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Review article

The New Nutrition Science

Geoffrey Cannon1 and Claus Leitzmann2
World Health Policy Forum, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil; 2Institute of
Nutrition Science, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany


The New Nutrition Science project is the result of confluent thinking, especially within the past 10 years. It is
a joint Initiative of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences and the World Health Policy Forum. It
gives nutrition science, with its expression in food and nutrition policy, a new conceptual framework, a new
definition, three dimensions and extended principles. The objective of the New Nutrition Science project is to
enable nutrition science to gain all possible relevance in the circumstances of the twenty-first century. It
remains work in progress. As expressed in the Giessen Declaration, the result of a workshop meeting held at
the University of Giessen, the three dimensions of the new nutrition science are biological, social and
environmental. Its concerns are personal, population, and planetary health and welfare. The broad
conceptual framework of the New Nutrition Science project looks forward, and also marks a return to the
days when nutrition science, and its predecessor discipline dietetics, had most salutary impact on public
health. It takes into account the most pressing concerns that face us now, including a continued rising human
population, the persistence of malnutrition, the rise of obesity and diabetes in early life, increased inequality
within and between nations and populations, rapid changes in global and local food supplies, and the
diminution and draining of natural resources. It is only by combining biological, social and environmental
approaches that nutrition science can fulfil its potential to preserve, maintain, develop and sustain life on
Keywords: conceptual framework of nutrition; definition of nutrition; dimensions of nutrition; Giessen
Declaration; principles of nutrition; three-dimensional nutrition science

Received: 3 Feb. 2006; Accepted: 8 Feb. 2006

Introduction nutritional and epidemiological trends, together

We are living in a world in revolution, as mani- make a new world that needs new maps (1 4). /

fested by recent and current interrelated electronic It follows that in common with other disciplines,
and genomic discoveries and linked and sequen- nutrition science needs a new conceptual frame-
tial demographic, nutritional and epidemiological work, so as to be able to analyse and assess all
shifts, taking place in the context of associated and relevant determinants of well-being, health and
interlinked global social, cultural, environmental, disease, and to take effective action.
economic and political developments. These require As expressed in the Giessen Declaration, the
all disciplines, including that of nutrition science, to main text of which is printed below with some
make comparably radical responses, in order to commentary, the new nutrition science will follow
work well in the world now. ethical and ecological principles, respect history,
The general proposal of the New Nutrition tradition and culture, affirm human rights, and be
Science project is that the world now has been committed to the creation and maintenance of
policies and programmes designed to preserve and
transformed from that mapped by nineteenth and
maintain the human, living and physical worlds.
early twentieth century theories and principles. As
from the last decades of the twentieth century, the
linked political, financial and electronic revolutions Responses and reactions
known as ‘‘globalization’’, together with scientific Since the first publication of the New Nutrition
and biotechnological discoveries, and demographic, Science project, the editorial and letters pages of

Scandinavian Journal of Food and Nutrition 2006; 50 (1): 5 /12 # 2006 Taylor & Francis ISSN 1748-2976 5
DOI: 10.1080/11026480600624762
Cannon G and Leitzmann C

