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MacIver, M. A. (2009). Neuroethology: From Morphological

Computation to Planning. The Cambridge Handbook of Situated
Cognition. P. Robbins and M. Aydede. New York, NY, Cambridge
University Press: 480-504.

N euroethology
From Morphological Computation to Planning

Makolm A. MacIver

Introduction As a combination of the laboratory sci-

ence of neurobiology and the field observa-
Neuroethology is a field devoted to under- tion science of ethology, neuroethology has
standing the nervous system through the significant challenges, including determining
broader contexts of evolution, natural his- how much of the ecological context of an
tory, ecology, and everyday behavior; in animal is necessary or practical to import
other words, it is the study of situated ner- into the laboratory (for a review, see Pfluger
vous systems. Its focus is on how neural sys- & Menzel, 1999). Once the animal and its
tems subserve behaviors that an animal per- reduced environment are in the laboratory,
forms in its natural habitat, such as capturing another problem to be solved is how to
prey and evading predators, finding a mate, extract, from its continuous and highly irreg-
and navigating through its domain. Often ular activity, a particular behavior to focus
the nervous system is examined in animals on. One way that this issue has been dealt
that exhibit extraordinary specializations in with historically (Pfluger & Menzel, 1999)
behavior, such as sonar-emitting bats and is through avoidance of learned behaviors in
fish that hunt by detecting changes in a favor of highly stereotyped innate behaviors.
weak, self-generated electric field, because More recently, neuroethology has embraced
such specializations result in specialized model systems for studying limited forms of
neural circuitry, making neuron-level anal- learning, such as the zebra finch (Marler,
yses more tractable. These experimentally 1991), which learns its song from a tutor
tractable animals are sometimes referred to only during the first thirty-five days of life.
as "model systems." People generally prefer After this period, the song is "crystallized"
to work with an established model system and does not vary.
so that they can build on a body of knowl- With a behavior identified and character-
edge that has already been gathered about ized, the next step is to uncover its puta-
the system. tive neural basis. Here a new set of issues

comes into play, centered on the technical work in the first instance? Even if you do
difficulty of obtaining reliable recordings of not believe that the properties of interest in
the electrical activity of the animal's ner- neuroethology relate to cognition, how the
vous system. Often this may not be fea- tension between the outside-the-body ten-
sible unless the animal is under anesthe- dencies of ethology and the inside-the-head
sia. Options include working on a "reduced tendencies of neurophysiology plays out
prep/' in which slices of brain, dissociated in neuroethology is alone instructive. That
cells, or whole parts of the nervous system these aspects can be in tension needs further
may be placed into a chamber where they explanation; otherwise one might think that
can be perfused with oxygen, nutrients, or this is simply a matter of groups of scientists
neuroactive drugs and stabilized for record- working on different parts of a big problem,
ing. A better approach, comparatively rare where everyone recognizes that a division of
because of its technical difficulty, is implant- labor is practical and necessary. Neurophys-
ing one or more permanent recording elec- iological approaches often implicitly suggest
trodes in the brain, mounted on a platform that many, perhaps most, components of
that is glued to the head with the signals sent the nervous system can be understood with-
out via cables or wirelessly; this technique out examining an animal's larger context,
is called "chronic recording." Such tools at be it behaVioral, biomechanical, or evolu-
best monitor the ongoing activity of one to tionary. In contrast, neuroethologists believe
hundreds of cells in networks that can con- that unless the larger context is understood
sist of millions of cells (and only the electri- - for example, by quantifying the profile
cal activity, at that). Larger-scale properties, of sen;ory signals that an animal is subject
spanning multiple networks, biomechan- to in its habitat or by placing neural char-
ics, and behavior, are sometimes examined acters of related animals into phylogenetic
through the development of computer mod- trees ("neurocladistics") - many aspects of
els of individual components that are then neural function will not be understood.
recombined in computo in simulation envi- Exemplifying this point, in several model
ronments, an endeavor sometimes referred systems neuroethologists have found that
to as "computational neuroethology" (Chiel neural circuits involved in sensory process-
& Beer, 1997; Cliff, 1995). This then is the ing exhibit very different response proper-
neuroethologist's modus operandi: find an ties when they are subjected to naturalistic
animal offering certain experimental conve- stimuli than to the nonnaturalistic stim-
niences such as behavioral specializations, uli more commonly used in neurobiology,
identify and quantify a behavior, and mea- because these are easier to generate and
sure its neural correlates, if possible in the manipulate experimentally (see Sharpee
"awake, behaving animal," or if not, in some et al., 2006, and references therein).
reduced preparation while delivering stimuli In view of these considerations, in the first
similar to those occurring during the identi- part of the chapter I will discuss how the
fied behavior. tension between the inward- and outward-
Neuroethology has several aspects that looking approaches of neuroethology may
will be of interest to the situated cognition be resolved through excising bits of the
community. Because ethology is all about world and encapsulating them into virtual
what goes on when an animal is embedded reality apparatuses in the laboratory. In the
in its environment (consider the title of an second part of the chapter I will argue that
important monograph of one of its founders: results from neuroethology do, in fact, relate
The Animal in Its World [Tinbergen, 1972]), to cognition. Here I will first detail results
and neurobiology is all about what goes on in from studies of morphological computation
the brain, often with only cursory attention that expose the computational role of shape
to matters beyond the periphery of the head, and structure in animal bodies in adaptive
how can the enterprise of neuroethology behavior, and then I will describe some

recent results concerning the neuroethol- animals that - like miners wearing head-
ogy of prey-capture behavior that may give lamps - provide their own source of illu-
insight into the origin of the paradigmat- mination for perceiving their dark envi-
ically cognitive faculty of planning. I will ronments: sonar-emitting bats and electric
argue that the evolution of sensing systems field-emitting fish (Figure 26.la and 26.1C).
that enable animals to perceive their envi- For both model systems a substantial part
ronment far beyond the bounds of where of the sensory system exists in the interplay
they are immediately moving, possessing a between generated signals and objects in
buena vista, if you will, is key to the origin of the environment (Nelson & MacIver, 2006).
planning. I call this the Buena Vista Sensing Thus, a fundamental part of the literature is
Club hypothesis. Through planning, mem- devoted to describing and analYZing how the
bers of the Buena Vista Sensing Club are self-generated signals propagate and interact
able to make better use of this space in the with the environment - characterizing the
guidance of their behavior than their more sensory system as it operates outside of the
reactive mala vista brethren. body of these animals (on bats, see Boonman
& Jones, 2002; Ghose & Moss, 2003; Hartley
& Suthers, 1989; Miller & Surlykke, 2001; Par-
1. Internalism, Externalism, and sons, Thorpe, & Dawson, 1997; Schnitzler,
Virtual Worlds in Neuroethology Moss, & Denzinger, 2003; on fish, see Assad,
Rasnow, & Stoddard, 1999; Chen, House,
The methodological and philosophical basis Krahe, & Nelson, 2005; Rasnow, 1996; Ras-
of neuroethology takes the situatedness of now & Bower, 1996). Recently, this work has
organisms as a basic fact and works forward been referred to as research into the sensory
from there. Both traditional cognitive sci- ecology of an animal (Barth & Schmid, 2001;
ence and much of neurobiology differ in Dusenbery, 1992). In these studies, the ner-
emphasis, focusing on what goes on in the vous system of the animal may hardly be
head (Clark, 1997; Hutchins, 1995; Noe, 2004; mentioned.
Rowlands, 1999; Wilson, 1995). This cran- Whereas the externalist tendencies of
iocentric approach often goes by the label neuroethology have their most literal form
of "internalism." What is variously called in the context of this work on the active-
"situated cognition," "embodied cognition" sensing model systems of bats and weakly
(Ballard, Hayhoe, Pook, & Rao, 1997; Hauge- electric fish, the focus on the relevant
land, 1998), "distributed cognition," "senso- aspects of the external world in behavior is
rimotor accounts of perception" (O'Regan pervasive in the discipline, from characteri-
& Noe, 2001), "active externalism" (Clark zation of odor plumes for studies of moths
& Chalmers, 1998), "enactive externalism" (Murlis, Willis, & Carde, 2000) to recon-
(Noe, 20°4), and "wide computationalism" struction of what a fly sees while it is buzzing
(Wilson, 1994) all share the view that the around in an open field (van Hateren, Kern,
properties of interest can depend on the Schwerdtfeger, & Egelhaaf, 2005)' As point-
head plus body plus environment. I will refer ed out by James J. Gibson (1979, p. 57), the
to these different approaches as "external- pioneer of ecological approaches to percep-
ism." tion, mechanical signals in the environment
Although situatedness is basic to neu- (stress, strain, pressure, inertia, gravity, fric-
roethology, as alluded to in the introduc- tion, drag) are no less important in under-
tion, it is true that its two contributing dis- standing behavior than are sensory signals
ciplines pull in different directions: ethology in the environment. Neuroethologists there-
to externalism and neurobiology to inter- fore have an increasing stake in investigat-
nalism. How is this tension resolved in ing mechanical factors with respect to both
neuroethology? Consider investigations into the animal and the environment (e.g., Chiel
the sensory systems of two popular model & Beer, 1997; Dickinson, 1996; Full & Tu,
systems in neuroethology, both nocturnal 1991; MacIver, Fontaine, & Burdick, 2004)'




