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Pyramid - py-ra-mid - pyre (fire) of Ra (of the sun) in mid body (in the heart):

This word dates back to ancient Egypt who believed "qi" pronounced "Chi" is
created when the downpouring and uprising "qi" simultaneously circulate from
the base of the spine to the crown of the head and meet in the region of the
heart forming a sacred pyramid. This is brought about by meditation and
special breathing exercises where "qi" is likened to a swallow that flaps its
wings creating the stimulated air movement and all of this relates to the
breath of Isis (Love) who imparts life through divine impregnation of the
individual once the 3 parts become unified as "ONE" then Isis being now in a
state of rapture by the power of "qi", her body is then consecrated and as a
result her husband (Osiris) who was killed by his evil brother (Set) returns
back to life as her husband. This is very symbolic of an individual, as well as
the ancient story of Isis and Osiris. It is a long story of Life returning back from
the dead. Even the evil brother called Set ( which is the Christian form of
Satan, worshipped as Set by Satan worshippers) is called Set because to Set
means you are going into a downward (a fall) motion and as the Sun (Ra)
would Set in the sky it meant Darkness would reign till morning time once
again. Even Isis was helped and learned how tom resurrect her dead husband
by the God of Wisdom (Thoth) which is where we get the word "Thought".

The Egyptians believed that all life "called (Form) came out of No Form" Now
they called this darkness the "ovoid" and they made a God who was over this
ovoid and his name was "Nun". They said this "0" was the void that the first
primordial being of light named "Atum" came from and all life is "Atum". This
is where we get the words, None (Nun) Void, the number Zero 0, and we also
get the words "add" as the Egyptians believed anything that came forth from
the Ovoid was "added" to Nun(Zero - nothingness) so in Sacred Geometry the
Zero is the void or nothingness that all things came from and anything to come
out of this nothingness could only be added to it thus, : 0 + 1 = 1 and 1 is the
all things that exist and the 0 is the nun or nothing that existed before Atum
(Adam) arrived. A study in Sacred Geometry and Ancient Egyptian will reveal
much that we as a society base our foundations upon in this life, even our
numeric system. In Sacred Geometry the number "8" is the life giving and
sacred number that represents the completeness of the sacred pyramid within
the upper (Spiritual) part of man, as the two 0's come and meet together in
the middle, creating the "balance" of the life called Qi. They believed this
balance was the secret to eternal life, when your spirit self became one with
your natural self and a divine conception took place within the heart, once this
divine conception took place one is able to at that point resurrect their
husband from the dead. Much can be said concerning the "Divine Ennead" as
well. The Egyptians had a sacred Bull that was always locked away with 7 cows
and there was a divine reason for this that pertained to a divine path to
knowledge. The letter T was seen as a male organ that life came through
though to us it is a letter to them it was not a letter but a symbol for the male
organ that produced life and the woman was the other part that was the O
because her womb was the shape of an egg. So when you see the T with an O
on top and it looks like a cross of sorts then it means divine birth. I hope this
little spiritual history lesson has helped you a little bit, for so very much could
be said knowing that the Hebrew Children were in slavery to them for 400 plus
years, and it appears contrary to popular opinion that the Hebrews did not get
these divine things and gave them to the Hebrews but vice versa, the
Egyptians are reflecting the knowledge from the Israelites, out of who came
Adam, the second man, The Lord of Glory!

Remember how and why Bro George put a capstone or a pyramid on top of all
his buildings!

Much could be said as to why Bro George preached such a strict law of
Holiness unto the people and was God to the people the same way Moses was
and the pyramids were very typical of Egypt. There is a fantastic hidden
mystery hidden in what all of this means and the Lord will surely reveal it to
his people and it goes back to the very beginning, all the way to the end and
grabs them both and closes them together as one.

p.s. The God who spread life’s many blessings to them was called, "Hapi"
which made their lives better and at ease which is where we get our word
Happy or to have happiness!

The 0 and the 1 are symbols of the male and female. All computers run on the
binary numeric system of 0's and 1's.

