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25/03/09 A

Question 1

When using natural ventilation to achieve EQ Credit 2 Increased Ventilation, what

percent of the occupied areas must be effectively ventilated?

A 80%
B 95%
C 90%
D 75%
E 85%


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EQ Credit 2, Requirements

The question addresses natural ventilation and a percent of occupied areas, which means
an analytic model will be used. You must provide the minimum ventilation rates required
by ASHRAE 62.1-2004 Chapter 6, for at least 90% of occupied spaces.

Question 2

A project is being built on a 6 acre Greenfield site. A civil engineer has determined that
the existing imperviousness of the site is 25%. The project team would like to qualify for
SS Credit 6.1 Stormwater Design. What are the options needed to qualify for this point?

A Implement a stream channel protection strategy with quantity control

B Reuse stormwater volume generated for non-potable uses, such as landscape
irrigation or custodial uses
C Implement a management plan that reduces water runoff by 25%
D Filter and treat water onsite
E Ensure that post-development peak discharge is less than or equal to the pre-
development peak discharge


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, SS Credit 6.1, Requirements

A Greenfield site is completely undeveloped. The existing imperviousness would be less
than or equal to 50%, so Option 1 would need to be chosen from the requirements. The
two possible options that would qualify for Option 1 of SS Credit 6.1 are 'Implement a
stream channel protection strategy with quantity control' or 'Ensure post-development
peak discharge is less than or equal to pre-development peak discharge'.

Question 3

For a site to be considered a Brownfield site what type of information does the project
team need?

A EPA declaration only

B Declaration from the local real estate commission
C Declaration from the previous owner
D Declaration from the EPA office or from a state agency


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, SS Credit 3, Submittal Documentation

Question 4

A project team is designing a stormwater management system to earn SS Credit 6.1

Stormwater Design: Quantity Control. State and local regulations are not applicable to
the system. In order to use the harvested rainwater for irrigation, pressurization of the
system will be required. What else will the project team need to address based on adding
this feature?

A Type of water treatment required

B Commissioning of the system
C Length of time the stormwater can be held
D Conveyance system


See Reference Guide, SS Credit 6.1, Approach, Guidelines

Pressurization will require a pump, pressure tank, and filter. Pressurization will consume
energy so the system will need to be commissioned.

Conveyance must be addressed to keep the stormwater from being connected to domestic
or commercial potable water systems.

State and local regulations would require the project to address the length of time
stormwater can be held, and water treatment.

Don't confuse water treatment with pretreatment. Pretreatment is for removing debris and
sediment, while treatment is the removal of biological impurities and can involve the use
of chemicals.

Question 5

A technology firm is deciding on a location to build a new data center. Which of the
following sites would be most appropriate?

A Land with a plant species from the State threatened species list
B Undeveloped land that is 40 feet from a stream
C Undeveloped land whose elevation is level with the 100-year flood plain as
defined by FEMA
D Organic tree nursery defined by the USDA as prime farmland
E Developed site 30 feet from a fishing stream
F Land that is 80 feet from a wetland as defined by the U.S. Code of Regulations


The 'developed site' would be most appropriate because the site was already developed. A
previously developed site doesn't have to meet the same requirements for SS Credit 1,
Site Selection. The other answer choices fail to meet the requirements of SS Credit 1 Site

Question 6

A condominium project will have 100 residential dwellings with an estimated 200
occupants. The project team is trying to achieve SS Credit 4.2 Alternative Transportation:
Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms. How many secure bicycle storage spaces will be
A 5
B 40
C 10
D 20
E 30


Residential buildings require covered storage available for securing bicycles for 15% or
more of building occupants.

200 occupants x 15% = 30 spaces

Question 7

What three standards can achieve EA Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance?

A ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide

B ASHRAE 90.1-2004
C ASHRAE 62.1-2004
D Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide


See LEED NC 2.2 Reference Guide, EA Credit 1, Requirements


Question 8

What aspects does a contractor need to document to achieve EQ Credit 3.1 Construction
IAQ Management Plan: During Construction?

A MERV 8 filtration media was used for permanently installed air handlers
B A building flushout with a total air volume of 14,000 cu. ft. per sq. ft. of floor was
C On-site absorptive materials were protected from moisture damage
D MERV 13 filtration media was used for temporary air handlers


See LEED NC Reference Guide, EQ Credit 3.1 Requirements

Question 9

ASHRAE 90.1-2004 does not apply to which of the following elements?

A Ice melting systems

B Interior doors
C Parking garage ventilation
D Parking garage lights
E Skylight ratings
F Heated swimming pools


See EA Prerequisite 2, Strategies for a detailed listing of all the systems addressed by
ASHRAE 90.1-2004

Interior doors are not included, because they are not part of the building envelope.

Question 10

A mixed use office building will have multiple tenants. The building will have office
spaces, as well as several retail spaces, including a bank, coffee shop, and a small
cafeteria. The project team is implementing automatic shutoffs of interior lights to
achieve significant energy savings. Some of the interior lights have light trespass. Each of
the spaces will have its own lighting zone. What statement is true regarding interior lights
for achievement of SS Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction?

A Seasonal lighting schedules are required to earn the credit

B Automatic sweep timers are not acceptable to earn the credit
C Each zone cannot exceed 80% lighting power density
D Manual overrides are required
E Each zone must have the lights off at least 2,190 after-hours per year


See Reference Guide, SS Credit 8, Approach, Option 2

The project description states that automatic shutoffs will be used to achieve the credit.
The project cannot choose Option 1 for the interior lights because some of the lights have
light trespass. Manual overrides are required when the alternative compliance path is

Sweep timers, occupancy sensors, and master panels can all be used.

Seasonal lighting schedules will help to reduce lighting use further, but are not required.

Lighting power density relates to the exterior lighting, not interior.