c d

O.05m O.05m

Figure 26.1. Sensory volumes of different active sensing animals.

a. Bat echolocation beam; the illustrated range is the estimated
detection range for small prey (mosquitoes) averaged across several
bat species. b. Dolphin; the illustrated range is the estimated
detection range for a prey-sized, water-filled sphere. c. Weakly
electric fish; the illustrated range is the estimated detection range
for small prey (water fleas). d. Rat whisker system. Reproduced
with permission from Nelson and MacIver (2006).

In parallel with sensory ecology, I refer to case. My argument is not that the important
this as an animal's "mechanical ecology." properties of interest depend on the brain
Those with internalist leanings should not alone, which intemalism would insist on (at
fear, however. First, there is the safe refuge least for cognitive properties). Instead, often
of the cognitive; to take this refuge, the the properties very definitely do depend
intemalist would argue that what we are on the brain plus body plus environment,
considering here are not cognitive proper- but the elements of the causal chain that
ties in the first instance, whereas only the are most resistant to being understood are
notion that cognition depends on the brain largely in the brain and body alone, in part
was at issue. I will return to this point later. for mundane technical reasons such as acces-
Aside from this defense from the irrelevance sibility to measurement. Evidence for this
of neuroethology, recall that the modus claim is that, in some cases, we have the
operandi of the neuroethologist is to even- capability to mimic the animal's world in
tually relate natural behaviors to neuronal such a way that the animal does not know
structures. This is done by recording neu- any better. I will present three examples
ral activity either in awake, behaving ani- of virtual worlds used in neuroethologi-
mals or, more often, in fixed and anes- cal research that exemplify this point (Fig-
thetized, or otherwise drastically reduced, ure 26.2) for studies of insects, fish, and
forms (e.g., brain slices). our internal- mammals. These virtual worlds pass the
ist interlocutor will exclaim, "Now we get to embodiment Turing test - animals situated
the important business: what you are really in them happily converse with the proxy as
interested in is what goes on in the brain; if it were the real deal.
you're not stuffing recording electrodes into The first example is from work at the
the environment, are you?" There is some Max Planck Center for Biological Cybernet-
sense to the intemalist's intuition in this ics, in Tiibingen, Germany, in the late 1960s.

b c
stimulate ../
record ;,'

> ....

-::. \
'. ::-...... \
...... '.

.ar ..



Figure 26.2. Three virtual worlds in neuroethology. a. Reichardt's

closed-loop apparatus for the study of optomotor responses in
house flies (Reichardt & Wenking, 1969)' The fly is tethered on a
rigid rod that senses the torques generated by the fly as it steers left
or right and moves the surrounding visual panorama
complementary to the motions that would naturally result from
those torques. Modified from Reichardt and Poggio (1976). b. A
closed-loop apparatus for the study of electromotor responses in
weakly electric fish. The fish is held in the center of the tank either
by mechanical constraint (not shown) or paralyzed by a drug and
placed into a holder (not shown). Two graphite rods parallel to the
fish deliver an electric field similar to what a nearby fish would
emit. By bringing the frequency of the delivered field close to that
of the fish in the tank (monitored via the vertical graphite rods), an
electromotor behavior, the jamming-avoidance response, is
triggered and sustained by following the fish's frequency changes.
Similar to the apparatus in Watanabe and Takeda (1963)' c. A
closed-loop apparatus for studying the behavior of rats, based on
Dahmen's (1980) similar device for insects and GCitz and Gambke's
(1968) servosphere. The ball is suspended by an air cushion. The
animal walks while tethered to a force and torque sensor, whose
signals are measured to alter the real time video projected onto the
rat's visual surround. From Holscher et ai. (2005) with permission.

During that time, Werner Reichardt used a control of the stimulus and quantification of
preexisting system for recording the turn- behavior.
ing torque generated by flies that are fly- The second example involves the elicita-
ing while rigidly affixed to the end of a thin tion of an interesting electromotor behavior
rod (Figure 26.2a). In his apparatus, the mea- in weakly electric fish. These fish discharge
sured turning torque was transformed into a their weak electric field at a particular fre-
rotation of the surrounding visual panorama quency that is both species specific and indi-
with an angular velocity proportional to the vidual specific. When two fish happen across
torque (Figure 26.2a; Reichardt & Poggio, each other in their native habitat while dis-
1976; Reichardt & Wenking, 1969), so that charging within a few hertz of each other,
when the fly turned to the left or right, the they will shift their discharge frequencies
surrounding visual scene changed appropri- (via a motor nucleus in the brain) to avoid
ately. This approach has been heavily used jamming their electrolocation systems. To
in studies of fly behavior, from the neu- study this behavior, a fish is placed in a
ral basis of optomotor behaviors to learning tank and fixed in place either mechanically
and flight mechanics, as it enables precise or by paralysis, using a drug (Figure 26.2b).

