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by: Arnulfo ‘Cocoy’ Laniba

Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Saturday, May 26, 2007, Badbad Oriental, Loon, Bohol, Philippines --

Because there is not love, there is no security in society. There is much fear in every
woman that to come to need will mean some crocs will emerge to devour them like they
did with prostitutes. Many cases are there when a weak husband-father could not rise up
above poverty, and many of them drown themselves in wine to forget their sorrows.
When greed of others grabs his land, or worse, his life, the fate of a prostitute or slave is
sealed as the future of his wife and daughters.

So because there is indeed much danger and risk in this dark ocean called society, each
woman is up to be super-vigilant, and at the same time on the full alert how she can
exploit, take advantage over the others to increase her chances of surviving.

As the apostle Paul forewarned, the failure to spread and make brotherly love the norm,
will result to people ‘biting one another, devouring each other, and destroying one

If her man (husband) is weak, then, that is a misfortune. Their family will bear the blows
of other men in this ugly contest of who can grab and gather the most resources, fame,
power and wealth. Her constant urgings and nagging will not do good. Her man will
resent her demand to fight harder; if she does not stop her method, her husband will
resort to his barkadas for relief and to vice to forget. Then, her man becomes weaker and
weaker. Better is for her to use love, meekness, encouragement, patience, earnestness to
prod her man and to not provoke her to join the ugly competition based on greed, lust,
deceit, and evil cleverness, but on brotherly love, godly love and diligent work with
patience and humility. In this way, they would invite God to be their Partner, to bless and
prosper their works, dreams and efforts.

In today’s selfish and dangerous world, the shortsighted woman finds her and her
family’s security in having accumulated and hoarded as much earthly resources as
possible. She doesn’t trust, does not spend anything not for themselves, does not lend,
does not waste money for the useless poor. And if she lends, it shall be with interest. Be
thrifty and stingy, and at the same time, earn, grab and even steal as much as possible.

That’s her formula of survival.

Because she knows that when she and her family fall in need, there is not a single
merciful heart who would come to their aid. After experiencing it for one or two times,
the heart of this formerly kind meek lady was hardened into like a stone and she no
longer uphold charity and neighborly love.
Unfortunately, it is true that “due to much wickedness or lack of mercy and compassion,
love too has waxed cold.” Nobody trusts and gives anymore, because every body is busy
taking, coveting, stealing, exploiting, grabbing because he or she believes that only in this
way, can and will she or he and family survive.

Will they not come to understand that the better formula is diligent work (4th
commandment) and charity (gratitude to God via compassion for the poor)? When will
the rich woman come to trust to give way much of her wealth so millions of her sisters in
the country will receive her helping hand?

When she will see society becomes a loving environment which caters to those who fall
into need? When men “gather the surplus of the blessing and erect everywhere
storehouses…for your brothers and also for yourselves.”1

When this ideal be attained: “The land belongs equally to all without distinction. Of what
the soil will yield in abundance, let the needy one take enough to satisfy his hunger, and
let the strong willingly gather for the weak.”2

When will the “have” woman open her heart to the have-nots so that the incident reported
in 99.5 RT radio this afternoon will no longer occur – where a mother and her young
three children committed suicide by burning their hut due to severe hunger and poverty?

I cried.

March 12, 2011

Archangel Michael: on Fear and LOVE

A wonderful Hello to all dear, beloved Souls.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring to you the Truth of God.

Household of God I/34:11
Household of God I/34
I explained to you the rose and the golden flame. I have told you that
the healing energy we are sending you right now at this very moment
feels like energy waves, penetrating your Universe completely and
your bodies all together.

I want to introduce the two most important energies and explain, what
is happening to different souls at this time.

As your consciousness is still healing the duality echo of the past until
2012, there are two basic emotions you have to handle: Fear and Love.

They are both quite opposites of each other and in higher realms do
not exist separately. In higher realms, we are all riding on the feelings
of Love. And we do not only feel them, we see and hear them as
melodies as well – wonderful, colored lights. There is much ahead that
is so wonderful, my beloved, whenever you feel like your energy might
run out in this phase, remember! Remember the Future. Know what
you are aiming for. What you go through right now is only a phase, a
stage of eternal life. And the healing we are sending you is going to
make you all, generally, feel and perceive more multi-dimensional.

Fear is something that God created for you to learn from. It is a basic
energy that exists in Duality that can be used in the good or in the bad.

