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Thursday, March 24, 2011 w w w. f i n a n c i a l e x p re s s .

c o m Reflect 9
Director and Chief Executive, ICRIER

It’s a good idea to postpone the GST

Dr Parthasarathi Shome, has had an in- leum taxation needed to be done as well as government-funded?
tense involvement with the finance min- sorting out the cascading issues. As far as From what I understand, enough money
istry as advisor to the minister, in the plan- the Pay Commission issues are con- comes from non-government sources as
ning and roll out of the country-wide VAT. cerned, they were always there. well,sofundingisnotaproblem.Ithinkwe
Thetaxmaven,whohasadvisedoncritical The issue of whether the GST will be stillgetawayinIndiawithoutusingstatis-
changesinthetaxpoliciesof ahugeswathe worse than VAT in terms of revenue is tical analysis as an intrinsic tool to form
of countries, including Brazil, was most something that the states have bargained policy.Inseveralcountries,beforemaking
recently the chief economist at the UK gov- on pretty well to save their revenues. I re- a change in tax measures, these are
ernment’srevenueandcustomsoffice(HM- member during the VAT negotiations ear- analysed and presented to Parliament, es-
RC), before taking over as Director and lier, they had bargained and got R5,000 pecially the impact on those affected.
Chief Executive at Icrier. In a chat with crore towards revenue loss on account of There is nothing like that in India.
Subhomoy Bhattacharjee, Shome de- the switchover to VAT and then for a small
scribes why he is uncomfortable with the drop in percentage of central sales tax In the original DTC, MAT was based on
April 1, 2012 deadline for introducing the they had got another R12,000 crore. So, the yourrecommendations(onassets).But
GST and DTC. Excerpts: revenue fears are a bit exaggerated. after the dilutions, how useful is it?
Enough deliberations have completed on Many fundamental changes were made
The union cabinet has cleared the con- the sovereignty part and the states have as part of the original DTC that I worked
stitutional amendment bill to intro- more or less come out quite okay. on at the finance ministry. I hope those
duce GST this week. What is your take will not be allowed to peter out. But, my
on it? What about the disquiet on the IT fear is if you just make a presentation,
TheBillwillalsosailthroughParliament, preparations? change the language but smoothen out
I am sure, and then move on to becoming This is important. The reality of tax ad- the fundamental changes, then a scribe
anActsoon.Tome,however,theconcerns ministration is not as automatic as one could have written it.
of fiscal federalism and the questions of thinks.Therearedailycomplications,and
the balance of veto power by the Centre each state has its own IT structure, which What about the reforms on MAT?
thatarenowbeingdebatedarelessimpor- is often different from others. In the fi- ItisnotwellunderstoodastohowMATsta-
tant than the need to get the structure of nance ministry, whenever one wanted to bilises corporate tax revenue sources to
the GST right. The first set is important, be specific about these, I found these trou- give a stable revenue. MAT is actually a
no doubt. However, at this point, perhaps, bles very difficult to pin down as one was tool to improve corporate tax revenue
even more important is the issue of the not able to get full information. structure.If youlookatthedistributionof
structure of the new Act, especially, in The other is a somewhat Indian trait corporate tax contribution by companies
whatwaysweareimprovingthestructure that we do not deconstruct the post-in- in India, it is very skewed. The effective
of VAT. troduction stage of a policy. Not much corporate tax for small corporate firms is
There are three or four points at which has been done post-VAT and without that the highest. Then it becomes a U-shaped
the VAT, for instance, cascades. There is we are jumping into GST. By now, a lot of curve for bigger firms. Then there is a
the way in which the state VAT is calculat- Asitstands,thisentireinformationchain tant—for instance, the one on the central analysis should have been done. This is small relative increase, mostly for firms
ed where the cenvat (central value added is now lost. government’s veto power on which the unreflective of global practices. What is from the financial sector.
tax) comes in at the base. There is no offset So, looking at all these structural as- states had justifiable concerns. But now I the impact of VAT, the loss of revenue? We had removed the surcharge from
credit for that. Similarly, the other one is pects,onefeelstheimplementationof GST understand they have moved away from What has happened to the customer, i.e., thesmallerfirmstoreducetheUalittlebit.
the central sales tax, which also gives no is going in a direction quite different from this, which is a very good development. I the tax payer? Have business decisions I suppose it’s still U-shaped. So MAT at-
tax credit for sales within the state. Then, the global best practices. I feel adherence agree these are important, but the struc- become more seamless, has resource al- tempts to use a presumptive tool to
there is taxation of services, for which tothosepracticesismuchmoreimportant tural issues are even more important. location improved? Have refunds be- smoothen the U. If you have invested in as-
there is a credit mechanism in central ex- in the evolution from VAT to GST. come easier to administrate, and have ze- sets in the medium term, you must ensure
cisebutnotoneagainstthestate-levelVAT. The states have complained about tax ro-rating of exports improved? A lot of aminimumrateof return—a40%taxrate
Plus, there are some non-cascading Youaresayingitwouldhavebeenbetter buoyancy reducing and the impact of things can be done like statistical re- on a 5 % return on assets (assumed) gives
problems too. These need to be sorted out. to have delayed the timeline a bit more? the Sixth Pay Commission. search, probit analysis etc. All these are you a 2% minimum tax rate based on your
The exclusion of taxation of petroleum The major challenge is to structure a GST I think the understanding part is a bit ex- usually done by countries as part of a gross assets. There are enough carry-for-
products from the entire VAT structure is thatrunsclosetointernationalstandards, aggerated. But in order to arrive at the post-reform analysis. wards and carry-backwards built in to en-
a major lacunae. It is not a question of tax- ratherthanconcentratingonthesubjectof right structure a delay might have been sureyoualwayspay2%taxrateonyouras-
ation of these products, but the chain cessation of powers of the state govern- better to get an improved solution. For in- Is this reluctance because many of sets. Over 5-10 years, this flattens the skew
should have been integrated within VAT. ments. Mind you, those are very impor- stance, ironing out the problems on petro- the institutes are state or central in corporate taxes.

