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Core Topics

in Windows
Toby Opferman
(PDF & CHM Version Edited by Maximus Byamukama)

This tutorial will attempt to describe how to write a simple device driver for Windows NT. There are various
resources and tutorials on the internet for writing device drivers; however, they are somewhat scarce as
compared to writing a hello world GUI program for Windows. This makes the search for information on
starting to write device drivers a bit harder. You may think that if there’s already one tutorial, why do you
need more? The answer is that more information is always better especially when you are first beginning to
understand a concept. It is always good to see information from different perspectives. People write
differently and describe certain pieces of information in a different light depending on how familiar they are
with a certain aspect or how they think it should be explained. This being the case, I would recommend
anyone who wants to write device drivers not to stop here or somewhere else. Always find a variety of
samples and code snippets and research the differences. Sometimes there are bugs and things omitted.
Sometimes there are things that are being done that aren’t necessary, and sometimes there’s information
incorrect or just incomplete.
This tutorial will describe how to create a simple device driver, dynamically load and unload it, and finally
talk to it from user mode.

Creating a Simple Device Driver

What is a subsystem?

I need to define a starting ground before we begin to explain how to write a device driver. The starting point
for this article will be the compiler. The compiler and linker generate a binary in a format that the Operating
System understands. In Windows, this format is PE for Portable Executable format. In this format, there is an
idea called a subsystem. A subsystem, along with other options specified in the PE header information,
describes how to load an executable which also includes the entry point into the binary.

Many people use the VC++ IDE to simply create a project with some default pre-set options for the
compilers (and linker) command line. This is why a lot of people may not be familiar with this concept even
though they are most likely already using it if they have ever written Windows applications. Have you ever
written a console application? Have you ever written a GUI application for Windows? These are different
subsystems in Windows. Both of these will generate a PE binary with the appropriate subsystem information.
This is also why a console application uses main where a WINDOWS application uses WinMain. When you
choose these projects, VC++ simply creates a project with


If you accidentally choose the wrong project, you can simply change this in the linker options menu rather
than needing to create a new project.
There’s a point to all of this? A driver is simply linked using a different subsystem called NATIVE.
Check MSDN Subsystem compiler options.

The Driver’’s main

After the compiler is setup with the appropriate options, it’s probably good to start thinking about the entry
point to a driver. The first section lied a little bit about the subsystem. NATIVE can also be used to run user-
mode applications which define an entry point called NtProcessStartup. This is the default type of
executable that is made when specifying NATIVE in the same way WinMain and main are found when the
linker is creating an application. You can override the default entry point with your own, simply by using the
-entry:<functionname> linker option. If we know we want this to be a driver, we simply need to write
an entry point whose parameter list and return type matches that of a driver. The system will then load the
driver when we install it and tell the system that it is a driver.

The name we use can be anything. We can call it BufferFly() if we want. The most common practice used
by driver developers and Microsoft is using the name DriverEntry as its initial entry point. This means we
add -entry:DriverEntry to the linker’s command line options. If you are using the DDK, this is done for
you when you specify DRIVER as the type of executable to build. The DDK contains an environment that
has pre-set options in the common make file directory which makes it simpler to create an application as it
specifies the default options. The actual driver developer can then override these settings in the make file or
simply use them as a connivance. This is essentially how DriverEntry became the somewhat official name
for driver entry points.

Remember, DLLs actually are also compiled specifying WINDOWS as the subsystem, but they also have an
additional switch called /DLL. There is a switch which can also be used for drivers: /DRIVER:WDM (which
also sets NATIVE behind the scenes) as well as a /DRIVER:UP which means this driver cannot be loaded
on a multi-processor system.

The linker builds the final binary, and based on what the options are in the PE header and how the binary is
attempting to be loaded (run as an EXE through the loader, loaded by LoadLibrary, or attempting to be
loaded as a driver) will define how the loading system behaves. The loading system attempts to perform
some level of verification, that the image being loaded is indeed supposed to be loaded in this manner, for
example. There is even, in some cases, startup code added to the binary that executes before your entry point
is reached (WinMainCRTStartup calling WinMain, for example, to initialize the CRT). Your job is to simply
write the application based on how you want it to be loaded and then set the correct options in the linker so it
knows how to properly create the binary. There are various resources on the details of the PE format which
you should be able to find if you are interested in further investigation into this area.

The options we will set for the linker will end up being the following:


Before creating the DriverEntry

There are some things we need to go over before we simply sit down and write the DriverEntry. I know that
a lot of people simply want to jump right into writing the driver and seeing it work. This is generally the case
in most programming scenarios as you usually just take the code, change it around, compile it, and test it out.
If you remember back to when you were first learning Windows development, it was probably the same way.
Your application probably didn’t work right away, probably crashed, or just disappeared. This was a lot of
fun and you probably learned a lot, but you know that with a driver, the adventure is a little different. Not
knowing what to do can end up in blue screening the system, and if your driver is loaded on boot and
executes that code, you now have a problem. Hopefully, you can boot in safe mode or restore to a previous
hardware configuration. That being the case, we have a few things to go over before you write the driver in
order to help educate you on what you are doing before you actually do it.
The first rule of thumb is do not just take a driver and compile it with some of your changes. If you do not
understand how the driver is working or how to program correctly in the environment, you are likely to cause
problems. Drivers can corrupt the integrity of the whole system, they can have bugs that don’t always occur
but in some rare circumstances. Application programs can have the same type of bugs in behavior but not in
root cause. As an example, there are times when you cannot access memory that is pagable. If you know how
Virtual Memory works, you know that the Operating System will remove pages from memory to pull in
pages that are needed, and this is how more applications can run than would have been physically possible
given the memory limitations of the machine. There are places, however, when pages cannot be read into
memory from disk. At these times, those drivers who work with memory can only access memory that
cannot be paged out.

Where am I going with this? Well, if you allow a driver which runs under these constraints to access memory
that is pagable, it may not crash as the Operating System usually tries to keep all pages in memory as long as
possible. If you close an application that was running, it may still be in memory, for example! This is why a
bug like this may go undetected (unless you try doing things like driver verifier) and eventually may trap.
When it does, if you do not understand the basic concepts like this, you would be lost as to what the problem
is and how to fix it.

There are a lot of concepts behind everything that will be described in this document. On IRQL alone, there
is a twenty page document you can find on MSDN. There,s an equally large document on IRP. I will not
attempt to duplicate this information nor point out every single little detail. What I will attempt to do is give a
basic summary and point you in the direction of where to find more information. It’s important to at least
know that these concepts exist and understand some basic idea behind them, before writing the driver.

What is IRQL?

The IRQL is known as the Interrupt ReQuest Level. The processor will be executing code in a thread at a
particular IRQL. The IRQL of the processor essentially helps determine how that thread is allowed to be
interrupted. The thread can only be interrupted by code which needs to run at a higher IRQL on the same
processor. Interrupts requiring the same IRQL or lower are masked off so only interrupts requiring a higher
IRQL are available for processing. In a multi-processor system, each processor operates independently at its
own IRQL.

There are four IRQL levels which you generally will be dealing with, which are Passive, APC, Dispatch and
DIRQL. Kernel APIs documented in MSDN generally have a note which specifies the IRQL level at which
you need to be running in order to use the API. The higher the IRQL you go, the less APIs that are available
for use. The documentation on MSDN defines what IRQL the processor will be running at when the
particular entry point of the driver is called. DriverEntry, for example, will be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL.


This is the lowest IRQL. No interrupts are masked off and this is the level in which a thread executing in user
mode is running. Pagable memory is accessible.


In a processor running at this level, only APC level interrupts are masked. This is the level in which
Asynchronous Procedure Calls occur. Pagable memory is still accessible. When an APC occurs, the
processor is raised to APC level. This, in turn, also disables other APCs from occurring. A driver can
manually raise its IRQL to APC (or any other level) in order to perform some synchronization with APCs,
for example, since APCs can’t be invoked if you are already at APC level. There are some APIs which can’t
be called at APC level due to the fact that APCs are disabled, which, in turn, may disable some I/O
Completion APCs.


The processor running at this level has DPC level interrupts and lower masked off. Pagable memory cannot
be accessed, so all memory being accessed must be non-paged. If you are running at Dispatch Level, the
APIs that you can use greatly decrease since you can only deal with non-paged memory.


Generally, higher level drivers do not deal with IRQLs at this level, but all interrupts at this level or less are
masked off and do not occur. This is actually a range of IRQLs, and this is a method to determine which
devices have priority over other devices.

In this driver, we will basically only be working at PASSIVE_LEVEL, so we won’t have to worry about the
gotchas. However, it is necessary for you to be aware of what IRQL is, if you intend to continue writing
device drivers.

For more information on IRQLs and thread scheduling, refer to the following documentation, and another
good source of information is here.

What is an IRP?

The IRP is called the I/O Request Packet, and it is passed down from driver to driver in the driver stack. This
is a data structure that allows drivers to communicate with each other and to request work to be done by the
driver. The I/O manager or another driver may create an IRP and pass it down to your driver. The IRP
includes information about the operation that is being requested.

A description of the IRP data structure can be found here.

The description and usage of an IRP can go from simple to complex very easily, so we will only be
describing, in general, what an IRP will mean to you. There is an article on MSDN which describes in a lot
more detail (about twenty pages) of what exactly an IRP is and how to handle them. That article can be found

The IRP will also contain a list of sub-requests also known as the IRP Stack Location. Each driver in the
device stack will generally have its own sub request of how to interpret the IRP. This data structure is the
IO_STACK_LOCATION and is described on MSDN.

To create an analogy of the IRP and IO_STACK_LOCATION, perhaps you have three people who do different
jobs such as carpentry, plumbing and welding. If they were going to build a house, they could have a
common overall design and perhaps a common set of tools like their tool box. This includes things like
power drills, etc. All of these common tools and overall design of building a house would be the IRP. Each
of them has an individual piece they need to work on to make this happen, for example, the plumber needs
the plans on where to put the pipe, how much pipe he has, etc. These could be interpreted as the
IO_STACK_LOCATION as his specific job is to do the piping. The carpenter could be building the framework
for the house and the details of that would be in his IO_STACK_LOCATION. So, while the entire IRP is a
request to build a house, each person in the stack of people has their own job as defined by the
IO_STACK_LOCATION to make this happen. Once everyone has completed their job, they then complete the

The device driver we will be building will not be that complex and will basically be the only driver in the

Things to Avoid

There are a lot of pitfalls that you will need to avoid but they are mostly unrelated to our simple driver. To be
more informed, however, here is a list of items called things to avoid when it comes to driver development.

Create the DriverEntry routine

There is so much to explain, however, I think it’s time we simply started to develop the driver and explain as
we go. It is hard to digest theory or even how code is supposed to work, without actually doing anything.
You need some hands on experience so you can bring these ideas out of space and into reality.

The prototype for the DriverEntry is the following.

NTSTATUS DriverEntry(PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject, PUNICODE_STRING pRegistryPath);

The DRIVER_OBJECT is a data structure used to represent this driver. The DriverEntry routine will use it to
populate it with other entry points to the driver for handling specific I/O requests. This object also has a
pointer to a DEVICE_OBJECT which is a data structure which represents a particular device. A single driver
may actually advertise itself as handling multiple devices, and as such, the DRIVER_OBJECT maintains a
linked list pointer to all the devices this particular driver services request for. We will simply be creating one

The Registry Path is a string which points to the location in the registry where the information for the driver
was stored. The driver can use this location to store driver specific information.

The next part is to actually put things in the DriverEntry routine. The first thing we will do is create the
device. You may be wondering how we are going to create a device and what type of device we should
create. This is generally because a driver is usually associated with hardware but this is not the case. There
are a variety of different types of drivers which operate at different levels, not all drivers work or interface
directly with hardware. Generally, you maintain a stack of drivers each with a specific job to do. The highest
level driver is the one that communicates with user mode, and the lowest level drivers generally just talk to
other drivers and hardware. There are network drivers, display drivers, file system drivers, etc., and each has
their own stack of drivers. Each place in the stack breaks up a request into a more generic or simpler request
for the lower level driver to service. The highest level drivers are the ones which communicate themselves to
user mode, and unless they are a special device with a particular framework (like display drivers), they can
behave generally the same as other drivers just as they implement different types of operations.

As an example, take the hard disk drive. The driver which communicates to user mode does not talk directly
to hardware. The high level driver simply manages the file system itself and where to put things. It then
communicates where it wants to read or write from the disk to the lower level driver which may or may not
talk directly to hardware. There may be another layer which then communicates that request to the actual
hardware driver which then physically reads or writes a particular sector off a disk and then returns it to the
higher level. The highest level may interpret them as file data, but the lowest level driver may simply be
stupid and only manage requests as far as when to read a sector based off where the read/write head is
located on the disk. It could then determine what sector read requests to service, however, it has no idea what
the data is and does not interpret it.

Let’s take a look at the first part of our DriverEntry.


UINT uiIndex = 0;
UNICODE_STRING usDriverName, usDosDeviceName;

DbgPrint("DriverEntry Called \r\n");

RtlInitUnicodeString(&usDriverName, L"\\Device\\Example");
RtlInitUnicodeString(&usDosDeviceName, L"\\DosDevices\\Example");

NtStatus = IoCreateDevice(pDriverObject, 0,
FALSE, &pDeviceObject);

The first thing you will notice is the DbgPrint function. This works just like printf and it prints messages
out to the debugger or debug output window. You can get a tool called DBGVIEW from
www.sysinternals.com and all of the information in those messages will be displayed.

You will then notice that we use a function called RtlInitUnicodeString which basically initializes a
UNICODE_STRING data structure. This data structure contains basically three entries. The first is the size of the
current Unicode string, the second is the maximum size that the Unicode string can be, and the third is a
pointer to the Unicode string. This is used to describe a Unicode string and used commonly in drivers. The
one thing to remember with UNICODE_STRING is that they are not required to be NULL terminated since there
is a size parameter in the structure! This causes problems for people new to driver development as they
assume a UNICODE_STRING is NULL terminated, and they blue-screen the driver. Most Unicode strings passing
into your driver will not be NULL terminated, so this is something you need to be aware of.

Devices have names just like anything else. They are generally named \Device\<somename> and this is the
string we were creating to pass into IoCreateDevice. The second string, \DosDevices\Example, we will get
into later as it’s not used in the driver yet. To the IoCreateDevice, we pass in the driver object, a pointer to
the Unicode string we want to call the driver, and we pass in a type of driver UNKNOWN as it’s not associated
with any particular type of device, and we also pass in a pointer to receive the newly created device object.
The parameters are explained in more detail at IoCreateDevice.

The second parameter we passed 0, and it says to specify the number of bytes to create for the device
extension. This is basically a data structure that the driver writer can define which is unique to that device.
This is how you can extend the information being passed into a device and create device contexts, etc. in
which to store instance data. We will not be using this for this example.
Now that we have successfully created our \Device\Example device driver, we need to setup the Driver
Object to call into our driver when certain requests are made. These requests are called IRP Major requests.
There are also Minor requests which are sub-requests of these and can be found in the stack location of the

The following code populates certain requests:

for(uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION; uiIndex++)

pDriverObject->MajorFunction[uiIndex] = Example_UnSupportedFunction;

pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] = Example_Close;
pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = Example_Create;
pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] = Example_IoControl;
pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_READ] = Example_Read;
pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_WRITE] = USE_WRITE_FUNCTION;

We populate the Create, Close, IoControl, Read and Write. What do these refer to? When communicating
with the user-mode application, certain APIs call directly to the driver and pass in parameters!

• CreateFile -> IRP_MJ_CREATE

• WriteFile -> IRP_MJ_WRITE
• ReadFile-> IRP_MJ_READ
• DeviceIoControl -> IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL

To explain, one difference is IRP_MJ_CLOSE is not called in the context of the process which created the
handle. If you need to perform process related clean up, then you need to handle IRP_MJ_CLEANUP as well.

So as you can see, when a user mode application uses these functions, it calls into your driver. You may be
wondering why the user mode API says file when it doesn’t really mean file. That is true, these APIs can talk
to any device which exposes itself to user mode, they are not only for accessing files. In the last piece of this
article, we will be writing a user mode application to talk to our driver and it will simply do CreateFile,
WriteFile, CloseHandle. That’s how simple it is. USE_WRITE_FUNCTION is a constant I will explain later.

The next piece of code is pretty simple, it’s the driver unload function.

pDriverObject->DriverUnload = Example_Unload;

You can technically omit this function but if you want to unload your driver dynamically, then it must be
specified. If you do not specify this function once your driver is loaded, the system will not allow it to be

The code after this is actually using the DEVICE_OBJECT, not the DRIVER_OBJECT. These two data structures
may get a little confusing since they both start with D and end with _OBJECT, so it’s easy to confuse which
one we’re using.

pDeviceObject->Flags |= IO_TYPE;
pDeviceObject->Flags &= (~DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING);
We are simply setting the flags. IO_TYPE is actually a constant which defines the type of I/O we want to do (I
defined it in example.h). I will explain this in the section on handling user-mode write requests.

The DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING tells the I/O Manager that the device is being initialized and not to send any
I/O requests to the driver. For devices created in the context of the DriverEntry, this is not needed since the
I/O Manager will clear this flag once the DriverEntry is done. However, if you create a device in any
function outside of the DriverEntry, you need to manually clear this flag for any device you create with
IoCreateDevice. This flag is actually set by the IoCreateDevice function. We cleared it here just for fun
even though we weren’t required to.

The last piece of our driver is using both of the Unicode strings we defined above. \Device\Example and

IoCreateSymbolicLink(&usDosDeviceName, &usDriverName);

IoCreateSymbolicLink does just that, it creates a Symbolic Link in the object manager. To view the object
manager, you may download my tool QuickView, or go to www.sysinternals.com and download WINOBJ.
A Symbolic Link simply maps a DOS Device Name to an NT Device Name. In this example, Example is our
DOS Device Name and \Device\Example is our NT Device Name.

To put this into perspective, different vendors have different drivers and each driver is required to have its
own name. You cannot have two drivers with the same NT Device name. Say, you have a memory stick
which can display itself to the system as a new drive letter which is any available drive letter such as E:. If
you remove this memory stick and say you map a network drive to E:. Application can talk to E: the same
way, they do not care if E: is a CD ROM, Floppy Disk, memory stick or network drive. How is this possible?
Well, the driver needs to be able to interpret the requests and either handle them within themselves such as
the case of a network redirector or pass them down to the appropriate hardware driver. This is done through
symbolic links. E: is a symbolic link. The network mapped drive may map E: to \Device\NetworkRedirector
and the memory stick may map E: to \Device\FujiMemoryStick, for example.

This is how applications can be written using a commonly defined name which can be abstracted to point to
any device driver which would be able to handle requests. There are no rules here, we could actually map
\Device\Example to E:. We can do whatever we wish to do, but in the end, however, the application attempts
to use the device as how the device driver needs to respond and act. This means supporting IOCTLs
commonly used by those devices as applications will try to use them. COM1, COM2, etc. are all examples of
this. COM1 is a DOS name which is mapped to an NT Device name of a driver which handles serial
requests. This doesn’t even need to be a real physical serial port!

So we have defined Example as a DOS Device which points to \Device\Example. In the communicating with
usermode portion, we will learn more about how to use this mapping.

Create the Unload Routine

The next piece of code we will look at is the unload routine. This is required in order to be able to unload the
device driver dynamically. This section will be a bit smaller as there is not much to explain.

VOID Example_Unload(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject)


DbgPrint("Example_Unload Called \r\n");

RtlInitUnicodeString(&usDosDeviceName, L"\\DosDevices\\Example");


You can do whatever you wish in your unload routine. This unload routine is very simple, it just deletes the
symbolic link we created and then deletes the only device that we created which was \Device\Example.

Creating the IRP_MJ_WRITE

The rest of the functions should be self explanatory as they don’t do anything. This is why I am only
choosing to explain the Write routine. If this article is liked, I may write a second tutorial on implementing
the IO Control function.

If you have used WriteFile and ReadFile, you know that you simply pass a buffer of data to write data to a
device or read data from a device. These parameters are sent to the device in the IRP as we explained
previously. There is more to the story though as there are actually three different methods that the I/O
Manager will use to marshal this data before giving the IRP to the driver. That also means that how the data
is marshaled is how the driver’s Read and Write functions need to interpret the data.

The three methods are Direct I/O, Buffered I/O and Neither.

#ifdef __USE_DIRECT__
#define USE_WRITE_FUNCTION Example_WriteDirectIO

#ifdef __USE_BUFFERED__
#define USE_WRITE_FUNCTION Example_WriteBufferedIO

#ifndef IO_TYPE
#define IO_TYPE 0
#define USE_WRITE_FUNCTION Example_WriteNeither

The code was written so if you define __USE_DIRECT__ in the header, then IO_TYPE is now DO_DIRECT_IO
and USE_WRITE_FUNCTION is now Example_WriteDirectIO. If you define __USE_BUFFERED__ in the
header, then IO_TYPE is now DO_BUFFERED_IO and USE_WRITE_FUNCTION is now
Example_WriteBufferedIO. If you don’t define __USE_DIRECT__ or __USE_BUFFERED__, then IO_TYPE is
defined as 0 (neither) and the write function is Example_WriteNeither.

We will now go over each type of I/O.

Direct I/O

The first thing I will do is simply show you the code for handling direct I/O.
NTSTATUS Example_WriteDirectIO(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp)
PCHAR pWriteDataBuffer;

DbgPrint("Example_WriteDirectIO Called \r\n");

* Each time the IRP is passed down
* the driver stack a new stack location is added
* specifying certain parameters for the IRP to the driver.
pIoStackIrp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);

pWriteDataBuffer =
MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(Irp->MdlAddress, NormalPagePriority);

* We need to verify that the string
* is NULL terminated. Bad things can happen
* if we access memory not valid while in the Kernel.

return NtStatus;

The entry point simply provides the device object for the device for which this request is being sent for. If
you recall, a single driver can create multiple devices even though we have only created one. The other
parameter is as was mentioned before which is an IRP!