I find it amazing all things, (everything) that testifies of God, according to The
Revelation of Jesus Christ. Someone sent me something to read and it is rather
"New Age" in its thought process, but I am witnessing to this person so I try to
see things from their perspective. As the age old wisdom says, the best way to
defeat an enemy is to make them your friend. So in reading these things I
found it absolutely astounding. Sacred Geometry and Spiritualism, especially
among the Hindu and even the Kabbalah are steeped in these things and even
to the point the language we have today, which come from letters and letters
arrived from numbers and numbers were actually symbols and not even
numbers but later on became numbers. For instance the 1 and the 0 it is said
is all things summed up in these two symbols we call numbers. 1 is the male
the 0 the female, and even the whole language of computers is based upon the
"Binary" System and everything on your computer broken down to assembly
language is termed as a 0 negative or a 1 positive. When I used to work on
programming cash registers, they consisted of what is called "Dip Switches"
which were always and only can be in an On 1 or an Off 0 position and it did
according to what switches were in those positions and to change one of those
switches meant a whole change in the way the register would operate.
Now on another level they have in New Age teachings something called the
MerKaBa which is a 3 in one... Mer - is the Lifeforce, Ka - is the individual spirit
of a person, and Ba - is the reality viewpoint that is seen or rather you could
say, ones perspective of reality. The 3rd part "Ba" is also the Body, which
means the house the spirit and lifeforce dwell in. Now they say that this Force
around all humans called Merkaba is shaped as an energy force in a upward
pointing Pyramid and a downward pointing Pyramid, which in most drawings is
the two inverted capstones or triangles which make up the "Star of David".
Which if you impose two inverted Pyramids on top of one another and then
view them from above the head looking downward to the feet it makes a
perfect "Star of David". Now the Upward Pyramid is seen as the Male and the
lower downward is the female. When this energy is around a person the Male
is always facing what they call the Sun which is the upper pyramid and the
earth is behind him but just the opposite in the female, as she is always facing
the earth as her pyramid faces the earth in its downward motion and the sun
is behind her, while the man’s is facing upward toward the sun. They are also
referred to as "Eyes". In the Jewish Kabbalah or Hebrews, they call this Mer Ka
Ba as Mer Ka Vah and it means, "Chariot". Do you see something here as to the
flaming chariot that took Elijah away? Do you see an Inward Angel and
Outward man and a Body as a 3 in one?
Now those who understand Sacred Geometry know that all all lines and angles
and circles mean something and are related to something pertaining to the
Spirit World. I found it fascinating that one of the most sacred images in
Sacred geometry is the DoDenhetradong or something like that and it is
referred to by New Agers as the "Christ Consciousness", and would you believe
it is the exact shape that Bro George Pike gave to the Huge ball of Glass that is
too sit atop the Universal Conference Building when it is built one day. I don’t
say this to glorify the new agers, but to glorify God in Bro George as God gave
him this without having to be a new ager etc. It is ALL for our spiritual
education and ALL things regardless of what they are give’s glory to God. For
God is in all things and is the ALL in ALL Things. When viewing anything you
should view it according to the way and blueprint your Pastor gave you
according to The Revelation of Jesus Christ. I try my best to judge all things
through it and by it. So should you. Remember what I said about Why the
Egyptians built the Pyramids and called them by that name, how there was an
upper Egypt and a lower Egypt and they were called Py Ra Mids because - pyre
(fire) of Ra (of the sun) in mid body (in the heart) So these three things make a
"Tri" Angle a 3 in one points into the body which in reality means the Spirit,
Souls (Mind) and the Body, As Spirit is a quickening inspirational force, and it
inspires our thoughts (Mind) and we act out those thoughts in our Body. Sun,
Moon, and Earth in one dimension and Sun, Moon and Stars in another. So
inside of us as they say we have a spiritual capstone, a Pyramid, but this
means a lower and an upper one and these two make the Star of David as we
have seen already. So this is enough for now, I dare say most will not read this
far if any of this but those who have a deep desire and want to walk in deep
places with God will see the many dimensions in all of this and see God in it
and how even these things, though not seen by new agers through the Mind of
Revelation is a curse to them and does them no good, but to us who are Elect,
we are like Solomon and have the Wisdom of all the Ages and to us The Mind
of God, which is The Revelation of Jesus Christ, we see and filter out the
carnality and we see what God is showing and doing in our day. A Great Thing
is happening, Atlanta (Egypt) is being revealed and God hid His Child Jesus
down in Egypt and it is in Egypt as to this World that the dead are and it is in
Egypt that We must go to awaken them from their sleep, and it is Egypt that
God poured out His Wrath (Tribulations) and it was the Egyptians that held our
Body (Jews) in captivity, and it is Egypt where the Two Prophets are killed and
come back to Life and though we do NOT go down to Egypt for our help, for we
are they that dwell in Heaven, but our bodies are considered Dead down in
Egypt and Jesus prayed, Father I don’t ask that you take them out of this world
(Egypt) but keep them from the Evil. You can understand more of you read
what I wrote about the Pyramids and such in other writings on this page. May
God Bless You is my prayer. DS
The Israeli Flag is the "Star of David" They herald their greatest King as
"David" and Jesus and His Throne is called "The Throne of David, The Lineage
of David, the House of David, The Son of David. Did David of old know things
that we have yet to discover within his writings? Have you ever read Psalms
and seen the incredible wisdom of David? Was Solomon the expressed Wisdom
or Image of David? Does anyone ever remember Bro George saying to God, I
will be your David? Did not Brother George write over 1000 Songs unto the
Lord? What is this thing about the name and person of "David" and this symbol
recognized by great spiritual men and nations called the "Star of David"? Oh
Hallelujah! It has to do with the Thunders and why Bro George put pyramids on
everything and why David Paul screamed out in a service at Bethlehem
concerning the Thunders and even mentioned the dead Body of "King David",
coming to Life over in Israel, and where is it the two Prophets come back too
and preach too but Israel and even Die there
but Israel, Oh but wait, the Bible says this place is spiritually called Egypt and
Sodom! Hallelujah!!!

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