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BREVET DE TECHNICIEN SUPERIEUR Assistant de gestion de PME-PMI Epreuve de langue vivante étrangére U21 — Compréhension de écrit et expression écrite ANGLAIS SESSION 2016 Durée : 2 heures Coefficient : 2 Matériel autorisé : 7 LE DICTIONNAIRE UNILINGUE EST AUTORISE (@ Pexclusion de tout dictonnsire électronique) = CALCULATRICE INTERDITE Das que le sujet vous est remis, assurez-vous quil est complet, Le sujet se compose de $ pages, numérotées de 1&3 ~ Aegis Teariveanee | Faget ewrd —] 15 2» as Wellness in the workplace: how health itiatives can boost staff productivity ‘The clock ticks to Spm and, officially, your working day is over. What's yo next mave? Are you frantically cramming for tomorrow's big presentation, or rounding Lup your team for your weekly exercise class? As an entrepreneur, you might think of the former as more beneficial to business — every minute of the day can be invested in bettering your company and there is always a new task to tackle, But filing 10 take time out for exercise and relaxation puts you and your team at risk of high stress levels, which in tur affects productivity. In the UK, 11.9 milion days of work were lost in 2013-2014 due to stress, depression or anxiety — an average of 23 days per person. Exercise and a balanced dist are proved efficient against everyday strains. ‘The better your team are looking after thameolves, the fewer working hours will be lost. So how can you encourage your staf to exercise, or eat a healthy lunch away from their desk, over an extra hour of work? Some small business owners find that offering free fitness initiatives Is effective. Willamson is a fitness enthusiast and was keen to share her pastime with her staff, s0 she brought inthe “Swoon Sweater’ —a free wookly fitness session in a nearby park after work. Williamson's iniatve has een a hit, with mast of the firm's 58 staff getting involved on a regular basis. ‘Alongside the Swoon Sweater, all the company’s employees are offered free gym ‘membership. This s a substantial commitment for a small company —it costs Swoon £10,000 per year — but Williamson thinks i's a good investment. “It offers the team ‘opportunities to mix outside the workplace, so the engineering team gets to hang out With tho care team, for example, and this contributes signficantly to morale. | would defintely recommend other businesses consider e similar intiative.” While initiatives such as Swoon's are designed to support healthy habits, there's a slight difference betwesn encouraging staff wellbeing and adding pressure to what is already expected from them at work. ‘One way to measure acity lavels is with wearable technology. Jane Michel, founder of the fitness and weight loss programme Jane Flan, has given out Fitbits, fitness trackers wom on the wrist, 0 all her staf. Michel's team, all women and ‘mostly under 30, have adopted the idea with enthusiasm, and Michell has also fencouraged them to walk to work. Even though activity trackers may workin teams of a similar fitness level, for those lass used to exercise the devices could add to the pressures of workplace performance. Implementing wellbeing iniatives in your workplace, and doing it effectively, is ‘about balance and adapting actives tothe interests of your staff. Provided you get this right, you can improve productivity lovels and staif attitudes towards your business — in a 2013 survey by Mind, 60% of workers said they'd feel more ‘motivated if their employer took action to suppor their mental wellbeing. To sum up, the best approach to encouraging wellness in the workplace is letting the individual choose for themsolves. Staff should talk to thoir employers about how important health is to them — encourage them to open up conversations. ‘adapted from wnwtheguardian.com, 28 August 2015 ‘BREVET DE TEGHHIGIEN SUPERIEUR ASSSTANT DE GESTION PREPAI | SESSIONZO0_| SS