The first thing we do is call IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation, and this simply provides us with our
IO_STACK_LOCATION. In our example, the only parameter we need from this is the length of the buffer
provided to the driver, which is at Parameters.Write.Length.

The way buffered I/O works is that it provides you with a MdlAddress which is a Memory Descriptor List.
This is a description of the user mode addresses and how they map to physical addresses. The function we
call then is MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe and we use the Irp->MdlAddress to do this. This operation
will then give us a system virtual address which we can then use to read the memory.

The reasoning behind this is that some drivers do not always process a user mode request in the context of
the thread or even the process in which it was issued. If you process a request in a different thread which is
running in another process context, you would not be able to read user mode memory across process
boundaries. You should know this already, as you run two applications they can’t just read/write to each
other without Operating System support.
So, this simply maps the physical pages used by the user mode process into system memory. We can then use
the returned address to access the buffer passed down from user mode.

This method is generally used for larger buffers since it does not require memory to be copied. The user
mode buffers are locked in memory until the IRP is completed which is the downside of using direct I/O.
This is the only downfall and is why it’s generally more useful for larger buffers.

Buffered I/O

The first thing I will do is simply show you the code for handling buffered I/O.

NTSTATUS Example_WriteBufferedIO(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp)

PCHAR pWriteDataBuffer;

DbgPrint("Example_WriteBufferedIO Called \r\n");

* Each time the IRP is passed down
* the driver stack a new stack location is added
* specifying certain parameters for the IRP to the driver.
pIoStackIrp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);

pWriteDataBuffer = (PCHAR)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;

* We need to verify that the string
* is NULL terminated. Bad things can happen
* if we access memory not valid while in the Kernel.

return NtStatus;

As mentioned above, the idea is to pass data down to the driver that can be accessed from any context such
as another thread in another process. The other reason would be to map the memory to be non-paged so the
driver can also read it at raised IRQL levels.

The reason you may need to access memory outside the current process context is that some drivers create
threads in the SYSTEM process. They then defer work to this process either asynchronously or
synchronously. A driver at a higher level than your driver may do this or your driver itself may do it.
The downfall of using Buffered I/O is that it allocates non-paged memory and performs a copy. This is now
overhead in processing every read and write into the driver. This is one of the reasons this is best used on
smaller buffers. The whole user mode page doesn’t need to be locked in memory as with Direct I/O, which is
the plus side of this. The other problem with using this for larger buffers is that since it allocates non-paged
memory, it would need to allocate a large block of sequential non-paged memory.

Neither Buffered nor Direct

The first thing I will do is show you the code for handling neither Buffered nor Direct I/O.

NTSTATUS Example_WriteNeither(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp)

PCHAR pWriteDataBuffer;

DbgPrint("Example_WriteNeither Called \r\n");

* Each time the IRP is passed down
* the driver stack a new stack location is added
* specifying certain parameters for the IRP to the driver.
pIoStackIrp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);

* We need this in an exception handler or else we could trap.
__try {

pWriteDataBuffer = Irp->UserBuffer;

* We need to verify that the string
* is NULL terminated. Bad things can happen
* if we access memory not valid while in the Kernel.


NtStatus = GetExceptionCode();

return NtStatus;

In this method, the driver accesses the user mode address directly. The I/O manager does not copy the data, it
does not lock the user mode pages in memory, it simply gives the driver the user mode address buffer.

The upside of this is that no data is copied, no memory is allocated, and no pages are locked into memory.
The downside of this is that you must process this request in the context of the calling thread so you will be
able to access the user mode address space of the correct process. The other downside of this is that the
process itself can attempt to change access to the pages, free the memory, etc., on another thread. This is why
you generally want to use ProbeForRead and ProbeForWrite functions and surround all the code in an
exception handler. There’s no guarantee that at any time the pages could be invalid, you can simply attempt
to make sure they are, before you attempt to read or write. This buffer is stored at Irp->UserBuffer.

What’s this #pragma stuff?

These directives you see simply let the linker know what segment to put the code and what options to set on
the pages. The DriverEntry, for example, is set as INIT which is a discardable page. This is because you
only need that function during initialization.


Your homework is to create the Read routines for each type of I/O processing. You can use the Write
routines as reference to figure out what you need to do.

Dynamically Loading and Unloading the Driver

A lot of tutorials will go and explain the registry, however, I have chosen not to at this time. There is a
simple user mode API that you can use to load and unload the driver without having to do anything else. This
is what we will use for now.

int _cdecl main(void)
HANDLE hSCManager;
HANDLE hService;


printf("Load Driver\n");

printf("Create Service\n");

hService = CreateService(hSCManager, "Example",

"Example Driver",
hService = OpenService(hSCManager, "Example",

printf("Start Service\n");

StartService(hService, 0, NULL);
printf("Press Enter to close service\r\n");
ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ss);




return 0;

This code will load the driver and start it. We load the driver with �SERVICE_DEMAND_START� which
means this driver must be physically started. It will not start automatically on boot, that way we can test it,
and if we blue-screen, we can fix the issue without having to boot to safe mode.

This program will simply pause. You can then run the application that talks to the service, in another
window. The code above should be pretty easy to understand that you need to copy the driver to
C:\example.sys in order to use it. If the service fails to create, it knows it has already been created and opens
it. We then start the service and pause. Once you press Enter, we stop the service, delete it from the list of
services, and exit. This is very simple code and you can modify it to serve your purposes.

Communicating to the Device Driver

The following is the code that communicates to the driver.

int _cdecl main(void)

DWORD dwReturn;

hFile = CreateFile("\\\\.\\Example",

WriteFile(hFile, "Hello from user mode!",
sizeof("Hello from user mode!"), &dwReturn, NULL);
return 0;

This is probably simpler than you thought. If you compile the driver three times using the three different
methods of I/O, the message sent down from user mode should be printed in DBGVIEW. As you notice, you
simply need to open the DOS Device Name using \\.\<DosName>. You could even open \Device\<Nt Device
Name> using the same method. You will then create a handle to the device and you can call WriteFile,
ReadFile, CloseHandle, DeviceIoControl! If you want to experiment, simply perform actions and use
DbgPrint to show what code is being executed in your driver.


This article showed a simple example of how to create a driver, install it, and access it via a simple user
mode application. You may use the associated source files to change and experiment. If you wish to write
drivers, it’s best to read up on many of the basic concepts of drivers, especially, some of the ones linked


This is the second tutorial of the Writing Device Drivers series. There seems to be a lot of interest in the
topic, so this article will pick up where the first left off. The main focus of these articles will be to build up
little by little the knowledge needed to write device drivers. In this article, we will be building on the same
example source code used in part one. In this article, we will expand on that code to include Read
functionality, Handle Input/Ouput Controls also known as IOCTLs, and learn a bit more about IRPs.


Before we begin with this article, here is a small list of some frequently asked questions that we can clear up.

Where do I get the DDK?

Microsoft allows MSDN subscribers to download the DDK from their website. If you do not subscribe, they
sometimes allow new DDKs to be openly downloaded by the public for a certain period of time. At the time
of this article, no DDKs are available for download, so if you are not a subscriber, you can request they mail
you the DDK CD for the cost of shipping and handling. You can order the DDK from here.

Can I include windows.h in my driver?

You cannot mix the Windows SDK header files with the Windows DDK header files. They have definitions
that will conflict and you will have trouble getting the code to compile. Sometimes there are user-mode
applications which like to include part of the DDK. These generally will have to take out the types they want
to define from the DDK or SDK and put them directly in their file. The other popular approach used where
possible is to separate the files into DDK and SDK usage so each .C can include the appropriate headers
without conflict.

Can I implement x type driver like this?

This is the general generic framework for which mostly all drivers are built upon in Windows. Drivers do not
have to implement hardware, and as mentioned in the first tutorial, there is usually a stack of drivers. If you
are looking to implement a specific type of driver, this is a starting point to understand in general how drivers
work. The difference then becomes how you advertise your device to the system, what IOCTLs you
implement, what drivers you communicate to underneath your driver, and any additional pieces you are
required to implement such as supporting drivers or even user mode components. If you are looking to
implement a specific type of driver, you will want to read information specific to that driver on MSDN, in
the DDK and other places. There are sometimes other frameworks which actually encapsulate most of what
we are doing here so its easier to write for example.

Can I use the C or C++ runtime in a driver?

You should avoid using these in a driver and instead use the equivalent kernel mode APIs. Kernel Run Time
Library also includes a subtopic on Safe String Functions. When programming in the kernel, there are some
pitfalls you may need to be aware of, and if you never look up the real kernel API, you may never be aware
of these since you would never have read the "remarks" section for example. The kernel APIs also tell you at
what IRQL you can use each of the functions. It is a lot safer and in your best interest to avoid the standard
run time as it will save you time from tracking down bugs and making simple common mistakes in your

Implementing the ReadFile

The first article left this as homework so even if you have not completed your homework, here are the
answers. There are three types of I/O as we discussed previously and these are Direct, Buffered and Neither.
I have implemented all three of these in the example driver. The difference is that instead of reading the
memory, we write to the memory. I will not explain all three types of I/O as they are identical. What I will
explain is the new functionality that I have added: return values!

In the WriteFile implementation, we didn’t need to worry about the return value. Proper implementations
should always inform the user mode application how much data was written, however, I omitted this detail
for simplicity at the time. This will become essential with the ReadFile implementation if not only for
properly informing the user mode application but to let the I/O Manager know as well.

If you recall how Buffered I/O works for example, the memory buffer is created in another location and the
user mode memory is copied. If we want to read data from the driver, the I/O manager needs to know how
much memory to copy from this temporary buffer to the real user mode memory location! If we dont do this,
no memory will be copied and the user mode application will not get any data!

NTSTATUS Example_ReadDirectIO(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp)

PCHAR pReturnData = "Example_ReadDirectIO - Hello from the Kernel!";
UINT dwDataSize = sizeof("Example_ReadDirectIO - Hello from the Kernel!");
UINT dwDataRead = 0;
PCHAR pReadDataBuffer;

DbgPrint("Example_ReadDirectIO Called \r\n");

* Each time the IRP is passed down the driver stack a
* new stack location is added
* specifying certain parameters for the IRP to the
* driver.
pIoStackIrp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);

if(pIoStackIrp && Irp->MdlAddress)

pReadDataBuffer = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(Irp->MdlAddress,

if(pReadDataBuffer &&
pIoStackIrp->Parameters.Read.Length >= dwDataSize)
* We use "RtlCopyMemory" in the kernel instead
* of memcpy.
* RtlCopyMemory *IS* memcpy, however it's best
* to use the
* wrapper in case this changes in the future.
RtlCopyMemory(pReadDataBuffer, pReturnData,
dwDataRead = dwDataSize;

Implementing Return Values

The return value is implemented using the IO_STATUS_BLOCK of the IRP. This contains a few data members
which vary their use depending on the major function being implemented. In the major functions we are
implementing, Status is equal to the return code and Information contains the number of bytes read or
written. Looking at the new code, you also notice that we are now calling IoCompleteRequest. What does
this all mean?

The IoCompleteRequest is always called by the driver after it completes the IRP. The reason we werent
doing this in the previous example is that the I/O Manager being a nice guy will in most cases complete this
for us. However, it is proper for the driver to complete the IRP where necessary. This location contains a
document on IRP Handling which can supply more information.



Irp->IoStatus.Status = NtStatus;
Irp->IoStatus.Information = dwDataRead;

IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

return NtStatus;

The second parameter of the IoCompleteRequest specifies the priority boost to give the thread waiting for
this IRP to complete. As an example, perhaps the thread has been waiting a long time for a network
operation. This boost helps the scheduler re-run this thread sooner than it may have if it simply went back
into the ready queue without a boost. To put this quite simply, it's basically a helper being used to inform the
scheduler to re-run the thread waiting for this I/O.

Stricter Parameter Validation and Error Checking

The code now implements a little more error checking and parameter validation than it previously did. This
is one thing that you want to make sure with your driver, that a user mode application shouldnt be able to
send invalid memory locations, etc. to the driver and blue screen the system. The driver implementation
should also do a little better on the errors it returns to the user mode driver instead of just STATUS_SUCCESS
all the time. We need to inform the user mode process if it needs to send us more data or attempt to
determine exactly when wrong. You like APIs which you can call GetLastError to see why they failed or
use the return value to determine how to fix your code. If your driver simply returns failed or even better
success all the time, it becomes harder to know how to make your application work properly with the driver.

Input/Output Controls (IOCTL)

The IOCTL is used as more of a communication between the driver and application rather than simply
reading or writing data. Generally, the driver exports a number of IOCTLs and defines data structures that
would be used in this communication. Generally, these data structures should not contain pointers since the
I/O Manager cannot interpret these structures. All data should be contained in the same block. If you want to
create pointers, you can do things such as create offsets into the block of data past the end of the static data
so the driver can easily find this information. If you do remember however, the driver does have the ability to
read user mode data as long as its in the context of the process. So, it is possible to implement pointers to
memory and the driver would need to copy the pages or lock the pages in memory (implement basically
buffered or direct I/O from within the driver itself, which can be done). The user mode process will use the
DeviceIoControl API to perform this communication.

Defining the IOCTL

The first thing we need to do is define the IOCTL code to be used between the application and the driver. I
will essentially be summarizing this article on MSDN here. First, to relate the IOCTL to something in user
mode, you may think of it as a Windows Message. Its simply a value used by the driver to implement some
requested function with predefined input and output values. There is a little more to this value than a
Windows Message however. The IOCTL defines the access required in order to issue the IOCTL as well as
the method to be used when transferring the data between the driver and the application.

The IOCTL is a 32 bit number. The first two low bits define the transfer type which can be

The next set of bits from 2 to 13 defines the Function Code. The high bit is referred to as the custom bit. This
is used to determine user-defined IOCTLs versus system defined. This means that function codes 0x800 and
greater are custom defined similar to how WM_USER works for Windows Messages.

The next two bits define the access required to issue the IOCTL. This is how the I/O Manager can reject
IOCTL requests if the handle has not been opened with the correct access. The access types are such as

The last bits represent the device type the IOCTLs are written for. The high bit again represents user defined

There is a macro we can use to define our IOCTLs quickly and it is CTL_CODE. I have used it in public.h to
define four IOCTLs which implement different types of access transfer methods.

* IOCTL's are defined by the following bit layout.
* [Common |Device Type|Required Access|Custom|Function Code|Transfer Type]
* 31 30 16 15 14 13 12 2 1 0
* Common - 1 bit. This is set for user-defined
* device types.
* Device Type - This is the type of device the IOCTL
* belongs to. This can be user defined
* (Common bit set). This must match the
* device type of the device object.
* Required Access - FILE_READ_DATA, FILE_WRITE_DATA, etc.
* This is the required access for the
* device.
* Custom - 1 bit. This is set for user-defined
* IOCTL's. This is used in the same
* manner as "WM_USER".
* Function Code - This is the function code that the
* system or the user defined (custom
* bit set)
* the data transfer method to be used.
0x800, \

0x801, \

0x802, \

0x803, \

The above displays how we defined our IOCTLs.

Implementing the IOCTL

The first thing that simply needs to occur is essentially a switch statement which distributes the IOCTL to
the appropriate implementation. This is essentially the same thing a Windows procedure does to dispatch
Windows messages. There is no such thing as a "def IOCTL proc" though!

The "Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode" of the IO_STACK_LOCATION contains the IOCTL

code being invoked. The following code is essentially a switch statement which dispatches each IOCTL to
its implementation.

NTSTATUS Example_IoControl(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp)

UINT dwDataWritten = 0;

DbgPrint("Example_IoControl Called \r\n");

pIoStackIrp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);

if(pIoStackIrp) /* Should Never Be NULL! */

NtStatus = Example_HandleSampleIoctl_DirectInIo(Irp,
pIoStackIrp, &dwDataWritten);

NtStatus = Example_HandleSampleIoctl_DirectOutIo(Irp,
pIoStackIrp, &dwDataWritten);

NtStatus = Example_HandleSampleIoctl_BufferedIo(Irp,
pIoStackIrp, &dwDataWritten);

NtStatus = Example_HandleSampleIoctl_NeitherIo(Irp,
pIoStackIrp, &dwDataWritten);

Irp->IoStatus.Status = NtStatus;
Irp->IoStatus.Information = dwDataWritten;

IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

return NtStatus;

If you understand the ReadFile and WriteFile implementations, these simply implement both in one call.
This obviously doesn't have to be the case, IOCTLs can be used to only read data, only write data, or not
send any data at all but simply inform or instruct the driver to perform an action.


The METHOD_IN_DIRECT and METHOD_OUT_DIRECT can essentially be explained at the same time. They are
basically the same. The INPUT buffer is passed in using "BUFFERED" implementation. The output buffer is
passed in using the MdlAddress as explained in the Read/Write implementations. The difference between
"IN" and "OUT" is that with "IN", you can use the output buffer to pass in data! The "OUT" is only used to
return data. The driver example we have doesn't use the "IN" implementation to pass in data, and essentially
the "OUT" and "IN" implementations are the same in the example. Since this is the case, I will just show you
the "OUT" implementation.

NTSTATUS Example_HandleSampleIoctl_DirectOutIo(PIRP Irp,

PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIoStackIrp, UINT *pdwDataWritten)
PCHAR pInputBuffer;
PCHAR pOutputBuffer;
UINT dwDataRead = 0, dwDataWritten = 0;
PCHAR pReturnData = "IOCTL - Direct Out I/O From Kernel!";
UINT dwDataSize = sizeof("IOCTL - Direct Out I/O From Kernel!");
DbgPrint("Example_HandleSampleIoctl_DirectOutIo Called \r\n");
* Input Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer
* Ouput Buffer = Irp->MdlAddress
* Input Size = Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength
* Output Size = Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength
* What's the difference between METHOD_IN_DIRECT && METHOD_OUT_DIRECT?
* The function which we implemented METHOD_IN_DIRECT
* is actually *WRONG*!!!! We are using the output buffer
* as an output buffer! The difference is that METHOD_IN_DIRECT creates
* an MDL for the outputbuffer with
* *READ* access so the user mode application
* can send large amounts of data to the driver for reading.
* for the outputbuffer with *WRITE* access so the user mode
* application can recieve large amounts of data from the driver!
* In both cases, the Input buffer is in the same place,
* the SystemBuffer. There is a lot
* of consfusion as people do think that
* the MdlAddress contains the input buffer and this
* is not true in either case.

pInputBuffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
pOutputBuffer = NULL;

pOutputBuffer =

if(pInputBuffer && pOutputBuffer)


* We need to verify that the string
* is NULL terminated. Bad things can happen
* if we access memory not valid while in the Kernel.
&dwDataRead)) {
DbgPrint("UserModeMessage = '%s'", pInputBuffer);
DbgPrint("%i >= %i",
Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength >= dwDataSize)
* We use "RtlCopyMemory" in the kernel instead of memcpy.
* RtlCopyMemory *IS* memcpy, however it's best to use the
* wrapper in case this changes in the future.
RtlCopyMemory(pOutputBuffer, pReturnData, dwDataSize);
*pdwDataWritten = dwDataSize;
*pdwDataWritten = dwDataSize;


return NtStatus;

As homework, see if you can change the "IN" method to work correctly. Pass input data through the output
buffer and display it.


The METHOD_BUFFERED implementation does essentially the same thing as the Read and Write
implementations. A buffer is allocated and the data is copied from this buffer. The buffer is created as the
larger of the two sizes, the input or output buffer. Then the read buffer is copied to this new buffer. Before
you return, you simply copy the return data into the same buffer. The return value is put into the
IO_STATUS_BLOCK and the I/O Manager copies the data into the output buffer.

NTSTATUS Example_HandleSampleIoctl_BufferedIo(PIRP Irp,

PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIoStackIrp, UINT *pdwDataWritten)
PCHAR pInputBuffer;
PCHAR pOutputBuffer;
UINT dwDataRead = 0, dwDataWritten = 0;
PCHAR pReturnData = "IOCTL - Buffered I/O From Kernel!";
UINT dwDataSize = sizeof("IOCTL - Buffered I/O From Kernel!");
DbgPrint("Example_HandleSampleIoctl_BufferedIo Called \r\n");

* Input Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer
* Ouput Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer
* Input Size = Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength
* Output Size = Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength
* Since they both use the same location
* so the "buffer" allocated by the I/O
* manager is the size of the larger value (Output vs. Input)

pInputBuffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
pOutputBuffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
if(pInputBuffer && pOutputBuffer)

* We need to verify that the string
* is NULL terminated. Bad things can happen
* if we access memory not valid while in the Kernel.
&dwDataRead)) {
DbgPrint("UserModeMessage = '%s'", pInputBuffer);
DbgPrint("%i >= %i",
>= dwDataSize)
* We use "RtlCopyMemory" in the kernel instead of memcpy.
* RtlCopyMemory *IS* memcpy, however it's best to use the
* wrapper in case this changes in the future.
RtlCopyMemory(pOutputBuffer, pReturnData, dwDataSize);
*pdwDataWritten = dwDataSize;
*pdwDataWritten = dwDataSize;


return NtStatus;


This is also the same as implementing neither I/O. The original user mode buffers are passed into the driver.

NTSTATUS Example_HandleSampleIoctl_NeitherIo(PIRP Irp,

PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIoStackIrp, UINT *pdwDataWritten)
PCHAR pInputBuffer;
PCHAR pOutputBuffer;
UINT dwDataRead = 0, dwDataWritten = 0;
PCHAR pReturnData = "IOCTL - Neither I/O From Kernel!";
UINT dwDataSize = sizeof("IOCTL - Neither I/O From Kernel!");

DbgPrint("Example_HandleSampleIoctl_NeitherIo Called \r\n");

* Input Buffer = Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer
* Ouput Buffer = Irp->UserBuffer
* Input Size = Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength
* Output Size = Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength

pInputBuffer = pIoStackIrp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer;
pOutputBuffer = Irp->UserBuffer;

if(pInputBuffer && pOutputBuffer)


* We need this in an exception handler or else we could trap.
__try {
* We need to verify that the string
* is NULL terminated. Bad things can happen
* if we access memory not valid while in the Kernel.
DbgPrint("UserModeMessage = '%s'", pInputBuffer);

>= dwDataSize)
* We use "RtlCopyMemory"
* in the kernel instead of memcpy.
* RtlCopyMemory *IS* memcpy,
* however it's best to use the
* wrapper in case this changes in the future.
*pdwDataWritten = dwDataSize;
*pdwDataWritten = dwDataSize;

NtStatus = GetExceptionCode();

return NtStatus;

Calling DeviceIoControl

This is a very simple implementation.

ZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp));
"** Hello from User Mode Direct IN I/O",
sizeof("** Hello from User Mode Direct IN I/O"),

ZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp));
"** Hello from User Mode Direct OUT I/O",
sizeof("** Hello from User Mode Direct OUT I/O"),

ZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp));
"** Hello from User Mode Buffered I/O",
sizeof("** Hello from User Mode Buffered I/O"),

ZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp));
"** Hello from User Mode Neither I/O",
sizeof("** Hello from User Mode Neither I/O"),

System Memory Layout

This is probably a good time to look at how Windows memory layout looks. To show how this works, we
need to first show how Intel processors implement Virtual Memory. I will explain the general
implementation as there are a few variations of how this can be implemented. This is basically called the
Virtual Address Translation. The following is an excerpt from another document that I have been writing on

Virtual Address Translation

All segment registers become selectors in protected mode. To get more familiar with how the x86 operates,
we will go over the paging mechanism as an overview and not in detail. This is not a systems programming

There are other registers in the CPU which point to descriptor tables. These tables define certain system
attributes which we will not go into detail. Instead, we will discuss the process of converting a virtual address
into a physical address. The descriptor table can define an offset which is then added to the virtual address. If
paging is not enabled, once you add these two addresses, you get the physical address. If paging is enabled,
you get instead a linear address which is then converted to a physical address using page tables.

There is a paging mechanism that is called Page Address Extensions which was originally introduced in the
Pentium Pro. This mechanism allows Page Tables to reference up to 36 bit addresses. However, offsets are
still 32 bit, so while you can access Physical Ram up to 36 bits, you can only access 4 GB at a time without
reloading the page tables. This paging mechanism is not what we will be discussing here, but it is very

The normal 32 bit paging is done using the following. There is a CPU register that points to the base of the
Page Directory Table, called CR3. The diagram below displays how the paging mechanism works. Notice
that the location of the physical page does not need to be linear with the virtual address or even with the
previous page table entry. The blue lines are involved in the example translation and the black lines are
further examples of how the page tables could be setup.

The Page Directory Table has entries which each point to a structure of Page Table Entries. The entries in the
Page Table Entry point to the beginning of a page in the physical RAM. While Windows and most other
Operating Systems use 4k pages, the CPU actually can support 4k and 2MB pages.

The entire process can be listed in the following steps if the pages are defined as 4k.
1. The selector points to the Descriptor Table Entry.
2. The Descript Table Entry base offset is added to the offset of the virtual address creating a linear
3. Bits 31-22 of the Linear Address index into the Page Directory Table pointed to by CR3.
4. The entry in the Page Directory Table points to the base of a Page Entry Table which is then indexed
by the bits 21-12 indexed into this table to retrieve a Page Table Entry.
5. The Page Table Entry aside from containing information about whether the address is paged to disk
points to the base location of the page in Physical Memory.
6. The remaining bits of the Linear Address, bits 11 0 are added to the start of the physical page to
create the final physical address.

Windows Implementation

If you generally ignore the implementation of the descriptor tables, the address translation should be quite
simple to follow. The address is just divided into sections which help index into memory tables that
eventually point to the location of a physical page. The last index simply indexes into that physical page.

Windows implements essentially three separate layers of virtual address ranges. The first would be the user-
mode addresses. These addresses are essentially unique per-process. That is, each process will have its own
memory addresses in this range. Of course, there are optimizations such as different page tables pointing to
the same physical memory location in order to share code and not duplicate memory that is essentially static.

The second range of addresses would be those in the session space. If you have used Fast User Switching or
Terminal Services, you know that each user essentially gets their own desktop. There are certain drivers
which run in what is called Session Space which is memory that is unique per-session. In this memory are
things like the display driver, win32k.sys and some printer drivers. This is one reason why Windows does not
span sessions, i.e., you cannot do FindWindow and see a window on another users desktop.

The last is the range of addresses known as System Space. This is memory that is shared throughout the
entire system and accessible anywhere. This is where our driver lies and where most drivers lie.
So, what happens? Every time a thread is switched, CR3 is reloaded with the appropriate pointer which
points to the page tables accessible by that thread. The implementation is that each process has its own page
directory pointer and its loaded into CR3. This is essentially how Windows isolates each process from one
another, they all have their own directory pointer. This directory pointer is implemented in a way that
processes in the same session map the same session space, and all processes on the system map system
memory. The only memory ranges implemented unique per-process is essentially the user mode address

The /PAE Switch

This is called "Physical Address Extensions". It basically means the OS can map 36 bit physical memory into
32 bits. This doesn't mean that you can access > 4 GB of memory at the same time, it means that higher
memory addresses can be mapped into 32 bits which means the process can access it. This also means that
the OS could use this ability to use machines with > 4 GB of physical memory. So while one process may
not access > 4 GB, the OS can manage the memory in a way that it can keep more pages in memory at the
same time.

There are also special APIs that an application can use to manage memory itself and use > 4GB of memory.
These are called "AWE" or Address Windows Extensions. You can find more information on these at this

The /3GB Switch

There is a switch that you may have heard about and its called the /3GB switch. This essentially allows user
mode to have 3 GB of address space. Normally, the 4 GB range is divided into two. There is 2 GB of address
space for user mode and 2 GB of address space for kernel mode. This essentially means that user mode
addresses do not have the high bit (bit 31) set while kernel mode addresses have bit 31 set. This means that
0x78000000 is a user mode address while 0x82000000 is a kernel mode address. Setting the /3GB switch
will then allow user mode processes to maintain more memory but the kernel will have less memory. There
are upsides and downsides to this.

The general upsides of doing this are as follows:

1. Applications requiring a lot of memory will be able to function better if they know to take advantage
of this. There would be less swapping to and from disk if they are using user mode memory to cache

The general downsides of doing this are as follows:

1. There is not much available kernel mode memory so applications or operations that essentially
require a lot of kernel memory will not be able to perform.
2. Applications and drivers that check the high bit (bit 31) and use this to determine kernel mode
memory versus user mode memory will not function properly.


In this article, we have learned a bit more about communications with user mode processes. We learned how
to implement the ReadFile and DeviceIoControl APIs. We also learned about completing IRPs and
returning status to user mode. We also learned about creating IOCTLs, and finally, we saw how memory is
mapped in Windows.
In the next article, we may be using this information we just learned to implement something a little more
fun, communications between two processes using the driver!


This is the third edition of the Writing Device Drivers articles. The first article helped to simply get you
acquainted with device drivers and a simple framework for developing a device driver for NT. The second
tutorial attempted to show how to use IOCTLs and display what the memory layout of Windows NT is. In
this edition, we will go into the idea of contexts and pools. The driver we write today will also be a little
more interesting as it will allow two user mode applications to communicate with each other in a simple
manner. We will call this the poor man’s pipes implementation.

What is a Context?

This is a generic question, and if you program in Windows, you should understand the concept. In any case, I
will give a brief overview as a refresher. A context is a user-defined data structure (users are developers)
which an underlying architecture has no knowledge of what it is. What the architecture does do is pass this
context around for the user so in an event driven architecture, you do not need to implement global variables
or attempt to determine what object, instance, data structure, etc. the request is being issued for.

In Windows, some examples of using contexts would be SetWindowLong with GWL_USERDATA, EnumWindows,
CreateThread, etc. These all allow you to pass in contexts which your application can use to distinguish and
implement multiple instances of functions using only one implementation of the function.

Device Context

If you recall, in the first article, we learned how to create a device object for our driver. The driver object
contains information related to the physical instance of this driver in memory. There is obviously only one
per driver binary and it contains things such as the function entry points for this binary. There can be
multiple devices associated with the same binary as we know we can simply call IoCreateDevice to create
any number of devices that are handled by a single driver object. This is the reason that all entry points send
in a device object instead of a driver object, so you can determine which device the function is being invoked
for. The device objects point back to the driver object so you can still relate back to it.

NtStatus = IoCreateDevice(pDriverObject, sizeof(EXAMPLE_DEVICE_CONTEXT),

FALSE, &pDeviceObject);


* Per-Device Context, User Defined
pExampleDeviceContext =

KeInitializeMutex(&pExampleDeviceContext->kListMutex, 0);
pExampleDeviceContext->pExampleList = NULL;

The IoCreateDevice function contains a parameter for the size of a Device Extension. This can then be
used to create the device extension member of the device object and this represents the user defined context.
You can then create your own data structure to be passed around and used with each device object. If you
define multiple devices for a single driver, you may want to have a single shared member among all your
device contexts as the first member so you can quickly determine which device this function is being invoked
for. The device represents the \Device\Name.

The context will generally contain any type of list which would need to be searched for this device, or
attributes and locks for this device. An example of data which would be global per device would be free
space on a disk drive. If you have three devices which each representing a particular disk drive image, the
attributes which are particular for a certain device would be global for each instance of a device. As
mentioned, the volume name, free space, used space, etc. would be per-device but global for all instances of
the device.

Resource Context

This is something new but you can open a device with a longer string to specify a certain resource managed
by the device itself. In the case of the file system, you would actually be specifying a file name and file path.
As an example, the device can actually be opened by using \Device\A\Program Files\myfile.txt. Then the
driver may want to allocate a context which is global for all processes who open this particular resource. In
the example of the file system, items which may be global for an instance of a file could be certain cached
items such as the file size, file attributes, etc. These would be unique per-file but shared among all instance
handles to this file.

{ /*
* We want to use the unicode string that was used to open the driver to
* identify "pipe contexts" and match up applications that open the same name
* we do this by keeping a global list of all open instances in the device
* extension context.
* We then use reference counting so we only remove an instance from the list
* after all instances have been deleted. We also put this in the FsContext
* of the IRP so all IRP's will be returned with this so we can easily use
* the context without searching for it.
&pFileObject->FileName, TRUE) == 0)
bNeedsToCreate = FALSE;
pFileObject->FsContext = (PVOID)pExampleList;

Instance Context

This is the most unique context that you may want to create. It is unique for every single handle created on
the system. So if process 1 and process 2 both open a new handle to the same file, while their resource
context may be the same their instance context will be unique. A simple example of items which may be
unique for each instance could be the file pointer. While both processes have opened the same file, they may
not be reading the file from the same location. That means that each open instance handle to the file must
maintain its own context data that remembers the location of the file currently being read by each particular

Instance contexts and any context can always have pointers back to resource contexts and device contexts
just as the device object has a pointer back to the driver object. These can be used where necessary to avoid
needing to use look up tables and search lists for the appropriate context.
The Big Picture

The following diagram outlines the big picture and relationships just described above. This should help you
to visualize how you may want to structure relationships within your driver. The context relationship can be
structured any way you want, this is just an example. You can even create contexts outside of the three
mentioned here that have their own scopes you defined.

Our Implementation
The implementation that will be used in our driver is to have a device context and a resource context. We do
not need instance contexts for what we are doing.

We first create a device extension using IoCreateDevice. This data structure will be used to maintain the
list of resource contexts so all calls to Create can then be associated with the proper resource context.

The second implementation we have is to simply create resource contexts. We first attempt to search the list
on Create to determine if the resource already exists. If it does, we will simply increment the reference
counter and associate it with that handle instance. If it does not, we simply create a new one and add it to the

The Close has the opposite operation. We will simply decrement the reference count and if it reaches 0, we
then remove the resource context from the list and delete it.

The IRPs IO_STACK_LOCATION (if it) provides a pointer to a FILE_OBJECT which we can use as a handle
instance. It contains two fields we can use to store contexts and we simply use one of them to store our
resource context. We could also use these to store our instance contexts if we choose to. Certain drivers may
have rules and be using this for different things, but we are developing this driver outside of any framework
and there are no other drivers to communicate with. This means we are free to do whatever we want but if
you choose to implement a driver of a particular class, you may want to make sure what is available to you.

To associate resources, we simply use the name of the device string being passed in. We now append a new
string onto the end of our device name to create different resources. If two applications then open the same
resource string, they will be associated and share the same resource context. This resource context we have
created simply maintains its own locking and a circular buffer. This circular buffer, residing in kernel
memory, is accessible from any process. Thus, we can copy memory from one process and give it to another.

Memory Pools

In this driver, we finally start to allocate memory. In the driver, allocations are called pools and you allocate
memory from a particular pool. In user mode, you allocate memory from the heap. In this manner, they are
essentially the same. There is a manager which keeps track of these allocations and provides you with the
memory. In user mode, however, while there can be multiple heaps, they are essentially the same type of
memory. Also, in user mode, each set of heaps used by a process is only accessible by that process. Two
processes do not share the same heap.

pExampleList = (PEXAMPLE_LIST)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool,


In the kernel, things change a little bit. There are essentially two basic types of pools, paged and non-paged.
The paged pool is essentially memory that can be paged out to disk and should only be used at IRQL <
DISPATCH_LEVEL as explained in the first tutorial. Non-paged memory is different; you can access it
anywhere at anytime because it’s never paged out to disk. There are things to be aware of, though you dont
want to consume too much non-paged pool for obvious reasons, you start to run out of physical memory.

The pools are also shared between all drivers. That being the case, there is something that you can do to help
debug pool issues and that is specifying a pool tag. This is a four byte identifier which is put in the pool
header of your allocated memory. That way, if say, you overwrote your memory boundary, then all the
sudden the file system driver crashes, you can look at the memory in the pool before the memory being
accessed is invalid and notice that your driver possibly corrupted the next pool entry. This is the same
concept as in user mode and you can even enable heap tagging there as well. You generally want to think of
some unique name to identify your driver’s memory. This string is also usually written backwards so its
displayed forwards when using the debugger. Since the debugger will dump the memory in DWORDs, the high
memory will be displayed first.

In our driver, we allocate from the non-paged pool simply because we have a KMUTEX inside the data
structure. We could have allocated this separately and maintained a pointer here, but for simplicity, we
simply have one allocation. KMUTEX objects must be in non-paged memory.

Kernel Mutexes

In this article, we start to get into creating objects you may already be familiar with in user mode. The mutex
is actually the same in the kernel as it was when you used it in user mode. In fact, each process actually has
what is called a handle table which is simply a mapping between user mode handles and kernel objects.
When you create a mutex in user mode, you actually get a mutex object created in the kernel and this is
exactly what we are creating today.

The one difference we need to establish is that the mutex handle we create in the kernel is actually a data
structure used by the kernel and it must be in non-paged memory. The parameters to wait on a mutex are a
little more complicated than we are used to however.

The MSDN documentation for KeWaitForMutexObject can be found by clicking the link. The
documentation does mention that this is simply a macro that is really KeWaitForSingleObject.

So, what do the parameters mean? These options are explained at MSDN, however here is essentially a

The first one is obvious, it’s the actual mutex object. The second parameter is a little stranger, its either
UserRequest or Executive. The UserRequest essentially means the wait is waiting for the user and
Executive means the wait is waiting for the scheduler. This is simply an information field, and if a process
queries for the reason why this thread is waiting, this is what is returned. It doesnt actually affect what the
API does.

The next set of options specifies the wait mode. KernelMode or UserMode are your options. Drivers will
essentially use KernelMode in this parameter. If you do your wait in UserMode, your stack could be paged
out so you would be unable to pass parameters on the stack.

The third parameter is Alertable and this specifies if the thread is alertable while it waits. If this is true,
then APCs can be delivered and the wait interrupted. The API will return with an APC status.

The last parameter is the timeout and it is a LARGE_INTEGER. If you wanted to set a wait, the code would
be the following:


TimeOut.QuadPart = 10000000L;
TimeOut.QuadPart *= NumberOfSeconds;
TimeOut.QuartPart = -(TimeOut.QuartPart);
The timeout value is relative time so it must be negative.

Our implementation attempts a simple approach and specifies KernelMode, non-alterable, and no timeout.

NtStatus = KeWaitForMutexObject(&pExampleDeviceContext->kListMutex,
Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);


You can find detailed information about how mutexes work, at this location in MSDN.

Poor Man’s Pipes Implementation

The project represents a very simple implementation. In this section, we will evaluate how the driver
operates and some things to think about on how we could improve the implementation. We will also cover
how to use the example driver.


This is very simple, there is none! The driver itself sets absolutely no security so essentially we dont care
who we allow to write or read from any buffer. Since we don’t care, this IPC can be used by any processes to
communicate regardless of the user or their privilege.

The question then becomes does this really matter? I am not a security expert but to me, it all really depends.
If your intention is to allow this to be used by anyone, then you may not want to implement security. If you
think the users want to enforce only SYSTEM processes or not allow cross user IPC, then this is something
to consider. There are cases for both. The other could possibly be that you don’t care about the user but
rather you only wish that only two certain processes can communicate and no others. In this situation,
perhaps you want to setup some type of registration or security so that you only allow the appropriate
processes to open handles and the application then dictates what security it wants on its pipes. You could also
have a model where you dont use names but rather do per-instance handling. In this case, they may be
required to duplicate the handles into other processes, for example.

Circular Buffer

The circular buffer is a simple implementation; it never blocks a read or write and will simply ignore extra
data. The buffer size is also not configurable so the application is stuck with the value we hard-coded.

Does this need to be the case? Definitely not, as we saw in Part 2, we can create our own IOCTLs to issue
requests to the driver. An IOCTL could be implemented to do some configuration with the driver such as
how big the buffer should be. The other part could be handling. Some circular buffers actually will start
wrapping around and over writing old data with new data. This could be a flag on whether you want it to
ignore new data or overwrite existing data with it.

The circular buffer implementation is not driver specific so I will not be going over its implementation in
Graphical Flow of Example

This is a simple illustration of the flow of this example. The CreateFile() API will reference this object
using the symbolic linker "Example". The I/O manager will map the DOS device name to the NT Device
"\Device\Example" and append any string we put beyond this name (like, "\TestPipe"). We get the IRP
created by the device manager and we will first look up using the device string if we already have created a
resource context. If yes, we simply use the FileObject of the I/O Stack Location to put our resource context
after we add a reference. If not, then we need to create it first.

As a quick reference though, the FILE_OBJECT will actually only contain the extra "\TestPipe". Here is an
kd> dt _FILE_OBJECT ff6f3ac0
+0x000 Type : 5
+0x002 Size : 112
+0x004 DeviceObject : 0x80deea48
+0x008 Vpb : (null)
+0x00c FsContext : (null)
+0x010 FsContext2 : (null)
+0x014 SectionObjectPointer : (null)
+0x018 PrivateCacheMap : (null)
+0x01c FinalStatus : 0
+0x020 RelatedFileObject : (null)
+0x024 LockOperation : 0 ''
+0x025 DeletePending : 0 ''
+0x026 ReadAccess : 0 ''
+0x027 WriteAccess : 0 ''
+0x028 DeleteAccess : 0 ''
+0x029 SharedRead : 0 ''
+0x02a SharedWrite : 0 ''
+0x02b SharedDelete : 0 ''
+0x02c Flags : 2
+0x030 FileName : _UNICODE_STRING "\HELLO"
+0x038 CurrentByteOffset : _LARGE_INTEGER 0x0
+0x040 Waiters : 0
+0x044 Busy : 0
+0x048 LastLock : (null)
+0x04c Lock : _KEVENT
+0x05c Event : _KEVENT
+0x06c CompletionContext : (null)

This is a simple illustration of how the ReadFile operation works. Since we associated our own context on
the FILE_OBJECT, we do not need to perform look ups and we can simply access the appropriate circular
buffer when we do the Read.
This is a simple illustration of how the WrteFile operation works. Since we associated our own context on
the FILE_OBJECT, we do not need to perform look ups and we can simply access the appropriate circular
buffer when we do the Write.
The close handle, we will simply dereference the resource context. If the context is now 0, we will delete it
from the global list. If it is not, then we will simply do nothing more. One thing to remember is that this is a
simple illustration and we are actually handling IRP_MJ_CLOSE and not IRP_MJ_CLEANUP. This code could
has been put into either one since what we are doing does not interact with the user mode application.
However, if we were freeing resources that should be done in the context of the application, we would need
to move this to IRP_MJ_CLEANUP instead. Since IRP_MJ_CLOSE is not guaranteed to run in the context of
the process, this illustration is more of how an IRP_MJ_CLEANUP could have occurred.

Although MSDN does state the IRP_MJ_CLOSE is not called in the context of the process, it doesn't mean that
this is always true. The below stack trace shows it being called in the context of the application. If you debug
and find this and think that you can simply ignore the warning on MSDN, I would think again. There is a
reason that it is documented that way even if it does not always behave that way. There is another side of the
coin which is, even if it doesn't behave that way, it doesn't mean things can't change in the future since they
are documented that way. This is a general statement that you do not see something behave one way and
expect it to always be the case. There is a document on Handling IRPs that describes the behavior of
IRP_MJ_CLOSE and IRP_MJ_CLEANUP, at this location.