recent issues of the international journal Public an attempt to address nutritional problems in a way
Health Nutrition have included many references to that will balance the health of humans and of the
and comments on the project, both in general (5) biosphere’’ (12).
and as advocated in the Giessen Declaration (6). Arne Oshaug, Professor of Public Nutrition at
Thus, John Waterlow, emeritus Professor of Akershus University College in Norway, is, how-
Nutrition at the London School of Hygiene and ever, not happy. In concluding a long critical
Tropical Medicine, while emphasizing the impor- commentary he writes: ‘‘The New Nutrition Science
tance of physiology and biochemistry, writes: ‘‘The project . . . raises a number of challenges of great
Giessen Declaration has reminded us that environ- importance for the further development of public
mental science should be included in nutrition’s field (health) nutrition . . . [however] . . . Can it be called ‘a
of interest’’ (7). new nutrition science’ . . . ? My personal opinion is
Marion Nestle, Professor of Nutrition at New no’’ (13). A contrasting view is taken by Professor
York University, writes: ‘‘Expanding the definition Thomas Baranowski of Baylor College of Medicine
of nutrition science to encompass social, economic, in Texas, USA, who says, with reference to the
political and environmental dimensions is a really Giessen Declaration: ‘‘Nutritional science, the dis-
good idea, especially now that nutrition problems cipline, is in the midst of revolutionary change’’
are so universal and so complex . . . This Project (14). And writing in the UK Nutrition Society
should be required reading for everyone who Gazette, Esté Vorster, chair of the Durban congress,
investigates or applies nutrition science’’ (8). and a signatory of the Giessen Declaration, says of
Lois Englberger writes from Pohnpei in Micro- the New Nutrition Society project: ‘‘Scientists are
nesia, where she is a collaborator with the Inter- rethinking and reformulating the definition, dimen-
national Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) task sions and scope of nutrition science, in order to be
force on indigenous people’s food systems and able to address global nutrition problems in a more
nutrition: ‘‘I am now promoting the new nutrition sustainable, environmentally friendly and relevant
science and its findings and recommendations here way’’ (15).
with members of our island community’’ (9).
Harriet Kuhnlein, convenor of this IUNS task force Descriptions and explanations
and Director of the Center for Indigenous Peoples’ So it is in a context of considerable interest that the
Nutrition and Environment at McGill University editor of this journal has invited us to give an
in Québec, writes: ‘‘The New Nutrition Science account of the New Nutrition Science project,
project holds much promise to develop our thin- including the Giessen Declaration. As convenors
king . . . about the issues of people living at the ‘grass of the workshop meeting at which the Declaration
roots’ in the real world of global environmental was agreed, editors of the special issue of Public
and economic, and hence nutritional, change’’ (10). Health Nutrition in which the new nutrition science
From the Globalism Institute in Melbourne, has been outlined (5) and presenters of its work in
Australia, Gyorgy Scrinis writes: ‘‘The New Nutri- progress in plenary lectures at the Durban congress
tion Science project rightly emphasizes the need to (16, 17), we are delighted to do so. We also take the
integrate cultural and ecological dimensions with opportunity to salute the change in the title of this
biochemistry’’ (11). journal, with all that this may mean.
Derek Yach, then of the School of Public Health The case for the new nutrition science is made by
at Yale University, now at the Rockefeller Founda- Ricardo Uauy, current president of the IUNS. In
tion in New York City, and others, report on a his paper contributed to the special issue of Public
workshop on the future of nutrition involving key Health Nutrition, he writes: ‘‘The chemical and
stakeholders including industry, held on the occa- biological sciences have provided a strong base for
sion of the 18th International Congress of Nutrition nutrition and have been essential in establishing
in Durban in September 2005. In referring to the nutrition as a science with public health relevance.
New Nutrition Science project, they write: ‘‘The However, these approaches are clearly insufficient to
International Union of Nutritional Sciences has address the main challenges that confront nutrition
taken the lead in a project aimed at redefining and science now in the twenty-first century. There is a
broadening nutrition science and practice to include pressing need to include the social, economic and
biological, social and environmental dimensions in human rights aspects within an ethical framework,