The fish's electric field is recorded, and plus the given part of the world. Neverthe-
a field that is slightly higher or lower in less, the externalist may be given pause by
frequency than its field is introduced into considering the success of virtual-reality sys-
the tank, eliciting the jamming-avoidance tems in neuroethology. These demonstrate
response (Watanabe & Takeda, 1963)' The that we understand the relevant couplings
approach used here is again closed loop, to the external world in select cases in a suf-
because any changes in output frequency ficient - not to say complete - way, whereas
by the fish are monitored and used to ad- we have a long way to go to understand the
just the frequency of the jamming stimu- internal goings-on of the brain and body.
lus so that the behavior can be continuously
elicited. Using this method combined with
neurophysiology, the jamming avoidance 2. Is Neuroethology Relevant
response became the first vertebrate behav- to Situated Cognition?
ior whose complete neural circuit from sen-
sory input to motor output was understood I had mentioned that one way a cogni-
(Heiligenberg, 1991). tively inclined person might assert that
The third example, also originally devel- neuroethology is not relevant to cognition
oped in the late 1960s at the Max Planck is by arguing that the processes under con-
Center, is from studies by Karl Gotz and sideration are not cognitive. That is, given
others: an insect would walk on a sphere that many cognitive scientists hold that the
that counterrotates in such a way that the extension of cognition itself outside of the
animal is always in one place, again greatly usual human case is controversial (Wilson
simplifying the measurement of behavior & Clark, this volume), how can results on
with video and the delivery of controlled the zoo of small animals that neuroethol-
stimuli. The original version, called a "ser- ogy studies provide insight into situated
vosphere," tracked the animal's location and cognition? The difficulty of bridging these
fed the movement back to two motors that two domains is exemplified by the mis-
rotated the sphere so that the animal stayed match between the cognitive capacities we
roughly at the apex of the sphere (Gotz & attribute to humans with those attributes
Gambke, 1968; Kramer, 1975; Varju, 1975)' A of nonhuman animals that are sanctioned
more recent variation (Figure 26.2C) does not by neuroethology. The attributions of neu-
use motors but instead has the animal teth- roethologists have a distinctly mechanistic
ered above the apex of a hollow sphere that flavor, such as "encodes stimulus amplitude
is suspended by an air cushion and rotated with neuron spike rate" or "rotates head
by the animal's own movements (Dahmen, to zero azimuth to target by comparing
1980; Holscher, Schnee, Dahmen, Setia, & the intensity of sounds between the ears"
Mallot, 2005)' It comes as no surprise that or, on a behavioral level, "advertises fit-
two of these three examples stem from an ness to a potential mate by the complex-
institute devoted to cybernetics. For more ity of the song." Cognitive faculties, such
details on this tradition see Eliasmith (this as remembering, planning, and deliberating,
volume). have their clearest form in conscious, occur-
One response to these examples would rent thought processes in humans, and their
be that this proves the internalist's point - presence in nonhuman animals is not often
the world does not matter; all one needs is broached by neuroethologists.
to synthesize and input the right kind of Nonetheless, an attraction of external-
signals. However, Alva Noe (2004, p. 224) ist approaches such as situated cognition
makes a convincing case that far from being a is their ecumenical approach to all kinds
triumph of internalism, the success of virtual of phenomena that have been previously
reality scenarios is precisely what an exter- barred from the tent of cognition. Accord-
nalist should hope for: it demonstrates that ing to Adams and Aizawa (this volume), this
the elicited behavior depends on the brain more open approach is confused and results

L.. _

from externalists (1) making the error ofslid- dencies on the external world and causal
ing from "x is causally coupled to a cognitive proximities to the cognitive. I should state
act" to "cognition is constituted byx," and (2) at the outset that this is not meant to be
failing to clearly differentiate cognitive from a representative set of results; most of neu-
noncognitive processes. An example they roethology consists of detailing the opera-
give of the first error is to make the jump tion of neuronal circuits that support natural
from the fact that the reading of a ther- behaviors, and these will not be discussed.
mostat is causally coupled to room temper- Even the preceding virtual-world examples
ature to the notion that the thermostat is are not representative of neuroethology as a
constituted by the room-thermostat system. whole because the discipline has a strong
Similarly, they would argue, the fact that bias toward sensory systems and sensory
the cognitive act of long division with paper acquisition, with only a few active systems
is causally coupled to the piece of paper for the study of motor function apart from
is a fallacious basis for asserting that cog- the ones presented, such as research into the
nition is constituted by the human-paper neural network responsible for chewing in
system. However, unless one leaves cogni- crustaceans. This bias may be in part due
tion as an unanalyzed whole, it will have to there being too few closed-loop appa-
causally coupled subcomponents. Of these ratuses like those described previously, all
parts it would be correct, presumably, to of which require a considerable amount of
make the move from causal coupling to con- engineering expertise. For a more represen-
stitution; in a case like this, the thermostat tative sampling of neuroethology, I refer the
really would be constituted by the room- reader to Web sites of neuroethology courses
thermostat system. The key issue, therefore, (Hopkins, 2005; MacIver & Nelson, 1996),
is the proper characterization ofwhat counts surveys (Barth & Schmid, 2001; Carew, 2000;
as cognition. Because this is poorly defined Hughes, 1999; Land & Nilsson, 2002; Zupanc,
at present, I will take the strategy of consid- 2004), and conference proceedings of the
ering causal proximity to cognition, in the International Society of Neuroethology.
hope that although we may not have a clear Under the rubric of morphological com-
definition of cognition, we have some intu- putation, I will give the example of how
ition about when we are closer to it or fur- the ears of bats perform a signal processing
ther away from it. We have clear intuition, function by dint of their convoluted shape,
for example, that the central processing unit and how the geometry of the fly compound
in a computer is more proximal to a com- eye may allow for the efficient extraction of
putation performed by the computer than is self-motion from the optic-flow field. These
the table on which the computer is resting. two examples concern how the earlier men-
Similarly, the most compelling examples of tioned sensory ecology of an animal, the
situated cognition are examples in which ambient set of behaviorally relevant signals
some bit of the world plays a central role: in an animal's habitat, is interwoven with
for example, the use of external objects such preneuronal signal processing. I then briefly
as maps during navigation (Hutchins, 1995), discuss bilateral symmetry, a ubiquitous fea-
racks of letter tiles in Scrabble to remember ture of animal body plans, and the passive
words (Maglio, Matlock, Raphaely, Cher- walker, a robotic model of human walking
nicky, & Kirsh, 1999), and paper and pen to that consists of only rigid links and joints and
manipulate numbers (Zhang & Wang, 2005)' yet is able to walk with a human gait. Both
In these cases, one can reasonably argue that are examples of how the mechanical ecology
drawing the boundary of the cognitive at the of an animal (the ambient inertia, stiffness
skin is arbitrary (Clark & Chalmers, 1998). and compliance, drag or contact friction, and
With these considerations in mind (ifnot, so on, of the animal and its coupling to the
perhaps, in the head), I will present results habitat) is interwoven with locomotion and
from neuroethology with a range of depen- control of position.

Figure 26+ A potpourri of bat pinnae. Ear-shape data and

rendering courtesy of Rolf Mueller. The pinna is the outer ear; the
tragus is the small pointed flap of tissue coming up from the base of
the pinna.

These two examples of morphological esis may also be a useful step in articulating
computation highlight the importance of an empirical approach to the evolution of
transneuronal processes in sophisticated sig- consciousness.
nal processing and mechanical capabilities.
However, the capabilities at issue are distant
2.1. Morphological Computation
from more familiar examples of cognition.
Following the section on morphological 2.1.1. BAT EARS
computation, I try to partially close the gap Bats have been a staple model system of
by exploring how recent work on the neu- neuroethology since Galambos and Griffin
roethology of prey capture may give insight (1940) first elucidated the role of self-
into one potential origin of the paradigmat- generated acoustic emissions in their noc-
ically cognitive faculty of planning. On the turnal hunting behavior. In the intervening
basis of this work, I will argue that the sen- years, a host of laboratories have investi-
sory transcendence of the space of imme- gated how bats are able to perform their
diate movement provides a core basis of high-precision, high-speed prey-capture
planning, an idea that I call the Buena Vista maneuvers in total darkness by using acous-
Sensing Club hypothesis. Given prior dis- tic pulses, emitted from either the nose or
cussions of the relationship between plan- mouth. The bat is a very successful example
ning and consciousness (Bridgeman, 1992, of an active-sensing system (eight hundred
20°3), the Buena Vista Sensing Club hypoth- echolocating species worldwide), in which