Question 11

Prior to project registration, a non-USGBC member company project leader can access
which LEED resources?

A USGBC customer service

B LEED Online
C LEED Project Score Card (checklist)
D CIR database
E LEED letter templates


LEED Online and LEED letter templates are available only after project registration.
Once a project has been registered, the project administrator and anyone assigned to the
project can access those sources through LEED Online.
The project scorecard is available free of charge from USGBC's website.

USGBC customer service is available to answer questions about the registration process,
and general questions about projects prior to project registration.

USGBC Company Members, LEED Registered Project Team Members, and Workshop
Attendees have access to view CIRs. (Note: workshop attendees only have access for one
year from the date of the workshop)

Question 12

The project team will not meet the threshold requirements of a particular LEED credit.
What is the proper course of action that the team should take regarding this credit?

A Appeal the credit

B Apply for an ID credit
C Apply for an exception
D Submit a CIR
E Not include the credit in the final application


There will be times when a credit planned on being earned may not be achievable. For
example, maybe not enough electricity can be saved for an EA credit, or maybe the
building owner changes his or her mind about a particular credit to cut building costs. If a
credit cannot be earned, do not include that credit in the final application. Note the
question asks what should be done regarding this credit, not what should be done to
achieve certification. If the loss of the credit impacts the number of points needed for
certification or a certain level of certification, the project team needs to find a way to
make up the lost points.

Question 13

On a 20-acre project, local zoning requires 4 acres of open space. How many total acres
of open space must the project contain to qualify for SS Credit 5.2 Site Development?

A 6 acres
B 8 acres
C There is not enough information to answer; you must know the size of the building
D 4 acres
E 5 acres
F 10 acres


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, SS Credit 5.2, Requirements

Option 1 states the local zoning open space requirements for the site must be increased by

4 acres * 1.25 = 5 acres

Question 14

What statement is true about the LEED Online Certification Process?

A Building ratings can be given during the Design phase

B The process can be completed in two, three, or four steps
C The LEED-NC fee structure is different than for LEED-EB
D Documentation can only be submitted in two steps using separate Design and
Construction submittals
E The LEED-NC fee structure is the same for LEED-CI and LEED EB


See USGBC website: http://www.usgbc.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=1108

The NC fee structure has a design review, a construction review, and a combined design
& construction review. Each of phase has different costs. The EB fee structure has only a
certification review. While the NC design review and the EB certification review have
the same costs, the fee structures are different since NC has 1-2 additional sets of fees.

The LEED-NC fee structure is the same for LEED-CI. LEED-EB, however, has a
different fee structure.
No certification awards or building ratings are given during the Design phase.

Question 15

A major renovation is taking place on a historic warehouse. The team does not want to
replace the entire HVAC&R system. What must happen to achieve EA Prerequisite 3
Fundamental Refrigerant Management?

A Buy ozone credits for the total load of CFCs released in the system due to leakage
B Make a phase out plan for CFC-refrigerants
C Replace the HVAC&R system
D Get a state exemption for the HVAC&R system
E Replace all CFC-based refrigerants


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EA Prerequisite 3, Potential Technologies &


Question 16

What are the requirements for SS Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction?

A Do not exceed 80% of the lighting power densities for exterior areas and building
facades as defined by ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004
B Projects must conform to zones defined by IESNA RP-33
C Interior lighting including emergency lights shall be automatically turned off
during non-business hours
D Do not exceed 50% of the lighting power densities for exterior areas and building
facades as defined by ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004
E LZ1 zones must have designed fixture lumens emitted at an angle of 45 degrees or

The correct answer, per the SS Credit 8 requirements is 'All projects shall be classified
under one of the following zones, as defined by IESNA RP-33...'.

For exterior lighting, do not exceed 80% of the lighting power densities for exterior areas
***AND*** 50% for building facades. The answer choice for 'Do not exceed 80%'
would need to be changed to 'and 50% for building facades' to be a correct answer.

'Interior lighting including emergency lights shall be automatically turned off during non-
business hours' is incorrect because emergency lights can remain on during non-business

'LZ1 zones must have designed fixture lumens emitted at an angle of 45 degrees or
higher' is incorrect because for LZ1, 0% of total initially designed fixture lumens are
emitted at an angle of 90 degrees higher than the nadir (straight down).

Question 17

As part of a redevelopment effort the city is renovating a 20,000 sq. ft. warehouse into
office space and will implement a recycling program for the space. To be compliant with
MR Prerequisite 1 Storage & Collection of Recyclables what is the minimum calculated
size needed for the recycling area?

A 225 sf.
B No minimum size is required to demonstrate compliance with this prerequisite
C 125 sf.
D 175 sf.


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, MR P1 - Approach & Implementation, Calculations

There is no standard of reference for this credit. In the reference guide, MR P1, Table 1
shows recycling area 'guidelines' - however, these area sizes are not specific

Per the Approach and Implementation - 'Table 1 provides guidelines for the recycling
storage area based on overall building square footage. The requirements for this
prerequisite do not regulate the size of the recycling area.'
And per the Calculations - 'There are no calculations required to demonstrate compliance
with this prerequisite. Table 1 is provided as a guideline...'

No minimum size is required, only that a recycling collection area is provided.

Question 18

The LEED for New Construction Rating System gives project teams the ability to
implement sustainable design strategies effectively only by using which of the following:

A Independent verification
B Whole building approach
C Incremental approach
D Flexible approach
E Independent analysis


By taking into consideration the building site, the building structure, all of the systems,
and the use of the building, the project team applies a 'whole building' approach.

While the LEED Rating System is flexible and independent, effective sustainable design
strategies rely on a whole building approach, not a part or incremental approach.

