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Bending Moments in Piles Due to Lateral Earth Pressure

Mom ents fléchissants dans les pieux sous l ’effet de la poussée des terres latérale

by L. H e y m a n , c h ie f engineer w ith Soil M echanics D e p artm e n t Public W orks A m sterd am

L. B o e r sm a , engineer w ith Soil M echanics D e p artm e n t Public W o rk s A m sterd am

Summary Sommaire
W hen constructing em bankm ents close to existing buildings, Pendant la construction de remblais le long de bâtiments
it is possible that-ow ing to lateral displacements of a soft subsoil- existants des forces horizontales peuvent agir sur les pieux de
heavy horizontal loads m ay be imposed on the foundation piles. fondation par suite de déplacements latéraux dans le sous-sol mou.
In order to determine the stresses in the piles as a function of Pour déterm iner les tensions dans les pieux en fonction de la
the distance from an em bankm ent, tests were carried out on a distance au rem blai, des essais furent effectués en 1959 sur un
building site in Am sterdam in 1959. chantier à Amsterdam.
Three test piles, each with a length of 12-5 m, were driven Trois pieux d'essai, long de 12,50 m, furent battus dans un
a t 5 m centres into a sub-soil of peat, clay and sandy clay, the terrain com posé de tourbe, d'argile et de sable argileux et recou­
whole covered with a sand em bankm ent 2 m deep. The toes of vert d’une couche de sable de 2 m. La pointe des pieux était
the piles were driven into a firm stratum of sand ; the heads enfoncée dans une couche de sable dur ; la tête des pieux était
of the piles were held in place by struts. The test piles were steel m aintenue en place par des étais. Les pieux étaient des tubes
tubes with a rectangular cross-section having the same strength d’acier à section rectangulaire et de même résistance à la flexion
in bending as concrete piles of equivalent dimensions. que des pieux en béton de dimensions égales.
On one side of the pile-row an em bankm ent was constructed Un remblai de sable de 7 m de haut fut construit à 30 m de
w ith a height of 7 m and at a distance of 30 m from the piles. la rangée de pieux et rapproché de ceux-ci par étapes de 5 m.
It was extended in the direction of the piles by steps of 5 m. Les tensions résultantes dans les pieux furent mesurées avec
The stresses in the piles due to this load, were measured by des extensomètres électriques ; en même temps les pressions
m eans o f strain gauges. The bending m om ents were determined d’eau interstitielle dans la couche d ’argile et les forces d'appui
from strain gauge readings. contre les étais furent enregistrées.
The strain gauges gave excellent service for the 6 m onths Les essais o nt dém ontré que les tensions admissibles dans
th a t the test lasted. At the same time the deform ations in the des pieux norm aux peuvent être largement dépassées par l’effet
sub-soil, the pore w ater pressure in the clay layer and the forces des forces horizontales du sous-sol. Des mom ents de 14 tonne-
in the struts were measured. mètres furent mesurés pour une distance de 10 m entre pieu et
The tests showed that piles of norm al dimensions can be remblai. Des déplacem ents du sol furent observés ju sq u 'à 10 m
overloaded considerably by these horizontal forces. At a distance de profondeur.
of 10 m between the piles and the toe of the em bankm ent bending
m om ents up to 14 ton metres were measured. H orizontal displace­
ments in the sub-soil occured down to a depth of 10 m below
ground level.

