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Take home Final Exam IHWAN GHAZALI ST.
Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)

Queue is a normal occurrence that is found in everyday life, such as people queue
in front of ticket counters at a show, eat at home, in the supermarket cashier, bank, and
others. In manufacturing, the queue is often the case, for example, when the raw materials
must be queued to enter the factory floor or half-finished goods must be queued to enter
the production process further. Queue can be seen in the other traffic light, cars queue for
incoming ships in the harbor, truck-haul trucks that are waiting, and others. People or
goods (hereinafter referred customer) generally must be queued to get a "service" because
of the limited service facilities.
In fact, often must be queued customer too long, so spend the time and "cost of
waiting". Not rare among them choose to go out because the system would not queued
too long. To avoid this the number of service facilities (server) may be. However, the
amount is too much also raises a new problem, namely the cost of the procurement
server. Not to mention the risk delay servers on hours customer a certain amount of time
a little, while the cost for the server continues to exist. Therefore, the model required a
queue system, where the model is expected to be designed a queuing system a more
efficient, especially in terms of cost. Destination queue is a basic model to minimize costs
include direct costs and the cost of providing a server that does not directly arise because
customer have to wait to be serviced.

2. Basic Model Structure Queue

In analyzing the queue, the three main components, namely:
a. Arrival or input system
b. The Queue
c. Service facilities
The three components are illustrated in the image below:
Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)



The sistem can be describe like this follow :

Qin : rate of customer entry to the restaurant (people/min)

Qserved : rate of served customer (people/min)
Qout : rate of unsatisfy customer (people/min)
Coperator : Operator capability to serve customer (people/meter)
Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)

L : length of queue (meter)

T : time (min)
NQueue : people queueing (people)
: density of queue (people/ meter)
K : constant of unsatisfied consumer walkout per length of queue (people/ meter)

Base Equation:
• • • • •
∑m acc = ∑ m in − ∑ m out + ∑ m gen − ∑ m dis

In this case the gnereation side is not avaible because no genereation in queue
Qserving = Qin − Qserved − QW .O.

C operator = Qin − Q served − QW .O. ; QW .O . = KL
C operator = Qin − Qserved − KL
dL (Qin − Qserved − KL )
dt C operator

dL K Q Qin
+ L + served =
dt C operator C operator C operator

Assumtion that the capability of operator is constant

Where: ρ = , Then L =
L ρ

d  N QUEUE  K N QUEUE Qserved Qin

  + + =
dt  ρ  C operator ρ C operator C operator


dN QUEUE K ρQserved ρQin

+ N QUEUE + =
dt C operator C operator C operator
Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)
Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)

to know about kind of graphical from the equation, I use some treatment of arrival :
1. Random Arrival
2. Sinous Arrival
3. Ramp Arrival
4. Pulse Arrival

Random Quantity (Qin)

Random Model

A number of arrival
A number Of Arrival

A number Of served


Its mean that the arrival is used radom Quantity.

Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)


Anumber of arrival
A number Of Arrival

A number Of served



Anumber of arrival

A number Of served
A number Of Arrival


Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)

Anumber of arrival

A number Of served
A number Of Arrival

Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)

Example case solve Using By Arena

1. Observation of time arrival of costumer
From The observation of time in operator in indomaret glagahsari can be taken like data :
Tabel 1. Data waktu antar kedatangan Cutomer
Interval Arrival Observation
(minute) frequency
0 10
1 20
2 30
3 30
4 20
5 10
Sum 120

Furthermore can be made interval of random number to make time between arrival of
customer .
2. Observation time Service
From the observation can be taken the time of data service and interval number of
random as follow :
Tabel 1. Data waktu Pelayanan

Time of observation
service frequency

1 10
2 30
3 20
4 30
5 20
6 10
Sum 120
Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)

Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)

Fitting data (arrival)

Distribution Summary

Distribution: Beta
Expression: -0.5 + 6 * BETA(2.22, 2.15)
Square Error: 0.001423