Question 19

Air quality testing of the given contaminants is conducted as part of which credit

Particulates (PM10)
Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
A EQ Credit 1 Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring
B EQ Credit 3.2 Construction IAQ Management Plan - Before Occupancy
C EQ Credit 2 Increased Ventilation
D EQ Credit 3.1 Construction IAQ Management Plan - During Construction
E EQ Credit 4.2 Low-Emitting Materials - Paints & Coatings


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EQ Credit 3.2, Requirements, Air Quality Testing

Question 20

The project team for a 25,000 sq. ft. office building wants to earn 4 points by increasing
the energy performance of the building. What compliance paths could the project team

B Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide
C Building Performance Rating Method
D ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide
E Advanced Building Benchmark


This question asks about EA Credit 1, Optimize Energy Performance.

Option 1 - A 25,000 sq. ft. building would need to follow the Building Performance
Rating Method for ASHRAE 90.1-2004 using a whole building energy simulation
Option 3 - Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide for buildings under 100,000 sq.
ft. that are not warehouses, healthcare, or laboratories.

For a building that is 20,000 sq. ft. or less, 4 points can be earned by using the ASHRAE
Advanced Energy Design Guide.
Question 21

Which statements are true for achieving EA Credit 5 Measurement & Verification?

A The M&V period shall cover no less than 10 months after occupancy
B ECM isolation is an accepted approach
C The M&V plan must be uploaded with the submittal documentation
D The person responsible for energy engineering is the best person to design the
M&V plan
E The standard of reference for this credit is IPMVP Volume 2


ECM & Whole Building Calibrated Simulation are accepted approaches for this credit.

The energy engineering analyzing person should be responsible for designing,

coordinating, and implementing the M&V plan.

The submittal documentation requires the IPMVP option, a copy of the M&V plan, and a
narrative of special circumstances.

The standard of reference is IPMVP Volume 3, not IPMVP Volume 2.

The M&V period must be at least 12 months, not 10.

Question 22

A project wants to provide for ongoing accountability of a building's energy

consumption. What must be done to meet this goal?

A Install metering equipment

B Monitor post-construction activity for no less than one year
C Measure energy use at the main meters
D Perform a partially measured retrofit isolation

The question asks about meeting EA Credit 5, Measurement & Verification. See LEED
NC 2.2 Reference Guide, EA Credit 5, Approach and Implementation

Question 23

During an early design review, a project team has decided to consolidate the building
footprint and add underground parking. These changes can contribute to earning which

A SS Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect: Non-Roof

B EA Credit 3 Enhanced Commissioning
C SS Credit 6.1 Stormwater Design: Quantity Control
D SS Credit 4.4 Alternative Transportation: Parking Capacity


Stormwater runoff volumes can be reduced by consolidating the building footprint and
designing the building with underground parking, a strategy that also reduces heat island
effects. (SS Credit 6.1 and SS Credit 7.1)

Changing the building footprint and where parking is located does not necessarily mean
that total parking capacity will change for SS Credit 4.4

Question 24

What are needed to be eligible for LEED certification?

A Recycle area with storage bins

B Reduce potable water consumption for irrigation by 50%
C Conform the ESC plan to the most stringent of 2003 EPA Construction General
Permit or local codes
D LEED AP must be on staff for the project
E For a naturally ventilated, small office building, have air quality comply with
ASHRAE 90.1-2004
F Prohibit smoking in the building


This question tests your knowledge of the prerequisites of the credit sections. To be
eligible for LEED certification the project must meet all the prerequisites.

A recycle area is needed to meet MR Prerequisite 1.

An Erosion and Sedimentation Control (ESC) Plan is needed to meet SS Prerequisite 1.

A LEED AP is not required for LEED certification. Having a LEED AP on staff will earn
1 point for ID Credit 2.

For naturally ventilated buildings, the air quality of the building must comply with
ASHRAE 62.1-2004, Paragraph 5.1. ASHRAE 90.1-2004 deals with energy performance
for small office buildings, and the answer choice asks about air quality.

Prohibiting smoking in buildings is not required for certification; it is an option for

certification. A project could prohibit smoking in common areas and have a designated
smoking room, such as in an airport.

Reducing potable water consumption for irrigation by 50% would earn WE Credit 1.1,
but this credit is not required for certification.

Question 25

As part of an urban redevelopment effort, a city is renovating a 30,000 sq. ft. timber
frame warehouse into a multi-use project with an additional 50,000 sq. ft. of new

This 80,000 sq. ft. project will reuse the warehouse, replace single pane glazing with
energy efficient windows extracted and manufactured in a city 250 miles away, and
install reclaimed wood floors donated from a local company. The site has a zero-lot-line.
Based upon this given information, which credits may be applicable to the LEED
certification application for this project?

A MR Credit 4.1 Recycled Content

B SS Credit 5.1 Site Development: Protect or Restore Habitat
C MR Credit 1.1 Building Reuse
D MR Credit 3 Materials Reuse
E MR Credit 5 Regional Materials


The energy efficient windows manufactured in a neighboring city can apply towards MR
Credit 5 Regional Materials.

The reclaimed wood floors can apply towards MR Credit 3 Materials Reuse.

MR Credit 1.1 can be achieved because the existing building is being reused and the
addition will be less than 2 times the square footage of the existing building.

Not enough information is given to know if the project can earn SS Credit 5.1. Because
the site has a zero-lot-line, a vegetated roof would be necessary for this credit.

Not enough information is given to know if the project can earn MR Credit 4.1.

Question 26

A fuel-efficient vehicle must meet which requirement to qualify for SS Credit 4.3,
Alternative Transportation: Low-Emission & Fuel-Efficient Vehicles?

A Green Seal score of 30 or more

B Green Label score of 40 or more
C Green Label score of 30 or more
D Green score of 40 or more
E Green-e score of 25 or more

See LEED NC 2.2 Reference Guide, SS Credit 4.3, Requirements

Question 27

A project will renovate an old historic building into new office space. The surface area of
the existing building structure and envelope is 100,000 sq. ft. How much of the existing
building structure and envelope will need to be reused to achieve MR Credit 1.2 Building

A 65,000 sq. ft.

