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Ultrasound Produced by a
to Conventional Therapeutic Ultrasound
Unit Accelerates Fracture Repair
Background and Purpose. A recent novel appliciition of ultrasotind therapy is
the treatment of bone fractures. The aim of this study was to investigate the
effect on fracture repair of ultrasound produced by a conventional tlieraptni-
tic ultrasound luiit as used by physical therapists. Subjects and Methods.
Bilateral midshaft femur fractures were created in 30 adult male Long-Evans
rats. Ultrasound therapy was commenced on the first day after fracture and
introduced 5 days a week (or 20 minutes a day. Each animal was treated
unilaterally with active ultrasound and contralaterally with inactive ultra-
sound. Active ultrasound involved a 2-millisecond hurst of 1.0-MHz sine waves
repeating at 100 Hz. The spatially averaged, temporally averaged intensity was
set at 0.1 W/cm^. Animals were killed at 25 and 40 days after fracture
induction, and the fractures were assessed for hone mass and strength. Results.
There were no differences between fractures treated with active ultrasound
and fractures treated with inactive ultrasound at 25 days. However, at 40 days,
active ultrasound-treated fractures had 16.9% greater bone mineral content at
the fracture site than inactive ultrasound-treated fractures. This change
resulted in a 25.8% increase in bone size, as opposed to an increase in bone
density, and contributed to active ultrasound-treated fractures having 81.3%
greater mechanical strength than inactive ultrasound-treated fractures, Dis-
cussion and Conclusion. These data indicate that ultrasound produced by a
conventional therapeutic ultrasound unit as traditionally used by physical
therapists may be used to facilitate fracture repair. However, careful interpre-
tation of this controlled laboratoiT study is warranted until its findings are
confirmed by clinical trials. [Warden SJ, Fuchs RK, Kessler CK, etal. Ultra-
sound produced hy a conventional therapeutic ultrasound unit accelerates
fracture repair. Phys Ther. 2006;86:l 118-1127.]

K e y W o r d s : Animal, Bone, Fractures, Models, Musculosheletal diseases, Orth(>f)edic equipment, Oiihoj)edic

procedures, Physical therapy techniques. Skeleton, Sports medicine.

Stuart J Warden, Robyn K Fuchs, Chris K Kessler, Keith G Avin, Ryan E Cardinal, Rena L Stewart

1118 Physical Therapy . Volume 86 , Number 8 , August 2006

ltrasound is a form of acoustic energy (sound) interfacial effects at the bone surface resulting from