THREAD ff556020 Cid 0aa4.0b1c Teb: 7ffde000

Win32Thread: 00000000 RUNNING on processor 0
IRP List:
ffa1b6b0: (0006,0094) Flags: 00000404 Mdl: 00000000
Not impersonating
DeviceMap e13b0d20
Owning Process ff57d5c8 Image: usedriver3.exe
Wait Start TickCount 26769661 Ticks: 0
Context Switch Count 33
UserTime 00:00:00.0000
KernelTime 00:00:00.0015
Start Address kernel32!BaseProcessStartThunk (0x77e4f35f)
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for usedriver3.exe
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for usedriver3.exe
Win32 Start Address usedriver3 (0x00401172)
Stack Init faa12000 Current faa11c4c Base faa12000 Limit faa0f000 Call 0
Priority 10 BasePriority 8 PriorityDecrement 2
ChildEBP RetAddr
faa11c70 804e0e0d example!Example_Close (FPO: [2,0,2])
(CONV: stdcall) [.\functions.c @ 275]
faa11c80 80578ce9 nt!IofCallDriver+0x3f (FPO: [0,0,0])
faa11cb8 8057337c nt!IopDeleteFile+0x138 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
faa11cd4 804e4499 nt!ObpRemoveObjectRoutine+0xde (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
faa11cf0 8057681a nt!ObfDereferenceObject+0x4b (FPO: [EBP 0xfaa11d08] [0,0,0])
faa11d08 8057687c nt!ObpCloseHandleTableEntry+0x137 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
faa11d4c 805768c3 nt!ObpCloseHandle+0x80 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
faa11d58 804e7a8c nt!NtClose+0x17 (FPO: [1,0,0])
faa11d58 7ffe0304 nt!KiSystemService+0xcb (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ faa11d64)
0012fe24 77f42397 SharedUserData!SystemCallStub+0x4 (FPO: [0,0,0])
0012fe28 77e41cb3 ntdll!ZwClose+0xc (FPO: [1,0,0])
0012fe30 0040110d kernel32!CloseHandle+0x55 (FPO: [1,0,0])
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
0012ff4c 00401255 usedriver3+0x110d
0012ffc0 77e4f38c usedriver3+0x1255
0012fff0 00000000 kernel32!BaseProcessStart+0x23 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])

Using the Example

The example is split into two new user mode processes, usedriver2 and usedriver3. The userdriver2 will
allow you to type in data and it will send it to the driver. The userdriver3 source will allow you to press Enter
and it will read data from the driver. Obviously, if it reads multiple strings the way its currently implemented,
you will only see the first string displayed.

There is one parameter that needs to be provided and this is the name of the resource to open. This is an
arbitrary name that simply allows the driver to tie two handle instances together so multiple applications can
share data at the same time! usedriver 2 HELLO usedriver3 HELLO userdriver2 Temp usedriver3 Temp will
open \Device\Example\HELLO and \Device\Example\Temp and the appropriate versions will talk to the
applications with the same handle. The current implementation creates resources case insensitive. Its very
simple to change this, the RtlCompareUnicodeString functions last parameter specifies whether to compare
strings case sensitive or case insensitive.

Building the Examples

This is something that I have not gone into in previous articles. The projects included with these articles can
be unzipped using the directory structure in the ZIP itself. There are makefiles included in the project so you
can simply do “nmake clean” then nmake to build these binaries.

The makefiles may need to be changed to point to the location of your DDK (which you can order from
Microsoft for the cost of shipping and handling). These make files point to C:\NTDDK\xxx, you can then just
change this to your location. If you do not have make in your path, you may want to make sure that the
Visual Studio environment is setup in your command prompt. You go to the binaries directory of Visual
Studio and just run VCVARS32.BAT.

There may be an error when it attempts to use rebase. These makefiles were simply copied from other
projects so the rebase is actually not necessary. It was actually only being used before to strip out debug
symbols. The error can be fixed by either removing the rebase sequence from the makefile or by creating the
SYMBOLS directory under the BIN directory. The reason rebase is complaining is simply because the
directory does not exist.


In this article, we learned a bit more about user-mode and kernel-mode interactions and how to create a very
simple IPC. We learned about creating contexts in device drivers as well as how to allocate memory and use
synchronization objects in the kernel.


This is the fourth edition of the Writing Device Drivers articles. This article will introduce the idea of device
stacks and how devices interact with each other. We will use the previously created example device driver to
demonstrate this topic. To do this we will introduce the idea of a filter driver in which we will create to
attach to our own drivers device stack.

What is a Device Stack?

A stack is general terminology that can be envisioned as a pile of objects that just sit on top of each other.
There is also an algorithm implementation that defines a stack as a method to store temporary objects in
which the last object in is the first object out (also known as LIFO). Both descriptions are related. However,
a device stack is not an algorithm nor does it have anything to do with temporary objects. Thus the simple
description of a pile of objects that simply sit on top of each other is more related.

The best example of a device stack would be in relation to a stack of plates. The plates sit on top of each
other just like a stack of devices. The other detail to remember is that we say device stack not driver stack. In
the third tutorial we remember that, a single driver can actually implement multiple devices. This means that
a stack of devices could all be implemented in a single physical driver. This article and many others however
do refer to device and driver interchangeably even though they are basically separate but related entities.

Filter Drivers

This is a very commonly used buzz word and I’m sure just about anyone who programs has heard of this. A
filter driver is a driver that attaches to the top of a stack of devices in an effort of filter processing of requests
to a device before they reach the device.

You may assume that all devices in a device stack are filters except for the last one but this is not the case.
The devices in a device stack aside from filters generally depend on the architecture of that particular device.
For example, you usually have higher level drivers that are near the top of the stack. In the most general case
these higher level drivers communicate and interact with user mode requests. The devices in the stack start to
break down the request for the next level device until the last device in the chain processes the request. Near
the bottom of the device stack lie the lower level drivers like miniport drivers which may communicate to
actual hardware for example.

The best example could be that of the file system. The higher level drivers maintain the notion of files and
file system. They understand where the files are stored on the disk perhaps. The lower level drivers know
nothing of files and simply understand requests to read sectors on a disk. They also understand how to queue
these requests and optimize disk seeks but they have no knowledge of what is actually on the disk or how to
interpret the data.

Every filter device that attaches to a device stack is put at the top. This means that, if another filter device
attaches to the device stack after yours then it is now on top of you. You are never guaranteed to be at the top
of the stack.

To attach to a device stack we will be using the following API implementation.

RtlInitUnicodeString(&usDeviceToFilter, L"\\Device\\Example");

NtStatus = IoAttachDevice(pDeviceObject,

This API will actually open a handle to the device in order to attach and then close the handle. When this
API attempts to close the handle our driver will be attached to the device stack so we must ensure that the
IRP_MJ_CLEANUP and IRP_MJ_CLOSE can be correctly handled and do not cause a problem since they will be

There are a few other APIs one is called IoAttachDeviceToStack. This is actually what IoAttachDevice
calls after opening a handle to the device.

IRP Handling

The next thing we need to talk about further is IRP handling. The IRP is created and sent to the first device in
the device stack. This device can then process the IRP and complete it or pass it down to the next device in
the stack. The general rules of an IRP are that when you receive the IRP you own it. If you then pass it down
to the next device you no longer own it and can no longer access it. The last device to process the IRP must
complete it.
In this example we will be creating IRPs simply for demonstration purposes. The demonstration will be quite
simple and we will be sending IRPs to our own driver. There are some aspects of our implementation here
which are omitted in our implementation and things done in a non-standard fashion simply because we
control all end points. This is a demonstration and very simple. Owning all end points allows us to be more
flexible in what we actually implement since we are in total control and can ensure that nothing goes wrong.

There are a number of simple steps that need to be followed when creating an IRP. Depending on the
handling of the IRP these can vary a little however we will be going over a very simple case step by step.

Step One: Create the IRP

This is the obvious first step we need to create an IRP. This is very simple you can simply use a function
named IoAllocateIrp. The following is a simple code example using the API.

MyIrp = IoAllocateIrp(pFileObject->DeviceObject->StackSize, FALSE);

There are other APIs and macros which can also create an IRP for you. These are quicker ways to help create
the IRP and set the parameters. The one thing to watch out for is to make sure that the function you use to
create the IRP is able to be called at the IRQL level you will be using. The other part to check is, who is
allowed to free the IRP. If the I/O Manager will manage and free the IRP or if you have to do it yourself.

The following is an example of one that sets parameters for us.

MyIrp = IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest(IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL,

Step Two: Set the Parameters

This step depends on what functionality you want to do. You would need to setup the FILE_OBJECT, and the
IO_STACK_PARAMETER and everything else. In our example we cheat. We dont provide a FILE_OBJECT and
we set minimal parameters. Why? Well, this is just a simple example and we own all end points. Since we
are in control of all end points we can essentially do whatever we want with the parameters. However, if you
read up on IRP_MJ_xxx and the specific functionality for that driver, such as IOCTL, you will know what
you need to set when sending IRPs around. We actually should comply with these mandates as well so other
drivers could talk to us but I attempted to just keep this example very simple.

The following code is how we set our IRP parameters.

PIO_STACK_LOCATION pMyIoStackLocation = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(MyIrp);

pMyIoStackLocation->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL;

pMyIoStackLocation->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode =

* Input Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer
* Ouput Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer
* Input Size = Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength
* Output Size = Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength
* Since we are now doing the same job as the I/O Manager,
* to follow the rules our IOCTL specified METHOD_BUFFERED
pMyIoStackLocation->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength =
pMyIoStackLocation->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength = 0;

* This is not really how you use IOCTL's but
* this is simply an example using
* an existing implementation.
* We will simply set our File Object as the SystemBuffer.
* Then the IOCTL handler will
* know it's a pFileObject and implement the code that we
* had here previously.

MyIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = pFileObject;
MyIrp->MdlAddress = NULL;

As you notice, we set the SystemBuffer to point to our File Object. This is not exactly how we really should
have done this. We should have allocated a buffer and copied the data there. That way we could safely have
the I/O Manager free the buffer or we could have freed the buffer when we destroy the IRP. Instead though,
we did this quick example and we simply don’t allow the I/O Manager to free the IRP and we don’t free the
SystemBuffer obviously.

Step Three: Send the IRP down

You need to send the IRP down to the driver. To do this, you simply specify the DEVICE_OBJECT and the IRP
in the IoCallDriver API. You can essentially use whatever DEVICE_OBJECT you have. However, if you
want to start at the top of the device stack, its best to find the top level device object using APIs such as
IoGetRelatedDeviceObject. In our example, we have one that does the call to get the top level device and
one that simply uses the Device Object we already have. If you read the debug output, you will notice that in
the one we don’t go through the filter driver. This is because IoCallDriver is very simple. It just takes the
Device Object and finds the appropriate function to call.

NtStatus = IoCallDriver(pFileObject->DeviceObject, MyIrp);

Step Four: Process & Clean up the IRP

The one thing we did before we sent the IRP down was to create a Completion Routine. This is a routine that
will get notified when the IRP has been completed. We can do a few things in this case, we can allow the
IRP to continue so we can do processing on its parameters or we can destroy it. We can also let the I/O
Manager free it. This is actually dependent on how you created the IRP. To answer the question of "who
should free it", you should read the DDK documentation on the API you used to allocate it. Implementing the
wrong method can lead to disaster!

This is a simple example and we simply free it ourselves.

IoSetCompletionRoutine(MyIrp, Example_SampleCompletionRoutine,


NTSTATUS Example_SampleCompletionRoutine(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,

PIRP Irp, PVOID Context)

DbgPrint("Example_SampleCompletionRoutine \n");


You may notice that, sometimes you see code that checks the STATUS_PENDING and may wait on an event. In
our case we own all end points and this will not happen in this simple example. This is why some of these
details are simply being omitted for simplicity. In the next articles, we will expand on these ideas and fill in
the missing pieces. Its important to just digest one piece at a time.

Handling IRPs in your driver

Once you get an IRP, you own that IRP. You can do whatever you want with it. If you process it you must
then either complete it when you are done or pass it down to another driver. If you pass it down to another
driver you must forget about it. The driver you passed it to is now responsible for completing it.

The example filter driver we have implemented though is a bit different. It wants to process the parameters
after we have provided the example driver with the IRP. To do this we must catch the completion and stop it
from being completed. This is because we know the lower level driver should and will complete it. So, by
setting our own completion routine, we can stop this. This is done with the following code.

pIoStackIrp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);

PIO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE) ExampleFilter_CompletionRoutine, NULL,
* IoCallDriver() simply calls the
* appropriate entry point in the driver object associated
* with the device object. This is
* how drivers are basically "chained" together, they must know
* that there are lower driver so they
* can perform the appropriate action and send down the IRP.
* They do not have to send the IRP down
* they could simply process it completely themselves if they wish.

NtStatus = IoCallDriver(
pExampleFilterDeviceContext->pNextDeviceInChain, Irp);

* Please note that our
* implementation here is a simple one. We do not take into account
* PENDING IRP's oranything complicated. We assume that once we get
* to this locaiton the IRP has alreadybeen completed and our completetion
* routine was called or it wasn't completed and we are still able
* to complete it here.
* Our completetion routine makes sure that the IRP is still valid here.

{ /*
* Data was read?
* Our filter device is dependent upon the compliation settings of
* how we compiled example.sys
* That means we need to dynamically figure out if we're
* using Direct, Buffered or Neither.
if(DeviceObject->Flags & DO_BUFFERED_IO)

DbgPrint("ExampleFilter_Read - Use Buffered I/O \r\n");

* Implementation for Buffered I/O

pReadDataBuffer = (PCHAR)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;

&& pIoStackIrp->Parameters.Read.Length > 0)
DbgPrint("ExampleFilter_Read - Use Direct I/O \r\n");
* Implementation for Direct I/O
if(pIoStackIrp && Irp->MdlAddress)
pReadDataBuffer = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(
Irp->MdlAddress, NormalPagePriority);
if(pReadDataBuffer &&

DbgPrint("ExampleFilter_Read - Use Neither I/O \r\n");

/* Implementation for Neither I/O
__try {

if(pIoStackIrp->Parameters.Read.Length >
0 && Irp->UserBuffer)

pReadDataBuffer = Irp->UserBuffer;



NtStatus = GetExceptionCode();


* Complete the IRP

Irp->IoStatus.Status = NtStatus;
IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);


NTSTATUS ExampleFilter_CompletionRoutine(
PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp, PVOID Context)

DbgPrint("ExampleFilter_CompletionRoutine Called \r\n");

* We need to return
* use the IRP in our driver.If we complete this here we
* would not be able to use it and the IRP would be completed. This
* also means that our driver
* must also complete the IRP since it has not been completed yet.

The IRP will then not be completed because we returned to the I/O Manager that more processing needs to
be done. Now we can manipulate the IRP after the IoCallDriver, however we must now complete it when
we are done. This is because we stopped the completion of the IRP. Remember our example does not take
into account STATUS_PENDING because we own all end points and we are trying to keep this example as
simple as possible.

The Filter Example

The example filter driver in this article attaches itself to the drivers stack that we created in article 3. If you
remember that implementation, we were able to communicate between two user mode applications. One
problem with doing this is that, if you typed in a number of strings, the user mode application only prints one
string while it may have read three. This could have been fixed in the user mode application easily however
how much fun would that be?

Instead we have created a filter driver that simply intercepts the IRP after the read and manipulates the IRP
return parameters. It removes all the NULL terminators from the string and replaces them with spaces. It then
simply NULL terminates the end of the string. Its not a perfect example obviously, since we overwrite the
last character and dont attempt to even see if we need to, but this is just a simple example.

These examples just do the minimum necessary, so they work and try not to trap (in the simplest case). I
would rather provide some explanation with a simple example than a full fledged example with all the bells
and whistles. Those can already be found in the DDK and long articles on MSDN which explain everything
all at once.

Using the example

To use the example you simply do the same as you did with article 3. The only difference is that, there is
now another loader program that you can run after you have already loaded example.sys. This one will load
examplefilter.sys and it will attach to example.sys. The user mode programs can run with or without
examplefilter.sys. You can run it both ways and see the differences. Entry points all have debug statements so
you can follow the code paths.


In this article we learned a little more about IRP handling (for the purpose of understanding device stacks)
and device stacks. We also learned how to implement a very simple filter driver. In each article we will
attempt to build upon these basic ideas, so that we can further understand how drivers work and how to
develop drivers.

The next article in the series will attempt to combine everything learned over these 4 articles and further
explain IRP Handling.


Welcome to the fifth installment of the driver development series. The title of this article is a little bit
misleading. Yes, we will be writing a TDI Client for demonstration purposes however that is not the main
goal of this tutorial. The main goal of this tutorial is to further explore how to handle and interact with IRPs.
This tutorial will explore how to queue and handle the canceling of IRPs. The real title of this article should
be "Introduction to IRP Handling" however it's not as catchy a title! Also, it's not a complete fib we will be
doing this while demonstration implementing a TDI Client driver. So, I actually have to explain how that part
is implemented as well. The supplied example is a very simple client/server chat program which we will be
using to explore how to handle IRPs.

Sockets Refresher

We will first be starting off with something that you should probably already know. If you don't know you
may want to read some other articles on the subject. Even so, I have supplied this quick refresher course as
well as example source of how to implement winsock.

What is IP?

IP or "Internet Protocol" is essentially a protocol used to send data or packets between two computers. This
protocol does not need any setup and only requires that, each machine on the network have a unique "IP
Address". The "IP Address" can then be used to route packets between communication end points. This
protocol provides routing but it does not provide reliability. Packets sent only by IP can arrive corrupted, out
of order or not at all. There are however other protocols implemented on top of IP which provide these
features. The "IP" Protocol lies at the Network Layer in the OSI model.

What is TCP?

TCP is known as "Transmission Control Protocol" and it sits on top of the "IP" protocol. This is also
commonly referred to as "TCP/IP". The "IP" layer provides the routing and the "TCP" layer reliable,
sequenced uncorrupted delivery of data. To distinguish between multiple TCP transmissions on the machine
they are identified by a unique TCP port number. In this manner multiple applications or even the same
application can open a communications pipeline and the underlying transport will be able to correctly route
the data between each end point. The "TCP" protocol lies at the Transport in the OSI model. There are other
protocols which then sit on top of TCP such as FTP, HTTP, etc. These protocols sit at the "Application
Layer" of the OSI model.

Protocol Layering

In some sense any part of the communications stack can be replaced by an "equivalent" protocol. If FTP for
example requires reliable transport and routing, then sitting on top of any protocol which provides this would
still work. In that example if an application was using "SPX" instead of "TCP/IP" it shouldn't make a
difference. In that sense if "TCP" or some implementation of "TCP" sat on top of an unreliable protocol like
"IPX", it should work. The reason for "some implementation" should work is because, it obviously depends
on how dependent the upper protocol is on the actual implementation and inner workings of the underlying
protocol they are.

What are sockets?

A "socket" is generally referred to as a communications end point as implemented by a "sockets" library. The
"sockets" library API was generally written to be a simple way (and portable in some cases) to implement
networking applications from user mode. There are a few flavors of socket APIs but in Windows we use
"WINSOCK". There are aspects of Winsock which can be implemented as portable (I once implemented a
winsock application that was compiled on both Unix and Windows NT with minimal conflict but of course it
was a very simple program) and there are others which are not directly portable.

Socket Server Application

The server side of a socket connection simply accepts incoming connections. Each new connection is given a
separate handle so that the server can then communicate to each client individually. The following outlines
the steps used in communications.

Step One: Create a Socket

The first step is to create a socket. The following code shows how to create a socket for streaming (TCP/IP).

hSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

if(hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
/* Error */

This is then simply a handle to the network driver. You use this handle in other calls to the socket API.

Step Two: Bind the Socket

The second step is to bind a socket to a TCP port and IP Address. The following code demonstrates this
behavior. The socket is created in our example simply using a number, however in general you should use
macros to put the port into network byte order.

SockAddr.sin_family = PF_INET;
SockAddr.sin_port = htons(4000); /* Must be in NETWORK BYTE ORDER */

* BIND the Socket to a Port
uiErrorStatus =
bind(hSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&SockAddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN));

if(uiErrorStatus == INVALID_SOCKET)
/* Error */

This operation binds the socket handle with the port address. You can specify the IP Address as well
however using "0" simply allows the driver to bind to any IP Address (the local one). You can also specify
"0" for the port address to bind to a random port. However servers generally use a fixed port number since
the clients still need to find them but there are exceptions.

Step Three: Listen on the Socket

This will put the socket into a listening state. The socket will be able to listen for connections after this call.
The number specified is simply the back log of connections waiting to be accepted that this socket will allow.

if(listen(hSocket, 5) != 0)
/* Error */

Step Four: Accept Connections

The accept API will provide you with a new handle for each incoming connection. The following is a code
example of using accept.

if((hNewClient = accept(pServerInfo->hServerSocket,
(struct sockaddr *)&NewClientSockAddr, &uiLength)) != INVALID_SOCKET)

The returned handle can then be used to send and receive data.

Step Five: Close the Socket

When you are done you need to close any and all handles just like anything else!


There is one extra detail omitted here about the select API being used to get notifications when a
connection comes and when data is available. This is simply a refresher for further details you should consult
a sockets tutorial or API reference like MSDN.

Socket Client Application

The client side of a sockets communications simply connects to a server and then sends/receives data. The
following steps break down how to setup this communications.

Step One: Create a Socket

The first step is to create a socket. The following code shows how to create a socket for streaming (TCP/IP).

hSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

if(hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
/* Error */

This is then simply a handle to the network driver. You use this handle in other calls to the socket API.

Step Two: Connect to a Server

You need to setup the address and port of the server to connect to and they must be in network byte order.
You will then call the connect API to establish a connection between the client and server.
pClientConnectInfo->SockHostAddress.sin_family = PF_INET;
pClientConnectInfo->SockHostAddress.sin_port =
htons(4000); /* Network Byte Order! */

printf("Enter Host IP Address like:\n");

fgets(szHostName, 100, stdin);

pClientConnectInfo->SockHostAddress.sin_addr.s_addr =
inet_addr(szHostName); /* Network Byte Order! */

iRetVal =
connect(hSocket, (LPSOCKADDR)&pClientConnectInfo->SockHostAddress,

/* Error */

Step Three: Send and Receive Data

Once you are connected, you just need to send and receive data whenever you want, using the recv and send

iRetVal = send(hSocket, szBuffer, strlen(szBuffer), 0);

if(iRetVal == SOCKET_ERROR)
/* Error */

iRetVal = recv(hSocket, szBuffer, 1000, 0);

if(iRetVal == 0 || iRetVal == SOCKET_ERROR)

/* Error */

Please note that these examples may refer to sending and receiving strings, however any binary data can be

Step Four: Close the Socket

When you are done you need to close any and all handles just like anything else!