B 85,000 sq. ft.
C 50,000 sq. ft.
D 75,000 sq. ft.
E 100,000 sq. ft.
F 95,000 sq. ft.


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, MR Credit 1.2

You need to maintain 95% of the existing walls, floors & roof to earn 2 points (1 point
for MR Credit 1.1, and 1 point for MR Credit 1.2).

100,000 sq. ft. * 0.95 = 95,000 sq. ft.

Question 28

Fundamental and enhanced commissioning can differ in several ways. Select the
additional tasks that the commissioning authority will perform to achieve enhanced

A Conduct a design review prior to producing mid-construction documents

B Complete a summary commissioning report
C Develop a Basis of Design
D Document the Owner's Project Requirements
E Review the building operation within 10 months after substantial completion
F Verify installation and performance of systems


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EA Credit 3, Approach and Implementation, Table 1

Question 29

Which credits use a Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) factor in the calculations?

A EQ Credit 8.2 Daylight & Views

B Exemplary performance ID credit for WE Credit 3 Water Use Reduction
C SS Credit 4.1 Alternative Transportation
D SS Credit 4.3 Alternative Transportation
E EQ Credit 6.1 Controllability of Systems
F WE Credit 3.1 Water Use Reduction


This question tests your ability to know how the credit calculations are performed for
some credits. The following credits use FTE in their calculations:

1. WE Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies

2. WE Credit 3 Water Use Reduction. This includes WE Credit 3.1, 3.2 and exemplary
3. SS Credit 4.2 Alternative Transportation: Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms
4. SS Credit 4.3 Alternative Transportation: Low-Emission & Fuel-Efficient Vehicles
5. SS Credit 4.4 Alternative Transportation: Parking Capacity
SS Credit 4, Exemplary Performance may also use FTE in the calculations, depending on
how it is implemented.

Question 30

The ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 applies to which of the following?

A EQ Credit 6.2 Controllability of Systems

B SS Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction
C EA Prerequisite 2 Minimum Energy Performance
D EQ Credit 8.1 Daylight & Views
E EQ Credit 7.2 Thermal Comfort
F EA Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance


ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 identifies the factors for thermal comfort and the process for
developing comfort criteria for a building space and the occupants of that space.

'This standard specifies the combinations of indoor space environment and personal
factors that will produce thermal environmental conditions acceptable to 80% or more of
the occupants within a space. The environmental factors addressed are temperature,
thermal radiation, humidity, and air speed; the personal factors are those of activity and

Question 31

A company is planning a new 20-story condominium. Which strategy will help achieve
Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control?

A Seal penetrations in walls between units

B Weather strip doors leading to common hallways
C Designated smoking areas located 15 feet away from entries
D Designated smoking areas located 20 feet away from entries


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EQ Prerequisite 2

Designated smoking areas must be at least 25 feet from entries.

However, 25 feet is not the answer choice, as both 15 and 20 feet are incorrect choices
for this question. The question is intended to test your ability to understand right answers
and not pick either of two incorrect choices. Picking 15 or 20 feet because 25 feet is not
listed would be incorrect. Always be aware of questions and answers that try to trick you.

Question 32

Which are pre-consumer recycled items?

A Grass clippings
B Steel beams created from metal reclaimed from the manufacturing line
C Cotton insulation manufactured from factory reject denim jeans
D Cabinets made from newspaper print overruns
E Carpets made from nylon that includes scraps from production
F Demolition debris used on another project


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, MR Credit 4, Definitions

Pre-consumer content is material diverted from a waste stream during the manufacturing
process. Excluded from pre-consumer content are materials that have been reutilized
within the same process that generated them, such as rework, regrind, or scrap that is
generated in the process and that is then put back into the process.

Both cabinets and cotton insulation are created from scraps from other manufacturing
processes prior to the scraps reaching consumers.

Scraps that are reclaimed and used to manufacture the same items (carpet, steel beams)
do not count as pre-consumer content or post-consumer content, and thus must be

Question 33

How can EA Credit 5 Measurement & Verification assist with LEED-EB?

A IPMVP will lead to increased energy savings

B ECM strategies qualify for LEED-EB credits
C M&V strategies will lower costs for LEED-EB
D Provides for energy use accountability over time


This question tests your knowledge of the various rating systems. Knowing what each
rating system is used for is part of the exam objectives. Part of the EB rating system
relates to operations and maintenance. Energy use over time would apply to EB.

Question 34

A project is three points short of receiving a platinum rating. The project team believes
the project earned the three points and want to file an appeal. What aspects apply to the
appeals process?

A The appeal must include three copies in individual three ring binders
B The appeal will cost $500 / Credit
C The appeal must be submitted online within 15 business days
D Original, re-submittal and appeal documentation must be submitted
E The appeal must be submitted online within 25 business days
Question 35

Energy Conservation Measure Isolation for EA Credit 5 Measurement and Verification,

is most suitable for what type of building?

A Multiple building campuses

B Smaller / less complex buildings
C Residential complexes
D Larger / more complex buildings


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EA Credit 5, Approach and Implementation

Question 36

A college building used for engineering classes has a baseline water use of 400,000
gallons. What amount of water use after project design will earn an exemplary credit in
WE Credit 3?

A 160,000 gallons
B 320,000 gallons
C 300,000 gallons
D 240,000 gallons
E 200,000 gallons


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, WE Credit 3, Exemplary Performance

The question asks for the amount of water use after the design.

400,000 - 160,000 (40% reduction) = 240,000 (new water usage level)

160,000 is not the correct answer. 160,000 is the amount of water that would need to be
saved to earn Exemplary Performance, not the amount that will be used in the design.
Question 37

The materials cost of a building renovation is $5 million. What cost of reused building
materials would the project team need to spend to achieve 3 points for MR Credit 3
Materials Reuse?