an animal perceives the world via a self- formation of skin and supporting tissue of
generated signal source (Nelson & MacIver, the ear in the bat forms a computational
2006). From a signals perspective this is a device that solves a key problem in the local-
remarkable feat, because all active-sensing ization of prey in three-dimensional space.
animals must overcome spherical spread-
ing (r 2 ) losses as a signal propagates away 2.1.2 THE GEOMETRY OF THE FLY EYE
from them, as well as spherical spreading Movement through space creates a pattern
losses from the target back to the source, of visual information called "optic flow." As
resulting in quartic attenuation of the signal you move forward through space, things to
with distance. Thus, to double their sensing the side seem to move backward. The rate at
range, active-sensing animals need to gen- which they move backward is a function of
erate a signal at least sixteen times more your distance to them, the horizontal angle,
powerful (Nelson & MacIver, 2006). As they and your velocity: things looming directly
hunt for prey, bats emit pulses of acous- ahead seem to hardly move at all. If you are
tic energy at frequencies of thirty kilohertz rolling around the axis of forward motion,
and above. The spectral composition of the rather than translating (suppose you are fly-
signal varies greatly with species and habi- ing in an ultralight airplane near the ground
tat (Schnitzler et a1., 2003)' For example, and a gust of wind hits so that one wing goes
bats that hunt in cluttered environments up and the other down), a different optic-
generate a call that has two components: a flow pattern occurs. Flies detect self-motion
constant frequency (CF) portion followed to help stabilize flight, and neuroethological
by a downward frequency-modulated (FM) evidence is emerging that the geometry and
sweep. The CF portion of the call gives wiring of the photoreceptors on the eye of
the bats better distance acuity, whereas the the fly make computing optic flow a trivial
FM portion gives them multispectral cues problem (Egelhaaf et a1., 2002). A key finding
concerning fine details of target shape and has been that the orientations of the rows of
movement (Suga, 1990). During the final photoreceptors along which the optic flow
phase of a prey-capture sequence, called is computed, a function of the eye's geom-
the "terminal buzz" phase, the bat rapidly etry, coincide with the preferred directions
increases the pulse rate (Ghose & Moss, of the neuron that those sensors connect to
2003; Kalko, 1995) and switches exclusively (Figure 26.4). A neuron dedicated to detect-
to FM sweeps. ing a rolling motion of the fly connects to
The bat is able to detect its horizontal a row of sensors, ommatidia, that lie paral-
angle (left-right bearing, or azimuth) to tar- lel to the optic-flow pattern that occurs on
gets by analyzing both intensity and time the eye when the fly rolls. Activation of that
differences in the sounds arriving at the two neuron would then be a reliable indicator
ears: if the target is to the left, the sound will that the corresponding optic flow, and thus
arrive slightly earlier and with more intensity rolling self-motion, is occurring.
at the left ear than the right. However, an The examples of bat ears and fly eyes
object's vertical position is not detectable in show how the physical configuration of
this manner. Instead, the intricate shapes of the body performs a sophisticated compu-
the bat's ear (pinnae) and tragi (Figure 26.3) tational role in the life of these animals.
provide cues to vertical elevation 0Notton, Other examples include spectral filtering
Haresign, & Simmons, 1995; Wotton & Sim- through pigmented oil drops in the eyes of
mons, 2000). Returning sonar cries follow birds (Varela, Palacios, & Goldsmith, 1993),
different pathways through the pinna-tragus distinct filtering .properties of ampullary
complex according to their angle of entry, versus tuberous electroreceptors in elec-
inducing spectral cues that vary systemati- tric fish because of the presence of tightly
cally with the elevation angle. The bat can packed skin cells in the lumen (Szabo,
then simply listen to these spectral cues to 1974), phonotaxis in crickets through reso-
detect the elevation of the target. The con- nance in their forelimbs (Michelsen, 1998;

a b
Directions of
optic flow vectors
during roll
"..'.', / . I Preferred directions of
local input elements
' .. ;
.. ... . dorsal
.. .
""" '
Tangential cell

o 45 90 135 180
Azimuth n
Figure 26+ Computing optic flow through eye geometry.
a. Self-motion generates optic flow over the eyes. Arrows on the
left plane represent the local motion vectors on the eye when the
animal rolls around its longitudinal body axis. The local response
properties of a neuronal tangential cell, the VS6 cell, are adapted to
detect this particular self-rotation. It is assumed that with its large
dendrite, this cell integrates signals from local input elements whose
preferred directions (arrows on second-from-left plane) correspond
to the direction of local motion vectors in roll-induced optic flow.
b. Head of a female blowfly. White lines over the right eye indicate
the course of ommatidial rows in the eye lattice. c. Organization of
the receptive field of a VS6 cell. Orientation and length of arrows at
different angular positions indicate the neuron's local preferred
direction and motion sensitivity in the right visual hemisphere. 0°
azimuth and 0° elevation corresponds to the point directly in front
of the animal. Lines in the upper-left quadrant indicate the course
of ommatidial rows, which are oriented vertically in the equatorial
region of the eye (v-row). The direction of visual motion is thought
to be analyzed mainly by interactions between ommatidia along the
rows in the hexagonal eye lattice (cf. orientation of rows and
arrows). In the dorsofrontal eye region, the course of the v-rows
strongly shifts toward a horizontal orientation. This change in
orientation is reflected by the change in local preferred directions of
VS6 cells in corresponding regions of its receptive field. Text
verbatim from Egelhaaf et a!. (2002). Reproduced with permission.

Michelsen, Popov} & Lewis, 1994), and the adaptive behavior occur} in part} outside
role of cochlear micromechanics in hear- of the nervous system} a useful prelimi-
ing (Gummer} Hemmert, & Zenner} 1996; nary step toward the argument that cog-
Russell & Kossl, 1999)' In these cases, a nition can depend on processes outside of
significant amount of signal processing has the body. An important issue holding up
been completed prior to entry of the sig- acceptance of these points is how to relate
nal into the nervous system. These examples the somewhat incommensurate form of ana-
show that key computations subserving log computation apparent in these cases to

the more mature notions of computation on the body, making the animal yaw (turn
and algorithm complexity with digital rep- left or right) from the trajectory that is
resentations (for an insightful discussion of the shortest distance between two points.
the distinction between analog and digital, According to one theory of its origins, bilat-
see Haugeland, 1981). This question, how eral symmetry arose when a jellyfishlike
computability over discrete spaces relates to ancestral form migrated from a midwa-
computability over continuous spaces such ter existence to crawling along the seafloor
as real numbers, has become a topic of inter- (Trochaea theory, Nielsen, 2001). Even when
est over the past few years, and metrics such they are not moving on an aquatic or terres-
as the log of condition in the case of linear trial surface, however, given their presence
systems have been proposed (see reviews by in volumes of water or air close to surfaces,
Blum, 2004; Braverman & Cook, 2006). all animals are more than two-dimensional
creatures but not fully three-dimensional
BILATERAL SYMMETRY IN ANIMAL ones - even birds and fish typically move
BODY PLANS far less up and down than horizontally. As
The bat and fly examples concern exploita- two-and-a-half-dimensional creatures, ani-
tion of structure in the sensory ecology mals can exploit their bilaterally symmet-
of those animals. How do animals exploit rical sensory structures, such as ears, for
structure in their mechanical ecology? A control of horizontal bearing by simple
deep pattern connecting sensory processing comparisons between them, as in the bat
and locomotion can be read in the bilat- (termed tropotaxis, and achieved by com-
eral symmetry of animals. All animals but missural fibers connecting bilaterally paired
sponges, jellyfish, comb jellies, and placo- sensory nuclei in the brain; for more details,
zoans are bilaterally symmetrical. The bila- see Braitenberg, 1965, 1984; Hinde, 1970;
terian animal body plan, which appeared MacIver et al., 2004)' Thus, fundamental
contemporaneously with the appearance of needs of efficient locomotion, and sim-
multicellular animals between 0.5 and 1. 5 bil- ple sensor-based control algorithms for the
lion years ago, often includes high forward important decisions ofleftward versus right-
mobility along the midline axis (Grabowsky, ward movement via bilaterally paired sen-
1994) and is closely coupled to cephaliza- sory organs, appear to have been entrenched
tion, an adaptation that complements such in the structure of animals since the dawn of
mobility with a clustering of sensory organs their multicellular origins.
around the anterior end of the organism. All
vertebrates and most other highly mobile 2.1.4 THE PASSIVE WALKER
animals such as insects feature this neurome- Another observation concerning the impor-
chanical complementarity. With this neu- tance of mechanical structure in subserv-
romechanical template (Full & Koditschek, ing behavior comes from outside of neu-
1999) came the active feeding behaviors and roethology, in the field of robotics. Over
agile locomotion that correlate with the evo- the past several years, building on the work
lution of advanced nervous systems needed of McGeer (1992), Andy Ruina and oth-
to control these behaviors (Conway, 1998; ers have been working on passive walk-
Dewel, 2000; Koob & Long, 2000; North- ers. These robots, designed to be models
cutt, 2002; Paulin, 2005)' I will return to these of human bipedal walking, are able to walk
issues below when I discuss why the ability with no energy other than the small amount
to sense objects distant from the body origi- imparted by an inclined plane, and nothing
nated. other than rigid links and joints. More recent
Consider what would happen during for- versions use a very small amount of energy,
ward movement in a fluid were it not similar to the amount used by humans,
for symmetry around the midsagittal plane to walk on flat surfaces (Collins, Ruina,
along which animals propel themselves: Tedrake, & Wisse, 2005). The implication
there would be an imbalance of drag forces of this work is that much of the efficiency