The New Nutrition Science project

in order to define future policies that will secure the Latham, Cutberto Garza and other leaders at
right to safe and nutritious food for all’’ (18). Cornell University; Ibrahim Elmadfa at the Uni-
Mark Wahlqvist, the immediate past president of versity of Vienna; and elsewhere.
IUNS, in his paper in the same special issue, he
writes: ‘‘Nutrition science has made giant strides Meetings and decisions
in the last century. But the human population Before and at the beginning of his IUNS presidency,
continues to increase; and the global climate is Mark Wahlqvist decided to work towards the
changing, with vast implications. Our science has creation of a conceptual framework for this con-
been good in specific ways, but has ignored and fluent thinking, teaching and practice. Informal
overlooked planetary welfare and thus the basic discussions to this end were held at the inaugural
determinants of human health and well-being. We meeting of the World Health Policy Forum in
must now ensure that the practice of our science Camogli, Italy, in 2000, at a workshop meeting at
supports sustainable ecosystems and healthy envir- the Bellagio Rockefeller Center, Lake Como, Italy,
onments’’ (19). in 2001, at the International Congress of Nutrition
in Vienna, in 2001; at international conferences in
Origins and confluences Melbourne and Auckland in 2002; at the World
Ricardo Uauy and Mark Wahlqvist are writing in a Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannes-
general context of a felt need for nutrition science to burg in 2002; at the annual meetings of the
develop. Towards the end of the twentieth century UN System Standing Committee on Nutrition in
an increasing number of professionals working in Chennai, India, in 2003, and New York in 2004; and
nutrition science, food and nutrition policy, and at other venues.
allied fields, became increasingly concerned to As a result, it was agreed to institute a joint
emphasize the public and social aspects and im- Initiative of the IUNS and the World Health Policy
plications of their work. Forum; and the present authors were invited to
In this they have been and are acting in the spirit convene the Initiative, Claus Leitzmann then being
of the originators and champions of the great public treasurer of IUNS and Geoffrey Cannon executive
health movements of the nineteenth century, such as director of the Forum. This joint Initiative con-
Rudolf Virchow (20), who insisted on the social tinues under the IUNS presidency of Ricardo Uauy.
responsibilities of scientists and correspondingly
campaigned to ensure that the ruling classes of the Rationale, dimensions, definition and principles
day accepted the need to institute public works such The new nutrition science is outlined in the Giessen
as closed drains, to protect the health of popula- Declaration (6). This is the product of a 4 day
tions. A substantial number of professionals now workshop meeting held at Schloss Rauischholzhau-
describe themselves as public health nutritionists, or sen of the Justus Liebig University of Giessen in
more broadly as public nutritionists (21), for such Germany, in April 2005. In identifying the New
reasons. Nutrition Science project, all participants empha-
During the same period others in the field have sized that the Initiative is work in progress. The
seen the need to link nutrition as a biological science location has special significance: it was at Giessen
with its environmental aspects and implications. that Justus von Liebig developed nutrition science
Nutrition ecology, and then the discipline of as a biochemical discipline.
Vollwert-Ernährung (‘‘wholesome nutrition’’), be- After the workshop meeting had been completed
came taught at the University of Giessen (22), and and the Declaration agreed, participants moved to
Mark Wahlqvist and others began to develop the the Liebig Museum in the middle of the city, within
concept of ‘‘econutrition’’ (23). Comparably inte- which the offices and laboratories of the great
grated approaches to nutrition science and food and biochemist are preserved. In the small lecture
nutrition policy had and have also been developed theatre in which he taught the first generations of
by Nevin Scrimshaw at the Institute of Nutrition his students, who then went on to shape nutrition
of Central America and Panama (INCAP) and then science in Europe, the USA and all over the world,
at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; John all participants present read out a section of
Waterlow at the London School of Hygiene the Declaration a section at a time, and then all
and Tropical Medicine; Malden Nesheim, Michael signed it.

