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Pain Conundrums: Which Hypothesis?

Central Nervous System Sensitization versus Peripheral

Nervous System Autonomy

Dr John Lyftogt, Christchurch, New Zealand

he two hypotheses, central nervous system (CNS) vibration or tickle now connect to a different second-order
sensitization and peripheral nervous system cell in the spinal cord. Their activity now may produce a
(PNS) autonomy are at first glance irreconcilable. burning pain instead of a tickle. In an article in the
CNS sensitization is the reigning paradigm in main- Lancet, Loeser and Melzack3 conclude that “The brain
stream pain medicine. It is shared by most members of the contains widely distributed neural networks that create an
medical scientific community. image of self through genetic programmes and memories
PNS autonomy is not recognized despite convincing of past experience. Afferent inputs act on this neuromatrix
scientific and clinical evidence. It has yet to establish a and produce output patterns that lead to the report of pain.
paradigm status and would require a scientific revolution Stress can change the interactions between the
or paradigm shift for it to gain acceptance, as predicted by neuromatrix and peripheral stimuli, as can learned expe-
Thomas Kuhn.1 riences and expectation.”
However, a growing body of scientific evidence, old and As a consequence of the above concepts, the memory
new, is addressing anomalies in the CNS sensitization of the injury leading to chronic pain and CNS sensitization
concepts that have been ignored or dismissed. are now generally considered useful in the “management”
Historically, ideas culminating in the CNS sensitization of chronic pain by increasingly complex multidisciplinary
theory started with the Melzack-Wall article in 19652 on the teams.
Gate Control Theory, which “emphasized the mecha- One anomaly in the CNS sensitization theory is its
nisms of the CNS controlling the perception of a noxious impotence in curing chronic pain, despite more than 40
stimulus and thus integrated afferent, upstream proc- years of millions of dollars of research unraveling the
esses with downstream modulation from the brain”.3 The mysteries of the CNS. Loeser and Melzack3 admit to this
current definition of pain endorsed by the International when they conclude their article in 1999 by saying, “In both
Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) is a logical clinical and basic research, we are rapidly gaining useful
outcome of this theory: “Pain is an unpleasant sensory information that will lead to more effective care for those
and emotional experience associated with actual or po- who suffer pain”. In the introduction to the third edition of
tential tissue damage, or described in terms of such The Textbook of Pain, Wall and Melzack6 express the
damage”.4 hope that in their next edition they will be able to announce
According to Howard L Fields,5 “The pain pathway we to the world a cure for chronic pain. This inability to cure
are all familiar with normally begins with tissue damage, chronic pain has led mainstream medicine to build up an
inflammation, and traumatic injury. It starts with impulses immutable conviction that any health professional claim-
out in the periphery. These are propagated to the spinal ing the opposite is deluding himself or herself and his or
cord, cross in the contralateral spinothalamic tract, deliv- her patients. Popularized books on the management of
ered to the thalamus and then widely distributed to the chronic pain by reputable and leading specialists thus
cortex. Injury to a peripheral nerve somehow causes an warn patients seeking a cure for their chronic pain to be
increase of activity in this pathway somewhere along this wary because offering a cure is akin to deception.7 A
pathway.” He goes on to say that this increase of activity further anomaly is the belief there is no demonstrated
could come from either greater activity in the nociceptors pathology in the PNS satisfactorily explaining chronic
in the periphery or by removal of some sort of inhibition in pain. This view is detailed in the introduction to Wall and
the CNS releasing the transmission neurons from inhibi- Melzack’s Textbook of Pain6 in 1997.
tion. Further, he argues that these neurons are now The last 40 years of basic research into the PNS has
spontaneously active and produce a pain signal. Animal shown the opposite. Since Jancso et al. published their
studies have shown that these nerves themselves be- Direct Evidence for Neurogenic Inflammation and its Pre-
come pain generators. It is also known that damage to vention by Denervation and by Pretreatment with Capsai-
selectively large myelinated fibers will cause central fibers cin in 19678 a growing number of scientists have system-
to fire more to any peripheral stimulus. There is also atically unraveled the PNS response to injury. Bennett in
evidence that damage to peripheral nerves results in 19999 summarized this: “Painful peripheral neuropathies
spontaneous activity in second-order neurons. Injury to begin with nerve injury caused by disease or trauma. This
peripheral nerves can also possibly cause “rewiring” in the injury will result in an inflammatory reaction, a neuritis that
spinal cord where fibers from the periphery normally will mobilize the immune system.” Subsequent changes
responding to light touch producing the sensation of may result in more slowly developing mechanisms of

72 Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine

Pain Conundrums: Which Hypothesis?