W ith in the building a rea o f th e city exten sio n o f A m ster­ th e soil c o n d itio n s a re sim ilar to these en c o u n tered in m o st
d a m are high level ro a d s fou n d ed on sand em bankm ents. o f th e new bu ild in g areas o f the tow n.
Som e o f these em b an k m en ts will n o t be co n stru c ted before Fig. 1 show s the soil layers a t the site o f th e t e s t ; o n top
th e su rro u n d in g buildings, all o n p ile-foundations, have o f the p eat, w hich fo rm ed the orig in al su rface lay er in the
been co m p leted. A s th e sub-soil o f m o st o f the building polder, a san d em b an k m en t 2 m deep has been recen tly
areas con cerned is com posed o f soft peat a n d clay layers applied for c o n so lid atio n o f the so ft subsoil. T h e reference
d ow n to a d ep th o f a t least 7 m , a considerable am o u n t of level indicated o n the draw ings is th e N o rm al A m sterd am
la teral e a rth pressure ag a in st the existing pile fo u n d atio n s Level, (N .A .L .). T h e g ro u n d w ater level is 1-20 m below
m u st b e expected d u rin g c o n stru c tio n o f the sand e m b a n k ­ N .A .L .; the peat an d the u n d erlay in g clay layers are all
m en ts w ith an average height o f 5 to 6 m . In o rd er to design sa tu ra te d w ith w ater. A fter an o rig in al settlem en t o f ap p ro x i­
th e co n crete pile fo u n d atio n s o f buildings ad ja c e n t to the m a tely 0*70 m b y the w eight o f the 2 m san d em b an k m en t
fu tu re hig h level ro ad em b an k m en ts, an ac cu rate estim ate the u ltim a te to ta l settlem en t will reach a n av erag e value
o f b ending m om ents in the piles as th e result o f lateral e a rth o f 0*90 m in a co n so lid atio n p eriod o f 25 years. T h e d iag ram
p ressu re h as to be m ade. o f th e co n e p en e tratio n test (Fig. 2) show s a lay er o f relativ ely
T h e th eoretical ap p ro ac h to this pro b lem p ro v ed to be high b ea rin g ca p acity a t a d ep th o f 11 m , this is th e san d
u n reliab le d u e to the n u m b e r o f assum ptions th a t h ad to la y er in w hich the fo u n d a tio n piles are u su ally d r iv e n ;
be m ad e co n cerning stress d is trib u tio n in the v arious su b ­ those piles w ith an av erag e len g th o f 12 m a re encased at
so il layers. It w as therefore decided to p erform a full scale th e to p in th e fo u n d atio n beam s o f th e b u ild in g s ; the toes
test b y m easuring the ac tu al bending m om ents in test piles o f the piles are firm ly em b ed d ed in the san d layer.
as a resu lt o f la teral e a rth pressure from a sand e m b an k m en t As concrete piles are u n su ita b le fo r ac cu rate stress m ea­
a t d ifferent distances fro m the piles. T his test could be u n d er­ surem ents, it w as decided to use th ree identical steel tubes
ta k e n d u rin g th e co n stru c tio n o f a ro ad -em b an k m e n t in the w ith a rectan g u la r cross-section o f 30 by 30 m a n d a length
so u th e rn p a rt o f the city exten sio n o f A m sterd a m w here o f 12-50 m. T h o se test piles sh o u ld h av e the sam e b ending
other. The electrical strain gauges are of the Hottinger type
INVOLUME- FB I with 120 Ohm resistance, connected in complete W heat­
SURFACE stone bridges with two active strain gauges. Fig. 3 shows
SAND 1.90 —
0.99 82.1
H 1.59 59.3
W D 1.81 46.1
CLAY 1.66 57.3
PEAT l.l 3 75.0
1.90 —

F ig . 1 B o r in g p r o file at te s t s ite .

P r o fil d u s o l à l ’ e n d r o i t d e s e ss a is .


Fig. .1 Test pile with strain gauges during fabrication.

Pieu d'essai avec extensomètes électriques pendant la

the open piles with the strain gauges before welding. In each
pile a small steel plate is fixed by a single bolt, supporting
an additional measuring point, that will remain w ithout
stress throughout the test and serves as check point for the
measuring device. After completion, the test piles were
gauged by means of a bending test as a horizontal girder
on two supports.
On the building site the three piles were carefully driven
to the same depth ; they were placed in one line a t 5 m
centres. Then a 7 m road embankment was constructed by
hydraulic fill with the toe of the embankment slope at a
distance o f 30 m from the piles. The heads of the piles were
propped up at ground level against a heavy concrete beam
founded on 8 batter piles, so they could not move in the
direction o f the lateral earth pressure; the test piles were
F ig . 2 Cone p e n e t r a t io n d ia g r a m .

P r o fil de so n d a g e a u p é n é tro m è tre .

strength as concrete piles o f equivalent external dimen­

sions, which resulted in the use o f 6 mm thick steel plate
for their construction. For each test pile two U shaped
profiles were especially made, then welded together and
closed by steel plates at both ends. Before welding, elec­
trical strain gauges were fixed at 4 places on the inside o f
each half pile, making 8 measuring points per pile. The lar­
gest earth pressure being expected in the upper soil layers,
the measuring points were concentrated in 4 cross-sections
of the upper part o f the piles. In each o f those 4 sections
the stresses due to longitudinal forces and bending moments Fig, 4 Disposition o f strain reading instrum ents in the shed.
can be measured at two points diametrically opposite each D isposition des instrum ents de mesure.