Geopolitics in the time of upheaval REPORTER’S DIARY

As America cedes ground to new MENA governments, its reliance on India as a staunch and unwavering ally will increase Files, dusters &
he political landscape of the
Middle East and North
Africa has been indelibly al-
MENA region is being re-worked.
While current alliances seem to be
holding up tenuously, the US is
at the end of the Cold War. A highly
probable outcome of this review is
that the US will view India—demo-
ments commit to broader engage-
ter growth and, in the case of
tered in the first quarter of 2011. keenly aware that its influence in cratic, secular, stable, and non- Africa, alleviate poverty. However,
The juggernaut of protests across the region is diminishing (the JEHAN aligned—through a new prism. while ostensibly committing to OFFICIALS in the de-
the region continues to topple dic- abandoning of Mubarak and Saleh PANTHAKI Undoubtedly, America will seek to free trade, heavy weights of the re- partment of telecommu-
tators and challenge the status are a testament). Even entrenched strengthen this already firming al- gion such as Egypt and Saudi Ara- nicationsquipinrelaxed
quo, forcing multilateral military rulers—nonplussed by the pace of liance by gratuitously volunteer- bia might covertly decide to shut conversations with re-
interventions that are simultane- change—are keen to maintain the ing to wholeheartedly support In- out the US from lucrative mega- porters that they will
ously firming and fraying political status quo for now, but recognise hood. Evidence of this estrange- dia’s ambition to be recognised as a dealsinaerospaceanddefence,and soon be experts in han-
alliances. But aside from the obvi- that a significant recalibration in ment came to the fore when the global player. This appeasement large-scaleinfrastructureprojects. dling archival matters of
ous, what might be the long-term the balance of power is in the off- GCC, led by Saudi Arabia, extend- could manifest itself as persistent Spurned by these trading part- the government rather
ramifications of the recent events ing. In North Africa, political re- ed military support to the Bahrai- lobbying and endorsement of In- ners in the MENA region, America than telecom! In effect,
across the Middle East and North calibrations will be prorogued, as ni government. America, undoubt- dia’s desire for a permanent Secu- will seek broad, stable and growing ANANDITA that’s what most of them
Africa (MENA) for the Indo-US re- newly minted governments turn edly, would have preferred an rity Council seat at the UN (though markets with cash-rich customers have been doing over the
lationship, if any? their hands to stimulating growth alternate course of action. An ex- India’s recent abstention on a vote elsewhere. India will be a top con-
SINGH last five months since
For Washington, the upshot of and rooting out corruption. In treme scenario from a security for multilateral military action tender—a stable democracy that MANKOTIA Kapil Sibal took charge
the tumult is the attendant uncer- sharp contrast, in the Gulf, the re- standpoint might even involve the against Gaddafi is disconcerting), provides a counterweight to Chi- as the telecom minister.
tainty stemming from the fear of calibration is well under way. gradual dismantling of America’s or regionally, it might translate as na’s military and commercial as- First, they had to dust off old files to service the
the unknown: from the type of So, how might changes in for- military and naval bases in the more vociferous US support in cendancy. As a result, America will onemanShivrajPatilcommittee,whichSibalhad