U that possesses a frequency above the limit

detectahle hy the hiunan ear. It has been used
therapeutically for more than half a centuiy
and currently is one of the most widely and frequently
used electro therapeutic modalities applied by physical
bone ha\ing a high absorption coefficient, a high rela-
tive acoustic impedance, and an ability to propagate
shear waves.'" When doses at the high end of the
therapeutic range are used, these effects can generate
considerable tissue damage attributable to heating and
therapists.' However, its full therapeutic potential is far inertial cavitadon effects."-^^ To achieve clinically sig-
from established, with new applications being added nificant improvements during fracture repair, without
regularly to its repertoire.'' One recent novel application the risk for tissue damage, the ultrasound dose has been
is in the treatment of bone fractures.-'*'* changed substantially from that traditionally introduced
in physical therapist clinical practice. Clinically, ultra-
Fracture repair involves a complex cascade of cellular sound is introduced at an intensity commonly in the
events incorporating appropriate cellular recruitment, range of 0.5 to 2.0 W/cm'"^.' In comparison, in investi-
timed genetic expression, and the sequenced synthesis gations into the therapeutic effect of ultrasound on
of numerous compounds. Although it is considered to bone, low-intensity pulsed ultrasoimd (LIPUS) has been
be a naturally optimized process, recent evidence has used. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound is pulsed-wave
demonstrated that fracture repair can he infiuenced by ultrasound with a spatially averaged, temporally aver-
ultrasound to occtxr more rapidly without compro- aged intensity of iess than 0.1 W/cm^.'' With LIPUS,
mising the final tissue-level outcome."^-^ The application heat generation at the soft tissue-bone interface has
of ultrasound in animal fracture models accelerated been shown both theoretically'^ and experimentally'' to
the return to mechanical strength of intact bone by 30% he insignificant (<1.0°C). Similarly, the risk for tissue-
to ;18%.'^ Similarly, in well-designed clinical trials, damaging inertial cavitation is negligible.'*
ultrasound accelerated the rate of fracture repair in
the tibia, radius, and scaphoid by 30% to 38%.*^-^ By Although LIPUS has been found to be effective in the
pooling of the clinical trial data, a weighted average management of bone fractures, to date the clinical utility
effect size was calculated to be 6.41 (95% confidence of this finding in physical therapy is limited. Special-
inten^al [CI] =0.01-11.81); this value converts into a mean ized ultrasound units (Exogen 2000+*) have been de-
improvement in healing time of 64 days with ultrasound.^ veloped for the treatment of fractured hone. Although
these units are highly efficacious,"'-'^ their cost is prohib-
The results of studies of the effect of ultrasound on itive because the units are leased on a patient-to-patient
fractured bone are interesting from the perspective basis rather than purchased by individual clinics. Despite
that physical therapists tradidonally have been in- the benefits observed with LIPUS, the high cost of the
structed to avoid the application of ultrasonic energy to
bone. When ultrasound is applied to bone, there is an
inherent risk of tissue damage. Ultrasound has selective * Smith & Ncphfw, Orthopaedic Division, 14.W Brooks Rd, Memphis. TN 381 !fi.

SJ Warden, PT, PhD, is Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy and Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Indiana University, 1140
W Michigan St, CF-326, Indianapolis, IN 46202 (USA). Addres.s all correspondence to Dr Warden at: stwarden@iupui,edti.

RK Fuchs. PhD, is A.ssistant Research Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Indiana University.

CK Kessler, BS, is Research Assistant. Department of Physical Therapy, Indiana University, He was completing his MD studies at the Indiana
University School of Medicine at the lime of this study.

KG Avin, PT. DPT, is Research Assistant, Department of Physical Therapy, Indiana University. He was completing his DPT studies at ihe time of
this study.

RE Cardinal, PT, DPT, is Research A.s.sistant, Department of Physical Therapy, Indiana University. He was completing his DPT studies al the lime
of this study.

RL Stewart, MD, FRCS(C), is Director of Orthopaedic Trauma, Wishard Health Services, and Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Indiana
University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Ind,

All authors provided concept/idea/research design, data collection, and con.sultation (including review of manuscript hefore submission). Dr
Warden, Dr Fuchs, and Dr Stewart provided writing. Dr Warden provided data analysis, project management, and fund procurement.

All procedures were performed with prior approval of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Indiana University.

Thk article was received November 16. 2005, and was accefjted Ff-bruary 15, 2006.