Chi Square Test

Number of intervals = 4
Degrees of freedom = 1
Test Statistic = 0.516
Corresponding p-value = 0.482

Data Summary

Number of Data Points = 120

Min Data Value =0
Max Data Value =5
Sample Mean = 2.5
Sample Std Dev = 1.39

Histogram Summary

Histogram Range = -0.5 to 5.5

Number of Intervals = 6
Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)


Distribution Summary

Distribution: Beta
Expression: 0.5 + 6 * BETA(0.158, 0.167)
Square Error: 0.008207

Chi Square Test

Number of intervals = 5
Degrees of freedom = 2
Test Statistic = 2.6
Corresponding p-value = 0.282

Data Summary

Number of Data Points = 60

Min Data Value =1
Max Data Value =6
Sample Mean = 3.42
Sample Std Dev = 1.45

Histogram Summary

Histogram Range = 0.5 to 6.5

Number of Intervals = 6
Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)

10:05:03PM Queues March 15 2009

Unnamed Project Replications: 1

Replication 1 Start Time: 0.00 Stop Time: 480.00 Time Units: Minutes

Queue Detail Summary


Waiting Time
Server 1.Queue 5.99


Number Waiting
Server 1.Queue 12.62

Model Filename: M odel1 Page 1 of 2

Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)

10:03:32PM Category by Replication March 15,2009

Replications: 1
Unnamed Project

Replication 1 Start Time: 0.00 Stop Time: 480.00 Time Units: Minutes


VA Time Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Entity 1 0.4790 (Correlated) 0.00000024 1.0000

NVA Time Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Entity 1 0 0.000000000 0 0

Wait Time Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Entity 1 5.9773 (Correlated) 0 22.7014

Transfer Time Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Entity 1 0 0.000000000 0 0

Other Time Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Entity 1 0 0.000000000 0 0

Total Time Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Entity 1 6.4563 (Correlated) 0.00026611 23.1193

Number In Value

Entity 1 983

Number Out Value

Entity 1 940

WIP Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Entity 1 13.5617 (Correlated) 0 50.0000



Model Filename: Model1 Page 1 of 3

Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)

10:03:32PM March 15, 2009

Replications: 1
Unnamed Project

Replication 1 Start Time: 0.00 Stop Time: 480.00 Time Units: Minutes


Waiting Time Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Server 1.Queue 5.9935 (Correlated) 0 22.7014

Number Waiting Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Server 1.Queue 12.6233 (Correlated) 0 49.0000


Instantaneous Utilization Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Resource 1 0.9384 (Correlated) 0 1.0000

Number Busy Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Resource 1 0.9384 (Correlated) 0 1.0000

Number Scheduled Average Half Width Minimum Maximum

Resource 1 1.0000 (Insufficient) 1.0000 1.0000

Scheduled Utilization Value

Resource 1 0.9384

Total Number Seized Value

Resource 1 941.00


Number Out Value

System 940

Model Filename: Model1 Page 2 of 3

Ihwan Ghazali (Joint Program Class UGM ITB Uka German)

By using the arena we can know about productivity between customer and trader. Like ( waiting
time of operator.


1. In this model have two kinds to solve the model. the first one is using the Matlab. This
software is used to solve the calculation of equation like the above. In queue model the
input of the system is a number of arrival and the process is service by server and the
output is a number has be served.

And the final equation is

dN QUEUE K ρQserved ρQin

+ N QUEUE + =
dt C operator C operator C operator

We can treath the input (Qin) to change suitable with real condition.(random , ramp, ,
2. The second model is used Arena Software.
In this soft ware like the example, we can calculate the real time of process, queue time
(server, and arrival). The distribution can be seen in the fitting the data.

Suggestion :
The process may be have to pay attention more carefully, if the system have a queue, it
mean that have the problem of the system. So we have to decide how the optimal of
operator in the system. It can be influent for efficiency system, but the manager have to
know that if we add the operator it mean that the company have additional cost again. By
using the modeling system of queue, we can determine how the require of operator in the
system (Optimal Operator). The best answer to solve the queue, i

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