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;Blair Lee

;John McDonald
;EE 476 Final Project
.include "4414def.inc"
.def spdPulse=r16 ;speed pulse counter for PWM (0..16)
.def spdPW =r17 ;speed pulse width (0=stop, 15=full on)
.def strPulse=r18 ;steering pulse counter
.def strPW =r19 ;steering pulse width (14=left, 30=right)
.def savSREG =r20 ;save the status register
.def RXchar =r21 ;a received character
.def state =r22 ;state machine variable
.def Spdreg =r23 ;speed register (Forward, Reverse)
.def temp =r24 ;temporary register
.def temp2 =r25 ;another temporary register
.def running =r26 ;flag to denote running or not running status
.def timtemp =r27 ;timer temporary register
.def lights =r28 ;lights status register
.def temp3 =r29
.equ baud96 =25 ;9600 baud constant for 4Mhz crystal
.equ read =0
.equ fwd =1
.equ back =2
.equ left =3
.equ right =4
.equ go =5
.equ stop =6
.equ mask =0x0f
;command line prefixes, shifted right 5 bits
.equ fwdcmd =0x00 ;forward prefix
.equ bakcmd =0x01 ;backward prefix
.equ lftcmd =0x02 ;left prefix
.equ rgtcmd =0x03 ;right prefix
.equ gocmd =0x04 ;go prefix
.equ stpcmd =0x05 ;stop prefix
.equ Center =0x16
.equ MaxWidth =0x3f
.equ SpdOffset =0xfd
.equ OFF =0x00
.equ ON =0xff
.equ Forward =0x0f
.equ Reverse =0xf0
;mask values for "other" commands
.equ run_mask = 0x01 ;starts/stops car
;define variable strings to be transmitted from RAM
cntstr: .byte 3 ;a two digit count + a zero terminate
.org $0000
rjmp RESET ;reset entry vector
rjmp Timer1 ;Timer1 overflow - speed control
rjmp Timer0 ;Timer0 overflow - steering control
rjmp RXdone ;UART receive done
; PORTA is for speed control
; PORTC is for steering control
; PORTB controls the lights
; PORTD is the serial receiver

;Timer0 speed and steering control interrupt

cli ;disable interrupts
inc strPulse ;increment the steering Pulse counter
brmi StrOff ;turn steering pulse off
cp strPulse, strPW ;compare strPulse to strPulseWidth
brge StrOff ;turn steering pulse off
tst strPulse ;check if counter is negative
brmi StrOff ;turn steering pulse off
ldi timtemp, ON
out PORTC, timtemp ;turn steering pulse on
sei ;enable interrupts
ldi timtemp, OFF
out PORTC, timtemp ;turn steering pulse off
sei ;enable interrupts

cli ;disable interrupts
inc spdPulse ;increment the speed Pulse counter
cp spdPulse, spdPW ;compare spdPulse counter to spdPW
brge ShutOff ;branch to motor shutoff
out PORTA, SpdReg ;turn motor on
sei ;enable interrupts
reti ;return from timer0 interrupt
ldi timtemp, OFF
out PORTA, timtemp ;turn motor off
cpi spdPulse, MAXwidth ;compare spdPulse to MAXwidth
breq TimerReset ;branch to reset the timer
sei ;enable interrupts
reti ;return from timer0 interrupt
ldi spdPulse, 0x00 ;reset spdPulse
out PORTA, SpdReg ;turn motor on
sei ;enable interrupts
reti ;return from timer0 interrupt