Cannon G and Leitzmann C

As already stated, the new nutrition science is populations; and also with animals and plants
three-dimensional: biological, social and environ- usually as human resources’’.
mental. Consequently, it is concerned with personal, One concern that has been raised since publica-
population and planetary health; with the human, tion of the Declaration is that the new nutrition
living and physical worlds. The basic and pressing science seems to pay less attention to the biological
reason for this new broad conceptual framework is dimension. This is not so. Indeed, the three-
that the science now needs to confront the oppor- dimensional approach will encourage biological
tunities and challenges of the twenty-first century, scientists working in the field of nutrition, to
which in many respects are very different to those of appreciate the social and environmental meaning
the mid-nineteenth century when the science was and implications of their work, which should
created in its modern form, by Justus von Liebig increase its value. It is with this in mind that the
and other practitioners of the science that, as Declaration goes on to state:
devised by them, became known as biochemistry ‘‘Those now concerned with the future of the
(24). world at all levels from local to global, generally
The Declaration begins by acknowledging that agree that their overriding shared priority is to
the meeting was held under the auspices of the protect human, living and physical resources all
President of the University of Giessen, the President together, in order to enable the long-term suste-
of the IUNS and the President of the World Health nance of life on earth and the happiness of
Policy Forum. The signatories then recognize the humankind. Nutrition science is one vital means
work already done by institutions, organizations to this end. This implies expansion and enlargement
and individuals in Africa, Asia, Europe and the of the science, and its identification as a broad,
Americas that are already addressing the issues, integrative discipline, enabled to identify and ad-
challenges and resolutions set out in the Declara- dress the circumstances, challenges and opportu-
tion. As well as the teaching and practice under- nities of the twenty-first century’’.
taken in progressive universities and research And so: ‘‘The biological dimension should there-
centres, these include the convergent thinking of fore be one of the three dimensions of nutrition
recent pioneers, often working in teams, who have science. The other two dimensions are social and
developed public nutrition, nutrition ecology and environmental’’.
indeed public health nutrition in its broadest
aspects. Personal, population and planetary health
The Declaration goes on to identify the general
Biological, social and environmental context in which the food, agriculture and nutri-
dimensions tion sciences were originally devised in the mid-
The main text of the Declaration begins by stating: nineteenth century in Europe. ‘‘The general social,
‘‘Now is the time for the science of nutrition, with economic and political context of the science at that
its application in food and nutrition policy, to be time was one of industrial and other material
given a broader definition, additional dimensions expansion, and so of human, mechanical and
and relevant principles, to meet the challenges and technological growth and power, and the conse-
opportunities faced by humankind in the twenty- quent exploitation of human, living and physical
first century. resources. This was at a time when the global human
‘‘As originally conceived and as now usually population was far less numerous and less long-
studied and practised, nutrition is principally a lived than it is now. Further, until relatively recently
biological science. This classic biological dimension it has generally been assumed that the world’s living
of nutrition science is and will remain central. and physical resources were inexhaustible.
Descriptively it is concerned with the interactions ‘‘Correspondingly, application of the principles
of food and nutrition with physiologic, metabolic that have explicitly or implicitly governed nutrition
and now also genomic systems, and the effects of science, has created food systems that have greatly
these interactions with health and disease. Prescrip- contributed to the six-fold increase of the global
tively it deals with the nutritional control and human population in the last 150 years’’. This vast
prevention of disease and the improvement of increase has come with a price, which begins to
health in humans, at all levels from individuals to show why nutrition science, with its application in