There is one extra detail omitted here about the select API used to get notifications when data is available.
This is simply a refresher and a lot of details of sockets have been omitted and so for further details you
should consult a sockets tutorial or API reference like MSDN.

Transport Device Interface

The sockets primer was really to get you ready for the TDI API. The "Transport Device Interface" is a set of
APIs which can be used by a driver to communicate with a Transport (Protocol) Driver such as TCP. The
TCP driver would implement this API set so that your driver can communicate to it. This is a little more
complex than using sockets and the documentation on MSDN can be more confusing than helpful. So we
will go over all the steps needed to make a client side connection. Once you understand this, you should be
able to use the API to perform other operations such as creating a server for example.

The Architecture

The following diagram outlines the TDI/NDIS relationship. In general, TDI is a standard interface in which
transport/protocol driver developers can implement in their drivers. In this manner developers that wish to
use their protocol can implement a standard interface without the hassle of implementing separate interfaces
for each protocol they wish to support. This does not mean that those developers are limited to only
implementing TDI. They can also implement any proprietary interface that they wish on the top level of their
driver. I am not an expert in NDIS, so I will leave these as simple explanations, so I hopefully won't get
anything wrong! These are just "good to know" type information anyway and we don't need to understand
any of these to use the TDI Client Driver.

The Protocol drivers will talk to the NDIS interface API on the lower end of the driver. The job of the
protocol driver is just that, to implement a protocol and talk with NDIS. The upper layer of the driver can be
a proprietary interface or TDI or both. By the way, these are NOT "NDIS Clients". They do not exist. There
are websites out there that have referred to these drivers as "NDIS Clients" and that's completely wrong. I
once asked an NDIS expert about "NDIS Clients" and they didn't know what I was talking about!

The next layer are the intermediate level drivers. These drivers can do translations, packet scheduling
or filtering of data.

The final layer is the NDIS miniport drivers. This essentially talks with the physical NIC device.

You can find more information on the TDI and NDIS architectures on MSDN.
Step One: Open a Transport Address

The first step is to create a handle to a "Transport Address". This will require you to use ZwCreateFile to
create a handle of an instance to a "Transport Address". The "Transport Address" is the IP Address of the
LOCAL MACHINE. This is NOT THE REMOTE MACHINE! The reasoning behind letting you bind to a
specific IP address is in the instance where multiple IP Addresses are associated with the local machine for
example when there are multiple NICs installed. You can also simply specify "" to grab any random

The method of opening this handle is a little obscure for those who are not used to developing drivers. You
have to specify the "EA" or "Extedned Attributes" which are then passed to the driver via IRP_MJ_CREATE!
Yes, it is possible to pass parameters into the open aside from adding to the end of the DOS Device Name
(As we did in the previous article). You are also able to specify the local port at this time. If you are creating
a server this would then be the time to specify the port. Since we are only implementing a client connection
we don't care about the port so it's left at 0.

The following code illustrates how to open a Transport Address.

NTSTATUS TdiFuncs_OpenTransportAddress(PHANDLE pTdiHandle,

PFILE_OBJECT *pFileObject)
UNICODE_STRING usTdiDriverNameString;
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oaTdiDriverNameAttributes;
char DataBlob[sizeof(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION) +
PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION pExtendedAttributesInformation =
UINT dwEASize = 0;

* Initialize the name of the device to be opened. ZwCreateFile takes an
* OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure as the name of the device to open.
* This is then a two step process.
* 1 - Create a UNICODE_STRING data structure from a unicode string.
* 2 - Create a OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES data structure from a UNICODE_STRING.

RtlInitUnicodeString(&usTdiDriverNameString, L"\\Device\\Tcp");

* The second step is to initialize the Extended Attributes data structure.
* EaName = TdiTransportAddress, 0, TRANSPORT_ADDRESS
* EaNameLength = Length of TdiTransportAddress
* EaValueLength = Length of TRANSPORT_ADDRESS

pExtendedAttributesInformation->EaNameLength =
pExtendedAttributesInformation->EaValueLength =
pTransportAddress =
(PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS)(&pExtendedAttributesInformation->EaName +

* The number of transport addresses
pTransportAddress->TAAddressCount = 1;

* This next piece will essentially describe what
* the transport being opened is.
* AddressType = Type of transport
* AddressLength = Length of the address
* Address = A data structure that is essentially
* related to the chosen AddressType.

pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressType = TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP;
pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressLength = sizeof(TDI_ADDRESS_IP);
pTdiAddressIp =
(TDI_ADDRESS_IP *)&pTransportAddress->Address[0].Address;

* The TDI_ADDRESS_IP data structure is essentially simmilar to
* the usermode sockets data structure.
* sin_port
* sin_zero
* in_addr
* sockets, if you don't care what port you bind this connection to t
* hen just use "0". If you also only have one network card interface,
* there's no reason to set the IP. "" will simply use the
* current machine's IP. If you have multiple NIC's or a reason to
* specify the local IP address then you must set TDI_ADDRESS_IP
* to that IP. If you are creating a server side component you may
* want to specify the port, however usually to connectto another
* server you really don't care what port the client is opening.

RtlZeroMemory(pTdiAddressIp, sizeof(TDI_ADDRESS_IP));

dwEASize = sizeof(DataBlob);

NtStatus = ZwCreateFile(pTdiHandle, FILE_READ_EA | FILE_WRITE_EA,

pExtendedAttributesInformation, dwEASize);

NtStatus = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(*pTdiHandle,
(PVOID *)pFileObject, NULL);


return NtStatus;

This is described on MSDN.

Step Two: Open a Connection Context

The second step is to open a Connection Context. This is the handle that you will actually be using in all
subsequent operations to be performed on this connection. This is also done by ZwCreateFile and it is also
performed on the same device "\Device\Tcp". This device actually allows you to open three different handles.
The three handles transport handle, the connection context and a control handle. A common mistake is to
think that a handle open succeeded and it's actually a handle open to the wrong handle! This is because they
use the "Extended Attributes" to determine which handle is being opened. Apparently, if the driver doesn't
recognize the EA value, it then simply opens the default handle type, "Control"! This is documented in the
description of the create on MSDN.

The following code demonstrates opening up a connection context. Note that you can also specify a pointer
value called a "CONNECTION_CONTEXT" which is just a pointer to user defined data. Later you may notice that
some event callbacks will provide this pointer back to you. This is essentially what you can use this context
value for.

NTSTATUS TdiFuncs_OpenConnection(PHANDLE pTdiHandle, PFILE_OBJECT *pFileObject)

UNICODE_STRING usTdiDriverNameString;
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oaTdiDriverNameAttributes;
char DataBlob[sizeof(FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION) +
PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION pExtendedAttributesInformation =
UINT dwEASize = 0;

* Initialize the name of the device to be opened. ZwCreateFile
* takes an OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure as the name of the device
* to open. This is then a two step process.
* 1 - Create a UNICODE_STRING data structure from a unicode string.
* 2 - Create a OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES data structure from a UNICODE_STRING.

RtlInitUnicodeString(&usTdiDriverNameString, L"\\Device\\Tcp");

* The second step is to initialize the Extended Attributes data structure.
* EaName = TdiConnectionContext, 0, Your User Defined Context Data
* (Actually a pointer to it)
* EaNameLength = Length of TdiConnectionContext
* EaValueLength = Entire Length

pExtendedAttributesInformation->EaNameLength =
pExtendedAttributesInformation->EaValueLength =

dwEASize = sizeof(DataBlob);

NtStatus = ZwCreateFile(pTdiHandle,
FILE_READ_EA | FILE_WRITE_EA, &oaTdiDriverNameAttributes,
&IoStatusBlock, NULL,
pExtendedAttributesInformation, dwEASize);

NtStatus = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(*pTdiHandle,
NULL, KernelMode,
(PVOID *)pFileObject, NULL);


return NtStatus;

This is described on MSDN.

Step Three: Associate The Transport Address and Connection Context

You need to associate the two handles, the transport and connection, before you can perform any operations.
This is done by sending an IOCTL to the device. If you remember before how to send an IOCTL we need to
allocate an IRP, set the parameters and send it to the device. This however is simplified since the TDI header
files provide macros and other functions which can do this for you. The
TdiBuildInternalDeviceControlIrp is actually a macro for calling IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest.
Some of the parameters to this macro are actually ignored but are useful just for comments (such as the
supplied IOCTL!). This API is simple and we use it here for demonstration purposes however there are
advantages to using other mechanisms for creating IRP's such as IoAllocateIrp which will be described
later. The other macros that we will be using simply set the parameters of the IO_STACK_LOCATION for the
next lower driver.

The one thing you may notice different here than what we talked about last time is the "STATUS_PENDING".
This will be discussed later in this tutorial.

The following code demonstrates how to do this.

NTSTATUS TdiFuncs_AssociateTransportAndConnection(HANDLE hTransportAddress,

PFILE_OBJECT pfoConnection)
PIRP pIrp;
IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock = {0};

NotificationEvent, FALSE);

* The TDI Device Object is required to send these
* requests to the TDI Driver.

pTdiDevice = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pfoConnection);

* Step 1: Build the IRP. TDI defines several macros and functions
* that can quickly create IRP's, etc. for variuos purposes.
* While this can be done manually it's easiest to use the macros.
* http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/network/hh/network/
* 34bldmac_f430860a-9ae2-4379-bffc-6b0a81092e7c.xml.asp?frame=true
pIrp = TdiBuildInternalDeviceControlIrp(TDI_ASSOCIATE_ADDRESS,
pTdiDevice, pfoConnection, &TdiCompletionContext.kCompleteEvent,

* Step 2: Add the correct parameters into the IRP.
TdiBuildAssociateAddress(pIrp, pTdiDevice,
pfoConnection, NULL, NULL, hTransportAddress);

NtStatus = IoCallDriver(pTdiDevice, pIrp);

* If the status returned is STATUS_PENDING this means that the IRP
* will not be completed synchronously and the driver has queued the
* IRP for later processing. This is fine but we do not want
* to return this thread, we are a synchronous call so we want
* to wait until it has completed. The EVENT that we provided will
* be set when the IRP completes.

if(NtStatus == STATUS_PENDING)
Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);
* Find the Status of the completed IRP

NtStatus = IoStatusBlock.Status;

return NtStatus;

This is described on MSDN.

Step Four: Connect

To create the client side of a TCP connection, we need to connect!

NTSTATUS TdiFuncs_Connect(PFILE_OBJECT pfoConnection,

UINT uiAddress, USHORT uiPort)
PIRP pIrp;
IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock = {0};
TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION RequestConnectionInfo = {0};
TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ReturnConnectionInfo = {0};
LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut = {0};
UINT NumberOfSeconds = 60*3;
char cBuffer[256] = {0};

NotificationEvent, FALSE);

* The TDI Device Object is required to send these
* requests to the TDI Driver.

pTdiDevice = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pfoConnection);

* Step 1: Build the IRP. TDI defines several macros and functions
* that can quickly create IRP's, etc. for variuos purposes.
* While this can be done manually it's easiest to use the macros.
* http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/network/hh/network/
* 34bldmac_f430860a-9ae2-4379-bffc-6b0a81092e7c.xml.asp?frame=true
pIrp = TdiBuildInternalDeviceControlIrp(TDI_CONNECT, pTdiDevice,
pfoConnection, &TdiCompletionContext.kCompleteEvent,

* Step 2: Add the correct parameters into the IRP.

* Time out value

TimeOut.QuadPart = 10000000L;
TimeOut.QuadPart *= NumberOfSeconds;
TimeOut.QuadPart = -(TimeOut.QuadPart);

* Initialize the RequestConnectionInfo which specifies
* the address of the REMOTE computer

RequestConnectionInfo.RemoteAddress = (PVOID)pTransportAddress;
RequestConnectionInfo.RemoteAddressLength =

* The number of transport addresses
pTransportAddress->TAAddressCount = 1;

* This next piece will essentially describe what the
* transport being opened is.
* AddressType = Type of transport
* AddressLength = Length of the address
* Address = A data structure that is essentially
* related to the chosen AddressType.

pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressType =
pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressLength =
pTdiAddressIp =
(TDI_ADDRESS_IP *)&pTransportAddress->Address[0].Address;

* The TDI_ADDRESS_IP data structure is essentially simmilar
* to the usermode sockets data structure.
* sin_port
* sin_zero
* in_addr

* Remember, these must be in NETWORK BYTE ORDER (Big Endian)

/* Example: 1494 = 0x05D6 (Little Endian) or 0xD605 (Big Endian)*/

pTdiAddressIp->sin_port = uiPort;

/* Example: = 0A.3C.02.9F (Little Endian)

or 9F.02.3C.0A (Big Endian)
pTdiAddressIp->in_addr = uiAddress;

TdiBuildConnect(pIrp, pTdiDevice, pfoConnection, NULL, NULL,

&TimeOut, &RequestConnectionInfo,

NtStatus = IoCallDriver(pTdiDevice, pIrp);

* If the status returned is STATUS_PENDING this means
* that the IRP will not be completed synchronously
* and the driver has queued the IRP for later processing.
* This is fine but we do not want to return this thread,
* we are a synchronous call so we want to wait until
* it has completed. The EVENT that we provided will be
* set when the IRP completes.

if(NtStatus == STATUS_PENDING)
Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);

* Find the Status of the completed IRP

NtStatus = IoStatusBlock.Status;

return NtStatus;

This is described on MSDN.

Step Five: Send and Receive Data

To send data you simply create a TDI_SEND IOCTL and pass it to the transport device. The following code
implements the send:

NTSTATUS TdiFuncs_Send(PFILE_OBJECT pfoConnection, PVOID pData,

UINT uiSendLength, UINT *pDataSent)
PIRP pIrp;
IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock = {0};
PMDL pSendMdl;

NotificationEvent, FALSE);

* The TDI Device Object is required to
* send these requests to the TDI Driver.
pTdiDevice = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pfoConnection);

*pDataSent = 0;

* The send requires an MDL which is what you may remember from DIRECT_IO.
* However, instead of using an MDL we need to create one.
pSendMdl = IoAllocateMdl((PCHAR )pData, uiSendLength, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);


__try {

MmProbeAndLockPages(pSendMdl, KernelMode, IoModifyAccess);

pSendMdl = NULL;


* Step 1: Build the IRP. TDI defines several macros and functions
* that can quickly create IRP's, etc. for variuos purposes.
* While this can be done manually it's easiest to use
* the macros.
pIrp = TdiBuildInternalDeviceControlIrp(TDI_SEND,
pTdiDevice, pfoConnection,

* Step 2: Add the correct parameters into the IRP.

TdiBuildSend(pIrp, pTdiDevice, pfoConnection, NULL,

NULL, pSendMdl, 0, uiSendLength);

NtStatus = IoCallDriver(pTdiDevice, pIrp);

* If the status returned is STATUS_PENDING this means that the
* IRP will not be completed synchronously and the driver has
* queued the IRP for later processing. This is fine but we do
* not want to return this not want to return this not want to
* return this to wait until it has completed. The EVENT
* that we providedwill be set when the IRP completes.

if(NtStatus == STATUS_PENDING)
Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);

NtStatus = IoStatusBlock.Status;
*pDataSent = (UINT)IoStatusBlock.Information;

* I/O Manager will free the MDL
} */


return NtStatus;

The same can be done for receive using the TDI_RECIEVE however our implementation does not use this. If
you notice, you can actually create notification callbacks to tell you when there is data or other events. This
is what we have done and the API wrapper that I implemented to create any event handler is as follows:

NTSTATUS TdiFuncs_SetEventHandler(PFILE_OBJECT pfoTdiFileObject,

LONG InEventType, PVOID InEventHandler, PVOID InEventContext)
PIRP pIrp;
IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock = {0};
LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut = {0};
UINT NumberOfSeconds = 60*3;

NotificationEvent, FALSE);

* The TDI Device Object is required to send these
* requests to the TDI Driver.

pTdiDevice = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pfoTdiFileObject);

* Step 1: Build the IRP. TDI defines several macros and functions
* that can quickly create IRP's, etc. for variuos purposes.
* While this can be done manually it's easiest to use the macros.
pIrp = TdiBuildInternalDeviceControlIrp(TDI_SET_EVENT_HANDLER,
pTdiDevice, pfoConnection, &TdiCompletionContext.kCompleteEvent,

* Step 2: Set the IRP Parameters

TdiBuildSetEventHandler(pIrp, pTdiDevice, pfoTdiFileObject,

NULL, NULL, InEventType, InEventHandler, InEventContext);

NtStatus = IoCallDriver(pTdiDevice, pIrp);

* If the status returned is STATUS_PENDING this means that
* the IRP will not be completed synchronously and the driver has
* queued the IRP for later processing. This is fine but we do not
* want to return this thread, we are a synchronous call so we want
* to wait until it has completed. The EVENT that we provided
* will be set when the IRP completes.

if(NtStatus == STATUS_PENDING)
Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);

* Find the Status of the completed IRP

NtStatus = IoStatusBlock.Status;

return NtStatus;

The code which uses this API and implements the callback are as follows:

NtStatus = TdiFuncs_SetEventHandler(


NTSTATUS TdiExample_ClientEventReceive(PVOID TdiEventContext,

ULONG ReceiveFlags,
ULONG BytesIndicated,
ULONG BytesAvailable,
ULONG *BytesTaken,
PIRP *IoRequestPacket)
UINT uiDataRead = 0;
PIRP pIrp;

DbgPrint("TdiExample_ClientEventReceive 0x%0x, %i, %i\n",

ReceiveFlags, BytesIndicated, BytesAvailable);
*BytesTaken = BytesAvailable;

* This implementation is extremely simple. We do not queue
* data if we do not have an IRP to put it there. We also
* assume we always get the full data packet sent every recieve.
* These are Bells and Whistles that can easily be added to
* any implementation but would help to make the implementation
* more complex and harder to follow the underlying idea. Since
* those essentially are common-sense add ons they are ignored and
* the general implementation of how to Queue IRP's and
* recieve data are implemented.

pIrp = HandleIrp_RemoveNextIrp(pTdiExampleContext->pReadIrpListHead);


uiDataRead =
BytesAvailable > pIoStackLocation->Parameters.Read.Length ?
pIoStackLocation->Parameters.Read.Length : BytesAvailable;

pIrp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext[0] = NULL;

RtlCopyMemory(pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, Tsdu, uiDataRead);

pIrp->IoStatus.Status = NtStatus;
pIrp->IoStatus.Information = uiDataRead;

IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NETWORK_INCREMENT);

* The I/O Request can be used to recieve the rest of the data.
* We are not using it in this example however and will actually
* be assuming that we always get all the data.
*IoRequestPacket = NULL;

return NtStatus;

Don't get scared with the HandleIrp_RemoveNextIrp. we will actually be describing how to queue IRP
requests later in this article.

This is described on MSDN.

Step Six: Disconnect

This is nothing special you just disconnect the connection by implementing the TDI_DISCONNECT IOCTL.

NTSTATUS TdiFuncs_Disconnect(PFILE_OBJECT pfoConnection)

PIRP pIrp;
IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock = {0};
TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ReturnConnectionInfo = {0};
LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut = {0};
UINT NumberOfSeconds = 60*3;

NotificationEvent, FALSE);

* The TDI Device Object is required to send
* these requests to the TDI Driver.

pTdiDevice = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pfoConnection);

* Step 1: Build the IRP. TDI defines several macros and functions
* that can quickly create IRP's, etc. for variuos purposes.
* While this can be done manually it's easiest to use the macros.
pIrp = TdiBuildInternalDeviceControlIrp(TDI_DISCONNECT, pTdiDevice,
pfoConnection, &TdiCompletionContext.kCompleteEvent,

* Step 2: Add the correct parameters into the IRP.

* Time out value

TimeOut.QuadPart = 10000000L;
TimeOut.QuadPart *= NumberOfSeconds;
TimeOut.QuadPart = -(TimeOut.QuadPart);

TdiBuildDisconnect(pIrp, pTdiDevice, pfoConnection, NULL, NULL,


NtStatus = IoCallDriver(pTdiDevice, pIrp);

* If the status returned is STATUS_PENDING this means that the
* IRP will not be completed synchronously and the driver has
* queued the IRP for later processing. This is fine but we do
* not want to return this thread, we are a synchronous call so
* we want to wait until it has completed. The EVENT that
* we provided will be set when the IRP completes.

if(NtStatus == STATUS_PENDING)
Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);

* Find the Status of the completed IRP

NtStatus = IoStatusBlock.Status;

return NtStatus;

This is described on MSDN.

Step Seven: Disassociate the Handles

This is very simple; we just implement another IOCTL call as follows.

NTSTATUS TdiFuncs_DisAssociateTransportAndConnection(PFILE_OBJECT pfoConnection)

PIRP pIrp;
IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock = {0};

NotificationEvent, FALSE);

* The TDI Device Object is required to send these requests to the TDI Driver.

pTdiDevice = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pfoConnection);

* Step 1: Build the IRP. TDI defines several macros and
* functions that can quickly create IRP's, etc. for
* variuos purposes. While this can be done manually
* it's easiest to use the macros.
pIrp = TdiBuildInternalDeviceControlIrp(TDI_DISASSOCIATE_ADDRESS,
pTdiDevice, pfoConnection,
&TdiCompletionContext.kCompleteEvent, &IoStatusBlock);

* Step 2: Add the correct parameters into the IRP.
TdiBuildDisassociateAddress(pIrp, pTdiDevice,
pfoConnection, NULL, NULL);
NtStatus = IoCallDriver(pTdiDevice, pIrp);

* If the status returned is STATUS_PENDING this means that the
* IRP will not be completed synchronously and the driver has
* queued the IRP for later processing. This is fine but we
* do not want to return this thread, we are a synchronous call
* so we want to wait until it has completed. The EVENT that we
* provided will be set when the IRP completes.

if(NtStatus == STATUS_PENDING)
Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);

* Find the Status of the completed IRP

NtStatus = IoStatusBlock.Status;

return NtStatus;

This is described on MSDN.