Physical Therapy . Volume 86 , Number 8 . August 2006 Warden et al , 1 119

specialized ultrasotind units has led some authors'" to tip was flush with the cartilage. The patella was relocated
question whether conventional therapeutic ultrasound and stabilized with an absorbable suture, and absorbable
units could be used by physical therapists to accelerate sutures were tised to close the intermuscular septum and
fracture repair. At the lower-intensity settings on these skin incision. Tbe procedure was repeated on the con-
units, it is possible to produce a dose comparable to tbat tralateral side to create bilateral fractures.
sbown to be effective dining fracture repair witb the
specialized units. Ultrasound Intervention
Ultrasound therapy commenced on the first day after
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fracture induction. This starting time point is consistent
LIPUS produced by a conventional therapeutic ultra- with previous studies'^ '•'-'" and tbe belief tbat ultrasound
sound unit on fracture repair in an animal model. We influences early cellular processes immediately after
bypothesi/ed tbat LIHUS would facilitate fiacture repair, bone injury.'-'^'" Each animal was treated unilaterally
as evidenced by more bone mineral at tbe fracture site with active LIPUS and contialaterally witb inactive
and a stronger fracture calltis at selected time points LIPUS (placebo). For intervention, animals were anes-
during healing. thetized with inhalation of 3% isoflurane^^ at 1.5 L/min
in a plastic container and then with 1.5% isofluorane at
Method 1.5 L/min via a face mask (for maintenance of anesthe-
sia). Active LIPUS was produced with an Accusonic
Animals LIPUS GS 170 ultrasound unit/^ which produces a
Thirty adult male Long-Evans rats {weight=350-400 g) 2-miilisecond burst of 1.0-MHz sine waves repeating at
were purchased^ and acclimated for 1 week before 100 Hz. The spatially averaged, temporally averaged
experimentation. Animals had ad libitum access to stan- intensity on tbis unit is set at 0.1 W/cm'"', which repre-
dard rat cbow and water at all times. sents the average ultrasound output over the area of tbe
ultrasound beam {spatial average) and tbe average of
Fracture Induction tbis intensity over a cotnplcte pulse cycle (ultrasound
All animals underwent snrger\' upon entry into the studv "on" and "off" periods; temporal average). Tbe manu-
to create bilateral midshaft femur fractures. The fur was facturer reported that tbe transducer bad an effective
clipped and cleaned with alternating chlorhexidine radiating area of 5 cm^ and a beam nonuniformity ratio
and 70% ethanol scrubs. After a preoperative stibcuta- of less than 6.0. Ultrasound unit performance was con-
neous dose of btiprenorpbine bydrochloride analgesia^ firmed at weekly intervals witb a power meter (UPM-DT-
(0.05 mg/kg), surgical anesthesia was achieved with a 1^^). Active LIPUS and inactive LIPUS were coupled
mixture of ketamine^ {60-80 mg/kg) and xylazine^ with the skin by use of ultrasound gel (Aquasonic lOO""
{7.5 mg/kg) introduced intraperitoneally. With a sterile and introduced 5 d/wk for 20 min/d by use of a
technique, a 25-mm longitudinal incision was made over stationaiy treatment head. The fur was clipped at weekly
the lateral thigh, beginningjtist distal to the lateral knee intenals to facilitate ultrasound propagation. The
joint and extending proximally. The intermuscular sep- LIPUS parameters and treatment time were cliosen on
tum between the vastus lateralis and the hamstring the basis of those shown to be beneficial during the
muscles was divided by blunt dissection to localize the healing of tissue injuries (reviewed by Warden''').
femur. The lateral structures stabilizing the patella were
divided, and the patella was manually dislocated medi- Assessment Time Points
ally. Tbe femur was fractured at its midsbaft by means of
a transverse osteotomy with a Dreniel drill" having an All animals were evaluated intraoperatively and 1 week
attached diamond-embedded wafer blade (Super Flex postoperatively to assess tbe rotatoiy stability of the
Diamond Disc*). To stabilize the fracture, a l.(>mm- fractures. Animals with a fracture tbat was rotationally
diameter stainless steel K-wire** was in.serted retrograde tmstable at postoperative week I, indicating inadequate
into the intiamedullaiy canal, beginning in the knee fracture site fixation, were excluded from tbe study. All
between tbe femoral condyles and exiting the greater other animals were killed at 25 and 40 days after fracture
trochanter. The pin was cut as clcse as possible to tbe induction by inhalation of anesthetic gases followed by
knee artictilar cartilage and driven proximally so that the cemcal dislocation. Animals in tbe 25- and 40-day
groups received 16 and 27 LIPUS treatments, respec-
tively. After death, the left and right femurs were har-