4 26
thus under conditions similar to those o f normal concrete In order to keep the piles intact, two were pulled out at
foundation piles. this stage of the te s t; the zero readings proved that the
Pressure boxes were m ounted between the propping up measuring points were still in good condition after more
and the heads o f the piles for measuring the reaction forces. than 6 m onths’ use. The third pile was submitted to a last
N ear the piles and between the piles and the em bankm ent test by extending the em bankm ent another 5 m. Due to an
several electrical pore water pressure meters were placed artificial lowering o f the pore water pressure with vertical
in the clay layer immediately under the peat. In alignment sand drains in the interval between the last two steps, Ihe
with the piles, four flexible tubes were placed in the ground measured stresses in the third pile did not exceed those of
by which the displacements o f the subsoil could be measured the previous stages. Fig. 6 gives a general view o f the test
with a Plantema type inclinometer. All the cables o f the site seen from the top of the embankment.
strain gauge measuring points, coming out o f the piles near
the top, were brought together in a shed where they were
permanently connected to the reading instruments. All the
readings o f the pore water pressure meters the reaction
force pressure boxes and the deflectometers could also
be made in the shed.
F or test purposes the em bankm ent, made by hydraulic
fill at a distance o f 30 m from the piles, was progressively
extended in the direction o f the piles by steps o f 5 m, as
indicated on Fig. 5. Each step was followed by a period

Fig. 6 General view of test site.

Terrain d'essai vu du haut du remblai.

Figs. 7 to 10 show the results o f the test. Fig. 7 gives the

relationship between the measured bending moments in the
test piles and the distance from the piles to the toe of the
road embankments ; the measuring data obtained with the
three piles proved to be in very close agreement. The maxi-

Fig. 5 Schematic plan of tests with steps of embankment

Plan schématique des essais avec phases d’avancement
du remblai.

of rest o f two o r more weeks. When the toe of the em bank­

ment was extended to a distance o f 10 m from the piles, the
bending moments reached nearly 14 ton metres which was Fig. 7 Bending moments in piles related to distance from
about the maximum the piles could stand without permanent embankment.
deformation that could have disturbed the strain gauge Moments fléchissants dans les pieux en fonction de la
measurements. distance au remblai.

N.AL. 5 N . A L .f '"




F ig . 9 H o r iz o n t a l s o il d is p la c e m e n t s m e a su re d w it h in c li n o m e t e r .

D é p la c e m e n ts h o r iz o n t a u x du so u s-sol m esu ré s avec l ’ in c lin o m è tr e .

mum bending m om ent was observed a t a depth o f about
2-50 m, that is approxim ately the level o f the separation
between the sand and peat strata. Fig. 8 shows the relation-


Fig. 10 Maximum bending moment related to pore water
pressure in clay layer.
Moment fléchissant maximum en fonction de la pression
d’eau interstitielle dans l’argile.

bending moments in the piles. The pore water pressure in

the diagram is referred to the N orm al Amsterdam Level
(N.A.L.). The overpressure of pore water as a result o f the
Fig. 8 Horizontal strut reaction related to distance from construction o f the em bankm ent has to be measured from
embankment. the initial ground water level a t 1-20 m below N.A.L. For
Force de réaction horizontale en fonction de la distance a distance o f 15 m between pile and toe of embankment,
au remblai. when the bending moment was 10 ton metres, the pore
water pressure in the clay was 1-40 m, that is 0-20 m above
N .A.L. Below the top of the embankment, with 7 m o f sand,
ship between the horizontal reaction forces at the head of the highest overpressure was 7-20 m, decreasing only very
the piles and the distance to the toe o f the embankment. little during the test period.
In norm al building practice this horizontal force will not The conclusion from the above test results is that, for
cause special problems : the stiffness o f the whole pile founda­ soil conditions similar to those of the test site, special pre­
tion will usually be sufficient to withstand i t ; if necessary, cautions shouls be taken if high embankments are cons­
batter piles can be used. tructed at less than 25 m distance from existing pile founda­
Fig. 9 shows the displacements in the subsoil measured tions, the maximum permissible bending moment in normal
after each consecutive step o f the extension o f the embank­ concrete piles with shaft dimensions o f 30 by 30 cm being
ment. After the third step (distance 15 m) the horizontal about 5 ton metres.
displacement increased more than during the first steps In Amsterdam, in all cases where pile foundations have
and reached 20 cm a t ground level. The largest displacements to be made for buildings located a t less then 25 m from
were measured at the surface; they diminished with increas­ future embankments, the use of especially reinforced piles
ing depth. Below the level o f 5 m, in the sandy clay, the is recommended. If bending moments of 10 ton metres or
displacements were relatively sm a ll; in the firm sandlayer more are expected as the result o f lateral earth pressure,
below 11 m depth no displacements have been recorded. piles o f special design are u s e d ; the bending resistance of
Fig. 10 shows the observed pore water pressure in the clay those piles is increased by additional steel reinforcement
layer near the piles as a function o f the corresponding highest and by enlargement o f the pile shafts.


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