A $100,000
B $500,000
C $750,000
D $250,000


To earn 3 points on this credit, you will need to achieve MR Credit 3.1, 3.2, and
Exemplary Performance. Exemplary performance is equal to at least 15% of the total
materials cost.

$5,000,000 * 0.15 = $750,000

Question 38

What types of water on a residential condominium project could not be used to qualify
for WE Credits 1.1 and 1.2?

A Laundry water
B Captured rainwater
C Black water
D Public water, non-potable
E Kitchen sink water
F Recycled waste water


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, WE Credit 1.1, Requirements

Waste water from toilets and urinals is considered blackwater and cannot be used for
irrigation (unless it has been treated first).

The definition of gray water is in the definitions section of WE Credit 1 - Graywater is

'untreated house-hold wastewater which has not come into contact with toilet waste.'

Graywater includes used water from bathtubs, showers, bathroom wash basins, and water
from clothes-washer and laundry tubs. It does not include water from kitchen sinks or

We have received many questions on this graywater issue - does the soap from showers
matter, what if someone washed diapers in the laundry - the main point to remember is
that the definition of greywater includes shower and laundry water and that LEED allows
graywater use.

Question 39

Planting grass on a disturbed site area can contribute to earning which of the following?

A SS Prerequisite 1, SS Credit 6.1 Stormwater Design: Quantity Control, SS Credit

7.1 Heat Island Effect: Non-Roof, and SS Credit 7.2, Heat Island Effect: Roof
B SS Prerequisite 1
C SS Prerequisite 1, SS Credit 6.1 Stormwater Design: Quantity Control, and SS
Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect: Non-Roof
D SS Prerequisite 1 and SS Credit 6.1 Stormwater Design: Quantity Control


According to LEED, planting grass is not an approach to use to earn SS Credit 6.1
Stormwater Design, thus the only possible choice is SS Prerequisite 1. Most often,
planting turf grass is discouraged due to water needed for growth and sustainment.

Question 40

The heat island effect can vary temperatures by more than ________.

A 10 Degrees Fahrenheit
B 5 Degrees Fahrenheit
C 15 Degrees Fahrenheit
D 20 Degrees Fahrenheit


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, SS Credit 7.1, Considerations, Environmental Issues

Question 41

Which of the following standards sets VOC limits for aerosol adhesives?

B ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004
C GS-36


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EQ Credit 4.1, Requirements, Aerosol Adhesives

GS-36 states that 'GS-36 is a standard that sets VOC limits for commercial adhesives'.
Per the Green Seal website, GS-36 covers many adhesives:

SCAQMD 1168 would be a correct answer, but since only the organization is listed
(SCAQMD) and not the standard (SCAQMD 1168), GS-36 is the correct answer.

Question 42

A major renovation of an old office building is underway, including replacing the roof.
The surface area of the roof is 30% of the building structure and envelope. The
foundation, walls, and 75% of the interior non-structural elements will be reused for the
project. The roof materials will be donated to a local Habitat for Humanity project.
Which credits could the team apply this information to in the process of earning the

A MR Credit 1.2 Building Reuse

B MR Credit 2 Construction Waste Management
C MR Credit 1.3 Building Reuse
D ID point for MR Credit 1.3 Building Reuse
E MR Credit 1.1 Building Reuse


The roof could be applied toward MR Credit 2 to achieve a point. It may not be enough
to earn the whole point, but would help the project reach that goal.

75% of the interior non-structural elements will be reused, qualifying for MR Credit 1.3.

The surface area of the roof only equals 30% of the exterior structure, and the roof will be
replaced. MR Credit 1.1 cannot be earned unless 75% of the existing walls, floors, and
roof are reused.

There is no ID point for MR Credit 1.3.

Question 43

Water needs to be treated to which standard to qualify for WE Credit 2?

A EPA Water Cleanliness Standards

B Local ordinances
C Removal of 85% of solid particles
D Tertiary standards
E State water cleanliness standards


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, WE Credit 2, Submittal Documentation

Question 44

Which standard does EA Prerequisite 2 - Minimum Energy Performance use?

B EPA Act of 1992
C Standards for Fundamental Conditioning
E ANSI/ASTM - E779-03


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EA Prerequisite 2 - Minimum Energy Performance,

Summary of Referenced Standards

Question 45

Which of the following products can be used to help achieve MR Credit 7 Certified

A Oikos certified wood

B Green-e certified wood
C FSC certified wood
D GreenSpec certified wood


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, MR Credit 7, Requirements

Question 46
Which materials can be utilized for MR Credit 6 Rapidly Renewable Materials?

A Sunflower seed board panels

B Recycled hardwood flooring
C Light bulbs
D Granite countertops
E Pine flooring
F Cotton batt insulation


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, MR Credit 6, Potential Technologies & Strategies

Question 47

How close does a building's entrance need to be to a rail or bus line to qualify for SS
Credit 4.1 Public Transportation Access?

A 1/2 mile walking distance from two or more separate rail lines
B 1/4 mile walking distance from one bus line
C 1/2 mile walking distance from two or more separate bus lines
D 1/4 mile walking distance from two or more separate bus lines
E 1/2 mile walking distance from one rail line


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, SS Credit 4.1, Requirements

Question 48

The Basis of Design is an important part of the commissioning process. At a minimum,

which items must be included in the BOD?
A Architectural drawings of system locations
B Primary design assumptions
C Narrative descriptions of systems
D Number of LEED APs on the design team
E Standards including applicable codes, guidelines, etc.


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EA Prerequisite 1, Basis of Design

Question 49

A LEED AP needs to verify the albedo of surfaces for which credits?