' Harlan .Spiasin--r)awlcy lm\ Pt) Biix 2917fi, [iidiatmpulis, IN 46229,

' Rcckitt Belli ki,'ic-r PhMrTiiaccmicals LiiJ, Inc, 10710 Midlotliian Tiinipikf, Stiiu
430, Ritliiiniiid. VA ^-lasr.. ^^ Abbott I .iihoraiorics. 100 Abbott Park Rtl, Abbott Park. TL fiOO64.
^ Foit Dwigc Aiiinial Health, HOII .5ih Si NW. Fun Dodge, L\ .50301, ^^ Mflron Medical .Xiwralia Ply Ltd. PO Bo\ 21 tifi, Carnini Down.s, Victoria .^2
" R()bfri Basrh Tool Corp, 1800 W Central Rd. Moinii Prosprtl. II. 00065. Australia,
' Millt-x Inc. 589 Davit-s Dr, York, PA 17402, ^^ Ohmic Insirutitcms, ".08 Aiigtist St, E^Lstort, MD 2111(11.
** Svdrlifs Inr, 1302 WriKlits l.n K. Wt-st Clifstci, PA I93HII. "" Parker l.aboratoricN Iiif, 28fi Eldridge Rd, Fairfield. N| 07004.

1 20 . Warden et al Physical Therapy , Volume 86 , Number 8 . August 2006

vested, wrapped in saline-soaked gauze, and stored at BMC (in milligrams per millimeter), and bone area
(B.Ar, in sqtiare millimeters). Each femur was placed in
a plastic tube Jilled with saline and centred in the gantr)'
Radiography of a pQCT machine (XCT Research SA+^^^). After a
Postmortem ex vivo radiographs were obtained with a scout view was obtained to enable scan localization, 5
specimen radiography system.** The femurs were posi- cross-sectional scans were obtained with a H)-fxm voxel
tioned for both anteroposterior and lateral radiographs size. The middle scan was centered through the frac-
on dental film (Kodak Ultraspeed Dental Film [size ture line, and the other scans were positioned 1.5 mm
4]***). Samples were exposed to a voltage of 18 kV for and 3.0 mm above and below the center scan. During
10 seconds. After film processing, the stage of fracture analyses, the bone edge was detected with contour mode
healing was qtiantified with a 4-point radiographic scor- 1 at a threshold of 400 mg/cm"' within the Stratec
ing system (O^no evidence of healing; 1-callus forma- software.^^^ Tbe data for the 5 slices per bone were
tion evident but fracture gap not yet bridged; 2=callus averaged.
formation evident with possible bridging of the fracture
gap; and 3~fracture union). The examiner was unaware Destructive Mechanical Testing
of both femur side and time since fracture during Tbe mechanical properties of the fracture site were
grading. assessed by testing the femurs in 4-point bending
(Fig. lA). Bones were slowly brought to room tempera-
Microcomputed Tomography ture overnight in a saline bath. Femurs were positioned
The stabilizing steel K-wires were carefully removed from cranial side up across the lower contacts of a custom-
the intramedullaiy canal before further assessment, as built 4-point bending rig on an Alliance RT/5 Materials
metal causes beam-hardening artifacts during quantita- Testing System.""" The lower contacts had a span width
tive radiograpbic imaging. Microcomputed tomography of 20.0 mm. The upper contacts were pivoted to en-
was performed on a randomly selected subgroup of stire that both contacts simultaneously touched tbe
fractures to visualize 3-dimensionally the stage of frac- cranial surface of the bone when the cross head was
ture healing at 25 and 40 days. Each femur was placed in lowered. The upper contacts had a span width of
a 13.S-mm-diameter plastic tube filled with saline and 8.0 mm, centered between tbe lower contacts. Tbe
centered in the gantiy of a desktop microcompnted upper contacts were lowered to fix the bone in place
tomography machine (p.CT-20^^^). A scout scan was with a 1.0 N static preload. Tbe bone was subsequently
perfonned to enable fracture site localization, and 2B0 broken in 4-point bending with a cross-head speed ot
slices were taken with an isotropic voxel size of 26 (xm 20.0 mm/min. During testing, force and displacement
and an integration time of 150 milliseconds. A standard data were collected every 0.1 second (at a frequency of
convohuion-back projection procedure with a Shepp- 10 Hz) with TestWorks 4 software (version 4.08A)."""
Logan filter was used to reconstruct the computed Force-displacement curves were visually inspected, and
tomography images in 1.024 X 1,024-pixel matrices. ultimate force (in newtons), stiffness (in newtons per
milhmeter), and energy- to ultimate force (in millijoules)
were recorded (Fig. IB).
Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was performed
to assess fracture site bone mineral content (BMC, in Data Analysis
grams). Femurs were positioned on their caudal surface Statistical analyses were performed with the Statistical
on a mouse densitometer (PlXlmus^^*) with iiltrahigh Package for Social Sciences software,"** with a level of
resolution (0.18X0.18 mm per pixel). Left and rigbt significance set at .05 for all tests. The significance of
femur pairs from each animal were scanned side by side radiograpbic scores was determined with the Wilcoxon
on the same scan. Upon completion of each scan, a signed rank test, whereas fracture site bone mass and
mutually exclusive region of interest (18X10 mm) was mechanical properties were compared with paired t
centered over each fracture site. tests. Ultrasound intei-vention (active LIPUS versus inac-
tive LIPUS) was the within-animal independent variable
Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography for all tests. In addition, effect sizes on fracture site bone
Peripheral quantiuuive computed tomography (pQCT) mass and mechanical properties were determined with
was used to assess fracture site volumetric bone mineral mean percent differences (%diff) and 95% Cls of the
density (vBMD, in milligrams per cubic centimeter),