ldi temp, LOW(RAMEND) ;setup stack pointer
out SPL, temp
ldi temp, HIGH(RAMEND)
out SPH, temp
;initial conditions
ldi RXchar, go ;start out running
;setup UART -- enable TXempty & RXdone int, and RX, TX pins
ldi temp, 0b10010000
out UCR, temp
;set baud rate to 9600
ldi temp, baud96
out UBRR, temp
;enable Timer0 interrupts
ldi temp, 0b10000010 ;turn on timer0 interrupt only
out TIMSK, temp
ldi temp, 0x01 ;prescale timer to raw clock
out TCCR0, temp
ldi temp, 0x00
out TCCR1A, temp
ldi temp, 0b00000001
out TCCR1B, temp
;enable watchdog timer
ldi temp, 0x0e
out WDTCR, temp
;setup ports A and C to all output
ldi temp, ON
out DDRA, temp
out DDRC, temp
ldi temp, OFF
out PORTA, temp
out PORTC, temp
ldi temp, 0xff
out DDRB, temp
;initialize Speed
ldi spdPW, OFF
ldi spdPulse, OFF
;initialize Direction
ldi strPW, Center
ldi strPulse, OFF
ldi running, OFF
ldi state, read
cpi state, read
breq _read
cpi state, stop
breq _stop2
cpi state, go
breq _go2
cpi state, fwd
breq _fwd
cpi state, back
breq _back3
cpi state, left
breq _left3
cpi state, right
breq _right3
rjmp MainLoop
_read: mov temp, RXchar ;grab a byte from stream for analysis
mov temp2, temp ;don't want to clobber original temp
lsr temp2 ;now shift right 4 bits (bear with us...)
lsr temp2
lsr temp2
lsr temp2
cpi temp2, gocmd
breq _readgo
cpi temp2, stpcmd
breq _readstp
cpi running, ON ;check if input is to be used
breq _readchng
ldi state, stop
rjmp MainLoop ;if not running, ignore input
cpi temp2, fwdcmd
breq _readfd
cpi temp2, bakcmd
breq _readbk
cpi temp2, lftcmd
breq _readlt
cpi temp2, rgtcmd
breq _readrt
rjmp MainLoop
ldi state, fwd
rjmp MainLoop
ldi state, back
rjmp MainLoop
ldi state, left
rjmp MainLoop
ldi state, right
rjmp MainLoop
ldi state, go
rjmp MainLoop
ldi state, stop
rjmp MainLoop
rjmp _left2
rjmp _right2
rjmp _stop
rjmp _go
rjmp _back
; mov temp2, spdPW
; com temp2
; out PORTB, temp2
ldi temp2, mask ;set up mask for magnitude
and temp, temp2 ;extract magnitude
breq _fwdstop ;stop the motor
lsl temp ;scale the pulse width
lsl temp
cpi SpdReg, Reverse ;check if currently in reverse
breq _fwdwait
rjmp _fwd2
rcall wait ;wait for 1ms
mov spdPW, temp ;load PulseWidth with the appropriate value
ldi SpdReg, Forward ;set current speed to forward
subi spdPW, SpdOffset;add speed offset
ldi state, read
rjmp MainLoop
ldi spdPW, OFF ;set pulse width to zero
ldi SpdReg, OFF ;set current speed to OFF
ldi state, read
rjmp MainLoop
rjmp _left
rjmp _right
; mov temp2, spdPW
; com temp2
; out PORTB, temp2
ldi temp2, mask
and temp, temp2 ;extract magnitude
lsl temp ;scale the pulse width
lsl temp
cpi SpdReg, Forward ;check if currently in forward
breq _backwait
rjmp _back2
rcall wait ;wait for 1ms
ldi SpdReg, Reverse ;set current speed to reverse
mov spdPW, temp ;load PulseWidth with the appropriate value
subi spdPW, SpdOffset;add speed offset
ldi state, read
rjmp MainLoop
mov temp2, temp
com temp2
out PORTB, temp2
ldi temp2, mask
and temp, temp2
lsr temp ;shift right to get top 3 bits
ldi temp2, Center ;load Center steering position
sub temp2, temp ;subtract left steering offset
mov strPW, temp2 ;store steering PWM value
ldi state, read
rjmp MainLoop
mov temp2, temp
com temp2
out PORTB, temp2
ldi temp2, mask
and temp, temp2
lsr temp ;shift right to get top 3 bits
ldi temp2, Center ;load Center steering position
add temp2, temp ;add right steering offset
mov strPW, temp2 ;store steering PWM value
ldi state, read
rjmp MainLoop
ldi running, ON ;turn car on
mov lights, temp ;load new light settings
andi lights, 0x0f
ldi state, read
rjmp MainLoop
ldi spdPW, OFF ;stop the car
ldi SpdReg, OFF ;set current speed to OFF
ldi strPW, Center ;center the steering
ldi lights, OFF ;turn lights off
ldi state, read
rjmp MainLoop

;wait before changing direction

cli ;disable interrupts
ldi temp2, OFF
out PORTA, temp2 ;turn motor off
clr temp2 ;clear upper 8 bits of counter
clr temp3 ;clear lower 8 bits of counter
inc temp3
cpi temp3, 0
brne innerL
inc temp2
cpi temp2, 16
brne outerL
sei ;here the outer loop is complete; approx.
1 ms has passed
ret ;return from wait subroutine
;interrupt routines
; UART read a character
RXdone: cli
wdr ;watchdog timer reset
in savSREG, SREG ;save processor status
in RXchar, UDR ;get the character
out SREG, savSREG ;restore proc status
reti ;back to pgm

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