democracies that will supplant dic- eign policy play out? For one, Middle East, with Gulf countries favour of India with respect to its seek to accelerate and cement its constituted to look into all spectrum allocations
tatorships, to the altered foreign Egypt’s newly elected government creating the capability to patrol border disputes, and enhanced co- status as a favoured trading part- since 2001. Now, they have to do a similar exercise
policy stance of the rejuvenated might annul its 1979 peace accord the Persian Gulf themselves. operation and intelligence-shar- ner with India, extending concilia- onpapersrelatingtothedisinvestmentof thetele-
states. The US is being forced to ad- with Israel, distancing itself from As these changes manifest ing amongst security forces of tory gestures such as rolling back comPSUVSNLin2002.Atleast Patilhadaluxuri-
just—rapidly and continuously— the US, and weakening the US’s themselves, the US will realise that both countries. restrictions on Indians seeking US ous six weeks to complete his work; Additional
to emergent political fault lines in hand. In a similar vein, Jordan it could be on thin ice across vari- The commercial impact of the work visas and lifting restrictions secretary SR Rao has barely 15 days!
the MENA region. This challeng- might be forced to accommodate ous countries in MENA. This jig- recent developments will be dictat- on US companies outsourcing Officials were a bit perplexed to see the minis-
ing and protracted adjustment will its population’s economic and po- saw of realisations will be exacer- ed by the net impact of two oppos- work to India. It will start lobbying, ter’s order dated March 15 asking for an inquiry
be most pronounced in the geo-po- litical will and lean more decidedly bated by the fact that the US has no ing forces. On the one hand, newly more intensively, for a secure intotheVSNLdisinvestmentasitwasnothighon
litical and commercial sphere. towards the Palestinian cause. In meaningful alliances in Central formed nationalist governments foothold in India’s burgeoning nu- their agenda. They got the answer by the week-
Over time, as America cedes con- the Gulf, rulers, though united Africa and Central Asia, and dete- might sever economic ties with the clear, defence and aerospace sec- end, when they saw the cover of Outlook, which
siderable ground, in both, to new with the US in their mutual dis- riorating relations with US and other Western powers but tor, and in infrastructure. ran a story on the alleged favours shown by for-
and existing MENA governments, trust of Iran, might begin to view Afghanistan and Pakistan. As a re- this is unlikely. Even if this were to While not obvious or immedi- mer disinvestment and telecom minister Arun
it will realise its need to rely on In- America as a fickle bedfellow and sult, America will jointly re-think occur, and as long as it pertained to ate, this change will occur. Shourie to the Tatas, who acquired the company.
dia as a staunch and unwavering be less amenable to its requests for its MENA and South Asia geo-po- non-oil exports, it would only hurt Didtheministerknowthatsuchastorywasgoing
ally rather than a reliable partner. cooperation on, for instance, oil litical dynamic; a re-think similar the US marginally. A more realistic The author specialises in manage- tocome?Orwasitamerecoincidence?Theydon’t
The geo-political calculus of the production and Palestinian state- in magnitude to the one conducted scenario is that the new govern- ment and policy issues have the answers and, even if they do, they pre-
tend not to know anything.
The officials, who had been working extra

