled and click OK

4. Select false and then click OK

When you restart Firefox, session restore (and undo close tab) will be
disabled and you should notice an improvement in browsing speed.

* Disable Anti-Phishing - Firefox comes bundled with an anti-phishing filter

that warns you of fake sites pretending to be things like ebay and bank login
pages. As with the ression restore, though, it results in additional writes to
the drive. This is especially noticable in the first several minutes of using
Firefox Portable as it has to download the anti-phishing database and store it
within your profile (a 3mb+ file on Firefox 2 and a 50mb+ file on Firefox 3).
You can disable this feature by clicking Tools - Options and then selecting the
Security tab. Uncheck the box next to "Tell me if the site I'm visiting is a
suspected forgery" and then click OK. The anti-phishing filter is now off. If
you'd like to get back the space taken up by the database of forged sites, exit
Firefox Portable and then head to the FirefoxPortable\Data\profile directory
on your drive. Delete the urlclassifier*.sqlite file.

* Disable History - Disabling history will prevent Firefox from writing a

small bit of data to your drive for every page you visit.
Known Issues

The following are known issues with this package:

* Trojan/Virus detected - AntiVir and Avast, on more than one occasion,

have claimed there is a trojan or virus in the launcher. This is due to poor
detection in both products that will occasionally mis-identify many NSIS-
based applications as trojans. It will usually occur after a definitions update.
You should contact your antivirus provider and let them know of their
mistake. Do not contact me about it as I am well aware of Avast and AntiVir's
issues and can do nothing to fix them. You can either wait for them to fix the
issue again or switch to a better antivirus package.

* Renaming FirefoxPortable.exe - Once on your portable device, the

launcher can be renamed to anything you'd like except for firefox.exe. It tries
to detect an existing instance of Firefox so it doesn't just launch a new local
one and if it is named firefox.exe, it will detect itself.

* Themes and Extensions - Most themes and extensions should now work
with Firefox Portable -- including those that make use of the component
registry. A handful will still fail, though. A few things to keep in mind:

o Some XPIs must be downloaded to your PC before installing and then

opened using FILE and then OPEN (this is a limitation of Firefox, see Bug
262854). If you can't easily download the XPI locally (like with the Google
Toolbar), simply enable your cache temporarily (Tools - Options - Privacy -
Cache - enter 1000 and click OK) and then install the extension. Don't forget
to disable the cache again after installing. Oddly, addons.mozilla.org doesn't
seem affected by this.

* No Portable Java - Sun's Java VM needs to be installed locally as it makes

a slew of registry entries, etc. There is no way to make it portable at present,
so you will only be able to use Java-enabled sites on machines that have the
Sun Java VM installed locally.

* Read/Write Required - Both the Firefox directory and the Profile directory
must be writeable on the USB drive. Drives with a writable switch can not be
in read-only mode.

* Network Drives - There has been a report that Microsoft patch MS051-
011 may break the ability to run applications from networked drives and that
Firefox Portable is affected.
* Non-ASCII Character Directories Fail - Firefox Portable will not function
correctly when placed in a directory containing non-ASCII characters. Firefox
Portable's entire path must be ASCII characters. The workaround is, of course,
to use an ASCII path for Firefox Portable. In a situation where this is not
possible (for example, when being placed on a desktop of a non-English
machine), you can set Firefox Portable to run in Windows 98 compatibility
mode under Windows XP. (Thanks Wigaldlinger)

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