A EQ Credit 7.2 Thermal Comfort, Verification

B SS Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction
C EQ Credit 4.4 Low-Emitting Materials - Composite Wood & Agrifiber
D SS Credit 7.2 Heat Island Effect, Roof
E SS Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect, Non-Roof


Albedo is synonymous with solar reflectance. The albedo of a surface must be known for
all the materials that contribute to SS Credit 7.

Question 50

What are two responsibilities that the contractor has during the project construction phase
that support the LEED documentation process?

A Provide calculations for energy modeling

B Provide calculations for waste diverted from landfill
C Provide site photometric plans
D Provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) with paint submittals

Question 51

What is the best practice to achieve glare control for EQ Credit 8.1 Daylight and Views
for sidelighting with daylight glazing?

A Adjustable blinds
B Louvers
C Interior fins
D Fixed interior elements
E Exterior shading devices


See LEED NC 2.2 Reference Guide, EQ Credit 8.1, Table 1

Question 52

When considering EQ Credit 6.2 Controllability of Systems, designers should evaluate

the closely tied interactions between thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality
based on which standards?

A SCAQMD Rule 1113

C ASHRAE 55-2004
D Green Seal Plus, GS-11
E Green Seal, GC-03
F ASHRAE 62.1-2004

See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EQ Credit 6.2, Summary of Referenced Standards

Question 53

What is the most common failure in daylighting strategies, according to EQ Credit 8.1
Daylight & Views?

A Low luminance ratio

B Glare control
C Fritted glazing
D Poorly lighted surfaces


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EQ Credit 8.1, Approach and Implementation

Question 54

An office building project will have a total materials cost of $1 million. To qualify for
exemplary performance on recycled content, what value of these recycled materials must
be included?

A $300,000
B $210,000
C $250,000
D $400,000


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, MR Credit 4, Exemplary Performance

For any recycled content, the total recycled value must be 30% or greater of the total
materials cost.

$1M * 0.30 = $300,000

Question 55

A LEED project for a retail development has been denied credit for SS Credit 7.1 Heat
Island Effect: Non Roof. The project anticipated earning the credit by having 50% of the
parking spaces under deck. What can the project team do to correct the problem?

A Install open grid paving for 25% of hardscapes

B Plant trees that will provide shade within 10 years
C Cover the deck with a material with an SRI of 29
D Place 100% of the parking under deck


The project is seeking the credit under Option 2, which is to have 50% of parking spaces
underground. To achieve this credit the parking deck for the project must have a roof
with an SRI of at least 29.

Question 56

Which of the following people makes the final decision on MR Credit 5.1 Regional

A Engineers
B Contractors
C Owner - Developer
D Architects


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, MR Credit 5.1, Approach and Implementation
The General Contractor is typically responsible for documenting the amounts and values
of regionally harvested and manufactured materials used on a project. The general
contractor must track the materials cost of each locally harvested and manufactured
product applied to the LEED credit.

The General Contractor is the decision maker for MR Credit 5.1 according to the latest
edition of the LEED for New Construction Reference Guide, version 2.2. Remember that
the decision maker is the professional responsible for submitting and signing off on the
LEED-Online letter templates and documentation, not necessarily the individual who
makes the ultimate decision on certain specific aspects of the building and the design.

Question 57

For SS Credit 1 Site Selection, what should the project team do if the site selection
involves special circumstances?

A Donate dollars for toxic clean-up in the region equivalent to 5% project cost
B Provide city approval for development on the site and also state approval, if
C Explain any site characteristics and non-standard tactics to achieve the intent
D Provide confirmation that the project site does not meet any prohibited criteria
E Provide parkland in equivalent amounts to the project site size


This question asks what teams must do if the site involves special circumstances:

See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, SS Credit 1, Submittal Documentation

- AND (For projects with Special Circumstances)
Provide a narrative to describe any special circumstances or non-standard compliance
paths taken by the project.

All teams must 'Provide confirmation that the project site does not meet any of the
prohibited criteria' - that is why this answer choice is wrong.
Question 58

After reviewing the reference guide what is the first step that a project team with a
question about a LEED credit is likely to take?

A Read the credit intent in the LEED Rating System

B Submit a credit interpretation request
C Call their designated LEED Project Manager at USGBC
D Consult the credit interpretation database on the LEED web site


Refer to the Guidelines for CIR Customers document from the USGBC website.

Before submitting a CIR - and after reviewing the reference guide - the next step
according to the document is to 'Review the CIR pages...'

Question 59

Which variables are used to determine the daylight factor as part of EQ Credit 8.1,
Daylight & Views?

A Interior light shelf

B Window area
C Floor area
D Window geometry
E Exterior light shelf


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EQ Credit 8.1, Definition of Glazing Factor

Question 60

Which of the following statements is not true of light shelf design?

A Building latitude determines the depth of the overhang
B Provides an ideal shelf for building vegetation
C Can be a roof surface
D Creates daylight glazing areas on windows


Light shelves are one strategy for EQ Credit 8.1 Daylight and Views.

A light shelf is an architectural element that allows daylight to penetrate deep into a
building. This horizontal light-reflecting overhang is placed above eye-level and has a
high-reflectance upper surface. This surface is then used to reflect daylight onto the
ceiling and deeper into a space. Light shelves are generally made of an extruded
aluminium chassis system and aluminium composite panel surfaces. Extruded
components can be painted or anodized and they are all field fabricated and assembled
from stock lengths.

Light shelves are typically used in high-rise and low-rise office buildings, as well as
institutional buildings. This design is generally used on the southern side of the building,
which is where maximum sunlight is found, and as a result is most effective. Not only do
light shelves allow light to penetrate through the building, they are also designed to shade
near the windows, due to the overhang of the shelf, and help reduce window glare.
Exterior shelves are generally more effective shading devices than interior shelves. A
combination of exterior and interior shelves will work best in providing an even
illumination gradient. For maximum benefit, perimeter lighting should be controlled by
photo-sensors, with lighting zones appropriate to the particular installation

Question 61

Which statements are true regarding agrifiber products as they apply to achieving EQ
Credit 4.4 Low-Emitting Materials?

