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I made this unit to study earthquakes and tsunamis with

my 6th grade son after the horrendous disaster in Japan. This unit can
easily be used with a variety of grade levels, approximately 3-8th grade. Due
to his learning style and the fact that we really like them, we use Brainpop
videos for a lot of our science, but the information needed to complete the
activities and foldables in this unit can be found in a variety of online and
print resources. So feel free to substitute other resources whenever a
Brainpop activity is called for.

1. ½atch Brainpop video about earthquakes (currently free), then take and
print quiz and store in lapbook pocket ²
a. Two other interesting video sources are:
i. Bill Nye - http://www.gamequarium.org/cgi-
bin/search/linfo.cgi?id=7713 (3 segments)
ii. Newton·s Apple -
b. Or read http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/kids/eqscience.php
2. Complete Seismic ½aves foldable by filling in a description and
illustration of each type of wave(design your own cover) and attach to
lapbook, using a tri-fold
3. Conduct slinky experiment ² photograph and add photos and a
descriptive label to lapbook: directions are at
4. Review basic classifications of faults at
/2 or http://www.tinynet.com/faults.html, then complete Basic Faults
foldable by briefly describing each type of fault) and attach to lapbook ²
(foldable should be folded in half horizontally and then tabs are cut on
dotted lines, so they can be lifted up to reveal the description)
5. Conduct box/sand experiment they show in Bill Nye segment 1 ²
photograph and add photos and a descriptive label to lapbook -
6. Conduct liquefaction experiment ² photograph and add photos and a
descriptive label to lapbook: directions are at
7. Do earthquake interactive -
8. Make a copy of the Modified Mercalli Scale & The Richter Scale and
attach to lapbook using a quad fold -
9. ½atch Brainpop video about tsunami (currently free), then take and print
quiz and store in pocket ²
a. Other good video sources²
i. Tsunami 101 at
ii. Street level view of tsunami video -
10. Complete Anatomy of a tsunami interactive
11. Completea Tsunami Timeline foldable - then attach to lapbook
12. Do creative writing assignment and store in pocket
13. Create an earthquake preparedness check list and attach to lapbook,
using a quad fold ² check if your emergency backpack is properly
14. Design a cover for your lapbook



Pretend that you live in Tokyo. Write three paragraphs. The first
paragraph should be written in the past tense and take place March 11,
2011, the day before the big earthquake and tsunami. The second
paragraph should be written in the present tense and take place on the
day of the earthquake. The third paragraph should be written in the
future tense and refer to a day that occurs sometime after the








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