prey prey

lines of trees ,
and bushes \


sensory volume
, '6/ /
p;edator" )
b3 senlry volume

stopping motor volume stopping motor volume

Figure 26.5. From reactivity with a mala vista to planning with a

buena vista. Control and planning in prey-capture behavior as a
function of the ratio between the sensory volume (SV) and the
stopping motor volume (MVstop ) for two fictive animals: one (left)
with the near unity ratio characteristic of many passive sensing
animals that have poor acuity and active-sensing animals and
another (right) with a large ratio to illustrate the rarer situation of
long-range passive-sensing systems such as vision. a. With
near-unity SV:MVstop ratios, search proceeds in a raster-sean-like
fashion through the environment. If a prey is close enough to be
within one of these search tracks, it is detected and possibly
captured. b. With large SV:MVstop ratios, there is the pOSSibility
that multiple trajectories to a detected prey (dashed lines) can be
assessed prior to action. After assessing multiple paths, one path is
chosen (b1) that is longer than a path that may disclose the position
of the predator to the prey too early (b2) or result in reaching an
untraversable obstacle (b3).

of human movement may arise through hav- derived commonly observed gaits in bipeds
ing a skeletal structure and mass distribution (Srinivasan & Ruina, 2006) and movements
that makes walking as energetically favor- in fish (MacIver et a1., 2004)'
able to the body as swinging is to a pendu-
lum. Such efficiency is enormously impor-
tant: if we were as inefficient as the Honda 2.1.5 THE BONE-BRAIN CONTINUUM
bipedal robot Asimo, which requires at least A general pattern emerging from the work
ten times more energy per unit distance and above is that regularities existing over dis-
weight (Collins et a1., 2005), then with a parate timescales in an animal's environ-
full day's walking we would need to eat ment are absorbed by different systems of
ten times more food than we typically eat. the body. The longest timescale regularities,
Further evidence of mechanical efficiency such as the need for a balance of forces along
comes from computational studies using the the axis of travel to move in straight lines,
technique of optimal control to find move- are encapsulated at the level ofstructural tis-
ments that minimize energy. These have sues (bones, cartilage, chitin) .in a bilaterally

symmetrical body plan. The maintenance lar animals, and 1.6 billion years ago, the esti-
costs of these tissues are the lowest of any mated time of the last common ancestor of
body material. The shortest timescale reg- plants and animals, all animals were unicel-
ularities, such as the current state of self- lular and thus lacking a nervous system (Car-
motion, are encapsulated at both the struc- roll, 2001; Meyerowitz, 2002). It seems likely
tural level of sensor geometry and through that the nervous system is a solution to the
energetically expensive neuronal process- problem of controlling the body when it is
ing, tissue which requires forty times more composed of more than a few cells (Nielsen,
power per unit mass than bone (Martin & 20m), at which point diffusion breaks
Fuhrman, 1955). The computations that an down as an effective communication system.
animal needs to move through space are Much of the nervous system is concerned
spread across these systems. At this level of with problems that arise from being mobile,
description, there is no basis for an invidious and it appears that its evolution was greatly
distinction between bone and brain. accelerated after animals discovered an
appetite for eating other animals (Conway-
Morris, 1998; Northcutt, 2002; Paulin, 2005).
2.2 The Buena Vista Sensing Club
Consider the example of the tunicate, which
The Buena Vista Sensing Club hypothesis has a mobile, bilaterally symmetrical lar-
suggests that the expansion of the range with val stage, and a stationary (fixed to a sub-
which animals can monitor external space, strate), asymmetrical adult phase: once it
relative to their usual velocity, has been has reached its final resting spot, the tunicate
one - perhaps the dominant - driving force digests much of its nervous system. Whether
for the evolution of the ability to plan. In or not ignorance is bliss, for a sessile crea-
most environments, distant goals cannot be ture a brainless existence at least reduces the
effectively reached by single behaviors but amount of grub it has to come byl
instead require the sequencing of multiple Let us consider the problem of sensory-
behaviors. Although the sequencing could signal-based movement guidance in some
be purely reactive, it is clear that multiple detail, because it appears central to the gen-
approaches are possible when our percep- esis of nervous systems. Our ancestors are
tual world extends to a large expanse of unicellular animals for which, by dint of
heterogeneous space (Figure 26'5b); thus, at their small size, inertial forces on the body
the very least, there is a basis for selection are dominated by drag forces (the ratio of
pressures that would lead to a capacity for these two is quantified by the Reynolds
evaluating multiple possible trajectories to a number). The simple consequence of this
goal. The number of animals with the req- is that as soon as you stop generating forces
uisite sensory-mechanical balance conserva- to move, you will stop. Think of walking
tively includes cephalopods (squids, cuttle- on normal ground versus skating on ice. In
fish, octopus), raptors such as hawks and the former, as soon as you stop generat-
eagles, and many of the mammals. Before ing forces through your contact with the
proceeding, I would like to address the ques- ground, you stop moving; in the latter, even
tion of why sensation jumped beyond the after you stop pushing off the ice, you are
boundaries of animals in the first instance. still moving. In water, our ancestral envi-
ronment, animals are in the viscous regime
2.2.1 A BRIEF HISTORY OF TELECEPTIVE when they are below around a millime-
SENSATION ter in size. As an animal grows larger, it
In his Opticks, Newton remarked, "Infinite enters the inertial regime, and now in the
space is the sensorium of the deity." In what absence of active braking forces the ani-
ways is finite space the sensorium of lesser mal will coast along through space for some
creatures? First, a bit of evolutionary back- time after cessation offorce production. The
ground. Between 700 million years ago, the relationship between control signals, such as
date of the earliest trace fossils ofmulticellu- those required to whip a flagellum to move


