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Monday, March 14th at 7:00 p.m.
SF Ministry Center


Paul Anderson Randi Helder Rich Merkouris

John Bultsma Gerry Heuer Karen Rehling
Julie Burnside Monica Heuer Jan Tollefson
Derek Hackett Bjorn Lervik
Kyle Helder Kevin Ludwig

1. Meeting led by Rich Merkouris. Opening prayer by Randi Helder.

2. Review of Process/Schedule -

This meeting is for laying out the process and discussing a few specific things. We will leave the
“flushing out” of ideas for the specific groups.

Over the next 2 ½ months, our goal is to help people work through this time and establish a
congregation on June 5th. An official congregational meeting will be held on that date.

The transitional leadership group will meet every 3 weeks for the next few months. There are 3
potlucks scheduled between now and June 5th. Check the calendar on the website for specific dates.
The leadership group is asked to visit with their group partner and make sure at least one of you can
be at every potluck to represent your focus area. Over the next 5 weeks during Lent we will have
focus discussions follow a brief worship service. Education will be provided on the different focus
areas and what scripture says about each area. Rich will work with each group individually before
their night is discussed. Finance/governance will not be discussed at the Wednesday sessions.

The group is asked to be thinking of the date we should go public with our intent to go forward as a
congregation. This decision will be dependent upon whether we choose to affiliate with a

3. NALC/Independent/Denomination Discussion -

An open discussion was held regarding concerns, red flags, and positives with joining the NALC.

It was decided that we will proceed under the assumption of going with NALC until further
discussion is held. The group is asked to visit with others and ascertain their thoughts on affiliating
with the NALC prior to the next meeting.

4. Mission/Vision/Core Beliefs -
(See attached sheet.) Everyone needs to pray about this. Think about wording, etc. Think simple.
Spend some time thinking through these and what needs to be discussed. This will be the main item
at the next meeting.

5. Volunteer Coordinator -

It has been very exciting because many people have been asking what they can do to help. Rich’s
commitment is to preach and provide administrative oversight. The biggest need at the moment is
someone to be the point person for organizing ushers, treats, etc. Kyle Helder volunteered and will
ask Renee White if she is interested in helping, too. Julie Burnside is willing to do it if Renee is not

6. Review focus areas:

The Legal and Finance area needs to be set in stone in 3 months. The rest will take longer and we
want to capture ideas now and keep the momentum. See focus areas on the attached sheet – these
are suggestions for discussions at potlucks.

a. Legal Documents/Governance – Arden Sustad and John Bultsma

The constitution has to be put in place first. Then a 501(3)c needs to be set up. They are
working on the constitution now. It has to be flexible enough that it can change as time
passes. Spiritual authority will have to be written in strongly. Most of the committees will
be set up in the bylaws. Gerry suggested considering task forces vs. committees as they can
be assembled as needed. A rough draft of the constitution will be brought to the next

b. Finance – Gerry Heuer

See attached sheet. We can’t open a bank account until we are legal and have a tax ID
number. Gerry can set up a Quicken account at home. He suggested that we start a “Save It
Forward” program where everyone will be encouraged to fill out a plain envelope with their
name (optional) and projected offering amount and put it in a bucket as they walk out the
door. No money will be placed in the envelopes – it will be used as a pledge. Gerry will
collect these and use it to help determine projections for our finances after June 5th. Gerry
will provide the envelopes and proposes that we begin from our “start date” which was
March 6th. Gerry will track it every week and then at the end will have a total by giver.

Mileage and other expenses should be tracked so they can be paid when our account it

Love offering the plate will be passed once a month or so as discussed previously. This is a
donation beyond the regular offering. We will put the announcements in the church sheets
when this offering is held.

Gerry would like to see us be a tithing congregation and give 10% away to a specified
source. He believes this should be one of our guiding principles.
Is Endowment and Memorial a constitutional item or separate? Gerry will add this to the

c. Congregational Care – Jan Tollefson and Randi Helder

They are already working on prayer chains and had quite a few people sign up on Sunday.
Derek will put it on the web page and it will be automatic online registration. Jan may have
leaders for the phone chains. Jan and Randi will work on setting up a process for visitations.
If someone knows of someone who needs a visit, let Jan or Randi know. They are looking
into providing rides for people uncomfortable driving across town and valet parking. It
should be built in from the beginning that members will care for one another.

d. Worship – Paul Anderson and Monica Heuer

We will be talking about the critical elements in our worship setting. Will look to Monica
and Paul to make sure that is happening. Paul is working on sound and they are looking at
purchasing items as the system at Good Sam is not built for what we are doing. They are
working with SF Music on several items. Paul has ordered a CCLI license.

Kyle mentioned there is a huge factor for discipleship in bringing people in to work with kids,
etc. We need equip them to come in and take our spots. Identify a process of training to
make sure that they are ready to step into the various roles. Rich mentioned that as leaders
we have got to lead the way in being flexible and keeping where the focus needs to be.

e. Education – Julie Burnside and Kyle Helder

They have a great team of volunteers lined up for the next 5 weeks for Wednesday nights.
Will incorporate all ages. Many people are asking to be involved. We need to decide how to
proceed after Lent. As far as VBS, we are partnering with Linwood Wesleyan. A group of
parents are willing to help land will look at getting some of the youth to help.

Wednesday for MS/HS – Kyle will assess the next few weeks. Doyle will partner with Kyle in
getting things set up. Need adult influences so will be pushing for that. Want at least 1-2
adults popping in and out. The kids will be an integral part of the community and part of the
congregation. Will also do some small group Bible study. Need adults for that as well. Will
have sheets with questions for leading the group. Need constant people which is very
important for middle and high school kids. Ask that the leadership team have conversations
with the kids before and after worship and reach out to them. They need to know that this
congregation is caring for them now.

f. Mission/Service – Karen and Randy Rehling

See attached sheet. Considering which Hope missions were being done and which ones we
can take on to keep the missions going. Gerry suggested that we just contact the agencies
directly and see if they need help. Karen asked if Benevolence was part of Center of Hope
and Rich said it is in discussion. Karen will tell Brett to come to the leadership group with
needs. A service is still being done at Center of Hope.
g. Communications/Technology – Derek Hackett and Kevin Ludwig

Website – currently it is informational only. People who are looking for churches are looking
at websites. They are working to make a strong web presence. Looking at some different
hosting options – professional or something the team can do? As the leaders of the groups
have areas that need to be highlighted, use the contact form at the bottom and submit. By
June 5th, we should have a full web presence ready to go. They may need to ask for some
financial assistance.

Technology in the worship setting – communications – how will we portray information to

the group now and going forward? Mass mailings, etc. If someone is out of the loop, let
Derek know.

Kevin is looking at software packages to display songs on the screen. Is working on getting
this set up at Good Sam. Looking for something more user friendly so more people can be
trained to do run it. Ongoing research to check all the options.

7. Other items –

Look at ideas list from the attached sheet and decide what you want to discuss in your groups.

The leadership group will receive an e-mail tonight with the list of 10-12 suggested church names.
The names have been pared down to eliminate duplications. Rich asks that over the next week, the
leadership group respond with input and why they prefer their choices. Then the list will be reduced
to 2-3 names which will be taken to the congregation. We will not take a vote but will ask the same
process from them. It is hoped that we will have a name by April 1st.

8. Closing prayer by John Bultsma.

Submitted by,

Aleen Fisher

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