Step Eight: Close the Handles

This function is called on both handles, the Transport and the Connection Context.

NTSTATUS TdiFuncs_CloseTdiOpenHandle(HANDLE hTdiHandle,

PFILE_OBJECT pfoTdiFileObject)

* De-Reference the FILE_OBJECT and Close The Handle


return NtStatus;

This is described on MSDN.

Other Resources

The TDI Interface will get a bit easier once you get familiar with it. One of the biggest things to get right
when writing any driver is your IRP handling. TDI does seem a little bit more complex than sockets but it is
a kernel interface.
If you have ever investigated TDI or NDIS you have probably run into Thomas Divine. If you are looking to
purchase complex TDI or NDIS examples, you can find them and other resources on the website of his
company. You can also find tutorials of his on various other websites.

IRP Handling

The last article touched on some very basic concepts of IRPs and how to handle them. To keep that article
simple, there are actually large gaps in what was described. So in this article we will pick up the pace and
attempt to fill in as many of those gaps as we can. You should have a decent bit of exposure to driver
development at this time that we should be able to do this quite easily however it will be a lot of information
and not all of it is in the example code. You will need to experiment with IRP handling yourself. It is the
essential part of developing a driver.

Driver Requests

When writing a driver there are two different times that you will be exposed to IRPs. These are IRPs that are
requested to your driver and IRPs that you create to request processing from other drivers. As we remember,
there is a stack of drivers and each driver in the stack has their own stack location in the IRP. Each time an
IRP is sent down the stack the current stack location of that IRP is advanced. When it comes to your driver
you have a few choices.

Forward and Forget

You can forward the IRP to the next driver in the stack using IoCallDriver. This is what we did in the other
driver tutorial. We forwarded the IRP on and forgot about it. There was one problem though, we didn't take
into about STATUS_PENDING. STATUS_PENDING is a method of implementing asynchronous operations. The
lower level driver is notifying the caller that they are not finished with the IRP. They may also be completing
this IRP on a separate thread. The rule is that if you return STATUS_PENDING, you must also call
IoMarkIrpPending before returning. This is now a problem though if you have forwarded the IRP to the
next driver. You are not allowed to touch it after the call! So you have essentially two choices.

IoCallDriver(pDeviceObject, Irp);


The second choice would be to set a completion routine. We should remember those from the code in part 4
however we used them then to simply stop the IRP from completing by returning

IoSetCompletionRoutine(Irp, CompletionRoutine, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);

return IoCallDriver(pDeviceObject, Irp);


NTSTATUS CompletionRoutine(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,

PIRP Irp, PVOID Context)


You could again stop the processing here and if you did, you would not need to do IoMarkIrpPending.
There is circular logic here, if you call IoMarkIrpPending then you must return STATUS_PENDING from your
driver. If you return STATUS_PENDING from your driver then you must call IoMarkIrpPending. Remember
though if you stop processing of a completion, it means that you must then complete it! We did this in part 4.

One thing to note is, it's possible that if a completion routine isn't supplied, that the I/O Manager may be nice
enough to propagate this "IoMarkIrpPending" information for you. However information is so scattered on
this subject that you may not want to trust that and just make sure everything you do is correct.

Forward and Post Process

This is what we actually did in Part 4 with a slight difference. We need to take into account the pending
architecture and if the IRP returns pending from the lower level driver, we need to wait until the lower level
driver completes it. Once the driver has completed it we need to wake up our original thread so that we can
do processing and complete the IRP. As an optimization, we only want to set the event if pending was
returned. There is no reason to add overhead of setting and waiting on events if everything is being processed
synchronously! The following is a code example of this.

IoSetCompletionRoutine(Irp, CompletionRoutine,
&kCompleteEvent, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);

NtStatus = IoCallDriver(pDeviceObject, Irp);

if(NtStatus == STATUS_PENDING)
Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);

* Find the Status of the completed IRP

NtStatus = IoStatusBlock.Status;

* Do Post Processing

IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

return NtStatus;


NTSTATUS CompletionRoutine(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,

PIRP Irp, PVOID Context)
KeSetEvent(Context, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE);


Queue and Pend

You have the option to queue the IRP and process it at a later time or on another thread. This is allowed since
you own the IRP while it is at your driver stack level. You have to take into account that the IRP can be
canceled. The problem is that if the IRP is canceled, you really don't want to perform any processing since
the result will be thrown away. The other problem we want to solve is that, if there are active IRPs associated
with a process or thread that process or thread cannot be completely terminated until all active IRPs have
been completed. This is very tricky and documentation on how to do this is scarce. However we will show
you how to do it here.

Grab your lock

The first thing you need to do is acquire your spinlock that protects your IRP list. This will help synchronize
the execution between your queuing logic and your cancel routine. There is a system cancel spinlock that can
also be acquired and in some cases it needs to be if you are using certain system provided queuing
mechanisms. However since the cancel spinlock is system wide, what do you think is more likely? That
another processor would grab your spinlock or that it would grab the cancel spinlock? Most likely it would
end up grabbing the cancel spinlock and this can be a performance hit. On a single processor machine, it
obviously doesn't matter which one you use but you should attempt to implement your own spinlock.

Set a Cancel Routine

Your cancel routine will also need to grab your spinlock to synchronize execution and remove IRPs from the
list. Setting a cancel routine makes sure that if this IRP is canceled, then you know about it and can remove it
from your IRP list. Remember, you STILL MUST COMPLETE THE IRP! There's no way around it. If an
IRP is canceled it just doesn't disappear from out under your feet. If it did then while you processed the IRP,
if it was canceled, you'd be in big trouble! The purpose of the cancel routine is just while it is in the queue it
can be removed from the queue at any time if it's canceled without any hassle.

Check Cancel Flag

You then must check the cancel flag of the IRP. If it is not canceled then you will call IoMarkIrpPending
and queue the IRP onto your linked list or whatever you have. You then must make sure that you return
STATUS_PENDING from your driver.

If it has been canceled we need to know if it called your cancel routine. You do this by setting the cancel
routine to NULL. If the return value is NULL then your cancel routine was called. If the return value is not NULL
then the cancel routine was not called. That just means it was canceled before you set the cancel routine.

You now have two choices remember that only one location can complete the IRP. If the cancel routine was
called then as long as the cancel routine doesn't complete the IRP, if it's not in your IRP list, then you can
free it. If the cancel routine always completes it, then you must not complete it. If the cancel routine was not
called then you obviously must complete it. No matter what happens you must remember two things. The
first is that somewhere in your driver you must complete this IRP. The second thing to remember is that you
must never complete it twice!
When you remove an IRP from the list it's the same thing. You should always check to make sure the IRP
has not been canceled. You will also set the cancel routine to NULL before removing the IRP to process it.
That way even if it is canceled now you don't care, the result will just be thrown away. The best thing to do
now is just to see the code.

Irp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext[0] =
NtStatus = HandleIrp_AddIrp(pTdiExampleContext->pWriteIrpListHead,
Irp, TdiExample_CancelRoutine, TdiExample_IrpCleanUp, NULL);


* HandleIrp_AddIrp
* This function adds an IRP to the IRP List.
PIRP pIrp,
PDRIVER_CANCEL pDriverCancelRoutine,
PVOID pContext)
KIRQL kOldIrql;
PDRIVER_CANCEL pCancelRoutine;

pIrpList = (PIRPLIST)KMem_AllocateNonPagedMemory(sizeof(IRPLIST),

DbgPrint("HandleIrp_AddIrp Allocate Memory = 0x%0x \r\n", pIrpList);

pIrpList->pContext = pContext;
pIrpList->pfnCleanUpIrp = pfnCleanUpIrp;
pIrpList->pIrp = pIrp;
pIrpList->pfnCancelRoutine = pDriverCancelRoutine;

* The first thing we need to to is acquire our spin lock.
* The reason for this is a few things.
* 1. All access to this list is synchronized, the obvious reason
* 2. This will synchronize adding this IRP to the
* list with the cancel routine.

KeAcquireSpinLock(&pIrpListHead->kspIrpListLock, &kOldIrql);
* We will now attempt to set the cancel routine which will be called
* when (if) the IRP is ever canceled. This allows us to remove an IRP
* from the queue that is no longer valid.
* A potential misconception is that if the IRP is canceled it is no
* longer valid. This is not true the IRP does not self-destruct.
* The IRP is valid as long as it has not been completed. Once it
* has been completed this is when it is no longer valid (while we
* own it). So, while we own the IRP we need to complete it at some
* point. The reason for setting a cancel routine is to realize
* that the IRP has been canceled and complete it immediately and
* get rid of it. We don't want to do processing for an IRP that
* has been canceled as the result will just be thrown away.
* So, if we remove an IRP from this list for processing and
* it's canceled the only problem is that we did processing on it.
* We complete it at the end and there's no problem.
* There is a problem however if your code is written in a way
* that allows your cancel routine to complete the IRP unconditionally.
* This is fine as long as you have some type of synchronization

IoSetCancelRoutine(pIrp, pIrpList->pfnCancelRoutine);

* We have set our cancel routine. Now, check if the IRP has
* already been canceled.
* We must set the cancel routine before checking this to ensure
* that once we queue the IRP it will definately be called if the
* IRP is ever canceled.

* If the IRP has been canceled we can then check if our
* cancel routine has been called.
pCancelRoutine = IoSetCancelRoutine(pIrp, NULL);

* if pCancelRoutine ==
* NULL then our cancel routine has been called.
* if pCancelRoutine !=
* NULL then our cancel routine has not been called.
* The I/O Manager will set the cancel routine to NULL
* before calling the cancel routine.
* We have a decision to make here, we need to write the code
* in a way that we only complete and clean up the IRP once.
* We either allow the cancel routine to do it or we do it here.
* Now, we will already have to clean up the IRP here if the
* pCancelRoutine != NULL.
* The solution we are going with here is that we will only clean
* up IRP's in the cancel routine if the are in the list.
* So, we will not add any IRP to the list if it has
* already been canceled once we get to this location.
KeReleaseSpinLock(&pIrpListHead->kspIrpListLock, kOldIrql);

* We are going to allow the clean up function to complete the IRP.
pfnCleanUpIrp(pIrp, pContext);
DbgPrint("HandleIrp_AddIrp Complete Free Memory = 0x%0x \r\n",
* The IRP has not been canceled, so we can simply queue it!

pIrpList->pNextIrp = NULL;


pIrpListHead->pListBack->pNextIrp = pIrpList;
pIrpListHead->pListBack = pIrpList;
pIrpListHead->pListFront = pIrpListHead->pListBack =


* We are going to allow the clean up function to complete the IRP.
pfnCleanUpIrp(pIrp, pContext);

return NtStatus;

* HandleIrp_RemoveNextIrp
* This function removes the next valid IRP.
PIRP HandleIrp_RemoveNextIrp(PIRPLISTHEAD pIrpListHead)
KIRQL kOldIrql;
PDRIVER_CANCEL pCancelRoutine;
PIRPLIST pIrpListCurrent;

KeAcquireSpinLock(&pIrpListHead->kspIrpListLock, &kOldIrql);

pIrpListCurrent = pIrpListHead->pListFront;

while(pIrpListCurrent && pIrp == NULL)

* To remove an IRP from the Queue we first want to
* reset the cancel routine.
pCancelRoutine = IoSetCancelRoutine(pIrpListCurrent->pIrp, NULL);

* The next phase is to determine if this IRP has been canceled

* We have been canceled so we need to determine if our
* cancel routine has already been called. pCancelRoutine
* will be NULL if our cancel routine has been called.
* If will not be NULL if our cancel routine has not been
* called. However, we don't care in either case and we
* will simply complete the IRP here since we have to implement at
* least that case anyway.
* Remove the IRP from the list.

pIrpListHead->pListFront = pIrpListCurrent->pNextIrp;

if(pIrpListHead->pListFront == NULL)
pIrpListHead->pListBack = NULL;

KeReleaseSpinLock(&pIrpListHead->kspIrpListLock, kOldIrql);


DbgPrint("HandleIrp_RemoveNextIrp Complete Free Memory =

0x%0x \r\n", pIrpListCurrent);
pIrpListCurrent = NULL;


pIrpListCurrent = pIrpListHead->pListFront;

pIrpListHead->pListFront = pIrpListCurrent->pNextIrp;
if(pIrpListHead->pListFront == NULL)
pIrpListHead->pListBack = NULL;

pIrp = pIrpListCurrent->pIrp;

KeReleaseSpinLock(&pIrpListHead->kspIrpListLock, kOldIrql);

DbgPrint("HandleIrp_RemoveNextIrp Complete Free Memory = 0x%0x \r\n",

pIrpListCurrent = NULL;



KeReleaseSpinLock(&pIrpListHead->kspIrpListLock, kOldIrql);

return pIrp;

* HandleIrp_PerformCancel
* This function removes the specified IRP from the list.
NTSTATUS HandleIrp_PerformCancel(PIRPLISTHEAD pIrpListHead, PIRP pIrp)
KIRQL kOldIrql;
PIRPLIST pIrpListCurrent, pIrpListPrevious;


pIrpListPrevious = NULL;
pIrpListCurrent = pIrpListHead->pListFront;

while(pIrpListCurrent && NtStatus == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)

if(pIrpListCurrent->pIrp == pIrp)
pIrpListPrevious->pNextIrp = pIrpListCurrent->pNextIrp;

if(pIrpListHead->pListFront == pIrpListCurrent)
pIrpListHead->pListFront = pIrpListCurrent->pNextIrp;

if(pIrpListHead->pListBack == pIrpListCurrent)
pIrpListHead->pListBack = pIrpListPrevious;

KeReleaseSpinLock(&pIrpListHead->kspIrpListLock, kOldIrql);


* We are going to allow the clean up function to complete the IRP.

DbgPrint("HandleIrp_PerformCancel Complete Free Memory = 0x%0x \r\n",



pIrpListCurrent = NULL;


pIrpListPrevious = pIrpListCurrent;
pIrpListCurrent = pIrpListCurrent->pNextIrp;

KeReleaseSpinLock(&pIrpListHead->kspIrpListLock, kOldIrql);

return NtStatus;

* TdiExample_CancelRoutine
* This function is called if the IRP is ever canceled
* CancelIo() from user mode, IoCancelIrp() from the Kernel
VOID TdiExample_CancelRoutine(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP pIrp)

* We must release the cancel spin lock


DbgPrint("TdiExample_CancelRoutine Called IRP = 0x%0x \r\n", pIrp);

* We stored the IRPLISTHEAD context in our DriverContext on the IRP
* before adding it to the queue so it should not be NULL here.

pIrpListHead = (PIRPLISTHEAD)pIrp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext[0];
pIrp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext[0] = NULL;

* We can then just throw the IRP to the PerformCancel
* routine since it will find it in the queue, remove it and
* then call our clean up routine. Our clean up routine
* will then complete the IRP. If this does not occur then
* our completion of the IRP will occur in another context
* since it is not in the list.
HandleIrp_PerformCancel(pIrpListHead, pIrp);

* TdiExample_IrpCleanUp
* This function is called to clean up the IRP if it is ever
* canceled after we have given it to the queueing routines.
VOID TdiExample_IrpCleanUp(PIRP pIrp, PVOID pContext)
pIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_CANCELLED;
pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
pIrp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext[0] = NULL;
DbgPrint("TdiExample_IrpCleanUp Called IRP = 0x%0x \r\n", pIrp);

IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

Alternatively you can use something like cancel safe IRP queues.

Process and Complete

This is where you simply process the request in line and complete it. If you don't return STATUS_PENDING
then you are fine. This is what we have been doing with all the driver requests in most of the tutorials. We
process them and then when we are done. We simply call IoCompleteRequest which is a mandatory call.

Creating IRPs

There was an extreme brief description of how to create and send IRPs in the previous article. We will go
over those steps again here in more detail. We will also learn the difference between the APIs that we can use
to create IRPs.

Step One: Create the IRP

There are a few APIs that can be used to create an IRP. As we already know, however there is a difference
between them that we need to understand. The source in article 4 was very sloppy with IRP handling and this
was simply to introduce IRPs without having to explain everything that we are explaining here.
There are Asynchronous IRPs and Synchronous IRPs. If you create an IRP using IoAllocateIrp or
IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest, you have created an Asynchronous IRP. This means that you should set
a completion routine and when the IRP is completed you need to call IoFreeIrp. You are in control of these
IRPs and you must handle them appropriately.

If you create an IRP using IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest or IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest, then

you have created a Synchronous IRP. Remember, TdiBuildInternalDeviceControlIrp is a macro and
creates a synchronous IRP. These IRPs are owned and managed by the I/O Manager! Do not free them!
This is a common mistake I have seen with code on the internet that they call IoFreeIrp on failure! These
IRPs MUST be completed using IoCompleteRequest. If you pass this IRP down to IoCallDriver, you do
not need to complete it as the driver below will do it for you. If you do intercept the IRP with a completion
routine, you will need to call IoCompleteRequest after you are done with it though.

Also remember before you consider creating an IRP make sure that you understand what IRQL your code
will be called at. The benefit of using IoAllocateIrp is that it can be used at DISPATCH_LEVEL where as
IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest cannot.

Step Two: Setup the IRP Parameters

This is very simple and taking the TDI example the macro TdiBuildSend shows us how to do this. We use
the IoGetNextIrpStackLocation and we simply set the parameters. We also set the Mdl and any other
attributes we need to on the IRP itself.

Step Four: Send to the driver stack

This is very simple and we have done it over and over again. We simply use IoCallDriver to send the IRP
down the stack.

Step Five: Wait and Clean up

If the driver returned any status besides "STATUS_PENDING" you are done. If you created the IRP
asynchronously, then you either freed the IRP in the completion routine or set it for more processing here in
which you do that now and free it with IoAllocateIrp.

If you created a synchronous IRP, you either let the I/O Manager handle it and you're done or you set the
completion routine to return more processing in which case you do it here than call IoCompleteRequest.

If the status returned is "STATUS_PENDING" you now have a few choices. You can either wait here depending
on the IRP or you can leave and complete it asynchronously. It all depends on your architecture. If you have
created the IRP as asynchronous then your completion routine you set must check if the IRP was set to
"Pending" and then set your event. That way you don't waste processing if there's no need. This is also why
you don't wait on the event unless STATUS_PENDING was returned. Imagine how slow everything would be if
all calls waited on the event no matter what!

If your IRP was created synchronously then the I/O Manager will set this event for you. You don't need to do
anything unless you want to return the status more processing from the completion routine. Please read the
section on "How Completion Works" to further understand what to do here.

Non-Paged Driver Code

If you remember in the first tutorial we learned about #pragma and the ability to put our driver code into
different sections. There was the INIT section which was discardable and the PAGE section which put the
memory into pagable code area. What about code that acquires a spinlock? What do we do when the code
has to be non-pagable? We just don't specify #pragma! The default state of a loaded driver is to be in Non-
Paged Memory we are actually forcing it into Paged memory with #pragma since we don't want the system
to run out of physical memory when there's no need to be non-paged.

If you look at the code, you will notice that some of the #pragma's are commented out. These are the
functions that need to be non-paged as they use spinlocks and run at > APC_LEVEL. The reason I commented
them out as opposed to just not putting them in is that I didn't want you to think I just forgot them and add
them! I wanted to show that I made a decision to leave them out!

/* #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HandleIrp_FreeIrpListWithCleanUp) */

/* #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HandleIrp_AddIrp) */
/* #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HandleIrp_RemoveNextIrp) */
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HandleIrp_CreateIrpList)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HandleIrp_FreeIrpList)
/* #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HandleIrp_PerformCancel) */

How Completion Works?

The completion works in a way that each device's STACK LOCATION may have an associated completion
routine. This completion routine is actually called for the driver above it not for the current driver! The
current driver knows when he completes it. So when the driver does complete it the completion routine of the
current stack location is read and if it exists it's called. Before it is called the current IO_STACK_LOCATION is
moved to point to the previous driver's location! This is important as we will see in a minute. If that driver
does not complete it, it must propagate the pending status up by calling "IoMarkIrpPending" as we
mentioned before. This is because if the driver returns STATUS_PENDING, it must mark the IRP as pending. If
it doesn't return the same status as the lower level driver, it doesn't need to mark the IRP as pending. Perhaps
it intercepted the STATUS_PENDING and waited for the completion. It could then stop the completion of the
IRP and then complete it again while returning a status other than STATUS_PENDING.

That is probably a bit confusing so you refer back up to the talk on how to "Forward and Post Process". Now
if your driver created the IRP you do not have to mark the IRP as pending! You know why? Because you
don't have an IO_STACK_LOCATION! You are not on the device's stack! You will actually start to corrupt
memory if you do this! You have two choices here. You have a few different choices here and none of them
involve calling "IoMarkIrpPending"!!!

You will notice that example code may actually show a completion routine calling "IoMarkIrpPending"
even though it created the IRP! This is not what should happen. In fact, if you look at real code, if a
Synchronous IRP is created the completion routine usually doesn't exist or exists solely to return the status
more processing.