EAPLYEANG: | Page ur ‘A-Compréhension de 'éerit (10 points) Vous rédigerez en francais un compte rendu de ce document en 480 mois (+/ 40%). Vous indiquerez obligatoirement le nombre de mots ulisés. B- Expression écrite (10 points) Vous étes kim Robins, assistant de gestion de NETO (kimrobins @NETOmailco.u). Vous rédigerez en_anglals un couriel & John Duncan, PDG de votre entreprise (ohnduncan@NETOmal.co.uk) pour proposer la mise’ en place d'une poltique Sportive a destination des employés. Vous annoncerer les innovations proposées pour la mise en place de cette poltique (abonnement gratuit & un club de spor, intervention d'un coach au sein de entreprise une fois par semaine) = Vous expliquerez les raisons de ces innovations (rep de congés maladie dus au stress of la sédentarite, manque de productivite...); ~ Vous expliquerez les bienfalts recherchés (deux exemples és du texte); Vous expliquerez que Fimage de Tentreprise en bénéficiera en dépit du coat Vous remercierez John Duncan de bien vouloir prendre en considération votre suggestion Formules et présentation d'usage. ‘BREVET DE TEGHNIGIN SUPERIEUR ASSISTAN 1 ‘GAPLVE-ANG: PROPOSITION DE CORRIGE- Courriel @0 pts) From: lmobing @NETO.mai.co.uk (spn ‘To: ohaduncan @ NETOmalL co.uk (oso Subject: spor for employees (o5p) Dear Me Duncan (ospy | am wating to enquire about the possibilty of making the company's employees get more exercise. We ‘could offer them free gym memberehip of Sel Up weBKY sport sessions wih a coach for instance. (4 pts) Indeed a ot of employees suffer from stress and many days of work are lest every year. Moreover remaining seated all day long makes them les productive (4 pts) I tho employees have the impression that thelr company cares about thet weseing they wil fee! more ‘motivated. Besides, team spit willbe reinforced as employees from ciflrent departments wil have an ‘pportuniy to pend time togothar. (4p) | am aware that it represents a substantial cost butt wil be a good invest nent eventually Because It wit Improve NETO's image. (a) “Thank you for your time and consideration (0s | am looking forward to hearing rom you. (ose Bost regards ose kim Robins Prsonal assistant (0500 Ne pas pénaliser si les champs de date ou de pldce jointe ne sont ras mentionnés. ‘Total sur 20, & diviser par deux pour obtenir la note sur 10, PROPOSITION DE CORRIGE Weliess inthe workplace: how health intatves can boos stat productivity CCompte-Rendu (20 pts) fame [eins | oan ac ao Erna Feast oxal dds gre ‘de document, Guardian, daté du 28 aodt 2015 au sujet de la mise en place Sar ee a nn prior \(4 points) Le constat ‘#Le manque d'exercice physique engendre du stress iT point) | ‘Le aan engenree ars wael (po | ‘Chemmngeri pata apo paa mam deur | eat ae | -benembrouns enprinplot os corde prt me te [eoanay |i Tah de pci (po Dienfaits/avantages | , Pius grande motivation des employés (1 point) '*Meilleur moral (1 point) ‘iaaurs conden replys po) [apanay [sae | coroner (oa Fearcaae ange, ss irons Wa setae sean) Giclee a aur em sugeston tote 8 Fee ee epee [Eoanay | Goinion | Comanionporenete lepan ma ane 7 iene wot nature ura do icultés & comprendre de quo! ll est question / Oss er: reurs de grammaire, vocabulaire inapproprlé / De nom. brouses errours (eyntaxe et othographe) +2 points: fensembl forme un texte en grande partie struc- {uré et coherent, encheinement assez logique des sé ments essentials, lo lecteur fat parfolo des efforts pour ‘comprendre / Quelques erreurs de grammaie, lo vocabu Inire rest pas toujours approprié /Quslques erreurs (eyn- taxe et ortographe) +3 paints: Fensemble forme un texte structuré ot cohérent, ‘enchainement logique. dos éléments essentls, la octuo ‘eat alséo/ Bonne mattise du francais (vocabuair et ‘xammalte)/ Tres peu d'erreurs(eyniaxo et orhographe) Total sur 20, a diviser par deux pour obtenir la note sur 10,

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