"" Faxitroii X-ray Corp, 22!i l.arkln Dr. Unit 1, Whrrlicig. IL WOW. *^^ Slratec Mfdi/iiuechiiik (Inihll. Diirlaclicr Siiassc 35. [)-7,'il72 Piorzhcim.
*** Eastman Kodak Co. 343 Slate St. Rochfslcr. NY liGM. Germany,
" ' Scan(() Medical ACl, Auenrins fi-H, ^^303 Bassersdorf. .Switzerland. "II" MTS Sysitrins Corp. 1400(1 Technology tJr, Eden Praifie. MN ^^
=" Lunar Corp. 313 W Beltline Hgwy. Madison, WI 537t4. *** SPSS Inc. 2.3.S S V\'ackcr Dr. Chicago, It. 60606.

Physical Therapy , Volume 86 , Number 8 , August 2 0 0 6 Warden etal . 1 1 2

mean percent differences between active LIPUS-treated
fractures and inactive LIPUS-treated fractures.


Animal Characteristics
One animal from the 40-day group died from surgical
complications during fracture induction. Three other
animals (1 animal and 2 animals from the 25-day and
40-day groups, respectively) were excluded at postoper-
ative week 1 because of rotatory instability at the fracture
site. Therefore, 14 and 12 animals were left for stati.stical
analyses in the 25-day and 40-day groups, respectively.
The mean (SD) weights at the end of the study of
animals in the 25-day and 40-day groups were 394.8 g
(39.7) and 417.7 g (37.3), respectively.

Effect of LIPUS on Fracture Site Radiographic Healing

Representative images of fractures in the 25-day and
40-day groups are shown in Figure 2. There were no
significant differences in radiographic scoring between
active LIPUS-treated fractures and inactive LIPUS-
treated fractures in either the 25-day group (P=.79) or
the 4()-day group (P=.26) (Table).