I implemented a completion routine in our TDI Client driver. We create synchronous IRPs there however if
you check out bit of debugging as follows:

kd> kb
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
fac8ba90 804e4433 00000000 80d0c9b8 00000000
netdrv!TdiFuncs_CompleteIrp [.\tdifuncs.c @ 829]
fac8bac0 fbb20c54 80d1d678 80d0c9b8 00000000 nt!IopfCompleteRequest+0xa0
fac8bad8 fbb2bd9b 80d0c9b8 00000000 00000000 tcpip!TCPDataRequestComplete+0xa4
fac8bb00 fbb2bd38 80d0c9b8 80d0ca28 80d1d678 tcpip!TCPDisassociateAddress+0x4b
fac8bb14 804e0e0d 80d1d678 80d0c9b8 c000009a
fac8bb24 fc785d65 ffaaa3b0 80db4774 00000000 nt!IofCallDriver+0x3f
fac8bb50 fc785707 ff9cdc20 80db4774 fc786099
netdrv!TdiFuncs_DisAssociateTransportAndConnection+0x94 [.\tdifuncs.c @ 772]
fac8bb5c fc786099 80db4774 ffaaa340 ff7d1d98
netdrv!TdiFuncs_FreeHandles+0xd [.\tdifuncs.c @ 112]
fac8bb74 804e0e0d 80d33df0 ffaaa340 ffaaa350
netdrv!TdiExample_CleanUp+0x6e [.\functions.c @ 459]
fac8bb84 80578ce9 00000000 80cda980 00000000 nt!IofCallDriver+0x3f
fac8bbbc 8057337c 00cda998 00000000 80cda980 nt!IopDeleteFile+0x138
fac8bbd8 804e4499 80cda998 00000000 000007dc nt!ObpRemoveObjectRoutine+0xde
fac8bbf4 8057681a ffb3e6d0 000007dc e1116fb8 nt!ObfDereferenceObject+0x4b
fac8bc0c 80591749 e176a118 80cda998 000007dc nt!ObpCloseHandleTableEntry+0x137
fac8bc24 80591558 e1116fb8 000007dc fac8bc60 nt!ObpCloseHandleProcedure+0x1b
fac8bc40 805916f5 e176a118 8059172e fac8bc60 nt!ExSweepHandleTable+0x26
fac8bc68 8057cfbe ffb3e601 ff7eada0 c000013a nt!ObKillProcess+0x64
fac8bcf0 80590e70 c000013a ffa25c98 804ee93d nt!PspExitThread+0x5d9
fac8bcfc 804ee93d ffa25c98 fac8bd48 fac8bd3c nt!PsExitSpecialApc+0x19
fac8bd4c 804e7af7 00000001 00000000 fac8bd64 nt!KiDeliverApc+0x1c3
kd> dds esp
fac8ba94 804e4433 nt!IopfCompleteRequest+0xa0
fac8ba98 00000000 ; This is the PDEVICE_OBJECT, it's NULL!!
fac8ba9c 80d0c9b8 ; This is IRP
fac8baa0 00000000 ; This is our context (NULL)
kd> !irp 80d0c9b8
Irp is active with 1 stacks 2 is current (= 0x80d0ca4c)
No Mdl Thread ff7eada0: Irp is completed. Pending has been returned
cmd flg cl Device File Completion-Context
[ f, 0] 0 0 80d1d678 00000000 fc786579-00000000
\Driver\Tcpip netdrv!TdiFuncs_CompleteIrp
Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

If there's only 1 stack how can it be on 2?

As you can see we are at IO_STACK_LOCATION #2, which does not exist. So the IRP actually starts out at a
high IO_STACK_LOCATION which does not exist. If you remember, we need to call
IoGetNextIrpStackLocation to set the parameters! This means that if we call IoMarkIrpPending here, we
will essentially be accessing memory we shouldn't be as IoMarkIrpPending actually sets bits in the
IO_STACK_LOCATION! The one thing that is also odd is that the device object is NULL. This is most likely
because our stack location does not exist! We do not have an associated device object since we are not apart
of this device stack. This is valid. By the way, the stack number may be incremented beyond the number of
stacks for the I/O Manager and for the originator of the request. It's just not valid to attempt to actually use
these stack locations!


As if I haven't already confused you enough we need to talk about STATUS_PENDING and
IoMarkIrpPending. What's the use? The use is because we can process IRP's asynchronously and the upper
level drivers and I/O Manager need to know! The first part, STATUS_PENDING is returned as an optimization.
So if we want to wait we ONLY do it for asynchronous operations. The second part is that the
IoMarkIrpPending is actually what propagates the "PendingReturned" status on the IRP. That way we can
optimize, so we don't always have to call KeSetEvent and only do it in the case where STATUS_PENDING was
The other use is that a driver in the middle of the stack can change this status from STATUS_PENDING to
STATUS_SUCCESS and not propagate the whole pending all the way up the driver stack. This way again the
optimizations come into play and we don't have to do a lot of the extra handling that occurs on asynchronous
operations. Remember that the IRP has two code paths, the return value up the stack and the completion path
which may occur on a different threads. So you see why they need to be synchronized as well as propagate
this status up both paths.

Overlapped I/O

The "STATUS_PENDING" architecture is essentially how Overlapped I/O is implemented. Just because the
example source in this article uses ReadFileEx and WriteFileEx doesn't mean that ReadFile and
WriteFile would not work here. They also work. If you look at the CreateFile API, I added a flag to
enable Overlapped I/O. If you remove this flag the I/O Manager will actually block on STATUS_PENDING
rather than return to the application. It will sit on an event until the I/O is completed. This is essentially why
the user mode application was implemented using asynchronous I/O. Give these different methods a try!

Other Resources

The following are other resources and articles on IRP Handling that you may want to refer to and read.

These are "cheat sheets" which simply show sample code on how to handle IRPs. I am skeptical on the
information in Cheat Sheet 2 on the IRP Completion routines which mark the Synchronous IRPs as Pending!
Remember what I talked about the IRP completion routine is called with the stack location of that device. If
you allocated that IRP, it doesn't mean you are on the device stack! I have not tried the code myself, so I
could be missing something in the implementation.

There are many other resources out on the web and the URLs I provided will probably be gone or moved

Example Source

The example source will build six binaries as listed here.

CHATCLIENT.EXE - Winsock Chat Client

CHATCLIENTNET.EXE - Lightbulb Chat Client
CHATSERVER.EXE - Winsock Chat Server
DRVLOAD.EXE - Example TDI Client Driver Loader
NETDRV.SYS - Example TDI Client Driver
NETLIB.LIB - Lightbulb Library

The TDI Client Driver that was created can be used using a simple API set as implemented in NETLIB.LIB. I
named it the "LightBulb" API set as a play on "Sockets". There is essentially two clients where one uses
Winsock and one uses Lightbulbs simply for example purposes.

Driver Architecture

The architecture of the driver is very simple. It simply queues all read and write IRPs. It has a special write
thread that it created in the system process. This is just to demonstrate queuing IRPs and performing
Asynchronous operations. The call to write network data can return to user mode without having to wait for
the data to be sent or having to copy the data. The read is the same the IRPs are queued and when the data
receive callback occurs those are completed. The source is fully commented.
Building the Source

First as always make sure that all makefiles point to the location of your DDK. The current makefiles assume
the root of the same drive the source is on at \NTDDK\INC. The second is to make sure that your Visual
Studio environment variables are setup using VCVARS32.BAT.

I created a new make file at the root of the "network" directory which you can then use to build all
directories. The first command you can use is "nmake dir". This command will fail if any of the directory
already exists. What it will do is pre-create all directories needed to build the source. Sometimes the source
build will fail if the directories do not already exist.

C:\Programming\development\DEBUG\private\src\drivers\network>nmake dir

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.

mkdir ..\..\..\..\bin

The second thing that you can do is "nmake" or "nmake all" to build the sources. It will go into each
directory and build all 6 binaries in the correct order.


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.

cd chatclient

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.

cl /nologo /MD /W3 /Oxs /Gz /Zi /I "..\..\..\..\inc" /D "WIN32" /D "_W

INDOWS" /Fr.\obj\i386\\ /Fo.\obj\i386\\ /Fd.\obj\i386\\ /c .\client.c
link.exe /LIBPATH:..\..\..\..\lib /DEBUG /PDB:..\..\..\..\..\bin\SYMBOL
S\chatclient.PDB /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /nologo kernel32.lib Advapi32.lib WS2_32.
LIB /out:..\..\..\..\..\bin\chatclient.exe .\obj\i386\client.obj kernel32.lib A
dvapi32.lib WS2_32.LIB
rebase.exe -b 0x00400000 -x ..\..\..\..\..\bin\SYMBOLS -a ..\..\..\..\..
REBASE: chatclient - unable to split symbols (2)

The last option you have is "nmake clean" which will then go into each directory and delete the object files.
This will then cause that project to be rebuilt upon typing "nmake" or "nmake all". Of course you can type
"nmake and "nmake clean" in any of the application directories as well however this is a convenient way to
build all binaries at one time.

C:\Programming\development\DEBUG\private\src\drivers\network>nmake clean

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.

cd chatclient
nmake clean

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.

Deleted file - C:\Programming\development\DEBUG\private\src\drivers\network\chat

Deleted file - C:\Programming\development\DEBUG\private\src\drivers\network\chat
Deleted file - C:\Programming\development\DEBUG\private\src\drivers\network\chat

Chat Server

The chat server is a very simple implementation. It simply accepts connections and puts these connections
into a list. Any time it receives data from any client it simply broadcasts this to all other clients.

Chat Clients

There are two chat clients but they both are essentially implemented the same. The only difference is that one
talks to the Winsock API and the other uses our "Lighbulb" API. These clients simply print any incoming
data and send any data that the user typed in. They are console applications so any time the user types in
input, the incoming output is blocked until you are finished typing.

Chat Protocol

The chat protocol is extremely simple. The first packet sent will be the name of the client and used to identify
him to all other clients. The rest are simply broadcast as strings. There is no packet header. So the server and
clients all assume that each bit of chat text sent will be read in one receive! This is extremely prone for error
and was just used as an example. To beef it up you may want to consider actually creating a protocol!


There are essentially three bugs that are known in the source code. Two of them are actually things just left
out of the implementation and the other is just something I saw that I didn't feel like fixing. This is example
code you are lucky it compiles! Have you ever seen books where they give code that you know would not
compile! Well, here at least this is working in the most simplest of cases. The bugs are there for you to fix. I
figure that I'll give some guidance and you can get better acquainted with the code by fixing these bugs. I did
run some of the driver verifier tests on the source to make sure there were no bluntly obvious bugs but there
has not been extensive testing. Then again this isn't a commercial software. There could be other bugs, if you
find any see if you can fix them. If you need some help let me know.

Bug One: TDI Client Detect Disconnect

There is no implementation to detect when the client disconnects from the server. If the server is aborted
while the client is connected it simply does not know and continues to attempt to send data. The return value
from TDI_SEND is ignored and there are no other registered events to get notified of a disconnect. The
implementation is simply not there. This is now your job. You must implement a method to detect when the
connection has disconnected. There are a variety of implementations that could do this.

Bug Two: No Protocol

There is no protocol implemented between the clients and server. A protocol should be implemented that
does not rely on receiving the entire packet ever read and be more flexible! Perhaps add even a simple file
Bug Three: Incorrect Display

There is a bug that involves two connected clients. This bug actually will occur using either client
implementats, TDI or Sockets. The bug occurs when one client is about to type a message but it doesn't send
it. The other client then sends 5 or so messages. The client that didn't send any message then sends his
message. This message is corrupted, the name is overwritten with the data being sent. As a hint, you may
want to investigate the data being sent and pay attention to the "\r\n" pairings.


This article implemented a simple chat program that used sockets and an implementation of a TDI Client.
There was also a lot of information on how to handle IRPs along with links to other locations to further your
education. IRPs are the backbone of driver development and they are key to understand how to write device
drivers for Windows. Please remember that there are a lot of misinformation, missing information and bad
examples out there so make sure that you visit a few different sites and attempt a few techniques so that you
can distinguish what is correct and what is incorrect.


It has been a while since I have updated this series and I have found some free time to write the next version.
In this article, we will take a look at how to write a simple display driver. A display driver is a special type of
driver which fits into a framework that is unlike what we have talked about so far in this series.

The example driver for this article will show how to write a basic display driver which does not have any
hardware associated with it. Instead this display driver will implement graphics to memory and an
application will be used to display those graphics. This method was demonstrated in an article I wrote for the
C/C++ User's Journal however that article was about extending VMWare to support multiple monitors. This
article will only be focusing on display drivers themselves and will not use VMWare but require just your
local machine.

Display driver architecture

The first place to start is to show the display driver architecture as it is in Windows NT. I will make a
comment here that Windows Vista introduces a new display driver model known as LDDM. This is essential
in supporting the new Desktop Window Manager however Windows Vista still supports the old display
driver model in conjunction with the old Window Manager. This article will not be covering LDDM.

The display driver model consists of two pieces, the miniport driver and the display driver. The miniport
driver is loaded into system space and is responsible for enumerating devices and managing device
resources. The display driver is loaded into session space and is responsible for implementing the actual GDI
graphics calls. The driver is responsible for implementing these calls however it wants which can be done in
software or deferred to the graphics card itself. The display driver has full control over how a line is drawn or
how a transparency effect is implemented.

The following diagram shows the Windows display driver architecture:

The display miniport

The miniport driver is loaded into system space and is responsible for managing display device resources and
enumerating devices. This driver however uses another driver as its framework which is VIDEOPRT.SYS.
This driver exports APIs which your driver will link against and use. Surprised a driver can export APIs?
Don't be. Drivers use the PE format and have export and import tables. You can export APIs from your
driver and allow other drivers to link against them just like a DLL. In fact all the APIs you use you are just
linking against the kernel and other drivers.

I will note there is a slight difference between linking against kernel and user mode drivers. If a driver links
against a driver that is not currently loaded into memory, that driver will become loaded into memory
however the DriverEntry for that driver will not be called. The DriverEntry itself is not called until the
driver is directly loaded using ZwLoadDriver, loaded by the system or with the service API as we were
shown previously. In any case you can export APIs from one driver and link against and use those APIs from
another driver. There is no API to "GetProcAddress" in the kernel so you would need to write one.

In any case, VideoPrt.SYS exports APIs which your miniport driver will call. This driver does a few things
one of which is to implement common code so that video driver writers do not need to rewrite the same code.
This code includes video device enumeration between the WIN32 subsystem (WIN32K.SYS) and your
miniport. The VideoPrt.SYS will also create the device objects for the display and when you call the
initialization routine it will thunk your driver object's entry points to point to VideoPrt.SYS!

The VideoPrt.SYS APIs all start with "VideoPort" and the first one you call is "VideoPortInitialize". If
you notice the first two arguments are the ones passed into your DriverEntry routine however it simply
calls them "Context1" and "Context2" as if your video miniport driver is "special". Don't be fooled, this
driver entry is the same as what we worked with before and the first "Context1" is actually your driver
object. Once you pass your driver object to VideoPortInitialize all your entry points to your driver are
thunked to point to VideoPrt.Sys. Instead you pass in different function pointers in
"VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA" which VideoPrt.SYS will call instead when it needs to.

This means that you do not need to directly deal with IRPs in a video miniport. The VideoPrt.SYS will
instead handle them, break them down and then determine when you need to be informed about the data.
Instead you do deal with what they call "VRP" or "Video Request Packet". This is essentially a mild, broken
down version of the IRP in a different data structure. You simply need to return there is no special handling
of this data structure as there is with IRPs.

The documentation specifies that you should only use the "VideoPort" APIs in a miniport however since this
is also just a regular system level driver you can still link against any kernel API you wish and I have done
this before. This is not the case with the display driver itself as we will see later.

Since we do not have any hardware our miniport driver will be pretty thin and easy. The following code
shows how the video miniport DriverEntry is constructed:

* DriverEntry
* This is the entry point for this video miniport driver
ULONG DriverEntry(PVOID pContext1, PVOID pContext2)
VP_STATUS vpStatus;
* The Video Miniport is "technically" restricted to calling
* "Video*" APIs.
* There is a driver that encapsulates this driver by setting your
* driver's entry points to locations in itself. It will then
* handle your IRP's for you and determine which of the entry
* points (provided below) into your driver that should be called.
* This driver however does run in the context of system memory
* unlike the GDI component.
hwInitData.HwInitDataSize = sizeof(VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA);
hwInitData.HwFindAdapter = FakeGfxCard_FindAdapter;
hwInitData.HwInitialize = FakeGfxCard_Initialize;
hwInitData.HwStartIO = FakeGfxCard_StartIO;
hwInitData.HwResetHw = FakeGfxCard_ResetHW;
hwInitData.HwInterrupt = FakeGfxCard_VidInterrupt;
hwInitData.HwGetPowerState = FakeGfxCard_GetPowerState;
hwInitData.HwSetPowerState = FakeGfxCard_SetPowerState;
hwInitData.HwGetVideoChildDescriptor =
vpStatus = VideoPortInitialize(pContext1,
pContext2, &hwInitData, NULL);
return vpStatus;

I mentioned before you simply pass the DriverObject directly through to the VideoPrt.SYS driver as shown
above. You also fill in a data structure which contains entries into your driver which the VideoPrt.SYS driver
will call to perform various actions. The "HwStartIO" is where you would handle IOCTLs and you can use
IOCTLs between the display driver and the Video Miniport. The display driver would simply call
"EngDeviceIoControl" and this IOCTL will be handled in the miniport's HwStartIO.

The following shows how I have implemented the video miniport functions:

/*#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FakeGfxCard_ResetHW) Cannot be Paged*/

/*#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FakeGfxCard_VidInterrupt) Cannot be Paged*/
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FakeGfxCard_GetPowerState)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FakeGfxCard_SetPowerState)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FakeGfxCard_GetChildDescriptor)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FakeGfxCard_FindAdapter)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FakeGfxCard_Initialize)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FakeGfxCard_StartIO)
* FakeGfxCard_ResetHW
* This routine would reset the hardware when a soft reboot is
* performed. Returning FALSE from this routine would force
* the HAL to perform an INT 10h and set Mode 3 (Text).
* We are not real hardware so we will just return TRUE so the HAL
* does nothing.
BOOLEAN FakeGfxCard_ResetHW(PVOID HwDeviceExtension,
ULONG Columns, ULONG Rows)
return TRUE;
* FakeGfxCard_VidInterrupt
* Checks if it's adapter generated an interrupt and dismisses it
* or returns FALSE if it did not.
BOOLEAN FakeGfxCard_VidInterrupt(PVOID HwDeviceExtension)
return FALSE;
* FakeGfxCard_GetPowerState
* Queries if the device can support the requested power state.
VP_STATUS FakeGfxCard_GetPowerState(PVOID HwDeviceExtension,
return NO_ERROR;
* FakeGfxCard_SetPowerState
* Sets the power state.
VP_STATUS FakeGfxCard_SetPowerState(PVOID HwDeviceExtension,
return NO_ERROR;
* FakeGfxCard_GetChildDescriptor
* Returns an identifer for any child device supported
* by the miniport.
ULONG FakeGfxCard_GetChildDescriptor (PVOID HwDeviceExtension,
PVOID pChildDescriptor, PULONG pUId, PULONG pUnused)
* FakeGfxCard_FindAdapter
* This function performs initialization specific to devices
* maintained by this miniport driver.
VP_STATUS FakeGfxCard_FindAdapter(PVOID HwDeviceExtension,
PVOID HwContext, PWSTR ArgumentString,
return NO_ERROR;
* FakeGfxCard_Initialize
* This initializes the device.
BOOLEAN FakeGfxCard_Initialize(PVOID HwDeviceExtension)
return TRUE;
* FakeGfxCard_StartIO
* This routine executes requests on behalf of the GDI Driver
* and the system. The GDI driver is allowed to issue IOCTLs
* which would then be sent to this routine to be performed
* on it's behalf.
* We can add our own proprietary IOCTLs here to be processed
* from the GDI driver.
BOOLEAN FakeGfxCard_StartIO(PVOID HwDeviceExtension,
RequestPacket->StatusBlock->Status = 0;
RequestPacket->StatusBlock->Information = 0;
return TRUE;

Since I don't have any hardware I simply implement enough of a miniport to make the system happy. The
only possible API I would intend to use would be "StartIO" if I needed to access or perform an operation on
the system that the display driver is not capable of doing with its limited API set. However in this
implementation there is nothing we need done. Remember, the main purpose of the miniport is to enumerate
hardware devices/resources and manage them. If you don't have any then that removes everything but the
necessary to keep the driver model happy.

The display driver

The display driver links against WIN32K.SYS and is only allowed to call Eng* APIs. These APIs are actually
found in the kernel and in user mode. Prior to NT4 the display drivers were in user mode. In any case the
same API set used by display drivers is also used by printer drivers. Conforming to this API set also allows
the display driver to be movable to user or kernel with minimal work.

The display driver however is not loaded into system memory but instead session space. Session space is the
kernel equivalent of process isolation. In user mode processes have their own virtual memory address space
and in the kernel sessions have their own virtual memory address space. System space is the kernel memory
which is global to all sessions.
A session is an instance of a logged on user which contains its own Window Manager, Desktop(s), shell and
applications. This is most notable in Windows XP "Fast User Switching" in which you can log multiple users
onto a single machine. Each user is actually in a unique session with a unique range of kernel memory
known as session space.

This can be a problem when designing a video driver. It means you cannot simply pass random memory
down to your miniport if your miniport may process that memory outside the context of the current session.
This is for example passing this memory to be processed in another thread which could reside in the system
process for example.

If the system process is not associated with your session then you will be accessing a different memory range
than you think. When this occurs you get the "A driver has not been correctly ported to Terminal Services"
blue screen.

The display driver is not anything like the drivers we have worked with so far. It is still in PE format but it is
not like the miniport which is a normal kernel driver linking against a different frame work. This driver
cannot use kernel APIs by linking directly to them and should not use them for the exact reason specified
above. If the API passes the memory outside of session space then you have a blue screen unless you ensure
you only pass system memory. This is another reason to only use the Eng* API set however you could
request a function pointer table from the miniport driver; nothing actually prevents you from doing so.

In any case the display driver behaves more like a DLL than normal drivers do and it is essentially treated as
one. This driver's framework is tied to WIN32K.SYS which implements the Window Manager as well as GDI.
This driver is compiled using "-entry:DrvEnableDriver@12 /SUBSYSTEM:NATIVE" where
DrvEnableDriver is the entry point for the display driver.


This is the initial entry point for a display driver and it is not related to DriverEntry in any way. This API
passes in a DRVENABLEDATA structure which is to be filled in with a table of functions which are the entries to
the driver. The table contains a list which is an index value followed by the function pointer. The index value
specifies the function type such as "INDEX_DrvCompletePDEV" which specifies that the function pointer is a
pointer to the DrvCompletePDEV handler in the driver. Some APIs are optional and some are required.

