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Diabetes is a disease in which the blood sugar level higher than the normal level.

In this disease
food cannot be used properly. The amount of glucose in the body carefully controlled. For the
utilization of glucose, to provide energy require hormone insulin. When blood glucose rises after
meal then insulin is released into the blood. The main function of insulin is to return the glucose
concentration to its original level. When there is a deficiency of insulin, or if insulin does not
produced by the liver cells then glucose level increase in blood and result diabetes mellitus.
( Brandon, 1996 )

Type 1 (Insulin dependent diabetes) and Type 2 (Non insulin dependent diabetes) are two main
types of diabetes .

Type 2 diabetes is a heterogeneous disease, but due to the chronic hyperglycaemia result from
different and progressive disease process that cause defects in the ability of beta cells which
secrete insulin and defects in the ability of insulin which inhibit hepatic glucose production and
increase the glucose utilization. In the human main function of blood is to carry glucose around
the body. When glucose reaches body tissues, it’s absorbed by the muscle cells and converted
into energy. In the blood concentration of glucose is automatically regulated by insulin. Insulin is
secreted into the blood by pancreas. If cells do not response appropriately to insulin , this can
cause glucose to build up in blood . This is known as insulin resistance.( Levene, 2003}

For instance, if people are over weighted or type 2 diabetes run genetically in their family then
they become resistance to insulin. This mean that pancreas needs to produce excess insulin to
overcome the resistance and control blood glucose level .In the end body cannot produce enough
insulin to control glucose level ,so glucose level increase and diabetes develops . (Organization
WH. 2009).
The expression of an exact feature, for instance; height, skin colour, behaviour according to the
individual’s genetic makeup and environmental factors is known as phenotype. An organism’s
phenotype results from the expression of its genes within its environment with random variation
(Online b. 2008). “People’s genotype is the genetic code they have, it cannot be changed”. Their
phenotype is how that genetic code is expressed in their body

Research carried out in KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) discovered a significantly lower
incidence of type 2 diabetes in the southern region compared to the rest of the country although
the lifestyle is similar throughout the kingdom. It was found that in the north the incidence of
type 2 diabetes was 27.9%, the east 26.4%, the west 24.7%, central 23.7% and in the south
18.2%.( Warsy AS1999, Bacchus RA, Bell 1982)

For the sake of our study we are supposing that we have identified a subgroup of people in
Southern Saudi Arabia who never develop type 2 diabetes. Also we are supposing that only one
gene is responsible for protecting against type 2 diabetes which we know is caused through
insulin resistance. Some cells eg fat and muscle cells need insulin to absorb glucose. If these cells
fail to respond to insulin- i.e. become insulin resistant, blood glucose rises and diabetes results.
The subgroup which develops type 2 diabetes show central obesity and high blood sugar in their
phenotype. The healthy subgroup do not show central obesity and have normal blood sugar in
their phenotype.

Genotype is an organism’s full hereditary information which may or may not be expressed. It is
the genetic make up of an organism. People genome contain the similar sets of genes at the
similar location, every people are characterise by their own gene. In the subgroup who have type
2 diabetes they have the gene of their disease and it has been expressed due to the environmental
factors. Their genes have the alleles of the obesity genotype which, if the environmental factors
are favourable, may go on to be expressed and so bring about the obesity phenotype.

In order to isolate a gene we need knowledge of the gene or its product e.g. The gene sequence,
protein sequence or phenotype. For isolation and identifying of gene of the two subgroups we
have to make a genomic library. In library construction, for preparing a genomic DNA we need
cleave the DNA with restriction enzyme and will find an overlapping genomic fragment. We can
study the protein by agarose gel electrophoresis and detect the sequence of these protein. After
that we need to make the cDNA library for screening of library and sequence.By this we can
isolate cDNA clone then make DNA genomic library. The genomic library represents the entire
genome. It is helpful for analysing the gene promoter which is useful to identify the gene

We can now make a map of the genome of the two subgroups through the genomic library .DNA
genomic map gives information about location of gene and distance between two genes.

The function of a gene can be determined by linking the promoter of the gene to a coading
sequence which produces a protein. It can be easily assayed then we will get a resultant construct
which called a promoter reporter fusion .When we will introduce this into the southern reason
people then the expression of gene would controlled by the promoter and when we detect the
expression of gene then it will give a clue related to gene function.

In the nutshell , on the one end we can say that by the isolation and expression of gene of two
subgroup of Saudi Arabia people ,can detect their gene history, function, and the heredity nature
of disease .And another end ,through the phenotype we can identified that how the people of
southern region subgroup resistance to type 2 diabetes.


Bacchus RA, Bell JL, Madkour M, Kilshaw B. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in male
Saudi Arabs.Diabetologia 1982; 23: 330-332.

Brandon, 1996}, Concepts and methods in evolutionary biology

Levene LS. 2003. Managing type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care

Organization WH. 2009. diabetes. NIDDM (type 2 diabetes).

online b. 2008. Phenotype

Warsy AS, El-Hazmi MAF. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension and obesity-Common multi-factorial
disorders in Saudis.East Mediterr Health J 1999; 5: 1236-1242

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