Effect of LIPUS on Fracture Site Bone Mass

There was no significant difierence in BMC between
active LIPUS-treated and inactive LIPUS-treated frac-
tures when assessed by DXA at 25 days (%diff=2.4%,
95% CI=-7.5%-12.5%) {P=.7l) (Fig. 3). Similarly,
BMC (%diff-4.1%; 95% CI=-6.3%-14.5%), vBMD
(%diff=0.4%, 95% CI=-9.1%-9.9%). and B.Ar
(%diff= -0.2%, 95% CI= -24.6%-24.3%) did not differ
between active LIPUS-treated and inactive LIPUS-
treated fractures at 25 days when assessed by pQCT (all
Ultimate force /'valnes^.81-.96) (Fig. 4). In contrast, at 40 days, active
LIPUS-treated fractures had 14.3% (95% CI=1.0%-
27.5%) greater fracture site BMC on DXA than inactive
LIPUS-treated fractures (P<.05) (Fig. 3). This increase
was confirmed by pQCT, which found BMC in active
LIPUS-treated fractures to be 16.9% (95% CI=2.3%-
31.4%) greater than that in inactive LIPUS-treated frac-
Energy to tures (P<.05) (Fig. 4A). The increase in fracture site
BMC with active LIPUS at 40 days did not result in an
ultimate force
increase in the amount of bone mineral per unit volume,
as vBMD did not differ from that in inactive LIPUS-
treated fractures (%diff=-4.7%, 95% CI=-12.4%-
0,2 0,4 0.6 2.9%) (P=.14) (Fig. 4B). Instead, there was an increase
in bone size, with active LIPUS-treated fractures ha\ing
Displacement (mm) 25.8% (95% CI=3.9%-47.6%) greater B.Ar than inac-
Figure 1. tive LIPUS-treated fractures (/*<.O5) (Fig. 4C).
(A) Experimental setup for testing of fracture site mecfianical properties
in 4-point bending, Tfie fracture site [wfiite arrow) was centered between
ttie upper contacts, (B) Representative force-displacement curve generated Effect of UPUS on Fracture Site Mechanical Properties
from a 4-point bending test of a fracture in tfie 40-day group, Mecfionical During mechanical testing, all femurs broke at the
properties derived from tfiis graph included ultimate force (peak of tfie curve fracture site. At 25 days, there were no significant
on tfie y-Gxis}, stiffness (slope of tfie linear portion of the curve), and energy
differences between active LIPUS-treated fractures and
to ultimate force [area under tfie curve to ultimate force).

1)22 . Warden etol Physical Therapy , Volume 86 , Number 8 , August 2006


Inactive-LIPUS Active-LIPUS
treated treated


Inactive-LIPUS Active-LlPUS
treated treated

Representative images of fractures at 25 ond 40 days postinjury, as obtained by radiography (A and B) and microcomputed tomography (C and D),
(A) Radiography at 25 days shows the persistence of a visible fracture line in fractures treated by both inactive low-intensity pulsed ultrosound (LIPUS)
and active LIPUS (white crrov/s), and associated callus formotion. Both fractures in this animal were radiographicolly scored as 1, (C) This score was
confirmed by microcomputed tomographic imaging, which clearly shows the fracture defect (block arrow) ond callus, (B) On radiography at 40 days,
tfie original frocture is difficult to distinguish [white arrows) because of callus bridging of the fracture gap. Both fractures in this animol were
rodiogrophically scored as 3, (D) This score was confirmed by microcomputed tomographic imoging, which shows fracture site union (block arrow).

inactive LIPUS-treated fractures in ultimate force been influenced by insufficient statistical power, with
(%diff=2.6%, 95% CI= -41.2%-46.4%), stiffness post hoc power analyses indicating that differences of
(%diff=4.4%, 95% CI=-77.3%-86.0%), or energ>' to greater than 11% in side-by-side comparisons were
ultimate force (%diff-2.2%, 95% CI=-33.0%-37.3%) reqtiired in order to achieve 80% statistical power. In
(all /'values=.49-.66) (Fig. 5). In contrast, at 40 days- contrast, by 40 days, fractures treated with active LIPUS
active I.IPUS-treated fractures had 81.3% (95% had significantly greater bone mass than fractures
CI=0.8%-162.7%) greater ultimate force and 63.4% treated with inactive LIPUS (placebo). This increase in
(95% C( = 10.3%-llb.4%) greater stiffness than inactive bone mass lesulted in an increase in hone size, as
LIPUS-treated fractures (all Fvalues<.05) (Figs. 5A and opposed to an increase in bone density, and contributed
5B}. Compared with inactive LIPUS, active LIPUS had to active LIPUS-treated fractures having enhanced
no effect on energ>' to ultimate force at 40 days mechanical properties compared with inactive LIPUS-
(%diff= 146.3%, 95% CI = -37.8%-330.4%) iP=.lS) treated fractures. The latter was indicated by active
(Fig. 5C). However, this latter finding most likely LIPUS-treated fractures having 81% greater ultimate
resulted from insufficient statistical power to detect a force and 63% greater stiffness than inactive LIPUS-
difference because of the variance within the data. treated fractures. These data indicate that UPUS pro-
duced by a conventional therapeutic ultrasountl unit as
traditionally used by physical therapists may be used to
Discussion and Conclusions
facilitate fracture repair.
The present study invcstigaled the effect of LIPUS
produced by a conventional therapeutic ultrasoiind unit
on fracture lepair in an animal model. LIPUS did not The findings of this study are interesting from the
have a significant effect on fracture healing when perspective that physical therapists traditionally have
assessed at 25 days postfracture. This finding may have been advised to avoid exposing the skeleton to excessive