A Requires Green Label certification

B Can contain no more than 25% urea-formaldehyde resins
C Requires a Chain of Custody (CoC) document
D Must not contain any added urea-formaldehyde resins
E Can be made using old growth trees
F Must be inside of a building's weatherproofing system

See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EQ Credit 4.4, Requirements & Definitions

Question 62

A renovation project will incorporate an existing building but will not meet the
requirements for MR Credit 1.1 Building Reuse. The reused portions of the existing
building can be applied to which credits?

A MR Credit 1.2 Building Reuse

B MR Credit 7 Certified Wood
C MR Credit 3.1 Materials Reuse
D MR Credit 2.1 Construction Waste Management
E MR Credit 3.2 Materials Reuse


Refer to the LEED NC 2.2 Reference Guide, MR Overview

Under the special notes the reference guide states that 'Projects that are incorporating
existing buildings but do not meet the requirements for MR Credit 1 may apply the
reused portions of the existing buildings towards the achievement of MR Credit 2
Construction Waste Management.

MR Credit 3, Materials Reuse is a correct answer because:

'If they (items for reuse) are used for another purpose (i.e, doors made into tables), they
contribute to earning MR Credits 3.1 and 3.2'
See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, MR Credit 1, Approach and Implementation

Question 63

Which standard sets VOC limits for commercial interior non-flat paints?

A GS-03
B GS-11
C SCAQMD Rule 1113
D GC-03
E ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004
F GC-11


Green Seal is an independent nonprofit organization that promotes the manufacture and
sale of environmentally responsible consumer products.

GS-11 is a standard that sets VOC limits for commercial flat and non-flat paints.

Question 64

Which of the following requires project drawings for LEED documentation purposes?

A SS Credit 4.2 Alternative Transportation

B EQ Credit 8.1 Daylight & Views, using the Glazing Factor Calculation Method
C EQ Credit 3.2 Construction IAQ Management Plan
D SS Prerequisite 1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
E SS Credit 6.1 Stormwater Design


SS Prerequisite 1 requires copies of the project drawings to document the erosion and
sedimentation control measures implemented on the site.

SS Credit 4.2 requires project drawings to show the location(s) of secure bicycle storage
areas and shower/changing facilities.

EQ Credit 3.1 (not EQ Credit 3.2) requires photos to highlight implemented construction
IAQ practices.

SS Credit 6.1 does not require drawings or photos.

EQ Credit 8.1 does not use drawings when using the Glazing Factor Calculation Method.

Question 65
The contractor and project team on a new mixed- use project have chosen to use window
assemblies that contain FSC-certified wood. How can the amount of wood that is FSC-
certified be determined for the assemblies?

A By total volume
B By adding the cost of the window assemblies to the total new wood material value
C By adding the weight of the window assemblies to the total FSC-certified wood
D By total weight
E By the default materials cost
F By total cost


The amount of FSC-certified wood can be calculated for assemblies as a percent of the
total weight, volume, or cost of the wood.

The default materials cost is not used in the calculation of FSC certified wood.

The FSC-certified wood material value and the total new wood material value must be

Question 66

Which salvaged materials will contribute to achieving MR Credit 3.1 Materials Reuse?

A Wiring
B Elevators
C Bricks
D Copper pipes


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, MR Credit 3.1, Requirements

Mechanical, electrical, plumbing components, and specialty items such as elevators and
equipment shall not be included in this calculation.
Question 67

A project in a 3 story multi-use building will have operable windows. To achieve EQ

Credit 6.2 Controllability of Systems, the credit requires at least 50% of building
occupants to have individual comfort controls. Operable windows can be used instead of
comfort controls for occupants of areas that are ____ feet inside and ___ feet to either
side of the operable part of the window.

A 10, 10
B 20, 20
C 10, 20
D 20, 10


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EQ Credit 6.2, Requirements

Question 68

All carpet cushions must meet what standard to achieve EQ Credit 4.3 Low-Emitting
Materials: Carpet Systems?

A Carpet and Rug Institute VOC Standard

B Green-e
C Green Label
D ASHRAE 90.1-2004
E Green Score
F Green Seal, GC-03


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EQ Credit 4.3, Summary of Referenced Standards

Green Label Plus is for carpets, Green Label is for carpet cushion (pads), although
according to the CRI: 'CRI is planning to voluntarily enhance its cushion testing program
as part of its Green Label Plus program.'.
Question 69

At a minimum, a project team must successfully do which of the following to obtain a

LEED Certification?

A Gather documentation for the credits intents

B Register the project with the USGBC
C Record all vendors used on the project
D Gather documentation for the prerequisites
E Hire a USGBC approved consultant
F Gather documentation for 26 points of the 69 points available

Question 70

Which of statements are true about a CIR?

A CIR submission text is limited to 600 words

B Your contact information should be included
C The credit name must be stated
D The CIR should be formatted as a letter
E CIR rulings guarantee credit rewards
F CIRs can be submitted for Prerequisites


Refer to the USGBC Guidelines for CIR Customers

With regards to the credit name or your contact information:

'Do not state the credit name or your contact information. The database automatically
tracks this data.'

Question 71
A project is on a Greenfield site, and the project team would like to qualify for SS Credit
5.1 Protect or Restore Habitat. What strategies to limit site disturbance are not acceptable
to achieve this credit?

A Share facilities
B Clearly mark the construction boundaries
C Utilize tuck-under parking
D While grading the entire site, ensure that biofertilizers are used to condition the
soil for vegetation
E Use pervious paving
F Locate the building on the site in an area that will minimize disruption to


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, SS Credit 5.1, Potential Technologies & Strategies

Question 72

What are important facts to remember when submitting a CIR?