The New Nutrition Science project

food and nutrition policy, needs to include the communal to national and global, are affected by
environmental dimension and so not be solely these unprecedented changes’’.
concerned with the human species and animals The Declaration then makes a summary audit of
and plants ‘‘in the service of humankind’’. ‘‘During these changes. ‘‘This twenty-first century in many
this time non-renewable energy use, material con- respects shows prospects of opportunity and pros-
sumption and waste generation have increased perity for the minority that enjoys stable entitle-
enormously. This has resulted in the depletion of ments including physical and financial security,
many living and physical resources and changes to adequate, nourishing and safe food, safe water
ecosystems, and also has heightened the contrast supplies, and good education and health.
between and within rich and poor regions and ‘‘The majority is not so fortunate. Most people in
countries in access to material and other resources’’. the world could in future be better off in some and
The introductory section of the Declaration then possibly even most respects than they are now. But
includes the following key statement. ‘‘For these they are afflicted and threatened by interrelated
and other reasons, the human species has now deprivations that make social and individual life
moved from a time in history when the science of difficult and sometimes impossible. These include
nutrition, and food and nutrition policy, have been loss of amenities and skills; loss of traditional
principally concerned with personal and population farming and food cultures; loss of land, property
health and with the exploitation, production and and independence; vulnerability to unemployment,
consumption of food and associated resources, to a dislocation, and other impoverishments; precipitate
new period. Now all relevant sciences, including urbanization; social, economic and political inequi-
that of nutrition, should and will be principally ties and turmoil; poor governance, and conflicts and
concerned with the cultivation, conservation and wars of many types.’’
sustenance of human, living and physical resources After long discussions in and out of formal
all together; and so with the health of the bio- sessions, all participants in the workshop meeting
sphere’’. agreed that nutrition science, with its application in
Global food systems have been and are being food and nutrition policy, must now face environ-
transformed with accelerating speed, as a result of mental facts and projections. ‘‘Many planetary
mechanization, urbanization, and now biotechnol- environmental indicators are now deteriorating.
ogy and economic globalization. These have had These include global climate change and the persis-
and are having various profound effects, some tent depletion of stratospheric ozone; the depletion
generally beneficial, others that are troublesome. and degradation of topsoil; the accelerated loss of
‘‘Food processing, including refrigeration, has en- species and of fresh water and sources of energy;
abled the supply of a wide range of foods across and increased use and of persistence of many
seasons and continents. Food manufacturing, retail- chemical pollutants. Recent and current modes of
ing and distribution are now increasingly concen- food production have made major contributions to
trated in fewer hands. Traditional cuisines are being such adverse changes.
replaced by new eating patterns framed by new ‘‘If these environmental changes are not arrested,
technologies, ways of living and economic struc- the conditions of the natural world will deteriorate
tures’’. The development of technologies ‘‘pro- for future generations. The extraordinary signifi-
foundly affect[s] the relationship between food and cance of these changes is that, for the first time in
the health of people, populations and the planet, human experience, the overall size and the economic
and will continue to do so’’. activity of humankind exceeds the capacity of the
planet to supply, replenish and absorb. The bioca-
pacity of the natural world is now beginning to
The general challenges of this century diminish.
The Declaration begins its central section with a ‘‘Overall, humankind has enjoyed a century of
statement on the interrelated, profound and accel- gains in life expectancy, in average income and in
erating general ideological, social, technological and per capita food production’’. But: ‘‘These have been
environmental changes that shape the world in unevenly shared’’ Further: ‘‘Life expectancy has
which we now live. ‘‘Nutritional status and resultant decreased in the past decade in some countries on
human health at all levels from individual and most continents, and particularly in sub-Saharan

