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1) The library may have several items (copies) of each collection entry, which may be placed in different.

Ans: We have three ways to solve this problem either add a column of Location and made it multivalued or add
multiple collection entries all contianing different locations or introduce a new table Called
tblCollectionLocation(CollectionID,Location) to normalized the collection table, and the last approach is very
feasible and flexible.

2) Subjects are organised in a hierarchical manner.

Ans: Introduce a new column called ParentSubjectID in tblSubject Table, which contains their Parent¶s Subject ID.c

-) In order to provide better services, the library system also stores some additional information from the
university registry and course offerings.

Ans: here we are having not much details about additional information we have ignored it.c

4) Each course may also reserve some A/V materials, which can then be borrowed only by the corresponding staff
during the period he/she teaches the course.

Ans: c

5) All normal users are allowed to search and view books without the need of authentication.

Ans: it doesn¶t need to be implemented, but if we will have tables reagrding search history and book view history
so in order to implement this we will not add any column regarding user details in those tables.

6) they have to log in to the system if they want to perform more tasks, including reviewing a book, commenting
on a review, borrowing or holding some books.

Ans: we add a userid column(which can not be null) in review,comment and borrowing table. c

7) At any time, a normal user can only borrow or hold altogether up to 15 items.

Ans: we are thinking that it can be implemented by trigger they will check this contraints at the entry of each
record in tblborrow table.
·) Each such loan event can either be a holding (a waited borrowing), a borrowing or an overdue borrowing.

9)For each holding, the system indicates whether the user may borrow the item right away or whether the item is
available after a certain date.

Ans: the s/w can do it easily by using sql queries.

10) If the user doesn't borrow the item within 1 day of availability, the holding entry is automatically removed
from the system.

Ans: By using triggers we can do it.c

11)Each borrowing event has a due date. For each overdue borrowing, a fine charge is applied based on the numer
of days after the due.c

12) A normal user may review a specific collection entry at most once.

Ans: this can be iplmented by s/w or by trigger which throw exception if the user has already reviwed a specific

1-) The user may also decide to show or hide his/her name on the public display of the review.

Ans: Add a bit(boolean) column name DisplayName in tblreview table.

14) A user may also comment on another user¶s review at most once.

Ans: this can be iplmented by s/w or by trigger which throw exception if the user has already commented on
another user¶s review.

15) However, a user maynot comment on items authored by him/herself.

Ans: we can ipmlement it by trigger. c

16) The system also keeps track of the period when a collection entry was in the favorite list.

Ans: This is derived attribute that take count the dates between Entrydate and RemovalDate. c

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