Physicol Therapy . Volume 86 , Number 8 . August 2006 W o r d e n e t a l . 1123

Effect of Active Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS) and Inactive LIPUS on Radiographic Scaring of Fracture Healing

No. of Animals With the Following

Days Radiographic Score"
(No. of Animals) LIPUS 0 1 2 3 X SD
25(14) Inactive 1 11 1 1 1,1 0,7
Active 1 10 2 1 1.2 0.7
40(12) Inacfive 0 6 2 4 ).8 0,9
Active 0 4 3 5 2,1 0,9
' 0 - n o .-videiicf al healing. 1 -ralliis Ioiiimtioii bui iraniuT gap nol yti bridgt^d. i;=tallLi,s formation t-ddfin wiili possible uf the tiacii.re L'tu
3=fracture union.

ment head for 20 minutes a day for 6 weeks. In contrast,
Active-LIPUS similarly introduced ultrasound at a lower intensity
0.20 - (0.5 W/cm^) had no adverse effect on bone growth.

The data of the present study support tbe results of

0.15 - previous animal studies'^-"^'^ and clinical studies*'-^ dem-
onstradng that LIPUS accelerates fracture repair, and
furthers this research by demonstrating that LIPUS
O 0.10 - produced by a conventional therapeutic ultrasound unit
as used by physical therapists may be used to facilitate
0.05 - fracture repair. This latter finding addresses an area of
recent contention.io it was previously suggested that
LIPUS produced by conventional therapeutic ultra-
0.00 sound units may delay fracture healing by stimulating
25 days 40 days the production of excessive nonmineralized cartilage.-'
However, the data of the pre.sent study challenge tbis
Figure 3. hypothesis. First, we found that fractures treated with
Effect of lovi/-intensity pulsed ultrasound [LIPUS) on fracture site bone active LIPUS achieved tbe same level of radiograpbic
mineral content (BMC), as assessed by dual-energy X ray absorptiom-
etry. Bars represent mean:!:SD, An asterisk indicates data that were
healing and had more mineralized callus formation
significantly different from those for inactive LIPUS-treoted fractures {greater fracture site bone mass) than inactive LIPUS-
(P<.05, paired ftest). treated fractures. Second, fractures treated with active
LIPUS had better fracture site mechanical properties
than inactive LIPUS-treated fractures. The restoration of
amounts of ultrasoimd energy. Reflecting this fact, only mechanical integrity is tbe overall function of any repair
1% of therapists currently introduce ultrasound energy process in a load-bearing structure such as bone. There-
with the intent of treating acute bone injuries.' However, fore, we believe that LIPUS produced by a conventional
this dogma is historically hased and does not incorporate tberapeutic ultrasound unit can be beneficial to the
current research findings. There is no douht that ultra- fracture repair process and does not delay bone union.
sound energy can produce significant tissue damage
when applied to the skeleton because of unique biophys-
Although a significant beneficial effect was observed in
ical interactions between ultrasound and bone. This fact
the present study, therapists are not currently encour-
has been confirmed experimentally by ultrasound caus-
aged to introduce LIPUS produced by their conven-
ing premature closure, slipping, and displacement of
tional therapeutic ultrasound units with the intent of
epiphyseal growth plates, bone sclerosis, diaphyseal frac-
facilitating clinical fracture repair. Animal studies are
tures and fibrosis, and delayed healing during fracture
necessary precursors in the initial investigation of the
repair.' '-'^ However, these effects have been elicited only
safety and efficacy of an intervention; however, tbe
by ultrasound doses at the high end of the therapeutic
examination of interventions in laboratory-based studies
dose range (>1.0 W/cm"). To date, there are no known
does not always accurately predict clinical effects. This
side effects of LIPUS application (<0.1 W/cm^) on the
fact is particularly pertinent to ultrasound therapy stud-
skeleton.^'«"* Supporting this fact, a recent study^"
ies, as the relative size, volume, and depth of tbe tissue
demonstrated that pulsed ultrasound therapy at an
being treated in animals typically differ from tbose of
intensity of 2.2 W/cm^ produced pathologic changes in
tissue being treated clinically. Tbese differences may
growing bone when introduced with a stationary treat-

