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Duez – World History How to create a Modified DBQ Poster

1. Discuss 2. The Question 3. Choose 5 docs 4. Analysis/Summary 5. Graphic Org 6.
Thesis 7. Present

1. Your DBQ handout should already have been analyzed and brought to class. As you get
into your group. Discuss the documents.
2. On your poster, write the question very large at the top of the poster.
3. Cut out 5 documents. You may choose whichever ones you think are most interesting.
Paste/tape them to the poster. Leave room for analysis and summary.
4. Under (or next to) each document, write an analysis and summary. This can be
done on a separate sheet of paper and then cut and pasted onto the poster as well. (Use
5. Create a graphic organizer to organize and explain the documents.
6. After examining the question and each of the documents and analysis, create a thesis
in your group. Answer the question. Write the answer at the bottom of your poster in
large print.
7. We will post and present the posters.
APPARTS – used for analysis of documents
• Who created the document?
• Does the author have a viewpoint that affects the meaning of the document?
Place and Time
• Where and when was the document created?
• Do the place and time affect the meaning of the document?
Prior Knowledge
• What do you know beyond the information provided in the document?
• For whom was the document created?
• Does the intended audience affect the document’s reliability?
• Why was the document produced at the time it was produced?
The Main Idea
• What is the document about?
• What point is the document trying to convey?
• So what? How does the document relate to the topic you are studying?
• Why is the document important?

Examples of Posters:

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