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A-R-I-E-L - Page 1


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. ARIEL I N ORBIT -Artist's conception of the United Ki ngdom-United States satellite in space .

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ing of COSPAR, the Committee on Space Re-

Ariel, the joint United Kingdom-United search of the International Council of Scientific
States satellite launched April 26, 1962, dram- Unions. At that meeting, the United States of-
atizes the steadily expanding program of inter- DEFINITIONS
national cooperation in the peaceful exploration
and utilization of space. Named by the United lonosphere-The layer of atmosphere beginning about
40 miles above the earth 's surface, consisting of ionized
Kingdom ' s Prime Minister Harold MacMillan for
air, which can reflect certain ~adio signa ls.
the sprite in Shakespeare's Tempest, Ariel is the
first of severa I j oi nt satell ite proj ects pi a nned lon-A molecule or atom wh ich has lost or gained an
by the United States and other nations . It is electron, thereby acquiring an electric charge .

also the world ' s first internationally conceived

Proton-A positively-charged constituent of an atom;
a nd executed sate II ite . the nucleus of the light isotope of hydrogen .
This joint United Kingdom -United States
satellite developed from a proposal by United Electron-The smallest known particle of negative elec-
tricity. It is a constituent of the atom.
States representatives at the March 1959 meet-
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Page 2

fered to launch payloads or complete satellites

" Th is joint enterprise reflects great credit on the British and
prepared by foreign scientists. The United American scientists and technicians concerned. It pro-
Ki ngdom was one of a number of nations to vides a fine start to the United States program of inter-
national cooperation in space. "
accept the offer.
Harold MacMillan
Prime Min ister of the
United Kingdom

From a practical standpoint, the ionosphere

serves as a radio mirror for reflecting messages
from one point on earth to another. A major
drawback to its use in radio communications is
that its characteristics change with season, time
of day, and solar events. Solar flares so dis-
rupt the ionosphere that it absorbs radio waves,
preventing messages from being reflected to the
Dependence on the ionosphere for communi-
cation will be diminished when communications
satellite systems are perfected. However, de-
mand for communications channels is climbing
so rapidly that reliance on the ionosphere for
some communication is expected to continue
Ariel's instruments measure densities and
temperatures of electrons and characteristics,
quantity, and distribution of ions. They also
monitor solar X-rays and ultraviolet light to
correlate behavior of the sun with changes in
the ionosphere.
LlFT-OFF-NASA Delta launch vehicle carrying Another Ariel experiment is designed to
British Ariel payload rockets from launch pad study the relationship between disturbances
at Cape Canaveral, Florida, 1 p . m . E.S.T.,
on the sun and cosmic rays in the earth's vicin-
April 26, 1962.
ity. Cosmic rays consist of a mixture of pro-
SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES tons, nuclei of elements such as hydrogen, and
Ariel is designed chiefly to contribute to other particles that have been accelerated to
man's knowledge of the ionosphere, an elec- enormous energies.
trified region of the atmosphere extending from Eruptions of sunspots or solar flares are usu-
about 40 to several hundred miles above earth. ally followed by a decrease in the intensity of
The ionosphere is formed by absorption in cosmic radiation reaching the earth. It is theo-
the earth's atmosphere of X-rays and ultraviolet rized that during solar disturbances, the sun
Ii ght from the sun and by impact of solar ener- hurls low-energy protons which drag the solar
getic particles (mai nly protons) on the atmos- magnetic field with them_ When this field ex-
phere. As a result, atmospheric molecules are tends toward earth, it deflects some of the cos-
broken into free electrons and positiv~ly charged mic particles, reducing the quantity reaching
ions . (See DEFINITIONS . ) earth.
NASA FACTS (C-62) Page 3





INSIDE VIEW-Cutaway of Ariel showing principal instrumentation prepared by the United Kingdom and
equipment prepared by the United States.