Sibal’s reforms spell chaos when the Patil committee was at work, are now
once again set to repeat their performance. With
the March 31 deadline for Rao barely a week away,
officialsof TataCommunications(earlierVSNL)

he last two years have seen a doubled to at least 30% by the end of willingtosetupcampusesinIndia? up the same way as his flagship will also have to start dusting their old papers, let-
string of reforms being un- 2020, which in real terms means Though it is commendable that Right to Education, wherein only ters and files.
leashed by education minis- tripling of enrolments in the ter- Sibal has looked at the ignored dis- 60%of the13,000schoolssatisfythe ItisunlikelythatRaowillcallShourietotellhis
ter Kapil Sibal, especially in the tiary sector from around 13 million tance learning space where he in- infrastructure norms specified by sideof thestorybuttheformerjournalist-turned-
higher education space. Sibal has to 40 million. But Sibal’s overambi- KIRTIKA tends to set up an apex regulator the RTE. However, more than half ministerhasalreadybrusheduphismemoryand
made an attempt to open up the sec- tious reforms seem to have created SUNEJA and has looked at the deemed uni- of these schools will need more pulled out the relevant papers to put up his de-
tor to foreign players and set up an a confusion in the sector. Why are versities with a go-slow approach, teachers and a third will need more fence. On Tuesday, all major journalists were ade-
all encompassing, overarching the various regulatory bodies be- these measures may discourage classrooms,accordingtotheAnnu- quately given a refresher course on the VSNL dis-
body called the National Commis- inggivenmoreteethwhentheywill new full-fledged varsities to come al Status of Education Report, investment issue—how it was done and how
sion for Higher Education and Re- be subsumed by the NCHER even- fees and curriculum of post gradu- up. Moreover, education is a not- ASER 2010. impeccable the homework was in this regard.
search (NCHER). This body will tually? The NCHER is intended to ate diploma in management pro- for-profit sector in the country. Sibal says he will enact all the re- Even as Shourie trains his guns on the UPA
subsume all other regulatory bod- remove the overlaps among vari- grammes. In fact, business schools How does Sibal expect foreign edu- forms on his agenda before June governmentfordelayingthedemergerof thesur-
ies like the University Grants Com- ous regulatory bodies. So, if the allege that this is Sibal’s ploy to cre- cation providers to come and offer this year, but what about the imple- plus land of VSNL, DoT officials have suddenly
mission and the All India Council overlaps are known, then why can ate space for foreign universities services here? mentation of that agenda? What’s gonesilent.Itisdifficulttogetawordfromanyone
of Technical Education, among they not be removed right away? and give them a clear field to set The man in a hurry (as he is of- next once the agenda is ticked off ? there as, understandably, strict gag orders have
others. Sibal’s ministry has started reg- shop. Similarly, what is the point of ten called) will have to take baby It will be a long bumpy ride to re- been issued. One could not get a word even from
Theministerwantsthegrossen- ulating management education by inviting foreign education steps, otherwise these sparks of re- form in the education sector de- the additional secretary conducting the inquiry.
rolment in higher education to be keeping a tab on their admissions, providers if the Ivy League is not forms in higher education may end spite your quick steps, Mr Sibal.

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