forward, and the point in space that the ani- about five hundred milliseconds for an eva-
mal needs to reach, perhaps some tasty bac- sive action such as braking or swerving to
terium, is not straightforward in the inertial occur after you have initiated it (although
regime. This is because the animal cannot actually it will be a function of, e.g., your
simply halt motion at the point of contact velocity, mass, friction of the roadway-tire
with the bacterium but needs to perform interface, braking power, speed of muscle
state estimation to predict how soon before contraction), that means you need to sense
the bacterium is reached it will need to shut the moose around seven hundred millisec-
off the generation of force as a function of onds before contact, or ten or more meters
its current dynamics (Paulin, 2005)' Con- away if you are going fifty kilometers per
tact sensors such as mechanoreceptors are hour. In short, the neuromotor delay time
not sufficient: you need a teleceptive sen- plus the action time determine an effec-
sory system - one that can detect targets tive horizon of reactivity; if you sense things
some distance away from your body with- inside of that horizon, you are powerless; if
out contact. There are several of these, most you sense things outside of the horizon, you
obviously the visual system, but also audi- will at least have time for the most basic of
tory, chemosensory, electrosensory, and the actions. This example gives a sense of the
mechanosensory lateral line, which detects dynamic considerations involved in deter-
flow disturbances in water at a distance. mining how far the sensory volume should
For a given object, the maximal distance extend in the direction of movement. As
at which it can be detected using one of you extend your sensory volume beyond the
these teleceptive systems - as one moves horizon of reactivity, you allow for more
the object in all directions around the body- than simple reactive control strategies, such
forms a surface we will refer to as the sensory as braking or swerving. With a buena vista,
volume (SV). you can look far ahead and execute long-
duration plans such as multiple lane changes
2.2.2 TELECEPTIVE SENSATION prior to an exit. However, note that these
AND CONTROL considerations only apply to less predictable
What determines how far away from the features of the space - a where,
body, and in what directions, the sensory as Haugeland (1998) nicely puts it, "percep-
volume should extend to allow for effective tion is cheap, representation expensive" (p.
control of the body in space? Consider the 219)' In less dynamic contexts, such as long-
following scenario: you are driving along in range navigation, and where perception is
the fog, able to only see a short distance in costly, guiding movement through internal-
front of the car. Suddenly, a huge lumber- ized spatial maps may be more effective.
ing moose appears through the fog, stand- If, for example, that moose on the road in
ing in the roadway. You now have several front of you is actually stuffed, and has been
options: step on the brakes, swerve, run into inconveniently installed in the center of the
the moose, or some combination of these. road, you could eventually learn to avoid
Unfortunately, any action you take will it early on, on the basis of your recognition,
be at least two hundred milliseconds after say, that it is just past the hairpin turn before
the moose-related sensory signals hit your Crazy Bob's Taxidermy and Pedicure. This
retina, because of conduction and processing represents the internalization of space in a
delays between the surface of your retina form that, other than issues of changes in
and the contraction of muscles in your lower the space and the need to localize your posi-
or upper limbs. Now, if you see the moose tion in the space, may be interchangeable
three meters in front of the car, and you with sensation. I will return to this point to
are going fifty kilometers per hour (four- discuss reports that active-sensing animals
teen meters per second), by the time you possess highly accurate spatial maps.
step on the brake, the moose is already Whereas we have the concept of sensing
going through your windshield. If we allow range for discussing how the sensory volume

relates to control, there is no analogous con- in the field are analyzed and used to direct
cept for movement. In control theory, a dis- subsequent behavior. Using the electric field
cipline of engineering, where something can and sensors as a teleceptive active-sensing
move over a given time span is called the system, the fish is able to hunt at night in
"small-time reachable set," and I propose the muddy rivers of the Amazon basin.
that this concept provides a usable motor We quantified the three-dimensional
system analogue to sensing range. To define shape and size of the electric fish's prey
it, we begin with a mechanical system char- SV using a combination of behavioral and
acterized by a set of time-varying control computational techniques that allowed us
inputs (e.g., for a car it could be rear-wheel to estimate when the live prey could be
rotational position and front-wheel steering detected (Snyder et a1., 2007). The omni-
angle). For this mechanical system one can directional SV for prey is shown in Figure
estimate the small-time reachable set to be 26.6. The MV varies as a function of the
the region of space that the mechanical sys- time interval being examined, the fish's ini-
tem can reach over a given time interval tial state, and the control inputs of the
for all feasible control inputs (i.e., inputs fish's musculoskeletal system over the time
that do not exceed the capacity of the sys- interval being considered. Because we do
tem, such as a ninety-degree turning angle not have access to these control inputs, we
or acceleration beyond the power of the estimated the MV empirically by analyz-
engine). The original work in this area con- ing motion capture data of these fish hunt-
cerns reachable sets of a kinematic car (e.g., ing for prey. The strategy we used was to
Vendittelli, Laumond, & Nissoux, 1999), but look at all body displacements that occurred
more recent work treats the computation over a given time interval across multiple
of reachable sets for continuous dynami- trials. We quantified the MV by placing a
cal systems (Mitchell, Bayen, & Tomlin, surface over the maximal displacements in
2°°5), all directions; thus, for each time interval,
With the concept of the small-time we obtained a particular MY. A fascinat-
reachable set, along with the notion of the ing and unexpected finding was that, similar
sensory volume, I can address how the rela- to the SV, the MV is also omnidirectional,
tive sizes of movement and sensing volumes a testament to the remarkable morphology
relate to behavioral control. I will do this and maneuverability of these animals. Figure
in the context of one popular model system 26.6 shows the MV for three different time
for the study of sensory processing in ani- intervals, showing that it becomes larger
mals, the weakly electric fish. and changes shape as the interval increases
from over one hundred to seven hundred
IN WEAKLY ELECTRIC FISH We can now quantify how closely
For studies of the weakly electric fish matched these two spaces are by coming up
Apteronotus albifrons, the black-ghost knife with a convenient measure of this match;
fish, my colleagues and I have applied the we use the intersection of the two volumes
concept of the small-time reachable set divided by their union. When we exam-
(hereafter termed the motor volume, MY) ine this measure versus the time interval of
to determine the extent of the overlap movement, we find that the match is maxi-
between the motor volume and the sensory mal at a time interval of about 432 millisec-
volume for detection and capture of prey onds. The importance of this time interval is
(Snyder, Burdick, Nelson, & MacIver, 2007). that it is close to the sum of the neuromotor
As an object enters the weak electric field delay and stopping times for the fish; it takes
that the fish continually emits, distortions one hundred milliseconds for a detectable
in the electric field are picked up by around signal indicating prey to reach the brain and
fourteen thousand electroreceptors covering produce a behavioral reaction, and another
the entire body surface. These distortions two hundred milliseconds are .required for

f •

117 ms

sensory volume

Figure 26.6. Sensory volume and motor volumes of a weakly

electric fish. The prey SV (for a typical prey, the water flea
Daphnia magna) and MVs of a weakly electric fish as a function
of the indicated movement time. Adapted from Snyder et al.,
( 20 °7)'

the animal to come to a halt from stan- with coming to a stop as an animal's stop-
dard hunting velocities and capture the prey. ping motor volume (MVstop ).
In other words, in an active-sensing animal, When an animal needs to emit sixteen
which has to invest metabolic energy to pro- times more power to double its sensing
duce a sensing field, just enough energy is range, we expect selection pressure against
emitted for the animal to be able to detect making the SV any larger than it needs to be.
the prey far enough out to stop. (Like many Here is where the great advantage of passive-
animals, these electric fish simplify the con- sensing systems, such as vision, becomes
trol problem of engulfing small prey by being apparent: now the only cost associated with
nearly stationary at the point of ingestion.) having a longer sensing range is having
From an analysis of previously published a larger eyeball and associated visual sig-
data on bat prey capture we find evidence nal processing circuitry (Brooke! Hanley, &
of a similar pattern: the echolocation SV Laughlin, 1999; Land & Nilsson! 2002). With
(Figure 26.1a) is close to the MV at the sum the resolution of our high-acuity visual sys-
of the neuromotor delay and the stopping tems, about one-sixtieth of a degree under
time (Snyder et a1.! 2007). For convenience, ideal conditions, we can resolve a thirty-
I will refer to the particular MV associated centimeter-long rabbit at one kilometer - a