ORBITAL ELEMENTS (NASA). The University of Birmingham pre-

Ariel orbits the earth about every 101 min- pared the equipment to measure electron den-
utes. Its apogee (farthest flight from earth) is sity. Imperial College, London, developed the
approximately 760 miles; its perigee (closest instruments to gauge intensities of cosmic rays.
approach to earth) about 244 miles. Its orbit University College, London, made the instru-
is inclined about 54 degrees to the equator, ments for measuring temperatures and concen-
meaning that it passes over an area stretching trations of ions and electrons in earth's vicinity
from 54 degrees north to 54 degrees south and intensities of X-rays and ultraviolet radia-
latitude. tion from the sun. The University of Leicester
collaborated in the X-ray experiment.
The 132-pound satellite is 23 inches In di- The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 re -
quires that NASA " provide for the widest practicable and
ameter and 10 1
Y16 inches high. In orbit, with
appropriate dissemination of its activities and the results
solar cell paddles, booms, and antennas ex- thereof ." The act also requires that NASA work with
tended, it measures about 10 feet across. nationals of other countries in development of space tech -
(Solar cells convert sunlight to electricity for run- nology and " in the peoceful applicati on of the results
thereof. "
ning the satellite ' s instruments.)
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Green-
PRINCIPAL PARTICIPANTS belt, Maryland, was responsible for the satel-
Scientists of the United Kingdom developed lite's structure and auxiliary instrumentation
and built the experiments. The Royal Society's including telemetry, communication, recording,
British National Committee on Space Research and power supply. NASA also supplied the
selected experiments in consultation with the Delta launch vehicle, the facilities, and the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration services for placing Ariel in orbit.
- - - - -- -- - . __ . - .. ~~~

Page 4 NASA FACTS (C-62)

COOPERATIVE SPACE PROGRAMS " Space science is one science that is obviously inter-
The countries listed have cooperative space programs national. You have to work on a global scale to do the
with the United States in the categories noted : iob properly. "
Sir Harrie Massey
Chairman of the British
Canada, United Kingdom , and Italy. (Others contem-
Space Research Committee
plated .)
Sounding Rockets
Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, are participating in the experiment. All
Japan , New Zealand, Norway , Pakistan , Sweden stations funnel data collected into the Goddard
Ground-Based Meteorology Space Flight Center.
Argentina , Austral ia, Austr ia, Belgium, Brazil, British East
Africa, Burma, Chad, China, Colombia , Costa Rica ,
Czechoslovakia, EI Salvador, Federation of Rhodesia and BROADCAST FOR ONE YEAR
Nyasaland, France, Hong Kong , Hungary, Iceland, India, The satellite is designed to transmit informa-
Iraq , Ireland , Japan, Mauritius, Netherlands, Netherlands
tion for a year. Redundant switching systems
N ew Guinea, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Republic of
South Africa, Sudan, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab
have been installed to assure that it goes off the
Republic , United Ki ngdom, W est Indies Federation air on schedule, leaving its radio channel free
Communicat ions for other experiments. The satellite is expected
Braz il, Federal Republic of Germany , France , Italy, United to remain in orbit for several years.
Track ing and Acqu iring Data from Spacecraft RESULTS TO BE SHARED WITH WORLD
Argentina, Australia , Brazil, Canada, Canton Is., Chile , Results of Ariel experiments, expected to con-
China, Ecuador , Federal Republic. of Germany, India,
tribute significantly to scientifi,c knowledge, will
Iran , Israel, Japan, Mex ico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru,
Philippines, Portugal, Republ i c of South Africa, Spain, be shared with the world scientific community.
United Kingdom , Zan zibar In perspective, however, the most important re-
sult of this first international satellite may well
Goddard Space Flight Center processes trans-
be the great step forward that it represents to-
missions from the satellite and sends them to the
ward global cooperation in space. It is an
United Kingdom for analysis.
outstanding example of how peoples can unite
Scientific direction of Project Ariel is pro-
their energies and talents in future space proj-
vided by Homer E. Newell, Director, Office of
ects for the benefit of all mankind .
Space Sciences, NASA Headquarters, and by
Sir Harrie Massey, Chairman of the British Na- TELEGRAM FROM UNITED KINGDOM MINISTER FOR
tional Committee on Space Research. Project SCIENCE
managers are M. O. Robins, University College,
Flight Center. WASHINGTON, D.C.