1 24 , Warden et al Physical Therapy , Valume 86 , Number 8 . August 2006

240 1 Inactive-LIPUS 2 4 0 -1 • • Inactive-LIPUS •
Active-LIPUS ^ H Active-LtPUS
^ 180 -
^ 120 -
1 60 - T T ••_
0 -
25 days 40 days 25 days 40 (Jays
B B ' • Inactive-LIPUS
1000 n inactive-LIPUS '-' 25 - T
m^ Active-LIPUS
f 20 -
15 -
10 -
11 •



• s•

CO 5 -

0 -
25 days 40 days
25 days 40 days
c - "3 125 n • • Inactive-LIPUS
36 -| Inactve-LIPUS ^ B Active-LIPUS • •

8 100-
27 -
% 75 -
18 - 1
50- 1
CD r, 25 -

0 ^ 25 days 40 days
25 days 40 days
Figure 5.
Figure 4. Effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LtPUS) on fracture site mechan-
Effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on fracture site bone ical properties. Ultimate force (A), stiffness (B), and energy to ultimate
mineral content (BMC) (A), volumetric bone minerol density (vBMD) (B), force (C) were assessed by destructive 4-point bending tests. Bars
and bone area (B.Ar) (C) as assessed by peripheral quantitative represent meon ± SD, An asterisk indicates data that were significantly
computed tomography, Bors represent mean ± SD. An asterisk indicates different from those for inactive LIRUS-treated fractures (P<,05, paired f
data that were significantly different from those for inactive LIPUS-treated test).
Fractures (P<-05, paired Mest),

influence ultrasound energy distributions, tissue interac- addressed. Equipment surveys undertaken globally
tions, and ultimately therapeutic responses. In order for repeatedly have found that many ultrasound units being
the results of the present study to have clinical relevance, used in clinical practice are unable to produce an
the observed LIPUS effect needs to be confirmed by way ultrasound dose that matches the metered dose to within
of controlled clinical trials. In addition, before LIPUS set standards.'-^'-^'-^'' This output variance may not only
intervention can be contemplated clinically, the ongoing influence treatment efficacy during fracture repair but
concern regarding the output performance of ultra- also elicit detrimental effects. Until these current limita-
sound units being used in clinical practice needs to be tions are addressed, the use of conventional therapeutic

Physical Theropy , Volume 86 , Number 8 , August 2006 Warden et al , 1 1 25

ultrasound units in a manner other than that approved active LIPUS-treated fractures having greater fracture
by US Food and Drug Administration market compli- site bone mass, size, and strength than within-animal
ance could have potential ramifications. inactive LIPUS-treated fractures. These data provide
preliminary evidence to support a beneficial effect of
Although the present data confirm that LIPUS facilitates LIPUS as produced by an ultrasound unit traditionally
fracture repair, they do not contribute to the current, used by physical therapists on fracture repair. However,
limited understanding of the mechanism underlying this careful interpretation of this controlled laboratory study
effect. Considering that LIPUS introduces an intensity is warranted until its findings are confirmed by clinical
within a more traditional diagnostic ultrasound range, a trials. Until these trials are performed and until the
range previously considered to have a minimal biologic accurate output performance of their ultrasound luiits is
effect and no therapeutic value, it is valid to consider ensured, therapists are not encouraged to introduce
how LIPUS induces its therapeutic eflect. Unfortunately, LIPUS produced by a conventional therapeutic ultra-
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