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Letters 6
Family 8
Novice and Peewee
Classified 20 Huskies take OMHA
Calendar 23 Championships Re-open-
Crossword 23 Page 13 ing
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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 2011 $1.25 including GST
NEW HAMBURG, ONTARIO editor@newhamburgindependent.ca


Se r v i n g Wi l m o t Tow n s h i p, We l l e s l e y, Sh a k e s p e a re , Ta v i s t o c k , Br i g h t , Pl a t t s v i l l e a n d a re a s i n c e 1 8 7 8 .

decision possible.” be purchased rather than

Plus, Neice said, the have the people live in
MTO has told her that limbo for the next 15 or 20
design for the new highway years until they decide to
will start at the end of build this thing,” Forest
March, just days after the said.
deadline for public com- The province already
ment. The province needs bought a strip of land 30
time to properly consider years ago, Neice said. The
her group’s comments, she land now sits empty, just
said. north of the current pre-
“We find that pretty ferred route, and her group
offensive,” she said. “I don’t would like to see it used
now how much they’re real- instead of more farms cut in
ly interested in listening the two.
public. It’s pretty disheart- Perth East is also con-
ening.” cerned with north-south
“We have to keep trying. access for emergency vehi-
Our goal is to protect agri- cles and farm equipment,
cultural land and to educate Forest said. Township serv-
them on the business of ice vehicles need a way to
agriculture.” cross the highway, and
The ABC group spoke at Perth East won’t endorse the
Perth East Township’s coun- plan until they know how
cil meeting March 15 to out- the province will solve that
line their concerns. problem.
Although Perth East would So far, planners and con-
not support scrapping the sultants have been open to
MTO’s current plan, the public feedback, Forest said,
township is preparing their but that doesn’t mean
Concerned farm families along the proposed new route for Highway 7/8 south of Shakespeare will be sending their con- own report that will include everyone will be happy.
cerns to the province this week. the agricultural concerns. “Just because they listen,
That report goes before it doesn’t mean everyone
council in a special meeting who submits is going to get

Farm families won’t back down March 22 for approval.

Perth East has been
working for quite some time
their way,” he said. “There’s
so many conflicting opin-
ions on it.”
on its own response to the Interest in the Agricul-
Concern grows among farmers impacted by MTO-proposed Highway 7/8 route ministry’s preferred route, tural Business Community’s
said mayor Ian Forest. campaign has increased
SCOTT CRESSMAN south of Shakespeare. of the proposed highway, stretch of the preferred “We were on the same since the province present-
Independent staff The Agricultural Busi- said Paula Neice, a volun- route is planned as “closed- page with many issues,” he ed its preferred route
ness Community represents teer with the Agricultural access,” she said, with no said of the ABC group’s through the farmland, Neice
As the clock ticks down farmers along that route, Business Community. north-to-south crossing presentation. “The part said: “Our membership sky-
to a March 25 deadline for and they say the plan would Those farmers need to points. where council differed with rocketed in January because
public input on the High- split businesses and make move equipment and “We as a community are them was that [the MTO] people were so furious.”
way 7/8 expansion, Shake- life hard for farmers. They machinery back and forth being asked to give input should go back to square As it stands, the planned
speare-area farmers are want the province to go on their lands, but the but are not given enough one.” highway would affect twen-
anxious to be heard. back to the drawing board, province hasn’t yet said how information,” she said. “ABC The township wants the ty-two farm businesses
Ontario’s Ministry of or at least answer their con- that would be achieved. has always said we are not a province to buy the land it totaling 14,000 acres, Neice
Transportation presented cerns. Overpasses or underpasses stop-the-road group. Some wants quickly, he said, so said.
its preferred route in Janu- The province needs to could do the job, but would producers will be impacted. that . The ABC group will also
ary, which would see the understand that agricultural eat up even more agricul- We want the ministry and “Once the route has been present to Perth South
expanded highway cut businesses own a patch- tural land. consultants to learn about settled, we want the land to Township this week.
along the railway line just work of land on both sides In fact, a nine-kilometre agriculture to make the best

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