Minitrack stations in eight nations are coop- OUR FIRST JOINT SATELLITE . WE OWE YOU A GREAT
erating in tracking and gathering data from the DEBT OF GRATITUDE FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY; IT WILL
satellite. The Minitrack network includes sta- ADD IMMENSELY TO THE WARMTH OF ANGLO-AMERI-
tions at Antofagasta, Chile; Blossom Point, WORLD IN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN SCIEN -
Maryland; Esselen Park, Republic of South TIFIC SPACE RESEARCH.
,Africa; East Grand Forks, Minn.; Fairbanks, FINALL Y, ON BEHALF OF THE AMBASSADOR, I
Alaska; Fort Myers, Fla.; Mohave, Calif.; Lima,
Peru; Quito, Ecuador; Santiago, Chile; St. Johns, HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL VENTURE AND IN SHAKESPEARE 'S
Newfoundland; Winkfield, England; Woomera, WORDS, TO SALUTE ARIEL : "THEN TO THE ELEMENTS
Australia. In addition, stations of the British BE FREE, AND FARE THEE WELl. "

Department of Scientific and Industrial Research

Fo r sole by the Supe r intendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office MINISTER FOR SCIENCE
Washington 25, D.C. · Price 5 cents
~=- = ---------. -- ---------,. II

Page 6 NASA FACTS (NF B-4-63)

MAGNETIC FIELDS FOUND craft. This is because, in this region at least,

EVERYWHERE IN SPACE solar wind particles outnumber cosmic ray parti-
Data from Mariner's magnetometer, an instru- cles by about a billion to one. •
ment that detects and gauges the force and direc- Mariner reported a scarcity of cosmic ray pro-
tion of magnetic fields, were remarkable in their tons below the level of 800 million electron volts.
great number and continuity. Mariner reported This scarcity is attributed to interplanetary mag-
that magnetic fields were nearly always present as netic tields that permeate the solar system and
it raced through interplanetary space. deflect lower-energy cosmic rays.
Scientists believe that the interplanetary mag- If a space traveler had journeyed to Venus at
netic fields are parts of the sun's magnetic field the time of the Mariner flight, he would have ab-
that the solar wind has distributed throughout sorbed a total of 3 roentgens of radiation. This
space. Typically, the interplanetary magnetic dosage is well within the tolerable limits for man
fields were found to be weak compared to earth's. during a four-month period.
Generally, they ranged from five to ten gamma,
with precipitous increases to 25 or more gamma MICROMETEOROID IMPACTS FEW
following sudden solar disturbances.
In 1700 hours of recorded data, Mariner
registered only two impacts with micrometeor-
oids-tiny bits of matter in space. Comparison
INTERPLANETARY SPACE of these data with information from earth satel-
During its entire flight, Mariner reported about lites would indicate that micro meteoroids are
the same amount and intensity of cosmic radia- 10,000 times more abundant near earth than
tion. This constancy is considered a significant along Mariner's trajectory in interplanetary space.
addition to scientific knowledge; but its implica- Moreover, no concentration of micrometeoroids
tions will have to be clarified by additional was detected around Venus such as occurs around
experiments. earth. •
Cosmic rays are made up of protons (nuclei of Information about micrometeoroids is of prac-
hydrogen atoms), alpha particles (nuclei of he- tical importance in design of spacecraft and is
lium atoms), nuclei of atoms heavier than believed essential to study of the origin and evo-
hydrogen and helium, and electrons. They have lution of the solar system.
velocities almost as great as the speed of light
(about 186,000 miles per second) and energies TRACKING DATA ADDING TO KNOWLEDGE
in the millions, billions, and trillions of electron
The precise tracking data acquired through the
volts. (The electron volt is a scientific measure-
Mariner II experiment have provided basic infor-
ment unit for energies of atomic particles.)
mation that is contributing to refinement of im-
Cosmic rays are the most penetrating kind of
portant measurements . Among them: the mass
radiation, theoretically being able to pass through
of the moon; the mass of Venus; the Astronomi-
lead walls as thick as a thousand feet. Most
cal Unit (AU) which is the mean distance from
cosmic rays come from outside of the solar sys-
earth to sun and the yardstick for measuring
tem, usually from within our vast Milky Way
distance in the solar system; and t he exact loca-
galaxy but sometimes from other galaxies. Our
tions of spacecraft tracking stations on earth.
own sun produces some cosmic rays, particularly
These figures not only will increase scientific
during solar flares and other disturbances.
knowledge but also are vital to planning of
Both cosmic rays and the matter in the solar
manned lunar and interplanetary voyages.
wind are atomic particles. However, solar wind
particles have comparatively low energies, in the
hundreds and thousands of electron volts. De-
spite the great disparity in individual energies,
the aggregate energy of the solar wind is far Contact was maintained with Mariner II until.
greater than that of all cosmic rays in the region it was 53.9 million miles from earth. This shat-
of the solar system studied by scientific space- tered the previous long-distance communications

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