A Submit the CIR as a letter narrative

B Do not include confidential project information
C Carefully review the credit and reference guide before submitting
D Include your name and project details

Question 73

A project with a 30,000 sq. ft. building footprint has been designed with a 100% green
roof. Renewable energy certificates will provide 25% of the electricity. The project team
is revising the design to decrease the size of the green roof by 5,000 sq. ft. and add 5,000
sq. ft. of photovoltaic cells to the roof. What other credits/prerequisites will this design
change affect?
A EA Credit 6 Green Power
B SS Credit 6.1 Stormwater Design: Quantity Control
C EA Prerequisite 1 Fundamental Commissioning of the Building
D EA Prerequisite 2 Minimum Energy Performance
E SS Credit 7.2 Heat Island Effect: Roof
F EA Credit 2 On-Site Renewable Energy


Adding photovoltaic cells will contribute to EA Credit 2 On-Site Renewable Energy.

Renewable energy systems (wind, solar, etc.) are part of the commissioning process for
EA Prerequisite 1.

Decreasing the size of the green roof will alter stormwater quantity, thereby impacting SS
Credit 6.1 Stormwater Design.

Green roofs do not include areas with solar energy panels. Since the original design had a
100% green roof, adding solar energy panels will have no effect on SS Credit 7.2 Heat
Island Effect.

Adding photovoltaic cells will not change the energy efficiency of the building and its

The project does not qualify for EA Credit 6 because 25% of the building's electricity
comes from renewable energy certificates, not the 35% required for that credit.
Therefore, adding solar panels will have no effect on EA Credit 6.

Question 74

Which of the following are true regarding ID Credit 1.3?

A Can be awarded for exemplary performance

B Title of the ID credit must be submitted
C Can be awarded if two or more LEED APs were used on the project
D Can be awarded for innovative performance
E Earning the ID credit on one project will result in the credit being awarded on
other projects
F Can be awarded for using 90% FSC certified wood


ID Credit 1.3 is one of four ID credits that can be earned.

ID Credit 1, Innovation in Design requires the following documentation:

1. Specific title for the ID credit being pursued

2. Narrative statement of the credit intent
3. Narrative statement describing the credit requirements
4. Detailed narrative describing the project's approach to achievement of the credit. This
narrative should include a description of the quantifiable environmental benefits of the
credit proposal.
5. Copies of any specific construction drawings or exhibits that will serve to illustrate the
project's approach to the credit.

Note the difference between ID credits for 'exemplary' performance, and 'innovative'

Reference: http://www.usgbc.org/Docs/LEEDdocs/IDcredit_guidance_final.pdf

MR Credit 7, Certified Wood requires 95% FSC certified wood or greater to earn
exemplary performance.

ID Credit 1 does not deal with LEED APs, ID Credit 2 does. Additionally more points are
not awarded for having more than one LEED AP on a project.

Question 75

Which of the following mistakes are common errors that teams make when calculating
energy savings for the Performance Rating Method for EA Credit 1 Optimize Energy

A Using Energy Consumption instead of Energy Cost

B Using Fenestration Assembly U-factor instead of Center-of-Glass Performance
C Teams use the Performance Rating Method instead of the Energy Cost Budget
D Not supplying enough information for energy measures that incorporate the
Exceptional Calculation methodology
E Calculating non-tradable surfaces as tradable surfaces
F Not accounting for task lighting


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EA Credit 1, Calculations, Common Mistakes

Question 76

A major renovation project has a $10 million budget. What estimated value of materials
is needed to earn an Innovation in Design point for regional materials?

A $3.6 million
B $3.0 million
C $2.0 million
D $1.0 million
E $4.0 million
F $1.8 million


The default value of the materials is calculated by using a 45% rate (see pg. 233, NC
Reference Guide, Second Edition 2006 or pg 279, Third Edition), or $4.5 million. For an
ID point, 40% of regional materials must be used, or 40% x $4.5 million = $1.8 million

Question 77

What criteria must be met to qualify for SS Credit 2 Development Density and
Community Connectivity Option 2?

A Construct or renovate within a community of 50,000 sq. ft. per acre density
B Construct or renovate on a previously developed site
C Construct or renovate where the site has pedestrian access between the buildings
and services
D Construct or renovate within 1/2 mile of a neighborhood with an average density
of 10 units per acre net
E Construct or renovate within a community of 60,000 sq. ft. per acre density
F Construct or renovate where the site is located with two metro bus lines within 1/4


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, SS Credit 2, Requirements

The question asks for Community Connectivity, which is Option 2. The 60,000 sq. ft. and
50,000 sq. ft. per acre development density choices are not correct because they would
apply to Option 1 and not Option 2.

Question 78

Which factor is used in the calculation of MR Credit 6 Rapidly Renewable Materials?

A Cost
B Regional materials
C Area
D Weight
E Volume


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, MR Credit 6, Requirements

Question 79

A new manufacturing building will have employees that work on one of three non-
overlapping shifts. No local zoning exists for parking. How would you calculate parking
requirements for SS Credit 4.4 Alternative Transportation: Parking Capacity?

A Use the total number of employees

B Use FTE for one of the shifts, but use that same FTE number consistently
C Use 1/3 of the total number of employees
D Use FTE for the largest shift

See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, SS Credit 4.4, Calculations, Option 2

Question 80

An architect is designing a residential building. What is the minimum distance that a

designated smoking area must be from any outdoor air intakes to achieve EQ Prerequisite
2 ETS Control?

A 50 ft.
B 30 ft.
C 25 ft.
D 15 ft.
E 20 ft.


See LEED NC Reference Guide 2.2, EQ Prerequisite 2, Requirements

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