distance that takes us more than ten min- low SV:MVstop ratio has little ability to eval-
utes to walk at a good clip and about four uate different trajectories toward or away
minutes at a fast run. At night, and when from the sensed object because of time and
our mechanical abilities are augmented by space constraints. With a large ratio, there
a vehicle, the relationship between our SV will be multiple feasible trajectories to a
and MVstop is not necessarily intuitive: we distant goal. If these different trajectories
are strapping on a massive, fast mechanism vary in their likelihood of success, we would
that expands our MVstop , while operating expect selection pressure to favor animals
with low light levels, which shrinks our that are able to evaluate these different pos-
SV. The two factors combined with our sibilities and then select the one most likely
considerable neuromotor latency result in to lead to success.
surprisingly slow recommended night driv- Returning to the scene of Crazy Bob's
ing speeds from highway safety agencies Taxidermy and Pedicure, it is important to
(less than fifty kilometers per hour when note that the preceding claims about control
using low-beam headlights; U.S. National and planning are qualified by "with respect
Traffic Highway Safety Administration, to something sensed." This is because we
2004). know that the ability to navigate through
foraging areas far larger than the SV and
2.2.4 CONTROL AND PLANNING return home is common among animals,
How does this relate to control and plan- whether they possess short- or long-range
ning? If the ratio of the SV to MVstop is sensing systems. It appears that many ani-
near one (Figure 26.5a), the set of behav- mals develop a cognitive map of the larger
ioral options with respect to something just territory over which they live, and they can
sensed is very small, limited to stopping, index their position in this space either by
turning, and other behaviors that have sim- using local landmarks or through path inte-
ple relationships between sensory input and gration, where current position is estimated
neuromotor output. We refer to these sim- by updating some initially known position
ple behaviors as "reactive" because there with each subsequent movement the ani-
is only time for simple reflexive reactions. mal makes (Hafting, Fyhn, Molden, Moser,
With simple mappings between inputs and & Moser, 2005)' Provided that the features
movement, animals can embed control laws of interest in the space are not significantly
in parts of the nervous system like the spinal altered between visits, it is quite conceivable
cord and hindbrain that feature minimal that such animals could plan to revisit these
processing and conduction delays. As we features while relying only on path integra-
increase the ratio of SV to MVstop , an ani- tion or on sensing of nearby landmarks.
mal has the capacity to examine a larger In this way, a representation of space plus
space beyond that which it will immedi- path integration or localization may be a
ately move several behavioral cycles into the good proxy for sensation. However, there
future, where a behavioral cycle is the neu- are clear differences. Each unit of space con-
romotor delay time plus the time it takes tains potential harms and benefits for a typ-
to perform a simple action like stopping. ical animal. These fall into two categories:
The first consequence is that when targets of those items that are stable enough through
future behavior come into range, the animal time that their presence or absence can be
has many options, and dynamics and neu- internalized into an infrequently updated
romotor delays do not dominate potential map of space, and those items that are not.
response modes (Figure 26'5b). For example, In the former category are things such as
an animal could sequence multiple behav- environmental obstructions, the location of
iors to reach a goal, such as trotting over to home, the level of the tide, where food has
a barrier, jumping over it, and then crouch- been cached for use during the winter, the
ing under an obstruction. An animal with a location of flowering plants, and so forth.

Into the latter category is the present on structures such as the hippocampal
location of predators and prey and cur- formation that appears to be central to spa-
rent weather conditions. Although there are tial cognition (Cohen & Eichenbaum, 1993;
clear advantages to being able to plan over O'Keefe & Nadel, 1978; Hafting et al., 2005).
stable features of the environment, planning An example of this is the seasonal expan-
over the SV is critical for predation and sion and shrinking of related brain struc-
avoiding being preyed on. Because the shift tures in food-caching birds (Krebs, Sherry,
to a mobile-predator lifestyle in the early Healy, Perry, & Vaccarino, 1989; Sherry,
Cambrian (more than five hundred million Vaccarino, Buckenham, & Herz, 1989; Smul-
years ago) likely led to the innovation of the ders, Sasson, & Devoogd, 1995)' The shrink-
vertebrate head and related sensory struc- ing and expansion ofbrain tissue with spatial
tures from headless ancestors (Northcutt & memory load in these animals suggests that
Gans, 1983), any capacity that affects preda- memory can be quite costly (Dukas, 1999)'
tory ability has the potential to be a source of Quantification of this cost would allow us
significant selection pressure on the nervous to assess the trade-off between maintaining
system of animals. a rapidly updated representation of space
It is nonetheless interesting to consider through sensation, with the associated costs
some of the complex relationships among of sensing (Laughlin, 2001), and a slowly
sensing range, rate at which the habitat updated representation that requires path
changes over time, size of foraging area, integration or localization with the associ-
animal speed, and accuracy of landmark- ated costs of spatial memory.
based guidance systems. For example, bats Ultimately, the tipping point between the
appear to prefer linear landmark features effectiveness of single control laws versus
between roost and foraging area (Schnit- planning (be it over internalized space or
zler et al., 2003)' This preference probably through sensing) may have to do with how
facilitates their observed reduced reliance densely occupied space is with behaviorally
on echolocation along bat flyways (preferred relevant contingencies, relative to move-
paths from roost to hunting grounds), as well ment speed and to the size of the MVstop .
as allowing a cruder spatial map (e.g., less This is similar to Levins's (1968) notion of
frequent location updates) than would be environmental grain. Living in a very sparse
necessitated if the bat were to follow a more environment and possessing long-range sens-
fractal landmark structure at their high fly- ing systems, long reaction times, and a large
ing speed. Active sensing animals in general amount ofinertia (being massive andJor fast)
seem to have particularly accurate spatial is similar to living in a cluttered environ-
maps (on electric fish, see Cain, 1995; Cain, ment and having short-range sensing sys-
Gerin, & Moller, 1994; on rodents, see Haft- tems, short reaction times, and low inertia.
ing et al., 2005; O'Keefe & Burgess, 2005; The rain forest is not equivalent to a bar-
on bats, see Schnitzler et al., 2003)' Clearly, ren desert under equal sensory and move-
however, there are many different ways ment conditions, but if the clutter of the
that space can be internalized. For exam- rainforest contracts the SV or the desert
ple, internalization could be as rudimentary increases speed, they could possess similar
as following a trail of chemical laid down planning loads in this framework. In birds,
by a fellow traveler, such as occurs with it has been shown that flight speed increases
ants, or as complicated as the hippocampus- with (body mass)o.167, and visual resolution
dependent distributed spatial-cue binding increases with (flight speed)L33, so larger
found in mammals (Cohen & Eichenbaum, birds with more inertia resolve objects at
1993)' longer times to contact than do smaller birds
A further difference between planning (Brooke et al., 1999)' In bats, prey detection
over sensed space and internalized space is range is matched to the wingbeat interval,
that the latter may place significant demands which in turn has a power law relationship