When a soul feels a lack of love, it opens doorways to fear. Fear is, just
like Love as we are all connected, something you can "give" to
another. Fear is the basic input, which makes combined with free will
and action, a soul commit wrong. Always does this soul look for love,
and this we must remember and never let anyone pull us down. The
goal is to be able to remain IN LOVE, no matter how much fear is being
brought toward you from anyone, trying also only to heal. Give them
Love, stay strong!
Imagine, a big cliff. Lots of people climbing upon it, together. Some are
faster, some are slower, but all are one Team. Fear will make you
heavy, and your climb slower. It can make you feel as if you want to
pull another, which is higher or free of this fear, down to you, to have
company. That is the nature we are healing right now the echo of the

Love, compared to fear, makes you light, literally LIGHT. Love uplifts
you fast and lets you reach the Top of the Mountain in a blink of an
eye! Love can make you see into eternity. Love, simply said, can make
anything possible. In absolute freedom of the Soul vibrating with love
and with freely flowing energies and auras.

Love, connects you to others. Fear, disconnects you and blocks your

If you fill your heart with love energy, imagining it all around your aura,
body, inside your heart, your mind, opening and freeing your Crown
chakra, you will automatically feel connected to all of Creation.

Follow your intuition; follow your Heart to Love. Focus only on Love and

I want to give you an example that you can relate to. Imagine, right
now, when you go to bed and fall asleep relaxed, drift off dreaming. Go
in there, with your perception, remember how it feels inside your
dream, how YOU feel, how you see, hear. Aren’t your emotions more
intense? Aren’t you, in your dreams, when meeting others, feeling
them literally and their thoughts telepathically? This is it! That is
because when you dream, your soul is rising, awakening. We visit you
often in your dreams and try to help and send messages, that you
might remember after waking up onto Earth again. Your dream state is
the best tool for learning how to strengthen your spiritual "eyes". In
your dreams, you know, all is connected. And you can fly, in your
dreams, can’t you?
This is the Key.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring to you the Truth of your Home.

Don’t ever hesitate to call upon me or any of my dear, beloved
Archangels and your personal Guardians in spirit. We are here and we
are here to stay. I love you all very much and I believe in your beauty
and strength. It is time now; your World is being born anew into LOVE!

Eternally your friend,

Archangel Michael




Yes, dear Angel Brother.

As I was reading your wonderful piece above, the realization was clear in my mind that
indeed fear makes us insecure. For example and this was in my mind as I read above,
they fear that if they run out or fall into poverty, there is no one they can turn to, they
have a phobia of poverty and beggary or they don’t want to experience the hard life of
stealing and murdering just to have food or to survive – this fear is being complemented
by the general lack of compassion in the world, e.g., how you will get barked or driven
away if you are the beggar and so all in all, these fears are or have become the major or
one of the major motivation of many women, who are in nature supposed to be beautiful
and kind, to pressure or convince their husbands to…..HOARD and in this approach they
go beyond or have caused their husbands to use their superior intellect, stronger talents
and abilities, their economic and political powers to SUCK, GRAB, EXPLOIT,
EXTORT, -- yea, this is covetousness and stealing and even go to the extent of doing
systematic, if not personal, murdering – why? Because of the fear of losing – the fear of
falling into need and want – fear of becoming poor and beggar along with the fear of
having no one to turn to if they run out either by bankruptcy or by the more noble reason
of giving out to charity.

This, I realize, are the reasons why strong women and their strong men have agreed to
cooperate in GETTING as much as they can, instead of GIVING as much as they can!

They don’t believe in the LAW “The more you give, the more you increase (receive)”.
Why don’t they believe that? Because they cannot or don’t see the EVER-RICH BEING
BEHIND THE LAW. They do not see that God is behind this Law and can and will back
up His Law and that it is very easy for Him to do it!

Not like me when I promise some reward to back my urge to my children to do good or
to develop their talent, which when they did (to my great happiness), I would then shrink
to desperation or negativism because I found myself unable to reward or give my promise
reward to the kids!!??

Father Jehovah is not like that, isn’t it? He can easily afford to reward or at least to
protect all true givers from becoming bankrupt or from turning themselves into beggars.
He is willing and able to disprove the fear of many gentle women who have become
stingy, selfish, unmerciful towards the poor.

Father Jehovah, in the presence of Michael, I am asking You to please bring this
consciousness to these wives and mothers who are still locked into the small and narrow
mentality of what a family means. They need to realize that WE, THE VAST MASS OF
YOUR CREATION compose Your Family and that You, not their husbands or bands, are
the true unlimited Source of riches – the never-ending Flowing Waters, which does not
run dry.

When they will come to see this Father, then, they will stop being worried and
opportunistic and they will start giving – they will start distributing knowing that there is
One who is able and faithful to keep them from falling into need and deserted.

Father, please address this fear too, so that these woman will not hesitate to expand their
soft hearts already-caring-and-loving towards their children and family to also feel these
compassion and love to all the rest of mankind!

Let them see You, Father. Let them recognize You Father. And they will no longer
hesitate to give and share.

That I am pretty absolutely sure.


Dear brother Michael, ever-loyal, ever-loving, please consider my weakness and do

strengthen me in the name and love of our Father, that I can accomplish my mission here
PEOPLE – let the TRUTHS COME OUT – let the new consciousness emerge and



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