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Emotionomics, Anyone?

Back when I was running PlanetFeedback.com, I conducted a fascinating study with an

active panel of consumers from the site.

I exposed panelists to a series of company feedback forms and simply asked: If this
feedback form were a person, what type of person would it be? Panelists could choose
from a list of individuals and occupations.

The vast majority of consumers would choose "government bureaucrat." Very few
selected the more ideal "hotel concierge" option.

When probed, consumers noted most feedback interfaces did little to emotionally connect
or bond with them. They didn't feel important, valued, or respected. Put another way, the
bureaucrat personality perfectly fit the bill.

The rub is that in the eyes of so many CRM (define) experts, such an interface would be
deemed efficient or ROI (define) driven or -- dare I forget? -- scalable.

Do Emotional Connections Matter?

Now that we're in the new era of consumer control, it's a good time to rekindle discussion
of the role of emotion in marketing. If we don't get a handle on consumers' emotional
needs and wants, our brands are at risk.

Dan Hill, president of Sensory Logic, a Minneapolis-based research consultancy

specializing in sensory-emotive strategies, just published a new book, "Emotionomics:
Winning Hearts and Minds."

Billing itself as a "practical guide to understanding the emotional dynamics that

determine a company's sales and productivity," the book is a good read, covering lots of
ground, perhaps too much ground for such a complex subject. But it has everything to do
with today's marketing world.

Feelings matter, Hill insists. More important, what people say doesn't always align with
how they feel or what they ultimately do. He calls this the "say/feel gap." Marketers,
therefore, need new models for accurately metering emotions. Hill argues that "making a
sensory-emotional connection through superior creativity and empathy becomes the key
to winning over the audiences on which profitability extends."

Facial coding, or measuring consumers based on the visible emotions they express, is one
important measurement building block.

Lest your own facial reactions be confused frustration, let's get this down to Hill's five
reasons why emotions matter:
 Consumers feel before they think, and "feelings happen fast."

 Emotions are more immediate and act as a gatekeeper, such as to ads.

 Believability "is based on a gut feeling."

 Emotional connections help "jump over the fear of being sold to, which is rampant in
today's skeptical marketplace."

 Emotional connections lay the ground work for loyalty.

The last two points are critical, and we've hit on them many times in this column.
Consumers have little trust in advertising. They're skeptical about new ad models. If they
had their way, "do not call" would extend across all ad platforms.

"Being on-emotion," Hill writes, "means your advertising is more likely to be seen, read,
believed, remembered...When emotions get tapped, the ensuing relationship between a
company and that customer acts as a barrier to conquest by competitors because loyalty is
a feeling."

As for CMOs' role, Hill insists they identify which emotions "they're most eager to
inspire in the target market and which they're most eager to dispel." To facilitate that
exercise, he's identified six core emotions that "transcend culture, affecting every
consumer in an age of global commerce," drawing from a host of existing research.
Those emotions are surprise, anger, disgust, sadness, fear, and happiness.

The Importance Customer Service

Of all marketing media, Hill writes that nothing else is "more emotional for the consumer
and more dangerous for the company" than customer service. What's really at stake "is a
customer's self-worth." He's right on the mark.

This point is reinforced in the CGM (define) space through the millions of consumer
comments flowing directly from bad consumer experiences. Just consider the letter
posted last week to PlanetFeedback in which the writer notes that she "will be posting
each and every week for the rest of my life about the horrible experience I had with
HERTZ...I'm going to tell everyone I know how heartless and deceitful you are." In the
age of consumer empowerment, such emotions are flowing millions of times a day.

Hill does a good job outlining the critical connections between customer service and
consumer emotion, but he misses key opportunities to prescribe more immediate,
concrete actions marketers can take to improve the current mess.

For example, improving the horrendous government bureaucrat contact-us listening

interface is a tangible, low-hanging fruit opportunity for brands to drive more
meaningful, empathetic, and emotional connections with brands. That, too, is an
advertising moment. Every agency person should be redistributing his skills to this rare
inflection point of engaged consumer attention (i.e., the desire to be heard). I'm not even
sure brands are making basic connection between being heard and unfulfilled emotions.

The Bureaucrat or the Concierge?

Simple metaphors may be our best hope for figuring this out. The feedback interface that
conveys the personality of hotel concierge makes you feel better. It bonds you to the
brand and encourages you to ask more questions and engage at a deeper level. It validates
your self-worth.

This revised edition of Emotionomics by bestselling author Dan Hill will help you to
understand emotions in terms of business opportunities - both in the marketplace and in
the workplace. For far too long, emotions have been ignored in favour of rationality and
efficiency, but breakthroughs in brain science have revealed that people are primarily
emotional decision-makers. Many companies have not yet accepted that fact, much less
acted on it.

In today�s highly competitive marketplace where many products look alike, it is the
emotional benefit that can make the difference. Emotionomics will help you to step closer
to customers and employees, but step ahead of your competitors.

With a foreword from Sam Simon, co-creator of The Simpsons, Emotionomics is an

indispensible guide to ensuring that your business is reaching its full potential.

About the Author: Dan Hill is a recognised authority on the role of emotions in consumer
and employee behaviour. He is the founder and president of Sensory Logic - a research-
based consultancy that specialises in gauging and helping to enhance companies�
sensory-emotional connection with consumers. Dan has appeared on CNN, Fox and
MSNBC and is a frequent speaker at business conventions across the globe and the
author of About Face, published by Kogan Page.

CGM & Emotion: Emotionomics, Anyone?

This morning in ClickZ I tackle the issue of brand emotion (Emotionomics, Anyone!)
Importantly, I offer a quick and easily digestible recap of a very important new book by
Don Hill entitled "Emotionomics." Billing itself as a "practical guide to understanding
the emotional dynamics that determine a company's sales and productivity," the book is a
very good, if not essential, read. I write:

Feelings matter, Hill insists. More important, what people say doesn't always align
with how they feel or what they ultimately do. He calls this the "say/feel gap."
Marketers, therefore, need new models for accurately metering emotions. Hill argues
that "making a sensory-emotional connection through superior creativity and empathy
becomes the key to winning over the audiences on which profitability extends."
As for CMOs' role, Hill insists they identify which emotions "they're most eager to
inspire in the target market and which they're most eager to dispel." To facilitate that
exercise, he's identified six core emotions that "transcend culture, affecting every
consumer in an age of global commerce," drawing from a host of existing research.
Those emotions are surprise, anger, disgust, sadness, fear, and happiness.

Customer Service & Emotion: Of all marketing media, Hill writes that
nothing else is "more emotional for the consumer and more dangerous for the company"
than customer service. What's really at stake "is a customer's self-worth." Here he's right
on the mark. This point is reinforced in the CGM space through the millions of consumer
comments flowing directly from bad consumer experiences. Just consider the letter
posted last week to PlanetFeedback in which the writer notes that she "will be posting
each and every week for the rest of my life about the horrible experience I had with
HERTZ...I'm going to tell everyone I know how heartless and deceitful you are." Again,
here's a link to the article. Here's some background on Dan Hill. Lastly, here's a related
article I wrote for ClickZ entitled "Tis the Season of Brand Emotion."

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