This entry point is simply responsible for returning the list of your functions. You may also do any
initialization you may need to do here. The following is the code from the sample display driver in this

* Display Drivers provide a list of function entry points for specific GDI
* tasks. These are identified by providing a pre-defined "INDEX" value (pre-
* defined
* by microsoft) followed by the function entry point. There are levels of
* flexibility
* on which ones you are REQUIRED and which ones are technically OPTIONAL.

DRVFN g_DrvFunctions[] =
{ INDEX_DrvAssertMode, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvAssertMode },
{ INDEX_DrvCompletePDEV, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvCompletePDEV },
{ INDEX_DrvCreateDeviceBitmap, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvCreateDeviceBitmap },
{ INDEX_DrvDeleteDeviceBitmap, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvDeleteDeviceBitmap },
{ INDEX_DrvDestroyFont, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvDestroyFont },
{ INDEX_DrvDisablePDEV, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvDisablePDEV },
{ INDEX_DrvDisableDriver, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvDisableDriver },
{ INDEX_DrvDisableSurface, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvDisableSurface },
{ INDEX_DrvSaveScreenBits, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvSaveScreenBits },
{ INDEX_DrvEnablePDEV, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvEnablePDEV },
{ INDEX_DrvEnableSurface, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvEnableSurface },
{ INDEX_DrvEscape, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvEscape },
{ INDEX_DrvGetModes, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvGetModes },
{ INDEX_DrvMovePointer, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvMovePointer },
{ INDEX_DrvNotify, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvNotify },
// { INDEX_DrvRealizeBrush, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvRealizeBrush },

{ INDEX_DrvResetPDEV, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvResetPDEV },

{ INDEX_DrvSetPalette, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvSetPalette },
{ INDEX_DrvSetPointerShape, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvSetPointerShape },
{ INDEX_DrvStretchBlt, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvStretchBlt },
{ INDEX_DrvSynchronizeSurface, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvSynchronizeSurface },
{ INDEX_DrvAlphaBlend, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvAlphaBlend },
{ INDEX_DrvBitBlt, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvBitBlt },
{ INDEX_DrvCopyBits, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvCopyBits },
{ INDEX_DrvFillPath, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvFillPath },
{ INDEX_DrvGradientFill, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvGradientFill },
{ INDEX_DrvLineTo, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvLineTo },
{ INDEX_DrvStrokePath, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvStrokePath },
{ INDEX_DrvTextOut, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvTextOut },
{ INDEX_DrvTransparentBlt, (PFN) GdiExample_DrvTransparentBlt },

ULONG g_ulNumberOfFunctions = sizeof(g_DrvFunctions) / sizeof(DRVFN);

* DrvEnableDriver
* This is the initial driver entry point. This is the "DriverEntry"
* equivlent for Display and Printer drivers. This function must
* return a function table that represents all the supported entry
* points into this driver.
BOOL DrvEnableDriver(ULONG ulEngineVersion,
ULONG ulDataSize, DRVENABLEDATA *pDrvEnableData)
BOOL bDriverEnabled = FALSE;
* We only want to support versions > NT 4
if(HIWORD(ulEngineVersion) >= 0x3 &&
ulDataSize >= sizeof(DRVENABLEDATA))
pDrvEnableData->iDriverVersion = DDI_DRIVER_VERSION;
pDrvEnableData->pdrvfn = g_DrvFunctions;
pDrvEnableData->c = g_ulNumberOfFunctions;
bDriverEnabled = TRUE;
return bDriverEnabled;

This function handler is called when the display driver is being unloaded. In this handler you can perform
any clean up necessary for what you have created in the DrvEnableDriver call. The following code is from
the sample driver:

* GdiExample_DrvDisableDriver
* This function is used to notify the driver when the driver is
* getting ready to be unloaded.
VOID GdiExample_DrvDisableDriver(VOID)
* No Clean up To Do


The API called after the driver is loaded and enabled is DrvGetModes. This API is used to query the modes
supported by the device. These modes are used to populate the "Settings" tab in the "Display Properties"
dialog. The modes can be cached so the operating system does not think of them as being dynamic and
changing. The operating system believes this to be a static list and while there are times and ways that this
API may be called more than once for the most part it should not be considered dynamic.

The API is generally called twice the first time it simply asks for the size required to store the modes and the
second time it calls with the correct size. The following code fragment is from the sample driver which only
supports 640x480x32:

* GdiExample_DrvGetModes
* This API is used to enumerate display modes.
* This driver only supports 640x480x32
ULONG GdiExample_DrvGetModes(HANDLE hDriver,
ULONG cjSize, DEVMODEW *pdm)
ULONG ulBytesWritten = 0, ulBytesNeeded = sizeof(DEVMODEW);
ULONG ulReturnValue;
ENGDEBUGPRINT(0, "GdiExample_DrvGetModes\r\n", NULL);
if(pdm == NULL)
ulReturnValue = ulBytesNeeded;

ulBytesWritten = sizeof(DEVMODEW);
memset(pdm, 0, sizeof(DEVMODEW));
memcpy(pdm->dmDeviceName, DLL_NAME, sizeof(DLL_NAME));
pdm->dmSpecVersion = DM_SPECVERSION;
pdm->dmDriverVersion = DM_SPECVERSION;
pdm->dmDriverExtra = 0;
pdm->dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODEW);
pdm->dmBitsPerPel = 32;
pdm->dmPelsWidth = 640;
pdm->dmPelsHeight = 480;
pdm->dmDisplayFrequency = 75;
pdm->dmDisplayFlags = 0;

pdm->dmPanningWidth = pdm->dmPelsWidth;
pdm->dmPanningHeight = pdm->dmPelsHeight;
ulReturnValue = ulBytesWritten;
return ulReturnValue;


Once a mode is chosen this API is then called which will allow the driver to enable the "physical device".
The purpose of this API is to allow the display driver to create its own private context which will be passed
into the other display entry points. The reason for this private context is that a single display driver may
handle multiple display devices and as such would need to distinguish one display device from another. The
return value for this API is a pointer to the context or instance of the supplied display device.

The selected display setting is passed into this API via the DEVMODE parameter however the sample driver
does not use this method since it's hard coded to setup 800x600x32 mode only.

This API aside from creating an instance structure must also initialize the GDIINFO and DEVINFO data
structures at a minimum. These parameters are important as if you fill in supporting a certain feature and you
really do not you can have graphic corruption as a side effect or even blue screen. The next two parameters
that I will mention are the hDev and hDriver parameters. The hDriver parameter is actually the
DEVICE_OBJECT for the display driver and can be used with APIs such as EngDeviceIoControl to
communicate with the miniport driver.

The hDev is the handle to GDI however since the device is in the process of being created it is actually
useless. It is recommended that you wait until the DrvCompletePDEV call before saving and using this
handle. The following code is from the sample driver's DrvEnablePDEV:

* GdiExample_DrvEnablePDEV
* This function will provide a description of the Physical Device.
* The data returned is a user defined data context to be used as a
* handle for this display device.
* The hDriver is a handle to the miniport driver associated with
* this display device. This handle can be used to communicate to
* the miniport through APIs to send things like IOCTLs.
DHPDEV GdiExample_DrvEnablePDEV(DEVMODEW *pdm, PWSTR pwszLogAddr,
ULONG cPat, HSURF *phsurfPatterns, ULONG cjCaps,
GDIINFO *pGdiInfo, ULONG cjDevInfo, DEVINFO *pDevInfo,
HDEV hdev, PWSTR pwszDeviceName, HANDLE hDriver)
ENGDEBUGPRINT(0, "GdiExample_DrvEnablePDEV Enter \r\n", NULL);
pDeviceData = (PDEVICE_DATA) EngAllocMem(0,
memset(pDeviceData, 0, sizeof(DEVICE_DATA));
memset(pGdiInfo, 0, cjCaps);
memset(pDevInfo, 0, cjDevInfo);
pGdiInfo->ulVersion = 0x5000;
pGdiInfo->ulTechnology = DT_RASDISPLAY;
pGdiInfo->ulHorzSize = 0;
pGdiInfo->ulVertSize = 0;
pGdiInfo->ulHorzRes = RESOLUTION_X;
pGdiInfo->ulVertRes = RESOLUTION_Y;
pGdiInfo->ulPanningHorzRes = 0;
pGdiInfo->ulPanningVertRes = 0;
pGdiInfo->cBitsPixel = 8;
pGdiInfo->cPlanes = 4;
pGdiInfo->ulNumColors = 20;
pGdiInfo->ulVRefresh = 1;
pGdiInfo->ulBltAlignment = 1;
pGdiInfo->ulLogPixelsX = 96;
pGdiInfo->ulLogPixelsY = 96;
pGdiInfo->flTextCaps = TC_RA_ABLE;
pGdiInfo->flRaster = 0;
pGdiInfo->ulDACRed = 8;
pGdiInfo->ulDACGreen = 8;
pGdiInfo->ulDACBlue = 8;
pGdiInfo->ulAspectX = 0x24;
pGdiInfo->ulNumPalReg = 256;
pGdiInfo->ulAspectY = 0x24;
pGdiInfo->ulAspectXY = 0x33;
pGdiInfo->xStyleStep = 1;
pGdiInfo->yStyleStep = 1;
pGdiInfo->denStyleStep = 3;
pGdiInfo->ptlPhysOffset.x = 0;
pGdiInfo->ptlPhysOffset.y = 0;
pGdiInfo->szlPhysSize.cx = 0;
pGdiInfo->szlPhysSize.cy = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Red.x = 6700;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Red.y = 3300;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Red.Y = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Green.x = 2100;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Green.y = 7100;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Green.Y = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Blue.x = 1400;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Blue.y = 800;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Blue.Y = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.AlignmentWhite.x = 3127;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.AlignmentWhite.y = 3290;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.AlignmentWhite.Y = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.RedGamma = 20000;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.GreenGamma = 20000;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.BlueGamma = 20000;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Cyan.x = 1750;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Cyan.y = 3950;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Cyan.Y = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Magenta.x = 4050;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Magenta.y = 2050;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Magenta.Y = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Yellow.x = 4400;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Yellow.y = 5200;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.Yellow.Y = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.MagentaInCyanDye = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.YellowInCyanDye = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.CyanInMagentaDye = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.YellowInMagentaDye = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.CyanInYellowDye = 0;
pGdiInfo->ciDevice.MagentaInYellowDye = 0;
pGdiInfo->ulDevicePelsDPI = 0;
pGdiInfo->ulPrimaryOrder = PRIMARY_ORDER_CBA;
pGdiInfo->ulHTPatternSize = HT_PATSIZE_4x4_M;
pGdiInfo->ulHTOutputFormat = HT_FORMAT_32BPP;

*pDevInfo = gDevInfoFrameBuffer;
pDevInfo->iDitherFormat = BMF_32BPP;
pDeviceData->pVideoMemory = EngMapFile(L"\\??\\c:\\video.dat",
RESOLUTION_X*RESOLUTION_Y*4, &pDeviceData->pMappedFile);
pDeviceData->hDriver = hDriver;
pDevInfo->hpalDefault = EngCreatePalette(PAL_BITFIELDS,
0, NULL, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF);
ENGDEBUGPRINT(0, "GdiExample_DrvEnablePDEV Exit \r\n", NULL);
return (DHPDEV)pDeviceData;


This call is made after the enable to notify the display driver that the device object is now completed. The
only parameters are the private data structure created in the enable call and the completed handle to the GDI
device. Unless you have more initialization to do you generally can just save the GDI handle and move on.
The following is the code from the sample driver:

* GdiExample_DrvCompletePDEV
* This is called to complete the process of enabling the device.
void GdiExample_DrvCompletePDEV(DHPDEV dhpdev, HDEV hdev)
PDEVICE_DATA pDeviceData = (PDEVICE_DATA)dhpdev;
ENGDEBUGPRINT(0, "GdiExample_DrvCompletePDEV Enter \r\n", NULL);
pDeviceData->hdev = hdev;
ENGDEBUGPRINT(0, "GdiExample_DrvCompletePDEV Exit \r\n", NULL);


This API is called when the PDEV is no longer needed and will be destroyed. This is called after
DrvDisableSurface if there is a surface enabled. Our implementation of this API is very simple and will
just perform some clean up of what was created during the creation of the private PDEV structure:

* GdiExample_DrvDisablePDEV
* This is called to disable the PDEV we created.
void GdiExample_DrvDisablePDEV(DHPDEV dhpdev)
PDEVICE_DATA pDeviceData = (PDEVICE_DATA)dhpdev;
UINT dwBytesReturned = 0;
ENGDEBUGPRINT(0, "GdiExample_DrvDisablePDEV\r\n", NULL);


This API is called after the PDEV has completed to ask the display driver to create a surface. Also as noted
in the comments below you have two choices when creating a surface. You can create a surface in which the
display driver will manage it or you can create one in which GDI will manage for you. The following code
chose the option of managing its own device surface.

The entire purpose is to define a drawing surface in which GDI will also be able to draw onto. Display
drivers have their own device surfaces and thus will generally want to manage its surface. In doing this it
must describe the surface in a way which GDI can understand and be able to draw on it. This means defining
the start address and even the pitch as display drivers do not generally have linear buffers for all modes. In
our case we use the memory mapped file we created to be our video memory:

* GdiExample_DrvEnableSurface
* This API is used to enable the physical device surface.
* You have two choices here.
* 1. Driver Manages it's own surface
* EngCreateDeviceSurface - Create the handle
* EngModifySurface - Let GDI Know about the object.
* 2. GDI Manages the surface
* EngCreateBitmap - Create a handle in a format that
* GDI Understands
* EngAssociateSurface - Let GDI Know about the object.
HSURF GdiExample_DrvEnableSurface(DHPDEV dhpdev)
HSURF hsurf;
SIZEL sizl;
PDEVICE_DATA pDeviceData = (PDEVICE_DATA)dhpdev;

ENGDEBUGPRINT(0, "GdiExample_DrvEnableSurface\r\n", NULL);

pDeviceData->pDeviceSurface =
sizl.cx = 800;
sizl.cy = 600;
hsurf = (HSURF)EngCreateDeviceSurface(
(DHSURF)pDeviceData->pDeviceSurface, sizl, BMF_32BPP);

EngModifySurface(hsurf, pDeviceData->hdev,
MS_NOTSYSTEMMEMORY, (DHSURF)pDeviceData->pDeviceSurface,
pDeviceData->pVideoMemory, 800*4, NULL);



This API is called to destroy the drawing surface created in the DrvEnableSurface call. This is called before
destroying the PDEV. The following is the code from the example program:

* GdiExample_DrvDisableSurface
* This API is called to disable the GDI Surface.
void GdiExample_DrvDisableSurface(DHPDEV dhpdev)
PDEVICE_DATA pDeviceData = (PDEVICE_DATA)dhpdev;
ENGDEBUGPRINT(0, "GdiExample_DrvDisableSurface\r\n", NULL);
pDeviceData->hsurf = NULL;
pDeviceData->pDeviceSurface = NULL;


So, let's go through this one more time for clarity.

• DrvEnableDriver: The driver is loaded.

• DrvGetModes: Get the buffer size to hold all supported display modes.
• DrvGetModes: Get the display modes.
• DrvEnablePDEV: Inform the display driver to initialize to a mode selected in the DEVMODE data structure
and return an instance handle.
• DrvCompletePDEV: Inform the driver that the device initialization is complete.
• DrvEnableSurface: Get the driver to supply a drawing surface.

<GDI Calls>

• DrvDisableSurface: Destroy the drawing surface.

• DrvDisablePDEV: Destroy the instance structure.
• DrvDisableDriver: Unload the display driver.
So how does the drawing work?

The "GDI Calls" are essentially handling things like "BitBlt" in your display driver which is actually in
DrvBitBlt. You may notice that with our driver it doesn't implement any graphical commands itself. This is
because we do not have hardware to accelerate drawing features and I decided that it's a lot less work to just
call the routines provided to you by Windows that already implement these features in software. As in the
example, DrvBitBlt can simply be diverted to EngBitBlt. These will simply render directly to our video
buffer which in our case is a memory mapped file.

You may be wondering "how do I get to my PDEV or my surface object from these Drv* calls". Well, the
SURFOBJ passed into these APIs does contain a pointer to the surface object. These are found at the dhsurf
and dhpdev members of the SURFOBJ structure. The dhsurf member is the handle the device created
provided the SURFOBJ represents a device managed surface. This can be determined by checking the
STYPE_DEVICE flag set on the SURFOBJ.

Display driver escape codes

In my tutorials on device drivers we learned that it is possible to use "DeviceIoControl" from user mode to
implement and communicate our own commands between the application and the driver. This is also
possible with display drivers however it is a little different and instead of being called "IOCTLs" they are
called "Escape Codes".

In user mode you can send "Escape Codes" to the display driver using one of two methods. The first is
ExtEscape which simply sends the data you provide to the driver. Your display driver would then handle
this in its DrvEscape routine.

The second method is DrawEscape which can be handled in DrvDrawEscape in your driver. The difference is
that DrawEscape allows you to provide a Window DC with your data and the clipping for that window will
be provided to your driver. This allows you to easily implement extended drawing commands which can
behave correctly in the windowing environment as your driver will be informed of the proper clipping area.

OpenGL support

OpenGL support is done through the use of an "ICD" or "Installable Client Driver". This is a concept
originally created by SGI to help improve the performance of OpenGL on Windows by letting the vendor
implement the graphics pipeline completely. When OpenGL32.DLL gets loaded it simply asks the video
driver for it's ICD and if there is one it's loaded into the process space and OpenGL APIs are serviced by the
ICD. The ICD is in full control of the graphics pipeline and thus each vendor and driver version may have a
different implementation.

The usual case is to buffer the OpenGL commands and flush them to the card using the ExtEscape API. The
ICD kit is now maintained by Microsoft and it is not free if you wish to develop for it.

The other method of supporting OpenGL is through something called a "Mini Client Driver" or "MCD". This
is Microsoft's original method for OpenGL support and is similar to an ICD but the MCD lives in the kernel.
This method is not used by any driver vendor that I know of and is very slow which is the reason for the ICD
DirectX support

In XPDM, Direct Draw support is done in the GDI driver. This is through the DrvEnableDirectDraw
interface. The user mode portion and some of the kernel for the DirectX graphics pipeline is implemented by
Microsoft supplied system components. The API will simply return back a list of callback interfaces the
DirectDraw layer in the kernel will use to perform specific actions in the hardware.

Direct3D is initialized through the DrvGetDirectDrawInfo in which the GDI driver will claim to support
Direct3D. The supplied callbacks will be called several times to get the appropriate interfaces into the driver
which implement the various features of Direct3D. This is described on MSDN.

What is a mirror driver?

A mirror driver is a not well documented feature in which you can load a video driver that will "mirror"
another display driver. That is they will receive the same calls as the display driver they are mirroring. A
mirror driver is documented to not support DrvGetModes however if you do implement it the returned modes
will be cached and you cannot dynamically change the modes. Although I have heard that implementing
DrvGetModes can help with loading and unloading the display driver on mode switches I was unable to get
this to work.

To load a mirror driver the registry key for this device needs to set the "Attach.ToDesktop" value to 1 and
then you call ChangeDisplaySettingsEx with "CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY" on the mirror driver. You then set
the mode you wish to switch to and call ChangeDisplaySettingsEx again on the mirror driver.

The mirror driver does not properly unload at mode switch and generally if there are references to a drawing
surface the driver will not unload. So, in my experience to get a mirror driver to mode switch you need an
application that will detect WM_DISPLAYCHANGE messages. You also need to set "Attach.ToDesktop" to 0
after you load the display driver. This will help unload the display driver and on WM_DISPLAYCHANGE you can
then go through the procedure to unload the mirror driver.

If you wish to immediately unload the mirror driver without a display change you simply need to follow the
same steps as what loaded it. Set "Attach.ToDesktop" to 0 and then perform the "CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY".
You can then call "ChangeDisplaySettingsEx" again with no parameters to force unloading. Although this
seems to work again everything is done by referencing the display surface so if there are outstanding
references to the display surface the driver will not be unloaded. The mirror driver sample in the DDK does
not do all of this and has some missing pieces such as not implementing the WM_DISPLAYCHANGE and not
resetting the "Attach.ToDesktop" value after loading the mirror driver.

The example

The example driver in this article simply shares a memory mapped file between an application and the
display driver. The display driver will write graphics commands to the memory mapped file and the
application simply acts as a monitor and will just refresh itself ~70 times a second. This is not efficient but it
is just an example. The display driver is installed as a regular hardware driver and is seen just as an ATI or
NVIDIA driver would be.

To install the example you will simply need to use the "Add New Hardware" wizard in the control panel.
You must select "Hardware is already installed" and "Manually select hardware from a list". The following
picture shows the list of devices for which you scroll down to the bottom and select "Add a new hardware
Then you simply want to select "Have Disk" and find the .INF file that is provided with this project. You will
then need to scroll down this new list and find "Toby Opferman Sample Video Display" as shown in the
following picture:

You will see the following dialog when installing just select "Continue Anyway" unless you do not want to
install the driver. The next thing you do is just enable the second monitor using the display settings and the
third tab. Run the application monitor program provided with this article and you will be shown the second
monitor in that application window:


Reading and seeing is a good way to learn however I believe you learn more if you actually try and do
something! What I want you to do is take my example and add more display modes! This will require
changes to the application and you can either attempt to make the application detect these display changes
through various methods including WM_DISPLAYCHANGE or simply require the user to restart the application
and prompt or enumerate devices to get the new display settings and adjust the window appropriately.

Here is a little hint. When a new mode is selected you do not always get a DrvDisableSurface,
DrvDisablePDEV, then a DrvEnablePDEV on the new setting. You may instead get a DrvAssertMode. This is
called to switch one PDEV to another as this API passes in a BOOL to inform the driver to enable or disable
the supplied PDEV.


This article showed how to create a very basic display driver to handle GDI commands. The display driver
architecture mentioned in the article only covered XPDM and not the new LDDM as found in Windows
Vista. This is also essentially the extreme basics of "where to get started". Even so hopefully you have
learned a little something about display drivers and the Windows operating system.

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