Cannon G and Leitzmann C

Africa and the former USSR. Income disparities diseases including cardiovascular and cerebrovas-
have increased within and between many countries. cular diseases, bone disease and cancers of various
Global per capita grain production, which accounts sites, are also now afflicting middle- and low-
for around half of total world food energy, has income countries, populations and communities.
declined since the late 1990s.’’ These diseases, all of which are related to nutrition,
And in concluding its overview of the general impose an enormous burden on healthcare sys-
challenges now facing us, the Declaration states: tems’’.
‘‘These and other changes collectively constitute an The Declaration proposes that only a broad
imminent global environmental crisis on a scale not approach can hope to make a gradual, lasting and
previously encountered. Great pressures on various sustained change for the better, and this is a
components of the life-support system of our planet principal justification for the conceptual framework
are already evident. The resultant environmental of the new nutrition science. ‘‘Nutrition science can
and ecosystem changes pose many threats to food address these challenges; but can do so successfully
systems. To understand and remedy this situation only by means of integrated biological, social and
will require extending the scope and collaborative environmental approaches. These are also essential
engagement of many scientific disciplines, including if nutrition science is to play its part in addressing
nutrition science’’. the general challenges that now face the human
The nutritional challenges of this century
The Declaration then turns to the challenges that
are already very familiar to nutrition scientists. Principles, definition and purpose
‘‘The science is also faced with other interrelated Having set the scene, the Declaration then proposes
challenges, also constituting an immense imminent the principles and the definition of the new nutri-
crisis, which are and will remain its central direct tion science, as follows.
concerns.’’ ‘‘All sciences and all organised human activities
Reports published by the United Nations and are and should be guided by general principles.
other authoritative organizations over the decades These should enable information and evidence to be
have summarized the state of the world’s malnutri- translated into relevant, useful, sustainable and
tion, and usually have then gone on to set hopeful beneficial policies and programmes.
targets for improvement. But: ‘‘Global food and ‘‘The overall principles that should guide nutri-
nutrition insecurity and inadequacy and even tion science are ethical in nature. All principles
chronic hunger have not significantly changed in should also be guided by the philosophies of co-
the last twenty years. These are made worse among responsibility and sustainability, by the life-course
the most deprived populations by increased inequity and human rights approaches, and by understand-
between rich and impoverished nations and popula- ing of evolution, history and ecology.
tions, most especially in areas of conflict and ‘‘Nutrition science is defined as the study of food
disaster. systems, foods and drinks, and their nutrients and
‘‘General and specific nutritional deficiencies other constituents; and of their interactions within
increase vulnerability to infectious diseases, espe- and between all relevant biological, social and
cially in women, infants and children. These infec- environmental systems’’.
tions in turn worsen food and nutrition security. And then, for the twenty-first century, ‘‘The
Although improved in some parts of the world, purpose of nutrition science is to contribute to a
nutritional deficiencies and infectious diseases have world in which present and future generations fulfil
worsened in many of the more impoverished their human potential, live in the best of health, and
regions, nations and communities. Diarrhoeal dis- develop, sustain and enjoy an increasingly diverse
eases, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis are examples of human, living and physical environment.
diseases crucially affected by nutritional status.’’ ‘‘Nutrition science should be the basis for food
In the last decade, the new challenge is the great and nutrition policies. These should be designed to
increase in prevalence of chronic diseases in middle- identify, create, conserve and protect rational,
and low-income regions and countries. ‘‘New epi- sustainable and equitable communal, national and
demics of obesity, diabetes and other chronic global food systems, in order to sustain the health,

