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trial by facebook

when i spoke to joakim ramstedt, a swedish criminal law blogger, over skype for three hours last
i was reminded of what my father wrote in his last novel, a political expose of child murder and
racism in the southern united states.
he wrote, no writer worth reading, hasnt had a death threat or two.

that was likely inspired by death threats my father had due to his interest and research and
letters regarding illuminati and masonry and KKK and occult and satanism.
who's to say how close anyone came to him? perhaps his brain damage is a result of a
significant psyop or poisoning.
well, the entire american food and drug supply is poison in my opinion. especially all those gulf
coast BP oil crops.

all my favorite people were assassinated. its almost like, if you are not assassinated, you are
not living a life of total honesty and courage.
MLK, theo Van Gogh, mahatma gandhi.
i mean who wants to live to 90 as a repressed tool with no soul and no courage?

bloggers inherit the earth

joakim and i talked about his 10 march 2011 bust up on the irmeli kram circus as well as
sweden's general bureaucratic stonewalling mixed with total incompetence and corruption.

it was an awesome circus! so thanks for that, y'all!

rixstep was writing joakim kudos, as did i, and then they seemed to follow up nicely with this:
which really points to the no-scandal scandal, or how everybody knew this on flashback, which
is where swedes go to unlock their repressed hatred on each other, and thus implicated the
slow-on-the-draw nature of all of us lazy journalist types.

which i of all gay-friendly rape survivors don't like a facebook op so uncouth as all this "way to
go claes borgstrom!" and assange-bubble talk.

rove productions, take two

i wish we could orchestrate a better execution.
say cut, take two, no BS on facebook, no BS on twitter, no SMS hokeypokey, no twitter prime
PR, no asymmetrical analysis, no pollution of evidence, etc.
i mean the whole EAW collusion, and UK court protection has been convincing . . . but really
this is the information age!
to be corrupt in the future you cant work 1980's style tricks on a modern world.
you have to try harder, and practice makes perfect!
i think we can make a better scandal next time, rovey-pooh! hire better guerrillas next time,
i know in texas everyone is stupid, but this is the world at large here . . .

and that it leaks around the world and seeps into the washington post, who have the decency to
be appalled at what in the US would be considered
conflict of interest
even though, extrajudicially we still might torture or assassinate you!!!
but we (USA) at least have the decency to have a legal system, with procedural rules, that
prohibit ludicrous shenanigans ala facebook interrogators writing conspiracy all over their walls
in public and victims twittering rove's prime PR to compliment the secret SMS about money, and
kissing up to borgstrom, partner of bodstrom, owned by the CIA, via sending detainees back to

now please somebody send me to guantanamo!


i want exactly the same treatment as bradley manning. it keeps me up nights.

i want to be hooded on a plane and fed a starvation diet as outlined in the CIA torture manual

new york times, what an embarrassment

another skype friend calls to ashamedly admit to reading some huffington post and even more
scathingly refer to the NYT, "i wont even call it the times." i told him, i am glad he is as much
a media snob as i, i feel so degraded by the NYT: assange is a cat-hating nazi. yeah, and the
NYT is a bathroom wall, for rich prozac nation.
and he even has a jewish lawyer, despite being antisemite. right. the protorture derschowitz
okay? NYT: accept it, we are all jewish, including assange. think about it. resistance.
apologies: shoah 2.0 in progress.
who is a good german, today?

oh yeah, but nice vegan recipes:


in bigger and better news, us state department pj crowley is blowing its cool at MIT on torture to
obama's tortury chagrin, and illinois will outlaw death penalty.

but not extrajudicial assasination by executive order which can now be known as transcendent
meditation on extermination of the enemy and total disappearance into the black hole.

suicide, car accident, extrajudicial assassination

grand jury in alexandria virginia, land of the FBI.
twitter. why, of course.
anonymous preys on quantico.

riddle in UK is pressing the swedish bar association to harass bjorn hurtig, which is utterly
foolish, or brilliant in a reverse justice kind of way

enjoying the carl bildt sudan war crimes oil money pro iraq war thing. genocide is always worth
it, if it makes a lot of kronor!

found two books on olaf palme. will leave near grave for grave-robbers or fregans.

politics i consider very juvenile. but if it is in another language and culture, it is briefly more
interesting. and funny to see how corruption can be so rife and well protected.
and all over facebook.

primegate. and bribes for bodstrom. that's scrumptious!

everything is guantanamo to me now, except there are more ammenities now, like internet and
music, so that is why i am writing you all now, and for the little young ones who will inherit our
hateful ways, so they might make out a map or moral compas.
it would be

first published on braingarbage


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