abnormal pain that underlie the chronic phase of painful in cholinergic and adrenergic nerves. The intimate con-
neuropathy. nection between sensory and autonomic nerves is par-
Douglas Zochodne from the Neuroscience Research ticularly poignant in children born with congenital insensi-
Group in Calgary10 examined the role of the microenviron- tivity to pain in hereditary sensory and autonomic neu-
ment and microcirculation of the injured and regenerating ropathy (HSAN type I-IV). The absent or abnormal periph-
peripheral nerve trunk and concluded in his seminal paper eral nerves are the reason for severe disfiguring sequelae
on peripheral nerve response to injury: “Better under- of trauma, inability to repair tissue or adequately mobilize
standing of these and other events in injured nerve trunks the immune system, often leading to death from infection
is needed to help solve the two cardinal problems of during childhood. The recent finding of opioid receptors on
peripheral nerve injuries: peripheral sensory axons15 led to some speculation that
1) functional disability from impaired regeneration, and these µ opioid receptors (MORs) may have an anti-
2) the development of disabling neuropathic pain.” nociceptive action. This motivated Zochodne et al,16 to
Peripheral nerves respond to injury in a unique way. examine the function and expression of local MORs
Instead of ischemia, peripheral nerves develop increased associated with the chronic constriction injury (CCI)17
endoneurial blood flow. Trauma-induced ischemia in all model of sciatic neuropathic pain in rats. Low dose mor-
other tissues may lead to cell death and release of phine was injected percutaneously near the nerve. They
arachidonic acid, stimulating COX I, COX II, and 5-LOX concluded that their positive findings “may provide a
pathways upregulating prostaglandin production and tis- therapeutic direction for the treatment of certain focal
sue inflammation. Peripheral nerve injury leads to “dump- neuropathic lesions in humans”.
ing” of calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP), substance Successful treatments of painful peripheral neuropa-
P (SP) and nitric oxide (NO) from nervi nervorum, the thies or chronic recalcitrant pain have been described in
extensive innervations of the connective tissue of periph- the literature. Whether one goes along with the rationale
eral nerve trunks, the epi-perineurium. CGRP, SP, and for these treatments is less relevant. After all, clinicians
NO are vasodilators with CGRP and SP also potent would consider it unethical to cease treatment with lithium
upregulators of vascular permeability of the vasa nervorum carbonate or chlorpromazine simply because the mode of
and neighboring blood vessels. The result is a rapid action is unknown. By 1965 George Hackett18 had pub-
increase in the endoneurial blood flow and neurogenic lished the results of prolotherapy treatment of 1800 cases
inflammation of the nerve trunk itself and the surrounding of chronic low back pain, with an 82% success rate and a
tissues. This forms the basis of the Triple Response 12-year follow up. He published 16 articles and one book
described by Lewis in 192711 with the well-known “line, on his treatment. Also in 1965 Melzack and Wall published
wheal and flare”. Lewis also identified the Axon Reflex, their Gate Control Theory of Pain. Their Textbook of Pain,
showing axonal impulses travelling in an orthodromic (to published in 1997, does not reference prolotherapy. Nei-
CNS) and antidromic direction. In 1901 Bayliss12 found ther does it reference neural therapy. This treatment was
that stimulation of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) resulted developed in Germany in the 1940s by Drs Ferdinand and
in peripheral vasodilatation. He postulated afferent and Walter Huneke. Lidocaine is used to treat chronic pain by
efferent conduction. Some 20 neuropeptides and targeting postulated “interference fields” that cause “blocks”
neurotransmitters are known to be involved in neurogenic in the autonomic nervous system leading to chronic pain.
inflammation.13 Most of these have been cloned, including This treatment is highly successful and practised widely in
their antagonists, their receptors, and receptor antago- Germany and Spain by more than 5000 medical practi-
nists. Evidence of pivotal roles for specific neuropeptides tioners. Most of the literature is in German and this may be
is lacking, hence no drug treatment has yet been devel- the reason there is little knowledge of this treatment in the
oped against neurogenic inflammation and the concept of English-speaking world.
neuromodulation is rationalizing the impasse. It has also The growing scientific evidence supporting the view that
been found that some neuropeptides (CGRP, peptide YY neuropathic pain syndromes are caused by unremitting
- PYY - and neuropeptide Y - NPY) can be released from peripheral neurogenic inflammation involving the auto-
non-neuronal cells and also in a paracrine fashion from nomic and sensory nerves may lead to renewed interest
neurons. Some anti-inflammatory neuropeptides such as in prolotherapy and neural therapy as these treatments
melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), vasoactive in- are effective and seem to target the PNS. The author has
testinal peptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase- now treated more than a 1000 patients with subcutaneous
activating polypeptide (PACAP) may be released to termi- prolotherapy targeting neurogenic inflammation of periph-
nate inflammation under physiological conditions. Thus eral nerve trunks in much the same way as Zochodne’s
neuromediators are not all pro-inflammatory but regulate percutaneous near nerve injections with low-dose opioids.
all phases of the inflammatory response. Published results19-21 are promising for recalcitrant lum-
The complexity of responses of the peripheral nervous bago, shoulder, knee, elbow pain, and achillodynia.
system was also highlighted by Burnstock in 1976.14 He Patients with chronic neuropathic pain will continue to
introduced the concept of co-transmission in the auto- suffer needlessly if physicians remain fixed on the reigning
nomic nervous system with neuropeptides also contained paradigm that can suggest only “pain management” when

November 2008 73
Pain Conundrums: Which Hypothesis?

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