The New Nutrition Science project

well-being and integrity of humankind and also that sium those present were asked whether they were
of the living and physical worlds’’. willing and able to help to form new nutrition
The conclusion of the Declaration emphasizes the science networks, and almost 100 responses then
need now for integrated work: ‘‘There remains much and later came from Argentina, Australia, Belgium,
work to be done in the biological dimension of Cameroon, Canada, Chile, France, Greece, India,
nutrition science. Much other important work now Iran, Italy, Kenya, Micronesia, Morocco, New
has to be carried out also in the social and Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Senegal, Serbia, South
environmental dimensions: this will require a broad, Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thai-
integrated approach. This Declaration emphasizes land, the UK, the USA and Zambia.
that the most relevant and urgent work to be Immediate plans are to continue to develop the
done by professionals working in nutrition science principles of the new nutrition; to establish global
and in food and nutrition policy, is in its three networks to develop its thinking and to discover
biological, social and environmental dimensions all and explore three-dimensional science and policy in
together’’. action; and to inform, empower and build capacity
in the south and among young professionals.
Signatories We, who remain the convenors of the Initiative
The nature of the New Nutrition Science project as and the project, will be very glad to hear from
work in progress is emphasized. The signatories of readers who want to know more, and who want to
the Declaration include the immediate past presi- join in.
dent and the future president of the IUNS; the
president and officers of the World Health Policy
Forum; the chair of the 18th International Congress
of Nutrition at Durban; the editor-in-chief of Public 1. Castells M. The information age: economy, society and
Health Nutrition; participants from the Food and culture. Three volumes, new edn. Oxford: Blackwell;
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2000.
and the European Bank for Reconstruction and 2. Diamond J. Collapse. How societies choose to fail or
succeed. London: Allen Lane; 2005.
Development; and specialists in nutrition and food 3. Sen A. Development as freedom. New York: Anchor
and nutrition policy and allied disciplines. Books; 1999.
They are Christopher Beauman, Geoffrey Can- 4. McMichael A. Human frontiers, environments and
non, Ibrahim Elmadfa, Peter Glasauer, Ingrid disease: past patterns, uncertain futures. Cambridge:
Hoffmann, Markus Keller, Michael Krawinkel, Cambridge University Press; 2001.
5. Leitzmann C, Cannon G, eds. The New Nutrition
Tim Lang, Claus Leitzmann, Bernd Lötsch, Barrie
Science project. Public Health Nutr 2005; 8(6A): 667 /
Margetts, Tony McMichael, Klaus Meyer-Abich, 804.
Ulrich Oltersdorf, Massimo Pettoello-Mantovani, 6. The Giessen Declaration. Public Health Nutr 2005;
Joan Sabaté, Prakash Shetty, Marco Sória, Uwe 8(6A): 783 /6.
Spiekermann, Colin Tudge, Esté Vorster, Mark 7. Waterlow J. Public Health Nutr 2005; 9(2): (in press).
Wahlqvist and Mariuccia Zerilli-Marimò. Others 8. Nestle M. Comment on New Nutrition Science project
(Letter). Public Health Nutr 2006; 9(1): 94 /95.
not present at the Giessen meeting who contributed 9. Englberger L. Indigenous harmony (Letter). Public
papers to the special issue of Public Health Nutri- Health Nutr 2006; 9(1): 95.
tion which formed the basis for the thinking of the 10. Kuhnlein H. Indigenous harmony (Letter). Public
workshop were Micheline Beaudry, Hélène Delisle, Health Nutr 2006; 9(1): 95.
Barry Popkin and Ricardo Uauy. 11. Scrinis G. Reducing and integrating (Letter). Public
Health Nutr 2006; 9(1): 95 /96.
12. Yach D, Eloff T, Vorster H, Margetts B. Report of a pre
So, what now? ICN workshop on Negotiating the Future of Nutrition,
‘‘Conclusion’’ is not the correct term for this final Johannesburg, South Africa, 18 September 2005. Public
section, because the New Nutrition Science project Health Nutr 2005; 8: 1229 /30.
is work in progress and so is beginning. 13. Oshaug O. Nutrition and evolution (Letter). Public
Health Nutr 2006; 9(1): 96 /98.
At the Durban congress, the plenary presenta-
14. Baranowski T. The ‘‘new nutrition’’ and physical activity
tions were followed by a symposium during which (Editorial). Public Health Nutr 2005; 8: 805 /7.
the new nutrition science was shown in action, in 15. Vorster H. The Nutrition Safari in Durban 2005: a
Germany, Brazil and South Africa. At the sympo- wake-up call! Nutr Soc Gaz 2005; 28: 5.

Cannon G and Leitzmann C

16. Leitzmann C, Cannon G. The new nutrition science. 23. Wahlqvist M, Specht R. Food variety and bio-
Principles. S Afr J Clin Nutr 2005; 18: 124 /8. diversity: econutrition. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 1998; 7:
17. Cannon G, Leitzmann C. The new nutrition science. 314 /9.
Practice. S Afr J Clin Nutr 2005; 18: 130 /5. 24. Brock W. Justus von Liebig. The chemical gatekeeper.
18. Uauy R. Defining and addressing the nutritional Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1997.
needs of populations. Public Health Nutr 2005; 8(6A):
773 /80.
19. Wahlqvist M. The new nutrition science: sustainability
and development. Public Health Nutr 2005; 8(6A): 766 /
72. Claus Leitzmann
20. Ackerknecht E. Rudolf Virchow / doctor, statesman, Institute of Nutrition Science
anthropologist. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Justus Liebig University
Press; 1953. Wilhelmstrasse 20
21. Beaudry M, Delisle H. Public(’s) nutrition. Public D-35392 Giessen
Health Nutr 2005; 8(6A): 743 /8. Germany
22. Leitzmann C. Wholesome nutrition: a suitable diet for Tel.: /49 6405 7614
the new nutrition science project. Public Health Nutr Fax: /49 6405 502899
2005; 8(6A): 753 /9. E-mail: Claus.Leitzmann@ernaehrung.uni-giessen.de


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