to body mass and flight speed (Holderied & hive. Given these considerations, compar-
von Helversen, 2003). ing nonhuman primates, which as a group
have larger eyes than other mammals (Ross,
2.2.5 PUITING BUENA VISTA TO THE TEST 2000), to other vertebrates may be more
To test the Buena Vista Sensing Club informative. Along these lines, it is known
hypothesis, ideally we would start with that mammals (which appear to make up
behavioral correlates of planning in a wide the bulk of the members of the Buena
range of animals and relate them to their Vista Sensing Club) have greatly increased
sensory and motor capacities. Unfortu- the complexity of the forebrain over
nately, adequate behavioral data on planning other vertebrates (Figure 26.7; Striedter,
behavior are not available. Quantitative data 2005)'
on the motor and sensing spaces of a vast One further point should be made to but-
array of animals other than more modern tress the Buena Vista Sensing Club against
vertebrates are also lacking. Cognitive neu- complaints from members of the Mala Vista
roscientists, however, have been investigat- Sensing Club - all those animals with puny
ing the neural locus of planning in humans sensing ranges. They could argue that if any-
for some time. Thus, in lieu of the missing one should have been pressured into having
behavioral data, we will consider some of an ability to plan, it should have been them,
this evidence. because they would benefit even more from
In humans, cognitive neuroscience has this ability than a Buena Vistite. There are
shown that the prefrontal cortex is impor- three primary ways in which selection pres-
tant for planning (Damasio, 1985). Within sure to plan can be manifested. One is to
primates, we know that humans have nearly evolve long-range sensing abilities, thus join-
doubled the volume of Brodmann's area 10, ing the Buena Vista Sensing Club. Another
a prefrontal cortical area considered impor- is through symbol use, such as language or
tant for planning, over the closest nonhuman waggle dances. The third is through an inter-
primate (Semendeferi, Armstrong, Schle- nal map plus path integration to determine
icher, Zilles, & van Hoesen, 2001), whereas where one is in that map, as discussed above.
human visual acuity is not significantly bet- The first, joining the Buena Vista Sensing
ter than that of other primates (Ross, 2000). Club, is inapplicable, as we are address-
This may be an exception to the Buena ing members of the Mala Vista Club. We
Vista Sensing Club hypothesis. However, will not consider the second, as symbolic
the ability to plan without the help of sym- approaches are rare. The third approach
bolic methods such as language may have is possible, but we return to our previous
reached saturation in early primates. It is point, that a capacity to plan over internal-
possible that with language and other sym- ized space will not help with predation and
bol systems, hominids took planning to a avoiding being preyed on, both of which are
new level. Although language is thought to significant sources of selection pressure on
be a more recent innovation than is com- the nervous system. Whether other sources
patible with increased frontal lobe volume, of selection pressure are sufficient to lead to
given recent evidence concerning the audi- planning is unclear. The presence of accu-
tory capacity of early hominids, language use rate spatial maps, and perhaps planning, in
may be quite ancient (Martinez et a1., 2004)' active-sensing animals would seem to sug-
Symbolic approaches can effectively extend gest the answer is yes. However, two of
a perceptual system to encompass an in- the active-sensing modalities, echolocation
definite amount of space for planning and electrolocation, are in animals that have
through the reports from fellow symbol relatively recent, non-active-sensing ances-
users; one example of this is the bee's waggle tors. The ability to internalize large maps
dance, which allows individual bees to com- may be a holdover from long-range passive
municate the location and richness of a for- sensing habits and the exploitation of corre-
aging patch far beyond the SV of bees at the spondingly large foraging areas .- an echo of

Hagrishes Sharks Polyplerus lungfishes Frogs Birds

lampreys Rays Teleosts Salamanders Reptiles Mammals

Figure 26'7' Toward a comparative biology of planning.

Phylogenetic tree depicting the relationships of major vertebrate
groups. Numbers across the top indicate the number of cell groups
experts have described in the forebrains of representative species.
The symbols indicate approximately where forebrain complexity is
likely to have increased (squares) or decreased (circles). Modified
with permission from Striedter (2005).

an condition when perception was are encapsulated in the animal at a host

cheaper. of levels from structural tissues to neural
responses, according to the temporal band-
width of these regularities and associated
3. Conclusion energy trade-offs. For the second step, I elu-
cidated how work on one model system in
I began with a precis of how neuroethology neuroethology, the weakly electric fish, may
navigates the sometimes contested realm of give insight into relationships among con-
its own externalist and internalist leanings. trol, planning, and the ratio between the SV
In excising a piece of the world with an ani- and MV5top . I put forth the hypothesis that
mal and coupling these together in closed- sensing beyond the MVstop may be central to
loop apparatuses, neuroethology recognizes the evolution of planning. If true, the Buena
the unity of the external and internal in Vista Sensing Club hypothesis naturalizes a
adaptive behavior. The virtual world exam- formerly largely human faculty in a way that
ples also show that in some cases we under- makes it approachable in more experimen-
stand the relevant external factors needed to tally accessible animals.
elicit natural behaviors, whereas the neural Adams and Aizawa (this volume) raise
and biomechanical underpinnings of these the issue of the motivation for an exter-
behaviors are still largely not understood; nalist redefinition of cognition. As part of
this in some measure supports an internalist the effort to understand the intelligence
bias in effort if not in philosophy. of nonhuman animals, for neuroetholo-
As the first of two steps from neu- gists the redefinition is driven by pragmatic
roethology to situated cognition, I showed needs. Craniocentrism simply does not
how present research on situated nervous work for understanding the kinds of quite
systems within neuroethology is indicating sophisticated behaviors that neuroetholo-
the important computational role of non- gists are working on. As suggested by the
neuronal sensory and mechanical structures three virtual-world examples, the instances
in supporting adaptive behavior. Regular- of morphological computation, and the
ities in the world at multiple timescales relationships among behavioral control,

sensing, and mechanics I have discussed, sciousness, was only necessary once percep-
they arise out of a tight interplay of body, tual systems delivered choices at such a dis-
brain, and environment, with deep ties to tance that reactive (nonconscious) control
an animal's environment and evolutionary schemes for action were no longer advanta-
history. geous. The lead-up to consciousness could
I will end with some points about the therefore have been a gift of space wrought
implications of the Buena Vista Sensing by passive teleceptive sensation in a niche
Club hypothesis as it relates to extended where such acuity paid fitness dividends.
mind issues and consciousness. In Clark and The need to sequence behaviors over this
Chalmers's (1998) paper on the extended space would then have given rise to execu-
mind, they give the example of Otto the tive control structures in the brain, including
Alzheimer's patient and Inga - whose mem- working memory and attention, for carrying
ory is unimpaired - determining the address out these sequences, in a case study of how
of a museum. They argue that the address of "it is not the animal's brain that organizes its
the museum in Otto's address book, always world, but the evolutionary ecology of the
with him, is functionally identical to Inga's animal that organizes its brain/l (Reed, 1996,
(nonoccurrent) belief that the museum has p.69)·
some particular address. I would argue that Neuroethology, with its comparative
the realm of readily interrogable space deliv- approach and close attention to evolu-
ered by a long-range teleceptive sensory tionary, ecological, behavioral, and neural
system can be equivalently thought of as aspects of animal life, may at first seem an
an extended belief system; there as well, unlikely contributor to the field of situated
all potential subjects of perceptual fixation cognition. However, as I hope the preceding
have the status of some type of belief in the examples have suggested, it is well poised to
extended cognitive system. The idea of the push forward our understanding of how sim-
environment serving as an external memory ple and direct behavioral responses to sen-
story has been around since the 1970s, begin- sory input can give way to abilities we more
ning with Dreyfus's work and later nicely readily recognize as cognitive.
encapsulated by Brooks in his "let the world
be its own bestmodel/l (see Noe, 2004, p. 234,
m4). Specific proposals as to how percep- Acknowledgments
tual fixation via long-range sensing systems is
important to cognition have been put forth I thank Andy Barto, Heather Eisthen, Kevin
by Dana Ballard and colleagues (Ballard Lynch, Mark Nelson, and Rob Wilson for com-
et al., 1997)' The need for members of the ments on earlier drafts, and Michael Dickinson,
Buena Vista Sensing Club to manipulate this Mike Paulin, and Georg Striedter for useful dis-
extended information space (LaValle, 2006) cussions. Thanks to Rolf Miieller for images ofbat
of beliefs to achieve distant goals would have pinnae from microcomputed tomography. This
work was supported by National Science Foun-
gone quite beyond the capacity of reactive
dation Grant No. IOB-oSI7683.
control strategies.
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